End of 10 weeks of pregnancy feeling in the abdomen. Necessary medical supervision. What happens in a woman's body

10 obstetric week of pregnancy is transition period. At this time, the fetal development of the child begins. The embryo, which up to this point was just an embryo, is already beginning to become a full-fledged fetus. Organogenesis is completely completed, all the necessary internal organs have already been laid. But they are still in their infancy. The child actively develops the brain, the heart beats, the skeleton and limbs appear.

During this period, the initial period of the formation of the placenta ends, it becomes fully ready to contribute to the further development of the child and supply it with nutrients. The corpus luteum, to which the embryo was originally attached, has already fulfilled its function and is now gradually decreasing in size.

A woman at week 10 continues to feel signs of toxicosis, characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy. In each organism, with a single pregnancy, it manifests itself individually. Toxicosis may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • increased sensitivity to odors;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness.

Often a pregnant woman at week 10 feels severe bouts of hunger. She begins to eat a lot, her tastes change and addictions to those products that did not cause sympathy before pregnancy appear.

The well-being of a woman at this time is extremely unstable. She quickly gets tired, periodically feels drowsiness and apathy. She has a quick change of mood, causeless joy is replaced by bouts of irritation. Often develops lung depression accompanied by tantrums and tearfulness. Constant stress can lead to insomnia.

In the lower abdomen, a pregnant woman at week 10 may feel slight sipping and aching pains. There may be constipation and the urge to urinate frequently. After eating fatty and spicy foods, heartburn often appears. Sleeping on your stomach becomes uncomfortable. Pregnancy is not yet visible externally, but tight clothes are already becoming cramped at the waist.

Changes in a woman's body

At week 10, a change continues to occur in the body of a pregnant woman hormonal background. This is precisely the reason emotional instability, weakness and toxicosis. In addition, because of this, rashes on the skin, pigmentation and increased growth hair.

The uterus gradually increases in size and reaches a diameter of 10-12 cm. It moves slightly above the pubic area. It can be felt if you press lightly in the lower abdomen. Breasts swell, coarsen and become noticeably larger. Sometimes colostrum can be secreted from them.

The pressure of the uterus on the bladder causes frequent urination. The woman's body's need for fluid and nutrients increases. The placenta continues its development, now it is securely fixed inside the uterus. Volume amniotic fluid V amniotic sac comes up to 20 ml.

Fetal development

In a child at week 10, brain cells begin to develop especially actively. Every day their number increases by almost a quarter of a million. The body length of the embryo is approximately 3-4 cm, while the head is disproportionately larger than the body. The weight of the fetus is about 4-5 grams. The baby has formed limbs and elbow joints, he is already starting to bend his arms. Small nails are visible on the fingers.

The fetus actively moves and swims. His heart beats at a frequency of up to 160 beats per minute. The kidneys, intestines, pancreas and liver occupy their proper place in the body of the baby, but they will begin to fully function only after the birth of the child. The bones of the skeleton are formed in the fetus, the skin is covered with thin hairs.

At the 10th week of development, the child appears:

  • the first rudiments of teeth;
  • central nervous system;
  • taste buds on the tongue;
  • genitals;
  • circulatory system;
  • muscles of the jaw, neck and larynx;
  • external outlines of the ears and nose;
  • nerve endings in the skin.

The umbilical cord is attached to the wall of the placenta and thickens. It forms a bloodstream that will supply the baby's body with nutrients until the end of pregnancy.

The embryo loses its tail. It disguises itself between the buttocks of the embryo, as a result, the fetus becomes more and more human.

The baby's liver begins to function, it produces blood cells in a small amount. Sex hormones are actively produced by the adrenal glands. The gill slits are covered with a thin film, and then become completely invisible.

To ensure the full development of the fetus and maintain good health, a woman at the 10th week of pregnancy must follow a diet. Food should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times a day. In her diet, she needs to add as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

In addition, you should use:

  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese;
  • nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, dried fruits;
  • cereals, wholemeal bread;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • seaweed;
  • meat of poultry, rabbit, turkey;
  • lean pork, beef;
  • any kind of fish.

It is undesirable to eat a lot of salty, spicy and fried food because it can provoke an attack of heartburn. With caution, you need to add seasonings, mayonnaise, ketchup, garlic and onions to dishes.

A balanced diet and healthy food will help to supply the body of a pregnant woman with everything necessary for the baby to fully develop.

Particular attention should be paid to a sufficient amount of liquid consumed. A pregnant woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, including soups. But it is advisable to completely abandon the use of coffee and black tea, since they cause nervous tension and contribute to insomnia. Most healthy drink for a pregnant woman there will be green tea, herbal collection with mint, freshly squeezed juice or natural fruit drink. As a full-fledged source of liquid, you can use juicy berries, watermelons, melons at this time.

Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body at the beginning of pregnancy are natural and necessary. However, they lead to such unpleasant side effects like nervousness, fatigue and depression.

The stay of a woman at the 10th week of pregnancy in a permanent stressful condition may adversely affect the development of the child. Therefore, every effort should be made to overcome these difficulties and cope with mood instability.

It is great if a woman has the opportunity to take a leave of absence from work for this period. This will allow her to more easily survive the period of toxicosis, weakness and apathy. A woman definitely needs to eat fully, sleep as much as possible, try not to be nervous over trifles. Sex during this period is not prohibited if there is no threat of miscarriage due to medical indications. Positive emotions received during the closeness of a woman with the father of a child will only contribute to the speedy overcoming of the difficulties of the initial stage of pregnancy.

If used to be a woman went in for sports, then at the 10th week of pregnancy she can continue to lead an active lifestyle. Excellent effect on the health of a pregnant woman:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • yoga;
  • fitness, aerobics.

A woman's daily walks in the fresh air are extremely beneficial at this stage of a child's development. Saturation of the mother's body with oxygen helps the fetus to receive everything it needs through the umbilical cord.

Women's clothing should be free, not restricting movement. It is best to wear underwear made of light, breathable fabrics during this period. Avoid items made from synthetic fibers.

It is strictly forbidden during this period to drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs. Even in small doses, toxic substances can destroy the brain cells of the embryo and adversely affect its further development. Being in the same room with smokers is also undesirable. Inhalation of paint fumes, solvents, toxic adhesives, gasoline and other harsh chemicals should be completely avoided.

Lifting loads weighing more than 3 kg at this time by a pregnant woman is unacceptable. This can lead to the loss of a child. As vitamins throughout the 10th week, you need to take folic acid. All other drugs, nutritional supplements and vitamins can be taken only after they are prescribed by a doctor.

Mandatory examinations

It is at week 10 that a woman needs to be registered in the antenatal clinic. The gynecologist at the appointment will confirm the presence of pregnancy and give a referral for the following studies:

  • general analysis blood;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood sugar test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear for cytology from the vagina.

If there are any complications, a woman can be additionally sent to study the level of hormones, as well as to check for the fact that she has any specific infections. Ultrasound at this time is prescribed only if there are medical indications for this.

If there is a risk of developing Down syndrome in the embryo at the 10th week of pregnancy, the following studies are carried out:

  • chorionic villus biopsy;
  • taking a puncture of the fetal bladder;
  • fetoscopy.

These procedures help to detect the presence genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby at the most early stages. Based on the results of the studies, a decision is made to maintain or urgently terminate the pregnancy. The earlier these tests are performed, the safer further medical actions will be for the woman.

Risks of the 10th week of pregnancy

Sudden bleeding at 10 weeks can be a formidable sign of serious problems with bearing a child. Immediately after the appearance of spotting, a woman should call an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital.

Even slight traces of blood can indicate the risk of a miscarriage, especially if their appearance is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In rare cases, spotting may appear after gynecological examinations vagina, especially if there is erosion on the cervix. In addition, their cause may be the careless behavior of the spouses during intercourse.

Normal vaginal discharge in a healthy pregnant woman at week 10 is homogeneous and has a light shade. If you notice a change in their color or consistency, they have an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact your doctor. This may be a sign of an infection that is developing in the vagina. This situation dangerous because harmful bacteria can enter the uterus and disrupt the development of the fetus. Timely treatment of a vaginal infection will protect the baby and save good health his mom.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen at week 10 are not a symptom of danger if they are mild and not accompanied by suspicious discharge. However, if the pain continues for a long time and is constantly increasing, then it is necessary to call an emergency medical team or go to the nearest first-aid post.

ultrasound of fetal development

On the ultrasound images of the fetus at 10 weeks, the head, torso, arms and legs are clearly visible. The baby swims freely in the amniotic fluid. The head looks very large, it is actually half of the entire body of the child.

However, he can already clearly see a thin neck, heart, spine. He moves his arms and legs, tilts his head.

Ultrasound - tenth week of pregnancy
Ultrasound in the tenth week of pregnancy

Eyes look like dark big dots. The general appearance of a small person is slightly looming. You can even see the ears, nose and mouth. The reproductive organs are not yet visible, they will develop much later. The fetus is firmly connected to the placenta through a thick umbilical cord.

Photos of pregnant women at 10 weeks

Despite the fact that pregnancy at such an early stage is still almost invisible, however, in the pictures of girls at week 10, you can clearly see a slight roundness in the lower abdomen.

It is especially noticeable in women with a lean physique.

Here you can clearly see that the uterus has moved and is located above bladder. It is the pressure that she puts on him that is the reason for the frequent urge of women to urinate.

10 weeks pregnant is critical period, during which the formation of the rudiments of all internal organs small organism. The most important event of this week is visiting the antenatal clinic and registering.

Video - 10 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and mom

The standard gestational age is taken as 40 weeks. The 10th week means that a quarter of the time before the birth of the baby will soon be left behind. It is now that the foundation of all organs and systems of the child is being completed. Mom needs to be very careful and careful now.

On the issue of timing

Methods of determination exact date pregnancies are different, it is possible with them. Any doctor will use obstetric term counting from the first day of the last menstruation. If you count from conception, then the tenth week means the twelfth obstetric.

What happens to mom and baby

On the 10th obstetric week the placenta and umbilical cord as a whole complete their development. Now the woman and her unborn child are especially strongly connected. The arteries and veins of the placenta and umbilical cord carry nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby, and decay products (for example, carbon dioxide) from the baby to the mother. Alcohol, nicotine, and many drugs can cross the placenta. So the expectant mother still needs to beware of all sorts of negative factors.

For a child, the gestational age of 10 weeks means the final formation of all organs and systems. This process is called organogenesis, and now it is close to completion.

Fetal development

Your baby is as big as

Now the unborn child is no longer considered an embryo. Medically, it's a fetus. And in appearance - a tiny big-headed man the size of a large strawberry. The length of the small body is about 31-42 mm, and the weight is about 5 g.

How is the fetus developing now?

  1. The fetus does not yet have full-fledged bones, only cartilage tissue. Its density begins to rise.
  2. The face is already formed, but the muscles of the face, pharynx and neck are just beginning to develop.
  3. The rudiments of future hairs appear all over the body.
  4. In the cerebellum, neural connections are developing, which will later “command” reflexes.
  5. The heart works in an enhanced mode and makes 150-170 beats per minute.
  6. The baby is actively moving: bends, unbends the limbs, may even start to suck his thumb. If the legs touch the wall of the fetal bladder, the baby is quite capable of pushing off. But it is not felt - the child is still too small.
  7. small auricles almost completed their formation.
  8. The nervous system begins to divide into central and peripheral.
  9. The diaphragm is formed - a special muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity.
  10. Gradually, the rudiments of milk teeth develop.
  11. The tail usually disappears.

This is what the fruit looks like:

Feelings of a woman


The main physical sign of pregnancy is still. It may appear if it has not been felt before. Or to decline if started early. Here the sensations of each woman can differ markedly. The main manifestations of toxicosis:

  • nausea (in the morning or during the day);
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • vomit;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • quirks of their own food taste.

Other sensations:

  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • emotional instability, mood swings;
  • insomnia, and after it - lethargy and drowsiness;
  • aggravation of smell, rejection of individual and simply very strong odors;
  • slight nasal congestion;
  • frequent temperature rise to 37.0-37.4 ° C (if higher, it may be a cold or some kind of infection);
  • slight visual impairment.

There is very little left until the end of the first trimester. Soon the hormonal storms should subside. Then and toxicosis will pass, and the general condition will become more stable.

External changes

Is the belly noticeable at 10 weeks?

It all depends on the build, the initial weight of women. In thin people, a small tubercle in which the baby “hides” can appear quite early. Owners of rounded shapes, even with a careful look in the mirror, may not see any changes. But if all the clothes in the wardrobe of the expectant mother are tight-fitting, the belts no longer converge or press. Yes, and the breasts probably no longer fit in the old bras.

Photo of tummies at the tenth week (clickable)

It is impossible to allow tightness in clothes. Pressure fasteners and various ties compress blood vessels and can cause inconvenience. Nausea, discomfort and feeling of numbness - clear signs It's time for a wardrobe update.

How else does the appearance change during pregnancy?

  • The skin can become amazingly smooth and soft. But pimples may appear on it or dark spots. If this happened - do not be upset. A woman sometimes has to endure a lot for the sake of a baby.
  • The skin around the nipples may darken noticeably. Tiny bumps may appear there. These are Montgomery's nodules, enlarged sweat glands. And on the skin of the abdomen is clearly manifested dark stripe from the navel to the pubic hairline.
  • The body weight of the expectant mother is an important indicator of her well-being or, on the contrary, any violations. If the scale shows a weight gain of 150-300 g per week, everything is in order. Against the background of toxicosis, weight may decrease slightly. If there is no strong weakness, this is also the norm.
  • Weight gain was a kilogram per week? This is cause for concern. There are still 30 weeks before delivery, what will happen if the weight continues to grow like this? Extra pounds are a heavy burden on the female body. This condition requires careful medical supervision.
  • The same can be said about edema. Most often, they affect the legs, especially in "standing" professions. Usually, doctors recommend two methods: taking diuretics or reducing the amount of fluid you drink. The main thing is not to self-medicate.


If a small amount of clear or whitish mucus comes out of the vagina from time to time, this is normal. Unfortunately, in pregnant women, thrush (candidiasis) often occurs by itself. This disease is evidenced by whites, curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor. A doctor should treat thrush. This disease is sexually transmitted, so the father of the child will also need therapy.

Moms take note!

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brown highlights - alarm symptom. It should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible. And if bleeding has begun, it is best to call an ambulance.

In rare cases, even in the tenth week, small more transparent than selection from the nipples. It's colostrum. If the liquid stains clothing, special bra pads will be required. You can't express colostrum.

Possible Complications

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage or missed pregnancy is slightly reduced. However, this does not mean that the expectant mother can again go to the exercise bike or sauna. You must always be careful.

If the stomach pulls just a little or the lower back aches a little, this is normal. After all, the tissues of the muscles, ligaments and skin really stretch a little. But when the stomach really hurts, you need a doctor.

Any pain during pregnancy requires attention. After all, you can not take analgesics. So you need to learn alternative methods pain. First of all, it is desirable to identify and eliminate the cause. For example, the head may hurt due to anemia. In this case, protein nutrition and / or iron supplements will help.

During pregnancy, a woman may develop hemorrhoids. The uterus enlarges and presses on the intestines. There are only two preventive measures: proper nutrition(then the chair will not be difficult) and washing cold water after every visit to the toilet.

Statistics show that women aged 40 and older have an increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. Chorionic villus biopsy can be done to rule out this disease at the fetal stage. gestational sac. The material is taken through a micro-puncture of the abdominal wall or through the cervix. It is important to know that in 1-2% such a procedure can provoke a miscarriage.

At the 10th week, a woman still has the right to have an abortion without any indication. Hundreds and thousands of women enjoy this right every day. Artificial termination of pregnancy is a difficult procedure. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion should be made only by the woman herself and only on serious grounds. You should always remember that an interrupted pregnancy can be the last one.

Doctor's observation

If future mom not yet registered in the antenatal clinic, it is desirable to do so. A gynecologist will prescribe an examination of a pregnant patient by several specialists and laboratory tests:

  • blood per group, total, biochemical analyzes, sugar, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • urine for general analysis;
  • smear from the vagina for flora and infections.

Who among us does not like to read medical forms with research results? True, there is almost nothing to understand. But some things can be sorted out. Many women are surprised and anxious when they see a record of the degree of cleanliness of the vagina. Especially if the degree is not the first. In fact, everything is quite simple. There are four degrees of purity in total. The first and second are evidence of the healthy state of the female genital and urological systems. If the third or fourth degree of purity is indicated, these are clear signs of infections - urinary tract or gynecological.

A routine ultrasound is rarely performed at week 10. But if, for some reason, a study is scheduled, this is an opportunity to look at your “bubbler”. Depending on the instrumentation and the position of the tiny body, an elongated white spot against a dark background, or even the outlines of your own little man.

From the moment of registration, you need to visit the antenatal clinic regularly. The doctor will monitor the patient's weight gain, her general condition and development of the baby.

There are two absolute taboos in the life of a pregnant woman: alcohol and nicotine. Passive smoking is also the enemy of the baby.


Oddly enough, expectant mothers are often not concerned with the issue of nutrition or exercise, but with another, more delicate one. Is it possible to lead a normal intimate life in the tenth week? There are almost no restrictions for this. If sexual relations future parents are harmonious, and the woman has no discomfort during intercourse - everything is in order. And yet there are contraindications to sex:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • increased tone of the uterus (determined by a doctor);
  • the location of the placenta in the lower part of the uterus, placenta previa;
  • pregnancies with twins, triplets (this is called multiple);
  • abnormal a large number of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).

If a woman has previously had a childbirth with caesarean section, the doctor will definitely check the condition of the internal scar. If his inferiority is revealed, his sexual life will have to be stopped.

In all matters related to restrictions intimate life frankness with the father of the child is especially important. This will prevent misunderstandings and quarrels from arising.


The nutrition of a pregnant woman should ensure the development of the baby, as well as the health and energy of his mother. The main rule is to eat often and in small portions. It is better to cook for a couple, products can be boiled or baked. The composition of nutrition for the entire period of pregnancy practically does not change:

  • lean meat and fatty (high in beneficial acids) fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (30% of the diet);
  • cereals;
  • dairy products - from milk to cheese, to choose from.

Drinking during pregnancy is also important. Even with a strong thirst, you should not pour a glass of water, juice or any other liquid at a time. So you can seriously overload the kidneys. You can drink only in small portions, but often, especially in the heat. The future mother, who always has a bottle of water with her, acts very wisely.

From food should be excluded: "empty" sweets (sweets, cakes, chocolate), canned food, smoked and spicy dishes. Tea and coffee should be limited.

If toxicosis is still tormenting, it is better to have breakfast in bed in the morning, and then lie down for a while. It is useful to carry a "yummy" with you, which will help fight nausea during the day. It can be mineral water, a banana, a piece of cheese or a carrot. The helper product is determined empirically.

Now the movement is really life. Therefore, you must definitely walk, walk (only not along gas-polluted highways), do yoga and swim in the pool. There is one dangerous aspect associated with swimming. Pregnant women sometimes experience leg cramps. In the first trimester, this is unlikely, but possible. Therefore, it is better not to swim alone in open, deep waters.


  • Lift and carry weights.
  • Do makeovers.
  • Go to a hot bath or sauna.
  • Nervous, allow negative experiences.
  • Watch horror films, thrillers, psychologically difficult films.
  • Read similar books. Literary texts can be perceived even harder than films. Indeed, when reading, the imagination can dangerously run wild.
  • lose weight by 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

This is the end of the most dangerous and critical period in the development of the baby. Risk spontaneous miscarriage in the middle of the third month, it significantly decreases, and by this time the child has already had the laying of all the most important organs and systems - the spinal cord and brain, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract.

What happens during the 10th week of pregnancy

woman in given period begins to gain weight, which is mainly due to an increase in the volume of blood and lymphatic fluid, as well as an increase in subcutaneous fat. The abdomen at the tenth week of pregnancy is not yet visible, since the uterus is comfortably located in the pelvic area, but the clothes may already seem cramped to the woman.

The active functioning of the placenta begins. She has not yet completed her development, but from the middle of the third month she is already in charge of metabolic processes between mother and child, and also prevents the penetration of dangerous substances and infections, and also ensures the development of the fetus, since it produces hormones responsible for normal course pregnancy.

What happens in a woman's body

The size of the uterus during the tenth week continues to increase, in shape it resembles a small melon or a large grapefruit. But it is located above the pubic bone, so it is still difficult to feel through the abdominal wall. Much the size of the uterus becomes more noticeable at 12 weeks of gestation.

External changes:

  • darkening of the nipples and areolas and the appearance of small vesicles - Montgomery's nodules, which are enlarged sweat glands;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • increased hair growth, the appearance of a "fluff" on the abdomen, chest and face, especially above the upper lip;
  • dryness skin and the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, which is due to fluid retention;
  • the appearance of acne on the skin;
  • swelling of the lower and upper extremities.

Main features

What happens during the 10th week of pregnancy under the influence of hormonal levels:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • irritability and hyperexcitability;
  • tearfulness;
  • increased gas formation and.

Also, a woman during this period may experience a deterioration in visual acuity. This is due to a change in the thickness of the cornea and its shape. It returns to normal only after the birth of a child, and causes such changes to increase the volume of blood in the body of a pregnant woman.

Feelings in the stomach

As a result of hormonal changes in the body, an increase in progesterone and the hormone hCG in the blood, a woman is still suffering from toxicosis. Many women, even at the mere thought of certain products, begin to feel sick.

Feeling in the abdomen at 10 weeks pregnant may also include heartburn. It is due to the fact that the muscles that support the stomach and separate it from the esophagus begin to contract. In this case, stomach acid can enter the esophagus and irritate its mucous membrane. Heartburn is manifested by an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and a burning sensation in the chest area.

The increasing size of the uterus after ten weeks causes its pressure on all surrounding organs in the small pelvis, urination becomes more frequent, urinary incontinence may appear with a sharp laugh, coughing and sneezing.

Discharge from the genital tract

This period of pregnancy is characterized by the presence of clear, milky, light discharge with a uniform consistency and without a sharp specific smell. They are due to the active work of the sex glands and the change of the epithelium of the vagina. But with any other changes in discharge, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

The presence of white flakes and a sour smell are the main symptoms of thrush, which is caused by the Candida fungus, which is part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina. It is not able to negatively affect the development of the baby, therefore, early dates pregnancy treatment for this infection is not carried out.

The presence of pus or a yellowish-green discharge is a dangerous symptom, as it indicates the presence of dangerous infection or inflammation of the walls of the vagina.

They can cause intrauterine infection therefore, when they appear, treatment should be started immediately.

Bleeding may indicate placental abruption. But they also often appear after sexual intercourse, since the cervix and vaginal walls become looser and more prone to injury even with minor external influences.


The 10th week of pregnancy is the time when an ultrasound examination can be performed (if indicated or at the request of the woman). The doctor visualizes the fetal bladder with the fetus in the uterus, analyzes the development during pregnancy. The baby already has a human appearance, and on the monitor you can see the nose, auricles and mouth.

The device's sensor also captures the fetal heartbeat, which is the main confirmation of its viability. If there are two babies, then with the help of ultrasound, you can determine the number of fetal bladders.

Fetal development at the 10th week of pregnancy

By the middle of the third month, the fetus already reaches 30-45 mm, and its weight increases to 5 g. The laying of all the most important organs and systems has already occurred in it, in the future, over 30 weeks, the child develops more rapidly.

By the middle of the third month, the fetus had already acquired a human shape, its lower and upper limbs were noticeably lengthened, and tiny nail plates had already appeared on small fingers. The fetus has bones and joints, so it is already actively moving and somersaulting in the fetal bladder.

The development at the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy also concerns the brain, it generates about 250 thousand neurons every minute. In the fetus, the rudiments of milk teeth continue to form, a diaphragm is formed. The bones are significantly strengthened, and the surface of the body is tightened with a light fluff.

Formed upper lip and the nose, which already contains olfactory receptors. Muscle tissue and chewing muscles begin to form in the oral cavity, neck and pharynx, and taste buds form on the tongue.

During the tenth week of pregnancy, the sensations of a woman also change due to the fact that the digestive system is already working in the fetus, and the baby himself can swallow and urinate. It is located in the fetal bladder, which contains a volume of fluid of about 20 ml. At the same time, in boys, testosterone, the male sex hormone, begins to be synthesized in the testicles.

Description of possible problems

The turning point in the development of the fetus is over. It is up to the middle of the first trimester that any adverse external factors can affect the laying of important organs and the appearance of various genetic anomalies and malformations. But if there is a suspicion of Down syndrome, then at 9-11 weeks a woman can do a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

The 10th week of pregnancy also has other possible problems:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • (pregnancy deviation associated with impaired development of the placenta), which is due to an incorrect fertilization process.

To prevent possible deviations in the development of the fetus, it is important for a woman to visit a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary blood and urine tests in order to determine exactly what happens at the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy in her specific case. If there are indications, the specialist may prescribe an ultrasound examination, the purpose of which is to determine defects in the development of the fetus and placenta.

What to look out for

Having made the decision to become pregnant, a woman must get rid of bad habits(smoking, etc.).

In the process of bearing a child, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • despite the increased volume of the tummy, you should not give up physical activity, but heavy sports should be replaced with swimming, fitness and yoga for expectant mothers, as well as active walking;
  • after 10 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen is already noticeable, from this time you should not lift weights, as this can provoke placental abruption;
  • to prevent possible deviations, a woman is advised to avoid contact with harmful and hazards in production, refuse radiography abdominal cavity, as well as taking any medications;
  • nutrition should be balanced and rational. A woman needs to eat foods rich in calcium - cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes (you can find information about the recommended diet on sites and forums that consider obstetrics and gynecology). To prevent dental problems from ten weeks pregnant, a visit to the dentist is recommended, but anesthesia should not be used in the treatment.

It is important for a woman at this time to avoid overwork, nervous strain, stressful situations, more rest, walk in the fresh air, and also prepare for the upcoming birth.

How many months are 10 weeks pregnant?

Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The obstetric month is 4 weeks, so the 10th week of pregnancy is the middle of the third month (first trimester). The age of the embryo at this time is 8 weeks.

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Perhaps, it is from the 10th week of pregnancy that the expectant mother can feel the beauty of her position. The critical period, when any disease or stress could adversely affect the development of the fetus, has passed, toxicosis, if felt, is not as strong as before.

At 10 weeks, future mommy eat right
phase change
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The placenta is already fully formed by this time, and is responsible for protecting the unborn child. But you should not relax, because another 30 weeks await the woman ahead, which can bring a lot of surprises, and not all of them are pleasant.

What is happening with the baby?

At the beginning of the 10th week, the length of the fetus is 15-20 cm, at the end of it or at the beginning of the 11th week of pregnancy it already reaches 40 mm. This means that throughout the week the baby develops intensively. Its weight is about 5 g.

How does the child develop during this period?

  1. If you do an ultrasound at week 10, then little can be seen from the photo, because the size of the baby is about the size of a plum. However, by this time, facial features are already forming in the unborn child, acquiring individuality.
  2. The neck is already formed and well visible.
  3. The outer parts of the nose, the outer ear are formed.
  4. Large hemispheres of the brain are actively developing.
  5. The adrenal glands begin to synthesize sex hormones that help the fetal body grow and develop.
  6. The liver produces red blood cells and white blood cells.
  7. In the photo taken with ultrasound, you can clearly distinguish the legs and arms.
  8. Hair begins to grow on the scalp.
  9. Taste buds appear on the tongue, which means that the baby will soon begin to distinguish tastes.
  10. The diaphragm began to form.
  11. At this time, the eyelids of the fetus are already fully formed, but for the time being they are quite thin and transparent. The baby's eyes will be closed for another 5 months.
  12. The nervous and circulatory systems are actively developing.
  13. The thin umbilical cord begins to thicken, attaching the fetus to the placenta. There is blood flow in the umbilical cord.
  14. The skeleton is strengthened, and, therefore, the woman's body is in dire need of calcium.
  15. The child's stomach is not yet functioning, that's all nutritional components enter the small organism through the blood.
  16. The esophagus is separated from the trachea. After a while, it will connect the mouth and stomach.
  17. The baby is moving more and more actively, however, the expectant mother does not yet feel these movements, since the fetus is too small and does not touch the wall of the uterus during movements.
  18. By week 10, the tail disappears from the fetus.

Thus, the 10th week of pregnancy is characterized by the end of organogenesis. In the future, the organs of the fetus will continue to develop rapidly. If before this period no genetic abnormalities have developed in the fetus, then you can not be afraid that they will arise later. By the end of this week of pregnancy, the embryo passes into the fetal stage.

This is what the baby looks like at this time

What's going on with mom?

The body of a woman, like a child, continues to change.

  1. The uterus gradually increases. By week 10, it is slightly above the pubic bone. This causes frequent urination, possibly a feeling of heaviness in the groin area.
  2. The hips expand, and the previously flat tummy is somewhat rounded by the 10th week. A woman may notice that her favorite trousers have become a little small for her.
  3. May increase skin pigmentation and hair growth. A woman may notice that she has a fluff on her stomach, as well as her face and chest. This is due to hormonal changes. After childbirth, this phenomenon usually disappears within 2-4 months.
  4. The high content of hormones makes a woman at the 10th week of bearing a child overly sensitive, irritable, tearful.
  5. Small whitish nodules may appear on the areolas of the nipples - enlarged sweat glands. This is a natural manifestation of pregnancy.
  6. A woman may notice that the gums have become slightly loose. It requires special care behind the mouth.
  7. Possible enlargement of the thyroid gland. This is mainly due to hormonal changes in the body, however, consultation with an endocrinologist will not hurt.
  8. Due to fluid retention in the body during childbearing, the outer shell of the eyes (cornea) becomes somewhat thicker. A woman may notice dry eyes or swelling of the eyelids. As a rule, these symptoms are temporary, after childbirth they disappear. If they cause discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor, check the indicators blood pressure, blood sugar levels.

Feelings of the expectant mother

If we talk about the feelings of a woman at the 10th week of pregnancy, then toxicosis can still torment her, however, in most expectant mothers, his symptoms become less pronounced. Be patient, they will disappear very soon.

At this time, such an unpleasant phenomenon as heartburn may appear. It is caused by contraction of the muscles that separate the esophagus from the stomach, as a result of which food enters the esophagus. It is also possible a burning sensation in the chest, sometimes pain caused by the irritating effect of gastric acid on the sensitive mucosa of the esophagus.

Sometimes pregnant women experience colic, manifested by pain in the abdomen, slightly above the navel. This unpleasant symptom can disturb a pregnant woman up to childbirth.

Another unpleasant phenomenon at this time is the strengthening vaginal discharge. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic area and the rapid renewal of epithelial tissue.

Are discharges bothersome?

If the discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy does not have a specific smell and color, you should not worry, as this is considered the norm. As a rule, these are homogeneous, translucent, milky or whitish discharges.

future mommy

If the discharge is yellow, brown, greenish, accompanied by itching, too abundant, you should consult a specialist. This may indicate an inflammatory or infectious process and pose a threat to normal flow pregnancy.

White, lumpy, cheesy discharge during pregnancy with a sour smell indicates thrush (candidiasis). This frequent occurrence in women in a position associated with weakening immune system. Despite the fact that they do not threaten the child, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment, since the baby can be infected with candidiasis while passing through the birth canal.

Bloody discharge, accompanied by pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen, may indicate an incipient abortion. Even meager drops of blood from the vagina at this time should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Abundant watery discharge may indicate premature rupture of amniotic fluid, therefore, they also require an appeal to a gynecologist.

Why does the stomach hurt and what to do?

The 10th week of pregnancy may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. This is due to the enlargement of the uterus. If at rest and warm discomfort pass quickly - do not worry. If during this period there are strong or drawing pains in the abdomen, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Experts of abdominal pain during pregnancy are divided into two groups.

  1. Obstetric pain, i.e. ectopic pregnancy, the threat of spontaneous miscarriage or premature detachment of the placenta.
  2. Non-obstetric pain associated mainly with sprains, overstrain of the abdominal muscles. Also, pain may indicate a gastrointestinal disease.

It is important to establish the cause of these pains and try to eliminate it. If a woman feels pulling pains not only in the abdomen, but in the lower back, it is probably a threat of miscarriage. In this case, you should immediately see a doctor.

Listen to the advice of a gynecologist, eat right

With timely treatment, miscarriage in most cases can be stopped. In the absence of timely medical care, the pain acquires a strong cramping character, accompanied by bloody discharge.

In order for the 10th week of bearing a child to proceed as easily as possible, and the fetus to fully develop in the womb, a woman must follow the following recommendations:

What to do?For what?
Avoid stress

Severe stress at this stage of pregnancy can lead to circulatory disorders in the placenta, worsening the health of the unborn baby.

The task of the mother is to avoid unpleasant experiences, to learn how to cope with them as quickly as possible.

Talk to your doctor for advice on soothing herbal teas. If they do not help, contact a psychologist.

Get moving

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, moderate exercise is recommended. Daily walking, gymnastics for expectant mothers, swimming lessons are perfect.

Moderate exercise will have a beneficial effect on the psychological, physical state women, and, consequently, on the development of the baby as well.

In addition, movement will help to avoid such unpleasant problem, often occurring during pregnancy, as constipation. It will stimulate peristalsis, make the stool regular.

Eat right

The growth of the baby at week 10 occurs at a maximum speed, so about 300 kcal per day should be added to the diet. The diet must include:

  • cereals;
  • protein;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits and vegetables, especially those high in vitamin C.

However, you should not overeat either, since weight gain increases the load on the lungs, heart, and other organs, which can lead to pregnancy complications.

Get more sleep and rest

Many women at the 10th week of pregnancy complain of poor sleep. The first trimester is associated with many experiences. And the growing tummy and the fetus cause worries about comfortable posture during rest.

Remember that the baby inside is securely protected, you will not be able to harm him if you sleep in your usual position.

Listen to your body, go to bed when you want to. A glass of warm milk with honey will help improve sleep.

Wear comfortable clothesClothing should not squeeze a rounded tummy. So give up skinny jeans and skirts, corsets and tight belts. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics.

Find out what you should have been doing and why.

And finally, about having sex at the 10th week of pregnancy. Many women are afraid that intimate contacts will harm the unborn baby. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the expectant mother feels good, then doctors do not prohibit sex. Vice versa, positive emotions will only benefit. In cases where pregnancy occurs with complications, there is increased tone uterus, the threat of miscarriage, it is better to wait a little with sex.