How to weave different types of braids. Variety of braids with ribbons. How to weave the simplest braids

Despite the fact that the hairstyle is an individual matter, trends inexorably affect the hair. This applies to color, coloring, haircuts, styling and, of course, braids. Therefore, let's remember the most relevant weaving on the hair, which came to us from fashion catwalks, and also became popular thanks to celebrities and beauty bloggers.

Fashionable weaving on hair in the style of Indian braids

The latest trend that brings us already next year, but you can use it now - Indian braids. They not only look interesting and add some mysticism and mystery to the image, but are incredibly easy to perform.

In fact, Indian braids do not differ in the technique of weaving traditional Russian braids. Main Feature the tightness with which the hair is intertwined appears.

To make Indian braids perfectly smooth and even, so that there is no pomp effect. Further, depending on the type of face, weave a very tight braid from the cheekbones or behind the ear of three strands. The parting should be even, preferably also smooth, and the braid should be so tight that it is difficult to bend it. It is important that all three strands are equal, then the braid will look really beautiful.

If you have very Thin hair and the pigtails are very thin, add artificial curls to the strands or use a long ribbon that needs to be woven from the base of the braid to the very end. The thinner the hair and braids, the thinner the ribbon should be. Thick hair decorated with coarse wide ribbons.

The finished hairstyle can be decorated with a ribbon or headband so that it is either on the forehead or almost at the very beginning of the parting. Feathers are welcome.

French braid: popular types

Past seasons gave us a romantic braid - French. And since bloggers and celebrities were happy to support this trend, there are countless options for weaving.

The most popular in this technique are braids dragons. If you get the hang of it, then weaving them will become as easy as a classic braid. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that you need to weave in reverse side like inside. Then dragon braids look voluminous, even if you have thin and sparse hair.

The second popular option is loose french braid. To do this, it is enough to braid the usual French braid with the technique of weaving inside, and then gently pry each link of the braid, making it wider. The effect is amazing, as the hair visually looks several times thicker. A wide (but actually just loose) French braid immediately makes Raspunzel out of a girl.

Also in the top hairstyles with French braid weaving came out bezel. In this case, the French braid is braided around the head. So that the hairstyle does not fall apart and looks beautiful, every time you need to throw the third strand into the next link, this very strand is removed from the braid to the hair, and a new one is pulled out of the hair. Weaving goes around the head. It is better to start behind the ear in order to hide the tip of the braid with hairpins as neatly and imperceptibly as possible.

Braided fishtail hair

This hairstyle came into the fashion world and became a trend along with the fashion for boho and gypsy style. At the same time, only the name and weaving technique remained from the classic fish tail. In fact, the hairstyle looks romantic and a little disheveled, as if after sleep or a strong wind.

Do fish tail according to the latest trends is much easier than according to classical method, but also more difficult, since you need to achieve the effect of natural disheveledness, and not painstaking work on the braid.

Here are a couple of methods on how to make a spectacular and trendy fishtail. In the first case, make a small pile from the roots to the level where the braid will begin. Do not smooth the bouffant with a comb to make it look natural, it should look untidy. But do not overdo it with a fleece, so as not to bring yourself to outright tangles.

Next, weave a fishtail with a very light stretch of the strands. Literally put thin strands one on top of the other and don’t worry too much if the hair is knocked out of the braid or it turns out to be not quite even. This is the effect that should be achieved.

Other weaving on fishtail hair is also performed on loose hair, you can do it without bouffant. Just don't pull your hair tight from the top of your head to the beginning of the braid. Weave the strands easily, as if you are just folding them to the middle of the braid, but do not pull. If desired effect disheveledness does not work, take a braid and carefully go through some of its links with a comb prying thin curls and straightening them out.

A trendy fishtail is especially good on cascade haircuts. Less easy, but also possible, is to make a fishtail for those who have a ladder haircut. It will not be easy for owners of thick and even hair.

The main thing is to choose a weave on your hair that will emphasize your individuality as much as possible, fit the image and the type of face. If you see in the photo open views weaving, but you need to hide wide cheekbones or rounded cheeks, then weave a braid from the cheekbones or just below. The main thing is that the technology is relevant.

In this article, you will learn the basic braiding techniques with step-by-step photos.

After reading it, you will be able to independently create both everyday simple and the most sophisticated and extraordinary designer hairstyles.

Braid weaving step by step photo: varieties

The braid is not only one of the most feminine, but also practical hairstyles. With braided hair, you can safely walk throughout the day without fear that they will become disheveled. Moreover, such a hairstyle is quite versatile and looks natural and harmonious both in a business setting and at a youth party.

There are several main types of braid weaving:

  • classical Russian;
  • European: Swiss, Greek, English, Dutch and famous French weaving;
  • eastern: plaits (side braids), ropes, threads, braids, zizi, curls, rasts, etc.; the last three types can also be used for short hair;
  • design: " french waterfall”, braids from knots, Lino Russo, “basket”, “dragon”, “fishtail”, “eight”, etc.

The best way to master any of the techniques is to watch video tutorials on this topic or study photos of step-by-step braiding. Moreover, for any of these weaves, you can use not only your own hair, but also overhead strands or hairpieces. Their color can either be combined with your own hair color or contrast with it: the main thing is not to use more than three colors at the same time.

Advice! IN Lately the so-called careless styling, which can be used for any type of weaving. But even in this case, the strands should be pulled together evenly and not stand out from the general style. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look just sloppy.

Classic braids

The traditional Russian braid has long been a frequent guest on many famous catwalks: the Valentino fashion house, theatrical shows of Victor & Rolf, Emerson, etc. Today it is presented in various variations: from weaving at the back of the head, sides or crown to creating the most intricate hairstyles from two and more braid. However, it is not difficult to master even such complex types of braid weaving with the help of step-by-step photos.

The traditional Russian braid consists of three equal strands, which are intertwined with each other alternately. It can be not only smooth, but also voluminous, slightly disheveled, multi-colored, asymmetrical or used in combination with other types of hairstyles. In this case, the hair can be divided into a straight or oblique asymmetrical parting or not have a parting at all. The density of weaving and the number of strands used may also vary.

One of the varieties of the Russian braid is the weaving "spikelet": a technique that allows you to achieve volume and splendor of the hairstyle. In this case, only two strands are used with the sequential addition of new ones. The order in which they are added may vary. However, in order for the hairstyle to look neat, the density of each new added strand should be the same.

Advice! Perfectly smooth braids look too strict, so it’s worth letting individual strands break out a little.

Straight from Europe

Designers distinguish several options for weaving that came to us from Europe:

  • Swiss braid: it is woven according to the Russian principle, but before that, each of the strands is twisted into a tight bundle, due to which the hairstyle looks more voluminous; this kind of weaving goes perfectly with any style and looks great with jeans or open summer dress, and with a business or cocktail suit; step weaving such braids for medium hair or hair of maximum length can be seen below;
  • French weaving: unlike the “spikelet”, the strands are not woven one on top of the other, but are laid inside; the braid begins with a small bundle, divided into 3 main strands, with the gradual addition of additional 2-3 cm after so that all the hair is collected at the end of the weave; strands can be taken from one or both sides; weaving can be direct (towards oneself) or reverse (away from oneself); start from the crown or run all over the head in the form of a wreath;

  • English: its only difference from the Russian version is that weaving begins with a “horse” tail, fixed at the back of the head or closer to the crown; similar weaving of braids on long hair shown in the step-by-step photo;
  • Dutch: braid "inside out"; weaved strands do not hide inside the hair, but rise above them;
  • Greek: combination smooth hair and a braid that resembles a rim that runs all over the head; at the same time, three small strands are taken closer to the parting, the rest of the hair is stabbed for a while; gradually small strands are added in a circle, with the help of which such a rim-braid is firmly held on the head; there can be two braids, in which case they start on both sides of the parting, and then are chopped off at the back of the head into one.

Advice! Stylists advise before weaving to make a small pile at the roots. It will make the hair more lush, and the hairstyle more feminine. This technique is especially relevant when creating evening hairstyles.

Oriental tales

hallmark similar hairstyles is intricate shapes and the presence of large, conspicuous decorations:

  • bundles (Singhala braids or screw braids): hair is divided into two equal strands, each of which is twisted in one direction; then both strands intersect and twist in the opposite direction; harnesses can be used in combination with loose strands, tail, side braids, etc .;

  • rope braids: a side parting is made on the hair, and weaving (twisting two small strands) begins on the side where more hair; when passing such a braid around the head, new small strands are added; at the level of the back of the head, it intertwines with the main mass of hair in the direction opposite to the main weave;
  • afro braids (braids): many small braids weaving from the back of the head to the temples; they can be loosened freely, create one or more thick braids from them, make a tail out of them, twist them into a shell, etc .;

  • zizi: a kind of braids, ultra-thin braids from artificial hair, created using machine weaving; woven into each individual strand own hair;
  • curly: the method is similar to zizi, but the curls are twisted into a tight spiral; can be used for extensions.

With the help of step-by-step photos for beginners, weaving braids can be mastered quickly enough. The main thing is patience and utmost care.

Advice! Unweaving small braids is quite problematic. To facilitate this procedure, before creating a hairstyle, the hair should be thoroughly washed not with an ordinary, but with a cleansing shampoo, and then any quality balm should be applied to them.

Modern design techniques used in weaving

IN last years hairstyles from braids received the most unexpected performance. However, for any design tricks, are, in fact, improved ethnic variants of the Russian, European and Eastern variants:

  • "French waterfall": resembles the usual one or two braids, starting at the temples and ending at the back of the head; however, each lower strand is released into "free swimming" and falls freely on the back. The hairstyle can have all sorts of variations: be asymmetrical, pass through any part of the head, sag, etc. It can be used even on short hair;

  • braid of knots: two strands are interconnected using a series of knots; at the same time, it can be woven as part of the hair (one or two small knots are used as a kind of decoration), and their entire volume;
  • Lino Russo: combination of knots and spikelet technique. After each knot, new hairs are added to the already selected strands; for such a hairstyle, the hair should be cut evenly and be the same along the entire length;
  • "Snake": the usual French braid is not located along one line, but twists along the entire surface of the head; may have 2-3 or more reversals;
  • "basket": part of the hair at the crown is collected in high tail, then an ordinary French braid is woven from the temple with alternate addition of strands from the tail and free hair;
  • weaving "cornrow": classic afro braids are located all over the head in the form geometric pattern resembling rows of corn (from the English corn - corn and row - row); to obtain such a pattern, each miniature braid is woven in the manner of a classic French braid.

Advice!To facilitate weaving when creating hairstyles from braids, you can use any styling products: foam, varnish or gel.

Braiding for short hair

Thanks to improved weaving techniques and the presence of modern means fixation, you can decorate yourself with braids even if you have short hair:

  • "Rim": two pigtails are braided at the temples, and then fastened with hairpins at the back of the head;
  • parting from pigtails: plexus of side strands located on one or two sides of the face;
  • bangs with a double oblique: top part the face is framed by two small pigtails;
  • a pigtail around the head: it can be located in any part of it, pass through the entire head, or is located to the left, to the right of the face, or braided only at the back of the head;
  • « french bangs»: long bangs can be removed to the side in the form of a French braid; as in the case short haircut the hairs will invariably stick out on the sides, you should beat and tousle the rest of the mass of hair so that it looks as organic as possible;
  • a combination of punk style and French braid: part of the curls are combed in the form of a mohawk; side strands are braided.

There are many types of hairstyles that fall under the definition of a braid. Saying - "The girl wears a braid" is the same as saying - "The girl put on makeup." It doesn't say anything, doesn't emphasize style or technique, and doesn't define her look. Therefore, we will consider in detail the main types of weaving braids and their weaving patterns.

There are tons various types braids, each of which is unique. They are all based on the same building blocks, but each has its own twists and turns. Among fishtails, three-strand braids, French waterfall braids, there are many options to learn. The article will help you clarify the basic terms and give you useful tips.

Plain braid with three strands

This is the main line of the braid, which serves as the basis for almost every weave design. It is necessary to take three strands of hair and alternately intertwine the side strands with the central strand, outwardly it looks like juggling hair. On a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, we rate this braid a 2. It may seem confusing at first glance, but you'll soon find that a braid is the easiest way to get hair out of your face. You can braid a braid of three strands in a couple of minutes. Some tips for newbies? To gain more control over your hair, braid your hair the second day after washing (then it won't frizz) your hair, or dampen it with water before you start braiding. You can also try a special hair wax to give your hair more elasticity.

A three-strand braid is perfect for home if you have long hair. lush hair, braid the braid loosely, let it look natural, in harmony with your home style.

This look is created by dividing the hair into two sections. The technique consists in lifting a strand from the bottom of one part of the hair and laying it on top of the other part. Repeat this continuously on both sides as shown in the picture above. Hair can be gathered into a ponytail for easier weaving, and a fishtail can be made from it. To add lightness, the braid can be slightly fluffed with a comb, making a light pile.

The scheme of weaving braids "Fishtail":

To clearly understand how to weave a fishtail, watch the video weaving technique:

Weaving a fishtail braid from a spikelet:

French braid

The French braid is the first braid you've probably tried with three strands and is very well known as the braid. Weaving it is not as difficult as it seems, based on three small strands taken from the forehead or the center of the head with the addition of more strands to the side when turning. You need to weave the strands inward. When passing the side strand over the central one, you try to capture more hair each time. Therefore, it turns out beautiful pattern, woven from the sides, especially on miled hair or dyed in several colors.

It may not work out right away, in order to better learn what you read, consolidate a new skill by watching a video on weaving spikelets:

For those who love both braids and loose hair, we teach how to weave a “French waterfall”.

Weaving pattern - "French Falls":

Video lesson of weaving a French waterfall:

It also uses the technique french weave, but it starts from the neck and goes up. If you are braiding yourself, it will be more convenient to lower your head down. Otherwise, you will have to hold the strands high while weaving.

The combination of loose hair and weaving braids from the bottom to the top:

Video on weaving a spikelet from the bottom to the top:

A Dutch braid is essentially a French braid, but instead of braiding a strand on top of another, you place it underneath. This allows you to weave voluminous braids, which stand out above the head, creating various patterns. This type of weave can be used to create a wreath, multiple braids, or a single Dutch braid. Weaving a spikelet (Dutch braid) outward is also called a return braid.

The scheme of weaving a reverse spikelet or Dutch braid:

Spikelets can be given volume, for this, after weaving, slightly stretch the strands to the sides, they will become flat, and the braid will be voluminous.

Video lesson of weaving a Dutch braid out:

Braid in the form of a wreath "milkmaid's braid"

The easiest way to weave a milkmaid's braid is to create two braids with their interlacing and fastening at the crown in the form of a wreath. Braid Halo can be based on weaving French braids testicles and their fixation around the head. The milkmaid braid is the easiest approach to braiding around the head for beginners.

Video lesson - weaving a braid with a wreath:

If three-strand braids (and even adding new strands) aren't enough for you, you'll be intrigued by the four- and five-strand braid. In the case of a square braid, it is better to turn to the video to see how the master braids it without confusion, creating a beautiful smooth braid. The video will help you understand this weaving technique.

Video tutorial for weaving a braid of 4 strands:

In popularity, a 4-strand braid is compared with weaving a spiral of hair bundles. For her, divide the hair into 2 strands, wrap each one in a tourniquet and then fold it between each other. Everything is shown in detail in the video lesson.

The scheme of weaving a braid of a spiral from bundles:

Video lesson of weaving a spiral braid from bundles:

A braid is a fairly versatile and practical hairstyle that is loved by many girls. The first mention of this type of hair weaving can be found in the Bible, which tells that Samson wore 7 braids, which contained all his strength. Also pigtails were worn in Ancient Egypt and Greece.

In Rus', this hairstyle was given Special attention. If a girl had a long thick braid, then she was considered strong and healthy. In addition, there was a tradition according to which unmarried girls wore one braid. It was decorated with all sorts of ribbons and flowers. And entering into married life, they braided two braids, which were connected from above into a crown.

A neat braid is made according to a few simple rules, following which it is easy to impress everyone.

  • Perfectly combed hair is the first guarantee of a perfect braid.
  • In order for the hairstyle to be neat, the strands must be the same.
  • You need to separate the strands evenly, and also be sure to pull down so that they turn out to be even along the entire length.
  • It is necessary to monitor the tension of the strands, otherwise the braid will turn out to be weak in places, and in places too tightly braided.
  • Before weaving, it is necessary to prepare in advance combs, clips, elastic bands, styling products, as well as various accessories to decorate the future braid.

Today, there are many types of braids that differ not only in their appearance, but also on the complexity of weaving. Moreover, it can be pigtails with which you can walk for several weeks, as well as everyday hairstyles.

There are a lot of varieties of weaving today to choose one or another technique for each case. Most simple options Suitable for daily style, work, travel. But more complex techniques will become a real highlight of the image on solemn events or a date.

So, what are the types of braids and what are their features?


Dreadlocks are purposefully tangled strands that can be of different thicknesses and lengths. The weaving of dreadlocks itself can be different.

The first method is to divide the hair into squares and comb them against growth towards the roots. And then the broken hairs are woven into the strands with a hook. The resulting strands are rubbed with special wax so that they hold well.

The second way is to simply twist the strands and secure them at the end with an elastic band. The result is also fixed with wax.

And the third is permanent dreadlocks, which are made only by masters. For this, they are used chemicals, which provide the "life" of weaving for several months.

These original tubular braids are not suitable for everyone. They do not fit into a strict or business style, not suitable for solemn occasions. But they can please everyday look and they don't require any special care.

With the help of a special "knitting" small strands of one's own hair are braided, thus becoming more massive, with a combed effect.

When the hair is divided into strands, they are fixed at the roots with threads of a certain color. And then the same thread begins wrapping the hair densely without gaps. After a few centimeters of strands are braided, you can change the color of the thread. The ends of the hair can be supplemented with bright beads.


These are ready-made thin braids of quick weaving. They can be straight, corrugated, wavy and spiral. The advantage of this weaving is that it suits thin, sparse hair.

The thickness of the zizi reaches only 3 mm, they are attached to natural braided hair. Therefore, it takes 2-4 hours to weave them, depending on the speed of the master and the initial length of the hair. In addition, the color of the zizi can be any, since their weaving involves overlapping the original hair color.


Curly has the appearance of large tight curls, the service life of which reaches 2-3 months with proper care. In color, such woven curls cannot differ too much from natural shade own hair, otherwise it will look unnatural.

The weaving technique depends on the initial length of the hair. Long-haired will need a blade, that is, weaving thin braids tight to the head. Ready curls are woven into them. Curly spot weaving is essential for short hair that does not need to be covered.

The peculiarity of these braids is that they are not braided at the ends, but have a tail, as it were, from where their name comes from. Loose ponytails can be straight or twisted.

"Pony" are attached to their hair, braided into small tight pigtails. The length of such strands can be any, besides this great way lengthen your hair.

It will take a lot of time to create classic Afro braids, and you will also need a special kanekalon material that will be woven into the hair.

Afro-braids are thin braids along the entire length of the hair in an amount of 150 to 200 pieces. They can have two types of ponytails - straight or curled. To do this, the hair is divided into small strands, after which thin uniform tight braids begin to weave. In this case, the central strands are pulled over themselves, and the side strands are pulled towards the left and right ears, respectively.

Pigtails for every day

Currently, pigtails are very relevant, besides, they are already for a long time do not go out of fashion. There are many types of weaving, thanks to which you can create different images. For many, weaving braids is a rather exciting and easy activity. It all depends on practice, which will help to cope even with complex weaves quickly and accurately.

french braid

It is this weaving technique that is loved fashion catwalks, often used by celebrities, and simple girls. Spit in french style looks very gentle, is done easily and will not even spoil the business image. She has several types of weaving that can be selected for the occasion.

First you need to set the beginning of the braid, these are three curls of equal thickness, as for the most standard techniques. Further, weaving also resembles a simple braid, but instead of weaving curls strictly along the length, they go around the head. When weaving each new row, the strands are selected from neighboring curls to get the effect of a wreath, or side pigtail. Depending on the desire, you can weave it tightly or weakly, the more strict or romantic look of the hairstyle in the end will depend on this. At the end of weaving, you need to fix the pigtail with an elastic band.

If you are still not familiar with the French braid technique, and the photo tutorials seem incomprehensible to you, watch the master class in the video below. illustrative example help you figure it out!


The second name for this weaving is “fish tail”. First, the hair is combed back or parted. Then, if desired, a tail is made, or, you can immediately start creating a hairstyle. On the sides, just above the temples, one curl is separated. One curl is thrown over the other, and as you move down the sides, individual strands are also captured. You need to keep such a braid in a stretch, and the added strands should be of the same thickness so that the hairstyle is neat.

Every Slavic girl knows this technique, but not everyone can handle it due to lack of practice. In fact, weaving an ordinary Russian braid is as easy as shelling pears. Three curls of the same thickness are intertwined. Each time, one or the second side curl goes into the inside of the weave. And the strand, which turns out to be central in this case, simply sticks with your fingers. With frequent practice, you can braid yourself Russian pigtails in less than a minute, regardless of the length of the haircut.

Scythe "Dragon"

The classic weaving technique of the “dragon” resembles a French braid, but it should start right from the forehead. In another similar technique, the pigtail begins to look like a real dragon's tail. It becomes more embossed, weaves tight and can also be called an "inverted braid". In this case, the extreme strands should not be superimposed on top, but, on the contrary, weaved under the middle one. This should be done with the entire length going down the head. The tension of the strands can be slightly reduced by gently pulling them out. Then the volume of the braid will increase even more.

Spit "Waterfall"

The “waterfall” braid is woven horizontally from the very beginning of the parting at the forehead. So, weaving begins with the division at the temples of the initial three curls of the same thickness. The strands are thrown over each other, while one of them is released and remains with the total mass of hair, and a new upper strand is taken instead. You need to weave the hair to the opposite temporal part of the head, and then fix the braid with an invisibility under the hair. Thus, loose hair will create the same waterfall. They can be slightly twisted to give the hairstyle a romantic touch.

Here 4 strands are used, which are woven alternately among themselves. For the convenience of creating this braid, two strands are taken in one hand, and the first with the second, the third with the fourth, begin to intersect with each other. Finally, the strands that are in the middle are crossed among themselves. Thus, weaving goes along the entire length of the hair, after which you can fix the ends beautiful rubber band or a strong hairpin.

This version of the braid is quite complicated, but it looks very interesting and original. It is best to weave it from the very top of the hair. So dividing occipital part hair into 5 parts, they will cross in this way - the first strand goes second, but under the bottom of the third, and on the other hand, repeat the same thing - the fifth under the fourth and on top of the formed third. The remaining rows of weaving are made by analogy.

Spit tourniquet

Such a pigtail is quite original, and its technique is radically different from weaving a standard braid, which, however, does not make it more difficult to perform. serves as a base ponytail, which is divided into two equal parts of the hair. They are both tightly twisted into bundles. After that, the resulting flagella are fixed with rubber bands. Then you can start twisting the parts, but in the opposite direction. The elastic bands are removed from the two parts and the hairstyle is fixed.

Braid with ribbon

The ribbon can be woven into any type of braid. To do this, you need to make a small ponytail under one strand, to which a ribbon is attached, which will fit the image.

There is another option that has four parts, one of which will consist of a ribbon attached to the center strand. Weaving will be the same as with a four-part braid, but the tape should go strictly in the center, as if fixing the strands.

Girls with such a comfortable hair length can easily braid all kinds of braids available. For them, the usual types are suitable - spikelet, tourniquet, French.

A comfortable and uncomplicated hairstyle that will remove hair from the face and open the neck - Greek braid. It is weaved as usual, but only goes down in a circle of the head, fixed with invisibility.

The braid is always beautiful and very comfortable, it is a universal hairstyle for all occasions. She is suitable for business image and for romantic date. In summer, it is also relevant when coolness is needed for the head and neck. All types of braids popular for many seasons and this year was no exception. will tell you what types of braid weaving exist and how to make them at home.

Types of weaving braids

Ordinary classic braids, without a doubt, remain favorites. This is the simplest type of braid. They open the face and neck, but braids are not suitable for girls who have a high forehead and thin hair. To braid a classic braid, you need to divide the hair into three parts, put the right part on top between the central and left parts. Then repeat, but use the left strand from above, between the central and right parts. To finish weaving, you need to repeat these steps with the right and left parts of the braid.

Or a French braid - braided close to the skull, starting with a small amount of hair on top, grabbing large strands of hair as we weave, and at the end smoothly transitions into a regular braid. To make it look more voluminous, it does not need to be weaved too tight.

The types of braid weaving are varied, for example, there is a spikelet of two strands or. After combing your hair back, you need to divide it into two parts and select 2 more thin strands on the sides. You will get 2 thick strands in the center and 2 thin ones. Throw the thin ones to the center and connect with the thick ones. Then again select 2 thin strands on the sides, again estimate them in the center and connect, etc. Such a braid, braided in loose hair, is called a fishtail.

A complex type of braid is considered a spikelet of three strands. To weave it, you need to separate the strand at the crown and divide it into three parts and weave 2-3 weaves classic braid, further from the free hair, separate the strands on the left and right and alternately weave them into the main braid.

The hairstyle of two French braids braided over the ears is very beautiful. Two spikelets are braided so that they end at the back of the head, secured with a clip, and then all the hair is connected and a regular braid is woven.

The fashionable type of braid weaving is not only a combination of thin and thick braids, but also their weaving. For example, collect the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head and weave two thin braids on both sides of it, and from the rest of the hair of the tail, braid an ordinary braid, weaving thin pigtails there. You can simply weave pigtails from the hair of the tail, then collect them together, tuck them in an elastic band and secure with a hairpin.

The classic type of braid is a double braid. To do this, you need to collect part of the hair at the back of the head into a ponytail and raise it, and make a braid from the rest of the hair, gradually weaving the tail into it, fix the elastic in place and bend the ends inward. A little imagination and braids will give you the opportunity to change your hairstyle without resorting to haircuts.