At what time is the most severe toxicosis. Toxicosis, as a formidable companion of pregnancy - we recognize “the enemy in the face. The degree of toxic manifestations and their consequences

Toxicosis is not a disease in the usual sense of the word. This is a painful condition associated with the processes occurring in the first months of fetal development. What is toxicosis, how does it manifest itself in pregnant women?

general information

This word refers to the most common symptoms: nausea, vomiting, salivation, general weakness, loss of appetite.

Less common - muscle cramps, rash, icteric color of the skin and mucous membranes. At the same time, in some women during pregnancy at the beginning of toxicosis, the symptoms may appear in a complex, while others suffer only from nausea.

Why do pregnant women experience severe toxicosis, how long does it take and how to escape from these unpleasant symptoms that begin during pregnancy? Read on!

What is it, what are the reasons for the development

The exact cause of toxicosis during pregnancy, despite the abundance of research, has not been announced.

There are only a number of theories explaining its nature:

  • neuro-reflex;
  • hormonal;
  • immune;
  • psychogenic.

The most popular neuro-reflex theory explains the occurrence of pathologies in the body of a future mother burst of activity of subcortical structures of the brain.

These structures contain the nerve center responsible for vomiting and most of the olfactory neurons.

This explains the increased sensitivity of pregnant women: body overreacts to smells that were previously accepted as normal. In the subcortical structures there are nerve centers associated with internal organs, salivary glands, large and small vessels.

That's why vomiting and nausea are complicated by profuse salivation, pallor of the skin, caused by vasospasm, palpitations.

The hormonal theory suggests a connection between symptoms and the body's production of new, previously alien hormones. These are progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the concentration of which grows exponentially with each week of fetal development.

Measuring the level of hCG in the blood or urine is the main way to diagnose pregnancy early. Internal organs and the nervous system react to hormonal changes with manifestations of toxicosis.

The immune theory explains the manifestations of toxicosis by the action of antibodies produced by the embryo. These antibodies differ in antigenic composition from maternal ones and come into conflict with them, which results in symptoms of toxicosis.

Finally, proponents of the least common psychogenic theory see the reason is the stress experienced by a woman in connection with the realization of their new position.

Find out also what they mean and what it can threaten!

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Is it normal if there are no signs during pregnancy

Lack of toxicosis during pregnancy - is it good or bad? Toxicosis is so often spoken and written that in the absence of its manifestations, some women begin to worry.

But toxicosis, not being considered a “full-fledged” disease, is still a pathological condition, and the absence of pathologies is not considered a negative phenomenon.

If, after becoming pregnant, you do not feel either nausea or vomiting, you should not worry, but rejoice: the waiting period for the baby will not be burdened by unpleasant sensations for the body.

The absence of toxicosis during the first pregnancy in its early stages does not guarantee that subsequent ones will be just as easy.

It happens that the first pregnancy proceeds smoothly, without toxicosis, and the second "nausea" is not released for days, and vice versa - this is normal.

When toxicosis begins in pregnant women, how it manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy, how long this period lasts, you will learn from this video:

What is it and what complications can be. We will talk about early and late toxicosis, as well as discuss treatment options.

What is the danger of toxicosis?

Everyone has heard about the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, but not everyone is aware of the potential danger, so before we talk about when toxicosis begins and ends, let's talk about the dangers. The word "toxicosis" tells us that it is full of toxic substances, which causes a painful condition, digestive problems and most often vomiting. During vomiting, you not only injure the esophagus, through which liquid and food should not pass at the speed with which they exit during vomiting, but also burn it with acid, which is contained in gastric juice.

This process is repeated more than once a day, because of which micro-wounds may appear in the esophagus, which will bother you while eating. But the problem with trauma to the esophagus is not the only one. It is worth remembering that you are removing not only dry food, but also liquid, respectively, the body loses moisture. If vomiting is repeated several times a day, then you do not just break the water balance, but begin to lose weight due to large losses of moisture.

It is dehydration that is dangerous for both the mother and for, since the fetus must receive the necessary amount of water, but if the mother's body is dehydrated, then serious problems arise. Above, we described the danger of early toxicosis, but a late version can also harm your health and the health of your child. Late toxicosis is also called preeclampsia. It manifests itself in the form of a rapid and significant weight gain, as well as the appearance of edema. And if the puffiness is not so terrible, then the complications that can arise after preeclampsia are dangerous for both the mother and the child. Next, we will take a closer look at possible complications, and also answer the question of whether preeclampsia can begin if the woman is healthy.

The manifestation of toxicosis

It happens that toxicosis becomes more severe, which causes additional problems. Consider how to determine that the poisoning of the body has become moderate or severe.

The manifestation of toxicosis of moderate severity

Important! Acetone may appear in the urine.

This condition threatens the body of the mother and child. In fact, a pregnant woman feels the same as a person with severe food poisoning. Only in the case of poisoning, the problems are much easier to solve, and you do not risk another life. Toxicosis of moderate severity leads not only to weight loss, since you not only constantly remove fluid, but also to the inability to eat normally. The liver also suffers, which removes toxins from the blood, and the digestive system, as it works "back to front". The baby does not receive the required amount of water, nutrients, and minerals, as they simply do not come. This condition is really dangerous.

Manifestation of severe toxicosis

This is the worst option, which requires immediate hospitalization. The severe form differs from the average in that vomiting can occur up to 25 times a day, and this is a huge amount of fluid that is excreted from the body of the expectant mother. The problem is that with a severe degree, a woman cannot even absorb water, not to mention food. There are serious changes at the chemical level due to lack of fluid, so the condition becomes critical.

In order to somehow improve the condition, the patient is prescribed an intravenous infusion of fluids, which is designed to solve problems with water balance. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital, as the expectant mother must be under the supervision of doctors.

Causes of toxicosis

Let's start with the most banal cause of toxicosis - heredity. If your mother or grandmother had toxicosis, then most likely you will have it too. The chance to get such a "set of charms" is 25%. At the same time, you should not think that you will experience the same torments and you will have the same problems as your mother or grandmother. It all depends on your body, namely, on its condition.

The second reason for toxicosis- General restructuring of the body. Immediately after pregnancy, your body begins to change under the influence of hormones. And the problem is that your body does not know how to react to such a number of substances, so there are malfunctions in the functioning of organs and organ systems.

Third reason- activation of certain areas of the brain that enhance the body's defenses. At this point, your brain literally stops listening to you. “Wake up” reflexes, which are designed to provide additional protection needed during gestation. As a result, you may feel sick or vomit from foods that you used to enjoy. This is how your brain controls what you eat or touch. Fifth reason- nerves. Not only your mood and attitude to the world, but also your physical health depends on your emotional state. If you are constantly nervous, experiencing negative emotions, then your brain may decide that now is not the time to have a baby, and will try to call. Although it seems fantastic, but believe me, emotions greatly affect the general state, especially negative ones.

Sixth reason- diseases. Any diseases of the internal organs will begin to progress during pregnancy, as the load on them increases. As a result, failures may occur, which will cause toxicosis.

When does toxicosis appear during early pregnancy

Next, we will talk about when toxicosis begins in pregnant women in the early stages, and how it manifests itself. Let's discuss possible treatments. Early toxicosis appears in the first trimester. Often, toxicosis notifies a woman that she is pregnant. In this case, the first signs may appear as early as the -th week, when it is quite difficult to confirm pregnancy.

Clinical manifestations

Early toxicosis is characterized not only by nausea and regular urge to vomit, but also by weakness, deterioration in general condition, drowsiness and irritability. You turn into a small child whose mood changes drastically every minute. You can burst into tears for no reason, and after a few minutes laugh as if you were told the best joke in the world. The emotional state becomes unstable, so you begin to react inadequately to the words of others. And this is primarily due to general malaise, which is reflected in the form of emotions.

Important! Salivation is characteristic of early toxicosis.


Having figured out at what stage of pregnancy toxicosis begins, possible treatment should be considered. It's worth starting with the right one. You need to use only healthy products without chemicals. The number of meals should be around 5 times, and portions should be reduced to a minimum so that the digestive system does not overstrain. Food is taken in the supine position, slowly.

Important! Food should not be hot.

As for drugs, doctors can only prescribe antiemetics to help suppress the urge. Medications may also be prescribed to help manage allergies. It is not advisable to prescribe any other drugs, since your body already suffers, and it does not need an additional load associated with the excretion of substances.

At what time does toxicosis appear in the second half of pregnancy

We turn to what week of pregnancy late toxicosis begins. Let's talk about possible complications and discuss treatment. Late toxicosis, or gestosis, may appear on the -27th week. In this case, the deviation is not characterized by symptoms that occur during early toxicosis.

Degrees, signs of late toxicosis

Let's start with the symptoms that indicate that the future mother has a late toxicosis:

  1. Increasing pressure.
  2. Analyzes indicate that there is protein in the urine.
  3. The appearance of edema.
  4. Problems with urination.
  5. Kidney problems.
Problems arise because the body cannot remove excess fluid, resulting in edema. Problems with the kidneys arise because the organ is under heavy stress, as a result of which failures begin, chronic diseases become aggravated. The liquid is not only not excreted, but also begins to accumulate in various organs, which has an extremely negative effect on both the mother and the child. Due to gestosis, the baby may experience oxygen starvation, as a result of which stillbirth is not excluded.
There is a typical and atypical form of preeclampsia. The first implies the presence of such problems: dropsy, nephropathy,. The antipical form is characterized by the development of the following abnormalities: eclampsia without convulsions, monosymptomatic nephropathy with hypertension, and nephropathy with two symptoms. Dropsy is the formation of edema in various parts of the body. At the same time, blood pressure remains normal, and the general condition worsens only when extensive edema is formed.

Important! Dropsy in 20% of cases turns into nephropathy.

Nephropathy is a kind of "mix", and. Preeclampsia is a worsening of nephropathy, in which migraine, co-morbidity problems, apathy, hearing problems, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, are added to the above problems. Eclampsia is the last and most severe stage of preeclampsia. It is characterized by the appearance that cause bright light, loud sound, as well as pain. Eclampsia can lead to biting the tongue, stopping breathing, and freezing the body in one position. Also, during convulsions, there may be foam from the mouth, which has an admixture of blood.

Treatment of preeclampsia

Knowing for what period of pregnancy preeclampsia falls, it is worth setting aside a day and undergoing an examination with a doctor, passing the necessary ones, since late toxicosis begins imperceptibly, and with the advent of serious complications, the chance of losing a child increases. Treatment of preeclampsia is carried out depending on the form and severity. Dropsy can be treated at home, but if further complications occur, hospitalization is required. The treatment of such a serious illness, which can lead to the death of the mother or child, is not carried out at home, so we will not describe the details of the therapy. weight and height. Quite often, late preeclampsia occurs in overweight women, as well as in those who suffer from dystrophy. For this reason, you need to normalize your weight at first, reducing or increasing calories.

Did you know? It has been proven that a mother's foot may increase by 1-2 sizes during gestation. It has nothing to do with food or climate.

Avoid emotional overload. You should not injure or overload the nervous system, as this does not bode well. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude to life and those situations that unbalance you. The doctor may advise you to drink a course that normalizes the functioning of the ovaries. Such medicines are designed to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, which will have a positive effect on the reproductive system. Now you know what week toxicosis begins after, what causes it, how to determine toxicosis and at what point it is better to go to the hospital. You should not think that these problems will bypass you, since toxicosis is still a fairly common problem for pregnant women. Do not be afraid to take another examination or consult a doctor, as this may affect your health and wellness.

It is generally accepted that toxicosis necessarily accompanies every pregnancy. Many perceive morning sickness as an integral attribute, as well as the first symptom that a woman is in a position. In fact, everything is very individual. One lady is prescribed corrective treatment to stop severe nausea. Others, on the contrary, having endured several children, do not know what it is. Today we’ll talk about what week toxicosis begins during pregnancy.

Briefly about the main

In fact, bearing a child can be easy and simple. A woman rejoices that she will have a small one and blooms day by day. But if the processes of adaptation to a new state are violated, then toxicosis begins during pregnancy. Since what week do women most often complain about feeling unwell? More on this below. Let us just note that the phenomenon is very common. When the fetus begins to develop, toxins and substances that provoke poisoning enter the mother's body. After a certain time, adaptation processes are launched, the placenta is included in the work and the condition is leveled. Now, until the end of the development of the crumbs, the expectant mother feels satisfactory.

Main features

In fact, they can be explicit and hidden. There are those that are difficult to hide from others, they include severe nausea, frequent vomiting, salivation. But that is not all. Toxicosis is also manifested by bad mood, severe weakness and drowsiness. Someone notes the strongest irritability, a sharp weight loss. Knowing from what week toxicosis begins during pregnancy, you can prepare yourself for this. In addition, timely preventive measures can reduce its manifestation.

In some cases, toxicosis causes quite severe complications. An increased load on the mother's body provokes the development of dermatosis and dermatitis, manifests itself in the form of convulsive muscle contractions, softening of the bones, jaundice and bronchial asthma.

Origins of the problem

There is a statistic that one in two moms develop mild nausea in the morning. One in five experiences severe discomfort throughout the day. In one in ten such symptoms continue for a long time. Throughout the first trimester and even later. What do the doctors say? From what week does toxicosis begin during normal pregnancy?

Obstetricians and gynecologists are sure that in this case it should not be at all. That is, nausea and morning vomiting are acceptable, but they speak of a conflict between the mother's body and the fetus. And today the true causes of toxicosis remain unknown. There are only assumptions that have a grain of truth.

Possible reasons

Each of them can be basic or additional for an individual woman. But in any case, the doctor should understand and prescribe corrective methods. Here are some possible reasons for review:

  • Failure of the hormonal system. As soon as the embryo implants in the wall of the uterus, their production changes. Now the whole organism is being rebuilt to ensure the vital activity of the fetus. Here is the answer to the question, at what time does toxicosis begin in pregnant women. A woman may experience the first signs, not yet knowing about her situation. But special substances are already entering the bloodstream, which affects the well-being and mood. Irritability, resentment and tearfulness appear. In addition, the mother's body perceives the baby as a foreign body. So that he does not get rid of the fetus, due to a special mechanism, the work of the immune system is inhibited. This is also closely related to the work of hormones. And consequently, you will endure any cold much harder.
  • Formation of the placenta. Another fulcrum that helps to understand at what time toxicosis begins in pregnant women. When an egg is implanted in the uterine cavity, it grows rapidly. In just a couple of weeks, this is already a tiny organism, the natural secretions of which go directly into the mother's blood. By about 12 weeks, the placenta is included in the work. Now she takes on the role of a filter of harmful substances. That is, toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy lasts just before this period, gradually weakening.
  • Defensive reaction. The expectant mother feels nausea from the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, coffee.

Additional factors

In addition to the main ones, there are a number of parameters that determine the development of toxicosis.

  • Chronic diseases. Not all, but most of them contribute to morning sickness and nausea.
  • Neuropsychic stress. That is, stress can greatly worsen the condition of the expectant mother.
  • Age. As a rule, if this is the first and late pregnancy, then toxicosis manifests itself more intensely.
  • Twins or triplets. Consequently, toxicosis will be two to three times stronger.

How long to wait

If the pregnancy is planned, then the expectant mother is often ready to assure everyone from the first day of the delay that she is sick in the morning. Self-hypnosis or features of the organism, it is difficult to say unambiguously. Yes, and doctors are quite accurate in their predictions. Speaking about how long after conception toxicosis begins, it should be noted that doctors distinguish two types according to the timing of its appearance. That is early and late.

  • Usually the first begins from the first days of the delay in menstruation and ends by the beginning of the second trimester. That is, it will be possible to breathe a sigh of relief by 12 or 13 weeks. But all women are different, there are no specific restrictions and frameworks in this matter.
  • Late toxicosis - aka gestosis, begins at the beginning of the last trimester or the end of the second. It is very dangerous for both mother and child. Late toxicosis during pregnancy is a serious disease, which is characterized by pathological changes in the work of the most important systems and organs. Late toxicosis is manifested by vascular disorders and circulatory disorders. This causes hypoxia, brain function, liver and kidney function change.

Varieties of toxicosis

As you can see, it is impossible to unambiguously answer even a simple question, in which trimester toxicosis begins. In addition to the above, there are still quite a few subspecies, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics.

  • can be activated by specific strains. It develops a few hours after the contaminated food has entered the body. Symptoms are nausea and vomiting. They usually go away on their own within 12 hours.
  • Evening toxicosis. It occurs as a result of severe overwork and insufficient food intake. You can overcome it if you diversify your diet and take walks before going to bed.
  • early toxicosis. It is considered normal. It is impossible to say exactly from what month toxicosis in pregnant women begins. But usually, egg implantation occurs 14 days after fertilization. Within a week or two after this, a woman may feel symptoms of toxicosis. That is, usually for the first time nausea appears by the end of the first month. Just when many begin to guess about their position.
  • late toxicosis. In this case, tests show protein in the urine, high blood pressure and weight gain of more than 400 g per week.
  • Toxicosis before the first delay in menstruation. In rare cases, nausea appears immediately after conception. That is, when it is too early to talk about the development of the fetus as such.

How to deal with nausea

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long toxicosis lasts in pregnant women. Someone says that they only felt nausea a couple of times in the morning, others remember the never-ending nightmare. It brings unpleasant sensations, but nothing can be done. Like a course for a young soldier in the army. But there are simple recommendations that will help alleviate the condition.

  • You need to eat regularly, in small portions. Overeating or skipping lunch is strongly discouraged. It is on an empty stomach that mommy becomes ill.
  • It is best to have breakfast without getting out of bed, and lie down a little more after eating. To do this, you only need to put a banana or unsweetened yogurt next to the bed in the evening.
  • You can’t overeat, no matter how much you want something else tasty.
  • Exclude fried, smoked, salty, spicy.
  • Sudden movements, high physical activity - this should be avoided now.
  • Be outdoors more often. Walking promotes a good appetite.
  • No wonder expectant mothers are drawn to sour. This is an excellent remedy for nausea.

If nothing helps and the expectant mother still suffers, you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe a course of drugs that will correct her condition. This may be Cerucal, which affects the entire digestive system, blocking tissue contractions, which lead to vomiting. Additionally, sorbents are introduced that will absorb toxins.

When to Expect Relief

In any case, the timing is individual. Most often, the first time nausea will visit for a period of about 1 month. But it also happens that only by the 9th week did toxicosis begin. It can also be considered early. Most often, by 12-14 weeks, they forget about it, the second trimester is not in vain called the “golden period”. Late toxicosis usually does not go away on its own, but requires specialized treatment. In any case, if the expectant mother does not feel well, she needs the help of a specialist. Only a doctor can assess her condition and take action.

Hello dear readers! Toxicosis can ruin such a wonderful period in a woman's life as pregnancy. It is generally accepted that discomfort occurs only at an early stage, but this is not entirely true. This condition is much more difficult to experience in the third trimester. Let's figure out when toxicosis begins during pregnancy, and whether there are patterns in its appearance.

Toxicosis in the early stages

A very common occurrence among pregnant women. This word refers to the poisoning of a woman's body with toxins that are produced during the development of a child in the womb. In the early stages, the process is seen as natural, although causing a lot of trouble.

At what week toxicosis occurs depends on many factors. As a rule, the first signs appear after the first delay in menstruation, approximately at 5-6 weeks. The process is completed by the second trimester, when the condition of the pregnant woman returns to normal.

Thus, the question of which month toxicosis can occur can be answered as follows: at 1-2 months, when the fetus only takes root in the uterus and the development of the main organs and systems is carried out.

From what day toxicosis began, a woman herself may not notice. She feels retching, weakness, loss of appetite, etc. If the expectant mother does not yet know that she is pregnant, she can “write off” these signs for indigestion, a cold, or general malaise. Even worse, if she unknowingly begins to take medication, thereby aggravating the general poisoning.

How long the first signs of toxicosis will appear after conception cannot be said unambiguously either. The phenomenon comes unexpectedly. These symptoms may include:

  • weight loss;
  • asthma;
  • change in taste and smell;
  • dermatosis;
  • rarely - softening of the bones.

If toxicosis is very disturbing, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen are signs of a missed pregnancy, so a woman should not joke with her body.

In fact, scientists are not yet able to accurately determine the causes of discomfort. So it’s very difficult to say for sure how interconnected the condition of the woman and the sex of the baby are. There has been only one large-scale study on this subject at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

As part of the experiment, 4,000 women were selected who suffered from severe toxicosis in the early stages. Of these, 56% gave birth to girls and 44% to boys, which is almost half. So it was proved that the nature of the course of pregnancy in the first trimester does not depend on the sex of the fetus.

And yet traditional medicine claims the opposite. It is believed that if a woman is pregnant with a girl, the signs of toxicosis will be more pronounced. If mommy is pregnant with a boy, she will endure the first months much easier. Believe it or not, depends on the woman herself.

It is impossible not to mention the IVF procedure, which today is being addressed by more and more families who cannot conceive a child naturally. If the fertilization of the egg by an artificial method was successful, the woman has signs of pregnancy in the first months.

Among them is toxicosis. However, it should be noted that after IVF it occurs in almost 100% of cases and is more pronounced. Nausea, dislike of strong odors, vomiting can literally drive you crazy. In this case, medical supervision is required.

Late toxicosis

The second trimester is considered the most prosperous for a pregnant woman. But the last months can "please" preeclampsia. This is a rarer phenomenon that does not always occur, mainly against the background of existing serious illnesses or complications during pregnancy. According to statistics, its frequency is up to 16%.

When late toxicosis begins, it depends on the health of the woman. As a rule, the first symptoms occur at 8-9 months, but they can disturb even earlier.

Signs of preeclampsia are hard to miss:

  • swelling of the face, limbs;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • fatigue;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • stomach upset;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lethargy;
  • visual impairment;
  • increase in pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

The consequences of late toxicosis can be very severe, up to coma, so you can’t joke with preeclampsia. At the first symptoms, you should report them to your doctor.

At what time the signs of toxicosis will disturb, it also depends on the risk group, which includes the pregnant woman:

  • suffering from pathologies of the genitals;
  • with obesity;
  • with heart defects;
  • suffering from preeclampsia during previous pregnancies;
  • women under the age of 19 and over 30;
  • in the presence of several fruits;
  • working in hazardous industries;
  • having a Rhesus conflict;
  • with intrauterine growth retardation.

As you can see, dear readers, the terms of early and late toxicosis are very relative. Only one thing can be said with certainty: the first affects the woman's body in the first trimet, the second - during the last stage of bearing a baby.

The nature of the flow is also individual. If the symptoms are mild and not too disturbing, you can not pay much attention to them. With severe nausea, pain, you cannot be silent: you need to talk about your condition to the gynecologist and take action.

So, dear readers, we have learned when to expect early toxicosis or gestosis, and how to distinguish them from other similar ailments. The information is given for reference. If you have any comments about the article, leave your comments or share your opinion on social media. networks.

See you soon, dear friends!