A mixture of nan fermented milk for newborns. "NAN fermented milk": instructions for use and reviews

mother's milk - good nutrition for newborns. However, even with an excess of milk, it may be necessary to introduce mixtures into the baby's diet. So, for anemia, iron-containing therapeutic nutrition is recommended, for weakened babies with low weight gain, mixtures with a high protein content are prescribed.

Fermented milk mixtures for babies are also classified as medicinal products and are used for violations of the gastrointestinal tract. She may be appointed as aid with guards, babies receiving artificial mixtures and is not supplementary feeding. Such medical nutrition has a special composition adapted to the needs of the baby's body and is used strictly according to established by the doctor scheme.

Sour-milk mixtures differ from conventional unleavened analogues chemical composition, acidity, etc. In addition, such nutrition is enriched with probiotics necessary for the absorption of iron, protein, calcium.

The digestive organs of a newborn baby are not mature enough. Low enzymatic activity, and sometimes the absence of enzymes, contributes to various digestive disorders. This causes colic, constipation, restless behavior. loose stool may be replaced by its complete absence for several days. Sour-milk mixture helps to normalize processes in the digestive tract, useful material restore the normal functioning of the body. The characteristic features of this product are the following criteria:

  • medicinal properties. You can use food only if the baby has pathological changes;
  • presence of prebiotics. Useful lacto and bifidus bacteria are necessary to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • manufacturers use live microorganisms to produce products;
  • bacteria must be resistant to external factors; living organisms are able to retain useful properties during storage and preparation of the mixture;
  • products meet highest standards quality and WHO requirements;
  • the proportion of protein is reduced, its structure is split into amino acids;
  • the composition of fats has been changed to facilitate its digestibility;
  • enriched with vitamins, minerals, vegetable oils. Fermented milk mixtures for newborns must also be adapted. Otherwise, the likelihood of acidosis increases (the excretion of ammonia and salts in the urine increases), regurgitation intensifies and becomes more frequent.


Pediatricians prescribe therapeutic sour milk to babies if the peanut has a violation or decrease in digestive function. The doctor should explain to the parents why such a measure is required, whether a complete transition to artificial nutrition is needed or whether it is necessary to alternate different types of mixtures, how long the baby will eat food containing prebiotics. Therapeutic nutrition is indicated for children with the following pathologies:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • intestinal infections;
  • decreased immunity;
  • regular stool disorders;
  • anemia, etc.

The task of fermented milk nutrition is the correction of the digestive tract. With diathesis (atopic dermatitis) and various manifestations allergies, it is not used. In the case when an allergic reaction to cow protein or other types of products is detected, hypoallergenic products are needed. A balanced intestinal microflora is the way to a full-fledged weight gain, healthy growth and development of the baby. When the work of the digestive tract is regulated, the intestines of the baby better absorb vitamins and trace elements, which is reflected in his well-being and mood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sour-milk medical nutrition has a noticeable positive effect on the child's body, unlike fresh analogues:

  • the processes of increased gas formation are reduced by reducing the frequency of the fermentation reaction, which reduces pain and spasm in the tummy;
  • intestinal peristalsis is activated, which is especially important with a tendency to constipation;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • reduces the likelihood of allergies;
  • facilitates the absorption of lactose;
  • the frequency and abundance of regurgitation decreases.

Despite the diversity beneficial effect on children's body, the remedy is the cause of negative manifestations. These unwanted reactions include:

  • many children do not like the unusual taste of the new food and children often refuse to eat it;
  • with abundant regurgitation, antireflux mixtures are preferred, since the sour-milk analogue, due to the ability to lower the acidity of the stomach, often causes an increase in unpleasant manifestations;
  • if adaptability is not observed, it causes acidosis in a child;
  • in rare cases, they can cause allergies.

Meals are fully and partially adapted. The first option is intended for children from birth to 6 months, indicated on the package with the number 1. The second type is partially adapted, used for children older than six months, marked with the number 2. Baby food is a dry powder or ready-made nutrient liquid. Select products should be based on the age of the child!

Improper use of fermented milk infant formula can adversely affect health, exacerbate the situation. It is necessary to introduce a new “dish” into the peanut menu gradually, carefully, in small portions. It is possible to comfortably switch to sour milk, subject to simple rules and recommendations:

  • prepare the mixture, as well as dilute porridge, immediately before feeding;
  • always adhere to the proportions indicated in the instructions;
  • powder in an open package can be stored for no more than 20 days in a dark, cool and dry place;
  • how long the baby will eat this type of baby food must be decided together with the pediatrician;
  • the doctor determines the frequency of feeding - as preventive measure 2 times a day, with constipation and dysbacteriosis through feeding, for the treatment of dysfunction of the digestive tract, a complete transition to sour-milk therapeutic nutrition is possible; the duration of the use of sour-milk nutrition should not exceed 3 months;
  • nutrition enhances reflux manifestations. Noticing positive result and criteria for improvement in the history of the crumbs, the doctor can adjust the duration of the course of treatment.

Overview of popular brands and composition

Which mixture to choose, the doctor will advise. If it does not suit the baby, you need to look for other options. Most of the products presented in pharmacies have a similar composition and effect on the children's body. You can make the final choice of nutrition for the subsequent feeding of a newborn child with gastrointestinal disorders if you carefully study the list of mixtures, their composition and characteristics.

Sour-milk mixtures are poorly soluble in water. It is necessary to use hot water (about 75 degrees), and shake vigorously. Only in this way can you get rid of lumps and dilute homogeneous nutrition for babies. The composition of fermented milk medicinal products is similar for all manufacturers.

The main components of such nutrition are:

  • proteins;
  • vegetable oils (palm, coconut, sunflower, etc.);
  • carbohydrates of different structures (lactose, maltodextrin);
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals (vitamins C, B, D, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc.);
  • taurine. It is important for the development of the central nervous system, the full absorption of fats, and is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. In the first months of life, the body produces crumbs in insufficient quantities;
  • carnitine. Participates in the protective function of nerve cells;
  • inositol Important for maintaining the structure of nerve cells, vision, central nervous system;
  • palmitic acid;
  • starch, maltodestrin (partially digested starch). It is necessary to regulate the speed of movement of food through the digestive tract, gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
  • soy lecithin - antioxidant and emulsifier;
  • nucleotides. They are part of enzymes, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), hormones;
  • oligosaccharides. Necessary to maintain the balance of intestinal microflora.
  • choline (vitamin B4).


Sour-milk "Malyutka" is widely known in the domestic baby food market. The unique, specially designed formula is designed for babies from birth to a year. Helps against constipation, strengthens the immune forces of the body, prevents the development of rickets. The use of the mixture guarantees the absence of problems with the tummy and normal digestion.


A distinctive feature of the domestic product is an affordable price. Russian brand is in serious competition with foreign firms. The mixture contains nucleotides, sourdough, fructose, a complex of vitamins and minerals. Pediatricians do not often recommend Agusha products, because they contain many artificial additives.


This Belarusian brand produces three types of fermented milk baby food, designed for consumers of different ages. It has a rich composition, contains nucleotides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, a vitamin-mineral complex. There are 66 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product, as well as proteins - 1.5 g, fats - 3.5 g, carbohydrates - 7 g. The product is suitable for mixed and artificial feeding healthy children, as well as babies with intestinal dysfunctions.


Nan mixtures from the Swiss company Nestle have been holding leadership positions in this market segment for many years. The fermented milk nutrition line is represented by two products. One (from 1 per package) contains a unique formula of B. lactis + L. Reuteri, designed for newborn babies and babies up to six months. Product labeled 2 has a different formula B. Longum + L. Rhamnosus intended for older children. The pH level varies between 4.5–4.9, which allows you to give the mixture even to babies without pathologies. Often the sour-milk version is alternated with the Nan Optipro mixture. The product has a high cost.


Nutrilon is a Dutch infant formula with a pH level of up to 6.4. She has unique composition, rich not only in live lacto and bifidobacteria, but also in taurine, lactose, vegetable oils. The product normalizes the digestive system, designed for children under 1 year old.


The brand has many fans due to the fact that its composition is as close as possible to mother's milk. The product line consists of five different types nutrition. "Similac Premium" is a mixture to strengthen the immune system, and NeoSure - perfect solution for children born ahead of time. The product contains the right combination proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vitamins, iron, calcium, fatty acids and other useful substances necessary for a developing organism are contained in the diet. Country of origin - Ireland, Spain and Denmark.


"Nutrilak" - product Russian production. The mixture does not contain lactose and starch. It is perfect for restoring microflora after taking antibiotics, as well as in violation of digestive functions. Fatty acids, antioxidants, nucleotides, lutein - such a complex fully satisfies the energy needs of the baby. Trade marks"Friso" and "Frisolak", "Hipp" (Hipp), "Nestozhen" do not produce sour-milk dry adapted mixtures. Among them you can find dairy baby food with prebiotics. "Nanny" manufactures products based on goat's milk. There are no fermented milk options in the TM line. The product line is focused on hypoallergenic nutrition.

Answers to parents' questions

  • Is it possible to constantly feed the baby with fermented milk formula? A complete replacement of nutrition with fermented milk mixtures is possible in the presence of serious medical indications.
  • How often can it be given? To normalize the microflora and the full functioning of the digestive tract, food is given 2 times a day. Using in medicinal purposes, the mixture becomes the basis of the diet, and is used more often. The regimen is set by the doctor depending on the age, intensity of manifestations of negative symptoms.
  • What is the right way to give it? Cooking instructions are indicated on the packaging. Follow the proportions and recommendations presented in the instructions.
  • How to introduce fermented milk mixture? It is necessary to introduce sour milk into the diet gradually. First replace one feeding, track the reaction. The next day, use the novelty twice, and so on until a complete replacement, if necessary.
  • When to give it? When a new mixture is introduced, include it in the diet as a second and night feeding.

The child needs an attentive attitude to his person: the timeliness of the development and manifestation of skills, the observation of adverse manifestations. At the stage of feeding natural way or artificial mixtures, it is important for parents to consider the possibility of regulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby without the use of medications. Baby food with bifidus and lactobacilli has significant benefits. However, one should not take the initiative and independently introduce the mixture into the diet of a newborn. This requires specific medical indications, because such nutrition belongs to the category of therapeutic agents.

Hello! We are almost 3 months old. We have HDN, we were in the hospital for a long time. There we ate first Similak Neoshur, then Similak 1. He also did not come up, began to burp, suffered from colic and constipation. They transferred us to Similak comfort, dysbacteriosis began. We switched to a lactose-free mixture, everything seemed to be almost back to normal, but they said in a month to change to a low-lactose one. When have replaced the dysbacteriosis has begun again. The pediatrician said to try Nutrilon Comfort. It’s better for us, of course, but he doesn’t poop, although the stool is not thick and cannot fart. We want to try to give fermented milk mixture. Should we give it to us or not?

28/09/2015 10:51


Hello, Doctor. We are 1 month and 5 days old, recently (about 3 days ago) a problem began: the baby is pushing, grunting and starting to cry, hysterical all day, I could not understand why, because the problem is new, it turns out that he cannot poop. I understand constipation - when the stool is hard, but no, it is liquid and should come out normally. in general, only massage of the tummy during feeding helps. is it possible to help the baby in some other way so that this problem does not bother him at all? (I read that you can give nan sour milk at night instead of evening feeding (we are at guards) or forehead complex. The tummy does not seem to work. it stands and does not move until the massage is you start it, but at night you can’t do a massage and the milk begins to ferment, which only makes the baby worse.I would like to know the opinion of a specialist, what should we do?

11/11/2014 15:01

Hello! Tell me, we just tried a few mixtures, but the constipation did not go away, now we eat inexperienced and still have constipation, I bought nan 1 fermented milk, can it be combined with an inexperienced one? And what time of day is best? when I gave it for the first time at night, the next day we pooped ourselves, and on the second day we didn’t poop again ..

02/12/2013 18:11

Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Hello, we are a year old, the child is allergic, we ate nutrilon amino acids for a long time, but it only got worse, now the gastroenterologist advised me to drink nan hypoallergenic, so far everything is fine, but pooping is bad, tell me, can I supplement with nan sour milk to normalize the microflora and stool? thanks

09/09/2013 10:01

Russia, Kotlas

Hello! tell me please, we have such a problem: the child has been on IV since a month, they started with Malyutka, he poured out, they began to give NAS fermented milk, on the advice of a doctor all the time, problems with the intestines began: constipation, green chair.. diathesis on the cheeks, they passed tests for a coprogram - it is not absorbed .. they took Hilak, 7 days, now I give bifidum, the situation does not change ((can it be cow protein intolerance, or is the mixture not suitable for us ?? ... With a pediatrician it’s useless for us to consult, he says try, change the mixtures .. but I feel sorry for the child .. maybe advise something, or something else to treat .. or some kind of mixture .. (now we are 2 months old)

29/05/2013 17:54

Ukraine, Odessa

Hello, tell me please. We are 4 months old, from 3 on mixed feeding, tried 3 types of mixtures, did not want anything categorically stopped at Nan fermented milk, eats with pleasure, everything was fine for 2 weeks, now green stools. The doctor says to continue in the same way, let him eat at least something.

19/05/2013 05:08

Russia, Ussuriysk

hello, tell me please, should nan fermented milk be given only in combination with nan, or can it be with another mixture? I'm afraid to change the mixture because I suffer from constipation and colic, I want to try nan km. on nan completely?

21/02/2013 13:02

Russia, Pechory

ate only NAS sour milk - eyes began to swell in the morning ... let's go take urine ... Maybe it's from the mixture ??? The doctor told us that it acidifies the environment and can affect the functioning of the kidneys. What do you think about it?

23/10/2012 17:06

Russia, Chamzinka

Thank you very much ... we first started feeding Nestozhen ...... stool after 2 days, very difficult .... Now we switched to NAS, everything returned to normal ... but the doctor said that it is best to alternate fermented milk NAS and sweet NAN (regular) ... so we do it, but still I give more sour milk ...

05/04/2012 10:55

Ukraine, Nikopol

Hello, Evgeny Olegovich! My son is 3.5 months old. Since three months we have been on mixed feeding. For the second month I gained only 400 gr. On this moment child weight 5,700 kg. I try to breastfeed him more, but when there is not enough breast milk at all, then I supplement him with Nan fermented milk mixture. Is it tedious to completely replace one feeding with a mixture or breastfeed first, and then supplement with a mixture, problems with the tummy in this case will not increase? How much should a child eat formula at this age per feeding? Thank you in advance.

12/03/2012 12:15

Russia, Veliky Ustyug

Hello! My son is 8 weeks old, we are feeding Nutrilak Premium, at first it was Nestozhen (stool after 1-2 days with difficulty, with Nutrilak once a day, but also with difficulty, the third day I give Nan fermented milk (once a day), the stool appears right there, or after 30 minutes (is this normal?) the child is happy, humming, smiling.Is it possible to combine these two mixtures?I know that there is sour-milk nutrilak, but they don’t take it to us (the town is small, unprofitable for them).

  • Peculiarities
  • Indications
  • Feeding rules
  • Rating
  • Review of the best
  • Block of questions and answers

Among baby food for newborns, fermented milk formula occupies a special, very honorable place. It belongs to medicinal products and allows you to correct functional digestive disorders in the smallest - from birth to a year.

It cannot be introduced into complementary foods on its own - only on the recommendations and appointment of a pediatrician who discovered some deviations in health in the baby. Parents should not be afraid of switching to this type of feeding, because it brings with it exceptional benefits.


The main advantages of fermented milk mixtures lie in their composition and functionality. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they fit perfectly into the work of a small organism and normalize the health of the child during the period of exacerbated diseases and disorders.

The pediatrician prescribing such nutrition takes into account the condition, age and individual characteristics baby. How is it different from the usual?

  1. The most important advantage of fermented milk mixtures is that they belong to the category of therapeutic, adapted products that are used exclusively for the pediatrician's prescription in case the child has health problems.
  2. The composition contains probiotics, which contribute to the growth of favorable flora in the intestine and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in it.
  3. For production, starter cultures of live bacterial cultures are used.
  4. Requirements for their quality are determined by the sanitary legislation of Russia, the European Union and WHO recommendations.
  5. These can only be strains of microorganisms isolated from humans and not having a toxic and pathogenic effect.
  6. Bacteria should be as resistant to external influence and maintain stability during preparation and storage of the product.
  7. Getting into digestive tract child, probiotic microorganisms secrete lactic acid, which stimulates the digestive tract, increases appetite, normalizes stools, eliminates colic.

Here is how fermented milk formula differs from the usual one: its useful composition, which necessarily contains lactobacilli and probiotics, as well as therapeutic effect on the body of children from birth to one year. To switch to such a diet, special medical indications and the appointment of a pediatrician are needed.

Keep in mind. There are many fermented milk products on the market (kefir, yogurt, narine), but they are not baby food, as they are not adapted to the needs and characteristics of small organisms. They contain a whole, non-fermented protein cow's milk, which causes in children up to a year allergic reactions and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.


The pediatrician who appointed the transition to a new diet should explain to the parents why the fermented milk mixture is needed specifically for their baby. It is usually used for reducing and disturbing the functions of digestion.

Medical indications for its use by children up to a year are:

  • the risk of infection;
  • with lactase deficiency;
  • functional disorders in digestion;
  • stomach dyspepsia (poor ability to digest food);
  • with diarrhea and constipation;
  • decreased appetite or none at all;
  • against this background - poor weight gain;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • with colic;
  • reduced immunity;
  • rickets;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

But with allergies, sour-milk mixtures are not prescribed. Yes, they are perfectly absorbed, do not cause rejection on the part of a small organism. But their main task is to correct the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, with this disease, they are most often prescribed not, but an adapted hypoallergenic diet.

Studies have shown that the use of baby food with lacto- and bifidobacteria increases the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract, improves the absorption of protein and calcium. Toddlers begin to recover and develop in accordance with their age characteristics keeping up with peers.


Parents should know what fermented milk mixtures are, so as not to purchase a product that will turn out to be useless. There are many types of such baby food on the market today. They differ in composition, consistency, degree of adaptation and the fact that they are developed for children of different ages.

According to the degree of adaptation:

  • fully adapted fermented milk formula for babies under the age of six months;
  • partially adapted food for children after 8 months.

According to the age:

  • the number "1" on the package means that these are fermented milk formulas for babies, which can be given from birth to six months;
  • the number "2" is sour-milk mixtures for children up to a year old, starting from 6 months.

By consistency:

  • dry fermented milk mixture, which must be diluted with water (the proportions are indicated in the instructions), has long term suitability, the market is represented by the most famous brands- Nan, Nutrilak, Nutrilon, Nutricia, Similac, etc.;
  • liquid, which must be used within 2-3 days (represented by Agusha, Bifilin).

Finding fermented milk formulas on the modern market in accordance with the age of the child, individual preferences (liquid or dry forms) and the financial capabilities of the parents is not difficult. The choice is greatly facilitated by the recommendations of pediatricians who can prescribe a specific product.

Feeding rules

You need to know how to introduce fermented milk mixture into the child's diet so that it does not harm his health. If this is done abruptly and in large quantities, the opposite effect will be obtained, i.e., the digestion of the crumbs will be even more upset. Main principle here - gradualness and exact observance of all medical recommendations.

  1. If the fermented milk mixture was prescribed as a prophylaxis, only 2 feedings are completely replaced with it - the second and last.
  2. For constipation and diarrhea, which are intermittent, it is recommended to alternate "through one". For example, the 1st, 3rd and 5th feedings are carried out using breast milk familiar to the child (adapted mixture). And the 2nd and 4th - using a product with lactobacilli.
  3. If it is prescribed for treatment, feeding is gradually replaced entirely.
  4. It should be borne in mind that such nutrition enhances regurgitation in babies up to 3 months, so it is rarely prescribed as the main one at this age.
  5. The duration of use is determined by the pediatrician and averages 2-3 months.
  6. Many parents ask if it is possible to feed only with fermented milk formula: with poor health and a complete replacement of all feedings as prescribed by a doctor - yes.
  7. Meals are prepared immediately before feeding in accordance with the instructions.
  8. An open jar is stored for 3 weeks in a dry, cool place at temperatures from 0°С to +25°С and air humidity not more than 75%.

For how long and how to give the fermented milk mixture, the doctor should tell. It is he who adjusts the period of application, taking into account the condition of the baby. If he began to gain weight well, reached his age norm, digestive problems disappeared, you can switch back to the food that was before, but there is no particular need for this.


The list of fermented milk mixtures includes products of domestic and foreign production. Their compositions are very similar, they have approximately the same effect on the child's gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Nan. Nestle (Switzerland). $7.5.
  2. Nutrilak. Nutritek (Russia). $5.2.
  3. Nutrilon. Nutricia (Holland). $8.1
  4. Similac. Denmark / Spain / Ireland. $7.6.
  5. Agusha. Russia. $0.6.
  6. Bifilin. Russia. $0.9
  7. Biolact adapted. Russia. $7.
  8. Soy acidolact. Russia. $3.9.

However, no rating can determine which of these products will be optimal in one case or another. As a rule, the best fermented milk mixture is the one that the child willingly eats and which really normalizes digestion and improves the condition of the sick person.

Minor differences in the composition and functions of these products can be found in a more detailed review.

Review of the best

After identifying digestive problems, the pediatrician will tell parents which fermented milk formulas for newborns are better - Russian or foreign-made, with or without oils, enriched with bioadditives or containing only lactobacilli. Most often, doctors recommend several products, giving parents the right to choose the brand and brand according to their financial capabilities.

A small overview of the most popular and well-proven ones will help parents understand the variety of assortment.


It is represented by two products: "Nan 1 Sour Milk", "Nan 2 Sour Milk". Produced by the famous Swiss company Nestle.

Very useful for babies with digestive disorders:

  • normalizes microflora;
  • protects against infections;
  • increases the absorption of protein, lactose, calcium, iron.

This is facilitated by a useful and adapted composition:

  • B. lactis + L. reuteri - a combination of the only two probiotics recommended from birth due to absolute safety;
  • B. Longum + L. Rhamnosus - this tandem of probiotics is used for children who are already six months old, it performs not so much curative as protective and preventive functions.

Often Nan is even assigned healthy baby who lacks mother's milk and even in its absence. This fermented milk mixture has a pH level of 4.75–4.9, as in newborns, therefore it does not make any negative adjustments to digestion.


"Nutrilak fermented milk" is an adapted dry mix that fully meets the energy needs of a baby from birth to a year. Indications for use:

  • restoration of microflora after antibiotics;
  • transferred intestinal infections;
  • prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • functional digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, colic.

Nutrilak has a very rich and useful composition:

  • strains of live bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system;
  • nucleotides are a necessary plastic material for microflora;
  • omega-3, 6 fatty acids are needed for immunity, normal formation of the central nervous system and organs of vision;
  • lutein protects the small organism from harmful effects ultraviolet;
  • antioxidant complex, which includes vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, zinc, taurine, selenium.

Another advantage of Nutrilak is that it does not contain starch and sucrose, which are poorly absorbed by newborns.


The Dutch baby food company Nutricia is represented on the market by two products - Nutrilon 1 Sour Milk, Nutrilon 2 Sour Milk. This is a dry formula for feeding babies from birth. Contains lacto- and bifidobacteria, thanks to which it effectively normalizes digestion, stimulates the growth of useful, healthy intestinal microflora.

In addition to them, in the composition you can find:

  • skimmed milk;
  • taurine;
  • maltodextrin;
  • lactose;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils: sunflower, rapeseed, palm, coconut;
  • leaven;
  • complex of vitamins and minerals.

The pH level of Nutrilon is 6.0-6.4.

Similac (Similac)

A very popular fermented milk mixture, which is represented by a wide range:

  • "Similac-1" - the main or additional food for children from birth to six months;
  • "Similac-2" - appointed by pediatricians from six months;
  • "Similac Premium-1" - to strengthen the immune system in weakened babies up to 6 months;
  • "Similac Premium-2" - a continuation of the previous product, used after six months;
  • "Similac NeoSure" - for feeding premature babies.

Similac contains:

  • live bacteria to improve intestinal microflora;
  • iron;
  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • lysozyme;
  • taurine;
  • lactulose.

The production of the mixture was transferred several times to different countries, so on the packages you can find notes that the product was made in Ireland, Denmark or Spain. It contributes to the constant weight gain of the baby within age norms and also has a positive effect on general development. After all, in composition, it is as close as possible to breast milk.


Russian-made fermented milk mixtures "Agusha 1" and "Agusha 2" are good for those who prefer domestic firms, whose product prices do not bite so much.

The composition includes:

  • whole milk;
  • lactose;
  • bifidoacidophilic starter;
  • fructose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils: high oleic sunflower, corn, soybean, rapeseed, coconut;
  • cream;
  • concentrated whey protein;
  • nucleotides;
  • mineral and vitamin premix;
  • ordinary drinking water.

However, the composition of the Agusha mixture causes a lot of criticism from experts, since it is too artificial due to the abundance of vegetable oils and nutritional supplements that are completely unnecessary for such small children (such as concentrated whey protein).


Bifilin is a new fermented milk mixture produced in Russia. On the one hand, its composition is unique, since it contains bifidobacteria that can multiply, as well as their metabolic products. On the other hand, it is recommended even for adults to restore intestinal microflora.

This fact calls into question the benefits of the mixture for small stomachs, because the pH in children and adults is fundamentally different. Experts say that it is not adapted for the child's body, and do not recommend giving it to newborns.

All these products have passed all the necessary clinical studies and have earned the trust of the population and doctors. It is difficult to say which fermented milk mixture is better, because they are all very useful, adapted and balanced. Parents have to choose.

On the one hand, the products of Russian manufacturers are cheaper. But foreign ones are presented on the market in much larger quantities. In addition, it is well known that they are manufactured using the latest equipment and modern innovative technologies.

It is difficult to choose the right medical nutrition, as each child is individual. So do not rely on the experience of a neighbor or acquaintances: in this matter, you should be guided solely by the recommendations and appointment of a pediatrician.

Block of questions and answers

Answers to the most pressing questions of parents about the use of fermented milk formulas for children will help dispel doubts and use the product for its intended purpose.

  • Is it possible to feed the child with sour-milk formula constantly?

You can, but only on prescription.

  • How often can fermented milk be given?

For prevention - 2 times a day, for treatment - completely replace all feedings.

  • What is the right way to give it?

The rules for use, dosage, proportions of dilution with water are detailed in the instructions. Focus on them.

  • Can it be mixed with regular?

It is forbidden. Give first - one (with a gradual change of feeding), then only - the other, in different bottles.

  • Is it possible to give fermented milk formula of another company?

The transition from one fermented milk mixture to another from another manufacturer should be carried out gradually. You cannot mix them.

  • When to give?

The second and last feedings are replaced first. Then gradually - all the rest, in accordance with the regimen of the child.

Useful properties of fermented milk mixtures allow treating and preventing digestive disorders in children under one year old. No need to take the initiative and use them without a doctor's prescription. This can lead to the fact that a healthy stomach stops working on its own, constantly hoping for help from the probiotics and lactobacilli that are contained in such a diet.

The golden mean, literacy and strict adherence to medical indications are the main principles for the use of this type of baby food.

Many mothers claim that artificial nutrition is the first cause of all kinds of problems with the gastrointestinal tract in a child (constipation, disorders, colic, etc.). They are partly right. But if you opted for the NAN baby dry fermented milk formula, then such problems will not affect you or your child.

Artificial feeding: the best choice or an emergency

There is nothing better for a baby than mother's breast milk. It is perfect food for the crumbs.

Mother's milk contains all vital and necessary components, substances and vitamins. Well, it’s so inherent in nature that a mother gives all the best to her baby from the cradle. However, there are cases when natural feeding is not possible for one reason or another.

Important! Before making a decision to transfer the baby to artificial feeding, in without fail you should contact your pediatrician and consult.

Reasons for transferring a baby to artificial nutrition

  • Severe pregnancy and difficult childbirth, which in postpartum period require full recovery forces due to the intake of medications that penetrate into breast milk.
  • Maternal diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Lack of breast milk production.
  • The stay of a newborn without a mother.

"NAN" - the closest analogue of breast milk

Baby dry mixes "NAN" in their composition are as close as possible to mother's breast milk and have certain medicinal properties. "NAN fermented milk" belongs to the group of highly adapted infant formulas, which can be introduced into the diet from the moment the baby is born.

Baby food "NAS": a general description

"NAN sour-milk" is intended for artificial feeding of babies who do not have congenital deficiencies, whose breastfeeding is impossible for one reason or another. Cases that involve a complete rejection of breastfeeding are described above.

Sour-milk dry mix "NAN" refers to adapted mixtures. Obtained as a result of biological fermentation, which is provided by lactic acid bacteria. It is due to this process that protein digestion and absorption are improved. All vitamins and minerals are contained in "NAN fermented milk". The composition of the mixture includes: demineralized whey, vegetable oil, natural gluten-free starch, skimmed milk, potassium caseinate, maltodextrim, calcium citrate, potassium chloride, potassium citrate, soy lecithin, sodium chloride, magnesium carbonate, magnesium chloride, vitamins, taurine, iron sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, cultural bifidobacteria.

Baby food "NAS" is produced traditional way, without the addition of flavors, dyes and preservatives and genetically modified objects. The country of the manufacturer is Switzerland.

Feeding results

Dry infant formulas "NAN" have an exceptionally beneficial effect on the child's body, generally providing:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the growth of the flora of bifidobacteria in crumbs;
  • improved protein digestion;
  • improved protein absorption;
  • improved digestion processes;
  • activation of protection against intestinal infections.

Sour-milk baby food "NAN 1"

Designed to feed babies from the moment they are born. The mixture "NAN fermented milk 1" combines a unique combination of protective components "First Defense", helping to activate the immune system, strengthen it, and improve the intestinal microflora. Healthy immune microflora is supported by live probiotic cultures found in baby food. They are also called bifidobacteria Bl. Biofermentation of the product improves the intestinal microflora and is an insurmountable barrier to any infection on the way to the intestines of the newborn. Children's "NAS sour milk 1" - balanced diet baby from the first days to six months, providing him optimal growth and development - both mental and physical.

The mixture is easily digestible. It has a pleasant sour-milk taste, which is the primary reason that NAN nutrition has been one of the most beloved infant formulas for many years, which not a single child in the world has yet refused. But this food will be enjoyed not only by children, but also by their mothers, as it will help get rid of constipation and gas, which means it will give a couple of restful hours of sleep.

In addition, it acts as a prophylactic against anemia "NAN sour-milk" - the composition of the mixture includes a sufficient amount of iron.

Fermented milk baby formula "NAN 2" with bifidobacteria

Designed for children from 6 months to 1 year. The mixture "NAN 2" can be used as the main feeding, and is introduced as milk complementary foods. The benefits of this nutrition are obvious: the intestinal microflora improves, immunity is strengthened, a certain wall is built between intestinal infections and the baby's body.

Important! The mixture "NAN fermented milk 2" is strictly forbidden to use in the first 6 months of a child's life, as it is not an analogue of breast milk.

"NAS 3"

"Nan 3" - fermented milk product intended for feeding healthy babies that are over a year old. "Nan 3" is a fully balanced fermented milk mixture. According to the content of useful substances, vitamins and minerals, it is an absolute analogue of cow's milk or kefir in the daily diet of a child.

Nutrition "NAN 3 fermented milk" combines a unique combination of protective components "Protection and growth", helping to strengthen the immune system of the crumbs, improve digestion.

Cooking instructions

It is very important to properly prepare the infant formula "NAN fermented milk". Instructions are on the outside of the food jar. The process of preparing fermented milk mixture "NAN" should be started immediately before feeding.

Conventionally, it can be divided into three stages:

Stage 1. Preparatory.

  1. Wash the bottle.
  2. Sterilize the bottle and nipple.
  3. Open a jar of mixture. Here we immediately draw your attention to the fact that the fermented milk mixture "NAN" does not look like other mixtures - it is not crumbly. The mass is characterized by a certain compaction. Therefore, it is not worth being afraid of its appearance and blaming a store or supermarket for selling low-quality or expired products.

Stage 2. Main.

  1. Pick up a jar of food and study in detail the recommended feeding table, which is shown on it.
  2. Pour into a feeding vessel (sterilized bottle) ½ part of the water from the volume recommended in the table. Water should be boiled and cooled to 37 degrees.
  3. Pour required amount(determined depending on the volume of liquid poured and indicated in the same table on the jar) measuring spoons of the dry mixture.
  4. Shake the vessel until the dry mixture is completely dissolved and turns into a homogeneous mass.
  5. Add the remaining ½ of the liquid to the bottle.
  6. Shake again until a homogeneous mixture is formed. The mixture turns out to be quite thick, so you should not sound the alarm if you expected to see a liquid mass. And one more thing: after cooking, grains remain on the wall surface of the bottle, this is also the norm!

Important! You can give the baby only freshly prepared formula. It is strictly forbidden to use the one that remains from previous feeding sessions.

It is very important to observe the accuracy of the dosage. Otherwise, lumps will form in the mixture, which will prevent it from flowing through the nipple into the baby's mouth. Next, let's talk about how to give "NAS sour milk".

How to give formula

If the child has had an infectious disease, treatment with bactericidal drugs is inevitable. But, unfortunately, such medicines, on the one hand, help get rid of the infection, and on the other hand, they negatively affect the intestinal flora of the baby. Here "NAN sour milk" will come to the rescue. The mixture is recommended to be given as a prophylactic against digestive disorders. In this case, "NAN" is given to the baby once a day with a frequency of every day. Doses vary depending on the age group to which the child belongs.

When baby food "NAN" is prescribed by a doctor as a means to increase immunity, the mixture should be included in the daily diet of crumbs.

The dose is determined based on the age of the baby. As a rule, pediatricians recommend giving "NAN fermented milk" when there is an increased risk of developing infectious diseases, especially in cold autumn or the winter season.

Dairy products are not affected by pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the NAN fermented milk mixture can also be taken as a protective agent against microbes, providing excellent absorption of substances and microelements vital for the child's body, in particular, proteins, iron and calcium. This is of particular importance during the introduction of complementary foods, when the likelihood of contact with dangerous microbes is high. In this case, "NAS" should be given simultaneously with the start of complementary foods every day, once or twice a day.

Also, dry baby food "NAN sour milk" is actively used as a remedy for constipation for children who are artificially fed from birth. The main indication for use is systematic constipation. At first, it is recommended to give "NAN" twice a day, and when the stool returns to normal, reduce to a single dose.

A mixture of "NAN" can also be used as the main means for feeding a baby. Due to the fact that the fermented milk product is quickly digested, it is recommended for children with an increased tendency to spit up. "NAN fermented milk" leads to accelerated emptying. “Is it possible to feed this mixture constantly?” - the question of many mothers. The answer is unequivocal: in this case it is allowed.

Storage features

You can store artificial baby food "NAN" for 18 months, provided that the packaging is not damaged. If the mixture is already open, then you can use it to feed your baby for no more than three weeks after opening the jar.

"NAS sour milk": reviews

Most mothers willingly confirm the manufacturer's statements regarding the beneficial effect of the NAN mixture on the children's body. "NAS" is indispensable assistant with intestinal dysbacteriosis, constipation, pain and colic. Separately, it is noted that the transfer of a child to artificial nutrition is not difficult, the baby quickly gets used to the pleasant sour-milk taste.

"NAS sour milk 1" reviews are the most positive. Many consumers emphasize its medicinal properties. The result of its use is the normalization of the intestinal microflora, the improvement of stool, the strengthening of immunity, and the reduction of the risk of infectious diseases. Apart from quality characteristics, the practicality of operation was also noted: a convenient jar made of durable material, a complete set with a measuring spoon, the overall characteristics of which were developed taking into account the size of the neck of a baby bottle. And the NAN mixture is also beneficial from an economic point of view - one jar is enough for a fairly long period.

"NAN sour-milk 1", reviews of which contain information regarding disgusting taste, poor solubility, impossibility of use as the main feeding, do not correspond to reality! Firstly, the mixture is sour-milk, that is, it cannot be sweet to please all mothers. Yes, yes, you read it right, that's right. Secondly, any pediatrician will refute the assertion that "NAS" cannot be used for constant feeding. Of course, there are certain indications, contraindications, etc., but this does not mean at all that "NAS" cannot be given to a child all the time.

Analyzing consumer reviews, one more thing can be said: the NAN mixture is characterized by satiety. And it is not just words. This is a conclusion made after conducting amateur experiments, when women gave the baby a mixture of "NAN" for dinner one day, and "Baby" the other day. The saturation time of a small organism with the first mixture significantly exceeds the second. Therefore, many mothers prefer to give "NAN" at night so that the child eats and sleeps soundly.

We have already discussed the advantages of dry mix. Let's move on to the disadvantages, if any, of course. Using "NAS sour milk" on your own, reading reviews about it, you can understand that there are no shortcomings as such. For some it is too much high price nutrition, and someone decided that the child was used to the mixture and did not want to eat anything else. Well, you see, these reasons are biased.

In conclusion, I want to say one thing: the body of each child is individual! The same mixture can cause completely opposite reactions in children. This fact was taken into account by manufacturers of baby food, as a result of which on the shelves with mixtures you can find the widest assortment range, a mind-boggling number of varieties that contain certain additives. There is no bad Nestle infant formula, because this Swiss manufacturer is the guarantor of quality nutrition. There are just mixtures that are not suitable for your baby. That is why it is so important to choose the right baby food.

Unfortunately, normal breastfeeding is not always possible. In cases of lactation interruption, it is customary to use artificial milk formulas for children. And today, NAS sour-milk is especially popular. This is an adapted mixture that is suitable for children from the first days of life.

Infant formula "NAN fermented milk": composition

To begin with, it is worth noting that this mixture contains all the useful substances that are so necessary for normal growth and development of the infant. The composition contains only natural products, in particular, demineralized whey, healthy vegetable oils, potassium caseinate and

"NAN fermented milk" also saturates the body with minerals - it contains iodine, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and iron.

What is the difference between "NAN fermented milk" from other artificial mixtures?

It's no secret that there are practically no beneficial bacteria in the body of a newborn child - the intestinal microflora is formed in the first months of life thanks to breastfeeding. The mixture "NAN sour milk" already contains live strains of beneficial bifidobacteria, which not only form a normal microflora and protect against dysbacteriosis, but also have a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

The use of fermented milk mixture normalizes the work gastrointestinal tract and also prevents the development of intestinal infections.

A mixture of "NAN fermented milk": indications for use

This mixture is perfect for feeding a child from the first days of life up to a year. Moreover, it can be combined with breast milk, and subsequently - with more solid food. Pediatricians recommend this product to children with moderate functional disorders at work. digestive system. It is also indicated for newborns who spit up too often, as rapid emptying of the stomach and digestion of food helps to eliminate this problem.

It's no secret that normal intestinal microflora provides a growing organism with protection against infections. Therefore, "NAN sour-milk" is indicated for children with a weak immune system, as well as those babies who are prone to different kind infectious diseases.

Infant formula "NAN sour milk": consumer reviews

NAN mixtures are in demand among young mothers whose babies receive artificial or mixed feeding. Reviews about them are rather contradictory, but most parents trust only this manufacturer. The product line includes mixtures for various purposes, including for premature babies. To understand what to give preference to, will allow the study of their features.

NAN formula is popular in the formula-fed baby food market, but what is its advantage?

About the manufacturer

NAN brand products have been produced since 1962 by the Nestle concern. The first series of mixtures were designed for healthy infants with a good appetite. However, gradually the range became more complicated and expanded. Since 2004, bifidobacteria have been added to the products to normalize digestion. In 2010, Dentapro milk was offered to consumers to prevent dental diseases.

NAN Base Formula Range for Healthy Babies

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The nutritional needs of children of different ages are not the same. With this in mind, Nestle specialists have created the following products:

  1. "NAN 1" - a product for newborns (0-6 months). The composition contains mineral and vitamin supplements to boost immunity.
  2. "NAS 2" - a product from six months to a year. The composition is similar to the "one", but the increasing needs for nutrients are taken into account.
  3. "NAN 3" - milk from the year. The product contains beneficial bacteria and lipids, which are beneficial for the digestive system and become a good prevention of caries.
  4. "NAN 4" - milk from 18 months. The composition is similar to the "troika", taking into account the age needs of the baby.
  5. Ready-made milk in 200 ml packaging. They should be warmed up and served in a cup, bottle.

NAN mixtures are produced for different ages of the child

Main components of base NAN mixtures

NAN's Balanced Milk Formula Provides What Kids Need At Their Age nutrients. The composition of the products is distinguished by the following features:

  • Bifidobacterium BL. Normalize and maintain healthy microflora, strengthen immunity.
  • Optimized Optipro protein. Provides easy digestibility of milk, the full growth of the child.
  • Fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6. Strengthen immunity, promote development nervous system and muscles.
  • No fragrances, dyes. Products have a natural taste, form the right eating habits.

Protein composition

"NAN" 1 and 2 are milk mixtures, and NAN 3 and 4 are dry milk drinks for drinking and cooking. An important difference between the products is the reduced protein content in mixtures due to whey demineralization. The ratio of whey proteins and casein is as follows:

  1. in No. 1 - 70 to 30 (close to mother's milk, in which the proportion is 80 to 20);
  2. in "NAN 2, 3" - 60 to 40 (like mature mother's milk).

The protein in NAN formulas and baby milk is called Optipro. Its presence reduces the risk of obesity by reducing the metabolic burden on the body. Valuable amino acids also contribute to this: taurine, gestidine, and others.

The composition of NAN mixtures includes everything necessary for the development of the child

Fat composition

The fat component of dry mixtures is represented by fish oil and vegetable oils. Previously, palm olein was added, however, due to the spread negative information and palm oil, Nestle abandoned it and found a different solution. The manufacturer's base nutrition now contains the following oils:

  • sunflower;
  • coconut;
  • rapeseed low-erucic.

Also in the diet are polyunsaturated fatty acids called "smart lipids". The most valuable of them are DHA and ARA (docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids), which are important for immunity, eyes and brain.

Carbohydrate composition

Lactose is an important carbohydrate component of the product. Combined with maltodextyrin (a fast-acting carbohydrate), it gives a sweet taste that babies love. Carbohydrate components provide the body of babies with the necessary energy, give long-term saturation, affect the density of the mixture (make it thicker). The manufacturer's milk does not contain sucrose ( cane sugar), which positively distinguishes the products from analogues.

Other components

The products contain live cultures of bifidobacteria BL. These are probiotics that are responsible for the formation of normal microflora in the walls of the large intestine, strengthening the immune system. NAN 2 mixtures also contain Denta Pro bacteria, which are responsible for the prevention of caries. They prevent the development of bacteria that destroy tooth enamel, colonize the digestive tract.

Therapeutic and prophylactic NAN mixtures and their composition

For the purpose of therapeutic diet therapy, sour-milk and other mixtures with the original composition are used. Pediatricians prescribe them for a certain time to correct the condition of the child. For therapeutic and prophylactic products, a similar composition is characteristic of the entire range of nutrition. However, there are also significant differences related to assignment types.

"NAN" fermented milk

The popular fermented milk mixture "NAN" improves digestion, normalizes the intestinal microflora, and strengthens the immune system. In composition, it is distinguished by the presence of a fermented milk component and includes:

  • live cultures BL - strengthen the immunity of the baby;
  • lactic acid bacteria obtained by biofermentation technology - strengthen the body and prevent the development of infections.

Sour-milk adapted mixtures NAN 1, 2 and 3 prevent constipation, colic, provide a healthy deep sleep. They have a sufficient amount of iron, which prevents anemia in infancy.

As you know, with problems with digestion, a child’s sleep becomes poor. This problem can be solved with a mixture of NAS

"NAN" hypoallergenic

"NAN" anti-colic

The old name for mixtures is "NAN Comfort". Due to the partially hydrolyzed protein, the product reduces the risk of allergies and food discomfort. The low lactose content virtually eliminates fermentation and colic. L.reuteri probiotics help to populate the intestines with positive microflora.

The Optipro complex developed using a special technology ensures easy assimilation of ready-made milk by the baby's body. The product also contains lipids ARA and DHA, vitamin complex, important trace elements. Mixtures can serve the only source nutrition for newborns from 0 to 6 months.

"NAN" lactose-free

If the baby does not tolerate dairy products, then he can use NAN lactose-free, however, before using it is necessary to consult a pediatrician

The lactose-free product was created for feeding babies with lactase deficiency in a situation where the body cannot absorb dairy products from birth. They help to recover from intestinal infections, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, do not have age restrictions(can be used even for feeding newborns). Often they are prescribed for frequent colic and regurgitation.

The lactose-free product is not hypoallergenic, it differs from product No. 1 in the percentage of proteins and casein (60 to 40). The manufacturer replaced the lactose with an easier-to-digest lactose syrup. As prebiotics added lactobacilli L.reuteri. The mixture contains a complete vitamin and mineral complex, linoleic acid, vegetable oils, whole milk protein.

The lactose-free product does not contain maltose (malt sugar), but soy in its composition can also trigger allergies. The children's product should be administered carefully and only with the permission of a doctor. Contraindications for use - glucose-galactose deficiency, galactosemia.

"NAN" triple comfort

Triple Comfort by NAN is an adapted product to eliminate functional disorders digestion in children from birth. A special formula helps to eliminate constipation, colic, reduce the frequency of regurgitation. Mix "Toinoy Comfort" normalizes the frequency of stools, contributes to the formation of the correct intestinal microflora.

The mixture "NAN Comfort" includes lactobacilli L.reuteri, "smart" lipids, hydrolyzed protein "Optipro", prebiotics. Additionally included mineral and vitamin complex, oligosaccharides, potato starch. Triple Comfort contains palm oil.

NAN triple comfort is recommended for children from birth

"NAN" antireflux

Pediatricians prescribe mixtures of "NAN" AR 1 to newborns and infants up to 6 months of age with parents complaining of frequent regurgitation. They are classified as medical nutrition, which is not used as the main food for the baby. Its reflux is used in conjunction with breastfeeding, other types of mixtures. Among the components of dry "Antireflux":

  • hydrolyzed whey protein;
  • cultures of prebiotics L.reuteri, which form a normal microflora and help reduce the frequency of regurgitation by 3 times;
  • optimized hypoallergenic complex Optipro - minimizes the risk of a negative reaction to cow's milk protein;
  • starch - increases the viscosity of the product, which reduces the likelihood of regurgitation.

The balanced formula of the NAN Antireflux mixture also includes vegetable oils, lactose, trace elements and other beneficial substances. Moms complain about its density and unpleasant taste, but note positive influence on the digestion of babies. Due to the density, the food requires the selection of a nipple for a bottle. Usually moms use nipples with replaceable flow. The prepared mixture should be stirred for a long time, shaken.

"NAN" for premature babies

The product is important for premature babies, premature babies and babies with a lack of weight. Contains the highest percentage of whey protein (about 70%), which significantly distinguishes it from analogues. The proteins of the mixture are partially hydrolyzed, which increases the rate of their assimilation.

For premature babies, there is also a mixture of NAS, but before use, you need to check the baby for allergies (we recommend reading:)

Advantages of the product for premature babies: the baby quickly gains weight, loves the taste of ready-made milk. The product is fed to babies until they reach a weight of 1800 grams, after which they are transferred to the usual mixture. Among the contraindications: galactosemia, lactose intolerance, glucose intolerance, allergy to cow's milk protein. Palm oil is among the ingredients.

Instructions for preparing the mixture

Before buying NAS fermented milk and milk formulas, you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor will recommend suitable product, based on the age, weight, health status of the baby and the complaints of the parents.

When buying, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date (usually printed on the bottom of the jar). It is advisable to shop in reliable stores where there is a guarantee of compliance with storage conditions.

When preparing the mixture, you should use food with a sufficient shelf life, which was opened no later than a month ago. In order for the mixture to be beneficial and not cause health problems in the baby, it is important to observe sterility when preparing it. To get acquainted with how to dose and dilute the powder correctly, the instructions on the package, which looks like a table, will allow:

Baby's ageBased on 1 feedingNumber of feedings per day
The volume of boiled water, ml.Number of measuring spoons of the mixtureMixtureOther types of food
1-2 weeks90 3 6 -
2-4 weeks120 4 5 -
2 months150 5 5 -
3-4 months180 6 5 -
5-6 months210 7 4 -
7 months and older210 7 4-3 1-2

When preparing the mixture, it is necessary to strictly follow the right proportions dry powder and water, and use only clean dishes and boiled water

When preparing mixtures "NAN" take the required number of measuring spoons without a slide. Proportions should not be changed without the advice of a health worker. Otherwise, you can overfeed the child or bring to dehydration. From the age of 7 months, in parallel with hypoallergenic, ordinary, sour-milk mixtures NAN, complementary foods should be introduced - cereals, vegetable puree, cottage cheese, dairy products.

It is important to make the mixture before feeding by cooling the boiled water to a comfortable temperature of 37 degrees (in hot water, beneficial bacteria will die). Initially, the container and nipple should be sterilized, cooled, pour prepared water and add the required number of spoons of powder. Next, collect the bottle, cover with a lid and shake thoroughly. It is important to check the temperature by dropping it on your wrist (the food should be slightly warmer than your hand).

When feeding, you need to carefully support the baby, give him a rest when necessary. Leftovers must not be reused. It is important to sterilize bottles and boil fresh water for formula to avoid any health problems for the baby.

Signs that the mixture of "NAN" came up to the baby - weight gain, restful sleep, lack of colic, constipation, good skin. If at least one of these indicators is not observed, it is worth consulting with your doctor. You may have to change baby food to another type (for example, liquid fermented milk) from a wide range of Nestlé.