At 7 months the baby should be in. Developmental calendar for a seven month old baby

With each new month, the newborn baby becomes more and more mobile. The development of a child at 7 months is based on the activation of motor processes, the baby makes attempts to sit, stand up with support, and some can already take the first few steps with support under the arms.

During the seventh month, the baby gains approximately 500-700 grams of weight, with an increase in height by 1.5-2 cm. The circumference of the head and chest increases proportionally, depending on the child’s physique, this increase can range from 0.5 to 1 cm.

7 months is the time to introduce new foods to the baby’s diet. To strengthen the bones and muscles of a growing person, more is required nutrients, so after six months the baby can be introduced to meat purees. This does not mean at all that mother should stop breastfeeding; breast milk still remains the main nutrition, but some feedings - for example, lunch or afternoon snack - can be replaced finished products. Thanks to this schedule, mom will gradually be able to stop breastfeeding, without harming either the baby or yourself.

Starting from six months, the baby’s physical development accelerates as much as possible, he spends less time sleeping and strives to actively learn the world. Almost all children of this age can freely roll over from their tummy to their back and can maintain their balance while lying on their stomach and lifting themselves up on one arm. The flexibility of a small body is surprising; a child can easily reach behind his ear with his foot or gnaw on his heel. Many babies try to sit up on their own for the first time at 7 months; they hold up well child seat with support, and the most active ones do not sit for long without support.

However, there are children for whom such actions are problematic; most often these are children suffering from overweight. The average weight of a child at 7 months should be 7-9 kg; significant deviations from the norm indicate overfeeding of the baby, which has an impact on Negative influence on its activity and development of the organism as a whole. The way out would be to change the feeding schedule, replace the formula (for artificial infants) and physical activity baby – exercises, gymnastics, frequent active games.

At the age of seven months, vision and hearing are already fully formed, the baby picks up distant quiet sounds and instantly turns his head at a familiar voice. Now you shouldn’t teach your baby to sleep in complete silence. This does not mean at all that the child should rest with loud music or the rattling of pots, but during baby sleep A low-volume TV or radio is allowed. The habit of complete silence will lead to the fact that subsequently the baby will wake up from every rustle, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

One of the most significant events At 7 months, the child’s parents will experience the appearance of their first teeth; most often, the lower incisors appear first. There is no need to worry if at this age there are no teeth yet, each child is individual, and some teeth can appear starting from 4 months, while others wait up to a year for the first incisor. When you notice an erupting tooth, try to help your baby and during this period use rubber chews and chilled teethers, which children love very much.

Healthy seven month old baby can stay awake for several hours in a row, and is already able to play alone for some time. Since the hands are already very well developed, the baby confidently takes toys and rattles. During this period, you will begin to notice that the child is primarily interested in ringing objects, so you can purchase musical instruments or squeaker rattles.

For many parents, 7 months becomes the first testing period, since teething can cause the baby to become capricious and irritable. With the appearance of the lower incisor, the mother should be more attentive to the process of breastfeeding and stop the slightest attempt by the child to bite her, since a sharp tooth can damage the delicate tissue of the nipple.

As for conversational skills, a seven-month-old baby actively communicates with everyone. It is enough to talk to the baby, and he begins to babble with enthusiasm; now he no longer always cries when waking up; quite often the mother can be awakened by the baby’s enthusiastic humming. At this time, the child begins to consciously call adults, for example: “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba”, “pa-pa-pa”, etc. This optimal time To get to know and memorize animal species, children really like colorful books and electronic posters that show what sounds animals make.

At 7 months, a baby’s memory is already well developed; he recognizes familiar faces and is wary of new people. Do not allow strangers to touch your child without permission, leave him the right to choose. A child at this age is already able to distinguish who he likes and who he doesn’t; he will certainly attract the person he is interested in by babbling or gesticulating, but the unpleasant subject will remain without the attention of the “head of the family.”

A seven-month-old child can already choose priorities, conduct this experiment: first offer him two toys, one in each hand, and then show him another one. The baby will not immediately understand what needs to be done to get new item, but after a while he will let go of one thing in order to take what he wants. Train your hearing in the same way, for example, hide a playing phone under the blanket in a crib, and the baby will soon find a musical object.

The favorite activity of children aged 7 months is active games, for which you can use soft cubes, balls, educational mats and sports equipment for babies. To find some time for yourself, offer your child the following activities:

  • provide the baby with ample space to explore, do not limit his movements with a rug or playpen, allowing the baby to crawl throughout the apartment. Of course, before this you should secure the premises from sharp corners, dangerous objects and loose electrical cords;
  • Let your little one participate in preparing dinner. The child will enthusiastically accept the offer to knock on an iron pan with a spoon or crush a ball of soft dough in his hands;
  • large beads, all kinds of pendants and wooden figurines still attract kids as before. Touching objects strung on a thick thread promotes the development of finger motor skills, and the child learns to distinguish objects not only by their appearance, but also by the material from which they are made;
  • at 7 months, the baby can already assemble simple structures; a pyramid with rings, a house with inserted figures, or puzzle cubes are suitable for this. The main thing is to choose toys with bulky objects that the child cannot swallow;
  • on a street walk, raise the seat of the stroller - a 7-month-old baby is very interested in watching what is happening on the street. But try to hold your whim as little as possible, because then it will be very difficult to wean him from such a habit;
  • Gymnastic exercises during this period can be diversified with new devices in the form of stretchable sticks or elastic rings. You should also not ignore the fitball, because on a large ball you can jump, spin, and roll;
  • Bathing at 7 months can also be turned into exciting game. Since the child can no longer sit for long, sit him in a small bathtub and offer to bathe the rubber animals or put water in a watering can and then pour it out. The baby will certainly enjoy new activities.

A seven-month-old baby needs constant attention and care from his family, so try to spend as much time with him as possible. Talk to the baby, sing him songs, tell him fairy tales, introduce him to new words and phenomena - you will see that in a few months your child will pleasantly surprise everyone with his precocious abilities.

Children aged 7 months are tireless explorers who are interested in everything in the world. They don't know how to walk yet, but they have already learned to crawl superbly. Now it won’t be difficult for them to get out of high chair, climb over a small obstacle and crawl into the next room - which they use at every opportunity. A 7-month-old child understands the meaning of the word “impossible,” but he will test your patience every time, refusing to obey prohibitions. And the point here is not at all that children at 7 months are stubborn and disobedient - they are just interested in everything, and it is still difficult for them to focus their attention on anything for a long time, including your prohibition. Do not punish your baby under any circumstances; it is best to briefly say “no” and immediately divert his attention to something else.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

  • It crawls a lot and quickly in different directions. Crawls over small obstacles such as a pillow or sofa armrest. Stands on all fours independently.
  • Understands the meaning of some words. If asked, he is able to show the eyes, ears, nose and other parts of the body of an adult or a toy.
  • He persistently gets to the object that interests him, and when he gets there, he expresses intense joy.
  • Good at distinguishing between “close ones” and “strangers”. Many children at 7 months shy away from unfamiliar adults. If one of them tries to pick up the child, he may burst into tears or otherwise express dissatisfaction.
  • He plays with toys with pleasure, rearranges them, puts small ones into large ones.
  • A baby at 7 months usually has two or more baby teeth.

A 7 month old baby is incredibly active. He crawls very well, which significantly expands the boundaries of his world. Observes the actions of adults, is interested in “their things”: with pleasure he will want to examine the phone, TV remote control, computer keyboard and any other item that adults often use.

Development at 7 months

7 month old baby sleeps most of the day, approximately 13–14 hours, of which about 10 hours at night. Daytime nap divided into two parts, lasting 1.5–2 hours. During night sleep there are 1-2 feedings, depending on the individual needs of the baby.

Many children at 7 months stand quite firmly, supported by the headboard or mother's arms. They are not yet able to stand up on their own, but they will gladly rise to their feet if they are helped.

A seven-month-old baby is incredibly active and mobile, he is extremely interested in the world around him. He rolls over easily, can turn in any direction, get on all fours and get to the “right” thing. Often such things become traumatic objects, so by the age of 7 months it is necessary to remove all objects that are potentially dangerous for children. There is no way out of constantly pulling him back and banning everything around him - the little one needs to move and explore the world around him.

The child spent 7 months accumulating a passive vocabulary and learning to speak. In rare cases, he can already speak a few simple babbling words, but the pronunciation of consonant sounds, individual syllables, and repetition of simple syllables such as “ma-ma-ma”, “ay-ay-ay” is considered normal for this age. The baby expresses its emotions with a long purr, joyful laughter, crying or cheerful cooing, depending on the feelings experienced.

Care at 7 months

7 month olds need their own space, where they could crawl freely and safely, stand, holding onto support, and play with toys. It is best if they have a separate room or a special “children’s” corner, from where parents will remove all traumatic objects, lay a soft and warm carpet on the floor, and provide a lot of bright and interesting toys. A playpen is also suitable, in which the child will not hurt himself and from which he will not be able to get out on his own.

Nutrition at 7 months it includes not only mother's milk, which also remains, but also a variety of cereals, fruit and vegetable purees. It is useful to feed your child boiled carrots, potatoes, and pumpkin. Babies at 7 months can start giving dairy products, however, it is better not to buy them in a store, but to prepare them yourself. Store-bought yoghurts and kefir may contain stabilizers, dyes, or even dangerous E. coli.

You can start introducing complementary foods with low-fat meat soup and lean meat. At this stage, beef or chicken is best suited for these purposes.

Daily bathing a 7 month old baby- This is a wonderful way to bring genuine pleasure to your baby. Most children are delighted water procedures and are looking forward to the lesson time to splash around and play enough with rubber toys. In addition to pleasure, regular bathing helps get rid of dirt accumulated active baby while crawling during the day.

Swimming strengthens and develops muscles and improves body tone. Many parents also like to bathe their babies because after bathing their child relaxes more easily and falls asleep faster, so bathe 7 times one month old baby best in the evening, before bedtime.

Carry on walks with baby. At 7 months, the toddler carefully examines his surroundings, and a walk helps him understand that the world is big and not limited to a few rooms. Moreover, the walk great way breathe fresh air, and also get a small but very useful dose of ultraviolet light - a source of essential vitamin D.

Buy educational toys, cubes, pyramids for your child. It is still difficult for kids to assemble and disassemble them, but if you work with them every day, they will learn to cope with such tasks.

For seven month old baby very helpful educational games for adults. Regularly devote time to activities with your baby, collect cubes, arrange dolls or cars, name objects by pointing at them with your fingers. The more time you devote to your child, the more intense his mental and physical development, the higher his intelligence, better health, and the greater success he will achieve in his upcoming adult life.

The child is 7 months old, and you are no longer surprised that he sits well, crawls and even tries to get up. Of course - you've been waiting for this for so long! What can really amaze you is that one fine day, among his babbling “ba-bba-ba”, “ma-ma-ma”, you will clearly hear the first conscious word. This happens differently for everyone, and you listen with anticipation to his babble and peer into his smart and demanding eyes. In the meantime, the baby shows interest in everything in the world when you lay him out on the carpet, explores the surrounding space, happily splashes “okay” with his palms with you, and knocks different objects, grabbing them in his hands and gnawing on them. Yes, yes, he gnaws with his first sharp incisors, of which he already has several.

Exploring literally everything, your child gets to the TV remote control, to your phone, discarding all similar objects with the same pattern. Have you already closed all sockets, removed sharp and breakable objects, dishes and small items? Hurry up to do it. Also, secure corners of furniture, doors, drawers. Give your child his own box, in which you can collect toys, scraps, and various non-hazardous objects. The baby will spend hours moving his wealth from place to place, scattering and folding, examining, throwing and watching with interest the fall.

Child development at 7 months (what should be able to do)

Your baby has gained about 500 grams in a month and has grown by 2 cm. The appearance of teeth varies from child to child, but by the age of 7 months the vast majority can boast of 4 incisors - two lower and two upper. The baby is actively interested in cutlery, and this is the time to teach him to eat with a spoon and drink from a cup.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

- understand the meaning of words and appeals to him;
- cling to mom because of a very strong emotional attachment;
- experience fear of separation;
- collect objects, put them in small ones;
- crawl;
- roll over in all directions, from back to stomach and back;
- drink from a cup;
- play role-playing games- “The White-sided Magpie”, “Ladushki”.

The baby already knows quite a lot of objects and actions, is able to return to an interrupted lesson, concentrate attention on certain procedures. He successfully solves the problems facing him and plays with several toys at the same time.

Caring for a 7 month old baby

At 7 months, in addition to the basic procedures of washing, cleaning the nose and ears, rubbing the eyes and bathing, new ones appear. The baby already knows how to sit confidently - you can start introducing him to the potty, try to spend no more than 10 minutes on this. The diet changes, and the stool becomes different, most favorable time for this purpose - after sleep. Don't insist, as full potty training can take up to 18 months, and this is considered normal. Massage, walks on fresh air, educational games.

Baby's nutrition at 7 months

Nutrition seven month old baby radically different from infants. Despite the fact that many children still receive breast milk, the diet already contains a large number of products “ adult food", and their number is growing every day - a mess, vegetable puree, meat, fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable and butter. The baby eats about 1000 grams of food per day, if you divide this by the number of feedings (5), then the baby will receive 200 grams at a time. The volume can be accurately calculated taking into account body weight.

However, experts advise giving your baby food on demand if he is gaining weight well and feels healthy. You can feed him more often, reducing the norm accordingly. If the baby also receives breast milk, the first, third and last feeding should be at the breast, and complementary foods should be given in between. At 14-00, lunchtime, cottage cheese is added as complementary food. The same should be done when mixed feeding, replenishing the missing milk norm with milk formula, for example, “Agu”.

On artificial feeding The feeding pattern from 6 am to 10 pm may look like this:

1 feeding - mixture, 200 grams,
2 feeding – milk porridge, vegetable or fruit puree 50 grams, part of an egg (half a spoon).
3rd feeding – meat and vegetable puree (50+150 grams).
4 feeding - fermented milk mixture, cottage cheese
5 feeding – formula milk.

Cookies and crackers can be given to your baby if there is no food allergy. In general, if there are strongly pronounced allergic reactions, then you need to wait a couple more months with the introduction of intensive complementary feeding. Purchase feeding products from children's kitchens to avoid the entry of stabilizers, E. coli, too much into the baby's body. large quantity fat Do not hesitate to consult your doctor for any reason. When introducing your baby to meat, start with two tablespoons of broth, then gradually add meat puree from chicken or beef. The puree can be mixed with vegetables by rubbing through a sieve. Then try introducing liver into your diet by also boiling it and rubbing it through a sieve. You can also try peas, cabbage, and beets.

Baby's daily routine at 7 months

Despite democratic advice on raising children, none of the most progressive pediatricians belittle the importance of the daily routine. Moreover, this is very important, especially for easily excitable children. The daily routine must be observed according to the characteristics and needs of the developing organism and especially those family members who devote the most time to care. The baby gets used to sleeping at the same time, to the sequence of activities, bathing, feeding, massage and walks, and this is very good. The first feeding is carried out quite early - at 6 am, but even earlier, when the baby wakes up, you need to hygiene procedures- wash him, rinse his eyes, wash him after a night's sleep.

After feeding, you can do gymnastics and massage, and communicate with the baby. After the second feeding and sleep - a walk in the fresh air. Then again feeding, a period of wakefulness and sleep, can be combined with a walk. In the evening, you can do gymnastics again, chat with the baby, then bathing procedures, the last feeding and night sleep. Pay a little attention to preparing for bed, slow down your movements, speech, and play calm music. A systematic approach will greatly facilitate caring for the baby and the life of everyone at home.

Activities with a 7 month old baby

Physical education at 7 months

1. Hold the baby's legs and help him rise from a supine position. Alternately pull on each hand.
2. Bend and straighten your legs towards your stomach.
3. Help him crawl by gently pushing him.
4. Help him get to his feet as well.
5. Rock your baby left and right when he is on his feet.
6. Place him with his back to you and tilt him down - let him try to rise on his own.
7. Raise your hands up. Train his hands with him.

Modern children Numerous relatives, acquaintances, and parents themselves simply pile up toys. Of course, this is very important, but it is still better to choose not all toys, but those that develop speech and actions. Besides physical exercise adults help the child develop intellectually. Carry out exercises with him according to plan - we talk, show, communicate, and don’t babysit, but talk like adults. Try to name objects briefly - for example, kitty, bunny. Describe things, express emotions, communicate in different topics.

This is the period when the baby can already understand the words “can” and “cannot”. It is desirable that there be three times fewer prohibitions, only those related to safety little man. Educational toys will help develop logic and motor skills: press the piano buttons together, collect pyramids or plates, rings, play gesture games, for example, to the music “And the butterfly’s wings are bang-bang…” clap your “wings” with him.

Games and toys for children aged 7 months

We shouldn’t discount the well-known rattles, but they are assigned a different role - for example, we teach a baby to put objects in a special basket or box. Although seven-month-old babies are still attracted to story rattles with figures or faces. Toys that the baby enjoys playing with are pyramids, various musical instruments, rings and balls. Difficult actions cause persistence and, at times, stubbornness in achieving the goal. Kids really love games such as “All the kittens washed their paws”, okay, and slides.

Game "Gotcha!"

We play on the floor on a spread blanket. The baby is lying on his tummy and you are nearby with him on all fours. When you approach the child, say: “I will catch you!” Funny and fun game Children like it, especially if you lightly tickle the baby. The toddler will try to run away from you, at least great mood secured. You should not play such outdoor games in the evening before going to bed to avoid excessive excitement. Toys that can be rolled (balls and balls) can also be used for activities. At the age of the “slider”, small figures on wheels are useful - cars, gurneys, as well as large inflatable toys on which you can sit or climb inside - a boat, an inflatable playpen, a house.

It is also useful to make such toys yourself:
- box with holes various forms, where different figures are inserted;
- garlands from small toys or rattles attached to a ribbon;
- wooden blocks different shapes and scraps of fabric;
- surprise boxes.

Medical observation at 7 months

At 7 months, the time for the second scheduled vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infection. Before vaccination, try not to overload the baby’s body with the introduction of new food ingredients; if you feed it yourself, watch your diet. Tell your doctor if your baby has taken any medical supplies. Stock up on anti-allergy medications extreme case. In addition, children are examined by a pediatrician, assessing their development. A repeat course of massage is carried out. Kids on breastfeeding have greater immunity to colds. Carry on physical exercise, massage, hardening, walk outside more.


For a baby actively exploring the surrounding space, you need to create safe zone. Use plugs for sockets, silicone nozzles, locks for cabinet doors, stickers on glass. Encourage your baby to crawl so that he sits less while his spine is not strong enough.

Bathing a child

For bathing babies, you can use special mats that will help prevent them from slipping in the water and falling. You won't have to worry, but still don't leave your child alone, even if there is very little water. Play games with him - pat the water, launch boats, pour water from one container to another, blow bubbles and whip up foam.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

The baby already knows how to move independently, which greatly expands the boundaries of his world. The baby can crawl to the object that interests him, touch it, try it, examine it. For optimal development the child must be provided complete freedom movements: choose a place in the apartment where nothing will disturb or threaten the baby.

This age is characterized by increased trauma, therefore, arranging children's Corner, take care that the crumbs do not get into the field of action with sharp, prickly, small items. In this corner, the child will play with pleasure: “equip” it with pyramids, cubes (pay more attention to playing with them, teach your child to disassemble and assemble a pyramid, build turrets from cubes) and other various toys.

The baby acquires new knowledge about objects: he masters the movements of objects, their attraction or repulsion. Can hold an object placed in the hand and take it from any position. The adult’s task is to activate these movements with the help of insert toys: nesting dolls, boxes, bowls, etc.

Arises special treatment to the toy, your favorite toys and activities are clearly highlighted. Now the child is interested in everything that can be pressed: take care of the remote control, Cell phones, computer.

"Can" and "can't"

A child of 7 months can already understand the word “impossible.” However, for it to be effective, think over a clear system of prohibitions. “You can’t” should not be more than three! Otherwise, the baby will simply stop paying attention to him.

It is better to remove what you consider “still dangerous” away. You can distract the baby from some things and activities by switching his attention to another, no less exciting activity. Devices widely represented in the “baby safety” departments will help secure your apartment: plugs, door and drawer regulators, adhesive tape and glass film, etc.

Children, whose every movement is accompanied by heart-rending “don’t touch!”, “don’t you dare!”, “you can’t!”, learn to satisfy their curiosity when adults are not around - and often this ends in tragedy... Those whose curiosity and interest in understanding the world parents satisfy, without limiting the scope of actions only to toys, they quickly learn to comply necessary measures safety and switch their attention from sockets, stoves, etc. for more suitable items.

When introducing complementary foods, teach your baby to eat from a spoon. The baby can also get acquainted with solid food - let him chew on a piece of carrot, fresh cucumber, zucchini, apples, pears, many children love to tinker with the dryers. Experts also recommend teaching your child to drink from a cup (pour 1-2 teaspoons of juice into a cup and invite your child to drink, carefully tilting the cup; the little one will very quickly understand how to do this).

Sign language

The baby's speech now consists much less of vocalizations, but the babbling words are already quite clear. Many children begin to pronounce sounds that imitate a dog, a car, a pussy: “av-av”, “bi-bi”, “me-me”, “pi-pi”...

The child begins to actively use gestures. He will not only look at you by turning his head, but will also show with his finger where the ball, the doll, the mother are. You can teach your baby to wave goodbye, nod his head in gratitude, and spread his arms if something happens.

It's time to play sign games - “Ladushki”, “The Thieving Magpie”. Among other games, the most favorite are putting a smaller object into a larger one, knocking one object against another. Teach your baby to knock with both hands simultaneously or in turn: this way you will develop interhemispheric coordination.

Do not forcefully transfer a spoon or toy from your left hand to your right. At this time, the right hemisphere of the brain (which is responsible for left hand) develops much faster than the left (leading right hand). The baby feels this connection intuitively. Using both hands will allow your child's brain to develop better.

Finger games

Teach your baby to show his arms and legs.

  • Where, where, where,
  • Where are our pens?
  • Here, here, here they are -
  • Here are our pens!
  • Where are our legs (nose, eyes, tummy, etc.)?

Teach your baby to move and spread his fingers, the following game will help:

  • Look my horse
  • Like a cheerful accordion.
  • I spread my fingers
  • And then I'll play:
  • One-two-three, one-two-three,
  • I'm playing, look!
  • And then I move it again
  • And I start from scratch.

Having grabbed a toy, the baby will bang it with pleasure. It's time to gradually turn knocking into rhythmic exercises!

Knocker "Rain"
  • Quiet, quiet rain
  • Rusted on the roof -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (palms slowly stroke knees or table surface)
  • The quiet, quiet rain became stronger -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (knock harder and faster)
  • Quiet, quiet rain
  • Turned into a downpour -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (knock hard and fast)
Stomper "Horses"
  • Stamped in the field -
  • The horses trampled. (we stomp our feet slowly)
  • From the clatter of hooves
  • Dust flies across the field (we stomp quickly)

Development of active speech

While babbling is an involuntary physiological reaction, indicating the comfortable state of the child and his good mood. After all, while babbling, the baby trains his entire articulatory apparatus: vocal cords, tongue, lips, etc. Baby babble is fun entertainment, game, fun. And at the same time, a rehearsal for the complex and difficult process of mastering the sound space.

A child at 7 months listens to himself, his intonation, learns to correlate what he hears with the sensations from the movements of his lips and tongue. Any speech therapist will confirm: the more varied and expressive the baby’s babbling, the less reason for concern regarding his future speech development. It is very important to develop and maintain babbling.

During the waking period, take the baby in your arms, and if he is lying down, lean towards him. The child should be able to see your face clearly. Communication should take place in silence so that the baby’s attention does not wander. Start talking to your baby and, along with kind words, say in a drawn-out manner: “A-ah, oo-oo-oo, ma-ma-ma.” After a pause, repeat the syllables again and watch the child. He likes? Talk to your baby in a normal voice, then in a quiet voice, then silently, change the intonation. At the same time, articulate sounds in an exaggerated, emphatic manner.

All this will attract the baby’s attention to your facial expressions and articulation. If during the conversation the baby has a desire to touch your lips, it’s very good, because with the help of his hand he gets Additional information about sound pronunciation. After some time, the child will begin to imitate the movements of his lips, and then he will begin to pronounce sounds.

It is great if you periodically communicate with the baby in his language. Say with support speech activity the baby, his syllables, his babble, and give him the opportunity to speak. During such a “conversation,” the child gets the feeling that he is understood. And the mother who stimulates dialogue knows that mutual understanding and the desire to communicate are laid precisely in such moments. Praise, pet, kiss and thank your baby for any positive results.

Child development at 7 months is associated with a rapid increase in motor activity. His musculoskeletal system is mature enough to move in space. All the baby's attention is focused on mastering crawling skills.

Physical development at 7 months

The rate of weight gain at 7 months is 500–600 g. Babies grow by approximately 1.5–2 cm. The circumference of the head and chest also increases by 0.5 cm.

Note: Weight gain may be less. There is no need to worry if the 7th month falls during the summer heat, when the appetite drops significantly or the child’s teeth are actively growing.

A seven-month-old baby is usually already sitting and trying to crawl. It is still not recommended to force girls to sit down to avoid deformation pelvic bones. Even if the baby is nervous, sways, tries to sit up, but she doesn’t quite succeed, we wait patiently.

New growths in motor activity appear every day. Therefore, you should not leave your child alone in an open space. Just yesterday he was sitting calmly on the sofa, today he is already sliding off it. Moreover, it’s good if the butt crawls down, but more often the head goes ahead. The risk of injury increases many times over.

What should a 7 month old child be able to do in terms of physical activity?

  1. Can get up on knees or legs, holding onto support.
  2. Must be able to hold a bottle. If the bottle falls, it picks it up on its own.
  3. Makes various manipulations with toys: turns them, knocks them on the table, tests them, throws them, picks them up from the floor, transfers them from the left hand to the right, and vice versa.
  4. Walks with support under the arms.
  5. Can crawl forward with its legs or on its tummy.
  6. Manipulates small and large objects, placing one inside the other.
  7. Distinguishes even quiet sounds. Hearing and vision are formed almost at the level of an adult.

Mental development at 7 months

From birth to 7 months there is a huge leap in mental development. The baby develops deep emotional attachment to close people. Fear and anxiety at the sight of strangers shows that he is navigating the situation and trying to control it. The baby already knows how to communicate his desires not only by crying or screaming. If he needs an object or toy, he points at it with his hand.

Babbling is well developed. Repeating phrases: ma-ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, ba-ba-ba, yes-da-da create the illusion of starting a conversation for parents. But that's not true. The child is still on the way to mastering active speech. He diligently repeats the sounds he hears and parents need to talk to him and name actions and objects not only in full words, but also in a smaller version (yum-yum, mo-ko) so that the baby has the opportunity to manipulate them.

But his passive speech is better developed. He knows his name, the names of loved ones, the names of objects and toys. Activities with the child should include requests for objects, constant repetition of the names of toys: “give mom a cube”, “where is our spoon?”

Note: Physical development at 7 months determines mental. If parents try to control the child's behavior and limit his research expeditions for the sake of their peace of mind, the brain does not receive required quantity impressions. The child’s mental potential will not be fully developed, and his interests will remain limited.

What to play with a 7 month old baby

When asked how and what to play with a seven-month-old, the specialist’s answer is simple: include in games everything that your boy or girl is interested in. Sharp dangerous objects such as knives, scissors, needles are securely hidden, and everything else is available for research.

Correct and useful educational games for 7-month-old children should include a set of the following exploratory activities:

  • examination;
  • palpation (pay attention to the crumbs on the surface: smooth, rough);
  • to taste;
  • various manipulations, including knocking an object on the floor and listening to what sound it produces.

Daily activities for seven-month-olds include reading and looking at books, motor games, building pyramids and towers from cubes. All dangerous objects are removed from the house, plugs are placed on sockets, cabinet doors are tied, and the baby is released on independent research expeditions under the supervision of his parents. Musical exercises and water games are required. They develop the brain and calm you down.