Flight for pregnant women is dangerous. Risk of contracting respiratory infections. How is a flight handled by pregnant women? How can you help yourself

Pregnancy imposes many restrictions on the usual life of a woman, changes the state of her body. Is flying and pregnancy compatible? The answer is yes, but there are some circumstances in which flying is contraindicated.

Even healthy people may experience health problems during the flight. Flight during pregnancy can only be subject to all safety rules and terms in which a woman can fly.

Before the trip, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist who keeps her card and consult whether a pregnant woman can fly on an airplane.

Do you need help

Many airlines are loyal, do not require medical certificates at any time. Air France is one of them. Other carriers allow you to fly without a certificate until certain terms, which the company puts individually. They must be clarified with managers or on the site. The table shows the rules of some airlines, indicating how long you can fly on an airplane:

Company Regulations
BRITISH AIRWAYS Without a medical certificate up to 28 weeks. From 29 weeks with a certificate and a statement from a woman with taking responsibility for the risks.
S7 Help required at any time
Utair Prohibited without permission. Up to 36 weeks, it is needed from the observing gynecologist. From 37 weeks to fly is not allowed.
Air Berlin
Air Astana
LUFTHANSA Unlimited up to 34 weeks. After that, a certificate from a gynecologist from medical center with the airline
KLM (Dutch airline) Up to 36 weeks unlimited, after which it is prohibited
Alitalia Not required until 36 weeks, after which a certificate must be presented
Aeroflot Help is needed at any time. The flight is prohibited if the delivery occurs within a month from the date of the flight.
Transaero No flights later than 36 weeks for singleton pregnancies and later than 32 weeks for multiple pregnancy. Needed for landing exchange card and a certificate from a doctor indicating the due date.

Note! A certificate from the supervising gynecologist should be taken no earlier than a week before departure.

Possible threats and dangers of flights for pregnant women

Pregnancy and air travel can pose a threat to both the health of the baby and the woman. Under certain circumstances, a violation in the development of the fetus of the child, as well as premature birth during the flight, is possible.

Acute hypoxia

Reduced oxygen concentration at high altitude can harm a woman in a position suffering from grade 3 anemia. She does not have enough compensatory mechanisms to eliminate oxygen starvation of fetal tissues due to low hemoglobin.

Healthy women are not susceptible to hypoxia, since a decrease in O2 pressure causes reactions in tissues that provide nutrition to the fetus. necessary quantity oxygen. Therefore, the statement that flight is harmful to all pregnant women due to lack of air is erroneous.

Circulatory disorders and blood stasis

Pregnant women with a history of venous disease or severe or multiple risk factors for arterial or venous thrombosis should consult their doctor before flying. If the flight lasts more than 4 hours, it is better to abstain.

Women should not fly in a position suffering from the following diseases associated with circulatory disorders:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • arterial thromboembolism. With caution in the condition preceding it - angina pectoris, transient ischemic attack.
  1. In-flight consumption of caffeinated beverages, including tea, is prohibited. Don't drink sparkling water, just plain water. You need to drink every half an hour, in small sips of about 100 ml.
  2. Stretch your legs every half hour. Do exercises: circular motions feet, stretching, bending the knees. During the flight, it is recommended to get up and walk around the cabin if possible.
  3. Use compression stockings and tights.

Pressure surges

Healthy individuals may experience a slight increase in pressure when climbing, landing, and entering turbulence. For pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia (deterioration of the functioning of blood vessels, kidneys, brain), flying is dangerous. Swelling of the legs or other parts of the body may increase. Adverse reactions of the body with increased pressure in pregnant women are characterized by headache, fainting, clouding of consciousness, nausea and vomiting.

preterm birth

The risk group for preterm birth includes women who experience disease state in connection with pregnancy - preeclampsia or late toxicosis.

Women who are expecting 2 or more children are more prone to premature birth than others. Therefore, many airlines prohibit them from flying a month earlier than singleton mothers.

Late-term pregnant women are contraindicated in flying due to the possible exit amniotic fluid or placental abruption. The presence of a number of diseases in history associated with veins and blood vessels, anemia, fetal hypoxia can also provoke childbirth during the flight.


At high altitude, the atmospheric layer protects a person less from radiation. Indeed, in the air on board an aircraft, it is likely to receive radiation exposure, but in small doses that do not pose a threat to the health of the mother and her fetus. The dose of radiation is about three times lower than the x-ray.

Important! Air travel is contraindicated for pregnant women with blood diseases.

Flight Rules

  1. Fly with an exchange card even if it is not required by the air carrier. This is a document that contains a summary of the health of the mother and fetus with current diseases, treatment and other information.
  2. Choose an aisle seat, as the porthole seats make it difficult to get out frequently to walk around the cabin.
  3. Take a pregnancy pillow that will take the pressure off your lower back.
  4. When buying a ticket, choose seats in the front row to stretch your legs forward to avoid swelling and blood stasis.
  5. Do not wear jeans for flights, as they tighten the hips and stomach. Give preference natural fabrics and free cut.
  6. If you are experiencing severe fear, take a sedative that the doctor has allowed.
  7. Drink water during the flight.
Advice! In the exchange card, indicate a couple of contacts of the next of kin in case of unforeseen situations.

Flight at different times

How long can you fly on an airplane and not harm the development of the fetus and the health of the mother? There are weeks in each trimester when flying does not pose a risk of pregnancy. There are also periods when air travel is dangerous. Let's get acquainted in more detail.

In the first trimester

On the 1st and 2nd week, the flight does not pose a threat to the health of the woman and the baby. From the third week there is a bookmark internal organs fetus. You should not fly during these two weeks. With a cold or other illness, development can be harmed and lead to miscarriage.

The most favorable weeks for flights of the first trimester are 7 and 8. It is better to refrain from traveling on weeks 5-6, 8-9 and from 10 to 12.

In the second trimester

The second trimester is the most successful for flying. However, from 18 to 22 weeks, you should be careful, as during this period there is a risk of late miscarriage.

Last months of pregnancy

If a woman is healthy, there are no contraindications and complications, you can fly on any week during the period recent months pregnancy. Keep in mind that most airlines require a doctor's note from week 28, and a number of airlines prohibit flights to recent weeks before childbirth.

It is best to avoid flying during the last 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, even if the airline does not ban the flight. Shaking and stuffy dry air, excessive anxiety can worsen a woman's condition, bring discomfort.

How long can you fly

Most airlines restrict flights to pregnant women from 34-36 weeks with one fetus and from 32 weeks with two or more fetuses. If the airline does not interfere with the flight at a later date, the woman signs a paper before departure about responsibility for possible risks, and also provides a certificate from the attending physician indicating the date of birth, state of health, gestational age, pathology.

What to do if a pregnant woman is sick on an airplane

Women are prone to nausea and vomiting early stages pregnancy. Follow the guidelines to avoid unpleasant situation and make you feel better in flight:

  • a few days before the flight (1-2) follow a light diet;
  • on the day of departure, you should not eat tightly;
  • drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated;
  • if airline regulations allow you to take your own food on board, take something useful. On board, ask the flight attendant to heat up the dish in the microwave;
  • if it is forbidden to bring homemade food, use the company's menu, usually it has a diet table;
  • if you feel sick, you need to look straight ahead, focusing your eyes on one point. Breathe deeply. Take a sip of water and place a mint or lozenge under your tongue, slowly sucking;
  • try to distract yourself with a book or newspaper, soothing music, or try to relax and fall asleep. Do not take sleeping pills;
  • it is best to avoid caffeinated drinks, but slight dizziness one dose is allowed - a small cup of coffee or strong tea.

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Can pregnant women fly on an airplane? The unequivocal answer is "yes". A pregnant woman is not sick or disabled, she is simply in a slightly more special state of the body than other people. This obliges her to certain rules sleep, nutrition and physical activity, but does not prohibit it from enjoying certain benefits of mankind. The main thing is to approach any issue with the mind and observe adequate caution.

Before the flight, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor, who is aware of all your body characteristics and existing diseases. Perfect option- the golden mean, that is, the time somewhere between the first trimester and 2-3 months before childbirth. With absence serious illnesses or chronic diseases prone to frequent exacerbations - no one can forbid you to travel by plane (except your doctor, of course). Even if you have contraindications to flights, then there is always an option in the form of a trip by train or a regular car.

Deadline: when, where, why?

There is an opinion that flights for women in the first trimester are strictly contraindicated, as they can provoke malformations in the child. In the worst case, the mother may even face spontaneous interruption pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is no reliable data to support or refute this opinion. However, it will not be superfluous to play it safe, since active organogenesis occurs at an early stage, that is, the laying of organs and systems of the fetus. And any outside influence can really affect him, causing developmental anomalies.

Plan your trip in advance, and better - reschedule to a later date

The only time that is the reason to refuse the flight is more than 36-37 weeks, when the woman's body gradually begins to prepare for childbirth. And since flying on an airplane is not only a physical load, but also a psycho-emotional one, it can provoke premature birth. Therefore, if your deadline has passed abroad at 36 weeks, use any other transport or wait a little with the trip.

If your term exceeds the threshold of 30 weeks, then flights are not contraindicated for you, but you must have an exchange card with you with documents about your term and health status that allows air travel. The airline also reserves the right to disclaim responsibility for your health during the flight by first offering you to sign a letter of guarantee. Sign it only if you are completely confident in your well-being and that you can endure such a trip well and without complications.

Myth or truth?

Everyone has heard that any air travel can be dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman. However, not everyone will be able to fully argue and substantiate their phrase, backing it up with facts. So what is it possible danger flights for expectant mothers?

It is widely believed that the difference in pressure on the ground and in the sky can provoke a rupture of the fetal bladder, and as a result, premature birth. However, it is not uncommon in medicine that amniotic sac ruptured 1-2 weeks before the due date and there was no danger to the health of the mother and child. So we do not reject this scenario, but we do not consider it potentially hazardous to health either.

There is also a theory that a lack of oxygen in a small aircraft cabin can cause hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) of the fetus, especially if the woman has health problems (anemia or pathology of the placenta). Firstly, if there was such an acute lack of oxygen in the cabin, all passengers would die from its lack in the middle of the flight. As you can see, nothing like this has ever happened, so this is nothing more than a myth. Secondly, as we said above, for the flight you need a certificate from a doctor confirming your satisfactory state of health. In the presence of moderate / severe anemia or pathology of the placenta, the doctor simply will not issue you such a certificate.

comfortable chair and good company - ideal conditions for flight

The only relatively well-founded opinion has to do with airplane seats. Due to their inconvenience, stagnation of blood in the legs may appear, contraindicated for women prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. However, some companies offer special chairs for pregnant women, you just need to check with the airline manager about their availability.

Everyone also knows that during flights there is an unpleasant nasal congestion and even a runny nose. This is due to the fact that the air in the cabin is dry and the ventilation systems cannot provide sufficient air exchange within the aircraft. As a result, the nasal mucosa and oral cavity dries up, causing sensations of sore throat and common cold. However, to change the situation better side simple enough. You just need to humidify the air around you with special sprays, drink water (not too much if you have a tendency to edema) and use drops / ointments to moisturize the mucous membranes.

Airline rights: to let or not to let

Airlines, as international structures, have a clear set of rules and regulations governing the actions of personnel in different situations. Such rules clearly state that airline employees reserve the right to refuse a pregnant woman air travel if:

  • more than 30 weeks pregnant
  • there is no exchange card and a certificate from a doctor about the state of health of a woman

Even if these conditions are met, employees can (and should!) Provide a guarantee to the woman for signature, under which the company disclaims all responsibility for possible complications and deterioration of the pregnant woman's condition during air travel. Thus, the company not only protects its safety in the event of an unforeseen situation in the air, but also checks the awareness of the future mother's decision.

How to make a flight comfortable for a pregnant woman?

Pregnant women should choose seats in business class or in the front rows of economy class. This is due to the fact that these places have larger and more comfortable chairs that allow you to regularly change the position of the body. This will be an excellent prevention of thrombophlebitis and general blood stasis. The seats in these places are usually large and comfortable, and the distance from row to row is increased. This will allow a pregnant woman to sit comfortably during the flight and stretch her legs, which will significantly improve her well-being.

Also, according to the new rules, smoking is completely prohibited in airplanes, as in an enclosed space (even despite the equipped ventilation system). However, for pregnant women, seats in the nose of the aircraft are still preferable, since the cleanest air circulates in this part.

Pregnant women prone to stress during the flight (or better before it) should take sedatives. Only a doctor can prescribe and calculate the dosage of such drugs for pregnant women, so you should consult with him in advance.

Long flights, during which physical activity is significantly limited, are undoubtedly harmful to of cardio-vascular system. Women who are prone to varicose veins and edema will feel this factor especially strongly. In order to reduce Negative influence such flights, at least once an hour take a short walk through the cabin of the aircraft in one direction and back. Flight attendants and stewards are unlikely to refuse you such physical activity, if you give them a reason why.

Our body needs about 2 liters of water per day depending on our activity pattern, height and weight. However, during flight it is normal to change blood pressure, which depends on the BCC (volume of circulating blood). On the day of the flight, the maximum fluid intake is one and a half liters drinking water. This amount will prevent possible swelling, while providing the body with a sufficient amount of fluid for the expectant mother to feel comfortable. The best option will drink a third of the water before the flight, another third during it and the last third after landing.

Flight attendants don't bite! Do not be afraid to contact them during the flight.

On the day of the flight, prefer clothes that are light and made of natural fabrics that do not interfere with air circulation between the skin and environment. It is also worth abandoning the belts, which can compress blood vessels and worsen blood circulation.

Do not forget about the eternal companions of pregnant women - pain in the back and lower back. Ordinary neck pillows, which can be purchased directly on board the aircraft, will help to avoid this problem. And the blanket given by the flight attendant can be turned into a lumbar pillow, which will provide a comfortable position throughout the flight.

It will not be superfluous to use anti-sickness remedies, since the vestibular apparatus of pregnant women is extremely sensitive and the appearance of nausea on board an aircraft is not uncommon. It is better to consult a doctor about the choice of the drug, as he will be able to choose the right dosage that will not harm the baby.

Childbirth on the plane: what to do?

Can pregnant women fly beyond 36 weeks? Highly undesirable. Precisely for the reason possible development rapid birth. But what if everything happened the way it happened? If the birth began in the last 1-2 hours of the flight, the captain of the aircraft will contact the landing city, where an ambulance will be waiting for the woman upon arrival. If the birth began at the beginning or in the middle of the flight, then in this case the crew team must provide the woman with first aid and, in last resort, take birth.

Go on a trip to change the scenery, recharge positive emotions during pregnancy, many girls dream. And what to hide: many sign for initial terms when an interesting situation is not yet noticeable, but the couple is already in a pleasant expectation of replenishment in the family. Certainly, Honeymoon I really don't want to postpone. So is it possible to fly early dates pregnancy ? Or will the trip still have to be postponed?

Read in this article

What can threaten flight by plane?

It is worth noting right away that gynecologists do not give a definite answer, since each case is unique. Let us examine in detail what a flight can threaten.

Pressure drops and, as a result, premature birth, the threat of miscarriage

Of course, any sharp drops pressure is not desirable for the expectant mother. At the time of landing and takeoff, even healthy people feel them; for women, they become additional factor risk. Some airlines even ban flights on later dates, after all, in time to apply for children's resuscitation in case of onset labor activity impossible. However, until now, a direct relationship between flights and miscarriages, premature births has not been confirmed. However, if the ultrasound shows normal condition, and the gynecologist does not see a threat, then you can hit the road.

Lack of oxygen during flight

Indeed, the oxygen concentration in the cabin is reduced. This leads to excitement, first of all, of the expectant mother about whether the child will have oxygen starvation. However, doctors have long been interested in this issue, conducted experiments and came to the conclusion that the changes are so insignificant that they will in no way affect both the woman herself and the child. It is worth noting that there are exceptions - women suffering from anemia. For them, even a slight hypoxia can be fatal during the flight.

Thrombosis, blood stasis

Long air travel in early pregnancy can indeed threaten the formation of blood clots or blood clots in the veins. Since in women who are expecting a child, it is already so large and as much as 5 times higher than in non-pregnant women of the same age. However, for those who have not previously observed a predisposition to the disease, you can take quite simple measures protection: wear compression stockings for the flight, use a large number of water, do not drink and drinks containing caffeine, as well as slowly walk around the salon at least once an hour.

Who is banned from flying?

Doctors identify certain indications for which flying on an airplane in the early stages of pregnancy is prohibited:

  • low position of the fetus;
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • chronic hypoxia fetus;
  • toxicosis;
  • intrauterine retention of the fetus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • breech presentation of the fetus;
  • pregnancy as a result of IVF.

Edema, as well as numbness in the legs of a pregnant woman, can be a reason for refusing to travel by plane. This may lead to undesirable consequences on a long flight.

Doctors explain why you can not fly in the early stages of pregnancy: this can lead to detachment gestational sac or placenta, uterine tone, miscarriages, thrombophlebitis. And it is the first trimester that is included in the most dangerous period for flights. As for toxicosis, it can intensify on the plane, causing severe discomfort not only expectant mother but also to other passengers.

Who can fly on planes?

Doctors are inclined to believe that only absolutely healthy women without identified complications in the fetus can afford a flight in the early stages of pregnancy. The second trimester is considered the most optimal for travel. It was at this time that the growing tummy still does not prevent the mother from remaining as active as possible, she has already got used to her new position and is guided in the possible reactions of the body to certain changes.

But if the trip should take place earlier, and you have already heard enough from your friends and gossips that everything went well for them, visit anyway and get his verdict. Agree, you should not risk your health and your baby for a little pleasure.

It should also be borne in mind that the risk factors include a direct change in climate, habitual food. You can never be 100% sure how your body will behave in a new place. And even if you have already rested there, under the influence of hormonal and other changes, this time everything can go differently.

What if you still need to fly?

Since you already know what are the dangers of flying in early pregnancy and understand possible consequences, but still decided to travel, it is necessary to make it as comfortable and safe as possible. There are several proven recommendations for this:

So is it worth flying or not? The answer will help you find a gynecologist who is well acquainted with all the indications, as well as well-being. If it is possible to refuse or postpone the flight until the second trimester, then it is still better to do it. If you cannot do without a flight by plane, then do not forget about our recommendations and advice.

Move on air transport considered the most safe view movement over long distances.

But is this statement so true when it comes to the most vulnerable category of passengers - pregnant women?

Air travel can be quite dangerous if not followed. certain conditions and safety rules.

In order not to harm yourself or your unborn baby, you should be very careful about the upcoming trip and familiarize yourself with the requirements that some airlines put forward for pregnant passengers. And so, is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane and for how long?

Pregnancy is a special condition during which you should be especially kind to your body. It should be noted that air travel can be very dangerous and pose a direct threat to the further development of pregnancy.

Acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen)

The concentration of oxygen molecules in the aircraft cabin is significantly reduced. Due to this, hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) occurs, which can lead to a deterioration in the woman's well-being or. This condition is fraught with cerebral circulation, which can lead to the most severe consequences: Down syndrome and other pathologies.

Scientists from Switzerland have found that a slight oxygen starvation does not have a big impact on a woman's health, the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Please note that this only applies to healthy women whose pregnancy proceeds without the threat of miscarriage or other complications. Everyone else should avoid long flights until the end of the pregnancy.

preterm birth

The connection with the premature birth of the baby into the world and flying on airplanes has not yet been established. However, pressure drops, severe anemia, fetal hypoxia - all these factors together can cause early rupture of amniotic fluid or, which may well end in childbirth.

This situation is an emergency, so women who are at risk for the threat of premature birth(multiple pregnancy, late term, etc.) air travel is contraindicated!


The danger of radiation exposure during the flight is greatly exaggerated, despite the veracity of this statement. The radiation dose that a pregnant woman receives is almost 3 times lower than that that a person is exposed to when undergoing an x-ray.

The risk group includes only women with blood diseases - they should reschedule the flight or refuse it altogether.

When can pregnant women fly?

If the pregnancy proceeds and develops normally, there are no complications, the woman may well use aerial view transport to move.

The optimal period for air travel is the second trimester of pregnancy (14-28 weeks).

At this time, the expectant mother feels well enough to endure the flight without consequences. In addition, the tummy at this time is not very large, which allows you to travel as comfortably as possible.

In the first trimester, a woman may be tormented by manifestations of toxicosis, and in the later stages (after 32 weeks), the risk of premature birth increases. For these reasons, pregnant women are not recommended to fly on airplanes during these periods.

What do the airlines say (requirements)?

Before buying a ticket, you should visit the airline's website and familiarize yourself with the rules for the carriage of pregnant women, as different organizations have their own requirements for passengers "in interesting position».

  • Aeroflot.

Pregnant passengers are allowed to board the aircraft at any gestational age. The exception is those women whose childbirth must occur within 4 weeks from the date indicated on the purchased ticket.

Before boarding, the woman will need to submit a certificate from the doctor, which will necessarily contain the conclusion of the observing gynecologist that the flight is not contraindicated. The statute of limitations for such a document is no more than a week.

  • "Transaero".

This airline, on the contrary, does not allow women who are about to (within 4 weeks) to give birth, and also if there is a risk or threat of early delivery (determined by a doctor), before boarding. In other words, women with a gestational age of more than 36 weeks (or 32 weeks in cases of multiple pregnancies) will not be able to use the services of this organization.

When boarding, a woman must have a certificate from a doctor indicating the expected date of delivery, as well as an exchange card with a conclusion about the patient's well-being and the possibility of air travel.

A pregnant woman who wants to travel with Transaero will have to sign a guarantee obligation, according to which the entire responsibility for possible consequences (including premature birth) lies with the expectant mother.

  • AirFrance.

The most loyal air carrier in relation to pregnant women. To board the aircraft of the specified company, no certificates and papers are required. Nevertheless, it is worth understanding that, having made a decision to fly, a woman is fully responsible for her health and the condition of her baby.

For this reason, it is better not to risk it - all women at any stage of pregnancy are advised to visit a gynecologist for advice on the possibility of flying to specific case(subject to existing contraindications and health restrictions).

When can't you fly?

Contraindications for the flight are determined in each case individually. However, there are absolute restrictions for pregnant women to travel in this way. These include:

  • venous disease;
  • thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism;
  • arterial hypertension complicated by edema;
  • heart pathology;
  • diagnosed chronic fetal hypoxia;
  • multiple pregnancy (more than 32 weeks);
  • the threat of premature birth;
  • placenta previa;
  • open uterine bleeding any etiology;
  • anemia;
  • late term (more than 36 weeks).

10 rules for a successful flight

To make the trip as comfortable as possible, you should follow simple recommendations(relevant for any period of pregnancy).

  1. The most basic rule is that you should always have an exchange card with you, even if the airline's rules do not require it.

It is also useful to ensure that the document contains the numbers of at least two next of kin (for women who fly alone).

  1. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of seat.

It should not be located next to the porthole, as a woman just needs to periodically take small walks around the cabin. If you purchase an economy class ticket, you should choose only the first row so that you can stretch your legs forward. This will avoid stagnation of blood and increased swelling in the legs.

  1. When traveling in business class, it is recommended to bring a few pillows with you.

An excellent option would be a pillow for pregnant women. Such accessories will help unload the lower back and sleep comfortably.

  1. Clothing for being in the cabin should be comfortable, preferably made of cotton or linen.

It is not allowed to use jeans and other rough fabrics that do not allow the skin to breathe and restrict movement. Linen, in addition, will provide good ventilation, as a result of which the woman will not sweat and experience the discomfort associated with it.

  1. Some women don't wear a seat belt.

This is wrong, because when it enters the turbulence zone, the plane can shake violently or sway from side to side. To avoid pressure on the fetus, skip the safety device under the belly.

  1. If a woman is traveling early in her pregnancy, the symptoms of toxicosis may increase during the flight.

Mints, apples, nuts will help eliminate nausea and prevent vomiting.

  1. Pregnant women are advised to take off their shoes during the flight - it will be much easier for the legs, since the blood supply will not be hampered by tight sneakers or shoes.
  2. Sea water in a spray format (for example, Aqualor or Aquamaris) will help restore normal level moisturizing the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier.
  3. In case of strong excitement or fear of flying, it will not be superfluous to take with you depressant(after consulting a doctor), which can be taken while in the airport building.
  4. If a woman needs a constant reception medicines, you should take them with you, not forgetting to get a doctor's opinion on the need to use them (so that the airport staff does not have any unnecessary questions).

You can also travel by plane during pregnancy, however, it should be remembered that flights are not contraindicated only for healthy women, whose pregnancy proceeds without any complications.

In the presence of pathologies or the threat of premature birth, the flight should be postponed. In any case, the decision should be made exclusively by the attending physician, since perhaps the life of the future little man is at stake.

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. At that time future mommy begins to relate to the most seemingly ordinary things in a completely different way. That is why there are so many questions. One of these was: is it possible to fly an airplane during pregnancy. Actually it's enough delicate topic, in which there can be no consensus, but let's try to figure it out.

In order not to torment you, let's say right away: pregnant women are allowed to fly. Moreover, today the aircraft is the most safe means movement for a woman in position, when compared with a car, train or bus. But there are quite a few factors that need to be assessed and weighed before boarding.

Dangerous timing

First trimeter

According to medical practice, the most dangerous period pregnancy is the first trimester, i.e. the first three months from conception. At this time, the main formation of the child takes place. It is at this time that a woman should be as careful as possible: avoid stress, do not lift weights, give up junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, pills, etc.

As for the flight, it is also worth delaying with it. The plane itself or the flight as such does not affect the course of pregnancy, but the preparation process and the emotional and psychological state can cause unnecessary excitement and fatigue, which is very undesirable in the early stages. In addition, during this period, such a phenomenon as toxicosis is often observed, which can simply overshadow the trip.

third trimester

The third trimester is basically safe time for the baby, but not the safest for his mother. During this period, it is somewhat difficult for a woman to move around and it is quite difficult to sit in one place for several hours. In addition, the birth of a child is not excluded from the 7th to the 9th month, and at this time the expectant mother should be closer to home. There is an opinion that with the pressure drop that is observed during the flight, the fetal bladder may burst prematurely, which can cause premature birth. Thus, the third trimester of pregnancy - unwanted time not only to fly, but also to long trips generally.

As for the second trimester, this period is the most favorable time for air travel. At this time, the main organs of the child are formed and there is no particular danger to its development. However, it is worth noting that if a woman does not feel very well and there are any fears or contraindications from the doctor, then it is better to refrain from a future trip.

Safe period

Second trimester

Summing up, we can say that 80% of everything depends on your experience and psychology. If flying by plane is a familiar thing for you, takeoff and landing, possible turbulence does not cause panic, then you can fly almost until the very term of delivery. The remaining 20% ​​is the course of pregnancy. If there are any contraindications from the flight, it is better to abstain, regardless of the period.


In case of an abnormal course of pregnancy, doctors forbid women to fly. Such cases include or may include:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • swelling;
  • pathology of the placenta.
  • bloody issues
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • history of preterm birth

If varicose veins can be fought with the help of special golf, then jokes with pressure are very dangerous. In any case, you will need to consult with a supervising physician to make a decision.

Airline rules for pregnant women

To fly on an airplane, the desire of a pregnant woman and permission for this event from a doctor is not enough. In this situation, the permission of the airline for such a flight is also required. The fact is that most companies prohibit the flight of a pregnant woman for a period after 36 weeks, because. the likelihood of childbirth is high. Some companies require a certificate from the supervising doctor, which indicates the date and permission to fly. There are also airlines that, for a period of more than 34 weeks, allow a woman to fly only accompanied by a doctor. Each airline has its own requirements and rules for the carriage of women "in an interesting position", which should be carefully read before the planned flight. Because if it turns out that for some reason you do not fit into the rules of the airline, you may simply not be allowed on board.

Fortunately, for pregnant women from Russia, there are airlines such as Aeroflot that do not have any restrictions. The only wish of the airline to expectant mothers, which they expressed on their website, is a certificate from a doctor with approval for air travel if there are less than 4 weeks left before delivery (8 weeks for multiple pregnancies) and within 7 days after delivery.

Even if the birth begins on board, all flight attendants take birth attendance courses on the plane. But usually the crew contacts the receiving airport and calls " ambulance» to the ladder, and childbirth takes place in the nearest maternity hospital. But remember that abroad you will need to pay for childbirth and most likely it will be a very round sum. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you purchase insurance for pregnant women in large companies.

Rights of pregnant women at the airport and on board

Pregnancy does not give any special privileges when flying on an airplane. However, a woman in a position has the right:

  1. Demand to skip the queue all the necessary activities at the airport (check-in, passport and customs control, boarding and disembarking)
  2. You can also ask for a seat in the first cabin of the aircraft when checking in for a flight (but this is only subject to availability)
  3. During the flight, you have every right to ask the flight attendant to bring you a glass of water out of turn. This is not written in the rights, but it is unlikely that the stewardess will refuse you. The main thing is not to be shy to press the flight attendant call button.

Otherwise, there are no concessions for pregnant travelers. Therefore, you should rely solely on yourself, your companion and human indulgence, which, as practice shows, unfortunately, is extremely rare, especially in the first half, pregnancy is not so visible to others.

If you decide to fly in position, then you are already a great fellow. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • be sure to purchase insurance for pregnant women in large insurance companies (it costs 4-5 times more than regular insurance)
  • before the flight, you should carefully discuss all emerging issues with your doctor;
  • best for flying comfortable clothes free cut;
  • to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins during the flight, it is worth putting on compression underwear;
  • upon occurrence strong drops pressure and dry air on board are advised to drink more fluids;
  • in no case should you be nervous and worry over trifles. Remember that the plane is the safest transport!