Do-it-yourself children's mats for development. Children's educational rug: options and compositions, the right decisions, manufacturing. DIY touch pad for children

The developmental rug appeared in everyday life relatively recently and has already gained wide popularity: in caring for a child and raising him at an early age, he is able to replace a whole set of things and at the same time practically does not take up useful living space. Accordingly, the prices for these items are clearly overpriced, so there are more than enough people who want to make a developing mat from scratch with their own hands, especially since at home this is quite possible and does not require any significant costs.

However, if you look at the well-known manuals for the manufacture of developmental rugs, then they come down mainly to instructions on what material to take, how to cut, sew, stuff, etc. And the rest - something like "parents can show their imagination and express their individuality." My? But the rug should help the child to form a personality, while in adults it is the way it is. Then, mom, most likely, already knows how to sew, since she looks at sites for needlewomen, and not trade catalogs. In this publication, we will try, first of all, to give readers an idea which developmental rug for children in which case will be better and how to make it based on the characteristics of child psychology. Although cutting and sewing will also not be left out.

Technologically, most developmental rugs are equivalent to a quilt, although other versions are possible, see below. Actually developing elements in it are various kinds of applications, pockets, valves, voluminous soft linings. How to bring all this into a single product, see for example. Master Class:

Video master class: do-it-yourself developing rug

And we will try to figure out how to come up with a composition that is useful for the baby and entertaining for him. More precisely, what framework should be followed when fantasizing about a future home-made developmental rug.

Note: when reading further about the composition of the rug in the master class, questions may arise, which we will talk about later.

0 to 7

Let us briefly recall the main stages of development of young children. Please note that the indicated age limits are conditional; individually, they can vary significantly. So:

  • 0-6 months- reckless. Feelings are almost completely organic (“internal”, dictated by the state of the body). The foundations of vision are being formed: a clear vision (the look becomes meaningful), adaptation to illumination. Feedback from the outside world is instinctive: a cry, a smile, non-purposeful movements.
  • 0.5-1 year- the slider, learns to recognize information from the senses and dispose of it, making as yet uncertain movements. From about a year old, he will already benefit from educational toys and objects, incl. rug, giving tactile and visual sensations. Color vision is still imperfect, the blue gamut is perceived as dark and with subtle subtle shades, and red and yellow tones are excessively bright, “blazing”.
  • 1-3 years- a walker, the child learns to control the limbs and make purposeful movements. In vision, blue tones gradually gain “juice” and warm ones fade. The “rangefinder” of binocular vision is gaining accuracy, but its geometry is still distorted: objects seem huge, plump. At the age of 2-3 years, the child needs an already developing mat with game elements. The first exact feedback with the world appears - speech.
  • 3-5 years- the most important "evolutionary leap": a person begins to think, compare causes with effects, draw elementary conclusions about the causes of what is happening and forecasts for the future based on an analysis of the current situation. Motor skills, sensory organs and speech are improving, but there is no abstract thinking yet: the baby’s world is his things and the immediate surroundings, and his mother is his center. Cause-and-effect relationships are recognized as simple direct ones.
  • 5-7 years- Imaginative thinking develops. A normally developed child is already able to track 2-4 steps of cause-and-effect relationships and, accordingly, make purposeful movements from the same number of phases. Color vision is almost adult, and in all other respects the child is no longer a baby. Following the rule of ontogeny, this is a transition from primitive savagery to civilization: the child already understands that the world is not only what he directly feels, but something huge, but completely knowable, transformable and usable. The rug, perhaps, will still fit, but for some other purposes: in development, he has done his job, it's time to go to school.

Note: the rule, or principle, of ontogenesis in biology states that any living organism in its individual development (ontogeny) to some extent repeats the biological history of its evolutionary ancestors (phylogenesis). This rule is also true for humans. For example, in the initial stages of pregnancy, a human fetus has ... gills for a while. Then, while still in the womb, they disappear and are replaced by lungs.

Is he needed at all?

Teachers, pediatricians and child psychologists have not yet come to a consensus on whether a developing mat is definitely useful for a child. There is only one agreement: a developing mat for babies is beneficial only if the mother regularly and as much of the time as possible of the child’s play activity engages with him or at least carefully looks after him. Otherwise, the whole little world of the child can close on the rug, and he can grow up as an introvert, or, even worse, an autistic person who cannot organically fit into human society and adequately respond to the circumstances of life. Simply put: a rug will not replace a mother, although it can greatly ease her worries. If the mother leaves her on the rug to develop as best she can, and she winds herself somewhere, then it will only get worse.

What rug do you need

“They tore off the bear’s paw / Dropped the bear on the floor / I won’t leave him anyway / Because he is good!” Everyone knows how strongly children become attached to their favorite toys. The basis of this effect is impenetrable: the instinct of self-preservation. The loss or damage of a familiar thing, the safety, reliability and benefits of which, from the point of view of the small, have been verified, is a signal of some kind of danger. All the more terrible because it is unknown. That is why, and not because it will have to be altered, it is highly desirable to make a children's developmental rug so that it becomes a favorite from the moment the need arises for it to its retirement time - turning into a bedside or just a play mat. Reincarnation is also possible, for future new family members. Then it should be interesting to play with the youngest and the child is no longer small on the developing rug.

Successful examples of this kind of amateur creativity are shown in the photo. We will talk about the materials for them below, but for now let's pay attention to:

  1. The detailing is varied, but not too small and not very large: the little things cannot be seen properly by a slider, and very large uniform fields will not arouse sympathy for a walker if they do not seem clearly threatening;
  2. The color scheme is not flashy, the bright details are small, so that they don’t seem big in comparison with themselves. Elements of blue colors in the composition do not dominate;
  3. For the slide stage, there are many details with a variety of textures - there is every opportunity to hone your sense of touch;
  4. They also give walkers the opportunity to practice counting. Not yet consciously, but then it will be easier to understand that 1 is not 2 and not 3 and that “a lot” can be counted as much as you like;
  5. Pockets, valves, ties, fasteners - we learn to move our fingers accurately;
  6. For thought stages, zoning, implicit on the left and explicit on the right. Organizing order in our little world, we get accustomed to it ourselves.

Note: even before the stage of objective thinking, it is possible (perhaps with the help of a child psychologist) to determine what the child's temperament will be. In some cases, this is also possible for newborns, for example. using the rules of inheritance of temperament. For choleric and melancholic people, implicit zoning is preferable, and for sanguine and phlegmatic people, explicit zoning is preferable.

About materials

It is best to make a developing mat from natural fabrics, whose hypoallergenicity (inability to cause allergies) has been tested: satin (for a smooth but not slippery base), felt, calico, flannelette, denim. Wool is not good, it is an allergen. Weak, safe for adults, but the skin of children is much more sensitive. For the same reason (delicate skin) silk is not suitable, it is very easily electrified and shines with highly polarized light, see below.

Modern synthetic fabrics for children's things are not inferior to natural ones, but - only and only with acc. certificate from trusted manufacturers. If synthetics of obscure origin seem to be no worse than cotton, this does not mean anything: it can be made from cheap plastic obtained using toxic catalysts. Catalyst residues from fabric fibers can be released in amounts that are not detectable by normal laboratory analysis, but are harmful to children with prolonged exposure.

It is better to take a synthetic winterizer as a filler, it is hypoallergenic and practically does not accumulate static electricity. Furniture foam brand from 35 is not so good, it is noticeably electrified in a dry room. The most ordinary batting would be perfect - but, alas, before the first wash. As for the threads, the best option is propylene. They are durable, resistant, non-allergenic. By themselves, they are slightly electrified, but if the entire mat is antistatic, charge accumulation is not detected.

What not to

The above rules for constructing the composition of a children's rug give a wide scope for the imagination of parents, therefore, it is necessary to outline the boundaries that cannot be crossed. It is completely unacceptable to have a mirror on a developmental rug, pos. 1 in Fig., which, by the way, is a sin of many expensive products promoted in trade. It's not that the child can be afraid of his own reflection, not at all. The fact is that the direct light reflected from the mirror (and how to avoid it for sure?) Is polarized up to 100%. For a fragile visual apparatus, this is very harmful; putting a mirror is strongly discouraged in the nursery for large children.

Note: volumetric details in this sample are just an accident. There will be no harm from them.

The next gross mistake is monotonous objects for palpation, pos. 2. The tactile sense must be developed comprehensively, like the others. And at pos. 3 - too large a brilliant field of saturated blue. Why it is bad - see above.

Further on fig. there are examples of mistakes that are more or less forgivable. At pos. 4 the blue field is muted, on pos. 5 its area is relatively small. At pos. 6 the location of the cold color is generally unsuccessful, the so-called. the effect of the dominance of the top, but the pale blue tint significantly levels it. Here the main mistake is too detailed and complex composition, designed already for a fairly developed figurative thinking.

Note: to completely abandon the blue in the color of the developmental rug, of course, is also bad. The child must learn to distinguish it. Here it makes sense, in addition to choosing soft shades, to drive the blue to the center of the rug, where it will be psychologically neutral, see for example. video below.

Video: developing rug “Underwater World”

The error of the rug on pos. 7, presumably, is clear in the light of the foregoing: this is too small and devoid of a clear meaning of the detailing of the zones. How to understand these patterns to a person who thinks in terms of "baka - it hurts", "wet - bang"? Also in pos. 8: the rug is clearly for a girl, but what's the point in each sector? If children, due to still undeveloped figurative thinking, are pragmatists, then girls are doubly pragmatic. And for the most part, they stay that way for the rest of their lives. The same flaw, of unclear meaning, in position 8: zones of a suitable size are clearly expressed, but a purely childish question: why is that here? Can you explain to yours?

Correct mats

Rugs for girls

The detailing of a developing rug for a girl can be quite detailed, as, for example. in the master class at the beginning. But on condition that the whole composition is semantically transparent and oriented in a certain direction. If the range of interests of the daughter is still unclear, then the zones should be made larger, clearly defined, and the details in them should also not be smaller, on the left in Fig. Girls generally prefer round rugs; the range of interests for the future hostess is not an abstract concept. Interests for successful housekeeping require many different ones, and in this case, you need to zone the round rug with sectors, in the center. If the rug is rectangular, then in the middle there must be a free place for the mistress of this little world, on the right; in women, the desire for autarky remains for life.

Other special mats

For a fidgety child, who is always drawn to where it shouldn’t be, a rug with a soft barrier is well suited, on the left in fig. A large children's carpet can be supplemented with a separate barrier in the center. It does not have to be filled, a very low pom-pom barrier will do. How to sew a children's rug from pompons, see the video at the bottom of the section, but in the same way you can make a border on any developmental rug.

Children's educational mats with special features

The soft barrier is also psychologically soft, in contrast to the playpen fencing, and keeps the child in his legal operating zone unobtrusively. Suddenly, a beloved child intends to do Skoda on the side, something like this flashes in his firebrand: “Uh-uh ... Mmmm ... Based on the analysis of the totality of acting factors, by trivial conclusions we come to the conclusion that, in principle, unauthorized activity objectively possible, but only very likely - my mother will scold.

For girls who are very, very economic, in a good sense of the word, a rug with large deep pockets and flaps is suitable, on the right in fig. Being a kopush for the same future mistress and housekeeper is not such a sin; in life can be useful in the same way as courage for a boy.

Video: do-it-yourself pom-pom rug for a child

About car mats

Developing car mats are mostly boyish, although in modern life, knowledge of traffic rules and the ability to drive vehicles are necessary for everyone. Therefore, the narrow specialization of the mat for road traffic cannot be considered its disadvantage. After all, where does it say that there should be only one favorite toy? Or that it is impossible to sew another, general developmental one to the car mat?

If a child plays with cars on the rug alone from childhood, it is desirable to make it somewhat stylized, detailed and textured, as described above, on the left in Fig. If his driving discipline is controlled by the traffic police inspector in the form of an older brother, the detailing is more detailed and close to reality, in the center. But in any case, it is not necessary to put a traffic light at each zebra crossing, or leave all zebras without traffic lights. It is best to depict traffic lights at 1-2 crossings, on the right in the same place, so that you can understand: it is a zebra in Africa, a zebra, with or without a traffic light.

Rugs with arches

Developing rugs with arcs more than replace the playpen, without at the same time presenting explicit prohibitions in the form of its fence:

  • Virtually, but unambiguously, define the child's own space, without creating at the same time physically insurmountable obstacles; this contributes to the development of self-discipline from an early age.
  • For arcs and toys suspended from them, it is much more capable to grab, learning to walk, than for the arena barrier.
  • On a rug with arches for a child, the probability of flopping backwards with a swing (which, by the way, the playpen does not prevent) is minimal.
  • Being already a fully qualified walker, with the help of the same toys it is convenient to make sips, pos. 1 in fig.

Arcs for a homemade children's developmental rug can be made in different ways. The most durable and inexpensive are obtained from a plastic gymnastic hoop covered with padding polyester and sheathed with fabric. It is only necessary to decide how to make them collapsible, so that when the need has passed, they can be cleaned and hidden.

In industrial products of this kind, arcs are often crossed and provided with a hidden hinge, pos. 2. It is difficult to make it with your own hands, given the soft lining of the arcs, and tying the crosshair with a cord (pos. 3) or a bow is unreliable.

The easiest way is to make the arcs tangent and tighten the joint tightly with a braid or elastic band, pos. 4 and 5. If the legs of the arcs are connected with a strip of plywood 3-4 mm thick, then the tent from them will turn out to be no less durable and convenient for assembly and disassembly than a hinged tent. Connecting the legs of the arcs with plywood is also not difficult: wooden corks are driven into their ends, and a screed strip is attached to them from the underside with self-tapping screws. Next, the visible wooden parts are sanded and painted.

In cramped living conditions or, say, when the whole family goes to the country for a long time, a developing mat-bed and one arc can come in handy. In this case, her legs are placed in pockets sewn on the outside on the sidewalls. For a child to sleep, so that the relief of the rug does not press, they put a mattress.

About the rug figurines

Figures for a developing rug, as already mentioned, are sewn. Patterns of several types are given in fig. The tree, top left, is a simple application. These details are sewn onto a green flap in the form of a crown. But the hippo, so beloved by little ones, is already something like a textile cameo: it is 3-layered from patches of different colors of the same shape. In subsequent, bottom-up, flaps, windows are cut through which the previous or lower layer peeps through. The figures from the set on the right are made in one technique or another.

Material (bright cotton fabric in several colors),
- foam rubber,
- threads,
- sewing machine,
- applications,
- filler for hanging toys,
- safe baby mirror
- foam rope
- finishing materials (braid, bells, bells, rattles, teething rings, Velcro, zippers).

Instructions for sewing a developmental rug

  1. Decide on the size of the rug. It will depend on the free space (not every mother will be able to allocate an area of ​​​​2x2 m in an ordinary apartment) and content. Basically, the sizes of developing mats vary from 1x1 m to 1.5x1.5 m.

  2. Draw a sketch of the rug. It is better to immediately think over both the color scheme and complementary details. Maybe your developmental rug will be divided into developmental zones or it will be a transforming rug.

  3. Calculate how much fabric you need for the main fabric and additional details (sewn, fastened with Velcro, buttons, buttons, etc.). The underside of the rug can be made of smooth, non-marking fabric or even oilcloth. In the latter case, it will be easy to wipe it with a damp sponge. The main part of the rug should be made of natural, safe, bright and different in texture fabrics. It can be flannel, velvet, fleece, silk fabrics. It is important that the fabrics do not shed, otherwise your rug will look pale after the first wash))

  4. Choose accessories. All accessories for the development mat must meet safety requirements. It is better to take beads unpainted, they should not be fragile, because the child can try them “by the tooth”. Look for tractor plastic zippers, not metal ones. Choose larger tongues on the zipper dogs (it will be easier for small fingers to take off). It is possible that some additional details: rattles, a mirror you will have to purchase separately. All ready-made applications (even those on an adhesive basis) will need to be sewn on.

  5. Carpet filler. You can use a synthetic winterizer as a filler for a rug, but then you will have to quilt it with the main fabric (when washing, an unquilted synthetic winterizer tends to bunch up). It is easier to choose a thin foam rubber for the filler. It will keep its shape better.

  6. Open up the fabric. Baste and stitch the main parts of the upper part of the rug. Sew on the right places all the additional details. Sew securely, kids manage to tear off even what an adult cannot do, so do not skimp on the threads.

  7. Assemble the upper and lower parts of the development mat and place the synthetic winterizer (foam rubber) inside.

  8. Sew up the edge. Your rug is ready.


If you can then hang the rug on the wall or want to attach it to the crib rail, then even at the assembly stage, consider and sew loops to one side of the rug. If you want to make soft arcs on the rug for hanging toys, then you can use either halves of a children's plastic hoop or porylex pipe insulation (a material similar to foam rubber in the form of a hose) for this.

Ideas for educational elements on the rug

Clouds. It can be any white or dark fabrics in texture (fur, chintz, satin, shaggy fabric, etc.) Clouds can be attached with Velcro and obscure the sun. Clouds can have a pocket from which you can take out rain trickles (threads with beads or sparkles). Cellophane rustling bags can be sewn inside the clouds.

Sun. From any bright fabric, trimmed with fringe or satin ribbons. Rays can be Velcro, can be sewn on or equipped with buttons.

Rainbow.It is easy to organize a rainbow by sewing multi-colored satin ribbons in a row.

House.Drawstring door. Inside there is a pocket where you can put figures of characters (Masha, bear, bunny, fox, cockerel, etc.).

locomotive(ship, etc.). It is fastened on a loop to the braid and moves along it. It can also accommodate passengers.

Trees(palm trees, apple trees, Christmas trees, etc.). There may be removable leaves or fruits (apples, cones, nuts). You can make several different trees and teach the child to relate the tree to the fruit. Mushrooms, forest dwellers, gnomes or woodsmen can hide under the trees (whatever you like, it all depends on your imagination).

Flower.The stalk is usually sewn on, but the petals are attached at one end (according to the principle of chamomile). The center of the flower can be a pocket in which a bee (butterfly, caterpillar, beetle, etc.) “lives” on an elastic band.

Garden(beds). The beds can be made from braid, on which vegetables can be attached (a bed with carrots, a bed with cabbage, onions, etc.) or in the form of pockets.

Lake(any body of water).

For very young children, you can sew on a thick transparent film, behind which flat parts (fish, pebbles, snails) will be placed. Small flat pieces are not easy to move, and that is the basis of the game - to move the fish or the snail or the seahorse.

You can come up with any plots for your rug and use your creative imagination to create something really original and unique.
Such a rug will be remembered not only by you, but will also be your child's favorite toy.

Oh, and rug options.

Modern parents begin to engage in the development of the child literally from the first days of his life. Pediatricians and psychologists recommend paying special attention to fine motor skills, as it is directly related to the formation of speech. Toy manufacturers have long picked up this idea and brought it to life, releasing numerous educational toys. But many of them can be made by hand.

Why you need to develop fine motor skills

Many people know about the need to develop fine motor skills in children from an early age. However, not everyone understands why this is necessary and what such classes are.

Fine motor skills is the ability to perform precise actions with the hands and fingers. It is coordinated by the work of the nervous, muscular, bone and visual systems. Its development begins in the first months of a child's life with looking at his own fingers and pens. Then the baby gradually learns to master them by taking toys. Motor skills have a positive effect on manual dexterity, the formation of a student's future handwriting, and reaction speed.

It has been established that the level of development of a child's speech directly depends on the degree of formation of finger movements. In the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and motor skills are located side by side. Thus, when one area is stimulated, the other is also activated.

DIY toys for the development of fine motor skills in children

Shelves of children's stores offer a wide range of educational aids. It's no secret that their cost is quite high. It will not be difficult for interested mothers to make toys for fine motor skills with their own hands. And the main thing will be uniqueness - after all, they will be executed with great tenderness.

sensory pouches

Sewing sensory pouches with your own hands is not difficult at all. You will need a dense fabric of different colors and textures and a filler, which can be used as:

  • pasta (spirals, shells, bows, tubes);
  • cereals (millet, buckwheat, barley, rice, oats);
  • flour and starch;
  • legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, beans, corn);
  • sweets;
  • nuts;
  • natural materials (acorns, chestnuts, shells, pebbles);
  • erasers of various shapes;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • buttons and beads.

Safety regulations

Natural materials must be washed and dried thoroughly before use, and toys with food products must be stored in a dry place - pasta and cereals are afraid of moisture. The bags must be sewn or tied in such a way that the baby cannot, under any circumstances, get their contents.

Video: how to make do-it-yourself sensory pads

Photo gallery: homemade sensory pouches

These bags are easy to make yourself even without a sewing machine. The filler can be put not only in the fabric: dense balloons are suitable for this Tactile perception can be developed not only with the help of filler, but also using fabrics of different textures Bags can be of different colors and sizes.

sensory cube

Such a toy is a cube, on the sides of which there are three-dimensional objects of different shapes and shades or applications made of various materials.

How to make a cube for the development of fine motor skills

In order to make a sensory cube with your own hands, you will need:

  • small pieces of fabric of different textures and colors;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber as a filler;
  • interlining;
  • decorative elements (buttons, ribbons, ropes, rings, fabric remnants, thermal stickers);
  • threads;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

From shreds of fabric (it can be cotton, silk, velvet and others), you need to cut 6 squares with the same size edges.

From interlining, you need to cut out squares with a side 1–1.5 cm smaller than from fabric. Non-woven blanks are superimposed on fabric blanks and ironed - both parts will stick together, get a rigid structure and keep their shape well.

Each square is designed in accordance with the idea: it can be figures of animals and birds, geometric shapes made of fur or felt, thermal stickers, buttons, locks and much more.

When the design is completed, you need to sew 4 squares in one strip.

The two remaining blanks are sewn to one of the squares above and below.

The seams are made along the contour of the non-woven edges, after which they are fixed. Further, the development is sewn together in such a way that a cube is obtained.

On the last edge in the corner, you need to leave a small hole and carefully turn the cube through it. The toy is filled with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer and stitched with a hidden seam. Together with the filler, rustling paper or a bell can also be placed in the cube.

Video: how to make a developing cube with your own hands

Tactile cushion

Sensory (tactile) pillows are suitable for babies from 2-3 months to 3 years. It all depends on the set of those elements that are placed on it. For the little ones, a small amount of simple materials is suitable. Before giving such a toy to a child, you need to make sure that all the elements are firmly fixed: if the baby pulls one of them into his mouth, he should not come off.

For children from 1 year old, you can pick up and sew on more diverse and complex educational items: zippers, buttons, laces, Velcro, bows and ropes that can be tied and pulled. You can make such a toy using a ready-made pillow and sewing a pillowcase with decorative elements for it.

Photo gallery: sensory pillows of different shapes

This pillow is suitable for babies from 2-3 months. For the image on each of the squares, you can use a fabric of a different texture This pillow is suitable for children from 1 year old. It presents more complex elements: buttons, ribbons, bows, Velcro, lock Such a turtle has several faces, each of which has different developmental elements: a carabiner, lacing, buttons. It is suitable for children from two years old.

Do-it-yourself pillow for the development of fine motor skills

You can sew such a pillow at home.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • fabric - green (53 × 30 cm) and blue (83 × 20 cm);
  • interlining (53 × 50 cm);
  • fabric for the back side (50 × 55 cm);
  • felt of different colors and floss threads to match;
  • zipper 50 cm long;
  • Velcro, buttons, braid, ribbons, hat elastic;
  • drawing paper, paper, pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads, needles and pins for sewing;
  • pillow 45×50 cm.

Before you start sewing, you need to make a full-size sketch of the future pillow. You can use stencils for this.

The blue fabric is cut into two strips (the first is 30 × 20 cm for the pocket, the second is 53 × 20 cm for the base). A piece of green fabric and a blue flap prepared for the base are duplicated in size by non-woven fabric. The cutout for the pocket folds in half.

The sun is connected from yellow felt and ribbons: a circle with a diameter of 10 cm and 7-8 strips of 10 cm in length each.

A felt sun with folded beams-ribbons is fastened with pins to a blue fabric prepared for a pocket.

Details are sewn on a sewing machine or by hand with small, neat stitches.

The elements of the main part (blue and green) and the pocket are connected together.

The basis of green fabric is located below, of blue - on top. A pocket with the sun is applied to the upper left corner

Then the base and non-woven substrates are connected with pins, after which they are sewn together.

Elements from the drawn sketch are cut out of felt.

"Felt waves" are interconnected. For each fish you need two parts (you can use different colors) and an elastic band 10–15 cm long

Elastic bands with knots tied at the ends are placed between the elements of the fish and sewn together. The waves are laid out on the base (departing from the edges 1–1.5 cm for seam allowances).

Multi-colored fish are placed between the waves and fixed. Elements of the river are sewn first at the bottom, then around the entire perimeter.

The next element is a tree. For each of them, you need two crown blanks, one trunk and several apples or pears. The parts are sewn together, while the fruit is located inside between the two crowns, and the trunk remains on top.

The blank for the railway is made of gray felt. Its size is 53x5 cm.

The railroad is placed on a green clearing that already has a river and trees.

For the manufacture of a steam locomotive and a trailer, you will also need two elements each. Facial details are made using felt of different colors (wheels, windows, pipe). Details are sewn on top. A small button is attached to the rear edge of the train, and a small ribbon loop is attached to the trailer. A ribbon 50 cm long is threaded through the unsewn edge, at the ends of which knots are tied. The structure is located on the railway and fixed.

Clouds are made from blue felt - also two elements each. Through them, as through a train, a braid is passed, the ends of which are sewn to the blue part of the base.

Flowers are cut out of felt of different colors, for the middle of which Velcro is used, and placed on a green meadow next to the river. The seam is made along the edge of the Velcro, and the petals remain free.

Following the example of fish, a butterfly and a bee are made. Velcro is sewn on the reverse side of each figurine - so insects can sit on flowers.

A lock is sewn into the middle of the piece of fabric that was chosen for the back of the pillowcase.

The front and back of the pillowcase are folded right sides in and sewn around the perimeter, leaving a seam allowance (1-1.5 cm on each side).

If desired, you can make figurines of animals that will ride on the train. Their faces can be drawn with a marker.

The pillowcase is ready. The kid can play with her, placing the animals in the trailer, rolling the train along the rails, planting insects on flowers, looking for fruits on the trees.


Effectively promotes the development of the motor ability of the fingers modeling. Plasticine, which all parents have known since childhood, is dangerous to give to a one-year-old baby, because he tastes everything. The usual dough comes to the rescue. It can be prepared independently from safe ingredients.

Modeling dough recipe

For it, you will need finely ground salt and water (one part each), flour (2 parts).

  1. Combine salt and flour in a deep bowl, add water.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Knead the mass to the consistency of soft plasticine.

If after cooking the dough sticks to your hands, you can add salt and flour to it (observing the proportion). In case of getting a crumbly texture, it is enough to increase the amount of water.
If the baby loves to sculpt, you can immediately make a lot of dough. You need to store it in the refrigerator, pinching off the “working” pieces as needed. But such material should not be stored for a long time - over time, the dough loses its elasticity. For older children, you can add food coloring during cooking. After drying, the figures from the dough become hard and durable. They can be colored and used for games.

Photo gallery: do-it-yourself dough figures

You can make such a basket together with your baby - this is an exciting, creative and useful activity.
From the dough you can mold figures of your child's favorite animals Dried crafts can be painted with acrylic paints From the figures you can make whole pictures and use them to decorate a children's room

Collapsible elements

Very well develops motor skills game with small details.

felt coats

All large details on such samples (pockets, sleeves and even a collar) are removable. The child himself will be able to create interesting models by combining colors. These toys are suitable for kids from two years old.

Math strings

When the baby begins to show interest in numbers, you can offer him mathematical strings. They not only develop fine motor skills well, but also help to learn counting.

Video: didactic games with furs


Such devices are great for improving the motor activity of fingers and pens. After all, a multi-colored rope must not only be taken - it must fall into a small hole.

Simple lacing can be made from any safe surface: a wooden plank, a plastic cover, or ordinary thick cardboard. On them, using a screwdriver heated on a candle or an awl, you need to randomly make holes with a diameter of 5 mm.

An even easier way to keep your child busy with lacing is to use a colander.

More complex laces can be made in any shape. This will take a little more time, imagination and material.


Sorters, in addition to fine motor skills, allow you to develop perseverance, attentiveness and quick wit in your baby. Making them yourself is also possible, although a little more difficult than lacing or math shoelaces.

For the sorter, you will need a cardboard box and several small toys of various shapes. On one side of the box, you need to cut holes that match the shapes of the selected items, only a little larger.

Photo gallery: do-it-yourself sorters

Round holes are cut slightly larger than plastic caps.
Such an original large sorter is suitable for babies who already know how to walk. For the simplest version of a homemade sorter, you will need a box and cardboard blanks

Developing stands - universal didactic devices

The developing stand can combine elements of all the described objects and games.

To make such a board, you can attach to a sheet of fiberboard or an unnecessary countertop any items that are found in the house:

  • latches,
  • locks,
  • sockets with plugs attached to them,
  • switches of different sizes and shapes,
  • door hooks,
  • bolts,
  • clothes hooks,
  • old rotary phone
  • bell on a string
  • glockenspiel.

Over time, existing items can be changed to new ones, while maintaining the child's interest in the game.

Educational books

Educational books are great fun for kids of any age, from the moment when the child can sit up on his own.

You can make a book based on your kid's favorite fairy tale

Video: handmade educational books

Foot massage mat

Fine motor skills are the development of not only hands, but also toes. Orthopedists talk about the positive effect of walking a child barefoot on different surfaces. In the summer it is easier to do this - you can walk on sand, grass, pebbles. And in other seasons, miracle rugs will come in handy: small flat pebbles, plastic bottle caps, buttons and much more are sewn or glued onto a dense fabric.

Photo gallery: homemade massage mats

This rug combines materials that give different sensations to children's feet.
The pebbles are glued to the carpet base You can make a massage mat from many materials, including plastic covers.

The development of fine motor skills in a child is possible without expensive store toys. There are always many items in the house that are interesting for children. Joint family creativity gives an amazing feeling of closeness, and even more pleasing is the delight and success of the child.

So let's get started.

The dimensions of the rug are 1m by 1m.
1. Required materials:
- base fabric with a children's pattern. Coarse calico, 2 m
- plastic hoop, 90 cm in diameter
- plain fabric, 4 colors (let's call it the background), 30 cm each. The ideal option is raincoat fabric on fleece.
- synthetic winterizer 1.5 m
- Velcro tape (Velcro) white and black
- laces, rubber bands, ribbons, fabrics of different textures, etc.
- rustling candy wrappers :))))

2. Cutting the fabric- base and plain fabrics.

Those. we get:

Two pieces of base fabric: 1m by 1m and 63cm by 63cm

Two pieces of plain fabrics 21.5 cm per 1 m
- two pieces of plain fabrics 21.5 cm by 63 cm

The remains of plain fabrics are used for tailoring developmental elements.
Such cutting is the most convenient in terms of assembling the rug, so in this master class we will consider it. I make allowances with a good margin - as much as one and a half cm, just in case.

3. We sew developing elements on the background.
There are several rules here (we focus on the age of 3-5 months):
- large
- contrast
- It's clear
- safe and secure
- ban on small details
Do not puff and overload the mat with developmental toys, a child at this age will not appreciate this. It is also better to save all sorts of locks, zippers, etc. for a later age.

We take into account that children love to pull the laces, pull the rustling leaves, ears, wings, open and close, find what is not immediately visible, touch different textures. We do not forget that what we depict will need to be called to the child, to tell something.
Here, for example: House. There are flowers on the window, clothes are drying on a rope nearby (we call it with a grown child).

We open the rustling door (fastening - Velcro) ... And it turns out that a girl lives in the house! I like to make my eyes out of black velcro, the half that is soft. I just cut it out and sew it on by hand. I sewed the second half of Velcro on my palms - with hooks, so you can play your favorite children's game "cuckoo" with your palms. The girl's arms are one string: you pull one hand, the other becomes shorter. Hair is tightly sewn yarn.

And the girl can also giggle at the frog, which catches butterflies with a net))))).

And so on. Other examples of developing elements can be found in my posts about rugs: and

4. We collect the front part of the rug from the pieces.

First, sew short pieces to the central part. An allowance of exactly 1.5 cm must be maintained! Now sew on long pieces. Same with allowance.

All developing elements should be directed to the center so that the child can, turning and turning, choose for himself what he is interested in or crawl from one element to another. The central part, in fact, is needed for this, in order to lie and crawl comfortably, so we do not attach anything here!

Approximately what should happen at the end of this stage:

5. Making arcs.

We saw off two arcs 125 cm and 132 cm long from the hoop.

We cut off the synthetic winterizer - two cuts of 1.5 m in length and approximately along the girth of the arc (with a margin) in width, i.e. about 10-15 cm. Accuracy is not important here.

Now we need to wrap the arcs with this padding polyester. Wrap and fasten well with threads:

Here is what should be the result:

Now we sheathe the arcs with fabric.

Hoops are thin and thick, so I can’t give the exact dimensions of the parts. We wrap the resulting arc with a centimeter tape (not tight) and add allowances. This will be our width of the cut of the fabric, we take a length of 1.5 m - we will cut off the excess on the spot. We cut off, of course, two of these))).

We fold the fabric with the right side inward, sew it on, sewing loops and ties along the way, if necessary. Below I will write how to sew a tricky thing, thanks to which these ties are not needed. We turn it out, insert the arcs there. And let's put it aside for now.

6. We sew the rug, we quilt it with a padding polyester.

Until we turn out. We cut off the synthetic winterizer 1m by 1m, put it on top. We grab it in the corners and in the middle of the sides to the rug. Now he will not move anywhere and go astray.

We twist. We sew up.

We quilt along the lines of connection of fabrics and somewhere else, if we are not too lazy))). The main thing is to pre-baste, because when sewing, the synthetic winterizer will completely take the fabric to the side.

7. Fastening arcs to the rug.

Of all the options that I considered, I liked this one. The arcs are threaded through the holes and fastened on the inside with a wide Velcro. Firstly, it is fast (and when a baby cries, minutes count), and secondly, it is reliable - it has been tested by several months of daily use.

So. we make four cuts (through) in four corners - not far from the junctions of the background and the central part. And we sew as best we can))). I used bias tape.

We sew on the reverse side of the Velcro - near the cut, closer to the outer corner.

We sew the second halves of the Velcro to the arcs, after cutting off the excess and bending it. Velcro should be located on the front surface, i.e. the center seam of the arc will be at the back. In general, try on seven times before you start sewing.

We insert arcs crosswise. We sew fasteners for arcs to the lower arc (the one that is shorter) in the middle. I like to use a thick webbing and Velcro. Here's what happens:

They know how multifaceted a children's rug can be. With your own hands you can make a massage, floor, developing, sensory, playful, bedside, "puzzle", stylish rug.

Round woven rugs

For most people, the mat performs only one function - to protect their feet from cold linoleum, tiles, and floors. Therefore, craftswomen knit, weave, sew rectangular ones, from different materials, taking into account their location.

There are warm woolen rugs by the bed. One of the options for their creation is weaving. To do this, cut the old knitted things into wide identical strips so that you can then process the edges by folding the pieces along the long side. Divide the flaps into three piles to sew three ribbons.

Now you sew the top of the strips, start weaving the braid to the end. Then fold it in a spiral, stitching the sides together. And in order for the rug to last longer, sew a dense fabric to the wrong side (as for furniture upholstery).

You can also make children's floor (cotton, chintz, jeans, terry towels), just sort the fabric by texture. Fringe can be sewn to the edges.

From fabric

Old jeans make good rugs, using a variety of parts (pockets, thick fabric, like on a belt, the jeans themselves, labels). But it will take a lot of time to get the right amount of these elements, so take the remaining fabric, cut it into narrow strips (about 2-2.5 centimeters wide).

Sew roses from the stripes. The principle is the same as in the manufacture of satin flowers. Twist the edge of the fabric with a tube, then, twisting and turning the tape, form a petal, fixing it with threads. Sew the prepared roses to the basis of the carpet (maybe also from jeans). It turns out a dense flower rug.

But fabric can also be patterned rugs. Just cut the cover base and plot applications. It can be fairy-tale favorite characters or an arbitrary, for example, marine theme. Then sew the applications to the fabric base. If you need a dense coating, then sew its upper part with the lining filler and the wrong side of the mat.

Do-it-yourself developing children's rug: master class

The developing rug differs from the previous “pictorial” coating in removable, multifunctional, educational orientation. Depending on the age of the child, his interests, the product will have one or another plot. The advantage of such rugs is that applications that are boring to the child can be replaced with new elements.

To make developing children's rugs with toys for a baby, you will need fabric, synthetic winterizer, hoop, fasteners, and other accessories. First, cut out the outer and inner parts of the rug, the padding lining (so many layers to be soft for the child) by the meter.

Next, sew different pieces of colored fabric to the “face” of the rug. For example, four rectangles 21.5 cm wide, 63 cm long and 100 cm long, a square with a side of 63 cm. In this case, place applications only on rectangles. Sew all layers of the carpet.

Make two arcs from the hoop, wrap it with padding polyester, insert it into sewn fabric “bags”. With the help of fasteners, the crossed arches stand steadily even with hanging rattles.

Developing rug for younger preschoolers

Baby rugs with toys are also good for preschoolers. The cover is sewn without arcs, which simplifies the sewing process. The rug can be divided into sections that are connected by one plot or arranged randomly. For example, it may have the following sectors:

  • an apple with diagonal rings: if you pull on them, the worm peeks out or hides;
  • a fence with buttons, where the crossbars are designed for weaving;
  • a pond with lightning, from where a fish can be pulled out by a rope;
  • a house with a closed door (with Velcro), behind which the mouse is hiding;
  • flower-seven-flower, which has petals with different fillers;
  • a truck with buttons on the wheels and a load (geometric shapes) on strings;
  • mitten with a belt for the development of the sensory sphere;
  • pockets with buttons, where parts of the house and Christmas trees are located, which need to be stuck on Velcro from below.

The rug can be sewn in one piece. For example, make the plot of your favorite fairy tale with removable voluminous applications using all kinds of fabrics, fillings, fasteners.

Do-it-yourself massage children's rug

For children, massage covers are simply necessary. The easiest option is to make a path out of squares with different surfaces:

  • plastic lids upside down;
  • corks from wine bottles (both whole and cut to length);
  • flat large pebbles;
  • glass stones "Marbles" (available in flower or needlework departments);
  • smooth planks;
  • buttons;
  • plastic grills for the sink;
  • plastic tubes;
  • pencils or from felt-tip pens a case lined with a ladder;
  • rubber balls, wooden;
  • artificial grass;
  • a very soft rug with long fibers (available in the house cleaning department);
  • fabric pockets with cereals, salt, legumes, chestnuts, acorns;
  • pompoms from different yarns, polyethylene;
  • rope, ropes lined with a snake, a geometric figure;
  • traces of feet and hands from linoleum, plastic, rubber rugs.

Please note that chestnuts, acorns need to be washed, dried in the oven, otherwise they will mold, give off an unpleasant odor. Natural material, like cereals, is best placed in removable pockets or zippers.

Another option

You can sew a multifunctional large children's rug with a massage and development bias. The coverage can be made thematic: seasons, overcoming obstacles, mathematics, a fairy tale ... At the same time, first think over the tasks, their image, material.

For example, a math carpet has the following tasks:

  • geometric shapes from "Marbles" stones, pebbles, lids, corks;
  • large, small, wide, narrow, short, long figures;
  • forms by color from colored caps;
  • an account of daisies with a different number of petals, fabric ones with a different number of spots;
  • figures lined with ropes.

The material is best done on one square (30 x 30 cm) with fastening (velcro, buttons, buttons). That is, if you need to fix the color and shape, you construct a geometric field from the details. Of course, this is laborious work, but you can supplement the rug with new tasks. Such small squares can be used for hand massage, supplementing them with removable "sensory" applications.

Thread rugs

You can also make a children's one. For this, you need yarn, fabric, a tool, unlimited patience. Using cardboard blanks, forks, make dense pompoms of different sizes (for rigidity, do not spare the threads). You need a lot of them (do not cut off the ends of the pompoms).

Next, cut a circle on the grid, process the edges. Crochet the ends of the balls through the holes in the mesh, tie in a knot. Keep the pom-poms close to each other. Then sew the mesh with pompons to a dense fabric. The first rug is ready.

The second option is simpler in execution, but also laborious. Crochet a piece of thread into each hole in the mesh, tighten it like a fringe. So you can lay out any pattern. At the final stage, sew the mesh with a dense fabric.

The third version of the rug made of threads is especially painstaking. Wind the yarn tightly on cardboard blanks (the width of the cardboard corresponds to the length of the pile of the mat). Sew the winding from one edge with a needle and thread, cut it from the other (remove the cardboard). Pass the resulting fringe in the center with a typewriter. So you make new rows, sewing them tightly to each other.

Volumetric models

How to sew a rug in a short period of time so that it is comfortable to lie or play on it? Just take the fabric, filler, zippers, sewing machine. First, cut the material to the size of the rug. It is better to take a dense waterproof fabric for the bottom.

For example, cut out two long rectangles. Three sides were stitched from the wrong side, turned inside out. Now with soap on the long side, mark five sectors, sew. It turned out a bag of five sectors. Sew a zipper into each department, stuff with padding polyester. The first rug is ready.

If you are not deprived of time, then sew a rug from balls. Cut out the same circles from the fabric, bait them, put a synthetic winterizer, tighten the thread. Lay out the balloon pattern. Measure the dimensions of the rug, cut the fabric under the base. Sew on the balls, processing the edges of the cover.

For knitters, there is a fashionable and time-consuming option. Tie a fillet net. Draw its dimensions on the sheet, draw a pattern in the cells. Then enter a hook of a certain color and knit double crochets according to the pattern.

"Gift" covers

Children's floor mats can be a wonderful gift, just need to choose a non-standard plot.

  • Developing hippo mat for babies. The child sees a hippopotamus on the floor, can study parts of the muzzle and body (the head is convex), develop sensory perception through a variety of fillers, applications.
  • Stylish autumn rug for girls. Sew up the base of the cover with multi-colored leaves (felt or woolen).
  • Summer mat. The idea is the same as the previous cover, only the fabric (base) is sewn up with pansies.
  • Puzzle mat with removable appliqués inspired by logic games.
  • Glowing in the dark. Tie a closed LED strip with a rope using a hook, tie it in a circle, leaving the end for connecting to the power supply.
  • Theatrical mat illustrating the plot of your favorite fairy tale. In this version, the applications are large, without a background. For example, a rug with a fox, a hare in a forest clearing suggests applications of animals, hemp, trees, flowers, bushes, grass.

Puzzle flooring

The puzzle mat decorates the interior, develops motor skills, logic, imagination in children and brightens up family evenings. It is a set of huge elements.

There are several coverage options:

  • flat puzzles from old carpet, purchased rubber mats;
  • voluminous parts made of fabric, filled with padding polyester;
  • puzzles in the form of animals;
  • elements with applications that are on different parts.

The fastening of such rugs is also different:

  • puzzles are attached due to their shape (convex and concave parts);
  • connection of elements due to adhesive tape;
  • fastening with buttons;
  • parts are connected with buttons.

To make a "puzzle" cover, cut out a full-size carpet shape from cardboard. Draw patterns with notches and raised details. Cut them out. For each puzzle, you make two patterns (front and back). You also cut the same sidewall strips, due to which volume is created. Sew the puzzle details to the side blank, fill with padding polyester, sew to the end. So sew all the details.

Do not rush to buy an expensive baby rug. With your own hands, you can make any coating. For babies, you can only purchase arcs if your spouse cannot help, and sew the rug itself better than the store. And with an adult child, you can choose a design and make a cover together. Take your time, as such a rug can please more than one generation.