Christian games for children online. Finger and gesture games for children

3-15 people play.
One Biblical hero is guessed. One player must guess it,
and the others help him. Everyone takes turns saying one word that is associated with this hero.
For example, Adam is guessed. Words for it can be: first, sin, prohibition, etc. The next guesser is the player on whose word the correct answer was given.

This is a game for children or for those who are just starting to study the Bible.
5-10 people play.
Each participant writes on a small piece of paper the name of one Biblical hero, the story about which he himself knows well. Then the leaves are rolled up and mixed. Players draw one piece of paper and take turns telling about the Biblical hero whose name they got.
If the player is at a loss in the story, then the one who wrote the name that fell out should help him.

The game requires 3-10 people.
One person goes out, and the rest think of some word or concept from the Bible, for example star of bethlehem. The guessing player enters and starts asking everyone in turn questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no".
For example:
. is it alive?
. is it wooden?
. is this edible?
. did Jesus have it?
. now we can have (see) it?
When, finally, the guessing player guesses the word,
then the next to guess is the one to whom the last question was asked.

themed game
Invite everyone present (5-35 people) to write 5-10 nouns that they can relate to. For example: man, woman, student, etc.
After everyone wrote, ask who wrote
. about himself, that he is a man
. about their belonging to the family (wife, mother, father, etc.)
. about their belonging to the profession (doctor, student)
. about his relationship to the church and ministry
And who wrote that he is a sinner? Most of you will probably forget about it.
CONCLUSION: You think well of yourself. There are few sinners among you. But the Bible says that Christ came to save sinners. Where will you be?

Theme of the game: how to hear the voice of God
One person sits on a chair, his eyes are blindfolded. Candy is fixed under the chair (you can use adhesive tape). Three volunteers in different ends rooms, trying to get to the seated person and take candy from him. The seated person tries to stop them by saying "STOP" and pointing to the side where he thinks the noise is coming from. If he showed correctly, the caught player remains in place, the rest continue their dangerous journey.

To the introduction to the lesson about the blind Bartimaeus.
One volunteer is blindfolded, having previously learned whether he is well oriented in the room. Put an object in a hard-to-reach place, unwind the person in the bandage and send for the object.

To the introduction to the topic: "Rom. 10:15 (And how can they preach unless they are sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!)
Find the largest foot in the group… the smallest… the most original… and talk about Romans 10:15

The game is very simple. Its main advantage is that it helps to learn Bible verses in a fun way. The game is good to play in a home group. Can participate from 3 to 15 people.
Each person (or a team of several people, if there are many of you) receives a piece of paper with a verse written on it. After a while, the players take turns showing their verse in gestures (they come up with gestures themselves), while the verse should be spoken aloud. You can also explain how to understand this verse and why certain gestures were invented. You can also give the same verse to two teams. Their performances are compared and evaluated, whose is better.
For example, I will give you how to use gestures to show the verse "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

For so loved - two punches in the region of the heart (when we are in love, our heart beats often)
God - hand points to the sky
the world - the palm is open, we show around us
what he gave - with both hands we tear off as if something from the chest
His Son - the hand seems to touch the head of a small child
so that everyone index finger m point to one, second, third person
believer - put your palms together, as for prayer
in Him - again we point to the sky,
did not die - first we show the index finger as "not allowed", then we show death - crossed arms on the chest
but had life - we feel the pulse (there is a pulse - it means the person is alive)
eternal - a symbol of eternity - vicious circle, hand draw a circle in the air.
.Be sure to say the place Holy Scripture where the verse is taken from. Poems are best chosen such that it is not difficult to show. I offer the following:
. For I want mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6)
. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 6:23)
. Better is a piece of dry bread, and peace with it, than a house full of slaughtered cattle, with contention. (Proverbs 17:1)
. So, if you have risen with Christ, then look for things above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God; think of the things above, and not of the things of the earth. (Col. 3:1-2)
. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and I will dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev. 3:20)
. God is light, and there is no darkness in Him. (1 John 1:5)
. For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead (James 2:26)
. So go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19)
With good training, you can complicate the game. Let someone show a verse (only a well-known one), and others guess.

This game is good for young people and children who already know the basic Bible stories. Play 2-4 teams of 3-10 people each. Each team is given the task to depict the Bible story in sounds. The other teams have to listen (everyone close their eyes!) and guess what the story is. I propose to represent the following sounds:
. How animals enter the ark
. Fall of the walls of Jericho
. Parable of the Lost Sheep
. Construction of the Tower of Babel

The facilitator quickly calls out the words. Children must mentally rearrange the letters of this word in reverse and immediately write them on the board with chalk or on a piece of paper "back to front". For example, the leader says the word "pilot", the child writes the word "tolip", "salamander" - "ardnamalas". You can start with short words and replace them with longer ones. Biblical terms and words can be used.

The players are divided into two teams, you can still choose a judge to decide contentious issues. A letter of the alphabet is randomly selected, excluding b, y, b, for this you can take the first book that comes across and the letter located at a prearranged place on a line with a prearranged number on a predetermined page. During the game, the teams simply call words from Scripture in turn starting with the chosen letter. It is impossible to repeat, words must be common nouns in initial form- nominative, singular, and famous enough to make their existence undeniable. Who from the team will name the word, it doesn’t matter

Cards are written, on one side they have a word written, and on the other, how many points are given for this word. From two teams, one person comes out, choose a word and draw, whose team will quickly guess what the word is, to which these points are recorded. Words can be written Biblical. For example (for children):
. The ark
. Altar
. Rainbow
. Flood
. Tree of knowledge of good and evil
. Bible
. Sin

The players are divided into 2-5 teams of 2-7 people each. The teams are given leaflets (download HERE) On these leaflets there is a large table with many letters. You need to find the hidden words (these will be Biblical names). Words can be written horizontally (right to left and left to right), vertically (top to bottom and bottom to top), and diagonally. Whoever finds 10 hidden words faster wins.

I propose the second version of the game "All Scripture" - it has a more complex description of books. This is for those who find it too easy. I hope you enjoyed remembering in such game form different facts about bible books.

The game cards are also useful for remembering the order of the written books of the Bible. My older children had a period when they already read and knew the books of the Bible, but they could not quickly find them at the meeting - such cards helped us a lot. In the form of a game, everything is remembered faster.

The game consists of 66 cards. Each card is double sided. First side contains: title, drawing and indications of who, where and when wrote this book. Second side - description of the content and features of the book. Both sides are playable, you can perform with them different types tasks, which are written in the rules of the game.

Rules of the game:

Arrange shuffled cards side with description up. The participants of the game take turns taking one card at a time, read aloud and guess the name of the book.

If the player finds it difficult to answer, then the next clockwise the player has the right to give mine Possible answer. The card is turned over and as a victory point goes to the player who gives correct answer. Regardless of the correct answer, the player can only take one card.

When all cards are guessed and turned over title of books , then all together should decompose them into groups:

  1. Books of Moses(6)
  2. Israeli entry into the promised land (3)
  3. Times of Israelite kings (6)
  4. Return of Jews from captivity(3)
  5. Poetry books and collections of wise sayings(4)
  6. Prophets(16)
  7. A Narrative of the Life and Ministry of Christ (4)
  8. The Formation and Growth of the Christian Congregation (1)
  9. Letters of the Apostle Paul (14)
  10. Books of other apostles and disciples of Christ(7)

How to make:

Must be printed to colored printer:

1) PDF cards

a) name and picture

b) description

2) Game rules and box in PDF format

Print. On the cards with the description on the side of the hint field - they will need to be removed after they are glued. Otherwise, even before the start of the game, you will look for which book which description fits. Trim the white margins around the cards and glue. It is better to cut with a clerical knife along the ruler. Dry under pressure (in the pages of a thick large book) and then cut into cards.

The rules of the game and stickers on the box are easy to print. Scheme and manufacturing process boxes written . Stick labels on the top and sides of the box so that you can easily find it later.


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