International organizations that help large families. Financial assistance to large families. State support for large families

1. Hello good people. I pray for financial assistance to families with many children. I don’t know how to prove in words that this is not for profit, but a real plea for help. I am a mother of 4 children. It all happened so that we fell into such a debt hole that we already have no strength to get out of it ourselves without the help of kind people.
I would never have thought that I would have to ask for help. She lived, worked, raised children, thought everything was fine and excellent. My husband and I lived together for 13 years, until one fine moment bailiffs and collectors began to visit us.
I tried to find out from my husband where so many debts came from, but he told me all sorts of fairy tales. He lived for a few more months, and then just faded away without leaving any explanation.

I'm pulling this bondage alone and I don't know how to get out of it. The interest is crazy and I don’t know what to do and how to be. They already want me to sell the apartment, but where will I go with 4 children, and because of 200 thousand, I don’t even know how to collect children for school and for what.
I will be grateful for any help. Please help, who than can and how much can. I would never have thought that I would be in this situation. Here is my Sberbank card number 4276310014091765. If you need any evidence, I am always ready to provide it. And God bless everyone for any help.

2. Now I am in a difficult situation. I have three children. I divorced my husband three years ago, he does not pay alimony. I had to leave work, as it is impossible to work five days a week and raise three children. My salary was average, but still you can’t hire a nanny for them.
Mom, with her salary as a nurse, pays for a rented apartment for all of us, barely enough for food. But we need money to pay for circles, because children need to develop. It was in my childhood everything was free, but now all the circles are paid.

I have three children: the eldest daughter is at school, 8 years old, two younger sons at home, 3 years old and 5 years old. They don’t take them to kindergarten either, because they don’t have a Moscow residence permit. We need 377,000 rubles to pay for circles in the new academic year. I will provide receipts if needed. Help if possible. This will enable my children to reveal their abilities and talents for one more year, and in a year I hope I will be able to find a way out and realize my potential in order to provide a decent future for my children.
Now there is not enough time and simply human resources. Money can be transferred by calling 8-916-087-99-49 to a Sberbank card.

3. I never thought that I would get into such a situation... But the black line came one day and forgot where the exit was.... I lived in a marriage in the city of M. In the spring of 2016, my marriage cracked, and by the summer it completely broke up, quit her job (salary 27,000 + bonuses up to 30,000 came out).

I took 2 children and on the way to my mother, I stopped to visit relatives for the summer (to unwind). And unexpectedly met a new happiness in the city of Ch. V had a salary. 45 - 50 tr, I got a job 12500 salary, we rented an apartment for 15000 tr. + counters. Before that, he lived with relatives. from a nearby town. Everything was fine, among other things, he had a 12-year-old daughter, who, after her parents divorced, wanted to live with her dad and immediately rushed to live with us. And so for two we had 3 children.

He was great with my children, and I was with his daughter. We put the kids in the same school and everything was just fabulous. In mid-November, we found out that we were waiting for replenishment, we were very happy. I came to grips with the divorce, but without registration the courts refused, and the relatives of my future husband temporarily registered me for a year. I ran through the authorities for a long time and came to the conclusion that I hired a lawyer for a divorce.

It all lasted a long time and the ex-husband pulled out in every possible way with a divorce and threatened that he would take away the children if I filed for alimony at the same time. At the same time, I had 2 small loans, I bought a computer and a phone on credit for my ex-husband. In the end, he refused to pay, citing the fact that I was to blame. For almost all 9 months I was on my nerves and in the end I was locked up in the maternity hospital a month and a half before the birth. I managed to go on maternity leave.

My future husband was laid off from work during this period ... and then it all started. In order not to upset me, he secretly took out a loan to cover the rent and paid off both of my loans. A healthy baby was born in May 2017. 3 days after being discharged from the hospital, I was admitted to the hospital with inflammation of the kidney. The future husband, in desperation, called the mother-in-law, who took a vacation without pay and rushed to babysit the 10-day-old baby.

After that, seeing our situation, she took out a loan of 250 thousand to help us and herself. The child was born before the divorce papers went into effect. And here again I am fighting with my ex-husband so that he writes a refusal from the child for a new trial, which again stretches. For all his manipulations, like last time, he asks for money (you need you and pay, he told me).

Mother-in-law paid us a lawyer, paid for housing, repaid half of her future husband’s loan and the remaining 70 thousand paid herself a lawyer (since her husband kicked her out of their house and she began to try to sue part of this house. She built it with him from scratch for half of her life ). During this time, the husband tries to get a job, including a very difficult one.

I received money with delays for weeks, they pulled it as best they could. Barely enough for food and housing. In July 2017, we finally signed, 15 days later, as a result of an accident, I received a bilateral fracture of the jaw with displacement. It took an urgent operation of 3 mini plates with 4 screws each, according to the surgeon's calculations, to save face, the price of this is 90 thousand + the ward and rehabilitation separately.

By hook or by crook, I took 300 thousand, of which I paid for materials, the rest went to loans to my husband and mother-in-law (parts of both loans). We plugged the financial holes of our family with all our might. While I was in the hospital, my mother also arrived, for 2 months she fed us. For the rest of the year, I saw surgeons, and my husband changed jobs after jobs, debts grew like weeds.

In June 2018, trouble happened ... my husband got a prestigious job, we already calculated how long it would take to pay everything off, bought him a suit and tie for the last 3500, on the day of his salary he called joyfully and said that he was leaving home, they brought him late at night home with a closed craniocerebral and right eye injury.

Some drug addicts attacked him almost at the very house (it turned out that this was not an isolated case). Miraculously, the brain was not injured, he spent at least 2 weeks in the hospital, waiting for the hematoma to disappear and deciding whether to operate on the eye. As a result, we refused the operation (I could not find money on my own). But neurologists forbade him to put any strain on his eyes and said if he is working, then he needs at least 2 and a half months of rest and no work.

A wave of despair swept through the family. As soon as he was discharged, I began to sound the alarm, the plates in my face became inflamed and an urgent operation was needed 25,000, they collected from all relatives. They did it on July 31, removing the focus of inflammation, and appointed the next one, at 50,000 they estimated a non-urgent planned removal (with the face practically untouched).

The husband shook out all his friends and acquaintances and took another 30 thousand on credit, the second operation took place on August 9. We actually have no friends left ... we owe everyone. Children were collected to school on the principle that it is more important to buy stationery, to give money for an apartment. The debt for it is already 3 times our payments. After two operations under general anesthesia, it turned out that I was in position.

After the cesarean, I deliberately tied my tubes, i.e. did sterilization, so no one could have imagined this. It turned out that it was twins and she died on the background of anesthesia. I was operated on again under general anesthesia on September 3, unsuccessfully and almost lost (but found problems with blood incoagulability), a hematoma formed, it was decided to operate again on September 11.

As a result, in all this turmoil, our children do not know what family vacation is (but I think about vacation last, I won’t be able to sleep peacefully until I know that my family can be kicked out of a rented apartment). The hostess, God bless her, has endured us and our debts all this time, each time entering into a position.

But during this time, she herself remarried and gave birth to a girl a little younger than our youngest son, got into a mortgage. And she raised the price instead of 15,000 + a communal apartment, light, water, overhaul, and so on for all counters. And we owe her like land to a collective farm. Now she wants to get rid of us and sell the apartment, she asked to pay off as soon as possible and move out by the new year.

Until today, my husband has already worked steadily despite the prohibitions of doctors and received salary on time (20 thousand), but in the company where he works, for no reason at all, they began to check all accounts and transfers to employees, we are waiting for his salary from that place of work from October 8 to now. Knowing that we need a husband, he immediately got a job in another office in a taxi immediately in his arms every day for renting a car every day he is obliged to give 1800 + refueling and repairs at our expense, washing.

All this time I climbed various sites, bought used things. for us and children. we can't afford new ones. We are both registered in different places not in this city, but we were able to complete the paperwork and get a certificate as large and low-income, because we have 4 children between us. Received a certificate of a large family. We couldn't ask for more.

Since we and the children are registered in different places, they don’t put us in need of housing, these are the rules and laws on providing a plot for the third child of land and any benefits, we fought for more than a year to hire lawyers, but the system is not designed to help such families. I’m still ... I can’t take it anymore, my hands drop, the youngest doesn’t have winter clothes, the elders, thank God, still fit into old things.

Collectors have been calling for six months, threatening me and my parents at the place of registration, but I haven’t lived there with them for 10 years, I haven’t gone there, there’s nothing to take from pensioners. From all sides, creditors are pressing, in total, with all the interest of debts, about 2 million have accumulated. Every day I tell my husband to send everything that he earns to the hostess (leave home only for bread and milk). Yesterday the landlady said: “The debt is not reduced, if there is no payment this week, I will be forced to ask you to move out ..” And where should we go. We don’t have to pay for this housing, let alone rent a new one, and we still owe her about 45 thousand rubles.

If there are caring people on earth, I beg you, I beg you to help whoever can. I will write all my contacts, provide all the information and evidence of interest. Please help to save up for your housing and, God forbid, at least scatter the interest. So as not to lose this home in the future. I am very grateful to everyone and everyone for listening and not remaining indifferent.

89017483494 (the card is linked) if you have questions and suggestions to help not only with money, but with food or things, we need any help, write SMS. I don't pick up the phone from unfamiliar numbers. mostly collectors. We look forward to and need your help...

need help for a large family

I am a mother of many children, I have four children. You yourself understand what time we have and what prices are now. It is very difficult, the husband does not care, he does not care about the fate of the children. A bottle is more expensive than children. I pull them myself. Sberbank card number 639002099004967837.

06.02.2019 17:22:03

Need help for a large family no housing no citizenship

I am a mother of four children, but at the moment three children live with me, and one with a former common-law husband. He does not pay us any alimony, he says it will still be hard to crawl. Officially, I don’t have money to file for alimony, and it’s not so easy.
We are not citizens of the Russian Federation, but we have been living in the territory of the Russian Federation for almost five years and the youngest daughter was born in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment we are living with a friend because there is no way to rent a house yet. I work as a manager, my salary is from a percentage, the income is not large, but I have to pay for school and kindergarten.
At the moment we are on sick leave, the children are sick, so now there is no profit, and there is no help from anywhere, we have no relatives here. Please help whoever you can. My contact number is +79283416760. Card number 4276600023350131.

28.01.2019 12:10:40

help me please

I am a mother of 5 children, I used to live with a family in the Moscow region, I was on the waiting list for improving living conditions. After the death of my grandmother, we went to live with my disabled uncle in a 3-room apartment. I turned to the president with a request to help register in that apartment, but in response, his subordinates decided this: my mother’s husband has a kopeck piece, let him be there with his son, and I should live in my father’s girl with the rest.
This is how we lived until my uncle's health deteriorated sharply, we had to urgently buy a house with capital. The house was caught in a very remote village in the Tver region. At that moment we thought not to stay on the street. And now we faced such a problem of transport, there is no school, the school is five days old, the children live and study at the school, and there is no way at all to get to the kindergarten if you don’t have your own car.
Officially, it is also impossible to get a job. My husband works at a sawmill, they rarely pay and not officially, we basically live on my mother's pension. Because of this, we have accumulated a debt for electricity in the amount of 15,000 rubles. We beg you, help, please, they are already threatening to cut us off, and apart from the light, there are no communications in the house. Cooking on an electric stove, contact me 89157160081 Julia card number 639002409021663386 Thank you in advance.

Julia 13.01.2019 08:53:24

I am a mother of 6 children

I work seasonally, because there is no other possibility, since the children are always in the care next to the house. I bought a house with maternity capital in the village, but there is no way to make repairs, the roof is leaking, and even so, repairs are needed and the foundation is falling apart.
The money is spent on food and clothes. Beds are also needed, otherwise the children sleep two on one. I think 600,000 rubles helped us a lot to get up off our knees and live in a pleasant house. I don’t believe, of course, that they will help us, but at least I spoke out and it became easier. 639002479040643362 is the details, but the number is 89538152105.

08.01.2019 00:57:01

I am a mother of 5 children

I work alone, the salary is 20,000, and sometimes less. I have a sick child, every month I need 5 thousand rubles for medicine. utilities and so on. There is not enough money even to set aside for repairs. The apartment is in a terrible state. I beg you, it is impossible to live, there is fungus and mold everywhere. Children are constantly sick. 300,000 rubles are needed to repair the apartment. 639002609088940334.

06.01.2019 12:16:53

I am a girl, I am 12 years old, I live in a large family

Now I will talk about my family:
My dad, he is now 46, he works as a taxi driver (he started working for him not long ago, so he had no other job)
My mother, she is now 42, she works in Pyaterochka and receives, like, 30 thousand rubles a month (but at the moment she does not work, as she is sitting with a child).
My older sister is 14.
Me, I'm 12.
My younger sister, she is 9.
My little brother is 8.
And not long ago, my brother was born in 2018 on November 6, he will be 2 months old tomorrow. He is the 5th child in our family.
Due to the fact that mom only works dad, we have practically no money, we weren’t even given anything for the New Year because there was no money.
Well, who can, please help our family, I beg you.

05.01.2019 19:35:34

Please help my large family

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all who read my letter! My name is Svetlana, I am the mother of six children, I pray to everyone who can respond to the burden of trouble. We are from Ukraine, we survive as best we can, but trouble came to the house. Before the new year, for two months there was absolutely nothing to live for.
The children got sick with the flu, but not just the flu, but everyone had a temperature of 39. Five days they couldn’t bring it down, then they started vomiting, sorry. We pulled out as best we could, but there was no money and they advised us to take online loans. We paid for the first month, and then there was nothing to eat and nothing to treat.
New Year, and I have children with temperatures, firewood for two days and a debt of 55,000 thousand hryvnias, which is about (170,000 - 180,000 Russians). Collectors are calling, there was a percentage of 0.1%, they raised it by 4% per day for delay, but we don’t have that kind of money. We have already sold everything that could be sold, but the debt is growing and we cannot get out of this hole of debt.
I do not sleep at night, I roar from hopelessness so that the children do not see. I beg you good people save us. I don't know how to live on. For the first time I took and cursed the day when I listened and got into loans. My card is 5168757329272464, Viber +380686019573. I will answer all questions. This is our last chance - your help.

Svetlana 01/05/2019 11:14:17

sell things: wheelchairs and diapers

Please help me sell two wheelchairs, one for the street 6 tr., the other for the house 5 tr. There are diapers for adults number 3, size 110-150, 30 pieces in a package, call at any time. There is a large flat-screen TV "Samsung" for spare parts for 5 tons.

03.01.2019 02:37:13

I freak out at the arrogance of people

Why are you giving birth to so many children as a mother? If you can't support them, oh yes, because of benefits. But they also end. In short, I read a lot of writings, killed about a two-story house. Well done, I was not at a loss, I immediately posted the bill. I'll make screenshots and send you on social networks beggars!

06.12.2018 14:56:41

Your help will help us turn on the gas before the cold weather

I am Alexandra Baeva, mother of five children. She lost her job due to illness and became disabled. While she was in the hospital, a gas debt was formed and they came and turned it off. Now we have been sitting without heating and hot water for more than six months. The total amount is 51,300 rubles, but first you need to deposit at least 20,000 to turn it on before severe cold weather. Sberbank card 639002309062009905 and phone number +79002803585 and whatsapp number +79604729604.

Alexandra 02.12.2018 08:22:51

Your help means a lot to our family.

I, Balyasov Oleg Nikolaevich, I am 46 years old. I live in the Leningrad region, Otradnoe. Our family has the status of a large family, there are four minor children in the family aged 14, 6, 4, and the smallest one is 1 year old. During this year, she underwent 5 operations on the intestines, intestinal obstruction, Ledd's syndrome.
This year turned out to be very difficult both morally and financially. I am the only one working in our family, as my wife went to hospitals from the birth of a child. Currently working with children. We have been denied child allowance, and we receive nothing from the state. Because the wife is from Ukraine, namely from the city of Gorlovka.
I work at a factory, the salary is 35 thousand, this money that I earn is sorely lacking. All of them go to food and partial repayment of the rent. Time passes, and a lot of debts have accumulated per quart. payment, the gas service said that next week they would turn off our gas.
I pay utility bills as much as possible. Help me please. Everything rests on the amount of 300,000 thousand rubles. What do I need this money for? Firstly, to pay debts for an apartment, for a kindergarten and give it to friends from whom I borrowed for the hospital.
Secondly, our seed received an apartment in 2017 in April from the state as a large family. And also I am a veteran of military operations\Chechnya\. Thank you very much to our mayor's office for the apartment, our first floor and basement are always damp, and the apartment is full of mold on the windows in the bathroom, in the toilet. And I want to make repairs, I will do it myself.
Third, buy a used car. I can provide a photo of my apartment. Please help to get up from your knees to provide for your family so that they are healthy and happy. I really hope for the help of sympathetic people, I will be very grateful to you even for a little help, it is very important for us. I wish you all good health and a strong family. With respect to you, the Balyasov family. Phone +79670771042.

Oleg 11/30/2018 01:53:37

I'm in the same situation as everyone else.

Family, four kids, cheap help from the state. The husband works alone, 18 thousand for 6 people. They don’t take me to work, the children are supposedly small, and there is no work in the village. I went around everything without results, got on the labor exchange, I have been standing for the second year, they pay 1105 per month.
I don’t know how to live, who to ask for help, so I decided to write, maybe someone can help at least with something, I’ll be glad even for a kind word, my phone is 89511716701

Oksana 29.11.2018 04:53:00

Help for a new home

I am a mother of 4 children, all my salary goes to loans, I barely have enough for food, the house is very small, only 54 square meters, this is (very small, as you understand). You can buy a house in our city for 2,000,000-2,500,000 rubles. Thank you in advance! Help me please...
Details: Qiwi Wallet +79378061611.

25.11.2018 21:11:25

I will accept any help

I am the mother of five children, four of them are schoolchildren. Please help. We live in our own apartment with a collection to school, a rent debt has formed. Please help anyone who can, we will not refuse any help. I bring up children alone, I never asked for help, there is simply no way out. My number is 89842726626

17.11.2018 20:25:09

Help baby stuff

If anyone can help with children's things, help. I have three of them, at least for a little one and a half years old I need warm clothes. Thank you, number 8989478200.

16.11.2018 23:42:54

I will accept help children's things household appliances financial assistance

I am a mother of three children. I am raising children alone, my husband died. I receive a pension for children, but it is not enough for food or clothing. Housing is rented, the apartment is almost empty. Anyone who can help financially, with clothes, household appliances, write to Viber 89123945905. Money can be transferred by phone number 89123959617 Sberbank card.

15.11.2018 09:54:18

We don't have money to pay rent and food

If you have extra money, then give it to us. My family is in dire need of financial assistance. We have no money to pay rent and food. We can not buy the necessary medicines for the child. We live in a rented apartment and without conditions. A child with disabilities and we ask you to help for the sake of a disabled child.
Good people one penny can change a poor person's life. I can provide you with any documents for complete confidence. I hope you will not pass by and respond to the request. Contact us via fb...itag ... [email protected]

14.11.2018 16:44:23

Mother of many children 3 children

Mother of 3 children (one disabled). I need diapers and medicines. I would be glad to help even 50 rubles. Card number 639002179006446400 or phone number 89612477824.

12.11.2018 18:04:08

I am raising five children alone, they are under my care.

Hello, my name is Olga. I am 61 years old, I am raising five children alone, they are under my care. My pension is 8000 r. I get 28,000 rubles for children, but the costs are high because the children are 18 years old, 13 years old, 11 years old and twins are 8 years old. Everyone goes to school, and the eldest is studying at a technical school on a commercial basis "lawyer".
Guardianship of the eldest grandson stopped paying benefits because he is already an adult and studies on a commercial basis. But I have to pay for my studies from my pension. We live in the village of the Saratov region. Children at school study in bad conditions, as there are no teachers.
One teacher immediately teaches three classes at the same time (example: 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade at the same time). Of course, I have to give knowledge to the children myself, since they basically ask everything to be taught and studied at home on their own. I would like the children to study in a normal school and study only with their own class and teachers give knowledge, and not their grandmother, who is 61 years old.
There is only one way out of this situation, to improve housing for children in the district center. There is not enough 700 thousand so that children can study in a regular school and be able to attend additional circles, we do not have this in the village. But the children really ask for sections, dances. I will be very grateful if there are kind people who will help us raise this amount of money, I try to give the children everything they need in life. My telephone number for communication is 8 960 346 69 02 Olga Petrovna. Agricultural bank card number 2200380356568600

10.11.2018 11:32:52

My name is Elena. I am raising three children alone. I work, I try to cope on my own, but now I don’t have enough for winter clothes and shoes for children. I beg you to help anyone who can. My Sberbank card number is 4276 2200 1278 5765. If you have any questions, you can write [email protected]

05.11.2018 09:25:54

helping a large family

A large family is in a difficult life situation. 2 years ago, I fell at a construction site, injured my right knee joint, my spine in two places. I cannot stand and walk for a long time, I have four minor children, my wife is in the last month of pregnancy. We live in a rented apartment, on care allowances up to a year and a half and children. I ask you to help whoever you can and how much you can.

25.10.2018 21:06:32

Got into debt. Now they threaten to cut off the gas, then the light

I turn to kind people for help. In 2013, we turned to the presidential website for help in purchasing a family car. Since there was no public transport in our village, and even children, more than one driver did not want to take it if you go somewhere. The officials refused us, because according to the law there must be seven children to get a family car.
In 2014, we had to take out a loan that our salary allowed us to buy a car. Until today, they paid regularly, as much as they had enough strength. But a year and a half ago we had a problem. My husband had a stroke (brain infarction).
From the new year of 2018, doctors forbade him to work in harmful working conditions according to the medical board. No group was given, well, thanks, left at the workplace. They didn’t fire me, that they spared the children so that they had something to feed a large family. But they were demoted and lost wages.
We are now barely making ends meet. Debts were accumulated for electricity, gas and housing and communal services, and other debts were accumulated when picking up children for school and the eldest daughter for a teacher training college. Now they are threatening to cut off the gas, then the light. And already five days of delay in the loan collectors are calling. In a word, on the one hand, the state clamps, and on the other, collectors. We don't even know what to do.
We are afraid that our children will be taken away from us. Our family has always been in good standing with us in a small village. Help me please. Spouse's card number is 2202 2002 2088 7184. Since my accounts are frozen, even child benefits, if I did not have time to withdraw from the card.

05.10.2018 00:15:15

I ask for help

My name is Lyudmila, I have 8 children, the youngest, 4 months old, is disabled, she was just operated on. Need any help. My phone is 89990598560, I will answer everyone and explain everything over the phone more. I live in Pyatigorsk, please respond, who can help.

21.09.2018 16:01:21

A large family needs financial assistance.

We are a large family, we have three children, we live in the Irkutsk region. Our apartment needs a major overhaul, the floor in the children's room and the kitchen is rotten, the wooden window frames have fallen into disrepair. We can’t save up for repairs on our own, I have a salary. is 14900r. per month.
The wife does not work like this, as the village is small, there is a problem with employment. Maybe there will be kind, caring people who will respond.
p.s we will provide receipts and checks, as well as a photo and video report on the repair done. Account number where funds can be transferred. Yandex wallet No. 410014078290186.

20.09.2018 07:53:40

mother of many children

Help kind people, I have 5 children, I was left without a job. Winter is coming, and there is absolutely no money for warm clothes. If anyone can please help. We will be glad to everything and things and toys and money. My phone number is 89220453056. Card number is 639002679036516478. Raisa. Tyumen.

14.09.2018 14:30:37

Please help us financially...

I am a mother of 5 children. The eldest daughter is 13, the youngest son is 6 months old. We need financial help, we want to build a 2-storey house. We started building it back in 2013, now it’s 2018, but we never built the house. We need money, please help. Account: 40817810261000391370

14.09.2018 10:25:43

debt for an apartment

My name is Elena. Three years ago I bought an apartment for a mat. capital and took another 200 thousand rubles from the Savings Bank. So there are 100 thousand rubles left. pay off, but now I don’t work, I’m on maternity leave (I gave birth to my third son). So now there is no money to pay the loan. I ask you, who can help with money, put the number 676280519002626973 on the Sberbank card.

12.09.2018 08:52:40

My daughter is almost seven

09/16/2018 one daughter, d.b. she wants a holiday, but we have no money. The husband quit, and the children's allowances go to pay for the house, about 5,000 are needed for the festive table for her and friends. We are a family with five children. I do not ask for a large amount, but the child really wants a holiday for his seventh birthday.

11.09.2018 16:58:18

Help with a mortgage

I am a mother of three sons, the youngest is 1.4 months (on maternity leave). My husband has problems with work. I paid for my studies at the institute, so there was no money left for the mortgage. There have never been delays. Please help with the missing amount of 11.000 r. Unless, of course, someone sees this message. Payment must be made by September 15, 2018. Card 4276300032688064

11.09.2018 15:27:04

pay utility bills

I have three children, the debt for the apartment is 20 thousand rubles. I work, but I don’t earn much, but before that I always managed on my own. But this year, while going to school over the summer, they accumulated a debt for housing and communal services. It's so expensive to get kids to school right now. I ask for the first time in my life and I think there are kind people who can help. I don’t ask a lot just to pay off the debt. 5336 6900 9437 5518 thanks to everyone who will respond to help us.

08.09.2018 14:34:15

Mother of many children and huge debts! 1.5 million rubles

Perhaps my situation is almost banal. As do many now. I will write the main I have five children, and huge debts. 1.5 million rubles. I can't handle them myself. Until death. Slowly they pass on to children as they grow older. My Soul Hurts. Such a heartache. That crippled children's fates.
The story is very long and confusing. I can only say that it all started with a deception of the administration. Then the debts themselves ran up like a snowball. Maybe someone is interested in the situation!? Any amount is important to me now. I will answer everyone, I will communicate with everyone. I'll tell you the whole situation in detail. I am Solennikova Inna Gennadievna, my number is 89503020018. I live in Krasnoyarsk, I have a small food pavilion. I work very hard. We live in a rented apartment. I can’t pay off the debts in which I myself, until my death (my income is only enough for a rented apartment, and for food for the children. I really need your help. Gratitude will have no boundaries! God bless you ...

07.09.2018 16:24:45

debt for an apartment of 300 thousand rubles and a loan

Help with finances. I have three children, a debt for an apartment of 300 thousand rubles and a loan of 100,000 rubles. I work on my own, but I don't make enough money for it all. I took out a loan because I needed to make repairs in the apartment. The required amount is 250 thousand rubles. At least part of all this to pay. Sberbank card number - 639002409035334651. Phone - 89268544379)

02.09.2018 17:03:16

I ask for a loan

Hello! I'm on maternity leave with two kids. I beg for a loan to pay off microloans. I have made several of them. The amount is more than one hundred thousand. If extended, then about 40 thousand. Payment must be made by September. Right away I don’t have such an amount, there is nowhere to borrow. I'm asking for a loan. I can give several thousand every month, I have a stable income. Thank you for your attention! My card is 2202 2002 7344 8538.

25.08.2018 11:24:41

help carry the water

My name is Elena. We have five kids in the family. We bought a house for maternity capital, enough for a small house, but we are happy about this. A house without water, we go for water to a drinking spring. And to wash the floors, to wash, we collect nearby from the stream. We live in a village and there is a river nearby. Help people nice for the sake of Christ. Tired of carrying barrels with children, in winter to carry on sleds. According to the estimate, they considered water for a long time, the amount is 22 thousand. We can't do it anyway. There is no work in the village, we get the minimum wage. Orenburg region 639002469001100296.

14.08.2018 08:07:08

Large family in despair

My name is Laysan, I am a mother of three children. We live in the village Chishma, children 10, 7, and 1.6. My husband was laid off in the spring, he was looking for a job for two months, he seemed to have found it. He started working for a private person, worked for a week, they gave him a day off, they said they would call him. Now he is looking for work again. While he is in search, we have already owed three more loans to relatives and friends.
The lenders demand that the entire amount be repaid. In addition, there is no charge for the cards. We are afraid that they will be asked to vacate the apartment. filming. Still on the nose of September 1, not a penny of money to dress the children. Dear friends, readers, you are the last hope. Help who than can. If anyone needs a report I will provide. Phone number 9876274333. Card number 5469060015198077. Laysan Midkhatovna.

11.08.2018 16:50:32

Good people help

I appeal to all residents of Russia. Help, mother of four children. Debts 1500000 million. My husband died and left us alone. For a communal apartment 200,000 debt. Soon they will be expelled from the apartment. The youngest son is disabled, there is practically nothing to eat. This is how we survive. And soon the school, what to send them. I don't know what to do, at least hang yourself. Sberbank 2202 2006 8614 2595

04.08.2018 15:48:38

Good people, help, please, as much as you can

Lyudmila writes. I have four children, we live in the Leningrad region of the city of Tosno. At the moment, I am on maternity leave with two children, two children go to school. The six of us live in a one-room apartment of 39 sq.m. The husband works, but the salary is small, the child allowance is also small in the amount of 9 thousand rubles. We really want to buy a bigger apartment, but unfortunately, the financial situation does not allow, and the prices for apartments are growing by leaps and bounds.
A lot is also spent on schoolchildren, now for one thing, then for another, etc., etc. As well as food, clothing, rent. There is not enough money to buy an apartment - 430 thousand rubles, they won't give us a loan, because our income doesn't allow, so I ask you for help. All hope remained only on you, it’s just that I don’t have the strength anymore and I don’t know what to do. Sberbank card 4817 7600 4290 5749 Lyudmila Vladimirovna Kozak.

31.07.2018 13:18:14

I ask those who are not indifferent to respond

I am a mother of three children. They are brought up alone, the father of the children does nothing to help, drinks. I don’t understand how I could give birth to three from him, I hoped that he would stop drinking. But no, he doesn’t drink for three or four days, and then he goes on a spree for a couple of weeks. I don’t have my own housing, I have enough money to pay for a one-room apartment where it smells of dampness and stoves smoke. On the nose of the academic year. I ask you to help gather the children to school and buy a small house for your children. My card number in Sberbank is 4276 8250 1116 3416 Maria Mikhailovna m.

20.07.2018 14:40:41

I ask people who are not indifferent to respond

Please help our family. My husband and I have 3 children. We were denied in children's rooms, as they increased by 20 rubles. I receive care only. The husband works alone. Got into debt. I ask you to help at least 1 ruble. For baby clothes, cribs, diapers, etc. I will provide a report. Sberbank 676280109000448529.

18.07.2018 16:45:35

We are in a difficult life situation.

I am a mother of 4 children. My husband and I have been living like hell for six months now. I have been working for 7 months, my husband stays at home. I support my family alone. I have been receiving benefits for the last month. The husband drinks heavily and does not want to change for the better. We have our own house, now we live in one half, the other needs to be done, but there is not enough money. Here is my contact number. 89535575344. And here is the card number 639002429019012057. Call if in doubt.

14.07.2018 19:01:26

Give the kids a horse

Our family lives in the Ryazan region, in a village. We have 8 children. We keep cows to somehow survive and feed our children. Our whole family works on the farm, we ourselves graze cows. We have long dreamed of having a horse for grazing, but now it is an expensive pleasure. We kindly ask you to help us raise money for a horse or foal. My Sberbank card number is 63900253 9001461375. We thank everyone who responds and will help us make our cherished dream come true.

05.07.2018 16:33:53

The roof top is falling apart

The roof and ceiling are falling apart. We wantchange. We have four children, 10, 9, 5, and 1.4 years old. It fails to accumulate. I can't get a loan because I don't work officially. We contacted the district administration, but they helped us in the amount of 4 tr. and repairing the roof with ceilings costs 200,000.
They wrote to the president's website, they refused. At the time of contacting the administration, the wife was a widow with three children. Now we are looking for funds together. If necessary, I can send documents with seals from the administration and a photo of the roof, respectively. If anyone can help, I collect any pennies. I hope that there are people in the world who can, and most importantly, are ready to help in a difficult situation.
Sberbank - 4276 8720 6437 6388. My number is 89080546261.

29.06.2018 06:40:40

Good people, I turn to you for help on my knees

Charitable assistance is the provision of certain funds or in-kind assistance from private organizations that are not public. This assistance is provided to vulnerable categories of citizens, in particular, large families. The conditions for granting such assistance may be different, and they do not depend on the legislative framework for the provision of state assistance. Funds, as a rule, are collected through charity, and they are directed exclusively to provide assistance, most often targeted, to large and low-income families.

What is charitable assistance to large families?

  1. This may be assistance in the form of material resources that are allocated to the family as an element of support for the overall family budget. The amount of this assistance is set exclusively by the charitable organization, as well as the conditions for the provision of assistance. If a family applied for help and was denied, the family does not have the right to file a lawsuit in court and challenge this decision. Since assistance is provided on a charitable basis;
  2. Most often, in-kind assistance is provided. For example, food packages for certain families that have low-income status. Hygiene items, baby clothes, baby carriages, cribs, sleeping sets are also provided. That is, this assistance is provided specifically for the maintenance of children.
In principle, in our country there is a very significant number of charitable organizations that provide targeted assistance to large families. The essence of this assistance is to provide better living conditions for children. This assistance is not provided on a regular basis, and the selection of candidates depends on individual conditions, which are established by the organization itself. For example, there are charitable foundations from certain churches, and they provide assistance only to those citizens who are members of their community, etc.

What is the difference between government aid and charity?

State assistance is provided exclusively in accordance with the legislation or regulatory legal acts of regional significance. In fact, if a family has the right, in accordance with the law, to receive certain assistance, but the assistance was refused, the family has the right to challenge this decision in court and receive the payments, compensation, and participation in subsidies due. As for charitable assistance, it is provided on a voluntary basis. And therefore, it is up to the administration of this fund to decide whether to give assistance or not. Charitable assistance programs are not state-owned, which means that the decision not to issue assistance to one family or another cannot be challenged in court.

P.S. If you need to order a mole removal procedure for the received charitable assistance, click on the link. Professional approach, reasonable prices and high quality service - all this awaits you on the proposed site.

Families with many children have the right to apply for certain state aid. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/05/1992 No. 431 establishes a number of rules that allow ...

Look for a fund to help large families in your city.

Child allowances and payments for a child in large families

Charitable foundations exist in almost every region of our country. They provide psychological, material, legal and moral assistance, help the poor, the disabled and large families in difficult situations, hold events designed to draw public attention to the problems of the socially unprotected population, organize holidays for children from orphanages and much more. But how exactly could they help a large family?

Fund for helping large families

Typically, such funds cooperate with social security authorities, which contain information about large families in need of support.

The group finds out the needs of families and, through interaction with businesses and authorities, tries to provide all possible assistance.

You can find out from the social security authorities which charitable foundations to help large families operate in your region and turn to them for help if you have really serious problems:

  • The child is ill and urgently needs expensive medicines or an operation that requires unbearable expenses for your family;
  • There is no place to live and local authorities cannot solve this problem in any way;
  • There is nothing to feed and clothe the children due to the illness of the breadwinner, loss of work, etc.

It is impossible to predict all possible situations, but if you don’t know where to look for a way out, contact the fund.

The assistance provided by the foundation is usually targeted, that is, aimed at solving the problems of a particular family or several families.

For example, the Russian Birch Foundation sends a lot of parcels every month with clothes and shoes, hygiene items, sweets and toys, bed linen for large families, funds for the purchase of necessary medicines, food, etc.

And the Moscow charitable foundation called “Children are our future” regularly holds the “Let's Help the Children!” campaign, as a result of which families with many children receive various necessary goods for free.

There are help funds at Orthodox churches, where, if necessary, you can get clothes and shoes not only for children, but also for parents, food, etc.

Funds for helping large families hold holidays, children receive gifts from Santa Claus and for their birthday, or a set of school supplies for Knowledge Day, and much more.

You can contact the charitable foundation if you or your children have a situation in which your rights in the social, cultural or educational sphere of life are violated, since charitable assistance can also be expressed in protecting the rights of the family. Unfortunately, there are often situations when there is nothing to take children to school or kindergarten, or nothing to buy the most necessary products. As a result of what events this happened is not so important, but if your problems have not been solved by the social security authorities or local authorities, then it remains to contact a charitable foundation that will find an opportunity to help you.

The Foundation for Assistance to Large Families is trying to revive large families in Russia, draws public attention to problems and their solutions so that a large family becomes the norm, and not a rare exception, and the birth rate in the country does not cause concern.

If it is difficult, do not hesitate to look for a charitable foundation and ask for help.

It's good that there is such a fund.

Is there a fund for helping families with many children in Novosibirsk? If yes, how to find it?

Go to the city government website. Find Social Security and at least call them and ask about relief funds. They should know. You may need to go there in person. We live in the 21st century - there are many means of communication.

It seemed to us that readers themselves will be able to decide on it.

Hello, the Orthodox mother of 6 children Ponomareva Olga Vladimirovna writes to you.

We have a very difficult financial situation. My husband works alone. the sixth child is 9 months old, the salary is enough

somehow to feed the family.

While our assistants mother-in-law, my father, grandmother were alive, we lived well, even built with their help, a house for us,

but for 3 years (2011-2013) our helpers died, only my mother remained, who herself needs our help, she

pensioner, disabled group 2 due to leg disease.

To finish building the house, I had to take out a loan, which we are now catastrophically unable to cope with + utilities

expenses and we are in terrible debt, there is no need to talk about clothes and shoes, we have been dressing in social services for a long time. center at

temple that people give away, and even with diapers, hygiene. means, everyday transport payments to breed children

to class and back. Very difficult.

But with all the financial complexity, we love our children very much, and devote our whole lives to them, and they make us very happy

The eldest daughter studies at the university on a budget, a chemical biologist.

The second son is 7th grade, acrobat 1st adult category in the school of the Olympic reserve, he is still fond of football.

Daughter 9 years old. He studies at an Orthodox school, sings, at the Olympus school. The reserve is successfully engaged in swimming.

I take my 6-year-old son to prepare for school, he is fond of drawing.

We are developing our 3-year-old son in the classroom at the family Orthodox center.

Daughter 9 months, still a baby.

Our address: Krasnodar, st. Industrial No. 102 /1

index 3 5 0 0 0 2 tel. 8 (9 8 8) 5 5 8 8 3 6 4

(references: large and low-income families, copies: passports, birth certificates 6 pcs, diplomas,

thank you letters, I can send).

We'll be glad for any help.

Save you Lord!

Is there a fund to help large and low-income families in Belgorod? How to find it?

Anastasia, contact the city administration with a question.

The easiest way.

Is there a center for helping large families in Novokuznetsk

Anastasia, you should contact the administration of Novokuznetsk with this question.

Charitable Foundation for Large Children

The Believe in a Dream Charitable Foundation is made up of initiative and active volunteers who want to help families with many children in any difficult situations. We provide assistance directly to the family, controlling all stages, from the application to delivery personally to the address. Financial, household, psychological, developmental assistance is provided. The purpose of helping large families:

  • crisis situations;
  • promotion of large families;
  • respect for the institution of the family;
  • all-round development of children.

We communicate with large families, clarifying all the problems, their causes, and offer options for solving the current situation.

Posted on 30.11.2017by. This entry was posted in Category name. Bookmark the permalink.

How does the state help families with many children?

The state, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992 No. 431, provides fairly diverse and substantial assistance to large families. Families with three or more children are provided with a variety of assistance options, ranging from the payment of child support to the implementation of the provision of housing subsidies. This subsidy assumes that the family, on the basis of the assistance provided, will be able to purchase real estate.

How does the state help families with many children?

To receive assistance from the state, you will certainly need to pay attention to the need to meet clearly defined criteria:

  1. A family, in accordance with existing standards, should be recognized as having many children. This status must be officially confirmed;
  2. The family must have three or more children. Let us draw your attention to the fact that only those children who live with their parents and are not fully supported by the state are taken into account.

    State support for large families in 2018

    Both natural and adopted children are taken into account;

  3. Only those families who have the citizenship of the country and have lived in a particular region for the past ten years can count on receiving assistance;
  4. Parents who are deprived of parental rights, no matter how many children they have, are deprived of the right to apply for a subsidy (if they are deprived of the rights to all their children);
  5. If a family draws up social benefits, compensations and payments, then it must necessarily issue a specialized document that reflects that the family is low-income. In the case of issuing a utility subsidy in the form of a discount on utility bills, you need to pay attention to the execution of this document. Since if the level of prosperity in the family is normal, then the family loses the right to apply for this subsidy;
  6. In the case of applying for a subsidy for the purchase of real estate, the family must provide a document that reflects that the family does not have normal living conditions. That is, it is necessary for the family to prove that it needs to improve its living conditions at the current time.

Assistance structure

Naturally, no one will run after the family and draw up all the documents instead of you. All options for social assistance are provided solely on the basis of an individual application of the family that asks for this or that assistance, in accordance with the legislation of the country. You can visit the social protection authority, where they will help you decide what kind of assistance you can count on, as well as what kind of documents you will need to provide for its execution. You can also visit the housing department or the department, where you will also receive advice on applying for a housing allowance and find out what documents you will need to attach to your application for this assistance.

Also, the family can count on the help of a dermatovenereologist at and other doctors of this clinic.

State support for families with three or more children is carried out solely on the basis of regulatory enactments. To receive assistance, the family must submit a package of documents for consideration. From the help there are various social payments, compensations, benefits, subsidies, as well as the issuance of natural assistance. Among other things, there are programs under which families with many children can receive municipal housing for temporary use. To arrange any social payments, the family must apply for help to the social protection authority. To apply for a housing subsidy for the purchase of real estate, the family must certainly contact the housing department or department.

Why does the state offer support to large families?

In our country, large families are those families in which three or more children are brought up. Moreover, the state does not distinguish between its own and adopted children.

The state provides assistance for the reason that it is trying to activate the birth rate in the country. It is quite obvious that many families would like to have many children, but the social difficulties of being lead to the fact that they are often limited to one child. Therefore, the state provides maximum assistance to those families in which three or more children are already being raised, so that these families have a normal level of provision, and other parents are not afraid to acquire significant offspring.

Unfortunately, in our country there is a rather difficult situation with real estate. Its cost is at a very significant level, which does not allow everyone to purchase today and now. The program of assistance to large families assumes that the assistance provided by the state is very significant - up to 70% of the total value of real estate. It is for this reason that families with many children have a real chance to make the desired acquisition.

Required Documents

  1. The status of a large family must be officially confirmed. That is, there must be a certificate that determines your status and allows your family to take advantage of a number of state subsidy programs;
  2. You must have the status of a low-income family.

    Rules for the provision of assistance to large families from the state in 2018

    In this case, you will also be able to apply for various social payments, compensations, benefits, etc.;

  3. The family must have documents on hand stating that it needs to improve its housing situation.

Help is provided on two levels:

  1. federal programs;
  2. Regional programs.

Each program may have its own characteristics. But the most important thing is that you can get the exact package of documents that you will need to submit for consideration only at the local housing department or department. For social payments, uniform rules for processing state assistance are clearly established.

Financial assistance to large families

Families with many children are provided with specialized assistance from the state, which involves both certain social payments and various options for in-kind assistance in the form of food packages and things. There is also assistance that is not provided in monetary terms, but can form the basis for the implementation of the acquisition of real estate.

It's called a housing subsidy.

If you need new clothes for your kids, follow the link to the FoxyDom store. Professional approach, reasonable prices and high quality are waiting for you on the proposed site.

What financial assistance is intended for large families?

  1. State financial assistance involves the provision of an allowance, which is paid monthly for each child, if the family has an officially registered low-income status;
  2. One-time financial assistance is issued for a family with three or more children in the social protection authorities. The amount is set individually depending on the wealth of the family, and also depending on how many children are brought up in the family;
  3. Target payouts. These payments can be made with the participation in a kind of government programs. These can be payments that are issued for the implementation of individual construction, the acquisition of real estate or land. This type of assistance is called subsidizing and is not issued in the form of cash in hand;
  4. Assistance provided in the form of food, medicine, clothing, etc.

Thus, we can say with considerable certainty that most often family assistance is provided not in monetary terms, but in the form of discounts, compensations and certain food packages, packages with things and medicines. In order to apply for social assistance, a large family should contact the social protection authority and provide a package of documents, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the issuance of assistance or on refusal.

How is assistance assigned to a large family?

  1. There is a difference between regional, federal or municipal assistance, which can be issued by any family that is raising three or more children. To apply for federal assistance, you need to study in detail the regulatory requirements of Presidential Decree No. 431. Regional and municipal programs have their own special requirements, and in order to apply for them, you will have to collect a package of documents that is more substantial than in the process of applying for participation in the federal program;
  2. There are options for help that are in the form of financial support. Moreover, funds can either be issued in cash, in the form of certain payments, or provided exclusively in the form of certificates and certificates, with a clearly defined target value;
  3. There are assistance options that are given as a natural basis - medicines, things, certain food packages, etc.

Types and amount of assistance to large families

A large family, standing in line for the improvement of housing space. can rely on the allocation of budgetary funds at the local level. Acquired housing in the territorial plan is limited only by the country.

The state is trying in every possible way to help large families with the purchase of their own living space. For example, through the Young Family and Affordable Housing programs. The allocated state subsidies can even be used to pay off a mortgage loan.

How can I get an apartment for a large family from the state in 2018

purchase of housing on the basis of a social tenancy agreement. Subsidizing programs for large families have been operating in Russia since 2007.

In 2018, families with three or more children are included in this category, while relatives and adoptive parents are completely equal. In this section, we will consider the requirements that apply to a large family, what conditions the family must meet, where to apply and with what documents in order to join the queue for receiving affordable housing from the state.

Before submitting documentation for a social apartment.

Assistance to large families from the state in 2018

Regional authorities followed the example of federal institutions and the Government of the Russian Federation and in almost every subject of the federation began to implement not only state projects, but also programs of local significance.

What are the benefits of payment for large families

Let us consider in more detail what kind of assistance to large families from the state is supposed to be in 2018, and what privileges such spouses rely on in different regions of the country. Families in which several children are brought up at once (in each region the number of children is set individually, most often 3-5 kids under 18 years old) can count on certain privileges from the state.

Benefits and allowances for large families in 2018, Help for large families in Russia

According to a sociological survey of large families, 79% of respondents need financial assistance, 13% did not give an answer, and only 7% answered "no" and "I don't know."

In the same survey, it turned out that 53% of respondents need legal information, which is provided in this article.

After reading the article, you will find out what benefits, payments and other types of support a large family can count on in 2018.

Social support for large families

Until 2012, some regions of Russia, by default, determined those families with more than 4-5 children as large families.

  1. discount on utility bills and compensation for fuel for heating the house;
  2. assistance in organizing interest-free credit, leasing, loans;
  3. preferential purchase of building materials, transport and housing.
  4. free school meals;
  5. free travel for children in school (in their region) and public transport;
  6. free school uniform or other form of clothing that replaces it;
  7. provision of land plots without a queue for household needs (garden, kitchen garden);
  8. exemption from business registration tax;
  9. assistance to the family in the development of business, agrarian, farming structures (allocation of land plots, benefits and discounts on rent, tax cuts);
  10. free tracksuits for schoolchildren;
  11. admission to kindergarten without waiting in line;
  12. one day a month, children can visit recreational, entertainment and cultural establishments (museum, parks, exhibitions) free of charge;

In addition, parents have other benefits, even after all children come of age.

State support for large families

Unfortunately, in our country there is a rather difficult situation with real estate. Its cost is at a very significant level, which does not allow everyone to purchase today and now. The program of assistance to large families assumes that the assistance provided by the state is very significant - up to 70% of the total value of real estate.

It is for this reason that families with many children have a real chance to make the desired acquisition. The status of a large family must be officially confirmed.

How the state helps families with many children

It should be noted that in many regions, local governments introduce additional benefits, payments and allowances for large families: they allocate a car for free for family use, pay significant amounts for the family for the holidays, find funds for the treatment of children if necessary.

This allowance can be received at the work of the mother or father, having previously prepared the documents: a birth certificate from the maternity hospital and a certificate stating that the second happy parent did not receive the payment (if he also works), an application.

Monthly child care allowance. Maternal capital.

Charitable foundations.

First of all, we offer a list of funds in which assistance to large, needy and foster families is either designated as statutory, or it is known about them that they really helped someone. However, the information quickly becomes outdated, so we advise you to contact the funds in advance to find out the current state of affairs.

BF "Here and Now"

7 903 761 3394, +7 903 761 3394

Helps “orphans and children left without parental care in institutions; graduates of orphanages; families with adopted children; families at risk.

BF (Internet) "Help.Org"

7 499 530 2330, +7 499 530 2330, +7 499 530 2332 FREE OF CHARGE +7 499 530 2332

Helps “disabled people (no age limit). Children's orphanages. Families with many children».

7 495 722 92798, +7 495 959 9276, +7 495 959 9276

Helps "everyone in need of help."

7 499 308 5292,+7 499 308 5292

Helps" poor and large families families with sick children, families with adopted children; lonely old people refugees. Nursing homes, libraries in the regions, orphanages.”

International public organization "Fair Aid"

7 495 589 7792, +7 495 589 7792 (Elena Nikulnikova) - for those who need help, +7 495 642 4257, +7 495 642 4257 (Olga Suhetskaya) - for those who want to help

Helps “terminally or seriously ill adults and their families. homeless poor, socially disadvantaged people."

Charitable project "Territory of Childhood"

7 925 882 9980,+7 925 882 9980 (Tatiana Kuznetsova)

Helps" large and low-income families, single mothers in Moscow, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. Orphans in the Vladimir and Tula regions. Potential adoptive parents».

Refuseniks (website of the association of volunteers "Otkazniki" and the fund "Volunteers to help orphans").

7 495 789 1578, +7 495 789 1578

Helps “children left without parents in hospitals throughout Russia. Boarding schools in the Moscow region. Families in difficult situations and who are on the verge of placing their child in an orphanage or abandoning a child in a maternity hospital in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Families planning to adopt or have already adopted a child left without parental care.

Charitable Support Fund large and low-income families (virtual)

Charitable Foundation "Reliable Childhood"

Helps children low-income large families and orphans

The Fund feeds those in need with hot meals three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at the address: Moscow, Nizhny Susalny lane, 4a (DEZ station No. 4) from 13:00

"Family helps family."

"Usually, low-income families we don’t help directly, but upon requests from local social protection institutions that supervise them and know the whole situation in the family.”

Help poor families

Moscow Regional Public Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Poor Families

Fund family support, protection of childhood, motherhood and fatherhood.

Supports children from low-income families.

Charitable Foundation "Healthy Heritage"

Kostroma region, helps children from large, low-income families as well as orphans.

Supports poor families, develops youth sports and youth leisure in the Krasnodar Territory, the Volgograd Region, the Astrakhan Region and the south of Russia.

Charitable Foundation "Our Family - Motherland"

Helps to strengthen the prestige and role of the family in society; assistance protection of motherhood, childhood and fatherhood; providing material and other assistance to the poor, pensioners, the disabled, orphans, children left without parental care, neglected minors, people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Charitable Foundation "Tagansky Children's Fund"

“The Foundation has gone beyond the Tagansky district and supports more than 700 needy families Moscow, among which there are many incomplete and large families, families with children or disabled parents.

CF "Russian birch"

The foundation’s website says that its wards, first of all, are large and low-income families depths of Russia.

CF "Let's Help Each Other" %B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D1%84%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B4-%D0 %9F%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BC-%D0%B4%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3-%D0%B4%D1 %80%D1%83%D0%B3%D1%83/422545187791513 The heir and successor of the St. Gregory Foundation, one of the oldest charitable organizations in Russia, which began its work in St. Petersburg in 1990.

Considers helping the poor its direct task.

The Fund is called upon to provide real targeted assistance to people who have suffered a misfortune, whether it be serious illnesses and injuries, congenital or acquired, requiring expensive treatment, or some other difficult life situation.

NGO "Fund for Support of Large Families and Low-Income Citizens"

Address 129345, Moscow, Taininskaya street, 11, 1 Telephone 184-19-13

Refugees and refugee families are helped by:

Civic Assistance Committee

7 499 251 5319, +7 499 251 5319

Helps refugees, internally displaced persons, labor migrants.

"Civic Assistance for Children"

7 916 691 2567, +7 916 691 2567

Helps children of migrants and children who find themselves in a foreign country without parents .

We also note the funds that deal primarily with medical care:

Rehabilitation center "Tourmaline"

[email protected]

7 495 682 2348, +7 495 682 2348

Helps "adults and children with intellectual and mental health problems."

CF "Island of Hope"

7 495 972 7967, +7 495 972 7967

Helps children from low-income families or orphans with severe neurological diseases.”

7 916 884 5989, +7 916 884 5989 (Irina Dolotova)

Helps "children and young people with developmental disabilities and their families in Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation."

RBOO "Center for Curative Pedagogics"

7 495 930 0080, +7 495 930 0080

Helps "children with developmental disabilities: intellectual, emotional-volitional, speech and motor disorders, communication difficulties."

Non-systematized list of funds (optional). Most of them provide medical care. In terms of their functions, they do not fully correspond to the main goals and needs of foster parents, but, nevertheless, contacting them sometimes allows you to get valuable information or contacts. In addition, the children of adoptive parents sometimes need emergency medical care.

Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia

Fund "Give Life"
Charitable Foundation "Warmth of Hearts"
Chinese Pilot Society
Charitable Foundation for Helping Disabled Children Thanksgiving.
Children of the Phoenix. Charitable Foundation for Helping Disabled Children and Their Families
Society for helping children with biliary atresia named after Nastya Rogalevich
Charitable Foundation "Nastenka"
Charitable Foundation "Kalin Fund"
Charitable Foundation "Life"
Initiative group "Donors to Children"
Charitable Public Foundation "Children's Hearts"
Charitable Foundation AdVita
Charitable Foundation "Happy World"
Charitable Foundation "Children's Hospital"
Charitable Foundation "Vozrozhdenie"
Downside Up British Charitable Society (helping families of children with Down syndrome)
Russian Children's Fund
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund (currently curtailing its programs in Russia at the request of the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Regional charitable public foundation "Child's View"

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  • Kira

    I, Shcherbakova Kira Vladimirovna, am a single mother, I have three children. Myself, I grew up in an orphanage. I don't get help from anyone. I get 300 rubles for children. Wages are not enough to support children. Large debt for utilities, up to the shutdown of services. Good people, I will not refuse any of your help. Thank you in advance and God bless you. city ​​of Mozdok, contact phone 89284937748

  • Olga

    Hello. My name is Olga, it’s not a simple thing in my life, not only am I an orphan, they also deprived me of parental rights. I live in a state-owned apartment, but they want to evict me from here because I am not able to pay for a communal apartment. And about the fact that I'm starving, I'm silent ... help me please!

  • Patimat

    hello, I beg your pardon, I write wherever I can. I ask for help. I live in the city of Makhachkala, Dagestan, which funds I don’t have in line. I ask for help I lived in Kizlyar with my mother, I moved to Makhachkala, my grandparents left Kizlyar. We have been living in Makhachkala for 10 years. got married. After a while, we divorced and did not get along as a character. I gave birth to a son. It is very difficult to raise one child. Mom sits with her son. I work. I rent an apartment for a child a year old, it takes a lot. I understand that my mother must overcome everything, get out of everything, but it’s very difficult for me, no help, no support. believe me, I'm not lying, I can prove it, check the house everything you can. please help. I live in an apartment at home dampness the child is constantly sick. what I earn is enough for the needs of the children and for an apartment, see our salaries are small. I have no exit position. hands are released. I am very ashamed to write.

  • Anna

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