Cradle cradles for newborns. Baby cradles for newborns. Chicco Next2me is the perfect cradle for co-sleeping and more

From the moment a child is born, a lot of things change in life, and newly-made parents try to give their child everything only the best. However, such a question as choosing a crib for a newborn is in the first place.

Young people actively interview acquaintances and surf the Internet in the hope of finding an answer to their question. Nowadays, the stores provide a huge variety of various options for baby cribs. But what model will appeal to the baby and parents?

One of the most popular options for the little ones is the carrycot. Regardless of the limited period of use of such a crib, up to 5 months the baby will feel protected and it will be easier to rock him.

Features and Benefits

The cradle-bed has a number of advantages over a regular crib. Such models are compact and mobile, which is undoubtedly very convenient.

Typically, a baby bed has parameters of 50 cm by 100 cm. Cradles are equipped with locking mechanisms, have wheels and sometimes devices for storing baby things.

Due to the small space of the cradle, the baby sleeps better and is easy to move in the crib to the desired place. For example, during sleep, the crib can be moved to the parent's bed or moved around the rooms.

In addition, a special mechanism helps to quickly rock the baby or temporarily replace the playpen during household chores.

The only, perhaps, disadvantage is the short life of the furniture. After all, the child grows and by the age of 3 months makes attempts to rise and roll over. Therefore, after 3-5 months, such a bed will not be safe at all.

Despite the undeniable advantages of the cradle bed, in no case should you leave a newborn in it without adult supervision.

Crib or bassinet: which is better?

Not every family can afford large investments in their beloved child, therefore, in most cases, young parents prefer ordinary cribs. Shops offer a wide range of baby beds that will fit even before the child is 3 years old.

There are regular beds, pendulum beds, as well as models equipped with arches and removable wheels.

Yet after birth, the baby feels more comfortable in a less spacious citadel. It is believed that in this case the child feels like in the womb and therefore does not worry so much.

Therefore, before choosing a crib, it is worth evaluating your financial capabilities and the advantages for yourself and your baby.



The cradle of this bed model looks cozy and beautiful. Furniture is made mainly from wicker, raffia leaves or rattan stems. All of them are environmentally friendly materials, which is very important. The cradles are strong and reliable. The inside of the carrycot is lined with quilted fabric to keep you warm.

There are models equipped with fastened hoods. And also cribs with stands in the kit allow you to gently rock the baby. But if desired, parents can hang the cradle on the ceiling hook for convenience.


The bed is suspended from the ceiling on a hook. The material for the manufacture of the cradle can be very different. Wicker cradles are often hung, but wooden models can be found.

Unfortunately, modern apartments are not designed for ceiling structures heavier than chandeliers. Therefore, manufacturers supplement models of hanging cradles with stationary supports that are easily transported and take up a minimum of space in the room.


The inventions of modern technology are made from metal or plastic materials. The model is equipped with a backlight, motion sickness mechanism and even has the ability to select a melody. For the comfort of the baby, toys can be placed above the cradle on a special arc. The undeniable advantage of the electronic model is the ability to adjust the height of the crib.

Cradle 2 in 1

This is such an unusual bed-cradle. The model is designed for children under the age of 3 years. The cradle itself has fasteners that allow you to fix it on the crib structure. The cradle can be used as an independent element, thanks to which the baby moves freely around the house with his parents, and even as an arena.

It is worth remembering the safety measures when choosing a crib. The sides should be high so that later the already grown child does not accidentally fall out of his abode.


An excellent gift for new parents will be a portable cradle. The plywood base, covered with fabric, will allow the baby to comfortably sit in it. In addition, such models can be attached to the base of the stroller. The carrier can also be used as a sleeping bag or carrycot.

Most models have a hood that protects the child's head. An obligatory component is a leather pocket, which serves to protect the legs from low temperatures.


The stroller cradle is equipped with high sides for the safety and convenience of the baby. Recently, transforming strollers are being produced more and more, in which the cradle can be replaced by a seat for an older child. Such cradles can be used as carriers. Therefore, when choosing a stroller-cradle, it is necessary to check the reliability of the design and the quality of the handles of the cradle.

car seat

In connection with the entry into force of legislation on the safe transportation of children, the so-called infant carriers have become very popular. Special chairs are attached to the car seat and the seat belts fix the child. These cradles have an inclination of 45 degrees and are designed for children under the age of 9 months.

rocking cradle

The cradle is made in the manner of a deck chair. A chair is attached to a special support or wheels. Some models have devices to perform certain functions. The baby in such a cradle sways like on a swing. The structures are made of both wood and plastic.


The most popular are, of course, wooden cribs. The material is breathable, practical and most importantly environmentally friendly. The cradles are made mainly from pine, birch and spruce. But better and more expensive oak, beech or cherry. It goes without saying that the characteristics of furniture are directly dependent on the strength of the raw materials.

The wood lends itself perfectly to processing, and it is not uncommon to find beds covered with paint or varnish. Funny drawings in the bed of the baby are certainly a good idea, but do not neglect the safety of the child. When choosing a wooden cradle, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the processing substances. Therefore, it is better to stay on the option of pure treated wood without chemical coatings.

Plastic cribs are cheaper at cost, easy to transport and care for. However, when buying such furniture, you should familiarize yourself with the certificate and clarify the quality and origin of the materials from which the structure is made. Models of plastic beds are cribs, rocking beds, etc.

The advantage of iron cribs lies in the variety and creativity of forms. All metal parts are fenced with cloth or nets. Such furniture is very functional. You can order a real work of art. In addition, iron beds are made for every taste:

  1. Bed-playpen;
  2. Bed-transformer;
  3. Pull-out bed;
  4. Cradle bed;
  5. Pendulum bed.

Additional equipment and accessories

Depending on the model, the cradles are equipped with supports, belts, canopies. Mobile beds are very popular. Not a single kid will remain indifferent to the amusing carousel with toys over his head. In addition, some cribs are equipped with electronic units, which allows you to effortlessly start the rocking mode of the crib, lighting or just turn on the music.

How to choose

When choosing a cradle, the most important thing is the quality of the design.

Be sure to pay attention to the material and conscientiousness of the crib mounts. All of them must be made of metal. Otherwise, the bed will be unreliable and short-lived.

Equally important is the environmental friendliness of the main construction materials. What parent doesn't want their child to be healthy? But there are enough unscrupulous manufacturers for everyone. In addition to studying the quality certificate of the crib, inspect it visually and evaluate the quality of the painting and the presence of extraneous chemical odors.

To make the baby and parents comfortable, the furniture should be mobile and comfortable. Therefore, before going to the store, you should decide where to put the crib and how to move it around the apartment in the future if necessary.

The most practical will be wide models that do not hamper the movements of a growing child. A young mother also needs to make her work easier, preferring the presence of such an accessory as a diaper basket or a folding changing table.

If the crib has wheels, then you should give preference to models with the possibility of locking them for ease of fixing in one place or another.

For wealthy parents, manufacturers equip cradles with an electronic device that can be programmed to perform certain functions. So, if the baby woke up, then the mechanism works and the baby smoothly sways to the sounds of a lullaby. Therefore, when buying, it is worth checking the operation of the cradle-nanny system so that an accidental failure does not frighten the child.

When choosing a particular model, pay attention to the presence of a basket or shelf for linen. Such an accessory will help facilitate the care of the baby, since everything you need is at arm's length.

If the carrycot can be adjusted in height, it is necessary to check the mechanism several times for correct functioning.

In order to save money and time, some parents use the cradle from the stroller at home too. Convenience is evident, however, do not forget about safety and hygiene measures. After all, street dust and precipitation accumulate on such a crib, which is undesirable for a small child.

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Drill;
  • Paint brushes.
  • First you need to prepare cardboard templates for parts for the crib. Next, the parts are cut out on a milling machine. The crib frame is assembled with racks and bars. The parts are connected with screws, and for the greatest strength of the structure, it is worth gluing them together. Furniture upholstery is made from the most suitable material for the master.

    Additionally, you can make a canopy of fabric. To do this, it is enough to fix part of the canvas on the sides, and fix one of the sides under the ceiling.

    The advantage of a handmade crib is quality and environmental friendliness. In addition, the color scheme and raw materials are selected to your taste. Nevertheless, before the start of operation of the furniture, it will not hurt to check for stability and injury risk.

    A baby cradle differs from a crib in compactness and mobility. The crib is installed permanently in the nursery. It can not be moved without extra effort to another room. With a deep cozy basket differently. It will easily fit in the narrow space between the parent's bed and the wall, and will become a carrier for the child in the first months of his life. Modern multifunctional options, such as electronic models from the Japanese manufacturer Combi, are suitable for sleeping, waking, feeding and even practicing - the furniture is equipped with two tables.

    Pediatricians note that in a small crib with high sides, the baby feels protected in the first six months of life. The cramped space inside helps the baby to assume a position similar to what he was used to when he was in the womb. This allows you to reduce the anxiety of the crumbs during sleep.

    Choosing a bassinet

    When buying, the focus should be on the functionality and design of the product.

    • Laconic models in a modern or classic style can be attributed to the number of items whose popularity does not depend on fashion trends. An example is the products of the brands Micuna, Bambolina, HPA.
    • Comfortable cradles for children on removable bases. Such a cradle can be taken with you to the clinic or to the country.
    • Models with musical carousels, electronic motion sickness systems, suspended toys are popular. They introduce the baby to the outside world and develop his desire to learn new things. There are such models from the LiderKids brand.
    • An interesting option is a crib, which is not placed on the base, but suspended from the ceiling. Take a look at the Leander hammock for example.

    In our online store you can buy cradle beds for newborns at the lowest prices in Moscow. Our cradles are a guarantee of the quality of world famous brands: Bebe Planete, Jetem, Lider Kids, MIBB, FAIRY, Simplicity, Precious, Giovanni, Happy Baby and others, whose products have become a guarantee of reliability and absolute safety for children.

    Each cradle-cradle for newborns deserves your attention. For example, Pituso 3012BEG is a real work of art, and it is very difficult to argue with that. Such a crib will help you a lot in caring for your child in the first year of his life, one of the most complex and responsible. This is a very comfortable, compact and practical cradle for babies, equipped with a removable music mobile and toys. In such a bed, your child will quickly fall asleep, sleep sweetly and wake up joyfully.

    And here is another option - an attached wooden cradle for newborns Ivashka, made from natural birch. Nature itself will take care of your child's sleep, and you won't have to get up at night. The baby will sleep next to you, surrounded by your warmth and care, in complete safety.

    And here is another very modern and interesting version of the crib for a newborn - the Jetem Dream Blue Summer cradle. It is additionally equipped with a music block, also has a vibration function. Under the cradle there is a convenient and spacious basket where you can put everything you need at first.

    Enjoy your shopping in the TechnoStudio online store! Let your baby grow up healthy and happy!

    For some mothers and fathers, purchasing a cradle for a baby is a luxury, for others it is an absolute necessity. But if you still need a cradle, how to choose the best one? We bring to your attention a small review of cribs for newborns, who have earned the sympathy of parents for their functionality, beauty and good quality.

    Types of cradles and cradles for newborns

    We, perhaps, will bypass hanging options - in a standard apartment, few people have a desire to hang a cradle from the ceiling. Modern cradles are:

    • wooden cradles (pendulums and rocking chairs);
    • cradles "plastic-metal", with and without additional functions;
    • cradles of non-standard forms. Here, manufacturers do not limit their imagination in any way: there are oval, absolutely round cradles, in the form of vases and vintage doll carriages.

    In addition, add-on options can be distinguished into a separate group. They can be both wooden and plastic, and their main feature is that such products have a removable side and an adjustable bottom.

    And now let's move on to a detailed description of the best cradles for babies. We divided all applicants into 3 categories and chose the three most worthy options in each.

    TOP 9 best cradles for newborns

    Nominated: Best Side Bed

    Attached cradles are relevant for those parents who plan to sleep in the same room in close proximity to the child. Side cribs have a removable side and are adjustable in height, so you can raise or lower the bottom to the same level as the parent bed, combining them into one plane. This allows you to get up less often to the baby at night, it is easier to organize nightly breastfeeding and generally worry less about the baby.

    Chicco Next2me is the perfect cradle for co-sleeping and more

    Laconic and weightless, the Chicco Next2me cradle fits perfectly into modern interiors and will certainly charm parents who prefer simplicity and minimalism. The cradle is light, made of high quality plastic, no bulky parts. The fabric elements are removable and easy to clean. The bottom is adjustable in height on six levels. Sleeping place is spacious: 50 by 80 cm, mattress included. The side wall is unfastened with a zipper, it has a built-in mosquito net for easy monitoring of the baby.

    Chicco Next2me is ideal as a side bed, as, unlike many other models, it has a system for attaching to the main bed (with straps). Has wheels with locks. The upholstery is removed. The bed, if necessary, folds up to a size of 91 by 15 cm and fits into a carrying bag, which is very convenient for transportation. There is even a tilt adjustment. Megafunctional bassinet of premium quality! 9 delicate colors.

    Cons: no bottom basket, hood and skids, but not all parents and children need them.

    Chicco Carrycot Next2me Reviews

    This model justifies itself by 200% if the mother is nursing and practices co-sleeping. Everything in it is very reliable and thought out to the smallest detail so that both mother and baby feel good. The disadvantages include the fact that this cradle cannot be attached to a mobile on a standard arc and most other “bedside” gadgets. Well, the price, of course, is not available to everyone. However, given that the mattress and sides are already included in the kit, the price does not seem so high.

    Zibos Ala - the strongest and most technologically advanced carrycot

    Another option for a compact bedside bed that can serve as an attractive counterpart to the Chicco Next2me above. In terms of functionality, the Zybos cradle is slightly inferior to Chico in some ways, but in some ways it is seriously superior to it. So, the height of the bottom is not regulated in 6, in five positions. There are 7 bright upholstery colors to choose from (blue, red, yellow, etc.). Otherwise, this cradle repeats all the characteristics of its more expensive sister: it has fixed wheels, bottom adjustment, a mattress, a removable wall with a mosquito net, carrying and folding. There is also a system for "fastening" a child's bed to an adult. But Zibos Ala also has interesting bonuses:

    • withstands a weight of 150 kg (this is not a typo!) thanks to the frame with double tubes;
    • the kit includes an anti-colic pillow and a cap mosquito net;
    • there are skids for motion sickness;
    • if you wish, you can buy a transformation mechanism from the same company and turn the cradle into a rocking chair and even into a rocking chair for an adult (that's what such a strong construction is for!);
    • at the bottom in the bottom there are two pockets for storing small things;
    • the price of the product is slightly lower in comparison with analogues.

    Estimated price: 9000-10000 rubles.

    Cradle Reviews Zibos Ala

    The innovation of the design, the precise operation of all mechanisms and, at the same time, the amazing functionality of the model makes the owners say only good things about it (if not to sing praises). It is difficult to attach arches and mobiles to it, but this is perhaps the only small feature of this model. We recommend it as a profitable investment in the health of the child and the peace of mind of parents.

    Simplicity 3060 - the most popular side cradle

    This model of the cradle has earned the greatest approval of parents as the most beautiful, comfortable and functional. Strictly speaking, this is a universal cradle, which can be used with equal success both as an attachment and as a separate one. The bed swings with the help of skids, but can be put on wheels. The height is adjustable, the side is removed for convenient use as an attached option. There is a function of gentle vibration, a night light and a musical block with lullabies, hanging toys, a control panel. The mattress is also included. The cradle is equipped with a hood. We can say that it has everything you need for the most comfortable pastime of the child and even more.

    The product is completed with a long skirt, which, on the one hand, hides everything superfluous and protects the contents of the basket from dust, on the other hand, complicates access to it. A similar model 3050 has a short skirt. It should be borne in mind that most Simplicity models have low sides - only 24 cm.

    Estimated price: 8000-9000 rubles.

    Simplicity 3060 reviews

    The general impression of the model according to the reviews is that the money was not spent in vain! A wide range of equipment and taking into account most of the nuances associated with sleep and rest of the baby makes this cradle the best in its category.

    As disadvantages, we can cite the fact that the product has only two colors (blue and beige). In addition, in the reviews of the Simplicity 3060 cradle, you can find information that the mattress is not of very high quality. Also dissatisfied with the fact that the mobile is installed on a rigid base, which makes it difficult to put and get the baby (but the mobile can be turned to the side). Some do not like the abundance of ruffles, but this is already a matter of taste. Overall, the Simplicity cradles are the market leader, with the 3060 and 3050 garnering the most parental acclaim.

    Nomination: the best wooden cradles

    Natural, high-quality processed wood is an ideal material for any children's furniture. Wood has a classic beauty, it is warm, environmentally friendly and durable. Wooden cradles are very diverse, and it is quite difficult to choose the best ones. The editors of the site considered the following models worthy of your attention:

    Bambolina Love - Italian classic for little princes and princesses

    The Italian brand is distinguished by its magnificent design and impeccable quality of wood processing. Models Bambolina Love, Candy, Bebe, Artist are functionally absolutely identical, only slightly differ in the appearance of the headboard and the presence of a drawer in the first one. Bambolin's cradles are mini-beds on skids (+wheels). The wheels are rubberized, self-centering, they roll very easily and do not scratch the floor when moving.

    You won’t notice right away, but a drawer for baby supplies is built into the bottom of the Love carrycot. The size of the bed is optimal: 83 × 42 cm. The set does not include bedding, they (including the mattress) must be purchased separately. However, the choice of mattresses of this size is quite wide, and the price starts from 1000 rubles.

    Estimated price: 12000-14000 r.

    Reviews about Bambolina cradles

    All parents agree that there is simply nothing to complain about this cradle. It captivates with its classic ideality and comfort. And the highest quality allows you to use it for more than one generation of kids. Unless the price is affordable for everyone, but this is a payment for the pleasure of comfortable and long-term use.

    Gandylyan Lily - solid domestic classics with a pendulum

    If you are looking for a classic carrycot in the shape of a miniature baby bed with motion sickness, Model Lily from the Russian manufacturer Gandylyan is the best fit. Product material - Caucasian beech, coating - safe water varnish. The berth is relatively narrow, but long - 90 × 43 cm. Mothers who have tested this cradle in action claim that it will go to a medium-sized child right up to 8 months.

    The model is not suitable as a side bed, because. the side of it is not lowered or removed, and the height of the bottom is not adjustable. At the same time, it is equipped with a transverse pendulum - a useful feature for many mothers and children. Pleasant shades of natural wood - 8 options. If you do not need any special design or additional options, then Lily Gandylyan's cradle bed is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

    Estimated price: 7100-8300 rubles.

    Reviews about the cradle Gandylyan Lily

    The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Parents like the quality of this cradle, wood processing, compactness. Complaints concern only the quality of the lacquer coating - with indelicate use, the lacquer is easy to scratch. Also, parents would like to see the mattress in the kit, so as not to bother choosing it separately.

    Cradle Micuna Smart Fresh MO-1456 - original crib for the little ones

    The delightful, airy cradle of Mikun has an oval shape and is made of high-quality solid beech, covered with a water-based varnish. The size of the bed is not quite standard: 79x52 cm, that is, a little shorter and wider than a standard cradle. The walls are made of fabric (mesh in some versions), which allows free circulation of fresh air inside. The crib is low, not adjustable in height, but has rather high sides - 47 cm, so the baby is guaranteed to be protected from falling out of it. 6 wheels with locks make it easy to move the product across the floor. Dimensions allow you to freely move the cradle around the house and roll out to the balcony.

    The complex includes a set of bed linen (polyurethane mattress, pillow, blanket, duvet cover, bed sheet). 8 soft colors to choose from. Plus, you can also call the fact that you can buy extra bedding and a cover for the mattress. Interestingly, the sheet can be connected with a zipper to a blanket, making a cozy sleeping bag.

    Estimated price: 20000-23000 rubles.

    Reviews of the cradle Micuna Smart Fresh MO-1456

    We admit honestly, there are practically no reviews on Russian-language sites about this far from cheap product. But there are active discussions about the pros and cons of such an unusual sleeping bed for a newborn. Of the advantages, natural materials, stylish design, compactness, ease of use, breathability and a wide range of equipment are emphasized. The disadvantages include a small height (this is especially true if there are older kids and pets in the house) and the inability to adjust it. Concerns have been raised about the completely transparent mesh walls - will the baby be cool? In general, the Mikuna cradle can be a wonderful nest for an infant up to 2-4 months, but then it will have to be replaced with a larger bed.

    Nomination: the best inexpensive cradles for newborns

    Realizing that the cradle, although a necessary thing, will be needed for a very short time, practical parents choose a budget version of the cradle, and many are satisfied with both the price and the quality.

    JETEM Dream is a worthy analogue of more expensive cradles

    A model from a series of "ruffled" cradles, Jetem Dream attracts with the presence of electronic functions (melodies and vibrations). There is a large selection of melodies (including the sounds of nature) and 6 levels of vibration, starting from barely perceptible. The cradle swings itself from the movements of the child, that is, it provides for mechanical motion sickness, but not electronic, as erroneously indicated on some sites.

    The pluses include a VERY capacious basket with two compartments. The fabric elements are completely removable for washing. The wheels are removed inside with the help of special buttons - in this case, the product is placed on the skids for swinging. The sleeping bed is elongated - 80 × 38 cm. The height of the sides is small - only 20 cm.

    Estimated price: 5900-6300 rubles.