Benefits of long term breastfeeding. Advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding for mother and child: we weigh all the pros and cons

Approximate reading time: 4 minutes

Your baby has been born. Every mother tries to give her child only the best. Let's take a closer look at the benefits breastfeeding for child and mother.

World Organization Healthcare and pediatricians around the world are on the side breastfeeding and strongly recommend it. The right to choose the method of feeding remains, of course, with the mother. To accept correct solution We will try to tell in detail all aspects of breastfeeding.

Benefits of Breastfeeding Babies

Mother's milk is by nature a perfect, valuable product. Nature has invested in it all the most valuable qualities that provide life, health, proper development baby.

Optimal required amount, balanced ratio useful substances, an easily digestible form, all these qualities are adapted to the physiological and biochemical processes of the child's body. Such properties are very important, since the organs and systems of the newborn are not yet fully developed.

Until now, scientists are discovering more and more valuable components in human milk. It's amazing how much nature has thought of everything: composition and properties.

So, let's look at the content of breast milk to understand why it is so invaluable to babies.


Women's milk is rich in vitamins (especially A, E, D), minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus). All these components are in an easily digestible form, thanks to this the body does not need to expend effort on their digestion.


We all know from a biology course that protein is necessary as construction material for cells, and for a rapidly growing organism, it is vital. Amino acids are ideally adapted to still imperfect metabolic processes. They are easily digestible.


IN breast milk they are absorbed by the child by 90-95%. Fats contain fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are very relevant for a newborn baby.


They are represented by lactose, which has a bifidogenic property, promotes the development of beneficial intestinal microflora of the crumbs, while preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria.


Women's milk is rich in many minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Their properties prevent the development of rickets, malnutrition and other diseases.



Breastfed babies are less likely to get sick, they have a lower percentage of occurrence chronic diseases. This is due to the content of immunoglobulins, antibodies that help the child's immature immunity to reach perfection.

Remember.The first drops of milk - colostrum - contain a particularly high concentration of immunoglobulins. Helps protect the baby's body from pathogenic microbes that he encounters in the first moments of his life. No mixture can replace given property breast milk.


Women's milk is rich in special enzymes necessary for the process of splitting proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

  • The value of human milk is limitless:
  • has a protective function, strengthens the immune system, which is a barrier to many diseases;
  • sterility of milk, so there is no need for additional processing;
  • the child receives milk at a comfortable temperature;
  • balanced nutrient content, in an easily digestible form;
  • ease of feeding, no need for additional attributes;
  • improves the functioning of the baby's brain, which contributes to better psychomotor development.

According to research international organization UNICEF has shown that six months of breastfeeding increases a baby's IQ by 6-8 points.

Medicinal properties of mother's milk

Women's milk studies have proven it medicinal properties. Helps with various problems.

Milk is sterile and contains antibodies, which helps fight conjunctivitis, which is common in babies. A few drops of expressed milk will help get rid of this trouble.

Diseases of the ears, perfectly cured with 2-3 drops of expressed milk, instilled every 3-4 hours, you can do without the help of antibiotics.

With light burns, including sunburn, lubricating the burn site moistened with breast milk with a swab will relieve pain and help healing.

Light scratches, insect bites, diaper rash can also be treated with human milk.

Cracks in the nipples that occur in the first months of feeding are well cured with breast milk. After feeding, decanting the rest of the milk, it is necessary to rinse the breast warm water, then express a couple of drops, lubricate the affected areas. This will help remove pain and close the cracks.

Benefits of breastfeeding for women

No prettier pictures than a mother who breastfeeds her child. A woman in the period of motherhood becomes even more beautiful, sensual. At all times, artists have admired and painted pictures of mothers breastfeeding their babies. An important fact is that a lot depends on the correct attachment of the baby to the breast, you can see in detail how to do this in this article.

Feeding brings a lot of positive aspects:

  • Breastfeeding releases the hormone oxytocin. It enhances uterine contraction, and this is the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Immediately after birth, the baby is applied to the breast, at which point not only oxytocin is produced, but also another hormone - prolactin. It is responsible for the production of breast milk.
  • Scientists have proven in nursing mothers that oncological diseases of the breast, uterus, and ovaries are less common.
  • When breastfeeding, the connection between a woman and a child becomes stronger, flares up with greater strength maternal instinct.
  • When carrying a child by a surrogate mother, psychologists do not recommend putting the child to the breast. This may cause doubt in the decision to give the child to parents and further complex psycho-emotional problems.

  • Natural feeding is convenient and economical. A woman does not need to take a lot of bottles, formula, etc. with her when going for a walk or getting up at night to sterilize the bottle and prepare artificial formula.

Psychological benefits of breastfeeding

Science has proven that breastfed babies are different from formula-fed babies. Such children are better developed physically and emotionally.

Breastfeeding brings together mother and baby. Above all, breastfeeding is a further foundation for development at an older age.

They are more active, balanced, psychologically. Such children are more resistant in various stressful situations. For example, the first visit kindergarten, schools. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly organize the nutrition of a newborn.

As a rule, such kids grow up friendly, sociable and friendly people. Doesn't go unnoticed emotional attachment child to mother, in the future they grow up attentive, caring parents.

With mother's milk, all the warmth, love and tenderness of the mother is transmitted. A bottle of the mixture will never be able to convey energy, emotional warmth, security. There are many cases when mothers immediately after the birth of the crumbs wanted to abandon them for various reasons. As soon as they feed the child at least once, the decision changed in favor of the baby.

Breastfeeding has many benefits for mother and baby. Our portal conducted a large survey in which more than 1000 mothers took part. 95% chose to breastfeed their baby. 27%, more than a quarter of all mothers, decide to breastfeed after the baby is 1 year old. What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

Benefits of breastfeeding for a baby

  • Nutrients, contained in breast milk, are ideally suited to the needs of the child and the possibilities of his digestion.
  • Breast milk contains important antibodies, or immunoglobulins, that are passed on to the baby. Thanks to them, the child will be protected from allergies and infectious diseases.
  • Mother's milk has optimal temperature and always meets the needs of the child.
  • The sucking movements themselves during breastfeeding contribute to the development of the tongue, palate and facial muscles of the child.
  • Breastfeeding promotes mental development: Breastfed babies have an IQ level three points higher than formula-fed babies. This is due to the presence of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) in breast milk. And the iron contained in milk supports the formation of many neurotransmitters and, therefore, also affects the active mental development child.
  • Another benefit of breastfeeding is tight tactile contact child with mom. The baby, being next to his mother, feels safe. In addition, a feeling of affection develops between a woman and a child during breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding: Benefits for Mom

The benefits of breastfeeding are also tangible for a woman - it is practical, it does not have to be paid for and, with a little training, it does not require special efforts. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer and accelerates the recovery of the body after childbirth. During feeding, the hormone oxytocin is released, which is responsible for labor pains and, subsequently, for the restoration of uterine muscles.

Why is the right attitude important when breastfeeding?

The most important prerequisite for successful breastfeeding is the woman's confidence and sincere desire. Sluggish attempts to breastfeed “on duty” are usually doomed to failure. If you're not yet comfortable with breastfeeding, seek the help of an experienced lactation consultant.
If for some reason objective reasons you are forced to transfer the baby to artificial feeding, read a lot useful tips on this topic in the article "All About Bottles".

It benefits not only the baby himself, but his mother - few people know. On the contrary, it is often believed that breastfeeding is a special kind of maternal feat, when a mother sacrifices her health for the health of her child... In fact, breastfeeding is a completely natural part of a woman's reproductive cycle, a mandatory continuation of pregnancy and childbirth. Early termination breastfeeding can cause problems due to disruption of the biological program of the body, but continued feeding, on the contrary, brings with it a number of benefits due to the hormonal stabilization of the mother's body.

So what are the benefits of breastfeeding for moms?

Postponing a new pregnancy . Breastfeeding affects female fertility, that is, the ability to conceive. The more often a mother feeds, the higher the level of the hormone prolactin in her body, and prolactin suppresses the production of hormones responsible for ovulation. breastfeeding gives effective protection from the occurrence of a new pregnancy, when the mother breastfeeds exclusively at the first request of the child, 10 times or more during the day, with one maximum interval between feedings no more than five hours. If this excludes the use of pacifiers and bottles, are not regulated daily feedings and are not limited to nighttime, then in the first three months of feeding the probability of pregnancy is virtually zero, and in the next three months - less than 2%.

After the baby is six months old, breastfeeding gives less guarantee that a new pregnancy will not occur. At this age, babies begin to receive complementary foods, but if the baby continues to be breastfed frequently in combination with complementary foods, then the mother is partially protected from the onset of a new pregnancy.

It is especially important for the mother's body to start feeding immediately after childbirth and carry it out at the request of the child. During breastfeeding, the active action of the hormone oxytocin helps to restore strength after childbirth, the rapid contraction of the uterus and stop postpartum bleeding. That is why mothers who often breastfeed their babies are much less likely to experience such a postpartum complication as endometritis.

Further breastfeeding directly contributes to maintaining a good figure. In the first six months of feeding, a woman’s weight can sometimes increase regardless of her diet, but then the accumulated fats begin to be actively consumed, and the longer the mother feeds, the more her weight decreases. Weight is especially actively shed when feeding a baby at the age of 6-9 months - usually at this time a woman returns to the forms that she had before pregnancy, and then, due to the active burning of fat deposits on her hips, she can even become even slimmer! Excess weight it is extremely rare that the entire lactation period persists and, if it does happen, it most often indicates an unbalanced menu or hormonal problems.

The breastfeeding mother improves bone mineralization and reduces the incidence of osteoporosis , because thanks to the appropriate hormones, when breastfeeding, the mother’s body absorbs calcium better. And thanks to the long absence of menstruation, due to which the body loses iron along with the blood, a nursing mother is better protected from iron deficiency anemia.

❧ Fact: It is enough to breastfeed for only 9 months to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis by 25%!

Breastfeeding seriously protects a woman from cancer. Firstly, the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced (20% less with each birth if the baby has been breastfed for at least two months). Secondly, the risk of breast cancer is very seriously reduced: a mother who has brought up three children has twice less chance ever get breast cancer than a woman who has lactated for less than six months in her entire life. To the delight of supporters of long-term feeding, the same effect is observed if the mother fed at least one child for more than 13 months. Other studies have concluded that the risk of breast cancer decreases by 7% with each pregnancy and by 4.3% with each month of breastfeeding.

The duration of breastfeeding is directly related to health after menopause. . A large study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, who processed nearly 140,000 women's medical records, showed that even those who breastfed for just one month had more low rates blood cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension. In women who breastfed for more than a year, the likelihood of diabetes was already reduced by 20%, hypertension - by 12%, advanced level blood cholesterol by 19%, and the risk of heart attack or stroke was reduced by 9%.

There are also some psychological benefits. . Breastfeeding has a very strong effect on the character of the woman herself, making her softer and more sensitive, and especially on her relationship with the baby. Breastfeeding, during which both mother and her baby enter into a complex hormonal interaction, quickly contributes to the formation of a close, tender relationship between them. Of course, the mom who bottle feeds her baby loves her too. And at the same time, both foreign and the most modern Russian studies are unambiguous: the levels maternal care and anxiety, the degree of response to the baby's needs, the accuracy of the mother's intuitive behavior, the degree of reaction to a real or potential threat to the crumbs and the joy of long-term communication - all this is determined primarily by breastfeeding. With each breastfeeding, when mother and baby look at each other with tenderness and love, an invisible thread of mutual affection is born and becomes stronger between them.

Of course, there are very different mothers among those who are breastfeeding and among those who have chosen artificial feeding. But even the World Health Organization explicitly writes in its recommendations that breastfeeding mothers are generally more affectionate towards their babies. They complain much less about situations when the child requires attention and night feedings. Finally, breastfeeding mothers are much less likely to abandon or abuse their children. The feelings of closeness and love that breastfeeding evokes and sustains help mothers feel more positive about their babies at any time in their lives. Probably, it becomes especially noticeable and important during the period when the baby older than a year begins to subject parents to irrational demands and emotional outbursts incomprehensible to him.

Since a nursing mother always has literally at hand the most The best way sedation, then this difficult time She has a much easier time psychologically.

Finally, long feeding breastfeeding and more delayed in time positive consequences. As shown by foreign and Russian studies, children who were fed longer than a year exhibit far fewer behavioral problems in school and adolescence. According to both mothers and teachers, long-fed children are less likely than others to behave rudely in the family and at school. So, breastfeeding now, mom saves herself both health and nerves for many, many years!

A modern woman today is comprehensively developed and is constantly looking for ways of self-realization: she not only leads household and is engaged in cooking culinary delights, but also works, goes to the gym, swimming pool and other public places.

However, with the advent of the baby, the way of life and rhythm changes dramatically: the newly-made mother no longer belongs to herself, and she will already plan some business based on the desires and needs of her child. And here the temptation may arise: and not whether to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition? It seems very convenient: she left the little one in the care of her father or caring grandparents with a bottle of the mixture and went about her business. But it’s not for nothing that the mother has milk after childbirth! Let's take a look at the benefits of breastfeeding and make sure breastfeeding is worth it.

Ideal food for babies

The composition of breast milk is unique; not a single mixture has yet been able to exactly repeat the set of those valuable components that are necessary in full for the growth and development of the baby. For example, it is impossible to synthesize and introduce molecular fatty acids into the composition of the mixture.

Did you know that milk, like a living organism, is constantly changing? Its qualitative composition and volume is produced depending on the needs. specific child. For example, in mothers who gave birth prematurely, the composition of milk during the first two weeks is as close as possible to colostrum. So the baby does not spend a lot of energy on sucking, but receives the necessary nutrients. And if twins were born, milk of different composition can be found in two mammary glands!

The composition changes even during one feeding. The foremilk comes first. It is liquid, consists almost of water and is designed to quench the thirst of an infant. Toward the end of feeding, the so-called hindmilk appears, it is fatty, contains all the necessary nutrients and just provides a feeling of satiety.

The composition and fat content of milk change as the baby grows.

Separately, I want to say about colostrum. The elixir of life, the first inoculation - that's what doctors call it for beneficial features. Breast milk arrives only 3-4 days after birth, but for now the baby is fed by a liquid secreted from the breasts, called colostrum.

At the first application, the baby receives from 2 to 10 ml of colostrum, but this is enough, since it is 2.5 times the calorie content of breast milk and is rich in antibodies and immunoglobulins. With a slight laxative effect, it helps the intestines to clear meconium and clear bilirubin, as well as prepare digestive system to a new kind of food.

Let's talk more about the composition of breast milk:

  • Unlike cow's milk, mother's milk contains mainly fine proteins - albumins, and casein particles are smaller in size. Due to the fact that the protein itself is not as much as in cow's milk, there is no protein overload on a small organism. Together, these properties allow food to have a more delicate texture during curdling, which allows it to be perfectly digested and assimilated.
  • Mother's milk rarely causes allergies or intolerances in a child (almost never), which cannot be said about cow's dairy products.
  • Breastfed babies receive several times more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are broken down by lipase, also present in milkshake. In general, the set of enzymes, vitamins and microelements is very balanced and adapted to the infant's body. This important nuance, since the baby's own enzymes are not yet well developed.
  • The invaluable benefits of breastfeeding are the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies, as well as the formation local immunity. It is known, for example, that a mother who once had chickenpox can protect her child from the virus in the first months of his life when breastfeeding.
  • Mother's milk has in large numbers carbohydrates, namely b-lactose, the process of absorption of which is slower in the intestine compared to a-lactose, which makes it possible to “grow” beneficial microflora on its basis and suppress the reproduction of foreign microorganisms.
  • Despite the fact that the content of calcium and phosphorus in mother's milk less than in a cow, their ratio contributes to high-quality assimilation, due to which children who are breastfed are less likely to get rickets. And a small concentration of iron is compensated by its excellent bioavailability, so breastfed babies do not need to additionally introduce iron into the diet, unlike formula-fed babies.

No drink can fully replace mother's milk.

Benefits for the baby

In addition to the benefits of breastfeeding in and of itself, there are other benefits for the baby:

  • Overfeeding situations are excluded. Young parents are anxious about the newborn's weight gain, they often worry about whether their baby is full. Such anxieties sometimes lead to the temptation to feed the baby once again. And if in the case of artificial feeding it is fraught frequent regurgitation and excess weight gain, then it is almost impossible to overfeed with breastfeeding. Even if the baby will “hang” for days on the chest, he will mainly receive foremilk.
  • Correct bite. Unlike nipples and pacifiers, breast sucking stimulates jaw development and a healthy bite.
  • Close bond between child and mother. During breastfeeding, a close emotional connection is established, it is not just the satisfaction of needs for food and drink, physical contact with the mother, her gentle touches and caresses have a positive effect on the mental and physical health crumbs, improving intellectual ability and relieving stress. Research shows that breastfed babies grow up to be confident individuals.
  • Impact on health. We have repeatedly mentioned that a child who is breastfed has a reduced risk of developing respiratory infections, food allergies, pneumonia and other diseases, as the mother passes on her protective factors to him.

Breastfeeding allows for the closest emotional bond between mother and baby possible.

Benefits for mother

In aristocratic families, it was customary to give the heirs to the nurse for feeding, since it was believed that such a procedure spoils the breast. But what do modern experts say, is there any benefit from breastfeeding for the mother herself? Of course, and it is obvious!

  • speedy postpartum recovery. When the baby stimulates the nipples by sucking, the mother's body produces the hormone oxytocin, which is so necessary not only for the arrival of milk, but also for the active contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This reduces the risk possible bleeding or the development of an anemic condition in a woman in labor.
  • Part of the program for weight loss after childbirth. The body needs energy to produce milk, which it takes from ... fat reserves. It turns out that just breastfeeding, you can easily lose weight after childbirth.
  • Rest from menses. Absence menstrual cycle for some time, subject to regular breastfeeding on demand, this is a kind of gift for a woman, an opportunity for the body to relax and gain strength, and besides, it is also a natural contraceptive. In addition, such a "rest" is of great importance for the prevention of breast and uterine cancer.
  • incentive to healthy lifestyle life. Becoming a mother, a woman seems to start life from a new leaf: good habits such as daily walks on fresh air, healthy eating without fried, spicy, smoked. If there were bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, coffee addiction), even during pregnancy there is an incentive to get rid of them.
  • Economy of forces. In the first months of life, a newborn wakes up at night to eat, regardless of whether he is breast-fed or bottle-fed. But how convenient it is to just take the baby to you at night and immediately feed it, than to get up and prepare the mixture, watching the right temperature, and then wash and sterilize the bottles. Of course, care must be taken to co-sleeping with a child was safe.
  • Emotional health of the mother. Breastfeeding mothers are less likely to postpartum depression, as lactation suppresses stress hormones. And when the baby looks gratefully and trustingly into your eyes during feeding, any blues instantly disappears.

Practical benefits

Speaking about the benefits of breastfeeding, one cannot fail to mention that it is practical and very convenient. Judge for yourself:

  • Breast milk is always at hand, it does not need to be cooked, heated to desired temperature or worry that it is sour.
  • When going on a trip with your baby, you do not need to worry about where and how you will prepare the mixture, and then wash and sterilize the bottles.
  • Also important financial question. Calculate how much money could be spent monthly on purchases baby food. Hardly maternity capital sufficient to cover such costs. And breast milk is absolutely free.

You can breastfeed anywhere

The right attitude

If the mother is initially determined to breastfeed, nothing will prevent her from doing this. In fact, almost every woman can feed a child, contraindications to breastfeeding quite a few, and such cases are rare.

Yes, at first, while lactation is being established, both you and the baby will have to work hard, but after 2-3 weeks, feeding will bring only pleasant feelings. So, the benefits of breastfeeding are obvious! So enjoy your time while you are breastfeeding, because it is a great happiness to give your baby what he needs, and in the very at its best while giving him with milk his love and maternal caress.

The benefits of breastfeeding are endless. Breastfeeding is one of the most exciting and interesting phenomena that bond mother and child during the first years of a child's life. Breastfeeding represents parental care and the wisdom of nature.

For mom's health:

Successful recovery after childbirth.
The hormone oxytocin, produced when a baby suckles, causes the uterus to contract. This is especially true in the first half hour after the birth of the baby for the safe separation of the placenta and the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. First breastfeeding and first prolonged feeding should be carried out immediately after childbirth - this is called for by foreign doctors and WHO in their document "Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding". Feeding the baby in the first 2 months will help the uterus restore its pre-pregnancy shape, and neighboring organs abdominal cavity safely take their usual "places".

"Rest" of the reproductive system.
Breastfeeding produces the hormone prolactin in the mother's body, which is responsible for the amount of milk. This hormone suppresses the production of estrogen and progesterone, hormones necessary for ovulation and changes in the walls of the uterus for a new pregnancy. Thus, breastfeeding reliably protects against conception. However, it should be noted here that the necessary protective level of prolactin is maintained only when organizing child feeding natural way :
- the breast is given to the child as often and for as long as he wants - during the day and, most importantly, at night (at least 3 times per night);
-mother does not offer the baby to suck on foreign oral objects (pacifiers, bottles);
complementary foods are introduced to the baby after 6 months, the volume adult food increases very gradually;
At night, the baby sleeps next to the mother and is breastfed at the first sign of sleep disturbance.
-Studies have shown that about 95% of mothers who organize natural feeding remain incapable of a new conception for an average of 13-16 months. And in a third of mothers, ovulation does not resume during the entire period of breastfeeding!

Prevention of breast cancer.
Estrogen hormones promote the growth of cancer cells in reproductive system and are closely associated with cancer. As mentioned above, prolactin - the main "milk" hormone - suppresses the production of estrogen and slows down cell growth in general. Feeding one child for at least 3 months reduces the risk of breast cancer and ovarian epithelial cancer by 50% and 25%, respectively. Also, against the background of breastfeeding, mastopathy improves. There is even a way natural treatment of this disease: breastfeed the baby up to 3 years.

Reduced need for insulin
in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Calcium is better absorbed
during pregnancy, lactation and another six months after the cessation of lactation! Foreign scientists came to such sensational conclusions in the course of a number of studies. Why, then, in some women during these periods of life there are suspicions of a lack of calcium for their body? Most likely it's wrong organized meals nursing mother. It is important, after all, not just to absorb foods containing this element in sufficient quantities. It is important to "help" calcium fully absorb from food.
Also possible reasons calcium deficiency can be a small (less than 3 years) interval between pregnancies and errors in the organization of breastfeeding. Why? The fact is that the birth of a child causes a whole series of hormonal changes: pregnancy - childbirth - the formation of lactation (up to 3 months after childbirth) - mature lactation- involution of lactation (between 1.5 and 2.5 years of the baby) - cessation of breastfeeding - return of the body to the pre-pregnancy state (within six months). It is the work of hormones during these periods that contribute to a more complete absorption of calcium. If this reproductive chain was interrupted (for example, the mother stopped feeding the baby before the onset of lactation involution, or a miscarriage occurred, or the mother hurried with new pregnancy), if at any of the stages there was a gross interference from the outside and the natural hormonal balance was disturbed (for example, artificial stimulation childbirth, or lactation was interrupted in a medical way, or a woman uses hormonal contraceptives), if breastfeeding was not organized in a natural way - hormonal system a nursing mother does not work properly, and calcium can really be absorbed in insufficient quantities. Therefore, before blaming breastfeeding for tooth decay, consider whether you are doing everything in accordance with nature and common sense.

For the same reason, better absorption of calcium increases the risk of disease in old age. osteoporosis(osteoporosis - a disease caused by the leaching of calcium salts from the bones) also decreases by 25% with each breast-fed baby. Perhaps, for many women, this item will not seem very important. However, if you look around, senile fractures are not so uncommon. And if you consider that they are difficult to compensate, then you should think about prevention in advance!

Restoration of normal weight.
One of the most important issues of a woman who has given birth: “When will I again become as slim as before the start of pregnancy?” Answer: in about a year - if you feed your baby naturally! The fact is that during the period of bearing a baby, the mother’s body “makes reserves” for its subsequent feeding: what if there is a crop failure? or a natural disaster? or drought? Mom should have a lot of "reserve" calories prepared for milk production in the first, most important year of a baby's life. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to follow diets for weight loss - they, as a rule, will not help restore pre-pregnancy weight. Nature has provided only one way to return the former attractiveness - long-term breastfeeding.

Prevention of depression. Enhances maternal instinct
. In the absence of breastfeeding after childbirth, if there are problems with feeding, as well as when it is abruptly interrupted, the mother experiences a sharp drop in the level of female sex hormones. So-called endogenous depressions begin, to overcome which it is often necessary professional help psychotherapist. In turn, if there successful feeding a nursing woman has a large amount of neuropeptide hormones, including the well-known hormone endorphin. Its action causes a state similar to the joyful elated state of two lovers: “We are knee-deep in the sea, the main thing is that I have you, and that we are together!” Such a mother endures difficulties with courage, takes care of the baby with joy, radiates emotional satisfaction and, despite frequent fatigue, seems to fly on the wings of love.

Stronger immunity.
This is caused by increased metabolism in the body of a nursing mother. Intensive metabolic processes accelerate the elimination of toxins, increase the rate of renewal of bones and tissues, and also make the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx less susceptible to infectious agents.

Increased stress resistance.
This effect is achieved due to the work of two hormones:
-prolactin - is a strong tranquilizer. He seems to send a signal to a nursing mother: "Calm down, don't be nervous, everything will be fine..."
-oxytocin - helps a woman focus primarily on needs small child, leaving experiences on various everyday occasions as if on the periphery of consciousness. Thus, during the period of breastfeeding, a woman builds a clear system of life values, more consciously structures the internal space, and streamlines the reaction to events. outside world and there are additional mental resources to solve various problems.

In addition to the above, I would like to add that breastfeeding also has indirect health benefits for mothers:

It is extremely economical! Instead of spending on artificial mixtures, bottles, pacifiers, nipples, sterilizers, food warmers, medicines for a baby who will get sick much more often than a baby on breast milk, mom has the opportunity to buy something else. For a health trip to the sea, for example, or for a visit to the pool, for massages and beautician services.

Emotional connection between mother and child, arising in the process of breastfeeding, will also play its role positive role to keep mothers healthy. How, you ask? As you know, all diseases are from the nerves. And a child with whom there is no deep and trusting contact can be great to spoil the nerves of parents!

For the health of babies:
Natural feeding is the most physiological, its advantages are undoubted, since in its structure, mother's milk approaches the composition of the tissues of the child.

Women's milk is completely devoid of antigenic, that is, allergenic properties.. Artificial feeding significantly increases the risk allergic diseases even in those children of the first year of life who do not have a hereditary predisposition to them.

The total amount of protein in breast milk is optimal for the baby
. Even modern milk formulas contain almost 1.5 times more protein than breast milk. The protein content in mother's milk is very stable and practically does not change even when the mother becomes ill, exhausted, or malnourished. With artificial feeding, protein overload inevitably occurs, which is accompanied by intoxication, an excessive load on the immature liver, kidneys infants, leads to excessive weight gain, sometimes the development of diabetes, and also to a delay in the development of the child's nervous system. In schoolchildren who were within 4-9 months. on breastfeeding, intellectual capabilities are higher. Among children with schooling difficulties, children who were bottle-fed predominate. This statement is true for all countries, including industrialized countries. low level infant morbidity and mortality.

Human milk, especially colostrum, is rich in protective immunoglobulins (antibodies)
. Therefore, the morbidity and mortality of children who are breastfed are significantly lower than those with artificial feeding. The level of antibodies after vaccination when breastfeeding is higher than when using mixtures, which indicates better defense from infections for which the child is vaccinated.

Formula feeding may contribute to obesity in infants. During puberty, that is, at the age of 11-14 years, such children often have secondary obesity, which persists throughout their lives with the consequences of this in further problems(diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, bone and other systems already in adulthood).

Breast milk contains the necessary amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA). These acids are essential for correct formation nervous system, especially the brain, they increase resistance to age vascular diseases(atherosclerosis), their level correlates with the duration of human life. PUFAs contribute to the action of vitamins, increase the percentage of protein digestibility. Their lack leads to the predominance of excitation processes in the central nervous system.

Carbohydrates, mainly the milk sugar lactose, are found in relatively high amounts in breast milk.
. They largely determine which microbes prevail in the intestines of the child, stimulate the growth of normal microbial flora with a predominance of bifidobacteria, thereby inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbes and protecting against dysbacteriosis. Carbohydrates are also involved in the formation of B vitamins in the child's body, promote the absorption of calcium and iron, and are also indispensable, especially lactose, for the formation of the infant's brain tissue.

With natural feeding, calcium and phosphorus are well absorbed, therefore, children are much easier and less likely to get rickets. The content of such bioelements as sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, sulfur, selenium in breast milk is optimal and meets the needs of the child. Even in adapted, that is, close in composition to women's milk, milk mixtures are often not enough selenium, which is necessary for the mental development of children, while in women's milk its level is optimal.

Breast milk, especially prolonged feeding(up to 2-3 years), can protect the human body in the future from such chronic diseases as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. In children, when breastfeeding, the bite is correctly formed, the apparatus of articulation of sounds is developing normally, which further contributes to the formation of speech, the prevention of caries.
It has been shown that with natural feeding in the future better sexual potency, higher fertility (fertility). Perhaps some part of infertility is associated with early artificial feeding of future parents. It has been proven that the duration of lactation depends on the type of feeding of the woman herself - with breastfeeding, the likelihood of full lactation increases.

With natural feeding a life-long relationship with the mother is formed, its subsequent influence on the child's behavior, future parental behavior is shaped. In bottle-fed animals, it is sharply perverted: when they become adults, they refuse to feed their offspring. Great importance breastfeeding is given by psychologists dealing with issues family relations.

Thus, the refusal of natural feeding is a gross violation of the biological chain that has developed in evolution. "pregnancy - childbirth - lactation".

mammary glands in a nursing mother are the most powerful barrier,
extremely rarely passing pathogenic microbes, salts of heavy metals and other products harmful to the child. Toxic substances, for example, dioxins, under adverse environmental conditions, can enter women's milk, but such substances have not yet been established. negative effects from them, which would outweigh the positive impact of breastfeeding on the development of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to be quite careful about such recommendations as the rejection of breastfeeding and the transfer to milk formulas due to the unfavorable environmental situation in this region.

When breastfeeding, in comparison with artificial, there is a slight slowdown in biological maturation, which increases human lifespan.