The development of fine motor skills in children of preschool age. Corrective classes for the development of fine and general motor skills for young children

The timely and comprehensive development of fine motor skills in children's hands is an extremely important aspect of working with children at home and in the preschool. Every parent must know that children's fine motor skills are a natural ability to perform dexterous and precise movements with hands and fingers.

Coordination covers the activity of the skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems. The scope of hand motor skills includes a whole range of gestures, such as grasping an object, drawing, writing.

The essence of fine motor skills

In order for preschool children to develop harmoniously, parents and educators must know all the features of the child's psyche and apply proven means of developing important skills.

Proper training of a child's fine motor skills is a fundamental aspect of child development in general. This sphere of skills is laid down already in the period when the child is considered a newborn.

The smallest children use fine motor skills in such a way that at first they only examine and study their own limbs. They soon learn to control their hands.

At an early age, the child grasps toys and other things with the palm of his hand. As he develops, he learns to use two fingers when grabbing an object, the index finger and thumb are involved.

The sooner children master the correct grasp of objects, the more correctly and conveniently they will hold their first spoon for eating, then a pencil and a brush for creativity.

putting on multi-colored elastic bands on the fingers according to the schemes shown in the figures

Goals of fine motor training

Parents should understand why it is necessary to pay so much attention to the development of motor skills. It is worth working hard with a child while he attends a nursery (1.5-2 years), the first and second junior (2-4 years) group, middle (4-5 years) and senior (5-6 years) group kindergarten. The fact is that at the final stage of education and upbringing in the preschool educational institution, in the preparatory (6-7 years) group, many tests are carried out for readiness to master the program at school.

Cognitive processes and other aspects depend on the perfection of fine motor skills. When there is complete order in this area, the child is predisposed to successful learning to write, is capable of logical mental operations, is able to reason productively, has an excellent memory, the potential for effective concentration of attention, a rich imagination, and uses coherent, well-formed speech when communicating.

The course of development of motor skills

Fine motor skills are not formed immediately, but according to a certain, gradually progressive pattern. At the same time, each child has an individual development scenario.

In young children, awkward and even amusing movements predominate. Soon the body begins to work more harmoniously and more accurately. In order for the process of developing motor skills to pass quickly and efficiently, we recommend practicing educational games. How to develop a child in this direction is described in detail below.

color matching by putting cut-off marker caps on different-colored cotton swabs

Features of the development of manual motor skills

There is an important nuance in the field of improving children's motor skills. It should be noted that it is precisely fine motor skills that are tightly interconnected with the sphere of perception, memory, the children's nervous system, areas of attention and vision.

It has been scientifically proven that children who masterfully use their hands have the best developed speech. This is because the motor center is located in the brain in close proximity to the speech center. The process of learning motor skills, where the fingers are involved, the speech center is naturally activated.

In order for a child to develop broad speech abilities by age, it is worthwhile to focus on the development of fine motor skills in games and entertainment. It is good that today a huge number of thoughtful toys are being produced for this purpose.

By training fine motor skills, you can greatly facilitate the life of a child, because when he grows up, he will have a consistently fast reaction, beautiful handwriting and pronounced manual dexterity.

To supplement the kindergarten program with home self-education, you need to determine the child's abilities by consulting a specialist. During a conversation with a psychologist or other expert, you can discuss topics that concern you and prevent various developmental problems. Individual diagnostics of development is required not only for children with disabilities, but also for all healthy babies, as the number of mental disorders is increasing today.

The relevance of homework with children is growing every day, as they organically complement education in a preschool educational institution. If you find it difficult to study with your child and cannot organize effective lessons in a playful way, then look at master classes on the Internet or enroll your child in a paid circle. So, the benefits of developing fine motor skills are obvious. Next, we will analyze the most popular types of training sessions.

color matching by inserting homemade flowers made from wooden sticks and cardboard into a decorated egg carton

Fine motor training aids

Traditional methods for developing fine motor skills in children's hands

All parents should familiarize themselves with generally accepted techniques for training children's motor skills.

Hand massage

A simple technique that contributes to a more effective development of motor skills is the massage of children's palms and fingers. You can arbitrarily stroke, massage and drive in different directions with your fingers along the child’s hand and combine these actions with funny rhymes. For example, the story about the magpie-crow.

Closing lids

A great brush workout is screwing and unscrewing caps using bottles or jars of different shapes and sizes. Soon the hands will become dexterous. This exciting game will not get bored.

homemade toy made from a cardboard box with holes where the tops of plastic bottles are inserted, for an educational game of screwing caps (it is also good to use bottles of different colors with matching caps or bottles with different neck diameters so that each cap can only be screwed to a certain base, and it did not match the others in color or size)

Modeling lessons

All children can sculpt crafts from plasticine. Depending on age and preferences, we take dough, plasticine or clay, for convenience we use a board. For example, blind a hedgehog, a dog or other simple animals. Also, modeling skills will be useful in the joint production of homemade baking figures. The child will be delighted to help parents, and at the same time develop brushes.

The classic game of patties

We perform different variations of the fun clapping system together with the child. Thanks to this entertainment, he will quickly learn to straighten his hand and clap hard, this is good for motor skills.


It is worth buying safe scissors for children, a convenient glue stick, cardboard and paper in different colors. It is easy and interesting to teach a child to create beautiful compositions. You can cut out shapes (squares, circles) and stick them in the form of a composition, make snowflakes. In addition to motor skills, applications develop the ability for a creative look and spatial thinking.

Paper games

For the youngest children, from 7 months, there is an excellent activity that can captivate for a long time and perfectly develop the ability to own pens. The exercise can proceed as a study of the properties of paper, the child can crumple, tear, throw it. When reading books after a year, let the child turn the pages himself. You can also make your own books. You can develop a project, prepare parts and write a text together, and the child will complete the process - he will be able to glue the parts according to your instructions.

Mind games with small elements

Pay attention to such a game as puzzles and mosaics. Purchase such products according to age. Usually for children under 3 years of age, larger parts. Collecting puzzles and pictures from the mosaic regularly, we train the imagination.

Coloring and drawing

Children actively develop their imagination and intelligence when they trace dotted contours in workbooks, color, draw on the board. In addition to mastering coloring pages, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipes.

Beads for games

It's great if mom has beads from elements of different colors, shapes, sizes. Let the baby sort them out from time to time, put them on a doll or parents.

Buttons and laces

A proven gymnastics for the hands is unfastening, fastening and inserting shoelaces into holes. Clasps can be found on clothing. Children love to unzip zippers on their own, learn to work with buttons. You can make a rug with buttons where you can fasten parts. As a result, we develop hands and acquire independence.

Tab bowls

In the store you can buy a set of bowls that are nested in each other. Playing with them, the child learns to distinguish between big and small.

Putting peas in a jar

We take a pea with our fingers, put it in a jar, close the lid. Filling the container with peas is not suitable for very active children.

Groats game

In any containers you can play with cereals. To improve motor skills and sharpen tactile capabilities. You can pour several types of cereals and provide them to the child.

sand games

Buy kinetic sand, sprinkle it on a horizontal surface. Any child can easily be lured into this game. This substance is pleasant to the touch, does not smell, does not stick to hands, does not stain the table. If you have only ordinary sand, then you can draw on it.

finger games

You can use finger games from the Internet or books, as well as invent your own variations. Such classes undoubtedly train motor skills and entertain the child.

Non-traditional techniques for improving fine motor skills

There are also unpopular innovative ideas for training children's motor skills. Non-standard equipment for classes can be bought at the store or found at home.

Finger painting

For visual activity to bring a lot of pleasure and benefit, do not use brushes. The base can be either an album or an easel. The panel can be depicted on a sheet, whatman paper. Children make amazing pictures. Do not feel sorry for children's clothes, it is better to pay attention to creativity. There are special paints for fingers. You can create rainbow patterns and paths with your palm by painting each finger a different color.


It is noticed that children are amused by household clothespins. Give the task to attach them somewhere.

crafts with household clothespins


Preschoolers are great at mastering the technique of drawing with fingers using the dot method. Points are placed one after another until the desired pattern is obtained.

Applications with pieces of fabric

Original paintings are made when children create them using small pieces of fabric. To make a tool for creativity, we take a bag where we collect more multi-colored fabric scraps or threads. To create a picture, you need to stick this material on paper within certain contours.

applications by gluing into the contours in the drawing as many round or spherical elements as the number of dots will fall on the game die

soft books

You can buy practical and useful soft books, which present various textures. Such developing materials can be sewn and glued independently.


If you have a penchant for needlework, make a developmental pillow, where many fabric items, buttons, and beads that are interesting for research are sewn. The child will be happy to study it.

Spray painting and crayons

Apply the splatter technique or draw with chalk. The main thing is that the child has a desire to depict objects that are interesting to him.


In this technique, everything is simple, absolutely any paints are used and instead of a brush, objects are used to create an impression. As a basis, you can take leaves of trees or a piece of foam rubber.


Children like to blow paint through a straw, forming funny blots. You can create compositions from blots or just fantasize about what a blot looks like.


You can buy stencils or cut your own. Through stencils we draw all or only some objects of the future composition.


On sale there are small balls with a relief surface. You should definitely have these at home.


The children's sorter is selected by age and can look like a cube, a house or a typewriter. Insert shapes into their corresponding holes more often.

As your child grows, be sure to purchase fine motor kits that are designed specifically for children's creativity. There are kits for boys and girls with attached instructions. Create with children and the result will give you real pleasure.

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 2" of the Soligalichsky municipal district of the Kostroma region
The development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children
Filippova Elena Alekseevna, teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", 2013
Introduction…………………………………………………….. 3
Fine motor skills and its importance in human life.. 5
The role of the development of fine motor skills in the process
preparation for school………………………… 6
2. The content of the work on the development of fine motor skills in
2.1. Self-massage of the hand and fingers………………… 7
2.1.1. Su-jok massagers…………………………… 8
2.1.2. Children's play massage with musical
escort (E. and S. Zheleznov)……………… 9
2.1.3. Self-massage of the child's hands and fingers with the help of
improvised materials……………………………… 10
2.2. Finger games for the development of fine motor skills ... 11
2.3. Development of fine motor skills in everyday life…………………… 12
2.4. Finger theater for the development of fine motor skills
in children…………………………………………………… 15
2.5. Development of fine motor skills through drawing,
modeling, as well as non-traditional types of fine art
activities…………………………………………… 15
2.6. Graphic exercises for the development of small
motor skills………………………………………………… 17
Conclusion…………………………………………………… 19
List of used literature………………………… 20
The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the development of motor skills in preschool children allows you to form the coordination of finger movements, develop speech activity and prepare the child for school.
The higher the motor activity of the child, the better his speech develops. The relationship between general and speech motility has been studied and confirmed by the studies of many leading scientists, such as I.P. Pavlov, M.M. Koltsova, E. Isenina. When a child masters motor skills and abilities, coordination of movements develops. The formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech.
The development of subtle movements of the fingers is especially closely connected with the formation of speech. Why does a person who cannot find the right word to explain often help himself with gestures? And vice versa: why does a child who concentrates on writing and drawing help himself by involuntarily sticking out his tongue?
The well-known researcher of children's speech M.M. Koltsova writes: “Historically, in the course of the development of mankind, the movement of the fingers turned out to be closely related to the speech function.
Gestures were the first form of communication of primitive people, the role of the hand was especially great here. The development of the functions of the hand and speech in humans proceeded in parallel. Approximately the same course of development of the speech of the child. First, subtle movements of the fingers develop, then the articulation of syllables appears, all subsequent improvement of speech reactions is directly dependent on the degree of training of finger movements. Thus, “there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the projection of the hand is another speech area of ​​the brain.
Speech is improved under the influence of impulses from the hands, more precisely from the fingers. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech. A developed brain and an undeveloped hand is a completely natural phenomenon, given the modern lifestyle. But this should not plunge teachers and parents into a panic: the weak hand of a preschooler can and should be developed. During the exercises, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities.
The main thing is that these classes bring only positive emotions to children. The first failures will cause disappointment, and even irritation. Care must be taken to ensure that the child's activity is successful - this will reinforce his interest in games and activities.
Skillful fingers do not become immediately. The main thing is to remember the golden rule: games and exercises, finger warm-ups should be carried out systematically.
1.1 Fine motor skills and its importance in human life.
Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes. When applied to the motor skills of the hand and fingers, the term dexterity is often used.
The area of ​​fine motor skills includes a wide variety of movements: from primitive gestures, such as grasping objects, to very small movements, on which, for example, human handwriting depends.
Scientists have proven that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. Therefore, the development of a child's speech is inextricably linked with the development of fine motor skills.
The well-known teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that "the mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers."
Physiologist I.P. Pavlov wrote: "Hands teach the head, then the wiser head teaches the hands, and skillful hands again contribute to the development of the brain."
Organized hand actions are formed in a child gradually during the first six months of his life. Fingers, clenched into a fist, straighten. Begin to perform special movements of grabbing objects. The hand begins to act as a specific human organ.
The development of fine motor skills is important in several aspects that have determined the existing areas of scientific research:
- in connection with the development of cognitive abilities;
- in connection with the development of speech;
- development of own hand movements for the implementation of subject and instrumental actions, including writing.
The development of cognitive abilities in connection with the development of hand movements proceeds especially actively in infancy and early childhood due to the fact that the movements of the hand examining various objects are a condition for the child's knowledge of the objective world. “Direct practical contact with objects, actions with them lead to the discovery of more and more new properties of objects and relationships between them” (D.B. Elkonin).
The development of speech is closely related to the development of fine motor skills. If you carefully look at the picture of the brain, it becomes clear that the motor speech area is located next to the motor area, being part of it. About a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection is occupied by the projection of the hand, located close to the speech zone. The training of fine finger movements has a great influence on
development of active speech of the child. Conducted by M.M. Koltsova, L.F. Fomina, studies and observations have shown that the degree of development of finger movements coincides with the degree of development of speech in children. To determine the level of speech development with children of the first years of life, they conducted the following experiment: they asked the child to show one finger, two, three (“do it like this,” they showed how to do it). Children who can repeat isolated finger movements speak well. And, conversely, in poorly speaking children, the fingers are either tense and bend only all together, or, on the contrary, they are sluggish, wadded and do not make separate movements. Thus, until the movements of the fingers become free, it is not possible to achieve the development of speech in children.
In everyday life, every minute a person needs to perform some kind of fine motor activity: fastening buttons, manipulating small objects, writing, drawing, etc., therefore, his quality of life directly depends on its development.
1.2 The role of the development of fine motor skills in the process of preparing for schooling.
Full-fledged speech is an indispensable condition for the successful education of a child in school. Many articles have been written about the need for targeted work on the development of fine motor skills, a lot has been done and it has been proven that the development of the functional capabilities of the hands has a positive effect on the formation of children's speech, and on their intellectual development. The development of finger movements, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of a full-fledged speech. The child will learn to understand the meaning of what he heard and to catch the rhythm of speech, coordination, as well as cause and effect relationships. In the process of training individual components of manual motor skills (tone, strength, accuracy of movements), children improve the skills of controlling and planning a holistic action.
In addition, the development of fine motor skills is an important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling and plays an important role in mastering learning skills. The ability to make precise movements with the hand and fingers is simply necessary for mastering the letter. As N.A. wrote Bernstein: "Writing is the most complex psychomotor skill, the successful development of which relies on the coordinated interaction of all levels of organization of movements that have already reached the necessary development by the beginning of primary school age." Often, first-graders are not able to draw sufficiently clear and straight lines when sketching samples of geometric shapes, writing printed letters (the so-called “trembling line”), they are not able to accurately cut paper figures along the contour, many children have poor coordination of movements when running, jumping, general motor awkwardness and clumsiness. Even a normally developing child will not interfere with hand massage in the pre-verbal period, and finger games accompanied by poetry will not only develop fine motor skills and speech, but also the ability to listen. Therefore, when preparing a child for school, it is more important not to teach him to write, but to create conditions for the development of small muscles of the hands.
All these exercises bring three benefits to the child:
- firstly, the hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, the stiffness of the movements of the hand disappears, prepare for mastering the letter;
- secondly, they form his artistic taste, which is useful at any age;
- thirdly, it has been proven that the development of hands is associated with the development of speech and thinking of the child.
Therefore, in kindergarten, special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills. Usually, children of the preparatory group for school, who are preparing to master the most difficult skill - the skill of writing, experience an urgent need for this.
But work on the development of fine motor skills should be carried out starting from the younger preschool age. When performing many exercises, all children initially experience difficulties. But when classes are held regularly, a variety of techniques are used, this becomes a powerful means of increasing the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child's thinking.
All games for the development of fine motor skills are a set of exercises, which include: self-massage of the hand and fingers, exercises to relax the hand and fingers, tasks to hold the posture of the hand.
All exercises are carried out in the form of a game. Their complexity should be selected depending on the level of development of fine motor skills of the child's hands. It is necessary and useful to use games and exercises for training fingers in combination with the speech of children. Effective exercises for fine motor skills in combination with nursery rhymes. They are also very convenient to use as reminders for parents in the corners.
2. The content of the work on the development of fine motor skills.
2.1. Self-massage of the hand and fingers.
Game self-massage is recommended as a preliminary stage before active gymnastics for children with a low level of development of fine motor skills. It is a means of increasing immunity, tk. Nerve endings are located on the palms. This is a unique tactile gymnastics, thanks to which a powerful stream of impulses from muscles and joints enters the child's brain, information enters the speech, auditory, emotional and creative zones. Massage should not cause discomfort in the child. You can tell the baby that "we will warm the hands." It is advisable to use the following techniques: stroking, light rubbing, vibration. Massage movements are performed in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist. In addition, massage promotes a rush of blood to the nerve endings, which has a positive effect on the brain.
The use of self-massage, accompanied by easy-to-remember verses and in combination with surprise game moments, allows you to use them as relaxing fun moments of relaxation. In order for the future first grader to skillfully handle a pen, pencil, felt-tip pen, brush, it is necessary to develop the movements of his fingers, striving to ensure that they are free, confident, coordinated. With the child, you should perform exercises aimed at strengthening the mobility of the fingers, developing strength, and coordinating movements. All these are the main components of mastering the letter.
According to the speech therapist G.N. Makoveeva, “Hand massage with the help of a Su-Jok ball, springs, clothespins, chestnuts, cones, walnuts, a hexagonal pencil not only has a beneficial effect on the entire body, increases immunity, but also helps to solve corrective tasks: activates the brain, innervation of speech-motor analyzers, promotes the development of speech, attention, memory and fine motor skills of the hands, which are so necessary for the successful preparation of children for school.
The benefits of massage are undeniable and repeatedly proven in practice. Self-massage can be carried out not only individually, but also in direct educational activities with the entire group of children at the same time, as well as used repeatedly during the day, including it at various regime moments in a family and preschool institution.
Since concrete-figurative thinking prevails among preschoolers, poetic texts have been invented for many massages. Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that a specific image arises in the child. You should start with warming movements that make the muscles more supple, and the movements painless.
2.1.1.Use of Su-jok massagers.
Su-Jok acupuncture is the latest achievement of Oriental medicine. Each person can easily master the first stage of Su-Jok therapy and, without resorting to a doctor and medicines, help themselves and their loved ones. "Su" is the hand, "Jock" is the foot.
Recently, the general interest in non-traditional forms and means of working with children has increased significantly. Su-jok therapy, having high efficiency, safety and simplicity, is based on traditional acupuncture and is a fairly good system of self-healing. The use of su-jok massagers complete with metal rings helps to increase the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to a higher level of muscle motor activity and the opportunity for optimal targeted work with a child. Here are a few options for working with su-jok massagers:
Children alternately put on massage rings on each finger, pronouncing the poem of finger gymnastics, first on the right, then on the left hand.
The child puts the massager between the palms, at the same time pronouncing a poem to automate the disturbed sound.
Children work according to the instructions of an adult. Put the ring on the little finger of your right hand, etc. The child closes his eyes, the adult puts a ring on any of his fingers. Children name which hand and which finger the ring is on.
Speech therapist of the highest qualification category G.N. Makoveeva developed complexes of game self-massage of hands with the help of Su-jok massagers.
2.1.2. Children's game massage with musical accompaniment.
(Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznova).
Children really like poems and songs for play massage, they provide fun communication, relieve tension, teach kids to trust others and empathize. Game massage provides sensory development of younger and middle preschoolers. Children perceive the intonations of the voice, the content of the text, musical timbres and noises, the tempo and rhythms of music, etc. Thanks to massage, children begin to distinguish between parts of the body. In the group classes, children from 3-4 years old with great interest not only perform massage themselves, but also observe the massage of other children. During the massage, children perform a variety of movements with their fingers and hands, which develops large and fine motor skills well.
Play massage relieves stress in children. The blood supply to the skin improves, muscle tension decreases, breathing and heartbeat slow down. The child calms down and relaxes. Play massage has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Game massage contributes to the socialization of children, forms children's trust and attention to each other, develops patience and a sense of humor.
Play massage contributes to the development of children's imagination: a spider running on a tree and rain dripping on their backs, a ball jumping on the floor and a bear walking through the forest are equally bright, although they appear differently to children conducting and “receiving” play massage.
Play massage also contributes to the development of speech. Kids quickly memorize poems and songs, and movements illustrating the text contribute to expressive performance.
Movements to the music should be performed rhythmically and avoiding strong pressure or patting. At first, it is better to massage using appropriate objects - a brush, a rubber hedgehog, a foam rubber sponge, a toy car, pieces of cotton wool, paper leaves, etc., as well as soft toys in accordance with the text of the songs.
2.1.3. Self-massage of the child's hands and fingers with the help of improvised materials.
With great enthusiasm, preschoolers perform motor exercises using non-traditional material, because the tasks turn into an entertaining game.
Self-massage of fingertips with toothbrushes. You can rub your fingers without poetic accompaniment, or you can use various poems on topics. For example "Mushrooms". For each line of poetry, the children rub the pads of one finger.
Right hand: Small mushrooms crawled out on a bump (little finger) (ring finger) - milk mushrooms and pigs (middle finger), mushrooms, volnushki (index finger). Even a small stump (thumb).
Left hand: I could not hide my surprise (they rub their thumb). Honey mushrooms (index finger), slippery butterflies (middle finger) grew up. Pale grebes (ring finger) stood in a clearing (little finger).
Self-massage of palms with balls with fillers. You can massage each finger. The direction of massage movements is from the nail phalanx (pads) to the base of the finger.
Self-massage with a clothespin. (Check beforehand that the clothespin is not too tight). Children take a clothespin with three fingers, squeeze and unclench. Repeated squeezing and unclenching with the force of a clothespin gives an excellent workout to the fingertips of the right or left hand. Observing which hand the child works with is preferable, one can determine whether he is left-handed. The tendency to work with the left hand should not be corrected. The work of a child with both hands is welcome.
Alternately, we “bite” the nail phalanges (“pads”) from the index finger to the little finger and back to the stressed syllables of the poem:
Lariska has two radishes, Alyoshka has two potatoes,
And Vovka has two carrots, And Petka has two radishes.
Self-massage with walnuts.
“I roll a nut, I develop my hands” - we roll in a circular motion, we press each finger.
Roll between the palms, saying:
I roll my nut to make it rounder than everyone else.
I will learn to hold two nuts between my fingers.
This will help me write even letters at school.
Self-massage with a pencil. Roll the pencil between the palms, massaging them. Such a massage relieves tension, the edges of the pencil activate the nerve endings. “I roll the pencil in my hands, I twist it between my fingers. I will certainly teach each finger to be obedient.
Self-massage with ordinary paper. Such a massage will allow you to develop not only fine motor skills of the hands, but the thinking and imagination of children, to coordinate speech with movement, to consolidate the concepts of "right - left" hand.
(We take thick paper from the table and wrinkle it with both hands, as if we are making a snowball).
Self-massage with peas to activate speech and thinking, develop fine motor skills of the fingers and increase the immunity of children.
“I took peas to lay out the path. So that a bunny or a cat runs along it.
“Finger, finger, my good one, you press peas to the table, twist and roll and pass it to another.” (Pour peas into a plate. The child takes a pea with his fingers and holds it in his fist, as when picking berries. Then he takes the next one, then another and another, and so he picks up a whole handful. You can do it with both hands).
Self-massage of hands to activate speech and thinking, develop fine motor skills and increase immunity using the "Grass" mat.
Self-massage with spruce and pine cones. Rolling between the palms, clenching in a fist.
These game exercises are not only used to develop fine motor skills, they also develop children's ideas about the capabilities of their body, improve memory, attention, eliminate mental tension, restore a cheerful mood, and have a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system. Exercises are very exciting, emotional. They can be carried out in any class, in your free time. Individually, with a subgroup or with the whole group of children. It can be recommended to parents for classes with children at home.
2.2. Finger games and exercises.
Finger games are a very important part of the development of fine motor skills. These games are very emotional, exciting, captivate the child with their improvisation, spontaneity, theatricality, elements of surprise and suggest the presence of a situation of success. They contribute to the development of speech, creative and mental activity.
Finger games, as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities. During finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of their hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity. Children repeat the text after an adult, and they remember it faster, memory develops.
Training of finger movements can be given 1.5 - 2 minutes in morning exercises or 2 -3 minutes in direct educational activities in artistic creativity.
It is necessary to constantly monitor that there is no overdose. Exercises should be given in small portions, but do them with maximum load, with a large range of motion. Careless, relaxed exercise does not give the effect. Particular attention should be paid to training movements of increased complexity, that is, those that our fingers do not do in everyday life. It is this training of the fingers that gives a visible and quick effect.
Systematic work on training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on the development of speech, is a powerful means of increasing the efficiency of the cerebral cortex; children improve attention, memory, hearing, and vision.
The texts of finger games are composed in such a way that one episode contains as many finger movements as possible, and they are combined in meaning with the spoken verses. In order to maximize the effectiveness, you can first do simple finger movements - an image of everyday activities (washing hands, working with scissors, washing, sewing, etc.), then you can move on to imaginary playing musical instruments. After that, you can proceed to the modeling of objects, plants, animals. Movements are performed according to the pattern, performed with one hand, the other hand, then with both hands at the same time. Initially, the exercises should contain two to three finger figures, then their number may increase.
During games, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children, age, mood, desire and capabilities. The main thing is that the game should be fun. A very useful guide for the development of fine motor skills in children is “Finger Steps” by E.Yu. Timofeeva. These are fascinating tasks that not only prepare the child's hand for writing, but also develop his memory, attention, visual-spatial perception, imagination, observation, which, in turn, contributes to the development of speech. These exercises, offered to children in a playful way, are also important because in the process of work the baby has the opportunity of emotional communication with an adult.
2.3. Development of fine motor skills with the help of improvised materials.
The most important thing is that in order to play with a child, we do not need to buy anything special - we have everything at hand.
Counting, cotton swabs, buttons and acorns.
Playing with small objects (under the close supervision of adults), kids develop not only fine motor skills, but also spatial and figurative thinking, tactile sensitivity and their creative abilities.
Counting, cotton swabs, acorns and buttons can be used to lay out various patterns, both randomly and according to the scheme. Moreover, all these items can be combined in one picture. It is better to start with simple geometric shapes - a square, a triangle, a rhombus, a sun, gradually complicating the games. From matches and cotton buds, stars, hedgehogs, cars, Christmas trees, any shapes that have a lot of straight lines are good. First, the teacher lays out the drawing, because the baby needs to be interested. Then we gradually connect the child.
If the drawing is complex, you can first draw its diagram on paper. All these items are also successfully combined with wheels, ropes, caps. If you use colored paper and put them on glue, you get a wonderful applique. Buttons can perfectly replace balls, wheels, eyes, windows, Christmas toys in the picture. Also, counting sticks are quite suitable for crafts made from plasticine and acorns, they can be a fastening element for dogs, men, caterpillars.
Even the youngest children (3 years old) will find it useful to sort through the buttons - pulling them out of the box and folding them back. For greater security, you should put buttons of various colors and sizes on a rigid, strong fishing line. Such a toy can serve as a counting material and a visual aid for learning color, counting and size.
Jars, bottles, tubes, bubbles are also one of the favorite children's "toys". It is much more interesting to put everything in transparent jars - you can see everything. Small jars can be used to teach a child to pour cereals, pour liquids.
It is a great pleasure for the child to unscrew and twist the lids. For this purpose, we use a cleanly washed tube from under the cream, an unbreakable bottle. You can pour cereals (buckwheat, peas, millet) or seeds, or small nuts into a jar.
Cereals, salt. Ordinary croup hides a huge number of opportunities for the development of fine motor skills. Small grains and salt can be used for finger painting. To do this, pour the cereal on a tray in an even layer. First, an adult draws, showing samples. The main thing is to interest, captivate. Let's run a finger over the croup. It turns out a bright contrast line. Then we take the child's finger. Let him draw some chaotic lines himself. When the child gets comfortable, you can move on to drawing patterns. First, the teacher draws, then he tries it himself. You can draw anything you like: chaotic lines, houses, circles, fences, clouds, spirals, faces.
You can learn shapes, letters and numbers. Drawing is best done on the floor, on oilcloth, or on a table. Large cereals (buckwheat, peas, beans) can be used to lay out pictures, as well as from matches, buttons and cotton swabs. Accordingly, it is also suitable for applications. It is most interesting to pour the cereal in a transparent bowl.
Zippers, laces, ties, ropes, fasteners. We often buy developing toys, lacing, tablets, which consist of all kinds of zippers, fasteners, and ties, especially for training fine motor skills. But why buy if there are buckles on every belt and shoes, on shoes - laces, on clothes - buttons, hooks and zippers ... We show the purpose of these items on real clothes, teach self-service. Both girls and boys are happy to learn how to weave braids from ribbons, laces and ropes, tying and untying knots, fastening buckles. Exercises with these elements of clothing attract special attention of children.
In addition, children are very fond of trying on adult shoes on their own, as well as putting on hats, tying scarves - we give the child the opportunity to dress himself.
Paper, newspapers, magazines, foil - it can be cut out, it can be wrinkled, torn, paper can be used to make three-dimensional figures.
Towels, rags, bags. Here we again train tactile perception. After all, towels and rags from different fabrics can have a completely different structure.
The dough can be used instead of plasticine - a wonderful material for modeling! It wrinkles easily, gets less dirty, and there will be nothing to worry about if a child accidentally swallows a piece. A thin, rolled out layer of dough can be used as the basis for a picture from any material at hand - buttons, acorns, matches, cereals, ropes, threads, wire, seeds, twigs, etc. Kneading the dough is an exciting and useful activity.
Pompoms, balls. Pompoms are wonderful little balls! If you come off the hat - do not rush to throw it away. We come up with a lot of exciting games with them. You can use it just like a ball - throwing, catching, crushing such a pleasure. You can play "cups" with him. We take several identical cups, cover the pompom with one and swap the cups. Children are trying to find. You can roll from a smooth sloping surface, learn color and count from them. Interested in the club - great! You can also use in a children's game, failed technical devices (ordinary and cellular phones, calculators). Children like real objects much more than toys.
These are fun and exciting ways to ensure the development of fine motor skills in everyday life in an institution, which means an opportunity to avoid many unpleasant moments in a child's school life.
2.4. Finger theater for the development of fine motor skills in a child.
This is an excellent material for the development of imagination, thinking and speech in children. Finger theater promotes the development of fine motor skills. During the games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. With the help of this, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity.
Games with little characters allow you to stimulate speech activity, since all the warmth, originality, brightness, invested by the author in the figure, involves the child in a fairy-tale world, helping to remove various blocks. The game is a natural means of self-expression for the child, and the use of symbolic materials helps him to distance himself from problematic (difficult) situations.
Finger puppets, "coming to life" on the finger, will not let the child get bored, and will keep the company during a walk, visiting a clinic or on the road. Finger puppets will not take up much space and will help to entertain the baby.
The uniqueness of the finger theater lies in the fact that these are the author's handmade creations. Finger puppets are made with soul and carry creative energy that can be transferred to the one who holds them in their hands.
2.5. The development of fine motor skills through drawing, modeling, as well as non-traditional types of visual activity.
Coloring is one of the easiest activities. At the same time, it continues to be a means of developing the coordinated actions of the visual and motor analyzers and strengthening the motor apparatus of the writing hand. It is necessary to teach children to paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, evenly applying the desired color. In the process of drawing, children develop not only general ideas, creativity, an emotional attitude to reality deepens, but elementary graphic skills are formed, which are so necessary for the development of manual dexterity and mastery of writing. Drawing, children learn how to handle graphic material correctly and master various visual techniques, they develop small muscles of the hand. You can draw with black and colored pencils, felt-tip pen, chalk, watercolors, gouache. Drawing with different materials requires varying degrees of pressure in order to leave a mark on the paper from the writing object. This also contributes to the development of manual skill.
A good place to start is to use:
- stroke of flat figures. You can circle everything: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a flat toy, etc. Molds for making cookies or cakes are especially suitable for this purpose;
-drawing on reference points;
- finishing the second half of the drawing;
- drawing according to the model, without taking your hands off the paper.
Modeling from plasticine, clay and salt dough. You can make single parts or several at once and combine them into compositions. You can sculpt small details yourself, and the kid can assemble the finished composition.
- we mold sausages, rings, balls; we cut the plasticine sausage with a plastic knife into many small pieces, and then we stick the pieces together again. From each small piece we make a cake or a coin. (You can use a real coin or a flat toy to press down on the tortilla to get an imprint.)
- we glue jars, twigs, etc. with the obtained cakes. Laying out of plasticine of a given pattern with balls, sausages on plywood or a sheet of cardboard.
- gluing a glass bottle with plasticine and shaping it into a vase, teapot, etc.
- molding of geometric shapes, numbers, letters.
Visual activity using non-traditional techniques and materials contributes to the development of the child: fine motor skills and tactile perception; spatial orientation on a sheet of paper; eye and visual perception; attention and perseverance; visual skills and abilities; observation and aesthetic responsiveness. Children are happy to perform such tasks, because they can do it, and the guys see the result of their work immediately
The accessibility of using non-traditional techniques is determined by the age characteristics of preschoolers. Work in this direction should begin with such techniques as drawing with the palm of your hand, fingers, tearing off paper, and in older preschool age, these same techniques are complemented by an artistic image created using more complex ones: blotography, monotype. There are a great many non-traditional techniques of activity:
-print (cork, foam rubber, potato seals, eraser, leaves, etc.);
- watercolor + wax crayons, candle;
- black-and-white and color scratching;
- inkblotography with a tube, with a thread;
- spray;
- plasticineography;
- poke (hard brush, semi-dry, broom);
- watercolor crayons, sanguine;
-landscape monotype;
- drawing with multi-colored foam, cardboard;
- isolate; using a different base (paper, semolina, plexiglass).
2.6. Graphic exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children.
Graphic activity contributes to a better orientation in the two-dimensional space of a sheet of paper and prepares the child's hand for learning to write. It is important that graphic tasks have figurative and semantic significance. For this purpose, objects such as waves, rainbows, puffs of smoke, fish scales are selected for drawing. Here you can take the task of drawing the missing details of flowers and objects, tracing patterns, shading and coloring contour images, pictures in albums for coloring. A gradual transition to work according to a given scheme of action is envisaged, for example: "Draw waves, large and small, three large waves and three small ones." Then the work of drawing ornaments and labyrinths becomes more complicated. The child acquires the experience of graphic movements by performing various types of hatching, drawing, copying drawings, tracing contours with dots and dotted lines, drawing ornaments by cells. At the same time, the correct methods of action are taught: to draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without spaces, without leaving the contour.
Hatching. Tasks with hatching are performed on unlined paper. Help prepare the hand for writing. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important in the formation of handwriting. Hatching, as one of the easiest types of graphic activity, is also introduced to a large extent to help children learn the hygiene rules necessary for writing. Coloring drawings involves four types of hatching, which provide gradual development and strengthening of the small muscles of the hand, in developing coordination of movement.
Hatching types:
coloring with short frequent strokes;
coloring with small strokes with a return;
centric hatching (circular hatching from the center of the pattern);
hatching with long parallel lines.
Hatching rules:
Hatch only in the specified direction.
Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.
Keep the lines parallel.
Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm
When performing hatching, it is necessary to follow the rules: do not go beyond the contours of the figure, observe the parallelism of the lines and the distance between them (0.3 - 0.5 cm). It is recommended to hatch at first with short and frequent strokes, then to introduce centric hatching, and only at the last stage it is possible to hatch with long parallel segments. At the first attempts at hatching, the hand quickly gets tired, the children press the pencil hard, there is no coordination of the fingers, but the work itself is fascinating and the child comes back to her. According to the drawings, one can trace the improvement of the muscular apparatus. For hatching, you can use simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens and colored pens. To develop accuracy and confidence in hand movements, games are used in which children need to draw parallel lines in a certain direction:
Game "From house to house". The task of the child is to connect houses of the same color and shape with accurate straight lines. The child first draws a line with just a finger, choosing a direction, then with a felt-tip pen. Drawing lines, children accompany the actions with the words “From house to house”.
The game "All kinds of labyrinths." The child draws various labyrinths. Let "pass" over them with a pencil. So that the lesson does not get bored, it is best to explain what kind of labyrinth it is, where it leads, and who should go through it. (“This labyrinth is in the Snow Queen’s castle, it is made of ice. Gerda must pass through it without touching the walls, otherwise she will freeze.”)
Outlining any of the Montessori frames and inserts is good for hand development, but shading them is just as useful. Each figure should be hatched at a different angle of inclination and with varying degrees of line density. It’s good if the shading turns out to be of varying degrees of intensity: from pale, barely noticeable, to dark.
Grid hatching is also useful. In all cases, the child needs samples.
Ornament drawing. It develops motor dexterity well by drawing ornaments on sheets in a cage (graphic exercises), first with a simple pencil, then with colored ones. You can perform such exercises from 5 to 6 years. Children are interested in such drawing. When the child's hand gets a little stronger, the drawings in his performance become neater and more beautiful. There is no need to force the child to draw ornaments. Try to get him interested in this activity.
The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of the intellectual development of a preschooler. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory and attention, coherent speech. Teachers note that preschoolers with impaired fine motor skills often experience serious difficulties in mastering writing skills when they enter first grade. Writing is a complex skill involving the execution of fine, coordinated hand movements.
There are a lot of tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills. If desired, especially if you connect fantasy and imagination, you can invent them endlessly. And the main thing here is to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities. Skilful fingers will not immediately become. Games and exercises, finger warm-ups, carried out systematically from a very early age, help children to confidently hold a pencil and pen, braid their own pigtails and lace up shoes, build from small parts of the designer, sculpt from clay and plasticine, etc.
Thus, if the fingers of the hands develop, then the speech and thinking of the child will develop.
Work on the development of the child's hand should be carried out in close contact with the parents. This will help you achieve the desired result faster.
List of used literature.
Vorobieva L.V. Educational games for preschoolers. St. Petersburg, Publishing House "Litera", 2006.
Losev P., Plutaeva E. "Preschool education". Development of fine motor skills in children 5-7 years old. No. 3,5,6 2005.
Kalinina T.V. Finger games and exercises for children 2-7 years old. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2008.
Sinitsyna E. "Smart fingers" Moscow, publishing house "List", 1999.
Timofeeva E.Yu. Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills "St. Petersburg, publishing house" Korona-Vek ", 2007.
Stefanova N.L. The development of fine motor skills and speech in children 3-7 years old. diagnostic log. Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2011.

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined type No. 23 "Alyonushka"

Experience on the topic:

"The development of fine motor skills in preschool children"

Compiled by: educator of the first category Latysheva V.N.

With. Balakhonovskoe

Introduction ____________________________________________ 3

I. Theoretical part.

1.1. Relationship between intellectual development and motor skills. ____3

1.2. The value of games for the development of fine motor skills. _______4

II. Practical part.

2.1. Goals and objectives. Ways to solve them. _________________5

2.2. Methods and techniques. _____________________________6

2.3. Conditions for the development of fine motor skills. __________7

2.4. Creation of a subject-developing environment. ________7

2.5. The system of work on the development of fine motor skills. ____8

2.6. Games with objects. ____________________________9

2.7. Use of elements of activity. ________10

2.8. Development of graphic motor skills. _________________12

2.9. Interaction with parents. ___________________12

III. Conclusion.______________________________________________13

IV. References.__________________________________14


“Hands give a man a head,

then the wiser head teaches the hands,

and skillful hands again

promote brain development.

I.P. Pavlov

Parents and teachers are always concerned about the question of how to ensure the full development of the child at preschool age, how to properly prepare him for school.
The issue of developing fine motor skills in children is quite acute. This is repeatedly emphasized by teachers, psychologists and other specialists in the field of preschool education.

The relevance of the work on the development of fine motor skills of preschool children is due to age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children: at preschool age, the structures and functions of the child's brain develop intensively, which expands its capabilities in understanding the world around it. A person cannot develop a comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world without tactile-motor perception, since it underlies sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions about the shape, size of objects, their location in space are formed. To teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulation apparatus, but also to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Noveltyexperience consists in developing a system of work on the development of children's speech, in the selection of methods, techniques and means: finger games and gymnastics; exercises with cereals, legumes, seeds (application, laying out on plasticine, drawing on semolina); games with buttons (button-unbutton, lay out an ornament, string, etc.); classes with counting sticks, matches (performing tasks according to the scheme and without it); work with paper (application, crumpling and alignment of paper lumps, winding threads on them, working with stencils); exercises in notebooks in a box (hatching, graphic dictations); work with finely chopped thread (application); nitkography and in the development of summaries of these events.

Practical skills gained in the course of completing tasks for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, carried out in all types of activities, and technical skills acquired in manual skill classes will allow children to feel their success

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school, and it is in this area that preschoolers experience serious difficulties. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills must begin long before entering school, namely from a very early age.

perspective work in fine motor skills is an in-depth study of one of the areas of work. For example, working with paper in the technique of origami.

This type of art has a positive effect on the development of attention and the formation of memory: children memorize terms, techniques and methods of folding, as needed, reproduce the knowledge and skills stored in memory.

1. Theoretical part.

1.1. Relationship between intellectual development and motor skills.

At all stages of a child's life, hand movements play a crucial role. The most favorable period for the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of a person is from 3 to 9 years, when the cerebral cortex has not yet been fully formed.

It is at this age that it is necessary to develop memory, perception, thinking, attention.

Research by scientists from the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the APN (M.M. Koltsova, E.N. Isenina, L.V. Antakova-Fomina) confirmed the connection between intellectual development and motor skills.

We can once again be convinced of the uniqueness and wisdom of the experience of our ancestors. Long before scientists discovered the relationship between hands and speech, they invented and passed on from one generation to another folk rhymes: “Patty-cakes”, “Magpie-white-sided”, “Boy-finger”, etc. Systematic exercises for training finger movements, according to M .M. Koltsov, are a "powerful tool" to increase the efficiency of the brain.

All scientists who have studied the psyche of children also note the great stimulating effect of hand functions on the development of the brain.

Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech.

Understanding by teachers and parents of the significance and essence of modern diagnostics of hand motor skills and pedagogical correction will not only preserve the physical and mental health of the child, but also protect him from additional learning difficulties, help formulate writing skills.

fine motor skills - a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, in combination with the visual system in the performance of small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes. When applied to the motor skills of the hand and fingers, the term dexterity is often used.

The area of ​​fine motor skills includes a wide variety of movements: from primitive gestures, such as grasping objects, to very small movements, on which, for example, human handwriting depends.

1.2. The value of games for the development of fine motor skills.

Hand movements are the basis for the formation of self-service skills in children. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the important indicators of a child's readiness for schooling. The movements of the fingers affect the development of the motor function of speech and stimulate the development of other mental functions - thinking, memory, attention.

The function of the human hand is unique and universal. Sukhomlinsky wrote in his memoirs that “the mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers. The more skill in the child's hand, the smarter the child. It is the hands that teach the child accuracy, accuracy, clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, causing it to develop.

According to M.M. Koltsov, the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine finger movements: if the development of finger movements corresponds to the age of the child, then his speech development will be within the normal range; if the development of finger movements lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. MM. Koltsova notes that there is every reason to consider the hand as a "speech organ" - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of ​​the hand can be considered another speech area of ​​the brain.

According to the observations of researchers, the development of a child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient subtlety. The development of finger motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

It turns out that the majority of modern children have a general motor lag, especially in urban children. Remember, now even kindergartens are asked to bring Velcro shoes so that educators do not take the trouble to teach a child to tie shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and with them children, had to do more with their hands: sort out cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for every lesson.

The consequence of poor development of general motor skills, and in particular - hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. With a high degree of probability, we can conclude that if everything is not all right with speech, these are probably problems with motor skills.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers has a beneficial effect not only on the formation of speech and its functions, but also on the mental development of the child.

You need to start working on the development of fine motor skills from an early age. Already an infant, you can massage your fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At early and younger preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, etc.

Children love to wave their hands, clap their hands, play the "Magpie - white-sided", show the "horned goat". All these games are very useful, as they train the hand. Also in early childhood, games with cubes, pyramids, matryoshkas are useful. Later - with various types of constructors, for example, "Lego", when a child has to assemble and disassemble small parts, put together a whole from separate parts, and for this it is very important that the fingers obey and work well, thereby stimulating the baby's speech development.

Fine motor skills are developed by:

Various games with fingers, where it is necessary to perform certain movements in a certain sequence;

Games with small objects that are inconvenient to take in a pen (only under the supervision of adults);

Games where you need to take something or pull it out, squeeze - unclench, pour - pour,

Pour - pour, push into holes, etc .;

Drawing with a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush, etc.);

Fastening and unbuttoning zippers, buttons, dressing and undressing, etc.

Fine motor skills of the hands are also developed by physical exercises. These are various hangings and climbing (on a sports complex, along a ladder, etc.). Such exercises strengthen the palms and fingers of the baby, develop muscles. A kid who is allowed to climb and hang better masters exercises aimed directly at fine motor skills.

2. Practical part.

2.1. Goals and objectives. Ways to solve them.

The aim of the work was: development of fine motor skills in preschool children in interaction with the family in games, exercises and various types of productive activities .

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

- To improve the subject-developing environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem.

Train the fine movements of the fingers and hands of children.

Form coordination of movements.

To create conditions for the accumulation of practical motor experience by the child, the development of manual skills.

Contribute to the development of creative abilities.

Develop memory, mental activity, coherent speech.

Stimulate visual and auditory perception.

The work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children includes all types of educational and gaming activities in regime moments:

Morning gymnastics.

Independent activity.

Organized educational activities.

Direct educational activity.



Working with parents.

Individual work.

productive activity.

Problem solving tools: - Scientific and methodical literature.

Learning from best practices.

Diagnosis of children.

Games, exercises, tasks for the development of fine motor skills.

Subgroup and individual lessons.

Working with parents.

Estimated result :

1. Improved subject-developing environment;

2. Positive dynamics in the development of fine motor skills in each child.

The technology of experience includes the development of a long-term plan, class notes, work with teachers and parents of pupils.

2.2. Methods and techniques.

Properly selected teaching methods and techniques contribute to the development of fine motor skills in children. I use the following methods:

verbal method.

Verbal appeals of the educator to the children - explanations when looking at visual objects, stories about them, questions and other forms of speech serve to develop understanding of adult speech. Since at the stage of formation of speech development it is difficult to simultaneously perceive the display of objects, actions with them and speech information, the explanation should be extremely brief: every extra word distracts the baby from visual perception.

A visually effective method of teaching.

Children get acquainted with the objects around them through the visual-sensory accumulation of experience: they look, pick up, feel, act with them in one way or another. Taking into account this age peculiarity, I try to widely use visualization techniques: I show the object, I give the opportunity to touch it, to consider it.

practical method.

In order for knowledge to be assimilated, it is necessary to apply it in practice. After a general demonstration and explanation, I propose to perform, under direct supervision, a fragment of a didactic game separately for each child, providing differentiated assistance as necessary, and give single instructions.

game method.

Game methods and techniques occupy a large place in the education of young children. These include didactic games that raise their interest in the content of education, provide a connection between cognitive activity and the game that is characteristic of kids.

I often use game techniques, they help me a lot to interest children, to learn the material better and faster:

Various game exercises; playing a particular situation;

Using a surprise moment, receiving the unexpected appearance of toys, fairy-tale characters;

Solving small "problems" that arise with toys, fairy-tale characters.

When organizing children's games with objects, I adhere to two main principles:

1. Feasibility of requirements;

2. Gradual complication.

In other words, if for the smallest I use a visual demonstration, joint actions of parents with a child, then the older he gets, the more I encourage him to act on verbal instructions, on imagination. She thought over various options for classes using: literary characters, specially made panels, fairy tale plots, elements of a plot-didactic game, plot pictures, etc. Such forms of work allow me to achieve sustained attention and maintain interest in children.

2.3. Conditions for the development of fine motor skills.

To successfully solve these problems, I selected and studied the methodological literature on this topic: I.A. Ermakova "We develop fine motor skills in babies"; A.E. Belaya "Finger games for the development of fine motor skills"; as well as the monthly magazine Preschool Education. Learned and used electronic resources.

    Developed a long-term plan for the development of fine motor skills in all age groups;

    Created a work program

    Systematized games;

    Supplemented the subject-developing environment with non-standard didactic material;

    Designed a card index of finger games with poems.

2.4. Creation of a subject-developing environment.

I tried to create an environment surrounding children in such a way that it determined the direction of their activities and at the same time solved the task of developing fine motor skills.

The necessary subject-developing environment has been created in the group. Games and aids for the development of fine motor skills were purchased (pyramids, inserts of various types, multi-colored abacus, nesting dolls, mosaics, games with pencils, finger pools with various fillers, constructors; didactic games and manuals). Some of them were made independently with the help of parents.

The touch didactic table is part of the educational games center. The table is equipped with a slide for rolling balls, pyramids, multi-colored scores, a sliding track. I work at the didactic table with a small group of children and individually. Encouraging children to independent actions with didactic material, I observe their actions, if necessary, I provide assistance.

In the play area, children can play lacing games, mosaics, pyramids, chestnuts. There are laces hanging on the wall, from which you can weave pigtails and fasten them with bows. Lightning is available.

In the activity area: stencils, paper, pencils, coloring books. In the study area: counting sticks, notebooks with pencils. In the theater area: finger theater.

2.5. The system of work on the development of fine motor skills.

She began her work on the development of fine motor skills with children of the older group. They did not have self-care skills. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. At the beginning of her work, she conducted a diagnostic examination of the state of fine motor skills in children in order to identify the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills showed that 70% of children have a low level of development of fine motor skills, and 30% have an average level.

Given the importance of the problem of developing fine motor skills, I decided to conduct in-depth work with children in this direction, working in contact with parents.

For the greatest convenience, those types of game exercises that I use in working with children, I have divided into complexes:

1. Finger games.

2. Games with objects.

3. The use of elements of activity in the development of fine motor skills.

4. Development of graphic motor skills.

5. Didactic games.

I begin my acquaintance with fine motor skills games with the study of body parts, namely the hands (the games “Here are my hands”, “This finger ...”, “Fist, rib, palm”, “Hare - goat”, etc.). Then I offer the children games of a more complex nature: with the left or right hand (“Fingers say hello”, “Fist-ring”, etc.) and only then do we master games with two hands (“Clicks”, “Claws”, “Scissors”, "Castle", "Sunshine", etc.). I attach great importance to the game as a means of creating an emotional upsurge, positive emotions and joy.

A good tool for the development of fine motor skills are finger games.

Finger games are a cultural heritage. Very often they use Russian folk nursery rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters, rhymes that are easy to put on your fingers. Finger games are very exciting, they contribute to the development of speech, the ability to control their movements, develop imagination, activate motor skills of the hands. Finger games are a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

In the "Finger Games" complex, I included the following types of game exercises:

Finger gymnastics

When doing gymnastics, I try to use all my fingers. At first, I pronounce the poem clearly, then simultaneously with the movement of the hands, and then together with the children. In the process of work, I change the tempo, rhythm, intonation, volume. It helps to develop children's speech, coordinate movement, develop a sense of rhythm.

Physical education minutes .

The best option for the development of fine motor skills is the use of physical education minutes. Physical education minutes, as an element of physical activity, I offer children to switch to another type of activity, relieve the load associated with sitting.

Finger steps.

These exercises are aimed at developing coordination of movements of the hands and fingers. They are interesting not only for their content, but also for the opportunity to experiment, fantasize, come up with new options. I use the manual "Finger Steps" by E. I. Chernov, E. Yu. Timofeeva. It presents options for working for the left and right hand.

I use visual material at all stages of work on the study of movements, as well as the creation of game situations. For example, while playing, children fantasize, depict fairy-tale characters from colored sand, draw them on the sand or small grits with a finger and a stick, trace paths made of sandpaper or fur with their fingers, construct from hands, lay them out from sticks, threads, fruits, mosaics ...

2.6. Games with objects.

Games with additional materials - such as: clothespins, ropes, balls, balls, nuts, paper clips, rollers, threads and others increase the interest of children, attention becomes more stable, and therefore I achieve results in the development of fine motor skills faster.

I use chestnuts and walnuts to roll my palm on a table or other surface, as well as between my palms. Such an activity is an additional massage of the palms and an improvement in the coordination of hand movements. I also use nuts for shifting and holding them between my fingers. Such training perfectly develops the mobility of the fingers, improves fine motor skills.

She offered to help the child collect the beads. He took the beads, lowered them into a box with a small hole. Then they learned to string beads on a string. Over time, the children strung the beads in a certain order, alternating them in shape, color or size.

In the game "Magic Bag" the child develops visual attention and memory and his ability to recognize objects by touch. I put one of two identical sets of small toys in a bag. Toys from the same set are shown to the child one by one. He must select the same toy from the bag by touch.

Wooden nesting dolls are an excellent tool for developing a child's manual skills and his thinking. Mosaic, constructor, different pictures - an invaluable material for the development of attention, thinking of a child - contribute to the intensive development of finger movements.

Taught children simple ball games. For example, to hit the target with a ball (into a toy). Or roll a ball (bead) on the table: push with your right hand, catch with your left hand. Hold the ball with your thumb and forefinger, thumb and middle finger, etc. Hold the ball with one bent finger.

The group has a set of counting sticks for each child. Children make various figures from them. I accompany the games with poems, riddles, thereby the child develops auditory perception. I use these exercises in mathematics, design classes, as well as in my free time. When performing exercises, the child develops fine motor skills, counts sticks, invents figures himself, thereby developing imagination.

Currently, educational toy stores have a sufficient assortment of various lacing games. They perfectly develop fine motor skills, besides, thanks to them, children master the everyday practical skill of lacing shoes. Along with store-bought lacing game patterns, I use homemade patterns. For example, from a piece of cardboard I cut out some object familiar to the child (an apple, a leaf, etc.) and make holes along the contour using a hole punch. Children put shoelaces through these holes. You can also lace one object to another (for example, a hedgehog carries an apple).

I also noticed another type of work with laces - this is weaving. The fact is that weaving is a very exciting process that contributes to the development of attention, memory, observation, quick wits, a sense of rhythm in children, develops an eye and coordination of finger movements. In my group, at a level accessible to children, colored laces are hung (three pieces on one mount). Children are free to approach and engage in weaving braids.

Mosaic games are another effective way to develop fine motor skills, intelligence and creativity of the child. This game is suitable for children of all ages. The main thing is to pay attention to the size of the chips. For younger preschool children, I choose a mosaic with large chips; for older children, you can use small chips.

Another way to develop fine motor skills that I and the children like is fastening and unfastening various fasteners, buttons, buttons, zippers. This method affects the training of fingers, improves manual dexterity. Basically, I use this type of game when preparing and returning from a walk. In our free time, the children and I learn how to use lightning, the number of which corresponds to the number of children.

During play activities, you can also develop fine motor skills. She offered the children to launch small tops with their fingers, roll pebbles, small beads, balls in turn with each finger. This makes the children happy.

The successful development of fine motor skills of the fingers occurs in various types of visual activity - modeling, drawing, application, design. Classes in these activities contribute to the development of perception, a sense of color.

2.7. Use of elements of activity.

Art activities are of great importance in the development of the child. They not only form children's ideas about the world around them, develop creative abilities, aesthetic perception, consolidate children's knowledge of sensory standards, develop attention, thinking, but also develop motor skills of the hands.

One of the ways to improve finger motor skills is the nitkography method. Nitkography - laying out contour images of various objects with a thick thread, that is, "drawing with a thread." "Drawings" are voluminous and lively. In addition, working with soft and fluffy thread soothes children. In the preparatory group, work was done on the topics: "Winter", "Autumn", "Birch", etc.

Children are attracted by the opportunity to make paper crafts that can be used in games, dramatizations - this is origami. In the senior and preparatory groups, I used origami paper work. These activities can awaken children's imagination, memory, spatial thinking, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Revitalizes a flat and living leaf, turning it into flowers, animals, birds. The subject of origami is very diverse and goes from simple to complex. We did the work "Bunny", "Boat", "Glass", "Tulip", "Airplane", the collective work "Swans", "Dragonflies", greeting cards for the holidays.

When working with paper, scissors, glue, I taught children how to use materials and tools correctly, tried to instill practical skills and abilities. The ability to hold a brush in your hands is a great way to develop fine motor skills. During applique classes, I teach the child to use scissors and glue. Based on the results of such classes, one can assess how developed fine motor skills and finger movements in a child are. Such activities as modeling from clay and plasticine are interesting and effective.

A special role in the development of manual skills is played by the ability to confidently use scissors. Constant exercises: cutting, appliqué, as well as cutting out various figures from old postcards, pictures - a useful and exciting activity for future students.

Starting with the younger group, she offered the children to draw with their fingers. One finger was dipped in yellow paint. On the other handle, the left "play" white, orange, green paint. It turned out to be a fun, unusual, even magical palette. Children as a gift to their mother drew a whole string of bright, elegant beads. In this way, we drew on a wide variety of topics: “Autumn Day”, “Who ran along the path”, “Merry Lotto”, “Rowan Branch”, “New Year Tree”, etc. They played the figurative game “Traces of animals” The child voices the animal and tries to convey the character of the animal’s gait with rhythmic finger movements.

In the senior, preparatory group, needlework plays a special role in the development of fine motor movements: embroidery, sewing, knitting. Accuracy and coordination of movements develop in a child in the process of sewing on buttons. Further, the task becomes more complicated and it is proposed to sew on a button with a smaller diameter and with four holes.

We learned how to sew on buttons, made button appliqués, and made simple soft toys.

In my work with children on the development of fine motor skills, I assigned a significant place to exercises with small balls. To do this, I used several types of balls: different in size, material and color, in texture, structure and functional significance.

At first, mastering actions with small balls presented significant difficulties for children. To acquire the skills of playing with balls, constant exercises are required. However, as a rule, after 8-10 repetitions, the baby loses interest in movement. In this case, I introduced various elements as an animating process of the game - clapping hands, turning the body. I will give examples of some exercises, of various directions.

1. Throw the ball up and catch (one, two hands).

2. Throw the ball up with one hand, catch with the other.

3. Exercises in throwing and catching balls in pairs (in turn, simultaneously).

4. Exercises in juggling with two balls (both hands participate).

5. Exercises in juggling with two objects (one hand participates).

By the age of five, the possibility of accurate, arbitrarily directed movements increases, so children perform tasks that require sufficient accuracy and coordination of hand movements.

Accuracy and dexterity of finger movements are acquired by children in the exciting activity "Make beads". Children cut rectangular sheets of paper into triangles, each of them is twisted in the form of a bead, its end is glued. Finished beads are strung on a thread. All work on the manufacture of beads requires sensory-motor coordination, accuracy, perseverance.

2.8. Development of graphic motor skills.

In the senior and preparatory groups, in addition to finger gymnastics, I used graphic exercises that promote the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, visual perception and attention. Performing graphic exercises at preschool age is very important for the successful mastery of writing.

A special place here is occupied by hatching, stenciling with pencils. For shading, I used coloring books, stencils of various subjects. When performing hatching, the following tasks are solved: the development of small muscles of the fingers and hands, the eye develops. Performing graphic exercises and shading help prepare the hand for writing. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by ease and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained, tense. Correctly observing graphic proportions, writing smoothly and symmetrically is important for developing a beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not to break the lines

Drawing by cells according to auditory perception.

Taking into account the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the features of auditory and visual perception, the classes were carried out in a notebook in a large cell. The cage provides great opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and elementary graphic writing skills, since drawing by cells requires small and precise movements, and also develops the ability to navigate in space.

I used such techniques as working with stencils, the contour of the object (circle the picture, connect by dots); drawing (according to the principle of symmetry); magic patterns, mazes .

2.9. Interaction with parents.

It is known that not a single task of raising and developing a child can be solved without the participation of parents. At the beginning of the year, she held a parent meeting with parents on the topic: “The development of fine motor skills in preschool children”, introduced the content and the need for the development of fine motor skills in children, and proposed to work in three directions:

Special games - exercises for the development of small finger movements;

Teaching the ability to purposefully control movements in everyday situations, to acquire self-service skills;

Formation of fine motor skills using various board and finger games.

In addition, a consultation was held with parents on the topic: "The influence of finger gymnastics on the mental development of children."

"Games with clothespins", games "While mom is in the kitchen", "Development of fine motor skills or a few ideas on what to do with a child."

Purpose: to bring to parents the importance of games for the development of fine motor skills. Parents must understand that in order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, not back down if the tasks seem difficult. Don't forget to praise your child.

Parents purchased sets for games, participated in the design of the subject-developing environment of the group, namely in the production of didactic material and manuals.

To interest moms and dads, I prepared information on the topic and placed it in the parent's corner under the heading "What can I do with children at home", For example: "Making toys together", "Games with sand and water at home", "Educational games in the kitchen" and etc. For parents, this topic turned out to be very interesting, they studied the material presented, received advice, took an active part in joint crafts with their children, participated in competitions, brought various materials for games, manuals for the development of fine motor skills, worked with children at home. I invited parents to participate in various events, quizzes, entertainment, and also arranged open days where they could visit any educational activity or regime moment and see how and what the children are doing.

4. Conclusion.
Exercises for the development of fine motor skills bring triple benefits to the child: the hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, the stiffness of hand movements disappears, they prepare for mastering writing; form his artistic taste, which is useful at any age and, thirdly, it is proved that the development of hands is associated with the development of speech and thinking of the child.

Working on the development of fine motor skills in children, you can achieve certain results. According to my observations, the coordination of the articulatory apparatus improves in children, the overall coordination of movements improves. Performing various exercises with fingers, children achieve a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which has a beneficial effect on the development of speech. The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, and this further facilitates the acquisition of writing skills. Systematic work in this direction has made it possible to achieve the following positive results: children have become more attentive, diligent, communicate more with the teacher and peers, the vocabulary of words has replenished, the hand acquires good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, pressure changes, which further helps children easily master the skill of writing.

In perspective :

Continue to look for new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, general motor skills, independence, which will form interest in various activities;

Exploring the topic « Working with paper in the origami technique for the development of fine motor skills of the hand in children ”and putting it into practice.

Analysis of the work carried out.

Work done on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children:

1. Improved the state of development of fine motor skills.

2. Children's speech has become more expressive and intelligible, more intoned, children tell poems and nursery rhymes more expressively, rhythmically.

3. Improved sound pronunciation.

4. Children have become more sociable.

5. Significant changes can be observed in the art activities classes.

6. Purposeful work to improve the movements of the fingers is very useful for preparing the hand for writing.

The effectiveness of experience.

The analysis of the work done showed that systematic and systematic work on this problem, as well as the use of game techniques, effectively helps to develop fine motor skills and has a beneficial effect on the development of coherent speech and leads them to the successful mastery of writing. The presented system of work is aimed not only at mastering the skill of writing, but also at the formation of educational activities in the future. Based on the use of games, tasks, exercises, preschoolers develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination, vocabulary expands, learning skills are acquired.


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    Novotortseva N. Learning to write. Literacy education in kindergarten. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 1998

    The development of fine motor skills of hands in children 5-7 years old. Journal "Preschool education" №3, 2005

    Exercises for the correct development of fine motor skills of the hands. Journal "Preschool education" №9, 1998

10. Tsvyntary V. We play with fingers and develop speech. S.-P., Lan, 1996

11. Anischenkova E. S. "Finger gymnastics", ed. AST, 2007

12. Dolzhenko G. I. "100 origami" Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 2000

13. Lykova I. "Invention in kindergarten" Moscow, "Sfera shopping center", 2004

14. Povarchenkova Z. M., Malysheva A. N. "Application in kindergarten" Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 2010

15. Svetlova I. "We develop fine motor skills" EXMO-Press, 2001.

16. Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. "Finger steps" St. Petersburg, "Crown", 2007.

17. Agapova I. Davydova M. Finger games for the development of speech M. LLC IKTC "Lada", 2011-200 p.

18. Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands. Games and exercises. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 64 p. (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).

19. Lifits E.A. Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills. Complex lessons. Practical guide / E.A. Lifits, I.V. Lifits. - M .: Iris - press, 2010.- 160s. – (Preschool education and development).

Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands in older preschoolers

The development of fine motor skills of the hands plays an important role in the overall development of preschoolers, allows you to form the coordination of finger movements, develops speech activity, prepares the child for school, and develops creative abilities. I bring to your attention a number of simple, but useful and exciting exercises that can complement the games of preschoolers. This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, speech therapists, parents of preschool children.
1. Beads
What is necessary: dyed pasta, long string.
How we play: we string pasta on a string, you can offer a certain alternation of pasta colors.

2. Exercise with tweezers
Target: develop the accuracy of movements, consolidate knowledge of colors.
What is necessary: tweezers, small "buttons" (I made them from moisture-absorbing napkins for the kitchen using a hole punch), a few small bowls.
How we play: using tweezers, lay out the “buttons” by color in different bowls (shapes).

3. Exercises with clothespins
Target: develop accuracy of movements, attention.
What is necessary: box, clothespins, a set of paired pictures.
Stick pictures on the edge of the box and on clothespins.

How we play: take a clothespin with any picture, find the same picture on the box, attach a clothespin to the edge of the box.

4. Tracks
Target: develop the accuracy of movements, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
What is necessary: cardboard sheet, natural material (small pebbles, shells, beans, peas), small buttons.
How we play: on a sheet of cardboard we lay out winding paths with a material of choice.

5. Laying out along the contour
Target: develop precision movements.
What is necessary: a set of sheets with a contour image of objects, colored paper clips, buttons, natural material (shells, small stones, beans).
How we play: offer to choose a figure, lay out a figure along a given contour using the selected material, you can offer to “paint over” the figure.

6. Painting from beads
Target: develop the accuracy of movements, creative imagination.
What is necessary: a sheet of cardboard, a set of colored beads.
How we play: On a sheet of cardboard, lay out the drawing as desired.

7. Twisting tapes
Target: develop precision movements.
What is necessary: attached long satin ribbons with a small stick glued to the end (for example, from ice cream)
How we play: suggest twisting the ribbons from one end to the other.

8. Openwork pattern
Target: develop precision movements.
What is necessary: a toothpick or skewer, a sheet with a simple pattern drawn, a letter, a number, or a template figure cut out of cardboard, a fabric folded in several layers.
How we play: put a sheet with a pattern on a fabric folded in several layers, the child pierces holes along the contour of the pattern with a toothpick or skewer, at the end of the work, look at the pattern in the light.

9. Feed the bird
Target: develop precision movements.
What is necessary: a cardboard box with a pasted drawing of a bird, make a small hole near the beak; a handful of wheat, beans, peas.
How we play: throw one seed into the hole.

Non-traditional methods for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children



1. Equipment subject

2. Games and exercises on development of fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Little known


Non-traditional methods for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) education in a preschool educational institution is considered not as a preliminary stage before studying at school, but as an independent important period in a child's life, as an important milestone on the path of lifelong education in a person's life.

Problem the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age is reflected in"Federal state standard preschool education". Presented in milestones at completion stage preschool education"The child has fine motor skills developed» Problem development of manual skills and fine motor skills hands is also important for personal development of the child. Possessing the hand, the child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent from an adult, which contributes to the formation of his initiative in various types of children's activities.

New educational programs for preschool educational institutions are aimed, first of all, at a comprehensive development child on the basis of special, specific activities inherent in preschoolers. That is, in practice, we have received a more playful and versatile approach that welcomes the maximum exploitation of innovative and active methods pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at revealing the own potential of each child. Dictating pedagogy is finally completely obsolete and will be replaced by more modern pedagogy development, pedagogy of creativity and freedom.

small(thin) motility hand is the ability to perform precise coordinated actions with fingers and hands. Skills fine motor skills necessary not only in everyday life, they have a great influence on the learning process of the child. That is why, when diagnosing readiness for school, much attention is paid to how developed fine motor skills of preschoolers.

In everyday life, we have to perform actions every minute. fine motor skills: fasten buttons, tie shoelaces, hold cutlery. Skills fine motor skills important in teaching writing and drawing: from degree development of these skills will in particular, depend on a person's handwriting. Besides, the development of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of speech, since the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for these functions are located very close to each other.

Exactly at preschool age for the development of fine motor skills special attention should be paid attention: by the time the child goes to school, his motor skills must be developed at a sufficient level, otherwise schooling will be difficult for him.

Working with children preschool age I am facing such problems children how weak hand development, poor memorization of color, shape, violation hand motility, such children the slowness of performing movements prevails, stiffness is observed. When performing tasks, the child begins to act up, his mood worsens.

Realizing the importance of this problem, I set myself target: develop fine motor skills preschool children through various activities, through didactic games and toys. The group created the necessary subject - development environment, purchased games and manuals for development of fine motor skills, many are handmade.


Development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements preschool children through various activities, improving the conditions for .


Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

Improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

Improve overall physical activity;

Contribute to the normalization of speech function;

- develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.


At the early stage of life, fine motor skills reflect, How child develops, testifies about his intellectual abilities. Children with bad developed manual motor skills they awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and applique, which are loved by other children, they do not keep up with the guys in the classroom.

Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world by children are impoverished. Children often feel inadequate in elementary activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Level over time development creates school difficulties.

And, of course, in preschool age work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should be an important part development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. How deftly a child learns to control his fingers depends on his further development. development. Along with the development of fine motor skills develop memory, attention, and vocabulary.

2. Equipment subject developing space for the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children

In our group, the space is equipped with objects - developing environment for the development of fine motor skills of hands is:

An art activity corner where children can independently sculpt, draw, developing creativity, imagination, independence and fine motor skills of the hands.

Lacing toys

The simplest laces are designed for children aged one to three years. In a playful way, development of fine motor skills of the hands, and, consequently, the phased preparation of the child for writing. Lacing allows you to come up with many games. This is directly lacing, and the ability to use elements "lacing" in role-playing games or learn primary colors. Lacing games are designed with a purpose fine motor skills development, perseverance and eye. During the game, coordination of movements and flexibility of the hands are improved.

cubes; various wooden pyramids; constructor- develop fine motor skills, contribute to the design that develops finger dexterity and the ability to navigate in space; jigsaw puzzles - collecting colorful pictures, kid develops not only fine motor skills but also attentiveness, intelligence, logical thinking, coordination of the work of the eyes and hands; cubes - sorters - the child learns to select figures in shape and insert them into the appropriate holes. Thanks to such activities, the baby develops fine motor skills of fingers, and also gets acquainted with various geometric shapes and various colors; mosaic-promotes development of fine motor skills, ingenuity and creative abilities of the child; beans and peas fine motor skills of the hands.

In educational activities for development of fine motor skills I use:

Plasticine, with the help of plasticine, the child expresses himself not only creatively, but also develops flexibility and mobility of their fingers, which, in turn, improves speech;

Bean drawing. On a piece of cardboard, the child draws a simple image, for example, a little man. After that, he applies glue on the lines from the pencil and sticks the beans. Working with such small objects like beans trains the muscles of the hand and fingers.

Mosaic - I prepare thin strips of colored paper in advance. The child tears them with his hands small pieces and lays out a mosaic from them, having previously smeared them with glue. This exercise is especially suitable for children who do not yet know how to use scissors.

Colored semolina

Have the child draw a simple outline drawing on a piece of paper and smear it with glue. After that, grabbing the croup with your fingers, fill in the drawing with it. Let the glue dry. At the end, you need to shake off the excess grits from the picture.

Modeling from clay and plasticine.

Drawing or coloring pictures

Making paper crafts. For example, cutting out geometric shapes with scissors, drawing up patterns, making applications. The child needs to be able to use scissors and glue.

Making crafts from natural material: cones, acorns, straw and other available materials. Except development of fine motor skills of hands, these activities also develop imagination, a child's fantasy.

Non-traditional drawing techniques: brush, finger, toothbrush, candle, etc.

In our free time, in the evenings we play with children V:

Seed sorting (requires sorting different types of seeds with tweezers); transfusion of liquids and not only (it is better to start with "transfusion" of seeds, for example, peas. After that, you can learn to "transfer" sand, and only then water); fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks (good training for fingers, dexterity and fine motor skills develop); tying and untying ribbons, shoelaces, knots on a rope (each such movement has a huge impact on development of fine motor skills of the child's hands); twisting and unrolling jar lids, bubbles, etc. (also improves development of fine motor skills and dexterity of the child's fingers); my kids favorite game "Dry pool". The child dips his hand into multi-colored containers from chocolate eggs and by touch looks for a toy hidden by me. The found toy brings great joy to the child. The use of such a manual is multifunctional, it is a mosaic and objects - substitutes in the game.

For example, chocolate egg containers make good Montessori-style rattles - pedagogy. To do this, you need to take an even number of identical kinder - boxes, fill them in pairs with different bulk products of different caliber: semolina, rice, peas, beans, large nuts (hazelnut) or chestnuts. The task of the child is to find two containers with the same sound.

Start work on development of fine motor skills needed from the earliest age. Take a bright tray. In a thin, even layer, scatter any small groats. Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line.

important work on development manual skills are finger games, they are emotional, understandable, accessible and very captivating children.

These games help speech development, creative activity and health promotion.

I have created a cumulative folder of finger games, trying to select exercises based on advanced planning of educational activities, according to seasonality and with a wide variety of finger movements. I conduct finger gymnastics not only in educational activities, but also in sensitive moments, on a walk.

For example, the well-known game for kids "Magpie-crow cooked porridge.", there is an example of massaging the palms of a child. Exactly "Magpie Crow" with its circular movements on the palm affects digestion, and gentle pressure on the fingertips stimulates speech development. It is also interesting that much attention is paid to the little finger, and this is also not without reason. The little finger is supposed to be massaged more thoroughly than others, since it is believed that the points responsible for the heart, liver and kidneys are located on the little finger. Finger games and palms, which are accompanied by poems, have a positive effect on speech development, rhythm development in a child. It is important to play all games both on the right hand and on the left.

For children such games remain good fun. During the game, children easily memorized movements and verses.

And of course the game "Rock Paper Scissors" which came to us from China. Children from the age of four perfectly understand the rules of the game and play it with pleasure. It is worth noting that this game is the most beloved for many children.

Words: rock Paper Scissors. Tsu-e-fa.

On the last words, a palm is thrown out, which shows a certain sign. Rock will dull scissors, scissors will cut paper, and paper will wrap rock. Demonstrate to the child how this happens so that he does not get confused.

3. Games and exercises on development of fine motor skills of the hands.

I created games and exercises for development of fine motor skills of the hands, which are very popular in our group and children play with great pleasure.

A game "tactile bag"

I prepared the same caps, their number should be even. You can take caps from juice boxes or plastic bottles, drinking yogurt.

As a tactile material, I used sandpaper, carpet, fabric with different textures (velveteen, denim, tapestry, fur, knitted fabric, leather, mosquito net, etc. According to the size of the covers, I cut out two circles of each material and put the circles into lids smeared with glue.I sewed a beautiful bag of dense fabric.

Rules of the game: put several pairs of caps in the bag (you can start with two pairs, gradually increasing their number).

The child recognizes by touch what is glued in the lid, and pulls out the same glued lids.

Pipette exercise

For this exercise, you will need a pipette and small containers for pouring liquid. Suction with a pipette of water. Develops small finger movements and improves overall hand motility.

Exercise with tweezers

Children put beads, peas, buttons into the container with tweezers.

Sorting small items

Sort by color, shape, size small items e.g. beads, buttons.

Pompoms and tongs

It is required to fold the pom-poms into a bottle with tongs.

Doll clothes on clothespins

Hanging out doll clothes and scraps of fabric on a string with clothespins is also a great exercise for development of fine motor skills. This type of activity is popular not only among girls, but also among boys.

Box with clothespins

Clothespins can be attached not only to a string, but also to a cardboard box. For these purposes, I used a shoe box. To make this exercise more interesting and useful, I cut out geometric shapes from cardboard and attach clothespins to them.

Hole Punch Exercise

It is necessary to cut out some figure from cardboard, and then make holes along the edge of this figure with a hole punch. Now you need to take a colored lace or ribbon and thread it through the holes.

Cocktail tubes

Cut into small pieces of multi-colored plastic tubules for a cocktail. The exercise consists in stringing these pieces on a string in a certain sequence.

Dear colleagues, I introduced you to the most famous forms and methods of work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children. But for my work, I have identified a few more unconventional and little-known method which I will now tell you about.

4. Little known non-traditional methods for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

TO non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills of the hands include: massage with a Su-jok ball, Kuznetsov applicator or Lyapko needle mats (Acupuncture, button therapy.

unconventional material provides ample opportunities for training small hand muscles in various activities of a playful nature.

Between continuous educational activities, I spend dynamic pauses with a massager "Su-Jok".

The Su-Jok massager is a unique tactile gymnastics that has a total effect on the cerebral cortex, which protects its individual zones from overwork, evenly distributing the load on the brain. Game self-massage with a massager is carried out in the form of 5-minute exercises between the main parts of the lesson (dynamic pauses).

Finger and hand relaxation exercises hands:

“Let's stroke the kitten” - smooth movements illustrating the corresponding action are performed first with one hand, then with the other. (3-5 times).

"Bunny" - and. p .: the hand rests on the elbow; straighten up and get divorced to the sides of the index and middle fingers, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

"Ring" - and. n. the same; the thumb and forefinger are connected in a ring, the remaining fingers are straightened and parted to the side.

Approximate exercises using the Su-Jok massager:

Rectilinear movements of the prickly ball:

- On the back and palmar side of the hand (first ask the child to depict the sun, spreading the fingers of the massaging hand). The direction of movement is from the fingertips to the wrist joint.

Circular movements along palms:

- First with one hand;

Then the other hand.

Spiral movements:

- On the back and palmar surfaces of the hand with the pads of two to five fingers (From fingertips to wrist).

Zigzag movements:

- On the palms of both hands (you can use the game image in communication with children: draw the child's attention to what the hand resembles tree: the forearm is the trunk, and the hand with spread fingers is the crown).

Weak tingle of all fingers:

– Pads of one hand;

- Pads of the other hand


Term "Acupuncture" literally means treatment with needles. Acupuncture with children is carried out using the Kuznetsov applicator - a needle-shaped therapeutic and prophylactic massager, which is designed as a prefabricated structure, the simplest element of which is a module, which is a plastic plate with a working needle-like surface.

Needle technique massage: in a playful way, I suggest that the child put his hands on the applicator. Moreover, such a game should contain tasks in which the child touches the needle in different ways. masseur: then complete palm, then with one finger, then barely, then with considerable effort.

You can also diversify activity:

Offer to walk along the path;

Look for individual modules in a dry pool, in sand, water containers,

Use as chips in board games, tokens in competitions;

To consolidate knowledge of color, counting, prepositional case constructions, to divide words, syllables and sounds, laying out diagrams on the table from massager modules, play checkers.

Button therapy.

Any teacher knows: in order to win the trust of a child, one must have something secret and inaccessible to him in ordinary life. And so subject in our group became an ordinary button.

A wide variety of buttons allows us to use them for corrective and developing games to familiarize and reinforce concepts such as color, shape, size. Practicing with buttons, baby develops coordination of movements, achieving precise execution; develops perseverance and arbitrariness of mental processes, develops auditory, visual and kinesthetic channels of perception, since the exercises are performed in mode: hear, see, do.

Button therapy is easy to use, manipulations with buttons do not form dust, do not cause allergies, do not get dirty, they cannot be cut or pricked. Buttons are easy to clean, handled like all plastic toys in a children's institution, and you won't have to look for a button washing assistant for a long time, you won't have to beg.

Here are some examples of button games.

Raising buttons.

Using two fingers of different hands, shift the buttons from the box to the table, while all pairs of the same fingers of both hands must participate in the process (in order).

Complication: combine in pairs different fingers of both hands, for example, a pair - the index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand. game on time: who will collect more buttons in a certain time?

Grow, finger!

With the thumb we move the button along the phalanx of the finger from the nail to the palm and back, forcing "grow" every finger.

Complication: exercise with both hands at the same time.

Who is faster?

Place the button on the child's index finger. The task of his comrade will be to shift the button to his finger without the use of others. The one who dropped the item loses. If enough kids, you can divide them into teams and arrange competitions.

Pass the button.

Pass the button from hand to hand in a circle.

Complication: Change the way the button is sent.

Pick a button.

Pick up a button in size and color to the corresponding place in the picture - template.


Cryotherapy literally means cold treatment. But in our case, the positive effect is not so much the cold as the contrast of temperatures, i.e. exposure to cold and heat alternately on the hands, contrast therapy.

Cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation. Normalizes muscle tone, contractility small muscles of the hand increases. All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the implementation of clear differentiated movements, respectively. develops motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex and, as a result, improves the process speech development. Cryotherapy does not require special equipment. Pieces of ice are needed, which are prepared in advance. Carrying out cryotherapy with children has its contraindications and its methodology.


You can not carry out cryotherapy for children with episyndrome;

Carefully use cryotherapy with long-term and frequently ill children.

Cryotherapy is carried out in three stages.

1. Cryocontrast. Children take pieces of ice from a bowl and sort through them for 10-15 seconds. Then they warm up their hands, this is done in a basin of warm water or on plastic bottles of hot water. Dip your hands in the ice again. Cryocontrast is carried out three times. Then dry your hands with a towel.

This work can be diversified by adding aroma oil and color to the ice.

2. Finger gymnastics (mainly for stretching muscles).

3. Development tactile sensitivity:

Hand massage with cones, Su-Jok balls, brushes, stroking objects of different textures.

Methods for the development of fine motor skills - cryotherapy, acupuncture and button therapy have made it possible to achieve certain results:

Children are easier to learn and independently perform complex finger exercises and their combinations;

At children develop more easily visual and graphic skills;

- develop attention and memory which are closely related to speech development;

Increasing interest children for classes with a speech therapist, psychologist.

In addition, both of these methods initially have a medical focus. And this means that the positive effect of their use is confirmed not only in the process of pedagogical observation, but also in the process of various medical studies.

I presented to your attention a very small part of the games that I use in my work.

I work to improve sensory perception and hand development on a walk. These are, of course, games with sand and snow. The guys like to draw with a stick in the sand, but also put prints palms, depicting flowers or butterflies. Draw animal tracks, roads, the world that the child sees with his own eyes. It is varied, interesting and instructive.


Thus, developing fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements preschool children through various activities, improving the conditions for development of fine motor skills of the fingers of preschool children I have achieved the following results: improved coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm; fine motor skills of fingers, hands; improved imagination development, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity; created an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.