Can menstruation be smeared during pregnancy. Brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Spotting discharge has a characteristic appearance in early pregnancy. A woman should know the signs of a normal and pathological process. This will allow you to recognize a dangerous symptom in time and seek help from a doctor. In the presence of red or brown discharge, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Spotting in the first months of pregnancy: the norm or a reason to see a doctor?

In the body of a pregnant woman, hormonal and physiological changes take place. Often smearing discharges appear precisely against the background of such metamorphoses.

However, there are a number of pathological causes of an unpleasant nature. In the presence of a daub, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, undergo the necessary examination. Thanks to this, it will be possible to maintain a favorable course of pregnancy.

Discharge and pregnancy

Spotting during the period of gestation is considered normal with their scarcity and the absence of an unpleasant odor. Normally, they can be white or beige.

You should immediately consult a doctor if there is blood or pus in the secretion. Additionally, the situation can be aggravated by other symptoms and negative manifestations. A woman should not leave them unattended. Otherwise, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage.

If yellowish secretions appear

Mucus in the spotting secretions of a woman in the first week after conception is considered normal. Thus, the body tries to adapt to changes. After implantation of the embryo, the mucous membrane adjusts to create optimal conditions. This secret begins to be actively produced by the cervix.

Far from always a daub is considered normal during the gestation period. Doctors carefully study the symptom, because it can be a sign of the development of pathology.

Pathological causes

Spotting discharge in the early period most often appears after sexual intercourse. The situation arises against the background of the negative course of the following pathological pictures:

  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • There was a slight mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. This picture occurs when the wrong use of candles, douching or too intense sex.
  • Erosion of the cervix, although it does not pose a real threat to the fetus, can produce a daub. During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend treating it.
  • Polyps in the cervical canal.

Spotting in a woman may occur after examination by a gynecologist. In this case, you should not panic.

Doctors identify a number of pathological causes of this process:

  1. Detachment of the placenta or directly the fetal egg itself.
  2. Spotting discharge is observed in a woman in case of fetal death.
  3. The threat of abortion.
  4. Ectopic attachment of the ovum.
  5. Sexual infections.

Physiological causes

After the onset of pregnancy, the body needs a certain period of time to rebuild. A woman observes spotting discharge in the first trimester on the days of the expected menstruation. Hormonal restructuring cannot immediately occur in the absence of a cycle. Such a process can pose a real threat to the life of the fetus. Gynecologists advise a woman to observe the following rules:

  • Refrain from sudden movements or heavy lifting.
  • Create the most comfortable emotional situation for yourself.
  • Do not bathe in a hot bath.
  • Refuse sex.

If these precautions are not observed, the risk of bleeding increases. Experts recommend continuing to keep a calendar with the expected days of the menstrual cycle.

Can they be early

Every healthy woman can periodically secrete mucus, all internal organs are covered with it. The cervix should always be moist. The genitals begin to work more actively during the onset of pregnancy.

After fertilization of the egg, a woman may find a small amount of brown discharge. They appear in case of successful fixation of the embryo on the wall of the uterus. The process lasts no more than 40 hours. Daubing may be one-time or occur intermittently over a given period of time. Blood is released against the background of minor damage to blood vessels. Implantation mucus may be absent or may be brown or beige.

If beige smearing secretions are odorless

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo must be securely attached to the wall of the uterus. What follows is a process of growth and development. During this period, the expectant mother may feel slight ailments, and also periodically see spots of various colors on the linen. The situation develops under the influence of the following factors:

  • Against the background of an increase in progesterone, the secretion of the vagina increases markedly.
  • The secretions are used to moisten the woman's genitals.
  • Light beige discharge occurs against the background of the formation of placental tissue and mucous plug. The components are necessary to protect the embryo from the negative effects of external factors.
  • During the first trimester, during the period of the planned menstruation, a woman may develop a daub with streaks of blood.
  • Brown discharge may occur after examination in the chair or ultrasound. The genitals become sensitive to all the manipulations that are performed with them.
  • Beige discharge also appears in case of an allergy to synthetic underwear or an improperly selected intimate area care product.

Allocations of this nature are considered quite normal. However, if a woman has found severe discomfort or the addition of other symptoms, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. During pregnancy, you should use sanitary pads that are colorless and odorless. In this case, it will be possible to correctly interpret the nature of the discharge.

When to worry

Spotting in the first trimester is typical for most women. They should not be with an unpleasant odor or be accompanied by itching, burning. Even a small amount of blood indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of the change in condition based on a series of tests.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the discharge is dark brown or brown in color with blood. A negative clinical picture also develops with a green or gray smear. In addition, a sharp and unpleasant odor can come from it. Only a specialist in this field can correctly assess the degree of danger.

What to do

A woman should consult a doctor for advice if any negative changes in the condition are detected. The specialist will conduct a survey, on the basis of which the result will be formulated and the degree of threat assessed. You will need to take swabs to check for a fungal or vaginal infection. When diagnosing an ailment, a treatment is selected that cannot harm the process of forming a new organism.

If necessary, hormonal preparations are prescribed. If the pregnancy has ceased to develop, then immediate surgical intervention is required - an abortion.

A woman should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can choose the right medicines.

Spotting discharge appears in a woman at any time during pregnancy. They can be physiologically normal or serve as a symptom of pathologies during the formation of the fetus. Conclusions can only be drawn on the basis of a detailed examination. It will be necessary to exclude serious pathologies that can adversely affect the body of the mother or child. It should not be forgotten that the risk of termination persists throughout pregnancy.

Useful video

Spotting in early pregnancy, in rare cases, is a physiological phenomenon associated with the attachment of the fetal egg, more often they speak of pathologies. Therefore, with a positive pregnancy test, the doctor should find out the cause of any daub.

During pregnancy, daubing can occur at any time, but more often worries at the beginning of the first trimester and immediately before childbirth. After the 38th week and earlier, such discharge indicates the release of the cork, which precedes the imminent onset of labor.

In the first trimester, on the days of the expected menstruation, such secretion more often indicates pathologies of fetal development. This may be an exacerbation of diseases in a woman, as well as possible complications that are dangerous to health and life. For example, an ectopic pregnancy or the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage.

There is a rarer phenomenon, which is called the memory of the female reproductive system. The condition is characterized by the fact that even with a successful conception in the first months of pregnancy on the days when menstruation should begin, there are short-term meager spotting whites. From the usual discharge during menstruation, they are distinguished by a small volume, a darker brown color, and a mushy consistency.

The consequences of spotting discharge in the early stages

The allocation of secretion in women is the norm. The inner epithelium is covered with a mucous membrane. The mucus itself, which is necessary to maintain moisture, is produced by the cervix, and it is in the early stages against the background of hormonal changes in the body that the cervix begins to intensively form more fluid.

Spotting during pregnancy can have a different color. The danger is only those that have an unpleasant odor, a green, yellowish or brown brown tint, cause discomfort in the form of burning and itching of the external genitalia.

Transparent or whitish secretion, even in large volumes, does not always indicate pathology. A daub during the first weeks indicates an intensive production of progesterone and a change in hormonal levels.

Bloody whites may appear for other reasons - during a gynecological examination or after sex during pregnancy, intensive douching, exacerbation of erosion and other chronic diseases, as well as on the days of the expected menstruation. If brownish leucorrhoea quickly stops, does not increase in volume, there are no other alarming symptoms, this may be a variant of the norm.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge

It is possible to find out the reasons why brown leucorrhoea occurs in early pregnancy only after carrying out complex diagnostic measures, which include ultrasound, smears, blood and urine tests, and sometimes hormonal status determination.

The most dangerous symptoms are spotting at 3-6 weeks of gestation, they may indicate a possible placental abruption or a threatened miscarriage.

Risk of miscarriage

Brown daub during pregnancy in the early stages often indicates a spontaneous abortion that has begun. Mandatory and sometimes the only sign of such a condition is bleeding - profuse or scanty, as well as long-lasting leucorrhoea, which are accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Main symptoms:

  1. Bloody discharge can be the first signal of danger. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester. Spontaneous abortion includes any termination of pregnancy and the expulsion of a non-viable embryo from the uterine cavity for up to the 21st week. In this regard, the periods between the 2nd and 3rd, 6th and 8th weeks are considered critical.
  2. A miscarriage is accompanied by brown discharge, as well as a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of heaviness, aching and pulling pain. When the condition worsens, the pain can become sharp, cramping, radiate to the sacral or lumbar region.
  3. There is often bleeding. Against its background, weakness, fainting, fever develop.
  4. Examination reveals such changes: the external os of the uterus is closed, its dimensions correspond to the gestational age, and it reacts to the examination with an increase in tone.

Specific laboratory tests do not allow early detection of the threat of miscarriage. Even hCG indicators (the norm in the first trimester is 45,000-200,000 IU / L) do not change or slightly decrease.

It is still impossible to register the fetal heartbeat by ultrasound for a period of 2-6 weeks (the most dangerous period). The KPI data (karyopyknotic index) are considered more reliable. It is determined after a colpocytological examination of a smear, the result shows the concentration of estrogen in a woman's body. Until the 13th week, the CPI level should not exceed 10%, otherwise there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Treatment of a threatened miscarriage or placental abruption in the early stages can save life and further normal development of the fetus. With the threat of spontaneous abortion, therapy is carried out according to indications - hemostatic drugs, vitamin complexes can be prescribed.

Ectopic pregnancy

In the first phase of ectopic pregnancy, any characteristic signs are completely absent. A progressive pathology can provoke the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. You need to be wary if it smears brown during pregnancy in the first few weeks. The reasons for the formation of blood inclusions in ordinary mucus indicate damage to blood vessels due to an increase in the size of the fetus.
  2. A vivid clinical picture with acute pain, bleeding is noted when a tube ruptures or an ectopic pregnancy is terminated by the type of tubal abortion.
  3. Additionally, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness may occur, discomfort in the lower abdomen increases. Usually, the localization of pain depends on the place of attachment of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity.

As the ectopic pregnancy develops, the woman's well-being will worsen. Diagnosis of the position is carried out using ultrasound. The study will show an increase in the uterus, the thickness of the mucosa, the absence of a fetal egg, the detection of an embryo in the abdominal cavity, tube.

A more accurate result will be determined by transvaginal ultrasound, since it is it that allows you to identify or exclude pathology for a period of 3 weeks or more. An auxiliary method is the analysis of the level of hCG, which in this condition increases more slowly.

Surgical curettage remains the main method of treatment today. Much less often, Methotrexate is prescribed, an antimetabolite that causes a delay in cell division and the death of a developing fetus. Laparoscopy is more often used, the choice of the operation method depends on the location of the fetal egg, the condition of the tubes, the presence or absence of bleeding.

Frozen pregnancy

The diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is made if the ultrasound does not register the development of the fetus, the heartbeat, the woman does not feel any movements (after the 16-18th week). Several periods are considered dangerous: 3-4, 8-11, 16-18 weeks.

Brown spotting in early pregnancy can also indicate cessation of fetal development. In addition, pulling pains are observed, the temperature rises, toxicosis suddenly stops.

It must be remembered that spotting does not always appear with this pathology. Only examination, testing and ultrasound will help to reliably determine the adequate development of the fetus. The test may give a positive response, especially in the early stages, since the level of hCG in the first weeks after the death of the fetus remains high.

Treatment of pathology is carried out with the help of or drugs that provoke a miscarriage (for a period only up to the 8th week). Even with the use of drugs, curettage is carried out in order to clean the uterine cavity.

Diseases of the genital area

Spotting at the beginning of pregnancy may indicate an exacerbation of chronic or acute stage of other diseases of the genital area. After conception, the woman's body becomes more vulnerable, because against the background of the onset of hormonal changes, immunity decreases.

Symptoms of diseases are not only the appearance of a daub, but also other signs:

  • drawing pains;
  • secretion color change - off-white, dark yellow, greenish;
  • bad smell;
  • burning and itching of the skin, discomfort;
  • violation of the process of urination;
  • temperature increase.

Infection of the fetus in the womb leads to severe pathologies of development, premature birth, and the risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases.

Cauterization or conservative treatment of erosion should be carried out before or after childbirth. During pregnancy, therapy is not carried out, moreover, it happens that the pathology goes away on its own after delivery.

Light brown secretion in the first trimester may indicate damage to the genital mucosa due to progression. This condition does not pose a danger to the fetus or the health of the woman herself, but requires treatment due to the risk of malignant cell degeneration and possible infection.

Rare complications that cause erosion are:

  • in the first trimester: the onset of the inflammatory process, infection, which can affect the development of abnormalities in the fetus and lead to missed pregnancy or spontaneous abortion;
  • in the second trimester: possible shortening of the cervix, cervical insufficiency, which also leads to miscarriage;
  • in the third trimester: erosion provokes disruption of the placenta, there is a possibility of damage to the amniotic sac, leakage of water and premature delivery.

Elimination of erosion must be carried out at the planning stage of conception. If a pathology is detected during pregnancy, cauterization or another should be postponed for a while after the birth of the child.


The exacerbation is caused by a decrease in the body's defenses. Such a fungal disease, as well as other sexual infections, pose a real threat to the adequate development of the fetus, cause discomfort to the woman herself.

Allocations with candidiasis have a characteristic appearance - the secretion becomes viscous, abundant, white inclusions are observed. The main type of therapy is the use of antifungal suppositories, and thorough hygiene of the genital organs is also required.

Diagnosis by a specialist

Any unusual secretion in the first trimester should be a reason to visit a specialist. In order to identify the cause of the changed nature of the discharge, a diagnosis is made, consisting of taking smears from the inner walls of the vagina, taking urine and blood tests, ultrasound (often a transvaginal method is used), as well as a standard gynecological examination that allows you to determine the size and tone of the uterus, the presence of inflammatory processes.

What drugs can help

Hemostatic agents are prescribed only by a specialist with heavy bleeding. A small daub does not require treatment, as it is a symptom of an ongoing pathology, so special attention should be paid to the cause of its occurrence.

The choice of therapy depends on the results of the diagnosis. When inflammatory processes are detected, suppositories and drugs that suppress the focus of inflammation are used. An ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, or fetal freezing require curettage.

With the threat of miscarriage, a preserving therapy is carried out, which in most cases allows the fetus to develop adequately in the future.