Can pregnant women get nail extensions? Is it possible to increase nails during pregnancy? Nail extension is not contraindicated for pregnant women. When building nails, you must take precautions. Being pregnant and being attractive

During pregnancy, some women are wary that they need to limit themselves in everything for the sake of the child, including self-care. There are certain superstitions that prohibit getting a haircut in an interesting position. Some believe this and go around with an untidy haircut for all 9 months with torment waiting for childbirth, others ignore such things, without stopping taking care of themselves, remaining just as beautiful and attractive. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to grow hair during pregnancy? In short, this procedure is usually safe for the baby and the expectant mother, but there are some nuances that will be discussed later.

Hair extensions for pregnant women

Girls who are expecting a baby should not stop taking care of themselves. After all, pregnancy is not a disease. Of course, certain harmful cosmetic procedures are recommended to be postponed during pregnancy, but the lengthening of the strands does not belong to this list. It can be done in any trimester except the first.

Having visited such a procedure, a woman will receive a luxurious hairstyle with thick curls, as well as additional self-confidence with joyful impressions that will only positively affect the baby.


Contraindications for the use of this service by pregnant women include the following situations:

  • During pregnancy, the hormonal background often changes, so the hair can become brittle, thin. With weakened curls, it is forbidden to build up curls, this threatens to fall out of their strands under the weight of extensions.
  • Diseases of vegetovascular dystonia, headaches, migraine, skin diseases.
  • The duration of this procedure is quite long, so at the slightest threat of pregnancy, the girl should refuse the service.
  • If irritation occurs after the extension session, it is urgent to get rid of the attached strands.

Having decided to build up curls, the girl is worried if this procedure will harm her baby. Therefore, before going to the salon, you should study which lengthening methods are considered the safest.

In general, curl extensions are actions in which the specialist attaches donor strands to the client's natural curls. How to choose hair extensions, you will find on our website. At the same time, you can increase the volume, density, and also the length of the hair. In the process, depending on the technology, a variety of materials are used, such as resins, glue, micro-rings, keratin.

The duration of the procedure varies from one to four hours. You should also pay attention to this when choosing a procedure, because it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to sit in one place for such a long time, it can also harm the fetus.

In the process of work, the master gradually separates the curls in layers, except for the crown, in a circle he attaches donor strands. The junction is located at a distance of 1 cm from the head.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to use any chemicals to attach strands to pregnant girls.

The safest methods are those that do not use glue for joining. These include:

  • Afro extension.
  • Procedure with micro rings.

Sew-on method or afro extension consists in the fact that the master braids small pigtails on the head, attaches tresses to them with special threads, i.e. a layer of strands on a special fabric mount. Correction with this method is required after 2-3 months.

Extension on microrings is also referred to as a cold method of lengthening curls. The only condition is that mommy is not allergic to metal.

This technology involves the attachment of donor strands through special small rings. The master connects natural strands with attached strands, clamps the rings to a flat state.

This technique requires getting used to for 3-7 days. After the first time, discomfort from the rings may be felt, especially during sleep. Hair care does not require additional cosmetics or skills.

Speaking of cold extension methods, the disadvantages include the inability to do certain hairstyles, as the joints will be visible, the requirement for special hair care. The advantages include lower cost, shorter procedure time.

The hot method of lengthening is the fastening of donor curls using keratin capsules with forceps. It has minimal impact on your hair, does not bring discomfort when worn. Keratin is considered a completely natural substance, because it is found in natural curls. This method is considered the safest as well as long among the rest. Their can be worn up to 5 months.

Important! Timely correction is an opportunity to preserve the beauty of the extended strands and not spoil your own hair. Read more about the procedure on our website.

A pregnant girl who decides to perform the procedure for lengthening curls should take into account some recommendations:

  • You need to choose the safest technology.
  • Worth not forgetting about the timely correction of hair for long-term wearing strands.
  • You also need to take care of extended curls with extreme caution. For example, before going to bed, you must definitely braid your hair in a ponytail or braid, do not leave your head wet for a long time.
  • Do not agree in any case to adhesive technologies.
  • If discomfort occurs for more than 2 days, it is better to remove the strands, refusing to further build up.
  • Do not be shy during the procedure to ask the master for a break in order to get up and walk around, stretch your legs. You can also ask to ventilate the room more often so as not to breathe in vapors of cosmetics.

For a long service life of elongated strands, it is necessary to take into account the following care tips:

  • You can wash such hair only in an upright position. You can't tilt your head forward.
  • You need to wash your hair very carefully, especially at the joints.
  • When wiping, you need just blot the curls with a towel, don't rub them.
  • It is better to comb with a wooden brush.
  • When using masks, it is better to avoid applying to the roots.
  • To wash your hair, it is better to choose a sulfate-free shampoo with special balms for extended curls.

Note, the more carefully a girl treats such curls, the longer they will delight her with a beautiful look, silkiness, brilliance.

So, having chosen a method of extension that is safe for herself, having weighed all the pros and cons of this procedure, a woman in position will be able to go for a hair extension procedure. Changing hairstyles will positively affect the mood of the expectant mother, as well as her baby.

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Women always want to look good, but during a certain period, called pregnancy, many of the usual cosmetic procedures have to be abandoned. For example, laser hair removal is prohibited. Even simple modifications to your own body, such as hair dye, eyelash extensions and manicures, cause expectant mothers some concerns. Many "in position" women refuse nail extensions for 9 months, but is this justified?

What is nail extension?

Probably, there are no women left in the world who would not know what nail extension is. This is one of the most sought-after procedures, in which a specially trained specialist, or nail master, artificially lengthens and strengthens the nail plate using special materials that gain strength thanks to an ultraviolet lamp. Previously, acrylic was used for this, but now gel has gained great popularity.

Extended nails now look much more natural than a few decades ago. They are strong, shiny, thin, so they are easy to confuse with natural nails. The extension procedure itself takes no more than 2-3 hours, and nail art masters sometimes create real masterpieces on the nails, after which a woman may not think about manicure at all for 3-4 weeks.

However, there is also a reverse side of the coin. Various gels, degreasers, bases contain chemical compounds, and this can be detected during build-up by smell. A woman may smell a smell that resembles paint or glue.

The second point is damage to your own nails. The master processes the nail plate with hard files and uses a drill, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the surface layers of the nails.

The third point is a slight burning sensation that the client experiences when he puts his hand in an ultraviolet lamp.

Despite all these disadvantages, the nail extension procedure does not lose its relevance, and many women have been using this method of decorating their own fingers for years.

Should I do the procedure during pregnancy?

Many women, getting into an "interesting position", do not even think that it might be better to refuse nail extensions. Others, on the contrary, try to exclude any manipulations that, even with the slightest probability, can harm her or her baby.

Even specialists do not have an unequivocal answer to the question of whether to do the procedure during pregnancy. There are ardent opponents of nail extensions for expectant mothers, because the toxic substances contained in the materials are very dangerous for the fetus. But there are also supporters of different types of self-care during pregnancy, including high-quality manicure.

They argue that modern gels are quite safe, are made using non-toxic ingredients and do not harm the fetus in any way.

The best solution is to listen to the inner voice. If the expectant mother is worried about her condition or the condition of the child, of course, it is better to temporarily stop visiting the manicure salon and give the nails a rest. Excessive anxiety and stress is not the best way to affect pregnancy.

But if a woman cannot even think that nail extensions can adversely affect her health or the development of a child in the womb, you can continue to do the procedure.

The only period about which experts have a relatively unanimous opinion is the first trimester. In the early stages, it is better to really refrain from building nails, if only because during the procedure a woman can become ill, because toxicosis does not appear on schedule.

Is nail extension safe during pregnancy?

Nail extension can be harmful during pregnancy if the master uses low-quality materials, does not care about the sterilization of instruments and the safety of his clients. Objectively, toxic substances do not penetrate into the mother's body through the nail plate and are not capable of harming the baby. However, when inhaling the vapors emitted by the material, the mother risks harming the child.

But here there is a nuance. It's one thing if a nail master who has to work with these materials every day turned out to be "in position". But going to the salon once a month is unlikely to significantly affect the development of the fetus and cause irreversible changes in its growth and organ formation, although this may happen in the first trimester.

Nail extensions may not be appropriate for other reasons.

  1. Allergy. It can often come as a surprise to a woman that she has been building nails for several years without any problems, but during pregnancy she suddenly became allergic to materials. This is quite common, because the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, so allergic reactions appear quite often and do not surprise doctors.
  2. Deterioration of well-being. The reaction to the procedure in pregnant women can be unpredictable: nausea, dizziness, hot flashes, weakness. Even the burning sensation from an ultraviolet lamp can be felt more severe and seem unbearable.
  3. material rejection. Due to the instability of the hormonal background, there may be such an outcome that the nails will be easily damaged, peel off, break, or simply will not hold.

Also in the first trimester, there is a risk that chemical exposure will still affect the development of the baby, negatively affect the formation of organs and lead to congenital developmental anomalies.

Precautionary measures

If the expectant mother nevertheless decided to continue to build up her nails, precautions must be taken.

Firstly, you need to choose a good salon and a good craftsman who responsibly approaches his work, carefully processes tools and does not save on materials. The experience of the master is also important, because if a self-taught person or a student injures the delicate skin around the nails, an infection can easily penetrate there.

Secondly, it is better to refuse acrylic. Gel technology for expectant mothers is preferred. And it is even better to replace the build-up with the strengthening of the nail plate with the help of biogel. It is completely safe, does not require rough sawing of your nails, but the manicure is no less spectacular.

During the extension, it is advisable to wear a medical mask to limit the flow of harmful vapors through the nose. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands well with soap and rinse your nose with mineral or sea water.

Another protective measure is to put rubber gloves on the client's hands. The "tops" of the fingers must be cut off so that the master is comfortable, and the skin of the hands is protected from ultraviolet radiation.

If, after building up, an allergy suddenly appears or the nails begin to break and peel off more than before pregnancy, it is imperative to abandon the procedure during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not a reason to deny yourself everything, and even more so to look unattractive. If a woman wants to grow her nails and does not think that this can be harmful to the child, she can do it, observing safety measures. The exception is the first trimester, while the laying of the main organs of the baby. If negative reactions occur during the procedure, it should be discarded.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

During pregnancy, everything changes: outlook on life, a woman's behavior, her attitude to her own appearance and the world as a whole.

There are many superstitions regarding pregnancy. After listening to them, many girls stop cutting their hair: they used to think that the longer the braid, the more energy the expectant mother and her child would have. They also try to trim their nails as little as possible, not to mention giving themselves manicures and pedicures.

In today's times, this myth has been dispelled, but some superstitious women still do not visit the hairdresser, beauty salons. Most, fortunately, want to look attractive. And what is the main sign of grooming? Of course, hands.

Nails and pregnancy

Many people notice that nails during pregnancy become more dry and brittle, which makes it difficult to grow them. But do not be discouraged, it will not be like this all the time - everything will work out immediately after the birth.

Modern cosmetic procedures allow you to hide the flaws in appearance. In particular, you can “disguise” problem nails: build up and apply varnish on them. That's just a pregnant woman needs to be very careful not to harm her health and the baby.

Fragility of nails, hair, caries occurs during pregnancy due to a lack of minerals and calcium. Therefore, after some time after the birth of the baby, the problems will disappear.

Harmful substances

Pregnant women can also apply nail polish. That's just allowed only those varnishes in which there is no formaldehyde, toluene, camphor. These substances tone the uterus, which can adversely affect the bearing of a child.

Almost all varnishes that are offered to use in salons contain toluene. This material does affect the development of the fetus if handled in large quantities. Moreover, the consequences for the child are the same as when drinking alcohol. In small doses, it is practically harmless.

As for a substance such as formaldehyde, its use in large quantities can also negatively affect the mother's well-being. Studies have shown that it does not affect the development of the fetus.

It is strictly forbidden to use acetone to remove nail polish during pregnancy - it can affect the central nervous system of the unborn child. There are many non-acetone nail polish removers that are recommended for pregnant women.

Nail extension

So is it possible to increase nails during pregnancy? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consult on the composition of the materials that will be used for building. Studies conducted by specialists show that most products contain a large amount of chemicals that, when evaporating, adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The main material used for nail extensions is methacrylate, which can be made from methyl methacrylate and ethyl methacrylate. As a rule, the material used by domestic salons is brought from China. It consists of methyl, which really has a negative effect, which is scientifically proven.

Experiments have shown that the use of methyl methacrylate can lead to the development of various fetal malformations. In our country, it is used, although in Europe and other developed countries, methyl methacrylate has long been banned.

As for ethyl methacrylate, it is less toxic, so it is more often offered to women who want to protect themselves from harmful fumes.

What to use: gel or acrylic?

The gel is a natural polymer that allows air to enter the nail plate and thus allows it to grow. The gel coating also protects the structure from delamination. That is, the nails will "breathe" and their appearance will be beautiful.

Acrylic does not let air through at all, but it stays on the nails much longer. But without the necessary trace elements and air saturation after this procedure, do not expect a healthy look for your nails.

The gel, unlike methacrylate, does not have a pungent odor, so it is suggested to be applied to pregnant women. But still, you need to be careful: even if you do not smell, this does not mean that the substance does not have any fumes.

What do you need to know about the procedure?

Doctors do not prohibit nail extension during pregnancy, but some conditions will still need to be observed:

  • Ask the manicurist about the composition of the proposed materials.
  • The expectant mother should take care not to breathe in vapors during the work of the master.
  • After the extension procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands. The fact is that on the hands, as a rule, there is working dust.
  • It is also advisable to rinse the nostrils of the nose well in order to get rid of particles that may have entered during the nail extension process.

I would like to warn women against visiting dubious nail salons. After all, they can become infected with hepatitis, the consequence of which is the termination of pregnancy or the birth of a child with severe pathologies.

Nail care

A hygienic manicure is enough to make your hands look beautiful and well-groomed. But at the same time, I want to talk about several folk methods that will help pregnant women restore the strength of their nails, as well as make the skin of their hands soft.

How can pregnant women take care of their hands:

  1. Massage is the main way to make your nails beautiful. It is recommended to do it using medicated oil and products that will help strengthen the plates.
  2. After creams prepared on natural ingredients (lemon juice, olive oil), the nails will become stronger, and the skin will become silky. You can buy vitamin A at the pharmacy and also add it to this mixture.
  3. Soda baths perfectly strengthen nails. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of table soda in water. To make the effect more obvious, it is advisable to do the procedure daily for 20 minutes for 14 days.

The well-being of the mother, her mood and psychological state directly affects the health of the child. If beautiful nails make you a little happier, you can build them up. Just do not forget to consult with a specialist before this and do not use cheap materials.

It is difficult to imagine a more unpleasant moment for a woman than a broken nail. But taking into account modern possibilities, if you do not take into account the material aspect, you can always build up brand new artificial nails that are no different from your own, real ones. Is it possible to increase nails during pregnancy? This question interests almost all expectant mothers.

Is it possible to increase nails during pregnancy?

Subject to certain rules in working with pregnant women, expectant mothers can build nails up to the last week. Only before childbirth, artificial nails should be removed, since their natural color determines the state of the woman in childbirth. In addition, long nails can damage the baby's delicate skin.

It is important to know for sure that a woman is not allergic to the material used. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy the body can react quite unexpectedly even to those substances that previously did not cause any problems.

Be sure to use a good hood while working, even if gel nails are growing. Acrylic material does have a stronger smell, but there is also fumes when the gel dries. In this regard, nail extension at home is undesirable for pregnant women, since it is very difficult to provide proper ventilation. Some open windows and a conventional fan for complete security will not be enough.

Although sanitation is mandatory, when working with expectant mothers, disinfection should be maximized due to reduced immunity in pregnant women.

With the development of the pathology of pregnancy, it is impossible to build up nails for the same reasons as before childbirth. All materials must be safe and have a quality certificate. Therefore, even if the master performs nail extensions at home, he must have all the documents for the materials used.

You should know it

  • During pregnancy, due to a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins E and group B, nails often become brittle and weak. In this situation, nail extension is undesirable.
  • In pregnant women, due to various changes in the body, the characteristics of the nail may change, as a result of which the accrued material may be poorly attached and quickly rejected.
  • If a woman suddenly began to experience allergic reactions to various substances that were previously tolerated normally, even if they were in no way associated with nail extensions, it is still better to refuse the procedure.
  • Korean and Chinese materials contain, and although it must be several thousand times more to harm the fetus, in Europe these substances have been banned and materials with content that are absolutely harmless have long been used.

Nails during pregnancy

Changes in the condition of the nails during pregnancy are due, on the one hand, to a lack of vitamins and various minerals, and on the other, hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, nails during pregnancy can both grow intensively, and, on the contrary, slow down growth. Many women note a significant improvement in the condition of the nail plates, while others complain about their dryness, brittleness, delamination. However, keep in mind that everything will change immediately after childbirth, as the hormonal background returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

Practice shows that during pregnancy, the nails on the hands and feet grow more intensively than before. This is facilitated by the protein they contain.

Why do nails deteriorate? The fact is that during an “interesting” situation, a woman’s body becomes not only an “incubator” for a baby, but also its breadwinner. Part of the substances (vitamins, micro- and macroelements) necessary for building the skeleton and muscular system of the child, the woman receives less. First of all, it concerns calcium. In addition, prolonged exposure to water, alkalis, acids makes the nails brittle and brittle.

Should you paint your nails?

To paint or not to paint nails while carrying a child? Will the substances that make up the varnish harm the baby? These questions are asked by thousands of pregnant women around the world. Experts say that now is not the best time to cover your nails with varnish. Although they do not deny that, most likely, rare minimal contact with harmful components does not pose a significant risk to the fetus or fertility. All this suggests that during pregnancy the need for a sense of proportion is more relevant than ever.

Not all varnishes and fixatives can be used by pregnant women. Especially make sure that the composition does not contain formaldehyde, toluene and camphor. These substances have a toxic effect on the developing fetus, cause allergic reactions. For example, formaldehyde causes headaches, palpitations in a woman, creates a risk of pregnancy pathology, developmental abnormalities, and can weaken the child's immunity. Toluene, penetrating through the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, has a carcinogenic effect. Essential oil - camphor - can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.

If you decide to remove varnish from nail surfaces, then in no case do not use acetone! It dries out the nail plate, making it brittle. But, most dangerous, it can have a negative effect on the central nervous system. Use an acetone free cleaner. Today, these are widely represented on the market of cosmetic products. As a rule, they also contain vitamin complexes and calcium.

If you still decide to paint your nails, carefully study the label with the composition. The best solution would be if you purchase cosmetics specially designed for pregnant women.

Read also How to get rid of swelling during pregnancy

Can nails be extended?

For the period of pregnancy, it is better for a woman to refuse nail extensions. The fact is that the effect on the fetus of various materials and solvents used during the procedure can be very harmful. These include acrylic, nail glue, nail polish, and nail polish remover. Do not lose sight of the fact that many of the chemicals used in nail extensions are quite strong allergens. This procedure is especially contraindicated during the first three months, when all systems and organs are formed in the baby. There were cases when the smells of drugs caused nausea, dizziness and even fainting in pregnant women. These are facts. However, there are no serious studies that would prove that nail extensions harm the unborn child. So think about it, is it worth the risk?

If your pregnancy is more than 4-5 months and you really, really need it, then, following some precautions, you can afford this procedure. Here are the basic rules:

  • open the windows in the room where the extension will be carried out;
  • use expensive and high-quality preparations of the latest generation for building;
  • at the end, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • Rinse your nose to get rid of dust from filing your nails.

How to care for nails?

To keep your nails in good condition, strengthen them. To do this, you can do a hand massage. To make the massage easy, use a special therapeutic oil or cream. As a rule, nail strengthening products contain calcium, proteins, silicone. Rub the composition into the nail plate and the skin around the nails.

In this case, the so-called folk recipes will not hurt either. Therefore, sometimes boldly rub lemon juice into the nail plate. This procedure not only strengthens the nails, but also brightens them in case of yellowing. Rubbing lemon juice and olive oil gives an excellent effect. Based on these ingredients, adding liquid vitamin A, hand baths are made.

Well strengthen nails soda baths. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water (not bad if you add 10-15 drops of iodine to the solution) at body temperature. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the bath must be carried out daily for 2 weeks.

If the nails exfoliate, you can make a useful salt bath. To do this, take natural sea salt (make sure that it does not include aromatic additives). Dissolve a teaspoon of this salt in a mug of warm water and hold your hands in the resulting solution for 20 minutes. To achieve the result, this procedure must be carried out within 10 days.

Wear rubber gloves while working so that your nails are not chemically attacked by washing powders, as well as other cleaners and detergents.

Expectant mothers should not forget that external beauty directly depends on a complete, balanced diet. To keep your nails strong and grow well, eat foods rich in vitamin A. These are liver, butter, fresh herbs, carrots, tomatoes. No less useful are B vitamins, which are contained in sprouted wheat grains, brewer's yeast, egg yolk, and cabbage. The iodine necessary for the body can be obtained from seaweed, spinach, kiwi. To make the nails hard, eat vegetables that contain silicon in sufficient volume. Do not forget also about iron, sulfur and calcium.

Especially for — Elena Kichak

  • Acrylic nail extension

Which is safer: acrylic or gel?

Many women believe that because of its pungent odor, acrylic is more harmful than gel. But it is not. After all, both substances contain identical components, that is, the evaporation of the gel is almost the same as the evaporation of such a material for nail extension as acrylic. So there is no difference between gel or acrylic nails during pregnancy.

Gynecologists emphasize that hormonal changes always occur in the body of a pregnant woman. By the way, they can cause artificial nails to simply not hold. This applies, again, to both acrylic and gel nails. And such cases are sometimes recorded by manicure masters.

If a woman has already decided to build nails during the period of bearing a child, then precautions must be taken.

Work on building up the nail plates of a pregnant woman should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, or at least open the windows in the room where such a procedure takes place. This will reduce the negative impact of fumes on the body of a pregnant woman.

The very procedure of nail extension during pregnancy for a woman for a long time will be tiring. It lasts over 2 hours. And a long stay of the expectant mother in one position can lead to edema, cramps, and affect general well-being. At a short gestational age, up to 12 weeks, it is better to abandon this manipulation altogether. Indeed, during this period, all the organs and systems of the baby are being laid.

When serving a pregnant woman, a manicurist should use only high-quality building materials. After the procedure itself, the expectant mother must definitely rinse her nose with running water in order to get rid of evaporation particles that have settled on the villi of the nose in this way. Of course, future mothers should always prioritize the health of the unborn child, and not their own appearance. Nine months is not such a long time to endure temporary inconveniences and cosmetic problems. A responsible woman will not take more than one risk, knowing that the procedure can harm her unborn child at least a little. Therefore, nail extension during pregnancy is an individual choice of each expectant mother.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

A woman likes to look well-groomed and neat, and the period of pregnancy is no exception.

Can pregnant women get nails done?

Nail extensions during pregnancy are generally a safe procedure. Although the composition of the materials used in this cosmetic procedure includes harmful chemical compounds such as methyl methacrylate, formaldehyde, toluene. But in order to harm a pregnant woman and an unborn child, their concentration must far exceed the concentration used in nail extensions.

The procedure for nail extension for pregnant women should be carried out using high quality materials. It is necessary to check that they contain ethyl methacrylate, and not methyl methacrylate. The latter is banned in Europe and America, since a high concentration of methyl methacrylate can cause fetal malformations. However, it is still used in the production of Chinese and Korean materials.

Nail extension during pregnancy should be in a well-ventilated area, with increased use of aseptic agents. While filing nails, the expectant mother should wear a medical mask. After the end of the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and rinse the nasal mucosa.

Pregnancy and gel nails

Gel nail extension during pregnancy is a matter of choice for a woman. It should be mentioned that the gel does not have a strong odor, but evaporates when cured. Gel nails during pregnancy should be removed before admission to the hospital - it is important for doctors to see the natural color of the nail plate.

Acrylic nails during pregnancy

When using acrylic, a pungent odor is emitted, therefore it is recommended to build nails during pregnancy with this material using additional ventilation.

Nails during pregnancy change their structure, being exposed to the action of hormones. They can become both stronger and more brittle. Therefore, extended nails during pregnancy can be poorly attached and quickly rejected.

Is it harmful for pregnant women to build up nails?

During pregnancy, a woman's body can give allergic reactions to previously intact substances. During sawing, dust can irritate the nasal mucosa and also cause an allergic reaction. Extended nails during pregnancy are undesirable with increased fragility of the nail, which is associated with calcium deficiency. Here are a few reasons why pregnant women should sometimes not get nail extensions.

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If you have ever grown nails, then you probably wondered: is it possible to build nails for pregnant women? And how it can affect the health of the unborn baby? We'll talk about this.

Nail extensions and pregnancy

Scientists conducted research and came to several conclusions about the possible impact on the unborn child of substances that are used in nail extensions.

  • The chemicals used in this procedure include a substance called methacrylate. One of the components of methacrylate (methyl methacrylate) can adversely affect the development of the fetus and even cause various malformations in the development of the child. But scientists also found that in the concentration in which it is used in nail extensions, this substance cannot cause any harm to the baby. Those drugs in which methyl methacrylate exceeds the allowable rate are already prohibited for use. It can only be found in materials whose manufacturer is China and Korea.

In America and Europe, manufacturers of professional nail extension materials use the safer ethyl methacrylate. It is absolutely harmless to the fetus. And you can not worry about whether it is harmful to build up nails for pregnant women.

  • Nails can be extended in two ways: acrylic and gel. But why is it impossible to build up nails with pregnant acrylic, but can you use gel? The fact is that acrylic has a pungent odor and it seems that when it evaporates, it harms the fetus. I note that the gel, like acrylic, evaporates, it just has no smell. And if we return to the composition, then we must add that it is the gel that contains the same methyl methacrylate, which is so harmful to the baby. So choose a bad-smelling acrylic rather than a dangerous, unscented gel.
  • We must not forget about nail polish, because we use it immediately after building. Is it possible to paint nails while pregnant? How harmful will the varnish be in this case? Every nail polish contains formaldehyde, just like nail extension materials. It is a poisonous and toxic substance, but only in large doses. And the use of nail polish can harm if only the mother, but not the unborn baby.

Let me summarize. It is not forbidden to build up nails for pregnant women. But there are two rules to keep in mind. The room in which you build up nails should be ventilated all the time. And your master should use only modern materials from good manufacturers.

And to avoid an allergic reaction, after building, rinse your nose with clean mineral water.

Is it possible to build artificial nails during pregnancy?

I want to always be beautiful! Gone are the days when expectant mothers walked with half-grown roots and in the same shapeless overalls. Now there are many stores where very beautiful fashionable clothes and special cosmetics are presented for pregnant women. There are also harmless hair dyes that do not contain chemicals like ammonia. Simply put, there are more than enough opportunities to be the most beautiful and attractive! But what about those who are used to nail extensions and can no longer imagine themselves without long, well-groomed nails? Modern artificial nails are not only beautiful, but also practical, because, having visited the master, we can forget about manicure and varnish coatings for three weeks, artificial nails will retain their beauty and well-groomed appearance until the next correction.

But every pregnant woman should think about whether nail extensions will harm her unborn child! A few months ago, when my best friend found herself in an interesting position, I was also very interested in this question. But, surprisingly, her doctor could not say anything intelligible about this. Even on the Internet there was no necessary information! It was then that I thought about it very seriously and decided to still find the answer to this question!

After rereading the mountains of professional literature, I nevertheless found out that studies on this subject were carried out. Masters of nail service took part in the research, i.е. women who not only get nail extensions once a month, but are exposed to chemical fumes every day. On the basis of ongoing research, conclusions were drawn about the effect of the most common chemicals that are used in artificial nail extensions.

The main component of modern materials for modeling nails is methacrylate. It is worth noting that methacrylates are of two types - these are methyl methacrylate and ethyl methacrylate. Methyl methacrylate does indeed have a harmful effect on the fetus. Studies conducted on mice and rats have shown that methyl methacrylate can cause fetal malformations. However, the concentration level of methyl methacrylate causes such phenomena when it is almost a thousand times higher than in materials for nail extension. Materials containing methyl methacrylate have long been banned in Europe and America; this substance can only be found in materials made in China and Korea. In developed countries, manufacturers of professional materials have long been using another, more advanced substance - ethyl methacrylate. Ethyl methacrylate (EMA) is not as toxic as methyl methacrylate (MMA), which means that as long as safety and precautions are followed, the extension procedure will not do you any harm.

Many pregnant clients believe that acrylic is much more harmful for them than gel, because it has a very strong chemical smell and harmful fumes. Yes, indeed, acrylic has fumes. But the gel evaporates the same way, you just don't smell the fumes. There is no smell, but the effect is the same. Think about it! And if we are already talking about the difference in materials, then it is better to choose “smelly”, but high-quality acrylic of European or American production, rather than odorless Chinese gel.

Surely you have heard of such a substance as formaldehyde. It is also poisonous and toxic in large quantities. But in the production of nail polishes and building materials, a minimal amount of this substance is used. In addition, studies have shown that although formaldehyde is toxic in large doses, it is harmful only to the mother's body, this substance does not affect the course of pregnancy.

But toluene, which is contained in almost all medical coatings and nail polishes, can have a negative effect on the fetus. Very prolonged inhalation of toluene vapor can lead to fetal developmental disorders similar to those that occur with frequent alcohol use during pregnancy. However, the content of toluene in lacquer coatings is so minimal that due to ongoing research, not a single case of the birth of babies with congenital malformations has been registered.

What follows from this article? It is not contraindicated for pregnant women to build up nails. However, it is important to comply with some conditions. Firstly, the procedure for modeling artificial nails should take place in a ventilated room with good ventilation. Secondly, the master must use only high-quality materials of the latest generation. And thirdly, after building, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse your nose with mineral water without gas - this way you will get rid of the dust that occurs after filing nails and in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction.

On my own behalf, I can wish future mothers a happy and easy pregnancy, always stay as beautiful as you are!

This procedure involves modeling artificial nails with the help of special materials. Exists two extension technologies: gel and acrylic.

In the first case, a special liquid polymer which only hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. The gel is odorless, however, during polymerization, it emits quite toxic fumes.

Acrylic is a dry polymer, which hardens exclusively under the influence of a special liquid - a monomer. The material has a pronounced strong odor.

When performing nail extensions, the master not only models artificial nails on natural ones, but also files a lot of plates, which leads to the formation of a sufficient amount of dust that can settle in the nasal passages.

In addition, with careless movement of tools, there is a risk of injuring the delicate skin around the nails, causing an infection.

In general, the extension procedure is safe., despite the fact that the composition of the materials includes toxic and hazardous substances (formaldehyde, toluene, ethyl methacrylate).

Their number is so negligible in gel and acrylic that they do not cause any harm to health. Provided that during the procedure all safety measures were observed.

There is a third nail modeling technology - biogel. The composition of this material includes yew tree resin, and E, proteins.

Biogel is non-toxic, plastic, odorless. And when polymerized in ultraviolet rays, the material does not emit harmful fumes.

It is noteworthy that biogel is used more often not for nail modeling, but for strengthening natural nail plates.

Should I do the procedure during pregnancy?

Each girl decides for herself whether she needs nail extensions or not. Especially during pregnancy.

However, it is worth remembering that there are a number of specific contraindications to the procedure during this period.

Firstly, allergic reactions. If before pregnancy they did not appear, then during this period they may well make themselves felt.

The female body is rebuilt to fit its new position, which manifests itself in its own way for everyone. In particular and in the form of odors, liquids and substances.

Secondly, working with artificial materials implies a fairly long filing of nails, which leads to the formation of dust.

It penetrates the nasal passage, and then into the lungs, settling there. This, in turn, provokes various respiratory diseases, long-term allergies.

During pregnancy for masters it is better to abandon your craft in favor of safer pursuits. For example, instead of nail extensions, perform unedged, hardware or SPA manicures for your clients.

Precautionary measures

There are unspoken rules that a pregnant woman must adhere to when deciding on a nail modeling procedure.

Firstly, You must wear a face mask during the procedure. so that harmful fumes, dust and vapors do not penetrate through the respiratory tract into the body.

Secondly, after nail extension, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water and rinse your nose with sea water. The latter is necessary so that dust and other volatile substances that get through the mask do not settle in the nasal passage.

Third, the procedure itself should take place in a room where there is good ventilation. If the master has a special vacuum cleaner installed on the table to collect dust, then this is an additional plus in favor of this master himself.

Do not forget that the air must circulate freely so that pungent odors and the resulting vapors quickly disappear.

Fourth, the master must comply with all hygiene and sanitary standards during the procedure. Namely:

This will protect the skin of the hands from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which can be dangerous both for the woman herself and for the unborn baby.

In general, the nail modeling procedure is not so dangerous for a pregnant woman. However, it is worth remembering that before childbirth, one way or another, you will have to remove the artificial material.

In the future, the child will require a lot of attention, and you will have to forget about building up for a while - so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby with long nails.

So does it make sense to take risks during pregnancy, if then you still need to give up artificial nails?