Is it possible to pay off a mortgage loan with maternity capital. Mortgage repayment by maternity capital - documents

Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital is a profitable way for young families to quickly acquire a residential property. At the same time, in order to repay the mortgage with maternity capital, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions and familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this procedure. We will talk about this below.

The right to repay the mortgage with maternity capital

The legislator determined the possibility of using maternity capital to acquire ownership of residential premises. At the same time, money can be spent not only on the purchase of residential real estate, but also its construction or the purchase of housing through a mortgage loan.

It is important to emphasize that in order to protect the rights of families with two or more children, the law established the obligation of all banks that are engaged in mortgage lending to accept maternity capital as payment for a debt or part of it.

Mortgage repayment by maternity capital can be performed by one of the options:

  1. Payment of the down payment on a mortgage loan This type of service is not provided by all credit organizations. Initially, banks were reluctant to accept maternity capital as a down payment, as it was believed that such borrowers were insolvent or unreliable. But now the largest financial institutions are making concessions to potential borrowers. However, it should be said that the conditions for such mortgage loans are not very favorable for the borrowers themselves. Usually they are subject to higher interest rates with a relatively short maximum loan term;
  2. Payment of the principal amount of the debt (the value of the funds actually received). This option is used most often and, I must say, is beneficial for the borrower due to the fact that, as a result, the amount of the principal debt is reduced, and, therefore, interest will be charged on the remaining part of it, which will reduce the total amount of overpayment;
  3. Payment of interest on a loan. In practice, this scheme occurs infrequently and is beneficial for the most part to the bank, since the latter is guaranteed to receive part of the interest due to it. Although, there is some plus for the borrower, but only if he does not plan to repay the loan ahead of schedule. In this case, only the principal amount will remain to be repaid and, consequently, the monthly payment will decrease. Although, you can deposit a larger amount, thereby reducing the repayment period.

Documents to be submitted to the bank

In order to close part of the mortgage debt, or to repay the rest of the loan in full at the expense of maternity capital, you will need to contact the bank with the following set of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen (entitled to receive it, in accordance with the law);
  2. Certificate for receiving family (otherwise maternity) capital;
  3. Application for early repayment of a mortgage loan (a standard form is issued at the creditor bank).

After providing all the necessary documents, a certificate will be issued containing information about your loan, namely: the remaining amount of the principal debt, as well as the amount of interest due to the bank. In addition, in the bank you can get documents of title to the residential premises (certificate of ownership, contract for the sale of an apartment).

With the documents received, you must contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

What you need to apply to the Pension Fund

In the Pension Fund, you need to get approval to transfer funds from your maternity capital to pay off a mortgage loan. To do this, you again need to collect a package of documents. You will need:

  1. A document confirming the identity of a person entitled to receive maternity (family) capital: mother, father, guardian;
  2. Certificate for obtaining maternity capital (if it is lost, then you can write an application to the Pension Fund to receive a duplicate);
  3. Documents confirming that you have obligations to repay a mortgage loan: a mortgage lending agreement, as well as a certificate from the bank reflecting the amount of the debt;
  4. Documents for the purchased apartment: certificate of ownership of the residential premises, as well as a contract of sale;
  5. An application in the form issued by the Pension Fund about the borrower's desire to transfer maternity capital to pay the mortgage debt;
  6. A notarized obligation of the borrower to formalize the residential premises in common shared ownership after the loan is repaid;
  7. Other documents: power of attorney (if you act through a representative); a court decision to deprive one of the parents of parental rights, in connection with which the right to maternity capital was transferred to another person, a death certificate (the person entitled to maternity capital died, and his right passed to other persons); documents confirming adoption, etc.

Next steps

After submitting the entire set of documents, you will be issued a receipt for receiving the documents, which indicates the date of their receipt. Within 1 month from this date, the Pension Fund must decide on the payment of funds to the bank, or on the refusal to pay. In any case, the decision is drawn up in writing and sent to the address of the applicant.

If you were denied, then carefully study the reasons for the refusal. If you do not agree with such reasons, you can appeal this decision to the higher authorities of the Pension Fund, or apply to the court for protection. It is important to note that the general term for consideration of citizens' appeals is considered to be 30 calendar days, which means that no later than a month later, your appeal must be considered and a decision made to cancel the previous decision or agree with it.

Is the refusal legal?

The law establishes a limited range of grounds on which an applicant may be denied the transfer of maternity capital in payment of a mortgage. These include:

  1. Providing an incomplete set of documents or false information;
  2. Mistakes in the preparation of the application;
  3. Deprivation of the parent's rights to the child, the appearance of which led to the refusal of the right to receive maternity capital;
  4. Commission by the applicant of a crime against the personality of the child;
  5. In case of restriction of the rights of the guardian by the guardianship and guardianship authorities to use maternity capital, this right will be suspended until the restriction is lifted.

This list of grounds is exhaustive and no other grounds for refusal in accordance with applicable law are legitimate.

If the decision is positive

If the Pension Fund has made a positive decision to send maternity capital to pay a mortgage, then you should contact the bank with such a decision in order to notify the credit institution of your intention. This is also necessary because most banks set minimum deadlines for providing such notices. Usually it is 1 month.

After the Pension Fund transfers the amount of capital to the account of a credit institution, the bank can offer you one of the options for further cooperation:

  1. Reduction of the total term of the mortgage loan. It is important to emphasize that with this option, the monthly mortgage payment remains unchanged for the entire remaining period;
  2. Maintaining the loan term with a commensurate decrease in the monthly payment;
  3. Full closure of the mortgage (if the remaining amount is enough to repay).

In the first two cases, you must be provided with a new payment schedule, which will contain a monthly debt repayment plan. In the third case, it is necessary to request from the bank a certificate of full repayment of the debt and the absence of claims from the bank to the borrower.


  1. The maternity capital certificate is issued for an indefinite period. That is, you can actually receive the amount due at any time if necessary. Moreover, if the person specified in the certificate has lost the right to it, or has died, another parent or guardian, as well as a child, in connection with the appearance of which the right to receive a certificate arose before he reaches the age of 23, will be able to use the allocated amount;
  2. You can use a parent certificate to repay an existing mortgage loan at any time from the moment the right to receive it arises. If the maternity capital is used as a down payment, then it will be possible to use it only after 3 years from the date of birth (adoption) of the child;
  3. If the Pension Fund approves the transfer of maternity capital to pay the mortgage, the money will be credited to the bank account only after 2 months;
  4. If you decide to use maternity capital as a down payment, then you need to consider that this is possible only if you have not yet used a single ruble from the allocated amount. If part of the maternity capital has already been spent on other needs, the remainder can only be used to pay off an already existing loan;
  5. In addition to federal programs aimed at improving the demographic situation in the country, there are also a number of regional programs. So, many subjects of the federation have developed ways to support families with three or more children, usually this is the allocation of a specified amount of money from the budget of a regional education, or other ways of support, in particular: preferential conditions for obtaining or registering ownership of a dwelling;
  6. After closing a mortgage loan using maternity capital for these purposes, the acquired residential premises must be registered in common shared ownership for all family members;
  7. In case of early termination of the mortgage lending agreement, you have the right to recalculate and return the amount of insurance premiums that you paid but did not use;
  8. Do not forget about the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction. By confirming the timely payment of the mortgage loan, you will be able to return 13% of the amount paid
  9. Maternity capital cannot be used to pay off penalties, fines or other types of material sanctions accrued on a mortgage loan.

After the birth of a second child, the costs increase. This is especially sensitive if the family pays a mortgage. Therefore, obtaining a certificate for MSC and reducing payments is more relevant than ever.

To repay a housing loan from Sberbank with maternity capital, you need to follow a simple algorithm. The whole procedure is regulated and scheduled, is under the control of the authorities, so there are no special problems.

Conditions for early repayment

The use of MK is considered early repayment. Therefore, before taking specific steps, you need to carefully study the section of the contract and additional agreements (if any) that relate to this issue.

Some companies establish a so-called moratorium, which prohibits paying off debt before a certain time. If not, then no problems are foreseen. For more information on how to pay off debt early, read this article.

Of course, the contracts in Sberbank are standard, so the conditions usually look like this:

  • commission - none;
  • prior notice to the bank on the day of payment is required;
  • the size of the payment is reduced, not the term;
  • only the body of the loan is repaid, penalties (if any) and interest are repaid by the borrower on his own.

Thus, early repayment of debt is formally no different from any other DP. True, in this case, the transfer of money will be carried out not by the borrower himself, but by the Pension Fund. Read more about grant transfers here.

Specific terms of payment should be viewed in the contract, as they may differ so as not to get unpleasant surprises.

Issuance of a certificate in the Pension Fund

First you need to issue the certificate itself. It is issued by the FIU. As a general rule, the mother of the child must apply for a subsidy, but it is quite acceptable for the father to submit the documents.

Thus, it is illegal if documents from the father are not accepted in the PF. For information on how to get family capital, read the link.

In the event that both the mother and the father died without having time to draw up a document, the right to dispose of the subsidy passes to the children in the same proportion after their 18th birthday. They also have the right to pay off their own mortgage.

To obtain a certificate, you must bring:

  • passport of the applicant (mother or father);
  • SNILS;
  • marriage (or divorce) certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • a certificate of family composition (from the housing department);
  • a notarized obligation from the parent, to whom the mortgage is issued, to allocate a share to the children in the dwelling;
  • birth certificate.

In some cases, other documents may be needed, for example, if the mother has not previously received SNILS, then you will need to issue it first. The term for consideration of the application is 1 month. Then you will need to come up with a passport and pick up a document for yourself.

Transfer of funds to Sberbank

After receiving a document on the appointment of a subsidy, you can proceed to the transfer of money. Although the standard terms of the contract do not stipulate the period for prior notice to the bank, it is better to contact the loan officer in advance and inform him of your intentions.

This is also necessary, since it will be necessary to provide the PF with a copy of the bank's license and constituent documents (to prove its legitimacy). Despite the fact that the bank will have to collect well-known and authoritative documents: this is the order.

In addition to them, you will need to provide the following papers to the Pension Fund:

  • borrower's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • loan agreement with the bank;
  • payment schedule;
  • account statement (to indicate how much is left to pay and whether the bank takes too much);
  • certificates of registration of rights to an apartment - at least three: for the main borrower and his two children;
  • bank details for transferring funds.

Will need to apply at the disposal of mother capital. It is allowed to transfer the entire amount, as well as its part. Early repayment can be made repeatedly: for example, if at first they wanted to leave part of the mother's capital, but then they had to spend it as well.

The order must be left by the owner of the MSC. If the main borrower is the husband, and the wife issued the capital for herself, then you will have to provide additional documents confirming the marital status. Within a month, the documents are studied, and if everything is in order, the funds are transferred to the bank.

But the business with the creditor does not stop there. After receiving the funds, its employees will notify the borrower about the arrival of the transfer and ask him to come to the branch.

  • If the payment partially repaid the debt, the borrower will be given a new schedule. As a general rule, the amount of monthly payments is reduced. But you can leave an application for restructuring the loan and reducing the term.
  • If the transfer completely closed the mortgage, it is necessary to go to the office in a month and take a certificate of no debt under the contract. As a rule, there are no problems with “revived” loans, but it is better to play it safe.

If there are penalties and fines, you will first have to pay them off, and only then you can get a certificate of no debts. Maternity capital can also be used as a down payment on a mortgage, you will learn more about this possibility from this article.

Maternity capital on account of mortgage repayment in Sberbank

Many people are interested in how to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank? Families in Russia with the advent of a second or subsequent children gain the opportunity to resort to a method of state support - maternal (family) capital (MSK).

One of the most used options for this measure is to invest in mortgage loans to improve the living conditions of the family.

Due to the growing popularity of this type of lending, there is an interest in how to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank.

How to pay off a mortgage using maternity capital

There are several ways to spend MSC on paying a loan for real estate. After registration and the delivery procedure, the certificate can be spent on a down payment, as well as for early full or partial repayment of a housing loan at Sberbank.

The procedure and procedure for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital require the collection of numerous certificates and documentation. List of papers presented to the Pension Fund Russian Federation(PFRF) for the further opportunity to spend the MSC, varies somewhat depending on the type of object being loaned and the repayment option.

If at the time the right to use this measure of state support arises, the family is already paying off a housing loan, you will need to order a certificate from Sberbank on the balance of the debt and submit it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, attaching all the required documentation, and declare your desire to transfer money.


If the MSC funds are planned to be spent in order to make the first installment, along with the application and papers for considering a loan application and a certificate for mother capital, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the residual balance of the MSC funds should be presented. This will need to be done within 90 days after Sberbank makes a decision to approve the loan, and the document itself is valid for 30 days and is submitted to the bank along with the documentation for the loaned housing.

Upon approval of the PFRF application, the money is transferred to an account with Sberbank. The operation takes no more than 1 month and 10 days from the filing of an application for a certificate.

An indispensable obligation for the payment of a mortgage by mother capital is the condition for the location of real estate in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the property must belong to the whole family in the order of shared ownership, or you will need to draw up a receipt for the mandatory inclusion of real estate in the common property and certify it with a notary.

When can I pay off the mortgage with maternity capital

Repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank is possible simultaneously with the appearance of a second or subsequent children, since the expenditure of MSCs on a down payment, early partial or full settlement of a housing loan is an exceptional situation and does not oblige the child, with the advent of which the right to demand a certificate, to reach a three-year age.

Taking into account the above information, the use of maternity capital to pay off a mortgage at Sberbank is one of the most affordable options for Russian families raising 2 (or more) children.

What documents are needed for repayment of maternity capital

Simultaneously with the application for the intention to dispose of the mother's capital, a package of documents is provided to the FIU. For any method of using a certificate for calculating a mortgage loan, the main list includes:

  • passport;
  • document on registration (stay or residence);
  • passport of the spouse (spouse) of the certificate holder, if he (she) is a party to the transaction;
  • marriage certificate;
  • if the application is submitted by a representative - his passport, as well as a notarized power of attorney for his authority;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the MSC recipient.

In addition to the above documents for the first installment, you will need:

  • a copy of the contract for the acquisition of real estate (participation in shared construction or a building permit) issued to the recipient of the certificate;
  • an extract from the USRN on the rights of the person to the object of lending (unless the transfer of rights is provided only after paying the full cost) in the case of the purchase of a dwelling;
  • a document on payment for participation in shared construction and on the balance of the debt;
  • loan contract;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • the obligation to register housing acquired or built using MSC funds as joint ownership of the whole family, written and certified by a notary.

To make an early payment using a certificate, in addition to the main list of documents, the following are provided:

  • mortgage agreement;
  • loan contract;
  • a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Registration about the possession of property rights of all family members to the object of lending;
  • certificate of the amount of debt on the payment of mortgage interest and the amount of the principal debt;
  • a copy of the agreement for participation in shared construction or a copy of a construction permit - provided that the facility has not been put into operation;
  • a document on the crediting of the loan funds by bank transfer to an account with Sberbank opened by the recipient of the certificate or his spouse;
  • a written obligation to legislate the residential premises purchased or built with the help of MSC funds into the joint ownership of the family (spouses and children), written and certified by a notary.

Early repayment of a mortgage in Sberbank

Early repayment of a mortgage at Sberbank is carried out upon an application containing the following information: full name of the payer, number of the mortgage agreement, account for debiting money, amount and date of payment. At the same time, there is no commission for early repayment, as well as a limit on its volume.

If part of the MSC has already been spent on some needs, the remainder can be spent exclusively on payment on an already existing loan. An important note will be the mention that the maternity capital for payment of the initial mortgage installment in Sberbank can only be used in its entirety in the absence of debiting funds for other expenses.

Obtaining a new payment schedule or a certificate of loan repayment

Subject to the approval of the PFRF application for the desire to use the funds of the MSC and the transfer of maternity capital, Sberbank employees draw up a new payment schedule that reflects a decrease in the monthly payment, while the duration of payment does not change in any way.

Certificate recipients who are ready to send it for mortgage payments are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to reduce the mortgage term when using MSC.

It is worth noting that such an opportunity appeared in Sberbank quite recently and requires a personal appeal to the bank branch, where you need to draw up an application, expressing a desire for partial early repayment, indicating the need to reduce the loan term and maintain the amount of the monthly payment.

In a situation where there is a full early payment of the mortgage, the payer must receive a paper on the termination of debt obligations to Sberbank.

To do this, you should contact the bank employees to draw up an application that indicates the number of the loan agreement, the date of full repayment of the loan, the number and personal signature of the applicant.

Such a certificate will allow you to ensure your own peace of mind, as it documents the fulfillment of all debt obligations to the bank.

how to get a mortgage using maternity capital:

The procedure for repaying a mortgage of Sberbank with maternity capital

The maternity capital issued by the state has found its application in mortgage lending. So, thanks to this state support, it is possible to pay off an existing loan or make maternity capital as a down payment for a mortgage.

The convenience of using maternity capital lies in the fact that it can be cashed out at any time, that is, if the certificate was received when mortgage payments were already made, they can pay off the debt.

If the contract has not even been drawn up yet, a certificate of assignment of maternity capital can be issued as a down payment. Consider the procedure for paying off a mortgage debt at Sberbank.

Mortgage loans received both after and before the birth of the child for whom the certificate was issued can be fully or partially repaid with maternity capital.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage under mat capital

Sberbank provides an opportunity to repay a mortgage with maternity capital, as well as apply for a loan using a certificate as a down payment.

The conditions for issuing a mortgage under maternity capital as a down payment are as follows:

  • interest rate 11-13%;
  • the loan amount varies between 300,000 - 15,000,000 rubles;
  • the amount of the first installment must be at least 20%, therefore, individuals who have a certificate cannot acquire very expensive real estate, since its size is not enough to pay 20% of the cost of housing;
  • the term of mortgage lending varies from one to 30 years;
  • no commission for loan processing;
  • a profitable program for people who receive wages on a Sberbank card;
  • provided for early repayment of the loan.

Sberbank also requires its customers to fulfill the following requirements:

  • at the time of issue, the age of the borrower must not be less than 21 years;
  • at the time of the last payment of the debt, the borrower must not be older than 75 years of age;
  • in the event that income has not been confirmed, the age of the borrower must not be older than 65 years;
  • work experience for the last 5 years and work experience of at least six months from the last workplace;
  • the presence of a co-borrower.

Interest rate

The interest rate depends on the period for which the mortgage was issued and the amount of the down payment. The shorter the term of payments on the debt and the higher the amount of the first installment, the lower the interest rate will be. Thus, in the case of a down payment of more than 50% for up to 10 years, the rate will be 11%.

With an increase in the term by 10 years, the loan rate increases by 0.25%. Such a system is available only for those who receive a salary on a Sberbank card (for payroll clients). For other categories, there are a number of allowances that vary between 0.5-1%.

At the same time, everyone can repay part of the debt or all (if the amount corresponds) with maternity capital.

Necessary documents for debt repayment

To repay the mortgage with maternity capital, documents are submitted to the Pension Fund, where, after consideration, a decision is made on approval or refusal. Most often, the Pension Fund approves this procedure, if all the information provided by the payer is reliable and in full.

Required documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate;
  • certificate for maternity capital or its duplicate;
  • birth certificate of all children;
  • marriage certificate of the spouses;
  • mortgage agreement.

With a positive decision of the PF, the funds immediately go to the account of the bank in which the mortgage was taken. The transfer period takes no more than 10 days from the date of satisfaction of the application for repayment of the mortgage debt. If the loan has not yet been issued, then the certificate is used as a down payment.

It is possible to repay the mortgage with maternity capital only after the approval of the application for this action by the Pension Fund.

Payment via Sberbank online

Sberbank provides its customers with the opportunity to repay mortgage debt via the Internet using the Sberbank Online service, however, it is not immediately possible to deposit maternity capital funds in this way, since prior consent of the PF is required. Upon approval of an application for repayment of a loan for an apartment using maternity capital, an individual must come to the bank with the entire package of documents and complete the procedure there. This is necessary in order to protect the certificate from misuse. But it is possible to pay off a mortgage debt with the funds available on a credit card or Sberbank account through a personal account. To use the service, you need a password and login to enter your personal account, so you need to register on the site in advance.

The step-by-step instructions for paying off debt through the Sberbank online service are as follows:

  • Log in to your personal account using your username and password.
  • Confirm login to the system through the received SMS code.
  • Next, you need to go to the "Credits" tab.
  • On the page that appears, select the required loan to repay.
  • Filling out the form indicating the amount to transfer funds.
  • Finally, you must confirm the operation.

Is it possible to get a tax deduction?

Receiving a tax deduction is possible only for interest expenses, therefore, in case of early repayment of the debt with the help of maternity capital, there is an option to receive interest back. But for this, the following conditions must be met:

  • the loan must be targeted;
  • the loan must be spent on the purchase of residential property;
  • receipt of a deduction for the costs of paying debts must be formalized in the same way as a property deduction.

Therefore, if the balance on the loan was a certificate of receipt of maternity capital, it is possible to receive a tax deduction.

When repaying a mortgage loan, it is possible to receive a tax deduction of 13%. This percentage is calculated based on the costs incurred to pay off the debt.

Required package of documents for processing a refund to receive a tax deduction:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • loan agreement;
  • certificate 2-NDFL;
  • declaration 3-NDFL;
  • application for the return of personal income tax;
  • current account statement;
  • mortgage payment schedule
  • certificate of interest paid.

Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank

The provision of budget subsidies for mortgage payments is designed to help citizens solve the notorious housing problem. Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital at Sberbank is an excellent opportunity to solve the housing problem. To apply for a subsidy, you need to collect a set of papers and contact the FIU.

What is family equity?

Matkapital is one of the forms of material support that the state provides to mortgage borrowers. Large families and citizens who have adopted children receive a certificate for receiving money.

Budget funds are provided only to residents of the Russian Federation. Subsidies are not provided to borrowers who have taken advantage of other government support measures. The volume of mother's capital is 453 thousand rubles.

rubles (this amount is not indexed in accordance with the current legislation).

The capital can be spent for the following purposes:

  • Purchase of housing;
  • Construction of a house with the involvement of relevant companies;
  • Reconstruction of the apartment;
  • Payment for materials used during construction;
  • Repayment of the first installment and interest payments on the mortgage;
  • Depositing funds under an equity participation agreement;
  • Repayment of a share contribution (for clients of housing cooperatives);
  • Payment for tuition and accommodation in a student hostel (provided to students of educational institutions with state accreditation);
  • Payment of funds to organizations that are engaged in the supervision and care of children;
  • Purchase of goods that improve the quality of life of children with disabilities;
  • Replenishment of pension capital (investment can be carried out through private or public organizations).

Maternal capital can be spent on designated purposes after the child is three years old (with the exception of making the first installment on a mortgage loan, paying interest on a loan and social adaptation of boys and girls with disabilities). Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank is carried out on the basis of an application signed by the owner of the certificate.

Recipients of maternity capital

The following persons can apply for a grant:

  • A citizen of the Russian Federation who has become a mother of many children (including adopted children). This rule has been in force since 2007;
  • A resident of Russia recognized as the sole guardian of the child (relevant for the decisions of the judicial authorities that became legal after 2007);
  • Father of the child (a subsidy is issued to the head of the family if the mother of the children has died or was limited in parental rights);
  • A child under the age of majority or a full-time student. The subsidy is issued after the state ceases to transfer funds to the guardian.

The right to use budget money is certified by a document of a single sample. Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank is carried out only if there is a paper certifying the right to receive a subvention. Forgery of state documents is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation.

What papers do you need to collect for registration of maternity capital?

Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank is carried out according to a certain algorithm. A candidate for a grant must bring the following papers to the office of the Pension Fund of Russia:

  • Written application;
  • Identification document;
  • Birth certificate of daughter or son;
  • Judicial decision on adoption;
  • Certificate confirming the citizenship of minors (provided in cases where one of the parents is a non-resident).

The originals of the listed documents remain with the applicant. Copies of papers must be provided to the FIU. The grant certificate is issued within 30 days. If a mother of many children is unable to visit the FIU, then the paper will be sent to her by registered mail. The state structure allows the acceptance of digital applications (they can be sent through your personal account).

Mortgage repayment procedure

Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Contact the Sberbank branch for a certificate that contains data on the current mortgage debt;
  2. The received document is provided to the FIU officer. After that, you need to sign an application for payment of the down payment with budget money.

Attached to the application:

  • Certificate;
  • Insurance number of an individual personal account;
  • Identity cards of citizens living in the credited apartment;
  • A notarized copy of the mortgage agreement duly registered;
  • Certificate confirming the rights of the owner of the premises;
  • Account statement (it indicates the balance of funds);
  • A written commitment confirming the intention to provide the premises in shared ownership (the paper is certified by a notary). The document obliges the borrower to allocate shares belonging to the spouse and minor owners within six months (an encumbrance is imposed on the property, which can be removed after obtaining permission from the guardianship authorities);
  • Extract from the house book.

The application is analyzed by the state organization within 60 days. If it is approved, the budget money will be transferred to a special account. If the submitted set of documents is incomplete, the Pension Fund will reject the application. The paperwork will have to be resubmitted. The presence of errors in the certificates can also lead to the rejection of the application.

Mortgage preferences provided to owners of maternity capital

Sberbank employees have developed a special program that allows you to repay the mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank.

This loan has a number of advantages:

  • Low overpayment;
  • No commission costs;
  • Individual approach to the analysis of the application;
  • Discounts provided to participants of salary projects.

Funds from mother capital cannot be used to pay off penalty payments that are accrued in connection with a violation by the borrower of payment discipline. The recipient of the mortgage can issue a plastic card with a limit of up to 200 thousand rubles. The premises purchased by the spouses with the help of mother capital must be registered in joint shared ownership.

Mortgage and maternity capital: buying ready-made housing

This program is in great demand among young families. It has the following key features:

  • The loan is provided in Russian currency;
  • The loan is issued for a long period (up to 30 years);
  • The minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles;
  • Mortgage interest rate starts from 8.6% per annum;
  • The loan is provided in a single payment or in installments;
  • The collateral for the loan can be a loaned apartment or other residential facility.

The purchase of a new residential facility should not impair the quality of life of children. The terms of the loan program allow the involvement of co-borrowers. Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank is carried out in equal shares.

The loan can be obtained by applicants with a stable financial position and official employment. The borrower can return part of the interest paid on the mortgage. To do this, he must apply for a property deduction.

The maximum amount that the budget can reimburse is 260,000 rubles. Information on property deductions can be found on the portal of the Federal Tax Service.

Mortgage and mother capital: acquisition of housing under construction

The program allows you to buy an apartment or a room in a new house from a developer accredited by Sberbank (the client can study the offers of construction companies on the portal). Also, the borrower can purchase housing under a DDU agreement.

Lending terms:

  • The loan is issued in rubles;
  • The maximum loan amount depends on the appraised value of the mortgaged apartment (no more than 85% of the market price of the loaned premises);
  • The loan amount cannot be less than 300,000 rubles;
  • The maximum duration of the loan agreement is thirty years (12 years if the interest rate is financed by the construction company);
  • The amount of the first installment cannot be less than 15% of the price of the loaned premises (if the client has not provided a work book and a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL, then the amount of the first installment increases to 50%);
  • The loan rate starts from 7.4% per annum (the borrower who insures life receives a discount).

Mortgages can be issued by job seekers aged 21 and older. The spouse of a citizen who has issued a mortgage for the purchase of a house under construction automatically becomes a co-borrower (unless the marriage agreement provides for another form of disposing of joint financial obligations).

The future of maternity capital law

The Russian government plans to provide mortgage subsidies until 2021. The authorities want to expand the list of purposes for which maternity capital can be spent.

Young families will be able to transfer funds from mother's capital to pay for kindergarten services after the child is two years old. June 2018

The authorities passed a resolution allowing federal money to be used to refinance mortgages. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Parents with a low level of income will be able to receive monthly payments from maternity capital. The Pension Fund plans to introduce a special hardware and software complex that will issue electronic certificates.

An applicant who wants to use budget subsidies will have to install an application on their smartphone that allows them to draw up paperwork remotely.

Mortgage repayment by maternity capital in Sberbank will be carried out in a few hours.

Local (regional) maternity capital

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own regional program to support mothers with many children (regional maternity capital).

Local subsidies differ from federal ones in terms of payment, registration and use (local capital is usually paid at the birth of a third child).

Local subsidies can be used to buy an apartment, build a house, pay off interest on a mortgage, as well as major or current repairs of an apartment. The amount of regional capital varies depending on the region and the policies of local authorities.

How not to become a victim of scammers when transferring maternity capital?

The recipient of budget subsidies must remember that cashing out family capital will lead to a violation of the law. Russia is constantly prosecuting criminal cases related to misuse of subventions.

One should not succumb to the temptation of easy money and use the services of dubious citizens who offer to cash out state subsidies.

Also, do not contact real estate agencies offering to purchase housing at an inflated price.

Criminals often take advantage of the legal illiteracy of the population, offering certificate holders to receive "real money". Pseudo-lawyers ask for a "deposit" for their services. After a person gives money to scammers, he is asked to wait one month.

During this time, the criminals promise to settle all "legal issues" and cash out the budget subsidy. A victim who pays a "commission" will never get the promised amount.

A deceived citizen will not go to court, as he understands the illegality of such "financial services".

Citizens who use materiel funds to buy property from their relatives endanger not only themselves, but also their loved ones. This action can be qualified as a fraud committed as part of an organized criminal group. Operations with family capital should be carried out only within the legal framework.

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank

One of the important measures of social security and assistance to Russian families was the state program for the provision of maternity or family capital, introduced in early 2007.

In 2017, it was extended until 2021. Today, the amount of maternity capital provided for the birth of a second child is a little more than 453 thousand rubles, which is a very serious amount.

One of the areas of spending these funds available under the current legislation is their use to repay a mortgage loan taken by one or both parents of a child for the purchase or construction of housing. In addition, it is allowed to use maternity capital as a down payment when applying for a new mortgage loan.

Features of the procedure

It is important to note that not all banks are ready to work according to this scheme.

Naturally, Sberbank, as the leader of the country's financial sector, is among those credit institutions that are actively attracting maternity capital funds to participate in mortgage lending.

At the moment, Sberbank provides an opportunity to use maternity capital funds to repay an already taken loan or as part of the down payment under the following mortgage programs:

  • purchase of ready-made housing in the form of an apartment or a private house;
  • acquisition of housing in the form of an apartment or a private house at the construction stage;
  • construction of a country house.

Photo #1. Legal options for spending maternity capital in 2018

How to make maternity capital to pay off a mortgage

In the event that we are talking about repaying a mortgage loan, the procedure for obtaining permission from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is even simpler. It is enough to attach to the application a certificate from Sberbank on the amount of debt under a mortgage lending agreement, as well as a loan agreement necessary to confirm the type of loan received. The terms for consideration of the application and transfer of funds are similar to those described above.


In order to use the funds of mother capital to repay a loan, permission from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is required. However, it makes sense to apply there only after receiving the necessary documents from Sberbank confirming the existence of a debt under a mortgage lending agreement. To do this, the following documents are submitted to the financial institution:

  • an application, which is filled out in the form of a bank, with a request to repay the mortgage in the amount of maternity capital ahead of schedule;
  • passport of the owner of the capital;
  • certificate confirming its existence.

Photo #2. One of the documents provided by the borrower

Having reviewed the documents received, the Sberbank specialist issues a certificate to the client on the amount of the debt remaining at the time of circulation, both on the main loan and on accrued interest.

After that, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, also filling out an application, to which attach the received certificate and a copy of the loan agreement confirming its relationship to the mortgage. Within a month, the documents are considered by the Pension Fund. With a positive decision within another 30 days, the funds are transferred directly to Sberbank.

After their receipt, the bank and the client jointly determine how exactly the terms of the loan will be changed - its term, monthly payment will be reduced, or a combined option will be accepted.

Requirements and conditions

To obtain approval for the repayment of an existing mortgage agreement, the fulfillment of any additional conditions is not required. The child must be three years of age to use the funds to apply for a new home loan.

Mortgage lending programs at Sberbank using maternity capital

As noted above, Sberbank allows various options for using maternity capital funds. This is one of the reasons for the popularity of mortgage lending in this particular financial institution.

Photo #3. Information on the Sberbank website on the possibility of using mother capital

For the purchase of finished housing

Buying a finished apartment will cost a little more than in a new building, since the interest rate starts from 9.1% with a down payment of 15%. A loan for the purchase of a finished private house will cost even more, the minimum rate for it is 9.5%, and the initial payment must be at least a quarter of the purchase price.

Naturally, these conditions are the most favorable and are provided to Sberbank clients, participants in its salary projects, as well as borrowers who can confirm that they have a consistently high income. Anyone can easily find out the specific terms of the loan using a simple and convenient online calculator posted on the Sberbank website.

For the purchase of real estate under construction

The most favorable are the conditions that Sberbank offers when buying housing under construction. For example, when purchasing an apartment in a new building, the minimum interest rate at the beginning of 2018 is only 7.4% with an initial payment of 15%.

The least favorable are the terms of mortgage lending for the construction of a private residential building. In this case, the minimum interest rate is 10%, and the amount of the down payment is 25% of the loan amount.

Photo #4. Sberbank rules for the use of maternity capital

Matkapital as a down payment

The current legislation provides for the possibility of using mother capital funds for various types of mortgage lending only after obtaining the appropriate permission issued by the Pension Fund of Russia. However, it makes sense to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation only after preliminary consent has been received from Sberbank on the readiness to conclude a credit mortgage agreement.

A competent procedure that allows you to use the funds of mother capital to repay or arrange a mortgage provides for the consistent implementation of the following steps:

  1. Filling out an application in the form of Sberbank at any of its offices or branches.
  2. Provision of documents necessary for obtaining a mortgage, the list of which depends on the selected lending program.
  3. Preparation and execution of documents related to the acquired property.
  4. Conclusion of a loan agreement with Sberbank. Naturally, at the same time, a mortgage is issued for housing, after which it is also insured.
  5. Submission of an application to the Pension Fund. In it, the owner of the mother's capital asks for permission to spend the funds as payment for the initial mortgage payment. Obviously, all the necessary documents from Sberbank are attached to the application.

The maximum period for consideration of an application stipulated by law is 30 days. With a positive decision, which is almost always made if the correct package of documents is submitted, the mother capital funds are transferred to the bank within the next month.

For the approval of the transaction by Sberbank, a potential borrower is required to provide the following package of documents:

  • an application from the owner of maternity capital, filled out in the form of a bank;
  • a statement from the co-borrower, pledgers or guarantors, if any, involved in the transaction;
  • documents proving the identity of the participants in the transaction;
  • documents confirming ownership of the property, which is issued as a pledge;
  • information about the employment, income and financial situation of the borrower, co-borrower and guarantors;
  • documents related to the object for the purchase of which a loan agreement is drawn up;
  • a certificate confirming the availability of maternity (family) capital, as well as a certificate of marriage and birth of a child.

Is it possible to repay a military mortgage with maternity capital at Sberbank?

One of the legal options for spending maternity capital is to repay the so-called military mortgage, which is issued to participants in the NIS, that is, the savings and mortgage system of military personnel.

At the same time, depending on the form of participation of the owner of the mother capital in the NIS program, either the transfer of funds directly to his account or the repayment of his obligations to the credit institution that issued him a targeted housing loan is allowed.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mortgage with mother capital in Sberbank

The use of financial resources of maternity capital to repay or apply for a mortgage loan, in fact, has the only drawback.

It consists in the need to confirm official sources of income, collect documents and spend a considerable amount of time.

However, today many documents can be received and submitted online, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the procedure.

Photo #5. Additional benefits of using mother capital

Otherwise, repaying a mortgage with mother capital or making it as a contribution to a loan at Sberbank provides certificate holders with obvious and very significant advantages, in particular:

  • the absence of any commission when applying for a loan;
  • Compulsory collateral insurance under the transaction, which protects both parties from possible negative force majeure circumstances;
  • the possibility of providing a mortgage on a mortgage both acquired and any other real estate;
  • favorable conditions offered by Sberbank, combined with the financially stable position of the credit institution;
  • the possibility of obtaining additional benefits when participating in salary projects or with long-term cooperation with a financial institution, etc.

Documents for mortgage repayment by maternity capital in 2019. We welcome you, happy owners of family happiness, but how could it be otherwise, because your family already has at least 2 children, has its own apartment, or there is a great desire to purchase one in a mortgage and in the hands of a certificate for maternity capital. It is quite reasonable to use a certificate for a partial solution of the housing issue, and in this article we will analyze the procedure, the documents necessary to repay the mortgage with maternity capital.

The law itself and the process are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 dated 12.12.2007. For 2019, the amount of support is 453,026 rubles.

This certificate is due to the parent at the birth (adoption) of a second child. The use of money is possible for the construction or purchase of housing in a mortgage. We do not forget about the rights of children to the acquired housing, because we spend their money.

You can pay off your mortgage with maternity capital as follows:

  • pay the down payment;
  • reduce the bulk of the debt. The most profitable solution, while there is a significant saving of the family budget on bank interest;
  • full repayment of the mortgage loan, if the amount is enough.


And so, taking a mortgage under maternity capital, we observe the following conditions:

  • we buy housing only on the territory of our vast Motherland, i.е. RF;
  • pay the initial fee;
  • we spend money on paying off the mortgage of part of the principal debt, if it already was;
  • we pay interest on the mortgage, also if the mortgage has already been taken.

There is no deadline for disposing of the certificate, use it at any time convenient for you, but you can get it only until the end of 2022.

Where and why to go

Through a painstaking and balanced decision at the family council, the living area desired for acquisition was chosen and you are ready to make the first payment, but what is the procedure for repaying the mortgage with maternity capital and where to go first?

Let's consider two situations:

  • You already have a mortgage. In this case, go to the bank for a certificate of the loan balance, and then to the Pension Fund.
  • You are just about to apply for a mortgage. First of all, you decide with the bank (the best%, the smallest list of documents, etc.), conclude an agreement, then we do everything according to the first situation.

List of documents

List documents to the bank and pension fund.

To the bank

You should contact the manager with a request to prepare a special certificate of the balance of the principal debt for the PF.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • mortgage agreement.

After some time, you will prepare a certificate with data on the current balance of mortgage debt.


  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • an application for the transfer of maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan, the form will be provided in the pension fund;
  • certificate for obtaining MK;
  • documents from the bank confirming the availability of a mortgage loan (certificate, mortgage agreement, payment schedule, etc.);
  • bank details for the further transfer of maternity capital funds;
  • certificate of ownership and contract of sale of residential premises;
  • a notarized obligation of the borrower to register the acquired residential premises in shared ownership after the loan is repaid.

After submitting the documents, you will receive a receipt on acceptance of the documents, with the obligatory indication of the date of their acceptance. Within 1 month, after checking the documents, representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will issue you a written decision with consent, or maybe a refusal (we will tell you about the reasons for the refusal and what to do in this case a little later).

After receiving an agreement with a positive answer, go to the bank. Next, we notify the representatives of the bank and choose the method of spending your maternity capital. In Sberbank, you just need to look at your new payment schedule in Sberbank-online. You don't have to go and do anything else. The payment from the pension fund will automatically recalculate the schedule.

After approval by the Pension Fund, the payment to the bank will be made within a month.

We use it as a down payment and the best offers from banks

IN currently quite a lot of banks accept maternity capital as payment for the down payment. The most favorable conditions are now in Sberbank and Uralsib Bank.

So in Sberbank now you can take a mortgage at a rate of 12% per annum, in Uralsib from 10.8%. At the same time, an additional down payment in cash is not required, as in VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, Raiffeisenbank. Mat. cap. counted as a down payment, but there is a special nuance.

The issuance of credit funds takes place in full and for the first 2 months (until the money from the PF comes in) you pay a mortgage from the entire value of the property. Then the maternity capital comes in and the payment schedule is recalculated. Those. after issuing a mortgage, you must quickly visit the PF with all the above documents and write an application for the use of maternity capital.

Example. Mortgage (maternity capital as PV) for an apartment worth 2 million for 10 years in Sberbank at 12% per annum. For the first 2 months you will have a payment of 28694.19 of the entire cost of the apartment (2 million), after transferring 453026 rubles from the Pension Fund, the payment will be reduced to 22137.29. Use our mortgage calculator to calculate the payment for you.

Reasons for rejection

After a long collection of documents, writing applications and other running around, you expect a positive result with trepidation, and in return you receive a decision with a refusal. The question arises: what could be the matter?

The reasons lie in the following:

  • errors were made in the application;
  • not provided a complete package of documents;
  • the applicant has committed a crime against a child;
  • deprivation of parental rights to a child for whom maternity capital was received;
  • restriction by guardianship and guardianship authorities of the rights of a guardian.

After reviewing the reasons for the refusal, we draw conclusions for ourselves. When collecting a package of documents and filling out applications, be careful, it is better to double-check and ask several times than to waste time and nerves when re-submitting.

If you want to know more about mortgages, then be sure to subscribe to our website. We are waiting for questions in the comments. For free legal assistance, fill out the form in the lower right corner.

After the birth of a second child, the family receives the right to use maternity capital, but this money cannot be spent until the child reaches the age of 3, and the list of areas where they can be invested is limited.

They can be spent to increase the mother's retirement savings, for the future education of the child, or to get a mortgage to purchase a home.

The multitude of structures to contact often sends families into a panic.

Let's figure out what documents and where you need to collect in order to get a mortgage at a bank.

The program for the use of maternity capital provides for the possibility of investing its funds in repaying a current mortgage loan or opening a new mortgage for the purchase of real estate.

This is very convenient for families who cannot afford to save up for a down payment on a mortgage or want to quickly get rid of bank loans.

After such a repayment of the debt, the property officially becomes completely the property of the borrower, and the collateral in the bank is removed, then it will be possible to sell, exchange or make other kinds of transactions.

The advantage of such an operation is that it is possible to use maternity capital funds even before the child reaches 3 years of age.

Mortgage repayment terms

To pay off the current mortgage debt, you need to take the appropriate permission from the Pension Fund, where the money is stored, to use maternity capital funds.

It is issued under the following conditions:

  • Registration of a mortgage on a separate residential facility or part of it, if it can be considered a full-fledged real estate (developer's share in a new building);
  • Location of the acquired real estate in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • The legality of the form of the transaction and the fulfillment of all legal conditions;
  • The attached package of documents must contain a statement confirming the purpose of the mortgage repayment;
  • Observance of the rights of children in the design of an apartment or house.

The division of property between the owners is carefully checked after the transfer of funds to the bank account.

After such a procedure and full repayment of the mortgage debt, the borrower undertakes:

  1. Within six months after the removal of the apartment from the pledge, register the right of shared ownership for all members of the family, especially children;
  2. Shares for owners are distributed fairly by their agreement;
  3. Children who were born after the conclusion and until the full repayment of the loan debt are also entitled to part of the property.

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What documents will be needed to pay off the mortgage with maternity capital?

It is allowed to repay an already open mortgage in full or in part, for this you do not need to wait until the child is 3 years old.

In order for the Pension Fund to transfer maternity capital funds to a bank account for mortgage repayment, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Mortgage agreement for the purchase of real estate;
  • A certificate issued at a bank branch on the balance of the debt on the loan;
  • Certificate of ownership of the property;
  • Mortgage agreement;
  • An extract of membership in a cooperative or in the share of construction (if necessary).

We collect documents for submission to the bank

After the Pension Fund issues a certificate for the right to use maternity capital, it is necessary to transfer it to the bank along with an application for repayment of the loan in full or in part.

After the transfer of funds by the Pension Fund, you must once again apply to the bank for a certificate of repayment of the loan or for a new calculation of monthly mortgage payments.

In order for the bank to start considering the borrower's candidacy, different banks install various documents, but their standard package includes:

  • Copies of all pages of the passport of all borrowers;
  • A copy of the work book or employment contract, certified by a notary or by the employer;
  • Certificate of income of the established form;
  • Identification number of the taxpayer;
  • Marriage registration certificate;
  • Child's birth certificate.

Additional documents may also be required if they confirm the existence of other mortgage benefits that can be used together with maternity capital (for example, a copy of a military ID or a certificate of being registered as a family that needs to improve housing conditions).

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Documents required for applying to the Pension Fund

In order for a family to be issued a certificate for the right to use maternity capital funds, they must submit the following documents to the Pension Fund authorities at the place of registration:

  • Statement of the established form about the desire to dispose of family capital funds;
  • Copies of all pages of the passport of a person who has the right to use maternity capital;
  • Identity card of the other spouse, if the disposal of family capital funds will be common to both of them (in the case of a mortgage);
  • Certificate of registration of marriage.

Additional Documents You May Need

In addition to the above standard documents, a potential borrower must submit an additional package of documents related to the property being purchased for a mortgage.

If this is housing in a new building or an object under construction, then documents confirming the possibility of buying out a part from the developer under the right of equity participation are presented.

To purchase an apartment or house on the secondary real estate market, you must obtain documents from the seller confirming that he is the owner, a copy of the registration certificate and the house book, and also conduct an assessment using the services of a professional appraiser.

We are writing a statement

A sample application for the use of state support funds for a child can be obtained from the Pension Fund.

It includes the personal data of the client, as well as the purpose for which it is planned to spend these funds.

All this is supported by relevant documents.

The Pension Fund considers the purchase object, necessarily taking into account the rights of children, as well as the absence of fictitious motives in the use of funds.

It should be remembered that the consideration of applications and the transfer of money takes some time, so you need to agree with the seller in advance whether he can wait 2 months (usually this is done exactly at that time) or whether he is in a hurry so that the transaction does not fail at the final stage of its registration.

Or you can apply for a target loan to transfer money to the seller immediately, which will then be covered by a certificate for maternity capital.

Read more about how to use maternity capital with a mortgage to buy an apartment in.

Registration process

If a client wants to get a new mortgage loan, then after submitting all the necessary documents to the bank, specialists consider it from the perspective of further solvency, as well as the object of purchase for liquidity, since it is the purchased housing that becomes a pledge and guarantee of further payments.

A copy of the agreement is sent to the bodies of the Pension Fund for notification of the transaction.

After that, the funds are issued to the borrower or transferred to the seller's account.

In the case of repayment of debt on the current mortgage, it is also required to submit a certificate for the right to use maternity capital funds, and then wait until the Pension Fund transfers them to the bank account.

This procedure takes approximately 2 months.

Reasons for rejection

It is possible that the authorities of the Pension Fund refuse to use the funds of maternity capital precisely in the conditions of a particular situation.

Reasons for rejection are usually as follows:

  • Inappropriate documents;
  • The conditions of the acquired object are not approved by the Pension Fund.

Documents must be submitted in accordance with the established requirements.

At the stage of filling out the application, the employees of the Pension Fund must indicate to the client the errors that have occurred.

But there are times when, due to the human factor, there is confusion or inconsistency in the documents. It is easy to deal with such a problem, but it is unpleasant to lose personal time.

It is much more difficult if the client intentionally forges documents or wants to hide any information. In this case, liability is possible, it depends on the level of guilt or ignorance, or error.

Real estate that a potential borrower wants to purchase in a mortgage is checked twice - initially by the Pension Fund, and then by the bank. The conditions of such housing may not meet the standards of living for a child or the operation of residential premises.

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The pension fund carefully checks the future transaction for fictitiousness.

Sales transactions between parents and children are especially targeted, since very often such a sale becomes a method of fraud and cashing out, which is not allowed by law.

In the event of a sale, the parents must completely relinquish ownership and operation of the facility.

Also, a refusal can be obtained already at the bank branch when applying for a mortgage.

By checking the candidacy of the borrower, the bank may reveal its low solvency or lack of permanent sources of income.

It is very rare, but likely that the bank rejects the property as well, but not because of non-compliance with the conditions, but because of low liquidity in the real estate market.

After checking by the Pension Fund, such cases are rare.

Is the refusal valid?

Many clients think that the refusal to use maternity capital is illegal, but this is not so.

Often this happens to protect the rights of the clients themselves or children, since living conditions must comply with the standards.

It can also be a warning against unscrupulous sellers or developers who can use different types of fraud - from showing one apartment and selling another, to an invalid sales contract.

In the case of a fictitious transaction and the certificate requested for this, employees of the Pension Fund are required to report the fact of fraud to law enforcement agencies, since the intended use of maternity capital funds is carefully checked.

To avoid refusal, it is necessary to carefully consider the requirements for documents and for the object of purchase.

If inconsistencies in the documents can be simply corrected by simply replacing them or reissuing them, then in the second case, you will have to find another option for real estate to purchase in a mortgage.

You can use the services of a professional realtor, but it will cost more.

Also, you are guaranteed not to hear a refusal on objects accredited by the bank that can be taken on a mortgage.

With a positive decision

After the client is issued a certificate for the use of maternity capital in the Pension Fund, it is necessary to wait for the funds to be transferred to the account of the bank or the seller.

Often, due to the duration of such a procedure, customers choose to pay off mortgage debt at the expense of maternity capital.

After opening a mortgage and purchasing a home, it is necessary to formalize the right of shared ownership for all family members.

When paying off a mortgage it is important to collect all the necessary papers. Depending on the specifics of the transaction, the package of documents will differ. The client must take this into account and know what may be required of him in the Pension Fund (PFR), and what is not.

How is a mortgage repaid by maternity capital

The PFR for maternity capital provided documents for mortgage repayment separately for each specific case. To repay an existing mortgage with funds from the state budget, the client must:

  1. Visit the bank, write an application for.
  2. Obtain from the creditor a certificate of the balance of the debt for the body and interest.
  3. Contact the Pension Fund (PFR), provide a certificate, write an application for the transfer of funds to the bank.
  4. Wait until the money arrives in the account and the debt is written off.

If matkapital will act as, the client will be required to:

  1. Choose a mortgage program
  2. Submit documents to the bank for a loan.
  3. Prepare a complete package of papers for the FIU.
  4. Conclude a mortgage deal with a lender.
  5. Write an application to the FIU for the transfer of funds as a down payment.

What documents are required to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

The PFR website provides a detailed list of documents required for the use of maternity capital.

The standard documentation package for a new loan includes:

  • a written statement of the certificate holder about the desire to dispose of the state subsidy;
  • certificate for mother capital;
  • passport of the certificate holder (another document proving the identity and place of residence);
  • pension insurance certificate of the owner of the certificate;
  • documents of the official representative (if the certificate is not submitted by the owner).

In addition, depending on the particular case, additional documents will be required. For example, when buying a finished residential property, the client should provide:

If you plan to participate in shared construction, you will need the following papers:

  • a copy of the agreement on participation in shared construction;
  • a document indicating the amount of the first installment towards the total price of the contract, as well as the balance of the unpaid amount.

If an existing loan is being repaid, the borrower will only need a certificate from the bank on the balance of the debt and personal documents (passport, SNILS, capital certificate).

Documents required to repay a mortgage with maternity capital: what is important for borrowers to consider

  1. The bank does not participate in negotiations with the Pension Fund regarding the repayment of the mortgage by mother capital. These issues are handled by the borrower.
  2. It is possible to pay the loan with the mother's capital even if the mortgage is issued for the father, and the certificate is for the mother (or vice versa). At the same time, the owner of the certificate, and not the borrower, must submit an application to the Pension Fund.
  3. It is allowed to spend materiel funds when the second (subsequent) child turns 3 years old. But if you want to send funds to get a mortgage or pay off an existing home loan, this is allowed to be done immediately after the birth of the baby.
  4. It is possible to direct funds from mother capital for the reconstruction of a home, but not for repairs.
  5. The use of maternity capital to pay off a mortgage (documents differ depending on the situation) occurs within a few months from the moment the client submits an application.