White discharge during pregnancy. Watery discharge during pregnancy, what to do

  • Such secretions can be very different, of a different nature. They may indicate various diseases or pathologies, they may also indicate changes associated with the corresponding stage of the menstrual cycle during. In any case, be that as it may, you need to calm down and understand that pregnancy is a very difficult condition for the body, during which multiple changes occur: both hormonal and functional, and in general physiological. Everything in the female body after conception undergoes rapid changes. However, if, then it is worth sounding the alarm.
  • If we talk separately about the peculiarities of the course of the cycle, including during pregnancy, then you need to understand that in general, vaginal discharge is normal. For example, when moving spermatozoa to the egg, a lubricant is released that simplifies this very movement of spermatozoa to the target. Then, when progesterone begins to be released during ovulation, the discharge changes and becomes thicker. Such secretions play a very important role, as they have a protective function. However, we are talking about discharge during pregnancy, which can also be quite normal and not display any problems. So, normal watery discharge during pregnancy with what processes are they associated, is it good or bad?

Normal watery discharge during pregnancy

  • The hormone progesterone controls the flow of vaginal discharge during the course of the first trimester of pregnancy. Since this hormone has a protective function, its level in the body of a pregnant woman grows, taking care of the safety of the pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Watery discharge during early pregnancy may not indicate a problem, but it is still best to contact your gynecologist. It is thanks to this hormone that a safe environment is created in the woman's body for the development of the fetus.
  • Estrogen. Later, from about the twelfth week of pregnancy, it acts as an estrogen regulator. Due to this, the vaginal discharge becomes thinner. So during the second trimester, such discharge is normal. Such secretions are practically not noticeable, since they do not cause any feeling of discomfort, they are almost transparent, and may be slightly white.
    There is nothing critical and terrible in such secretions, this is normal and even indicates a healthy pregnancy. So there is no need to worry if such allocations take place. However, in order for this process to proceed as comfortably as possible for the expectant mother, you need to follow the usual hygiene rules for pregnant women, and eat healthy (, you can read on ours).

Hygiene rules for pregnant women:

  • Bathe or shower more often
  • Use fragrance-free sanitary napkins
  • Change your underwear and pads regularly. An especially important point regarding pads, because even with normal watery discharge during pregnancy, you risk if the discharge lingers in your underwear. Such secretions are extremely favorable for breeding various sexual infections. So be careful.
  • Dress comfortably in natural fabrics
  • Do not use tampons instead of pads!

Watery discharge during pregnancy - pathologies and deviations

By themselves, as described above, discharge during pregnancy is the norm. However, if constant discharge causes you strong discomfort, even with all the rules of hygiene, then you need to consult a doctor. Among the danger signs in which you need to go to the doctor are the following:

  • puffiness
  • redness
  • irritation
  • burning and itching

Such sensations may indicate the presence of an infection, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, pass the necessary tests, identify the problem and be treated before it develops into something serious. In any case, you should not delay, because in the end you risk not only your health, but also the health of the baby.

What can pathological watery discharge during pregnancy lead to?

The purpose of this paragraph is to show the real side of the issue, even if you want to scare you, so that you do not delay the solution of the problem. During pregnancy, the vaginal microflora becomes more vulnerable, despite protective mechanisms, to pathogenic elements, microbes. Transparent watery discharge during pregnancy is a good indicator in the timely detection of diseases. Of course, it can be a common thrush or colpitis, but there are more serious diseases:

  1. Watery vaginal discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. This pathology is very dangerous and requires mandatory hospitalization. At what the number of allocations can be different. To determine this problem, you can buy a test in a pharmacy. A specialist in a pharmacy will tell you which test to identify you need to purchase. Just tell the consultant that you have a lot of watery discharge during pregnancy. It is difficult to diagnose the pathology on your own, but it is possible: the discharge has a yellowish tint and it smells “sweet”. Be that as it may, you can immediately go to the hospital, where, after special tests, you will be given an accurate answer.
  2. Herpes genital. The first and most clear sign, since genital herpes is very difficult to determine by discharge, is inflamed blisters on the skin around the external genitalia. Inside such bubbles are watery, after bursting they dry up. The sight is not very pleasant. It is especially unpleasant if there are no external signs of the disease, then listen to the painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. The characteristic discharge is whitish or grayish, translucent or transparent, with aggravation, it can even be a greenish tint. The consistency is characterized by such qualities as: viscous, viscous, foamy. All this trouble is accompanied by itching and pain during urination.

Be vigilant about your changes in the body, because in a mild rudimentary form, any disease can be dealt with very quickly and painlessly. Pay special attention to the consistency of the vaginal discharge, this will help to recognize the problem. Also, the most striking sign is an increase in temperature and pain during urination. Remember also that infectious diseases affect your baby, so you should immediately contact your treating gynecologist.

Prevention of watery discharge during pregnancy - what to do?

  • Follow the rules of hygiene again and again, because cleanliness is the key to health.
  • Use special cosmetics for pregnant women, be it or - everything should be free of harmful chemicals
  • Wear comfortable underwear and maternity clothes

During pregnancy, a woman's body changes: processes that were previously unknown begin to occur, the level of hormones produced increases. It is in the position that many are faced with such a phenomenon as watery discharge. Although the fluid secreted from the genitals should not cause concern, nevertheless, in a girl in position, she is the object of increased attention.
The content of the article:

Women diagnose watery discharge during pregnancy on their own. To find out the causes and normality of the phenomenon, you need to go to a specialist - an obstetrician-gynecologist. In some cases, a consultation will be enough, in others - laboratory tests are indispensable. The factors that determine normality are consistency, color, smell. The pathology is evidenced by stickiness, ductility, white / yellow / red tint, burning, unpleasant odor, itching.

To solve the problem, you need to normalize nutrition, give up bad habits, and follow the rules of intimate hygiene. In some cases, resort to drug therapy. The goal is to restore the microbiocenosis of the vagina. If the problem persists, local antibacterial, antiseptic drugs are prescribed. An operation is needed if not just fluid leaks, but amniotic fluid.

To prevent the occurrence of a problem, be attentive to the body. Intimate hygiene and diet play an important role. Track the condition during all 3 trimesters. It is especially important to do this at a later date. A warm, humid environment (due to the anatomical specifics of the body structure, a higher temperature of the skin integuments) is the optimal condition for the appearance and development of infections.

The first trimester lasts 13 weeks: from the 1st to the 13th. During this period, progesterone predominates. The hormone is responsible for implantation, development, protection of the ovum, while the formation of the placenta is the concern of estrogen. The peak value of progesterone is typical for 8 weeks. After that, its volume gradually decreases. At 13 weeks, hormone levels are quite modest.

As soon as progesterone is replaced by estrogen, the glands of the cervix are activated. This contributes to an increase in the volume of fluid released.

When there is a lot of estrogen in the blood, the composition of the cervical mucus changes. Thick consistency becomes liquid. The mucus cannot linger in the organs, therefore it comes out. This is especially noticeable in the morning. High humidity in the vaginal area is the only cause of discomfort that should worry you. Only in this case is it considered the norm. Pay attention to the color - a slightly whitish shade is acceptable, but bloody, yellow indicate pathology.

The last trimester begins at week 27 and ends with childbirth. They usually occur at 40-41 weeks. But both premature and late births are not excluded - earlier or later than the due date. When exactly a child is born depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman's body.

The presence of secretions during this period is the same norm as in the previous trimesters. This is due to the high level of the predominant female hormone - estrogen. Starting from the 27th week, amniotic fluid may begin to stand out, which does not happen at earlier dates. Its leakage is a pathology that requires the patient to be placed in a hospital. Constant monitoring of her condition is mandatory, because the health of the unborn baby depends on it.

To determine the normality, volume, consistency of the excreted amniotic fluid, purchase an amniotest, which is a test strip, with the help of which these factors are determined. If the indicators are exceeded, we are talking about leakage, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. You can not hesitate, because you are in the 3rd trimester.

The fluid released during pregnancy is an object of close attention. During all trimesters, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene, because ahead is the birth of a baby.

Sometimes experts still recommend maternity pads: they are odorless (there are no flavors), oilcloth layer, do not cause skin irritation. Wearing them does not allow the linen to get dirty, but it changes the temperature and humidity of the vagina, and this increases the risk of developing pathogenic microflora. Pregnant women should not use tampons!

The norm is a liquid of a transparent or slightly white hue. It should not smell, and the very fact of its presence should cause unpleasant and painful sensations like itching, burning, irritation.

  • Wash the organs of the reproductive system more often;
  • Use only clean and dry underwear (preferably made from natural fabrics that do not cause allergies and irritation).

Treatment is not required. The need for it arises only if the released liquid deviates from the norm in external parameters.

White watery discharge during pregnancy abnormal when:

The presence of the above symptoms indicates the pathogenic microflora of the vagina, infection and diseases, among which are:

  • Colpitis;
  • Thrush;
  • Bacterial vaginosis (an unpleasant odor appears, the color is first white or gray, and then yellowish-green, the liquid consistency becomes viscous, thick, sticky, foams, the affected area itches, there are problems with urination);
  • Herpes (the skin becomes inflamed, there are vesicles, they grow, then burst, and then dry out, pain occurs in the sacral region, lower back, lower abdomen).

An appeal to a gynecologist in the above situations is mandatory. Diseases are dangerous for the health of the girl and the fetus. When amniotic fluid leaks (they have a yellow color, a sweet smell), the pregnant patient is hospitalized.

Take care of yourself and your baby - listen to the recommendations and advice of doctors. Only in this way you will avoid many problems.

Video on the topic " Watery discharge during pregnancy»

Such an important period for every woman (pregnancy) is not without worries. The body is undergoing serious changes - how not to worry, because often the expectant mother does not know which changes in her health are the norm and which are the deviation. Often the anxiety is completely unfounded, and the symptoms are far-fetched. In order for unpleasant emotions not to overshadow this period, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with information about the natural changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In our article, we will touch on a question that often worries expectant mothers. Namely, we will talk about the norms and deviations of cervical discharge: why there are watery discharge during pregnancy, when they do not cause concern to doctors, and in what cases you need to urgently seek medical help.

What is cervical mucus

First you need to figure out what cervical mucus is. This concept means nothing more than vaginal discharge. Mucus is produced by the work of sex hormones. It protects the reproductive organs of a woman, being a natural barrier to the growth and development of various kinds of bacteria and fungi. In addition, cervical mucus acts as a lubricant during intercourse.

The consistency of the mucus changes depending on the day of the woman's menstrual cycle. Such changes are explained by the work of hormones, the function of which, in turn, is to create the most comfortable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. Watery, not accompanied by additional symptoms, are considered a variant of the norm.

What are the normal discharges?

In the first days after menstruation and until the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, the discharge is normally transparent and relatively liquid, mucous. In such an environment, the sperm can freely reach the egg. Just before ovulation, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the secretions increase in volume and become similar to raw egg white.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge decreases, and their consistency and color change. During this period, cervical mucus may be whitish and creamy in appearance. But if conception has occurred, then under the influence of hormones, a woman may note transparent watery discharge that is uncharacteristic for this period. During pregnancy, this condition does not need treatment.

The rate of discharge during pregnancy

If conception has occurred, then the woman's body begins to actively produce the "pregnancy" hormone progesterone. Its action is aimed at the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus. Against this background, the entire first half of pregnancy, a viscous mucus of a transparent color is observed.

Starting from the second trimester, the vaginal secretion becomes liquid under the influence of the hormone tarragon. There is watery discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester. In some women, they may be moderate, transparent or whitish, while in others the amount of secretion is plentiful, giving a feeling of constant moisture.

If a woman has abundant watery discharge during pregnancy, then often the expectant mother begins to use daily sanitary pads. But doctors do not recommend the use of such hygiene products, especially during the period of gestation. Since a humid warm environment is the best conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Pregnant women are recommended frequent change of linen and hygienic cleansing procedures.

It is worth noting that there is no clear framework for the norms of this secret - an individual feature is often found, for example, a tendency to yellow discharge or to transparent, but watery. But what cervical mucus should not be under any circumstances is described in detail in the corresponding section of the article.

Can there be watery discharge in the first half of pregnancy?

Watery discharge during early pregnancy - is this the norm or a deviation? And is there any reason for concern? In established medical criteria, it is considered that in the first trimester the discharge should not be watery. But if there are no other complaints of the patient and symptoms, then, most likely, such a condition is an individual feature of the woman's body. Nevertheless, it is better, as they say, to play it safe and undergo an unscheduled examination with the delivery of the necessary tests.

Deviations from the norm

What watery discharge is considered abnormal? Requires additional diagnosis and treatment of abundant cervical secret, which is accompanied by:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • color change;
  • itching;
  • puffiness;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • the appearance of pigmentation or rash;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • painful sensations when urinating.

Normally, watery discharge during pregnancy is transparent, sometimes whitish or yellowish (due to rejected epithelial cells) hue. If you notice that the cervical mucus has acquired the features described below that are uncharacteristic of the normal course of pregnancy, you should urgently seek help from a doctor:

  1. Mucus of a pronounced yellow color with flakes or foamy discharge.
  2. White with lumps.
  3. Brown.
  4. Bloody.

This color of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of infection, inflammation and the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Possible reasons for deviations

The reasons why pathological watery discharge can occur during pregnancy are very different, but they all come down to the main one - a decrease in immunity, as a result of which a woman is exposed to negative external factors, including infection with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, stress, poor hygiene, hormonal disorders, excessive physical activity and heavy lifting can lead to a change in secretion production.

Water leakage

Watery discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of premature leakage. Normally, this condition occurs after 38 weeks. If at this time a transparent liquid with a specific smell with a volume of about half a liter has leaked, it's time to get ready for the hospital, the contractions are about to begin.

But if the leakage occurred at an earlier date (the earlier, the more dangerous), then this is a pathology. In addition, it should be noted that in case of early leakage of water, they can be released almost imperceptibly - a few drops per day. It is often difficult even for a doctor to notice and determine pathology without additional tests. This situation is extremely dangerous for both the child and the mother. The likelihood of septic complications is high. Urgently need to call an ambulance and get ready for the hospital.

Diagnosis of pathological secretions

To confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will offer the patient to take a standard smear, according to indications, to undergo an examination to identify diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Watery discharge during early pregnancy may cause a doctor to suspect an amniotic fluid leak. Even before going to the doctor (in the absence of symptoms requiring an ambulance), you can conduct a home test using an express system. It is easy to get it in a pharmacy. It should be noted that most of these diagnostic tests also determine the absence or presence of infectious diseases.

How to use the express system to detect amniotic fluid leakage?

Using the rapid test at home is not difficult. The system looks like a sanitary napkin. After a thorough sanitation of the genitals and hands, it is necessary to unpack the package and attach the pad to the underwear. You need to wait until the test system is clearly wet, or check it after 12 hours. You need to analyze the result immediately. If the pad did not change color, no pathology was found. But if blue and green spots appear, regardless of their intensity and order, then the test is positive, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment and medical prognosis

The faster the woman went to the doctor, and the diagnosis was confirmed, treatment was prescribed, the more favorable the prognosis of pregnancy. What is important is not so much the quantity and consistency of the secret as its unreasonable change. So, for example, white watery discharge during pregnancy may indicate inflammatory processes in the ovaries or candidiasis, yellow, brown and green - about detachment or damage to the placenta, with streaks of blood - it is possible

To date, procedures have been developed, there are various medications that have a minimal negative effect on the fetus, being an effective method of combating infectious agents.

Unfortunately, untimely detection of the cause of pathological discharge can lead to serious fetal developmental disorders or spontaneous abortion.

Preventive measures

Watery discharge during pregnancy is difficult to predict and prevent. But it is possible and necessary to pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs, avoid stress and physical overexertion, reduce the time spent in crowded places in order to prevent infection with viral respiratory infections, monitor nutrition and properly plan rest.

In is responsible not only for his health, but also for the well-being of the unborn baby. Therefore, with any changes in cervical discharge, be sure to consult a doctor for an additional examination. Health to you and your children!

Watery discharge occurs at different stages of pregnancy and does not always indicate pathology. The appearance of such a symptom in the second trimester may be a variant of the norm, while in the third - to talk about leakage of amniotic fluid or infection of the genital tract. Knowing why watery discharge occurs, you can notice various deviations in time and avoid the development of complications.

Physiological causes

Normally, in the first trimester of pregnancy, discharge from the genital tract is light or milky, without a strong odor. The amount of discharge may vary, but almost all women notice an increase in vaginal secretion after conception. This is due to the action of progesterone, a hormone responsible for the preparation of the uterine mucosa and gestation. The occurrence of abundant mucous discharge in early pregnancy is considered completely normal and does not require treatment.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, when the level of progesterone rises less intensively, there is a slight dilution of secretions. After a thick mucous discharge, such a secret seems watery. There is no need to worry, but only if the following conditions are met:

  • discharge does not increase with time;
  • there is no admixture of pus or blood in the secret;
  • there is no unpleasant odor from the discharge;
  • there is no itching, burning, pain or other symptoms of the pathological process;
  • body temperature does not rise;
  • the child is actively moving (after 24 weeks);
  • the size of the uterus corresponds to the gestational age.

Mucous watery discharge persists until childbirth. This condition does not require any correction.

  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Washing with heavy discharge should be done twice a day.
  2. Use of intimate hygiene products with a neutral pH. You can not wash with ordinary soap - it dries the mucous membrane and increases discomfort.
  3. Regular change of underwear, frequent change of towels.

With abundant watery discharge, you can use daily pads. It is important to choose a product without flavors and fragrances, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. Wear panty liners for no more than 4 hours in a row. Prolonged use of such drugs threatens the development of vaginal dysbiosis.

Pathological causes

The appearance of watery vaginal discharge may be associated with such conditions:

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid is the fluid in which the baby is throughout its intrauterine development. Normally, the fetal bladder remains intact until the onset of contractions and opens only in the first stage of labor - when the uterine os opens by 4-6 cm. The anterior waters expire, the posterior ones come out only after the birth of the child. So the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid all 40 weeks.

Premature rupture of the fetal bladder and leakage of water may be associated with such conditions:

  • insufficiency of the cervix and its premature opening;
  • infectious processes in the vagina;
  • trauma during pregnancy;
  • instrumental interventions leading to damage to the fetal bladder (collection of amniotic fluid and cord blood);
  • multiple pregnancy.

Minor watery discharge indicates a partial rupture of the fetal bladder. Amniotic fluid does not flow out all at once, but leaves drop by drop for a long time. This process is completely painless for a woman. The expectant mother notes the appearance of a colorless liquid on linen or pads, on the bed and towel. Allocations practically do not stop. Some expectant mothers note the appearance of a special smell of discharge - not too sharp, but unusual.

The discharge of water increases with physical exertion, during intimacy and after a change in body position. At any time, the rupture of the membranes may intensify, and there will be more discharge. With an abundant outflow of amniotic fluid, childbirth inevitably starts, and the pregnancy is interrupted. At a period after 22 weeks, the child can be saved if the necessary resuscitation assistance is provided in time. Until 22 weeks, the fetus is not viable.

Special tests will help to distinguish water leakage from another pathology:

  • Diaper test. The expectant mother needs to empty her bladder, take a shower and lie down on a clean and dry diaper. If the diaper gets wet within two hours, you should think about the rupture of the fetal bladder.
  • pharmacy tests. Special test strips determine amniotic fluid by pH. The appearance of green or blue spots indicates water leakage. Such systems often err and mistake secretions from a genital tract infection for amniotic fluid.
  • Cytological study. It is carried out by a doctor and allows, according to certain criteria, to identify amniotic fluid in vaginal discharge.

If water leakage is suspected, hospitalization is necessary. Tactics will depend on the degree of rupture of the membranes, dilatation of the cervix and gestational age. In some cases, doctors manage to slow down the process and help the woman carry the baby to term. With a significant rupture of the fetal bladder, the pregnancy is terminated.

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common problem in late pregnancy. The development of pathology is associated with the relaxation of the sphincters of the bladder. Urine may leak in drops, and then it is quite difficult to distinguish it from ordinary vaginal discharge or water discharge.

Symptoms of urinary incontinence include:

  • specific pungent smell of secretions;
  • staining panty liners yellowish.

Urine leakage increases with physical exertion, coughing, laughing and sneezing, with sharp bends and turns. Often this condition is combined with infectious processes in the urinary tract and is accompanied by itching, burning, pain over the bosom.

With the growth of the fetus, the condition of the woman worsens, and urinary incontinence is observed more often. After the birth of the child, the situation returns to normal. If urinary incontinence becomes a serious problem and interferes with a fulfilling life, you need to contact a urologist.

Inflammation of the vagina and cervix

Infectious processes in the genital tract are accompanied by the appearance of copious secretions, often watery. In favor of inflammation of the cervix or vagina, the following symptoms speak:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor of secretions;
  • itching in the vagina;
  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

Discharge from a genital tract infection rarely remains clear. Usually they are painted in a yellowish or greenish color, they can be milky or dirty gray. Curdled discharge occurs with thrush. Strengthening of the vaginal secretion occurs after intimacy and physical activity.

When pathological watery discharge appears, you need to undergo an examination and find the causative agent of the disease:

  • Smear on flora. A survey smear allows you to identify the growth of nonspecific flora, recognize thrush, bacterial vaginosis and gonorrhea.
  • Bacteriological culture. The analysis is taken from the cervical canal and vagina. When sowing, all microorganisms that are present in the genital tract are detected - both pathogenic, and representatives of the normal microflora, and lactobacilli. Their number is determined, as well as sensitivity to drugs.
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections. Serological diagnostic methods and PCR are used. So you can identify chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes infection and other diseases.

Treatment of the infectious process is prescribed taking into account the identified pathogen. Local remedies are used in the form of suppositories, tablets, creams. After the elimination of the inflammatory process, the vaginal microflora is normalized with the help of probiotics. Such a scheme allows not only to get rid of the problem, but also to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

urinary tract infection

This pathology is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • profuse clear or yellowish discharge from the vagina;
  • pain and burning during urination;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • drawing pain over the bosom.

These signs indicate the development of cystitis or urethritis. Often, this pathology goes along with inflammation of the vagina and cervix. Without treatment, it threatens with infection of the fetus, miscarriage or premature birth.

For the diagnosis of diseases of the urinary tract are used:

  • general urine analysis;
  • bacteriological culture of urine;
  • Bladder ultrasound.

Therapy is prescribed after the identification of the causative agent of the disease, taking into account its sensitivity to medications and the duration of pregnancy.

Summing up

Watery discharge during pregnancy is not dangerous if it is not accompanied by other complaints and does not cause discomfort. In such a situation, they should be considered as a variant of the norm.

The constant presence of moisture in the vagina of a woman of any age indicates her usual state. The cervix regularly produces mucus, which changes its character depending on the monthly rhythm.

In the first half, under the influence of estrogen, a liquid vaginal secretion is secreted. It ensures that sperm enters the female egg. With successful fertilization, mucus helps to move the fetal egg to the uterus.

In the second half of the menstrual rhythm, after ovulation, the level of progesterone rises. Under its influence, the vaginal secret changes its character, acquiring a thick consistency. This makes it possible to protect the potential embryo from pathogenic microorganisms. Such processes constantly occur in the reproductive organs of a woman and are considered the norm.

But if His Majesty's case has come, and conception has occurred, hormones still affect the nature of the vaginal secretion. The first signs of a new life are watery discharge during pregnancy. They are directly related to the internal processes that contribute to the development of the fetus.

The natural character of the watery secretion

To understand how the nature of the watery secretion changes, it is important to know the features of its normal state.

Every day, discharge in women appears in an amount of one to four milliliters. Depending on the phase of the menstrual rhythm, their density and shade change. Basically, they come out in the form of a transparent mucus of a homogeneous structure or with lumps. Sometimes white or yellowish impurities appear, which is considered normal. In addition, the secret should be odorless or slightly sour. This nature of the liquid is observed in all women, starting from infancy.

During conception, a complete restructuring of the body occurs. This is manifested in changes in watery discharge characteristic of pregnancy. During this period, they acquire a whitish hue, which is the first signal of an interesting situation. A similar phenomenon occurs due to an increase in the level of progesterone, which contributes to the development of the embryo and a calm pregnancy.

Under the influence of progesterone, vaginal mucus in early pregnancy becomes viscous. This is especially evident at the moment when the embryo is successfully fixed in the uterus. To create a protective wall for the unborn child, a mucous plug is produced.

When the pregnancy reaches 12 weeks, estrogen levels begin to rise and the secret changes again. Watery discharge during early pregnancy is considered normal if it is odorless. In addition, they should not annoy a woman who is expecting a child.

Note to future mothers.

In a period of interesting position, it is important to keep the body clean. Since the perineum is constantly wet due to watery secretions, it must be refreshed regularly. A pleasant warm shower or bath contributes to the comfortable bearing of the child.

The period that starts from the 14th week and lasts until the 27th is considered the second trimester of an interesting position. Due to the high level of estrogen, women experience abundant watery discharge. The hormone is produced by the placenta, and it remains in the body until the onset of childbirth. A large amount of estrogen contributes to the physiological growth of the child. In addition, its concentration prepares the reproductive system for the forthcoming process of the birth of a person.

Due to the large amount of estrogen in the blood, the discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester becomes more liquid. They do not smell, but cause constant moisture in the intimate area, especially after sleep. In some cases, they acquire a whitish tint. The volume of the secret is different, because the body of each woman has its own personality.

Allocations during pregnancy in the third trimester are identical in nature to the previous ones. The body is still dominated by estrogen, which affects the density of the discharge. If there are no unusual changes, then the process of bearing a child is going well.

Pathological symptoms of a watery secretion

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always go without problems. In addition to toxicosis and mild fatigue, a lady may develop various anomalies. They are easy to identify by changing the nature of the discharge. It is worth noting the following factors:

  • new color shades;
  • noticeable unpleasant odor;
  • appearance and density;
  • abnormal condition of the mucous tissue of the intimate zone;
  • general symptoms of malaise of the body.

Thrush (candidiasis) - click to view

When vaginal mucus changes its shade during pregnancy, this indicates the presence of pathology. Impurities of grayish and yellow-green color indicate the development of thrush. Pink, scarlet, or brown may indicate possible fetal loss.

If the vaginal fluid in women in position begins to smell bad, this indicates serious internal changes. An acidic smell or stench similar to rotten fish indicates the multiplication of various infectious fungi.

By observing the external changes in the vaginal fluid, it is also possible to determine a serious disease. If the mucus becomes sticky or viscous, cheesy or foamy, you should seek help from a doctor.

Sometimes, pregnant women experience changes in the intimate area. Against the background of pathology, swelling of the labia appears. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the genitals. And finally, all these symptoms are accompanied by fever and pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Infectious diseases occur during the period of bearing a baby due to reduced immunity. The microflora in the vagina is especially vulnerable at this time. Therefore, during pregnancy, discharge of a watery nature are the first signals of pathological changes.

In addition to thrush, a lady in position can get colpitis or vaginosis. It is not excluded inflammation of the genitourinary system and even genital herpes. To avoid complications, it is important to consult a gynecologist in time.

Bacterial vaginosis (vaginitis) - click to view

Fluid discharge like water often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. As a result, they turn yellow. The reason for this anomaly is a violation of the functions of the fetal bladder. In this case, it is advisable not to postpone the visit to the doctor so as not to harm the unborn child.

Abnormal character of white vaginal fluid

Without a doubt, every woman who bears a child thinks not only about herself. This is reflected in being mindful of your vaginal fluids. When she has uncharacteristic white watery discharge during pregnancy, she sounds the alarm.

Knowledge of the physiological processes occurring in the reproductive organs helps to control the situation. As soon as the fetal egg began to develop, this was reflected in the appearance of white mucus. First, it was fixed in the uterus. A plug of mucus then formed to protect the embryo from external infections. During this period, vaginal aqueous fluid may occur in large quantities, but without odor.

The formation of a protective plug in the cervical canal during pregnancy
(click to view)

When the watery discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy remains unchanged, this indicates a normal development process.

However, the appearance of a white secret is not always natural. Some abnormal processes that occur in the reproductive organs manifest themselves in a white secret.

During the bearing of a child, the vaginal microflora of a pregnant woman loses its protective forces. As a result, pathogenic fungi get there, and the secret becomes a curdled consistency.

Helpful advice.

Decreased immunity during pregnancy contributes to the active reproduction of pathogenic microbes. In view of this, you should not self-medicate. Cooperation with a specialist will relieve complications and protect the unborn baby from infections.

The occurrence of abnormal fluid blisters around the external intimate organs is associated with genital herpes. The disease is accompanied by pain below the belt. Often, discomfort is manifested in the back. A white secret of a watery nature signals the appearance of a serious illness.

Sometimes pregnant ladies complain of itching or burning in the intimate area. In this case, a whitish liquid comes out of the vagina. The cause of this anomaly is vaginosis. The disease is successfully treated, despite the interesting situation.

It is very important for women to remember that any infection affects the successful development of the fetus. Therefore, the timely help of a doctor and the correct treatment of anomalies will certainly affect the health of the child. This will be a manifestation of true love and care for the coming generation.