Massage. Mom's hands to help with colic. How to properly massage the tummy of a newborn baby with severe colic

The appearance of a baby in the family is a great joy. But at the same time, fear for the health of the unborn child also comes. Since newborns and babies do not yet know how to talk, they communicate their problems through crying. The longer something bothers them, the crying becomes stronger and more piercing. Colic is one of the most common problems. Dealing with them is difficult, but possible. For example, many doctors are of the opinion that tummy massage helps with colic in a newborn.

Before you start massaging your baby, you need to figure out what colic is. Under this concept, it is customary to understand the painful sensations that appear against the background of the accumulation of gas bubbles in different parts of the intestinal tract. Such spasms cause severe discomfort to the baby. He reports this with the help of crying, screaming, pulling his legs to his tummy, lack of appetite and poor sleep.

The main reason for the pathological process lies in the underdevelopment of the enzyme system and the absence of intestinal flora. Enzymes in the children's body are not enough to digest food. As a result, a large amount of gases are formed.

The cause of colic can also be improper attachment of the baby to the chest. Because of this, the child swallows not only food, but also air.

Often, mothers do not follow the prescribed diet and include gas-producing foods in the diet. To avoid the accumulation of gases in the baby, pediatricians strongly recommend limiting sweet and flour products, beans, raw vegetables and fruits.

In the future, complementary foods lead to colic. Due to the lack of enzymes, food is not digested in sufficient quantities, which leads to fermentation in the intestinal tract. The gases that are released at this time lead to stretching of the intestinal walls, thereby causing severe pain.

The muscle structures in the peritoneal region of the baby are still very weak. Therefore, they are not able to fully hold and massage the internal organs.

The benefits of massage for a child

Many doctors, in the absence of contraindications, recommend doing abdominal massage to a newborn with colic. Thanks to such activities, it is possible to achieve several positive effects in the form of:

  • relieve spasm that causes pain to the baby;
  • promotion of gases along the intestinal tract and assistance in their removal;
  • facilitating the process of emptying the digestive canal;
  • strengthening the abdominal muscles.

But every parent should remember that massaging the peritoneum is carried out only as a preventive measure. During an attack, all movements should be much softer and more delicate.

Preparatory activities

Massage of the abdomen with colic in infants should begin with preparatory measures. The room where the procedure will take place should be at a comfortable temperature. It should be in the range of 20-22 degrees. Also, there should not be a draft in the room, otherwise the baby will catch a cold.

The baby's tummy should be warm. For this, a diaper is taken and heated with an iron. Then it is applied to the peritoneum.

You can not touch the baby with cold hands. This can lead to reflex spasm and the development of pain. The hands of mom or dad should be warm. To do this, dip them in warm water or warm them up against each other.

It is also necessary to remember that newborns are unfavorable to intense movements. Therefore, it is better to start doing massage before the first signs of colic appear. Such activities will help the baby get used to the impact and avoid stressful tension.

You can perform abdominal massage with colic in a newborn in a baby cradle or on an adult bed. More experienced mothers put the baby on their knees. But there is one rule - the surface should not be very soft, but comfortable for the child.

If all the manipulations are carried out correctly, then the gaziki will calmly come out of the intestines. And also self-emptying can occur. Therefore, do not forget to put a disposable absorbent diaper under the ass.

It is better to refuse the use of massage oil. This is due to the fact that the oil leads to increased slip on the skin, thus it is difficult to calculate the strength of the impact. If adults already have experience in performing massaging movements, then you can apply a little baby cream or oil.

Before proceeding with the procedure, the baby must be held in an upright position. Such a measure will help to get the remaining gases out of the stomach.

How to massage the abdomen of a newborn? Once the parents have prepared, you can begin to carry out the procedure. To do this, you should follow a few recommendations.

  1. To begin, place your warm palms on your baby's tummy. Such manipulations will help the baby calm down, and the abdominal muscles completely relax. Remember, the baby should not cry, otherwise the effect of the procedure will be the opposite.
  2. Start with light strokes. Move from top to bottom. First, make 5-6 calm movements, and then proceed to strokes clockwise. At the same time, lightly press on the peritoneal area, but do not cause pain.
  3. Let's start stroking with pressure. To do this, you need the palms or fingertips. Do not press too hard, otherwise the baby will cry. During the procedure, the baby should be in comfort. Press not only on the anterior abdominal wall, but also on the side sections. Move from the right to the left side of the tummy. This process will improve the motor function of the intestinal tract.
  4. The next exercise is called "The Mill". Place your palms across your tummy. Move your arms so that visually they look like a windmill. Interrupt periodically for stroking from top to bottom towards the umbilical region.
  5. Now we need to pinch the tummy a little. To do this, imagine that petals are located around the navel. Perform such movements as if the petals are torn off. These activities will help the muscles of the abdominal cavity to tighten at the reflex level, thereby improving peristalsis.
  6. Try to visually locate the colon. After that, carefully move the throttles. To complete the exercise, stroke clockwise.
  7. To relieve spasm, perform circular movements with your fingers from the baby's pubic area and moving up. This process helps to remove spasm, enhance the motor function of the digestive canal, and get rid of accumulated gases.

The total duration of the massage is 15-20 minutes.

Massage of the tummy in a child with constipation

Another common problem in infants is constipation. Pediatricians have several opinions on this.

The first of them says that with full breastfeeding, the baby may not go to the toilet for up to 5-7 days. And this is considered the norm. The thing is that mother's milk has the ability to be completely absorbed by the intestinal tract. Therefore, the chair may be absent for up to a week, while the child will feel good.

The second opinion says that this is not the norm, and the absence of stool for more than 3 days indicates the development of constipation. This phenomenon occurs when the baby has problems with the intestinal tract in the form of congenital pathologies, the development of an infectious disease, and a lack of lactose.

But in both cases, massage of the abdomen of a newborn with constipation will not interfere. It will be slightly different from the usual procedure.

How to massage the tummy of a newborn? To do this, follow these recommendations:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, warm the baby's stomach with a diaper heated with an iron. Two or three minutes will be enough.
  2. Do not grease your hands with oil or baby soap. But to facilitate movement, you can use the powder.
  3. Perform movements in a clockwise direction, but at the same time strictly follow the trajectory. It should match the location of the intestinal tract.
  4. The duration of one procedure is from 5 to 7 minutes. It is better to perform massage half an hour before feeding.

Laying the baby on the tummy will also benefit.

During the manipulation, it is necessary not only to stroke the child's stomach, but also to carry out gymnastics. There are special postures that favorably affect the motor function of the intestine and develop the vestibular apparatus.

Here are a few of them.

  1. Exercise "Frog". Put the baby on the tummy. Spread his legs so that the knees are spread apart, and the feet touch each other. Bring your palm to the child's legs so that he can push off.
  2. Exercise "Bicycle". Lay the baby on its back. Bend your legs at the knee joints and carry out movements that resemble riding a bicycle.
  3. Exercise "Pushing the legs." Lay the baby on your back. Bend your legs at the knee joints. Begin to make rotational movements for one minute. Then press the legs to the tummy so that the pressure is from the sides. Repeat the exercise a few more times.

Recently, fitball has gained increasing popularity. A large ball can also help solve the problem. Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to set the baby on a positive wave. It is better to put a warm diaper on the ball.

Massage Restrictions

Massage of the abdomen helps not only to improve the functioning of the intestinal tract and the passage of gases, but also to strengthen the muscle structures of the abdominal cavity. This procedure shows positive results, but has several limitations in the form of:

  • asymmetrical location of the abdomen;
  • sensations of active peristalsis in one of the areas of the abdomen;
  • lack of gas discharge for a long time;
  • lethargy, lack of appetite and sleep disturbance between attacks;
  • increase in temperature values;
  • the presence of symptoms of a cold or SARS;
  • long-term pain syndrome that does not go away even after the measures taken.

It is also not recommended to massage the tummy if the umbilical wound has not healed in the baby, there are injuries, wounds and abrasions on the skin. Allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of itching and rashes, are also a contraindication. Do not forget that it is necessary not only to take measures to eliminate the disease, but also to identify the cause of colic and eliminate it.

If parents have doubts about whether to perform the procedure or not, then it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. In the presence of severe symptoms, an urgent call to a specialist at home is required.

Quite often, babies in the first months of life suffer from intestinal colic (here is a detailed article). As a rule, babies who are not yet three months old suffer from this trouble, often colic begins to bother them, starting from the second week of life. In order to cope with the problem, various methods and means are recommended, including medications, placing a child in an acute period of colic in a warm bath. One of the most effective ways to help a newborn baby with colic is to massage.

If the baby suffers from colic, it is recommended to massage the tummy before each feeding. The duration of this massage is 5-7 minutes. Before the massage, it is recommended to warm the stomach for several minutes. To do this, you need to heat the diaper (you can iron it with a hot iron or hold it on a warm radiator), then you need to put the folded diaper on the baby’s stomach, cover it with your hands so that your hands wrap around the tummy area and hold the diaper on your stomach for a while. After a while, you can remove the diaper, warming the stomach.

Massage for colic is recommended to be performed without lubricating the hands with oil or baby cream. The reason for this is that the use of cream or oil increases the adhesion of the skin of the palms to the skin of the baby's tummy, and can lead to too much effort during the massage. If mom's hands are a little damp, they can be lightly powdered with talc or baby powder.

After that, you can begin to massage the tummy.

1. First you need to gently stroke the stomach, gradually increasing the pressure, moving on to light pressure. To do this, you need to fold your palms with a “house” so that the convex part of the “house” is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baby’s navel, and gently perform pressure movements with the edges of the palms along the edge of the abdomen. At the same time, special attention should be paid to bypassing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium - there is a liver, which in babies protrudes slightly from under the lower rib. Then you need to make several pressing movements from right to left (this is how the large intestine goes in the baby's body). After each movement, you need to perform slow soothing stroking movements.

2. The next movement is often referred to as the "water mill". With your palms, you need to easily stroke the tummy from top to bottom along its central part, from the ribs to the inguinal region. After several such movements, one hand is placed on the tummy, and the oblique muscles of the abdomen are stroked on one side, then on the other.

3. Next, counter stroking is performed. In order to perform it, you need to run your hands over the stomach in this way: the left hand goes up, the right hand goes down, in the direction of the large intestine. After that, circular stroking is performed on the abdomen, with one hand, then with two hands.

4. U-shaped stroking of the tummy is also effective. It can be carried out in three stages: first, with the right palm, you need to stroke the child’s tummy from the left from top to bottom, then the “corner” movement is performed, from the right hypochondrium to the left, then from top to bottom. After that, stroking the tummy in the form of the letter P is performed: the hand goes up the right side of the tummy, then from right to left, after that - along the left side of the tummy from top to bottom.

Such stroking movements when massaging newborns with colic help expel gases from the large intestine. After performing the massage, it is recommended to help the baby release gases, for this you need to press the baby's legs to his tummy and hold them for 20-40 seconds. You can also perform the "bike" movement, alternately holding the legs against the stomach. At the same time, the baby begins to push. Finish the massage with circular stroking movements.

During a massage for colic, it is very important to perform movements in the right direction, clockwise. This corresponds to the position of the intestines in the body and the movement of the hands along the tummy in this direction helps the gases, the main cause of colic, move through the intestines, and the discomfort caused by colic weakens.

Knowing the basic massage techniques and understanding how to massage colic will help parents gain confidence that they can help the baby cope with this difficult problem more easily.

Here are some more ways to save your baby from severe colic how to help baby with colic

Dill water for newborns

Why does the baby have a tummy ache

Remedies (drugs) for colic

On the topic of massage: Proper massage for a newborn baby at 1 month

Be sure to watch the video on how to massage the tummy of a child with colic:

Intestinal disorders in infants are a fairly common phenomenon that almost all parents face. It is explained by the fact that in the first months of life, the baby's digestive tract has not yet learned to fully digest food and function properly. This is manifested by constipation, bloating and colic. Massage of the tummy of a newborn helps to eliminate such phenomena, but parents should know how to properly perform it for a specific ailment.

Colic can disturb a child up to about 3 months of life, after which they pass on their own, but in some situations they can last longer. In any case, they deliver a lot of inconvenience to the baby. The baby cries from pain and is not able to get rid of intestinal gases. If you master the massage technique for colic in a newborn, you can help him overcome these unpleasant phenomena and normalize the functioning of the intestines of the crumbs.

Here are some types of effective massage that are recommended for babies to eliminate colic:

  • Finger massage. It is necessary to lay the baby without clothes on his back and, using the middle and index fingers, slightly press on the lower abdomen on the left. Gradually go up and to the right side, as if describing a semicircle. Then put both fingers on the bottom of the baby's tummy, approaching its center, and with massage movements make the same semicircle, only smaller than the first. For the third time, do the same, but this time in the very center of the tummy. The last movements with such a massage from colic in newborns should always be completed in the rectal area, in the lower abdomen.
  • Bicycle technology. It is necessary to lay the child with his back down and tightly press his legs to the stomach in turn. Gently hold the leg by the shin, bending and unbending it. Remember that the procedure should not cause discomfort to the baby.
  • Ball massage. This massage of the abdomen of a newborn should be done on an inflatable ball. To do this, put the child on him with his stomach down and roll, carefully supporting the crumbs. In this case, the ball should lightly press on the stomach and massage it. Children simply adore this type of massage.
  • Equipment for young mothers. This species was nicknamed so because it is completely safe and even inexperienced mothers can handle it. When performing this type of massage for colic for newborns, it is necessary to bend the baby's legs, press them to the stomach and in this position draw a semicircle from the center to the side with them several times. Then you should do the same in the opposite direction.

Remember that colic in newborns is a normal phenomenon that can be eliminated using the above techniques. However, if they do not help the baby, you need to contact a specialist.

Step by step massage technique for constipation.

When a child suffers from constipation, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician who, if necessary, will prescribe therapy or determine how to eliminate the disease with the help of nutritional correction. However, you can try to solve it using the following techniques:

  • Massage clockwise. This massage, by the way, often helps not only infants, but also adults. It is necessary to stroke the baby's tummy, moving with gentle movements in a clockwise direction, which helps to relax the sphincter, as well as stimulate intestinal motility. It is recommended to massage for at least 3 minutes. You can also alternate it with the technique described above for young mothers, pressing the baby's legs to the tummy and drawing semicircles with them. Be sure to finish the procedure by stroking the lower abdomen.
  • Belly to belly. Expose your belly and place the baby on it, belly down. Thus, the heat of your body will be transferred to it, and, consequently, the digestive processes will be stimulated. Take deep breaths, as if inflating your stomach and pushing it forward as much as possible, and slowly exhale, releasing the air. Repeat the movements smoothly, otherwise a sharp breath will just throw the baby on your body. With constipation, this technique is considered very effective, because it relaxes the child and has a beneficial effect on the work of his intestines, gallbladder and liver.

It is important to remember that before carrying out such procedures, it is necessary to feel the baby's tummy and put a little pressure on its lower part. If the stomach is hard, and when pressed, the child is anxious or starts to cry, then such massages should not be done and you should immediately consult a doctor.

Massage is a useful procedure that also helps with bronchitis (more on that here), and with flat feet (and these techniques are here).

Bloating in infants is often accompanied by crying and moodiness. The reason for this phenomenon is the underdevelopment of the intestinal microflora. Since bloating is usually accompanied by colic, massage in such cases can be done using all the techniques that are described for use in colic.

In addition, it is recommended to warm the baby's tummy with a heating pad before the procedure, or simply iron the diaper with a warm iron and attach it to the baby's body for a minute. The belly-to-belly technique helps in this case too.

Experts advise babies suffering from bloating to often lay on their stomach and stroke their back and lumbar area with light movements from top to bottom.

In addition to the techniques described, the following also help with bloating:

  • Frog. It is necessary to lay the baby on the stomach, spread the legs in different directions and bend them in the knee area. Your palms should act as a support for children's legs, as the child will start to push off from them, as if jumping forward, like a frog. Doing such an interesting exercise is useful not only to normalize the digestive tract, but also to strengthen the muscles of the legs.
  • Water Mill. You need to stroke the baby's tummy from top to bottom with both hands, moving from the ribs to its bottom. After that, put one palm on the center of the abdomen, and with the other move along the muscles of the tummy from the right, then from the left side.
  • Technique P. Your movements should draw this letter, so stroking is carried out in 3 stages. First you need to stroke the baby's stomach from the left side from top to bottom, then draw a corner, and then stroke it from top to bottom again, only now from the right side.

We have selected 3 videos that perfectly show the techniques described in the article.

These simple rules will help increase the effectiveness of massages for babies and quickly relieve them of problems with the digestive tract:

  1. All massage techniques must be performed on an empty stomach of the baby.
  2. If colic and bloating are regular occurrences in the life of an infant, then it is advisable to massage before each feeding.
  3. On average, an effective massage should last 5 to 7 minutes.
  4. Before the procedures, it is desirable to warm the baby's tummy, as described above.
  5. Contrary to popular belief, it is not advisable to lubricate your hands with baby oil or cream when massaging for colic. This is due to the fact that such products increase contact with the skin of the crumbs, which is often fraught with excessive efforts during the procedure.
  6. You can use the powder if the hands of the massager are wet.

It is important to pay attention to the reaction of the baby during the massage. If the child calms down in this way, then you are doing everything right. However, if he continues to act up and cry, it is recommended to show the baby to a specialist.

Infants from the first month of life to six months are often troubled by pain in the tummy associated with colic, gas and constipation. This is due, most often, with the transition and adaptation to new working conditions of the baby's gastrointestinal tract. An effective and safe way to help is to massage the baby's tummy and special exercises.

Important! It is not recommended to lubricate the hands with oil to massage the tummy, as it is difficult to control the force of pressure.

Massage of the tummy in infants promotes the movement of intestinal contents (feces, gases) and improves the condition.

  1. After warming up with a diaper, put both hands on the tummy with a house, hold for a while to even out the temperature of your hands and the baby's body.
  2. Without removing your hands, clockwise, slowly, gently apply light pressure on the tummy along the contour of the “house”, as if repeating the rounded outlines of the baby’s tummy, gradually increasing the intensity. It is important to try to bypass the right hypochondrium, where the liver is located.
  3. Keeping the hands in a house in one place, we carry out alternate pressure from right to left along the course of the large intestine.
  4. We stroke the tummy of the baby with the palm of our hand clockwise, and then from top to bottom.
  5. Stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen, while one hand is on the tummy.
  6. Stroking movements clockwise, describing a square and the letter "P" around the navel.
  7. Counter movements up and down with the palms of both hands at the same time (one hand moves up and the other down).
  8. We carry out circular strokes clockwise, first with the palm of one hand, and then with the palms of two hands.
  9. We bend the child's legs at the knees and bring them to the tummy for 30 seconds so that the gas comes out. After that, the legs need to be stroked, thus relaxing them.
  10. At the end - a light stroking of the tummy.

Video of massaging the tummy of a newborn from colic and constipation at home

The following measures to get rid of colic are also useful:

  • laying out on the tummy - it is done before feeding, always on a hard surface;
  • immediately after feeding, keep the baby in an upright position to let him burp;
  • applying heat to the tummy: warm diapers, heating pads;
  • use of a gas tube.

Gymnastics for babies with bloating, colic, constipation has a beneficial effect on bowel function, and also trains the vestibular apparatus.

  1. "Frog": the baby lies on the tummy. Spread his legs so that the knees are spread apart and the feet touch each other. Bring your palm to his feet so that he pushes off. Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, regulates bowel function, teaches the baby to crawl.
  2. "Airplane": holding the child with one hand by the chest from below, with the other hand hold him from below by the tummy, passing it between the baby's legs. Simulate flying around the room, stopping at toys and objects that the baby can see or grab during the flight.
  3. The baby lies on his back. Holding him gently by the armpits, lift him slowly so that he takes a sitting position, then slowly lower him to the opposite position. When performing, carefully monitor so that the baby does not hit his head. Exercise is recommended for babies after two months of age, it strengthens the vestibular apparatus and abdominal muscles.
  4. Turning the baby from the back to the stomach and from the stomach to the back, gently supporting him by the handle. This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles.
  5. Exercise "Butterfly" - put the baby on his back, legs bent at the knees. Holding his feet with your hands, spread your knees to the sides at the same time.
  6. "Swimmer" - the baby lies on his stomach, with one hand holding him from below by the chest and tummy, with the other hand holding his legs. The baby is raised so that he raises both his head and legs at the same time.

Such gymnastics is performed very simply, and it gives a lot of pleasure to kids. It is better to put a warm diaper on the ball for classes with a baby up to three months of age.

For fitball exercises, a positive attitude is very important. You need to talk with the baby, you can use calm, soothing music. Classes should be fun, and if the baby is naughty, it is better to reschedule them for another time.

Video exercises on fitball from Yulia Ermak

Gymnastics should take from 7 to 15 minutes. If the baby gets tired earlier, you do not need to force him.

  1. Put the baby on the tummy, the adult's hand lies on his back. Holding it, shake it back and forth; in the same position, swing it to the sides.
  2. The baby is placed on the tummy with legs towards the adult, put toys in front of the fitball. It is easy to pull the child by the legs towards you and back.
  3. Swinging in the supine position on the fitball clockwise and in the opposite direction.
  4. The child lying on his stomach, holding the legs with one hand, gently press on the back so that the ball springs.

Before starting gymnastics on a fitball, a pediatrician's consultation is required. Classes are held 1.5 hours after feeding, following a few simple rules:

  • you can not swing the ball much;
  • when exercising in a prone position on the tummy, the legs should be spaced as wide as possible;
  • during classes, you can not pull the child by the legs or arms.

Fitball gymnastics is contraindicated in:

  • not protracted umbilical wound;
  • baby illness;
  • less than 1 month old.

Massage and exercises for the tummy will strengthen muscles, improve digestion, increase stamina, and also improve the psychological state of the baby and his mother. For babies, they can be used not only for medicinal purposes - they are an excellent prophylactic.

Traditional medicine with the so-called carminative effect will help enhance the effect of massage and gymnastics. They act gently and are often more effective than chemicals:

  • dill, especially its seeds - is taken as a decoction or infusion;
  • fennel - in the form of infusion and tea from its fruits, dill water;
  • chamomile - in the form of strained infusion.

You can use herbal teas and decoctions only after consulting a pediatrician. He will determine the amount and frequency of intake, usually 2-3 tablespoons are enough for babies before feeding.

Perhaps the most common problem for new parents is colic in a child. Anxiety in the first months of life, piercing crying, pulling the legs to the tummy, the frequency of occurrence and relief after passing gases are the main manifestations of this condition.

Intestinal colic is not dangerous, but very painful. To help the child, they use medicines, warming the tummy, changing the position of the body, a gas tube, some exercises and massage the tummy.

In the animal kingdom, mothers lick their babies. A person's hands can have a much more effective effect in relieving a child of colic. When and how to massage the abdomen of a newborn?

Pain due to stretching of the intestine with gas bubbles and spasm of the intestinal walls is called colic. They arise due to the imperfection of the enzyme system and the microflora of the newborn baby, the imbalance of peristalsis, due to the air trapped during sucking.

Contributes to colic and improperly adjusted feeding, when the child receives mainly carbohydrate foremilk. This can be exacerbated by lactase deficiency. As a result, fermentation and gas formation will be enhanced in the intestines.

The muscles of the abdominal wall are still weak and cannot sufficiently hold and massage the internal organs. And if a child has diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles or an umbilical hernia, the risk of developing colic increases.

Massage for colic in newborns helps relieve spasms, move gas bubbles in the intestines and facilitate their release. Additionally, you can use the massage of reflex points (acupuncture). This effect is aimed at the autonomic nervous system and balances the motility of the digestive tract.

Massage is best used for prevention, and not just for pain attacks.. This improves the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, prevents local accumulation of gases, and facilitates defecation.

For preventive purposes, massage is carried out regularly up to 6 times a day, but not earlier than 30-40 minutes after eating. And during colic it is done as needed. At the same time, the movements are softer, more relaxing, not all possible methods are used. The main emphasis is on exercises to facilitate the release of gases.

The room should be at a comfortable temperature. After all, the baby will need to undress. The tummy also needs to be warmed up. For this, a folded diaper ironed with an iron or a salt heating pad wrapped in several layers of fabric is applied. Warmth should be uniform, comfortable.

The baby does not like the touch of cold fingers, while he reflexively strains his stomach, worries. The hands of the person conducting the massage should be warm. The easiest way is to intensively rub your palms together or place them under your armpits.

Massage of the tummy in newborns does not require special devices or an equipped place. Mom can spend it on the changing table, on the bed of the parents, or even putting the baby back on her lap. It is advisable not to use a very soft, creasing or strongly springy base, in such conditions it is more difficult to control the force of impact.

After the massage, gases come out and defecation occurs. Therefore, a diaper (fabric or disposable) should be placed under the buttocks of the child. You can leave the crumbs in a disposable diaper.

The use of oil is optional. On the contrary, many experts recommend massaging with dry, clean hands or using talc (baby powder). After all, the oil changes the sliding on the skin, and with insufficient experience, this can lead to excessive pressure.

But the use of lubrication is possible. Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), compositions based on grape seed oil, almond and apricot oils are used. It is better to sterilize them in a water bath. The lubricant is applied in a small amount to the skin of a child and to the hands of an adult. It is better to add it gradually than to pour too much at once.

It is necessary to conduct a test for sensitivity to a new massage agent. To do this, apply a drop of oil on the skin of the child, gently massage and leave for 10-15 minutes. There should be no redness, rash or other changes.

Before starting the massage, it is worth holding the baby upright. After all, an additional cause of crying is air in the stomach. By helping to release it, we will not only relieve the pain, but also prevent spitting up during the massage.

1. Massage against colic in newborns begins with applying relaxed palms to the baby's stomach for a few minutes. The warmth and heaviness of the hands soothe, relax the muscles of the abdominal wall, reduce the severity of intestinal spasms.

2. Then proceed to soft stroking and pressure on the tummy. In this case, the surface of the palm, the edge of a bent hand or the pads of several fingers are used at the same time. Strong point pressing is unacceptable. Gradually increasing pressure is done on the sides of the abdomen and just below the ribs, alternating with strokes and moving from right to left.

3. The next massage technique is the “mill”. In this case, the main effect is directed to the abdominal press and the small intestine. The palms are placed across the child's abdomen. Alternately, like the blades of a water mill, they stroke the entire area from the ribs to the pubic joint. This technique alternates with stroking with one hand along the line of the oblique abdominal muscles (from top to bottom and towards the center), the second hand is placed on the navel.

Instead of a mill, you can make a series of pinching or spiral movements around the navel, as if drawing flower petals. This leads to the reflex work of the abdominal muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

4. It is also necessary to move the gas bubbles through the large intestine, while relaxing the tense areas. Massage from gaziki for newborns is carried out clockwise in the area where all parts of the colon are located.

There are 2 options for such an impact. One way is to massage in a divergent spiral, going clockwise from the navel and ending at the left thigh. Or as if the letter P is drawn - from the right iliac region to the right hypochondrium, then straight to the left hypochondrium and down to the left iliac region.

During an attack of colic such a massage of the colon is carried out in stages.

At first, carefully, stroking movements from top to bottom, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left side (the descending intestine, which passes into the straight line at the end) is worked out. Then the massage of the transverse colon is added (from the right hypochondrium horizontally to the left), and then the region of the right side is also captured. The result is also the letter P.

Several approaches should be carried out using basic massage techniques. In this case, it is necessary to alternate stimulating intense effects with relaxing strokes and periodically help the child release gases. To do this, use some body positions and exercises.

All applied positions and exercises are aimed at a uniform increase in intra-abdominal pressure while relaxing the exit from the rectum.

The baby is not yet able to control the external sphincter of the anus, pain can lead to spasm and thereby prevent defecation. By stretching the perineum, you can promote the release of gases. Gentle, even pressure on the tummy helps increase intra-abdominal pressure and facilitate bowel movements.

The “bicycle” exercise is used (alternately pressing the knees to the stomach, reminiscent of pedaling), bringing both bent legs to the navel, swaying in this position from side to side, laying on the stomach with legs pressed to it. All these positions should be held for 30-40 seconds.

Gently rocking while lying on your stomach on a large ball also stimulates the intestines and helps the movement of gases.

Sometimes, after the massage, the child is put to sleep lying on his stomach, under which a warm roller is placed (a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel with warm water).

In addition to directly affecting the intestines through the anterior abdominal wall, acupuncture can be used. Pressure, rubbing of reflexogenic points is carried out for preventive purposes, and during colic.

These points are located on the foot in its lower 2/3, just below the patella and above the inner ankle. Their exact location is determined using an individual body measurement - 2 phalanges of the middle finger (cun).

Acupuncture does not cause discomfort to the child and can be used simultaneously with the classic massage of the abdomen in newborns.

You can not massage the tummy of a newborn if there are signs of intestinal obstruction, volvulus or intussusception of the intestine, strangulated umbilical hernia. These include:

  • asymmetric bloating;
  • felt pronounced peristalsis in one place;
  • prolonged absence of gas and stool discharge;
  • pallor and lethargy of the child;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • discharge of blood from the anus;
  • tense painful rounded education in the navel;
  • prolonged unrelenting pain.

The combination of abdominal pain with at least one of these signs requires an urgent consultation with a surgeon.

In case of skin damage, rashes on the anterior abdominal wall, massage with colic in infants cannot be done. With the permission of the pediatrician and dermatologist, only certain massage techniques can be used without rubbing the skin.

Abdominal massage is an effective measure for the prevention and relief of colic. It is easy to carry out, and the combination with exercises helps to relieve the baby of spasms and gases.

It is necessary to massage the baby's abdomen on an empty stomach, before eating. Before the massage, it is better to warm his stomach. This can be done using a salt heating pad or a diaper folded in several layers and ironed. If you are using a heating pad, be sure to wrap it in a diaper. After that, you can proceed directly to the massage.

Warm up your own hands. It is unlikely that the baby will be pleased with the touch of your cold hands. The room should also not be cold so that the baby feels comfortable naked.

Proper massage technique

Remember that you always start the massage with light pressure, gradually strengthening them. After each pressure, it is necessary to do soothing light strokes. Thus, you are constantly alternating movements with pressure and light touches. The entire massage is best done within 5 minutes.

The baby's intestines are located in such a way that all massage movements must be carried out from left to right or clockwise. Do not press hard in the right hypochondrium of the child: the liver is located there. This organ is very delicate, so it is not necessary to massage it. But the area on the left lower abdomen of the baby can be massaged with quite a lot of effort: there is a large intestine, with pressure you will improve its work.

To begin with, fold your hand with a “house” (the inside of the palm should look at the baby) and stroke the baby’s stomach with it clockwise. Start circular movements around the navel area, gradually increasing the diameter and covering the entire surface of the abdomen. At first, the touches should be light, then with more and more pressure. Perform light strokes with the inside of the palm, and it is more convenient to do pressure with the edge of the palm. The more pressure is applied, the more relaxing effect it has on the muscles. Start and end circular massage movements with light touches.

The next movement is stroking from top to bottom. Start them with both hands from the ribs and lead your hands to the groin area. Then perform counter strokes: one hand moves down, the other up.

U-shaped massage movements are very useful. They consist in the fact that first you put your hand on the left side of the child's abdomen and stroke it from top to bottom, gradually increasing the pressure. Then lengthen the movement, starting from the right hypochondrium to the left, and then down. After that, you begin to “draw” the letter P with a massage movement: you start on the right lower abdomen, move your hand up, then to the right and then down.

After the massage

After the massage, the work of the intestines intensifies, respectively, it is easier to release gases. To help the child in this, you can press the child's knees to the stomach and hold them in this state for a while. After that, do the exercise "bike" with your feet, alternately pressing one knee or the other to his stomach. Alternate "bike" and exercise with pressed knees until you hear that the gases are moving away. If a child suffers from colic, his tummy is often distended. After massage and bending the legs, swelling is noticeably reduced, and the baby calms down.

Dress your child. Do not wrap it up too much so that it does not overheat. Then let him rest a little, for a few minutes on his stomach.

simple manipulations with the baby's tummy, he will experience pain.

The appearance of colic in a child is accompanied by uncomfortable digestion.

The reasons for this can be varied:


Colic is manifested by pain in the abdomen, but it should be distinguished from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of colic:

Why you need a massage for colic

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn is necessary to facilitate the removal of gases, as well as to calm the nervous system. The baby has not yet formed a full-fledged central nervous system. Because of this, he reacts to the slightest unpleasant stimuli.

A feeling of pressure or bloating in the abdomen makes the child hysterical. Massage allows you to:

  • Warm up the organs of the digestive system. This improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, so that gases are more quickly excreted.
  • Stimulate the child's appetite. With the manifestation of colic, the baby often begins to refuse food, unconsciously avoiding unpleasant consequences. Massage will awaken the desire to eat.
  • The calming effect on the nervous system will make the baby calmer during feeding. He will stop making unnecessary movements with his arms and legs, and will also suck the bottle or breast more vigorously, preventing air from entering.
  • Slow strokes on the tummy reduce the likelihood of cramps. This will prevent the occurrence of pain from colic.

Preparing for a massage

Before you start the massage, you need to perform a number of preparatory steps:

Massage step by step

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn is carried out in stages:

How to end a massage

To end the massage, you must follow the recommendations:

Acupressure for colic

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn can be done using the point method:


Massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

Gymnastics for colic and constipation in infants

Gymnastics allows the child not only to improve digestion, but also to develop the capabilities of the body. A feature of gymnastic techniques is the possibility of close contact with the mother and the expansion of horizons, as well as the development of the nervous system. Gymnastics contributes to the active growth of the child, and it can be done every morning even at the age of 1 month.

However, in the following cases, gymnastics should be abandoned:

Gymnastics should be performed when the baby is in a good mood. Exercises are performed on a hard surface, such as a changing table. Exercises are repeated 2-3 times, and their total duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

Exercise #1 Exercise #2 Exercise #3 Exercise number 4 Exercise number 5
The child should be placed on the stomach. It is required to clasp the child's feet with your hands, pressing on the soles. His response will be a leap forward.The child must be placed on his back. His left leg should be bent at the knee and brought behind the right. Then attach your legs to your stomach and back. Repeat the same with the right leg.The child should be placed on its back. It is necessary to hold it by the hands, pulling it up. In this case, the legs of the child should also be directed upwards.The child should be held vertically above the table by the chest. When lowering onto the table, he will make repulsive movements with his legs.The child must be placed on his back. With your right hand, you need to take his right hand, and then turn the baby from his back to his stomach.

Exercises for colic for newborns on a fitball

Classes on the fitball serve as a prevention of colic and a way to eliminate pain. A feature of this technique is a positive effect on the muscles. They are strengthened, while muscle hypertonicity is eliminated. The child receives a charge of positive emotions and energy.

This technique is contraindicated in certain conditions:

The duration of the gymnastics is about 10 minutes. You can carry out exercises daily, if the baby is not naughty and does not refuse to perform them. During the exercises of the child, you can not pull and apply force.

Massaging the tummy with colic is not the only way to deal with pain.

  • Teach your baby to use a pacifier.
  • Observe the norms and regimen of feeding.
  • Observe the temperature standards in the room where the baby is located.
  • Do not abuse medicines for gas formation in the intestines.
  • Nursing mothers should exclude caffeine and dairy products from the diet.
  • The problem can be solved by replacing the formula on artificial feeding.
  • In severe cases, a gas outlet tube should be used.

There is no universal remedy for colic in a newborn. However, massage of the tummy with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms serves as a prevention of pain and spasms.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about tummy massage with colic

Massage for colic in children:

Massage for colic in newborns is a simple and effective way to help a little man. A child's body cannot function like an adult's. He needs time to get right. Parents can facilitate this process by performing a set of special exercises for the tummy with colic in crumbs.

Signs of the disease

Before taking any measures to help a newborn with colic, you should consult with your local doctor. The following are signs that will help parents understand that the baby is worried about this particular problem:

  1. The newborn is constantly crying and groaning.
  2. The baby begins to actively suck milk, but after the first few sips he refuses to eat and continues to eat intermittently, during which he cries out and wrinkles his face.
  3. After the feeding process, the child does not fall asleep. He actively moves his arms and legs, expressing obvious signs of anxiety.
  4. Constant profuse regurgitation, belching, passing gases.
  5. The position "on the stomach" is more comfortable for the child than "on the back".
  6. The newborn calms down when he is firmly pressed to his mother, but as soon as he is put in the crib, the above signs appear again.

Typical symptoms of the disease

In the first month of a child's life, colic usually practically does not appear. However, a newborn should begin to massage from colic as soon as the trace of the umbilical cord heals. This is due to the fact that the baby needs to get used to the touch of his mother's hands, learn to relax under their influence.

After discharge from the hospital, you should slowly begin to master the first massage movements, gently stroking the tummy without pressure with two fingers in a circular motion. Movements are always performed strictly clockwise, since it is this direction that corresponds to the movement of gases through the intestines.

When the umbilical cord dries up and falls off, colic massage can be done more confidently, but still avoiding pressure on the area around the umbilical wound.

After the wound has completely healed, you can proceed to a full-fledged massage of the tummy of a newborn with colic, even in the absence of the above signs.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Many mothers wonder how to massage the tummy. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. Massage from colic is carried out on a semi-hard surface, for example, on a changing table. It would also be a good option if the mother puts the baby on her lap. Feeling its warmth and smell, it will be easier for the baby to relax. It is not recommended to massage from colic on soft, springy surfaces, because. in this case, it is impossible to control the pressing force.

The surface must be covered with a soft diaper.

It is advisable to preheat it to body temperature. Before starting the session, you need to make sure that the room is warm enough. The temperature should not be lower than 23-24 °C. The child must be completely undressed, including the diaper, and put on a diaper.

Mom's hands should also be warm. To do this, you can intensively rub them together just before you start the massage for colic. In order not to damage the delicate skin of the crumbs, it is recommended to apply a few drops of special massage or ordinary sunflower oil to your hands. When using massage oil, it is important that it be of plant origin (not mineral, and even less artificially synthesized). If it was decided to use sunflower oil, it must be heated for 10 minutes in a water bath in order to destroy the microbes contained in it. There should be no sources of bright light near the child that could blind the sensitive vision of the baby. It is not recommended to start the massage right away. The child should be given the opportunity to take an air bath for 5-10 minutes. Naturally, this stage must be omitted if we are talking about directly helping with acute colic.

When performing a massage for colic in a newborn, it should be remembered that in newborns, the liver protrudes from the right hypochondrium by about 2-3 cm. No massage movements should touch this area.

massage exercises

Various exercises will help with colic.

  1. The child must be put on his back, the mother's hands are placed on top of the baby's tummy and lie motionless on him for 1-2 minutes, warming and soothing.
  2. The starting position is the same. With light gentle movements with two fingers, you should start stroking the tummy around the navel in a clockwise direction. In the first sessions, the number of strokes should be no more than 5-6 times. Then their number can be increased.
  3. The mother's hand is placed with the palm in the hypochondrium. Slowly and smoothly, she begins to slide from top to bottom on the baby's stomach. The second palm follows the first in the same smooth movement. The exercise is repeated continuously 8-10 times.
  4. Mom takes the child's leg in her hands and begins to gently bend it, pressing her knee to her stomach. In the extreme position, you should linger for 3-5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 6-8 times for each leg and the same for both legs at the same time. Repeated 6-8 times.
  5. Bicycle exercise. Mom takes the baby's legs in her hands and begins to alternately rotate them in a half-bent state, imitating the rotation of bicycle pedals. Exercise is carried out 4-5 times in each direction. During execution, it is necessary that the knees touch the tummy.
  6. Mom takes the baby with her hands on her knees and begins circular rotations with her bent legs, spreading and bringing them together. The exercise is done extremely slowly and carefully so as not to damage the hip joint. Only 3-4 times.
  7. The mother's hand clenched into a fist is placed with her knuckles on the baby's tummy below the navel. The pressure should be strong enough to feel the elasticity of the muscles. You must be very careful not to cause discomfort to the baby. Very slowly, the mother turns her hand around its axis clockwise.
  8. The starting position is the same. But this time, mom's fist draws a spiral line on the baby's stomach, twisted clockwise, starting from the navel and ending at the left hip.
  9. The baby is turned over on the tummy. It is important at the same time to ensure that nothing interferes with his breathing. Mom lightly strokes the child on the sides in the direction from the abdomen to the lower back. Only 6-8 times.
  10. Mom puts her hands on the baby's lower back and puts her hands under the baby's stomach, pressing on the oblique muscles. When her fingers are connected under the baby's belly, she needs to slightly bend them up, pressing on the tummy with the entire surface of her fingers, as if lifting the baby. In the upper position, you should freeze for 3-5 seconds, then relax your palms and pull them out from under the baby. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  11. Starting position: the child lies on his stomach, a towel twisted into a tourniquet is placed under him in the navel area. The thickness of the tourniquet is selected so that the child rests approximately equally strongly on the knees and tummy. Mom's hands with light smooth movements stroke the baby from the waist to the stomach.
  12. Starting position: the mother lies on her back and puts the child on her half-bent legs. The angle of the position of the baby relative to the floor should be 20-30 °. The load on the coccyx, which has not yet grown stronger, is unacceptable, so it is important to make sure that the baby leans on the mother with his entire back and lower back. At the same time, the child's legs lie freely on the mother's stomach. In this position, exercises 1-5 are repeated.
  13. Starting position: the baby lies with his stomach on the fitness ball. With one hand, mom holds him, with the other she shakes the ball. The head of the child should not be lower than the level of the legs.

Contraindications to the appointment

If, in addition to colic, there are signs such as:

  • bloating is asymmetrical;
  • the navel is tense and sticks out;
  • peristalsis is observed in a certain area;
  • there is no stool for a long time;
  • increased temperature;
  • the baby is lethargic and pale;
  • there is bloody discharge from the anus.

The latter may indicate that the baby has intestinal obstruction or volvulus. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Thus, massage for colic at home will help relieve abdominal pain and improve the condition of the child.

The birth of a baby is a holiday. The life of new parents revolves around the newborn. Up to 2-3 weeks, the child eats and sleeps, without bringing worries to others. But one fine evening, a nightmare begins: the child starts crying. Plaintive crying with enviable regularity is repeated every day, more often in the evening or at night. Mom and dad, despite the assurances of others that this is normal in infants, run to the clinic. The doctor makes a verdict: infantile colic, asks to be patient for a few months, prescribes treatment to alleviate the condition of the baby.

Intestinal colic in a newborn is severe pain that periodically occurs in the abdomen. They occur from excessively accumulated gas in the intestines, spasms and difficulty emptying, begin in the third week after birth, subside by the fifth month.

Attacks are due to the fact that from the moment of birth, babies begin to eat on their own, while the children's gastrointestinal tract adapts to new functioning conditions. The first time the pain is single, for fifteen minutes. Gradually, they become more frequent, increasing in duration up to three hours, until the baby poops or gases pass. It is noticed that colic is more often observed in boys.


Symptoms of intestinal colic are difficult to confuse:

  • The baby's face turns red;
  • The fingers of the palm are clenched into fists;
  • He wiggles his arms and legs;
  • His tummy turns into an inflated tight bundle of nerves;
  • He cries long and hysterically;
  • Difficulties with stool;
  • Regurgitation and flatulence;
  • Able to walk on their own.

If the baby has a fever, nausea appears, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician. Often childhood illnesses have symptoms similar to colic.

Scientists still argue about colic. The well-known in Russia children's doctor Komarovsky has been studying them all his life, but is unable to give a clear answer: what is it. The causes of occurrence are not fully understood. Several assumptions fall into two groups.

Colic healthy baby

Colic in newborns does not affect the development and health of children. They eat well, put on weight, but often cry. Why?

Immature digestive system

This is due to the lack of beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive tract. During the first 2-3 weeks of life, their supply in the child's body is depleted. The microflora is enriched as the necessary microorganisms enter with mother's milk, and with a deficiency, gas formation, cramps and pain in the tummy begin. The chair is broken.

Inappropriate nutrition

Perhaps, with a lack of mother's milk or its absence, the mixture for artificial feeding is incorrectly selected, or the symptom develops when switching to another mixture. There is an individual intolerance to the components of the mixture and allergic reactions. Improper preparation: insufficient density or, conversely, too viscous consistency with lumps. Food moves through the intestines with difficulty, causing spasms.

Maternal malnutrition

Nursing mothers are supposed to be more picky about food, not to eat foods that provoke flatulence and allergic reactions. It is advisable to refuse in the first month:

  • Any cabbage (white, cauliflower, Beijing, Brussels);
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas, beans);
  • Orekhov;
  • Fresh and dried grapes;
  • Strawberries, raspberries;
  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini) fresh and canned;
  • White bread, pastries from yeast dough;
  • Coffee;
  • Dairy products.

Gradually introducing the listed products into the diet in small portions, monitor the reaction of the child. If the tummy is swollen, loose stools, regurgitation, skin rash appear, and the baby starts crying, give them up completely. When the baby is 4 months old, his digestive system will fully adapt to the new conditions of existence, colic will remain in the past, then it is allowed to eat previously prohibited foods.

Mom's mood

Babies have a strong emotional bond with their mother. He feels his mother's mood. If the child is breastfed, the anxiety condition is transmitted along with milk. His nervous system is improving, like the gastrointestinal tract, gradually. Nervous spasms form in the intestines.

Improper feeding

The baby swallows air while eating:

  • When breastfeeding, the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly. Air passes between the mouth and chest, the child smacks his lips.
  • In the wrong position during feeding. They are applied to the chest in a vertical position, which is inconvenient for a full capture of the nipple by the mouth.
  • With artificial feeding, a bad nipple on the bottle, a large hole, they hold the bottle inconveniently, at a large angle.


If the baby is overfed, he will not have enough enzymes to digest food. The remains begin to ferment in the stomach, releasing gases. The baby starts to vomit.

If, after saturation, they were not allowed to burp, air goes into the intestines, forming spasms and severe pain. It is better to shorten the period between feedings, then the portions will decrease, the milk will be better absorbed.

Children's migraine

Scientists believe that the development of vision and hearing in children occurs in the first months of life. The central nervous system and the brain are under tremendous stress and undergo natural changes. Headaches, called childhood migraines, appear, provoking spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.


A baby with colic often cries a lot, sobbing and gasping for air. Swallowing it provokes new attacks. The circle closes.

Lying on your back

The baby is in a supine position for a long time. Digestion in a horizontal position is slower. It is difficult for food to pass through the intestines, it stagnates, rots, provoking the formation of gases. Swallowed air takes longer to pass through the intestines. Attacks of pain increase in time.

Colic sick child

Associated with diseases of the digestive system. Eg:

  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Allergy to mixtures or food of the mother;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Heartburn.

What to do with colic in newborns?

Although intestinal colic is a common occurrence for newborns, a normal parent will not be able to survive constant crying while watching their crumbs torment. The phenomenon must be fought.

What to do to get rid of colic? How to treat in order to avoid consequences, to prevent the development of a serious illness? How not to provoke a new painful attack?

What not to do

So that the child does not suffer from abdominal pain, cry less and develop well, do not recommend:

  • Breastfeed strictly by the hour, switch to artificial feeding. Breast milk contains melatonin. The hormone has a good effect on the sleep of the child and helps fight colic. There is no substance in mixtures, but ingredients that are intolerable to the baby can be contained.
  • Mom to diet. A nursing mother in the first months can exclude from the diet only products that cause gas formation and allergic reactions. Vitamins and microelements come with breast milk, so you need to eat varied, and not sit on the Kremlin diets.
  • Use medicines for treatment without the recommendation of a doctor.

Fighting colic at home

To help a newborn with colic at home, you will need to be patient and desire. Parents should know how to prevent colic, how to relieve them, how to treat them.

Preventive measures

If you want to make life easier for yourself and your newborn, make it a rule to perform a series of actions every day.

  • To prevent the baby from swallowing air when breastfeeding, apply correctly to the breast and monitor the capture of the nipple.
  • When artificial feeding, make sure the bottle is in the correct position, choose a nipple of a comfortable shape and the right size. Modern moms on the forums recommend using feeding bottles with an anti-colic valve that allows air to pass inward, and not into the stomach. Bottle Dr. Brown - milk flows drop by drop, as if from the breast. Philips Avent bottle - the nipple is shaped closer to the nipple of the female breast. It is easier for the baby to move from one form of feeding to another.
  • Raise your baby upright after each feed to spit up. Excess air will come out. Wear it for 15 minutes in this position.
  • Bend and unbend the legs at the knees, pressing to the stomach. With exercise, the intestines begin to work better.
  • Feed before the baby gets hungry. Dr. Komarovsky believes that this will help prevent the accumulation of gases and the appearance of colic. The little one, not having time to get hungry, will suck more slowly, without capturing air.
  • Before eating, let the baby lie down on the tummy for a few minutes.
  • Don't upset mom.
  • Walk more often in the fresh air, it calms and lulls the child.
  • Create a cozy atmosphere without bright lights and loud noise.

Home remedies to relieve colic

If the child began to cry and writhe in pain, remember the anti-colic remedies common among the people:

  • Give your baby a tummy massage. Lightly pressing with the palm of your hand, stroke clockwise from the navel outward. Helps to soothe the baby and facilitates the process of defecation.
  • Apply heat to the baby's stomach to relieve spasms that have arisen from overexcitation, prolonged crying, or a bad mood of the mother. Means of assistance: a diaper warmed by an iron; warm heating pad; a special colic belt “Happy tummy”, compresses and warms the navel area, facilitating the passage of gases. A heating pad is used in the form of a bag filled with caustic soda gel; belt for newborns Baby Nursey from Pecorella. The heating pad is a bag of useful herbs with the smell of lavender.
  • The peak of pain occurs every day at about the same time. Bathe the baby. Warm water will help to cope with the next attack.
  • Create close contact with the baby. Press it with your tummy to your stomach, vilify, lulling, on the handles or in a sling.
  • Create "white noise", these are monotonous sounds, such as a babbling stream, a waterfall, a humming vacuum cleaner or a hair dryer.
  • Give an enema if you haven't had a bowel movement in a long time.
  • With severe pain, a gas tube can help.

We treat colic folk remedies

Parents, in order to help a newborn, often turn to traditional medicine. The use of decoctions of medicinal herbs must be approached with caution. For the first time, give a teaspoon to test the body's response to tolerance to a particular type of plant. If there is no negative reaction, it is permissible to start treatment with carminative drugs. For common carminative preparations, herbs are used:

  • Fennel;
  • Dill seeds;
  • Chamomile.

They are poured with boiling water, infused and used to combat flatulence and spasms.


If infantile colic occurs in severe form, pediatricians connect medications. Let's take a look at some of the resources:

  1. Simethicone preparations, carminative. They allow the gas bubbles in the intestines to merge, helping to expel it. Espumizan - is available in the form of drops. Smecta - powder in sachets. Kuplaton - is available in the form of drops.
  2. Probiotics. Useful bacteria are used to populate the microflora of a child as prescribed by a doctor, the duration of administration and the dose are determined individually. Acipol - capsules, used for diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. Hilak forte - is available in the form of drops. Helps with dysbacteriosis, colic, frequent regurgitation, loose stools.
  3. Plant preparations. Plantex - tea granules (combats colic, bloating, nausea, improves digestion, bowel function). Anise - children's drops or herbal collection, help with gas formation.
  4. Absorbents. To reduce gas formation. Activated charcoal - tablets, removes all the muck from the body. The dose is calculated based on body weight.
  5. Homeopathic preparations. Viburkol - rectal suppositories. Used from the moment the baby is born. It has an analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, sedative effect.

Not all medicines can be used

  • The medicine can be used only from 6 months.
  • If you do not eat, it irritates the stomach.
  • Internal bleeding may develop in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, you can not use newborns under 6 months as an antispasmodic Papaverine.

There is no one hundred percent cure for colic in newborns. Remember, this is temporary. Help the child to survive the unpleasant period, ease his suffering and pain. Be patient. 3-4 months will fly by quickly. The baby will get stronger. Colic will pass. Sleepless nights will be a thing of the past.