King Solomon about family relationships. Quotes of sacred scriptures - about the husband. Beloved person is a treasure

The world-famous instructive Book of Solomon's Proverbs is placed in the third part of the Bible and is included in the hagiographs. It is located between the Book of Psalms and the Book of Job. We can say that the collection of Proverbs is the quintessence of judgments about the most important moments for any ruler. Since Solomon himself followed his instructions, he remains one of the most striking historical examples of a kind and wise King.

The main essence of the Proverbs of Solomon

One evening, Solomon descended from the mountains to their foot, and the people gathered there respectfully addressed him:

Oh great King! We look at you with admiration! Your amazing mind has no limits, so instruct us and enlighten us!

Solomon looked kindly at the assembled people and said to them:

You yourself are the light of the world. You are equal to the stars in the sky. It is in you that the storehouse of wisdom lies. Each of you contains the whole universe. Listen to your own soul, turn to your mind and try to understand your feelings. Only then can you hear the Lord.

Then he offered to the assembled people a series of his discourses on a variety of things. Among the most important ideas contained in them, he expressed:

  • thoughts about true faith in the Lord;
  • guidance on relationships between people;
  • a description of the warnings against the possible danger of exposure to a woman's charms on a man;
  • the injunction to avoid various sins;
  • reasoning about life wisdom;
  • advice to rulers about the management of the country;
  • requirements in every possible way to be afraid of anger, etc.

All parables contain various reflections of King Solomon, which are the result of his long, wise and righteous life. This great man experienced both great happiness and hard times on his earthly path.

He says a lot of really important things. Including, and about how the king should most reasonably and correctly manage his country.

Parables about the earthly path of each person

Parables about the meaning of life

Life for each person is his road, its ultimate goal and a true treasure. It contains all the power of love. People exist in order to reveal their whole soul to the world, to give it all of themselves without a trace.

The life path of anyone is his particle, which he brings into the general circle of being. Therefore, it is much better than anything that has ever existed on earth. It is necessary to consider your stay here as happiness and highly value it, regardless of any other conditions. One should live here and now. You need to search for yourself only in the present and there is no other you.

About the misfortunes

What a man sows once, he will reap later. Grief does not come to anyone by chance, if he himself has not previously prepared fertile ground for it. Poverty does not come suddenly. Misfortune always becomes the fruit of refusal to know the true truth.

Judging someone, trying to find flaws in another, people become weak, and showing greed, push joy away from themselves.

One must wake up and take a close look at oneself, for only he is truly poor who does not know himself at all. The one who has not found the way to the Lord is homeless. A beggar is the one who misses any favorable chances in life. You should not waste your best years and allow other people to appropriate to themselves the only right to judge who is who. Money is a misfortune if there is no real goodness in the soul.

How to deal with the troubles that have fallen to the lot

You can't criticize yourself. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. You can not compare yourself with other people and evaluate yourself according to their own criteria.

It is required to be truly grateful to Heaven for every little thing. As soon as true joy settles in the heart of a person, it will melt any thick ice like a hot sun.

One must love oneself strongly, because the one who does this appreciates in himself everything that exists from the Lord. Never run away from any threat, as only those who have shown true courage will then gain a precious reward. If everything goes well, kneel down and turn your prayerful gaze to Heaven, then no trouble will touch you. When you make a request to the Lord, never put conditions on it. Warm gratitude to the Almighty for everything given to us is the best prayer, and joy nourishes the soul and body.


How can a person find happiness?

There is no happiness outside of true love. Happiness is gratitude to the Lord. Happiness is peace in the soul. Happy is he who has found an inexhaustible source of joy in his own heart. Happy is he who gives love to people and receives it from them.

There is no happiness outside of constant search. Happy is he who wakes up from his sleep and sees the truth. Happiness is hearing the Lord. Happiness is to understand why a person is sent to earth.

Happy is he who has found true unity with the people around him. Happy is he who has learned quiet contemplation. There is no happiness without peace in the soul.

Unfortunate is he who has not learned to see the beauty of nature. Happy is he who has seen the sun and understood what its influence is on a person and his heart.

Happy is he who understands that one should be like water, flowing, but not stopping. Happy is he who does not give up his joy.

Happiness is building your own happiness. There is no happiness outside of freedom. There is no happiness without forgiveness.

How to achieve true wealth

The earthly existence of any person is the greatest reward from the Lord. The Almighty is a treasure hidden in the heart. Abundance is already contained within each of the people, and wealth is dissolved in the surrounding world. In the Universe there is everything that is required, and the one who does not understand such things is poor.

The more a person gives to people, the richer he becomes. Joy is next to everyone. Open the door of your dwelling and immediately all the wealth of the world will enter it. Make every little thing a treasure. Only those who have learned to see abundance within themselves are truly rich.

How should a person exist on earth

It is necessary to revel in every moment of your existence, because nothing can be made up on your deathbed.

Remember, what is within you, you will see the same around you. The darkness on the outside comes from the darkness in the heart. Joy equals sunshine. The ability to see the Lord in every minute of life is like bathing in a sunbeam.

The radiance emanating from the human soul is brighter than a thousand suns. Blessed is he who seeks precisely this light.

How to achieve true harmony

One has to make one's daily existence very simple. No harm should be done even to the smallest and weakest.

Live without envy. If any doubt has crept into your soul, then it is required that it give strength, and not take it away.

You need to build your earthly path so that every minute is filled with the beauty of the surrounding world. Create for beauty, not for human praise.

Everyone who meets on the way should be greeted as one who has been sent to reveal himself to man.

Let go of what has passed and it will stop oppressing you. Give people the new, the unknown.

May your soul be saturated with love for your neighbor. Bring love everywhere you go. Love is able to fill and purify absolutely everything, for where there is love, there is also the Lord.

How to achieve true excellence

Only the one who is happy is able to give joy to those around him. He who does not seek joy in himself is likened to a slave, because there is no happiness outside of complete freedom.

True joy does not exist without complete liberation. Learn to be happy, only then you will know the world and yourself.

Open the door to life and it will open it for you. If you stop resisting it, you will become its master, not its servant.

Carefully looking around the listening people gathered around him, Solomon added a couple more words with a smile:

And in long silence you will gain much more true wisdom. The important thing is to always be yourself!

In addition to the main parables of King Solomon, there are also a variety of other biblical stories associated with him. Some of the more interesting ones can be cited.

Parables about the need to acquire life knowledge

Word of Wisdom

Take my word and remember it forever, O my son! May your ears not miss a single thought of what I say, and your mind not stop thinking and be aware of everything that is said.

Strive for wisdom and study every twist of your mind. Look for the answer to every question that arises in front of you the way they look for gold in the mountains. Only then will the treasury of wisdom be opened to you and you will be able to comprehend our Lord.

When knowledge permeates your whole soul and the mind comprehends it, then wisdom will enter into it. Let your mind protect and warn you against rash acts. Only then will you be able to avoid evil temptations and recognize the liar. Your wisdom will protect you from those who walk in crooked paths and do not accept straight ones.

A word about knowing the truth

Truly happy is the one who has found the true truth, and the one who has not abandoned the true wisdom. The one who managed to achieve it is much richer than the one who found precious stones and got more than the one who has a lot of gold and jewelry in the house. Wisdom is incomparable and there is no value for it. She holds longevity in one hand and wealth in the other.

Truth is the trunk of the tree of life, so happy is the gardener who tends to it.

Try, my son, to keep your judgment. Then she will become your support and will not let you stumble.

She will adorn you richer than any most expensive pearl. You will freely walk along your earthly path and will not stumble anywhere. When you go to sleep, then fear will not dare to disturb you. Night visions will be beautiful and calm.

A word about the acquisition of wisdom by man

Try, my son, to comprehend the truth, learn everything you can. Always remember knowledge and then you will not get into trouble. Strive for the light of truth: do not miss it, seek it and acquire it every minute. There is no greater treasure than the radiance of truth.

By following her, you will gain everything and she will become your constant companion. Wisdom will make you a winner, and victory will not be more important to you than gaining it. Gaining knowledge, you stay on your feet more firmly, no danger is more terrible for you.

Parable about women

Solomon's parables are a collection of advice on how to act in various everyday situations. The king talks about his life experiences and warns others against repeating mistakes.

A word on marital fidelity

Pass, my son, past someone else's wife, no matter how truly beautiful she may seem to you. At first you will enjoy it, but then the most difficult and bitter times will come for you. From now on, you will have to follow the path of life like a double-edged knife.

Soon you will fall not at her feet, but at the feet of perdition itself. Following in the footsteps of a woman, you will reach the very abyss of hell.

Therefore, when you see someone else's wife, get away from her as soon as possible. Do not approach her, otherwise you will lose everything and even your very life. She will become your executioner and tormentor, run away from her before it's too late. Your whole life, your strength, your mind will not belong to you, but to another. Whatever you do, you will do not for yourself - for someone else.

You start crying and complaining, but it's too late, and your strength and health will leave you. Therefore, draw from your source and do not go to what is not yours.

Solomon in his Proverbs expresses the idea that the knowledge of the Lord reflects the true light of truth. It is intimately connected with human kindness and righteousness. The king warns against rash acts and gives strongholds for gaining wisdom.

The parables of King Solomon are written as an appeal from a father teaching his son the wisdom of life, which actions can be considered pleasing to God, and which are bad. Instruction to the son, as the heir, the dearest person for the real father, conquers with his love and care. No one can reproach a parent for moralizing, observing which his own son will achieve human respect and God's blessing.

The Parables of Solomon are combined into 31 chapters, which list all conceivable situations in life and give advice on how best to act in each case. But if we consider them as a whole, then the meaning of the instructions is similar to God's 10 commandments, which must be observed by everyone who wants to live in peace and prosperity.

Solomon's advice can be downloaded on the Internet for free, so that you can listen and study them without interference at home. Also, numerous sites offer to study the Bible online, helping to clarify incomprehensible places. Priests interpreters of biblical texts help beginners and those who are simply interested in religion to pass the sacred Book through their hearts and souls so that there are no omissions and understatements.

Solomon in translation means peace-loving. For 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not enter into any serious war, justifying his name. The country under the rule of the wise king reached prosperity and wealth. There were legends about the wisdom of Solomon: all people who could not solve their problems on their own turned to the wise king for help, and everyone agreed with the royal decision.

What do the parables of the king of Israel teach?

Solomon's parables are the result of his life experience, which he passes on not only to his heir, but to all people who want to live in peace and harmony with their conscience. The fear of the Lord, which many readers of the parables of Solomon take literally, means respect and reverence for the Divine covenant about how all people on earth should live.

The book of Solomon's parables is still relevant today. With the development of the Internet, you can read the instructions of the ancient king yourself online or download the video to a computer or disk. Many Christian sites make it possible to listen to the wise commandments of Solomon online.

Historically, no confirmation of Solomon's life in reality has been found. All data about the third king of Israel are taken from the Bible. It is believed that King Solomon built the Temple of Jerusalem, of unprecedented beauty and splendor.

Legend of King Solomon

God gave Solomon a ring with which a person gains power over demons. Solomon managed to neutralize all the demons so that they could not interfere with the construction of the Temple, which his father David did not have time to finish. But the main demon, King Asmodeus, did not obey the will of Solomon, who could not understand the origins of the demon's power.

By deceit and cunning, Solomon managed to lure Asmodeus into a trap and take him prisoner. The king of the demon settled in the garden, entangling it with a chain engraved with the name of God. Asmodeus could not escape and carried out all the orders of Solomon, obeying the ring with the divine seal. The demon was forced to give up his witchcraft book and tell the secret of the Shamir worm, which could grind a stone of any size and was used in the construction of the Temple.

But King Solomon was seized with curiosity about what power the demon had and what was its cause. For the discovery of the secret, the ruler of Israel threw off the chain from the demon and removed his ring from his finger. At the same moment, Asmodeus of gigantic proportions became, connecting God's world and the underworld with his wings. He snatched the ring of God from the hands of Solomon and threw it into the sea, and threw the king himself into a distant country. He himself took the form of Solomon and began to rule in his place in Jerusalem.

For a long 3 years Solomon wandered in a foreign country, not renouncing God, accepting a well-deserved punishment for excessive pride, self-confidence, curiosity. But one day he found his ring in the belly of a fish and was able to return to the palace. Asmodeus perished at the same moment, and Solomon began to rule Israel again. But he remembered his misadventures forever and drew conclusions so as not to be mistaken in the future.

Instructing his son and all who read the parables of the wise king, Solomon warns future generations against the intrigues of evil demons. Only in the name of God can one conquer one's passions, finally gaining victory over the intrigues of the Prince of Darkness.
The book of Solomon's proverbs teaches the living to listen to their inner voice before acting rashly, regretting later an unrighteous act.

Solomon's sermon is divided into several themes dealing with the education of young people, mature men, women, and rulers. Parables are similar to poems about the moral character of people living on earth, interpreting how a person who believes in God should act in this or that case.

After the death of the king, numerous stories about the wisdom of Solomon, his resolution of difficult everyday situations, spread among the people. Now it is difficult to distinguish between the fantasy of the people and what was in reality, but the story of the ring is one of the most famous legends about Solomon.

In our time, Solomon's advice is set to music, the chant can be watched on video clips, listened to through the player, downloaded to your disk.

Legend of Solomon's Ring

The parable of Solomon and his ring is presented on the Internet in several versions that can be read or listened to online. Also, those who wish can download information from the Orthodox website.

The legend tells of a terrible famine in the country ruled by Solomon. Seeing how people die a cruel death, the king began to sell gold and jewelry in order to buy provisions and save his people. Seeing the senselessness of his actions, the king turned to the priest with a request to help him. The priest presented the ring, which in ancient times was considered a symbol of power, a magical sign of infinity and unity. The priest advised the young king to keep this ring with him at all times and, in moments of emotional excitement, simply hold it in his hands.

Arriving home, Solomon examined the inscription on the outside of the ring, made in an ancient language, which, however, Solomon understood: "Everything will pass." At that moment, the young ruler understood the hidden meaning of the phrase and acquired the calmness that is so necessary when deciding matters of national importance. Without a doubt, wisdom prevailed, and Solomon made a decision that was the only possible one in this situation.

Years passed, the king got married and raised children. The ring, as a faithful adviser, he constantly wore with him. But one day, the untimely death of his beloved unsettled him. And the words that everything will pass caused protest and indignation. With fury, the king threw the ring, but managed to make out another inscription on the inside, which he had not seen before: "this too shall pass."

It was still a long time before King Solomon grew old. On his deathbed, he was no longer consoled by both inscriptions on the ring. Before death, it is time to take stock of the life lived, what he was able to achieve, and what everyone leaves to posterity. To the amazement of the king, another phrase was found on the edge of the ring: "nothing passes."

Each person, having lived a life, leaves a trace in it. But good or bad, it depends on what a person did during his lifetime, what words his descendants will remember.

The story can be viewed on video online on the Internet and downloaded. You can also listen to this and other parables about King Solomon on Christian sites.

According to legend, King Solomon was buried along with his ring. Many treasure hunters wish to find a royal attribute, attributing magic power and power to the ring. But where is the burial place of the wise king, no one knows.

The legend of the real mother

Another life situation that Solomon allegedly judged is the story of a child. The story can be easily downloaded on the Internet for free, read or watched online.

Two women came to Solomon with a request to find out whose child was left to live. Women in labor were born with a difference of 3 days, but one of them accidentally crushed the baby in a dream. Without thinking twice, the woman changed the baby. When in the morning the second mother decided to feed the child, she saw that the baby was dead and did not belong to her. Disputes over whose child died did not lead to anything. It came to a fight, but none of the women wanted to retreat.

The royal decision horrified one of the women in labor - the king ordered to bring a sword and, cutting the living baby in half, give the halves to both applicants so that no one would be offended.

The true mother fell at the feet of the ruler and begged to give the child to her neighbor, saving the baby's life. The second woman was satisfied with the royal decision and agreed to accept half of the child, knowing that her baby was already dead.
Solomon recognized the right of a real mother to a baby - a mother will do everything so that her child stays to live, even with a strange woman.

You can watch the story online on the Internet via video, or download it to your computer and listen carefully at home. All the stories about Solomon amaze with the justice of the decision, regardless of the financial situation, official rank of the petitioners.

Perjury is a great sin and sooner or later becomes obvious. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the truth in any situation, so as not to be considered a liar among the people around you.

Choice Legend

Once a certain person came to King Solomon for advice: what to do if, before every vital choice, a person cannot sleep peacefully, as he constantly thinks about how to choose the right decision. The fear of making a mistake robs him of peace and sleep. And the more he thinks, the more he doubts the upcoming decision.

Solomon asked a visitor what he would do if he saw a child drowning in a river. He would have rushed to save someone else's baby or would have passed by, justifying his act, that he still would not have time to help the baby.

The visitor, without a shadow of a doubt and without hesitation, replied that in spite of everything, he would immediately rush to save the child from water captivity.

The king asked if the decision to save the child would change if the event happened yesterday or in the future. Having received a negative answer, Solomon said that a person chooses situationally the only correct solution. Therefore, he does not need to suffer whether he is doing the right thing. As long as his actions are consistent with his conscience and God's teachings, a person has only one option for actions - the right and right one. Therefore, there is no choice as such.

However, in attachment to another person, one should act according to one's heart. And the choice will appear only when a person changes - other habits, other priorities.

The visitor went home reassured and no longer suffered from insomnia.
Many people think painfully for a long time about how to act in a given life situation. Meanwhile, the right decision depends on the moral values ​​professed by each citizen. And a person acts according to his education and upbringing, on a subconscious level, dividing good and evil.

They say that God once dreamed of Solomon and asked him about his most cherished desire, promising to fulfill it immediately. The Jewish king asked the Lord to give him intelligence and wisdom to rule the country. The wish was fulfilled, and the fame of the wisest ruler spread to different countries.

Later, Solomon learned to understand the language of animals and birds, to speak with animals living on land and in water. This knowledge was reflected in the stories about King Solomon, which were passed from mouth to mouth. Today, these stories can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

About the Serpent and the Peasant

God entrusted the Snake to keep the treasure, commanding to sting on the heel of all who encroach on the treasure. But it so happened that a drought came, the snake was dying of thirst. At this time, a man was passing by with a jug of milk. The snake asked for a drink and promised to tell where the treasure was hidden as a reward.

The peasant gave milk to drink, and she showed the stone under which the treasure was hidden. But when the man wanted to carry away the treasures, the Snake remembered its purpose - to guard the jewels - and wrapped itself around the benefactor's neck.

The peasant was indignant and offered to go to the trial of King Solomon, so that he would determine which of them was right. The snake agreed, but did not get off the neck. So they came to Solomon.

Solomon forced the Serpent to get off the neck of the peasant, because the king must first punish, and only then his subjects solve problems among themselves.

The snake got off the neck, the king, meanwhile, did not stop listening attentively to the story of their meeting and further actions. In the words of the Snake about the need to bite everyone who covets the treasure entrusted to her, Solomon said that every person, when meeting with a snake, should break her head. At this saying, the peasant grabbed a stone and crushed the head of an insidious snake.

From this story came the saying: "and the best of the snakes smash the head." The parable teaches to keep the contract and, if you had to violate your obligations, you should not be cunning and push the blame onto another, betraying the innocent to punishment.
You can download for free these and other parables about the wise decision of the king of Israel, which make you believe in the justice of the judge's verdict.

Why Solomon's Parables Are Useful Today

These and other stories emphasize the moral high ground of King Solomon. Before laying out his instructions to future generations on paper, the ruler himself suffered and understood God's commandments, why in some situations one should act this way, and in others differently. And therefore the parables of Solomon cannot be regarded as empty moralizing. Only great love, concern for future generations of their heirs could push a person to write such a work.

A person is not immune from errors in judgment and behavior, but it is better to listen to the advice of the older generation than to fill your bumps by testing the veracity of Solomon's teachings.

Numerous sites on the Internet help everyone who wants to develop spiritually to study the Bible. You can listen to the interpretation of scholarly theologians of individual chapters of Solomon's parables, you can download material for self-study, listen or read the text online in your spare time.

The book of Solomon's parables is a vivid example of the wise attitude of the ruler - father to his people in the present and future.

book of wisdom

There are three books in the Bible that are called the books of wisdom and they talk about wisdom: the Book of the Proverbs of Solomon, the Book of Ecclesiastes the Preacher, and the Book of Job. All books of wisdom are special and edifying. I love the book Proverbs of Solomon. I reread this book at every opportunity to acquire wisdom and act prudently and wisely. Some theologians refer to Wisdom in the Proverbs of Solomon as a young teacher. She teaches how to live successfully and blessedly in this world. The book reveals three thousand of the wisest sayings of Solomon and 1005 songs (1 Kings 4:32). McDonald's comments use an interesting quote from Derek Kidner about the essence of this book: “This is not a portrait album or a book about good manners: it offers us the key to life. The examples of behavior that she demonstrates are judged by one criterion, which can be summarized by the question: “Is this wisdom or stupidity?” If you are interested in wisdom, then the Proverbs of Solomon is just the book that will make you wiser in this world.

Who is author?

The main author of this book is Solomon, the wisest king who ever reigned on earth (1:1; 10:1; 25:1). Some of the chapters are written by Agur (30:1) and Lemuel (31:1). The following is written about Solomon's wisdom: “And God gave Solomon wisdom, and a very great understanding, and a vast mind, like the sand on the seashore. And the wisdom of Solomon was higher than the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He was wiser than all men…” (1 Kings 4:29-31). There are opinions that the kings Agur and Lemuel are pseudonyms of Solomon. The parables, collected in a separate book, are Solomon's general observations of how the life of people on earth works. But, of course, there are exceptions.

Purpose of writing

The purpose of writing the Book of Proverbs - open and understandable - is to teach wisdom and live wisely. The book of Proverbs consists mainly of proverbs, aphorisms, wise parables and poetry. The Hebrew title of the book is Mishlei (plural from mashal). In essence, this means “parables”, “comparisons”, “metaphorical speech”, i.e. a visual representation of life rules through comparisons and examples from everyday reality. The key theme is the wisdom of God's people. Key personalities are Solomon, Agur and Lemuel. Unfortunately, the exact time of writing this book is unknown. There are suggestions that the first 24 chapters were written in the days of Hezekiah. In 25:1, we learn that Hezekiah's men added subsequent chapters: And these are the parables of Solomon, which were collected by the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah." the final edition of this book appeared no earlier than 700 BC. Solomon's original sayings may date back to 900 BC.

Key verses

There are so many amazing verses in this book that it is difficult to select which of the 31 chapters of this book are key. I offer some of them.

Proverbs 9:10 “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding”.

Proverbs 3:5 « Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. . »

Proverbs 4:23 « Above all things, keep your heart, for from it are the fountains of life.”

Proverbs 16:5 « Commit your deeds to the Lord, and your undertakings will be accomplished.”

Proverbs 22:6 « Instruct the young man at the beginning of his path: he will not deviate from it when he is old.»

Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who trust in Him.»


The book of the Proverbs of Solomon characterizes the acquisition and preservation of wisdom: the path to wisdom, calls and warnings to young people and old people, the beginning of wisdom, warnings against foolishness. Knowledge is simply a collection of various facts, but wisdom is the ability to see people, actions, and situations as God sees them. As Solomon asked for nothing more than wisdom, God granted his request far beyond his imagination and thoughts. He became the wisest man ever to live on earth. “ The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (9:10). In principle, for a successful life on earth, two principles must be followed: to honor God in awe of Him and to understand people. Solomon reveals to us three types of people: naive, wise and stupid. By studying and acquiring wisdom, we will learn to distinguish the characters of people. So, during the time to navigate how to behave with them. With the wise it is easy and interesting. With stupid ones - beware of their stupidity and not follow a stupid example, advice, deed. With the naive - with sympathy and understanding. The world is in desperate need of acquiring wisdom. But only in Christ can we find the right answer. He reveals and gives us His wisdom, which leads to life and prosperity. His wisdom is redemption from death and destruction. “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths ” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Solomon's parables are divided into a variety of topics: about the Lord, about wealth, about success, about raising children, about marriage, about family, about women, about the wicked, about the righteous, about wealth, about reputation, about pride, about humility, and of course same, about wisdom and about stupidity. Chapters 1-9 are written by a father instructing a young son. Chapters 10-29 form the main part and are a collection of parables addressed to various areas of life, like a general education. The last two chapters were written by Agur and Lemuel. As mentioned above, these people may have been pseudonyms for Solomon. It can be seen that Agur and Lemuel were also afraid of God, and these chapters complement the wise advice to the rest of the chapters and the book of Proverbs as a whole.

How to apply wisdom in practice?

The wisest book of Solomon's Proverbs, written more than three thousand years ago, contains an invaluable treasure of wisdom for all generations on earth throughout all past, present and future centuries. Once at work, going up to a colleague, I said how over the years I feel that my soul does not age. He replied: “It is so with you. And I feel old.” “In that case, wisdom is acquired from you,” I replied. "Not really! What are you talking about? I still do so many stupid things. There can be no question of any wisdom,” the colleague objected. I tried to convince him. It was useless. Then I thought how by rejecting God, a person voluntarily rejects God's wisdom. What a pity! But God offers wisdom to everyone! Scripture says simply and clearly: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives freely to all and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, not at all doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. Let such a person not think to receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:5-7). King Solomon did not ask God for anything other than wisdom. This request was pleasing to God and He rewarded young King Solomon with wisdom. And what about you? Do you wish to be wise? Perhaps, as my colleague, reject wisdom voluntarily. However, I suggest you take a look at some of the pearls of God's wisdom in the parables of Solomon.

  1. Learn the golden rules of behavior and manners. Be wise. Be decent. Simple and accessible. Study exactly God's commandments in the Bible. Follow Solomon's advice. Devote a lot of time for this in the study of the Holy Scriptures. "Learn the rules of prudence, justice, judgment and rightness"(Proverbs 1:3).
  1. God has the beginning of wisdom. God-fearing reverence for the all-wise God is wisdom. Recognize His power and majesty in your daily personal life. Solomon explains beautifully how to gain wisdom from God. In sincere prayer, ask God for wisdom. He will answer you through the Holy Scriptures, through God's revelation from above, or through the instructions of elder brothers and sisters in Christ. The right choice in life depends on your decision. “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; [good understanding in all who are led by him; and reverence for God is the beginning of understanding;] fools only despise wisdom and instruction.(Proverbs 1:7)
  1. Learn how to properly manage your property. Heed Solomon's advice. Trust the Lord for what He gives us. Distribute to Him a portion of your wealth and it will be a great blessing. “Honor the Lord with your wealth, the first fruits of all your harvests” (Proverbs 3:9).
  1. The acquisition of wisdom is the greatest achievement in the life of every person. That wise man who dedicated his life to the Lord. The Lord is our protection from every kind of evil and at all times. « Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words and do not deviate from them. Don't leave wisdom and it will protect you ." (Proverbs 4:5-6) .

  1. The most important wealth in life is caring for the purity of the heart. This will lead to prosperity. “More than anything you keep, keep your heart, because from it are the fountains of life” (Proverbs 5:23) .
  1. Many parables speak of the importance of children's obedience to their parents, vigilance, prudence, knowledge, and protecting oneself from immorality. : "My son! Pay attention to my wisdom, and incline your ear to my understanding, that you may keep discretion, and that your mouth may preserve knowledge.” (Proverbs 5:1-2). "My son! Keep your father's commandment and do not reject your mother's instruction" (Proverbs 6:20). "My son! Keep my words and hide my commandments with you. So that they guard you from the wife of another, from a stranger who softens her words .. ”(Proverbs 7: 1, 5) .
  1. The acquisition and study of Wisdom is above all earthly treasures, above gold and silver and other precious stones. Wisdom contains the meaning of life and life itself. “Receive my teaching, not silver; knowledge is better than choice gold; For wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing that you desire can compare with it.” (Proverbs 8:10-11).
  1. Wisdom is not wordy and edifying. There is always something to learn. “Sin is not avoided in verbosity, but he who restrains his mouth is wise.” (Proverbs 10:19).
  1. Do you want to have a blessed family? Study Solomon's parables carefully before marriage and in marriage. You will gain wisdom and invaluable advice: “A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands.” (Proverbs 14:1). “Who will find a virtuous wife? Its price is higher than pearls. (Proverbs 31:10).

Read the Bible, meditate on God's commandments, parables and the wise advice of Solomon, be wise and prudent in God!

For men and women

This section contains sermons in the Proverbs of Solomon on the relationship between husband and wife, man and woman. Read, think and draw your own conclusions from the advice of the Old Testament sage. Instructions for men are useful for women, and instructions for women are useful for men.

The parables that will be given below mainly deal with adultery, which is sin. In the parables, a woman is mentioned first, but this applies equally to men.

It is to men that the angry prophecy of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew is addressed:
“You have heard what the ancients said: do not commit adultery. But I tell you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Mat. 6.27-28) .

With this prophecy, Jesus proclaimed the connection between the times and the prophecies of the ancient sages of the Old Testament and once again declared adultery a sin:
“But if your right eye offends you, pluck it out and throw it away from you, for it is better for you that one of your members perish, and not your whole body be cast into hell. And if your right hand offends you, cut it off and throw it away from you, for it is better for you that one of your members perish, and not your whole body be cast into hell.” (Mat. 29-30) .

While the first part of Jesus' prophecy directly concerns men, the later part of His prophecy applies to both men and women.
The sermons in the Proverbs of Solomon help in understanding this sinfulness of people of both sexes in intimate relationships:

1.9.1. Here is a parable with instructions on avoiding the sinfulness of temptation:
“In order to save you from the wife of another, from a stranger who softens her speech, who has left the leader of her youth and forgot the covenant of her God. Her house leads to death, and her paths to the dead; none of those who enter to her return and enter the path of life. ”(Prov. 2. 16-20).

1.9.2. Here is a parable with instructions on avoiding adultery:
“Thy source be blessed; and take comfort in the wife of your youth, the amiable doe and the beautiful chamois: let her breasts make you drunk at all times, enjoy her love all the time. And why should you, my son, be carried away by strangers and embrace the breasts of others?” (Prov. 5. 18 - 20).

This also includes a quote from the book of wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach according to the Old Testament:
“Turn your eye away from a beautiful woman and do not stare at someone else's beauty: many have gone astray through the beauty of a woman; from her, like a fire, love ignites. By no means sit with a married wife and do not stay with her at the feast for wine, lest your soul bow down to her, and lest you creep in spirit into destruction. (Sir. 9.6-11).
1.9.3. Here is a parable preaching the need to beware of the seduction of married men and married women:

“... to warn you from a worthless woman, from a flattering tongue of a stranger. Do not wish for her beauty in your heart, lest your eyes catch you, and let it not captivate you with its eyelashes; because because of the prodigal wife they are impoverished to a piece of bread, and the married wife catches a dear soul. Can anyone take fire into his bosom, so that his dress does not burn? Can anyone walk on burning coals without burning his feet? The same thing happens with the one who enters his neighbor's wife: whoever touches her will not be left without guilt. A thief is not let down if he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; but, being caught, he will pay sevenfold, he will give all the property of his house. Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no mind; he who does this destroys his soul: he will find beatings and shame, and his dishonor will not be blotted out, because jealousy is the fury of a man, and he will not spare on the day of vengeance, he will not accept any ransom and will not be satisfied, no matter how much you multiply gifts ." (Prov. 7. 24-35).

The Epistle of the Apostle Paul from the New Testament says:
“Let the marriage of all be honest and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (Heb. 13.4)

1.9.4. Here is a parable with a sermon on avoiding frivolous intimate relationships:
“She grabbed him, kissed him, and with a shameless face said to him: “I have a peace offering: today I made my vows; therefore I went out to meet you to find you, and found you; ... come in, let's revel in tenderness until the morning, enjoy love, because her husband is not at home: he went on a long journey ... With a lot of affectionate words, she captivated him, with the softness of her lips she took possession of him. Immediately he went after her, like an ox going to the slaughter, and like a dog to a chain, and like a deer to a shot. ... Let not your heart deviate in her path, do not wander in her paths, because she threw down many wounded and many strong were killed her: her house is the way to the underworld, descending into the interior of the dwelling place of death.
Pay no attention to a flattering woman; for the lips of a strange woman ooze honey, and her speech is softer than oil; but the consequences of it are bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword; her feet descend to death, her feet reach to hell.
Keep your path farther from her and do not come close to the doors of her house, so that you do not give your health to others and your years to the tormentor; so that strangers are not satisfied with your strength, and your labors are not for someone else's house. (Prov. 7. 13-27; 5.2-5; 8-11).

1.9.5. Here is a parable that warns men and women that looks can be deceiving:
"Like a gold ring in a pig's nose, the woman is beautiful and reckless." (Prov. 11.22).

“Pretty is deceptive and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the Lord is worthy of praise. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works be glorified at the gates” (Prov. 31:31).
1.9.9. Here is a parable with a sermon on avoiding marital quarrels:
“The beginning of a quarrel is like a breakthrough of water; leave the quarrel before it flares up. (Prov. 17.14).

1.9.10. Here is a parable with a sermon about avoiding excessive alcohol libations, which can lead to the sin of adultery when drunk:
“Wine is mocking… everyone who is fond of them is foolish.” (Prov. 20.1)

1.9.11. Here are parables with a sermon on the need to establish highly spiritual relationships in the family:
“A virtuous wife is a crown for her husband; but shameful is like rottenness in his bones.” (Prov. 12.4).

“A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands.” (Prov. 14.1).
“He who has found a good wife has found good and received grace from the Lord. Whoever casts out a good wife casts out happiness, but whoever has an adulteress is foolish and impious.” (Prov. 19.23).

“Who can find a virtuous wife? its price is higher than pearls; the heart of her husband is confident in her, and he will not be left without profit; she repays him with good, and not evil, all the days of her life ... willingly works with her hands ... she gets up at night and distributes food in her house ... She feels that her occupation is good, and - her lamp does not go out even at night ... She opens her hand to the poor, and gives her hand to the needy ... Fortress and beauty are her clothes, and she cheerfully looks at the future. He opens his mouth with wisdom, and gentle instruction is in her tongue. She watches over the household in her house and does not eat the bread of idleness. The children get up and please her, - the husband praises her: “There were many virtuous women, but you surpassed all of them” (Prov. 31.10-29).

In essence, the sermons of Solomon's parables to men and women speak of the virtue of faithfulness. The virtue of fidelity is to never break one's word, never betray one's love.
An example of this is God the Father Himself. He is perfectly true to His word. Having given this word in the form of a covenant, He kept it despite the fact that the people rejected Him. People may be deceitful and unfaithful, but God remains faithful.

“... if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.” (2 Tim.2.13) .
The same example of fidelity was shown by Jesus Christ, who to the end fulfilled what was entrusted to Him by the Father.
Differences in the characteristics of the sexes impose great obligations and responsibilities on people in their relationships.

In the Ten Commandments of the Law of God, the last tenth Commandment says exactly this:
"Do not covet your sincere wife ...".
This commandment forbids impure thoughts against the honor of one's neighbor, both male and female. Violation of this commandment can be envy in all forms, including the well-being of someone's family, the love and harmony that reigns there.

Anyone who tries to seduce a spouse, destroy harmony in such a family, commits a sin. Usually the one who seduces tries to justify himself by being in love. In fact, most often there is a completely different feeling behind this - envy of the feelings experienced by others: “Why am I worse?”.
It is about avoiding the sin of envy that the Commandment of the Law of God speaks - do not covet your sincere wife (or husband)!

King Solomon is the wisest man of his time. He thought about absolutely all aspects of life in order to understand their essence and meaning. He did not bypass the topic of relations between a man and a woman. How should their way of life, duties and communication be built so that there is happiness, peace and love?

Beloved person is a treasure

A good wife - who will find her?It is more expensive than precious stones.
Proverbs 31:10

First, Solomon draws the attention of men that a good life partner is a diamond. It must be purposefully searched for, as seekers search for treasure. What should women do during this time? Develop yourself and say "Yes" one day to the one who found you :)

Absolute Trust

Her husband believes her with all his heart, with her he will not be at a loss. She brings him good, not evil all the days of your life.
Proverbs 31:11-12

There must be trust between close people: when you do not control another person for treason, lies or other betrayal. You need to trust each other and always pay with kindness, that is, do not even allow yourself to think bad things about who you go through life with. In actions, all the more so, you need to act kindly.

Loving and trusting relationships, according to Solomon, even affect financial success! A man who is confident in his woman will never be at a loss!

Qualities of an ideal woman

She chooses wool and linen and willingly works with his own hands. She's like a merchant ship from afar gets his bread. She gets up in the dark cooks food for his family and gives the maids work. Looks after the field and buys it; on what she earns she plants a vineyard. Gets to work with zeal her hands are strong for her labors. She understands that her trade is profitable; her lamp does not go out at night. He puts his hands on the spinning wheel, her fingers hold the spindle. For the poor she opens her hand and reach out to those in need. In the snow, he is not afraid for his family: her whole family dresses in scarlet robes. She makes bedspreads for her bed dressed in fine linen and purple. Thin linen and purple - that is, clothes made of fabrics expensive for that time .. She makes linen clothes and sells them. and supplies the merchants with belts. Dressed with strength and dignity and she looks merrily into tomorrow. She speaks with wisdom and good instruction in her tongue.She looks after the affairs of her family, she does not eat the bread of idleness. 28Her children rise and call her blessed, also her husband, and praises her: "There are many good wives, but you have surpassed them all.”
Proverbs 31:13-29

Here are described the qualities of the ideal mistress of the family hearth. Of course, you don’t have to take everything literally (after all, the time is not right now), but you can learn useful principles.

So, men and women, pay attention! Qualities of an ideal wife according to King Solomon:

  • hardworking
  • Selective (values ​​quality)
  • Enterprising
  • Knows how to negotiate
  • strategic
  • Owns time management
  • Initiative
  • Influential
  • Attentive
  • Talented
  • caring
  • Energetic
  • Playing sports
  • Generous
  • Thoughtful
  • Knows his own worth
  • Has sales and communication skills
  • positive
  • Cheerful
  • Wise
  • Conscious
  • Pleasant
  • She wants to be praised and loved

There are many more features, but these are the most important ones. How are you?)

An atmosphere of love creates success

Her husband is respected at the city gates.
Proverbs 31:23

The gates of the city in ancient times were the center of all public life, discussions of the main issues and court proceedings were held around them - with the elders of the country.

A man who is next to a correct and wise woman is always respected. It is her mind and desire to create an atmosphere of love and care at home that helps her man achieve goals and climb higher on the ladder of influence.

The secret to a happy relationship

Beauty is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is worthy of praise. Give her the reward she deserves let her works praise her at the city gates.
Proverbs 31:30-31

Solomon does not focus on the appearance of a woman: her beauty, grace or seductive figure. He, like a wise man, understood that this is all temporary, the main thing is the heart of the person who is next to you.

Relationships will be special when both a man and a woman honor God. When they sincerely try to fulfill His commandments, love Him and love one another. This is the most valuable!

Would you like to learn more about the wisdom of Solomon? Read the new book by Yitzhak Pintosevich "This is the whole man" - extended comments on the book "Koelet" ("Ecclesiastes"). These are deep and incredibly wise statements about the earthly and spiritual, supported by a modern look and practical tasks from Yitzhak. You will find out who a person is, what his soul needs, and how to build your life the way God wants.