Which is better: Malyutka or Nutrilon? Infant milk formula Nutrilon (Nutrilon)

Natural branded milk formulas Nutrilon are the standard of baby food in the domestic and foreign markets. A special feature of dairy formulations is the prescription use of natural milk components, according to the latest research by scientists. Baby food is divided into several dozen types, each of which is intended for a baby of a specific age, weight category, and health condition. Let's consider the main types of mixtures, their composition and features.

Why choose Nutrilon?

As a rule, when choosing food, parents are guided by the instructions on the packaging: categories by age, developmental characteristics of the baby. The scientific approach looks different: each child is assigned a special composition of components. The ideal for the development of the immune system is considered breast milk. If it is possible to feed in a natural way no, or the amount of milk is limited, mothers resort to partial or complete replacement natural nutrition artificial. Artificial milk is a dry mixture based on cow's milk and additives.

Nutrilon products contain natural milk components, simple shapes sugars, vitamins, minerals and vegetable fatty acids. Important components in the composition of milk are fatty acids, the proportional ratio of casein and albumin, the rate of absorption of substances, the amount of phosphorus and calcium, and vitamins. Each substance is responsible for the development of certain parts of the body. Nutrilon is closest to a woman’s breast milk at a certain point in feeding; it contains vitamins and microelements to regulate the digestive system, weight, and speed of development of the baby.

Formulas for babies up to 6 months

The category of products for the little ones is numbered "1" . These are mixtures containing whey, vegetable oils(palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, Mortierella alpina), lean milk, lactose, prebiotics, minerals, vitamins, fish oil and other substances. The composition for healthy babies of normal weight contains components in proportions similar to natural breast milk with beneficial additives. Used as stimulant additives fish fat, vegetable fatty acids. Per 100g of diluted composition there is up to 270 kJ.

Special formulations have been developed for children with developmental disorders of the digestive system, premature babies, those prone to allergies, and those who have suffered from inflammatory diseases. These are recipes with an enhanced complex of substances to regulate normal development or recovery.

For premature newborns, Nutrilon Pre is used under the number “0”. For those who have gained weight 1.8 kg and above, Nutrilon Pre “1” is used. For those whose gastrointestinal tract system is very weak and there are constant disorders, doctors prescribe “Nutrilon Comfort 1” or “Four Milk 1”. The second composition is suitable for babies who have had drug treatment inflammatory or other disease. Both types restore the composition of the intestinal flora and remove toxins. A brand for children prone to allergic reactions and rashes is called Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1.

There are formulations for children with a lack of ability to digest any type of sugar: Lactose-free and Nutrilon Soy. The products contain almost no natural milk and sugar. There are formulations for babies with symptoms of constant regurgitation (Pepti Gastro) or intestinal lethargy, inability to absorb digested food (Antireflux). Nutrilon Amino Acids and Pepti Allergy are designed for dietary feeding.

Before switching to artificial milk formula, every baby must undergo a high-quality medical examination. The correctly prescribed Nutrilon mixture will help heal the baby and restore its natural development.

A line of formulas for healthy children

Note to moms!

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  1. Nutrilon 1 Premium is an adapted infant formula for babies from birth.

A line of formulas for children with health problems

  1. Nutrilon Comfort 1 - formula for feeding babies with symptoms of digestive discomfort
  2. Nutrilon Comfort 2 is a formula for feeding babies with symptoms of digestive discomfort.
  3. Nutrilon Fermented Milk 1 is a formula for feeding children from birth, specially designed to naturally improve the digestion of babies.
  4. Nutrilon Fermented Milk 2 is a formula for feeding children from 6 months, specially designed to naturally improve the digestion of babies.
  5. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 — adapted mixture for food healthy babies with the possibility of developing food allergies.
  6. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 2 is an adapted formula for feeding healthy babies with the possibility of developing food allergies.
  7. Nutrilon Pre 0 is a dry milk formula adapted for feeding premature and low birth weight infants weighing less than 1800 g.
  8. Nutrilon Pre 1 is a dry milk mixture adapted for long-term feeding premature and low birth weight babies weighing more than 1800 g
  9. Nutrilon Pepti Gastro is a dry milk formula for impaired intestinal absorption. From birth.
  10. Nutrilon Soy - isolate based mixture soy protein. Blend for dietary nutrition children who require a dairy-free diet from birth.
  11. Nutrilon Lactose-free is a lactose-free mixture. A special mixture for the dietary nutrition of children with lactose intolerance from birth.
  12. Nutrilon Amino acids - a dry mixture based on amino acids, a product of children's dietary (therapeutic and preventive) nutrition for children early age. For feeding children from birth.
  13. Nutrilon Pepti Allergy is a dry mixture based on fully hydrolyzed whey proteins with prebiotics. For dietary (therapeutic) nutrition of children from birth.
  14. Nutrilon Antireflux is a milk mixture with nucleotides. A complete special formula for feeding children with regurgitation and vomiting syndrome. From birth.

Nutrilon mixtures from 6 months

Babies as young as six months old already have a developing digestive system. Start active growth bones, tissues and joints, requires changes in food composition. IN female body this transition is ensured by changing the diet, expanding the foods in the diet, and adding fruits and vegetables.

Composition of the formula for children with normal development Nutrilon 2 Premium:

  • the casein to protein ratio shifts towards protein by 10% (50/50);
  • fatty acids of up to ten types of plant origin, fish oil remain at the same level;
  • taurine increases one and a half times;
  • the lactose formula changes, its amount is almost 52 mg per 100 g of dry mixture;
  • vitamins and microelements increase by 20-50%.

Similarly with infant nutrition, types of formulas for senior group are divided on the basis of deviations in the development of the baby. Their names are similar, and the age is indicated by a number “2”, “3” - from one year and “4” - from 18 months.

Line of mixtures

  1. Nutrilon 2 Premium is an adapted infant formula for babies from 6 months.
  2. Baby milk Nutrilon Junior 3. For nutrition of children from 1 year.
  3. Baby milk Nutrilon Junior 4. For feeding children over 18 months.

How to choose the right product?

To choose a healthy nutrition course, you should undergo examinations at a children's clinic and take into account the child's behavioral characteristics. For example, if a child cannot digest food properly, their sleep will be interrupted. Constant whims and sobs will also be noticeable. Children with healthy intestines who do not experience pain or discomfort are very calm and do not become capricious without reason.

Violations can also be noticed by the condition and frequency of bowel movements. The manner of eating is characteristic. A baby who has difficulty digesting food constantly turns away and eats intermittently, even if he is hungry. More obvious signs of abnormalities are the child’s underweight and lethargy.

Advantages of using Nutrilon mixtures

  • ensure the full development of the body and the prevention of diseases;
  • This healthy eating for kids of any age;
  • Nutrilon has an affordable price (price varies from 345 to 2000 rubles);
  • nutrition recommended by the Russian healthcare system;
  • a wide range of unique formulations for the treatment of abnormalities;
  • availability of international quality certificates for all brand products;
  • the mixture is considered the best in many countries of the world;
  • each batch is tested in laboratories before sale;
  • factories in the CIS countries produce food using technology from the EU.

The mixtures are sold in EazyPack packages (Easy Pack) 400 and 900 g, or in tin cans 400 gr.

Where can I buy?

  • Online store Obusherstvo.ru
  • Online store Babadu.ru

Proper nutrition is the key to health and longevity!

  • Official website of Nutrilon - http://www.nutrilon.ru/
  • Expert line phone number - 8 800 200 33 88

Note to moms!

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The best food for babies has always been mother's milk. If it is not possible breastfeeding, there is no need to panic. Nutrilon infant formula is an excellent alternative; its composition is maximally adapted to breast milk.

Experts from the Daughters-Sonochki online store will tell you what components the artificial nutrition of this brand consists of, what its components are important for full development child.

Nutrilon base mixtures: composition

The famous Dutch company Nutricia, which has already become an international concern, produces food products for very young children. Newborns are the most vulnerable and unprotected, so the manufacturer pays special attention to Special attention products for babies. The composition of the Nutrilon mixture includes prebiotics, fatty acids and vitamin complex. Given balanced diet approved by most pediatricians, recognized as absolutely safe and beneficial for a growing body.

When buying Nutrilon for their baby, parents should pay attention that the composition of the mixture is different types products vary. To choose the most optimal nutrition option depending on the age and health of the child, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

Nutrilon base mixtures are recommended for primary or additional feeding of healthy children. Depending on the digital marking on the package (1, 2, 3 or 4), the product is intended for children of a certain age:

  • 1 - from birth to 6 months;
  • 2 - 6-12 months;
  • 3 - 12-18 months;
  • 4 - from 18 months.

Among the minerals we highlight sodium, potassium, calcium and iodine. They are present in sufficient quantities for normal development skeletal system and other organs of the child. The vitamin complex inspires confidence in its completeness. This mixture will fully provide the baby with all the necessary micro- and macroelements.

Other types of Nutrilon mixtures have some differences in their composition, which our experts will help you understand.

Composition of the mixture Nutrilon 1

The Nutrilon 1 mixture consists of demineralized whey, a mixture of vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, Mortierella alpina), lactose, skim milk, prebiotics (galactooligosugar, fructooligosugar), whey protein concentrate, minerals, fish oil, vitamin complex , soy lecithin, choline, taurine, trace elements, nucleotides, inositol, L-tryptophan, L-carnitine.

Table 1. Nutritional value components included in the Nutrilon 1 mixture
Nutritional / nutritional value Per 100 ml ready mixture
Energy value/calorie content, kcal (kJ) 65 (270)
Proteins, g 1,3
Casein, g 0,5
Whey protein, g 0,8
Fats, g 3,4
Saturated, g 1,4
Vegetables, g 3,3
Linoleic acid, g 0,446
α-linolenic acid, mg 82
Arachidonic acid (AA), mg 11
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), mg 10
Carbohydrates, g 7,3
Lactose, g 7,0
Polysaccharides, g
Prebiotic fiber, g 0,8
Minerals, mcg from 0.52 to 68
Vitamins, mcg from 0.21 to 343
Potential solute load on the kidneys, mOsm/L 125

Expert opinion

“Many parents are concerned about the presence of palm oil in baby formula. We consider it our duty to dispel this myth. The manufacturer of Nutrilon products, through multi-stage purification, changed the structure of palmitic acid, the basis of palm oil. In this form, this component does not harm the child’s body, but, on the contrary, makes the food similar in fat content to breast milk, which facilitates easier and faster absorption of the mixture.”

Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
Antonova Ekaterina

Nutrilon Comfort: composition

Nutrilon Comfort is recommended for feeding babies in case of colic and constipation. The advantages of this mixture are easy to digest and quick elimination discomfort in the intestines. This is possible due to the presence of beta-palmitic acid and reduced level lactose (compared to base mixture- about 39%).

Due to the special ingredients, Nutrilon Comfort also has a thicker consistency, which prevents regurgitation. Another distinguishing characteristic is partially hydrolyzed whey protein.

In all other respects, Nutrilon Comfort has the same composition as the base product. Although the percentage of components varies slightly.

Differences in the composition of basic and special mixtures

Special formulas are created for children with specific nutritional needs.

Thus, the Nutrilon Soya milk mixture does not contain cow's milk protein, lactose, sucrose, milk fats or gluten. This product is specially designed for children intolerant to milk protein and lactose. It is based on soy protein isolate.

The distinctive characteristics of the composition of the Nutrilon Lactose-Free mixture are as follows:

  • lack of lactose;
  • increased amount of iron;
  • reduced osmolarity - up to 120 mOsm/l.

There are differences in the compositions of other special Nutrilon mixtures: Malabsorption, Antireflux, Pepti Gastro, Amino, PRE, etc. Experts from the Daughters-Sons online store strongly recommend consulting with a pediatrician before starting to feed your child special foods.


Nutrilon products are truly high quality and safe. This is confirmed by the huge demand and numerous positive reviews mom. The composition of the mixtures of this brand has been improved for more than 30 years. Currently, Nutrilon nutrition is as close as possible to breast milk.

Different types of Nutrilon mixtures have key differences in their compositions. This allows you to choose the best option artificial nutrition for all babies, including babies with special nutritional needs and premature babies.

Nutrilon 1 Premium milk formula from birth 800 g. Nutrilon 1 Premium is used in the nutrition of babies when the mother has a lack of breast milk or is unable to breastfeed. Thanks to a complex of Pronutri+ ingredients similar to those found in breast milk, the formula promotes the development of the baby's immunity and intelligence, helping to develop from the first days of life. The Pronutri+ complex includes: fatty acids ARA, DHA, Gos/Fos prebiotics, vitamin complex. The improved complex of fatty acids ARA, DHA promotes the development of intelligence. Gos/Fos prebiotics help develop your own healthy intestinal microflora and also support your baby’s immunity, helping reduce the risk of allergies and infections. A balanced complex of vitamins and minerals was developed specifically taking into account the needs of children under one year old, promotes proper growth child. Features: Pronutri+ complex. Prebiotics Gos/Fos. ARA/DHA fatty acids. Complex of vitamins.

Infant formula Nutrilon 1 Premium from birth 800 g. Nutrilon 1 Premium is used in the nutrition of babies with a lack of breast milk from the mother or the inability to breastfeed. Thanks to a complex of Pronutri+ ingredients similar to those found in breast milk, the formula promotes the development of the baby's immunity and intelligence, helping to develop from the first days of life. The Pronutri+ complex includes: fatty acids ARA, DHA, Gos/Fos prebiotics, vitamin complex. The improved complex of fatty acids ARA, DHA promotes the development of intelligence. Gos/Fos prebiotics help develop your own healthy intestinal microflora and also support your baby’s immunity, helping reduce the risk of allergies and infections. A balanced complex of vitamins and minerals is designed specifically to meet the needs of children under one year of age and promotes the proper growth of the child.


  • Complex Pronutri+.
  • Prebiotics Gos/Fos.
  • ARA/DHA fatty acids.
  • Complex of vitamins.

Cooking method: Wash your hands and sterilize the bottle and nipple. Boil the water. Cool it to 40°C. According to the feeding chart, measure the exact amount of water and pour into a sterilized bottle. Do not reuse boiled water. Use a measuring spoon, it's inside the package: to accurately dose a portion, remove a mound of dry mixture using the limiter located inside the package. Add the exact number of scoops of the mixture to the water. Adding more or less amount of formula than indicated in the instructions may harm your child's health. Close the bottle and shake well in a circular motion until the mixture is completely dissolved. Remove the cap and place the nipple on the bottle. Check the temperature of the finished mixture at inside wrists (37 °C).

Storage conditions: Store the unopened jar at a temperature from 0 to +25 degrees and a relative air humidity of no more than 75%. Store the opened jar tightly closed in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator.

Full product composition: demineralized whey, vegetable oil mixture (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, Mortierella alpina), lactose, skim milk, prebiotics (galacto-oligosugars, fructo-oligosugars), whey protein concentrate, minerals (Ca, K, Cl, P, Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, I, Mn, Se), fish oil, vitamin complex (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, A, biotin, B12, B1, D3, B6, K, B2), choline, emulsifier soy lecithin, taurine, nucleotides, inositol, L-tryptophan, L-carnitine.

Attention! Prepare food immediately before consumption! Do not use leftover food for later feeding! Do not heat the mixture in a microwave oven to avoid the formation of hot lumps of the mixture. Strictly follow the recommendations for the amount of mixture when preparing and do not add anything to the prepared mixture. New mixture It must be introduced gradually into the child’s diet. Consult a specialist before administering the product. Breast milk - better food for young children.

Every parent wants to see their baby healthy, strong and fully developing. The quality of his diet plays a big role in this. Of course, the main and healthiest food for newborns is mother's milk. But, in case of its complete or partial absence, mothers come to the aid of a dry formula, such as “Nutrilon Premium 1”, reviews of which are given below.

"Nutrilon" - trusted quality

The Nutrilon baby food brand belongs to the world-famous Nutricia company, part of the international French corporation Danone. The history of the company's creation stretches back to the end of the last century from a small Dutch town.

Today, Nutricia is known in more than 100 countries around the world as a conscientious manufacturer of high-quality baby food. Its production facilities are located in several European countries, and there is also a plant in Russia. The company strives to be the first in all indicators for children and mothers.

Reviews about the composition

From reviews of "Nutrilon Premium 1" it is clear that this adapted powdered milk formula is designed for babies from birth to 6 months. Its composition is as close as possible to breast milk and satisfies the baby’s needs in all essential vitamins and microelements at this stage of development, in addition, it strengthens natural immunity.

The unique complex of PronutriPlus ingredients guarantees the development of intelligence and full growth. What is included in the basis of "Nutrilon Premium 1"?

  • vegetable oils - coconut, palm, sunflower, rapeseed;
  • carbohydrates (lactose) - satiate: from the reviews of parents it is clear that by eating this mixture, children gain weight well and do not feel hungry;
  • IMMUNOFORTIS (patented prebiotic complex) - strengthens immune system, stimulates the growth and vital activity of intestinal microflora. Judging by the reviews, "Nutrilon Premium 1" helps normalize stool;
  • whey and its protein concentrate. It is responsible for the growth and development of the child’s body as a whole;
  • special fatty acids ARA, DHA - thanks to them, the visual organs and brain are properly formed.

The Nutricia company has brought the Nutrilon mixture closer in composition and properties to breast milk, which, in turn, protects the immunity of babies in the same way as mother's milk.

Reviews from pediatricians

The mixture is intended for healthy newborns who do not suffer from allergies or severe digestive disorders, such as regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea, or colic. For such children, Nutricia offers specialized baby milk aimed at eliminating these ailments.

From reviews of pediatricians, "Nutrilon Premium 1" is a good replacement natural feeding. The ratio of casein and whey proteins in the mixture is the same as in breast milk. All necessary components for the full development of the child are in the required quantities.

"Nutrilon" is given out in some maternity hospitals in the country to children who need it due to current circumstances. Moreover, they provide a product manufactured at a domestic plant (Istra). Mothers in labor do not complain, but on the contrary, they note the good appetite and well-being of their babies.

For newborns, "Nutrilon Premium 1" (from reviews of pediatricians) can be used both on artificial and mixed feeding. With the latter, they are given breastfeeding first, and then supplemented with formula, starting with small volumes.

Parents' impressions

Many mothers have reviews of Nutrilon Premium 1, both positive and negative. What good things are they saying about this mixture?

  • convenient packaging - available in several versions ( cardboard box 200 g, 600 g, 1200 g and EazyPack 400 g and 800 g). The larger the volume, the more profitable it is to purchase milk;
  • easy to get - sold in all children's stores, supermarkets, pharmacies;
  • cooks quickly and dissolves well without forming lumps;
  • contains many useful elements and a vitamin complex;
  • high quality;
  • improves digestion.

There are also not very pleasant reviews about the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture. Some parents complain about frequent profuse regurgitation after using it, the appearance of colic, frequent gases, constipation, and sometimes allergies are noted.


The positive characteristics of the mixture include the following:

  • a well-known and advertised brand that many trust;
  • powdered milk has a pleasant taste, children drink it with pleasure;
  • balanced composition;
  • in many newborns, after using the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture, stool improves and digestion is normalized;
  • the mixture is produced in high-tech factories that meet all quality standards;
  • does not cause allergies.

Despite the many positive qualities mixture, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before using it, since some babies may have individual intolerance.


Among the disadvantages, regurgitation is often noted after taking the Nutrilon 1 Premium mixture for newborns. Reviews of this kind may be left by parents who do not know that after each feeding the baby must be held vertically (in a column) until he burps up excess air. Sometimes this procedure takes about 10-15 minutes.

Some parents are alarmed by undigested lumps in the child's stool, as well as a change in its color - it turns green. Because of this, their use of the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture is called into question.

For many mothers, a huge drawback is the presence of palm oil in milk, because they consider it harmful to infants. The manufacturer claims that this oil is well absorbed and digested by the child’s body. It contains palmitic acid, which is also found in breast milk. Consequently, palm oil is added to the formula to bring its fat component closer to the fat composition of mother's milk.

Nutrilon Premium 1 is recognized as one of the best mixtures in its composition and effect on the child’s health. Reviews about it are positive, and mothers are happy to turn to this brand of infant formula. What is the advantage of this mixture, and what varieties are there?

From birth

Nutrilon Premium 1 is indicated for children from birth. The mixture contains a number of substances that provide balanced nutrition to the child:

  • milk;
  • lactose;
  • whey from milk;
  • plant oils;
  • minerals;
  • fish fat;
  • taurine;
  • micro and macroelements;
  • vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • carnitine and much more.

The production of the mixture complies with all state standards.

How to give it to a child?

You need to introduce the mixture into your baby’s diet little by little, using a feeding bottle. When the adaptation process passes, it will be possible to give full portions. The mixture must be prepared taking into account all hygiene rules:

  1. Sterilize the bottle.
  2. Wash your hands well.
  3. Boil water and cool to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  4. Using a measuring spoon, pour the mixture into a bottle and add water.
  5. Close the bottle with a lid and shake vigorously until the mixture dissolves.
  6. Check the temperature: drop some liquid on your wrist.
  7. Feed your baby within an hour, as after this the product will be unusable.

Before using Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture, consult your doctor to rule out allergies.

Never use a mixture that has been sitting for more than an hour. Make sure that there are no lumps in the prepared product.

The only contraindication to this type of mixture is lactose intolerance in the child. In this case, it may appear loose stool, and a rash will appear all over your body.

The mixture should be stored in a sealed container away from other foods. It is not recommended to keep it in the refrigerator, as the powder may become saturated with the odors of other products.

Types of mixture

The Nutrilon series offers several varieties of mixtures for different needs and conditions of the baby.

For the stomach

This formula is made with whey protein for children who are allergic to cow protein. Nutrilon Pepti Gastro does not contain glucose, so it can be used by children with glucose intolerance.

Pepti Gastro includes:

  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • organic acids.

To get 100 ml of Pepti Gastro mixture, you need 3 tbsp. l. Stir the powder in 90 ml of water.

For each age of the baby there is its own dosage of the Pepti Gastro mixture. Thanks to unique composition Pepti Gastro has a beneficial effect on the child’s health:

  • allergies do not develop due to the presence of whey protein;
  • promotes better absorption nutrients in case of impaired intestinal absorption;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For allergies

Nutrilon Pepti Allergy mixture is indicated for children under one year of age who have impaired digestive function. Pepti Allergy contains components that maximize digestion and do not provoke an allergic reaction:

  • whey proteins;
  • vegetable oils;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fatty acid;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • taurine;
  • carnitine

Since cow's milk proteins are poorly absorbed by children, they are included in the Pepti Allergy mixture in an already split version.

Pepti Allergy mixture should be used only as prescribed by a doctor for problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • after operation;
  • for diseases associated with insufficient absorption of fats;
  • food allergies;
  • intestinal damage;
  • premature babies.

Pepti Allergy has good feedback, but you need to remember that this is still a medicinal mixture, and there is no need to feed the child with it all the time. Like Pepti Gastro, baby food Pepti Allergy allows you to avoid allergic reactions for artificial nutrition.

Comfort food

Nutrilon Comfort is a baby food that is indicated in the first days of a baby’s life. At this time he digestive tract is not yet formed and cannot produce enough enzymes. Nutrilon Comfort becomes indispensable in this regard.

Comfort is usually prescribed when severe colic and abdominal pain in newborns in the first days of life. The composition of the Comfort mixture is different in that it contains probiotics. Comfort helps cope with gastrointestinal problems.

The downside of using the Comfort mixture can be intestinal upset. In this case, you need to choose a different formula for your child. Therefore, Comfort is not suitable for you.

When offering your child Comfort formula, you need to carefully monitor his condition. If loose stools or spots on the skin appear, you need to cancel Comfort and look for another baby food. Reviews about the Comfort mixture, like Gastro, are contradictory. For many, these formulas were not suitable, and they had to look for other baby food.

No allergies!

The composition that Nutrilon is hypoallergenic can replace breast milk. Hypoallergenic Nutrilon helps relieve allergies and treats pathological conditions and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hypoallergenic Nutrilon has a beneficial effect on vision.

  • The hypoallergenic product contains a prebiotic complex that helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this effect, allergies recede.
  • Hypoallergenic Nutrilon contains taurine, which has a beneficial effect on muscles.
  • The food contains soy. Many consider this component dangerous and genetically modified. This is partly because there is no direct evidence of such an effect of the hypoallergenic Nutrilon mixture. Soy, or rather its lecithin from it, has a good effect on nervous system and connective tissue, so this product in the hypoallergenic Nutrilon mixture is only beneficial for children.

Reviews about Nutrilon hypoallergenic are positive. Many women on the forums are convinced that after drinking this mixture the rash disappeared. Some, on the contrary, are not satisfied with Nutrilon hypoallergenic baby food. When using the Nutrilon hypoallergenic mixture, you should consult a doctor.

With lactic acid bacteria

Nutrilon fermented milk is created for children with intestinal problems. The composition of Nutrilon fermented milk includes:

  • lysozyme;
  • live bacteria;
  • taurine;
  • lactulose.

Nutrilon fermented milk is also indicated for children with anemia.

Baby food Nutrilon fermented milk is prescribed to children with frequent regurgitation. At the same time, the Nutrilon fermented milk mixture has different reviews from doctors and consumers. Many pediatricians claim that Nutrilon fermented milk is created only for treatment, and you cannot eat it regularly. At the same time, Dr. Komarovsky takes the opposite position, arguing that it is quite possible to consume Nutrilon fermented milk daily as the main diet.

The final decision on how to give your baby Nutrilon fermented milk should be made by the doctor. To prepare 100 g of Nutrilon fermented milk mixture, you need 3 tbsp. l. pour 90 ml of boiling water over the mixture. From birth you can take Nutrilon fermented milk at 3 scoops per day and by six months you can increase it to 7 scoops.

Lactose free

Nutrilon lactose-free is a baby food that is specially designed for children who are lactose intolerant. If lactose deficiency is primary, you can use lactose-free Nutrilon unlimitedly. In case of secondary deficiency, it begins with a complete replacement of all meals with lactose-free Nutrilon, and then is reduced to nothing.

Nutrilon lactose-free is based on casein (whey protein). It also contains vitamins, minerals and fats. To prepare 100 ml of lactose-free Nutrilon mixture, you need 3 tbsp. l. Mix the powder with 90 ml of boiled water.

Soy nutrition

Nutrilon Soy is a food based on soy protein. Nutrilon Soya does not contain dairy or animal proteins and is intended for children intolerant to dairy products.

Nutrilon Soya is used for children from 6 months. Nutrilon Soya is also useful for surgical operations and galactosemia. Nutrilon Soya is prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. powder per 90 ml of water.

Nutrilon Soya also contains vitamins and minerals, useful acids.

Cost and reviews

The price of Nutrilon Premium and its varieties is not very affordable. This is an expensive product, the price of which for 400 g reaches 500 rubles and more.

Nutrilon Pepti or Gastro can cost 800-900 rubles per jar. Nutrilon Soya - price per jar is about 600-700 rubles per jar.

According to reviews, such a price really cannot be called affordable.

Visitors and users on forums speak of Nutrilon as a very useful and high-quality mixture. Children eat it with pleasure, and allergies to the product are quite rare.

The only reason for dissatisfaction is the price of baby food. However, if we're talking about about the child’s health, then this cost is completely justified.