What is uzdg during pregnancy: how the results are deciphered. Indications for performing an ultrasound study. Dopplerography during pregnancy as the main diagnostic procedure

Doppler during pregnancy (USDG) is a highly informative and non-invasive (non-penetrating) method for diagnosing fetal circulation. Moreover, Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy shows the condition of the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord.

In this case, doppler for pregnant women is carried out at any time. In obstetrics, ultrasound examination is the "gold standard", which annually saves thousands of lives, both mothers and their children.

In this article, we will talk about how dopplerometry is performed during pregnancy, how the results are deciphered, and how much this study costs. We will also talk about whether this diagnostic method is harmful.

Fetal Doppler can be done in various ways. The most informative and effective of them are the following:

  • continuous wave dopplerography of vessels;
  • pulse dopplerography;
  • Doppler study in color mapping mode.

The mechanism of operation of the first method of ultrasound is extremely simple. From the ultrasound transducer, ultrasonic waves are sent out in a constant continuous signal (this is how the fetal doppler works). Such a study is best suited for visualizing the state of the heart and its vessels.

In pulsed ultrasound, ultrasonic waves are sent cyclically. The waves themselves are reflected from the walls of the vessels and sent to the ultrasound machine for processing. Such a study is best suited for detecting compression (squeezing) of blood vessels.

Dopplerometry of the fetus in the color mapping mode is almost completely identical to the previous method of ultrasound. However, with this type of ultrasound, each section or segment of the vessel is coded with a certain color.

Color illumination facilitates the work of a diagnostician, since each individual color indicates a certain blood flow velocity. Thus, Doppler measurements in the color mapping mode are the most informative and accurate.

Indications for the procedure

Doppler examination of the fetus is done for numerous reasons. We note the most important and potentially dangerous indications:

  1. A Doppler study is prescribed in the presence of umbilical cord loops in the vicinity of the fetal neck (there is a possibility of suffocation with umbilical cord loops).
  2. If you suspect any malformation of the placenta or chorion (its embryo). IN this case dopplerometry is used utero-placental fetal blood flow.
  3. With polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  4. Ultrasound is also prescribed for suspected malformations of the central vessels, heart or brain of the fetus.
  5. In those situations where the size of the fetus is relatively smaller than it should be on this period pregnancy.
  6. If the mother has preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis, lupus erythematosus, or anything else from the category of autoimmune pathologies.
  7. In the presence of two or more fetuses, especially in cases where they differ significantly in size from each other (especially in the late term).
  8. If there is a history (medical history of the patient) of a previous missed pregnancy.
  9. If there is a history of spontaneous miscarriage.
  10. When an abnormal development of the umbilical cord is detected on a conventional ultrasound.
  11. With the existing conflict between mother and baby on the Rh factor.
  12. With an injury to the abdomen of a pregnant woman.
  13. In that case when CTG results after 30 weeks show poor performance.

Preparation and conduct of the study

The ultrasonic analysis of the state of the vessels of the fetus itself does not require preparation. You can eat whatever you like before the procedure, the decoding of the results will not be distorted from this. But it is important to understand that there is a certain time period when this analysis is most justified.

So, for example, it is best to conduct this study starting from 16-18 weeks. It is by these weeks that the placenta has time to fully form. That is, to put it simply, it is possible to examine not only the vessels of the fetus, but also the uteroplacental vascular pool.

And it is best to combine ultrasound and fetal doppler. UZDG studies the state of the baby's vessels and placenta, and the fetal doppler evaluates the performance of his heart. These two diagnostic methods in conjunction will give the most complete and accurate picture of the state of the baby's body.

The research itself is quite simple. The woman should lie down on the couch, then the doctor will apply a conductive ultrasound gel to her stomach. After that, the procedure will begin, the duration of which only in rare cases exceeds 30 minutes.

The procedure is completely painless and harmless to both the mother and the child. Penetrating instruments are not used in this examination.

Many women often ask how much this procedure costs and how many times it needs to be done. Costs this procedure, according to data for 2016, 1700 rubles. It's worth going through twice during the whole pregnancy(Unless, of course, there are no strong indications for more frequent diagnostics).

Normal test results

For each individual vessel or vascular system there are certain norms of blood supply and sizes.

Norm table for IR parameter of the umbilical cord arteries is:

  • 20-23 weeks: from 0.62 to 0.82;
  • 24-29 weeks: from 0.58 to 0.78;
  • 30-33 weeks: from 0.521 to 0.75;
  • 34-37 weeks: from 0.482 to 0.71;
  • 38-40 weeks: from 0.42 to 0.68.

Norm table systolic-diastolic resistance ratio parameter in the umbilical artery:

  • 16-19 weeks: from 4.55 to 4.67;
  • 20-22: 3.87 to 3.95;
  • 23-25: 3.41 to 3.61;
  • 26-28: 3.191 to 3.27;
  • 29-31: 2.88 to 2.94;
  • 32-34: 2.48 to 2.52;
  • 35-37: 2.4 to 2.45;
  • 38-41: 2.19 to 2.22.

Parameter Norms LMS in the uterine arteries:

  • 16-19: 2.5 to 2.10;
  • 20-22: 1.910 to 1.98;
  • 23-25: 1.89 to 1.93;
  • 26-28: 1.81 to 1.85;
  • 29-31: 1.76 to 1.80;
  • 32-34: 1.7 to 1.76;
  • 35-37: 1.66 to 1.7;
  • 38-41: 1.67 to 1.71.

Parameter Norms LMS in the fetal aorta:

  • 16-19 weeks: from 6.06 to 6.76;
  • 20-22: 5.38 to 6.2;
  • 23-25: 4.86 to 5.24.

Deciphering USDG terms

In total, there are three terms used in the ultrasound study. Their decoding is as follows:

  1. Systolic-diatolic ratio (LMS or S / D). This is the maximum blood flow velocity per systole divided by the end diastolic blood flow velocity.
  2. Resistance index (IR). This is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood flow rates divided by the maximum rate.
  3. Pulsation index (PI). This is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood flow rates divided by the average blood flow rate over a full cycle of the heart.

Doppler and CTG during pregnancy (video)

Pathologies detected by ultrasound

Ultrasound of the vessels of the fetus and placenta easily detects preeclampsia. With this pathology, the study initially demonstrates an increase (relative to the norm) in the parameters of IR and LMS in the uterine arteries. But then exactly the same increase relative to the norm is observed in the arteries of the umbilical cord.

With such pathologies as gestation of the fetus, the conflict of Rh factors and diabetes mellitus in a woman, the examination shows an increase in IR and LMS in the umbilical arteries. Sometimes an increase is observed in the fetal aorta.

With uneven development of the fetus (if we are talking O multiple pregnancy) the examination shows an increase in the parameters of IR and LMS in the arteries of the umbilical cord of the fetus. Moreover, this increase is observed in the baby that develops with deviations.

The situation is much worse if one of the fetuses develops worse, but the indicators of IR and LMS in babies are identical. Then we are talking about a transfusion syndrome that requires urgent treatment.

Discussing what fetal Doppler is, this is a type of ultrasound examination. It is aimed at assessing the circulation of the mother, baby and placenta. It helps to find out if the child has enough oxygen and if there is a vascular pathology. This diagnosis is carried out after the end of the formation of the placenta. She finishes forming at 18 weeks.

What is an ultrasound scan

A woman, while carrying a child, goes through a huge number of different ones. They are carried out in order to initial stage to identify diseases of the child, as well as complications that may lead to problematic childbirth. The list of such examinations includes dopplerography.

Considering what ultrasound is during pregnancy, it can be noted that this is an ultrasound examination that helps to assess blood circulation in the organs of the child. It helps to determine the state of the fetus.

Also, this procedure helps to see the blood circulation in the arteries of the uterus. Doppler ultrasound is very important for pregnant women with blood clotting problems.

Since dopplerography during pregnancy is carried out in conjunction with, many ultrasound machines have additional function dopplerography.

talking plain language What is dopplerography - this is the only way to examine the blood vessels of a pregnant woman and her baby today.

When and why to do dopplerography during pregnancy

Dopplerography is prescribed to detect intrauterine oxygen deficiency, which causes disturbances in the development of the fetus. Thanks to her, it is possible to identify heart disease in a baby at an early stage.

Doppler examination of the fetus is assigned to all mothers for 32 weeks.

If there are complications, then the procedure can be prescribed for 22 weeks.

Examination is carried out in the same way as ultrasound.

As in the case of an ultrasound examination, the woman is in a prone position, and the doctor leads a special sensor over her stomach.

No special preparation is required before the procedure. There is no need to drink plenty of fluids or follow a special diet.

All this does not affect the result. The only thing that can affect the performance is smoking. Therefore, a couple of hours before the examination, you should refrain.

The duration of the procedure is about half an hour. At the same time, the woman does not experience any unpleasant sensations. Results can be obtained immediately after the study.

During the examination, a picture is displayed on the monitor where the shades of red reflect the blood flow directed to the sensor, and blue flowers- From him. How brighter color, the faster the blood flow.

What the study shows

Doppler ultrasound for pregnant women helps to determine the condition of the baby's heart. It makes it possible to see the operation of the valves, the structure of the vessels.

In the mother, you can follow the work of the circulatory system, as well as the heart and kidneys.

Based on the data obtained, doctors draw conclusions about the patency of the vessels, the saturation of the tissues of the child with nutrients, the condition of the umbilical cord.

Indications for mandatory research during pregnancy

Often, this study is prescribed for twin pregnancy, unsatisfactory results.

Doppler ultrasound may also be prescribed if there were violations in previous pregnancies.

In addition, the indications for the procedure include:

  • dropsy;
  • chronic;
  • a pregnant woman under 20 years old or;
  • various ;
  • abdominal trauma during pregnancy;

Also, a woman who continues to smoke, drink alcohol and drugs during pregnancy is assigned to mandatory dopplerography.

If the pregnancy proceeds without problems, then the doctor may not insist on Doppler ultrasound.

How is UZDG deciphered during pregnancy

Dopplerometry for pregnant women considers not only the blood flow from the mother to the fetus, but also its movement through the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord, as well as through the arteries of the child.

The monitor shows changes in blood flow velocity. On a graph that has two or three phases, you can see the speed during the contraction of the heart. It is called systolic velocity.

You can also observe the blood circulation at rest. This speed is called diastolic.

According to the data obtained, quantitative changes in the fetal parameters and changes in the curves that are observed when pathology appears are assessed.

Each vessel of an infant at a certain time must have characteristic appearance. Any deformation of the curve indicates the presence of a violation.

Blood flow assessment

It is evaluated according to various indicators, these are:

  1. Resistance index. During it, the minimum and maximum speed is taken, and the difference between the indicators is calculated. IN further result divided by the maximum speed.
  2. Diastolic and systolic ratio. Here they look at the ratio of blood flow in two phases - diastole and systole.
  3. Ripple index. In this case, the difference between the maximum and minimum speed is divided by the average.

The results of the studies are compared with the table of norm indicators. After that, the doctor makes an assessment of the condition of the fetus.

Fetal hypoxia

To determine how pronounced fetal hypoxia, Doppler norms are compared with the results of examinations.

If the umbilical cord is higher, then this indicates placental insufficiency.

When LMS and IR are increased in the arteries of the uterus, then most likely the baby does not have enough oxygen. This can lead to delayed fetal development.

If IR and LMS are elevated in the aorta, then the baby is not comfortable.

Usually, the indicators are higher than normal during a post-term pregnancy, and when the expectant mother is sick.

With the available double increased performance in the umbilical cord of one means he gets less necessary elements than a second child. So one child may lag behind in development from another.

An urgent need to sound the alarm if LMS and IR in the dorsal and cerebral artery lowered. This indicates that the fetus is in danger. In this case, only the main organs are supplied with blood.

When such indicators are found, it is applied. If it is not carried out, the child may die.

Does the procedure harm the baby

There is an opinion among expectant mothers that ultrasound harms the baby.

Many argue that each procedure is stressful for an unborn child. Therefore, pregnant women try to do as little research as possible. But this opinion is erroneous, since ultrasound and dopplerography do not pose a danger to the health of the expectant mother and her child.

The procedure takes a small amount of time, ultrasound does not cause significant harm to health. And the results could save a baby's life.

If a fetal circulatory failure is detected in time, this will help eliminate the problem. Accept necessary measures for the preservation of pregnancy and the safe birth of a full-fledged child.

Video: dopplerography during pregnancy

To be sure of the health of the unborn baby, a pregnant woman undergoes many examinations from the moment of registration in antenatal clinic and before childbirth. It is recommended that in each trimester it is mandatory to take a general blood test, a general urinalysis, biochemical analysis blood. Once at a period of 10-14 weeks, blood is taken from a pregnant woman to determine the likelihood of Down syndrome in a baby, and about 20 weeks - to determine the level of antibodies to infections (herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, toxoplasma). If any abnormalities are found, the tests will have to be repeated after the course of treatment.

On recent weeks expectations special procedures allow you to assess the condition of the baby - whether he receives enough oxygen, whether he is stunted in growth, whether there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord around the child's neck. For this purpose, ultrasound, fetal dopplerography and cardiotocography are used.

Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy

Doppler ultrasound (USDG) is an ultrasound that allows you to assess the level of blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system. Based on the results, pregnancy complications are established or predicted - feto placental insufficiency, preeclampsia, preeclampsia and others.

How does dopplerography work?

In the middle of the 19th century, the physicist Doppler discovered that a sound wave is reflected from moving objects differently than from stationary ones. More than 100 years later, such an important discovery was applied in medicine, when the ability to perform Doppler sonography was added to the first ultrasound machines. Blood is a heterogeneous liquid, but a mixture of plasma and cells. These cells are constantly moving at high speed through the vessels, which means that the Doppler effect is applicable to them. The examination shows the presence of blood flow in a particular vessel, its direction and intensity, determines the diameter of an artery or vein.

The use of ultrasound in obstetrics allows you to judge the uteroplacental blood flow and the work of the umbilical cord, namely:

  • right and left uterine arteries,
  • vessels of the umbilical cord of the fetus - two arteries and a vein,
  • fetal middle cerebral artery.

What parameters are determined by ultrasound?

To reliably assess the state of uteroplacental blood flow, the following digital parameters are used:

  • resistance index - an indicator that allows you to judge the diameter of blood vessels,
  • systolic-diastolic ratio - a coefficient that reflects the uteroplacental blood supply and the state of the umbilical artery in various phases of the heartbeat (contraction and relaxation),
  • pulsation index is a special parameter for assessing the elasticity of the vascular wall of the umbilical arteries.

The norms of these indicators are presented in special diagnostic tables in accordance with the weeks of gestation.

Thus, ultrasound allows for early stages detect deviations in the blood supply of the child and choose the optimal treatment for the pregnant woman so that the baby is born healthy.

The interpretation of the results is performed by the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics - his opinion is reflected in the conclusion of the examination protocol. More detailed comments about the condition of the baby will be given by the observing gynecologist.

What Can Be Detected With Doppler Ultrasound?

In a state of nutritional deficiency, the study shows the centralization of blood flow - the redistribution of circulating blood to vital organs. In this case, the issue of conservative treatment or delivery, depending on the duration of pregnancy and the significance of violations.

Normal blood flow (left); violation of blood flow in the placenta (right)

Allocate violations of the utero-placental-fetal blood flow III degrees:

  • IA: decrease in uterine placental circulation with normal placental-fetal,
  • IB: decrease in placental-fetal blood flow with a sufficient level of uteroplacental blood flow.
  • II: moderate violation of the uteroplacental and placental-fetal blood supply.
  • III: a pronounced decrease in fetal blood flow, regardless of the level of the uteroplacental.

Uteroplacental blood flow is assessed by the state of the uterine arteries, and placental-fetal blood flow is assessed by the vessels of the umbilical cord.

The degree of deviation from the norm directly affects the presence of such pathologies in the baby as delay syndrome prenatal development, chronic hypoxia, and after birth - perinatal lesion of the central nervous system. Often there is such an anomaly as the only artery of the umbilical cord. The diagnostic accuracy is 70-80%.

These deviations are very severe and may require treatment of a newborn child in the intensive care unit, and then a long rehabilitation due to the vulnerability of the brain to a lack of oxygen.

At what stage of pregnancy do ultrasound?

It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of uteroplacental blood flow from 16-20 weeks of gestation, when the placenta is normally already fully formed. The examination is included in the screening program in the third trimester of pregnancy - at 30-34 weeks. Sometimes the attending obstetrician-gynecologist recommends that you undergo the procedure earlier - simultaneously with the second screening ultrasound at 20-24 weeks.

fetal ultrasound

As you know, the first ultrasound is done at 10-14 weeks. At this time, the placenta has not yet fully formed, which means that it is impossible to adequately assess the blood supply. At such an early stage, they study how many embryos are fixed in the uterine cavity, the size of the fetal egg, the presence of gross malformations and indirect signs chromosomal abnormalities. For the first time, the expectant mother will be able to hear the heartbeat of her future son or daughter, it appears from about 6 weeks.

Ultrasound of the second trimester is more informative. The fetus has reached sufficient size - you can examine it internal organs, make the necessary measurements, assess the blood supply and condition of the placenta, the amount amniotic fluid. Some parents already at this ultrasound are told the gender of the unborn baby. The arteries of the umbilical cord are clearly visible - not only their width and blood circulation, but also the location of the loops (the presence of entanglement). The doctor will also approximately determine how much the baby weighs.

The examination is completely painless and looks exactly like a regular ultrasound. The doctor will only change the sensor to a Doppler, apply a special gel to the skin and examine the vessels. In this case, the mother will hear the sound of the baby's heartbeat. Deciphering the results by a specialist will take a few minutes. If deviations from the norm are found, the doctor recommends necessary treatment at home, in a day hospital or in the pregnancy pathology department.

Indications for dopplerography in complicated pregnancy:

  • pronounced preeclampsia - increased blood pressure, edema, excess protein in general analysis urine;

doctor measures arterial pressure pregnant

  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • deviations in the blood coagulation system;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • prolongation of pregnancy;
  • lack or excess of amniotic fluid;
  • pregnancy with twins or triplets;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the mother;
  • any placental pathology;
  • complicated course of previous pregnancies;
  • the only artery of the umbilical cord;
  • unsatisfactory results of cardiotocography (low heart rate or insufficient fetal motor activity).

Is the study safe?

Gynecologist explaining to a pregnant woman the need for Doppler ultrasound

For a long time, ultrasound was considered absolutely safe for mother and child - it does not cause an increase in any diseases or changes in condition, it does not even require a skin puncture, there is no risk of infection. However, in last years publications appeared that the use of ultrasound causes local heating of tissues, and the use of technology began to be treated with restraint. However, there is no evidence that Doppler ultrasound is harmful. The need for any intervention, including ultrasound, is always evaluated in terms of the balance of benefits and possible harm.

Therefore, you should not go through the procedure only “for the sake of interest” - if necessary, the specialist will definitely prescribe it.

Dopplerography during pregnancy is a highly informative study, the results of which make it possible to assess the condition of the baby in the womb, predict probable problems during childbearing and childbirth, and also start treatment in a timely manner if necessary.

Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics is practically the only most reliable and safe method research that helps the doctor evaluate the development and condition of the fetus in the womb. With the development of technology in medicine come more and more new methods. Dopplerography can be considered one of them, although its use began about 25-30 years ago, but it has become actively used by doctors in obstetrics relatively recently.

Which is used during usually ultrasound in order to assess the state of blood flow in the vessels of various organs and tissues. It is based on the Doppler effect. It can identify the displacement of blood particles, measure the speed of blood flow in the vessels and evaluate various specially designed blood flow indices.


There are two main types of Doppler sonography. The first is color mapping., when moving blood particles in the vessels on the screen of the device are painted in different colors depending on the direction and speed of blood flow. When the particles are directed towards the sensor, the vessel is painted in shades of red, when the blood moves in the direction opposite to the sensor - in various shades blue. The higher the speed, the brighter the color. With the help of color doppler, the vascularization of organs, pathological formations is assessed, small vessels are searched, and arteries and veins are differentiated.

The second type is spectral or impulse dopplerography.. With the help of it, the blood flow is recorded in the form of a curve graph, and then various mathematical calculations are carried out with it.
In addition, depending on the number of simultaneously applied modes, duplex and triplex Doppler ultrasonic scanning are distinguished.

Dopplerography. Spectral Doppler of the common carotid artery

Duplex scanning combines two modes: conventional gray scale ultrasound and one of the Doppler modes, which simultaneously show the image in real time. Thus, visualization of organs and vessels is obtained with simultaneous receipt of information from color or spectral Dopplerography.

When triplex scanning, in addition to the gray-scale image, two Doppler modes (color and pulse) are simultaneously enabled.

In obstetrics, when assessing the condition of the fetus, as a rule, duplex scanning is used.

When is it prescribed for pregnant women?

In the III trimester of pregnancy, dopplerography is performed for all pregnant women during screening 3 in addition to. For some women, dopplerography is indicated already in the second trimester of pregnancy, since during this period it is still impossible to assess the well-being of the fetus by any other methods.

Indications for conducting an ultrasound scan for the fetus may be accompanying illnesses or certain conditions of the mother: arterial hypertension, threatened miscarriage, or premature birth, anemia high degree, large uterine fibroids, infection of the genital area, respiratory and heart failure.

Indications for Doppler sonography can still be changes detected in the placenta: changes in the structure of the placenta detected by ultrasound, discrepancy between the thickness or degree of maturity of the placenta and the gestational age, placental presentation.

In addition, dopplerography is indicated if there are signs of any abnormalities in the development of the fetus itself: IUGR or vice versa large fruit, Rhesus conflict, ultrasonic signs infections in the fetus, signs of hypoxia or heart failure, congenital heart defects, great vessels, kidneys, 2 or more loops of the umbilical cord around the neck.

There are no contraindications to Doppler ultrasound in pregnant women.

Why conduct such a survey?

Dopplerography (USDG) is used to significantly improve the quality of diagnosis and assess the severity of disorders functional state at the fetus. With the help of ultrasound, you can quickly and safely assess the condition of the fetus. After Doppler ultrasound, the doctor can more reasonably determine the further tactics of pregnancy, as well as resolve questions about best timing and method of delivery, if there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus.


Dopplerography of the fetus does not require any special preparation of a pregnant woman.

It is only worth noting that the examination of fetal blood flow should be carried out during the period of fetal rest, with a rhythmic and normal heart rate corresponding to its gestational age. Respiratory movements, movements of the body and limbs of the child are the reason for the registration of an unstable blood flow schedule in the vessel under study, according to which it is impossible to correctly calculate the speed parameters.

After the mother eats, the fetus, as a rule, becomes more active, so it is recommended that Doppler ultrasound be performed a couple of hours after eating.

How does it go

The study of fetal blood flow is carried out in the same way as a conventional gray scale ultrasound. Most often, these two types of research are performed simultaneously.

The woman should free her stomach from clothes and lie down on the couch. It is advisable to lie straight on your back, but if it is difficult for a pregnant woman to stay in this position for a long time or the fetus is in some kind of atypical position, it is allowed to lie on its side. The doctor applies the gel to the area of ​​the uterus and applies an ultrasound probe to the pregnant woman's abdomen at various points in search of the main vessels needed to study.

With each Doppler study, the state of both uterine arteries, umbilical cord artery, fetal middle cerebral artery. According to the indications, a study of the venous duct, thoracic aorta, renal arteries, umbilical cord vein, inferior vena cava, intracardiac blood flow of the fetus can be performed.

The doctor displays the necessary vessel on the screen first in gray color, then turns on one of the Doppler modes, registers and studies the necessary blood flow parameters, and then enters them into the study protocol.

The holding time is slightly longer than holding without it and depends on the position and motor activity fetus. The calmer the child behaves, the faster and easier it is for the doctor to register his blood flow.

What can show?

Oxygen deficiency of the fetus can occur as a result of deviations in the transport of oxygen to the tissues of the fetus at its various stages:

  1. with maternal hypoxia;
  2. with placental insufficiency;
  3. with changes in the umbilical cord;
  4. with fetal diseases.

Ultrasound, as a research method, can give the doctor great and valuable information about how the baby feels in the womb. The doctor compares the indicators obtained during the study with normative tables and draws a conclusion about the condition of the fetus, about the level at which violations occur and what they can lead to.

At 11-14 weeks of gestation, a change in blood flow in the venous duct often serves as a marker of chromosomal diseases or fetal heart defects, which can lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes.

In the II and III trimesters, an increase in the values ​​of peripheral resistance indices (IR, PI) or the ratio of blood flow velocity in systole to diastole (SDO) in the arteries of the woman's uterus indicates a violation of the uteroplacental blood supply.

The values ​​of LMS or IR of the umbilical arteries are higher than normal, as well as the detection of a blood flow spectrum with zero or negative values speeds indicate a violation of the fetal-placental blood flow.
Evaluation of blood flow in the middle cerebral artery of the fetus allows you to identify violations cerebral circulation at the fetus.

Where to go with the results?

Having received a doctor's opinion, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, in whom she is observed about this pregnancy. He, in conjunction with other studies, will conduct a general assessment of the condition of the fetus, and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary treatment or further observation.


Dopplerography is a valuable and non-invasive method for examining pregnant women. It allows you to receive important diagnostic information in the complicated course of pregnancy and thus prevent or start treatment of the developing pathological condition of the fetus in time.