How does it feel to have an early miscarriage? Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Spontaneous abortion or menstruation

The sad statistics says that every fifth pregnancy for up to 20 weeks ends in a spontaneous miscarriage. Of course, for every woman, this becomes a serious blow to health and mental state. In order to quickly make up for the loss, many are in a hurry to start trying to conceive a baby again. However, this is fundamentally wrong. If in the future you want to reduce the risk of miscarriage to a minimum, you should contact the specialists, pass the necessary tests and identify the cause of miscarriage.

genetic predisposition

For up to 6 weeks, the main cause of miscarriage is genetic failures, which are hereditary. The fact is that in the first trimester all the main organs of the fetus and the most important systems are laid, and if a chromosomal mutation occurs at this time (a change in the structure of the chromosomes of the parents), the uterus will simply reject the weak, non-viable fetus.

Most often, these violations are accidental, there is a kind of failure in the functioning of the well-established body system, and subsequent pregnancies proceed normally. Even seemingly not so significant external factors, including a common cold, the influence of a virus, and bad habits, can influence the course of events.

Hormonal disorders

Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage at a period of 6-12 weeks often occur due to endocrine system disorders.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a powerful hormonal restructuring, some glands begin to produce more hormones necessary for them, while others lose their activity for a while. An imbalance of thyroid hormones, a lack of progesterone, or an excess of androgens and adrenal hormones can be a big obstacle to conceiving a baby, but if pregnancy does occur, without the necessary therapeutic support, the likelihood of a miscarriage is very high.

Progesterone is a specific hormone that is first produced by the corpus luteum, and after the second trimester by the placenta, throughout gestation, its level should steadily increase, and decrease only before the very birth. Already in the first weeks, progesterone deficiency can lead to rejection of the fetal egg and miscarriage.

To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to regularly take an analysis for hormones and, if it is deficient, replenish it with the help of synthetic analogues (Utrozhestan, Dufaston). The specialist prescribes the appropriate hormone therapy if the woman already has a miscarriage in the anamnesis at an early stage.

Weak immunity

Weak immunity and low resistance of a woman's body to viruses and infections significantly increases the risk of spontaneous abortion at any time.

Pregnancy is a period when the protective barriers of the expectant mother weaken, she becomes more susceptible to colds and viral diseases, which cannot but affect the normal development of the child. What factors can influence this?

  • In connection with the restructuring of the hormonal background, a woman feels weakness, nausea, dizziness and general malaise.
  • If before conception you loved to treat yourself to chips and soda, alcohol, had bad habits, then it is not surprising that problems may arise during the gestation period.
  • Bad mood, stress, large amounts of work, constant worries about the health of the crumbs also undermine the immune system.
  • Violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which affect the general condition.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of hiking and fresh air.
  • and micronutrients.
  • negative environmental situation.

To maintain immunity, expectant mothers are recommended:

sexually transmitted infections

Some women are not even aware of the presence of dangerous sexually transmitted infections in their bodies, because some of them are almost asymptomatic, and these are chlamydia, herpes of the second type, gonorrhea, vaginosis, thrush.

Eliminating the disease during the gestation period is quite difficult, because most drugs can do even more harm, so treatment is often started after 12 or even 22 weeks of pregnancy. Until that time, the pathogen is already affecting the health of the mother and fetus, which is why it is so important to follow preventive measures and undergo an examination even during the planning of the baby.

Consequences of infection with sexually transmitted infections:

Inflammatory processes

Any ailments associated with signs of intoxication of the body (significant fever, chills) are dangerous for the mother and fetus and can cause miscarriage, especially in the first trimester. The leading positions in this list are occupied by chickenpox, rubella, influenza, tonsillitis, appendicitis, with complications, the spread of infection inevitably causes rejection of the embryo, which is why a full examination should be completed even during the planning period.

Inflammation in the genital area can lead to infection of the fetus and the formation of various malformations at an early stage, intrauterine growth retardation - at a later stage.

In childbirth, problems also often arise - premature outflow of water, weak labor activity, polyhydramnios.

Previous abortions

Medical and surgical abortion is a biological trauma for the female body, moreover, the gestational age does not matter here.

Consider the main consequences and complications of the abortive method of getting rid of unwanted:

Herbs and medicines

During the period of bearing a baby, expectant mothers feel that the body's resistance to infections and viruses is noticeably reduced. Since many medications are strictly prohibited at this time, women are trying to strengthen their immunity with the help of folk recipes - teas and infusions from natural herbs. But this is a big mistake, because taking some of them can cause miscarriage or premature birth, affect the nervous system and fetal development.

In the first trimester, it is better to avoid herbal treatment altogether, if there is an urgent need for it, take small doses. Even a seemingly harmless parsley plant acts on the muscles of the uterus, as a result of which it contracts, an undesirable tone occurs. Wormwood and sage cause bleeding and negatively affect the psyche.

There are not so many herbs and plants that are indicated during pregnancy. Treatment with infusion of birch buds is allowed, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and replenishes the volume of fluid in the body, which is indispensable for toxicosis.

Valerian root and motherwort herb are one of the safest sedatives that will soothe and help during a hormonal surge.

As for medications, you need to consider the situation as a whole and always consult with your doctor before taking them. Here are some remedies that are acceptable during the period of bearing a child:

Nerves and stress

Sometimes a pregnant woman does not even pay attention to the fact that she is in a state of constant stress. Signs of stress can be: apathy, dizziness, irritability, lack of appetite, decreased immunity.

To avoid the terrible consequences of an unstable psycho-emotional state, her relatives and the attending physician must follow the simple rules:

  • Set yourself up only for a positive outcome of events, learn to control bad, terrible thoughts, this is just a figment of your imagination. If you can’t get distracted, be sure to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.
  • Don't keep everything to yourself. Share experiences with loved ones.
  • Regularly walk in the air and ventilate the rooms.
  • Relax more, find a hobby or activity that brings pleasure and relaxation.

A desired pregnancy is a joy, the meaning of life. But not all pregnancies end positively. In some situations, it happens that the body rejects a new life, usually this happens in the first weeks of pregnancy, that is, an interruption occurs in the early stages.

If you look at the statistics, then a miscarriage occurs in about 20% of women, some of them do not even suspect that they are pregnant. From a medical point of view, a miscarriage is a natural termination of pregnancy that occurs no later than 22 weeks.

According to the dynamics, there are early and late:

  • started abortion;
  • complete or incomplete;
  • threatening;
  • undeveloped pregnancy.

There are critical periods during pregnancy when gestation is at risk. The most vulnerable is the first trimester , because the fetus is still developing:

How interruption happens

As mentioned above, many women do not even assume that they are pregnant, and nothing bothers them at all. Waiting for the onset of menstruation, the girl simply notices that she has a delay, and after that, menstruation begins, but they go more plentifully and with pain.

In some cases, a miscarriage is characterized only by pain in the lower abdomen, as well as profuse bleeding, but a woman does not turn to a specialist if it ends quickly.

If, with a delay, menstruation still comes, then they pass very painfully, and one day a blood clot comes out . In this case, you can definitely say that a miscarriage has occurred. If you look at the clot, it will look like a burst bubble. This phenomenon scares many women. After its release, you need to get a consultation from a gynecologist, because you may need cleaning. After that, it is better not to get pregnant for a while, it will also be useful to know how to survive an early miscarriage.

Sometimes a woman faces this problem several times in a row (two or more). Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage. The main reasons include the following factors:

Medical reasons or health problems for women:

Signs of an early miscarriage

There are several main points when abortion does not occur at once. In some cases, it can be stopped. How to prevent the threat of miscarriage in the early stages will be described below.

So, the first symptoms of the manifestation of interruption can be any pain that is accompanied by red or brown discharge. That is why you should not miss planned visits to the doctor and tests.

The main stages of a miscarriage:

  • The risk of spontaneous abortion - this can happen at any time, which is why very often women have to lie on conservation. It is characterized by pain in the abdomen and back, as well as bleeding.
  • The second stage is the most serious - the miscarriage that has begun. At this time, the fetal egg exfoliates from the walls of the uterus. Doctors believe that at this stage it is possible to save the pregnancy by surgery.
  • If the miscarriage is already on the move, then it will not be possible to save the fetus. The fertilized egg immediately dies, and the cervix is ​​​​open - this is called an incomplete miscarriage. Definitely needs cleaning.
  • Spontaneous abortion is the last stage, and nothing can be done. Uterine contraction causes miscarriage.

Follow-up treatment

In order to avoid any consequences, it is very important to follow the requirements of the doctor:

  • carefully monitor the discharge from the genital tract, in case of changes, urgently go for a consultation;
  • measure body temperature: if it rises, this may mean inflammation in the body;
  • wash the genitals with antiseptic solutions twice a day.

To adjust the hormonal background, a specialist may prescribe medications: COC (Lindinet, Logest). Birth control pills are the prevention of re-pregnancy. Doctors can also prescribe Cifran as an anti-inflammatory agent.

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According to experts, about 20-30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Often this happens in the first weeks after conception - before the woman learns about her condition. Since many people blame themselves for the misfortune, it is important to know why early miscarriages occur and how to reduce the risks of spontaneous abortion. Knowing the symptoms of an unfavorable situation will allow you to call a medical team in a timely manner. And the help provided by professionals can change the situation for the better, giving the embryo developing in the body a chance for salvation and further life.

Why miscarriage occurs - causes and consequences

A woman who has experienced a miscarriage should know that what happened does not put an end to the issue of having children for her. "In 80% of cases, subsequent pregnancies go well and end in delivery," says Henry Lerner, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard Medical School. In the vast majority of situations, the causes of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages are unknown and are an isolated case in the gynecological history of a woman. If a spontaneous abortion is repeated for the second and third time, it is extremely important to look for the cause of the pathology in order to find out why a miscarriage occurs and how to protect yourself from it.

For the threat of miscarriage, the reasons can be very diverse. Experts report that in 80% of cases, a miscarriage occurs in up to 12 weeks. At the same time, the highest risk of an unfavorable combination of circumstances falls on the period from 4 to 6 weeks. Once your baby's beating heart can be seen on an ultrasound, the risk of spontaneous pregnancy drops every day.

Why miscarriage occurs in the early stages, explain the largest clinical institutions in the world. According to media reports:

  • Duke University staff in North Carolina, they claim that a random error in the chromosomes is the cause of 70% of miscarriages that occur before 6 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Scholars of the School of Medicine on Mount Sinai they are sure that the main reason for the threat of miscarriage lies in the age of the mother and father. In women under 35 there is a 25% risk of miscarriage during the first six weeks, and in women after 40 it rises to 42%.
  • Mayo Clinic Researchers in Rochester report that up to 55% of miscarriages before 12 weeks of gestation are caused by mutations that form a gestational sac without an embryo.

In the medical literature, researchers identify several of the most common causes of miscarriage:

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities. According to scientists, this is the most common cause, causing up to 60% of miscarriages. Chromosomes are the tiny structures in cells that carry genes. Each person has 23 pairs - one set from the mother, the second from the father. Sometimes, when a sperm cell meets an egg, a failure occurs, as a result of which the chromosomes cannot line up as expected by nature, which can lead to a miscarriage, since the embryo in this case has chromosomal abnormalities. Couples who have experienced a miscarriage several times are required to undergo an examination to identify chromosomal abnormalities that can negatively affect pregnancy. Experts advise women to be patient if one miscarriage occurs. When the situation repeats, laboratory analysis is necessary - chromosomal testing. If chromosomes are not a criterion for why a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, doctors begin to look for other causes that can be cured.
  2. Anomalies of the uterus. An incorrect or disharmonious structure of the uterus can cause a miscarriage. This is explained by the fact that the embryo either cannot implant in the uterus, or does not receive adequate nutrition to sustain life. This type of anomaly explains up to 10% of situations in which searches are being made for why miscarriage occurs in the early stages and what explains spontaneous abortion. Most often, a septum in the uterus or a weakened cervix that is unable to withstand a growing embryo contributes to an unfavorable course of pregnancy. In the presence of such a pathology, the uterine septum is corrected surgically, a suture is applied to the weakened cervix. And in addition to these factors, a woman after conception is recommended bed rest or hospitalization so that most of the time she is in a calm and relaxed state, contributing to the normal course of pregnancy. If the risk of developing a negative condition is too great, the woman is placed in a hospital, where she is monitored around the clock.
  3. Immunological disorders. In the normal course of pregnancy, the embryo is not perceived by the female body as a foreign agent. However, there are situations when a woman's body recognizes a stranger in him, producing specific antibodies that try to destroy him.
  4. Causes of early miscarriage lie in such adverse conditions as hypo- and hyperthyroidism and uncontrolled diabetes. Both diseases cause adverse changes in the uterine environment, creating difficulties for the normal functioning of the embryo. With a history of these diseases, a woman should change her habitual lifestyle and follow the recommendations of doctors in order to keep her condition under control. As for the state of the thyroid gland, specialized medications are used to normalize the hormonal background.
  5. Another explanation Why early miscarriage occurs lies in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with this syndrome have high levels of the male hormone testosterone, which among other things causes irregular ovulation and throws off the established menstrual cycle. Polycystic ovary syndrome causes insulin resistance even in women who do not have diabetes. This creates difficulties in the normal maturation of the endometrium. According to medical estimates, in more than 5% of women, this reason explains why a miscarriage occurs and what should be considered when planning the next pregnancy. Oral anti-diabetic drugs such as metformin are used as therapy for the negative condition.
  6. Bacterial infections. Why a miscarriage occurs with the appearance of pathogenic bacteria in the body, doctors explain to women even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Many microorganisms live on the male and female genital organs without causing tangible harm by their presence. But some bacteria can cause problems with normal pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage. Ideally, it is necessary to undergo an examination before conception in order to cure diseases, since the only way to get rid of pathogenic microflora is to use antibiotics and other potent drugs.
  7. In preparation for pregnancy the doctor explains why an early miscarriage occurs if the mother leads an asocial lifestyle or abuses bad habits. Among the factors that negatively affect pregnancy are alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, toxins. We have known about nicotine since childhood, however, over the years, there are no fewer women who smoke. Nicotine crosses the placenta, interfering with the blood supply and development of the fetus. Smokers have twice the risk of miscarriage as non-smokers. Daily use of alcohol and drugs also increase the risk of developing an undesirable scenario. It also increases in women employed in industries where there are strong odors - toxins. These are dental offices, hairdressers and beauty salons, farms, hospital laboratories and other similar places. A woman who does not want to find out after conception why a miscarriage occurs should stop any contact with dangerous factors.

In addition to these factors, risk criteria are age and lack of vitamins in the body. Studies have shown that older women are more likely to experience an early miscarriage, the reasons lie in the deterioration of health, which increases with age, the risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus and genetic defects. There is medical statistics, according to which a young woman at the age of 20-22 has a chance to give birth to a child with developmental disabilities in 1 case out of 800, and after 40 years in 1 case out of 120. Agree, the difference is more than obvious.

As far as vitamins are concerned, it becomes obvious why miscarriage occurs when looking at the situation in detail. Researchers have found that a lack of vitamins D and B increases a woman's risk of miscarriage. But an excess of vitamin A, on the contrary, threatens with complications. It is strictly forbidden to make a decision on the use of vitamin supplements on your own. Recommendations are given by the observing obstetrician gynecologist, who has studied the health of a woman and knows how to build a pregnancy management program.

Also, the causes of the threat of miscarriage in the early stages contain the following conditions among the dangerous factors:

  • Overweight or underweight. Obese women (BMI of 30 or more) have a higher risk of miscarriage. The risk group also includes overly thin women, whose body finds it difficult to cope with the growing load;
  • Large uterine fibroids and other tumors are benign neoplasms, often diagnosed during a gynecological examination of women. Of particular danger are large fibroids or tumors showing tissue growth in response to pregnancy hormones;
  • Certain drugs can cause a threat of miscarriage in the early stages. Each drug, each remedy and dietary supplement should be discussed with a doctor, since many drugs can provoke the development of life-incompatible defects in the embryo;
  • Short time interval between pregnancies. This is not a dogma explaining why a miscarriage occurs in the early stages. But experts believe that getting pregnant again less than six months after a previous successful pregnancy means slightly, but increasing the risk of miscarriage, since the body of a woman who has recently given birth did not rest and did not get the opportunity to restore lost strength.

Whatever it was, but each of the above points is not the ultimate truth. It has been proven that a glass of good wine a couple of times during pregnancy is not harmful. The medicine agreed with the doctor will not cause it either. However, sometimes it is these factors that, when abused, are decisive in the development of the pathological condition of spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

ICI is a common cause of miscarriage at a later date

One of the reasons explaining why miscarriages happen is ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when, due to the fault of the cervix and isthmus opening under the pressure of the growing fetus, a spontaneous abortion occurs. The condition is one of the most common causes of miscarriage in the later stages - from 11 to 27 weeks of pregnancy.

The cause of this condition is previous manipulations with the uterus - a history of abortion, childbirth, curettage. These manipulations negatively affect the state of the muscle ring. If scar tissue has formed in areas whose structure was damaged earlier, they become inelastic, incapable of stretching and subsequent contraction.

However, the causes of the manifestation of ICI are not necessarily the physical nature of education. We can also talk about the hormonal basis of the pathology, when, after the rise in testosterone levels and the fall in progesterone levels, an abnormal condition develops in the woman's body, causing a miscarriage.

The first signs of a miscarriage - symptoms and signs

Some bleeding during implantation of the embryo into the uterine lining is normal. During this period, implantation bleeding may develop, as a result of which slight bloody strokes or brownish discharge from the vagina will remain on the linen. According to the American Pregnancy Association, bleeding does not always signal the first signs of a miscarriage - 20-30% of all pregnancies have some bleeding in the initial stages, and about half of these situations do not prevent a normal full-term pregnancy. If the cervix opens during bleeding, this is a dangerous condition during which spontaneous abortion can occur. The following signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages should alert:

  • Dark brown or bright scarlet blood from the vagina, with convulsions;
  • heavy bleeding with or without spasms;
  • Bleeding that will contain dense clots and pieces of internal tissues;
  • Sudden onset of bleeding with increasing intensity of blood loss.

If these signs of a threatened miscarriage are observed, you should immediately contact your doctor or call an emergency medical team.

An alarming factor is spasms. In connection with the implantation of the embryo, minor convulsions can be observed at an earlier date. This is a kind of reaction of the body to the changes taking place in the body. Normally, spasms are mild and pass quickly. If the following signs of a threatened miscarriage are observed, the situation is out of control:

  • Seizure intensity increases, from a moderate nature they become heavy and strong, surpassing the spasmodic pain during menstruation in intensity;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and cramps they begin to move into the lumbar region and give off strong discomfort throughout the body;
  • duration of spasms more than 5-10 minutes - a reason to be wary;
  • If spasms are accompanied by heavy bleeding- this may be a sign of an incipient miscarriage, you should immediately see a doctor.

According to doctors, fluid or mucus released from the vagina can also be a cause for concern. Light pink mucus interspersed with a harder mass may be placental tissue. If you have warning symptoms, hurry to see a doctor. Other signs of an early miscarriage include:

  • Unexplained and uncontrolled weight loss;
  • Sudden cessation of pregnancy symptoms (swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, nausea due to strongly pronounced odors, frequent urination, etc. disappear);
  • The ultrasound does not show the heartbeat on the computer monitor, the imaging equipment does not give an idea of ​​the developing life in the womb.

Often, the expectant mother herself feels that something terrible is happening. Even without knowing how an early miscarriage manifests itself, many women accurately determine the pathological condition.

After 20 weeks, the loss of a pregnancy is called a stillbirth. This pathology accounts for 1 child out of 200 successful children. In general, the causes of late miscarriage remain partly unknown, but the most likely factors for them are:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Smoking;
  • Excess weight;
  • Multiple pregnancy and more.

These reasons are similar to those that adversely affect the development of the embryo in early pregnancy.

Why miscarriages happen and what to do after a miscarriage

If a woman has had two or more miscarriages, she is advised to undergo an examination to find the cause. About half of the cases remain unanswered to the question of why a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, but in the other 50% health problems are found, which in some situations can be corrected by well-designed treatment. Most often, these are autoimmune diseases (in which the immune system attacks the embryo, destroying it), thyroid problems, uterine deformities, or other causes.

Abusive parents who wonder why they miscarry can be tested for bleeding disorders (some women produce antibodies that attack their own tissues, causing blood clots to clog the mother's blood vessels that feed the placenta).

To examine the uterus, ultrasound, MRI and CT, hysteroscopy are performed, and the embryo itself can be tested for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities to clarify the causes of spontaneous miscarriage. If any of the causes is confirmed, doctors do everything possible to eliminate the problem of miscarriage from a woman's life.

So, to diagnose a pathological condition and when certain symptoms of a miscarriage appear in the early stages, the doctor uses:

  • Inspection for signs dilatation of the cervix;
  • Ultrasound to check the fetal heartbeat and determining signs of embryo development. If the diagnosis is difficult, it is recommended to undergo a second ultrasound a week after the first one. With the help of ultrasound, you can also get information about the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg develops in the fallopian tube. When performing an ultrasound, the bladder should be full. A woman is advised to drink plenty of water before visiting an ultrasound room. The method varies - the doctor can move the scanning element over the abdomen and use a vaginal probe to insert into the vagina to get better images of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Blood tests - are given when there are signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages. The attending physician checks the level of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), to compare it with previous measurements. If the nature of changes in the level of hCG is noticeable, this is a serious reason to be wary. At the same time, a decrease in the level of hCG in the blood or a stop of the hormone at the same indicators requires special attention.
  • Through blood tests the doctor determines the woman's blood type, if this has not been done before. According to the data obtained, anemia can also be detected - a dangerous condition for a pregnant woman.
  • Tissue research secreted from the vagina, confirming a miscarriage in the laboratory;
  • Chromosomal tests- in the presence of two or more unsuccessful pregnancies in history, both parents are sent to identify chromosomal pathologies.

It is important to remember that most women who have a miscarriage go on to have successful pregnancies. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, even after four consecutive miscarriages, about 65% of women subsequently give birth to a healthy and strong baby, carried throughout the pregnancy. Do not lose sight of the fact that when compiling statistics on why miscarriages occur in early pregnancy, quite a wide segment of the population as a whole is examined. The sample includes women of all ages, with various health problems, and women who did not receive proper prenatal care and qualified assistance when registering with a consultation. A person's risk of having a miscarriage depends on many factors such as age, general health, and previous medical history. It cannot be calculated based on a statistical sample.

Why there may be a miscarriage and what treatment exists

Once the signs of a spontaneous miscarriage have appeared and the miscarriage has begun, there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Any treatment is aimed at preventing severe bleeding and infection. Discuss with your doctor which treatment options are best for you. An individually tailored therapeutic protocol, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient, will allow safe and effective treatment.

We discussed above why miscarriages occur in the early stages, mentioned the causes of miscarriage in the second trimester, and outlined diagnostic procedures to identify a pathological condition. Let's take a closer look at treatment options.

Expectant tactics

Sometimes waiting tactics bring good results. After abnormal changes in the body of a woman, doctors often choose this method. After the first signs of a miscarriage appear in the early stages and the diagnosis is confirmed, it is worth waiting for the tissues to leave the body naturally. This period can take up to three to four weeks. While waiting for the release of tissues, a woman may experience slight bleeding and discharge of bloody fluid from the vagina.

At the time of passage of tissues through the birth canal, bleeding intensifies and becomes more intense, other signs of miscarriage may appear in the early and late stages - cramping spasmodic pain. Use of sanitary napkins during this time is recommended (tampons are strictly prohibited) and pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol. If an incomplete miscarriage occurs, and not all of the tissue is out of the body, it is necessary to take a wait-and-see approach. But if, with a spontaneous miscarriage, the symptoms contain severe bleeding or signs of a developing infection, you should immediately move on to other therapeutic practices. Most often, the doctor recommends dilatation and curettage. Discuss your options with a specialist to make an informed decision.

What do you need to know?

  1. Why miscarriages occur in the early stages in order to minimize the risk of developing an anomaly.
  2. There are many reasons why some women prefer to wait and see for themselves after a miscarriage without taking any drastic measures.
  3. Many women experience fear and confusion when they find out why an early miscarriage occurs, so bleeding causes them to panic. However, you should not panic at the first appearance of blood on your underwear. You need to call your doctor right away to find out what to do in the future.
  4. Usually, waiting after a miscarriage takes longer than any other approach, such as surgery or medication. When implementing this tactic, the first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages in the form of bleeding and pulling pains in the lower abdomen can be delayed for up to 4 weeks.
  5. For some women, waiting tactics are categorically not suitable, especially when it comes to an infection developing in the body, severe bleeding, or a prolongation of the waiting period.
  6. Having survived the signs of a miscarriage in the early stages, and being in the period of waiting for the natural release of tissues alien to the body, a woman experiences a period of emotional burnout and emptiness.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy is available and can significantly speed up the process of exiting the tissue of the deceased embryo from the body after the termination of pregnancy. When a woman knows what symptoms during a miscarriage indicate an unfavorable set of circumstances, she already knows what the blood clots coming out of the vagina are talking about. If the ultrasound shows that there are tissues left inside, the drugs stimulate their release within a few hours from the moment of administration. Sometimes the period increases, much depends on the drugs themselves and the characteristics of the female body. Medical treatment is not suitable if there are signs of infection and heavy bleeding, if the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage are observed for more than 9 weeks. If medical therapy fails and tissue does not come out, the doctor recommends using dilation and curettage.

What you need to know

  1. Tissues come out in the period from 4 to 6 hours after taking the medication recommended by the doctor. During this time, the woman may be in the hospital under the supervision of the attending physician. If the waiting period is prolonged, the specialist instructs to observe the first symptoms of a complete miscarriage and sends the patient home for further waiting.
  2. After finding out the preliminary reasons why there may be a miscarriage, drug therapy prescribed by a doctor can also provoke side effects. Tablets to stimulate tissue release can be taken orally or inserted into the vagina. In the first few hours after taking the drugs, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and chills may occur.
  3. A woman at this stage knows exactly what symptoms should be noted during a miscarriage after taking medication. The doctor tells this in case of development of possible complications. Some bleeding or short-term bleeding after taking medications is considered normal. When the tissue of the dead embryo leaves the body, there is an increase in blood loss with the appearance of clots.
  4. Probably increased pain and intensity of spasms. Painkillers recommended by a doctor will help to cope with discomfort. For some women with high sensitivity and low pain threshold, pain relief injections are recommended for faster and more effective results.
  5. If drug therapy does not give the expected effect, a surgical method of tissue removal is used.


It is important for a woman to get to the bottom of the truth why there is an early miscarriage, but before proceeding to identify the causes, you should take care of your health and eliminate the consequences of a miscarriage. If expectant management and drug therapy have not yielded results, surgery is used to eliminate the tissues of the deceased embryo - a small operation called curettage. It is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia.

The doctor gets access to the tissues through the woman's vagina. The cervix is ​​carefully opened by a specialist, and the tissue remaining after pregnancy is gently removed. The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes, but a woman who has experienced such signs of an early miscarriage as bleeding, dizziness and other discomfort should be under the supervision of a doctor for about 4-5 hours. This time is necessary to restore well-being.

After knowing why the miscarriage happened and deciding on curettage, you may have to wait a few days for the procedure. During this period, the tissues can come out on their own, and then the need for an operation disappears. In general, curettage is carried out in situations where there are such signs of an early miscarriage as severe bleeding and intense pain that cannot be drowned out. Also, the method is applied at the request of the woman herself, if there are no contraindications for its implementation.

What you need to know

The risks of having surgery are very low, but include:

  1. Risk of leaving some tissue to be extracted inside the body, in the uterus. This can cause severe blood loss and the need to repeat surgery;
  2. The risk of infection in the body;
  3. Risk of damage to the cervix or the body of the uterus, which occurs extremely rarely (according to statistics - 1 case per 1000 operations), but, nevertheless, occurs in medical practice. As a result of the careless actions of the surgeon, a small hole or tissue rupture is formed on the uterus, which later heals itself.
  4. There are also risks from the wrong choice of anesthesia.. This is a very rare situation, but also encountered in surgical practice.

Waiting for treatment

If you are experiencing signs of a miscarriage such as heavy bleeding with clots and convulsive pain, it is likely that tissues of the deceased embryo are leaving the body. If the bleeding is severe and does not stop for a long time, the help of specialists is needed. You must call the emergency medical team immediately if:

  • Signs of miscarriage in the first and second trimester are incessant blood loss, in which a woman changes sanitary pads more than twice an hour;
  • Large clots excreted with blood;
  • Experiencing severe pain in the abdomen and lower back that does not improve with the use of medications;
  • There was a strong fever. Chills, convulsions, fainting;
  • An unpleasantly smelling discharge from the vagina appeared, which indicates signs of a developing infectious process.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Many parents who have experienced a miscarriage fear that it will happen again in the next pregnancy. However, this is unreasonable; in most cases, pregnancy passes without complications.

The question of why it is impossible to become pregnant after a miscarriage without a period of recovery of physical and emotional health is asked by every mother who has lost a child. The answer is obvious - a certain period of time must pass when a woman is ready for a new conception. It is important to take into account the mistakes made in the past and prevent them from happening again.

If the physical balance returns to a relative norm within a couple of months after the miscarriage, then the psychological background of the woman who has experienced the loss can be restored for a longer period. Many women, hoping to find balance, try to conceive immediately after a failed attempt, despite medical advice to bide their time. Knowing what symptoms of an early miscarriage appear and why they happen, women try to minimize the likelihood of a negative event developing. But an organism that is not ready to bear a child, weakened by previous malfunctions in the reproductive system, may again not be able to cope with the situation.

Often a woman develops a depressive state, aggression, resentment towards others, she withdraws into herself, does not want to see anyone and meet with anyone. The best option is to visit an experienced psychologist. The specialist will help to cope with mental pain, survive the event without compromising the mental state of the failed woman in labor. A woman should clearly understand that emotional instability is another reason why it is impossible to become pregnant after a miscarriage without restoring a surge of mental strength.

Sex life after miscarriage

Sex after a miscarriage is a very controversial topic. There is considerable disagreement about whether intimate life is safe and what period of abstinence from bodily pleasures is considered optimal. Many women themselves avoid sexual contact due to a difficult psychological state. Recovery from a miscarriage can take anywhere from four weeks to three months. Accordingly, the first contacts are possible not earlier than a month after the incident. If scraping was used, experts recommend extending the period to 1.5 months.

However, you need to focus on the condition of the woman. By this time, the bleeding from the vagina should be completely completed, and the cervix should return to the closed position to prevent infection from entering the organ. Ideally, a woman should consult a doctor and see a gynecologist so that he gives permission to restore the relationship.

When to plan a new pregnancy

After resuming a relationship, do not consider it superfluous to consult a doctor about contraception. This will allow you to prepare the body for conception, restore strength for bearing a new fetus. Experts recommend postponing the start of a new pregnancy for six months, and in some situations for a year. During this time, you will undergo an examination, try to determine the reason for the miscarriage, and be ready to prevent the recurrence of a negative scenario in the future.

While preparing for a new pregnancy, do not remember what symptoms you had during an early miscarriage, do not bring this condition into your life, try to remove it from your memory. During the examination, you will have to pass the following tests:

  • Tests for the definition of STIs;
  • Examination of the organs of the reproductive system / ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Genetic tests;
  • Tests to determine the biocompatibility of spouses and other tests prescribed by a doctor.

When a woman's cycle is restored, she becomes ready for a new conception. However, do not rush. Based on the results of examinations and tests, the doctor assesses the state of health, determines how much time it may take to restore the body. If the deadline has come, and the couple is sure that they are ready for pregnancy, it is necessary to consider the following aspects, the implementation of which increases the chance of a favorable combination of circumstances:

  • Future parents must eradicate bad habits. These include smoking, drug use, and alcohol abuse. Many researchers say that caffeine intake in large quantities also carries a risk for a normal pregnancy. Therefore, one cup of a strong and aromatic drink in the morning is quite an adequate dose if you cannot imagine life without coffee.
  • Reduce stressors as much as possible, since overstrain, nervous situation at home and at work do not contribute to the realization of the goal. It is necessary to provide the expectant mother with peace, relaxation, and rest. Eliminate quarrels and showdowns from your life. All of them affect the psychological state of a woman.
  • Adjustments should also apply to nutrition if it contains harmful products, fast food. You should reconsider the diet, include more vegetables and fruits in it, add vitamins if necessary. Any supplements and medications should be agreed with the doctor. To normalize mood and strengthen immunity, chamomile infusions, tea with lemon balm leaves and honey are useful if there are no allergic reactions to them.
  • A good step towards what was planned will be the exclusion of harmful professional factors from life.. If you work in a hazardous industry, inhale fumes that are hazardous to health, and are forced to visit unfavorable facilities, talk to your doctor. Perhaps, taking into account your past condition, you will be issued a sick leave. Many women themselves give up their careers, preferring the birth of a healthy and strong baby.
  • Don't forget that being overweight- Another unfavorable factor for a normal pregnancy. While you have time to get ready, lose those extra pounds that prevent you from getting into perfect shape. Remove harmful snacks and overeating in the evenings. This will help you quickly get used to a properly structured eating schedule.

Often becoming pregnant, a woman is in no hurry to share her joy with loved ones, remembering the evil eye and being afraid to believe in the happiness of conception. However, experts do not advise doing this. In the initial stages of pregnancy and later, the support of loved ones is very important. Do not deprive them of the opportunity to help you, support you morally and physically.

Women often have missed periods, but they do not yet assume that they are pregnant. This fact becomes obvious to them when two strips appear on a test bought at a pharmacy. Except for the woman herself, none of the relatives and friends around her know about the pregnancy, she is not yet noticeable and vulnerable. Almost a fifth of the total number of pregnancies that occur end unsuccessfully when some negative circumstances arise.

Causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy - at what time does a miscarriage occur?

In a large percentage of women, termination of pregnancies occurs at the very beginning of their development, even before the moment when women find out that they are in an interesting position. This can happen due to severe disorders at the genetic level, which have an extremely negative impact on the subsequent development of pregnancy.

In pregnancy from 2nd to 4th week there may be no signs by which this condition can be assumed - that is why a miscarriage is taken by a woman for regular menstruation, but - more abundant than usual.

Even if a woman has a desired pregnancy up to 12 weeks, the problem of miscarriage may affect her.

It will be hard for a failed mother to drown out the pain of loss, she will stay with her for a long time. In order to avoid problems of this kind, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the causes and incipient symptoms of spontaneous abortion in order to prevent the loss of a child.

Background: Defining the problem of early miscarriages

Spontaneous miscarriage, when it comes to early term, is considered a state when pregnancy is terminated before the 14th week. Much less often, pregnancy is interrupted at a later date.

There are objective reasons for gestation to be interrupted in the early stages. They need to be considered in detail.

If the embryo has genetic abnormalities in development, leading to severe congenital anomalies, deformities and diseases, then it usually dies, which causes spontaneous abortion during early pregnancy.

Gene mutations occur due to external influences on germ cells, but nature, by terminating a pregnancy, helps to get rid of severe gene pathologies so that they do not accumulate in populations. Such miscarriages cannot be prevented.

To avoid similar situations in the future, when planning a child, you need to undergo a medical genetic examination at the clinic and consult with a specialist.

Causes of early miscarriage - what can lead to early miscarriage?

Consider a number of reasons that can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages.

Hormonal problems as the cause of early miscarriages

Often during pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman is disturbed, progesterone deficiency, which leads to problems during gestation. The hormone progesterone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and, if problems with the hormone are detected at the very beginning of the term, then the consequences can be eliminated.

Progesterone preparations are prescribed to prevent spontaneous miscarriage.

There is another problem that leads to a miscarriage at the beginning of development: androgen levels, this is a group of male sex hormones (testosterone and analogues). With an increase in their level, the synthesis of the required amount of estrogens and progesterone is suppressed, due to the fact that they are considered antagonists. This conflict leads to the fading of pregnancy.

In addition to these hormones, the gestation process is affected by hormones produced in the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland. If pregnancy occurs, but there is a hormonal deficiency, it can create conditions that provoke abortion.

If a woman is going to become a mother, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, carefully check the hormonal levels - and, if necessary, receive the necessary medication.

Immunological factors that provoke miscarriages in early pregnancy

When the immune system fails, or an Rhesus conflict forms, this can also lead to a miscarriage, because the female body, perceiving the fetus as a 50% foreign object, tries to reject it.

In such situations, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs to the woman, which additionally have an immunomodulatory effect. Sometimes it is required to administer a special anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin.

Infectious factors that provoke miscarriages in the early stages

To date, there are many diverse general infections, as well as genital ones, which lead to disturbances in the development of pregnancy and spontaneous abortion.
Early miscarriages, up to 20% of their number, are due to toxoplasma, chlamydia, syphilis and herpes with cytomegaly.

Women should understand that many infections have a latent nature that does not manifest itself before pregnancy, but when planning they need to be identified - and preventively treated.

If infections are not detected and persist, this will lead to damage to the fetus and its membranes in the initial three months, infection of the tissues of the fetus, which causes deformities incompatible with life.

Deviations in somatic status may be the cause of early miscarriage

If a woman had chronic diseases before the start of pregnancy, or in the first months she suffered an infection with intoxication and a rise in temperature, then there is a threat of spontaneous abortion.

Influenza, rubella, hepatitis are especially dangerous. But the danger is also angina, runny nose, if the expectant mother was ill in the early stages.

If kidney disease and pneumonia occur, this can seriously affect the further course of pregnancy. Somatic pathologies provoke quite serious complications that can cause spontaneous abortion.

When a woman plans her pregnancy, she needs to be carefully examined to identify a chronic infection and treat its foci.

At the beginning of pregnancy, contact with infected people should be avoided in order not to get sick.

If the first signs of the disease appear, you should seek qualified help from a doctor.

Intrauterine surgery may cause early miscarriage

There are other reasons that can terminate a pregnancy - these are earlier abortions, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, surgical procedures, operations.

Separately, abortions can be distinguished, after which serious hormonal disruptions occur, with damage to the uterus itself and its cervix. Because of this, inflammatory processes can occur in the body of the uterus, which will interfere with the bearing of the child.

Spontaneous abortion can occur due to deviations in the structure and shape of the genitals, in the uterine cavity there may be partitions, endometrioid lesions, fibroids, scars after caesarean section.

The influence of medicines, including herbal ones, has a detrimental effect on pregnancy in the early stages

There are medications that can adversely affect the bearing of the fetus, they penetrate to it through the placenta.

Medicines become especially dangerous if taken at the beginning of fetal development. when its vital organs are laid. Under the influence of the substance in the preparations, mutations can occur and irreversible processes can occur in the development of vital systems and tissues of the fetus, leading to termination of pregnancy.

The most dangerous drugs are considered drugs containing codeine, antibiotics, contraceptives with high doses of hormones. If a woman took such medications, but did not yet know about pregnancy, she should tell the doctor in order to be examined in detail.

Many pregnant women try not to use pills - but, at the same time, they use traditional medicine, for example, herbs. This is very dangerous because many herbal extracts cause miscarriage even more than medications. Often, folk remedies have a negative effect on the condition of the mother, leading to disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Tansy, as well as nettle, St. John's wort is considered the most dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy. The use of parsley should be limited, as it increases the uterine tone.

The negative impact of stress on early pregnancy

If a woman has mental disorders, or the nervous system fails, then this can cause a miscarriage. Especially often the causes of acute and chronic disorders in pregnant women are stresses as a result of divorces, deaths of relatives, home and work problems.

Stress can change the hormonal background of the expectant mother, leading to a decrease in the hormone progesterone. Since progesterone is the pregnancy hormone that keeps it going, a decrease in it can put the pregnancy at risk.

Therefore, it is so necessary for a pregnant woman to protect herself from stressful situations. It is worth avoiding strong emotions and experiences, taking care of an unborn baby.

If you still find yourself in a stressful situation, then you can take sedatives only as directed by your doctor.

Drugs, of course, will put your nerves in order, removing strong excitement.

But the independent use of any medications and drops is prohibited! It must be remembered that this negatively affects the fetus and its condition.

Excessive exercise and early miscarriages

A serious threat when carrying a baby is working with difficult physical conditions: it disrupts the uterine tone and increases intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to detachment of the fetal egg. This happens infrequently, but such a situation cannot be ignored.

Attention! Do not overload your body, do not do hard work, do not carry heavy objects, rest more.

You can not lift weights of more than five kilograms, including your child, and leave the transfer of heavy things, bags, strollers, sleds to your husband.

Falls and injuries during pregnancy can cause early miscarriage

Often there are cases of falling pregnant women, leading to the loss of a child. This situation is very dangerous.

Approximately 20% of all pregnancies end sadly. Women lose a child. The concept of spontaneous miscarriage is known to even more women. You need to understand what the threat of miscarriage in the early stages is and how you can avoid it. The information will be useful for both pregnant women and those who are just planning to get pregnant.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage is often asymptomatic. The woman does not feel the slightest discomfort, there are no alarming symptoms. How does it happen? At first, there is a slight delay in the next beginning of menstruation. Then, a few days later, menses come. They are profuse, with spasms.

In some cases, spontaneous miscarriage is accompanied by short-term and restrained pain and profuse bleeding. Then a woman needs to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible! In particular, when the blood goes 2 days or more. A gynecologist examines you to eliminate the occurrence of pathology after a failed pregnancy.

If menstruation with pain, came with a significant delay, while a blood clot came out, similar to a burst bubble with blood, it is highly likely to talk about a miscarriage. It is required to contact the clinic to find out if the uterus needs to be cleaned.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Why can an early miscarriage occur in a woman who dreamed of becoming a mother? The reasons are of a different nature. Sometimes they are related to the state of the mother's body, sometimes they depend on the embryo, and in other cases, external factors serve as the basis. Note that it is not always possible to thoroughly establish the cause. But to find out why this happens in most cases, it is necessary.

The threat of miscarriage is often caused by genetic abnormalities of the embryo. They arise under the influence of external factors or as a result of hereditary anomalies. In this case, natural selection plays a decisive role. It turns out that an embryo incapable of life is rejected at the very beginning of its development. Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage. You can say that there is no need to do this.

By the beginning of rejection, the fetus, most often, has already died. From the realization of this, a woman who rejoices at the thought that she will become a mother does not get any easier. But you don't have to beat yourself up, you don't have to kill yourself either. You couldn't fix the situation. Now we need to establish the cause of genetic abnormalities in order to eliminate the risk of recurrence of this in the future.

Experts identify another circumstance behind which there is a threat of termination of pregnancy - hormonal disorders. The most famous is the lack of progesterone. This hormone supports the gestation process. The substance first produces the corpus luteum, then a special organ - the placenta. Specifically, progesterone is responsible for the introduction of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus. Therefore, if his insufficiently fertilized egg is rejected.

An excess amount of male hormones - androgens, which inhibit the production of female hormones, can serve as a basis for stopping a pregnancy. Androgens often cause permanent interruption.

In addition, the child's parents may not be genetically compatible. Sometimes their genes are too similar. Then the mother's body does not accept the fetus. If the mother has Rh negative, and the father has a plus sign, the same thing happens. In this case, the embryo is perceived as a foreign body. There is a high chance of rejection.

Lead to miscarriage and features of the uterus. As a result of deviations in development, the organ acquires a peculiar shape. As a result, the egg is not fixed in it. The uterus is saddle-shaped or bicornuate. In both cases, the process of bearing a child proceeds with its own characteristics. The risk of interruption cannot be ruled out.

What are the symptoms of an early miscarriage?

How to recognize the signs of a miscarriage in early pregnancy and what to do? Vaginal bleeding is the most dangerous phenomenon. Even if it's small. Spontaneous interruption begins precisely with small blood secretions, which increase over time. This process is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The discharge is scarlet or brown in color. However, they may not be very plentiful and last for several days.

Sharp pain may or may not be present at all. Sometimes symptoms appear, and then disappear for a certain time, then resume. If one of the signs is found, you should immediately contact a specialist. Early medical attention can save a baby's life.

If the condition of the pregnant woman has deteriorated greatly, and pieces of tissue are visible in the discharge, then this is a signal of a miscarriage that has begun. Sadly, the death of a tiny fetus occurs before the process of its removal from the mother's body begins. Do not despair. That is what Mother Nature decreed. A new pregnancy will come. Let her be happy.

How does an early miscarriage occur?

In the early days, most women are unaware of the conception that has occurred. A miscarriage at the beginning of the journey is considered a natural phenomenon that occurs due to some problems in the body.

What does it look like? The woman has some pain, weakness and dizziness. These signs should serve as the basis for an early appeal to the attending physician. If a slight bleeding has begun, then specialists will be able to stop it. Usually the picture looks like this - a slight delay in menstruation, two strips of test and slight spotting. Some will simply think that the menstruation began ahead of time.

When a woman realizes that she has lost a child, you need to contact a specialist. If there are tissues left in the body, they must be removed.

Late miscarriage

If the embryo successfully transferred the first 12 weeks, the risk of spontaneous abort is minimized. Since a late miscarriage is recorded only in a quarter of all cases. Moreover, a miscarriage at a period of 22 weeks is considered by experts to be an early birth. The little one gets a chance to live. Today, medicine has methods for caring for premature babies.

What are the reasons for such a miscarriage? These are no longer deviations in the development of the embryo. Often, this happens after inflammation of the placenta, uterus, due to early exfoliation of the placenta, endemia, past operations on the uterus, blood vessels, after a deep psychological overstrain.

Remember that the onset of re-pregnancy is possible! Don't lose hope. Listen to the recommendations of the doctor and you will definitely succeed.

How to prevent early miscarriage

The best preventive measure is meaningful early pregnancy planning. The expectant mother should be examined in advance in a medical facility to make sure of her health. This greatly reduces the potential risks. And, if there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages, only a doctor knows how to prevent it. It is important for future parents to give up cigarettes, alcohol and uncontrolled pills in time.

Separately, it should be said about overdiagnosis. This is when incompetent, more often, unscrupulous specialists, using well-known medical achievements, identify diseases in patients that, in principle, cannot threaten pregnancy. They begin to treat them, reducing the likelihood of conception to zero. For example, the danger of a latent endemia is greatly exaggerated. Asymptomatic carriers usually do not pose a threat. Meanwhile, the woman is prescribed antibiotics and is deprived of the chance to conceive until the course of treatment is completed.

Consequences of miscarriage in early pregnancy

If the risk could not be canceled, and a spontaneous miscarriage occurred, this becomes a major shock for any woman. But you can’t panic, you need to find out the reasons. Miscarriages mainly occur due to the non-viability of the fetus. Most likely, this will not happen again. If a woman went to the doctor on time, then there should be no complications. A course of antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives is usually prescribed to restore the body's resources.

Many people become depressed after suffering stress, they are afraid to even think about a new pregnancy. Then you can get the help of a psychologist to solve the problem as soon as possible. It does not hurt to track the level of progesterone for several months. The missing luteal phase is not common, but it will be useful to exclude this problem, as well as to be tested for various diseases. Remember, perhaps the interruption caused the interruption of medication, alcoholic beverages, etc.

If doctors have not found the cause of spontaneous abortion, you need to believe only in the best and start taking folic acid. When the body restores its strength, you can plan conception.
The threat of termination at the beginning of pregnancy is not a verdict. In general, these conditions do not require special treatment. Saving therapy is prescribed in cases of hormonal disorders or when there is a Rh conflict. In other cases, expectant tactics are recommended.

How long after a miscarriage can you get pregnant

After a failed attempt, women ask themselves the question, how to get pregnant after a miscarriage? The ideal option is to first be examined by the future mother and father. Now it is wiser for you to delay trying to conceive and spend a few months identifying the causes than to try to conceive again. It is possible that you will be waiting for happiness for several months, and then you will lose everything again. You end up in the hospital anyway.

But it is not necessary to delay unnecessarily with the solution of the issue. Take care of your body. He will answer with care for you and for a small life. How to keep the pregnancy? Need to:

  • treat her very carefully;
  • no loads, stresses and infections;
  • follow the recommendations of the doctor (tell him about any features of your health);
  • it is important to eat right, take vitamins;
  • Don't forget the benefits of fresh air.

Everything will be OK. Love to you, health, faith and hope. Let happiness knock at your door.

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