What braids are possible. Modern design techniques used in weaving. Weaving braids - room for imagination

Many girls want to learn how to weave pigtails different types. Since ancient times, the braid has been an adornment for the female: from a little girl to a respectable mother of the family. The length and thickness of the braid were the pride of the hostess and the envy of others. She symbolized the health of a woman. Today, this ancient hairstyle is still relevant. Modern dynamic life has fabulously transformed simple weaving, turning it into art.

Today there are different types of braiding. Not even very thick hair you can make a large voluminous braid. She will decorate wedding hairstyle bride and give her an image of femininity. Sets small braids very convenient during beach holiday. Complex volumetric structures of incredible beauty are constructed from braids. Each girl can create her own masterpiece by mastering the skills of weaving.

Weaving braids for short hair

The French braid is a versatile option. It can be done on short hair. This hairstyle is woven by many girls. It is very comfortable, looks unusual and elegant. To learn how to braid it, you need to practice a little. First, it is better to try braiding a pigtail for a friend. When the principle of weaving is mastered, you can begin to braid your hair.

The other part of the hair is braided in the same way. When the second braid meets the first, they are combined and woven into one braid.

The most crucial moment is giving splendor to the structure. Each "seed" of the spikelet must be carefully pulled out. All of them should be increased equally. The braid will become wider and appear larger. To smooth out the broken hairs, the hair is varnished.

Conclusion on this topic

Contrary to existing opinion, weaving braids for short hair is quite possible. And it's not hard to do it at all. Whatever types of braids are invented, they are based on the same principle of weaving. To make a variety of hairstyles from braids, you need a little experience and skill. The effort expended will pay off with a vengeance, which will be made on others by masterpieces created by one's own hands. It is especially pleasant to please your daughters with an unusual hairstyle. Their eyes burning with delight are the best reward.

The content of the article:

Since ancient times female braid was not only a symbol of the beauty of her bearer, but also spoke of her vitality, honor. Having passed through the centuries, this type of hairstyle not only did not lose its popularity, but also acquired many new forms. Today the braid is fashion element an image that can be part of almost any style. From conservative classical model to intricate designs braided around the head - a braid always emphasizes individuality and gives femininity to a lady.

Types of braids

There are many types of braids. The most popular are such types as French, " fish tail”, Greek and simple classical. All of them are quite easy to weave and comfortable to wear both on their own and as part of complex hairstyles.

french braid

Such an elegant braid is convenient not only for everyday wear, but also for going out. The latter has been proved more than once by world stars: Jessica Alba and Amanda Seyfried often appeared on the red carpet with exquisite collected hair in the manner of a French braid.

You can braid such a braid even for girls with not very thick hair. Due to its airiness and shape, a braided braid will create the necessary volume. Thrown over the shoulder, it will help to visually correct a certain asymmetry of the face.

The French braid is perfect for creating a romantic Provence look. She creates the illusion of a light and warm breath of wind, lightly touching the girl's hair.

Also, you can use satin ribbons, weaving them into a braid. So you give the hairstyle a festive look. And studs with rhinestones or stones will perfectly complement such a braid as an element of an evening look.

Fishtail braid

Kosu of this type also called "mermaid". The curves of her shape, the lightly released strands, the playfulness are associated with the elegance of the forms of mermaids. Ideally, a fishtail will look good on owners of long and straight hair.

If you have wavy, curly or thin hair, don't be upset: the braid adds attractiveness to any hair and will look more "artistic" on such curls. Thin or affected by various factors (sun, sea water, coloring, perm) hair finds a second wind in this hairstyle. Flaws in a graceful braid will be almost invisible.

A fishtail braid will add pretty features to women with a face. triangular shape, will make the face more symmetrical. If you want to visually stretch a wide or round face, it is worth placing the "fishtail" as high as possible on the crown. It looks interesting on asymmetrically dyed hair, hair with highlights or coloring.

Mermaid braid is a frequent "guest" of catwalks and red carpets. Nicole Kidman especially loves this hairstyle. A medium-tight braid, easily thrown over the shoulder, a pair of elongated strands and bangs falling in waves on the face - this is the secret of the charm of many stars.

It is also good for children, because it does not compress or pull hair. It is also convenient to use it in the gym, because the fair sex tends to look feminine even during training. In addition, all hair will be securely collected. Girls who prefer strict Office Style, a beautiful braid will help to “dilute” the image, make it softer.

simple braid

The braid may be called "simple" or classic, but that's why it does not lose its charm at all. It is simple in terms of the mechanisms of weaving and the time that the girl spends on it. Most often, such a braid can be seen on young girls. In the morning, when mothers collect girls for school, there is absolutely no time for weaving sophisticated hairstyles. And this is where this one comes to the rescue. simple braid.

Women also weave such a braid, because it performs not only a practical function - to collect hair during work, sports, house cleaning, during sleep, etc. It adds neatness to the image, balances the image if the other elements (clothes, shoes, accessories, makeup) look too bright.

A simple braid is also used during cosmetic procedures on the hair. Having applied a mask or oil, it is strongly not recommended to squeeze the hair, squeeze it with an elastic band. A braided braid will not only ensure uniform penetration useful substances but also prevent hair loss.

Greek braid

One of the most popular types of braids, smoothly transitioning from one fashion season in the other, it is a Greek braid. She sends her name to us ancient Greece, in the time of goddesses and gods. In its form, it resembles a crown, gracefully framing the head of a woman.

Her waves run along the forehead, pass gently along the top of the head, wrap around, as if vine, whole head. The hairstyle is suitable for absolutely every hair: for thick and thin hair, for smooth and fluffy. There are a huge number of variations of this braid. Here are just a few of them: braided and laid around the head, top weaving, pigtails braided on the sides and connected at the parietal part.

The Moschino fashion house has repeatedly used Greek braid in the spring-summer collections. Dakota Fanning, J. Lo, Marion Cotillard - these beauties know exactly what zest to add to their image.

Step-by-step instructions for weaving different types of braids

Weaving pigtails on their own is within the power of every girl. The main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions. It is important to remember that there are some rules that will make it easier to weave on your own. So, with independent weaving, the hair will keep perfectly for 2 days after washing, and if they are naughty, constantly fall out of the “braid”, you should use special styling products - mousses, gels and foams. The wax will keep your hair soft and supple.

How to do a french braid

The French braid has several varieties. Consider the methods of weaving the most popular types: a braid on its side, a braid with weaving part of the hair, a braid on the contrary.

To braid a French braid, in addition to patience, you will need: a massage comb, a comb with a pointed rod at the end, an elastic band for hair, invisible hair if the hair middle length and strands are knocked out of the hairstyle.

Weave a French braid on the side according to this scheme:

  1. We carefully comb the hair, after which we separate the strand of hair from the parting on one side.
  2. We divide this part into three equal parts.
  3. We begin to weave a pigtail, while after each new turn we add a little hair from the last strand. Weaving pattern - from top to bottom. Thus, we provide an imperceptible interweaving of strands.
  4. After we have used all the hair on one side, we take the hair that remains, as well as the base of our braid, and collect it in a ponytail with an elastic band.
  5. We wrap the base of the resulting tail with a strand to hide the elastic.
  6. To make the braid airy and voluminous, we draw out several thin strands from the total mass of hair. Finally, we decorate the braid with flowers or invisible with stones.
There is also french braid with braided hair pieces. We knit it according to the following instructions:
  • As in the previous case, we separate part of the hair and divide it into three equal ones.
  • We start weaving, all the time adding a new curl to the top strand.
  • We add until our braid "moves" diagonally. If you see that the movement starts vertically, you need to stop adding curls and continue to weave, like a regular braid.
  • We fix our pigtail at the base with an invisibility. If the hair is naughty, you can fix it with varnish or a small amount of gel.
In order to braid the French braid in reverse, you need to follow these recommendations:
  1. Separate a small amount of hair above the forehead, divide into three equal parts.
  2. We connect the left part of the hair with the middle one and bring it down.
  3. We repeat the movement, but with the right strand.
  4. Using a thin comb, separate the curl from the left side (perpendicular to the braid) and add it to the left strand.
  5. We do the same with the right side.
  6. We continue such movements until there are no free hairs on both sides.
  7. The finished braid can be secured with a simple elastic band or a beautiful hairpin encrusted with stones.

We braid a simple braid for ourselves

A simple braid is the most versatile hairstyle. Therefore, it is especially important to know the principles of weaving it for yourself, as well as for the child. Weave in this order:
  • We comb the hair along the entire length and divide it into three parts.
  • In the left hand we hold left side hair, in the right - right.
  • Alternately put the side parts on the middle. The strand from the left hand will remain in the center, and the one that was in the center will go to the left side.
  • new middle strand change from the right. We repeat the movement from the very beginning.
  • Be sure to iron the hair during weaving, make sure that they do not get confused.

Everyone determines the length of the braid for himself. You can stop at the middle of the hair length, leaving a playful ponytail at the end. And you can weave to the very end, crowning your hair beautiful decoration at the base.

How to weave a Greek braid

A beautiful braid, like that of Aphrodite herself, is easy to make with your own hands, it is only important to follow the rules, as well as to know the secrets of weaving this elegant antique hairstyle. We carry out weaving according to the following scheme:
  1. Comb your hair well. We divide them into two parts, forming a parting. It can be classic or asymmetrical, your choice.
  2. We select a lock of hair from right side over the ear.
  3. We fix the hair on the left side with a hairpin or tie it with an elastic band (thus, they will not interfere with our weaving).
  4. The selected part is again divided into three equal ones. Of these, we weave a classic simple braid.
  5. Along the way, we add curls on the left side so that our extreme strand is denser.
  6. Thus we bring our weaving to the right ear.
  7. Having reached the ear, we fix the pigtail with other curls.
  8. Having given the hairstyle a complete and neat look, we form a bundle at the end, which we decorate with accessories.

Weaving a fishtail braid

To weave this hairstyle, we need a classic set of hairdresser's tools: a brush (preferably with natural bristles), elastic bands, hairpins and barrettes, hair smoothing agent (or plain water), accessories for decorating hairstyles.

Weave according to this pattern:

  • After moisturizing the hair along its entire length, comb it back.
  • On both temporal zones, we single out one strand (width - up to 2.5 cm).
  • We bring these strands to the back of the head and bring them together with a cross.
  • With one hand we hold the crossed strands, and with the other we select a new curl. We cross it over the top strand of our weaving.
  • It is important to keep the center of weaving at the back of the head. Move the weave to the other hand to highlight the curl from the other temple and place it above the top strand.
  • We repeat these steps until we reach the beginning of hair growth near the neck.
  • Now we select the curls from under the tail and cross exactly the same way.
  • Having finished the movements, we fix our fishtail braid with an elastic band or a hairpin.
Fresh flowers, such as roses, will become an original decoration for a braided braid. Their buds can be placed asymmetrically along the entire length of the braid. Satin ribbons can be woven into the pigtail and decorated with small hairpins. Such an image will be successful for a feminine photo shoot or publication.

How to braid a braid - look at the video:

The braid has a lot of varieties, it is a fashionable attribute. You can easily make such a hairstyle yourself. Any girl, having mastered the basics of classical weaving, will find the author's method, the most convenient and suitable for her hair type, face shape, and style. Do not forget that pigtails will save you time. Having made a braid in the morning, a woman can forget about constantly correcting her stray curls.

IN Lately braiding has become very popular. Still, because with their help you can create excellent hairstyles that emphasize femininity and natural beauty. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to one option - the classic Russian braid. However, in fact, there are quite a few weaving techniques, and each is beautiful in its own way. Today we will look at the most popular ways to create braids.

Russian braid

This is a simple three strand braid. This option is considered the classic and the easiest to perform. The entire mass of hair is divided into three strands, which are then intertwined with each other in turn as follows: the left strand is thrown over the middle one, after which the right strand is also superimposed on the middle strand, and then according to a given pattern. At the end, the hair must be tied with an elastic band or secured with a hairpin.

french braid

This option can also be considered traditional, as it is used in many braiding techniques. The hair from the top of the head is divided into three equal bundles and braided according to the following scheme: first, the left strand is thrown over the middle one, then the same is done with the right strand. After each step, free side strands are woven to the braid, which are connected to the strands in the braid. The hair is braided to the very end and secured with an elastic band.

Fish tail

This type of braid is also called a "spikelet". In this embodiment, the entire mass of hair is combed back. Then thin strands are separated on both sides at the temples. Weaving begins with the left strand, which is neatly thrown over the right strand. Then, on both sides, a small part of the hair is added to the already existing strands and weaving continues again according to the given pattern. Hold the strands with your hands, pressing them tightly against your head so that the braid is even.

African braids

The birthplace of this type of braids is Egypt. They trudge the classic way. Their difference is only in quantity - African braids on the head there can be from one hundred to three hundred pieces. Braids of this type, as a rule, are woven with a special material with which you can lengthen the hair. The main goal of weaving into African braids artificial hair- make them stronger and keep the shape of the hairstyle for a long time. This version of the braids is kept on the head for up to three months. African braids are very small, so it is easy to form various hairstyles from them, lift the hair up or tie it into a ponytail.

Spiral braid

Such braids are also called harnesses. Weaving them is easy, and they look quite elegant and attractive. The hair at the back of the head is collected in a ponytail, then divided into two or three parts. Each part is twisted into a tight spiral along the entire length of the hair. It is recommended to twist the tourniquet clockwise. To prevent the finished spirals from untwisting, they must be fixed at the end with an elastic band. After twisting, the bundles are intertwined with each other as follows:

  • if there are two bundles, they just need to be twisted so that they wrap around each other;
  • three bundles are intertwined with each other in the classical way in the form of a pigtail.

Greek braid

This type of braid is woven around the head. This technique is quite simple to perform. It is necessary to divide the hair into a side parting in the form of a triangle - from the middle of the head to the left and right temple. The hair below must be collected in a bun and stabbed. From the resulting triangle at the top of the head, separate a small strand on the left and divide it into three parts. Then start weaving classic braid from the left to the right ear, with each step weaving the remaining strands into the braid from the bottom on the left side. Weave to the right ear, gradually gathering all the strands of the separated part of the hair, secure at the end with a small elastic band or beautiful hairpin.

Spit waterfall

This type of braid is woven horizontally from temple to temple at the height of the forehead. The braid looks light and a little casual, giving the image airiness and romanticism. The weaving scheme is as follows: one strand is separated at the temple and intertwined with two others in the classical way, with each next step one of the strands is released down, and another strand is captured from the top of the head instead. Weaving continues to the temple on the opposite side. At the end, you need to fix the braid with a thin elastic band to match the color of your hair. Thus, the released strands will form a "waterfall" on the head.

Openwork braid

IN this case any weaving technique can be used as a basis. The difference of this option is only in the form of woven strands. After you have woven a new strand into the braid, you need to stretch it a little so that it seems more voluminous. The finished braid looks like lace, creating a festive and romantic image. The option is suitable for anyone solemn occasion. It is often used as a wedding hairstyle. However, for weaving such a braid, it is better to seek help from a master.

Danish braid

This is very beautiful way braid weaving, which requires training. This braid is also called "reverse French". The technique of weaving a Danish braid is as follows: it is necessary to divide the hair into three strands and interlace them together, but without overlapping each other, as in classic version, and placing each strand under the next. Weaving is carried out alternately, first the left strand is placed under the middle one, then the same is done with the right one. At the end of the braid is fixed with an elastic band. You can leave more loose hair to give it a natural look.

There are many types of hairstyles that fall under the definition of a braid. Saying - "The girl wears a braid" is the same as saying - "The girl put on makeup." It doesn't say anything, it doesn't emphasize or define a style or technique. appearance. Therefore, we will consider in detail the main types of weaving braids and their weaving patterns.

There are tons various types braids, each of which is unique. They are all based on the same building blocks, but each has its own twists and turns. Among fishtails, three-strand braids, French waterfall braids, there are many options to learn. The article will help you clarify the basic terms and give you useful tips.

Plain braid with three strands

This is the main line of the braid, which serves as the basis for almost every weave design. It is necessary to take three strands of hair and alternately intertwine the side strands with the central strand, outwardly it looks like juggling hair. On a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, we rate this braid a 2. It may seem confusing at first glance, but you'll soon find that a braid is the easiest way to get hair out of your face. You can braid a braid of three strands in a couple of minutes. Some tips for newbies? To gain more control over your hair, braid your hair the second day after washing (then it won't frizz) your hair, or dampen it with water before you start braiding. You can also try a special hair wax to give your hair more elasticity.

A three-strand braid is perfect for home if you have long hair. lush hair, braid the braid loosely, let it look natural, in harmony with your home style.

This look is created by dividing the hair into two sections. The technique consists in lifting a strand from the bottom of one part of the hair and laying it on top of the other part. Repeat this continuously on both sides as shown in the picture above. Hair can be gathered into a ponytail for easier weaving, and a fishtail can be made from it. To add lightness, the braid can be slightly fluffed with a comb, making a light pile.

The scheme of weaving braids "Fishtail":

To clearly understand how to weave a fishtail, watch the video weaving technique:

Weaving a fishtail braid from a spikelet:

French braid

The French braid is the first braid you've probably tried with three strands and is very well known as the braid. Weaving it is not as difficult as it seems, based on three small strands taken from the forehead or the center of the head with the addition of more strands to the side when turning. You need to weave the strands inward. When passing a side strand over the central one, each time you try to capture more hair. Therefore, it turns out beautiful pattern, woven from the sides, especially on miled hair or dyed in several colors.

It may not work out right away, in order to better learn what you read, consolidate a new skill by watching a video on weaving spikelets:

For those who love both braids and loose hair, we teach how to weave a “French waterfall”.

Weaving pattern - "French Falls":

Video lesson of weaving a French waterfall:

It also uses the technique french weave, but it starts from the neck and goes up. If you are braiding yourself, it will be more convenient to lower your head down. Otherwise, you will have to hold the strands high while weaving.

The combination of loose hair and weaving braids from the bottom to the top:

Video on weaving a spikelet from the bottom to the top:

A Dutch braid is essentially a French braid, but instead of braiding a strand on top of another, you place it underneath. This allows you to weave voluminous braids, which stand out above the head, creating various patterns. This type of weave can be used to create a wreath, multiple braids, or a single Dutch braid. Weaving a spikelet (Dutch braid) outward is also called a return braid.

The scheme of weaving a reverse spikelet or Dutch braid:

Spikelets can be given volume, for this, after weaving, slightly stretch the strands to the sides, they will become flat, and the braid will be voluminous.

Video lesson of weaving a Dutch braid out:

Braid in the form of a wreath "milkmaid's braid"

The easiest way to weave a milkmaid's braid is to create two braids with their interlacing and fastening at the crown in the form of a wreath. The Halo braid can be based on French braids and fastening them around the head. The milkmaid braid is the easiest approach to braiding around the head for beginners.

Video lesson - weaving a braid with a wreath:

If three-strand braids (and even adding new strands) aren't enough for you, you'll be intrigued by the four- and five-strand braid. In the case of a square braid, it is better to turn to the video to see how the master braids it without confusion, creating a beautiful smooth braid. The video will help you understand this weaving technique.

Video tutorial for weaving a braid of 4 strands:

In popularity, a 4-strand braid is compared with weaving a spiral of hair bundles. For her, divide the hair into 2 strands, wrap each one in a tourniquet and then fold it between each other. Everything is shown in detail in the video lesson.

The scheme of weaving a braid of a spiral from bundles:

Video lesson of weaving a spiral braid from bundles:

Which of the expectant mothers did not imagine how she would braid her daughter's pigtails and decorate her hair with hairpins? Admit it was. Dads, in general, think that this skill is innate in women, sincerely wondering how to braid girls' pigtails. But we all know that this is the result of numerous trainings from childhood. We weave them to dolls, then to ourselves and to girlfriends, and, finally, we pass on the experience to our daughters.

Such different pigtails

Today braids are back at the peak of popularity. But over the years, many varieties have accumulated. This review is for those who develop a sense of beauty and style in a child from childhood, want to make a simple and neat or exclusive hairstyle without the help of hairdressers. We will tell you how to braid a girl's braid beautifully and simply.

french braid

One of the most popular weaving options for France has a very dubious relationship.


Rumor has it that such hairstyles were first discovered on rock paintings in Africa. And they appeared there 6 thousand years ago.

There is another assumption, supposedly now we know how to weave braids for girls, thanks to the imagination of a French stylist. New weaving was the answer English braid. This version caught on better, as many of the new beauty industry is associated with the capital of fashion.

How to do a french braid

This hairstyle is ideal for thick, wavy hair. Your daughter is curly and you don't know how to weave braids for a girl? Her hair - perfect base for the French braid. On the example of two braids, weaving looks like this.

Two braids with French weave

The thinner the strand that you pick up and weave into the braid, the more elegant the result. It is easy to master this technique. It can be used to braid two braids or braid one, changing direction slightly to the side. Get a side braid.

We offer you to look in detail how to braid beautiful braids for children video.

reverse french braid

When you learn how to braid a beautiful braid for a child using the French technique, try doing it the other way around. Weaving also begins - by dividing the strand of hair into three parts. But unlike the first method, where these parts were stacked up all the time, we alternately weave each of the strands under the previous one. If you do everything right, the braid will turn out to be especially expressive.

How to do reverse french braid

French braid on the other side

Reverse two french braids

Here you can see how to braid a child's pigtail video.

Fish tail

At first glance, weaving seems very complicated. In fact, after the French braid, you can handle it without difficulty. Don't know how to weave braids for short hair for children? Try this option.

Weaving a fishtail braid

The ideal hairstyle for thin hair starts at the crown if the hair is medium length or at the base when the hair is very long.

Different types of fishtail braids

We offer another way for a change.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. Braid a high ponytail.
  3. From it, start laying strands according to the fishtail pattern.

How to learn to weave braids for a child for beginners: Basket

This hairstyle was highly appreciated by grandmothers. As soon as you learn how to do it, immediately go to visit them.

The weave opens the neck, which is very convenient in summer. The hairstyle stays on all day long. More suitable for long hair. Already acquired techniques will help to make a basket. In fact, this is the same fishtail or French braid that is woven around the head. More precisely, around the tail. It will help you learn how to weave braids for girls, step-by-step instruction.

How to weave a basket

  1. Comb your hair and gather the ponytail evenly on top. But so that around him around the entire circumference there is hair. Preferably an even amount. Take a thin rubber band. So the basket will not be too high.
  2. We begin to weave a braid from the base of the head to the side, clockwise. We select hair alternately from the tail and from the edge of hair growth.
  3. We continue to weave around the entire circumference of the head, focusing closer to the parting.
  4. Try to calculate the thickness and number of strands so that they end at the bottom and from the tail at the same time. Adjust the process, picking up more or less hair.
  5. At the end, the pigtail can be tied and secured with a beautiful hairpin. If you want our basket to turn out closed, hide the remaining tail under the weave, securing it with a hairpin.

A more complicated option will turn out if you start weaving from the very center, picking up the hair in a circle until they run out. This hairstyle takes time, but the result is worth it.

Basket from the center of the head

Basket with flowers


This braid is a "relative" of the French. Weaves quickly on the same principle, but requires some skill. Only work begins not with three, but with two strands. How to learn to weave braids for a child for beginners, see the detailed description.

  • Comb your hair back and separate the part at the crown, as you would with a French braid.
  • Divide your hair into two sections. And put one on top of the other.
  • If we continue in the same spirit, our braid simply will not hold. Therefore, we begin to add one strand at a time.
  • We attach a small part of the hair from the total mass to the right strand.
  • We repeat the procedure on the left.
  • We cross them, placing the top under the bottom.
  • We continue to form a tourniquet to the base of the head.
  • To braid the braid to the end, carefully twist each of the two strands clockwise.
  • Now we twist the twisted strands together counterclockwise. This way the strings won't unwind.

Weaving a ponytail

This technique will help the child to braid the pigtail beautifully and quickly. The hairstyle looks really festive if you decorate it with miniature flower clips. Or put the braid in a bun and secure with a hairpin. You can also start weaving from the tail. A beautiful and unusual basket will turn out from the tourniquet.

Harness basket

How to weave braids for children for beginners: Jasmine

Who doesn't want to look like a cartoon character. After all, we are talking about the fabulous princess Jasmine! To imagine yourself as the heroine of your favorite fairy tale will help a braid with the same name weaving.

Hairstyle requires long hair and splendor. If the hair is thin, corrugation will create volume. IN everyday version hairstyles can be done without it. Prepare a lot of rubber bands. They are needed to fix the strands. Will tell you how to braid a child's pigtails step by step photo.

  • We comb the hair and braid the usual tail.
  • We separate from the total mass of hair in a small strand on the right and left.
  • We connect them with an elastic band. There is no need to twist or bind anything. Everything is quite simple.
  • Hands straighten the tied hair to the sides to create volume. You can use the thin end of the comb. This weave allows for some sloppiness, but is held securely.
  • We select the next two strands. Again we fix with an elastic band over the bulk of the hair, we add volume.
  • Repeat until the tail ends.

We connect two strands with an elastic band


We select the next two strands

Spit Jasmine

Braid Jasmine on corrugated hair

If the photo is not enough, you can watch how to weave braids for girls step by step video instructions.

  • When choosing a hairstyle for every day, pay attention to braids that weave no longer than 5-15 minutes. So it will be easier for the child, and in kindergarten don't be late.
  • It is easiest to weave braids on hair of the same length. There are more options here, and the hairstyle is neater. If you don’t know how to learn how to weave braids for a child, hairpins will help for graduated or layered haircuts.
  • Use laces, ribbons, bows directly in the process of weaving. The braid will turn out elegant and add density if the hairs are not very thick.
  • With the help of a comb with a thin end, it is convenient to separate the strands during weaving. The parting is smooth and neat.

Tight weaves are preferred for school and visiting sports sections. But don't overdo it. Strands that are too tight can cause discomfort. Instead of thinking about classes, your princess will dream about letting her hair down.

Before braiding beautiful pigtails girl, we advise you to carefully watch the video and practice on the weekends when you don’t need to rush to school or kindergarten.

Agree, it's very simple. But how effective. Any braids can be decorated with hair accessories. Do not discount the classic pigtail. A little imagination and completely new, original hairstyles are obtained.

Hairstyles from different braids

Simple six braid hairstyle

Now you know how beautifully to braid braids for a girl. We are sure you will succeed. Experiment with parting. Make it zigzag. Combine different techniques weaving. Collect the braids in a bun and form a basket. Choose hairpins to match the color of your clothes. Even on short hair you can create small miracle from braids.