Proper attachment of the baby to the breast. How to put the baby to the breast: a technique for successful breastfeeding

Breast milk is the best gift a mother gives to a newborn baby. This is not only his food, it is a way to survive and get stronger in the first days of life. In those moments when feeding is hampered by various problems, it is worth thinking about how to get rid of them in time and not harm the child. Proper attachment will allow you not to experience pain for the mother and not to starve the baby.

  • Immediately after birth, the child has one main and very important need - to eat. Food for a newborn baby is mother's breast milk, which is the main source of energy for him for several months and even years of life.
  • It often happens that young mothers who give birth for the first time simply do not know how to properly teach the baby to breastfeed and drink milk. The consequence of this is the cries and whims of the baby, his starvation, swallowing air while sucking the breast, excessive milk in the breast and pain because of this.
  • It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast correctly, knowing all the nuances and needs of the child. Only correct attachment from the first days of life will become the basis of his entire subsequent life. In addition, if the baby learns to take the breast correctly, he will not harm the mother and will not hurt her.
  • Pain in the chest most often occurs due to strong compression of the gums of the nipple, its cracking. Not infrequently, the nipple bleeds and it is simply impossible to touch it, which makes feeding even more difficult.
feeding, newborn baby

How to breastfeed a baby?

In order for the baby to learn how to suckle milk correctly, it is necessary to follow some important recommendations for feeding it. If a young mother listens to them, she will definitely be able to avoid subsequent problems with her health and the health of the baby:

  • Choose a comfortable and correct position for breastfeeding. Feeding posture is closely related to how the baby will receive food. If he is comfortable, then the nipple penetrates deep into his mouth. This means that he will not pinch the edge of the nipple and the mother will not experience pain. In addition, the correct position of mother and child has a good effect on the flow of milk, that is, lactation.
  • There are two main positions: sitting with the baby in her arms or lying in bed. Both positions are quite comfortable, but closely depend on the height and size of the mother's breasts. The fact is that it is difficult for very tall women to feed the baby in a sitting position. They need to strongly bend their back, which will already add pain to it. Therefore, it is best to put pillows on your knees and put the child on top. Another position involves feeding the baby lying down, when both mother and baby lie parallel to each other. This is a very comfortable position for a woman to relax, but it is not possible for those whose breasts are too large. To feed the baby, you should bend your arm at the elbow and with the same hand support the breast, directing it into the baby's mouth
  • Try to position your child correctly. A newborn baby is not yet in control of his movements and does not know how to move at all, you need to position him in the most comfortable way. Raise his head slightly so that his chin looks up a little. So it will be convenient and comfortable for him to swallow his chest.
  • Don't be afraid to help your child. Of course, a newborn child has certain innate skills, but nevertheless, without the help of his mother, he cannot do anything. Each time the mother feeds, it is necessary to take the nipple and stroke the baby's nose with it so that he can open his mouth and look for him.
  • The location of the nipple in the mouth must be correct: halo (dark circumference of the nipple) should be at the level of his lips, and everything else in his mouth
  • Determine if the baby is attached to the breast correctly can be very simple - it is done visually. Pay attention to his cheeks, if they are puffed up - this is absolutely correct swallowing of the chest, if they are sunken - no

breastfeeding, baby attachment

Most mothers of newborns refuse or stop breastfeeding just because they start it wrong at the very beginning. Improper attachment problems should be dealt with as early as possible in order to avoid all problems in the future.

Why won't my baby breastfeed after a bottle?

Most often, mothers have the same problem - breastfeeding the baby, combined with artificial feeding. Unfortunately, this is a common problem, because mothers with improper breastfeeding often begin to bottle feed the baby so that he does not starve. The reason that mothers begin to offer artificial milk is the refusal of the child to breastfeed.

A baby refuses to breastfeed for several reasons:

  • mother does not have enough milk
  • the child does not have a developed sucking reflex
  • the child fails to swallow the breast correctly in order to suck out milk and eat
  • mother's nipples are not developed and they do not give enough milk to the baby
  • the baby tried the bottle and felt the food, which seemed to him tastier and more satisfying

baby feeding: natural and artificial
  • If the baby does not want to take the breast, mothers notice that he begins to cry too loudly, turn his face away from his chest, beat his arms and legs
  • With such nervous behavior, many mothers begin to panic express milk into a bowl, pour it into a bottle and offer the baby, noticing how easily he takes the bottle and drinks. There is another situation when a mother has to leave - she expresses and leaves milk milk for feeding
  • After such bottle feeding, the next time the baby may completely turn away from the breast and not want to take it, and then the mothers literally force him and forcibly put it in his mouth

Feeding your baby is a stressful process. It should not involve screams, tantrums and whims, as well as mother's frustrations. If things don't go smoothly, try to relax: play with the baby, give him a massage, stroke him, and then, in an even and not restless atmosphere, gently offer him a breast again.

At a time when a child eats milk from a bottle, he notices how easy it is for him. After all, from the hole, milk enters his mouth in a sufficient and uninterrupted amount. He does not strain his mouth to suck, the milk does not run out and his lips do not get tired. So you can get a large amount of food in a fairly short time.

Why does the baby not take the second breast?

Another problem that mothers often notice is that the baby takes one breast during feeding and completely refuses to feed on the second. The reason for this may be:

  • satiety of the baby after the first breast
  • the fact that the baby could get pretty tired sucking out the first breast
  • mom did not develop enough nipples on the first breast
  • mother's habit of breastfeeding her baby in only one position

Most often this happens due to the fact that when feeding, mothers choose the first and most convenient position for them to feed. The baby takes the same breast each time at first, and since it is the most “popular”, the channels in it are quite well developed and produce milk well. The second breast, due to the fact that it is always given to a fed baby or given secondarily, remains slightly undeveloped.

It is for this reason that mother often feels that the second breast is pouring, getting heavier, hurting and pulling. The most correct solution in such a situation would be active pumping into a bottle. If milk is not expressed, it is quite possible to get breast inflammation and lactostasis (inflammation of the mammary glands).

baby refuses second breast

To avoid stagnation of milk in the breast and improve the flow of milk in the channels, you need to regularly express and give your baby the breast to develop. Of course, the baby will have to work hard, but this is his obligatory function and work. Mothers should not give in too much to the whims of the child and react normally even to the most violent tantrums, because her stable emotional state is the key to health and good lactation.

Why does my baby only breastfeed at night?

  • In the fact that the baby refuses the breast, a significant role is played by accustoming him to the nipple. It is a dummy that can replace his mother's breast. When the baby suckles the breast, he calms down, feels his mother, her smell, feels the warmth of the nipple. All these pleasant emotions can be replaced by a rubber nipple to which the child gets used very quickly, as well as to bottled food.
  • If you notice that at night the baby takes the breast well, and is picky during the day, these are his obvious whims. After all, at night he does it unconsciously and is not very nervous because he is not given a pacifier
  • Also make allowance for the fact that during wakefulness during the period of growth of the first teeth (starting from two months), the baby feels unpleasant pain and he just needs to “scratch” them about something, rubber surfaces of the nipples are best suited for this
  • Pay attention to how the baby feels, whether his nose is stuffed up and whether it is easy for him to breathe - this is also the reason for the partial refusal of the child from the breast and increased capriciousness
  • Carefully sort out your diet, the wrong foods (sour or bitter) can spoil the quality and taste of your breast milk and therefore the baby may be breastfed

breastfeeding at night

Why does the baby take the breast only while standing?

Such a feature of the child as breastfeeding only in the standing position of the mother is acquired only when mothers allow it. Caring for a child, women notice how boring, monotonous and hard their life is: their back often hurts, there is no way to rest, relax and even take a shower. That is why they try to somehow diversify and facilitate their existence.

One way to combine business with pleasure is the habit of standing up feeding. This allows the mother to walk from side to side, if feeding is by means of a sling or kangaroo, this allows the mother to do several things at once. In the end, the child gets used to eating only in this position, because it is not only convenient, but also interesting: a wide view opens up and you can observe many things, while moving, the mother provides the child with a kind of motion sickness.

standing baby feeding milk

The principle of such feeding is built only on the individual habits of mother and baby, and that is why sometimes mothers feel certain inconveniences: the child refuses another position, is naughty, turns his head away, cries. It is possible to wean from such a situation, but it takes time to develop a new habit.

The flow of milk into the channels is completely independent of the position in which the child swallowed the breast. Milk comes only when the baby completely sucks it out of the breast, and its intensity depends only on sucking efforts.

Why did the baby suddenly stop breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is the best that a mother can give to her child, and in any case, she needs to try so that lactation is correct, plentiful and the baby knows how to take the breast. When problems arise with feeding, it is impossible to look for another solution to the problems, it is necessary to direct all possible efforts to ensure that all the difficulties of feeding with breast milk are eliminated.

Breastfeeding can be smooth and abrupt, and in any case, the problem should be addressed immediately. Breast milk is food and drink for a newborn baby. If you are unable to fix it yourself, you should contact a professional consultant who is present in every maternity hospital and women's clinic.

There are several reasons for a sharp rejection of the breast for a child:

  • Tight maternal breasts with undeveloped channels does not produce enough milk. The kid refuses to make an effort to get a minimum of food and begins to act up. To do this, you need to rub your nipples very often with a hard towel, drink plenty of fluids and express milk regularly.
  • Improper attachment the baby as a result of which he does not receive milk from the breast or receives it in too small an amount. This leads to starvation, air entrapment, colic and makes the baby nervous.
  • little nipples, that are not suitable for feeding the baby
  • Bad taste of mother's milk therefore, mom needs to carefully monitor what she eats, avoiding harmful products, gas-forming, bitter and sour. The cause of tasteless milk can also be mom's menstruation or another pregnancy (a hormonal surge affects the quality of milk)
  • Alien smell able to scare the baby away from the chest and make it naughty, so mom should carefully choose a perfume
  • Bad feeling makes the baby nervous and suffer from a lack of appetite and that is why he can turn away from his chest, act up, cry
  • The introduction of complementary foods often gives the baby a feeling of satiety and other taste sensations that are brighter and tastier than breast milk. therefore, the baby requires less breasts and is more naughty when he is fed the “wrong” food that he wants

The child refuses to breastfeed, what should I do?

  • In the case when a child refuses to breastfeed, every mother should think about what measures she will take in order to fix it. You should not ignore this problem, decide that this is the right choice for the child or relief for the mother. Breast milk should be at least up to six months and it is good if it lasts up to a year and a half years
  • You should not be nervous about this, because mom's health is the key to good health and good lactation. You need to carefully monitor why you have such changes and try to remove them as soon as possible.
  • Go to bed with your baby in the same bed so that day and night he has access to your breast milk, smells and is not nervous
  • Take a break from any worries, home life and causes of neuroses. Relax in peace and dissolve only in your baby
  • Try to control his swallowing of the chest in the relevant recommendations
  • Make him work in sucking milk, because the milk that is in the front and is near the nipple is easy to suck out, the one that is in the back requires effort.
  • Eliminate all products spoiling milk and include in your diet more liquids, cottage cheese, milk, nuts, meat, fish

what to do with difficult breastfeeding?

Video: "How to breastfeed a baby?"

The sucking reflex in newborns is inherent in nature. From the first minutes of life, it is recommended to put the baby to the breast in order to calm down after the birth process and the stress experienced. But, sometimes, it is impossible to do this - these are complicated births, and general anesthesia, premature births. The woman is forced to observe bed rest, and the child at this moment is fed with mixtures from a bottle in the children's department or he is in a special box.

Then you can not be surprised that the child takes the breast incorrectly, because with artificial feeding you do not need to strain, the mixture saturates faster. Another thing is breastfeeding. It takes effort. Infants even have specific blisters on the lower lip from regular feeding.

There are so-called "sloths" who are simply too lazy to strain and they quickly fall asleep in the process. It is believed that in such children the hunger center in the brain matures later, they gain weight more slowly. But even such a reason is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding and you need to continue. Sooner or later, this nerve center will wake up, and the baby will begin to eat more actively.

How to get a newborn to eat

What prevents the baby from taking the nipple correctly:

  1. Alternate breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Sucking on a pacifier. An incorrect grip is formed, which then affects breastfeeding.
  2. Stagnation of milk in the mother. The longer the feeding process is delayed, the harder it is for the baby to take the first sip. Therefore, if the baby completely sucks out one breast, then it is recommended to express the second a little. This is good for the mother, as there is less risk of mastitis, and for the child.
  3. . The chest can cover the nose of the baby and he will have nothing to breathe. As a result, he will constantly open his mouth and twist to breathe. The same thing happens when the baby has a runny nose.
  4. Cracked nipples and bleeding can change the taste of milk, so the baby may refuse to eat. And the mixture will be treated well.

The first thing mom needs to do is tidy up her breasts, using special ointments for healing wounds. At this point, milk must be expressed so that it does not disappear completely. Some authors write that later lactation can be restored, but according to reviews on the forums, not everyone succeeded and had to be transferred to artificial nutrition.

The second is to stop giving bottles and. Pacifiers are not so scary if the baby eats breast milk well. There are universal children who eat from everything that is offered. It's good that most of them are.

Start feeding your baby on demand rather than on a schedule. This method is long gone. Babies who are always close to their mother eat better and sleep better. Co-sleeping also promotes better contact and faster relearning from bottle to breast.

Proper attachment of the baby to the breast

The fact is that the child is not just sucking badly or refusing to eat. He has reasons for this, about which he cannot tell his mother. The problem can come from both the mother and the child.

From mom's side:

  • the position for feeding is incorrectly chosen - the baby is far from the nipple, just hangs on it and tries to hold it;
  • hard breasts - the baby cannot suck milk.

From the side of the child:

  • the baby is weak or sick;
  • premature baby;
  • short frenulum - hard to suck;
  • facial muscle tone.

If the usual measures to retrain the baby do not work, you need to see a doctor. There are also breastfeeding consultants who will show you how to teach your baby to latch on properly. Usually such a person is invited home and in practice they find out what the problem of the mother or child is.

It depends on the correct application whether the child will receive as much milk as he needs, or will starve.

Choosing a position for feeding

Of the common causes, the choice of posture is the most common problem. Mom should be comfortable. To do this, you need to provide support for the back. If the process takes place while sitting, the elbows should also rest on something so that it is not difficult to support the child at the right distance from the nipple. The legs should rest on an elevation - a bench, a folded blanket on the floor, a roller.

Easy to feed your baby

  1. From under the arm, when the child's body is located on the side of the mother on a raised platform. Suitable for twins, allows you to relax your back as much as possible while the baby is eating. One hand is free and it is easy to use it to correctly place the breast so that the nipple enters the mouth along with the areola.
  2. Lying. Best for feeding before bed. Mom lies on her side, the child is turned to face her chest. With the second hand, you can take and give the nipple several times until it grabs correctly.
  3. In the cross cradle position. The baby's head lies in the left hand on the right side. It is convenient to teach to take the breast with the right hand.

Without additional support in the form of a pillow, relying only on the strength of the hands, it will be inconvenient for the mother to control the process and she will quickly get tired. The traditional position of the baby in the arms with one shoulder raised by the mother is not suitable for "training" to capture the nipple.

Nipple grip rules

How should a baby breastfeed correctly?

  1. The nipple touches the sky. You can check by putting a clean finger in your baby's mouth. He draws it in and a vacuum is formed, which then makes it difficult to pick up this finger. If this does not happen, the baby does not know how to suck properly.
  2. The nipple enters the mouth along with the areola. Just do it quickly, otherwise the baby may bite and injure the chest.
  3. Does not slip on the nipple during feeding.
  4. There are no smacking sounds, only swallowing.
  5. If you look from below, you can see the tongue located between the chest and lower lip.
  6. The chin moves and freezes in the down position while the baby draws in the liquid.

Signs of a bad grip:

  • extraneous sounds;
  • mouth is not wide open;
  • the areola is visible, there is one nipple in the mouth;
  • Mom is in pain.

Improper sucking ends with the fact that the baby does not receive enough milk and behaves restlessly.

How to teach your baby to breastfeed properly

Techniques that help to establish proper sucking:

  • pressure on the chin so that the baby opens its mouth wider;
  • finger feeding with a tube - used for mastitis in the mother, allows you to determine how well the baby sucks the finger correctly.

Some children need to be trained for a long time until they learn. According to mothers, some made 20 to 30 attempts per application. The training sometimes dragged on for a month or two. But if the mother does not stop trying, the children sooner or later become accustomed to the breast.

How to know if your baby is breastfed

Babies gain weight more slowly - this is normal. The main thing is that the baby completely sucks out the entire portion of milk regularly. To understand if the baby has enough nutrition, you need to analyze:

  • the amount of urine per day - if 4 - 5 diapers change per day, completely wet, then everything is in order;
  • regular daily stools - 5 to 8 times a day;
  • emptying of the mammary gland after feeding;
  • stool becomes a light mustard color by the third day after birth.

Well-fed baby, although this sign is not decisive.

The main thing in breastfeeding is the perseverance of the mother, which helps to preserve natural nutrition, which subsequently affects the baby's immunity. Therefore, you need to continue to teach the child to eat mother's milk until he succeeds.

Some young mothers who have chosen to breastfeed are faced with the problem of the baby's lack of breast sucking skills. The task of a young parent is a gradual and consistent approach to teaching a child such a skill. First of all, you need to stock up on patience and free time. In this matter, you can take the advice of pediatricians or breastfeeding specialists.

Choosing a position for feeding

The comfort of feeding, as well as the speed of the child acquiring the skills of sucking the mother's breast, depends on the correct choice of the occupied one. An important detail is not only the location of the baby in the mother's arms, but also the correct grip of the mother's nipple. First of all, a young mother needs to take the baby in her arms, paying attention to the location of his body and head. The mother's hand is a support for the back and neck of the newborn.

Many women prefer to put the baby to the breast while lying on the bed in the side position, while the baby is located next to the mother. Before putting the baby to the breast, make sure that the baby's head is slightly elevated. If the head position is correct, then the newborn's chin is slightly below.

Nipple grip rules

This criterion is one of the most important parameters of basic latch-on skills. Provided the correct position, the tip of the nipple is located at the level of the baby's nose. Latching on the nipple can be initiated if the infant's mouth is wide open. Most newborns do this intuitively. If the baby finds it difficult to act, then the mother should be helped.

To do this, gently press the index finger on the baby's chin. After the reflex opening of the mouth, the mother should gently bring the child closer to the mammary gland. With a proper grip, the newborn's mouth should contain not only the maternal nipple, but also part of the surrounding halo.

In this case, the lower lip of the child should be in contact with the mother's breast with the inside. Young mothers need to make it a rule that it is necessary to bring the baby closer to the mammary gland, and not vice versa. When holding a newborn in your arms, make sure that the baby can freely move his arms and legs, and also grab the nipple.

Important! In order to make sure that the nipple is gripped correctly, it is recommended that the mother pay attention to the baby's cheeks. If the parent did everything right, then the child's cheeks look slightly swollen. When the cheeks are retracted, the capture has not occurred correctly, and this procedure must be repeated.

In order to speed up the capture of the nipple by the baby, it is pre-moistened with a small amount of breast milk. It is not at all necessary to wash the mammary glands with water before each feeding. It is enough for a nursing woman to follow the rules of daily personal hygiene, which she adhered to before pregnancy. Frequent exposure to water and cosmetics on the mammary gland leads to such consequences as the surrounding halo.

In the process of feeding, it is necessary to ensure that the baby's nose is not tightly pressed against the mammary gland. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to breathe normally.

To speed up the process of mastering the skills of sucking the mother's breast, you can use the following tips:

  • In order for the child to quickly acquire the skills of sucking the mother's breast, it is recommended that the woman maintain regular bodily contact with the baby. The parent needs to carry the child in her arms as often as possible, put her to sleep next to her, stroke her head;
  • For the entire period of breastfeeding, the baby's contact with other family members is limited. Procedures such as putting to bed, bathing and feeding should be carried out by the mother of the child;
  • During the period of habituation, the baby's stay in crowded places is reduced to a minimum. This activity will provide a calm environment around the child and create favorable conditions for learning new skills;
  • If the baby is not configured to receive information, then breastfeeding is postponed for a while. Breastfeeding experts strongly recommend breastfeeding on demand;
  • A young mother should not be afraid of experiments in the selection of new positions for feeding. An alternative to the normal position is breastfeeding while lying on your side, sitting or standing. In the room where feeding takes place, all extraneous sounds (radio, TV) are eliminated.

An effective way to quickly adapt a child to breastfeeding is co-sleeping. It has been proven in practice that babies who sleep next to their mother get used to breast sucking faster. A measured approach and compliance with the recommendations will allow you to teach a newborn baby the skills of natural feeding in a short time.

15.09.2010, 16:57

15.09.2010, 17:00

pull out the breast if she takes it wrong and give again and again - only right! help her - move her chin down with your finger and stick her chest in as needed!

15.09.2010, 17:05

15.09.2010, 17:09

help her - move her chin down with your finger and stick her chest in as needed!

If it doesn’t work out, call a consultant on breastfeeding at home!

She clamps her jaw like a bull terrier! I'm afraid to take her chin away, what if I break something? Or is it just my fears?

15.09.2010, 17:09

After RD, my daughter quickly learned to open her mouth wide and suck on her breast as needed. It is clear that I had no problems with cracks or engorgement. And my daughter ate well.
Now she is 1 month old and she has a new "chip" - now she does not open her mouth wide, but takes the nipple and sucks her breast up to the areola. At the same time, I am in severe pain. And in the process of feeding, the "hickey" may weaken, the areola is no longer in the mouth, and the daughter begins to torment the nipple. It hurts terribly too. I tear it off the chest, I try to give the breast in a different way - the same result. And most importantly, I'm not sure that with such sucking she is full!

How can I teach her to latch on properly again?

For this reason, I ended GW. Only with me, directly from the RD, the consultant could stick her breasts in correctly. I was absolutely out of my hands, I didn’t have enough hands, I needed a third one. Daughter initially incorrectly sucked always with me. by the month when it began to bleed from the cracks, and I could not feed without a local anesthetic, they switched to expressed and weaned from the breast.
We, as they later explained to me, had a very small mouth (and now she does not like to open it wide), and a very large areola and nipple. Stupidly mismatched. Of course, a lot of GV advocates will say that this does not happen, excuses, etc. Well, God is the judge. I fought hard for GV, and gave a lot of money to consultants.
And it was just uncomfortable for her to eat properly, she choked. The mouth was physically so not open. And I always had a huge chest, I just filled up with milk, it always flowed, even colostrum during pregnancy flowed in a stream without pressing on the chest spontaneously.

15.09.2010, 17:14

We, as they explained to me later, had a very small mouth (and now she does not like to open it wide)

And constantly pulling out to try to insert correctly was even more painful than sucking the wrong way.

We also have a small mouth and reluctance to open it, apparently ...

Yes, from constant pasting and inserting it only hurts me more, and my daughter starts to get angry and cry!

15.09.2010, 17:16

maybe try pads? the method, of course, is "unnatural", but at least for a while, in order to avoid cracks ...

15.09.2010, 17:18

try to give the nipple to the baby at the level of the nose, then she will reach up to him and open her mouth slightly. The main thing at this moment is to qualitatively insert the nipple)) with the areola))

15.09.2010, 17:18

She clamps her jaw like a bull terrier! I'm afraid to take her chin away, what if I break something? Or is it just my fears?

I'm close to calling a specialist...

In books they write, in order to open the mouth of a child, you need to put your little finger in there. Tested by myself. :)
And the consultant, probably, takes 1000 for the call, GV is probably worth it.
Try asking a consultant by phone first, maybe verbal recommendations will help?

15.09.2010, 17:21

And with overlays, will she learn to take the breast correctly?

With overlays, she will inevitably take the breast correctly. While the lining on the chest. After all, the overlay, as it were, forms the nipple and areola into a single whole. Another thing is that the overlay only temporarily solves the problem. But someone needs a temporary solution!
You first try as it was advised above to put it right... :flower:

15.09.2010, 17:41

same problem((
yells, wants to eat, sees the breasts, calms down and opens her mouth very little, I express a little and with force almost with my fingers push the squeezed nipple and areola at the same time opening my lips outward ... it sounds awful of course. but got used to it. It is useless to wait until he opens his mouth - he will lie and grunt.

And in order to pull it out, I move the cheek - the pressure in the mouth will drop and you can take it out.

15.09.2010, 19:37

it may be really uncomfortable for her to take breasts if they are very tight. It happened to me a couple of times - my breasts filled up great, my daughter fiddled for a very long time before seizing the nipple. Can you express lightly before feeding? Then it will grow up, the mouth will also grow - it will open wide ... :))

15.09.2010, 19:47

I express the first drops, or rather jets ... but putting the nipple into a half-open mouth is very difficult)) But he does not want to yell.

16.09.2010, 01:26

The author, I know everything about sucking))) I suffered with a breast like a pipets) A flat nipple, a crack, mastitis, an overlay ... hellish pain .. for almost a month the child took the breast incorrectly.
But it still happens that he takes it badly, in the process of sucking he grimaces, slips onto the nipple.
When hungry, the mouth does not open wide and closes quickly, quickly .. Try to stick the nipple in half a second as it should ..
I get out of the situation like this: I wait until I get hungry so that I start yelling with my mouth wide open. At this moment, I thrust it as far as possible. Not entirely pedagogical, of course ... but the problem is solved.
By the way, you can’t pull the chin with your finger while sucking .. he tightly squeezes his jaw)

16.09.2010, 01:28

same problem((
yells, wants to eat, sees the chest, calms down and the mouth opens very little,.

You are my soul mate)))
the same thing .. sees the chest, calms down .. the mouth opens a little ..
BUT! if you wait and tease with your chest at a distance of 10 cm from his face, then he will definitely start yelling!))) after 10 minutes. At this very moment, it is convenient to shove the nipple.

16.09.2010, 01:32

And with overlays, will she learn to take the breast correctly?

I used the overlay for a month .. during this time the crack not only healed, but became even more inflamed .. And the pain was monstrous .. The crack healed only when the breastfeeding specialist correctly gave the breast without an overlay.
For a month, by the way, the child has not completely forgotten how to suck properly.

16.09.2010, 12:08

do not use pads, be patient, I got hooked on them and then weaned them off for about 2 weeks ... without it I didn’t want to take breasts at all. I also had a period when the seizure was not so hot .. but you have to fight, let him freak out, nothing ... but then there will be no problems.
my mouth also opened weakly for up to 2 months ... but I stubbornly corrected this grip through his and mine tears. but now wow!


I am very glad to receive letters from mothers who were preparing for childbirth based on my materials, and of course I try to answer and help you.

Today we'll talk about proper attachment of the baby to the breast. But first a question:

Ludmila, hello!
Tell me, please, how to persuade a 2-week-old baby to open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue for proper attachment to the breast? The mouth opens, but it seems to me that it is not wide enough, the tongue does not protrude at all. In a calm state, it generally presses the lower lip inward.

As a result, from the moment of birth, I lost weight (I was born 3040 g, at discharge I weighed 2850 g), by today I have gained weight only 3010 g. It seems to be eating normally in time, but the weight began to increase slightly only in the last four days, before that he had just not lost weight.


Congratulations on the birth of your baby. You are doing the right thing by paying attention to the quality of breastfeeding. Proper attachment will insure against many feeding difficulties.

It should be understood that initially, being born, the child does not know how to take the breast correctly. He has a sucking reflex, and obeying him, the child sucks. And to track the correctness is my mother's task.

How to teach to breastfeed correctly?

  1. The breast is inserted into the child's wide open mouth.

The child does not understand our words, so we do the following: we draw the nipple over the child’s mouth STRICTLY from top to bottom. Never move the nipple from side to side, this will teach the child to turn his head, but will not achieve a wide open mouth.

Repeat the movement from top to bottom as many times as required. At some point, the child opens his mouth: maybe a little, or maybe wide.

What a wide open mouth is for your child can only be understood by carefully observing him. Catch the moments when he yawns, or at the moment of crying, pay attention to how wide he can open his mouth - this is what we strive for when we want to attach to the chest correctly.

Usually for 5-6 small openings of the mouth, there is 1 large one. This moment needs to be caught and put the breast deep into the child's mouth. Your movement must be fast, otherwise you may be late.

  1. After the baby has taken the breast, you can go through the main signs of proper attachment for yourself and see if they are observed.
  • The baby's mouth is wide open (like a chick whose mother brought a treat).
  • The top and bottom jaws are turned out.
  • The tongue does not go back and forth; a halo (the dark part of the chest) lies on it.
  • The nipple is deep in the mouth, at the base of the tongue.
  • The tip of the nose and chin are pressed against the tita. This moment is controlled by you, as a mother.
  1. You shouldn't feel pain while feeding.

If there is pain, this is one of the signs that the attachment is incorrect and, most likely, the child sucks on the nipple and injures the breast. The result of improper sucking can be abrasions, cracks, inflammation of the breast, a slight increase in weight.

In order to stop worrying about weight gain in a baby, two important parameters must be taken into account:

  • weekly weight gain (at least 125 grams);
  • the number of urination in 24 hours (should be more than 12) and I recommend reading this article Does the baby have enough breast milk?

Regarding the fact that in a calm state the lower lip of the child is retracted - this is a frequent occurrence. The correct bite, the correct structure of the jaw is formed in the process of breastfeeding, and gradually everything will return to normal.

We covered the full picture of infant care and the basics of successful breastfeeding in the course Happy Motherhood: How to Breastfeed and Care for Your Baby

Only the necessary theory and practical videos on topics:

  • carrying on hand
  • soft bathing technique in a diaper,
  • swaddling,
  • Comfortable co-sleeping and feeding lying down

will help you make the most "difficult" months of a child's life easy and simple!

I also suggest watching my short video tutorial, which explains important points for proper application. Be sure to check out:

Ask your questions in the comments!