What's happening on 4. New educational games for a newborn baby. Sports and physical activity

Most important events 4 weeks pregnant– . The initiation of these processes can occur starting from 5-6 days after ovulation. Most - 10 days after leaving the egg. The implant itself takes about 40 hours.

  • Changes in the uterus
  • Fetal development
  • Risk of miscarriage
  • Baby development at 4 weeks
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Briefly about the discharge at week 4: bloody, brown, yellow
  • Nutrition

Changes in the uterus

While the blastocyst (this is the stage of embryo development) moves through the fallopian tube, the uterine lining continues to prepare to "accept" the embryo.

It thickens, stores nutrients, loosens. Such changes in the uterus occur in every cycle. This is where discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen before menstruation. At the 4th week of pregnancy, abdominal pain is a common phenomenon. In general, the whole body prepares for the upcoming pregnancy every month. Signs and symptoms appear in the chest, nervous system, and other organs, to which we will return later.

With successful implantation, the uterus at the 4th week of pregnancy increases and takes on the size of a chicken egg, which is not yet displayed on the size of the mother's belly. The cervix at the 4th week of pregnancy begins to change its structure and color, which can be ascertained by the gynecologist upon examination. This is a suspected symptom of pregnancy.

Fetal development

Embryo or future fetus at 4 weeks pregnant completes its journey to the uterus by passing through the fallopian tube, o. Due to this, it acquires the ability to stick to the wall of the uterus. Then its surface cells begin to intensively produce enzymes, with the help of which the embryo lyses (dissolves) the endometrial epithelium and blood vessels. This allows it to penetrate the uterine wall and "sprout".

The first close contact with the mother's body appears. The secreted blood during the destruction of microvessels is the first nutrients received by the embryo from the female body. Up to this point, the embryo lived and developed on the "energy reserves of the egg." Since that time, all toxic substances, drugs, alcohol can freely enter the newly born organism. The fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy is very vulnerable and not protected.

Risk of miscarriage

In addition to exposure to toxic substances, the embryo is very sensitive to mood swings, hormonal imbalances, physical exertion, and stress.

Therefore, for a period of four weeks, expectant mothers should avoid all kinds of stress, including psychological ones. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage still dictated by the "habit" of the body. At the end of the fourth - the beginning of the fifth week of the cycle, menstruation began over and over again. The body is used to it. Therefore, this time is a critical period. The mechanism of menstruation, debugged over the years, can influence the development of a newly begun pregnancy. Failure in the hormonal background, an increase in the muscle tone of the uterus can interfere with the successful development of the embryo and the implantation process.

To prevent the threat of miscarriage at the 4th week of pregnancy, drugs may be prescribed. These are hormonal agents that reduce the tone of the uterus and "support" pregnancy.

Baby development at 4 weeks

The unborn child at the 4th week of pregnancy is represented by a multi-layered cell disk and weighs less than 1 gram. Each of the layers of cells from this week through cellular interactions will perform a specific function. The outer layer, continuing its division, eventually transforms into the skin, the nervous system and its derivatives (sense organs). Medium - will become the musculoskeletal, circulatory, genitourinary system. The cells of the internal - will appear in the process of development of the respiratory and digestive organs.

In addition, at the 4th week of pregnancy, the child begins the active development of extra-embryonic organs. They are essential for continued existence.

The amniotic sac transforms into fetal membranes. They are needed for . Smooth chorion - will become a shell responsible for the metabolism between the embryo and the mother's body. In addition, the shell is designed to perform a protective function. The yolk sac is an organ that performs completely different functions at different stages of development. At first, it’s just a supply of nutrients, a source of alpha-fetoprotein and a “primary” liver. 18 days after fertilization, it will begin to produce primary forms of erythrocytes for the embryo and will become the "progenitor" of the entire circulatory system. And from the 28th day, it will begin to supply the embryo with the precursors of germ cells.

Signs and symptoms

All signs at 4 weeks of pregnancy are associated with hormonal changes. They are indirect and absolutely cannot confirm the onset of pregnancy. Symptoms at week 4 are most common in women who are sensitive to the approach of menstruation. In addition, they are very similar to the harbingers of the onset of menstruation.

Indirect signs of pregnancy at week 4 are:

  • Puffy breasts, sensitive nipples.
  • Emotional instability. The brain begins to receive chemical, mechanical, sensory "signals" of the birth of intrauterine life. The formation of the dominant pregnancy starts. Therefore, the fourth week is characterized by irritability and mood swings of the expectant mother.
  • Changed food habits.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Marked drowsiness. It should not be overcome by all means. Especially energy drinks.
  • Discomfort in the abdomen, in the projection of the uterus, from the side of the lower back.
  • Fever at 4 weeks pregnant caused by a rise in progesterone levels. Basal temperature may increase and urination becomes more frequent. A rush of blood to the internal genital organs located in the small pelvis, and progesterone contribute to an increase in temperature to 37.3 ° C and frequent urges "in a small way."

Discharge at 4 weeks pregnant: bloody, brown, yellow

Changes in the nature of the discharge are always alarming and frightening. With the onset 4 weeks pregnant discharge may vary in size and color. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Bloody discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the amount, duration, can be a good and bad symptom for pregnancy.

A small amount (a couple of drops), short duration (several hours, sometimes a day) are characteristic of implantation bleeding. We've touched on this before. When the endometrial vessel is "dissolved" by the lysing enzymes of the embryo, blood can be released in a small volume.

A constant increase in the amount, duration of spotting (more than a day) are signs of the onset of menstruation or detachment of the fetal egg. At this time, there is another danger, which may be indicated by spotting at 4 weeks of gestation. In combination with acute pain in the abdomen, bleeding is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Brown discharge at 4 weeks pregnant is one of the types of blood discharge. Passing through the genital tract, the blood mixes with the secret of the uterus, vagina and changes color. At week 4, the origin of brown discharge is the same as that of blood. This may indicate implantation or the onset of menstruation, it all depends on the volume and duration of the discharge.

Yellow discharge at 4 weeks pregnant is a symptom of infections. More accurately, the addition of an unpleasant and uncharacteristic odor speaks of an infectious origin. At the 4th week of pregnancy, yellow discharge is caused by coccal flora (gonococci, staphylococci), E. coli or mixed infection, which is extremely unfavorable for pregnancy.

But before you worry, consider whether you are using medications in the form of gels or vaginal tablets. Perhaps it is they who color the discharge yellow. Infectious origin is confirmed by other symptoms: itching, redness, pain when urinating.


Sex in the 4th week of pregnancy has restrictions in case of a threatened miscarriage. In other cases, everything happens by mutual agreement of the couple. In some cases, during the formation of the dominant pregnancy, sexual desire decreases. This is aggravated by the appearance of abdominal pain, nausea, mood swings.


Nutrition at 4 weeks of pregnancy - a guarantee of health for two - should be saturated with vitamins and consist of the "right" foods. Canned food, preserves, smoked meats should be excluded from the menu. Green leafy vegetables are especially useful at this time. They contain folic acid, which is indispensable for the organic formation of the fetal nervous system.

Pay attention to the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cottage cheese, fish, meat, cereals and soups are the basis of the daily menu. Diversify it with vegetables and fruits, and your food will become not only healthy, but also tasty.

What you need to know about a cold at 4 weeks pregnant?

Remember - a slight increase in temperature - the action of progesterone. Getting sick at four weeks is easier than ever. With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases. This is a protective mechanism that is activated during pregnancy. For the mother's body, the fetus is only half "own". The woman's immune system perceives it as a foreign organism. Therefore, the immune defense weakens for a while.

Try to avoid hypothermia, public places and contact with people with a cold. It is very difficult to be treated without harming the embryo at this time. Be careful! It is impossible to use acetylsalicylic acid to lower the temperature. It can provoke an abortion.

Your little man has a whole life ahead of him! In the meantime, you have just gone 4 weeks, the time of your special parental responsibility and the time when the baby begins to get used to life outside the mother's womb.

Physical development and growth of a four-week-old baby

This week plays a big role in the formation of the body. Right now the baby is starting adapt to the environment , and your task is to help him in this, laying a reliable foundation for future health.

The physical development of the baby

  • The movements of the crumbs are not yet coordinated , the cams are compressed, the handles-legs are in a bent state.
  • The baby expresses dissatisfaction by crying and with sharp movements, with colic, he twists his legs, with pain in the ears he turns his head.
  • If you touch the baby's cheek , he begins to look for breasts with his mouth.
  • Eyes are still blue (like all newborns due to the lack of melanin in the iris). When highlighting "their" pigment, as they grow older, the color, of course, will change.
  • Vision still lacks fullness , visibility is fuzzy, it is difficult to concentrate the gaze.
  • The first tears appear.

How much does the child gain in weight and height in the 4th week?

How much does the baby sleep. Do you need a pacifier and motion sickness?

Sleeping baby at 4 weeks about 17-19 hours a day. Of these, about 8 hours falls on night sleep (at least 4) and 3-4 on daytime.

Most of all, the process of sucking is now important for the crumbs, with which he gets up and lies down. Many mothers are interested do you need a pacifier ? And is it worth rocking the baby?

Certainly, baby's nipple soothes . He constantly has to suck either a finger, or a breast, or a pacifier, that is, at least something. This is both a reflex and a whole world for the baby.

A pacifier in this situation, of course, helps to calm the child. But if the baby does not require it, or it falls out during sleep, then the meaning in it disappears.

You should not teach your child to constantly sleep with a pacifier, then it will be very difficult to wean from it. The pacifier is more of a help to the mother, but not to the baby. True, it will be even more difficult to wean off thumb sucking.

Concerning motion sickness , then there is no point in discussing whether the baby will get used to hands at this age. From birth to 3 months, he, more than ever, needs maternal attention and a sense of your warmth.

There will be no harm from motion sickness , but there will be one benefit. But after 3 months, you can gradually accustom to "independence".

Motion sickness becomes the basic need of the newborn. It allows you to strengthen the children's nervous system, synchronize the biorhythms of the brain and the work of internal organs, and also contributes to the training of spatial coordination and the development of the vestibular apparatus.

How much does a 4 week old baby eat? What to do if breast milk is not enough?

In the 4th week, the baby eats (on average) 100-130 ml at a time with 6-7 meals a day. The baby needs about 750-800 g of milk per day (1/5 of the baby's weight is the norm of milk per day for crumbs up to 2 months old). If there is a shortage of milk, the pediatrician recommends supplementary feeding with a mixture.

What should a mother do with a shortage of milk to increase lactation?

  • Increase the number of attachments of the child to the chest (the most efficient way). Even if you have to apply every hour (and every 2 hours at night). This mode should be set for a week and a half. As soon as the baby begins to write more often, and after feeding it will be more calm, you can return to the previous regimen.
  • Take lactose. (after consulting a doctor) in the form of lacto-teas, tea with milk, milk.
  • Don't forget to feed alternately that is, one breast, and the next feeding to give the other.
  • Remember that unextracted milk from the breast "burns out" . The more the baby eats, the more milk will come.

How many times a day should a four-week-old newborn poop: stool norms

The stool of newborns this week does not have any daily allowance. A baby of the 1st month of life can stain diapers 7-10 times a day (according to the number of feedings, plus/minus).

Moreover, artificers recover less often than babies who are breastfed. With the wrong choice of mixture, stool retention can be up to 2 days.

The daily routine of a child at 1 month from birth

By the end of the 4th week, most babies are already determined with their sleep and feeding regimen. Although some of them can raise their mother for several months up to 4-5 times per night , in general, requiring milk 10-12 times a day.

4 week old baby usually survives 2-3 hours between feedings falling asleep / waking up at about the same time.

As for wakefulness, this time (after feeding) increases for 15-20 minutes.

What can a newborn of four weeks know and how does he explore the world?

By the end of 4 weeks, your baby can...

Peculiarities of communication of the child with mom and dad

  • four week old baby reacts to people, objects and sounds. He answers a smile with a smile and hums in response to the gentle voices of mom and dad.
  • Listens carefully to the voices of adults , extraneous sounds are less and less afraid.
  • The baby, of course, still does not pull the handles to the mother, but rejoices with her whole body of mom's closeness , knocking arms / legs, making sounds, smiling.
  • Parents are already distinguished from strangers , which he meets with caution.
  • If the mother bends down to the baby at a distance of about 30 cm from his face and reads poems and nursery rhymes clearly, in a singsong voice, then the baby will answer with the sounds "gee" and "kh" .

Rules for caring for a newborn 4 weeks of life: what should mom know?

How much to bathe a baby, and what's new in bathing a newborn 4 weeks of life?

  • Baby on the 4th week should bathe every day for 3-5 minutes. Moreover, soap and foam should be used a maximum of 2 times a week.
  • Wash your hair 1-2 times a week(using baby soap or special shampoo).
  • You can already swim not in boiled, but in running water.

Bathing with herbs daily is not worth it, because any phytocollection will dry skin . It is advisable to remember that for a newborn herbs (even when bathing) can be a very strong drug.

To avoid allergic reactions do not abuse phyto-baths. Only if necessary (for sweating, diaper rash) do this. Do not forget that, for example, chamomile is a potential allergen, and the sequence dries the skin excessively. For allergy sufferers, a bath of nettle or birch leaves is suitable.

Shampoo buy only "no tears" (pH is neutral), and liquid foam is more convenient for washing (it does not dry the skin like soap).

Sweating and diaper rash: treatment and prevention

The skin of a 4-week-old baby is still too delicate, and the baby himself is rather weak, so no frivolity, always be on the alert and remember the rules of hygiene in time.

What you need to know about diaper rash and sweating

  • Do not leave the baby in wet diapers for a long time, but change them immediately.
  • Do not wait until the diaper becomes unbearable, and change every 2 hours if the baby has not stained it with “mustard color”, and also immediately after the stool itself.
  • If you do not treat diaper rash, prickly heat, then, in addition to redness, your baby will also get blisters, so be careful.
  • In the heat, try not to use diapers.
  • Rinse baby clothes thoroughly and wash only with powders approved for newborns.
  • Treat diaper rash and prickly heat when swaddling with a fat baby cream, powder, or other remedy prescribed by a doctor.
  • Take air baths more often.
  • Do not be zealous with clothes, because the principle of "cabbage" will not do any good. When the baby overheats, prickly heat is inevitable.
  • Bathe your child every day (it would be good to do this twice in the summer) and be sure to wash it with running water at each diaper change.
  • Wear only cotton clothes for your baby.

Such is the feature of the 1st month of life, scaly, flaky yellowish brown rinds on the scalp. Removing such scabs is quite difficult, and many parents suffer with them for almost a year, or even more.

Never rip or pick off these crusts. The risk of injuring the skin and infecting the baby is too high!

How to remove these crusts?

  • Carefully remove after bathing with a cotton swab soaked in sterilized oil (vegetable).
  • Soak a gauze napkin (sterile) with boiled and cooled vegetable oil (let the size of the napkin be according to the area of ​​​​the skin area with crusts), wring out, attach to the skin, fix with a cap and leave for 3-4 hours. Remove during bathing, wash the head with soap. Remove the remaining crusts for the next bath.
  • Lubricate the scalp with sterile vegetable oil and gently massage it with a soft brush. After that, you need to bathe and wash the baby's head. Treat pink areas of skin under the removed crusts with cream / ointment (D-Pantinol, for example).

Flat spot and bald spot on the back of the head: how to avoid and what to do if the spot appears?

If you notice a bald patch on the back of your head, remember that here there is no reason to panic. This phenomenon is quite normal for 90 percent of babies under the age of 6 months.

  • Firstly, the baby at this age spends most of the time with the back of the head on the pillow and twists the head, and the hairs are simply wiped off.
  • Secondly, these hairs are still too thin and soft, and the hair follicles are weak. By the year, this fluff will be replaced by new hairs, thicker and tougher.

The only reason for concern is the risk of developing rickets.

But, in addition to baldness, with rickets there are other signs.

  • Strong sweating.
  • Large area and distinctness of bald patches.
  • Insomnia.
  • Unreasonable anxiety of the baby.

If the baldness and the condition of the baby worries you, contact your pediatrician.

We play and develop: games and activities for the development of a newborn 4 weeks from birth

Now certain activities are most relevant for the baby.

New educational games for a newborn baby

Thanks to the contact of the baby with toys (visual, tactile, auditory), his comprehensive development takes place. Therefore, do not miss the extra opportunity to play with him, and we will tell you which toys will come in handy in week 4.

Hardening and gymnastics of a child: what can be done new?

New exercises are added to the previous exercises (which are worth continuing) and hardening methods.

  • We take a crumb of the armpit, "put" feet on the surface (not in the literal sense! It’s too early to put on your legs), we tilt forward. The kid must automatically sort out his legs, walk.
  • Increase the time your baby spends on the tummy (during wakefulness, of course), thus training the muscles of the neck and back.
  • Fitball exercise. We put the ball on top of the diaper with the baby’s tummy, hold it by the legs, roll the baby back and forth. We perform the same movements on the back.
    Fitball classes are held only with an instructor!
  • Many start at 4 weeks lessons in the pool. Swimming is a general strengthening procedure for the prevention of colds and for the development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The time of classes, which are carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, should be no longer than 15 minutes.

Thank you

The fourth week of pregnancy according to the obstetric term corresponds to the second week of pregnancy according to the embryonic term. Such a difference between the term of a real-life pregnancy and the obstetric term is due to the traditional method of calculating the term by obstetricians. After all, the obstetric period is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. At the same time, it is obvious that there was no pregnancy on the first day of menstruation, and it could only occur after ovulation, which occurs about two weeks after the start of menstruation. Accordingly, a woman actually became pregnant only after ovulation at the moment when she had sexual intercourse. But doctors traditionally consider the obstetric period from the date of the first day of the last menstruation, and the embryonic period is determined from the date of ovulation, which is why the discrepancy is about two weeks. This means that the fourth week of the obstetric period corresponds to the second week of the embryonic one. Consider what happens during this period with the body of a woman and the fetus, which has just begun its long nine-month development.


The fourth obstetric week of pregnancy (second embryonic) begins with the end of the period of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine wall. The embryo at the beginning of the fourth week is called blastocyst, and consists of two main parts - trophoblast And embryoblast. The trophoblast is, as it were, the outer shell of the embryo, inside which there is a liquid and an accumulation of embryoblast cells. The embryoblast is attached to a certain area of ​​the inner perimeter of the trophoblast and, in fact, is directly a human embryo. It is from the embryoblast that the baby will develop over the next 39 weeks of pregnancy, and the placenta will form from the trophoblast.

During the fourth week of pregnancy, the blastocyst undergoes a process called first stage of gastrulation, during which germ layers, from which all the organs and tissues of the baby will then be created. The first stage of gastrulation is characterized by accelerated division of embryoblast cells, as well as the subsequent directed movement of these cells with the formation of germ layers, which are, as it were, three layers separated from each other. In total, three germ layers are formed - the outer one ( ectoderm), average ( mesoderm) and internal ( endoderm). The outer leaf is considered to be the one that faces the trophoblast, that is, the shell of the embryo. As a result of the formation of germ layers, the fetus becomes disk-like in shape.

From part of the cells of the ectoderm (outer germ layer) in the fourth week of pregnancy, a amniotic sac, from which will later grow amnion - amniotic sac. This is the same bubble in which the baby will be surrounded by amniotic fluid throughout the rest of the pregnancy. But in the fourth week, it is not yet the amnion that is formed, but only its beginning - the amniotic vesicle. From the cells of the ectoderm, which did not take part in the formation of the amniotic vesicle, the skin, head, nervous system, tooth enamel, hair, nails, and eye lenses are formed in the future.

From the endoderm (inner germ layer) in the fourth week of pregnancy begins to form yolk sac, which will become a source of nutrition for the developing fetus until the placenta grows. And all the other cells of the endoderm are intensively dividing, as a result of which their number only increases. So far, these cells are not separated functionally, but later this will begin to happen, since the process of laying the internal organs and tissues will begin. In the future, lungs, liver, organs of the digestive system, pancreas will form from the endoderm.

The mesoderm (middle germ layer) is pulled up to the trophoblast (embryo shell) and partially begins to grow into it, forming a chorion. And the chorion is a villous membrane of the embryo, consisting of primary villi. For some time, the fetus will receive oxygen and nutrients through the chorionic villi, which later transform into the placenta. However, the chorion is fully formed only by the end of the fifth week, and during the fourth week it is in the process of formation.

Only part of the mesoderm cells is spent on the formation of the chorion, and the other part of the cells of the middle germ layer will serve to form the skeleton, kidneys, blood vessels, muscular system and heart in the future.

During the fourth week, the trophoblast (embryo membrane) forms villi, which, together with the growing chorion, form chorionic villi. These villi will come into contact with maternal blood around the end of the fifth obstetric week of pregnancy due to the fact that they will grow into the thickness of the uterine wall. Further, from the sixth week, the fetus will begin to receive nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood, and will switch to a hematotrophic type of nutrition.

During the fourth week, the fetus is not yet connected to the mother's circulatory system, it has only attached itself to the wall of the uterus, and the vessels connecting the maternal bloodstream and the growing new organism have not yet grown. But the growth of the fetus does not stop, and the cells need nutrients. Therefore, the nutrition of the fetus in the fourth week of pregnancy is carried out according to the so-called histiotrophic type. This means that the fetus feeds on the decay products of the tissues of the uterine mucosa, which were formed as a result of its implantation in the wall of the organ. It turns out that in the process of implantation, the fetal egg destroys the epithelium, connective tissue and vessel walls in a small area of ​​the inner surface of the uterus. As a result, a kind of fossa is formed, in which both the fetal egg and the decay products of the destroyed epithelium, connective tissue and blood vessels are concentrated. It is in such an implantation fossa, among the decay products of tissues, that the fetal egg is attached, which during the entire fourth week feeds on substances formed as a result of the destruction of the epithelium, blood vessels and connective tissue. Thus, during the fourth week, the fetus has not yet come into contact with the maternal bloodstream, and remains fairly "autonomous".

At the fourth week, the embryo is already attached to the wall of the uterus, and therefore the doctor can theoretically see the fetal egg during an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). However, in practice, at this time, the doctor, as a rule, does not see the fetal egg in the uterine cavity on ultrasound, since the embryo is still very small - its size is about 0.5 mm, and its weight is 0.1 g. To visualize how small fetus in the fourth week of pregnancy, you should know that in size at this gestational age it is like a sesame seed. Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors may not see such a small object on an ultrasound.

Ultrasound and tests

In principle, at the fourth week of pregnancy, it is not necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination and take tests, since they are uninformative and will only irritate the woman.

In most cases, ultrasound at this time will not show anything. And to fix pregnancy in the fourth week is possible only when examined on a highly sensitive ultrasound machine using a transvaginal sensor. If a transabdominal sensor is used (ultrasound is done through the anterior abdominal wall), then even a highly sensitive ultrasound machine will not be able to detect pregnancy. This situation is due to the fact that the embryo at the fourth week is still very small in size, and therefore it is difficult to see it. In addition, the uterus in the fourth week does not yet increase in size - only its condition changes, it seems to soften and swell.

An ultrasound examination at the fourth week with high accuracy and reliability can only reveal the corpus luteum, which is located in the ovaries and supports the life of the embryo until it is connected with the circulatory system of the mother and begins to receive nutrients and oxygen from the woman's blood. The presence of a corpus luteum is a sign of pregnancy, but is not regarded as a 100% confirmation of its presence. Indeed, on ultrasound it is easy to confuse the corpus luteum with a banal ovarian cyst.

It is also pointless to take any tests at the fourth week of pregnancy, since, firstly, there is still a high probability of miscarriage in case of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, and secondly, almost all laboratory parameters are within the non-pregnant norm, since the fetus is not yet bound with the mother's circulatory system and does not release specific substances into the blood.

The only tests that can be taken at the fourth week of pregnancy to confirm its presence are the determination of the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) and progesterone in the blood. These tests should only be taken if the woman is expecting pregnancy and wants to know as soon as possible whether conception has occurred. The levels of hCG and progesterone in the fourth week will be higher than normal, since these substances have already begun to be secreted by the growing embryo. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovaries, and hCG is produced by the trophoblast of the embryo.

Doing a regular urinary pregnancy test at the fourth week is also useless in most cases, since the level of hCG in the urine is still too low for a rapid test to fix it. After all, pregnancy tests are intended for use after a missed period, and in the fourth week of pregnancy there is still no question of a delay, since the expected date of the next menstruation has not yet come. In this sense, the fourth week is just the last in the current cycle, and therefore the delay in menstruation will come only after it ends.

In some cases, highly sensitive pregnancy tests at the fourth week may show a positive result, but still, it is considered inaccurate until a missed period.

Week 4: the emotional state of the woman, the future dad finds out about the pregnancy (psychologist's recommendations) - video

Feelings, signs of pregnancy and discharge

At the fourth week of pregnancy, the embryo has already attached to the wall of the uterus, and will continue to grow until childbirth. This week of pregnancy usually goes completely unnoticed by a woman: any specific signs of pregnancy are either completely absent, or similar to a banal premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, even the appearance of pregnancy symptoms in the fourth week is regarded by most women as a sign of the approach of the next menstruation.

Of course, some particularly sensitive women claim to feel the onset of pregnancy. But such feelings can only be attributed to the field of intuition, since there are no "true" signs of pregnancy in the fourth week.

During the fourth week of pregnancy, a woman may experience nervousness, irritability, fatigue, tearfulness, resentment, change in taste preferences, weakness, dizziness, frequent urination, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and mild bouts of nausea. Often nausea is provoked by any smells that have become unpleasant for a woman. The breast in the fourth week of pregnancy swells, becomes sensitive and painful. The nipples are especially painful when touched. All of the listed symptoms and phenomena are not specific to pregnancy, and since they appear even before the delay of menstruation, women almost always regard them as signs of approaching regular periods.

Another sign of the fourth week of pregnancy may be a paradoxical, inexplicable subfebrile (not higher than 37.0 o C) increase in body temperature for more than three days in a row. The temperature can be combined with weakness, fatigue and headache, on the basis of which a woman, as a rule, thinks she has a common cold or SARS. However, if after a day the temperature and weakness are not supplemented by cough, sore throat or snot, then this is most likely a sign of pregnancy.

As for the discharge, during the fourth week a woman may experience mild bleeding, more like spotting, which lasts 1 to 2 days continuously or intermittently. The daub may be yellowish, pink, brown, reddish. This phenomenon is not true bleeding and not menstruation, but implantation bleeding due to the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. It will end quickly without causing any harm. Since blood is released during implantation bleeding, and in terms of time it is close to the date of menstruation, women often perceive it as another menstruation. And their short duration and a small amount of blood are attributed to the fact that this time menstruation is strange.

In addition, vaginal discharge may appear in the fourth week of pregnancy. Such secretions are thick, copious, clear or white, without any odor. The appearance of abundant thick discharge is due to the onset of hormonal changes in the woman's body, and therefore they are considered a likely sign of pregnancy. Only colorless or white, thick, odorless discharges are considered normal. Brown, yellow, bloody, or any other discharge is not normal in the fourth week of pregnancy, and may indicate either a miscarriage or an infectious disease.

At the end of the fourth week, there may be a delay in menstruation if the woman's cycle lasts 28 days or less. And this sign is the most "true"! It is after a delay in menstruation that you need to undergo an ultrasound examination to confirm pregnancy.

uterus and belly

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the corpus luteum in the ovaries actively produces progesterone, which is also called the "main hormone of pregnancy", since it is under its influence that the woman's body is actively restructured, which allows her to bear and give birth to a child. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus softens due to the divergence of its muscle fibers to the sides. And so that these fibers that have spread to the side can hold the fetus during pregnancy, under the influence of progesterone they swell, as if saturating water in themselves.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the uterus softens and swells, becoming softer than in the non-pregnant state. However, its size remains the same, that is, in the fourth week, the uterus is not yet enlarged. In addition, in the fourth week of pregnancy, its shape may change slightly towards rounding - the organ becomes more "round" and soft. With a two-handed examination, the gynecologist may feel that the uterus is softer and rounder than usual, but since the same condition is recorded on the eve of menstruation, this is not considered a reliable sign of pregnancy.

In the cervix in the fourth week of pregnancy, a dense mucous plug forms, which protects the baby from the possible penetration of microbes from the vagina. This plug in the cervix will remain until the onset of labor.

The belly of a woman in the fourth week is not yet enlarged - it remains the same as before pregnancy. However, the abdomen may appear slightly swollen if there is even a small amount of fat on the anterior abdominal wall. This "swelling" of the abdomen occurs due to fluid retention in the body, which occurs under the influence of progesterone.

In addition, in the fourth week of pregnancy, a woman may feel pain or pulling sensations in the abdomen. As a rule, pain and pulling sensations are recorded in those women whose menstruation was painful. Usually, such pains and pulling sensations are not dangerous and simply indicate ongoing structural changes in the uterus, but at the same time they can also be a sign of an incipient miscarriage. Therefore, if the pregnancy is desired and long-awaited, a woman who feels pain or stretching in the abdomen in the fourth week is advised to consult a doctor to conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment that would allow the pregnancy to be maintained.


In the fourth week, sex for a woman and an embryo is safe and quite acceptable if there is no threat of miscarriage. And since a woman in the fourth week often does not yet know that she is already carrying a fetus and is "in position", sex during this period is quite normal, without any features.

In fact, the only contraindication to having sex in the fourth week of pregnancy is the lack of sexual desire in the woman herself. And since at this time there may already be nervousness, irritability, pain and pulling sensations in the abdomen, as well as other signs of pregnancy, against their background, libido changes in a completely unpredictable way. In some women, sexual desire increases, while in others, on the contrary, it drops to zero. Fluctuations in sexual desire in the fourth week are due to hormonal changes in the body, so it is impossible to influence this in any way.


At the fourth week of pregnancy, the woman's weight does not increase, since neither the fetus nor other extra-embryonic tissues still give a noticeable increase in body weight. Now the embryo, uterus and other developing tissues are too small and too small to lead to an increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman.

The only factor due to which the weight may change slightly in the fourth week of pregnancy is the hydration of the tissues, which occurs due to fluid retention in the body under the influence of progesterone. Hydration of tissues can give a weight gain of 0.5 - 2 kg, however, in fact, such an increase in body weight does not clearly indicate pregnancy, since many women have exactly the same weight gain in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy does not occur, then hydration takes place a few days before the onset of menstruation, and the weight is reduced by these 0.5 - 2 kg. If pregnancy has occurred, then this increase in the second half of the cycle remains.

Food and alcohol

In the fourth week of pregnancy, it is very important to eat properly and fully, so that various foods containing all the necessary trace elements and vitamins are present in the diet. Since the embryo grows very actively during this period, it needs nutrients and vitamins to the fullest in order to develop normally.

Accordingly, in the fourth week, fasting days should not be arranged, one should not follow any diet for the purpose of losing weight, or otherwise restrict the intake of nutrients into the body. You need to eat rationally so that the menu contains fats, proteins and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. And this means that you should eat healthy natural food (cereals, boiled or baked meat, vegetable and fruit salads, juices, cereals and vegetable soups, etc.). Naturally, it is recommended to refrain from consuming alcohol and unhealthy foods (fast food, carbonated drinks, snacks, etc.).

It is very important to refrain from alcohol consumption during the fourth week of pregnancy, as this substance is toxic to the fetus and can cause irreversible damage to it, leading to miscarriage. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol in the fourth week, the laying of the organs and tissues of the unborn child may occur incorrectly, and this, in turn, will lead to defects incompatible with life, resulting in a miscarriage of an unviable embryo. Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

If a woman in the fourth week drank alcoholic beverages, not knowing about the pregnancy, then two outcomes are possible. In the first case, if alcohol had a negative effect on the laying of the organs of the fetus, a miscarriage will occur, which, most likely, will be similar to regular periods, which will begin a little later and, perhaps, will be somewhat more abundant than always. In the second case, if alcohol has not had a negative effect on the fetus, he will survive and the pregnancy will continue. In this case, the woman does not need to worry about the health of the unborn baby, because if he suffered from alcohol, a miscarriage would simply occur. And since the embryo remained, then its organs were laid correctly, despite the action of ethyl alcohol.

Colds and medicines

Unfortunately, a cold and high body temperature (above 38.0 o C) in the fourth week of pregnancy can lead to fetal death and miscarriage. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful during this period so as not to contract any respiratory infection or catch a cold.

If, nevertheless, in the fourth week a woman has a cold and her body temperature rises, then she should be treated with folk methods without taking medicine, for example, drink warm tea with honey and lemon, cough syrup with licorice root, rinse your nose with warm salt water, etc. d. It is undesirable to take any medicines in the fourth week of pregnancy, since many of them affect the fetus negatively, causing malformations that are incompatible with life, resulting in a miscarriage.

If a woman, not knowing about the pregnancy, was sick in the fourth week or took any medication, then she should be prepared for two scenarios. In the first case, medicines or a cold can cause damage to the embryo that is incompatible with life, as a result of which it will die and a miscarriage will occur. In such a situation, the woman will simply have her period, perhaps with a slight delay of several days. In the second case, despite the negative impact of medicines and colds, the fetus can survive and continue development. In such a situation, it is imperative to do an ultrasound of the fetus at the 12th week in order to identify malformations, since medications and a cold could lead to malformations. If at the 12th week, according to the ultrasound data, no malformations are found, then you can completely calm down and consider that a cold or medication in the fourth week could not adversely affect the child. If, according to ultrasound, malformations are detected, then doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy.

Date of birth of the child

In the event that you have determined by the end of the 4th week that you are pregnant, then the next question of interest to you is the date of birth of the child. It depends on who he will be according to the sign of the zodiac, whether his birthday will coincide with the date of birth of one of his relatives, and many other archival trifles.

In medical practice, there are several methods for predicting the date of birth of a child:

1. Add 7 days to the first day of your last period. Subtract 3 months from the received date and add 12 months. The revealed date is the estimated date of birth of your baby. Or from the first day of the failed menstruation, we count back 14-16 days, add 273-274 days to the determined date.

2. According to the first sensation of the baby moving, as a rule, it is determined at the 20th week in nulliparous women, and at the 22nd in multiparous women. However, this method is inaccurate and subjective.

3. By the size of the uterus at different stages of pregnancy:

  • At the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg.
  • At the end of the 8th week, the size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a goose egg.
  • By the end of the third obstetric month (12 weeks), the size of the uterus reaches the size of the head of a newborn.
  • Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the upper part of the uterus is felt when probing the anterior abdominal wall, and the gestational age is judged by the height of the uterine fundus.
  • At the end of the fourth month (16 weeks), the bottom of the uterus is in the middle - between the pubis and the navel.
  • By the fifth obstetric month (20 weeks), the bottom of the uterus is 2 fingers below the navel, a tummy appears.
  • At the sixth obstetric month (24 weeks), the bottom of the uterus will line up with the navel.
  • At the end of the seventh month (28 weeks), the uterus is determined 2-3 fingers above the navel.
  • At the end of the eighth obstetric month (at the 32nd week), the bottom of the uterus is in the middle between the navel and the lower edge of the junction of the ribs and sternum. The circumference of the abdomen is 80-85 cm.
  • At the end of the ninth obstetric month (36 weeks), the bottom of the uterus rises to the lower edge of the connection of the ribs with the sternum. The circumference of the abdomen is 90 cm.
  • At the tenth obstetric month (40 weeks), the bottom of the uterus drops somewhat to the middle of the distance between the navel and the lower edge of the junction of the ribs and sternum. The circumference of the abdomen is 95-98 cm.
4. On ultrasound, you can reliably determine the gestational age and set the expected date of birth.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Each trimester of pregnancy is incredibly important, even one week of gestation can be noticeably different from the next. So, the 4th week of pregnancy from conception can be considered as a fait accompli, since according to obstetric terms it will already be 6 weeks. The embryo has already managed to gain a foothold in the endometrium, it is developing rapidly, significantly affecting the body, well-being, external and internal sensations of the mother.

In the fourth week, a fixed embryo affects the well-being of the expectant mother

  • Weakness and drowsiness;
  • Basal temperature rises to 37 degrees;
  • The woman often runs to the toilet;
  • There are sudden changes in mood;
  • Habitual loads cause fatigue;
  • Taste preferences change dramatically;
  • The mammary glands become more sensitive and rough;
  • Dyspeptic disorders such as excessive salivation and nausea and vomiting reactions;
  • Drawing pains in the lumbar region or in the abdomen.

According to the level of gonadotropic hormone in the blood, pregnancy can be detected, and using special pharmacy strip strips, each mother can test for urine on her own. Among the hardware methods, the most common way to determine pregnancy is ultrasound diagnostics.

Transformations in the body

In the fourth week, an embryo is formed from the ovum

The fourth week of pregnancy is characterized by the transition of the fetal egg to the state of the embryo, which has a three-layer structure. Extra-embryonic structures are formed from the outer layer. From the middle layer, the structures of muscle tissues, bone skeleton, excretory and circulatory systems, as well as individual elements of the baby's reproductive system, are formed. From the inner layer, intraorganic structures are formed such as the liver and thyroid gland, the digestive system and pancreas, as well as the organic structures of the respiratory system. At this time, the embryonic head is formed, and by the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the starting stage of intrauterine development ends.

How does a pregnant woman change?

A woman in this time period can be convinced of the upcoming motherhood with the help of pregnancy test strips. With a positive result, you need to go to the gynecologist, who will register, send you for the necessary examinations and prescribe vitamins. Not all patients have specific sensations, although under the influence of hormonal changes there are sudden mood swings, touchiness and tearfulness, causeless irritability, etc.

Sometimes mothers are worried about pain in the abdomen, hypersensitivity of the mammary glands or unusual reactions to familiar odors, there is an abundant mucous odorless secret, hyperedema, etc.

Progesterone levels

By the arrival of 4 weeks of pregnancy, there is a gradual increase in progesterone levels, this hormone is initially produced by the corpus luteum gland, then the placenta will take over a similar function. This hormonal substance is important throughout pregnancy, because it ensures the readiness of the uterine body to grow the fetus by increasing its size. In addition, progesterone maintains pregnancy by preventing the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and thereby preventing the risks of spontaneous miscarriage.

Gonadotropic hormone level

During pregnancy, the level of gonadotropin increases significantly

The chorionic hormone gonadotropin actively increases, in the first weeks of gestation, its amount doubles every two days. This hormone maintains the corpus luteum until the pregnancy reaches 7 weeks. In addition, hCG has an immunosuppressive effect, preventing embryonic rejection, because at first the female immune system takes the embryo for a foreign body.

At four weeks, the exact level of hCG can be determined through a laboratory blood test. It is due to the detection of hCG that test strips function to detect conception. Gonadotropin rises, so the test reacts to it with the appearance of a second line on the strip strip.

Uterine body and endometrium

Changes occur with the uterine body - it softens and swells, which makes it more mobile. Cervical and uterine mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint, since blood flow to the female genital organs is significantly increased. And in the neck itself, a cork is formed that performs protective functions - it prevents the penetration of bacteria into the uterine cavity. At this time, the uterus increases only slightly, without going beyond the pelvic region.

The endometrial layer also undergoes transformations. An embryo has already been implanted into it, so the vascular network begins to actively develop, changing the color of the endometrium to cyanotic. There is also an active growth of glandular structures, from which the placenta will form in the future, but while it is not there yet, the glandular cells provide the embryo with nutrition and oxygen. Gradually, the endometrium thickens, its thickness at 4 weeks is about 20 mm, which can be seen with ultrasound diagnostics.

Abdomen and mammary gland

With the stomach, contrary to the expectations of many newly-minted mothers, no changes can yet occur, since the embryo is still about a poppy seed, and the uterus is small, therefore, the tummy is not yet growing. Sometimes painful sensations may disturb, but they are minor and pass quickly. But the mammary gland is noticeably changing. A hormonal upheaval is literally happening in the body, so the breasts begin to rebuild, preparing for lactation. It grows symmetrically, increases sensitivity and rudeness. Some patients may present with painful discomfort, darkening of the areola and nipples.

What does a pregnant woman feel at 4 weeks

Many women are worried about what happens to the child at such an early stage? Usually, ultrasound is not done at such times, but if necessary, then a transvaginal examination determines the completed conception and implantation. Embryonic tissues are not yet visible, but by the end of next week, ultrasound will be able to identify a tiny embryo.


In the first weeks of gestation, if discharge appears, you should consult a doctor

At 4 weeks, a pregnant woman may begin to discharge:

  1. Whitish or transparent, odorless, thick - they are caused by the hormonal revolution and increased blood flow to the genitals.
  2. Brown discharge - sometimes the norm if they have light shades. They are often caused by the final processes of embryo implantation and its implantation into the endometrial layer. Dark brown discharge is an alarming sign if they are accompanied by painful symptoms, have an unpleasant odor or are profuse. A similar phenomenon often indicates an ectopic or missed pregnancy, cervical erosion, or a genital infection.
  3. Bloody discharge is a particularly dangerous phenomenon, as it may indicate a miscarriage. Sometimes they occur due to rough sexual intimacy, ectopic fixation of the fetus or frozen gestation, as well as after examination by a gynecologist and cervical erosion.

Any discharge requires medical attention to rule out pathology.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

Pregnancy at 4 weeks may be accompanied by uncomfortable soreness in the abdomen. This is due to the active embryonic development and restructuring of the body of the new mother. Also, pulling sensations in the abdomen can disturb those patients whose menstruation was also painful.

Gynecologists warn - 4 weeks is considered a critical period, when a pregnant woman usually has her period, so a pulling stomach can be caused by uterine tone. It happens that such pulling pains end in a miscarriage or fading of the fetus. Lumbar pain is also considered a fairly common occurrence at this stage of gestation. Typically, a similar symptom is associated with the restructuring of ligamentous and bone structures.

Colds and fever

Colds are undesirable at this time, because the embryo is very vulnerable, so even minor factors can negatively affect it. If the cold season has begun, then it is better for mommy to avoid crowded places. But the temperature can have an extremely negative effect on fetal development. If hyperthermia is 38 degrees and above, then the fetus is likely to freeze, and sometimes there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, even at the planning stage, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to protect the fetus from negative influences.


Many pregnant women begin to suffer from toxicosis at week 4

Not necessarily, but sometimes it happens that in the fourth week a woman begins to be bothered by toxicosis. Usually, young mothers who are carrying their first child are more susceptible to early toxic syndrome. They are concerned about nausea-vomiting reactions, excessive salivation, intolerance to odors and certain foods. In the morning, nausea worries, which recedes by lunchtime.

What is important

With the onset of conception, mom will have to radically change her life. The sooner she begins to follow special recommendations, the better for the future baby.

Sex at 4 weeks

Usually, at this time, the spouses do not yet think about the birth of a new family member, so their sexual activity proceeds as usual. If the couple has been preparing for pregnancy for a long time and already from the first day of the delay they learned about the addition, then the doctor will recommend them to avoid experiments, excessive passion and aggressiveness in bed, so as not to accidentally harm the baby. This is especially important for those patients who could not conceive for a long time or their past pregnancies ended in miscarriage. After all, uterine contractions during orgasm can disrupt the process of complete and final implantation into the endometrium.

Nutrition Features

The main requirement for a pregnant diet is balance and variety. Under the ban fast food and semi-finished products, it is also not recommended to lean on canned food. Meat is only lean, but fish, on the contrary, should be chosen fatter, since it contains more organic acids, for example, salmon, trout or salmon. For sweets, you can treat yourself to marshmallows or marshmallows, chocolate and all kinds of cakes are now undesirable. In general, the diet should consist of cereals and vegetables, fruits and berries, dairy and meat products.


Alcoholic products for pregnant women are an absolute taboo. There is an active formation of the rudiments of the fetus, so alcohol can lead to congenital deformities or pathologies. Ethanol is one of the strongest toxins that causes disturbances in embryonic development and formation, which is why a baby can be born with abnormalities. Therefore, for the birth of healthy offspring, a complete rejection of alcohol is necessary.


Antibiotics are also dangerous for the embryo, especially at week 4. If you arbitrarily take antibiotics, you can provoke the birth of a baby with deviations. Therefore, it is necessary to take such drugs only if there are special indications and with a medical prescription. There is a category of antibiotics that are allowed for pregnant women, however, at this time even they should not be taken.


So, in the fourth week, it is already possible to confirm the fact of pregnancy with the help of ultrasound. Also, the gynecologist will be able to tentatively establish the approximate timing of conception and the date of the expected birth. At this stage, there is an active distribution of the cellular structures of the embryo. A woman can notice the very first, still unexpressed manifestations of an interesting position. It is important to change life at this time, since the further bearing and health of the baby will depend on its image.

You may not yet be aware of your wonderful position, but a new life is already emerging inside you. You may already feel changes in well-being, especially if you have been waiting for a pregnancy for a long time. Sometimes these changes are associated with psychological readiness for pregnancy, and sometimes the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear in the fourth week - nausea, lack of menstruation, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, drowsiness.

This week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the development of the organs of the embryo, as well as the beginning of the work of some of them. During this period, the baby is very susceptible to negative factors. That is why even before pregnancy, the expectant mother should lead a healthy lifestyle.

How many months have passed? The obstetric fourth week of pregnancy is the second week from conception. From this week begins the phase of embryonic development.

What's happening?

The gestation period of four weeks is characterized by the appearance of the first early signs of pregnancy. Many women are unaware that they are already pregnant. There is nausea and discomfort in the mammary glands. Many women believe that these are harbingers of menstruation. However, the embryo has already settled in the uterus, pregnancy has occurred.

Embryo development at 4 weeks

The embryo is well attached to the wall of the uterus. It looks similar to a three-layer flat disc. Each layer is responsible for the development of certain cells. For example, the endoderm forms the pancreas, the lungs of the baby, the gastrointestinal tract; the mesoderm is responsible for the development of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, muscles and the formation of the skeleton; the ectoderm is responsible for the creation of the future nervous system of the fetus, eyes, the appearance of hair, skin and tooth enamel.

The size of the embryo is very small - from 0.36 to 1 mm. The chorion, amnion and yolk sac are actively developing. The embryo, thanks to these extra-embryonic organs, receives nutrition and oxygen. These organs maintain biochemical balance. Soon the chorion will generate the placenta, and the amnion will participate in the generation of the fetal bladder. The yolk sac serves for hematopoiesis of the embryo until the 8th week of development. It also performs excretory, immunoregulatory, metabolic functions until these functions are taken over by the organs of the fetus. Until the gestational age of 6 weeks is reached, the yolk sac produces the proteins needed by the embryo.

Fetal photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

This period is very important - the embryo has just attached to the wall of the uterus, it begins to develop. The nutrition of a woman at this time should consist of fresh, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins foods. The embryo at this stage of development is very vulnerable, any lack of trace elements, vitamins, proteins can cause its death. The expectant mother should refuse products containing preservatives, dyes. Foods that need to be avoided include smoked meats, foods high in fat. You should limit simple carbohydrates, replacing them with fruits and natural juices. You can not follow a diet, defective and without a regimen to eat. It is advisable to include buckwheat, nuts, leafy greens, legumes, vegetables in your diet. The folic acid contained in them will favorably affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. It is strictly forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages, because alcohol disrupts the formation of the embryo and can cause the development of severe congenital pathology.

Mom's Feelings

Some women already begin to feel nauseous in the morning. There is a restructuring of the body, and the woman's health is deteriorating - dizzy, sick, vomiting may begin. Outwardly, the woman has not changed, her breasts have slightly increased. There is no abdomen in the fourth week of pregnancy due to the too small size of the fetus.

The uterus at the fourth week of pregnancy was slightly swollen, a dense mucous plug was practically formed in the cervix, which serves as protection for the embryo. The test this week does not always show the presence of pregnancy, but certain symptoms are already talking about it: drowsiness, fatigue, nausea appear. In many ways, the condition is similar to the condition before menstruation. But when the time comes, it doesn't. To accurately determine whether pregnancy has occurred, an hCG test is prescribed; at the fourth week of pregnancy, it will show the exact result.

The time has come for the onset of menstruation, and instead of it, abundant, mucous discharge of a light color has appeared. This speaks of hormonal changes in the body. Discharge, odorless, light, without admixture of blood are considered normal. If there is blood in the discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a precursor to miscarriage.

4 weeks pregnant, twins

In the blood of a future mother during a multiple pregnancy, the level of hCG is often at least twice as high as in pregnant women with one fetus. The increased load that occurs during a multiple pregnancy has not yet been felt, but the first symptoms of pregnancy are already appearing. Positive hCG test results may indicate a multiple pregnancy to the doctor, and an ultrasound confirm twins.

Sex at 4 weeks pregnant

Sex in the fourth week does not pose any danger to the embryo, except for fairly common cases when there is a risk of interruption. An obstacle may also be a woman's poor health, associated with the onset of physical and hormonal changes in the body.

Pain at 4 weeks pregnant

Due to the fact that in the body of the expectant mother there is an active process of hormonal changes, the embryo develops, the uterus grows, sometimes there is pain in the lower abdomen. Such pain occurs periodically with fatigue, after physical exertion. If there is a constant pulling or sharp pain - this may indicate that the tone of the uterus is increased, and the pregnancy may be terminated. The fourth week of pregnancy for the embryo is the period of greatest vulnerability. Any increased physical activity, alcohol abuse, medication can lead to the death of the embryo. Acute viral infections can also lead to miscarriage.

Research and analyzes

These studies consist mainly in the appointment of a hCG test by a doctor, which confirms pregnancy. It is extremely rare to do an ultrasound in the fourth week of pregnancy, which can show the corpus luteum, determine the presence of an embryo in the uterus. Most often, at this time, women do not go to the doctor, as they may not be aware of their situation, and tests, unfortunately, do not always determine it.

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Questions - answers

I have a missed period, but the pregnancy test results are not. How can you trust him?

The delay in the onset of menstruation can be not only due to pregnancy, but also due to stress, inflammation in the pelvic organs, and hormonal disorders. A pregnancy test, given the short period, may also not show pregnancy due to the low content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. The hormone appears in the blood of a pregnant woman after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, then gradually appears in the urine. Its quantity increases by 2 times every next day.

The test is designed to determine the hormone with the rate indicated in the test. Until the amount of the hormone in the woman's body reaches this norm, the test will not be able to confirm pregnancy. To do this, you will need to do a second test after a while.

You can go to your doctor, he will prescribe an hCG test for you, which will show if you are pregnant. This analysis determines pregnancy from day 6.

I'm 4 weeks pregnant and I'm afraid of getting the flu. How can the flu affect pregnancy? What will happen to the fetus if I get sick at 4 weeks pregnant?

The threat to the fetus if the expectant mother falls ill with the flu is higher in the first, initial trimester of pregnancy. Intoxication of the body, high temperature - all this most severely affects the embryo. The disease can cause irreversible harm to the developing organs and systems of the fetus, and malformations may occur. In the early stages, damage caused by the virus can lead to fetal death. Sometimes doctors have to insist on terminating a pregnancy after a severe illness.

In the second, third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus may be infected, damage to the placenta may occur. Children infected in utero with the virus often develop pneumonia in the neonatal period, are weakened, are born with a lack of weight, have endocrine disorders, and are prone to allergic reactions. Expectant mothers need to understand that the main thing is not to treat the flu, but to avoid it. Influenza prevention, careful attitude to your health will preserve the health and life of the baby.

I'm breastfeeding and haven't had my period. Nausea set in, and after visiting the doctor, I found out that I was 4-5 weeks pregnant. Could breastfeeding affect the fetus? And why pregnancy came in the absence of menstruation?

It is possible to get pregnant without menstruation. Breastfeeding does not protect 100% against the possibility of getting pregnant. If your baby does not breastfeed at night; if you feed him according to a certain schedule, and not at his request; if the baby receives artificial nutrition as supplementary food; if your baby is more than six months old, you have a good chance of getting pregnant. The ability to become pregnant returns in some women after a few weeks. Ovulation occurs before your period, which you might not expect if you are breastfeeding.

To preserve the health of a woman, to restore the body after childbirth, it takes at least three years before the next pregnancy. Contraceptives should be used as early as 5 weeks after birth to avoid pregnancy. Breastfeeding during pregnancy does not cause serious problems, unless there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. When breastfeeding, the uterus contracts, which causes the hormone oxytocin. The same contractions of the uterus occur during sexual contact. Of course, breastfeeding the baby, carrying another baby requires good nutrition, taking a group of vitamins with trace elements, good sleep. In addition, the body is weakened by a previous pregnancy, and this may affect the course of pregnancy.

I was prescribed folacin. Why is folic acid prescribed? The gestation period is 4-5 weeks.

Folic acid belongs to the group of B vitamins. It enters our body when we eat vegetables, fruits, and cereals. The lack of folic acid is dangerous at the very beginning of pregnancy, because now the child is actively developing. 4 weeks of pregnancy is an important stage in the laying of all future organs. Therefore, it is advised to take it during pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of malformations in the fetus, with a preventive purpose throughout pregnancy. Vitamin deficiency from the first days of development can affect the formation of the fetal nervous system. It is also necessary for the production of red blood cells, and its deficiency can cause cerebral herniation and many other disorders. If the vitamin is not enough, then failures in the formation of the placenta may occur and this will lead to termination of pregnancy.

Folacin helps absorb iron and promotes the formation of cells such as white blood cells. Vitamin deficiency causes depression, increases toxicosis and can cause anemia. To prevent the occurrence of pathologies such as cerebral hernia, cleft lip and others, folacin should be taken three months before the planned pregnancy. A pregnant woman should include in her menu such foods as greens (spinach, parsley, onions), fresh orange juice, all kinds of nuts, vegetables (cabbage of all kinds, carrots, pumpkin, turnips, beets), legumes (beans, lentils, beans ), whole wheat bread.

Offal - kidneys and liver. Since folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment, you need to eat more fresh salads with vegetables, nuts, leafy greens. Apples, pears and many other fruits are rich in folic acid. It is recommended to include buckwheat in your diet as often as possible. Since it is impossible to calculate how much folic acid enters your body, it is prescribed prophylactically, in the form of tablets, throughout pregnancy.

A year ago, I had an abortion at 3-4 weeks of gestation. Is it possible that the next pregnancy will also not take place?

The embryo, and then the fetus, most often dies at a period of 3-4, 8-11, 16-18 weeks. These weeks are marked by the laying of systems and organs of the fetus or certain processes in the mother's body. The death of the fetus for up to 8 weeks is most often due to genetic damage. They arise from unsuccessful combinations of mom and dad genes. If there were several pregnancies that froze, it is most likely a genetic problem.

Another cause of fetal death is hormonal. Sometimes it happens that the level of androgens in a pregnant woman rises - the result is a missed pregnancy. It is quite possible that an infection also leads to a missed pregnancy. Infections such as influenza, rubella can cause fetal death. Stress can also cause miscarriages. You must be examined and establish the exact cause, which resulted in a missed pregnancy. Based on this, you will plan your next pregnancy.

When is the 4th week of pregnancy - is it felt? How does the expectant mother feel? There are many questions at this time. After all, every day counts.

Calculations using different methods

When doctors work with pregnant patients, they do not go into the details of ovulation and the day of conception. The gestational age will be calculated by the obstetric method: from the first day of the last menstruation.

By the embryonic method, the period is considered from the estimated ovulation and is “late” by two weeks in comparison with the obstetric period.

Sometimes women consider the period from the moment of delay. Then the fourth week will mean the eighth obstetric or sixth embryonic. Is it easy to get confused? Then it's better to stick to the medical point of view. After all, the expectant mother will have to communicate with doctors quite often.

Fruit size: more than one cell

As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, the rapid division of the zygote begins. If you think about it, it's a miracle. One single cell forms many others. They are completely different, and their roles are different. And each cell "knows" where to be and what to do.

If there is a 4th obstetric week, then it is too early to talk about the fetus. The zygote gradually passes into the stage of the embryo. Now the unborn child is an almost invisible ball of cells, which scientists call morula. Under a microscope, it will look like a berry covered with “pimples”. If the fixation of the morula in the uterine cavity has not yet occurred, it will certainly take place. And then the real cellular magic begins.

How is the embryo arranged?

The size of the future fetus at the 4th obstetric week is comparable to a “poppy seed”. Its weight is about 0.5 g, and its height is 0.36-1 mm. However, this is literally momentary data. The embryo grows rapidly due to constant cell division.

Embryo structure

Photo of the embryo at the 4th week

Physicians often use the concept of a germinal disk, which is formed by germ layers. These are special layers of cells:

  • the inner layer (endoderm) will give rise to the digestive tract, liver and lungs, as well as the pancreas;
  • the middle layer (mesoderm) is the future kidneys, muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as the baby's skeleton;
  • the outer layer (ectoderm) is responsible for the formation of the nervous system, head (including eyes, teeth and hair), and skin.

Extra-embryonic organs

It is also a miracle of nature that a single fertilized cell, when divided, provides the baby with everything necessary. Including full meals. This is done by the so-called extra-embryonic organs. There are three of them:

  • chorion: a kind of hairy sac that will later become the placenta;
  • amnion is the future fetal bladder, a strong “packaging” of the fetus;
  • The yolk sac is the source of nutrition for the embryo.

The last extra-embryonic organ is especially important. It is its dysfunction or pathology that can lead to miscarriage. Based on the condition of the yolk sac, the ultrasound specialist will obtain some important information about the pregnancy and the embryo.

Scientists have established a curious fact: the male genes of the embryo are “responsible” for the external germinal organs. We can say that the function of the breadwinner and protector lies at the deepest levels of the human being.

Future mom

In the fourth obstetric week, a woman may still not know anything. The active development of the zygote in the female body can either give the first signs of pregnancy, or not at all affect the condition of the expectant mother.


If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she is full of expectations. The main question now is: did it work or not?? At the 4th obstetric week, the mother's feelings are more emotional.

Physically, a woman may feel a slight malaise. There may be slight weakness, barely noticeable discomfort in the lower abdomen, drowsiness. This condition is almost the same in early pregnancy and on the eve of menstruation.

But the sensitivity of the breast and nipples can increase markedly. The mammary glands sometimes swell from the first days after conception. Also, by the end of the fourth week, the expectant mother may well have the first signs of early toxicosis. In this case, someone will simply empty the refrigerator, and someone will run to the store for something “delicious”, special. It may be the other way around: nausea will come, and you will not want to eat at all.

External changes

Even in the fourth week, a woman's waist can increase by 1-2 cm. If all the clothes are tight, a woman will definitely notice this. The main thing is to react correctly. If pregnancy is not planned, the expectant mother may not recognize her condition. Then she will rush to the gym or to a nutritionist. That's why it's important to protect yourself well. And if pregnancy is allowed, you need to be careful. Then even small symptoms will give the right clue.

The expectant mother can be a little "weighty". Weight gain in the early stages is explained, like many other things, by hormonal changes. It, in combination with early toxicosis, sometimes leads to a small weight loss. If the well-being of the expectant mother is good at the same time, you should not worry.

Vaginal discharge

In the normal course of pregnancy, the next menstruation will not come. If for some reason the zygote cannot gain a foothold in the uterus, menstruation will come. In this case, they do not talk about a miscarriage. Often women do not even know that they could become future mothers.

If pregnancy is confirmed, bleeding is an alarm. You should urgently contact the doctors.

implantation bleeding- These are very slight bloody or brown discharge. One or two smears are possible when the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

The female body uses mucous secretions to create a special protective plug. She literally clogs the cervix and comes out normal only before childbirth.

A woman will have to be examined if the mucous discharge is unusual:

  • with an unpleasant odor;
  • yellow;
  • too abundant;
  • thick and white;
  • similar to cottage cheese flakes.

Ways to confirm pregnancy

How soon can the expectant mother be convinced of her new condition? How long will it take to get the most accurate result? It all depends on the method.

Pharmacy test: will it show or not?

Some modern tests are able to recognize pregnancy even before the delay. Therefore, if the gestational age is 4 weeks, the test can be applied if there is no patience. And yet it is better to wait until the first day of the expected period. The result will be more reliable.

At the beginning of the fourth obstetric week, the study is unlikely to help. But in the end, on high-quality equipment, a good specialist will already see something. It will be a uterus with a thick layer of endometrium and an embryo - a small black dot. If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, a specialist doctor will definitely check the entire female system.

Blood test for hCG

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) during pregnancy increases. Therefore, a blood test at the end of the 4th week will help confirm that conception was successful.

A visit to the doctor: is it time or can we wait?

Modern women are often very busy. Work, family life and hobbies take a lot of time. But now the expectant mother will have to take care of two at once.

In the fourth obstetric week, it is too early to register. The pregnancy itself may not yet be confirmed. But if there is already a positive result, you can go for a consultation. What will the doctor do?

  1. He will examine the woman and externally assess her general condition.
  2. Collect primary data.
  3. He will prescribe a suitable vitamin complex and folic acid preparations.

If the conception was planned and took place under the supervision of physicians, the woman will visit her doctor anyway. The doctor will confirm a successful conception and prescribe measures to preserve the pregnancy. This is especially important if the patient has already had miscarriages.

What to look out for

It's amazing how many aspects of life will have to be evaluated differently when pregnancy comes. Special recommendations for expectant mothers should be followed as early as possible. If this has not happened before the 4th week, it is time to pay attention to many things.


Completeness and balance: these are the main requirements. Unloading days are now in the past. And it is also desirable to abandon canned food, semi-finished products and fast food.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week

When preparing meat dishes, it is important to monitor the absence of fat. Fish, on the contrary, can be consumed fatty varieties. Is there a contradiction here? Actually - none. Fatty fish contains many useful organic acids, which are completely absent in animal fat. It should be noted: we are not talking about frying in oil. It’s just that some types of fish live in cold seas and oceans, so they acquire a fatty layer for their own warmth. The most famous are salmon, trout and salmon.

If you want sweets, then marshmallows or marshmallows are better than chocolate or cake..

Vegetables and fruits are indispensable components of the "pregnant diet". They can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Plus cereals and dairy products.

Future mothers often ask: what, now nothing “such” is possible at all? And if you really, to the point of dizziness, want sprats, chili compote or chips? If we approach diet issues strictly, then there is only one answer: yes, nothing “such” is really possible. But if some food, even “harmful”, will help the expectant mother cope with nausea or cheer up, then why not? Only it is better to use unwanted foods in microdoses. A pack of chips is “stretched” for a week, and canned food is not eaten with a tablespoon straight from the can.

There is only one absolute “taboo”: alcohol for the expectant mother is strictly contraindicated! And it doesn’t matter how many “degrees” are in the drink. All kinds of homemade liqueurs are also alcohol, albeit as natural as possible. The best strategy for a mom-to-be is to completely avoid alcohol.

Food poisoning is dangerous for the unborn baby. Therefore, it is very important to secure your diet in the 4th week of pregnancy. No need to try exotic dishes and products at this time. The body may not accept them and react with a gastrointestinal upset. And not only the expectant mother will suffer, but also the embryo. Right now he is very unstable to any negative influences.

Protection from harmful factors

The body of a future mother can be very vulnerable. Some protective mechanisms at the 4th obstetric week have not yet been formed. Therefore, it is very important:

  • quit smoking yourself and stay away from people who smoke;
  • be careful during epidemics of viral infections;
  • monitor your mood and let only positive emotions into your life;
  • avoid abrupt climate change.

Additional measures

Stretch marks can seriously spoil both the appearance of the skin and the mood of a woman. One of the skin protection measures is olive oil. It is recommended to rub it into problem areas even before the tummy begins to grow.

Pregnancy and sex

At the 4th obstetric week, the couple may not yet know that someone else has already been born. Therefore, the intimate life of future parents proceeds as usual.. Some women after intimacy feel an unpleasant heaviness in the labia area.

If conception is planned and carried out under the supervision of a doctor, he may advise taking a break from sexual life. This is especially important if a woman has had miscarriages before. In rare cases, uterine contractions during orgasm can prevent the embryo from fully establishing itself in the uterine cavity.

In all other cases, with good health, the couple has no obstacles to sex. There is one psychological moment. Perhaps, over time, the intimate feelings of the expectant mother will change. She may experience awkwardness, discomfort, or simply fear when close to the man she loves. It is highly advisable to warn your partner about this. The future father must be ready and patient. At the slightest negativity in intimate life, a woman should not withdraw into herself, consider sex as a duty and obligation. The father of the child will certainly feel the tension. Without knowing the true cause, problems in family life are possible. Therefore, mutual love, respect, attention and frankness are especially important now.


In the fourth obstetric week, the concept of miscarriage is used extremely rarely. In most cases, a woman does not have time to accurately confirm pregnancy or even fully realize her condition. Therefore, for many, bleeding during a miscarriage is equal to monthly.

Some symptoms may indicate a possible interruption.

  1. It hurts and pulls the stomach. It's pain, not mild discomfort.
  2. Bleeding is profuse, sometimes with clots.
  3. Blood discharge is brown.

But even all of the listed signs do not always signal that a miscarriage has occurred or spontaneous abortion.

Abortion can also be intentional. Every woman has a right to this. However, the decision must be responsible. Nothing can be done in a state of nervous breakdown, out of fear or in revenge on someone. Modern medicine tries to spare women under any circumstances. But no one has yet canceled the adverse physical and psychological consequences of abortion.

Grand total of the 4th week

  1. The fourth obstetric week may be the time to confirm pregnancy.
  2. The embryo is not just dividing, but the functional distribution of cells.
  3. The first, barely noticeable signs and symptoms of pregnancy appear.

The lifestyle of a pregnant woman in the fourth week will largely determine the further development of a tiny creature - the unborn baby.

← Week 3 Week 5 →

Video guide: 4 weeks pregnant: what is happening, symptoms, sensations, signs

Signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks

Signs of pregnancy at week 4 are manifested primarily by the absence of menstrual flow. In addition, the woman has the following symptoms:

  • emotional lability - sudden changes in mood,
  • there is engorgement and an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands,
  • high fatigue at usual loads,
  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting and increased salivation,
  • drowsiness and weakness
  • change in taste,
  • slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen and / or lower back,
  • possible frequent urination
  • basal temperature above 37°C.

Also, when conducting additional examination methods, pregnancy can be detected based on the high content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, urine (using test strips) and during an ultrasound examination, which shows the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity.

What happens at 4 weeks pregnant?

What happens at the 4th week of pregnancy, many pregnant women who are in this period want to know. This period is characterized by the transformation of the fetal egg into the embryo itself. The embryo at this time has the form of a flat disk with three layers.

  1. From the outer layer of cellular elements, extra-embryonic organs are formed - the yolk sac, chorion and amniotic membrane (amnion). These organs perform a protective, nutritional and respiratory function.
    • The chorion is the outer shell of the embryo, from which the placenta will form. Her education will continue for up to twelve weeks. Through the placenta, the embryo will receive oxygen and the substances necessary for its vital activity. Also, at the site of contact of the embryo with the endometrium of the uterus, a vascular network begins to form.
    • The amniotic membrane (amnion) is formed in the form of a cavity where the embryo will be located. Subsequently, the amniotic membrane will turn into a fetal bladder. Amnion produces amniotic fluid, which protects the embryo from shock, drying out and provides optimal conditions for life.
    • The yolk sac is responsible for hematopoietic function until seven to eight weeks of pregnancy.
    • The cells of the outer layer (ectoderm) are converted into skin, hair, nervous system, eye lenses and tooth enamel.
  2. The cells of the middle layer (mesoderm) are transformed into the bone skeleton, connective and muscle tissue, circulatory and excretory systems, and organs of the reproductive system.

The cells of the inner layer (endodermis) will form the digestive tract, liver, pancreas and thyroid glands, organs of the respiratory system.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, the head of the embryo is forming, it looks like a drop during this period. By the end of 4 weeks, the initial stage of intrauterine development of the embryo, which is called blastogenesis, ends.

fetus at 4 weeks pregnant

The fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy continues to grow and develop rapidly. At this time, it is also called an embryo, into which it turns from a fetal egg. The embryo in this period has the form of a flat disk with 3 layers, from which organs and systems will subsequently be formed. At the end of the fourth week, the neural plate is formed, from which the spinal cord and brain will develop in the future, the rudiments of the glands are present, and the face with the rudiments of the eyes is formed. A tiny embryo at this time has a size of four to five millimeters.

If you are 4 weeks pregnant, the embryonic period begins. From this point until 10 weeks, all of your baby's organs will begin to develop and some will even begin to function. As a result, this period is the most vulnerable to developmental damage. At the moment, the child consists of two layers: the primary ectoderm and the hypoblast, from which all organs and parts of the body are formed.

The primitive placenta also consists of two layers during this period. Its cells are connected to the tissues of the uterus, thus, the developed placenta provides the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

An amniotic sac is also formed with amniotic fluid in it, which will protect the fetus and the yolk sac, which produces red blood cells for the baby.

Important: the development of each child is purely individual. Our information is designed to give you an overview of fetal development.

Changes in the expectant mother at 4 weeks of pregnancy

With the help of a pregnancy test, you can finally be sure that you are expecting a baby.

If the test is positive, book your first prenatal consultation with a gynecologist. In most cases, the doctor will prescribe it no earlier than the eighth week, or earlier, in case of chronic diseases, symptoms that need to be checked, or if you had problems with a previous pregnancy.

If you are taking any medications, you should now consult your doctor to see if they are safe for your baby.

Before pregnancy, you should take a multivitamin containing at least 400 micrograms of folic acid, with folic acid increased to 600 micrograms per day.

The next six weeks are important for the development of the child. The still simplified placenta and umbilical cord, which provide nutrition and oxygen to the baby, are already functioning.

If you have been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant for a year or more, see your doctor, you need an examination to identify possible problems.

Pregnancy test, “I did a home pregnancy test and got a negative result, but I already knew for sure that I was pregnant, I felt it. I waited a few days and did another test in the morning. This time, I was right, it turned out to be positive.” - anonymous

Feelings at 4 weeks pregnant

Feelings at 4 weeks of pregnancy may be absent. But in most cases, the emotional state of a woman suffers due to hormonal changes. There are mood swings, increased tearfulness and resentment, causeless irritability. In addition to disturbances in the emotional sphere, a woman feels engorgement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and / or lower back are possible, increased odorless mucous secretions, the perception of various types of odors and taste preferences change, fluid retention is often noted and appears puffiness. Often at 4 weeks of gestation, nausea, increased salivation and vomiting are noted.

HCG at 4 weeks pregnant

HCG at 4 weeks of gestation continues to be produced after the implantation of a fertilized egg. Chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by the shell of the embryo - the chorion and has an effect on the female genital organs, thus directing them to support the pregnancy that is developing. The function of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is high:

  • provides support in the development and functioning of the corpus luteum of pregnancy up to seven weeks,
  • takes part in the secretion of steroids in the fetus, thus participating in the formation of sex in the fetus,
  • It has an immunosuppressive effect, which prevents the rejection of an embryo that is foreign to the woman's immune system.

Chorionic gonadotropin increases every two to three days in the first weeks, as pregnancy progresses, its level begins to fall. The highest level of human chorionic gonadotropin is observed at the eighth to tenth week, after which it begins to decline.

HCG at 4 weeks of gestation can be determined using a laboratory research method, while blood is taken for analysis, and a woman can also determine its presence in the urine using test strips.

progesterone at 4 weeks pregnant

Progesterone in the 4th week of pregnancy continues to increase. It is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy before the formation of the placenta, which will subsequently take over the production of progesterone. Progesterone plays a significant role not only at the 4th week of pregnancy, but throughout its entire period. The function of progesterone is as follows:

  • ensures the growth of the uterus and prepares it for the growth of the embryo,
  • prevents contraction of the muscles of the uterus and thus prevents the threat of abortion,
  • increases the accumulation of substances in the form of subcutaneous fat, necessary for the nutrition of the embryo and the woman's body,
  • reduces the functioning of the immune system so that the woman’s body does not reject the embryo’s organism that is foreign to it,
  • ensures the growth and development of the mammary glands,
  • helps prepare the ligaments of the pelvis for labor,
  • takes part in the development of certain tissues in the embryo.

uterus at 4 weeks pregnant

The uterus at the 4th week of pregnancy swells, softens, especially in the isthmus, and therefore, its slight mobility is noted. The mucous membrane of the uterus and cervix is ​​bluish in color, due to increased blood flow. A mucous plug is formed in the area of ​​the cervix, which will perform a protective function, in particular, prevent the penetration of a bacterial infection from outside into the uterine cavity. In size, the uterus does not increase much at 4 weeks and does not go beyond the boundaries of the small pelvis.

Endometrium at 4 weeks pregnant

The endometrium at the 4th week of pregnancy continues to undergo some modifications after the implantation of a fertilized egg. The number of blood vessels in it increases (due to which it acquires a bluish color) and glandular cells, which subsequently turn into a placenta, and at this time provide the embryo with oxygen and the substances necessary for its nutrition. As the embryo grows and pregnancy progresses, a gradual thickening of the endometrium occurs. When conducting an ultrasound, the thickness of the endometrium at the 4th week of pregnancy averages 20 mm.

Breast at 4 weeks pregnant

The breast at 4 weeks of gestation continues to undergo changes. As a result of hormonal changes, her gradual restructuring to breastfeeding begins. Symmetrical growth, engorgement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands are noted. Their slight soreness is possible, as well as darkening of the nipples and areolas.

Belly at 4 weeks pregnant

The abdomen at the 4th week of pregnancy does not undergo any changes, namely, it does not increase in size, since the embryo is still very tiny and the uterus is located in the pelvic area. There may be slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen, but they usually disappear after a few days.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of gestation is performed transvaginally and confirms intrauterine pregnancy. It is defined as a small black circle with a diameter of several millimeters, and is called the fetal sac. Also on ultrasound in this period, you can see dilated blood vessels in the uterus, which is the norm and is associated with the need for more active nutrition of the developing embryo.

It is still not possible to see the tissues of the embryo at week 4, but by the end of this week it will be possible to see the yolk sac on ultrasound, representing a ring of two to three millimeters. And after seven days on this ring, it will be possible to see a tiny embryo that receives the necessary substances from the yolk sac.

The corpus luteum of pregnancy intensively continues its work:

  • increasing in size, provides nutrients to the embryo, until the placenta is formed,
  • and also continues the production necessary for the maintenance and progression of pregnancy - the hormone progesterone.

Ultrasound at the 4th week of pregnancy is rarely performed; when performed at an early stage, it is also possible to confirm or exclude an ectopic pregnancy or cystic drift in order to respond in time and prevent undesirable consequences.

Feeling good at 4 weeks pregnant

Well-being at the 4th week of pregnancy is characterized by instability of the emotional background - increased irritability, tearfulness; the appearance of disorders of the digestive tract - nausea, vomiting; slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen and / or in the lumbar region. Basically, well-being at the 4th week of pregnancy does not suffer, many women feel great.

Abdominal pain at 4 weeks pregnant

If the stomach hurts at 4 weeks of pregnancy, then there may be several reasons for this symptom. The abdomen at the 4th week of pregnancy can hurt and is normal, the pain is pulling, not accompanied by any bloody discharge, their intensity does not increase and quickly disappear. Pain in the abdomen at week 4 may also indicate the presence of a pathological process:

  • diseases of the urinary organs (pyelonephritis, cystitis), but in such cases, urination disorders and a rise in temperature are often associated with pain,
  • intestinal disorders in the form of constipation, flatulence,
  • a possible pregnancy is ectopic, therefore, as the embryo grows and the fallopian tube stretches, pain occurs,
  • pain may indicate a threatened miscarriage or missed pregnancy, especially if they intensify and are accompanied by bloody discharge,
  • inflammatory processes in the abdominal organs (for example, appendicitis) are possible.

Given the presence of a large number of reasons that can cause abdominal pain, especially at the 4th week of pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the woman and the course of pregnancy.

Why is my stomach pulling at 4 weeks pregnant?

Often pulls the stomach at 4 weeks of pregnancy due to changes that occur in the female body. Namely, there is a displacement of the pelvic organs, stretching of muscle fibers and ligaments, which contributes to the occurrence of pulling pains in the abdomen.

Also pull the stomach can:

  • after doing any physical exercise,
  • with the threat of miscarriage,
  • with an ectopic pregnancy,
  • as a result of pathological processes in the internal organs.

In pathological conditions that are accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen, other symptoms are often noted (for example, bloody discharge, fever, urination disorder, increased pain, etc.), which requires immediate medical attention.

Discharge at 4 weeks pregnant

Discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy may be thicker than usual, clear or whitish, odorless and does not cause discomfort to a woman. Light brown discharge is possible, especially at the beginning of the 4th week, when implantation finally occurs, usually such discharge is not disturbing, odorless and disappears after a few days.

brown discharge at 4 weeks pregnant

Brown discharge at week 4 may be the norm, especially if they are light in color, are not accompanied by odor, and do not bring discomfort to the woman. Such secretions are associated with the hormonal restructuring of the female body, as well as with the completion of the implantation of the embryo in the endometrium of the uterus and disappear after a few days. Dark brown discharge should alert, especially if they are accompanied by pain in the abdomen and / or lower back, increase in volume, acquire an unpleasant odor. Such discharge may indicate a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion, a threatened miscarriage, or the presence of a bacterial sexual infection, which requires immediate medical attention.

Bloody discharge at 4 weeks pregnant

Bloody discharge at 4 weeks of gestation requires special attention. Bloody discharge may be the result of:

  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • intercourse,
  • gynecological examination (minor discharge, usually not dangerous),
  • frozen pregnancy (bloody discharge scanty and spotting),
  • cervical erosion.

The appearance of bloody discharge at the 4th week of pregnancy is the reason for going to the gynecologist in order to determine the cause of such discharge and, if necessary, undergo appropriate therapy.

Lower back pain at 4 weeks pregnant

The lower back hurts at the 4th week of pregnancy due to various reasons, such as physiological restructuring of the bone-ligamentous apparatus, or due to the presence of some pathological process in the body. The causative factors of lower back pain at week 4 may be:

  • Normally - due to changes in the bone-ligamentous apparatus, when the hormone relaxin is produced, which makes the connective tissues loose, resulting in an increase in their extensibility, as well as the mobility of the pelvic bones. Thus, the body prepares for the upcoming birth.
  • Excess weight that a woman gradually gains during pregnancy.
  • Pathology of the spine, existing even before pregnancy (scoliosis, osteochondrosis).
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Usually, kidney disease has urinary incontinence and fever.

The threat of miscarriage may be accompanied by pain in the lower back and bloody discharge.

Thus, in the case of lumbar pain, the intensity of which does not go away, but increases and other symptoms are additionally noted, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in order to identify the cause in a timely manner and prevent unwanted complications.

Temperature at 4 weeks pregnant

Often the temperature at the 4th week of pregnancy rises to subfebrile figures, namely up to 37.3 ° C. This temperature can be observed both in the early period and throughout pregnancy. In the absence of any other symptoms (for example, headache, rhinitis, etc.), such a temperature is considered normal, due to:

  • changes in metabolism towards its acceleration,
  • changes in the hormonal background - increased production of the hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain,
  • a decrease in immunity so that the woman’s body does not reject an embryo that is alien to him.

An increase in temperature at 4 weeks of gestation to 38 ° and above may be associated with any disease:

  • SARS or influenza
  • inflammatory diseases of internal organs (for example, pneumonia, pyelonephritis).

Self-treatment at high temperatures is strictly contraindicated, because. this can seriously harm both the health of the woman and the health of the embryo, because. this week, the organs and systems laid down in the third week are intensively developing. Later, malformations of certain organs, mental retardation, etc. may be noted. In addition to such complications, high fever can provoke an abortion. Therefore, you should be very careful about your condition, especially in conditions of high temperature, and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Ectopic pregnancy at 4 weeks

An ectopic pregnancy at week 4 is characterized by the same symptoms as the uterine one. It is also noted:

  • delayed menstruation,
  • emotional disorder,
  • changes in the sensitivity of the mammary glands and their increase,
  • may cause nausea, increased salivation,
  • taste changes and intolerance to certain odors,
  • increased basal temperature, etc.

The reason for the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy is the impossibility of getting a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity, due to a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which the egg is implanted in the fallopian tube. The cause of violation of the passage of the fallopian tubes can be:

  • inflammation processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, both due to non-specific infections (for example, after an abortion), and specific ones that are transmitted through the genital tract (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.),
  • operations on the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs, leading to adhesions,
  • congenital underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes,
  • hormonal disorders in women.

The risk of an ectopic pregnancy occurs:

  • with increasing age (over 35 years),
  • in women with endometriosis and chronic diseases of the genital organs,
  • in smokers,
  • in the presence of an intrauterine device,
  • with congenital anomalies of the uterus and its tubes,
  • tumors of the internal organs.

It is almost impossible to determine an ectopic pregnancy on your own. An ectopic pregnancy is extremely dangerous for a woman's life. Around the fourth to sixth weeks of pregnancy, the villi of the embryo germinate the fallopian tube, the embryo develops intensively and the fallopian tube may rupture, which is accompanied by:

  • bleeding into the abdominal cavity (if a large vessel is damaged, then this is extremely dangerous due to the large loss of blood),
  • sharp cramping pain in the lower abdomen,
  • dizziness
  • pallor of the skin,
  • loss of consciousness, etc.

In some situations, it is not the fallopian tube that breaks, but the fetal egg. In this case, the expulsion of the fetal egg does not occur in the uterus, but in the abdominal cavity - a tubal abortion. With such an abortion, dizziness, acute pain in the abdomen, weakness are also noted, but the symptoms develop more slowly than in the case of a rupture of the pipe. An imaginary well-being may occur, when all the symptoms disappear, and the woman thinks that everything has returned to normal, but the bleeding continues into the abdominal cavity and this is very dangerous. With a slight suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, as well as if a woman is at risk for an ectopic pregnancy, it is a reason to go for a consultation with a doctor and be examined.

Miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant

A miscarriage at 4 weeks of gestation most often begins with minor spotting that gradually increases. The color of spotting can be from scarlet to dark red. Often such discharge is accompanied by spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, as well as pain in the lower back, sometimes the body temperature may rise. Bloody discharge may contain tissue particles.

A miscarriage occurs over a period of time, from several hours to several days. In this case, bleeding may be minor, but last more than a few days.

The occurrence of a miscarriage in early pregnancy is often associated with genetic damage in the embryo that is incompatible with life. Also, an early miscarriage can occur due to any diseases in a woman, inadequate physical activity, the use of drugs, alcohol, etc.

With the appearance of spotting, accompanied by pain, weakness and an increase in temperature, it requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

Bleeding at 4 weeks pregnant

Bleeding at 4 weeks pregnant should be a serious concern and is a reason to consult a doctor. Short bleeding, in the form of a few drops, not accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, an increase in temperature should not be of particular concern, this may be noted:

  • after intercourse,
  • after a gynecological examination.

Profuse bleeding that does not stop, but rather increases, contains tissue particles and is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the woman - weakness, pallor of the skin, pain in the lower abdomen and / or lower back, is a dangerous condition and requires immediate medical attention. Bleeding of this nature can be with spontaneous miscarriage and complicated ectopic pregnancy.

Period at 4 weeks pregnant

Menstruation at the 4th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is not observed. But in the early stages of pregnancy - the first weeks and even months, when the placenta is just developing, there may be a slight release of hormones that suppress menstrual function and at the appropriate time, slight bleeding may occur. In addition, discharge similar to menstruation at 4 weeks of gestation may be due to:

  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • frozen pregnancy,
  • spontaneous miscarriage,
  • erosion of the cervix,
  • after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse.

The occurrence of discharge resembling menstruation is the reason for a visit to the gynecologist for examination and further tactics in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the health of the woman and the embryo.

Toxicosis at 4 weeks of gestation

Toxicosis at 4 weeks of gestation is not uncommon, but not mandatory. The occurrence of early toxicosis is associated with a number of reasons:

  • with a change in the hormonal background of a woman,
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • with the ingestion of metabolic products of the embryo into the blood of a pregnant woman, which cause intoxication in her body,
  • and there is also a hereditary predisposition (when the pregnant mother suffered from toxicosis, then, most likely, her daughter will also have toxicosis).

Often, early toxicosis is noted until the placenta is formed (usually up to twelve weeks), which will protect the woman's body from the metabolic products of the embryo.

Most often, early toxicosis occurs during the first pregnancy, in the case of subsequent pregnancies, the symptoms of toxicosis decrease or are absent.

Toxicosis at the 4th week of pregnancy is most often manifested by nausea, sometimes vomiting, as well as increased salivation, intolerance to certain foods and / or odors.

Mild toxicosis is accompanied by morning sickness, passing after breakfast, or nausea, which can be observed for half a day and is sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Severe toxicosis is characterized by nausea throughout the day and night, and is accompanied by repeated vomiting, which requires medical attention to avoid dehydration and further complications of pregnancy.

To alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis will help - breakfast with solid food without getting out of bed; fractional meals throughout the day with high-calorie foods (not fatty); eating chilled food and sufficient fluids.

Frozen pregnancy at 4 weeks

Frozen pregnancy at 4 weeks occurs for various reasons, namely:

  • as a result of genetic disorders in the embryo that are not compatible with life,
  • with hormonal disorders occurring in the body of a woman as a result of some disease or the use of drugs,
  • the presence of bacterial genital infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, etc.),
  • acute viral infections (flu, etc.),
  • alcohol abuse, smoking,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun
  • rhesus conflict,
  • frequent abortions,
  • regular physical and nervous strain.

It is difficult to suspect a frozen pregnancy on your own, since signs of pregnancy can often still be noted. But you should beware:

  • the appearance of bloody secretions,
  • disappearance of signs of toxicosis,
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and / or lower back,
  • unreasonable increase in body temperature.

In the event of such symptoms, consultation and examination by a specialist is necessary, who will, first of all, conduct an ultrasound scan and determine the diagnosis.

Cold at 4 weeks pregnant

A cold at 4 weeks of gestation can occur in many women, especially in conditions of reduced immunity in the early stages. Colds, in which there is no temperature, chills are not terrible. But when a high temperature appears, above 38 ° C, chills, pallor of the skin, i.e. symptoms of intoxication, a cold becomes dangerous both for the pregnant woman (complications, for example, pneumonia) and for the embryo (violation of its development, fading, miscarriage). In order not to expose the body of a pregnant woman to colds, you need to perform a set of simple preventive measures:

  • during the epidemic period of acute viral infections, try not to visit places with large crowds of people,
  • if there is a cold in the environment of a pregnant patient, especially in the acute period, it is advisable to isolate him for several days,
  • apply saline solutions in the nasal passages in the form of drops or spray (Humor, Aqua-Maris, Quicks),
  • at the location of the pregnant woman, frequent ventilation of the room is necessary,
  • must be awake and asleep,
  • frequent walks in the fresh air,
  • a rational and balanced diet with a high content of vegetables and fruits, microelements,
  • if necessary, the use of vitamins for pregnant women (Vitrum prenatal, Pregnavit).

If, nevertheless, a pregnant woman has a cold, especially with an increase in temperature, it is recommended to consult a doctor for appropriate recommendations. Self-medication is not worth it, as this can adversely affect the development of the embryo, because not all medicines can be taken during pregnancy.

Nausea at 4 weeks pregnant

Nausea at 4 weeks pregnant can occur in more than half of women. Most often, it occurs in the morning on an empty stomach and disappears after eating, so it is recommended that you eat a piece of bread or biscuit cookies without getting out of bed, lie down for about fifteen minutes, and get up in bulk. Sometimes nausea can disturb even half a day, and in severe cases (which is rare) throughout the day and be accompanied by vomiting. To reduce the severity of nausea and eliminate it, it is recommended:

  • eat small meals and often
  • It is best to eat chilled food
  • eat more solid food
  • start breakfast in bed
  • food should be high-calorie, but not fatty,
  • drink enough non-carbonated water,
  • rest and sleep enough
  • to walk outside.
  • These simple activities will help a pregnant woman to reduce the severity of nausea and eliminate it.

Termination of pregnancy at 4 weeks

Termination of pregnancy at week 4 must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, it is dangerous for a woman's health to deal with this issue on her own. Since only a doctor can assess the condition of a woman, choose a method of abortion and control the entire process of termination. In the early stages, as a rule, medical abortion is performed.

Medical abortion is the safest method of medical abortion in early pregnancy. When conducting medical abortion, such drugs are used - Mifolian, Mifeprex, Pencrofton, Mefigin, Mifepristone. Such an abortion is carried out in several stages:

  • at the initial stage, an examination, ultrasound and the necessary laboratory blood tests are carried out, after which the drug is prescribed and the woman is monitored for one to two hours,
  • at the next stage, after 36-48 hours after taking the drug, prostaglandins are prescribed, after which a miscarriage occurs and this is manifested by spotting.

After a miscarriage, another ultrasound is performed, which confirms the complete absence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, and it is performed in ten to fourteen days.

The benefits of medical abortion are:

  • minimal or no complications and proceeds like normal menstruation,
  • no need to be hospitalized, i.e. you can lead an active lifestyle
  • lack of instrumental intervention in the uterine cavity, which reduces the risk of infection,
  • psychologically better tolerated.

Sex at 4 weeks pregnant

Sex at the 4th week of pregnancy is not a contraindication, and perhaps vice versa it will be very necessary for a woman, since at this stage the libido increases. It should be remembered that intimate hygiene of both partners is observed both before and after sex. A contraindication to having sex at week 4 is bacterial genital infections in a partner, as well as a woman's bleeding, pain in the abdomen and / or lower back.

Alcohol at 4 weeks pregnant

Alcohol at the 4th week of pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated, because. in this period there is an intensive development of all organs and systems. Alcohol has a toxic effect on the body, both of the woman and the embryo. And the consequences of alcohol intake, especially during the formation of organs, can be deplorable (the birth of a sick child).

Nutrition at 4 weeks pregnant

Nutrition at 4 weeks of pregnancy should be complete and balanced. Food should be high-calorie, but not fatty and fried, steamed, boiled and should contain a sufficient amount of micro and macro elements, fruits and vegetables, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt), lean meats and fish.

Antibiotics at 4 weeks pregnant

Antibiotics at the 4th week of pregnancy are contraindicated because they are dangerous for the embryo, especially at this time, when there is an intensive development of all organs and systems. Unreasonable intake of antibiotics at week 4 can cause a malformation of one or another organ in an unborn child.

There are certain indications for the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed only by a doctor. Antibiotics can be used under the supervision of a doctor in the following cases: with pyelonephritis, pneumonia and other purulent inflammations of the internal organs, sepsis, bacterial genital infections. Antibiotics are not used for colds and flu, because they act on bacteria, and influenza is caused by viruses, this must be remembered.

There are antibiotics that are approved for use during pregnancy, but 4 weeks is not the best time to use them.

Flying at 4 weeks pregnant

Flying at 4 weeks pregnant may be contraindicated. As the woman's body adapts to new changes associated with hormonal changes. Also, the phenomena of toxicosis can interfere with the flight, especially if the toxicosis is severe.

Contraindications for early flights are:

  • repeated vomiting
  • bleeding,
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back,
  • anemia,
  • pregnancy, after in vitro fertilization
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases in a pregnant woman,
  • defects and diseases of the genital organs in a pregnant woman.

4 weeks of pregnancy - the duration of pregnancy is better to be near the house and in a normal environment. The best time for a holiday with flights is the second trimester of pregnancy (from the 14th to the 28th week).

The gestation period of 4 weeks is an important stage in its course, one of the crisis periods in the development of the embryo. At this time, the most important organs and systems of the child are laid and begin to develop. The course of pregnancy and the health of her unborn child depend on how a woman lives this period, how she treats her health.

The main method for determining the gestational age is the method used by the antenatal clinic gynecologist, or the obstetric method. He calculates the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation and appoints planned instrumental and laboratory tests based on this date.

The embryonic counting method takes the date of ovulation as a starting point and lags behind the obstetric period by about 2 weeks. Women may think that their pregnancy began on the day when the expected period did not come. In order not to make confusion when communicating with a doctor, it is recommended to adhere to the obstetric method.

What happens to the fetus at this time?

According to the obstetric method, at week 4, the zygote, or fertilized egg, begins to rapidly divide. It produces many cells with different structures and functions. Actually, it is not yet a fruit. The collection of cells is called a morula, or blastocyst. In shape, it resembles a multi-chamber berry, not yet attached to the endometrium of the uterus. It is difficult to name the exact parameters of the blastocyst, since it is constantly growing.

Approximate parameters of the future embryo:

    Weight - 0.5 mg;

    Growth - 0.36-1 g.

Figuratively speaking, it is comparable in size to a poppy seed.

At this stage, it is a germinal disk and consists of 3 layers:

    Primary ectoderm - the basis of the skin, hair, tooth enamel, eye lenses, cells of the nervous system;

    Mesoderm is the basis for the formation of future organs, skeleton, muscle tissue, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems;

    Endoderm is the basis of the respiratory and digestive systems, liver, thyroid and pancreas.

The future head of the fetus at the moment looks like a small droplet. The placenta has already begun to form. While it is still very primitive, it consists of 2 layers. The tissues of the future placenta are already connected to the tissues of the uterus, which makes it possible to provide the embryo with nutrition and oxygen.

The following extra-embryonic organs are responsible for nutrition:

    Chorion - a prerequisite for a real placenta, which will form up to 12 weeks, from 4 weeks at the place of contact of the embryo with the endometrium of the uterus, a vascular network begins to form;

    Amnion - a kind of "packaging" of the embryo, the premise of the fetal bladder, which protects the fetus from physical impact and drying;

    The yolk sac is a supply of nutrients for the embryo, the basis of hematopoiesis up to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Without a yolk sac, the existence of an embryo is impossible; if its functions or congenital pathology are violated, a miscarriage occurs. When conducting an ultrasound on the state of the yolk sac, the doctor determines the quality of pregnancy and the viability of the embryo.

According to research, it turned out that the genes of a man are responsible for the formation of extra-embryonic organs. We can say that the function of protection and provision is inherent in a person even before birth.

By the end of 4 weeks, blastogenesis ends - the initial stage of development of embryonic development.

If the pregnancy was unplanned and the woman does not suspect that she is pregnant, it is possible that she does not experience any changes in her well-being. But this does not happen often, in most cases a woman's mental state changes, she becomes extremely emotional, touchy and whiny, irritable.

Additional sensations:

    The perception of smells and taste of habitual food has changed;

    The figure due to hormonal changes has become somewhat heavier;

    There was swelling of the extremities;

    There was nausea, in some cases;

    There were pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen;

    Increased urination;

    Vaginal discharge takes on the character of thick mucus;

    There was an increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

It is possible that due to early toxicosis, a woman will not recover, but, on the contrary, will lose weight. Do not worry about this if there are no other symptoms other than loss of appetite.

Condition of the uterus and endometrium

The size of the uterus at the 4th week of pregnancy practically does not increase, it is still within the boundaries of the small pelvis. Its structure changes - the uterus becomes swollen, the tissues in the isthmus soften, which gives it a little mobility. Both the uterus and its cervix become bluish in color due to the influx of blood. A mucous plug begins to form, protecting the fetus from bacterial infection from the outside.

The endometrium thickens, its structure changes - new blood vessels sprout, the number of glandular cells increases, subsequently transforming into the placenta. At this stage, such changes ensure the viability of the embryo, its respiration and nutrition. Due to the large number of blood vessels, the endometrium becomes bluish in color. Its thickness at week 4, counted by the embryonic method, is about 2 cm.

By the end of the 4th obstetric week, it is already possible to confirm or deny pregnancy.

Applied methods:

    Test strips for determining pregnancy - may not show a positive result, although pregnancy is already present due to the low concentration of hCG in the woman's urine, it is possible that after 2-4 days the result will change;

    A blood test for hCG - at this stage of pregnancy gives a 100% result, since the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood indicates that fertilization has taken place;

    Ultrasound - at the end of the 4th obstetric week, on high-precision equipment, you can see a thickened endometrium and a black dot on it - an attached embryo.

Ultrasound at week 4 according to the embryonic method is performed using a transvaginal sensor. At this time, the existing pregnancy is clearly distinguishable.

What can be seen:

    Dilated blood vessels of the endometrium, giving the embryo the opportunity to eat;

    The fetal sac is in the form of a black circle with a diameter of several millimeters;

    The yolk sac is in the form of a small ring with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

The embryo itself will be possible to distinguish on the yolk sac in another week. Ultrasound examination at this stage of pregnancy is carried out exclusively for medical reasons - the exclusion of cystic drift, ectopic pregnancy.

The chorion (embryo shell) produces hCG - chorionic gonadotropin. It prevents the rejection of the embryo, which is a symbiosis of its own and foreign cells for the body, produces steroids, determining the sex of the unborn child, and supports the work of the corpus luteum. The level of hCG increases daily until 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, then it begins to decline.

Before the formation of the placenta, the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which plays an important role in the normal course of pregnancy.

Functions of Progesterone:

    Ensuring the growth of the uterus;

    Decreased frequency and intensity of uterine contractions, prevention of miscarriage;

    Growth of subcutaneous tissue to nourish the embryo;

    Prevention of rejection of a foreign organism;

    Development of individual fetal tissues;

    Breast preparation for breastfeeding.

The average amount of progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman at week 4 is 18 nmol / l. Before the study, physical and mental stress, hormone intake are not recommended.

When to see a doctor?

A visit to the doctor with normal health can still be postponed. With a positive test result and the addition of pulling pains, signs of early toxicosis, atypical discharge, you should consult a doctor.

Possible actions of a gynecologist with a good health of a woman in the 4th obstetric month:

    Collection of anamnesis;

    Visual examination, examination on a gynecological chair;

    Appointment of vitamin and mineral complexes containing, among other components, folic acid.

Signs of disease, a history of miscarriages require specific treatment. Women who have problems conceiving and become pregnant with IVF or ICSI are under the supervision of a doctor from the first days of pregnancy.

Watch a video that will tell you why you need to do a genetic analysis, what happens in the female body, about hereditary diseases - cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Down's syndrome and screening for chromosomal pathologies:

Pain of low intensity in the lower abdomen and lower back, without abnormal discharge and fever - this is the norm at the 4th week of pregnancy. Such sensations are due to hormonal changes in the body, they pass quickly and without consequences. Intense pain accompanied by bleeding may be signs of the following pathologies:

The appearance of such symptoms is a reason for immediate medical attention.

Normally, at this stage of pregnancy, there should be clear, thick mucous discharge from the vagina. It is allowed to attach a small amount of brownish discharge - a sign of implantation of the egg in the endometrium of the uterus. If the color of such secretions becomes dark brown, they are accompanied by the appearance of abdominal pain and an unpleasant odor - this is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage that has begun, erosion of the cervix, bacterial infection of the vagina.

Bloody discharge should not be normal at this time. Menstruation will no longer begin, as this process is regulated by the woman's hormones.

Possible causes of bloody vaginal discharge:

    sexual intercourse;

    Gynecological examination in the mirrors;

    Started spontaneous abortion;

    Ectopic pregnancy.

All atypical bleeding of any intensity requires immediate medical advice. During a miscarriage, the discharge may be accompanied by fever, spasmodic pain, and contain tissue particles. With an ectopic pregnancy, a woman can lose consciousness from intense pain, her skin turns pale, it is felt.

A slight increase in basal and total temperature to +37.3 ° C is the norm at this stage of pregnancy, if it is not accompanied by signs of a viral infection. The causes of such a symptom may be hormonal changes in the body, acceleration of metabolism, a decrease in the immune response, as a prevention of embryo rejection.

Against the background of a decrease in immunity in a pregnant woman, an infectious disease can begin at week 4 - SARS, influenza, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Then the body temperature rises to +38°C-+39°C. In this case, there is a danger to the proper development of the embryo, the risk of miscarriage.

Prevention of colds during pregnancy:

    Avoid crowded places;

    Do not come into contact with patients with infectious diseases;

    Ventilate rooms more often;

    Observe the mode of walking in the fresh air, the mode of sleep and rest;

    Eat right, consuming vitamins in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Do not self-medicate colds. Only a doctor can choose the right medications for pregnancy.

The biggest mistake in self-medication during pregnancy is taking antibiotics. There are a limited number of antibiotics available for use in pregnant women, and week 4 is not the best time to use them. During the formation of the most important organs of the fetus, antibiotics can show a teratogenic effect, cause deformities and developmental pathologies in the unborn child.

The main requirements for the preparation of the diet of a pregnant woman are a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Now you should not use canned food, fast food products and convenience foods.

The best dishes to introduce into the diet are vegetables and fruits, dairy and sour-milk products, fatty fish - salmon, trout, salmon. It is advisable to eat familiar food, avoiding exotic dishes. Boiling for a couple, and in water, stewing products is welcome. Fried, smoked food is not included in the diet of a pregnant woman.

The use of alcohol in any form is completely unacceptable - beer, house wine, low-alcohol cocktails. The woman and her unborn child now have a common circulatory system, and everything she eats and drinks enters the blood of the embryo.

Sex at 4 weeks

Intimate relationships at this stage of pregnancy do not carry any changes. On the contrary, a psychological moment is possible, associated with the lack of need for protection and an increase in the sexual desire of a pregnant woman. The exclusion of sexual contacts or their temporary restriction occurs with the threat of a miscarriage in a woman, the appearance of pain and bloody discharge.

If the partner has infectious diseases of the genital organs, sexual contacts are stopped until his full recovery.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, there is an intensive division of embryonic cells, their functional distribution. The woman receives confirmation that she is pregnant and must now be more responsible about her health.

Video about the emotional state of a woman at 4 weeks pregnant, about how to inform the future father about pregnancy:

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.