How to feel the energy of a person - manifestations of energy of various directions. How to feel the energy in your body

How to determine the energy of a person?

Greetings friends!

The topic of human energy itself is very interesting, but at the same time very voluminous. In this blog, I will gradually spread everything that I know on this issue. And I'll start with relationships.

The thing is that most of us live "in the mind". We imagine in our mind how we look in the eyes of other people. We think about what others think of us. And it is important for us what they say about us. And since we are constantly in the mind, our ability to feel has completely atrophied. But it is the ability to feel that allows us to determine whether we are in a good place or a bad one. Are we talking to a good person, or a bad one?

The thing is that the ability to feel a person (a place, a situation) is based on the ability to feel energy and determine energies of various qualities.

No matter how hard the manipulator tries to powder our brains, he will never be able to change his energy. Therefore, knowing how to determine the energy of a person is a very important practical quality in modern life. And many would give a lot to master this skill.

How to feel the energy of a person

The main law of any esoteric sciences says that for success it is necessary to learn to be able to hear your heart - that is, to have good intuition. And my method is related specifically to the development of intuition.

In a situation where you need to determine whether a good person or a bad person is in front of you, do this. Remember the person who loves you. I'm sure everyone in life has such a person. And remember the inner feeling that you experience in his presence.

Then remember the person who doesn't love you. And remember that inner feeling that you experience in the presence of a person who does not love you.

And after that, try to internally tune in with the person whose energy you want to determine. Your task is to determine how you feel in the presence of this person. Determine what, according to internal sensations, his energy is closer to - to a person who loves you, or to a person who does not love you. Or perhaps the human energy is neutral?

The main thing at the same time is to turn off your brains - to remove from your mind all value judgments about how you look, what others will think about you, etc. You must be in an absolutely neutral inner state, in the state of an observer. In such as if you are just watching a movie, or a play.

Try leading questions to determine what the stranger likes and what not - and when you receive these questions, tune in with the person, trying to feel his inner state.

Then look into the eyes of your stranger. And try to determine what kind of eyes he has - warm, cold, neutral? Of course, facial expressions, a smile or soft speech can be confusing. Therefore, it is important to learn to feel the energy, and also try to read the eyes.

Causes of the phenomena of the material world - the movement of energy-information processes

The true causes of diseases are not viruses and microbes, not bad ecology and not life's hardships. The true reasons are in violation of the flow of energy flows in the human body. This means that in order to get rid of these causes and, accordingly, of the diseases themselves, one must first of all learn to feel these energy flows. After all, only by learning to feel them, you can learn to manage them.

As a matter of fact, we all do not need to learn this - we just need to remember how it is done. After all, we have already said that the ability to perceive the energy-information field is given to every person from birth. It's just that society displaces the field from the sphere of our perception, and a person<забывает>about their true natural properties as an energy being.

You, too, can right now remember your natural abilities and begin to feel energy signals in space. You must do it. Make sure it's that easy. Your sensations always capture the full set of signals, but before that you were not aware of this and did not attach any importance to the signals. Now it's time for you to start noticing what you passed by indifferently every day.

To introduce a person into the state of perception of the energy-informational world, there are quite a few systems that allow the student to master one or another aspect of the perceived reality. But all of them are shrouded in mystery, complex and take a very long time. When developing DEIR, we deliberately abandoned them, because we found another way, following which any person, regardless of his personal development, will master the conscious perception of the energy-informational world quickly and without difficulty.

Feelings within oneself: perception of one's own energy structure. Movements of the etheric body and its sensations

A person brought up in a materialistic society is not accustomed to fixing those of his sensations that, as it were, lie outside the sphere of the material. And even more so, he is not used to correlating his feelings with the reality of the energy-information world. Meanwhile, the energy-information field is constantly knocking at us, present in all its manifestations, literally crawling out of all the cracks, just waiting for our attention. No wonder: after all, the field is something that permeates the whole world through and through, all its objects and phenomena, all living and non-living objects. The field is what permeates all space.

You will need to go through an initiation to feel how it manifests itself in every moment of our lives. This is the same basic skill as the ability to walk, talk, hold objects in your hands.

Step 1. Feeling your etheric body

Stand straight and calm, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Now slowly and feelingly raise your outstretched right arm to the side so that it is parallel to the floor. Lower your hand as slowly and thoughtfully. Do this movement several times. At the same time, try to fully concentrate on the movement of the hand and feel every bone, every muscle fiber, every cell. Lower your hand and, continuing to stand motionless (hands down, along the body), repeat the same movement mentally. Call up in yourself the same sensations that you experienced during the actual movement of the hand - here the hand rises, now it reaches a position parallel to the floor, now it slowly lowers: Although the material hand is motionless and the action is only imaginary, you will be amazed at how clearly feeling of a moving hand.

Rice. 24. Eyes see that the hand is motionless - but you somehow feel how its ethereal cast is moving.

Well, how did it work? Congratulations! You have just made a conscious movement of your<тонкого>bodies! Which is nothing but your energy-informational<двойник>penetrating every cell of the physical body. It was the etheric body that endowed the physical body with consciousness. But it is also capable of independent movement.

What you have done, despite all its apparent simplicity, is no less important than the first step that a baby takes when he has just begun to learn to walk. You are just learning too.<ходить>in the energy information world. And how many discoveries you have yet to come!

Now let's complicate the exercise a little. Stretch your hand (material, belonging to the physical body) forward, straight in front of you, for example, in the direction of the opposite wall (if you are in a room) or the nearest tree, pillar, building (if you are on the street, for example, in a summer cottage). And now feel that your hand is stretched forward a meter, two, three - as much as it takes to reach the wall (tree, pole, building). Feel it - how your hand is extended. Here it stretches out, stretches out, now it already reaches its goal - the subject that you have outlined for yourself. Here she is touching the item. Isn't it a unique feeling? Here, under your fingers, you clearly feel a smoothly painted cool wall, or warm, rough tree bark heated in the sun, or<занозистую>, uneven, cracked wood of the pillar: But your material hand of bones and muscles is several meters away to really feel it all.

Rice. 25. Unlike the material hand, the ethereal body is easily elongated.

Do you want me to reveal a secret? You have already done all this many times, even though you don’t remember it now. You did it unconsciously when you were a baby and lay in a cradle. And, of course, it was impossible for you to reach out with a weak little hand to the wall, ceiling, cabinet or table. And you explored the world around you like this, at a distance, with the help of your energy, which you then knew how to control very easily.

And then you grew up and forgot these feelings, because you didn't develop them - after all, no one taught you this and no one told you anything about it. You just forgot about what you once knew. But now it is very easy for you to remember these skills of yours, because this is for you -<хорошо забытое старое>.

Step 2. Changing the size of your etheric body

Now you will learn to deal with the same sensations more freely, to deepen and expand them. Treat it like a fun game. Of course, you are an adult and serious person, and no one doubts this. But even in the most adult and serious person, his inner child always lives. This child is able to play, he is responsible for the creative perception of the world in you. And even if you forgot about him in the bustle, if you drove him somewhere deep, deep, into the most hidden corners of your soul, you can remember him, bring him back to life again, and he, delighted that at last about him remembered, will lead you to a new life, to new discoveries, to new sensations. Only what you are doing is really far from a game. This is more than serious.

So, you have already felt objects with the elongated hand of the etheric body. And now you have to get used to similar sensations - but now you are working with the whole body at once. Take a relaxed posture - sitting, standing or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. Now feel the boundaries of your body begin to slowly expand. You become bigger and bigger and bigger - and now your body has become as big as a house. Your body has filled the entire space of the house where you live. Well, how did you feel like a giant, a giant, Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians? Now start decreasing slowly. Decreasing, decreasing - now they have already decreased to the size of a grape.

Be a little grape, look around, feel what big objects surround you. And then be sure to return to your normal size. Otherwise, you will forget to do this, come to work, keeping your ethereal body tiny, and then you will be surprised: and that no one notices me, everyone pushes me, pinches me in the door? People subconsciously react to the size of each other's etheric body, and this is an important component of their behavioral reactions (for example, city dwellers have a more modest size of the etheric body and, accordingly, auras compared to rural residents. Therefore, for example, Muscovites annoy Leningraders, who have a comfortable distance between the interlocutors there are fifteen centimeters more than theirs, the Leningraders are villagers, accustomed to staying a meter and a half apart from each other, and, say, the Japanese climbs into the face of the interlocutor and is able to cause an attack of claustrophobia even in a sprat in a tomato).

If you suddenly forget to get out of the size of the house, then it is possible that many people around you, when they see you, will press their heads into their shoulders, suppressed by your size. Remember, this is not a game. Psychologically, you have the right to play, like every person, even if he is quite an adult. Give free rein to your imagination. Play, fantasize, experiment. But remember that you are now playing with the real world.

Rice. 26. You can enlarge your etheric body as you please.

Rice. 27. You can shrink the etheric body as much as you like.

In principle, changing the size of the etheric body can already be useful to you: for example, when negotiating or in a serious tough conversation, increasing the size of the etheric body will help you significantly - you can give extra weight to your words and increase your influence on others. Reducing the size of the etheric body can help you avoid unnecessary meetings and get lost in the crowd. However, I can assure you that by the end of our course you will no longer need such cheap tricks.

Well, woke up your childish imagination? But children do this sort of thing all the time. Because they feel the possibilities of the energy-informational field much better than adults - as long as, of course, they are not yet as strongly influenced by the attitudes of society as adults.

Go ahead. You are back to your normal size. Now move in space a few meters from your current location. For example, you are standing in the center of the room. Without moving, feel how you take a step, another, a third - and now you are already standing in the corner of the room. And you, standing in the corner of the room in your invisible ethereal body, look at your physical body in the center of the room. Now return to yourself.

And now mentally leave your body again, you can move away, walk around the apartment, go into the next room: And all this without moving.

Rice. 28. The etheric body can move independently of the physical body.

Really amazing feeling? And if you think that you walked around your apartment only in your thoughts and imagination, then you are mistaken. You moved around the apartment in your subtle body. This is reality.

What you have just done is often referred to by psychics as traveling in the lower astral plane. The lower astral, as the name itself says, is one of the lower and coarsest layers of the energy-informational field, but it is already less coarse than the material world where our physical body lives. The next layers of the energy-information field, higher in relation to the astral, are more and more thin energy layers.

It must be said that most of the energy connections between people in modern human society are concentrated precisely in the lower astral plane.

Step 3. Feeling energy-informational changes in space

Sit on a chair in an empty room, relax. It is not necessary to close your eyes. You already know how to grow to the size of a house, you have gained this experience. Imagine that the boundaries of your sense of touch grow to the size of a room. The boundaries of the room are the boundaries of your body. Feel your oneness with the room. Feel like air filling it. And the air, and the walls, and the ceiling, and the floor - it's all inside you, it's all part of your body. Or vice versa: your body is now made of air, of the light that fills the room, of its walls, floor and ceiling.

Rice. 29. You can enlarge your etheric body so as to completely fill the room and feel its space.

Now imagine that the door to your room opens. Feel the difference in sensations that your body picks up - the difference between indoors and outdoors. Now imagine that a person has entered the room. Again, feel the difference. Isn't it true that the sensations are somewhat different now? It is not surprising, because the energy-information structure of your room has changed. Return to the feeling of an empty room again. Incredible difference, right?

Return again to your ordinary perception, to the ordinary boundaries of the body. The sensations that you have now experienced are at first glance very subtle and barely perceptible. They are so vague for the ordinary perception of a materialistically educated person that no language even has a name for these sensations. This is not touch, not smell and not sight: What? Some kind of elusive<шестое чувство>. And at the same time, these sensations are quite recognizable and distinguishable, and the consciousness easily recognizes them.

Thanks to the experience gained with the help of these exercises, you felt how the energy of space at the level of the lower astral contacts with the internal energy of a person, with his sensitive sphere. It is at this level that extraneous programs are very often introduced into the subconscious of a person, into his energy sphere.

So, you have successfully completed all these easy tasks. And this means that now you have the basic skill necessary to regain the normal circulation of energy and the correct, undistorted perception of the world.

The sensations of this class are very useful - they will help you merge with the surrounding space and feel the slightest changes in it. It is these sensations that underlie the sense of danger observed in representatives of wild tribes and predatory animals.

The perception of the lower astral is only the first, the simplest step on the way to learning the perception of the energy-information field. In the lower astral plane, as you have already understood, our imagination moves easily, which most often includes only a channel of visual information. In your imagination, you can walk through the forest, sit in the theater, swim in the sea, go on dates - and not guess that at this very time your subtle body is moving along with your imagination. It is no coincidence that we can so easily imagine a picture of a spring forest at any moment, even if we are sitting in our own city apartment, and it is winter outside the window. Or, being in the forest, we can imagine a noisy city street. And see all this before your inner eye as if in reality.

It is in the world of the lower astral that we find ourselves in a dream. There we travel in our subtle bodies and meet fellow travelers. Most people cannot travel there in reality, again, because our perception is distorted by upbringing and we believe that this is simply impossible.

But you, unlike an ordinary person, have already begun to see little by little and find out what the world really is. If you continue on this path, you will gradually rise higher and higher, your perception will extend farther and farther from the lower astral plane to the highest levels of the energy-information field that are inherent in you by nature.

The field can not only be felt, but also seen

Ninety percent of all information about the world around a person receives through the organ of vision - the eyes. But a person uses vision mainly only to see objects and phenomena of the material world. But with the help of vision, one can also see the ethereal structures that make up the lowest layers of the energy of the subtle world and man as part of this world. Make sure that you too can see the etheric bodies, and for this you do not have to fall into a deep meditative trance, into religious ecstasy, or torture yourself for years with fasting and an ascetic lifestyle.

Step 4. Visual perception of the aura

In the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed or just being in any position convenient for you - but preferably in the twilight, stretch your hand in front of you so that your hand is against the background of the ceiling. Spread your fingers and look in the direction of the hand, but try so that your gaze does not fall on the fingers themselves, but passes, as it were, through them and rests on the ceiling. Try to perceive the space directly in front of your fingertips. Concentrate on this space and look still for a while. But look not at him, but through him - at the ceiling. After a while, you will notice some change in the space around the fingers. Each person may have their own change. Someone will see something remotely resembling colorless rays coming from the fingers, someone will appear as if whitish clots of fog, someone's space near the fingers will subtly change color, become darker or lighter:

Rice. 30. Aura of the fingers - as if colorless rays of energy break from the fingertips. They still look a little like a haze of hot air over asphalt on a sunny day.

Try moving your fingers a little and<поиграть>these rays or specks. This is nothing but your own ethereal body, which you can now see with your own eyes. Try to lengthen the etheric body of your hand and you will see how<лучики>stretch out.

Just do not try to explain everything with an optical illusion. This society, in the person of your educators and parents, has been deceiving you since childhood, saying:<Тебе показалось>- you just need to see something unusual. And your educators and parents have been deceived in the same way since childhood, so you should not be offended by them. They themselves stopped paying attention to all sorts of incomprehensible sensations that every person has in life - because they also believed that they<показалось>. Indeed, for many years in society, an opinion has formed that if a person notices something inexplicable from the point of view of a stupid layman, it means that he imagined it.

So now you are quite ready to treat your feelings more carefully. You yourself can now confirm: what you just saw, you did not imagine, did not imagine. What you have seen is a reality, because the etheric body exists in reality, although most people have unlearned to see it. But it is worth seeing him once, as doubts will disappear.

When you clearly see the etheric body of your hand, try to reach it (namely, the etheric body, not the physical hand!) to your other hand. Touch it with your ethereal hand. The sensations will be quite clear - after all, you have already learned how to touch objects with an imaginary hand. Here you touched your hand with an ethereal finger. Here they stroked her with an ethereal palm. Here we made an ethereal handshake with ourselves.

Is it really breathtaking? The hand seems to be motionless, and you feel all its touches! And the contact of the etheric body of the fingers is felt precisely when they touch<лучики>coming from them.

If you train properly, you will very soon learn to see not only the etheric body, but also the aura of any person, including more subtle energy layers. Look at the space around the heads of passers-by and you will see a transparent aura crown. And for this you do not need any Kirlian effect. You will be able to see the size and color of the aura, its shape and thickness.

Rice. 31. The head of any person, like a crown or halo, is surrounded by a clearly distinguishable aura.

And by the color, shape and thickness of the aura, one can already judge whether a person is sick or healthy, whether he has evil eyes and damage. For example, if you notice some rarefaction of a part of the aura in a person, then this person suffers from the evil eye, and if there is an ugly or compact dark formation in his energy shell, then your object has damage. Seeing the aura will allow you to detect such unpleasant phenomena as programming, vampirism, and even a curse. But more on that later.

Step 4a. Visual perception of radiation (optional).

The eyes are a unique tool. And if you want to once again test their capabilities, try as an experiment, for example, to feel warmth with your eyes. Look first at the ceiling and then at the hot kettle. Do it again and again. Clear difference, right? If the hand can perceive the heat of a burning match at a distance of no more than one meter, then the eye can catch even a single photon. The eye is a hypersensitive creation of nature. That is why he can easily register etheric bodies, aura, and bioenergetic radiation in general. It is only necessary that the person himself be ready to perceive these subtle signals. Remember?<Имеющий глаза да увидит:>. And you did what is considered in principle impossible for a person -<увидели>infrared radiation!

So, once again, congratulations! Your perception has already stepped far beyond the level available to an ordinary person downtrodden by society. Perception returns literally before our eyes. Soon you will no longer be able to do without these sensations - because the stepwise evolution, DEIR, is irreversible.

Perception of energy flows outside the body

Energy flows are everywhere. We have already said that the energy-informational field permeates the whole world, which means that it can be felt at any point in space and time. You will be amazed at how simple it is.

Now you will learn to feel the energy structures with the help of the receptors of your physical body in order to further learn how to contact directly with the energy structures of consciousness, as well as interact with other energy entities.

Step 5. Tactile perception of one's own energy shell

Sit in a chair in a comfortable, relaxed, relaxed position. Place your hands in front of you on your knees with an edge - so that the palms look at each other and are parallel to each other. There should be a distance of 20-25 centimeters between the palms. Now start breathing slowly, measuredly and deeply (inhale - exhale). In time with the breaths, begin to slowly move your palms, while focusing on the sensations between the palms. You can imagine that between them you are holding a half-deflated balloon. Focus fully on how the skin of your palms feels.

As the distance between the palms decreases, you will feel some resistance - as if you really have a balloon in your hands. Feel like<шарик>does not let your hands go further? How does your palms clearly feel its elastic surface?

Rejoice in your feelings, enjoy them - because you have never experienced anything like this before!

Rice. 32. This is the easiest way to feel the field of your hand.

Now put your hands back on your knees and do the same with your imaginary hands - in the astral plane. After all, you already know what it is, and you know how to move in the astral plane. Isn't it true that the sensations are the same as with the movement of real, physical hands?

What happened now is very important. For the first time you felt your own energy sheath. The energy shell is a continuation of the etheric body into the external environment. The outer part of the energy shell is called the aura. It is at this level that hard energy and emotional charges usually break through into our body. If this shell is damaged, the person will get sick. If there are thickenings and growths on it, this indicates that an alien energy structure has implanted into the shell. Mastering these sensations can help you both in diagnosing diseases of the physical body (however, you are unlikely to need this, because you can use the self-healing methods outlined in this and subsequent books), and in identifying energy-informational lesions. But do not rush to use them to treat and diagnose other people - it is better to help them master the methods of treatment on their own.

Step 6. Tactile perception of the energy shell of another person

Now that you have learned to feel your own ethereal sheath, you can learn to feel it in other people as well. By passing your hand over the body of another person, you will feel the same elasticity that was between your palms from an imaginary ball.

But for starters, it doesn’t hurt you to experiment a little more with your body. Swipe your hand over your lower leg, over your thigh. Make sure that there is some resistance, that you feel the field with your hand - the hand feels its elasticity. Maybe other sensations will appear in the hand - for example, warmth or a feeling as if thousands of needles prick the palm slightly. Feelings in the hand can be very different, this is a deeply individual matter. The main thing is that you feel exactly how your hand reacts to the field, what it feels at the same time, and try to remember your feelings.

Now modify the exercise - press the field of the hand on the field of the thigh, without moving the hand itself. Feel the field of the arm lengthen and apply pressure. At the same time, you will feel a slight warmth and heaviness in the thigh, a feeling of pressure. And now feel that the field of your arm is contracting, retracting - and in the thigh there will be a feeling of coolness and lightness, as if the pressure had been released. Repeat this exercise until the sensations become completely clear and reliable.

Rice. 33. You will feel two layers of the field - outer, loose, this is actually the ethereal body, and dense inner - this is the field of body cells. If the cells are still alive, then the inner layer is preserved.

Carefully examine the field of another person (or the field of your body). You will notice that it has two clearly distinguishable layers - the outer, more loose, and the inner, denser. The inner layer is the total field structure of the cells of the body, while the outer one is already the structure of the etheric body itself. The actual structures of consciousness are not perceptible, because they do not have a clear boundary and extend extremely far. But even two layers can be used to diagnose: with paralysis, for example, and other disorders of nerve conduction, the outer layer becomes thinner and even disappears, and with inflammation, a dense inner layer grows.

So, you have just learned to direct the flows of energy at will. When you pressed the field of your hand on the thigh, you gave the thigh energy, and when you reduced the field of your hand, you borrowed part of the energy structure of the thigh.

There was an exchange of biological energy, which usually occurs at this level. This is how energy massage is carried out, this is how potholes and breakdowns in the energy shell that appear as a result of the evil eye are smoothed out. This is all done with the help of the energy that the hand gives.

And the property of the hand to take energy can be used to relieve pain and inflammation. But - attention! - I strongly recommend that you refrain from such manipulations with someone else's bioenergy for the time being. In order to put this knowledge into practice, you must first learn how to put protection on your energy, and you still don’t know how to do this. And without protection, any impact on someone else's field is dangerous - after all, along with someone else's energy, it is easy to pick up other people's diseases and other people's problems.

So you got acquainted with the principles of energy healing. And now you can understand that healers are not some kind of celestials and superhumans at all, they are people like you, they just started to understand their nature and the true structure of the world a little earlier. But in the human community, even such a simple technique as relieving a headache with the help of a hand is still perceived as a miracle and something out of the ordinary. In fact, everything is elementary: a headache can very often be caused by a bunch of negative energy stuck in the energy shell of a person in the head area. This negative energy can be either someone else's or one's own, left behind by one's own negative thoughts. The healer, with the help of his hand, sort of sucks out this negative clot, like a piston. And the head stops hurting without any pills.

But people do not know such simple things and grab the pills first - as if the pill can remove the negative energy that caused the headache. No, chemical drugs only anesthetize tissues, eliminate symptoms. And the negative energy at the same time remains in the field, ready to continue its destructive impact. Now you understand how absurd the treatment with pills is? Anyone who is treated in this way perceives the world in an absurd, inverted form, begins to unwind the ball of his illnesses from the opposite end. But this way you can pull the thread for a long time and unsuccessfully, not realizing that you need to start from the other end - not from the consequence of the pathology that has arisen, which is pain, but from the cause of this pathology, which lies in the field of energy.

The energy effects that you just learned about are the so-called power energy work with the energy structures of the human body. These energy structures are our muscles in the energy-informational world, a world forgotten by humanity, which has gone the wrong way in its development. And since humanity has forgotten its energy-informational essence, then its energy muscles have atrophied. And if there are no muscles, where is the strength?

But you - you personally, my dear reader and student, have already begun the path to regaining your lost power. You have already mastered the skills of elementary field<зарядки>- learned to feel the energy and move in their energy body, learned to see the ethereal body and even apply force in the energy-information fields, influencing the body with the help of energy.

Be happy for yourself, but do not rush to become proud. This is only the beginning of the journey, only the very first steps, only<детский лепет>in the world of energy information structures. The main thing is still ahead of you. After all, you still do not know the basics of managing the main energy flow of the human body. Namely, this stream is the foundation on which we will learn to build a bright and beautiful building of our health, good luck, prosperity and eternal life.

(According to the book by D. Verishchagin "Liberation".

To be continued).


How to feel the energy

The first and most important step is to learn to feel the energy. The feeling of energy is a wonderful feeling, it should be in your solar plexus, in your head, your eyes, skin should feel it, you should hear it. Everything, every object has its own set of metaphysical energy, every stone, every drop of air.

Go outside on a windy day, unbutton your coat, feel the breeze. Feel how your mood changes, it changes - you feel the energy of the wind. Your mood may rise - the wind is your element; you can think about something - you are close to this element; if the wind is not pleasant to you and you feel a slight trembling, turn to fire or earth. Did everything happen as described? So you have a sense of energy! You must develop it, learn to feel sharper! Look for energy everywhere, in a houseplant, in warming sunlight, in a candle flame. You are walking down the street and you see a tree - try to feel its energy. The easiest way to look for energy is either in the early morning or late at night, but everyone is different.

Now that you have learned to feel the energy, it's time to learn to distinguish it. What is negative and what is positive? Positive energy should be identical to the energy of your body, your consciousness. The body almost does not transform it, it cannot harm you. The negative one, on the contrary, creates a feeling of disgust, it is better for beginners not to try to capture this energy in large quantities, otherwise you can get sick or just get depressed. So, if you feel energy, you must definitely determine its shade. If it does not suit you, then it is better not to try it.

Casting spells

Any spell includes five components, namely:

Source area - goes at the beginning or end of the spell, indicates the forces in which the magician calls to cast the spell. In Russian, it is expressed by phrases: “in the name”, “in the name”, “let the predestined come true”, etc.

Subject Area - This area comes after the source area if it is at the beginning of the spell, or first if the source area is at the end of the spell. In Russian, it is usually expressed by the verbs “conjure”, “call” and “call”.

Environmental conditions area - comes after the subject's area, determines the environmental conditions that the spell must neutralize in order to achieve its goal. In Russian, these are circumstances of place, time, action, reason, etc.

Object Area - This area follows the environmental conditions area and specifies the object that this spell is directed at. In Russian it is expressed by nouns.

The target of the spell - this area specifies what changes the spell should make in the object. Usually this area ends the spell. It can be expressed by any part of speech.

An example of a spell: In the name of light (source), I conjure (subject), in the chaos of life (conditions), may peace come with this house and with its inhabitants.

Increasing the number of perception channels

In complete silence, preferably in the dark, close your eyes and try to relax. The main thing is that there are no annoying factors from the outside. Try not to think about anything - this is the most important thing. Get rid of all thoughts, images. Next, a luminous dot should appear in front of your closed eyes, which will soon grow to an endless blazing field. Now we can assume that the channel is open.

What is going on all this time? When we try not to think, and we succeed, we move away from the channel of expression, because our thoughts are the means of expression in the world. Without thinking, we thereby put aside our only channel of expression, as if in reserve. Our brain is used to working with two channels (input, output) and when we do not work with one channel, the second one starts to work at full capacity. It was this method that the clairvoyant Vanga and many other predictors of the future used. The channel of perception of the surrounding world expands to the maximum, to the size of your consciousness. True, if you open your eyes, the brain will spontaneously begin to process information and the channel of expression will turn on again. And we do not need it, so we should not open our eyes. When we move away from the channel of perception, our brain itself, without knowing it, opens another channel of expression and a new channel of perception. I advise you not to open too many channels, this may end up in a psycho dispensary for you. Three is enough to start.

Energy Movement Practice: Exercises

Place two stones of the same breed in front of you, for example, granite (brick is not suitable). Stones don't have to be big, but they don't have to be small either. Place them at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Relax and feel the energy of both stones, usually very little. Now pour your energy into one of them. Check the energy of the stone, if it has not changed much, it makes sense to try again. Everything worked out, let's move on to the next stage.

Do the exercises:

1. Pour energy from the first stone into the second, and then check the result.

2. Try to pour energy so that each stone has an equal amount of it.

3. Pour clockwise, counterclockwise, alternately (3 stones).

4. Exercise triangle. two stones, as in the previous one, but one feature: it is necessary to form a ball of energy in the air above the stones. The stones and the ball form an isosceles triangle. Slowly pour energy from the stones into the ball. First one at a time, then from two stones at once. Try to perform exercise 3, only instead of the third stone - a ball.

5. Triangle with one stone and two balls. Requires full concentration. Connect all your will, all your brain, all your thoughts. Any noise is distracting.

6. Pyramid. Three stones in a triangle, one ball on top.

7. Square. Two stones, two balls

8. Cube. Four stones, four balls. But variations are possible here: two stones diagonally and two balls diagonally - a square, on top of a square of balls. Reduce the number of stones, increase the height

Here you can come up with a lot of exercises, the main thing is practice. In fact, these exercises can help you gain almost complete control over your energy. The possibilities are endless!

Energy Boost

The practitioners of Magick face the problem: where does the energy come from?

There are several ways:

1. Primitive energy vampirism. The method is simple, but, so to speak, nasty. To be honest, eating someone's processed energy is like eating someone else's processed food. Of course, you will get some energy, but it will not shine with "taste qualities". At your discretion.

Methodology: we feel the ethereal body of a person. If you already see the energies - good (but then you don't need this method). Form an energy binding to a person at the level of some chakra - Manipura is best, because. human energy reserves are stored there. Then start sucking the energy into your Muladhara or Manipura chakra. In the first case you have to "recycle" the energy, in the second you don't. Accordingly, in the first case it will be less, but it will be cleaner, in the second - as you yourself understand - the opposite is true.

Summary: the method sucks, only good for a single use, in order to understand how bad it is to be a vampire (compared to a Mage).

2. The method of absorbing the energy formed as a result of an increase in the entropy of the state of some system. The name, of course, is terrible, but the essence boils down to the fact that you need to break something, and then eat the energy of communication. Simple and always doable.

Methodology: a) take and break the stick - the thicker the better. At the moment of breaking the stick, we "eat" the released energy. b) In the morning we prepare a delicious breakfast for ourselves and do not eat it. We stare for a long time, salivate, store energy in Manipur. Where is the entropy here? - So you destroyed the desire - the entropy of your state increased - energy appeared. When there is enough energy, we boldly eat breakfast.

Summary: a good method, ready to use wherever you are.

3. Psychosynthetic method. One of the best methods. It is quite complicated, but the energy appears in the quality you need. Also useful for acquiring visualization and concentration skills. The best method for students is to give you energy and practice at the same time.

Method: Relax. We create a picture that pleases you in front of your eyes. It is good if this is a picture of a real place of Power, but a simple landscape where you feel good or felt good in the past will also do. For some it's a forest, for some it's a seashore, mountains... And then we just walk around this place, enjoying nature. The clearer the landscape, the better. Try to load all the senses - feel the sounds, smells, touch the earth - make sure that all this is real and gives you energy, strength, just like that - because you are in harmony with nature, you are part of it.

Summary: The best method for beginners. Yes, and experienced Mages will not hurt to develop their consciousness, creating their own worlds. Not the easiest method, but giving very "tasty" energy. Recommended for everyone, although it does not contain vitamins.

4. Reverse Taoist Circle. A very powerful technique that gives a lot of energy, enough to fix the assemblage point in a certain position for a long time. Having carried out the technique, you can safely go to the astral plane - there will be enough energy for six hours.

Technique: On inhalation: mentally imagine that billions of particles of cosmic energy - energies of vivacity, life, health and longevity - come to your fingertips, opening bioenergetic gateways (biologically active points) on them. At the same time, you feel a slight tingling, a weak current, creeping goosebumps, etc.

As you exhale, send energy inward, filling your hands.

On the inhale: send even more energy to your fingertips.

As you exhale, send energy inward, filling your arms up to the elbows.

On the inhale: send energy back to the gateways at your fingertips.

On the exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the palms, arms to the elbows, to the shoulders.

On the inhale: take even more energy and send it to your fingertips.

On exhalation: energy goes inward, passes through the arms, filling the shoulders and neck.

On the inhale: take even more energy and send it to the open gateways.

On the exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck and face from top to bottom. At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: "The face is smoothed, rejuvenated and begins to glow with a pleasant matte light."

On inhalation: an even stronger flow of energy enters the fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck, through the face, fills the Ajna chakra (from the base of the cone to the top), filling the frontal lobes.

On inhalation: a powerful flow of energy enters the fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy passes through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, (Ajnu-chakra, Sahasrara-chakra) filling the back of the head (depression - memory center). At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: "My memory is strong, capacious, I remember everything that I need, and I can remember everything without difficulty."

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face fills the brain (two upper chakras) and descends down the spinal cord to the coccyx, touching the tops of the cones of all chakras (Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhisthana, Muladhara), strengthening their.

On inhalation: again a powerful flow of energy enters the fingertips.

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital region, neck enters the base of the cone of the Vishuddhi chakra and descends down the bases of all chakras, simultaneously filling all internal and genital organs, toning the work of organs and chakras.

On inhalation: an even more powerful flow of energy enters the fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occiput, through the bases of the cones of the chakras, all the internal and genital organs fills the legs with a soft wave up to the feet.

And in conclusion, having collected energy on inhalation, send it on exhalation throughout the scheme, filling the soles of the feet (there are biologically active points corresponding to various internal organs). After the exercise, join your hands together for 5-6 s.

Summary: a very good method for working with your bodies and mind. The Reverse Taoist Circle is used to work with the energies INSIDE of a person and his consciousness.

edited by Timur Kirilenko.

Many people know the meaning of the word energy, because everything that exists in this world consists of it. It accumulates, passes into other forms and does not disappear without a trace. Everyone has their own energy, good and not so good. Just in this article, 9 easy ways to determine the energy of a person.

In this article

How to understand who is in front of you?

Not only people have an energy field, but also the animal, plant world, stones and so on. From this it is clear that the relationship between man and nature occurs as a result of the exchange of information.

You can determine the energy of a person according to the following criteria:

  1. Day, year and place of conception. If conception occurred during a solar or lunar eclipse, then the energy will be changeable, with certain violations.
  2. Solar Activity. Those born during this period have a strong energy, they are resistant to external factors.
  3. Human field. For example, a stranger came into the room, and there was a feeling that he pushed everyone out. So his energy is very strong. And vice versa, if you go unnoticed, you have an energetically weak person in front of you.
  4. Intuitiveness. The sensitivity of each individual personality is developed differently. When in contact with someone, you need to listen to your feelings.

How to feel?

The energy of a person is so strong that you can feel it not only in direct contact, but also from a photo, at a distance.


In the distance, you can feel the energy of only a fairly close person. It is not necessary to have pronounced energy abilities.

To do this, you need to concentrate on the person, to understand what he is doing at the moment and what emotions are haunting him.


You can tell a lot from a photo. There is an opinion that during the creation of a picture, energy passes from a person to a paper image. It may also change over time.

In order to learn how to correctly read information from an image, it is advised to start with cards of people you know, about which almost everything is known.

Then pick up a photo, carefully focus your eyes on the eyes of the person being read, his facial expressions and gestures. Turn on the imagination, it will help to match some of the details.

In this video, magician Sargas gives a couple of simple practices that will help you learn to see energy and will be a good help in further magical development:

If you don't get it the first time, try again.

Types of energy


The mirror man has the ability to reflect energy. Directed energy returns to the one who sends it. And it's not always positive. This type of people easily defends themselves from any kind of negativity, including those specially directed at them.

They feel those around them. Mirrors distinguish the energy that is sent to the outside world. With any contact, the mirror person becomes clear who is in front of him, and whether it is worth dealing with a stranger in the future.

Anyone who carries negative energy tries to bypass mirror people. After all, he receives the negativity emanating from himself in an even greater volume, which in turn provokes diseases and causes problem situations.

The mechanism of action for a positive person is the same: when communicating with a mirror, he receives only positive emotions.

The circle of communication of the mirror is made up of only good people who carry positive emotions.


Wall people have the strongest energy. You could say they are invincible. Any trouble coming at them bounces off like a cork off a concrete wall.

But when interacting with a human-wall, there are some disadvantages. Everything bad that is directed at him flies off and returns not to the one who sent it, but to the people surrounding the wall.


There are a lot of such energetically charged men and women. Every day we face them, whether it's at work, on the subway or on the street. It could also be one of the family members. Leeches are very similar to vampires. They replenish their energy by taking it away from others. With it, the life force is gone.

Leeches work according to this method: provoke conflict, humiliate others. As soon as they charge people with negativity, they gain positive energy and feel better. Leeches become more active and feel a strong surge of strength. Anyone who has succumbed to the influence of such a person feels devastated, depressed, and experiences physical weakness.

This type of people is quite aggressive and persistent, a strong wave of negativity comes from them.

In order for the leech to always have a good mood, it needs energy donors. She surrounds herself with such people, because you can cling to their energy field.


A type of people who throws a huge amount of negativity at an interlocutor (even an unfamiliar one). They try to stick to a person for a long time in order to slowly suck the positive out of him. Sticky people want to be close to the source of energy, call, make appointments, advise or ask for advice.

But if something not entirely good happens in life, they immediately remove the blame from themselves and condemn others. That is, they act a little differently than leeches. Sticky people are fueled by the energy of people who provide them with moral support, feel pity, and give advice.

It is worth noting that their energy impact on people is much less than that of leeches.


Sinkers can be both recipients and donors. They have accelerated energy-information exchange and increased sensitivity. They feed on what is being introduced into the lives of others, affecting personal aspects and showing increased care.

There are two types of such people:

  1. The former absorb both positive and negative. Often look offended, but quickly calm down.
  2. The second type needs negativity, gives its positive energy to others. Representatives of this category help people, but they themselves suffer.


They are called energy donors. People-plants give their energy to others. At the same time, they like to poke their nose into other people's affairs, which is not particularly liked by others who express their discontent and anger.


They have a strong enough energy, passing through themselves both positive and negative. Everything that is sent to the filter man flies to the sender, only with a completely different charge.

The negative remains in the filter, only the positive returns. Such people are found in the following professions: psychologist, diplomat, peacemaker.


Category of people with accelerated energy exchange. They absorb positive (and not so) emotions, but cannot adequately resist the negative. It appears like this: the intermediary was given information, he cannot handle it and sends it further. This is one of the most common types of people.


People who are quite fixated on their experiences. They rarely come into contact with the outside world, because they are not endowed with the property of a competent distribution of energy. They hide a lot of negativity.


The energy of a person is easy to calculate by the date of his birth. To do this, multiply the day and month of birth by the year. Then sum up the numbers and get the result.

For example, the birthday is August 2, 1993. Following the formula (month and day) * year, we get: 802 * 1993.


1+5+9+8+3+8+6 = 40

Up to 20 - energy is weak. Such a person sucks strength from others, can do it both subconsciously and consciously.

From 21 to 30 - the average. Most of the owners of the average level of energy. They live a measured life, they lack stars from the sky, they have both positive and negative energy.

More than 31 - very strong. People who receive energy from space and share it with others. They are drawn to, feeling their powerful potential.

And at the end

In this video, Oleg Makeev will tell you how to get into your mind:

The energy field plays an important role in everyone's life. From it you can recognize a person, determine his strengths and weaknesses and understand whether to continue communication with him or not.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

How to learn to feel the energy of the body? You can learn this on your own. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this. Here is a fairly simple exercise that allows you to feel the energy with your hands at home.

Before starting the exercise, you need to bring the mind to a calm state, as they say, to get rid of problems and worries. If during the exercise you will be distracted by extraneous thoughts, this may interfere with the achievement of the desired result.

Initial position

Sit down, take a comfortable position, make sure that you are comfortable, not thirsty or hungry. You can sit at the table or in an easy chair, on the sofa.

Put your hands on your elbows, raise your forearms up, palms at about face level or slightly lower, put your palms together. It is most convenient to perform the exercise at the table - you can put your elbows on the tabletop. If you are sitting in a chair or on a sofa, place your elbows on your hips. First, practice correctly taking this “starting position”. If you do not understand a word, for example "forearm" - look it up in the dictionary.

Learning to feel the energy of the body

When you are convinced that you are doing everything right, sit in the starting position, rest your hands on your elbows, join your palms. Focus on closed palms. Feel how warm they are, how pleasant it is at the point of contact. Hold them like this for a while. Now slowly spread your palms a short distance - 15-20 centimeters. Then, with each exhalation, gradually bring them together, advancing 2–3 cm. Do not move your hands while inhaling. On each new exhalation, move a little further. Focus on the sensations between your hands. If you are careful, then at some distance between the palms you will feel a slight resistance, as if there is something elastic there. As the distance decreases, the "elasticity" will increase. Moreover, sensations will arise in both palms at the same time.

You may not feel anything for the first time - it's not scary. With your palms together, hold for a while, then spread apart and try again. Do not rush, repeat the exercise several times. You will definitely feel the biofield, it's simple. In general, the exercise is very simple, but incredibly useful for developing sensitivity to the bioenergy of the body.

Diversify the exercise

After you have managed to feel the “elasticity” between the approaching palms several times, the exercise can be changed. Now move one palm: for example, move the right hand to the side, and leave the left in its original position. And with each exhalation, bring the right one closer to the motionless left. Feel the feeling of elasticity and warmth again growing between the palms. Change hands in roles - now let the right one be motionless.

Experiment. Move your palms along various parts of the body: above the head, along the torso, legs. Notice the sensations in the hands and in those parts of the body over which the palms are located. Thanks to this exercise, you can not only feel the energy, but also learn to "read" the energy field of the whole body.

At the end of the exercise, lightly clap your hands - this way you will remove the concentrated field above the palms.

Note: If, while doing the exercise to develop sensitivity to the energy of the body, you feel painful tension in the muscles in your hands, close your palms (to collapse the field), then lower your hands down. Let them relax a little. Take a rest. You can shake your hands a little.

If you are sitting on a sofa or in an armchair and your elbows are pressing down on your legs, it is better to sit down at the table or take a break. Before the break, do not forget to collapse the field - bring your palms together.