Is it possible to roll out a wedding ring signs. Signs about wedding rings: what should newlyweds know? Material and stones

Before buying wedding rings, it is important to read the signs about them. We will tell you what they should be like, who should buy them, whether these jewelry can be worn before the wedding.

We will also answer questions: are used and parent products suitable, is it worth showing them before the celebration, is it allowed to roll gold. You will find out why the ring is lost and what will happen if it is stolen, why the husband does not wear this accessory, which means his fall and much more.

Signs say that the rings for the bride and groom should be smooth. It is believed that this has its own symbolism, which consists in the agreement between the future husband and wife, the smoothness of marriage.

If, nevertheless, the desire to add some kind of insert to the ring is strong, you should not give up this idea, because a small pebble in the form of a diamond will not get worse. And even on the contrary, he will attract only prosperity and abundance into the life of the newlyweds. It is chosen when registration at the registry office takes place.

For weddings, only smooth rings should be used.

When to buy - beliefs

There can be no talk of this, if, as such, the proposal did not follow. It is worth addressing this issue in advance, at the planning stage of the celebration, 2-3 months in advance. In principle, it does not matter when, it is much more important that the accessories are purchased on the same day and in the same place.

Who should choose - signs

If you follow the old signs, only the groom should choose and buy these accessories. But taking into account that time does not stand still and the assortment is so large that you need to look and choose everything, the couple visits the jewelry store together. It is better to stick to old traditions and trust the choice to a man.

Can I wear it before marriage

After buying rings, you can’t wear them before the holiday, and there is no need for this, except for simple interest. The sacrament of the ritual lies in the fact that the newlyweds put them on each other for the first time on the wedding day.

Will used wedding rings work?

Buying used products does not bode well for the future union. This is a very bad omen, because things keep the imprint of the life of the previous owners. That is why, if you decide to choose them, there is a high probability of trying on someone else's fate.

Is it worth using mom's and dad's jewelry

Things are quite different with the rings of parents (mother's and father's). Despite the fact that it is possible to repeat fate, sometimes it is good if the marriage was happy. The use of parental rings is possible provided that they celebrated a silver wedding. Old signs say that the more years the spouses have been married, the more happiness the rings will bring to the newlyweds.

Can not use relatives wedding rings who did not live in marriage for long, divorced, or simply their union was unhappy. In this case, it is better to melt the products into another decoration.

If you believe the signs, even melted jewelry is not recommended to be worn and it is better to leave it, for example, in your mother's house. It will not be able to harm her, since the gift was made to you. It is not recommended to remelt products in marriage, but please change them for new ones.

Do you need a beautiful one? This article tells you how to make it yourself. You will learn what material can be used and how to decorate the finished accessory.

If you don’t like ordinary jewelry, you can do it. Here are collected ideas for inscriptions in Russian, English, French and Latin. There are also beautiful phrases from films and songs.

Before exchanging "symbols" of marriage, you need to find out. We studied the traditions of Russia and the USA, Catholics and Orthodox, the results of our work can be found in another article on the site.

What to do, if ? We answered this question in our other article. You will find out if it is possible to reduce the size of the product and how to do it.

Many signs are associated not only with rings, but also with. Is it possible to store it after the wedding, what it should be made of, what it is decorated with, how to dry the flowers. All these questions are answered in another article on the site.

Why can't you measure someone else's

Before your wedding, in no case should you measure someone else's ring. Signs say that you can absorb someone else's energy. In addition, there is a chance to take over someone else's fate, or much worse, generally lose the opportunity to marry.

Should I show others

Before the wedding, rings, even gold, even silver, can only be shown to the closest, friends and relatives. But at the same time, even those cannot be touched, or rather measured. And this should be avoided even after the wedding.

Is it allowed to wear before the ceremony

Before the wedding, it is better not to wear the ring, it must be stored in one place. But do not forget that if an unmarried woman wears it on her ring finger, it means that she keeps her purity until the wedding. In this case, his sock is acceptable.

Is it right to let others try on

Following the signs, you need to remember that neither before the wedding nor after it is worth give a ring to someone to try on. It is believed that by doing this, its owner gives away marital happiness or fate, and in return brings squabbles and scandals to life. If, nevertheless, it is not possible to refuse to try on, then it should not be passed from hand to hand, but simply placed on the surface of something.

Why is it lost

If the ring was lost or damaged, then it is quite possible to replace it with a new one. Despite the fact that it is filled with special power during the wedding, having some experience of a happy married life, it is easily transferred to a new product. Although the loss itself is by no means a good sign.

This is a serious problem. According to various beliefs, losing a wedding ring means, perhaps, getting a divorce soon, waiting for treason, large embezzlement and other troubles. It is likely that there are some health problems. According to some old signs, the loss of a ring is a harbinger of the imminent death of someone close.

Is it allowed to rent and sell

Sell ​​your wedding ring to a pawnshop, as well as selling, you can’t if you are married. His return is akin to selling family happiness, exchanging it for money. It can also be lost if you sell the jewelry of the deceased spouse.

Things are somewhat different after a divorce. In this case, you should not wear wedding rings and it is better to remove them from the house altogether. It is believed that if the symbol of a previous marriage is next to you, family happiness will bypass.

In the old days, spouses did not take off their rings at all, as this is a symbol of love that protects against shocks, serious illnesses and other misfortunes. It is believed that when removing it, a person, like his soulmate, remains without protection.

Rolling out

As regards to roll out the rings, then this procedure will not bring harm to the spouses. It is believed that in this way happy years are added to marriage. But in order for them to really be like that, in no case after the wedding should you try on someone else's jewelry, this is a sign of infidelity in the future, and the one who tried on someone else's will not always be a traitor.

Household superstitions

Here are the main superstitions associated with the ring:

  1. What can crack. If for no reason it decides to burst, then this is a sign of the partner's infidelity. Of course, nothing is eternal, and sooner or later it could happen, but you probably need to take a closer look at your other half. In this case, the girl should change the product for a new one or find someone who can make it.
  2. dropped. It's not good when the wedding ring falls. Of course, this can happen for many reasons, but it promises a drop in health problems. Sometimes, dropped by accident, it can be a harbinger of news that will not bring happiness.
  3. If the husband does not wear. As such, there are no signs about this. Many men do not like jewelry, and therefore do not burden their finger with a wedding ring. Or things may be a little different, and the missus has got a mistress, from whom he diligently hides his marital status. In this case, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the husband, which will speak about the state of affairs much more eloquently than words.
  4. Theft. Often they are used for conspiracies to take one of the spouses from the family. But they can’t just get an ornament, so it’s akin to a loss. According to all signs, an engagement ring can be lost against the background of a threat to family happiness. As a result, the strength of the bonds will be shaken. But to avoid this, it is better to buy new rings for both the wife and the husband. There is a new sign that if you lose or decide to steal an old engagement or wedding ring from you, this promises the acquisition of something new in a relationship.

More interesting and useful signs can be found in this video:

To believe or not to believe in signs is up to you, but the fact that engagement rings should be taken seriously is beyond doubt!

If you want to understand the meaning of a sign, look not at the thing, but at its symbolism, meaning, at the images that you have. After all, not the object itself, but its meaning in the mental field affects us. The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. Therefore, everything connected with the ring is transferred to interpersonal relationships in a couple. Cracked, darkened, lost, fallen - it is believed that the same will happen with the fate of marriage. This is how our thinking works. This is how superstitions are born. Faith in empty fuss. It is sad and insulting when people are worried because of signs, but not because of their own attitude towards themselves and their partner. All stories below are real. If there are mystical coincidences, I honestly write about it. These are rare special cases.

1. The uneven surface of the wedding ring - family life with scandals and partings. What is behind the desire to buy an unusual - not like everyone else - engagement ring? Perhaps the bride and groom are still children at heart and want to play wedding: a limousine, guests, a white dress, an exclusive ring. Or accustomed to getting all the best, spoiled. Or pay more attention to the outer side of life: wealth, beauty. Or they like to splurge. If so, then problems in their future relationship are inevitable. But not because of the ring, but because of the unpreparedness of the newlyweds for the difficulties of marriage.

My friend got married in July. Her ring is smooth, and on the front side at intervals there are four large diamonds. They said they couldn't. Now they live through a stump-deck: sometimes they reconcile, then they swear, then they generally fight.

My girlfriend was dissuaded from buying a newfangled engagement ring (one spins inside the other + stones). She was told that the ring should be smooth, symbolizing stability. But she chose beauty. And life with her husband, and the truth, failed. At first they lived quite richly, then drugs and dismissal from work, then theft and slot machines. Now my husband is sitting. So, probably, superstitions are born or justified?

The uneven surface of the ring can be viewed differently. Do not be afraid of difficulties, be ready to overcome them, as the spouses from the story described below did.

“We recently lost our rings with my husband. Now we want to get married. When they bought the first ones, they approached with superstition to buy smooth ones and so that life would be smooth. And now we will buy ribbed ones to reflect the difficulties of married life.

2. For a strong and happy marriage, rings must be gold. There is a perception that choosing a traditional gold ring will help build a strong marriage. And I can give you examples. But remember that this is a newfangled sign, since the opportunity to buy expensive rings was not at all times. Our grandmothers also managed with simple copper ones. I do not think that the choice of material plays a mystical role. Rather, household. If young people are so poor that there is no money for rings, then building a life together will be much more difficult. Love does not always stand the test of lack of money.

They say that you can not change such a tradition as gold rings. Some of my friends decided to buy silver ones. Three months after the wedding, they suddenly had a big quarrel and fled. They persuaded them with the whole composition, they just don’t want to put up.

Gold rings became available only in the 60s, before that they either didn’t wear rings at all, or wore copper and silver ones. Both of my grandmothers have copper rings! They married with them in the late 40s, early 50s. One of the grandmothers bought gold only in the 70s. It was like an investment and a symbol of wealth. The second did not wear a ring at all from the moment she got married on the sly. Gold was available to a very small segment of the population, usually it was earrings, rings as jewelry.

3. It is impossible for Orthodox to wear a wedding ring on the left hand, only on the right. It is customary for Orthodox Christians to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand. Why this happened, no one really knows. This tradition has come a long time and is firmly rooted in the mind. Now a superstition has already arisen that it is dangerous to wear a ring on the left (unclean) hand. And in other countries, on the contrary, they wear the ring on this side, closer to the heart. It is well known that the church is against superstitions. Often in our hearts we know that the relationship is not destined to last, and we send signs to ourselves. Do you believe that if you put a ring on your left hand once, you will definitely get divorced?

I always knew (by the way, I don’t remember where) that being married, an Orthodox wedding ring can only be worn on the right hand and in no case on the left. She got married, she was going to live with this man all her life, not in the sense that she was in euphoria, but that she was going to build a family. The ring is usually taken off at night. And now, about a year and a half later, in the morning I take the ring and clearly, confidently put it on my left hand. And I stand, dumbfounded looking at him. Then I tell myself that it’s okay, it’s all nonsense, we should rather forget it. She didn't tell anyone, and, to tell the truth, she soon forgot. And I remembered after the divorce ...

4. You can not twist the wedding ring on your finger - you will get divorced. A wedding ring is a symbol of a sacred union, a special decoration. Therefore, it is considered unacceptable to have a frivolous attitude to a sacred thing: throw it, twist it. In addition, others are often annoyed when hair, edges of clothing, jewelry are pulled on the nerves. Surely someone will pick up. And this is just a sign of emotional tension hidden inside strong feelings:

An acquaintance, when his wife began to cheat on him, outwardly he was so calm. Only the ring twisted so hard that we even told him about it.

Many will accept the absurd: “If a wife buys socks for her husband, the husband will leave. If cowards - will change. It's easier not to get married at all than to follow all the rules.

We have been spinning with my husband for a couple for 12 years now. We calm the nerves.

5. The wedding ring turned black - unfortunately. It happens that the ring turns black. This is considered a bad sign. Although the reason may be in a cheap alloy. Or the body's biochemistry, the skin interacts closely with the ring. During stress, strong experiences, the hormonal background changes. But, I must admit, there are such signs-coincidences, warnings of fate, especially often associated with amulets (for example, crosses, icons, rings).

My wedding ring turned black a month after the wedding. There is no allergy to gold. Went to a jeweler. He said it was the first time he had seen such a thing. The gold is good, but the ring is black. Cleaned up. After 2 weeks it turned black again. Reflected our lives. I left my husband when my daughter was 6 months old, my husband chased me with a knife when I had a daughter in my arms. Was there a sign from above?

I really believe that stories with rings can be harbingers of fate. My husband also lost his ring, and immediately we began to suffer. As soon as he took a mistress, my whole finger turned black under the ring, I was scared to death, went to church, and there the grannies said, they say, a sign from above, a warning. Well, for sure, but as soon as they got divorced, I wore the ring for a long time, so it never turned black. So don’t believe in omens after that!

7. Lose your wedding ring - to divorce. This is the most famous and most controversial sign. It is very frightening, therefore it is dangerous by negative programming of spouses. Rings are often lost right at the wedding, because the hands are used for active manipulation, so it is easy for them to catch and drop. Many get divorced, but not because of the rings. Gloves, wallets, keys, crosses, earrings, flash drives, glasses, documents disappear from the ends. And an engagement ring, worth a little weight loss, easily slides off your finger. Those who have had to go through a divorce will willingly blame failure on a bad omen. It is important to remember that the loss of the ring on a symbolic level is a sign of release from obligations. It happens that people tend to deliberately or unconsciously get rid of it if the spouse got it to the fullest. That is, first a desire to leave appears in the soul, and then the ring is lost.

And one friend's husband came home from work and said that he had lost the ring. And then they got divorced, sorted out the relationship. He admitted that he handed it over to a pawnshop, and squandered the proceeds with his mistress.

My friend got divorced after she lost her ring. True, she was already on the verge of a divorce, and the loss of the ring only assured her of her decision.

When 3 years ago the child broke the mirror into 2 parts, the husband then left us for his mistress. They also said, they say, do not believe in omens. And he left and still hasn't returned. Before he chose her, I lost my wedding ring in a week.

8. You can’t wear someone else’s wedding rings - you take over the fate of the former owners. Another ambiguous sign. Lots of conflicting opinions on this subject. I think it's important to trust your heart here. Do you want to wear the wedding ring of your mother-in-law, mother, grandmother? How easy and comfortable is this thought for you? Are you afraid of invisible energy? Or, on the contrary, do you feel the protection and patronage of your ancestors? Answer the questions and it will become clear whether you need to take someone else's or buy a new one.

Before our wedding, my mother-in-law also ordered rings from her engagement ring for my husband and I, she had such a thick one. Cool rings. I do not worry about the fate passed on, she and her husband have been living for 35 years! I wish them more! So, if we pass on their marital fate to us, I'm all for it!

I felt sorry for the money for wedding rings, a wedding, and so it is a costly business. I wear my mother's ring, and my husband wears the ring I married for the first time. We polished them in a jewelry store. The husband immediately took off his ring: he clung to him several times at work, it almost came to an injury. I wear mine without taking it off.

My opinion: a wedding is a new life that young people will build themselves, from scratch. Therefore, the rings must be new! As an example, I will give the story of my friend. Their rings were also not new, she inherited from her great-grandmother. He has what is left of his father, with whom his mother divorced almost immediately after the birth of his son. Their life is terrible. He walks, likes to drink. Many times they broke up and got back together because of the child. There are no normal relationships. Everyone lives as they want.

But in our first marriage, we went to the registry office with “rented” rings: one from a friend, she left after a divorce, and the second is my mother’s engagement ring, although they didn’t get divorced, they didn’t live together. The first marriage broke up quickly, and it was somehow ... painful, for both. It seems to me that it is better to buy new rings, albeit inexpensive ones, even if they are not made of precious metal: you can then buy others for some anniversary.

I dare say that new wedding rings do not always mean happiness. In experience: the first marriage with completely "fresh" rings and broke up, and the second - with the rings of my husband's deceased parents. Unfortunately, I didn’t recognize these FINE PEOPLE, but I’m sure that only in a loving family could such a wonderful person grow up - my HUSBAND. I wore their wedding rings to church and they were lit up there. We've been married for seven years. Happy. What we wish you!

In no case!!! No used jewelry, no earrings, no brooches, no rings!!! All the energy accumulated by the thing from the previous owners will go to you!

9. You can not throw the ring on the floor - it will be offended. In family life, sanity and the ability to understand your spouse are most important. If you want to preserve the family hearth without offending the ring, but getting your spouse with superstitions, tears, insults, then such a task is hardly feasible. It is not the thrown ring that destroys the marriage, but your selfishness, tantrums and anger. In the heat of the conflict, the rings are thrown both on the floor and out the window, wherever they have to. But the fate of marriage is decided by the ability of a woman, and this is to cope with her emotions of anger, fear, resentment, helplessness. Do not take care of your spouse, but worry about the ring - God help you!

In a fit of emotion during a quarrel, the husband threw the wedding ring on the floor. A reconciliation followed, and naturally he put it back on. I read that you can’t throw the ring, it can be offended. Even if people reconcile, the crack in the relationship will only grow, reaching the point of parting. My husband does not believe in all this, but he sees how nervous I am and cry all day. I am a very emotional and impressionable person. Is it true? And how to avoid it? If this is true, then how to “reconcile” the wedding ring and make it not “offended”? I read a lot of forums and have already surfed the Internet in the morning. Many say that you can’t do this (although they did), but there is not a single word how to fix it.

And an acquaintance at his own wedding, in a fit of rage, threw his ring into a snowdrift. Naturally, they didn't find it. They have been living for over 15 years.

10. In order for the marriage to be strong and the spouses not to part, you need to wear rings all the time. The most dangerous superstition that can cost you your health. There are activities where the ring on the finger increases the risk of injury. She herself is familiar with a wonderful person, an excellent family man who tore off his finger while jumping off the side of a truck. The ring caught on a piece of iron. This did not affect the marriage in any way, but there is no finger. It is even more difficult for a woman: the body changes with pregnancy, childbirth. Edema begins, weight gains, and for some reason few people are in a hurry to adjust the ring to a new size.

My fingers swelled during pregnancy. I came home and ... God, what are these sausages ?! And how to be now? The nameless man turned blue under his wedding band. The husband says: “If you don’t take it off in the evening, we’ll go to the injury.” I understand everything, but I CANNOT allow, let alone saw the wedding band. I don’t really believe in omens, but this is TABOO. My talisman. In general, four hours, alternately lubricating my fingers with gel from edema, holding my hands under ice water, covered in soap and vegetable oil, scrolling the ring by the thread, I did IT!

Read what this sometimes leads to. Be reasonable!

And my husband recently almost lost his finger because of a wedding ring - he caught the ring on some piece of iron at work. Thank God it worked out. And just shortly before this incident, I boasted to my friend that my husband never takes off his ring. Praised, jinxed.

I know a case from my mother's friends. Also, my husband persuaded me not to take it off. And during childbirth and after, when she was in the hospital, this began! Almost lost a finger: a rush of blood there or something. During childbirth, she screamed from the pain in her finger, and not from contractions! And after giving birth, right on the chair of the women in labor, the carpenter sawed it off for her. So she had a month, probably, the finger did not move at all. And now he is bigger than the rest, the hematoma has turned into a lump. And the engagement ring will definitely not fit now.

The strength of the relationship depends to a greater extent on the qualities of character, many stories of strong marriages confirm this. I myself do not believe in omens, we do not wear wedding rings as a husband.

Dad sold his ring right after the wedding. Mom doesn't wear hers at all because she doesn't like rings. And nothing have been living together for more than 30 years. There was never even a talk of divorce.

11. At night it is necessary to remove the rings, otherwise the sex life will go wrong.

There is such an opinion. Decide for yourself whether to follow it.

By the way, do you know why they wear rings on the ring finger? And still advise to shoot at night? It seems that in China they found out that the ring finger is responsible for sexual energy. You put a ring on your finger - oops, and you don’t want anyone ... They squeezed the energy ... So they wear it so that it doesn’t stand on others. And they rent houses so that they want a husband-wife. I follow the advice, we are doing well in bed.

Why is there a need to follow signs? The choice of a life partner, wedding, marriage are the most important milestones in our life, determining the fate of a person and his children. I myself have been married for 17 years and very happily. But I will say that it is still not an easy thing to build a common life with another person, especially if children are born. Responsibilities are getting bigger! It's good if you can rely on the experience of your parents, grandparents: on the experience of generations, whose continuation you are. If their family life was happy, then you are calm and omens worry you a little. They did it, and you can too. We just repeat. But if our parents had scandals, there was a divorce, trouble, the pain of betrayal, or, on the contrary, a long loneliness, we ourselves - the first in the family - should build strong and warm relationships. Think about how easy this is? Often young people try to find support outside themselves, for example, in signs. Therefore, there are many wedding superstitions. Be critical of signs, do not believe their forecasts without analysis and reflection.

My cousin made a terrible scandal when they tied a ribbon on the car - yellow. We all say that the yellow color at the wedding is for parting. So she began to rage, she almost canceled the wedding. They went to meet her, removed this tape. She calmed down. They got married and divorced six months later. She just has such a character that no one can live with her. That's all superstition.

For the birthday of a new family - a wedding - lovers prepare thoroughly, plan every detail of the upcoming event, not forgetting to take into account the old signs about wedding rings, which largely determine the future of the union. How to make a happy marriage with the help of its main accessory is worth asking all couples striving for an ideal relationship.

Engagement ring - signs

From time immemorial, the wedding celebration is preceded by an equally important beautiful ceremony called matchmaking. A young man who wants to connect fate with his chosen one, accompanied by his parents, comes to the bride's father's house in order to introduce future matchmakers and ask for blessings for creating a new family.

When the older generation reaches a consensus and decides on the imminent betrothal of the young, the newly-made groom puts on the bride's finger a ring specially prepared for the engagement, as a symbol of his love.

With such a gesture, a guy in love confirms his unshakable intention to become the head of the family and take care of his beloved, and the girl who accepted the jewelry as a gift agrees with the will of her parents and undertakes to behave like a future wife before the wedding (everywhere to appear in public only with the groom and not flirt with other youths).

What do signs say about such a romantic accessory?

  1. It is customary to wear an engagement ring on the same hand (it is not forbidden even on the ring finger) as the engagement ring.
  2. Removing the ring before the wedding is a bad sign. According to an old belief, this may mean that the ceremony will not take place, or the young people will not get along together and will disperse.
  3. The loss of such a valuable gift also does not bode well, perhaps an early parting will follow.
  4. On the day of the wedding, the jewelry is changed to the other hand or removed altogether.
  5. According to custom, after the wedding, the engagement symbol must be kept as a family heirloom, which will be passed from one generation to another, strengthening the families of descendants.

It is wrong to believe that the presented jewelry can be used twice - at the engagement and at the wedding.

If you are limited in funds, it is better not to give an expensive ring at the matchmaking, limit yourself to a simple non-precious product or do without it at all. Most beliefs are associated with wedding rings, which are exchanged by young people on the day of painting (wedding), so it is better to pay closer attention to the choice of these relics.

Ancient beliefs that have survived to this day help young people decide on the choice of the main symbols of marriage - wedding rings, the main function of which is to strengthen and preserve the happiness of a family union.

Of course, not only these wedding accessories can affect the further joint fate of the newlyweds. The groom is also important, the impeccably and clearly organized program of the celebration, the behavior of the invited guests, the attitude of relatives towards the young.

However, rings, as the most valuable family amulet, are able, according to signs, to protect the created family from many domestic troubles and the envy of strangers - you just have to choose them correctly:

  • The surface of the product must be flat. Smooth rings - calm, smooth family relationships.
  • Signs and superstitions are also not advised to engrave on a wedding band. Thus, you yourself expose your future happiness to trials.
  • Give preference to jewelry made of precious metals.

The best option would be gold (red, yellow or white - it doesn't matter), it symbolizes material wealth. Platinum rings are also in fashion, as the strength of this metal among the people symbolizes the strength, inviolability of marriage.

  • Since jewelry is bought in pairs, they must be cast from the same material and made in the same style.
  • Refrain from using used rings, even if they are expensive vintage jewelry. After all, any thing absorbs the energy of its owner and you run the risk of repeating the fate of the former owners of jewelry.
  • You only need to buy new jewelry. An exception can only be parental rings that have gone through many years of happy life in the family. Such a relic can be passed on to more than one generation of descendants.
  • A family heirloom cannot be melted down, so that the happiness accumulated in the products does not disappear. Such a symbol of eternal love is worn only in its original form.
  • When choosing rings for a wedding, be guided by your taste, and not by fashion trends. After all, fashion is changeable, and jewelry should always remain on the owner's finger.
  • Both rings for the newlyweds must be bought by the groom. You can choose them together, but only a man is obliged to pay for the purchase.
  • Go shopping only in a good mood. There is no mood - it is better to postpone this matter for later.

So, you already know how to choose the right metal and model of wedding rings. But what if you have been dreaming of a wedding ring with a precious stone (or maybe more than one) all your life?

Read the signs of what stones your ring can be encrusted with:

  • Aquamarine will protect the family hearth from various adversities.
  • Amethyst will bring happiness to its owner.
  • Turquoise is a symbol of fidelity, love and a happy marriage.
  • The diamond is the epitome of success. Being the most durable stone, it is considered a sign of a strong union.
  • Pearls - to health and long life. It was with this mother-of-pearl stone that the bride's outfit in Rus' has long been embroidered.
  • The emerald is the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. He is able to give his owner not only love, but also drive away disturbing thoughts.
  • The moonstone will protect spouses from quarrels. If the lovers will swear, then only over trifles and not for long.
  • Opal is a stone of trust and happiness, as well as sincere love.
  • Ruby has long been considered a talisman against the evil eye, it protects the owner from the effects of evil spells. Also, this beautiful stone symbolizes eternal love.
  • Sapphire is a sign of purity and morality. The couple who chose him will be faithful to each other all his life.
  • Topaz is able to heal from mental anguish and bestow spiritual enlightenment.
  • Zircon can heal lovesickness.

After a successful purchase, before you cross the threshold of your home, you must say out loud: “To a happy life, to a strong family! Amen"

Surely you have heard that it threatens its owner with inevitable troubles. If also very common. Various situations and cases related to actions on wedding rings have given rise to a lot of signs that you should listen to:

  1. No one should be allowed to measure their rings either before the wedding or after. It is believed that in this way you can lose your happiness by passing it on to the one who put on your jewelry.
  2. Signs are advised to keep wedding rings together until the very celebration. You can even put them in water and freeze them so that the family is strong.
  3. Young people can go through a wedding ceremony with parental rings only if the parents, having lived in a successful marriage, celebrated at least a silver wedding (25 years of marriage).
  4. On the day of the celebration, only a wedding ring should be on the hand. The rest of the rings, both jewelry and precious ones, must be removed.
  5. Drop one of the rings before the ceremony - to an early separation. To correct a situation that, according to belief, will absorb possible negative consequences. Then this thread must be burned to the one who dropped the jewel.
  6. When the image of the bride is complemented by gloves, at the ceremony, before exchanging marriage vows, it will be necessary to remove them, and only after that you can exchange rings.
  7. After the main attributes of their family happiness sparkle on the fingers of the young, the newly-made wife should not touch the ring box. She will have to be taken by one of the girlfriends or relatives of the newlywed, who wants to get married soon.
  8. The person who touches the rings of the newlyweds at the wedding will soon settle down himself.
  9. It is not recommended to remove the ring unnecessarily. If you are already afraid of losing the jewel and take it off (for example, when you swim in an open pond, or clean the house), then do not put on the jewelry yourself after completing all the work - let your spouse put it on your finger.

Unfortunately, the family does not always overcome the obstacles of living together, and then the question arises: where to put the wedding ring after a divorce?

People who get rid of an accessory that did not bring happiness do the right thing: they sell it, take it to a pawnshop, throw it away.

Do not try to wear such a ring even under the guise of a simple jewelry - the sooner you part with it, the sooner you will find new happiness!

Those who intend to use the wedding ring left over from a previous unsuccessful marriage when entering into a new union are warned by signs: this is absolutely impossible to do, since there is a risk of repeating fate.

The same goes for a person who has lost a spouse. Widows (widowers) usually wear the accessory on the other hand (on the ring finger) in memory of a departed lover. When remarrying, this jewelry will need to be removed and, if possible, sold, because the negative energy of sorrow and sorrow accumulated in the ring can become an obstacle to future relationships.

One of the most famous signs that promise a divorce or an unhappy marriage is to drop the wedding ring in front of the altar or during the exchange of rings.

There is a popular belief - you can not give your wedding ring to anyone before the wedding, and even more so allow you to try it on. It is believed that this leads to the loss of family happiness and well-being.

Even many modern people who do not believe in think that the loss of a wedding ring can turn into trouble in a marital relationship. Since ancient times, spouses have worn or carefully kept their rings until their death.

After a divorce, you should not wear wedding rings as simple jewelry. It is believed that this prevents new love from entering a person's life. Widowed spouses wear rings on their left hand.

You should not take the wedding rings of your parents if their married life was difficult and not calm. Although this sign has the opposite effect: if the parents have a long and happy marriage, their rings will bring good luck to the newlyweds.

Do not purchase wedding rings from your hands (used). This is bad, which symbolizes the wearing of someone else's fate (energy) on oneself.

Signs promising a happy and long family life

It is believed that smooth wedding rings of simple design made of the same material (gold, silver, platinum) guarantee a calm and happy family life. Jewelry with precious stones are usually given on.

There is a sign: the more massive and expensive the wedding rings of the newlyweds, the greater the financial wealth will be in the family.

Engraving inside the rings is considered a good sign. Significant for the newlyweds, the inscription carries positive energy and symbolizes love and fidelity.

For women who want to hurry up, there is also a belief associated with wedding rings. To do this, you need to rub a friend who is already expecting a baby three times.

In Slavic traditions, it is customary for the groom to buy wedding rings (both for himself and for the bride). A good omen is the joint purchase of rings by future newlyweds. This symbolizes the seriousness of intentions and harmony in a couple.

Folk signs and traditions have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, whether to listen to them or not is a personal matter for each person. The main thing to remember is that everyone is the creator of their own destiny, and wedding rings are a powerful ancient symbol of love and the unity of two hearts.

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An engagement ring is not just a piece of precious metal, it is magical symbol of life and death. As you know, it has neither end nor beginning, in addition, it has the ability to store the energy information of its owner.

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For this reason, parents of newlyweds are not advised to give their wedding rings to them, especially if the marriage of the parents did not work out.

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Besides, no one should be allowed to measure or wear their wedding ring.

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Also desirable don't take it off without a good reason to maintain good family relations.



It is wrong to believe that the ring can be used twice - at the engagement and at the wedding. If you are limited in funds, it is better not to give an expensive ring at the matchmaking, limit yourself to a simple non-precious product or do without it at all. Most beliefs are associated with wedding rings, which are exchanged by young people on the day of painting (wedding), so it is better to pay closer attention to the choice of these relics.

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How to choose the right wedding rings


1. The surface of the products must be flat. Smooth rings - calm, smooth family relationships.


Signs and superstitions are also not advised to engrave on a wedding band. Thus, you yourself expose your future happiness to trials.

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2. Give preference to precious metal jewelry. The best option would be gold (red, yellow or white - it doesn't matter), it symbolizes material wealth. also in fashion platinum rings, since the strength of this metal among the people symbolizes the strength, inviolability of marriage.



3. Since the jewelry is bought in pairs, they must be cast from the same material and made in the same style.

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4. Refrain from the idea of ​​using used rings, even if it's expensive vintage jewelry. After all, any thing absorbs the energy of its owner and you run the risk of repeating the fate of the former owners of jewelry. You only need to buy new jewelry.

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5. An exception can only be parental rings that have gone through many years of happy life in the family. Such a relic can be passed on to more than one generation of descendants.

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6. A family heirloom cannot be melted down, so that the happiness accumulated in the products does not disappear. Such a symbol of eternal love is worn only in its original form.

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7. When choosing rings for a wedding, be guided by your taste, and not by fashion trends.. After all, fashion is changeable, and jewelry should always remain on the owner's finger.



8. Both rings for the newlyweds must be bought by the groom. You can choose them together, but only a man is obliged to pay for the purchase.

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9. Go shopping only in a good mood. There is no mood - it is better to postpone this matter for later.

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If you dreamed of a wedding ring with a stone


Read the signs of what stones your ring can be encrusted with:

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Aquamarine will protect the family hearth from various adversities.


Amethyst will bring happiness to its owner.


Turquoise is a symbol of fidelity, love and a happy marriage.


Diamond- the epitome of success. Being the most durable stone, it is considered a sign of a strong union.


Pearl- to health and long life. It was with this mother-of-pearl stone that the bride's outfit in Rus' has long been embroidered.


Emerald is the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. He is able to give his owner not only love, but also drive away disturbing thoughts.


Moon rock will protect spouses from quarrels. If the lovers will swear, then only over trifles and not for long.


Opal- a stone of trust and happiness, as well as sincere love.


Ruby has long been considered a talisman from the evil eye, it protects the owner from the effects of evil spells. Also, this beautiful stone symbolizes eternal love.


Sapphire- a sign of purity and morality. The couple who chose him will be faithful to each other all his life.


Topaz able to heal from mental anguish and bestow spiritual enlightenment.


Zircon can cure lovesickness.

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After a successful purchase of rings, it is necessary to say out loud before crossing the threshold of your home: “For a happy life, for a strong family! Amen"

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Rings have many meanings


They can be a symbol of wisdom, a symbol of strength, a symbol of power, or a symbol of love. Often it is from rings that they make for themselves and relatives. talismans, speaking them so that they protect from troubles and misfortunes and help in all matters.


Talisman and amulet should always be carried with you. And what is the most convenient way to wear it so that you don’t lose it and don’t get in the way? Of course, the ring. There are many signs and superstitions associated with these decorations. In addition, they are widely used in magic for a wide variety of rituals.

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Wash yourself with rainwater with a gold ring on your finger - to a rich life.

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Folk omens about rings have always been interesting, and every girl must know them. Gold has always been considered a symbol of wealth. And rainwater has a strong energy.


That is why people believe that if you put a gold ring on your ring finger and wash yourself with rainwater, you can soon get rich.


And you need to say the following: “Gold clings to my hands, and the rain will beat wealth to me”. Now, if you remember and pronounce these words at the moment when you get caught in the rain, then wealth itself will sail into your hands.



With the help of a ring, young girls always guessed at their betrothed. It was believed that you need to put your ring on a saucer, which the girl had previously worn for at least three years, pour some water in the saucer and look at the very center without blinking. If you're lucky, you'll see the image of the groom

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Tips for wedding rings


1. You can’t let anyone measure your rings either before the wedding or after. It is believed that in this way you can lose your happiness by passing it on to the one who put on your jewelry.

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2. It is advised to keep wedding rings together until the very celebration. You can even put them in water and freeze them so that the family is strong.

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3. Young people can go through a wedding ceremony with parental rings only if the parents, having lived in a successful marriage, celebrated at least a silver wedding (25 years of marriage).



4. On the day of the celebration, only a wedding ring should be on the hand.. The rest of the rings, both jewelry and precious ones, must be removed.

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5.Drop one of the rings before the ceremony - for a quick separation. To correct the situation, the witness must stretch a thread through the ring, which, according to legend, will absorb possible negative consequences. Then this thread must be burned to the one who dropped the jewel.

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6. When the image of the bride is complemented by gloves, at the ceremony, before exchanging marriage vows, it will be necessary to remove them, and only after that you can exchange rings.

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7. After the main attributes of their family happiness sparkle on the fingers of the young, a newly made wife should not touch the ring box. She will have to be taken by one of the girlfriends or relatives of the newlywed, who wants to get married soon. The person who touches the rings of the newlyweds at the wedding will soon settle down himself.

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8.It is not recommended to remove the ring unnecessarily. If you are already afraid of losing the jewel and take it off (for example, when you swim in an open pond, or clean the house), then do not put on the jewelry yourself after completing all the work - let your spouse put it on your finger.

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9. Anyone who allows another person to remove a ring from his finger shortens his life. Indeed, you should not allow anyone to remove the ring from your finger. However, no one has been able to follow this up to now. Perhaps to some extent this is true.


But, what really, really, is that if you allow someone to take your ring off your finger, then you definitely give your health and material well-being to him.


And if it is also an engagement, then you can lose your happiness. Therefore, do not be afraid to make a remark to your friends and girlfriends who, without any ceremony, are trying to pull this jewelry off your finger. Personal happiness is more expensive, because girlfriends may not remember you if they successfully arrange their personal lives, but it is not known whether you are lucky again in your life.



10. Ring on the finger - infinity of happiness. All young girls unconditionally believe in this sign. They believe that if they put this cherished decoration on their finger, now their beloved will not go anywhere.


Yes, but it wasn't there. You still need to be able to keep your happiness next to you. The ring alone will not solve your problems. But one should give him his due, with his help a knowledgeable woman will be able to: return her husband who has gone on a spree back to the family, and cure the child, and save any household member from damage and the evil eye.

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11. Losing an engagement ring is not a good sign. This fact can also bring negativity into your life. To begin with, if it so happened that you lost your wedding ring, then you, along with it, lost the most powerful amulet of your family. Most often, this sign means that the family will soon fall apart. Therefore, this item must be handled with great care.


After all, it is not for nothing that the people believe that if a husband is going to leave the family, then the wife only needs to look at his back through the wedding ring, and he will definitely come back.

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12. And if a small child gets sick, then he needs to put this family talisman under his pillow, and the baby will definitely recover soon.

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13. Since ancient times, grandmothers and mothers have been telling their daughters that in no case should you go to give birth if there are rings on your fingers and a chain on your neck. The fact is that any closed object helps to calmly bear the child and protects against miscarriage, but during childbirth such an object will only interfere with giving birth. Today, many young women do not know about this sign, so the number of difficult births has recently increased significantly compared to the old days.

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14. You can not give the newlyweds a widow's ring.If a woman was married and buried her husband, then in no case should she give her daughter's ring to the wedding. It must be hidden and kept as a family heirloom. If you neglect this rule, then you can pass on your widow's fate to your daughter. Then a young and strong man, who could live a long and happy life, may soon die. They will not bring happiness in a new family, since their purpose was to keep the family that had broken up.


It was women who always knew how to save a family with the help of magic and their wedding ring, to rekindle the extinguished fire of passion between husband and wife. Perhaps for this reason, these signs are relevant even now, because what worked before continues to operate now.
