Almond peeling. What is useful mandelic acid for the face? After a chemical procedure, there may appear

Almond peeling for the face is a type of chemical exfoliation. The procedure gently and effectively cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminates slight pigmentation and post-acne traces, and reduces the first signs of aging. The minimal trauma of the method and quick recovery make exfoliation an ideal choice for delicate and sensitive skin of the face and body.

What is almond peeling

About almond peeling in aesthetic cosmetology has long been known. However, despite decades of practice and the emergence of new, more advanced techniques, gentle and delicate exfoliation is still one of the most sought-after and necessary procedures.

Almond is a superficial, non-aggressive peeling performed with phenoxyglycolic acid. It is obtained from the kernels of bitter almonds by multi-stage extraction. Amygdala molecules are large in size, which slows down their penetration into tissues and eliminates the redness and flaking characteristic of acid exposure.

Almond peeling is good for minor skin imperfections, when you need to refresh and brighten your face a little, as well as for women who are just starting to use acid exfoliants.

Cleansing and renewal of the dermis proceeds without pronounced complications and adverse reactions, has a minimum of contraindications and is an ideal option for caring for hands, neck and décolleté.

The action of mandelic acid

How does mandelic acid work on the skin? Phenoxyglycol enzyme, being a good keratolytic, copes well with age spots, freckles and post-acne. In addition, the substance activates the production of collagen and elastin, accelerates cellular regeneration, and facilitates the course of acne. The powerful antimicrobial effect of amygdalic is similar to that of macrolide antibiotics.

What else does mandelic acid do:

  • cleanses pores and prevents their clogging;
  • tones the skin, reduces sensitivity and reactivity;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevents the development of acne and pustules;
  • smoothes the first mimic wrinkles;
  • dissolves stagnant spots;
  • moisturizes, evens out complexion.

Phenoxyglycolic acid is well tolerated by women with sensitive and thin skin. Suitable for all types of dermis, recommended for rosacea, hyperkeratosis, high allergenicity.

Indications for use

What does almond peeling give and when is it needed? Indications for exfoliation are very diverse. The procedure helps to cope with the shortcomings of both young skin and age-related skin that needs moisturizing and regeneration.

Often, phenoxyglycol exfoliation is performed as an alternative to hardware or manual facial exfoliation.

Exfoliation with mandelic acid solves the following problems:

  • acne disease of the first and second degree;
  • post-acne, stagnant spots;
  • pigmentation, freckles;
  • oily, impure skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • folliculitis;
  • rosacea;
  • uneven tone of the face;
  • keratosis;
  • the first signs of aging.

In addition, exfoliation with almonds is often prescribed in preparation for serious cosmetic procedures, such as deep and medium peels, laser resurfacing. Manipulation allows you to even out the thickness of the epidermis, reduce possible complications and improve the final result.

Six benefits of almond peeling

Despite the mild and gentle effect, almond cleaning is quite effective and has many advantages over others.

Benefits of exfoliation:

  1. Suitable for women with dark and swarthy skin.
  2. Has a short recovery period.
  3. It is prescribed for a pronounced vascular network on the face.
  4. Performed in spring and summer when other exfoliation is prohibited.
  5. Well tolerated by patients with dry, delicate and sensitive skin.
  6. Recommended for girls over 16 years old.

When choosing almond exfoliation for the spring-summer season, pay attention to products with a low percentage of acid. And remember, the absence of redness and flaking doesn't mean the exfoliant isn't working.

Getting ready for the session

Each cosmetic procedure requires some preparation. Almond peeling was no exception. There are several rules for performing skin pretreatment.

If you intend to do a mild acid exfoliation with a solution concentration of up to 20%, it is enough to conduct an allergy test by first applying a drop of the product to your wrist. If you choose a more concentrated formula (30-40%), use 15% phenoxyglycolic acid or fruit enzyme gel for predrank. The same means can be used during the recovery period to consolidate the effect.

Pre-peel preparation should begin 14-20 days before the procedure, applying the selected creams 2 times a day.

Refuse before exfoliation from tanning in a solarium and a trip to the sea. If fresh rashes constantly appear on the face, be treated with Metrogyl to destroy the infection and drink a course of Acyclovir for herpes.


The procedure for performing an almond exfoliation in the salon includes several steps typical of chemical exfoliation.

Session step by step:

  1. The patient's skin is cleansed of impurities and cosmetics with a special agent based on 10% phenoxyglycolic acid, then degreased and dried with napkins.
  2. The desired drug is applied to the face in the following order: forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, neck, décolleté. Processing in several layers is possible.
  3. After redness, the epidermis is covered with a neutralizer (if prescribed by the protocol), washed and dried.
  4. An anti-inflammatory or regenerating mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

The exposure time of each layer is selected individually and averages 7–10 minutes. If you are doing the procedure for the first time, you should not keep the composition for a long time. Reduce exposure time to 3-5 minutes.

To obtain a stable and long-lasting effect, it is recommended to do 6-8 sessions with an interval of 10 days.

Skin care during the recovery period

Almond exfoliation, like any acid exposure, requires post-peel care. In the first week after the procedure, refuse to visit the bath, solarium, pool and sauna. Be sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 40 before leaving the room. In winter, protect your face from wind and frost.

During the recovery period, it is recommended to carefully care for the skin, apply a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory cream twice a day, wash with cool, acidified water. Such measures will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and reduce the risk of complications.

If you experience profuse rashes, exacerbation of herpes, prolonged swelling and redness, consult a doctor.

Almond peeling at home

Almond exfoliation is a simple and safe process that does not require specialist supervision, so it can be done at home. You can buy an exfoliating compound at a pharmacy or make your own. Most often, for an independent procedure, the products of the Belarusian company Belita, the Israeli brands GIGI (Gee Gee) and Christina (Christina) are used. The prices of these funds are very democratic.

Peeling with almonds at home is performed according to the same scheme as in the salon. Be sure to follow the procedure protocol. How to apply, how long to keep, which neutralizer to use - all this is indicated in the instructions for the drug, so read the description carefully.

If it is not possible to purchase a store-bought product, prepare an almond peeling.

The recipe is this:

  • crushed almond kernel - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal powder - 1 tsp;
  • white clay - 1 tsp;
  • water.

Mix the ingredients, add liquid and rub thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the skin, avoiding the area under the eyes, and lie down, otherwise the mask will not stick. After 20 minutes, do a light massage and rinse with cool water. Apply moisturizer.

Almond peeling from popular brands of cosmetics

Those who decide to do an almond cleansing at home or in a salon will probably be interested to know what peels are popular today and what effect you can count on.

In order not to get confused in drugs and brands, we will make a table:

Name of the exfoliantCharacteristicsPriceMulti-acid peeling Alpika, RussiaThe tool is produced in two forms: 5 and 15%. The expected result is brightening and rejuvenation of the skin, elimination of acne and stagnant spots, narrowing of pores, moisturizing. Requires neutralization. The course is 10 sessions.Bottle 30 ml - 1500 rubles.Almond-salicylic exfoliant Arcadia, Russia + FranceComplex drug. Consists of phenoxyglycolic (38%) and salicylic (2%) acids. Gives a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, eliminates acne in a mild degree, normalizes oily skin, tightens pores, brightens and evens out tone. Suitable for delicate, problematic dermis with rosaceaBottle 30ml - 1470 rubles.Multifruit peeling Gigi (Gi Gee) 15%, IsraelCombined remedy. Brightens the skin, evens out the relief, rejuvenates and saturates tissues with nutrients. It has a soft and delicate effect, suitable for sensitive skin of the face, hands, neck and décolleté. Requires a neutralizer.Bottle 100 ml - 6998 rubles.Exfoliant Martinex Mandelicpeel 40%It differs from other drugs in the content of isopropyl alcohol. It is considered a good keratolic, moisturizes and cleanses the skin, fights acne. Requires neutralization.Bottle 30 ml - 3060 rubles.Acid peeling Cosmoteros 30%, FranceThe exfoliant does an excellent job with age spots and post-acne, acne. Peeling after the procedure is quite noticeable, but disappears after 2-3 days. Suitable for all skin types. The course consists of 4-6 procedures.Bottle 30 ml - 2567 rubles.Exfoliant Mediderma, SpainA well-known line of phenoxyglycol preparations. They come in various forms and concentrations. On problem skin, they do not work well enough, they can provoke new rashes. They brighten and even out the tone of the face, fight the first signs of aging, cleanse and tighten pores.Bottle 60ml - 7674 rubles.Peeling gel Ondevie (Ondevi) 35%, FranceThe gel does not require neutralization and is used only in the cabin. Expected result: brightening and smoothing of skin tone, smoothing, reduction of wrinkles, lifting effect, general improvement of the epidermis. Exfoliant perfectly copes with acne, reduces greasiness and prevents scarringBottle 30 ml - 1 771 rub.Exfoliant MedicControlPeel (Medickontrolpit) 40%, RussiaPeeling from MCP perfectly copes with severe forms of acne, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and comedonogenic effect. One of the best exfoliants, the use of which is comparable to antibiotic treatment. For salon use only.Bottle 30 ml - 3400 rubles.Peeling MANDELAC (Mandelac) 40% from SESDERMA (Sesderma), SpainThe product has a mild cleansing effect, suitable for thin skin with rosacea. Lightens, reduces pigmentation and post-acne, eliminates acne of 1-2 degrees, normalizes the sebaceous glands, moisturizes the dermis.Bottle 60 ml - 7200 rubles.Almond + DMAE Mesopharm Professional Peeleng MandelicoA complex preparation based on phenoxyglycolic acid (50%) and DMAE (2%). The exfoliant is intended for sensitive skin with weakened turgor, signs of photoaging, first wrinkles. For salons only.Bottle 60 ml - 6200 rubles.Acid peeling ENERPEEL MA (Enerpil) 40%, ItalyThe exfoliant was created specifically for cleansing sensitive and allergenic skin. It has a pronounced antibacterial activity, eliminates acne, post-acne, age spots, prevents the development of acne. 4 sessions are recommended for the course. For professional use only.Bottle 2 ml - 2100 rubles.Line Natinuel (Natinuel), ItalyThe Natinuel line includes two types of almond peels. The first is aimed at rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin with signs of chronoaging, and the second is aimed at reducing pigmentation. Applies to salons only.Bottle 200 ml - 10650 rubles.Mandelic Acid Peel Exfoliant by ULTRACEUTICALSOne of the latest developments in aesthetic cosmetology. The drug is designed to combat aging, hyperpigmentation and acne. Suitable for delicate skin around the eyes, reduces the severity of mimic wrinkles and the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The exfoliant is completely safe for pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. The tool is only for salon use, so you can’t buy it in the store, and peeling will be expensive.Bottle 60 ml - 8500 rubles.

From the table it is clear that there are a lot of almond exfoliants. Some of them can be used at home, others are intended only for professionals. Only a specialist can give competent recommendations and choose the necessary drug.

Possible Complications

The delicate effect of peeling and specially created formulas do not guarantee the absence of adverse effects.

The most common complications are:

  • swelling of treated tissues;
  • allergic rash caused by intolerance to the components of the exfoliant;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • dryness, burning and tightness;
  • redness.

The effects discussed are very rare and, as a rule, are the result of illiterate preparation for exfoliation or non-compliance with the exfoliation protocol.

Almond peeling is superficial, and is currently positioned as one of the safest and even “summer” procedures. It is carried out with preparations, which include mandelic acid. For use on face, neck, décolleté and hands.

Mandelic acid belongs to the alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which are better known as fruit acids. The chemical name is hydroxy-phenyl glycol. This substance is obtained from the kernels of bitter almonds, because it is a completely natural product.

By itself, it refers to low-toxic substances. But you need to take into account the fact that in a concentrated form it can irritate the skin, cause burns of varying degrees, up to the appearance of blisters.

Basic properties of acid

  • keratolytic effect (exfoliating): it is able to destroy the bonds between the individual scales of the stratum corneum of the epithelium and thereby promotes faster skin renewal;
  • antiseptic properties: before the advent of antibiotics, the calcium salt of mandelic acid was used to treat infectious cystitis, and now it does an excellent job with the bacteria that cause acne;
  • comedonolytic action: achieved in two main ways - exfoliation of the epithelium in the area of ​​​​the mouths of the sebaceous glands and the dissolution of black dots when acid enters the pores;
  • relatively large molecules
  • do not penetrate deep into the skin, therefore, the effect of almond peeling is limited to the epidermis;
  • does not reduce the activity of melanocytes - cells responsible for the appearance of tanning and hyperpigmentation, therefore age spots brighten and disappear only due to active exfoliation;
  • does not affect the intensity of the formation of collagen and elastin of the skin: smoothing of fine wrinkles and narrowing of pores occurs due to a decrease in the thickness of the dead layer of the epidermis and an increase in its elasticity;
  • mandelic acid molecules penetrate the skin relatively slowly, therefore, the peeling procedure can be performed on clients with thin and sensitive skin.

Video: The course of the peeling procedure

Who is peeling with mandelic acid?

Almond peeling as an independent procedure can be indicated for young people with problematic skin to eliminate oiliness, as a remedy for acne and blackheads. In older patients, it can be used as a preparation for care procedures for deeper penetration of the active components of cosmetics into the skin and medium peels.

Is this a summer peel?

For healthy skin that does not have a tendency to form age spots, such peeling will be safe. Especially if you do not visit the solarium immediately after the procedure and use sunscreen for at least the first three weeks.

If there is pigmentation or the patient got rid of it not so long ago, it is better to leave any peels for autumn and winter. Such a warning is connected with the existence of a number of skin protection mechanisms from harmful solar radiation, one of which is the thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis in the summer months.

If you deliberately destroy the protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation and do not create a protective screen for it with the help of sunscreens, you can get complications.

With rosacea

Rosacea is not a contraindication. After the procedure, due to skin tightening, better moisturizing and normalization of the sebaceous glands, the severity of the vascular network may decrease. Papules (rosacea) may disappear due to exfoliation.

But almond peeling does not have any therapeutic effect on rosacea.

For its treatment and skin care with rosacea, azelaic peels and cosmetics for home use with azelaic acid are used.

Indications for holding

  • excessive oily skin, oily seborrhea;
  • acne, post-acne, mild to moderate acne;
  • the presence of foci of hyperpigmentation on the skin, poor complexion, signs of photoaging;
  • hyperkeratosis, unevenness and tuberosity of the skin;
  • the presence of small superficial wrinkles;
  • melasma;
  • lentigo;
  • poor tolerance to glycolic peels;
  • 3-4 Fitzpatrick skin phototypes;
  • folliculitis.

Yellow peeling is performed in a course that includes at least three procedures. Details in the article -.

Peeling, which is carried out with trichloroacetic (TCA) acid, is called median peeling. For the procedure, a 25% solution is used, which allows you to act on the middle layers. See before and after photos.


  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding a child;
  • fresh tan;
  • viral (warts, herpes, molluscum contagiosum), bacterial and fungal (microsporia, trichophytosis) skin diseases;
  • the presence of purulent pimples on the skin in the treated area;
  • the presence of abrasions, cuts, scratches of wounds at the site of the peeling;
  • decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system and internal organs;
  • oncology;
  • colds, accompanied by a rise in body temperature;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis in the acute phase;
  • the use of retinoids topically or orally;
  • carrying out traumatic skin cosmetic procedures (microdermabrasion, laser, etc.) less than 4-5 weeks before almond peeling;
  • allergy to any components of the peeling preparation.

Video: Superficial chemical peeling

The main drugs presented in the salons of Russia

Mediderma (Mediderma)

The company has been successfully developing and manufacturing preparations for peeling for a long time. Almond peels at Mediderma 2 - a water-alcohol solution and a gel exfoliant.

  • Water-alcohol solution Mandelac

Unlike the gel, it gives a faster effect, which is manifested by the appearance of a white coating on the skin a few minutes after the application of the drug. As part of the water-alcohol preparation mandelic acid 40%, dimethicone 1%. HP solution - 1.5.

Photo: Mandelac solution

Packing - a glass bottle of 60 ml. Usually, a water-alcohol solution does not require neutralization, since the acid quickly "falls" into the skin, where the neutralizer simply cannot get it. Therefore, the remnants of the drug are washed off with plenty of water.

It acts more slowly compared to a water-alcohol solution, but deeper. Indicated for patients with melasma and wrinkles. Before the appearance of a white mask on the face, more time passes.

The gel preparation penetrates the skin gradually. Therefore, it is desirable to first neutralize the acid residues in the gel layer, and only then wash off the gel residues with water. Composition of the drug: mandelic acid 50%, dimethicone 1.05%. HP solution - 2.0. Packed in a 100 ml plastic bottle.

To prepare for the procedure, Mediderma cosmetics developers recommend:

  • Almond Scrub Mandelac Scrub Face and Body.

The scrub contains mandelic acid 1%, aloe vera, chamomile extract, polypropylene balls and chlorhexidine digluconate.

  • Mandelac Moisturizing Gel, which contains 8% mandelic acid and 5% glucaronic acid;

  • Mandelac Moisturizing Cream, which contains mandelic acid 5% and 5% glucaronic acid, vitamins E and C, allantoin and lecithin

  • Mandelac Moisturizing Serum, which contains 10% mandelic acid, hyaluronic acid and chlorhexidine digluconate.

The gel has a lighter texture, which is free of fats and oils, and is designed to prepare for peeling oily skin, seborrheic skin, skin prone to acne. The gel is applied 1-2 times a day. The cream has a thicker consistency. Therefore, the cream is more suitable for normal and sensitive skin, skin with signs of photoaging. It is applied once a day in the morning or evening.

Can be used as a make-up base. Serum is available in ampoules and is designed to prepare for the peeling procedure for patients with age-related skin changes, such as skin laxity, wrinkles, spots. Apply to the skin of the face 1-2 times a day.

Usually scrub and gel/cream/serum of the choice of a cosmetologist are prescribed two to three weeks before the first peeling procedure. But some cosmetologists, meeting the wishes of clients who want to save on pre-peeling care, simply apply a smaller amount of peeling product for the first time and keep it on the skin for less time than is necessary according to the procedure protocol. Whether it's worth saving is up to you.

How is the procedure carried out

Stage 1. Cleansing. Removal of impurities and cosmetics from the skin is carried out with the help of Hidraderm milk and tonic.

Stage 2. Degreasing. Degreasing is carried out using a special liquid Degreasing Solution.

Stage 3. Acid application. Sensitive areas of the skin, such as the corners of the eyes, the border of the transition of the skin to the nasal mucosa and the red border of the lips, are protected with a special protective preparation SilkSES.

A water-alcohol solution or gel can be applied separately, or you can combine them in one procedure.

  • An aqueous-alcoholic solution of Mandelac is applied to the skin with a cotton swab in a uniform layer. After about 4-5 minutes, a white mask appears on the skin in the places where the drug was applied. After the appearance of the mask, you can apply another one or two layers of the drug for deeper penetration of mandelic acid into the skin.
  • Gel-Exfoliant is applied to the skin in an even layer. A light massage is carried out over the gel for 2-3 minutes until a white mask appears.
  • Gel-Exfoliant can be applied as a second layer after the water-alcohol solution for a more even and gradual penetration.

The peeling preparation is washed off with plenty of water.

Stage 4. Final. After washing, it is necessary to wipe the skin with Hidraderm milk and apply a layer of AcGlicolic cream.

In the post-peeling period, you can continue to use daily those cosmetic preparations that are recommended by the company for preparing the skin for the procedure.

It is also mandatory to use SunySeS sunscreen SPF 80.

Martinex (Martinex)

Preparations for peels, pre-peel preparation and post-peel care are presented in the series MedicControlPeel. Mandelic Peel contains 40% mandelic acid.

Cream is used for pre-peel preparation PrePeel Light or PrePeel Medium or Anti Acne Complex, depending on the condition of the skin and the problems being solved. The cream is applied at night after washing with a special mousse. Cleanser Mousse within 2-3 weeks. In the morning, be sure to apply Mediscreen sunscreen to your skin.

Procedure protocol

1 step. Cleansing.

Washing the skin is carried out using a special mousse. The mousse is applied to the skin, distributed with soft circular movements and left for 15-20 seconds, after which it is washed off. After washing, the face must be wiped dry.

2 step. Using a brush, the peeling solution is applied to the areas of the skin of the face in the following sequence: forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, nose, eyelids.

The solution is applied to the eyelids in a thin, even layer, without affecting the ciliary edge of the eyelids. The drug is on the skin for 1-5 minutes. A sign that the procedure must be completed is the appearance of a slight reddening of the skin.

Important!!! The drug does not form a "white mask", by which cosmetologists usually determine the effectiveness of the procedure. Therefore, it is a slight reddening of the skin that is a signal for the beginning of acid neutralization.

The neutralizer is applied in reverse order: eyelids, nose, chin, cheeks, temples, forehead. After the end of the neutralization reaction, the remains of the drug are washed off with plenty of water.

3 step. Final.

After washing, a special mask with antioxidants VC-IP Mask is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with water. Covering face with cream VegeFarma.

Post-peel care

For the first two days, the client is recommended to use VegeFarma cream, then you can switch to Postpeel Light or Postpeel Active, or Anti Acne Complex cream. Mediscreen sunscreen must be used for 3 weeks after the procedure.

Peeling with coral grains is one of the safest types of deep cleaning. Find out if you can do it.

If you have decided to undergo a laser peeling procedure, then you should be aware that this procedure has a number of contraindications for use and cannot solve all problems associated with facial skin. .

The Spanish cosmetics company has long been known to cosmetologists.

To get a good effect immediately after the procedure, the developers of Natinuel peels abandoned the idea of ​​monopeels, when only one acid is present in one preparation, and created five combined products:

  • almond peeling Mandelic Peel: almond, malic, lactic acids, glucolactone;
  • peeling AHAs-BHA 25%: glycolic, mandelic, malic, lactic, salicylic acids;
  • antioxidant peeling AHA-AKA 35%: glycolic, mandelic, tartaric, pyruvic and phytic acids;
  • antioxidant peeling AHAS-BKA 40%: glycolic, pyruvic, mandelic, phytic acids and Boswella Serrata tree resin;
  • anti-acne peeling: glycolic, mandelic, pyruvic, azelaic, salicylic acids, cyclodextrin, retinal.

All Natinuel peeling preparations must be neutralized before rinsing.

A distinctive feature of natinuel peels is the almost complete absence of peeling and irritation, therefore, immediately after peeling, you can continue your daily life. But the effect of them is beyond any praise, since even after one procedure the skin is noticeably tightened, its color becomes more even, skin defects are noticeably smoothed out.


Almond peeling Renofaz, in addition to mandelic acid, contains kojic acid and arbutin - components that lighten pigment spots, and a complex of phytoestrogens that have an anti-inflammatory effect and increase skin elasticity.

Brightening and soothing components penetrate deep into the skin, both due to the loosening effect of acids on the epidermis, and due to the special transport system PRP-hydrogel-matrix, which is a development of Renophase.

Kosmoteros Professonel

The French cosmetics manufacturer adheres to the bio-concept, according to which cosmetics should not contain parabens, artificial colors, synthetic fragrances.

Kosmoteros was released relatively recently and is a novelty in the Russian market of cosmetology services.

Post-peel care - general rules

Do not engage in heavy physical work or sports, as this contributes to increased sweating. Sweat can irritate acid-damaged facial skin and contribute to the persistence of irritation and redness.

After that, be sure to use sunscreen or powder with an SPF of at least 30.

How often can you do

Currently, several schemes for almond peeling have been developed. Which one is suitable for a particular person is usually decided by the cosmetologist, based on what drugs are available and what indications the patient has. The classic course of almond peelings is carried out as follows: 1 procedure 1 time in 7-10 days. The course can be carried out 6-10 procedures.

Much more often it is used simultaneously with mechanical cleaning. In this case, the peeling composition is applied before or after mechanical cleaning. When applied before the procedure, the removal of blackheads and pimples is facilitated by loosening the skin. Skin trauma is much less, as there are fewer reasons to use the Uno spoon, noose or spear.

If the cleaning is easy for the client, but there is a pronounced point redness on the skin, then the preparation can be applied after cleaning. In this case, the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action of mandelic acid ensures the rapid disappearance of redness and skin irritation.

Cost in the salon

The average price of the procedure in different salons ranges from 2,500 to 7,000 rubles and depends on many factors: the cosmetic line used, the number of stages of the procedure, when serums, masks, alginates can be applied after peeling for deeper skin hydration, and so on. Therefore, always check in the salon what they can offer you for the money that you pay for the procedure.

If there is no elementary vaporizer in the salon and you will be offered to pre-steam the skin while sitting over a basin with chamomile decoction, then such a procedure cannot be expensive by definition.

Almond peeling at home

This procedure can be carried out independently with the help of salon products. That is why the article describes in such detail the stages of preparation, peeling and post-spilling care. Now not only residents of the capital and large cities can buy professional products. Most online stores send their goods by mail to all regions of Russia.

The cost of professional cosmetics is high. But its consumption for one procedure is minimal, so you can buy drugs in a clubbing with girlfriends or immediately purchase drugs for two or three peeling seasons. To get an idea of ​​how technically the main steps of the peeling procedure are performed, watch the following video.

Video: Home Peeling-Gommage Coconut-Almond

You can carry out a procedure at home, in many ways reminiscent of gommage rather than peeling, but also using almonds and acids. There are several preparation options. Here are the main ones.

Recipe for the face

We take 1 tablespoon without a hill of chopped almonds, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. half a tablespoon of dry milk. We mix. Add a little water so that a homogeneous mass of the consistency of fatty sour cream is obtained.

The mixture should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can cover your face after home peeling with any cream selected according to your skin type.

Homemade body scrub recipe

We take 2 tablespoons of ground almonds, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 5 ml of water, 10 ml of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of almond oil and kaolin, a few drops of lavender essential oil.
We mix the components and fill it with water, the temperature of which is 60-70 ° C. Let it thicken slightly and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. You can close the composition with cellophane, but not more than 10 minutes. The composition is washed off with warm water. On top, you can apply an anti-cellulite or warming body cream.

Photos before and after

Mandelic acid in cosmetology is used quite actively, as today it is one of the safest types of chemical peeling for the skin. With it, you can solve the problem of teenage acne and defeat the first wrinkles, but, most importantly, mandelic acid gives a strong keratolytic effect, that is, it promotes the production of natural keratin, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin and its elasticity.

What is useful mandelic acid for the face?

Like all alpha hydroxy acids, almond is able to dissolve the upper, stratum corneum of the skin. Due to this, nutrients enter it better and blood circulation increases. Also, the substance is able to saturate skin cells with oxygen, which has a rejuvenating effect. Since the mandelic acid molecule is slightly larger than other acids, it penetrates the skin more slowly. This significantly expands the possibilities of using the product and reduces the number of possible contraindications:

  1. Mandelic acid is the only acid that can be used even during the period of active sun, in summer. In this case, you must use .
  2. Peeling with mandelic acid is suitable for all skin types and can be performed at any age.
  3. A cream with mandelic acid in the composition, when used daily, helps prepare the skin for the peeling procedure and makes the penetration of the product into the skin more uniform.
  4. You can buy acid in a pharmacy in a small concentration (up to 5%) and use it as a facial tonic. This will help normalize problematic skin and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Mandelic acid is the best peel, but it should only be done in the salon. As we know, chemical peeling involves exposure to a product with a high percentage of acid (from 30 to 50). In order to correctly estimate the time of the procedure and carry out high-quality peeling from the face, a lot of experience is needed, because everyone's skin is different and reacts differently to chemicals.

As a rule, the peeling procedure involves pre-peeling - rubbing the face with a tonic with a small percentage of acid of the type that will be used. Then the peeling itself is applied, after the required time has elapsed, the skin is cleansed and a soothing moisturizing mask is applied. As a rule, for 20-30 minutes.

On the first day after peeling, the skin may turn a little red and begin to peel off, but on the second day the face will take on a normal appearance, allowing you to leave the house. The maximum peeling effect is revealed after 5-6 days, while in the case of mandelic acid, it is recommended to do the procedure in a course of 8-10 sessions.

mandelic acid at home

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of 5% mandelic acid, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil, mix.
  2. Apply with a brush to a previously cleansed face. After 5 minutes, blot with a tissue.
  3. Wash your face with warm water without using a cleanser, apply a moisturizer to your face.
  4. Use this mask every 5 days for a month. This will restore skin tone, improve complexion and narrow enlarged pores.

Every woman who takes care of herself is well aware that to keep her skin beautiful, young and healthy, it is not enough just to use creams (even very expensive ones) and decorative cosmetics. Foundation and powder can hide skin imperfections, but the skin itself will not become better from this. Various types of peels help to really eliminate various skin defects, as well as rejuvenate it. One of these varieties is almond peeling with the use of mandelic acid.

In the field of cosmetology, almonds are one of the most common effective ingredients for skin cleansing. Based on it, a cleansing milk, almond oil is created. In addition, almond seeds and acid obtained from it by hydrolysis are used.

Mandelic acid belongs to the class of alpha hydroxy acids (better known as AHA acids), while it is endowed with the properties of fruit acids. It is actively used for peeling, since, in addition to its cleansing effect, it has an antibacterial effect, which has a beneficial effect on problem skin with comedones, blackheads and pimples. Since the molecule of this acid is several times larger than that of glycolic acid, the process of its penetration into the skin is much slower, so there is a minimum of irritating effect on the skin. Thanks to this, chemical peeling with mandelic acid is considered gentle and suitable for even sensitive skin. Significant penetration depth combined with gentle action make almond peeling an effective and popular method for solving skin problems. This procedure gives an excellent result, eliminating most of the cosmetic defects and without injuring the skin. Almond peeling is a safe and absolutely painless procedure. During the procedure, the cosmetologist regulates the degree of penetration of the acid and its concentration.

Cosmetologists note that this type of peeling is an excellent alternative to traumatic deep peelings based on aggressive acids. The redness and peeling of the skin that occurs after the procedure disappear already on the second day, on the basis of which we can conclude that there is practically no rehabilitation period. As a rule, side effects are rare, because at the end of the almond peeling procedure, the beautician applies a mask with a moisturizing and soothing effect. Typically, such a mask contains lactic acid, collagen and algae.

Indications for the procedure:

  • skin with comedones, acne, acne, post-acne, as well as oily seborrhea;
  • violation of skin pigmentation, nervous skin tone, freckles;
  • skin after thirty years, which still tends to clog, thicken and prone to acne and rosacea;
  • dull complexion with the first signs of skin aging, shallow mimic wrinkles;
  • hypersensitive skin with age-related changes or signs of photoaging;
  • rosacea;
  • wrinkles, flabbiness, natural withering;
  • oily and problem skin.
The effectiveness of almond peeling.
This procedure is highly effective in combating various inflammatory skin diseases, combined with pollution and clogging of pores.

The effectiveness of this type of peeling is due to the good keratolytic effect of mandelic acid, which perfectly cleanses the skin of dead particles, while softening it. In addition, the antiseptic property of the acid relieves inflammation and reduces the production of sebum.

Almond peeling is considered the most effective method in the treatment of acne. In addition, it promotes skin renewal, providing a tightening or lifting effect, smoothing wrinkles and stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers. After a course of these procedures with the help of mandelic acid, the skin structure improves, the production of its own collagen and elastin improves, and immunity increases. All this is necessary for the correction of age-related changes in the skin.

In addition to the treatment and rejuvenation of the facial skin, this procedure is also effectively used in the fight against age-related changes in the skin of the hands and décolleté.

Procedure steps:
First, the cosmetologist cleanses the patient's skin with milk or tonic based on ten percent mandelic acid.

The next step is pre-peeling preparation of the skin, which is designed to even out the structure of the epidermis, thereby ensuring a more uniform penetration of the acid, and also to see the skin's reaction to the action of this acid. To do this, a cotton pad soaked in a five percent mixture of mandelic, glycolic and lactic acids is applied to the skin of the face and neck.

The next step is the actual peeling. Without washing off the pre-peel composition, thirty percent mandelic acid is applied to the face and massaged with fingertips for several minutes. Then leave for its direct effect for ten to twenty-five minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Then the beautician applies a soothing mask based on calendula and leaves for twenty minutes. The final stage of almond peeling is the application of a moisturizing post-peeling cream with a soothing effect to the skin.

The duration of the procedure as a whole takes no more than an hour. The price for this service varies from 1900 to 3000 rubles, it all depends on the status of the beauty salon.

The next day after the peeling procedure, the skin is very dry, which is a normal reaction to chemical exposure, therefore, to eliminate this manifestation, cosmetologists recommend post-peeling care using a soothing cream with the addition of collagen, lactic acid or algae extract. If possible, it is also recommended to make a soothing mask, which will contain these components. Such care will normalize water metabolism and accelerate the process of restoring the skin's own regulatory potential.

In the future, it is recommended to use creams on a more oily basis in skin care, which must contain hyaluronic acid, aloe extract or shea butter (shea butter). In addition, it is necessary to use creams with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation (SPF at least 30).

The course of almond peeling usually ranges from four to ten procedures, depending on the volume of problems to be solved and the condition of the skin in general. After each procedure, a seven-day break is usually taken. The beautician can also change this pattern depending on your skin.

In some cases, it is recommended to take a course of eight almond peeling procedures with a break of ten days. At the same time, antioxidant preparations (vitamins E and C) should be taken simultaneously with the procedures. This helps to improve regenerative processes and strengthen immunity.

Post-peeling restrictions.
In order to avoid skin pigmentation after the procedure of almond peeling, visits to the solarium, as well as any hot procedures, should be excluded.


  • individual intolerance to acid,
  • the presence of skin lesions,
  • inflammatory processes on the skin,
  • herpes,
  • pregnancy,
  • rosacea.
This cosmetic procedure will also have to be abandoned by those who plan to go to the sea in the coming days, get to the beach, in general, sunbathe in the sun.

If there are contraindications, you can try diamond peeling, which also has no recovery period.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • Ease of carrying out.
  • Almond peeling cleanses, revitalizes, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin without serious consequences and side effects.
  • Minimal risk of developing hyperpigmentation.
  • Peeling with mandelic acid is often recommended as a preparatory procedure for the skin, preceding a more intensive treatment (laser resurfacing, median chemical peeling), to reduce the risk of inflammation and side effects.
  • Safe and well tolerated even in people with dark or swarthy, as well as sensitive skin.
  • It perfectly fights acne, has a pronounced lifting effect, prevents the development of various infectious complications during invasive procedures and skin lesions.
Almond peeling at home.
A similar procedure can be easily carried out at home. To prepare the composition for peeling, it is necessary to combine a tablespoon of almonds chopped in a blender, herculean flakes, milk powder and olive oil. On a cleansed face, apply the resulting composition with light massaging movements. After that, wash with warm water. Such a recipe is ideal for any skin type, and, nevertheless, such a procedure can be carried out no more than twice a week.

For peeling the skin of the body, you can prepare a composition from a glass of ground almonds and a small amount of rose oil. The method of application is the same, massage wet skin and rinse under the shower. Such peeling at home eliminates skin flaking, perfectly cleanses pores, accelerating regenerative processes, which helps to restore normal complexion and serves as a prevention of acne.

Do you want to get rid of skin problems without mechanical impact? Then you should learn more about chemical peels. This procedure is performed using preparations containing organic acids that act on the superficial, middle and deep layers of the skin. One of the gentle types of dry cleaning of the face is almond peeling. Let's look at the features of this procedure, learn more about its effectiveness.

What is Mandelic Acid Peeling?

Under the influence of the drug for almond peeling, the acid diffuses in the skin tissues, dissolves, exfoliates its stratum corneum. Along with it, pores clogged with sebum (comedones), folliculitis located in the epidermal layer, acne, are removed from the face, the color and relief of the skin are evened out, wrinkles are smoothed out. Removal of the upper skin layer causes its enhanced regeneration, the effect of rejuvenation. Cleaning is carried out with the help of professional cosmetics - preparations containing mandelic (phenylglycolic), 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetic acids.

This procedure will be done in any beauty salon, where chemical cleaning of the face and body with mandelic acid is provided. It does not involve the use of special equipment, it is aimed at cleansing the surface layers of the skin, therefore it is one of the sparing and conditionally safe cosmetic procedures. The price of a session varies between one and four thousand rubles. The cost of preparations for post- and pre-peeling care will be from five to twelve thousand. The general course will cost about twenty thousand rubles.

Indications and contraindications

Like any professional cosmetic procedure, acid peeling for the face has its own indications and contraindications. This method of cleansing is recommended for people of any age with the following skin problems:

  • rosacea;
  • acne
  • folliculitis;
  • seborrhea;
  • comedones;
  • small wrinkles;
  • uneven terrain;
  • freckles;
  • dark spots;
  • large pores;
  • low tone;
  • weak elasticity.

It is impossible to carry out chemical peeling under certain conditions, reactions, diseases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • ulcers on the skin;
  • open wounds;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • lactation;
  • acute infections;
  • heat.


Although the procedure for cleansing the skin with mandelic acid is considered gentle, there may be natural consequences of cleansing the face, which are easily eliminated by special post-peel products:

  1. Redness (hyperemia) of the skin may appear during or after cleaning, which disappears in half an hour or an hour.
  2. Tingling, burning of the skin under the influence of acid. Goes away after using a moisturizer.
  3. Feeling of tightness, dryness a day after peeling. It is eliminated using post-peeling agents, masks with collagen.
  4. Peeling that occurs after two or three days. Eliminated as dryness or tightness.
  5. Skin hypersensitivity occurs in people with thin skin. Preparations with oils (grape seed, shea, primrose, black currant, etc.), ceramides, phospholipids help to return to normal.

In case of technology violations, improper use of acid-containing drugs, health problems (intestinal diseases, hormonal disorders, etc.), the following serious consequences are possible:

  • skin rashes;
  • infection;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • pastosity;
  • herpes;
  • allergy;
  • swelling;
  • chemical burn.

Peeling preparations

In special stores of professional cosmetics, in online pharmacies, a lot of peeling products with mandelic acid are offered. We offer you a list of products of some popular manufacturers:

  1. Cosmetic company "Alpika" (Russia). A series of multi-acid peels containing mandelic acid (5 and 15 percent, with a pH level of 2.8 and 1.8). Recommended against biological and photoaging of the skin, in the presence of stretch marks, acne, comedones, scars, enlarged pores.
  2. The French company "Kosmoteros" (Kosmoteros Professionel Paris) specializes in the production of chemical cosmetic preparations for skin cleansing. The product range includes peelings of 50, 40.15 and 13% (percentage of mandelic acid). Recommended against aging, seborrheic skin, hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis, acne, folliculitis.
  3. Cosmetic company "MediDerma" (Sesderma Laboratories, Spain) offers Mandelac almond peels for medium and medium-surface cleansing of the skin using micro- and fine-plate exfoliation. Recommended for home and professional use for acne, seborrhea, hyperpigmentation, preparation for cosmetic surgery.

Among other manufacturers of products for professional almond peeling, whose products are presented on the domestic market, it is worth noting:

  • Phyto Sintesi, Beauty Spa, OTI, Natinuel (Italy).
  • Egia (Switzerland).
  • Martinex (Russia).
  • Novacid (Ericson Laboratoire, France).

How to do a procedure in a beauty salon

For peeling with mandelic acid, preliminary preparation of the skin is required, therefore, patients are recommended to undergo a pre-peeling course for 1-2 weeks. At this time, daily nightly use of a cream with 15% phenoxyglycolic acid and a peeling gel with fruit acids (2-3 times per course) is necessary. The professional procedure is carried out in several stages, including preparation, skin cleansing, post-peeling manipulations:

  1. Make-up removal plus cleansing of the skin with cosmetic milk with 10% mandelic acid.
  2. Skin toning - degreasing with almond 10% tonic.
  3. Pre-peeling. At this stage, the susceptibility of the skin to the effects of the drug is checked, for which a 5% agent with lactic and glycolic acids is applied to the face and neck.
  4. Peeling. A layer of mandelic acid (30 or 60%) is applied over the applied composition, left for 10-30 minutes. If necessary, add other cosmetic acids or alcohol solutions.
  5. stage of neutralization. Use a drug that neutralizes the action of mandelic acid, restoring the pH of the skin.
  6. Hydration plus soothing. The face and neck are treated with a mask based on extracts of chamomile, calendula, aloe, then a post-peeling cream is applied.

Almond peeling at home

How to carry out home peeling with mandelic acid using professional products (Kosmoteros, Mediderma, etc.) is described in detail in the instructions for them. If you strictly follow the recommendations and description, there will be no difficulties with the procedure. And how to cleanse the skin when such products are not affordable? Use peeling recipes with an affordable natural source of mandelic acid - nuts.

The recipe for body peeling "Almonds with oatmeal", which requires 10 drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon each:

  • crushed almonds;
  • kaolin;
  • grated oatmeal;
  • almond oil;
  • aloe juice;
  • water.

Purification process:

  1. Mix oatmeal with nuts and kaolin.
  2. Add almond oil, aloe juice, hot water.
  3. We are waiting for the mixture to thicken.
  4. We dilute the mass with lavender oil, apply the gruel on the body.
  5. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  6. We wipe the skin with tonic, soften with a moisturizer.

The recipe for face peeling "Almond with milk" includes the following components:

  • crushed almonds - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 1 tsp;
  • dry milk - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • water.

Purification process:

  1. Mix chopped nuts with oatmeal and milk powder.
  2. Add warm water, achieving a porridge-like density of the mixture.
  3. We apply the gruel on the face cleansed with tonic.
  4. Leave for 5-7 minutes, rinse.
  5. Moisturize the skin with a suitable cosmetic product.


Do you want to see the peeling procedure using the walnut component "from and to"? Watch the report from the beauty clinic. The beautician performs chemical cleaning of the face, explaining the sequence of manipulations, talking about the means used and their effect. The patient comments on the sensations during the procedure and evaluates the effect of peeling after it. Verify the effectiveness of facial cleansing with mandelic acid.

Photos before and after

It is always interesting to see the result of cosmetic procedures. If you are interested in how effective surface peeling of the face is, before and after photos will clearly demonstrate its effectiveness. It is noticeable that mandelic acid especially helps with problem skin - it is cleared of acne, black dots disappear, inflamed pimples “fade down”, freckles and age spots turn pale. Oily sheen disappears from the face, its tone evens out, and the effect of rejuvenation is observed.