CTG in childbirth decoding. Deciphering the results of kgt. Features of CTG during childbirth

Cardiotocography is a method of prenatal diagnosis of the fetal condition. The procedure is widespread due to the simplicity of the study, safety for the mother and the unborn child, as well as information content.

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • little or polyhydramnios;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetal cardiovascular system;
  • premature maturation of the placenta or the threat of premature birth.

If the suspicions of this or that deviation are confirmed, this enables the doctor to determine in a timely manner the need for therapeutic measures, to adjust the tactics of managing the pregnant woman.

Watch the video where the obstetrician-gynecologist answers the most common questions:

  • ktg what is it during pregnancy;
  • why do CTG during pregnancy;
  • from what week of pregnancy do CTG.

Study preparation

With proper preparation for the study, you can count on the most accurate result and the speed of the procedure itself.

You can reduce the time spent on cardiotocography if you eat before the study. It is good if fast carbohydrates predominate in the snack, which increase the level of glucose in the blood. For example, ice cream or sweet tea with a bun. Elevated glucose levels will wake up the baby, make him move more actively.

A good solution would be a short walk in the fresh air, because during the study you will have to sit still or lie down for a long time. It is for this reason that you should visit the toilet before starting the procedure.

Nervous tension and stress can negatively affect the results of the study. Try not to be nervous, if necessary, during and breathe in a calm rhythm.

How is fetal CTG done during pregnancy

There are several stages of the procedure:

  1. First, the doctor, using a stethoscope (a special tube, one part of which the doctor inserts into his ears and the other is applied to the mother's stomach), determines the point at which the fetal heartbeat is heard best.
  2. Then an ultrasonic transducer with Doppler function is installed. This sensor is installed at the point of best listening to the fetal heartbeats and is fixed to the mother's stomach.
  3. After that, a strain gauge is installed. This sensor is installed in the fundus of the uterus (that is, in the upper abdomen of a woman), where uterine contractions are best determined.

In some cases, a woman may be given a special device with a button in her hand, which she will have to press at the moment when she feels the movements of the fetus. At the same time, other devices record motion data automatically. After all preparations are completed, recording and registration of CTG begins.

The received data is recorded on special paper, which is pulled out of the machine at a very slow speed. At the same time, 2 curved lines can be seen on it.

The upper line characterizes the heart rate (heart rate) of the fetus, and the lower line (tokogram) - the contractile activity of the uterus. After a certain time, characteristic curves are formed on this paper, which the doctor examines when assessing the condition of the fetus.

How long do CTG during pregnancy

The duration of the procedure is on average 30-40 minutes. However, in some cases, the study may end in 10-15 minutes, or vice versa, last more than an hour.

The fetus moves intensively only during the wakefulness phase, and during sleep it is relatively motionless, so it will not be possible to register “normal” cardiotocography. Under normal conditions, the child's sleep cycle lasts about 30 - 40 minutes, as a result of which, during a half-hour study, he will have to wake up for at least a few minutes and start moving.

If characteristic changes are registered on the cardiotocogram, the study can no longer be continued.

Also, the study can be completed earlier if immediately after its start the child is actively moving. At the same time, if the child is inactive or sleeping during the beginning of the procedure, its duration can reach 60 minutes or more.

When and from what week do CTG

Pregnant women are concerned about the question at what gestational age the first CTG is done. As a rule, it is prescribed from the 28th week of pregnancy. If there is a suspicion of a critical situation with the fetus, it is possible to conduct a study earlier, but in these cases the device will only record the fetal heartbeat itself.

It is still impossible to assess how the baby reacts to uterine contractions, how the nature of the heartbeat changes depending on the fetal movements themselves and some other factors. So 28 weeks.

The price for the procedure varies:

  • in Moscow the price can be from 1400 to 2000 rubles.;
  • in the regions - from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Today, most studies are carried out free of charge as part of the CHI program, it is necessary to clarify this information in the antenatal clinic.

CTG score in points

The gynecologist should decipher the results of the study, but if you have any doubts and questions, you can refer to this table to find out the approximate norms.

In addition, you need to understand that the indicators cannot be the reason for making any diagnosis, because this is only additional information about the condition of the fetus, and it is necessary to take into account the results of other tests and research methods.
