How to pump up a rubber jumper toy. Ways to increase the height of the jump. Rises on toes

The task of increasing strength indicators is faced by many, both professional athletes and amateurs. In team sports, success largely depends on the strength and height of the jump. Therefore, a volleyball player, basketball player and even a gymnast sooner or later think about how to learn how to jump high.

In sports practice, there is a term "explosive power". It refers to the ability of a muscle to push your body weight to a certain height. In boxing, the explosive strength of the arms is developed, in breakdancing and gymnastics - arms and legs, in basketball - mainly legs. If your task is to develop jumping ability, you should pay attention to the development of explosive strength.

The high jump from a place is based on the power of the jerk that the body can make. To determine the exercise program, you should understand which muscle groups are involved during the jump. First of all, these are the legs, or rather the calf muscles and quadriceps.

The front of the thigh is the largest muscle group. She is responsible for extending the leg and, therefore, for pushing the body out of place. The calf muscle plays an equally important role in the jump. No wonder boxers train their calves, because the explosive power, the power of the blow depends on the strength of the legs. Pushing out occurs as if along a chain - ankle, shin, thigh. These muscle groups and ligaments should be developed first.

The main mistake of any athlete in trying to increase the height of the jump is the inattention to the stabilizer muscles. These are the muscles of the back and abdomen. In many manuals, you can find recommendations for training the abdominals. If your goal, as in this case, is to develop explosive muscle strength, daily exercises will not give visible results.

The necessary conditions

The best programs are offered by bodybuilders. Work out 3-4 times a week so that the muscles have time to recover. In this case, you get the maximum effect without overtraining, muscle tension and wear.

To make your highest high jump from a place, you have to pay close attention to this. Exercises for the development of jumping ability should be performed systematically, without omissions and without concessions. In athletics, there are several types of high jumps, different in technique, but the same in result.

If the question is: “How to increase the high jump in volleyball or basketball?”, track and field terms should be left aside. Consider the basic exercises for everyday life and team sports.

Basic exercises

When asked how to increase the high jump in basketball and any other sport, each coach will answer: "Improve overall physical condition." And it will be true. To guarantee success, an athlete needs to be hardy, strong, healthy. Against the background of general physiological well-being, exercises are needed to develop certain muscle groups.

jumping rope

They are the most popular exercise in many sports areas. In boxing, for example, the rope is the main tool for developing muscle strength. Basketball players, volleyball players and gymnasts must include jumping rope in their training program. This simple and accessible element allows you to most effectively develop the calf and soleus muscles. Jump rope for 15-20 minutes a day, gradually increasing this time to half an hour. After 2-4 weeks, you will notice significant improvements. To implement your plan to increase your jump height, push off the ground with both feet. Keep your ankles as close to each other as possible.


Squats are one of the main exercises in bodybuilding. Weighted squats develop all leg muscles, abdominals and lower back muscles. Thus, the only exercise allows you to strengthen all the muscle groups necessary for high jumps. Answering the question of how to jump higher in basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, we suggest diversifying regular squats with the same push-up exercise. Squat down to a parallel line with the floor and jump out of this position with force. The main condition is that the landing time should be as short as possible. A large squat amplitude will help to maximize the use of all muscle groups of the legs. Do 10-15 squats, then a break of 3-4 minutes.

Rises on toes

Calf raises strengthen the calf muscles. This exercise must be done until the calves are completely burned. Do 20-30 full reps. In the final phase of the exercise, you should be almost on your toes. Then slowly lower yourself onto your heels. Exercise should be done without jerking. As endurance increases, add weights. Take dumbbells in your hands or switch to calf jumps instead of regular lifts.

Decisive Factors

Strength training and a healthy lifestyle are the basis for increasing jump height.

If you are seriously thinking about how to develop jumping ability, then you must take into account all the components of the effectiveness of exercises:

  • Regular visits to the gym will help significantly improve performance.
  • Proper nutrition and healthy sleep are the basis for muscle recovery and strengthening.
  • Registration of progress. Mark the height of the jump once a month to evaluate the results of your work.

Most importantly, high jump exercises should be followed after a thorough warm-up and warm-up of the muscles. This is the only way to avoid injury. Take 10 to 20 minutes to warm up. Then the stretching of all muscle fibers should follow, and only then - the main training.

By doing this program 3-4 times a week without skipping or excuses, in a month you will notice significant progress and will be able to jump much higher than before.

Good day to all readers of Otzovik! When the son grew up, he began a period of jumping. Somewhere up to 1.5 years old, children cannot jump, as their muscular system is not yet fully developed. And then the muscles get stronger and the children begin to jump. And we jumped everywhere - on sofas, beds, just along the corridor, on the street. The child has almost stopped walking. He kept jumping like a rabbit. The gymnastic ball that we had was quite large in diameter. Anyway, I bought it for myself. It had to jump together. It was during this very period that I decided to buy him a rubber jumper. I found them at our joint venture in the purchase of Sima-Land. There is a huge range of them. But I liked the deer the most. He seemed the cutest thing. It cost about 400-450r. I received this box:

At the beginning I was scared. Since I kind of ordered a deer, and then a horse ... On the back of the package, the whole assortment of jumpers is drawn. And our deer is ticked. Worried for nothing.

On the top of the package is such a fun label:

Below are the instructions for use:

It says here that you can not play on the sand, stones, near stairs, feet. You need to make sure that there are no sharp objects on the platform where the child jumps. The manufacturer writes that you can even inflate it with your mouth, but it will be very laborious. At first we tried to pump it up with a regular pump. With which we usually pump balls. For half an hour, everyone took turns puffing. As a result, they called dad so that he would grab a pump from the car on the way home.

It is noteworthy that there is also an expiration date - 24 months. We've been using it for half a year now. I'm just wondering how it "spoils" after 2.

The maximum weight load is 50kg. Particularly impressive is the inscription in small print:
The maximum weight load for different inflatable toys may vary.
I would like to know exactly what load our Deer has. My eldest son already weighs 45 kg. And because of this inscription, we do not let him jump. You never know ... He understands well and is not particularly torn.

The toy was made in China according to the development and order of "Sima-Land"

And here is the deer. It looks quite nice, bright, fun. On his head he has comfortable horns to hold his hands while playing.

My son really likes to "count" the spots on him. A deer has 4 short legs. This is a kind of depreciation:

They get dirty over time. But they are pretty easy to clean.
Cheerful ponytail at the back.

The inflation hole is located on the belly. There is also a drawing of a parrot with the inscription "Brawler". What this means, I do not quite understand. Since the brand is sort of like "Sima Land". Maybe this is a symbol of this series of toys? Don't know.

The rubber itself is very thick. But around the inflatable hole, it is additionally sealed.
As soon as it was bought, the son immediately climbed on it. We didn't have to explain what to do with it. But he can't jump. He somehow walks with him, such a deer by the horns between his legs. We are 2 years old. I thought that my son was just doing something wrong. But the toy, in principle, does not jump like a ball. You need to work hard physically to jump on it. They thought they were weak. They pumped it up harder, it became scary that it would burst. But there was no effect in terms of jumping.
Basically, it's in the corner. Sometimes a child climbs on it, drags it around the apartment. But in practice, jumping on the couch is much more fun. I don't really regret the purchase. Still, it pleases the eye. And we count the spots. But it was precisely as a jumper that he did not justify our hopes. Therefore, I will not recommend it to you.

Update dated February 11, 2015
I wrote a review early. Already thought to take the toy to the grandmother. But then we got guests. They are a little bit older. They showed my son how to jump on this jumper, and for 2 weeks now my son has been enthusiastically jumping on it all over the apartment. So we just had to grow up to him, well, and also so that someone would show how to jump. But show exactly peers. Since I and my husband and elder brother showed, tried to teach. But the little one didn't. But when the same as he showed how to jump, he quickly realized.

Both professionals and amateurs sooner or later set themselves the goal of increasing strength. If this is a game sport, then development, first of all, concerns jumping ability. The height and force with which the jump is made directly affect the achievement of success in basketball, gymnastics, breakdance, volleyball.

To achieve the desired result and jump as high as possible allows explosive strength training- the ability of muscles to push their own body weight to a certain height. Moreover, explosive strength can be developed for both arms and legs. It all depends on which muscle groups are paramount in a particular sport.

Effective explosive strength training must clearly focus on specific muscle groups that are directly involved in the jump. These are the calf muscles and quadriceps.

Extension of the legs and expulsion of the body are carried out through the front of the thigh. The calf muscle group is also important. Boxers pay special attention to her training, on which the strength of the blow depends.

The work of the muscles during the expulsion of the body is the action of muscles such as the ankle, lower leg, thigh. Their development should be given top priority. We should not forget about the stabilizing muscles, which include the muscles of the back and abdominals. The training of the latter is given quite a lot of importance in many manuals and manuals.

The most common mistake many beginners make when they decide to develop explosive strength is the firm belief that they need to train daily. But such an approach will not have the desired effect.

The most effective and effective programs for explosive strength are developed within the framework of bodybuilding training. They involve classes three to four times a week. allow muscles to rest and recover. This makes it possible to avoid tension, wear and tear of muscles in order to achieve visible results.

To make the highest jump from a place in height, you need to train a lot and hard. Jumping exercises must be performed systematically. It is strictly forbidden to skip workouts or do some indulgence for yourself. It should also be taken into account that there are several types of jumps in athletics. They differ in the technique of execution, but the result is the same.

To increase the height of the jumps made by a basketball or volleyball player, one should move away from track and field terminology and fully focus on the exercises themselves, which are applicable both to team sports and to everyday life.

Training program

In order to increase the height of the jump in absolutely any sport, it is necessary, first of all, to improve your physical fitness. An athlete needs to be healthy, strong and resilient. Physiological well-being is the basis, without which it is impossible to effectively and correctly perform training for the development of certain muscle groups.

A popular and very simple exercise that is actively used in training by basketball players, gymnasts, boxers, volleyball players. Jumping with this affordable and easy-to-use sports equipment allows you to develop both soleus and calf muscle groups.

You need to start exercising with a skipping rope from 15 to 20 minutes. Then, when the athlete feels more confident, the load is increased to half an hour. In order for the result to be noticeable, you need not only to jump, but also to do it correctly. It is necessary to tear off the floor (ground) with two legs, while keeping the ankles as close as possible to each other.

If everything is done correctly, the effect will become noticeable after at least two weeks, a maximum after a month.

The main exercise for bodybuilders, which is performed with weights. It is aimed at developing both the abdominal muscles with the lower back muscles, and the muscles of the legs. Only this exercise allows you to strengthen all the necessary muscles of the groups in order to jump really high.

With regard to such sports disciplines as gymnastics, volleyball and basketball, squats for high jumps need to be diversified by pushing. Squatting, reaching a parallel line with the floor surface, you need to jump out of the accepted position. You need to land quickly, and try to make the amplitude of the jump as large as possible.

You need to perform squats at least 10-15 times, taking a break for 3-4 minutes.

Designed to strengthen the calf muscles. They need to be performed until the calves are completely burned so that the amplitude is maximum. It is recommended to do at least 20-30 repetitions. The last phase involves standing on the toes, and then smoothly lowering onto the heels.

Lifts should be performed smoothly, not jerkily. Weight is added gradually, in parallel with the increase in endurance. As soon as the athlete is ready, instead of lifting, they begin to perform buckles on socks or take dumbbells in their hands.

What factors are decisive?

To increase the height of your jumps, it is important not only to train, but also to have the appropriate physical fitness and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. For those who seriously decide to achieve good jumping ability, you need to:

  • visit the gym regularly;
  • create all the conditions for the full strengthening and restoration of muscles, getting enough sleep and eating right;
  • once a month to record the results achieved.

The main thing is to start training prepared. First, warm up for about 10-20 minutes, then stretch. If you neglect the warm-up, there is a high probability of injury.

How many joyful moments gives communication with the kids! No less worries and worries. It is especially difficult with restless children. They do not sit still for a minute: they run, jump, they need to be everywhere, touch everything, explore. Pull the kids with the words “Sit still!”, “Don’t jump!”, “Calm down!” just useless. After all, movement is “in their blood”, and it is necessary for the proper development of babies.

The crumbs first of all get acquainted with their small space and learn about the children's world. Toys are the first to emotionally and physically (shape, color, tactile sensations) affect children's attitude to life. Therefore, it is so important for parents to correctly approach their right choice.

fidget toy

Among the educational toys for kids, inflatable jumpers in the form of cute animals stand out. This is actually the same fitball, only the original shape and color. And as experience shows, children really like such toys.

This is where little fidgets can unleash their overflowing energy! On their inflatable friend, kids can have fun jumping on the spot or rush uncontrollably around the apartment. After all, this toy is designed specifically for active kids. Bouncing on top of an inflatable animal, the child rejoices uncontrollably at the feeling of flying. Easily lifted off the ground, he feels big and strong, almost omnipotent.

And for the parents of a little man, a jumper can be a good helper. While the baby will blow off steam, jumping on the fitball in the form of a funny animal, his mom and dad will be able to rest for a while and even go about their urgent business. Therefore, at least one rubber jumper should definitely replenish your child's toy collection.

Bright long-eared "cuties"

Among the variety of inflatable jumpers - deer, zebras, cows, dogs, cubs - for some reason, many parents most often choose a bright donkey with a kind muzzle. In online stores and the Detsky Mir shopping center, toys are presented in a fairly large assortment. On the shelves you can see a lot of such inflatable long-eared animals.

You can buy any toy you like. Jumping donkey comes in a variety of colors: red, blue, green, yellow - just eyes run wide! You can choose the color that your baby likes the most or matches the color scheme of the children's room.

How to inflate a donkey?

The donkey jumper is sold deflated, and after purchase it must be inflated. The size of the toy animal can vary depending on how hard it is pumped up. Many young parents do not know how to pump up a donkey jumper. Sometimes this becomes a problem, since a pump is most often not included with an inflatable animal. Meanwhile, everything is very simple. You can inflate the donkey, like any other rubber toy, with an ordinary pump. A tool from an Intex air mattress will do.

Donkey - toy, friend - real

The donkey will be an excellent gift for the baby, and later a true friend. After all, he, like no one else, "understands" the child's love for activity, movement and is always ready to jump with his little master. The toy is simply indispensable for kids who do not go to kindergarten. The donkey will make up for the lack of mobility and become a true friend for the crumbs.

Classes with a toy donkey have a positive effect on the development of a child's fantasy - a favorite toy in the form of a kind animal encourages the baby to come up with role-playing games. Children like to bathe a rubber friend, watch cartoons or favorite videos while sitting on it. Many babies even put their favorite toy to bed with them. Therefore, for hygiene reasons, a new rubber jumper should be washed thoroughly with baby soap before you give it to your baby.

Warm jumpers - more comfortable

In addition to the usual rubber donkeys, these toys can also be purchased with a fabric cover. Such a toy consists of two parts: an inflatable shape and a pleasant to the touch cover, which is fastened with a zipper. It can be easily removed if the baby's mother decides to wash it. Cases come in different colors, often they imitate the color of the skin or fur of a real animal. On such an inflatable toy, the baby will sit comfortably even with a bare ass, since the coating is very soft and warm. The donkey jumper in a case will definitely please the child and become his good friend.

Not just a toy, but a simulator!

Children's donkey jumper is not just a fun toy with a very kind face, but also a real simulator. To jump, the child needs to sit on the back of the donkey and, holding his hands on his ears, push off strongly with his legs. Jumping on it, the kid, without knowing it, also trains the back muscles. Doctors recommend children's inflatable jumpers to correct posture. While jumping on such a toy, the child, trying to stay on it, automatically keeps his back straight. The rubber donkey can be used for morning exercises or gymnastics with the baby.

A set of exercises on an inflatable toy improves blood circulation and tone all the most important muscle groups. Such a game-training contributes to the overall physical development of the baby. At the same time, the coordination of the movements of the little rider is actively developing, the sense of balance and the endurance of the vestibular apparatus are being trained. Jumping contributes to the development of the knee joints, arms and legs. The jumping donkey toy improves coordination of movements, as a result of which the child has better control of his body. Also, the baby learns to make decisions quickly, feel more confident and calm. As a result of such training, the baby’s respiratory system will also get stronger. That is, jumping on an inflatable donkey is not only fun and interesting, but also good for health.

At what age can you play with an inflatable jumper?

The instructions for the toy indicate that the donkey can be bought for kids from the age of three. But experienced parents say that as soon as the legs of a child sitting astride a toy can reach the floor, you can safely allow the little man to saddle the donkey. Sitting on it astride, while jumping for additional stability, the baby can hold on to the long ears of an inflatable animal.

Judging by the reviews of this toy, the child, even before he has learned to walk firmly, is already jumping on his friend with pleasure. Parents note that this way he feels more confident and begins to walk much earlier. But it is important to remember that at the age of one and a half to two years, parents should always be close to their little rider, because the baby may not be able to cope with the toy and fall off his rubber friend, even though the jumping donkey stands quite firmly on its feet. This is especially important if the baby is prancing around the corners - he can get hurt on them.

How to choose a quality toy?

Have you decided to buy your pet such a toy as a jumping donkey? The price in different outlets and from different manufacturers is different. So, inflatable donkeys without a cover can cost from 400 to 960 rubles. A toy in a case is more expensive - more than one and a half thousand. Such a big difference in price is due to the fact that donkeys are produced by different manufacturers. And they use different materials.

Before buying a toy, every parent involuntarily thinks about whether it will harm the child. First of all, you need to understand whether the material from which the product is made is safe for health. Jumping donkey on the market is represented by different manufacturers. And even the same ones can differ in the material from which they are made.

When choosing a donkey, you must first smell it. The absence of an unpleasant odor and coloring details indicates the safety of the toy. If you heard a pungent smell of rubber, then know that the material contains a very harmful substance - phenol, which adversely affects children's health. Phenol vapors cause allergic reactions and even damage to internal organs. You can determine the toxicity of a jumper not only by smell, but also by touch. The material from which it is made must be sufficiently hard and cold. The softer it is, the more likely it is that the donkey will be poisonous. The surest way to check the safety of a toy is to study the inscriptions on the label and ask the seller for a certificate of conformity. Happy shopping!

We bought our daughter a new toy today. We went into the children's world and saw this miracle.

This is not the first time we have seen such jumpers. Once again, the daughter rushed to him, clattering her tongue like a horse (which means a horse in her language) and did not let go of the donkey's ear, squeezing it in a fist. I looked at our dad and said: Take it! She had wanted this for a long time, let her ride a horse.
When they brought the Jumping Donkey home, the daughter first carefully studied the muzzle, poked her finger into her eyes. But then, having saddled him, she found for herself a more exciting process of using the toy. In this way he occupied himself for a while, allowing his parents to mind their own business.

The toy is an inflatable donkey figurine made of durable polymer material similar to rubber. The size depends on the degree of air pumping and is approximately 33 cm high and 55 cm long. It is inflated with a conventional pump. The label says that the age is from 1 year to 3 years and weight up to 25 kg. The structure of the material of the toy is pleasant to the touch. The design of the toy itself is very cute and thoughtful.
The donkey stands steadily on its legs. Sitting on the back, the child is comfortably located on the toy; for additional insurance, he can hold on to the donkey's ears with handles.
Our donkey is sheathed with fabric, there are also just rubber ones of different colors, and not only donkeys ... but cows, zebras, cubs, etc.

Do you have one?
How does the child play with it?
Until what age was this toy interesting?