Infant 7 months development. The dangers that lie in wait. How to organize your baby's diet

Baby? By 7 months, the child noticeably grows up, becomes more active both physically and in terms of communication, and the duration of his wakefulness also increases.

Physical development of a child at 7 months

With regards to the skills and abilities of a 7-month-old baby, we note the following:

  • babies at 7 months usually know how to sit, although some feel in sitting position insecure;
  • the baby's neck muscles by this time are strong enough to hold the head, and the leg muscles are trained when the baby tries to get up. Holding on to parents' hands or table legs, cribs, 7 month old baby quite capable of standing on his feet;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby may try to crawl back;
  • confidently manages his hands: he can hold toys in both hands at the same time, shift them from one hand to another, tap toys on hard objects;
  • lying on his back, the baby entertains himself by playing with his legs: he loves to bend them and straighten them, like small springs;
  • the hands of a 7-month-old baby become more functional: the baby learns to pick up objects from the floor, and also masters a new way of grabbing objects - grasping objects with the thumb and forefinger like tongs. The child is getting better at holding the glass, which is covered by two handles.

The further development of the child is highly dependent on the quality of his nutrition. At 7 months, it's time to expand your baby's diet.. In addition to the previously introduced rice and corn porridge, apple puree, boiled carrots, potatoes, you can offer your child mashed blueberries, rose hips, apricots, pears and raspberries. Also at your disposal a whole bunch of vegetables. It’s worth starting with a tender-tasting pumpkin, then you can add cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini, parsley, celery, green pea, kohlrabi, beets and leeks. But if your family members are allergic to the above products, you should wait until they are introduced into the child's diet.

  • Reward your child when he tries to stand up. This is an excellent workout for his muscles and sense of balance.
  • Practice with your child various exercises that strengthen his muscles and improve physical fitness.
  • Buy your toddler a non-spill mug with a spout so he can learn to hold the mug and drink on his own.

Height and weight at 7 months

At normal development the first six months of life, the baby quickly gains weight, but slowly gains height. The baby grew by 2 cm and gained about 600 g in weight. 7 month old boys now weigh 7.9-8.5 kg, and girls 7.4 - 7.9 kg. Height 67-68 cm.

Emotional development of a child at 7 months

7 month old baby becomes more attentive, better analyzes the environment. The child easily recognizes the differences between people, recognizes loved ones, and reacts to unfamiliar faces with anxiety. The kid closely follows the signals that come from adults, and on their basis tries to understand what is happening around him. Facial expressions, body language and sounds seven month old baby become more complicated, the baby can consciously express his likes and dislikes, as well as listen to his parents or burst into tears in case of disagreement.

The range of feelings expressed by the child also becomes wider. At 7 months, the baby begins to show interest and affection for other family members and loved ones, and not just for himself and his parents. At the sound of a familiar voice, the baby smiles, babbles, waves his arms. He can also crawl towards speaking relative. Great importance for a child of 7 months has his name. Pediatricians recommend calling the baby by name more often so that he quickly realizes that it refers specifically to him.

  • Address your child by name as often as possible. It is also advisable to learn songs with the mention of the name of the baby and other family members.
  • Play voice recognition with your child: put the baby in the seat in front of several households, and let them take turns turning to him from behind; observe the child's reaction to individual voices.

Intellectual development of a child at 7 months

The child begins to feel more confident in outside world, closely monitors others, reacts to his name with a turn of his head. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, the baby is keenly interested in him and tries to reach out to the image.

For a 7-month-old baby, the following is typical:

  • the baby learns to imitate the behavior of the people around him;
  • the baby begins to reveal its will. For example, he resists eating by turning his head away or pursing his lips;
  • there is an interest in the details of individual objects. It is at the age of 7 months that babies usually begin to be interested in complex toys;
  • the baby speaks more actively, but so far only syllables are available to him. Repeats the same thing over and over, for example, "ma-ma", "ba-ba";
  • there is a sense of rhythm in speech, games, and other activities. For example, the baby can copy the intonation heard in your conversation, learns to rhythmically clap his hands. The child imitates other people's speech and gestures more and more accurately, recognizes specific words, as well as objects that relate to them;
  • the baby has a great desire to constantly explore the world. He turns his head in the direction from which the sound is heard, looks for toys that have disappeared from his field of vision, moves in the direction of the desired goal;
  • at the age of 7 months, you can notice that the child uses the right or left hand more often. According to researchers, the majority of babies are right-handed, only 15% are left-handed, and fewer children use both hands equally often.
  • Maintain cognitive interest child. Providing him with contact with various objects that you can look at, listen to, touch, smell, you will help develop the baby's senses.
  • Draw your child's attention to rhythms. For example, you can tap your hands with a motive characteristic of your baby's favorite song.
  • Help your child remember the names of things and actions. When you talk to your baby, try to name the item being displayed or the operation being performed.

Problems faced by parents of a 7 month old baby

The child asks for arms too often

On the one hand, if you always take the baby in your arms when he cries, the baby feels safe under the care of a parent. But, when the situation is repeated too often, the child can simply manipulate you. In addition, the constant carrying of a 7-month-old baby in her arms can lead to problems with the mother's spine.

Remember that a baby who sits in his arms is limited in activity, games, and therefore in development. Of course, you need to respond to the child's tears, but try to limit the time that the child spends in your arms.

Baby not sitting at 7 months

If in all other respects the child develops normally, this should not be considered a problem. Just be patient and wait. Many babies begin to sit only in.

Child bites painfully

Some children have several teeth at 7 months, but they do not know how to calculate the force of their bite. If the baby bites the mother painfully while feeding, you should tell him in a serious tone that this cannot be done. The child needs to know that you are not joking!

Children's sleep is important at any age. “A child grows in a dream” is not just words, it is an undeniable truth. Each stage of development brings your baby new skills and abilities. Some changes are related to sleep. Significantly increased curiosity and physical activity. It is very important how much the child sleeps at 7 months, whether he rests enough for the subsequent making of new discoveries.

The lack of balance "sleep-activity" affects the health, mood, well-being of a small person.

7 months - what to expect from a child?

During the first six months of life, the size of the baby increases significantly. Weight by 7 months increases by 2-2.5 times, height - by 15-20 cm. And in other aspects of development there is a significant jump.

This is no longer a lying bundle, brought from the hospital, the main part of whose life is sleep.

  • A common consequence of a baby’s lack of sleep at 7 months is his Bad mood. Internal discomfort is expressed by loud crying, whims. To have enough strength for everything planned, provide your son or daughter with quality sleep;
  • At this age, the baby already understands that he is capable of much, constantly checks, acts: he reaches for toys, tends to roll over. The movements are awkward, sometimes the result is bruises, injuries. But he tries again, it is his goal at this stage - to do as much physically as possible. Such perseverance can be the envy of many adults;

Important! Do not leave your son or daughter alone, because in seconds he is able to roll to the other side of the bed and fall to the floor. He does not yet understand the consequences of his physical actions.

  • Many at 7 months are already able to get up on their own in a crib, stand for a while, holding onto the railing with their hands. This requires a supply of energy;
  • Often during this period, weight gain slows down. The reason is the sharp rise physical activity. Read about the norms of child development in the article Child development by months up to a year >>>

Good nutrition and sleep are the key successful development. From the time how much a child sleeps at 7 months, it depends on how and what he can and will have time to do during the game.

Norms of sleep and wakefulness at 7 months

Wake time at 7 months is 2.5 - 3 hours. This means that after 3 hours the child should already be asleep. Although, in the framework of individual consultations with mothers, I often encounter a situation that after 3 hours of wakefulness they only begin to prepare the child for bed: put on a diaper, feed. The child is overexcited and laying down is delayed for 40-50 minutes, and then all this affects the quality of a night's sleep.

To prevent this from happening, review the course on the sleep of children from 6 months to 3 years old and step by step form in the child correct mode day, good habits sleep and start sleeping and getting enough sleep: .

At night, the child sleeps 10-11 hours, and during the day each dream lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

How many times does a 7 month old baby sleep?

Usually 3 times.

Know! No one promises yet that the child sleeps all his dreams without a breast. If from birth the baby falls asleep with the breast and you lie next to him all the sleep, then these are his usual sleep conditions and it is they that he will demand every time.

  1. In the morning, the baby sleeps for a short time, about an hour;
  2. And longer in the afternoon, after dinner;
  3. Sometimes a short sleep in the evening (30-40 minutes) is possible.

In most cases, at this age, the child switches to a two-time daytime sleep. This does not happen immediately, it can take 3-4 weeks. Don't worry if this hasn't happened to your son or daughter. Some move on two sleeps later - by 9 months. Remember: there are no strict boundaries, every baby is special.

Sleep, the duration of which is close to the average, provides full recovery, normal growth child.

Sleep problems

A 7-month-old baby is not sleeping well, usually for one of the following reasons:

  • Walked too far. This time it will be quite difficult to put the baby to bed, he will be capricious. Try to calm down, don't think he's showing his " bad temper", he just feels bad, the dream "does not go." And the little man doesn't know how to deal with it. But next time, carefully monitor the time of wakefulness, "catch" signs of fatigue. Start the ritual of laying at their first manifestations; Read more about rituals in the article Rituals before bed >>>
  • The baby is in pain. For example, cutting teeth. Help your child, anoint the gums with gel, soothe. At this age, a little person needs a mother more than ever. Now he began to fear that you might leave. Take pity on the child, carry it in your arms, give a feeling of peace and security;
  • Something is bothering the child. Create favorable conditions for falling asleep, ensure silence, darkness (twilight), fresh air. Sometimes it is impossible to sleep because of the lack of oxygen. Ventilate the room before going to bed.

There are other reasons bad sleep a child at 7 months, you can find out about them if you refer to the article Why do children sleep poorly >>>. While the child is still small and very dependent on you, it is in your hands to establish the child’s sleep, build the correct daily routine and form useful sleep habits.

If little man plays during the day good mood, harmoniously grows and develops, which means that the time how much a child sleeps at 7 months during the day and at night corresponds to his needs. You are doing everything right!

The weight of a child of 7 months is on average 8–9.5 kg. At the same time, if we focus on tables specially developed for assessing the physical development of children (called centile tables), weight fluctuations from 7.4 to 9.9? kg for boys and 7.2–9? kg for girls are acceptable. At the end of the seventh month, the baby “gets heavier” by an average of 600 g, while increasing its weight from the moment of birth by about 4.9 kg.

The growth of a baby at the age of 7 months is on average 67–71 cm; in a month, the baby grows by 2 cm. In general, for the first 7 months of life, the growth of the child increases by about 17 cm.

Walking time

IN warm time of the year, mother and baby can spend a lot of time during the day on fresh air returning home only during feeding hours. IN winter time walks are canceled when the air temperature is below -15 C. Heavy rain, strong wind also do not contribute to going outside. A short stay of the baby in a stroller on a veranda or glazed balcony can replace a walk on rainy days.

Sleep and wakefulness

At 7 months, the baby can sleep at night without interruption. The duration of a night's sleep is approximately 10 hours. Some children wake up briefly: babies may “insist” on applying them to their mother’s breasts, and artificial babies may ask for a bottle of milk formula or water. It should be noted that baby suckling maternal breast stimulates production at night breast milk; lactation in women who keep night feedings lasts longer than in young mothers who refuse them.

IN daytime the baby rests 2 times for about 1.5–2 hours.

Caution - danger!

You should be aware of the danger of small objects that the baby can find during his movements. Suspicion of such objects entering the child's nasal passages or trachea requires immediate medical attention. medical care. Alertness should be caused by a sudden change in the nature of the baby's breathing (shortness of breath, the appearance of a whistling sound, wheezing), skin color (cyanosis of the face), swelling of the wings of the nose.

In a family where Small child adults need to be very careful. It should be remembered that a curious baby can open the lower doors of the cabinets and get to their contents, may be near the doors that are being opened at that moment. Objects heightened danger- stairs, sharp corners (including furniture), low tables with dishes, as well as the edges of tablecloths hanging from the tables, which can attract the attention of the crumbs. In places accessible to the baby, there should not be objects household chemicals and drugs!

What can the baby do?

Speech development. At the seventh month of life, the child pronounces vowels and consonants. Babble appears - multiple repetitions of the same type of simple syllables such as "ba", "ma", "pa", etc. Babble often has an emotional coloring; you can easily understand that the baby is annoyed with something or, conversely, satisfied.

For the development of the baby, the “babble” period is very important, so adults can “provoke” the baby to pronounce syllables, repeating them with the baby.

Emotions. The manifestation of the emotions of the baby becomes more diverse. The baby can express joy, smiling and laughing, displeasure (for example, if he is not given an object he likes). By expressing various emotions, the baby attracts the attention of adults. The child is already so “big” that he can have a certain mood!

The baby is comfortable surrounded by familiar people, but the presence of strangers can scare him.

Skills and abilities. By the end of the seventh month of life, most babies crawl with pleasure. Moreover, some of the children at first crawl not forward, but backward, which is absolutely normal: very little time will pass - and the baby will crawl in different directions (both forward and backward, and to the sides).

Moving “on all fours”, the baby can be quite agile, so the parents will obviously have more worries: you need to make sure that there are no dangerous obstacles in the way of the baby. The task is facilitated by placing the child in playpen, but not all children treat such a restriction of freedom with understanding. Toddlers like to explore the adult world, so attempts to limit its movement can be displeasure, including crying crumbs.

At this age, most children can sit without support. Some babies sit with one or two arms, but their back is already straight.

The baby reaches for the toy that interests him, actively takes it in his hand. Toddlers love to bang the toy on the table or floor, they are attracted musical toys. As in the previous months, the child consolidates his knowledge of subjects by trying them “by the tooth”; the baby pulls toys and objects of interest to his mouth, biting them with his gums.

By the end of 7 months, some children can stand on their feet, leaning on the side of the playpen or crib for a short time.

At the 7th month of life, the baby already knows some objects from his environment. Of course, he cannot pronounce their names yet, but when asked by an adult where the baby’s favorite toy (bear, dog, etc.) is, the child can “search” with his eyes for an object that is well known to him.

You may be interested in the article "Breastfeeding: from birth to a year" on the site

Baby food

If up to six months it was quite enough for a healthy baby to receive mother's milk or an adapted milk formula for "artists", then at the 7th month of life, one "milk" food for the full growth and development of the crumbs will obviously not be enough. It's time to introduce complementary foods. Which one to start with - with vegetable puree or porridge - is determined by the pediatrician, based on the pace of physical development of the baby (for example, thinner children begin to eat porridge, and not vegetable puree), the features of the child's stool (for babies prone to constipation, it is better to start complementary foods with vegetable puree).

Each complementary food requires the baby to get used to it, therefore, at least 7–10 days are allotted for the complete introduction of both porridge and vegetable dishes. The child is offered a new dish, starting with the minimum volume - half a teaspoon, gradually bringing the volume to the maximum (150 g per day). Complementary foods are introduced sequentially, and not simultaneously. It also gives the child the opportunity to adapt to the new product. It is better to start introducing new complementary foods into the diet of the crumbs in the morning to track his reaction.

All new products are offered to the baby before his usual food. So, if the child is breastfeeding, then at the beginning of feeding he receives porridge (or vegetable puree), and then - his mother's breast. The same procedure is observed when feeding with milk mixtures.

Thus, if everything goes according to plan and the introduction of complementary foods was not disturbed by some circumstances (for example, illness), then by the end of the 7th month of life, porridge and vegetable puree should be present in the child’s diet.

Stool and urination

In most children of this age, stools are daily, single. At healthy babies intermittent episodes of stool retention (for a day) or its increase (up to 2-3 times a day) are possible. Temporary instability of the stool at the age of a baby for more than six months can be associated, among other things, with the introduction of complementary foods. At the same time, the pediatrician pays attention to the nature of the stool when deciding which of the complementary foods to introduce to the baby. So, with a tendency to constipation vegetable food would be preferable. The baby urinates on average 10-12 times a day.

Which doctors should be visited

At the age of 7 completed months, the child should be examined by the pediatrician of the children's clinic. If necessary, consultations of "narrow" specialist doctors can be appointed. Scheduled vaccinations at this age are not provided. If they are carried out, then this is vaccination according to the individual schedule of the baby.


Starting from the age of 6 full months, the lower incisors (milk teeth located in the center of the lower gum) can erupt in the baby. The eruption process is often accompanied restless behavior crumbs (he is naughty, cries, refuses to eat, more often than usual, asks his mother to hold him, sleeps badly, etc.). The kid can “bite” his fists, pull toys into his mouth, “scratching” swollen gums with them, which can itch, itch or hurt.

seven month old baby becomes unusually mobile, sociable and inquisitive. Now every day is filled with small discoveries and victories. How to make the development of a child at 7 months harmonious? How to adjust the daily routine so that the smallest member of the family has enough strength and energy to conquer new heights?

Physiological development at 7 months

The baby got stronger, changed outwardly: the arms and legs became strong, the body is elastic, and numerous relatives notice with admiration how much the baby looks like their daddy or mommy. Indeed, facial features have become clearer, and the child has mimic features and habits that make him look like one of the family members. And, perhaps, the most important acquisition is the teeth. Some already have them (2-4), while others are just beginning to make themselves felt with swollen gums and whims.


At 7 months, the baby has grown 1-2 cm compared to the previous month. Boys are usually slightly taller than girls.


Do not worry if instead of the usual, as in the first months, 800-1000 g, the scales in the pediatrician's office showed only half a kilogram of weight gain: now the child moves a lot, consumes a lot of energy, and the weight will not grow so rapidly. Do not worry if, for example, your girl is noticeably lighter than your friend's son: this is normal, boys are ahead of girls in physical development. Although most often girls come out ahead in psychomotor and intellectual development. This will continue until adolescence.

Norms: pediatricians in Russia and WHO

Don't panic if your child has small deviations from the norm: the development of each baby is individual!

What should a child be able to do at 7 months

Physical activity

A lot of babies at 7 months are already crawling well, orienting themselves in space. However big kids can be lazy, preferring to spend time lying on their tummy. The child purposefully makes movements with his hands: he takes and throws toys, pulls his hands to call, etc.

7 months - the time of the legs test for stability: the children try to get up on their own, holding on to the railing of the crib or other objects.

If the baby has perfectly mastered sitting without support, then perhaps he is already familiar with walkers or jumpers: these devices are great for developing cognitive and motor activity. But you should not get carried away with them: you can harm the fragile skeleton of the baby. 30 minutes 2-3 times a day is enough.

visual perception

See how accurately the child captures objects! This is evidence that the baby has a sufficiently formed idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visual distance and volume of objects. The baby begins to see and recognize objects under different angle vision.

Sufficiently developed color and light perception. Visual reflexes for photosensitivity are easy to check by suddenly turning on the light in a dark room: normally, the child will close his eyes.

However, the eye muscles and nerves are not strong enough, so forget about educational television programs or cartoons for kids!

auditory perception

The world of sounds literally fascinates the baby. Now little ears catch both the whisper of mom and the ticking of the clock. Developing auditory memory: the child will recognize the voices of family members and favorite songs.

Understanding and developing speech

Cooing gradually replaces conscious babbling. Do not miss the opportunity to "talk" with the baby: this is how the speech, hearing, communication skills and intelligence of the child develop. The kid already understands you well: he knows many words, but he reacts more to your intonation and facial expressions when pronouncing words.

Cognitive development of the child

Learning without teachers is difficult. Accompany the baby in his knowledge of the world, involve him in joint actions, which a little later will develop into independence. The child learns the world by touch and taste.

Make your home as safe as possible cognitive activity did not turn into an injury for the crumbs!

To do this, close the sockets with plugs, and sharp corners with overlays. Remove wires and do not leave unattended electrical appliances such as an iron.

Emotional and social development of a child at 7 months

Emotionally, the world of a seven-month-old child is enriched: he has reasons for joy and tears. Now the manifestation of emotions is conscious - this is no longer a reflex caused by hunger or wet diapers.

The kid is able to rejoice at the sight of acquaintances or be afraid of strangers. Now the child's attachments are being formed. The role of the father is also important in this: let the father, if possible, not shift the upbringing and care to the mother's shoulders. It is good when the baby is attached to both parents at once.

“A child who is mainly raised by his mother has a limited social circle, and communication itself is more emotional,” say psychologists N. Avdeeva and O. Smirnova in the book “Raising a Baby in a Family from Birth to Three Years: Psychologist's Advice.” - Such a child will find it difficult to build relationships with strangers (for example, in kindergarten). Because with a stranger it is impossible to enter into emotional intimate contact: caress or climb on the arms, and a different type of relationship is not available to the baby.

Psychological changes

7 months is the beginning of the formation of skills to control one's behavior. Of course, these are just the basics, you should not wait for the baby to stop crying at your first word. Now the emotional background is important: try to switch the attention of the baby when he is upset.

Larisa, mother of eight-month-old Sophia: “Sonya works wonderfully with such a maneuver: as soon as she starts to sulk and act up, I bring her to the window and start distracting her, showing where the aunt is going, where the cat is running, where the car is going. The window is a great tool for switching attention!”

Brief table of skills

baby skills at 7 months
Possible Skills
What should alert
  • Consciously plays with toys using both hands.
  • Takes an object with 4 fingers, opposing them with a thumb, instead of grabbing the object with the whole palm
  • Creeps.
  • He sits without support with a straight back.
  • Good for picking up food from a spoon.
  • Imitation of movement with toys (the doll “walks”, the frog jumps, the bird flies, the car rides).
  • Works with fingers in isolation: for example, press the buttons with the index finger.
  • Gets up with support.
  • From a position on the side, he tries to sit up.
  • Drinks from a regular cup.
  • Unable to hold an object in the hand, “misses” when trying to grab the object or while bringing it to the mouth.
  • Almost all the time he keeps his fingers clenched into a fist, does not try to work with them.
  • Does not raise the body, lying on the stomach and leaning on the hands.
  • Even with support, he does not keep his back straight while sitting, leans forward or to one side.
  • Chokes even on pureed food, cannot swallow it.

This development table is for informational purposes only. If your baby has not mastered something listed in it, this is not a reason to panic: only a specialist is able to diagnose a developmental lag!

How to develop a child at 7 months

It is necessary to continue the same activities with the child as in the past months, slightly complicating them and slightly prolonging them. How to develop a child at 7 months, the baby himself will tell you to a greater extent: stop classes if he is tired and complicate if you see that the child is coping.

Exercises and activities with the child:

development line
Exercise examples
Motor skills (large)
  • Development of general hand movements.
  • Development of coordination of movements and orientation in space.
  • Exercises for swinging arms, spreading arms to the sides.
  • Classes with the ball: catch, sitting on my mother's lap, push.
  • "Catchers" paired with a crawling parent.
  • Walking with support under the arms, etc.
fine motor skills
  • The development of mobility and sensitivity of the fingers.
  • finger games and gymnastics, massage of the hands: "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki", etc.
  • Playing with toys containing firmly attached small parts.
Emotional and social development
  • Gestures of greeting and farewell.
  • The development of facial expressions by imitation (playing at the mirror, for example).
  • Reading books and poems to children.
  • Involving the child in joint activities.
cognitive development
  • Learning to act with objects.
  • Enrichment of cognitive development with the help of sensory and didactic toys.
  • Games with educational and didactic toys.
  • story elements and role-playing games: the doll is sleeping, the car is moving.
  • Classes with water, cereals (only under the supervision of adults!).
  • Exercises to master the volume and capacity of objects (putting cubes in a bucket, games with sorters).
  • Walking with commentary on what he saw.
Speech development
  • Formation of preparatory speech skills.
  • Development phonemic hearing and imitative skills.
  • Formation of the need for communication.
  • Involving the child in a dialogue, repeating sounds after him.
  • Reading poetry and jokes.
  • Onomatopoeia training: drip-drip rain, meow-meow cat, tick-tock clock, etc.

Educational games with a child at 7 months

What should be the games with a child at 7 months? Must be simple, without complicated rules. You can turn ordinary everyday activities into games. It is good to accompany them with rhythmic nursery rhymes and sentences, to perform on the account: so the baby will quickly master the action and he will develop a sense of rhythm.


For example, morning awakening can be accompanied by the game "Pulling", performing all the actions listed in the rhyme:

In the morning the sun woke up
Sweet sweet stretched
There will be kids - teenagers!
We stretch our hands to the sun
And we'll be big!

Learning parts of the body

In morning exercises, you can include an element of the game to study the parts of the body, under the right words, touching the called part of the body with your palms and performing the following actions:

Where are our legs?
Where are our hands?
We'll show our eyes
Here and there
Here we have hair
We will show the ears -
Here and here
Here is our baby

Finger warm-up

Before eating, you can stretch your fingers, squeezing and unclenching them rhythmically, and then hand the baby a spoon:

Our grab handles
Our fingers are holding
We won't let go, we won't drop
And we won't let others take it.

hide and seek

All kids love to play hide and seek. When the baby learns to hide his face with his palms or cover with a diaper, you can accompany the game with a sentence:

Where is the kitten hiding?
Mom is looking for, will not find!
What a cunning child!
Oh, he's right there!

ball games

And ball games can be accompanied by the words:

Oh, roll, roll, roll
What ball, look:
Smooth and smooth
Catch him, my sweet!

Bath games

You can even play in the bathroom! Take rubber ducks and fish with you, stage the game "Catch-up", allowing the baby to also control the toys:

Fish swim, dive,
The ducklings are chasing them!
And their baby - one and two!
And the game is over.

Before bedtime

Transform your bedtime into a nightly game ritual. Dress the baby, kiss, lay, and covering with a blanket, say words like:

Wanted bainki
Lay down in bed
And fell asleep sweetly.

Such household "developers" help to learn the rules of behavior, the daily routine, the names of objects and associate actions with these names.

Toys for children at 7 months

Games and toys should promote development nervous system child, not yet mature enough, and age appropriate.

How to choose toys

When buying toys for babies, pay attention to:

  • form - it should be simple, without sharp corners and comfortable enough to hold;
  • color - bright, but not annoying;
  • sound - good if it rings, squeaks or knocks loudly.

These are rattles and maracas, musical instruments(tambourine, drum, metallophone), pyramids, sorters, cubes, rubber animals and teethers, baby dolls, buckets, etc.

DIY toys

You can make educational toys at home from improvised materials: crochet, sew, glue. Sensory mats developing tactile sensations fabric pouches different textures etc. do not require a lot of time to manufacture, but outperform those purchased with their originality.

For example, buy a piece of carpet measuring 1x1 m, process the edges so that they do not fringe. Cut out pieces of felt or other safe thick fabric(from old gloves, hats, etc.) different colors and sizes. Sew Velcro on the back of these pieces, and buttons, eyes, beads on the front. Show your child how to assemble pictures from these Velcro on the carpet. The kid will definitely enjoy the process of gluing and tearing off Velcro!


Make your child's leisure time varied and active enough!


Every week now the child is more and more awake on the street. Do not limit walks to sitting in a stroller! Take your baby in your arms or in a sling, let him sit on the grass in the summer and touch the sand with his bare feet.

Maintain interest in the world around you: comment on everything interesting that you meet along the way.

You can combine a walk with a trip to the store: a lot of people, bright shop windows will attract the attention of the child, they will teach you not to be afraid of the crowd. However, in the season of colds, give up such an idea: how more people the higher the risk of getting sick.

Dress your child for the season! In winter, do not forget about the rule: we dress the baby as ourselves, plus another layer of clothing. As outerwear best overalls or a warm envelope.

In summer, do not be afraid of a light breeze and do not wrap yourself in a hundred clothes, but bright sun beware: walk during the hours of its least activity (morning and evening), wear a hat!

What to do with baby

In addition to walking and playing, the baby can be occupied simply by being next to you: do not be afraid to take the child with you to the kitchen when cooking: put it in a high chair or playpen away from the stove, hand over a couple of spoons and bowls.

Walkers will help you get distracted for a while, you can move in them up to 40 minutes a day, but at the same time the house should become safe (remove everything that can fall and break, shock or scald with boiling water, cut and prick the baby).

Valentina, Denis' mother, 9 months old: “Deniska and I fell in love with drawing when we were 7 months old. took Finger paint for babies, non-toxic and harmless if swallowed, and painted on a large sheet of paper, then on the wall in the bathroom. I think it's useful hobby for the development of fingers and vision.

Baby food 7 months

At 7 months, few of the children are not familiar with complementary foods.


If complementary foods started at 6 months, now it's time for one feeding ( the second is better) completely replace the puree or porridge. Now in the baby's diet there can be 4-6 complementary foods.

On artificial feeding

Artificers receive complementary foods usually earlier - at 4-5 months. So, now is the time to diversify the diet by introducing meat (low-fat rabbit meat, chicken, turkey, veal).

On mixed feeding

Baby food for babies mixed feeding usually close to what artificial people get. 7 months is not the time to give up breast milk, even if mom has very little of it. Morning and night feedings mother's milk worth saving. It is better to stick to the step feeding, introducing new products gradually.


Follow the basic tips and rules if you are a supporter of pediatric complementary foods:

  • Start typing New Product in the first half of the day, in a volume of not more than half a teaspoon, increasing the amount of the product every day.
  • Watch your baby's reaction: skin rashes, changes in the mode and consistency of the stool, pain in the tummy and gas formation - a reason to suspend acquaintance with this food!
  • Spoon feed your baby!
  • Watch the consistency of food (it should be puree) and temperature (slightly warmed).
  • Do not rush to give packaged juices! Prepare juices yourself or replace with rosehip broth or compote, herbal tea. The best drink other than milk is water. Give it enough in the summer or if the room is hot.

If the baby gets acquainted with food according to the pedagogical principle of complementary foods, watch your diet! Nothing fatty, spicy, salty or smoked. The first portion of the product is no more than on the tip of a spoon.

Care and hygiene

Bathe your baby every night. Water procedures Before going to bed, relax and soothe. Wash your body and hair with soap - once a week or more often as it gets dirty. The baby does not need any foams and shampoos yet.

Wash your hands with soap more often - the child spends a lot of time on the floor!

Children's toys also need care: wash them more often with baby soap.


What should a child be able to do at 7 months and how to develop it? Everything is not so difficult! Remember the principle of gradualness and consistency. If the baby is only 7 months old today, do not start the day with something new and unusual, which was not there yesterday! Complicate what the child is already familiar with, and offer “novelties” no more than once every 5-7 days.

Become a partner of the kid in his games: only by learning from someone you can master the skills and knowledge to perfection.

  • Zhukova O.S., Balobanova V.P. Tutorial for parents. From birth to three years
  • Glen Doman. Harmonious development child
  • Marie Ellen Place. 60 Montessori lessons
  • Cecile Lupan. Believe in your child
  • PEKiP. Game and movement. More than 100 educational games for children of the first year of life

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To independently assess the development of a child at 7 months, you do not need to have any special skills, but a number of conditions must be observed.

Child development at 7 months. Pronation"

Pick a time when your baby has had a good night's sleep, is in a good mood, and shows a clear interest in toys. Lay him on his stomach and offer him a toy he likes at eye height in the distance. outstretched hand right or left of middle line. The development of a child at 7 months is manifested in the fact that, leaning on one hand, he takes or tries to take a toy with the other and can hold his hand above the bedding at shoulder height for at least 3 seconds.

Child development at 7 months. Reactions and skills

Watch the baby lying on his back. The development of a child at 7 months makes it easy for him now. Demonstration of this skill can be provoked by getting the baby interested in a toy. As a rule, having mastered this skill, in the first weeks a seven-month-old baby rolls over on his stomach in only one direction. Over time, about six weeks after the first experience, he should be able to roll over in the other direction.

The baby lying on his back begins to play with his legs raised up: he grabs himself by the feet or knees, he can bring his legs to his mouth.

Pull the baby lying on his back by the handles up. The development of a child at 7 months gives him the opportunity to “sit” for several seconds with support on his hands, while his body should not tip over to one side and lean forward more than 45 ° from the litter.

Take the baby under the armpits with both hands facing you and place on a solid base. In this position, a child of the age of seven months begins to perform springy movements with his legs (as if dancing). You can observe a whole “dance”: the bending and straightening of the legs are suddenly interrupted, the baby walks, semi-squatting or fully squatting, and from this position he pushes off again, straightening at the hips, knee and ankle joints. All this happens at an amazing pace and gives him great pleasure.

If your child does not initiate springy leg movements on his own, start lifting and lowering him onto the support.

Lay your baby on your back or sit on your lap. Make sure he can move his arms freely. Offer him two red cubes at the same time (edge ​​length 30 mm), holding them either large or index fingers, or simply by putting on your open palms. The development of a child at 7 months gives the baby the opportunity to grab one cube with each hand and hold them for a short time. If he does not take the second cube immediately, you can encourage him to do so by bringing the toy to the handle.

With your thumb and forefinger, take a plastic circle with a diameter of 25 mm and offer it to the baby, carefully making sure that he does not swallow this circle. The development of a child at 7 months is reflected in the following: he takes a circle with all fingers and an outstretched thumb without pressing the circle to the palm ( small object located in the hand closer to the fingertips). This skill must be performed with both handles.

Child development at 7 months. Interaction with the outside world

Before continuing observations, make sure that all stimuli and distractions that may be of great interest to the child, whether they be faces or objects, are removed from his field of vision.

Ask a family member to sit with the baby on their lap at an empty table. Offer your child a car or doll, holding the toy at eye height. After waiting for the moment when he notices the object and wants to grab it, move the car or doll away and put it on the table out of reach of the child's hand, but well visible from its place. The development of a child at 7 months is clearly manifested in the fact that he tries to get a toy by changing the position of his body: the baby leans forward, straightens his arms and tries to reach his cherished goal.

Child development at 7 months. Language skills and communication

In terms of speech ability, the development of a child at 7 months repeats and reinforces the skills acquired by an infant at six months of age.
Listen to what your baby babbles when he is alone in a familiar environment, being in a calm mood. Just like at 6 months, a seven-month-old baby chatters, demonstrating his entire “repertoire”. As a result, he gets sound formations that are separated from each other by clear pauses and have a sound similar to “ee”, “ge / he”, “e”, “ge / heh”, “e-pa”, “yes-de”, “yes-ta”, “grrr”, “mem-mem-mem”. It’s not scary if you don’t hear all the vowels and consonants listed here from the mouth of your baby. It is much more important that he pronounce them with varying sound strength and pitch, while emphasizing individual sounds.