Courses for pregnant women newborn care. "Caring for a newborn baby" - a course for a young mother. Price list for medical services of the center

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy, smart and beautiful. Childhood is that part of our life when our entire future path is predetermined. The child grows and develops so rapidly that we sometimes do not notice our mistakes and mistakes in relation to him. Unfortunately, most often it is necessary, with great difficulty, to correct the consequences of improper care, physical, mental and intellectual education of the child.

Therefore, as soon as a baby is born to a young mother, she is ready to devote all her time to him in order to lay a solid foundation for the future life of the child. The duties of a young mother include a whole range of procedures - gentle skin care, the fight against diaper rash, massage, developmental activities, feeding, organization of sleep and wakefulness, bathing, gymnastics and much more. Each of these "points" deserves special attention and individual consultation of a specialist. Wrong massage can cause disturbances in physical development, untimely introduction of complementary foods - a disorder of the digestive system. From the first moments of birth, a newborn learns a lot, and for the first time his body independently launches and adjusts vital systems. Each of the procedures is designed to help him and therefore should be carried out in such a way as to bring maximum effect. In this regard, there are many questions - to therapists, masseurs, orthopedists, educators and other specialists in childhood. Interested in literally everything. How often to massage? How to introduce complementary foods correctly? What temperature should the bathing water be? You have to look for and apply answers "on the go" - in conversations with friends, on forums, in rare visits to the doctor. By experimenting with your own baby, misses and mistakes are found at every step. The baby is screaming, the young mother is upset. Later, with great difficulty, one has to correct the consequences of improper care - delays and pathologies of physical, mental and intellectual education.

"Prevention is better than cure." According to this truth, every woman needs to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities to properly care for a baby. In our baby massage courses, we teach young mothers and future masseurs massage techniques for children, baby swimming courses help to learn how to harden a baby, children's yoga - for those who want elements of oriental gymnastics. The course on the care and development of a child from 0 to 12 months for parents and nannies is designed to educate parents, nannies and teachers in all the features of an infant's development in complex.

"Courses on the care and development of a child from 0 to 12 months for parents and nannies" - these are classes in physiology, pedagogy, massage and gymnastics. This is 40 hours of professional consultations by an experienced pediatrician dedicated to answering your questions. The uniqueness of the course lies in the additional methods of Chinese acupressure for children, which prevents and treats many diseases in children.

The knowledge gained on the course will allow you to understand all the intricacies of the behavior and developmental features of the child in the first year of life. You will become more confident in your actions, you will begin to raise a child not on a “hunch”, but from a professional point of view, you will be able to independently provide the baby with a comprehensive and comprehensive development and lay the foundation for good health for his whole life. In addition, you yourself will find joy and peace, enjoying the success of your baby and joint developmental procedures.

Future and present mothers and fathers, grandparents, child care specialists (nannies, baby sitters), teachers and instructors of kindergartens and development centers, massage and exercise therapy specialists - we are waiting for you at our classes!

An individual approach is applied to all students, depending on the initial level of preparation.


  • assess the physical and neuropsychic state of the child depending on the stage of development
  • to eliminate and prevent the phenomena of indigestion and sleep
  • select cribs, strollers, clothes, shoes, toys according to age and hygiene requirements
  • draw up an individual plan for massage and gymnastics classes, based on the physical and neuropsychic state of the child
  • apply the techniques of general health-improving children's classical and acupressure massage, the hardening technique, including swimming, air and sunbathing
  • apply techniques to prevent intestinal colic, posture disorders, flat feet, speech therapy problems, psychological problems


Special preparation is not required.

Subject Hours
1. Introduction. The influence of massage and gymnastics on the development of a healthy child. Age periods of a person's life. Child development until birth. Musculoskeletal system. General characteristics of the apparatus of support and movement. Features of the apparatus of support and movement of the child. Internal organs and systems - features of the structure, functions and location. Massage basics. Hygienic bases of massage. Indications and contraindications for massage. The impact of massage on the child's body. Guidelines for performing techniques for children's medical massage - stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. 4
2. Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children from 0 to 3 months. Massage and gymnastics for children from 2 weeks - up to a month and from 1 month to 3 months (0th and 1st complex). Swimming, hardening. Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children from 3 to 4 months. Massage and gymnastics for children from 3 to 4 months (2nd complex) Swimming, hardening. Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children from 4 to 6 months. Massage and gymnastics for children from 4 to 6 months (3rd complex). Swimming, hardening. Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children from 6 to 19 months. Massage and gymnastics for children from 6 to 9 months (4th complex). Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children from 9 to 12 months. Massage and gymnastics for children from 9 to 12 months (5th complex). 4
3. Child development from birth to a year. Critical periods of development. Chinese children's acupressure for a healthy child of the first year of life. 4
Total face-to-face training in a group with a teacher: 12 ac. h.

We are surrounded by a huge amount of information, and the greater the choice, the more difficult it is to determine what deserves our attention and what does not. For expectant mothers, this is especially true: everyone is trying to give advice, teach, scare, warn. Whom to listen and whom to trust?

A huge number of schools for expectant mothers, but which one to choose?

Before choosing a paid school, you should study what information can be obtained for free in order to determine what knowledge and skills are really lacking. Easiest Option #1: The Internet. Be sure to pay attention to who you listen to and whether the source is worthy of your trust. And also - which company is the sponsor of the recording.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. is a remote interactive school for pregnant women, organized by leading specialists of the Mother and Child group of companies with the support of the Moscow City Health Department. There is an archive where you can choose a topic of interest and view it at any convenient time. All lectures are conducted by professional doctors.
  2. - Komarovskiy Evgeny Olegovich - the most popular and well-known pediatrician, doctor of the highest category, TV presenter and author of numerous books. His books and programs are useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for those who already have children. Very easy, accessible, useful and humorous, but the main thing is NOT divorced from real life, when there is a husband who needs to be fed, when there are grandparents who are eager to take part in raising their grandchildren, friends, and most importantly, a mother who also need to sleep, eat and rest.
  3. - online courses for pregnant women: video lectures, interviews, articles on the website of the Center for Immunology and Reproduction, obstetrician-gynecologists say.
  4. video "All about childbirth", prepared by the "Center for Family Planning and Reproduction", hosted by Elena Yaroslavna Karaganova - obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, curator of the maternity unit. The duration of the film is about 1.5 hours, everything is quite clear and at the same time does not cause unpleasant emotions.

Schools for mothers at LCDs and clinics

Ask your LCD about free courses for expectant mothers. Despite the situation in free medicine, in some residential complexes small courses of 2-3 lessons are held.

Paid clinics conduct free courses for expectant mothers, not only leading their pregnancy, but for everyone.

  1. The School of Maternity and Women's Health at the Bud Zdorov clinic on Suschevsky Val, free of charge for everyone. Classes are held once a month by pediatricians, the schedule is on the clinic website:
  2. In the same clinic, a “School for Parents” is organized, also 1 lesson per month, conducted by doctors of different specializations, depending on the topics considered. Schedule on the clinic website:

If there is a paid medical center near your home or work, do not be lazy, call and ask if they have free courses for expectant mothers, which not only clients of this center can go to. Many medical institutions are interested in you as a potential client of their children's departments.

Schools for expectant mothers organized at children's stores

  1. Regular master classes in Olant stores - The Olant chain of stores holds lectures for mothers in two of its stores: in the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka on Tuesdays at 12.00, and in the store on Avtozavodskaya on Thursdays at 12.00. These are promotional lectures, consisting of two topics of 40-50 minutes each and a 15-minute break. Each lecture is dedicated to some product that can be purchased in the store. The presented brands are well-known and popular, no one obliges to buy them in this store.

    The atmosphere is very positive. Master classes are conducted either by product managers of advertised brands (a product manager or product manager is a company employee who is fully responsible for a given product group and has maximum information about it), or pediatricians, or network employees. After each lecture, mothers are given gifts, most often these are samplers. It is important to understand that these are just promotional lectures of a brand or product.

    Pre-registration is not required, you can come to any lecture of interest. The store has a cooler with water, next to the store there is a toilet. Expectant mothers who come to the Olant store on Lubyanka, located in the Central Children's Store, have the opportunity to go to other children's stores located in the shopping center.

  2. Lectures in the Mothercare store - This is a different format: 4 sessions with a discussion of important topics for pregnant women:
    Lesson number 1. Pregnancy. We're going to the maternity hospital. Childbirth and the postpartum period.
    Lesson number 2. Breastfeeding a baby.
    Lesson number 3. We bathe, swaddle, sleep.
    Lesson number 4. The child is at home, on the street and in the car. Dowry for the baby. Classes in the form of lectures, but in lesson number 1 there is an opportunity to do a small set of exercises that are useful for expectant mothers. The school is run by pediatricians and, as a rule, an employee of Mothercare acts as an assistant in matters of the assortment of the store on this topic. In Moscow, lectures are held in a store located in Afimall City (Vystavochnaya metro station), lectures are also organized in other cities: Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Tyumen. Moscow lectures are on schedule, starting at 16.00 and lasting from 1.5 to 2 hours without a break.

    Near the store there is a toilet and rows with cafes and restaurants, but there is no water cooler in the store itself, and at the time of the lecture, you can’t run to the neighboring cafe for tea. At the same time, sitting for 2 hours without a break can be very difficult. The classes are very useful, while the store has a policy not to advertise specific brands, since there are a lot of them in the store. They show different devices, let them touch and twist, explain how to use it and why. After completing all four classes, a certificate is issued for a 15% discount.

    According to the rules of the store, you must sign up in advance and wait for a call from an employee with confirmation. I didn't do it and just came to the lectures, sat down, listened and put my name on the list. There was enough space for everyone. The order of lectures does not really matter, in Moscow lectures are given by 2 different pediatricians, I attended some lectures twice, it was interesting to listen to different specialists. The store is located on the 4th floor, as in the case of "Olant" in the CDM, it can be combined with a visit to other shopping center stores.

  3. School of expectant mothers in the store "Children's No. 1" - A cycle of classes of 6 lectures, each lecture consists of two parts, lasting approximately one hour each with a short break. The format is lectures, exercises, even breathing exercises, are not provided, although they do not need free space at all, which, unfortunately, is very limited. Lectures in Moscow are conducted by a pediatrician of the highest category, Ph.D. Tatyana Gutorova, and store employees.
    Lesson number 1. Skin care during pregnancy and after childbirth. Preparing for childbirth.
    Lesson number 2. Everything for comfortable breastfeeding of mother and baby. Breastfeeding: secrets of success, the menu of a nursing mother. Breast care.
    Lesson number 3. What should be a crib. Safety requirements for underwear and accessories for sleep. Early childhood development. Prevention and treatment: colic, allergies, regurgitation.
    Lesson number 4. What should be a baby stroller. Vaccinations for and against. If the baby is sick.
    Lesson number 5. Safety criteria for children's cosmetics. What is natural and organic cosmetics. Peculiarities of newborn skin care.
    Lesson number 6. Child safety while traveling and at home. Approximate daily routine and rules for the introduction of complementary foods for a child of the first year of life. Classes are organized in a store in Moscow (Alabyan St., 12, building 2) and in St. Petersburg (Bolshoi Prospekt P.S., 53). Unfortunately, the not very convenient location in Moscow between Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station and Sokol is slightly aggravated by the fact that this is a separate store on the ground floor of a residential building, and not a shopping center, and its visit cannot be combined with a trip to other stores. In addition, since November 2015, the store has introduced the obligatory purchase of a gift card with a face value of 1,000 rubles. after the first session if you want to attend all the rest. You can use the card and buy something on it in the store immediately after purchasing it.

    It is necessary to sign up for a school in advance and wait for a confirmation call from employees, this can be a problem, sometimes they forget to call, sometimes they confirm and then cancel, it is not always possible to clarify some organizational issues by e-mail or phone, and the “conspiracy” of employees who do not can tell the schedule for the near future, very annoying. In the store itself, the staff is very responsive, they tell their parts of the lectures in great detail and in detail, comparing and explaining the nuances of different brands, brands, differences in products from different countries.

    So far, only this store gives out a brochure for the school, which has a class schedule, a place to record lectures, a brief description of the store's products that match the topic of the lesson, and a small reference block about vaccinations. A small book with discount coupons is also issued, but not for any product in the store, but for specific positions, unfortunately, for the most part, not very necessary. Apparently, this is an attempt to sell positions that are rarely purchased.

    It should be noted that despite the fact that the lectures are conducted by a pediatrician, throughout the entire cycle one can feel the intrusive advertising of exactly those products that are sold in Children's No. 1. This applies to cosmetics for expectant mothers and children, bottles, breast pumps and everything else, while the brands presented in the store are not the most famous and widespread. In addition, the store, in terms of prices and product level, can be attributed to the expensive segment, for example, prices for cribs start at 18,000 rubles. and end above 100,000 rubles. Therefore, intrusive advertising is sometimes very annoying.

    There is a toilet in the store, water is always available at lectures for mothers, apples and bananas are brought during breaks.

Lectures and master classes as part of the Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies in Sokolniki

Twice a year the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center hosts the Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies:

In 2015, the festival was held in April and November, plans for 2016 have already been indicated: the next festival will be held from April 20 to 24. Entrance to the Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies is free subject to registration, the registration procedure can be completed in advance or directly at the entrance to pavilion 4.

For several days, representatives of various companies and schools, as well as pediatricians, psychologists, specialists from various clinics, have been speaking non-stop at the participants' stands, as well as in the conference hall and the master class area. Contests, lotteries and shows are held.

All these events will help you understand various issues related to pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent care of the baby, will give you the opportunity to meet and listen to specialists from various clinics, pediatricians, learn about different schools and paid courses. And, if necessary, choose those areas for training that were not sufficiently covered or for which there were questions.

I wish you health and easy pregnancy!

Finally - it happened! My little treasure is sleeping quietly in his crib - we were discharged from the hospital today. I look at my daughter, and so I want to become the most ideal mother in the world for her. I want to babysit her, cherish her, pamper her.

But I am afraid that I still do not know everything about how to properly take care of a baby, what needs to be done for this. Lyudmila, tell me, please, what should be the care of a newborn in the first month of life? When and what procedures should be carried out?

Baby care - an unconventional approach

A small child, born, is going through the most difficult period - the neonatal period. After the strongest emotional and physical stress received during childbirth, he finds himself in completely different conditions for himself.

At the moment, his main task is to go through the process of adaptation as quickly as possible and successfully adapt to the environment. Your task, as mothers, is to help your baby in this matter.

It is to “help”, providing all the needs of the newborn. You should not think that a child is an absolutely helpless creature that needs every minute care. This assumption is not entirely correct.

but, unlike many animals that are able to eat and move around on their own during the first few hours after birth, a newborn child is one of the most helpless living creatures on earth.

Yes, there are protective mechanisms, but most of the needs of a newborn are met only at the expense of an adult, a mother.

  1. In the first month, the baby must “make friends” with bacteria, so the number of leukocytes in his blood is increased, which destroy harmful microorganisms (when the baby has grown a little, this task is already transferred to the parents. Check out our Healthy Baby >>> course;
  2. The baby has an increased heart rate and breathing, body temperature may fluctuate;
  3. An increased number of red blood cells and increased hemoglobin, which contributes to intensive oxygen saturation;
  4. All the main unconditioned reflexes are clearly expressed;
  5. There is a rapid increase in muscle mass, etc. Read about how a baby develops in the first year of life in the article Child development by months up to a year >>>

You might think that a newborn baby can grow and develop on its own, receiving only food and minimal care from its parents. This is wrong. The need for security, affection, attention, communication - is present in a child from the first days of life.

Being deprived of this, the child experiences great stress and this is reflected in his behavior: he suckles longer, falls asleep with difficulty, cries when trying to let him off his hands, sleeps very sensitively.

Modern environmental conditions also do not allow the baby to relax, creating new difficulties:

  • he breathes dusty air;
  • his skin becomes dry and sensitive;
  • we often wrap it up, constantly wear diapers and sliders, which can cause increased sweating, skin irritation;
  • running water is full of harmful microbes;
  • baby cosmetics may contain allergens.

Therefore, in the first month of a newborn's life, a necessary condition for his health and development is your daily parental care and care. It is important to do this skillfully and carefully, without interfering with natural natural mechanisms.

Daily baby care during the newborn period

So, every day you will need to do up to ten different procedures. For greater convenience, in order not to forget or confuse anything, I recommend developing a specific schedule for yourself in the first month and constantly stick to it.

morning routine

The first hygiene procedures should be done in the morning after the baby wakes up. Start by changing diapers or diapers.

  1. washing;
  • After the first feeding, you can wash the face of the newborn. It is recommended to do this with wet cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water;
  • First you must wipe the eyes, using a separate disk for each. Movement should start from the corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. Details on how and with what to wash the eyes of a newborn >>>. After that, wipe the rest of the face in a similar way: cheeks, forehead, chin;
  • Much attention should be paid to the ears. Take a good look at the skin behind the ear. After wiping it with a damp disk, if necessary, lubricate this area with a moisturizer or sterilized vegetable oil;
  • Next, start cleaning your ears. The ear passages of a newborn are very short, so we don’t go deep. Remove only wax that is at the entrance to the ear canal. An important article on how to clean the ears of a newborn >>>;
  • The same rule must be observed when cleaning the nose. If the child breathes well, there are no dry crusts that interfere with breathing, then we leave the nose alone. No need to unnecessarily climb into it with cotton flagella - this is a very unpleasant procedure for the baby. Read the current article: How to clean the nose of a newborn? >>>;

Attention! Don't try to clean out all the mucus! So you deprive the newborn of a natural defense mechanism, because the mucus in the nose prevents harmful microbes from entering through the nostrils.

  • The mouth of a newborn does not need any hygienic care at all. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is very thin and delicate, it can be easily damaged. Just in the first month, try to ensure that all items that fall into the baby's mouth are sterilized or disinfected.
  1. Navel treatment.
  • One of the most important tasks for a mother in the first month of a newborn's life is the treatment of his umbilical wound. This is a very important matter - it is necessary to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and promote its rapid healing;
  • It is important to remember here that it is impossible to tear off the resulting dry crusts (they need to be soaked and only those that separate themselves should be removed);
  • It is also not recommended to lubricate the wound with colored disinfectant solutions that will not allow time to see the emerging redness. Such products should generally not be used more than twice a day, as this can cause a burn.

current care

Hygienic care for a child 1 month is necessary and during the day. Make sure your newborn is always dry.

  1. Change of diaper;
  • It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the diaper and change it in a timely manner. Since urine and feces irritate the baby's skin, after removing dirty clothes, be sure to wash the baby;
  • It is important to remember that when washing a child, hand movements must be made from front to back Topical article: How to wash a newborn girl and boy ?>>>;
  • It is not necessary to wash the genitals of a newborn every time. You can (if the skin around is clean) wipe the baby with special sanitary napkins (for information on which wipes to choose and whether to use them, read the article Wet wipes for newborns >>>);
  • It would be nice to arrange air baths for the baby after removing the diaper. So the skin will breathe, and primary hardening will begin.

Important! I want to draw attention to the fact that you should not keep the baby in a diaper all day. Dress him in sliders or panties, use gauze diapers.

  1. Fold processing;
  • Throughout the day, you need to carefully examine the skin around the genitals, anus and in all folds. It should be dry and without irritation! This procedure will serve as a good prevention of the appearance of diaper rash. An important article will help you: Diaper rash in newborns >>>;
  • If you find redness, these sensitive areas should be treated with powder or baby cream (vegetable oil). You only need to use one!

Evening care

Evening hygiene care is to prepare the newborn for bed.

  1. Bathing;
  • The main procedure of the evening is bathing. Usually it is carried out before the last feeding. Bathe your baby every day. In the first month it is recommended to use only boiled water;
  • From time to time, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the water. Once a week, you can use baby detergents. For information on which herbs can be used for babies, see the article Herbs for bathing a newborn >>>;
  • Sometimes, if the child behaves too restlessly or is ill, then bathing can be skipped.
  1. Evening procedures;
  • In the first month of a newborn's life, while bathing him, you should try to remove the yellow crusts that are hidden under the baby's hair. Article

Breastfeeding is a very important part of motherhood, but not all motherhood. The concept of "motherhood" is broader and includes all possible ways of caring for a child, games, communication, etc. When seeking professional support in the desire to breastfeed, mothers are waiting for help on other issues of interaction with the child.

How to take a baby in your arms, how to wear it, swaddle it or not, how to bathe it, how to calm it down, how to put it to sleep, how to care for its delicate skin, when to start playing and what toys to buy ... These are all questions that a mother can ask a lactation consultant for consultations and they are all dealt with in detail in our classes in this course.

A conscious approach to parenthood is not only a fashion trend these days. It is a natural need to care for a child and to understand why and how different ways of caring for an infant affect his development and our relationship with him in the future.

The course program includes 6 lectures:

class number

Lecture topic

1 lesson 26 of May introductory

  • The Role of a Care Counselor – Who is it and what does it do? The psychology of attachment. Baby care as the first stage of attachment. That includes the concept of care. How to explain the different approaches to caring for an infant. On what to base when choosing a style of care. Physical and psychological health of the child, their relationship with care.
2 lesson 26 of May Dream. swaddling

  • Features of sleep at different age stages. How to help your child fall asleep. Rhythms of sleep and wakefulness in the first year of life. What helps and what hinders sleep. Supports and conditions.
  • Swaddling - why and how (practice).
3 lesson May 27 Water treatments and exercise

  • The purpose of bathing Bathing at different ages Various bathing options. Bathing in a diaper (practice). Hardening options: why, when and how.
  • Massage and gymnastics. Target. Possible effects. Maternal massage and gymnastics (practice).
4 lesson May 27 Hygiene, diapers, accessories.

  • Options for solving hygiene issues: how and how to treat the navel; when, how and with what to clean the nose, ears, cut nails. Different skin conditions of newborns. Children's cosmetics.
  • Disposable and reusable diapers, their options. Planting - why and how, especially by age.
5 lesson May 28 Wearing on hand. Development

  • Wearing on hand. Why, when, how much and how. Various wearing devices (practice).
  • Stages of development.
  • Communication and games with mom. When, how and what to develop in a child.
  • Games and toys by age.
6 lesson May 28 Organization of family life

  • Family changes due to the birth of a child.
  • parent agreement. To-do lists, sleep and wakefulness, household appliances, assistants.
  • Walks and trips: when, how often. Stroller, sling, car seat. Features by age.

The birth of a child changes life 360 ​​degrees. It is very difficult for parents to readjust: there are a large number of worries, new priorities, the need for new knowledge. This is not to mention the presence of a sense of fear of responsibility for a new tiny life. To help a woman easily get used to the role of a future parent, there are special courses, where the mother is trained.

What are the concerns of expectant mothers?

Most expectant mothers are not mentally prepared for the event of the birth of a child, and feel discomfort from the thought that from now on all their free time will have to be spent with the child. Also, not all mothers have knowledge of child care at a sufficient level. Newborn care courses will provide answers to many questions of parents.

    • How to properly take care of a child?
    • How and at what temperature?
    • How to hold the baby correctly?
    • How to crumb?
    • How, when and in what to walk?
    • How to recover a woman after childbirth?
    • How and in what ways should parents help each other? Etc.

Attending such courses will help to acquire or improve knowledge, as well as mentally prepare for the upcoming changes in the family, both mom and dad.

How to choose newborn care courses

How to make a choice? First you need to think carefully about what exactly the parent expects from the lessons. The directions of such training are different. For example, some specialize in psychological support for the mother after childbirth and while caring for the baby, while others provide a minimal childcare program.

The training plan should cover:
period of pregnancy;
stage of childbirth;
norms of behavior at childbirth;
actions of parents in emergency situations;
basic rules for breastfeeding;
rules .

You should also find out about the availability of practical classes, which clearly show and teach how to properly dress, feed, bathe the baby. Theory is, of course, good, but practice is better. In addition, you need to make sure that all the necessary information will be covered by highly qualified professionals.

There is a paid and free form of training for expectant mothers, long and express courses. Budget classes are not always worse than expensive ones., pay attention to the teacher, the company that sponsors the training, as well as the number of practical master classes in the plan.

Is it worth going to a newborn care course: a useful video

How and in what form they teach in the courses, you can see on the video.