Sports holiday health day at school. Health day at school. Campaign “Bright sun for healthy children!”

Active life, movement is the key to good health. Human health, his physical, mental state is 50% dependent on how a person lives. Therefore, it is necessary to form the right attitude towards health from childhood. If a student learns to value his health, to understand the importance of an active lifestyle, then he has a great chance to save his health in adulthood. In order to teach schoolchildren to set priorities correctly, to treat health correctly, health days are held in educational institutions.

One of the consequences of physical inactivity (decrease in the level of activity) is an increase in the level of diseases among schoolchildren. That is why the question of how to introduce schoolchildren to an active way of life is relevant and important for the education system as a whole.

In order to promote technologies for maintaining health, Health Days are held in schools.
This sports festival is mainly timed to coincide with World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7th. On this day in 1948, the WHO was founded.

The main tasks to be solved by the ongoing activities:

  • development, increasing interest in sports competitions, physical education lessons,
  • identifying the best athletes who can compete for the school in various competitions,
  • introduction to new sports
  • raising the self-esteem of students, their confidence in their abilities,
  • carrying out health-improving measures in order to increase the level of body resistance to diseases,
  • increasing interest in the principles of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Physical education teachers, deputy director, teacher-organizer, class teachers are involved in organizing and holding the Day of Health, developing a scenario, preparing sports competitions.

On the holiday of health, sports competitions between classes, relay races, performances in certain sports, and hiking trips are held at the school.

Health day video

School health day action plan

Before holding a school holiday, it is necessary to prepare a program, lay down a plan of ongoing activities. The program, the scenario of the Day of Health is formed by physical education teachers, discussed with the head teacher for educational work, approved by the director of the institution.

Students from all grades are encouraged to participate in the activities. Those students who have no medical contraindications participate in sports competitions.
As part of the Health Day at school, schoolchildren take part in the following activities:

Action Plan for Health Day

School health day name

Every year, many different holidays take place within the school walls, which are associated with the process of teaching children at school. The most fun, active, sporting, mischievous event is the sports festival.

Sports holidays that are held at school often have their own separate names:

In addition to Health Day, many sports holidays are held at the school. Indicative list of sports competitions by month at school

School health day motto

World Health Day is held annually under a specific theme. Health Day is a chance, an opportunity to mobilize forces to fight a specific health problem.

A sports festival, which is held in a school institution, always has its own main motto, under which all events take place. The motto determines the main theme, the main idea, the direction of activity.

Therefore, the motto should be concise, specific, understandable for all participants of the sporting event.

Variants of slogans, mottos under which Health Days can be held:

  • “We need sports, we are friends with our health”,
  • "Health for all"
  • "Health is the way to success"
  • "I, you, he, she - we are a healthy country",
  • "My choice is health."

Since Health Day is, first of all, a sports holiday, sports competitions will be held within the walls of the school on this day.

Competitions always involve contests between teams. Therefore, teams need to prepare their mottos:

Wall newspaper health day at school

A wall newspaper is a separate type of creativity, with the help of which its authors realize their understanding of a particular topic. Such newspapers are made by schoolchildren on their own and reflect their point of view on a given problem. The release of wall newspapers is tied to specific holidays.

When preparing wall newspapers, it must be remembered that they must be informative, colorful, complemented by bright, well-aimed illustrations.

In the wall newspapers, which are timed to the Day of Health, issues of health, disease prevention are considered, recommendations are given regarding the correct, responsible attitude to an active lifestyle.

You can create wall newspapers in various ways:

More options for wall newspapers

school health day poster

The difference between a poster and a wall newspaper is that it is more compact.

A poster is a large, colorful image that can be supplemented with brief information. It can be informational, instructive-methodical, propaganda character.

The poster must be such that it can be seen from a distance. It should be well received and understandable.

Examples of posters for Health Day

Chants for health day at school

Chants are short, funny, poetic lines. Most often, such short lines are used by fans to support their teams.

Shouts for charging

For schoolchildren who take part in sports, the support of the fans is always important. With their chants, fans can support their own, inspire them with confidence, revive the game.

Examples of chants

Games for health day at school

Sports games help to relax, recharge with positive, cheerful mood. Such games are included in the process of holding sports events in order to add emotional coloring and diversify the holiday.

Round the world game

The game as one of the quest options. There are many points here that each team must pass. At each new point, participants receive a certain test of a sporting nature.

It can be:

  • jump rope,
  • push ups,
  • running with obstacles,
  • squats.

For a correctly completed task, the team scores points.

Game "Five dots"

A team of players must go from start to finish as a whole group. The task is that everyone moves together, having five points of contact with the ground (for example: two walk with their feet, they have one more participant on their shoulders, another one jumps on one leg and holds on to someone from the team).

Rope game

A variant of the classic tug-of-war competition. The nuance of the game is that the participants pull, turning their backs to their rivals.

The game "Ball-guide"

All players receive balls of different colors. They line up at the start. Everyone inflates their balloon to any size. Then, at the whistle of the leader, the players release their balls. Everyone must go to the place where his ball fell. The task is to inflate and release your balloon to go to the finish line. The competition is fun, because the balls have a habit of flying in different directions, so getting to the finish line is not an easy task.

The game "Colored balls"

Two teams take part. They get one ball each. One player from each team starts. They exchange balls, that is, they give their ball into the hands of an opponent. After the referee's signal, the participants throw the opponent's ball, trying to throw it as far as possible. At the same time, they must run and take their ball and bring it back. Whoever does it the fastest gets a ball. Then the next pair of players starts.

Songs for school health day

Songs-alterations will always enrich the competition, help you get distracted, get a positive attitude.
Songs-alterations for Health Day

Competitions for health day at school

Cheerful sports competitions on Health Day fulfill their main task - to develop, raise the interest of schoolchildren in sports. Such competitions can be varied: from simple speed sports to a combination of different sports in one competition.

Variants of the original contests

Competition "Checkers fight"

Teams are participating. The players of each team take turns trying to hit the basket with a basketball. If the player hit, then he makes a move with a checker on the checkerboard. While the player rearranges the checker, the other participants continue to throw. The opposing team does the same at the other end of the field. Play until the checker crosses the field.

Competition "Go through the bumps"

The player's task is to go through the swamp along the bumps that he makes himself, rearranging the wooden plank. Having reached the circle that lies at the end of the hall, the player puts a board in it, takes the key and jumps back on the rope. The second member of the team begins to jump to the circle on the rope. And then he changes it to a plank. The team whose members completed the task first receive points.

Competition "Racket and ball"

The player receives a tennis racket, on which he must, overcoming skittles, move the tennis ball. Running to the end of the hall, the player puts down the racket, does a few squats. Then he takes the racket again and carries it to the team, passing it to the next participant.

Contest "Crossing with hoops"

The first member of the team receives several rings in their hands. He puts one ring in front of him on the floor, jumps into it. Then, at arm's length, he puts the next ring, jumps into it again. So the first player must reach the end of the hall. The rest of the players just jump from ring to ring. The last player must collect all the hoops behind him.

School health day pictures

Pictures that reflect everything related to health will be a great reminder of Health Day.

Such postcards-pictures can be sent to loved ones with health wishes.

Scenario sports holiday day of health at school

Each event, in order to be successful, must have a script developed. When adding up the Health Day scenario, it is necessary to take into account the age group for which it is designed.

Options for competitions for children of different ages should be selected separately. In addition, tasks should be not only sports, but also creative in nature in order to contribute to the development of the abilities of schoolchildren.

Health Day scenario for middle school students (5th-8th)

The host must remember that the conditions of the competition should be called before each individual competition. So that later there are no questions to refereeing, balls must be called for a separate task immediately after its completion.

After reading the greeting, the presenter introduces the jury to those present.
After the presentation of the jury, the teams are given the right to make their speech-welcome. Teams name their mottos, show emblems, introduce team members.

The host sums up the results, calls the judges' balls.
Pupils read poems about health

After the words of the leader, the students, under the command of the physical education teacher, do exercises.

Host: And now we continue our holiday. It doesn't matter who gets ahead today. The main thing is that we all rest, have fun, feel the atmosphere of a holiday, goodwill, understanding, respect, support. Let friendship unite you!
The teams receive their first task.
Health station. For each letter of the given word (health), players must choose a word that is related to the active method, health, and disease prevention. Each correctly chosen word is worth one point.

Sports competition "Jumping from a place in length"

Station "Wisdom of the People"
Participants receive a set of cards containing the first part of a well-known proverb. The task of the teams is to correctly complete the proverb about health. For each option chosen correctly, the team receives a point.

Sports competition "Raising the body" (press)

Station "Health can not be bought"

Team members take turns reading judgments. They must answer yes or no. Teams receive points for correct answers.
Sample Questions

Sports competition "Jumping Rope"

Alfavitovo station

Teams receive sets of letters from which it is necessary to add up the names of various sports.

Sports competition "Hanging on the crossbar" (pulling up)
Sports competition "Push-ups"

Station "Picturesque"

Several people come out of each team, who take turns drawing a figure of a boxer. You need to draw with your eyes closed. Each team member draws a separate part of the figure: head, torso, arms, legs, face.

Moderator: While the jury is summing up the final results of the competition, we will have a little rest. The fans were very helpful to their teams. Now let's scream a little more. If you agree with the judgment that I say, then answer "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends." If what I read is not about you, then you are silent, do not make noise.

Building teams. The jury knocks out the results of the Health Day. All teams receive awards.

Health Day at Primary School

When selecting tasks for primary school students, it is necessary to choose those that will suit them according to their age skills. Tasks should be varied, contain short, clear instructions.

Health Day Scenario

Competition "Useful-unuseful"

One member leaves the team. They are blindfolded. A bag is placed in front of the player, in which there are various items. The player must feel by touch to determine what kind of object it is. If it is useful, then it is pulled out on the table, if it is harmful, not useful, then it is left in a bag. Put in the bag: fruits, vegetables, cigarettes, sweets. The winner is the one who correctly coped with the task.
Moderator: Everyone knows that marine products are rich in iodine, therefore they are necessary for our body. Let's move on to the next competition "Octopussy".

The host reads a poem about physical education

Host: And now game for all participants "At Melania's, at the old woman's"

Host: Our games have come to a logical end. Everyone had a great rest, gained strength, got a boost of energy, became stronger, taller, healthier.
Original flash mob for schoolchildren

Health Day at the sports school

A health day at a sports school may have its own specific directions. Competitions can be held separately in different areas:

Health Day is a great occasion to once again remind schoolchildren of the importance of an active lifestyle, activities, and the principles of healthy eating.

May is coming soon, which means it's time for a traditional event dedicated to sports in our school - Health Day. You can change all presented relay races to your own. Like the script itself, you can use it as a layout.

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Engage students in health issues
  • Develop creative abilities
  • Teach communication
  • Promoting a Culture of Health

Preparatory work:

  • Scenario Development
  • Participant preparation
  • Designing an exhibition of essays on a healthy lifestyle
  • Prizes
  • Hall decoration


  • Posters
  • Tracksuits
  • Sport equipment

Presenter1: Today we have gathered to hold an open event for all students of the school dedicated to Health Day. World Health Day is celebrated at the end of the first week of April - April 7th to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization. Every year on World Health Day, our school holds traditional competitions.

HEALTH is a priceless gift given from birth, which nature presents to humanity. This is the highest welfare of man. Without it, it is almost impossible to make our life interesting and happy. Many people waste this gift, sometimes forgetting that it is very easy to lose health, but to return it is very, very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Folk wisdom says:

“The main thing for our health is that we ourselves are not among its enemies.”

Do you agree with this wisdom.

- On whom does human health depend in the first place?

A boy comes out and reads the poem "Health Day"

Let's meet health day

We are an easy jog

We will celebrate the holiday

With the inevitable delight!

We want to run, jump,

Move the figure.

May it be useful

Let health come.

Be easy on the rise

And high in achievement.

We wish you strength, health,

So that everything is done with love!

Lead 2

To the sports ground

We invite you children.

Holiday of sports and health

Starts now.

(Primary school students take the stage and take turns reading the wording of the concept of "health")

“Health is when you feel good.

“Health is when nothing hurts.

“Health is beauty.

“Health is strength.

- Health is flexibility and harmony.

“Health is stamina.

— Health is harmony.

- Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning.

- Health is when you can easily climb the 4th floor.

- Health is when you are happy to fulfill any necessary

Presenter 1:

Well, let's start our holiday.

Jury presentation.

- No competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (representation of the jury members).

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

Host 2:

Our holiday will consist of three stages:

  1. Relay "Swiftly and amicably" for grades 1-4
  2. "Journey to Sportgrad" for grades 5-8

healthy nation!

Presenter 2: So, we are starting stage 1 - the relay race “Swiftly and together” for grades 1-4. Teams of primary school students are invited to the stage. They represent the name, motto and emblem of the team.

Before starting the competition, I ask you to take an oath.

“Forever faithful to the sport to be:

We swear!

Health from youth to keep:

We swear!

Do not cry and do not despair:

We swear!

Do not offend opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be the first in games

We swear!

The teams repeat the oath together.

Presenter 1: Our competitions will be held in the form of stations:

1. Tunnel

2. Transfer of flags

3.Competition of fans

4 .Mini obstacle course

6 Crab Race

7. Ball race

8. Relay - train

Inventory used: "bags, flags, basket, balls"

Rules: One point for the first team to finish, two points for the second team.

Event progress:


Teams stand on the start line in a column one after another. At a distance of 9m from the start line, a player stands and holds a hoop with a bag, and then there is a chip. On a signal, the player runs, climbs through the hoop with the bag, runs around the chip and returns to the team. Then the task is performed by the second, third, etc. The first team to finish the relay wins.

2. Transfer of flags

Teams stand in two columns. At a distance of 10 meters in front of them are flags. At the whistle, the one standing first in the column runs around the flag, runs after the second, takes him by the hand and together they run to the flag. The first one stays near the flag, and the second runs after the next one. The relay is considered completed when the last player from each team "crosses over to the other side." The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

3.Competition of fans

While the points are being counted, the fans stand on the benches. The team captain stands in the middle of the bench 2 meters away with a basket in his hands. Fans try to throw their balls into the basket. For each ball thrown, the team is awarded 1 point.

4. Mini obstacle course

On command, the first participant runs to the bracket (stands on the mat), jumps over it, then performs a somersault forward (on the mat), goes around the rack, performs a somersault (on the mat), runs to the bracket, climbs in a plastunsky way and passes the baton to the next.

5. Competition of captains "Who is faster"

Ribbons 4-5 meters long are tied to two chairs. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the chairs become captains. They stick the second end of the tape to the belt. On command, the captains begin to turn around so that the ribbon is twisted around the belt. Whoever sits on his chair first wins.

6 Crab Race

The first numbers sit on the platform, leaning their hands behind. On a signal, they begin to move, tearing their pelvis off the floor, moving their arms and legs. To the control line they move forward, and back - backwards.

7. Ball race

The person in front picks up the ball and passes it between the legs to the person behind him. He, in turn, passes the ball to the third and so on. The last one with the ball runs around the flags and becomes at the beginning of the column. The game continues until the player who was first at the beginning of the competition is again in first place.

8. Relay - train

A line is drawn in front of the teams standing in columns, and racks (stuffed balls) are placed 10-12 meters from each of them. On a signal, the first team numbers run around the racks (counterclockwise) and head to the starting line. They run past their column, go around it from behind and run back to the posts. When they run through the starting line, the second numbers join them, grabbing their belts, and now the two players are already running around the obstacle. After turning around the team, third numbers join them, etc. The game ends when the entire team, representing train cars (without disengaging hands), finishes, that is, the last player crosses the start line. In the game, the first numbers get the most load, so when repeating, the participants in the columns are arranged in the reverse order.

The jury sums up the results of the relay, there is the same reward for the teams, because friendship won. Organized departure to the seats of the audience.

Presenter 2. So the time has come for the second stage. Before starting the competition, I ask you to take an oath.

“Forever faithful to the sport to be:

We swear!

Health from youth to keep:

We swear!

Do not cry and do not despair:

We swear!

Do not offend opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be the first in games

We swear!

Presenter 1: The second stage will also be held in the form of sports stations. You can see them on the screen:

1. Snipers

2. Daily routine

3. Who will overtake

4. Relay with hoops

5. Attraction

6. Running with a rope

7. Cycling

10. Contest of marksmanship

12. Jumping on balls

13. Guess

Inventory used: "Hoops, sandbags, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks, balls, sheets of paper, soap bubbles, skittles."

Moderator 2: But before we move on to the practical part of the event, we will conduct a warm-up in which the teams must answer questions on sports topics (for each answer, one point)

1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)

2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)

3. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece)

4. After how many years are the Summer Olympics? (After four years)

5. Who were the Olympic Games dedicated to in ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus)

6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)

7. How is the champion of the modern Olympic Games awarded? (Gold Olympic medal)

8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)

9. Who was the initiator of the beginning of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)

10. What was the award for the champion of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (Olive wreath) 10

11. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (Not less than 6 grams)

12. In what year will the Olympiad be held in Russia? (2014)

13. In which city will the Olympiad be held in 2014? (Sochi)

14. Do children under 16 take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)

15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)

Presenter 1: The teams have mentally prepared and now they will show how fast and agile they are.

Competitions - Stations:

  1. Snipers

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

  1. Schedule

The teams are given a spread of cards with the points of the daily routine. (`Wake up`, `dinner`, `free time`, `breakfast`, `exercise`, `homework`, `walk`, `school`, `sleep`.) The teams must line up in the correct order.

  1. Who will overtake

Participants line up on the same line, holding hands. Following the leader's signal, all teams jump on one foot to the intended line. The team that reaches the line first wins.

  1. Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

  1. attraction

Rope walkers. The first team members put a bag of sand on their heads and, on a signal, go to the chair and back, pass the bag to the second participants, etc.

  1. Rope running

The 1st runs on a signal to the flag and back, jumping over the rope. Then he puts her behind 2 m, not reaching his own.

  1. Cycling

The bicycle in this relay race will be replaced by a gymnastic stick. The stick must be saddled by two participants at once. They are cyclists. Each bike duo, holding a stick between their legs, will have to get to the turning point and back. The fastest win.

  1. Towing

On a signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball in such a way that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If the ball is lost, return it to the hoop and continue the task. The winner is the team whose all players complete this task faster.

  1. Who will blow further

Participants are squatting on the floor with bottle caps in front of them. Task: We blow on bottle caps so that they fly off as far as possible. purge your cap to the indicated location.

  1. marksmanship competition

Two sheets of white paper are attached to the stand. A square is drawn on them in green and blue ink. One of the participants blows soap bubbles, and the second must blow on them and drive them into a square. The winner is the one who manages to do it more out of 5-10 attempts.

  1. Skittles

There are 2 skittles on the court, one for each team at a distance. One member leaves the class. At the signal of the leader, the children must knock down the skittles with the ball. Whoever knocks down the most pins wins

  1. Jumping on balls

Participants stand in a column one after another. The first numbers, at the command of the judge, begin to move in a straight line, jumping on the balls to the turning mark, run around it, take the ball in their hands and run back to the finish line, pass the baton to the next participant with a touch, etc.

One point is given to the team that came to the finish line first, two points to the second, and so on.

  1. Guess

Solve the riddle "Tell me a word":

Teams are given riddles. If no one from the team guessed correctly, then the turn passes to the next team.

Gnawing steel pipes

If you often brush ... TEETH

I take dumbbells boldly -

Train Muscles… BODIES

Made friends with physical education -

And now I'm proud of the FIGURE

Want to get stronger?

Raise everything ... DUMBELLS

Slept so that the temperature

Here's a liquid ... POTION

Unlucky today Svetka -

The doctor gave bitter ... PILLS

Julia is lucky today

The doctor gave sweet ... PILLS

Juice, pills are more useful than all,

He will save from all ... ILLNESSES!

Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:

Nicotine is deadly ... POISON

Though he pinches and burns the wound

Heals perfectly - red ... YOD

For Alyonka's scratches

There is a full bottle ... GREEN

Declared a fight against bacilli:

I wash my hands clean with .... SOAP

I was given yesterday

Two injections ... NURSE

Drill whistle is heard -

He treats teeth for everyone ... DENTIST

Presenter 2: Well done to our teams, the jury is summing up, the teams are being awarded.

Moderator: Dear children and guests! So our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

Presenter 1:

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility and energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

Everyone needs health

And daughters, and mothers, and sons.

You can't buy it for millions

And you won't get it at the auction.

We want you to buy it

Then strengthen it.

You go for a run quickly

Bring your whole family with you.

And on the day of health by the whole yard,

Let's run and jump.

So be healthy!

Host 2: We hope that today's meeting was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it. After all, “You will be healthy - you will get everything!”

Class hour for students in grades 9 - 11 "Healthy youth -

healthy nation!

Equipment: computer, projector, pens, leaflets, films, pictures with

symptoms of diseases.

Movies on electronic media, pictures taken from the Internet -

sources. (Students form groups at will).

Regulations on holding the Day of Health in the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2 of Zhirnovsk".

1. Goals and objectives:

    Strengthening and maintaining the health of students and teachers.

    Popularization of physical culture among young people, introducing them to systematic physical education and sports.

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    Education of character, the ability to manage emotions, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

    Introduce students to tourism.

    To promote the development of strength, agility, speed in students.

    To instill in the children a sense of honesty during the team struggle.

    Checking the skills, knowledge and skills acquired in the course of study.

    Instilling love and interest in sports, in nature.

2. Venue and dates:

Health Day is held in the area of ​​the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2 of Zhirnovsk", the stadium "Neftyanik"

3. Health Day participants:

All students in grades 1-11, class teachers, subject teachers.

4. Health Day Plan:



8.25 Building by class.

8.30 - Transfer to the venue of the health day.

9.00 – Opening of the holiday, acquaintance with the plan for holding the “Health Day”, receipt of route sheets by the teams.
9.30 - The beginning of the competition.
11.30 - Summing up by parallels.
12.00 - Organized care.

5. Competition program:

The movement of classes according to route sheets, participation in attractions and cross-country.

6. Summing up. (The general construction, where the awarding of the winners takes place).

Health Day preparation.

Each class unites into a team, chooses a commander, the name and motto of their team, for example:

"UN" team, motto - "Special Forces never fail";

"Lightning", the motto -

"We are going to a sports battle

We bring all the guys with us,

Let's win with them!

Never back down!";

Team "Ragged shoe", the motto is "Despite the torn shoe, we will win a hundred victories."


Attention! Attention!
On September 6, at 8.00 am, a sports train goes on a journey through the country of health for students of the municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 2 in Zhirnovsk". Hurry to the train without delay, take your baggage of knowledge with you!

We will make an interesting journey.

Our cheerful train is unusual. Twelve cars will follow the same rails in the same direction: No. 5 "a", No. 5 "b", No. 6 "a", No. 6 "b", No. 7 "a", No. 7 "b", No. 8 " a", 8 "b", No. 9 "a", No. 9 "b", No. 10 and No. 11. You are given the right to overtake each other. But first you must buy train tickets, the price of it is your knowledge.

At the ticket office, the team buys a ticket, but only after a quick and correct answer to a question on the topic “Olympics”.

Come up with a class name and motto.

The team that answered correctly is given a green light to proceed to the next city.

We remind you: “Be careful, unforeseen circumstances await you along the way! Follow traffic rules. Bon Voyage!"

Scenario of the Health Day.

8.00 - Gathering at school. Class safety briefing.

8.15 – Fire alarm evacuation.

8.25 Building by class. Roll call. The principal of the school welcomes and congratulates all participants of the Health Day. Transfer to the venue.

9.00 – Charging (musical accompaniment), answers to questions.


1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White) 5 a

2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings) 5b

3. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece) 6a

4. After how many years are the Summer Olympics? (After four years) 6b

5. Who were the Olympic Games dedicated to in ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus) 7a

6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.) 7 b

7. How is the champion of the modern Olympic Games awarded? (Gold Olympic medal) 8 a

8. Do children under 16 take part in the Olympiad? (Yes in gymnastics) 8b

9. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger) 9a

10. Who was the initiator of the beginning of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin) 9 b

11. What was the award for the champion of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (Olive wreath) Grade 10

12. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (Not less than 6 grams) 11

13. In what year was the Olympiad held in Russia? (2014)

14. In which city was the Olympiad in 2014? (Sochi)

15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)

9.10 - Opening of the holiday, acquaintance with the plan of the "Health Day".

Construction and opening of the "Health Day".


We arrived in a city called `Health`. All residents of this city love to exercise.
We run faster than the wind
Who will answer why?
Kolya jumped two meters,
Who will answer why?
Masha swims like a fish
Who will answer why?
We have a smile on our lips
Who will answer why?
Maybe Shura can make a bridge.
I'm climbing the rope
Because with exercise
We are old friends.

Building and receiving route sheets by teams

Competition Plan.

Each team receives a route sheet indicating the order in which the stations are passed. Arriving at the station, the players receive a task and complete it, when the task is completed, the dispatcher makes a mark in the route sheet (sets points). Having received a mark, the team moves on. After passing 6 stations, the teams return to the construction site.

Route sheet.



Zhiglov V.A.


Marochkina E.A.


Smirnova S.M. (Minkh O.V.)


Bondarenko D.B.


Vasina L.V.

Trishina O.V.

Station: Patriotic.

The game "Capture the banner" is organized.

Attraction station.

climbers trail. In the participant's hand is a racket, on it is a table tennis ball.

Task: reach the chip, sit down and return back. You can't drop the ball all the way. If the ball fell, the competition starts over.

Rope walkers. The first team members put the book on their heads and, on a signal, go to the chip and back, pass it to the second participants, etc.

Strap. Pass the strap from first to last without the help of hands.

Station "Relay".

1. Children circle the skittles with the ball.

2. Running in hoops.

3. "Riders"

Sitting on a stick, jump to the chip and back. Who is faster.

Station “Intellectual”


1) There is a sea - you can’t swim, there are roads - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow. (Geographic map)

2) Not water, not land, you can’t walk with your feet, you can’t sail on a boat (Swamp)

3) She does not offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door)

4) A thread is pulled, but not wound into a ball. (Road)

5) They are waiting for me - they will not wait, but they will wait - they will scatter. (Rain)

6) With legs, without arms; with seat without belly; with a back, without a head. (Chair)

7) If you turn it - wedge, if you turn it around - damn it. (Umbrella)

Station “Sportivnaya”

"Track". There are 10 people per class. Everyone jumps in length from a place, the second starts from the heels of the first, the third from the heels of the second, etc. The team that jumps the farthest wins.

Power station.

tug of war

Station "Physical culture quiz".

1. In which game is the lightest ball used?

Answer options:

a) volleyball

b) in basketball

c) rugby

d) table tennis.

2. How is the emblem of the Olympic Games?

Answer options:

a) five interlaced rings,

b) seven interlaced rings,

d) square.

3. How many checkers are in Russian checkers and pieces in chess?

Answer options:

4. What projectiles are thrown over the head?

Answer options:

a) ball, grenade, spear;

b) grenade, disk, core;

c) spear, grenade, disk.

5. Who is the initiator of the resumption of the Olympic Games and the founder of the modern Olympic movement?

Answer options:

a) Lesgaft;

b) Coubertin;

c) Samaranch;

6. Which of the world famous chess players is the founder of the Russian chess school?

Answer options:

a) Botvinnik;

b) Karpov;

c) Chigorin;

8. How many false starts are allowed in track and field events?

Answer options:

c) none;

Correct answers of the physical education quiz: 1-d; 2-a; 3-b; 4-a; 5 B; 6-in; 7-b; 8-in.

Rest, snack.

Attractions and competitions.

1. Path of health. Cross 500 meters.

2. Volleyball players. Hitting a volleyball.

3. Darts.

4. Stuffing a soccer ball.

12.00 Final formation.

Summing up and awarding.

Required inventory: music center, route sheets (12), chips (8), 2 tennis rackets, 4 balls, balls (football, volleyball 2, basketball) 2 books, 2 sticks, 2 hoops, tape measure, 2 ropes, 20 ribbons, 2 belts , 15 sheets with a quiz (crosswords), stopwatch, darts, 22 certificates.

Scenario of the school-wide sports festival "Health and Sports Day"

This development will be useful for both physical education teachers and teachers of additional education. The events of this sports festival cover almost all participants in the educational process: preparation, direct participation in competitions, fans, refereeing, joint activities of teachers and students. Summing up, helps to identify the best athletes of the school.


on holding a school-wide sports festival "Health and Sports Day"

1. Purpose and tasks.

1.1. Health Day is held with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle among students of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1", developing interest in physical culture and sports.

1.2. Tasks:

Involving students in various sports;

Identification of the best athletes of the school, attracting them to participate in school and city sports days;

Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the efficiency of schoolchildren, the productivity of their education.

2. Time and place of the event.

2.1. Sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in sports halls.

2.2. For the duration of the Health Day, students are exempted from classes.

2.3. 10.00 - 15.00

3. Management of the organization and conduct.

3.1. General guidance on the preparation and holding of the Health Day is assigned to physical education teachers, class teachers, deputy director for educational work:

The program and form of the Health Day is developed by the physical education teacher together with the deputy director for educational work;

The physical education teacher participates in the preparation of class teams for participation in sports competitions as part of the Health Day program;

The Deputy Director for educational work is responsible for preparing prizes for the winning teams, students who took I, II, III places;

Class teachers bring the Health Day program to the attention of students.

3.2. The direct management of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges, which includes teachers of physical culture, additional education.

3.4. Responsibility for the life and health of students rests with: class teachers, responsible for health and safety, physical education teachers, deputy. director of BP, medical worker.

3.5. The general management and holding of competitions by type is carried out by the chief judge and the chief secretary of the Health and Sports Day. Judges for each event are appointed from physical education teachers.

4. Participants.

4.1. All students in grades 1-11 of the school are involved in the activities within the framework of the Health Day program.

4.2. Students who do not have medical contraindications at the time of the Health Day take part in sports competitions.

4.3. Released students are present at all events of the Health Day and act as spectators, fans, assistants to class teachers to maintain discipline and order.

5. Program.



General construction

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

teams 1-4

Friendly match in mini-football.

teams 5-6

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

teams 7-8

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

teams 9-11

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

6. The procedure for determining the winners.

6.1. Teams - winners among 1-4 classes are determined by the highest number of points scored in relay races

6.2. Teams participating in friendly matches in futsal, volleyball, basketball are determined by the results of friendly matches. The winning team is the winner; the loser is the winner.

7. Rewarding of participants.

7.1. . Teams - winners are awarded with Diplomas of the 1st degree and are the winners of the Health Day; losing teams are awarded with Diplomas for participation and are winners of the Health Day.

7.2. Responsibility for rewarding participants in the competition and encouraging class teachers to lay on the deputy director for educational work.

SCENARIO of the school-wide sports festival "Health and Sports Day"

Target: propaganda among students of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1" of a healthy lifestyle, development of interest in physical culture and sports.


1. Involving students in various sports;

2. Identification of the best school athletes, involving them in participation in school and city sports days;

3. Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

4. Increasing the resistance of the organism of children and adolescents to various diseases, the efficiency of schoolchildren, the productivity of their education.

Venue: sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in sports halls.

Time: 10.00 - 15.00




General construction

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

Opening Day of Health. Raising the flag and listening to the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

Greeting of the participants of the Health Day by the representatives of the administration of the Gymnasium.

school director, additional education teachers

Conducting relay races in the gym.

teams 1-4

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly football match.

teams 5-6

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly match in volleyball.

teams 7-8

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly match in basketball.

teams 9-11

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

General formation after the competition.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Summing up the results of the Day of Health.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Closing of the Health Day. Lowering the flag. Listening to the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Accommodation for participants

The participating teams go to the sites (two sports halls) in accordance with the competition schedule. In their free time from games, they are in the stands. Guests, spectators are in the stands.


Before the start of the holiday, sports songs are played, teams are built in the corridor. Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Today we are holding a school-wide Health and Sports Day. A sports march sounds, the teams come out and line up in front of the stands (facing the audience).

1 student.

Children came to the playground

They walk briskly, with a firm step.

We open a solemn holiday,

Alignment to the Russian flag.

The honorary right to bring the flag is given to one of the best athletes of the school.

Entering the flag.

The national anthem sounds

2 student.

How many athletes are in this hall

The game is on fire here.

Dexterity, endurance and courage

It's time to show.

Leading: Gymnasium, equalize, quietly! Teams get ready for roll call.

Roll call: the host calls the team, the participants shout the name of their team in unison.

Leading: the gymnasium is ready for the Health and Sports Day celebration.

Gives the floor to the director of the gymnasium Krylova L.N.



3 student.

Everyone will try hard

They will play sports.

Yes guys? But first,

Speaking without further ado,

One wish is not enough

Everyone must be healthy.

Host: where is the doctor?

A student dressed as a doctor appears

3 student.

Doctor, all these guys

Candidates for champions.

I ask you to answer:

Is everyone ready or not?


Yes, yes, yes, let's check it out.

I ask everyone to stand up straight

And execute commands:

Everybody breathe deeper, deeper

On command, inhale and exhale.

Don't breathe, don't breathe

It's all right, take a rest.

Raise your hands together

wiggle, wave,

Shake, spin

Perfect! Lower!

Bend over, bend over

Turn right, turn left

And smile at each other!

Yes, I am satisfied with the inspection

None of the guys are sick.

Everyone is happy and healthy

Ready for the competition!

Leading: Thank you Doctor! As in any sports competition, our holiday has a panel of judges

Represents the judges. The team proposes to disperse, according to the schedule of competitions in sports halls, the rest of the participants take their places in the stands.


For a long time they went skating

Friend after friend, three of us

It was very difficult for them to climb up.

Suddenly a polished movement

Grab your rifle and shoot!

Hit aiming at targets, -

One, two, four, five.

And rushed down the slope.

What is this? ... (biathlon)

1. Relay "Biathlon". Teams start at the same time on the command "March!". Each participant has plastic skis on their feet. Each participant runs, running around the landmarks, to his target. Throws a small ball at a target. Comes back, passes the baton. Each hit on the target is an additional point for the team. The judge fixes the time for the last participant.

2 student.

2. Relay race "Ring toss". Teams start at the same time on the command "March!". Team members run to the modules, jump over, then climb over obstacles, climb into the tunnel, and perform a ring throw. Return in a straight line, pass the baton. The judge fixes the time for the last participant. Each hit on the ring toss is an additional point for the team.

Contest of fans "Answer correctly"

1. Tell me, where and when were the last Winter Olympic Games held? (From February 13, 2010 to March 1 - in Vancouver, Canada).

2. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games (Leopard, White Bear, Bunny).

3. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Games (Ray and Snowflake).

4. Name the winter sports of the Olympic Games. (cross-country skiing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsleigh, alpine skiing, skeleton, curling, speed skating, short track, Nordic combined, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle, luge, hockey).

5. What is the motto of the Olympic Games ("Faster, higher, stronger").

6. What is the motto of the Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014 (Hot. Winter. Yours).

7. What are the five intertwined rings that are depicted on the flag of the Olympic Games? (blue, yellow, black, green and red. Five rings represent five parts of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania).

3 student.

I love skating

In a sequined scarf!

Shine a smile of eyes and lips!

And perform a triple sheepskin coat!

Then go backwards, then sideways!

Spin like crazy!

On a turn, on a turn

I love to jump on the rink!

And when I land, I slide again

Forward to the zigzag turn!