How to play a joke on a girl on April 1st. Need urgent help. Checking from the telephone exchange

You have not yet figured out how to play your favorite?. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before you go all out. After all, nervous stress is no joke!

Smartphone jokes

1. Many credit card holders subscribe to the service of SMS notifications about the movement of funds in the account. If your boyfriend is one of them, and you have access to his cell phone, you can pull off the following prank:

  • Buy yourself a SIM card, the number of which he will not know (or arrange with a friend to use her number - in case this number is not recorded on him).
  • Write this number in his phone book and give it the name of the credit card issuing bank. In the case of Raiffeisen, it looks like this: *xxxx” (instead of xxxx 4 last digits of the account).
  • Now call your loved one in the middle of the day and claim to have found a coat made of mountain fallow deer skins / a life-sized chocolate horse / an antique stool from the time of Louis XIII. Show stormy enthusiasm and ask for money, huge! Let your whim be incommensurable with the amount, and then, most likely, he will ask you to delay the decision until the evening. Insist until hysterical, and then completely declare that you do not need his consent, you yourself will figure out how to get out! End the conversation in a disappointed tone.
  • Now wait 10 minutes and send SMS from a new SIM card. It is only necessary to pre-rewrite the message template that the bank has ever sent him. Raiffeisen has: "Map *xxxx; Spisano:yyyyyyyy.00RUB; Data:01/04/2008; Location: SNEZHNAYA KOROLEVA MOSCOW; Available Remaining:yyyyy.yyRUR. Raiffeisenbank. The rest, by the way, is minus, and how minus ...
  • I bet he'll call back faster than he can figure out what's what? Be prepared for the most inappropriate response. But how much he will be “let go” when he finds out that this is just a prank!

2. Shuffle all the phone numbers in his phone book so that the entries no longer match. (Do not forget later who and by whom they designated! After all, April 1 will pass, and it will be necessary to eliminate the consequences of madness). So, for example, under the name of his boss, let his mother's phone be, and under yours - just the boss. Use the most active numbers for him.

3. Call him in the middle of the day and tell him that you need to know what time he will be back from work today. Be specific, down to the minute. Ask him what he will be doing at the end of the working day, and is it possible that he will be released earlier? Take a promise from him that in this case he will certainly call you back. All this should instill doubts in him, on the basis of which you will build your joke: after finishing the conversation, write an SMS with playful content, in the spirit: “Lapusik, he will not come before 19-00, I arranged everything! Missed you - brutally!! Mmmmm... Don't be late! Your Lapusya” and send it to his number, as if “by mistake”. Everyone is waiting for a response. Scary? Oh!

4. Dial his number, pass the phone to a colleague and ask him to pretend to be a person who accidentally found your device and is ready to return it to the owner. Like, the last number dialed from the mobile is this one, your boyfriend. If your man specifies exactly where the device was found, let him be called a place where you really could forget the phone, or something extravagant: “in the fitting room of a sex shop,” for example. Set a meeting time and place that is convenient for you. Meet your beloved there, and let the evening end with a pleasant date.

5. With the anonymous sms service, you can implement an infinite number of ideas. He may receive text messages from the "former" who suddenly remembered him at once and are eager for dates. From the boss who suddenly decided to raise his salary. From a friend who "confesses" to him that he is in love with his girlfriend (i.e. you). Free your mind! (By the way, the same service can be used in trick No. 1 instead of an additional SIM card, if you always have the Internet at hand).

With a car

6. If you live together and your man has a car, get up in the middle of the night when he is asleep and park the car on the other side of the yard. (Do not do this if you are not sure that you will do it easily - a showdown with the traffic police will add little pleasant to the first April day). When in the morning he misses the car, enjoy his panic, and when you think that it’s already enough, charge him a forfeit for information about where his car is. You can do the same by offering your help: “You must be tired, sit down, I’ll take the car to the garage” ... Repark and return “with nothing”, claim that you didn’t find the car ...

7. Cut out a simple template (a hole in the form of a heart or a star on a piece of paper) or simply write with a large brush with a water-based emulsion (if the car is dark) or water-based car enamel (namely, water-based - this is important so that the drawing can be easily washed off with water!) Declaration of love. A suitable enamel is produced by Shtandox, it is sold in the form of a dry mixture, which you can dilute with water by eye. According to Andrei Simon, IGP-motors car service specialist, if it is not varnished, it will be smeared and washed off from the first rain. But Yandex-Weather claims that April 1 this year is a day without precipitation, with partly cloudy weather. But by Wednesday, April 2, rain is promised, which will destroy the consequences of your reveling fun.

Prank with computer

8. With a good deal of digging through the erotic photo sections of amateur photographer sites, you can find photos of models that look like you (shooting in the dark or with a tricky angle). Copy them all into one letter and send him to his work mail with the text “One photographer friend very insisted ...” - and then a tape of several screens with shocking photographs in which he should “recognize you”. Last put really your photo, in which you show him the language.

9. Take a screenshot of his desktop - with all shortcuts (Prt Scr) and assign it as a background image. Hide all real labels. Now count how many times it restarts the computer.

At home:

10. If you do not feel sorry for your efforts to eliminate the consequences of a small flood, you can arrange such a joke. Pour water into a large saucepan or a three-liter jar to the top, cover with a sheet of paper and turn it over (the school physics course included an experiment with a glass, proving that water does not spill, and the paper holds like a lid!) Put it upside down on the table and carefully pull out the paper to the side. That's it, now the pot / jar is waiting for the first person to put it in its place in order to throw all the water on his feet!

11. Pour dry ice into the sink or tub drain. Then complain to him that the drain is clogged, and arm him with Tiret. Shampoo must first be poured into the container from under Tiret. When the shampoo comes into contact with dry ice, so much foam is formed! No, SO MUCH FOAM! That he will certainly call for help. Hurry - bring your camera!

12. Pretend to be very tired, and fall asleep literally on the go. "Sleep" before him, tossing and turning restlessly and mumbling something incoherent. Say the name - it will attract his attention. And start confessing to something. You know better what exactly shocks your man the most. In the middle of a revelation session, “suddenly” open your eyes and laugh if you can. (We hope he has time to hide the noose).

13. Call him from somewhere and tell him that you are standing at his entrance, but the intercom does not work! Let him come down and meet you. He, of course, will come down, but, not finding you below, he will immediately call you back. Confess: “Listen, since you got out of the house, maybe you can get to me ??”


14. Bet him that in one minute you can cut off all the buttons from his shirt and sew it back on. Bet $100. He will most likely refuse - because if you offer, then there is some kind of trick, and you will succeed. Then invite him to bet for 1000 rubles. Like, you can't wait to show how you do it. He will refuse again, once again making sure that you will win if you insist so much. Agree to argue for 1 ruble! Like, what's the difference, greedy-beef, how much to argue! Is it a pity for the ruble ?? And if suddenly he agrees, cut off all the buttons from his shirt, and then take out the ruble and hand it along with a handful of buttons and the words "I lost." It is very impressive if this shirt was on him, and the dispute fell on the height of the working day in the office.

And be prepared for unexpected discoveries in the character of the one they decided to play a trick on. Nerves, force majeure - not everyone is able to show themselves exclusively from the best side.

If you decide to play a girl on April 1 by phone, then this will require a sufficient amount of ingenuity, since not all women have a positive attitude towards jokes, especially men. It is best to do some kind of draw with friends.

Next, a large number of different ones will be considered, but you can resort to the help of other resources. The most important thing is the variety of choices, so your girlfriend will be happy and the first of April will be a family holiday and a time for pranks on each other. Of course, it’s not worth using hackneyed jokes and pranks that are of no interest to anyone, it’s better to be creative.

Pranks with friends

Friends and acquaintances are the best helpers in organizing any draw. In this case, you only need to discuss everything in advance in order to achieve the highest possible performance. At the same time, no one should inform your girlfriend about the planned events.

1. One of the best ways to play a prank and make you jealous at the same time is to conspire with her best friend. Just agree in advance that on one phone call she will bring you a cake. Thus, by arguing with your girlfriend exactly on this, you will be able to make the most of it. What will be her surprise when she brings you a cake or pizza.
2. You can also show some of your telepathy talents. Argue with your girlfriend that your friend or her best friend will bring you something. But you just need to arrange a time with your friends in advance. Next, send a message via SMS, and the result will be simply stunning.
3. You can organize a huge number of draws, the most important thing is to plan each action correctly and you will be surprised by the results.

Currently, many people are playing tricks on each other, and this is of no small importance, since thanks to this you can establish relationships, attract attention to yourself. The only thing that matters is if your girlfriend does not like jokes, then you should not experiment. In this case, you can only worsen relations with each other.

Using special SMS services

We can say that the first of April is the time when it is worth experimenting and turning all your jokes into reality. Many people know about the existence of special programs and sites through which you can send cool messages. This is a fairly simple, but at the same time, a cool version of the draw. You just need to pick up jokes of the appropriate level so that your girlfriend laughs and does not get upset. Many guys have a huge craving for black humor and this is not the option to realize their ideas.

Girls today are also very creative and can divorce their boyfriend on their own. In this case, SMS - applications help to realize the tasks. Be creative in implementing your own ideas, attract friends and you will be able to please your loved one. April 1 should be a holiday of general fun, practical jokes - since this is exactly what is the key to a good family life. If you don’t know how your girlfriend feels about pranks, then call her best friend, so you can protect yourself from negative consequences.

Today, a considerable number of books and manuals are sold on. That is, if you lack creativity, then you can achieve excellent results using theoretical recommendations. The most important thing is that jokes and pranks are kind and interesting. Don't forget the flowers, because if your prank fails, you can instantly make amends.

Pranks from the joke shop

If you lack creativity or don't want to bother, then visit a specialized shop for jokes and practical jokes. Currently, there are even online representative offices where you can order goods with home delivery. Thus, the question of how to play a girl on April 1 will not arise for you. Of course, when choosing jokes, consider some of the features of the girl, her hobbies and other factors. Thus, it will be possible to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible.

April 1 is a holiday that truly brings couples together. With it, you can have the most fun in your free time in the company of friends, have fun. Most importantly, do not refuse the help of friends who can play along with you. If you have enough money for more expensive pranks, then today there are creative agencies working in this industry. They will help you organize all this with a high degree of creativity.

Small Tips

At the moment, in the age of high technology, we spend most of our time at the computer. Therefore, if you want to make an offer on this holiday, or just give a gift, then this is exactly the moment. Buy a ring, put it in an envelope and under the monitor. Next, create some kind of creative mail and send a message through it “Your mail has been delivered, look under the monitor!” This is a really fun, creative option to please your girlfriend. After all, the main thing is not to laugh, but to make something pleasant.

There are a huge number of such options for draws. All of them are interesting, relevant and fun in their own way. Therefore, you need to develop a plan for your draw in advance, familiarize all your friends with it, and only then implement it. Therefore, prepare in advance, and preferably a few days in advance. Of course, using SMS messages is the easiest, but at the same time, the assessment from the side of the girl will be insignificant. Get creative and don't fall for her pranks.

How to divorce your relatives, friends and just acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday approaches, popularly referred to as the "April Fool's Day".

History of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in the literary works of French poets dating from the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of a Flemish nobleman who played his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful assignments.

For the first time, the English writer John Aubrey mentioned the existence of the holiday of fools in the distant 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by letting Londoners know that a public lion-washing ceremony would take place at the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's hoax in 1703. Arriving at the place of mass festivities at the invitation of street barkers to watch the "extraordinary performance", the people saw the stage with the curtain down.

At the appointed hour, the curtain was thrown open, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: "The first of April - do not trust anyone." No performance followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition of April Fools' jokes, the leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to be occupied by phrases about runaway milk and a back that has turned white from chalk. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to operate to this day.

How to play a husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband can cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film. As a rule, an unsuspecting sleepy person does not notice anything and sends natural needs. How good this joke is - both spouses decide, eliminating its consequences. At best, the joker will hear a few not too flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. To arrange such a draw or not is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize such a joke: putting a hefty portion of squash caviar in a clean diaper in advance, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the astonished spouse, start eating ... you know what. This must be done with gusto. When the husband comes to his senses, offer him to try an unusual treat.

A fairly standard joke is the substitution of the contents of the sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast, the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and with a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of sleeping husbands by painting their toenails green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with greenery.

How to play a wife on April 1 - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to play a prank on your parents? Or how to divorce parents on April 1?

How to prank friends? Or how to breed a friend on April 1?

How to breed friends on the first day of April?

How to prank friends on April 1 - examples in the video:

How to breed and play classmates at school on April 1?

To draw classmates on the first day of April, there are many ways that have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the advent of prank departments in our malls, classmates got a way to play pranks on their comrades at school. Especially for the April Fool's drawings, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candy with insects inside. Made of food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattered ink. Defiantly spraying them with an overly elegant classmate and enjoying a violent reaction on her part, you can follow the process of the disappearance of the stain with no less pleasure (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks of colleagues

Office workers have a huge number of ways to play each other, because everything you need for this is on any desktop.

Tape prank in the office - video:

  • Having printed an image of paper clips on a copier, they put it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • Computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • On the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors), a notice is posted that they are being renovated.
  • The drawers of the desks are pasted over with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to breed the boss on April 1?

Before you divorce the boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will have to regret it later. If he does not have problems with a sense of humor and vindictiveness, he does not suffer, you can start preparing the April Fool's prank.

How to breed a beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

how to joke on the internet

There are a great many ways to play a harmless prank, and as information technology develops, the number of ways that make it easy to convey humorous disinformation is also increasing. Nowadays, it has become possible to divorce your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Ways of April Fool's drawings on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or a guy with whom they live together), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their annoyance when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can play a loved one in contact by sending him a special link, by clicking on which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on how exactly this is done can be obtained using the search bar of your browser.
How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:

If you are thinking about how best to prank colleagues, friends and family on April 1, then this topic is for you.

Here are little-known and popular jokes for April 1st, the best April Fool's jokes are collected.

1. April Fool's phone prank

Call any person you know who doesn't know your voice very well on the phone. tell him to call him on an advertisement for the sale of a rare crocodile / lizard. The person says you are wrong. And you continue to say that you are ready to pay good money and start naming the amounts incrementally. The person denies placing any ad, but you are unapproachable and beg you to sell that wonderful crocodile with a photo. The main thing is not to pause and not to let the interlocutor hang up. Congratulate him on the first of April at the end of the dialogue.)

2. Eating washing powder. We play passers-by.

Take an empty pack of any washing powder, pour baby formula into it and eat it in front of everyone. You definitely won't go unnoticed)

3. Best April Fool's Pranks for Colleagues

  • The joke is especially good for those who are not very computer savvy. Just cover the bottom of their computer mouse with electrical tape)) They will think for a long time what is wrong, and even perhaps they will call an IT specialist to solve such a difficult task).
  • Also, in some mice for the computer it is possible to swap the functions of the buttons (left-handed mode).

4. Actual joke

This year you can convince everyone that there will be daylight saving time! Because March 31st falls on a Sunday.

5. How to play a husband or wife on the first of April?

Take his bunch of keys on the evening of March 31 and freeze in a saucepan with ice (deep) so that it does not thaw quickly)). As a rule, people pay attention to the keys in a hurry, already running away from home, and then the spouse will expect a surprise. As an option, he will have to take the saucepan with him).

6. How to play on the first of April for your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend?

  • Take a screenshot of the laptop desktop of your loved one. Save it in any graphics program and set the setting to display the picture as the desktop background. Copy all the shortcuts that were there to daddy (so that later the played person can quickly restore everything and not swear). Remove daddy from the desktop in "my documents" for example. At first, a person will not understand anything, poke at the screenshot labels for a long time, I think that they are real)))). Congratulations on the first of April and tell us how to quickly return everything to its place.
  • Another option, for those who are not connoisseurs of cooking (more often these are beloved men), call and ask to buy you the medicine "Tiramisu" or "Pan Kota" for sure! Your MCH will look for it in pharmacies for a long time)).

7. Do you want to play a prank on your ex-boyfriend / husband, annoy your colleague?

The draw is relevant for those who have recently broken up or temporarily quarreled with their soul mate.

From an unknown number, starting at 6 am on April 1, send him an SMS in the style: "Take your hands out from under the covers." (you can think of something else).

8. How to play the neighbors on the first of April? The best pranks for neighbors.

  • You can smear the inside of the door handle with toothpaste (only so that it is not visible))
  • There is a much more interesting way. On March 31, in the afternoon, hang an announcement at the front door that both cold and hot water will be turned off from April 1 to April 3 due to repair work. Warn that it is necessary to store water in buckets, basins, saucepans). On the first of April, you can report at the same place that it was a joke and congratulate everyone!)
  • If you have neighbors in a hostel, with whom it is customary to share goodies, then taste together a wonderful oriental sweetness. To do this, you need: crushed cookies, soap cut into pieces and a lot of strawberry jam. Naturally, soap should not differ much from cookies in appearance (you can distinguish them for yourself in size - slightly larger and slightly smaller). You need to eagerly eat yummy)) and say what a cool oriental dessert your parents / aunt sent you. (for yourself, naturally choose cookies, and do not confuse it with soap)). A neighbor asks to treat himself - feel free to treat)). For five seconds, the neighbor does not feel anything - but then what an effect!
  • Especially the draw is suitable for teachers of physics and chemistry. Take a large three-liter jar, fill it with water or sticky and bright lemonade)). Put a thin but thick sheet of paper / cardboard on top and quickly turn the jar over the teacher's table so as not to spill anything)) Carefully pull out the sheet - leave the jar)))). The main rule so that nothing spills is a flat surface!
  • If on April 1 you have an important control, or test, or exam, then prepare in advance for yourself a cheat sheet with a meaning in the style: “Zhi and Shi write through the letter and” and regularly look into it to attract the attention of a teacher or teacher. When he comes up and asks “what is it with you there”, feel free to show and try not to laugh loudly at his face)).

10. The best prank for students on the first of April

During the rally, it is important to be in a serious lecture. So, someone from the first or last desk launches a note with the inscription “Look at the ceiling - panties are hanging there. Then pass it on to someone else." The whole audience begins to look up, the teachers are perplexed).

Stop the crowd of students is not possible)). Then you can safely pass this note to the teacher in response to his questions))) and laugh together!

Congratulations on the first of April!

How to play on April 1: killer pranks for a girl, boyfriend, friends and colleagues on April Fool's Day. This holiday is not marked in red on the calendar, but it is very cheerful, accompanied by jokes, gags, pranks, so many people love it.

It is believed that on April Fool's Day it is simply necessary to play a girl, a guy, friends and colleagues. How to play April 1st to make this day fun and unforgettable we will tell you in this post.

When making fun of your girlfriend on this day, do not overdo it with creativity. Be sure to take into account how much she has a sense of humor, and arrange appropriate pranks.

Buy a girl an expensive face cream. Transfer the contents to another container, and instead of cream, fill the jar, for example, with sour cream. Give me the cream afterwards.

· Purchase a piece of artificial hair that matches the girl's hair. Come up behind her, loudly click the scissors and show the purchased strand. They say the effect is amazing.

Hide a spool of thread under the sweater, and bring the end of the thread out (with a needle). Ask the girl to remove the thread and enjoy her amazement when it turns out that the thread does not end in any way.

To draw a girl on April 1 you can use a win-win option - mice and rats. For example, like this:

While the guy is sleeping, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet, and wake him up in the morning by shouting that the neighbors you flooded have come. A shocked young man will not be able to leave the bed quickly.

· Send the guy to the pharmacy for a medicinal herb with a name you have invented for the tincture (allegedly you are not feeling well). Follow him and watch in the pharmacy as he tries to buy a non-existent herb.

· If the guy has a car, drive him to another place at night. In the morning, wake up your lover and tell him that the car was stolen. Be sure to say that this is a joke before the guy goes to the police about it.

Play April 1 guy you can also by sealing the hole in a tube of toothpaste with a film, smearing soap with clear varnish or freezing breakfast.

Buy at a pharmacy and mix ammonia with phenolphthalein (purgen). Fill a fountain pen with the resulting red liquid and, as if by chance, drip onto a friend’s clothes. Note - the stains will disappear as soon as the ammonia evaporates.

Take a photo of a mutual friend, put it in a jar and fill it with water. Such a surprise can be put in the refrigerator and ask a friend to bring something from there.

Play colleagues on April 1 you can, by sealing the caps on the pens, varnishing the tips of the pencils, “flooding” the keyboard with milk, placing a cracker under the office chair, putting the “dollar” in the book:

How to play on April 1: There are a lot of prank ideas for April Fool's Day, but they should be fun and not offensive.