Auditory memory in children. Diagnosis and development of auditory memory. Methods for studying the memory of preschoolers

A study was conducted to study the memory of older preschoolers. The study was conducted on the basis of DUU No. 129 in Sevastopol. The experiment involved 20 children of the older group.

The aim of the study is to identify the level of memory development in older preschoolers.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks are distinguished:

  • 1. to conduct a psychological diagnosis of memory in older preschoolers.
  • 2. describe the analysis of the study results.

Psychological diagnostics of the memory of older preschoolers includes:

  • 1. Supervision of a psychologist.
  • 2. The study of the memory of older preschoolers using psychodiagnostic methods:

* Studying the features of the development of voluntary and involuntary memorization P.I. Zinchenko.

* Pictograms. A.R. Luria.

* Indirect memorization A.R. Luria, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev.

Technique No. 1. Studying the features of the development of voluntary and involuntary memorization P.I. Zinchenko.

To study the features of the development of voluntary and involuntary memorization in preschool age, a technique from a series of experiments by P.I. Zinchenko. 6 cards were prepared 7.5x10 cm in size with the image of a clock, scissors, a telephone, a pencil, an airplane and a letter (Appendix A). A map of 63x30 cm has been prepared, divided into 24 cells measuring 7.5x10 cm.

The experiment was carried out individually. There was a map in front of the child, they explained to him, addressing by name:

I will show you small cards, and you remember what is drawn on them, and find the same picture on the big map.

The cards are shown to the child one at a time. Exposure time - 1 second. After each presentation, they were given the opportunity to find the same image on the map.

Processing of the results of the study was reduced to the following calculations. For the correct answer, i.e. in the event that the child showed an identical image, his memory was assessed with a maximum score of 3 points. In the event that the child showed an image that differed in detail, his memory was estimated at 2 points. In the event that the child showed an image similar only in silhouette and purpose, his memory was estimated at 1 point. For an incorrect answer, i.e. in the event that the child showed another image, his memory score is minimal - 0 points. The experimenter recorded the results in the protocol.

Theoretically, within the framework of this experiment, a child's memory can be assessed from a minimum of 0 points to a maximum of 30 points. It was accepted that with a result of 15 points or less, the child has a low level of memory; with a result of 16 points and up to 20 points in a child - an average level of memory; with a result of 21 points and above, the child has a high level of memory.

Method number 2. Pictograms. A.R. Luria.

Purpose: to reveal the level of mediated memory

Before the start of the survey, the students were given the following instructions: “Now I will name different words and phrases, and then pause. During this pause, you should draw or write something on a piece of paper that will allow you to remember and then easily recall the words that I said. Try to make drawings or notes as quickly as possible, otherwise we will not have time to complete the entire task. There are quite a lot of words and expressions that need to be remembered.

The following words and expressions were read to the children one by one:

House. Stick. Tree. Jump high. The sun is shining. Cheerful person. Children play ball. The clock is standing. The boat floats on the river. The cat eats fish.

After reading to the children of each word or phrase, a pause was made for 20 seconds. At this time, the children depicted on the sheets of paper given to them something that would later allow them to remember the necessary words and expressions.

As soon as the experiment ended, the students, using the drawings or notes they had made, recalled the words and expressions that were read out.

Evaluation of results. For each word or phrase correctly reproduced according to their own drawing or recording, the child receives 1 point. Correctly reproduced are not only those words and phrases that are literally restored from memory, but also those that are conveyed in other words, but exactly in meaning. Approximately correct reproduction is estimated at 0.5 points, and incorrect - at 0 points. The maximum overall score that a child can receive in this technique is 10 points. The child will receive such an assessment when he correctly remembers all the words and expressions without exception. The minimum possible score is 0 points. It corresponds to the case if the child could not remember a single word from his drawings and notes or did not make a drawing or note for a single word.

Conclusions about the level of development: 10 points - very highly developed mediated auditory memory.

  • 8-9 points - highly developed mediated auditory memory.
  • 4-7 points - moderately developed mediated auditory memory.
  • 0-3 points - poorly developed mediated auditory memory.

Method No. 3. “Indirect memorization” by A.R. Luria, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev.

Purpose: study of logical memory.

A.N. Leontiev developed several series, differing in the degree of complexity and method of implementation. For children from seven to ten years old, the third series is recommended. To conduct an experiment, it is necessary to have sets of images of objects (pictures) and sets of words.

Set of cards.

Sofa, mushroom, cow, washbasin, table, strawberry branch, feather pen, airplane, map, brush, shovel, rake, car, tree, watering can, house, flower, notebooks, telephone pole, key, bread, tram, window , glass, bed, carriage, electric table lamp, picture in a frame, field, cat.

Words to remember.

Light, dinner, forest, teaching, hammer, clothes, field, game, bird, horse, road, night, mouse, milk, chair.

In front of the children, all thirty cards of the series were attached to the board in rows in any order. Then the instruction was given to the children: “Now you will need to memorize the words. I will say the word, and to make it easier to remember, you will choose one of the pictures, but one that will later help you remember this word. The words that I will tell you are not drawn anywhere here, but you can always find a picture that can remind you of this word.

You have up to 1 minute to choose a picture. An hour later, they show one picture after another and ask them to remember the word.

Evaluation of results:

High level - memorized more than 10 words.

Intermediate Intermediate - memorized 3 - 6 words.

Low level - memorized 0 - 2 words.

Conclusions about the level of memory development of older preschoolers were determined on the basis of the results for all methods, by the method of their analysis.

Thus, a diagnostic study of the memory of older preschoolers planned to carry out several methods:

  • 1. Studying the features of the development of voluntary and involuntary memorization P.I. Zinchenko.
  • 2. Pictograms. A. R. Luria.
  • 3. Indirect memorization A.R. Luria, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev.

Memorization of information is the basis of a full-fledged mental formation of a child. Timely identification of possible “weak points” in the functioning of memorization processes will subsequently relieve many problems in education and training.

The process of memorization in psychology is classified into several key types: by the nature of the activity of mental activity, by the nature of the goals of the activity, by the duration of information storage. At the same time, it does not function on its own - other mental systems of a person also take part in the process, and therefore the diagnosis of memorization is a multifaceted process that requires careful attention.

  • The process of memorization is arbitrary and involuntary. Arbitrary memory is a conscious effort, i.e. we try to remember something. When involuntary storage is turned on, there is no point in trying to remember - information, people, objects, events are captured by themselves, whether we like it or not.
  • Psychologists also divide memory into direct and indirect. The direct one is distinguished by the fact that in the process of memorization there is no comprehension of the material - in everyday life this is called "cramming". If the information is recognized and understood, it is called mediated memory. Preschoolers aged 3-6 years have predominantly developed direct assimilation, in connection with this, the study of foreign languages ​​is more effective. In high school, logic and thinking in children become more developed and, accordingly, mediated assimilation works better.
  • The memorization process is also subdivided according to the period of storage of incoming information: short-term - the validity period is not more than 20 seconds; long-term - stores information for a long time (in some cases, for a lifetime); operational - saving takes place exactly such a period of time that is required for the implementation of a pre-conceived operation or a series of actions.
  • The type of information that enters the human mind is also a memorization classifier. These are auditory, visual, motor, etc.

All the above types of memorization are subject to development through certain exercises, and the degree of their development is diagnosed through specially developed techniques.

Human memory is a very complex and multifunctional system, which has as its goal the preservation and subsequent reproduction of information.

Model of the functioning of the process of memorization in children

The system of storing information in preschool children is somewhat different from the model of an adult and has its own peculiarity. P.P. Blonsky drew conclusions about the stages of memorizing information:

  • Saving the movements performed by the child.

The first type of memorization is voluntary memory and is most developed during infancy, up to one and a half years. At this time, the child explores the world through touch and movement - he grabs the objects around him, tastes them, disassembles them. Then he learns to sit, crawl, walk. Later - tying shoelaces, dressing, washing, brushing teeth, etc. In the absence of pathologies, these skills are stored in the mind for life. Sports activities contribute to the development of a higher level of motor memorization, since the baby will need to memorize and reproduce complex movements.

  • Preservation of feelings and emotions.

Helps to preserve the experiences and emotions that people or events cause. This type of memorization of information in children appears after two years and contributes to the self-preservation of the individual, for example, a child, left alone, may not remember the conditions in which this happened, but retain a feeling of loneliness and fear.

  • Preservation of images of objects and objects of the surrounding world.

Its purpose is to store information coming from the sense organs: sight, touch, hearing, etc. The child can memorize the feeling of stroking a dog, the taste of strawberries.

  • The highest level is the preservation of the meaning of concepts and words.

Crowns the stages of formation of the system of memorization of primary school age. This species begins to form when the baby learns to speak, i.e. between two and four years of age. It is adults who contribute to the rapid and effective process of storing words and concepts in children when they talk to them, ask questions and explain the names and meanings of objects.

Why do you need to diagnose?

In parallel with the research of various mental processes in children, psychologists are developing diagnostic methods. Diagnostics of the memory of preschoolers is necessary both for scientific activities, where the effectiveness and adequacy of the studies carried out are revealed using diagnostic methods, and for the subsequent implementation of methods in schools and kindergartens. In these institutions, specialists, based on the results of the diagnosis, adjust the development plan for preschoolers or the model of teaching older children.

Diagnosing the process of memorization at an early age means preventing possible violations of its work in preschoolers and taking timely measures.

The preservation of information in the mind is necessary for a person in all spheres of activity, and existence in the conditions of his limited work causes a lot of inconvenience and makes it difficult for a human being of any age to survive. It is possible to develop it throughout life, however, in younger preschoolers, development and correction is easier and more effective than in children in high school.


Learning in children is carried out through three stages:

  • Recognition;
  • playback;
  • Direct storage of information.

In the process of implementing these stages, visual, auditory and motor types are actively involved. They are subject to testing and diagnosis in children of preschool and older age, when it is possible to examine violations of functioning processes, their study and correction.

Visual memory

Diagnosis of visual memory of preschoolers is carried out according to the method of D. Veksler.

Four drawings are placed in front of the child (see Figure 2). The period during which you can look at the drawings is clearly limited and is no more than ten seconds. Then, his task is to draw on the sheet what he remembers. The results of the technique are calculated in this way:

1.1 For correctly depicted parts of the first picture are assigned:

  • two intersecting lines and two flags - 1 point;
  • flags located in the right places - 1 point;
  • correctly depicted corner where the lines intersect - 1 point.

The highest score for the first picture is 3 points.

1.2 In the second figure, for correctly depicted components, the following are assigned:

  • depicted a large square, which is divided by lines into four parts - 1 point;
  • correctly indicated four squares of a small size, located in a large one - 1 point;
  • depicted two lines and four small squares - 1 point;
  • four points indicated in the right places - 1 point;
  • precisely maintained proportions - 1 point;

The highest score for the second figure is 5.

1.3 Evaluation of the third picture is carried out as follows:

  • a small rectangle in a large one - 1 point;
  • correctly indicated connections of the vertices of the inner rectangle with the vertices of the outer one - 1 point;
  • exact placement of a small rectangle - 1 point.

The total number of points for the third figure is 3 points.

1.4 correct reproduction of objects from the fourth picture is evaluated as follows:

  • correctly indicated corner on each edge of an open rectangle - 1 point;
  • the left, right and central sides of the picture are correctly indicated - 1 point;
  • one incorrectly reproduced angle on a correctly depicted figure - 1 point.

The total number of points for the fourth picture is 3.

The maximum number of points for all four pictures – 24 .

Method result:

  • 10 or more points - a high level of visual memory and attention;
  • 9-6 points - the average degree of visual memory;
  • 5-0 points - low degree.

auditory memory

Determining the level of development of the auditory memory of preschoolers is carried out by presenting the child with a set of words that he must remember and reproduce with maximum accuracy.

Read the instruction to the child, which should sound something like this: “Listen carefully to the words that I will read to you and try to remember. As soon as I shut up - try to reproduce them in any order, those that you remember. Then I will read them again. Try to remember even more. After - you will again repeat the words that you memorized along with those that you reproduced for the first time in any order. Then I will ask you to repeat the words that you remember a few more times. If everything is clear, let's start. Repeat should be six times, and playback should be two times.

Words must be read clearly, with a pause of 2-3 seconds. Mark all the words that the child remembers. If he named words that were not on the list, mark this too. Extra words can indicate violations not only in the development of the process of memorization, but also of attention.

Analyze the results:

  • If the number of words that the child remembered at first is greater, and then decreases, this indicates a low level of development of auditory memory and a lack of attention;
  • If the number of words is unstable, “jumps” from more to less and vice versa, then this diagnoses absent-mindedness;
  • If a child remembers the same number of words, this indicates his disinterest;

The full development of auditory memorization and normal concentration of attention of preschoolers is indicated by a gradual increase in memorized words after the second reproduction.

motor memory

There is no definite methodology for identifying the level of development of motor memorization in psychology. These may include a variety of methods, exercises and games, consisting in the need for the child to remember movements and reproduce them. For example, the game "do as I do". The essence of the game is as follows: an adult stands behind the baby and performs some movements with his body, for example, raises and lowers his arms, tilts his head or raises his leg, etc. Then the task of the child is to repeat these movements independently. For a child older than three years, you can do the exercises yourself and ask him to reproduce them after some time.

In conclusion

The problem of diagnosing memory processes is relevant to this day. Studies of the effectiveness of various methods make it possible to identify those that are closest to objectivity and are able to identify possible violations in the development of the memorization process in preschoolers. Correction in high school is a more complex process that rarely gives the desired results.

Diagnosis of visual, auditory and motor memory and their timely correction is a necessary condition for preparing a child for school.

If the development of the mental processes of children is at the proper level, education in the lower grades is easy and effective, providing preparation for more complex subjects in the upper grades, the development of logical and conceptual thinking, which provides an understanding of the natural sciences.

Diagnosis of the memory of children aged 5-6 years using the technique of mediated memorization (A. N. Leontiev, 1928).

You need to pick up 10-15 words that will be offered for children to remember, as well as a set of cards with pictures (20-30). Pictures should not be a direct illustration of memorized words. Words for





A set of cards is given in the application. Here we will only name what will be shown on the cards: bread, an apple, a wardrobe, a clock, a pencil, an airplane, a table, a bed, a sleigh, a lamp, a cow, a cat, a rake, a nest, a knife, a tree, a strawberry, a shirt, a car, a cart , moon, sofa, school building, cup, bicycle, house, notebook, lantern.

For preschoolers, words and pictures should be more specific, for younger students - more abstract.

instructions for the child:“Now I will read the words, and in order to remember better, you will choose the appropriate card with a picture that will help you remember the word I have named.”

The first word is spoken, for example, milk. In order to memorize this word, the child must choose a card with a drawing of a cow, etc.

Each word has 30 seconds to choose a card. Many children make this choice earlier. After each choice, ask the child why he made that choice.

Then you should take the child for 15 minutes with some other game.

After this time, the child is shown pictures that were chosen by him for mediated memorization.

The number of correctly named words may indicate the development of logical connections in the child in the process of memorization.

"Image memory".

This technique is designed to study figurative memory. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the subject is asked to remember 12 images within 30 seconds, which are offered in the form of a table.

The task of the subject after the table was removed is to draw or verbally express those images that he remembered the second.

The evaluation of the test results is carried out according to the number of correctly reproduced images. Norm

1 - 6 correct answers and more. The technique can be used both in individual work and in a group.

Victoria Pryadkina
The development of the memory of preschool children. Research and Development Methods

memory- is called the cognitive process, during which the memorization, preservation and subsequent reproduction by the individual of his experience, previously acquired knowledge takes place. Memory is an integral trace form of reflection. Memory underlies any mental process. Memory is one of the main forms of organization of mental life.

"Memory - these are the processes of organizing and preserving past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activity or return to the sphere of consciousness. "

Memory connects a person's past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive function underlying development and learning.

Physiological bases of memory.

Memory is based on physiological processes that occur in humans in the hemispheres of the brain. Any damage to the cortex in one way or another disrupts the possibility of developing new skills. Amnesias (memory disorders) are usually caused by disturbances in the normal functioning of the cortex.

According to Hering's theory, every stimulus leaves a physiological trace, or imprint, which underlies subsequent reproduction.

For understanding the physiological foundations of memory, IP Pavlov's teaching on conditioned reflexes is essential. In the nervous mechanisms of the conditioned reflex, in the principle of nervous closure as the basis for the formation of temporary connections, Pavlov revealed the physiological mechanism of contiguity associations, which are the essential basis of elementary forms of memory. At the same time, Pavlov's research revealed the processes that make up the physiological basis for the formation of conditionally temporary - associative - connections in all their real complexity, due to the laws discovered by Pavlov of excitation and inhibition, concentration, irradiation and induction in the activity of the cortex.

Basic memory processes

Playback- this is the imprinting in the human mind of the information received, which is a necessary condition for enriching the human experience with new knowledge and forms of behavior.

memorization- this is the activation of the previously fixed content of the psyche.

Forgetting- an active process, consisting in the loss of access to previously memorized material, in the inability to reproduce or learn what was learned.

Preservation- retention in memory of acquired knowledge for a relatively long period of time.

Forms of reproduction

Recognition- a manifestation of memory that occurs when the object is re-perceived;

Memory- which is carried out in the absence of perception of the object;

Remembrance- representing the most active form of reproduction, largely dependent on the clarity of the tasks set, on the degree of logical ordering of the information memorized and stored in the DP;

Reminiscence- delayed reproduction of previously perceived, seemingly forgotten;

Interference- assimilation of new material affects the recall of previously learned material.

eidetism- visual memory that retains a vivid image for a long time with all the details of the perceived.

Types of memory


Information is remembered by itself without special memorization, but in the course of performing activities, in the course of working on information. Strongly developed in childhood, weakens in adults.


Information is memorized purposefully with the help of special techniques.

implicit memory

memory without awareness of the subject of memorization, or unconscious memory.

Explicit memory

conscious memory.

Types of memory

1. Visual-figurative memory, which helps to remember well faces, sounds, color, shape of an object, etc.

2. Verbal-logical memory, in which information is remembered by ear.

3. Emotional memory, in which experienced feelings, emotions and events are remembered.

memory criteria

1. The object of memorization, that is, what is remembered, These are objects and phenomena, thoughts, movements, feelings. Accordingly, such types of memory are distinguished as figurative, verbal-logical, motor and emotional;

2. The degree of volitional regulation of memory. From this point of view, voluntary and involuntary memory are distinguished;

3. Duration of storage in memory. In this case, they mean short-term, long-term and operative memory.

Development of memory from 0 to 1 year

Recognition appears. At the age of four months, a baby can distinguish a familiar face from an unfamiliar one. By the age of one, a child can already remember something even if there is no similar object in front of him.

Development of the memory of a child from 1 to 2 years

A one year old child lives for today. He does not remember what happened yesterday, and is not able to imagine "tomorrow" in his imagination. All his attention is focused on what surrounds him at the moment. The kid is able to distinguish familiar objects, sounds, smells, tastes, surfaces. Based on the knowledge received from the senses, he learns to quickly recognize objects around him.

Development of the memory of a child from 2 to 3 years. Persistent explorers

During this period, the development of memory in children is very active: the child masters the connections between objects, their properties, signs and actions. For example, if the baby is interested in the subject, now it’s not enough to name it - you need to say what he does (swims, flies, rides, barks, chirps, etc.) From the age of 2, the baby remembers small rhymes well; knows some numbers, letters, geometric shapes, animals, fruits, vegetables, berries. On the way to the playground, you can describe everything you see.

Development of the memory of a child from 3 to 4 years. Novice Analysts.

At this age, the child learns to clearly distinguish the primary colors, knows the basic geometric shapes, begins to compare objects according to various characteristics: size, shape, color, quantity. And learns to select a pair according to a given attribute. Masters such concepts as "little-many", "big-small", "high-low". Can match numbers up to 3 (sometimes up to 5) with the number of fingers on the hand.

The development of the memory of a child from 4 to 5 years. Younger preschoolers.

At this age, it is already clear what “talents” the child has, what is easier for him. Weaknesses are also visible - what the child does not know or cannot understand and what you need to try to explain to him. In younger preschoolers, involuntary reproduction and memorization is the only form of memory work; even by the end of preschool age, involuntary memory remains dominant.

Development of the memory of a child from 5 to 6 years

At this age, the child breaks all memorization records. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can pass him by without remembering at least a small part of this event. An interesting feature of the mental development of a 5-year-old child is the involuntary process of "imprinting" in memory. This means that the memorization mechanisms work "by themselves", without any effort.

The main type of memory is figurative memory. It is concrete, visual, detailed images of objects, their properties, actions, that is, representations, that constitute the main content of children's memory. They are the building material that the child uses in his games, drawings, stories.

Development of memory of a child from 6 to 7 years

can remember a large amount of information. However, like other processes of nervous activity, memory is greatly influenced by the attitude (emotional perception) to the material.

children remember a lot, they read poems with pleasure, retell their favorite fairy tales, cartoon plots. However, the preservation of educational information is much more complicated and largely depends on memorization.

Memory Research Methods

Technique "Figurative memory".

Purpose: The study of short-term memory.


An image (an image, an object, a geometric figure, a symbol) is taken as a unit of memory capacity. The subject is offered, for 20 seconds. Remember the maximum number of images from the presented table. Then, within one minute, he must reproduce what he remembers.

Shape recognition technique.

Purpose: Study of the processes of perception and recognition.


The experimenter presents the subject with a table with 9 figures and offers to carefully examine and remember these figures for 10 seconds. After that, the subject is shown the second table, with a large number of figures. The subject must find among them the figures from the first table.

Methodology "Indirect memorization".

(The technique was proposed by L. S. Vygotsky and A. R. Luria, developed by A. N. Leontiev).

Purpose: Study of the level of mediated memorization, features of thinking.

Method "Memorizing 10 words."

(Method proposed by A. R. Luria)

Purpose: Evaluation of the state of memory, fatigue, activity of attention.

Method "Remember the numbers".

Purpose: Determination of the volume of short-term auditory memory of the child.

"Figures" (training of visual memory).

Children are divided into pairs. First, one in a pair lays out the matches on the table and covers them with a sheet of paper, then, raising it for 10 seconds, shows his friend the resulting figure. After looking, the second player closes his eyes and tries to count the number of matches used. Then he opens his eyes and lays out the “photographed” figure from his matches. After that, the first player raises the sheet and checks the number and correctness of the placed matches with the original. Then the players change roles. As you train, a color is added to the quantity and location to mention. You can proceed to the next exercise if the child freely holds at least 10 matches in his imagination.

"Comprehension of verbal material"(used for both visual and auditory memory training).

The purpose of this activity is to get the children to think about the words. The facilitator says: “Now I will read (show) (depending on the type of memory being trained) words, after hearing (seeing) each word, imagine the appearance of this object, its taste, smell, sounds that it can make, etc. n. For example, toothpaste looks white and shiny, with a minty smell and tastes spicy and sweet at the same time.

Paper Nest Cat Wheel Stick Wool Cart Hair Rose Handkerchief Boot Finger Lemonade Elephant Kiss Film Pancake Happiness Tear Boot Bird Bus Doctor Ice Cream

As a preliminary training, you can suggest that children first describe aloud the images evoked with the help of feelings and only after that proceed to work "only in the mind."

recognition exercise

The child is offered to memorize the objects shown in 3-4 pictures and name them from memory. Then the child must look for their image in 5-10 similar pictures, but randomly scattered. Gradually, the number of memorized pictures can be increased. The exercises described above will help children learn to organize the memorized information. To extract the same information, you need an "eye" or "thread" for which it could be pulled out. Associations are such a tool. Association is a mental process whereby certain ideas and concepts cause others to appear in the mind. Usually associations are established intuitively rather than logically, although such work itself is impossible without the ability to find similarities or differences.

"Double Stimulation of Memory".

15-20 cards are laid out in front of the child with the image of individual objects (for example, an apple, a trolleybus, a kettle, an airplane, a pen, a shirt, a car, a horse, a flag, a rooster, etc.). They say to the child: "I will now tell you a few words. Look at these pictures, choose from them the one that will help you remember each word, and put it aside. Then the first word is read. After the child puts the picture aside, the second word is read etc. Next, he must reproduce the presented words.To do this, he takes one by one the pictures set aside and with their help recalls the words that were called to him.37 An approximate set of words: "fire", "factory", "cow ", "chair", "water", "father", "jelly", "sit", "error", "kindness", etc.

Game "Who will remember more?"

Children are sequentially, one after another, shown pictures depicting various objects that they must consider and remember, and are asked to name whoever remembers what. The one who names the maximum number wins.

All materials are collected on the Internet and arranged into a presentation.




"Chelyabinsk State University"

Regional Institute of Teacher Education

and distance learning

Study of the memory of older preschool children

Course work

Completed by: 3rd year student

Correspondence department of RIPODO

specialty pedagogy and psychology

Veremyeva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Scientific adviser:

Director of the Crisis Center,

Ph.D. Chulkova Maria Alexandrovna

Tselinnoye 2009


Chapter 1. The problem of memory development in children of senior preschool age

1.1 The study of memory in older preschool children as a problem

1.2 Features of the mental development of children of older preschool age

1.2.1 Cognitive activity of older preschool children

1.2.2 Personal development of preschool children

1.3 Features of the development of memory of preschool children

Conclusions on the first chapter

2. Research part

2.1 Organization and research methods

Conclusions on the second chapter



Method #1

This technique is aimed at studying the development of figurative memory of older preschoolers.

In preparation study A, 8 cards were prepared 7.5x10 cm in size with the image of a watch, scissors, a telephone, a pencil, an airplane and a letter. A map of 63x30 cm has been prepared, divided into 24 cells measuring 7.5x10 cm.

Each image on the cards corresponds to three images on the card:

identical image,

image with detail

the image is similar only in silhouette and purpose.

The color ratios are the same.

In preparation individual testing In order to assess the reproduction of geometric shapes and images of objects, 6 cards were made 7.5x10 cm in size with the image of a car, a bird, a fish, a dog, a cat, a bed. As well as 6 cards measuring 7.5x10 cm, each of which has a geometric figure drawn: a circle, a triangle, a square, a rectangle, a star, a cross. Each shape is drawn with a colored outline, a different color applied: blue, green, red, yellow, purple and brown. Prepared 6 colored markers and sheets of paper.

To study the features of development arbitrary And involuntary memorization at preschool age, a technique from a series of experiments by P.I. Zinchenko. You must have a number of pictures: a refrigerator, a table, a chair, a stove, a cucumber, a tomato, a beetroot, a chicken, a goose, a duck, a doll, a car, a ball.

Description of the examination procedure

Method #2

The general scheme for conducting study A is as follows. The experiment was carried out individually. There was a map in front of the child, they explained to him, addressing by name:

I will show you small cards, and you remember what is drawn on them, and find the same picture on the big map.

The cards are shown to the child one at a time. Exposure time - 1 second. After each presentation, they were given the opportunity to find the same image on the map.

The general scheme for testing B is as follows. The experiment was carried out individually and consisted of 2 tests, differing from each other in the content of the memorized material.

In the first task, geometric shapes were used. The material for the experiment was located randomly, at some distance from each other. When reproducing geometric figures, the child was asked to draw them, offering paper and felt-tip pens. Exposure time 20 seconds. If the child depicted the figures in the wrong color, he was asked:

What color were the figures? Why did you take a different colored marker?

In the second test, images of objects were used. The experiment was carried out individually. Pictures for testing were placed randomly, at some distance from each other. Exposure time 20 seconds. The child was offered, addressing by name:

Look carefully at the pictures lying on the table, memorize, and then name them.

Playback time is no more than 6 seconds.

When studying involuntary memorization, children are asked to classify pictures into groups and arrange them in places conventionally marked on the table. The task of memorization is not set for children. After that, the pictures are removed from the table and they ask: “What pictures did you lay out?”, That is, the child is given the task of reproducing the material with which he worked.

When studying voluntary memorization, children were asked to memorize pictures using their classification into groups, that is, as a special memorization tool. Points are set according to the same principle as in the study of involuntary memorization.

One of the main methods was developed in 1986 by psychologists H. Breuer, M. Weuffen, which is part of the diagnostics "A short method for checking the level of development of oral speech", developed for children of the older group of kindergarten.

Processing of the results of study A was reduced to the following calculations. For the correct answer, i.e. in the event that the child showed an identical image, his memory was assessed with a maximum score of 3 points. In the event that the child showed an image that differed in detail, his memory was estimated at 2 points. In the event that the child showed an image similar only in silhouette and purpose, his memory was estimated at 1 point. For an incorrect answer, i.e. in the event that the child showed another image, his memory score is minimal - 0 points. The experimenter recorded the results in the protocol.

Theoretically, within the framework of this experiment, a child's memory can be assessed from a minimum of 0 points to a maximum of 30 points. It was accepted that with a result of 15 points or less, the child has a low level of memory; with a result of 16 points and up to 20 points in a child - an average level of memory; with a result of 21 points and above, the child has a high level of memory.

Analysis of the results showed a fairly large scatter of results. One child out of 10 showed a low level of development of figurative memory, four children showed an average level, and five children revealed a high level of development of figurative memory (see Appendix Table 1).

When processing the results of testing B, the number of reproduced material for all series of the experiment was calculated, the results are entered in the table and the final results are calculated. Testing children led to the following results.

First task. Children, when reproducing geometric figures, had the following results: 1 child drew 6 correct answers, six children had 4 to 5 correct answers, and three children were able to give only 2 or 3 correct answers each (see Appendix Table 2).

Second task. When reproducing the image of objects, the children showed the following results: six children named 6 correct answers each, and four were able to give only 5 correct answers (see Appendix Table 3).

Theoretically, according to these experiments, the memory capacity of a child can be estimated from 0 to 6 correct answers. Let's assume that the result of 3 or less correct answers during reproduction corresponds to a low amount of figurative memory; with a result of 4 and 5 - the average amount of memory; with a result of 6 correct answers - a high amount of memory. During the experiment, six-year-old children showed an average productivity when reproducing geometric shapes and a noticeably higher productivity when reproducing subject pictures.

For calculations it is possible to use computer data processing programs Microsoft Excel, Statistical. However, under these conditions, with such small amounts of data, it was possible to calculate using four operations of arithmetic.

The test protocols were workbooks with designated "blank charts" in tabular form, in which data were entered during the experiments.

See an example protocol in the appendix.

Method #2

A high score is given when the child reproduced all the pictures, an average score - when the child reproduced 8-9 pictures, a low score - when the child reproduced 5-6 pictures.

Children with a high rate of efficiency of involuntary memorization (6 children) make up 60% of the entire group, those with an average level (4 children) make up 40%, children with a low level do not have children with a high rate of efficiency of voluntary memorization (3 child), make up 30% of the entire group, those with an average level (6 children) make up 60%, those with a low level (1 child) make up 10%. Ilya showed a low result of arbitrary memorization, since in order to memorize 12 words he needed more time. The boy was very worried, he was afraid that he would not remember, he could not concentrate on memorizing the proposed words.

Based on the results of this study, we can conclude that the memory of the child is individual. For the development of memory by preschoolers, the educator and parents should help the child through games, educational activities, stories, fairy tales, theatrical performances in every possible way to promote the development of memory capacity, memory stability, memory distribution of preschool children, i.e. the mental activity of the child should not be monotonous, the child should not be idle, he must learn about the world around him, while being in close interaction with adults and peers, develop mentally and physically. Also an important role in the development of the memory of a child - a preschooler is encouragement, which gives the child positive emotions and a desire to develop further.

Conclusions on the second chapter

As a result of the experiments A, we conclude that figurative memory is sufficiently developed in children of six years of age. It should be concluded that the characteristics of memory in preschool children significantly depend on individual characteristics.

On the basis of testing B, it can be concluded that figurative memory is the predominant type of memory in children of six years of age, its productivity depends on the content of the material being memorized. Involuntary memorization predominates, and a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary memorization is also revealed. According to the results of the table, arbitrary memorization is 60%, and the efficiency of involuntary memorization is 80%. Thus, the difference is 20%, arbitrary memorization "grows and develops", the transition to arbitrary memorization begins.


In November 2009, on the basis of the preparatory group of the MDOU Kindergarten N5 of the combined type "Birch" with. Tselinny, a study was conducted in which ten children of six years of age took part.

In accordance with the tasks set, a study was conducted - to determine the level of development of figurative memory; study of the effectiveness of voluntary and involuntary memory, disclosure of the individual characteristics of figurative memory in preschool children.

The study consisted of 1. Determining the level of development of figurative memory in preschoolers and assessing the reproduction by children of geometric shapes and images of objects;

2. Study of the effectiveness of voluntary and involuntary memory of older preschoolers.

The experiment involved 10 children aged 6 to 7 years. Analysis of the results showed a fairly large scatter of results.

On the basis of the experiments carried out, the conclusion was drawn that in children of the age of six, figurative memory is the predominant type of memory, its productivity depends on the content of the memorized material and the individual characteristics of the development of memorization techniques in the child. A gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary memorization was also revealed.


Table 1. Results of studying the level of development of figurative memory

Table 2. The results of studying the amount of figurative memory in testing when reproducing geometric shapes

Child's name Age Circle Triangle Square Rectangle Star Cross Result
Anya 6,5 + + + + 4
Dima 6,8 + + + + 4
Ilya 6,1 + + + 3
Inna 6,9 + + + + + 5
Leva 6,3 + + + + 4
Matvey 6,9 + + + + + + 6
Masha 6,4 + + + + 4
Natasha 6,2 + + + 3
Pauline 6,4 + + + + 4
Edgar 6,5 + + 2

Table 3. The results of studying the volume of figurative memory in testing when reproducing images of objects

Child's name Age Car Bird Rybka Dog Cat Bed Result
Anya 6,5 + + + + + + 6
Dima 6,8 + + + + + + 6
Ilya 6,1 + + + + + 5
Inna 6,9 + + + + + + 6
Leva 6,3 + + + + + 5
Matvey 6,9 + + + + + + 6
Masha 6,4 + + + + + + 6
Natasha 6,2 + + + + + 5
Pauline 6,4 + + + + + + 6
Edgar 6,5 + + + + + 5

Example 1. Protocol for studying the level of development of figurative memory

Example 2. Prototypes of used images in the study

Images of watches, scissors, phone, pencil, airplane and writing.

Pictures of a car, a bird, a fish, a dog, a cat, and a bed

Circle, triangle, square, rectangle, star, crosslsnzH:

2. Results of studies on the effectiveness of voluntary and involuntary memory in older preschoolers.

Table 4. Study of the effectiveness of involuntary and voluntary memorization in children aged 6-7 years

IN- high score WITH- average score, H- low score.


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Internet resources

26. Official website of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University: http://www.psy.

27. Unofficial website of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University:

28. Portal "":

29.Electronic library of the portal: