To avoid fetal hypoxia. Consequences of chronic hypoxia for a child. The amniotic fluid is examined

Not a single mother in the world wants to hear these two words from a doctor - “fetal hypoxia”. Although hypoxia itself is not regarded as independent disease, it accompanies many serious pathologies in fetal development. Let's figure out what deviations in the development of the baby are associated with chronic oxygen starvation and how to treat them.

Introduction: about hypoxia in general

Hypoxia in the general sense is oxygen starvation of organs. There is less oxygen in the air, less oxygen in the blood, and therefore, less oxygen in the organs - hypoxia. There is a lot of oxygen in the blood, but the cells of the organs stopped absorbing it or the blood itself stopped flowing to the organ - again hypoxia.

Hypoxia can be chronic and acute. Chronic develops slowly, over months. For example, they lived for some time in the mountains with rarefied air and out of habit "caught" chronic hypoxia. And they pinched the finger with a tourniquet, completely stopped the blood supply to it - and acute hypoxia will develop in a few minutes.

The most dangerous hypoxia of the brain. In adults, brain hypoxia is usually chronic. It causes the syndrome chronic fatigue, immunity decreases, sleep and general well-being deteriorate.

In the fetus, the consequences of hypoxia are much more serious. But before moving on to the consequences, let's talk about the causes. intrauterine hypoxia.

Why does fetal hypoxia occur?

The causes of intrauterine hypoxia can be divided into three blocks:

  1. Mother's illnesses
  2. mother's bad habits
  3. Pathologies during pregnancy

Let's quickly go over each of them.

Mother's illnesses
If future mom does not receive enough oxygen, which means that the fetus also lacks it. Some systemic diseases of the mother increase the likelihood of oxygen starvation.

For example, iron deficiency anemia is one of the main causes of fetal hypoxia. With it, the work of hemoglobin, a special carrier protein in blood cells, is disrupted. Because of this, the delivery of oxygen throughout the body is disrupted.

Other risk factors - diseases of cardio-vascular system. They can cause vasospasms, which, in turn, greatly affect the blood supply to organs. If due to spasms worse blood supply fetus, the fetus will receive less oxygen.

Also, the cause of fetal hypoxia can be pyelonephritis and other diseases of the urinary system, chronic diseases of the respiratory system ( bronchial asthma bronchitis), diabetes mellitus.

mother's bad habits
All respiratory tubes in the lungs end in a small bubble - the alveolus. There are thousands of such bubbles in the lungs. And each of them is entangled in thin capillaries. Through the alveolar-capillary membrane, oxygen passes from the air into the blood.

For oxygen transfer to be fast and efficient, inner surface the alveoli are coated with a special lubricant. When drinking alcohol, alcohol vapors on exhalation pass through this lubricant and dilute it. Oxygen transfer is disturbed - hypoxia appears in the mother, and hence in the fetus. Not to mention the other consequences that alcohol threatens an unborn baby.

Cigarettes also increase oxygen starvation. The tars in tobacco smoke clog the alveoli and interfere with the synthesis of lung lubrication. A smoking mother is always in a state of hypoxia, and so is her fetus.

Pathologies during pregnancy
It's about misdevelopment placenta and umbilical cord, premature detachment of the placenta, increased tone uterus, overdose and other deviations from the normal course of pregnancy. All these are the most frequent and most dangerous reasons fetal hypoxia.

Before that, all the reasons were associated with the mother's body. But intrauterine hypoxia can also be caused by pathologies of the fetus itself. For example, its infection in the womb or malformations.

Separately, it is worth noting the risk of a Rh conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus. He can call hemolytic disease. And the consequences of this are not only fetal hypoxia, but also serious problems with the health of the mother.

What is dangerous intrauterine hypoxia

During hypoxia, oxygen in the baby's body is consumed according to an emergency plan. First - the vital organs (heart, adrenal glands, brain tissue), then - all the rest. Therefore, with fetal hypoxia, it gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs and skin remain on starvation oxygen rations. And it is in the development of these organs that the first deviations should be expected.

If intrauterine hypoxia was chronic, then after childbirth the child may have problems adapting to external stimuli. They usually manifest through signs such as uneven breathing, fluid retention in the body, convulsions, poor appetite, frequent regurgitation, restless sleep, capriciousness.

On later dates it can cause serious disorders in the central nervous system of the baby: epilepsy, damage to the cranial nerves, disorders mental development and even hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus, in turn, often leads to torticollis (neck deformity in newborns). This happens because due to hydrocephalus, the baby has a headache, and he tries to turn it so that the pain subsides.
With placental abruption, oxygen starvation develops so quickly that due to acute hypoxia, the child may die.

How to understand that the fetus has hypoxia

The pushing of the baby in the stomach is a joyful event for the mother. But if the jolts are too sharp and strong, they can cause discomfort or even pain. And this is the first wake-up call: too much active movements fetus is the first symptom of hypoxia. So the baby reflexively tries to increase blood flow to himself. The next symptom of fetal hypoxia is, on the contrary, a weakening of tremors up to complete disappearance.
The norm of fetal mobility is at least 10 movements in 12 hours.

Doctors advise to keep a record of his activity, starting from a period of 28 weeks. If the expectant mother noticed that at first the child was actively moving, and then froze for a long time, it is better to go to the doctor.

Obstetricians have a whole range of methods for determining fetal hypoxia:

  1. Listening to fetal heart sounds with a stethoscope. So doctors evaluate the heart rate of the future baby, their rhythm, the presence of extraneous noise.
  2. If there is even the slightest suspicion of hypoxia, cardiotocography is performed using an ultrasonic sensor. With this method, the doctor can evaluate the heart rate in different parameters.
  3. Analysis of the fetal circulation using dopplerometry. This method finds abnormalities in the blood flow between mother and fetus. It allows you to evaluate blood circulation in all parts of the circulatory system of the fetus.
  4. An ECG can also tell a lot about the condition of the fetus.
  5. Doctors also use standard biochemical and hormonal blood tests of the mother.
  6. In addition, if fetal hypoxia is suspected, doctors take for analysis amniotic fluid. If meconium (original feces) is found in them, this is a sign of intrauterine hypoxia. This is due to the fact that due to insufficient oxygen supply, the muscles of the rectum of the fetus relax, and meconium enters the amniotic fluid.

Conclusion: what to do with fetal hypoxia

If all the tests in the hospital still gave a disappointing result, and the doctor suggests the presence of intrauterine hypoxia, the woman must be sent to the hospital for additional tests and, possibly, therapy. In principle, if the condition of the fetus allows you to carry out the same measures at home, then the doctor may let you go home.

We repeat: fetal hypoxia is a serious matter, and its treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. Therefore, neither in this article, nor in any other, you will find ready-made recipes for the treatment of intrauterine hypoxia. Maximum - a brief reminder of therapeutic and preventive measures:

  • Complete peace of the expectant mother, bed rest- strictly required. It is recommended to lie mainly on the left side.
  • The goal of treatment is to provide the baby with a normal blood supply. Specific methods of treatment are selected after the causes of hypoxia and the degree of disturbances in the development of the fetus are clarified.
  • Drugs that are usually prescribed for fetal hypoxia reduce blood viscosity, improve blood supply to the placenta and normalize the metabolism between the mother's body and the fetus.
  • If the treatment does not give positive changes and hypoxia continues to progress, then doctors can go for surgery. Important point: caesarean section is possible only for a period of 28 weeks or more.
  • Prevention of fetal hypoxia must necessarily include a complete rejection of bad habits. Instead of them - healthy lifestyle life, frequent walks on fresh air, a balanced diet, reasonable physical activity without overwork.
  • You won't be able to walk outside all the time, most of the time. future mother still holds indoors. Therefore, it makes sense to take care of the fresh air in the apartment. The fastest and best-priced option is to install a compact household appliance in the bedroom.

We all know that during pregnancy, a woman's thoughts rush in one direction. She dreams of a future baby, of a happy life together, already cares about his condition and comfort and wants the baby to be born strong, healthy and on time.

In order for the fetus to develop fully during pregnancy and childbirth to take place safely, all processes in both organisms - children's and maternal - must proceed normally, as expected. Any violation can affect the condition of the baby. And this situation can arise for many reasons. Often, pregnant women are diagnosed with fetal hypoxia. And this serious occasion think and act.

What's happening?

The word "hypoxia" means lack of oxygen. That is, when it comes to fetal hypoxia, this means that the baby does not receive enough oxygen from the mother's body, and oxygen starvation of the fetus occurs, as doctors say. This condition can develop during pregnancy (and then chronic hypoxia is diagnosed) or directly during childbirth (we are talking about acute hypoxia).

What happens when there is not enough oxygen? Of course, the baby starts to choke. But it's not right away. First, a number of disorders go through in his small body, the consequences of which, if hypoxia is not detected and therapeutic measures are not taken in time, can be irreversible.

Lack of oxygen for early dates pregnancy (when the laying and formation of organs and systems occurs) can provoke a violation of the development of the embryo, up to anomalies and mutilations. And in the later stages, the child’s central nervous system and physical development suffer: growth retardation occurs, the newborn adapts worse to the new environment, and may have physical and mental abnormalities. In children born with hypoxia, there are violations of the vegetative nervous system, muscle hypertonicity, the baby is restless, naughty, eats and sleeps poorly. Such a child should be under the constant supervision of a neurologist.

When the fetus is experiencing a lack of oxygen, all its organs and systems begin to work in an enhanced mode, trying to get themselves a vital gas. This is possible due to the increased compensatory capabilities of a small organism. A woman feels such activation by the increased mobility of the baby. But this may not last long. And if the normal supply of oxygen is not restored and the metabolism is not normalized in time, depression soon sets in - the baby calms down, because without oxygen it can no longer move. The consequences of such a state may be irreversible. Therefore, if after a sudden increased activity your baby suddenly freezes (you feel no more than 3 movements per hour), you should consult a doctor immediately! It is possible to identify hypoxia with the greatest certainty through additional studies: cardiotocography and dopplerometry.

Why does it happen?

Oxygen comes to all our organs and systems along with the blood. Transports oxygen, and without iron, it is not produced. That is, with (iron deficiency) the production of hemoglobin and, accordingly, the supply of oxygen to the blood and further throughout the body naturally decreases. However, the lack of iron in the mother's blood is not the only cause of hypoxia.

During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in the mother's body increases significantly, because it feeds the fetus through the placenta. If uteroplacental exchange deteriorates, the embryo cannot receive required amount all nutrients, including oxygen supplied to it with maternal blood. Metabolic disorders between mother and fetus occur when placental insufficiency. It also blocks the supply of oxygen to the fetus during pregnancy, since nicotine constricts blood vessels and blood circulation is disturbed. And it is also known that tobacco smoke penetrates to the embryo through the placenta, and he finds himself in a smoke screen - how can you not suffocate here ... Not in the best way acts on the vessels and.

In general, the development of hypoxia can provoke a number of diseases (especially chronic diseases of a woman) and disorders in the organisms of the fetus and mother and in the placenta:

  • cardiovascular diseases of a pregnant woman;
  • anemia;
  • lung diseases (respiratory tract);
  • deep;
  • preeclampsia;
  • overwearing;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • violations at;
  • threat ;
  • pathology of the placenta and umbilical cord;
  • anomalies of labor activity;
  • intrauterine infections, intoxication;
  • hemolytic disease of the fetus;
  • prolonged squeezing of the head during childbirth and others.

Thus, hypoxia should be considered as a condition caused by a complex of changes in the body of the mother and child.

How to treat?

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with hypoxia, she may be admitted to a hospital to ensure complete rest and conduct necessary treatment. Although it is quite possible that it will be possible to be treated at home with a visit to a clinic or hospital. The doctor must find out what disease caused the development of hypoxia, and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The therapy is carried out in a complex manner. However, if there is no positive dynamics and the condition of the fetus worsens, the issue of conducting caesarean section(but this is only for a period of at least ).

How to prevent?

Fetal hypoxia is diagnosed in approximately 10.5 percent of women. However, in order not to get on their list, you just need to adhere to a certain lifestyle during pregnancy.

Most importantly, do not smoke or drink alcohol. If possible, breathe only clean air. That is, if you live in a very polluted area, move to a cleaner area for this time. As often as possible, ventilate the room in which you live and. Every day arrange in the fresh air, but at the same time do not forget about good rest.

Complete and preventive iron deficiency anemia are one of the most important.

Of course, even a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition cannot be a 100% guarantee that hypoxia will not develop during pregnancy. But it will greatly increase your chances of preventing it. In addition, regular examinations by a gynecologist and consultations with a doctor will help to identify something was wrong in time.

Acute fetal hypoxia

A few more words about the lack of oxygen experienced by the child directly in childbirth - acute fetal hypoxia. This condition can occur for a number of reasons: very rapid or very prolonged labor, when a baby stuck in the birth canal simply has nothing to breathe; entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord; premature detachment of the placenta. All this leads to fetal asphyxia (suffocation).

If acute hypoxia develops, the attending physician monitors the condition of the fetus, in particular, conducts cardiac monitoring, monitoring cardiac activity. Turbid greenish waters can become a prerequisite for this: this means that meconium has got into them. Such a criterion can be taken into account only with the head presentation of the fetus. In addition, acute hypoxia can be judged by amniotic fluid tests and fetal blood tests (by pH level).

Protracted increasing state of hypoxia during childbirth is an indication for emergency caesarean section.

But it should be understood that even acute hypoxia has its roots in the period of gestation. And if the violations and changes that occur at this time are identified in advance, then many troubles can be avoided.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Many people know about the dangers and consequences of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, so the fear of hearing such a diagnosis is fully justified. Any expectant mother can panic, imagining that her baby does not have enough oxygen. But is it all that scary? What signs indicate fetal hypoxia and is it possible to prevent this phenomenon?

Fetal hypoxia and its forms

baby in period prenatal development receives oxygen from the mother's blood through the placenta. If its intake is disturbed, then fetal hypoxia occurs, which adversely affects the formation and development of its organs and systems, as well as general condition baby.

Quite often, oxygen starvation is associated with fetoplacental insufficiency - a phenomenon that characterizes the occurrence of disturbances in the structure and functioning of the placenta. As a result, feeding and breathing of the fetus is complicated.

A small short-term hypoxia is usually not dangerous for the fetus. But prolonged or acute lack of oxygen can lead to irreversible consequences.
Alcohol use leads to the development chronic hypoxia fetus

Hypoxia can occur throughout pregnancy:

  • in the first months, oxygen starvation usually causes disturbances in the formation of important organs in the fetus (most often the nervous system);
  • in the later stages, the lack of oxygen also adversely affects the development of the baby and often leads to the need for a caesarean section long before the appointed date;
  • oxygen starvation can develop during childbirth. If hypoxia is prolonged, it poses a serious danger to the life and health of the child. In severe form, this is asphyxia, that is, strangulation of the fetus.

There are forms of hypoxia:

  • chronic - occurs with a prolonged lack of oxygen in the fetus. She can be provoked severe toxicosis, impaired functioning of the placenta, smoking and alcohol consumption by the mother, etc. Hypoxia develops gradually, intensifying over time;
  • acute lack of oxygen occurs as a result of complications in late pregnancy and during childbirth. oxygen starvation occurs abruptly and develops rapidly. Treatment is most often not possible. An urgent delivery is required.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The causes of chronic hypoxia include:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency (impaired functioning of the placenta);
  • intrauterine infections and fetal malformations;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • acute and chronic diseases internal organs mothers;
  • low hemoglobin in a pregnant woman;
  • diabetes;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • experiencing stress;
  • abnormal presentation of the fetus.

Cord entanglement can provoke acute fetal hypoxia

Acute hypoxia can lead to:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • placental abruption;
  • uterine rupture;
  • cord entanglement;
  • weak generic activity;
  • rapid birth.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

It is extremely difficult to detect hypoxia in the first months of pregnancy. Only a few objective factors (low hemoglobin, diabetes, smoking, etc.) can suggest its presence.

A reliable diagnosis can be made after 18 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to move in the uterus. The greatest suspicion is caused by a change in his motor activity, fast or slow heartbeat.

The expectant mother needs to pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • prolonged absence of baby movements;
  • increased activity of the fetus (frequent movements);
  • change in the nature of the motor activity of the child. For example, the movements were rare, and then suddenly became more frequent. Or, on the contrary, the baby was actively moving, and then suddenly stopped.

In all of these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
CTG is performed several times during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and during childbirth

Diagnostic methods

Hypoxia is diagnosed using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound - performed after 18 weeks of pregnancy;
  • CTG (cardiotocography) - is carried out after 30 weeks of pregnancy and in childbirth and consists in recording and analyzing the heart rate of the fetus in motion, at rest, during contractions;
  • dopplerometry - is a type ultrasound diagnostics and is carried out after 18 weeks of pregnancy in the direction of a doctor. The intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, uterus and placenta is assessed;
  • amnioscopy - is carried out in the later stages (after 37 weeks) by introducing a special device - an amnioscope - through the cervix. The method allows you to assess the state of amniotic fluid (quantity, color and the presence of impurities in them) and the fetal bladder.

Indicators that indicate oxygen deficiency:

  • fruit size and weight less than normal, characteristic for this period pregnancy, which indicates developmental delay;
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
  • violation of the fetal heartbeat;
  • violation of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord;
  • the color of the amniotic fluid is green, it contains meconium (usually diagnosed during childbirth).

Consequences of oxygen starvation of the fetus

Acute hypoxia is more dangerous because it develops rapidly. In the absence of measures to eliminate it, with a high degree of probability, suffocation and death of the fetus may occur.

To others dangerous consequences acute oxygen deficiency can be attributed to:

  • death of nerve cells and pathological changes in the tissues of the brain, which leads to a lag in intellectual and speech development;
  • hemorrhage in various organs.

Consequences of chronic hypoxia:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • developmental delay before and after birth;
  • violation of the respiratory system of the baby;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorder in a child;
  • difficulties in adapting the newborn to living conditions.

Video: lecture on hypoxia and its consequences

Prediction of the consequences of oxygen starvation of a child

The consequences of hypoxia are diagnosed during childbirth using the Apgar scale. If the child's condition is estimated from 4 to 6 points in the first minute and 8 points or more - in the fifth minute, then this indicates moderate oxygen deficiency. Lower ratings can have severe consequences.

In the first years of life, the baby may appear:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neurological diseases;
  • lag in growth, weight and development of cognitive processes;
  • mental disorders, etc.

prescribed for treatment special massage, physical training, medical preparations. Most often when close supervision And proper treatment the health of the child during the first year of life improves.

How is hypoxia treated?

Depending on the degree and causes of hypoxia, treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis. Measures are being taken to improve blood circulation in the placenta, reduce uterine tone, strengthen metabolic processes.

The expectant mother needs to make adjustments to her lifestyle:

If the measures taken are ineffective and hypoxia persists, then early delivery is indicated (for a period of more than 28 weeks).

With prolonged hypoxia, medications are prescribed:

  • vitamins E, C, B6;
  • Eufillin;
  • Ginipral and others.

In a situation of acute oxygen deficiency, glucose, insulin, calcium gluconate, etc. are often administered, oxygen is inhaled using a mask.

Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of oxygen deficiency in the fetus

Curantil is a drug used to improve blood circulation Actovegin is a drug with an antihypoxic effect that activates the delivery and absorption of oxygen and glucose by cells of various organs and tissues Trental improves blood microcirculation
Ginipral - a drug to relax the myometrium of muscle tissue and reduce pressure in the uterine cavity
No-Shpa is used to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus

Fetal hypoxia is an intrauterine syndrome characterized by multiple disorders of internal organs and systems caused by oxygen starvation of the fetus. Perinatal hypoxia is one of the most common obstetric pathologies in Russia: up to 10.5% of newborns suffer from certain manifestations of oxygen starvation.


Causes and risk factors

Fetal hypoxia is a manifestation of various pathological processes in the body of the mother or the unborn child. The risk group includes women suffering from anemia and diabetes mellitus, severe forms of preeclampsia, acute and chronic diseases respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Contact with toxic substances, living in an ecologically unfavorable area, bad habits mothers also negatively affect the placental circulation.

On the part of the fetus, the following factors provoking hypoxia are distinguished:

  • malformations and anomalies of development;
  • intrauterine infections (toxoplasmosis, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis);
  • prolonged squeezing of the head during childbirth;
  • hemolytic disease in Rh-conflict.
Insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues of the fetus triggers a cascade of pathological processes that provoke the appearance congenital pathologies and the general lag of the child in the mental and physical development.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus also occurs with violations placental blood flow associated with complications of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anomalies in the structure of the umbilical cord;
  • repeated entanglement of the umbilical cord around the child's neck;
  • overwearing;
  • prolapse or compression of the umbilical cord;
  • prolonged or rapid childbirth;
  • risk of preterm birth.



Depending on the duration of the course, two forms of fetal hypoxia are distinguished - acute and chronic. Acute hypoxic conditions usually develop as a result of pathological childbirth, less often during pregnancy in the case of placental abruption and uterine rupture. The rapidly growing inhibition of the functions of vital organs poses a threat to the life of the child.

Chronic fetal hypoxia during pregnancy develops over time. Insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues of the fetus triggers a cascade of pathological processes that provoke the appearance of congenital pathologies and the general lag of the child in mental and physical development. The first reaction of the body to oxygen deficiency is the centralization and redistribution of blood flow in favor of the brain, which creates the prerequisites for ischemic changes in tissues. Reactive release of vasoactive adrenal hormones early stages hypoxia leads to gradual depletion of the medulla and cortex and secretory insufficiency, followed by the development of bradycardia and arterial hypotension. Reduced tone precapillaries and arterioles contributes to the expansion of peripheral vessels and the appearance of capillary circulation disorders, which are expressed in slowing blood flow, increasing blood viscosity and reducing the intensity of gas exchange. Violation of the trophism of the vascular walls increases the permeability of the cell walls, creating conditions for the development of hemoconcentration, hypovolemia, internal hemorrhages and tissue edema. The accumulation of underoxidized metabolic products causes respiratory metabolic acidosis and activates lipid peroxidation, during which toxic free radicals are released.

With the timely completion of planned diagnostic procedures during pregnancy, there is a chance to preserve the fetus and minimize damage to the health of the child.

Severity pathological changes in chronic perinatal hypoxia, it depends on the duration and intensity of oxygen deficiency, as well as on the adaptive capabilities of the body. In obstetric practice, compensated, subcompensated and decompensated hypoxic conditions are distinguished. Compensated fetal hypoxia during pregnancy does not cause serious damage to the health of the child, but the likelihood of the birth of absolutely healthy children after prenatal period hypoxia is estimated at 4%.

In this article:

What is fetal hypoxia?

It happens that during pregnancy and childbirth, the tissues and organs of the fetus are not sufficiently supplied with oxygen. This pathology can develop gradually or appear suddenly. So they share chronic and acute fetal hypoxia - a condition more often characteristic of childbirth, when the normal course of the process is disturbed.

Pathology can occur both in early pregnancy and later. Regardless of the time of manifestation similar condition the consequences of oxygen deficiency are always unfavorable for the unborn child. Intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus that occurred in the early stages can lead to developmental abnormalities.

The manifestation of hypoxia at a later date slows down the growth of the fetus, can cause disorders of the central nervous system and, in the future, manifest itself in a significant deterioration in the adaptive capabilities of the child.

It should be remembered that a slight, short-term hypoxia, most likely, will not adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. But prolonged or severe oxygen starvation can lead to irreversible consequences.

In order to prevent the development of pathology, one should know about the causes of hypoxia, the signs of a violation, and methods for preventing such a condition.

Causes of hypoxia

Oxygen starvation is manifested as a result of unfavorable processes in the body of a pregnant woman or fetus. There are a sufficient number of factors contributing to the development of hypoxia. First of all, this various diseases expectant mother (for example, disorders of the cardiovascular system, intoxication, anemia, etc.), as well as disruptions in the normal functioning of the placental blood flow, for example, due to gestosis, overmaturity, pathologies of the umbilical cord and placenta. Fetal diseases, for example, such as anemia, malformations, can also cause hypoxia.

Much is known about the mechanisms of the development of pathology: hypoxia is caused by disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the uterus and metabolic processes of the placenta, hemoglobin deficiency, and manifestations of cardiovascular insufficiency.

Some doctors, talking about the occurrence of fetal hypoxia, find the causes in genetic problems. But, most often, the manifestation of such a pathology is still not hereditary, but acquired.

Some diseases of the expectant mother, which she suffered shortly before pregnancy or during the period of bearing a child, can lead to hypoxia.

Among similar diseases can be distinguished:

  • intoxication of the body due to poisoning, toxicosis, harmful conditions labor or functional disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • diseases or pathology of the development of the lungs;
  • heart failure;
  • anemia
  • diabetes.

Also to pathological condition some complications during pregnancy can lead to:

  • (increased amount of amniotic fluid);
  • toxicosis on recent months pregnancy -;
  • malfunctions of the placenta or uteroplacental blood flow.

Sometimes hypoxia is manifested due to infection of the fetus, birth defects development, the occurrence of anemia, or incompatibility of the blood of the mother and child (hemolytic disease).

Acute hypoxia may result from premature detachment placenta, uterine ruptures, more often on last dates pregnancy, or an abnormal course of labor (a protracted or rapid process), careless squeezing of the fetal head by a woman in labor, prolapse or pressing of the umbilical cord.


It is important not to miss the first signs of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Indeed, in most cases, timely measures can avoid negative consequences, which will invariably manifest themselves during prolonged oxygen starvation.

The first and main sign of acute hypoxia is a violation of the fetal heart, which is characterized by an uneven heartbeat (arrhythmia), an increase or slowdown in heart rate, and deafness of tones.

Normally, until the moment of birth, the baby's heartbeat is quite frequent - 110-160 beats per minute. A more intense heartbeat (over 160 beats) and slow (below 80 beats per minute) can be considered symptoms of hypoxia.

Another sign, which in some cases can indirectly tell the pregnant woman about the presence of problems in the unborn child, is a change in the habitual motor activity of the fetus. With slight oxygen starvation, his behavior becomes restless, the movements become more frequent and strong. If the condition of the unborn child does not improve and hypoxia progresses, fetal movements become weaker. It is believed that at normal course pregnancy, a woman should feel fetal movements at least 3 times within one hour. However, before making hasty conclusions about the occurrence of hypoxia and calling a doctor, you should independently observe the movements of the unborn child for several hours.

available modern medicine there are many research methods that, with varying accuracy, allow us to confirm or refute the presence of oxygen deficiency, to determine the degree of danger to the fetus. Among the methods used, the most accurate and informative CTG (cardiotachography), phonocardiography, dopplerometry, amniotic fluid examination (amnioscopy) can be distinguished.

The possibilities of ultrasound scanning are also widely used, thanks to which it is possible to identify uneven respiratory movements made by the fetus, characteristic of hypoxia.

With proper management of childbirth, doctors monitor the well-being of the fetus with the help of cardiac monitoring. There are other signs by which one can judge the troubles of a child who is born. One of the signs of acute oxygen starvation is green waters stained with meconium.

Consequences for the child

The consequences of fetal hypoxia that occurred during pregnancy can be different: in some cases, oxygen deficiency does not affect the health of the unborn child, but much more often, it still leads to serious consequences.

It is unacceptable to assume that hypoxia does not require attention, and the improvement of an unfavorable state will come by itself! The longer and more intense the oxygen starvation, the stronger the changes occurring in the body of the unborn child.

Lack of oxygen leads to serious violations work of the circulatory and microcirculation systems. Due to chronic intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus, blood thickens, tissue edema develops, and increased vascular permeability leads to hemorrhages. Under the influence of oxygen deficiency, the balance of electrolytes in the body of an unborn child is disturbed, oxidation products of organic acids accumulate in the tissues, which leads to intracellular edema. All these changes upset the work the most important organs, which can cause fetal death or serious asphyxia of the newborn.

Manifestations of hypoxia in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause disorders in the development of the brain in the fetus.


Prevention of fetal hypoxia consists in regular medical supervision of a woman throughout pregnancy. Timely diagnosis and timely treatment have great importance for the health of the child. Identification of complications of pregnancy, monitoring the condition of the fetus is the doctor's task. The mother-to-be should correct image life, abandon harmful or dangerous work try to avoid anxiety.

Prevention of fetal hypoxia during childbirth, first of all, depends on the competent actions of the doctor: right choice method of delivery, constant monitoring of the condition of a woman and a child, a quick response to emerging complications.

A woman in labor should learn in advance a special breathing technique and at the right time to apply the acquired skills in practice. Controlling her own breathing helps a woman get enough oxygen in labor, which has a positive effect on the condition of a child ready to be born.

Methods for the treatment of fetal hypoxia

In the treatment of chronic fetal hypoxia, the knowledge and experience of the doctor are important, as well as the right attitude and discipline of the expectant mother. One dose of prescribed medications is usually not enough. Often a woman has to reconsider during pregnancy own image life, making a choice in favor of a relaxing holiday. Sometimes for the health of the baby, you need to take bed rest, which helps improve the blood supply to the uterus.

Often, if hypoxia is suspected, the doctor decides to hospitalize the pregnant woman for a more detailed study of the condition of the fetus, to identify the prerequisites for the manifestation of pathology.

Treatment of fetal hypoxia begins with a search for the cause - a disease that led to the development of oxygen deficiency. At the same time, therapy is carried out aimed at normalizing metabolic processes and improving the supply of oxygen to the unborn child.

IN drug therapy prescribe drugs that reduce the activity of the uterus (Papaverine, No-shpa, Ginipral).

Treatment is also carried out, the purpose of which is to reduce blood viscosity. If the therapy is successful, the pregnant woman is less likely to form blood clots, in small vessels blood flow is restored. For these purposes, the drug Curantil is prescribed.

In chronic fetal hypoxia, it is necessary to improve metabolism (vitamin E, glucose solution, etc.) and cell permeability (Essentiale Forte, etc.)

If complex therapy does not bring the desired effect and the condition of the fetus worsens, while the gestational age exceeds 28 weeks, the issue of emergency delivery by caesarean section.

Acute hypoxia is a direct indication for urgent hospitalization. During transportation, doctors carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining a stable state of the fetus.


Hypoxia can be dangerous to the health and life of the unborn child. Throughout pregnancy, a woman should closely monitor her own health and regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist. You should carefully consider the choice of a competent specialist, whose knowledge and experience will help prevent undesirable consequences when pathology occurs.

If possible, pregnant women should avoid stressful situations. Strong unrest does not have the best effect on the health of the expectant mother and affects the development of the fetus.

Calmness, attention to yourself and positive attitude help to cope with the manifestations of hypoxia during pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

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