What do representatives of different nations look like? The largest nations of the world in faces (39 photos)


Nose: wide nostrils, slightly flattened.

Hair: dark, usually curly.

Figure: above average height, broad shoulders, long legs.

Identify Ingushets and Chechens by the following criteria.

Skin color: light.

Eyes: small, brown, black.

Nose: not wide at the bottom, smooth, large, often with a wide bridge.

Hair: thick, dark, eyebrows fused at the bridge of the nose.

Figure: about average height, proportional build.

Figure: medium and lower height, narrow shoulders, wide pelvis, including y.

Identify Armenians by the following features.

Skin color: light.

Eyes: Almond-shaped, protruding, brown, set wide apart.

Nose: elongated, with a hump.

Hair: Thick, dark, often curly, thick hair all over the body.

Figure: average height and above average, proportional addition.

Eyes: narrow, slanted, almost flat, black, wide-set, often with a “swollen” lower eyelid.

Nose: small, narrow, slightly protruding, face in profile slightly sloping upward.

Hair: dark, straight, coarse, almost no vegetation on the body.

Identify Vietnamese by the following features.

Skin color: dark yellow, brownish.

Eyes: Large, slanting, almost flat, black, set wide apart.

Nose: Small, narrow, slightly protruding, face almost flat in profile.

Hair: dark, straight, coarse, very sparse eyebrows, almost no hair on the body.

Figure: height average and below average, proportional addition.

Just a few decades ago in the Soviet Union, a lot depended on the fifth column, that is, the question about nationality in all questionnaires. There was a certain qualification for admission to higher educational institutions for good positions for those who were, for example, Jewish by nationality. With the abolition of this column and the abolition of the indication of nationality in the passport, the situation has changed. And globalization with the development of the Internet and the rise of the Iron Curtain has led to the fact that many people feel like citizens of the world and do not even think about what nationality they are. But there are cases when it is necessary to know who belongs to a particular nation, for example, for immigration.


The easiest way to find out yours is to ask your parents what nationality they are. If both father and mother belong to the same family, for example, both, then yours is also Tatar. In the case where parents are of different nationalities, you need to determine yours individually, depending on the traditions of a particular nation. Thus, nationality is determined by the father, for Jews - by the mother. So, if your father is Jewish and your mother is Jewish, in Russia you will be Russian, and in Israel you will be Jewish. And vice versa.

For those who for some reason do not know the nationality of their parents (for example, the person was raised in an orphanage or was adopted), there is a generally accepted criterion. Belonging to a nation is determined not by place of residence, but by following the traditions or customs of a particular people and, most importantly, by knowing the language perfectly. For example, you live in Russia, but your native language is Bashkir, you are a devout Muslim, circumcised, and you honor Bashkir. So you are a Bashkir.

There are certain physiological factors: the structure of the skull, the shape of the eyes, the color of the skin, hair, the type of hair growth, by which a person can be classified as a particular race. However, if you have a mixture of many nationalities, which often happens (for example: your father’s family included Russians, your mother’s family included Poles), then it will be quite difficult to accurately determine your nationality by appearance. In this case, you yourself can choose the nation that suits you most. Or, like many, just be multinational.


To change nationality, some nations need to go through a certain ritual. So, in order for a non-Jew to become a Jew, circumcision for men and conversion for women will be required, as well as a test of knowledge of the laws of the Torah.


  • how to change your nationality

National pride, national identity, national culture and national language. All these are beautiful words, but it’s no fun for someone who doesn’t know his nationality. In the tips below, perhaps you will find some help and find out what is closer to you: Lezginka or hava nagila.


Analyze your last name. If there is no opportunity to communicate with parents, or they themselves do not know exactly their nationality, then try to do some analytical work. Drop the ending – ov –ev –in. They only symbolize that the surname was given in Russia, or Russified. Now analyze the remaining word. If it is a word or a Russian name, for example, smith, sidor, or fedot, then you can consider yourself Russian, or at least a Slav. If your last name ends in –enko, chuk, then most likely you are Ukrainian. Or your last name is an inflexible Russian/Slavic word, then you can also safely count yourself among the descendants of Gogol.
If the ending is -ich - then you are probably Belarusian, provided that the rest of the surname is completely Slavic. If –sky is a Pole, -ek, -ok is Czech. If your surname is based on a Turkic word, then you are probably a Tatar or Bashkir.
If your surname is based on a Finno-Ugric word, then you can classify yourself as a Mordovian, Mari or Udmurt. For example, the surname Nikulin.

Look in the mirror. You can also look at photographs of your ancestors. If you are a blue-eyed blond, then you are possibly a Scandinavian (but this is doubtful) or a representative of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia, most likely a Mordvin (which is more likely).
Brown hair and grey, green, blue, or even eyes will most likely say that you are Slavic.
Dark hair, an aquiline nose, large eyes and thick eyebrows will tell you that you belong to the peoples of the Caucasus. If your nose is wide, then perhaps you are Armenian. Curly dark hair, a hooked nose, pointed and backward-pointing ears indicate that you are related to Jews. In any case, whoever you were, all nations are beautiful and equal to each other .


  • how to find out what kind of mother I have

Currently, there is no “nationality” column in the passport, although such a column is present in the birth certificate and marriage certificate. Are there any other ways to determine a person's nationality without referring to official documents?


In the West, after the 2nd World War, it was not customary to mention the term “” in relation to a person. Instead, if they want to emphasize a person’s belonging to a particular ethnic group, they say “ethnicity.” However, in Russia and other countries of the former USSR, “nationality” remains.

Ask the person you are interested in directly about this. Oddly enough, many people are absolutely not ashamed of their ethnicity, and can answer this question without any suspicion towards you.

Listen to his speech, even if he speaks Russian. Thus, in order to distinguish the guttural speech of representatives of the Caucasus from the drawn-out speech of the Baltic states or from the grasses of the French, you do not need to have perfect pitch.

If you don’t want (or – which is not surprising in the modern world – you are afraid) to ask about this directly, try to determine the nationality of the person you are interested in “by eye”. However, in this way it is difficult to accurately determine nationality, especially if you do not have sufficient experience or you do not know the characteristic features of appearance (hair color, eye color and shape, facial features, skull structure) of not only a specific nationality, but at least each of varieties of existing races. After all, Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids, Australoids are, in turn, divided into several more types.

You can very, very approximately determine the nationality of a person without even seeing him, but knowing only his last name and first name. Although, for example, there may be some discrepancies here too. So, if the surname “Dubinin” (ending with “-in”) will be considered original Russian, then the surname “Dvorkin” is Jewish (derived from the diminutive form of the name “Dvoira” - “Debora”). The same can be said for Belarusian, Polish and Jewish surnames ending in “-skiy/tskiy”).

However, if the surname “Aliev” or “Mukhametov” caught your eye, then most likely they

March 9, 2018, 22:43

I was prompted to write this post by the debate about what the Slavic type is. Due to existing stereotypes, most of us imagine Slavic appearance in a standard and one-sided way - our women are all beautiful, which cannot be said about men who are no match for polished Europeans, who are handsome all the time and in general are true Aryans. Many people perceive the Slavic type of appearance of men as chubby, snub-nosed, with a fairly flat face, with a weakly defined chin, genetically predisposed to age-related sagging. Is this really so? Does this stereotype apply to all types? In general, I’m tired of cliches in the comments, so I made this post.

In this post I want to dwell in more detail on each racial type common among the Slavs, and look at them with examples in photographs. I will give only those examples that I am more or less sure belong to one type or another. This often causes difficulties, since types in their pure form are not often found, and there are many more mixed and transitional types. I also don’t consider photoshopped photos of remade celebrities here.

I’ll start with the most common in Russian latitudes and in Ukraine too, Baltic racial type. From that very famous “Slavic face”.

This term was first used by the Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak (1922-1927) to designate a large group of racial variants of Caucasians.

Baltids often have ash or blond hair and blue-gray or gray-green eyes. Soft features of a rounded face with a wide forehead, small mouth, small chin and a small, sometimes snub nose are common to this type. Brachycephalic (round-headed, short-headed). Height: average and below average. Body type ranges from mesomorphic to endomorphic.

A small digression. Physique terms will appear throughout the descriptions here. Here's what they mean.

Mesomorphs are distinguished by a proportional body, long arms, legs and torso. They have a wide chest and well-developed shoulder muscles. Endomorphs are characterized by their small stature and round body. Such people are characterized by a figure with smooth, rounded shapes, large bones, their hips are wider than their shoulders, and the lower part of the body is an order of magnitude heavier than the upper. The ectomorphic body type is also called asthenic. Its representatives are distinguished by narrow hips and shoulders. The height of such people is usually above average.

The greatest concentration of the Baltic racial type is found in the Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Among Ukrainians, these are the indigenous inhabitants of the Dnieper region.

Consider photos

Although Leo is only one-quarter Russian, he is a clear representative of the Baltic racial type. Our person)

Vitaly Solomin

Leonid Kuravlyov

Vladimir Menshov

Vladimir Shevelkov

Mikhail Kononov

Raisa Ryazanova

Svetlana Hodchenkova

Elena Korikova

Anna Kournikova

Russian girls of the Baltic type:


Taras Chernovol, Ukrainian politician

Western Baltid

This racial type differs from the Baltids, its closest relatives, in its less soft facial features; the face itself is more profiled and more elongated, with a more defined chin and high cheekbones. This racial type contains a considerable Nordic component. Light pigmentation of hair and eyes, brachycephalic (short) or mesocephalic (medium size) skull, straight nose of medium size. Representatives are usually of medium and tall height. Body type: from mesomorphic to endomorphic. Western Baltids are very often confused with Nordids, but this is not them yet.

Distributed in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic countries, Belarus, northern Ukraine, and Russia.

Its representatives in photographs:

Klaus Kinski - ethnic Pole

Gleb Matveychuk

Andrey Gusin

Nikolai Olyalin, Soviet actor

Michal Zhebrovsky

Sergey Zhigunov

Alexey Serebryakov

Oleg Vidov

Galina Polskikh

Elena Proklova

Izabella Skorupko (Polish actress)

Magdalena Melzaz (Polish actress)

Alyosha - Ukrainian singer

Rusyn woman, photo from the early 20th century

East Baltic racial type

This subtype of the Baltic race arose when the Baltids merged with the Lapoids. Lapoids are a small race preserved among the Sami - the indigenous population of Northern Europe (Northern Norway, Northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula). The East Baltic race is typical of the Finno-Ugric peoples, but among the Slavic and Baltic peoples it is more often represented in the form of influences. Brachycephalic and lightly pigmented with straight, finely textured ash-blond hair and blue-gray eyes. Facial features prone to flattening have a slight Mongoloid patina (since Lappoids/Uraloids are a mixed Caucasian-Mongoloid race): massive lower jaw, poorly defined chin, a lot of soft tissue, full cheeks, small straight nose or with a concave back (the tip is turned up , sometimes the nose is potato), the nostrils are wide, the brow ridges are weakened, the forehead is low. Height is low to average. Body type ranges from endomorphic to mesomorphic. Women of this type are quite pretty in their youth.

Eastern Baltids are an autochthonous population of North-West Russia, Northern Finland, Sweden, Norway and Lapland.

Representatives of the East Baltic type in photographs. Since this type is found much less frequently among the Slavs than among the Russians and Finno-Ugric peoples, for clarity, I am posting photos of people of different nationalities representing this type.

Renee Zellweger is a bright representative of the Eastern Baltic racial type, her mother is Norwegian with Sami roots.

Ida Lolo, our Renee Zellweger)

Finnish actor Ville Haapasalo

Vladislav Galkin

Leonid Bykov

Yuri Antonov

Alexander Povetkin

Yulia Savicheva

Elena Koreneva

Suvi Koponen - Finnish top model

Tatyana Totmyanina

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Girl from Sweden

Vepsian girl (Russia)

Man from Finland

Russian girl

Nordids (Eastern Nordids)

The name “Nordic Race” itself was introduced by the anthropologist Deniker, born in Astrakhan (but with French roots), who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in pre-revolutionary Russia. Unfortunately, subsequent Soviet anthropologists seemed afraid to even mention the term for political reasons. At the same time, in Nazi Germany, also for political reasons and propaganda, this term began to be almost universally attributed only to those who corresponded to a certain ideology or ethnic group, although they did not belong to the Nordic racial type. But we know what the entire top of the Third Reich, the “true Aryans”, looked like). Another misconception in this matter is that, they say, the more a person is, the more Nordic he is. However, as has already been shown above, other northern Caucasians also have light pigmentation.

Eastern Nordid is a subtype of Nordid, localized in Eastern Europe - from eastern Germany, Austria, further in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, northern Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries, partly in Finland and northwestern Russia.

Nordids have a thin physique (ecto/mesomorphic), their height is always high, their hair color ranges from blond and reddish to light brown, and their eyes are light. Nordids are always dolichocephalic (elongated skull with a protruding occiput). The face is oval, oblong, the jaw is narrow, graceful, the lips are thin, the thin nose with a high back can be either straight or slightly concave or with a hump, the brow ridges are pronounced.

Examples in photographs:

Alexander Godunov - standard Nordic

Petar Zekavica - Russian actor of Serbian origin

Ivan Skobrev

Alexey Vorobyov

Vasily Stepanov

Ivan Dorn

Vladimir Talashko, Soviet Ukrainian actor, native of the Volyn region.

Some Russian guy

Of the Slavic women I can remember and confidently attribute to this type

Karolina Kurkova

Elena Dementieva

Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Daria Verbova (Canadian top model of Ukrainian origin)

Eva Herzigova

Antonia Misura (Croatian basketball player)

Pontic racial type

The Pontic racial type, also called the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean, is one of the subtypes of the Mediterranean racial type. Distributed in Ukraine, southern Russia, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and the Balkans (the most common type in all of South-Eastern Europe).

The Pontian type is characterized by mesocephaly (a medium-sized skull with a convex occiput), a narrow oblong face, a high bridge of the nose, a straight nose, narrow lips, dark hair pigmentation and slightly dark skin. In general, facial features are soft. The body type is mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Growth is average with an upward trend.

Pontid subspecies - northern pontide, a mixture of Nordids and Pontids, is distinguished by a higher skull and a more elongated face. These are thin, tall brunettes, often with light eyes:

Pontids in photographs. This type is the most difficult for me to figure out, and I may be wrong here somewhere.

Sofia Rotaru

Diana Kovalchuk (Ukrainian top model)

Ani Lorak

Milla Jovovich

Zlata Ognevich (Ukrainian singer)

Milos Bikovich, Serbian actor

Oleg Menshikov

Vladimir Mashkov

Alexander Abdulov

Vasily Lanovoy

Vladimir Konkin. Northern Pontid.

Paul Wesley - Pawel Tomasz Wasilewski, American actor, ethnic Pole. Northern Pontid.

Alpine racial type

The Alpine race is a small race within the Caucasoid race. Isolated at the end of the 19th century. French anthropologist Georges Lapouge. Found throughout Eastern Europe. Outside Eastern Europe, this racial type is found in the north of the Balkan Peninsula, Switzerland, southern Germany and northern Italy. The Alpine race is distinguished by its wide distribution and great diversity.

Russian anthropologist V.V. Bunak proposed, in addition to the Alpine itself, to distinguish the Eastern Alpine, or Carpathian. In Ukraine, this racial type is widespread. This type is not typical for the Russian population.

The Alpine race is characterized by average and below average height, mesomorphic and endomorphic physique. A low and wide face, a steep forehead with weakly defined brow ridges, severe brachycephaly (this is one of the shortest Caucasians), a small thick nose, dark pigmentation of hair and eyes, dark skin.

Examples in photographs

Nina Dobrev (Bulgarian by nationality)

Rialda Kadrić (Serbian actress)


Ruslana Lyzhechko

Irena Kilchitskaya, deputy of the former mayor of Kyiv L. Chernovetsky

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Alpine Serbs


Sergei Bondarchuk

Bogdan Stupka

Dinaric racial type

The Dinaric racial type of southern Caucasians was named after the Dinaric Alps. The term was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the French anthropologist I. Deniker. Deniker identified the following characteristics of the Dinaric race: tall height (usually 190 cm and above in men), ectomorphic and mesomorphic build, short head, dark brown or black hair, straight or aquiline large nose, fair skin, wide face. Later, other researchers pointed to such typical characteristics as a slender physique, strong growth of hair on the body and face, and a flat nape.

This type is most common among residents of the Balkans, but it also occurs in Ukraine.

Examples in photographs

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the standard representative of the Dinaric type

Roman Rusinov (Russian racing driver). Dinarides + Pontidas. There was a post about him on Gossipnik and everyone came to the conclusion that his type corresponds to people from Western Ukraine

Goran Bregovic

Kuzma Scriabin

More Dinars from Ukraine:

Pontid with Dinaric admixture

And in conclusion, there are a few more types characteristic of Western Ukraine, mostly mixed.

Chereshenka village, Chernivtsi region. Country wedding. 1988 The photo shows representatives of the Alpine-Dinaric type, mostly.

Oleg Skripka - Baltid with significant Dinaric admixture

Ivan Mikolaichuk (Soviet Ukrainian actor, native of the Chernivtsi region) - Dinaric with Baltic admixture

Sergey Pritula, TV presenter - Dinaran with Baltic admixture

Nazariy Yaremchuk (Ukrainian pop performer). Mixed Alpine-Dinaric type

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Also represents the Alpine-Dinaric type.

I did not consider other racial types of Caucasians that are not Slavs, there are at least a dozen of them, in this post. I hope you were interested. Thank you for your attention.

Depending on what country a person lives in, his ideas about beauty can vary greatly. Attractiveness can look completely different for everyone! As a result, what appears to be a physical defect in one country is considered charming in another. Here is a selection of the most surprising features that may look seductive in some states.

Crooked teeth

In the Western world, straight teeth in a row are considered the definition of an ideal smile, and it is difficult to imagine anyone preferring anything else. However, in Japan everything is completely different: the height of attractiveness is considered to be “yoba” - the so-called crooked teeth. It is believed that a person looks prettier with such teeth. This is why dentists are in great demand in Japan, both among young men and women: everyone wants to have a pretty appearance.


Residents of New Guinea and several other countries in western Africa decorate their bodies with patterns and picturesque scars, just as they did centuries ago. Men usually get scars during their initiation ceremony, but women get these “tattoos” only because it is considered the greatest beauty.
However, in developed countries there are also fans of this aesthetics; the procedures are called body modification.

Heart shaped face

In South Korea, plastic surgery is not only very common, it is considered the norm. In large cities there are advertisements everywhere urging you to go to the surgeon and improve your appearance. The key to attractiveness is a heart-shaped face. To get it, Koreans are willing to undergo several operations, including breaking the jaw bones in several places to create a sharp chin. After such an operation, you cannot eat solid food for a long time.

Excess weight

In Mauritania, a woman is considered beautiful only if she has belly fat. To make girls attractive, they are sent to special “farms” where they are fed. They eat sixteen thousand calories per person per day there, and this is against a norm of one thousand and a half! Unfortunately, this often leads to stomach upset and other problems.

Plasters after facial surgery

Iran is the capital of rhinoplasty. The procedure is expensive, but people are willing to do anything for a straight nose, and that's not even the strangest thing.
Some wear the same patches as after surgery. They cannot afford to improve their appearance, but they want to at least pretend that they have undergone rhinoplasty. It looks strange, but the people of Iran find it very attractive!

Pale skin

In many Asian countries, pale skin is considered the highest standard of beauty. If you go shopping for face cream, you'll be hard-pressed to find one that doesn't have whitening properties, including the men's section.
Surprisingly, even on the beach, the Chinese often wear thick masks - everything to protect the whiteness of their skin from sunburn. Dark skin, popular in the West, is completely out of fashion here.

High forehead

For the Fula people of Africa, the main feature of their appearance is a high forehead, so some women shave their hair to create the desired illusion. A similar custom existed in medieval Europe, when women shaved half their heads.

Long neck

In some regions in eastern Burma, long necks are fashionable. Women wear bronze rings that stretch their necks over the years. The longer it is, the more beautiful it is! According to legend, the rings protect women from tigers, although in fact they are simply a sign of belonging to the Kaya tribe.

Stretched lips

The Ethiopian Mursi tribe considers huge lips beautiful, so girls stretch them with special discs. The larger the disk, the higher the social status of the girl and the greater the ransom you need to pay for her. There are two versions of the origin of this tradition. According to the first, the Mursi used to believe that evil spirits entered a person through the mouth, and used discs to protect against them. According to the second, the Mursi decided to use the disks to prevent their women from being taken away as slaves.

One eyebrow

In some regions of Tajikistan, fused eyebrows are considered the standard of female beauty. If a girl does not have hair on the bridge of her nose, she can draw it with a pencil. A fused eyebrow is considered a sign of happiness in life.

We determine the color type of appearance: winter, spring, summer, autumn

How to determine your color type?

Probably, at least once in your life you have heard about the so-called “appearance color type”. And I’ve already used this term a couple of times in articles on makeup. What kind of thing is this - color type?

Color type- this is a set of certain signs of a person’s appearance, depending on his eye, hair, and skin color. And depending on this, you can select the most suitable colors when choosing clothes or shades of cosmetics. There are 4 types of appearance: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Spring and autumn have warm shades, summer and winter have cold shades.

To determine which of the 4 types you belong to, you can take a color type test online.

Before this, we wash off all our makeup, look at ourselves in the mirror and carefully study the reflection in it. Do you remember everything? Now let's start taking the test to determine the color type.

What did we see in the mirror?

Appearance color type: winter, spring, summer, autumn

To determine your color type, take this simple test.

1. Which of the following statements suits you best?

The whites of the eyes are pure white

The skin has a bluish tint on the bend of the elbow, on the inside of the wrist and forearm

The knuckles of the fingers often turn red

In the eyes of golden sparks

2. How do you tan?

I tan quickly, tan color is light or olive

I burn easily, tan shade is light or red

I tan very quickly, the tan color is golden, carrot.

there are no problems with tanning, the tan color is olive-ash.

3. What kind of skin do you have?

transparent, light pink, with a bluish cold tint

light beige, ivory. Warm skin tone

ivory, peach, beige-yellowish, light golden

either light porcelain white or swarthy

4. The shade of your blush

bright red or salmon

cold with an olive tint, or not at all

5. What color is your hair? (according to natural hair color)

red, golden, with a copper sheen, dark blond. Warm shades

light brown, golden, red, chestnut. Warm shades

black, dark hair sometimes with a silver or blue tint

ash, blond hair, light brown, dark brown. Cool tones

6. What color are your eyes?

brown, with slight yellowness

black, dark brown, dark green, cold, dark blue

dim, gray, yellowish

light green, amber, light olive, blue

7. What color are your eyebrows and eyelashes?

dark brown, red, with a golden tint

cool pink with olive undertones

By the way, determining the color type can sometimes be difficult. Well, first of all, not everyone can clearly say whether their skin/eyes are warm or cold. Secondly, there are exceptions to all rules. And it could be you. Thirdly, you may not be a “pure” color type, but a mixed one. This very often occurs due to the mixing of blood of residents of different latitudes and nationalities. As a result, you will have a unique color type. In this case, you need to decide what type, what tones (cold or warm) prevail in you. And depending on this, select the makeup palette and clothing colors.

At home, you can also try to determine which color type you belong to. To do this, also wash off all your makeup, choose pieces of fabric (or just plain clothes) of different shades, cold or warm. And gradually apply these fabrics to your face. Important! The lighting in the room should be natural, but not direct sunlight. By applying the fabric to your face, you will notice that the face either acquires a certain glow, a fresher look (that is, this shade suits you) or the face takes on an unhealthy tone, becomes tired, or older (which means this shade does not suit you). Having decided which tones suit you (warm or cool), you can understand that you fit one of two color types. Warm - this is autumn and spring. and cold ones mean winter. summer. After reading the descriptions of each type of appearance, you can decide which type you fit best.

Especially for readers of the site Beauty for Everyone, I found a video “how to determine your color type.” Take a look, maybe it suits you

Just a few years ago in the Soviet Union, a lot depended on a person’s nationality, for example, getting a job or entering a higher educational institution. Now we live in a democratic country, where a person’s nationality essentially does not play any role, as indeed throughout the world, because, regardless of a person’s place of birth and his “blood,” everyone has equal rights.

However, the question of nationality is quite interesting, because every person is interested in finding out what kind of family this or that person or he himself comes from, so in this article we will try to figure out how to determine nationality, especially since this can be useful, for example, for emigration. There are many ways to determine nationality, let's look at each of them.

How to determine nationality - method one

Ask your parents if mom and dad are Kazakhs, then you will belong to this nationality, but it often happens that parents of different nationalities are married, for example, the mother is Tatar and the father is Ukrainian. Then you must determine your nationality based on the general rules of a particular nation, for example, in Russia, nationality is determined by the father, while in Israel, nationality is determined by the mother.

How to determine nationality - the second method

It happens that a person does not know his true parents, for example, he was adopted or raised in an orphanage. Then the nationality of this person will depend on his place of residence, following the traditions of this people and perfect knowledge of the language of the country in which this person lives. For example, you live in Germany, but your native language is Hebrew, you also honor the traditions of Israel, observe all Jewish holidays, for example, Hanukkah, then you are a Jew.

How to determine nationality - the third method

You can determine your nationality based on physiological characteristics, although, most likely, this method may be subjective and not objective, because, for example, if you had a distant great-grandfather who was Armenian, and your mother and father are Russian, then you may still experience facial features inherited from a distant relative, such as eye color and nose shape. Below are the most common features of certain nationalities.
First, let's remember school biology courses and consider the existing classifications of people's races, which are determined by place of residence: for example, dark skin contains more melanin, which protects from the sweltering sun.

  • Caucasian race - about half of the planet's population belongs to this type. Distinctive features: fair skin, soft or slightly wavy hair, narrow nose, thin lips, eye color may vary. The Caucasian race includes residents of Europe, Armenians, Tajiks, Ukrainians and others.
  • The Negroid race is most often found in Africa and America. People are distinguished by their dark skin, wide lips and nose, brown eyes (there are exceptions) and dark curly hair.
  • The Mongoloid race makes up about 40 percent of the world's population. It is distinguished by its yellowish skin color, straight forehead, wide nose and narrow eyes. The Mongoloid race includes the inhabitants of China, Japan, Koreans and other Asian peoples.
  • Australoid race - inhabits Australia and the island of New Guinea. It is distinguished by its dark skin color, wide nose, brown eyes and well-developed hair.

But, thanks to the rapid growth of the Earth's population, there has now been a mixture of different races, which makes humans unique. It is enough to read about this or that nationality so that you can identify yourself with it.

In general, it is not only interesting to study your own or someone else's nationality, it is also quite cool to learn the traditions of certain nationalities, for example, what holidays are celebrated by residents of different countries. As you can see, it is sometimes difficult to determine nationality, since in modern life people have a lot of blood "mixed".

A person's nationality can be very difficult to determine in some cases. There are several ways to determine the nationality of a person, this is natural, firstly, appearance, and secondly, the language in which he speaks. It also determines nationality by manners, the accent with which a person speaks, his citizenship, surname and many other factors. I will explain with some examples how to determine nationality by appearance, and which by internal signs of a person.

The Negroid race is considered the lightest type in the world. Determining the nationality of a person if he is from Africa or is African American is very easy. He will naturally have very dark skin or just very tanned skin. No white or Asian person will ever be able to tan to such an extent, either in a tanning bed or in the sun, to look like a black person. Black people have almost one hundred percent of the case dark brown eyes, or almost completely black. The Negroid race has distinctly large noses with large nostrils. The eyes are also very large and larger than those of other races and nations. Also the structure of the skull is slightly different. What causes large noses and nostrils? The fact that Africa has a very warm climate and historically it so happened that such hot air as for example in the desert is very harmful to a person. Therefore, nature adapted the Negroid race and made them big noses so that they could filter and cool the air. Also, blacks tolerate heat more easily than white people, this is because of their special black skin, which has more pigment, they are better adapted to sunstroke, but still, like whites and Asians, they cannot be in the open sun without drinking and pouring water for more than eight hours. Also, the majority of blacks have very large and thick lips, I don’t know exactly why this is different, but this is also due to the hot climate in Africa. They also have a slightly different build than white people, with squarer shoulders and are generally taller. Their accent may be different, but for example, a Negroid who grew up in Russia will speak pure Russian, so it’s not always possible to determine by accent.

Asians, that is, Chinese, can be specifically identified by the following factors. The Chinese are very short, almost always 160 centimeters. They also have darker skin than white people, but not as dark as Negroids. Basically it has yellowish tints, but not the same as with jaundice. The Chinese have very narrow eyes, small noses and thin lips. The majority of the Chinese, like Negroids, have dark brown eyes; Chinese people with gray or gray eyes are rare. blue eyes, only if they have parents of different races, for example, the mother was European.

Many cannot determine whether a Kazakh or a Kyrgyz is standing in front of them. But there are also different factors here. All nations of the post-Soviet space are different from each other. For example, the Kyrgyz have smoother and more correctly proportioned faces than the Kazakhs. Although the eyes of both peoples are narrow. This is due to the steppes, nature did it there so that dust does not get into the eyes and the wind does not blow too much. Also, all the nations of this region, that is: Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Mongols, Uzbeks and Turkmens, have dark hair and dark eye color. But there are also exceptions, red-haired Kazakhs, for example, with blue eyes.

Now about the Thais and those who live in Southeast Asia. People from these regions are short like the Chinese, have the same narrow eyes, but their lips are thicker. There is something from the Negroids, because the climate there is similar to some latitudes in Africa. Thais and Vietnamese have darker skin than the Chinese, they look like Negroids, some are just like two peas in a pod, if not for their height and narrow eyes. Women from these areas are very similar to children even at the age of twenty-five. Men and women have very little body hair and their hair is dark in color. Men almost never wear beards, and if they do, it only grows on their chins, under their noses, and on their sideburns. Their accent will be simply terrible. The languages ​​of Southeast Asia lack most of the sounds that we pronounce in everyday life. These languages ​​are softer. For example, I heard the fact that Asians have a hard time pronouncing the letter L. It’s strange, but this happens.

Islanders. It's like a separate nation. They can be identified by their dark skin color and dark eye and hair color. They have everything almost similar to Negroids, the only thing is that their facial features are very regular and in general they mostly have a very beautiful face. They are short in stature and will have an accent similar to that of Southeast Asians.

Germans, inhabitants of northern and central Europe, can be identified by their faces. Mostly they have gray eyes and light hair color, but not white; only thirty percent of them are blonde. The Germans are naturally easy to identify by language. Native Germans speak German very badly; it will not be very pleasant for our people to listen to it, because the phonetics there are quite rough and they frankly mumble some sounds. Germans, unlike Russians, for example, have squarer faces and more disproportionate facial features. German girls basically do not differ in beauty, unlike our girls. They have a fairly average build, rarely exceeding two meters in height. Just like all Europeans, they have light eyes and small noses and lips. This is due to the fact that the air in Europe is mostly cool and favorable for the human body; it does not need to be cooled down like in Africa and nature has done everything for this. Also, the sun does not hit as strongly as in Africa, the skin is light and not tanned by nature.

Scandinavians can be identified by their light hair and eyes. Their skin is the whitest of all nations in the world, because they live in the most northern latitudes, where the sun is never as hot as in Africa. Their accent in Russian will be the same as that of all Europeans, or maybe not at all, since in principle our languages ​​have similar alphabets and phonetics. The physique is the same as that of all Europeans, but the height can be a bit tall, unlike our nation.

Define Latins. More precisely, residents of Latin America. These are Mexicans, Panamanians, residents of Honduras, Colombia. These are the descendants of the Spaniards and Portuguese. Therefore, I will immediately talk about everyone who lives in South America, Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Naturally excluding Negroids, who live there in large numbers. Mostly Latinos have smooth features, their faces are very pleasant, although sometimes their noses are quite large. They love to wear a mustache, shaving off everything else, it is a national trait and a stereotype that a Mexican should have a characteristic black mustache. Their eyes and hair color are mostly brown and dark. But there are also searing green eyes and blue and gray ones. Their language is very beautiful; they will speak Russian without an accent if they have learned it. Basically they are very temperamental and everything is based on feelings. After a few days of communicating with such a person, you can make a very accurate conclusion that he is either from Latin America, or from Spain or Portugal.

It is very difficult to define an American. And all because Americans are descendants of Europeans. Their blood is very mixed. There are French and Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards there. For a long time, Negroids were brought to North America as slaves, so after the abolition of slavery, a mixture of white and black populations began. Of course, if the husband or wife is Negroid and the second parent is white, then 90 percent of the time the child will be born Negroid, but if he was born white he will still have some Negroid facial features or have black eyes and black hair. An American can be identified by his accent only if he was not born in a Russian-speaking country. In principle, one can say that they are a universal nation or not a nation at all, because so many things are mixed in their blood. The USA is a country of immigrants, there are absolutely all nations there and everyone who was born there can consider themselves an American, it will be very difficult to say. The only other way to determine this is that Americans love money and business very much, but this is most likely useless information for determining the nation.

Of course, a person’s surname also mainly determines his nationality. For example, Chinese surnames are very short, from two to four letters. Their last name is Lee. If a person has the surname Chen, Xian, Li, Huan, then most likely this is a Chinese. But Koreans have surnames such as Park, Kim, and, in principle, their surname Lee is also very common.

The same applies to residents of Southeast Asia and residents of some islands where Asians live.

It will be very difficult to confuse American surnames with others. Only if with other English-speaking nations. Usually, their surname, like ours, contains the name of a grandfather or great-grandfather. Surnames such as Anderson, Johnson, Thomson. At the end, most of them add "son" which means son in English, that is, John's son is Johnson.

Smith is a very common surname in the UK. The surnames there are the same as in the USA, because they have the same language, but the names there are more complicated. For example, people like Gerard. It is possible, if possible, to distinguish by the surname of an Englishman and an American. Also, when many Americans became, let’s say, Americans, they sailed from Europe to colonize America and took the surnames they wanted. For example Brown or Snipes. These were both prisoners and criminals, they took very pretentious surnames, for example Gold, which means gold.

Residents of Central Asia also generally differ in their surname. They sound very rude in Russian. For example Aldarbekov or Nurbekbaev. Everything here is determined by the prefix at the end of the surname. Bek or bai can be added, or maybe both at once. These surnames end in -ov and -ev, as well as -in. But in some countries of the post-Soviet space they abandoned the Russian heritage and removed the prefixes. The resulting surnames were Aryn, Baltabay, Zhanbyrbay. Also, the names may be the same, that is, Nurbay Boltabek. This is the first and last name. And the patronymic is appended with -uly or -kyzy. For example, Boranbay Ahmed Saibolatuly. This is the name of some Kazakh or Kyrgyz.

But for Caucasians, everything is generally wonderful. Georgians add -shvili or -dze to the end of their surname. For example, Garadze or Dzhugashvili (by the way, the surname of the Georgian Stalin). Armenians add -yan, for example Gasparyan, Harutyunyan. Maybe the name is Harutyun and the surname is Harutyunyan, that is, logically, the son of Harutyun. For Azerbaijanis, the surname cannot be determined so easily, as for other Caucasians.

For example, until recently I thought that the surname Pirov was a Russian surname, derived from the word “pir”, that is, a holiday. But no, this is a Dagestan surname. In Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan, the surname is usually based on the name of the teip. These are surnames similar to Basayev, Pugoev, Tsechoev. They mainly differ from Russian ones in that their meaning will not be clear to us.

A Ukrainian surname must end with the letter O. These are Glushko, Shmatko, Timoshenko, Yushchenko. And also, for example, Yanukovych is a Ukrainian surname, that is, there are also variations.

The surnames of the inhabitants of Latin America and Spain, Portugal are easy to distinguish. This is Sanchez, Perez, Luis. All their surnames sound very beautiful, as do their names, as well as their smooth language.

Well, it is simply impossible to confuse the names of Arabs, for example, with some others. There will be a very long last name that lists all seven generations that came before this person. Ibn will definitely be present there, which means the son of so-and-so. For example, if we had Arabic surnames, we would say Alexey Ibn Gavrila. That is, the son of Gabriel. And they don’t have surnames as such, they have a pedigree.

Jewish surnames in the Russian version will end in -vsky and -vich. These are Abramovich, Zhirinovsky, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky. All these are Jewish surnames and these surnames naturally indicate Jewish roots.