What is prescribed for fetal hypoxia. The degree of progression of oxygen starvation. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta

One of the severe pathological phenomena during childbearing is fetal hypoxia. What is this condition, what are its causes and symptoms? Let's look for answers to these questions.

What is fetal hypoxia

During the growth and development of the unborn child, his lungs are just being formed. Oxygen, which is the basis of development, it receives through the placenta. This the only source of supply, which in turn "takes" oxygen from the mother. When at least one of the constituent links is problematic, either fetal oxygen deficiency occurs.

The beginning of hypoxia, its duration affect the future of the baby. The sooner it comes and the longer it lasts, the worse it is for the baby. IN early period pregnancy can lead to deviations in the development of the child, the brain. This phenomenon is fraught with neurological diseases of the child in the future.

No less dangerous is hypoxia and later dates bearing a child, causing a delay in his development. In the worst case, it may lead to the need for an early.

Hypoxia during childbirth

Hypoxia, in addition to the onset during the gestation period, can also begin during childbirth. Such hypoxia is called acute. By and large, all newborns experience a slight lack of oxygen, they adapt to temporary hypoxia.

But sometimes acute hypoxia can be very dangerous. This happens in premature babies, with prolonged labor, bleeding or infection.

There is another, severe form of fetal hypoxia - asphyxia (suffocation). With it, the supply of oxygen to the child almost completely stops. Asphyxia may be the result of birth complications. For example, detachment of the placenta, entanglement of the child with the umbilical cord or its infringement.

During labor activity the color of the amniotic fluid can indicate hypoxia. If the departed waters are cloudy or greenish in color, then there are signs of oxygen deficiency. The admixture of meconium in the waters also signals hypoxia.

What are the symptoms of hypoxia?

The expectant mother in the second half of pregnancy feels the movements of the child. They need to be attentive and monitor their frequency. 10 movements per day is considered the norm. That is, if the baby moved for a minute or two, this is one movement, one episode. The expectant mother must learn to count their number. Some doctors believe that increased movement is a sign of fetal hypoxia. This increase is also called the "hiccups" of the child. Other doctors argue that a decrease in the number of movements, or even their cessation, is more indicative. If such symptoms are present, then the woman is recommended to do CTG, that is, fixing the fetal heartbeats with a special sensor. The CTG specialist will tell you how the child feels and whether he suffers from an oxygen deficiency. However, it should be noted that this study may provide false positive results. Namely: to detect hypoxia where it does not exist.

As a rule, on early dates pregnancy, it is difficult to detect oxygen starvation of the fetus. But it can be assumed if the mother suffers from anemia or other diseases.

signs oxygen starvation The fetus can also be detected on ultrasound diagnostics. So, the factor of hypoxia is the delay when its indicators less than normal for this period of pregnancy.

This developmental pathology is also diagnosed on dopplerometry. Deterioration of blood flow in the placenta and a decrease in heart rate signal oxygen starvation.

Examination of a pregnant woman by the attending physician can also reveal hypoxia. In this case, the sign is an unusual heartbeat of the baby. A decrease in heart rate signals fetal hypoxia. Since the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat at each examination, oxygen starvation can be detected early.

Also, an indirect signal of hypoxia is the pathology of the placenta according to the results of ultrasound. It can be either too large or less than the norm, its thickness, or detachment.

The expectant mother must remember every minute about her responsibility to the child. Strict observance of the doctor's recommendations, attention to one's health, timely seeking help if necessary is the key and basis for the birth of a healthy son or daughter.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

The diagnosis of "fetal hypoxia" sows panic in the hearts of future parents not only because it can cause irreparable harm future baby, but also with its obscurity. Unlike their foreign counterparts, our doctors prefer to fight the disease itself, and not its cause, which leads to the corresponding results.

What is hypoxia during pregnancy and when can it be expected

The official definition of hypoxia during pregnancy is that it is a lack of oxygen in the body of a child, which can lead to sad consequences in the mental or physical development. While the baby is in the womb, mommy provides for him nutrients and oxygen via the placenta. If there is no oxygen at all or it is not enough, then this negatively affects the nervous, cardiovascular system of the little one.

Hypoxia can appear early as well as later in pregnancy, so future mommy should not lose vigilance. Unfortunately, many pregnant women, feeling discomfort inside themselves, are in no hurry to see a doctor for an examination.

To exclude the manifestation of the negative consequences of hypoxia, a sufficient amount of oxygen for the baby must be provided no later than on the seventh day after the start of fasting.

Causes of hypoxia

Fetal hypoxia can develop due to several reasons. Most often it refers to acquired diseases and very rarely to hereditary. The reasons for the lack of oxygen can be diseases that the expectant mother had before pregnancy or appeared during the bearing of the baby. These include:

  • nephropathy (intoxication) or other kidney diseases;
  • pathologies in the development of the mother's lungs;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;

Intrauterine hypoxia can develop from adverse conditions work of a pregnant woman in industries with a high level of dust, in which it is difficult to breathe, there is a lack of fresh air.

The peculiarities of the course of pregnancy can also cause a lack of oxygen in a baby:

The baby may experience a lack of oxygen due to his own diseases:

  • congenital defect;
  • anemia;
  • incompatibility of the mother's blood with the blood of the baby;
  • infection.

Signs, symptoms and consequences of hypoxia

Eliminate Negative consequences for a child from oxygen starvation is possible only when the diagnosis is made in a timely manner.

Signs of oxygen starvation in the early stages

Difficulties in diagnosing hypoxia in the early stages are that visible signs, which would help to identify the disease is not available. Doctors can assume a lack of oxygen only in cases where the mother is at risk due to her own illnesses. She is offered additional diagnostics with the help of Doppler, ultrasound.

Signs of fetal hypoxia in the later stages

In the later stages of pregnancy, a woman can independently monitor the health of her baby. However, this is possible only when she feels the first movements of the child, that is, not earlier than - weeks. In this case, the pregnant woman should be attentive to her condition and the level of activity of the baby. Excessively intense movements that bring discomfort and pain, or too sluggish, fading, indicate the possibility of a lack of oxygen. Noting changes in the well-being of the baby, the woman should urgently rush to the doctor, and in special occasions even call an ambulance.

Laboratory diagnostics

decline motor activity the baby may indicate a number of diseases, which an additional examination will help to confirm or refute:

  • Ultrasound will show a deviation in the weight and size of the child, a delay in its development, the presence of too thick or thin walls in the placenta, as well as its premature ripening;
  • dopplerometry will detect a violation of blood flow in the placenta and uterine arteries, baby bradycardia (insufficient heart rate);
  • amnioscopy will reveal the state of the amniotic fluid, which will tell you about the presence of hypoxia.

In addition to research, a pregnant woman will be prescribed a series of blood tests. Based on their results, it will be possible to judge the presence or absence of hypoxia.

Treatment of intrauterine hypoxia

Early detection of hypoxia, coupled with a lack of recommendations for urgent caesarean section, makes it possible to conduct a course of treatment of the disease during pregnancy in order to reduce the likelihood of the child becoming ill after birth. To do this, experts carry out a number of activities:

  1. Determine the cause that caused oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  2. They make every effort to eliminate the causes that caused hypoxia. If the problem is in non-compliance with the elementary recommendations of the mother's doctors during pregnancy, then she is popularly explained what this can lead to. Complete nutrition, regular walks, sufficient sleep, giving up bad habits, will allow you to give birth healthy child. If the cause was a disease, the treatment of which is possible during pregnancy, then maximum efforts are made to get rid of it.
  3. Possible recommendation bed rest which improves blood circulation in the uterus.
  4. Medical treatment hypoxia involves the appointment of drugs that reduce the contractility of the uterus (no-shpa, brikanil, ginipral, suppositories with papaveril), drugs that restore blood circulation (curantil, aspirin), drugs that improve cell permeability to oxygen (lipostabil, Essentiale Forte), drugs, restoring metabolism (glucose, vitamin E, ascorbic, glutamic acid).
  5. It is recommended to take water that is enriched with oxygen.

Unfortunately, even complex therapy may not bring the desired results. If the baby has reached viability by this moment, then the experts decide on early delivery. To preserve the health of the baby, not to bring to extreme measures, it is necessary to implement preventive measures.

Prevention of hypoxia

Regardless of whether a woman is at risk or not, every pregnant woman must comply with the following instructions:

  • leave all bad habits;
  • enough time to be fresh air, avoiding busy highways and industrial zones;
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • inform the gynecologist about all existing diseases of the past and present;
  • Healthy food;
  • do not overwork;
  • fully rest;
  • learn breathing exercises.

The consequences of oxygen starvation for the baby

Hypoxia can manifest itself in different forms which affect the fetus in different ways.

Chronic hypoxia

Absence timely diagnosis, and as a consequence, necessary treatment, lead to sad results:

  • slowing down the development of the fetus;
  • disturbances in the process of organ formation;
  • pathology in development nervous system;
  • anomalies in physical development;
  • poor adaptation of the baby for life after birth.

Features of acute hypoxia

Acute hypoxia has no indications for treatment. To save a viable baby, doctors perform an emergency operation to remove the baby from the womb. If this is not done in short time, the disease will lead to the death of the child.

Throughout pregnancy future mom lives in the hope that her child will be born healthy. But sometimes something goes wrong, and the incomprehensible diagnosis of "hypoxia", made to the baby even before the birth, completely knocks the woman out of balance. However, in most cases, help qualified specialists, adequate treatment and a confident attitude of the mother can direct the development of the situation in a positive direction. Read about the symptoms, consequences and prevention of fetal hypoxia in the article.

The term "hypoxia" means oxygen deficiency, respectively, the diagnosis of "fetal hypoxia of the fetus" indicates that the unborn child is in dire need of this valuable gas. The baby’s respiratory organs, which are in the growth stage, have nowhere to get oxygen from, and if they have managed to form by the time hypoxia develops, they are not able to fully function.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia is a severe pathology, which, under certain circumstances, manifests itself not only in the first trimester, but also on the eve of childbirth. Moreover, the lack of oxygen sometimes becomes a real obstacle to a successful delivery.

Fetal hypoxia: types

Features of the flow pathological condition gave reason to divide it into two types.

Chronic fetal hypoxia

Under this diagnosis, the prolonged existence of the fetus in conditions of oxygen deficiency is hidden. Such a condition develops if, for some reason, the pregnant woman did not register on time (and, of course, was deprived medical supervision) or due to untimely detection and treatment of pathology. In this state, the fetus can be for several days, weeks or months.

The consequences of this type of hypoxia for the fetus at the beginning of gestation are all kinds of disorders in the laying of organ systems, as well as a delay in the formation of the embryo as a whole. Chronic impairment in late pregnancy threatens even more dangerous complications for the baby. Among them:

  • serious disorders of the central nervous system;
  • anomalies of physical ontogenesis;
  • growth retardation;
  • low ability to adapt outside world in a newborn;
  • refusal to eat, anxiety and nervous system disorders in an infant.

Acute fetal hypoxia

This type of disorder is characterized by sudden development and can occur during the period of gestation, as well as during labor. This disturbance cannot be corrected by therapeutic interventions as it lasts only a few minutes or limited quantity hours. The pregnant woman will immediately have an emergency delivery, otherwise the consequences of such fetal hypoxia for the child are the most unfavorable - the slightest delay will cost him his life. Acute and prolonged lack of oxygen irreversibly suppresses the activity of the fetal brain and becomes the result of intrauterine asphyxia.

Even if the baby is removed on time, there will be no full confidence in the good state of his health. Sometimes the consequences of hypoxia and asphyxia of the fetus leave the child for 5-6 years of his life. In other cases, a complex of internal disorders due to hypoxia makes the child dependent on permanent treatment until the end of life.

What is the danger of fetal hypoxia

Pathology can cause all kinds of diseases in a child. We list the most serious and severe consequences pathologies:

  1. Cardinal disorders in the area of ​​the brain.
  2. Accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the brain.
  3. Dropsy of the brain.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Anomalies of development internal organs.
  6. Hemorrhage in the brain.
  7. Cerebral palsy.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia during pregnancy, with an unfortunate set of circumstances, dooms to childhood disability, backwardness in mental development and poor ability to adapt in society.

Causes of fetal hypoxia

There are many factors that can somehow "block" the access of a valuable substance to the fetus. Initiate chronic hypoxia may:

  • diseases of a woman related to the respiratory, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems;
  • pathologies of fetal development (infections, incompatibility with the mother by Rhesus blood);
  • pathological location of the umbilical cord (for example, it fell out, squeezed due to the presentation of the fetus, tied into a knot), which disrupts blood flow;
  • severe and prolonged course of toxicosis;
  • excessive volume of amniotic fluid;
  • pregnancy with two or more fetuses;
  • delayed pregnancy;
  • stay of a pregnant woman in stressful conditions;
  • depression in the expectant mother (being depressed, the woman breathes less often, so the baby does not breathe enough with her);
  • tight umbilical cord around the neck of the child;
  • placental abruption, rapid or too long labor;
  • inappropriate anesthesia during childbirth.

Hypoxia of the fetus and newborn

The dangerous factors that we discussed above can cause not only internal disturbance, but also asphyxia of the baby at the time of birth. A newborn baby is considered within 7 days after birth. Now all the organs of a small person undergo the so-called strength test. If the mother was diagnosed with hypoxia before the birth of the baby, the same trouble can await the baby after birth.

When a child suffocates in the mother's womb, he tries with all his might to make up for this deficit, so he begins to breathe through the hole in the glottis. Consequently, foreign substances penetrate there in the form of mucus, blood and amniotic fluid, which during childbirth will clog the child's respiratory organs and cause asphyxia - simply put, they will suffocate the baby. That is why such children are watched very closely in the first days of their life.

By severity, fetal hypoxia is divided into moderate and severe. The condition of the child is assessed after birth, focusing on the standard indicators of the Apgar scale. The scale consists of five indicators, each of which is rated from 0 to 2 points.

When the baby was just born, his condition is immediately subjected to a general assessment, and after 5 minutes they are examined again. If the child "gains" from 8 to 10 points, he is considered healthy, that is, he did not have hypoxia during childbirth. A score of 4 - 7 points indicates moderate hypoxia, and indicators within 0 - 3 points give doctors reason to talk about severe hypoxia and suffocation of the newborn.

Symptoms of fetal hypoxia

It is impossible to diagnose fetal hypoxia in early pregnancy without special equipment (Doppler and ultrasound) - the fetus is still very small, so it cannot “tell” the mother how bad it is.

Regular and unscheduled examinations become an effective way out of the situation. The reason for visiting the antenatal clinic chronic diseases pregnant woman and her unsatisfactory state of health.

As the tummy increases, the mother should take constant control of the baby's movement. The technique of 10 movements will help a woman to suspect the development of pathology on her own. It consists in the following: waking up in the morning, the mother begins to count how many times her baby moves during the day. The movements are divided into series and there should be at least 10 such series per day. For example, you feel the baby “knocking” inside and this continues for 1-2 minutes - this is the first series, after a while the movements are repeated - the second series and so on. If there are less than 10 such series, it is clear sign fetal hypoxia.

Turbidity of the amniotic fluid indicates acute intrauterine hypoxia, which is determined using laboratory analysis.

How to determine fetal hypoxia

At the heart of all effective ways diagnosis lies full examination future mother by a doctor during a scheduled or unscheduled examination. The gynecologist will listen to the fetal heartbeat and determine its frequency. The slow heartbeat of the crumbs is a reason for an additional examination.

To study the baby's heart rate more accurately, they use the method of cardiotocography - ECG for the fetus.

Signs of fetal hypoxia according to CTG are as follows:

  • the number of heartbeats is reduced or absent altogether;
  • too frequent heartbeat of the child against the background of his own stirring and involuntary uterine tone.

Another effective diagnostic method hypoxia - intrauterine (doppler) ultrasonography, through which the overall picture of blood flow in the uterus is assessed. Also, the diagnostician will certainly testify to fetal hypoxia on a conventional ultrasound scan, if it detects abnormalities in the development of the placenta, it is too rapid formation or aging, excessively thin or thick walls.

In addition, the presence of hypoxia will help confirm blood tests. Pathology will be indicated high level the content of enzymes in the blood, products of fat oxidation, etc.

Treatment of fetal hypoxia

You can hope to get rid of the pathology if the oxygen deficiency was detected in a timely manner and the patient has no indications for emergency delivery through a caesarean section.

What to do with fetal hypoxia worries every pregnant woman who has heard such a diagnosis. The mother is required to be calm and willing to cooperate with the attending physician in everything. To begin with, doctors will try to block the influence of the disease or condition of the mother, which was the impetus for the development of complications.

The severity of oxygen starvation depends on what the treatment will be - inpatient or outpatient. The main points of the therapeutic program are the following conditions:

  1. Calmness and bed rest.
  2. Taking medications that stimulate the unhindered access of oxygen to the child.
  3. Drinking oxygenated water.

Fetal hypoxia and childbirth

Fetal hypoxia can manifest itself not only in late pregnancy, but also directly during childbirth. At the birth of a child, doctors regularly evaluate the nature of his heartbeat. A cause for concern is the development of an increase or slowdown in cardiac activity.

The severity of bradycardia and tachycardia during childbirth may vary. At the beginning of labor, oxygen deficiency in the fetus is indicated by bradycardia of about 100 beats per minute, and in the second period - 98 beats. With hypoxia, as a reaction to each contraction, a decrease in the frequency of heart beats up to 50 times per minute is observed.

How to avoid fetal hypoxia

The responsibility for the likelihood of intrauterine oxygen starvation in a child lies largely with his mother. In order not to face such a serious complication during pregnancy, a woman should lead as much as possible correct image life. Let us briefly list the main measures to prevent fetal hypoxia during pregnancy. Briefly, because you most likely will not learn anything new - everyone knows about the rules of a healthy lifestyle. So, the expectant mother needs:

  • break up once and for all bad habits(for example, forget what cigarettes are);
  • spend a lot of time outdoors. remember, that perfect place for walking is away from busy roads;
  • make a healthy and balanced diet with the indispensable presence of iron-containing foods;
  • come to all scheduled check-ups, as well as visit women's consultation unscheduled, if something worries;
  • inform the gynecologist about all chronic diseases;
  • monitor the quality of your breathing. If any appear warning signs(for example, shortness of breath), immediately consult a doctor for clarification of the situation;
  • with the permission of the doctor, master the complex of respiratory gymnastics and regularly perform it;
  • get enough sleep and enough rest during the day.

No matter how strange it may sound, but during pregnancy a woman should think and take care not about the baby growing inside her, but about herself. The future mother, in fact, is a mirror that projects all the features of her well-being onto the fetus. The healthier a woman is, the more favorable conditions her baby will have for growth and development. Be healthy!

About danger and consequences intrauterine hypoxia Many people know the fetus, so the fear of hearing such a diagnosis is fully justified. Any expectant mother can panic, imagining that her baby does not have enough oxygen. But is it all that scary? What signs indicate fetal hypoxia and is it possible to prevent this phenomenon?

Fetal hypoxia and its forms

baby in period prenatal development receives oxygen from the mother's blood through the placenta. If its intake is disturbed, then fetal hypoxia occurs, which adversely affects the formation and development of its organs and systems, as well as general condition baby.

Quite often, oxygen starvation is associated with fetoplacental insufficiency - a phenomenon that characterizes the occurrence of disturbances in the structure and functioning of the placenta. As a result, feeding and breathing of the fetus is complicated.

A small short-term hypoxia is usually not dangerous for the fetus. But prolonged or acute lack of oxygen can lead to irreversible consequences.
Alcohol consumption leads to the development of chronic fetal hypoxia

Hypoxia can occur throughout pregnancy:

  • in the first months, oxygen starvation usually causes disturbances in the formation of important organs in the fetus (most often the nervous system);
  • in the later stages, the lack of oxygen also adversely affects the development of the baby and often leads to the need for a caesarean section long before the appointed date;
  • oxygen starvation can develop during childbirth. If hypoxia is prolonged, it poses a serious danger to the life and health of the child. In severe form, this is asphyxia, that is, strangulation of the fetus.

There are forms of hypoxia:

  • chronic - occurs with a prolonged lack of oxygen in the fetus. She can be provoked severe toxicosis, impaired functioning of the placenta, smoking and alcohol consumption by the mother, etc. Hypoxia develops gradually, intensifying over time;
  • acute lack of oxygen occurs as a result of complications in late pregnancy and during childbirth. Oxygen starvation occurs abruptly and develops rapidly. Treatment is most often not possible. An urgent delivery is required.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The causes of chronic hypoxia include:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency (impaired functioning of the placenta);
  • intrauterine infections and fetal malformations;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs of the mother;
  • low hemoglobin in a pregnant woman;
  • diabetes;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • experiencing stress;
  • abnormal presentation of the fetus.

Cord entanglement can provoke acute fetal hypoxia

Acute hypoxia can lead to:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • placental abruption;
  • uterine rupture;
  • cord entanglement;
  • weak generic activity;
  • rapid birth.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

It is extremely difficult to detect hypoxia in the first months of pregnancy. Only a few objective factors (low hemoglobin, diabetes, smoking, etc.) can suggest its presence.

A reliable diagnosis can be made after 18 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to move in the uterus. The greatest suspicion is caused by a change in his motor activity, a rapid or slow heartbeat.

The expectant mother needs to pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • prolonged absence of baby movements;
  • increased activity of the fetus (frequent movements);
  • change in the nature of the motor activity of the child. For example, the movements were rare, and then suddenly became more frequent. Or, on the contrary, the baby was actively moving, and then suddenly stopped.

In all of these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
CTG is performed several times during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and during childbirth

Diagnostic methods

Hypoxia is diagnosed using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound - performed after 18 weeks of pregnancy;
  • CTG (cardiotocography) - is carried out after 30 weeks of pregnancy and in childbirth and consists in recording and analyzing the heart rate of the fetus in motion, at rest, during contractions;
  • dopplerometry - is a type ultrasound diagnostics and is carried out after 18 weeks of pregnancy in the direction of a doctor. The intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, uterus and placenta is assessed;
  • amnioscopy - is carried out in the later stages (after 37 weeks) by introducing a special device - an amnioscope - through the cervix. The method allows you to assess the state of amniotic fluid (quantity, color and the presence of impurities in them) and the fetal bladder.

Indicators that indicate oxygen deficiency:

  • the fetus is smaller in size and weight than the norm characteristic for this period pregnancy, which indicates developmental delay;
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
  • violation of the fetal heartbeat;
  • violation of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord;
  • the color of the amniotic fluid is green, it contains meconium (usually diagnosed during childbirth).

Consequences of oxygen starvation of the fetus

Acute hypoxia is more dangerous because it develops rapidly. In the absence of measures to eliminate it, with a high degree of probability, suffocation and death of the fetus may occur.

To others dangerous consequences acute oxygen deficiency can be attributed to:

  • death of nerve cells and pathological changes in the tissues of the brain, which leads to a lag in intellectual and speech development;
  • hemorrhage in various organs.

Consequences of chronic hypoxia:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • developmental delay before and after birth;
  • violation of the respiratory system of the baby;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorder in a child;
  • difficulties in adapting the newborn to living conditions.

Video: lecture on hypoxia and its consequences

Prediction of the consequences of oxygen starvation of a child

The consequences of hypoxia are diagnosed during childbirth using the Apgar scale. If the child's condition is estimated from 4 to 6 points in the first minute and 8 points or more - in the fifth minute, then this indicates moderate oxygen deficiency. Lower ratings can have severe consequences.

In the first years of life, the baby may appear:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neurological diseases;
  • lag in growth, weight and development of cognitive processes;
  • mental disorders, etc.

prescribed for treatment special massage, physical training, medical preparations. Most often when close supervision And proper treatment the health of the child during the first year of life improves.

How is hypoxia treated?

Depending on the degree and causes of hypoxia, treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis. Measures are being taken to improve blood circulation in the placenta, reduce the tone of the uterus, and enhance metabolic processes.

The expectant mother needs to make adjustments to her lifestyle:

  • reduce stress and physical activity(less intense labor activity take frequent breaks).
  • daily for 2-3 hours to spend time in the fresh air;
  • it is recommended to do breathing exercises, yoga, water aerobics, swimming.

If the measures taken are ineffective and hypoxia persists, then early delivery is indicated (for a period of more than 28 weeks).

With prolonged hypoxia, medications are prescribed:

  • vitamins E, C, B6;
  • Eufillin;
  • Ginipral and others.

In a situation of acute oxygen deficiency, glucose, insulin, calcium gluconate, etc. are often administered, oxygen is inhaled using a mask.

Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of oxygen deficiency in the fetus

Curantil is a drug used to improve blood circulation Actovegin is a drug with an antihypoxic effect that activates the delivery and absorption of oxygen and glucose by cells of various organs and tissues Trental improves blood microcirculation
Ginipral - a drug to relax the myometrium of muscle tissue and reduce pressure in the uterine cavity
No-Shpa is used to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus

Prevention of the occurrence of oxygen starvation of the fetus and other pathologies of the course of pregnancy is its proper planning.

How to avoid? If you undergo an examination before conception and treat all existing diseases, then the risk of hypoxia will significantly decrease.

Another important point in the prevention of hypoxia - maintaining a healthy lifestyle of parents before conception and during gestation.

A pregnant woman must definitely give up smoking, alcohol, eat right, have a good rest, maintain physical activity, but not overwork. Stress and anxiety should be avoided. The health of the unborn child directly depends on the health of the mother.

If a woman has an incurable chronic disease, then she needs to inform her doctor so that he knows about it. possible problems during pregnancy and could take timely necessary actions for their elimination.

Well help for the prevention of hypoxia long walks in the fresh air, breathing exercises, airing the room where the woman is. After all, in order for the child inside the womb to receive enough oxygen, a woman needs to inhale more of this gas.

In urban conditions, this is not always possible, because the air in cities is saturated with carbon dioxide, an oxygen antagonist. Therefore, it is better to walk in city parks, near water bodies, and go out of town.

Aqua gymnastics has proven itself positively. This is the most safe view sports for pregnant women. Water will help to relax and relieve stress, tones and uplifts the mood. Exercises in water will help improve blood circulation, the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and improve metabolism.

Classes in the pool train the respiratory and cardiovascular system, saturate the blood with oxygen, which serves as a good prevention of hypoxia. Also, exercises will help relieve the load from the spine, which is very important during pregnancy, train many muscles, including the back, abs, and hips.

For the timely detection of hypoxia, it is important to take all prescribed tests on time, monitor the health of a pregnant woman and consult a doctor.


What does this lead to in the future?

In the absence of timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, prolonged oxygen starvation can lead to the following consequences:

  • In the first trimester, the slowdown and fading of pregnancy;
  • Improper formation of systems and organs of the child;
  • Fetal retardation in development and growth;
  • CNS lesions;
  • Decreased function of adaptation of the newborn to the environment.

In our following material you will find

acute form

The occurrence of an acute form of oxygen starvation occurs suddenly and develops rapidly. Development takes place over several hours.

You can suspect hypoxia that has arisen during delivery:

  • If amniotic fluid have greenish color, they are cloudy with an admixture of the child's feces - meconium.
  • With a strong oxygen deficiency in the blood of the fetus, the child's circulatory system redistributes oxygen so that it enters the most important organs. As a result, bowel function decreases and stool out into the amniotic fluid. IN normal flow, the baby first defecates after birth.

  • If the child's heart rate first increases sharply (up to 170 beats per minute and above), and then decreases (up to 120 beats per minute and below).

The rhythm becomes weak, the heartbeat is muffled, arrhythmic.


Most common causes the appearance of acute oxygen deficiency in the fetus during labor can become:

  • Premature detachment placenta
  • Most often occurs with preeclampsia - long-term high blood pressure woman

  • The uterus ruptures during childbirth
  • At pathological changes walls of the uterus or mechanical damage). In this case, the fetus, along with the placenta, will enter the abdominal cavity mother and dies within minutes.

  • Difficult delivery with difficult exit of the child
  • The baby's head is squeezed for a long time, especially if the baby is overweight

  • Clamping of the umbilical cord
  • It is most often caused by repeated entanglement of the umbilical cord, especially around the baby's neck. In this case, asphyxia may develop.

  • Prolonged labor, low labor activity.


Treatment of acute hypoxia depends on the causes of its occurrence. In any case, urgent medical intervention, usually surgery, is required.

If an acute form of the disorder occurs during pregnancy, it is urgent to take the pregnant woman to the hospital.

To improve her condition, intravenous administration of glucose, vitamins, and means to stimulate respiratory function can be used.

In acute fetal hypoxia that occurs during childbirth, it is necessary:

  • If possible, eliminate the cause that caused this condition
  • For example, to stimulate childbirth with their protracted nature, or to perform an emergency operation.

  • Provide the necessary resuscitation for the newborn immediately after birth.

In an infant with acute hypoxia, asphyxia usually occurs - lack of breathing. Oxygen starvation causes the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the organs and tissues of the newborn, slowing down breathing and heartbeat until they stop.

In the future, the child is placed under the control of specialists, examinations are prescribed to detect affected organs, systems, tissues due to oxygen deficiency.


Acute development of hypoxia in case of failure emergency assistance can lead to the death of a child.

The consequences of acute oxygen starvation that occurs during childbirth are assessed using the Apgar scale. The lower the scores on this scale, the greater the likelihood of pathologies and health disorders in the newborn.

The consequences of oxygen starvation can be expressed by the following pathologies

  • CNS lesions in a child
  • The lack of oxygen leads to the death of nerve cells, which, as you know, are not restored.

  • Ischemic diseases of organs and tissues
  • Who have suffered due to oxygen deficiency;

  • Hemorrhages in various organs
  • Increased risk sudden death baby


It is impossible to predict the occurrence of an acute form of hypoxia. However, steps can be taken to reduce the risk of developing this pathology.

Prevention of acute oxygen deficiency is proper preparation to pregnancy and childbirth, prevention of chronic hypoxia. Moderate physical activity And healthy lifestyle of life reduce the risk of complications in childbirth, and, consequently, the occurrence of hypoxia.

It is important to choose an experienced obstetrician who will take care of the birth. Inform him about the course of pregnancy, problems during its period, existing diseases that can cause complications in childbirth.

The doctor will help you correct solution about how to resolve childbirth or provide timely assistance in case of problem situations.

Peace, only peace! Fetal defense mechanisms

Despite the fact that fetal hypoxia is a fairly common diagnosis, do not worry ahead of time. Of course, oxygen starvation is very harmful to the child, but there is no need to panic ahead of time. After all, nature provides for compensatory-adaptive reactions of the fetus. They are expressed by such physiological features:

  • Increased heart rate to 130-160 beats per minute,
  • Blood contains a lot of fetal hemoglobin, up to 70% of the total volume,
  • There is a significant oxygen capacity of the blood,
  • the cardiovascular system of the fetus is designed so that almost all organs receive mixed blood

which provides more slow decline oxygen levels in the blood during hypoxia.

When oxygen starvation occurs, the stroke volume of the heart increases, the heart rate and circulating blood volume increase, the blood supply changes so that the main volume of blood enters the vital organs - the brain, heart, lungs - and blood circulation in the skin, muscles, and intestines decreases.

The stress that occurs in the fetus during hypoxia activates the body's systems, causes the release of glucocorticosteroids, which increase the stability of cell membranes.

Thus, at the first stage of hypoxia, the fetus is quite capable of maintaining the required level of oxygen in the tissues. And only with prolonged oxygen deficiency, the fetus's adaptive mechanisms are depleted, and decompensation develops, which means that oxygen starvation of cells occurs.

The main thing for a pregnant woman is to remain calm, not to succumb to emotions. After all, from emotional state depends on the health of both mother and child.

It is important to study all available information on hypoxia during pregnancy, to know its symptoms and to be prepared for the occurrence of this problem. Then it will be possible to identify the violation in time and eliminate it even before the appearance of serious consequences.

Video about prevention methods

From next video You will learn how you can increase the flow of oxygen to your baby.