Snood knitting braid and English knitting. Patterns for knitting snood: diagrams and description. Video: Snood patterns knitting patterns

The snood scarf has been a popular wardrobe item for several seasons now. This type of scarf adds femininity and sophistication to the look. A snood knitted with knitting needles will be an excellent decoration for an autumn or winter look.

Now many women will want to go shopping to buy themselves this accessory.
But with each new autumn or winter look you will need to wear a new scarf. Buying many models of snoods is expensive, and you can’t always find what you need in the store.
Therefore, it’s worth crocheting or knitting a new thing for yourself, which will become your favorite thing in your wardrobe and will perfectly replace your hat.
When you learn how to knit a snood with a simple knitting stitch, you will be able to create a more complex and original masterpiece of an autumn-winter look.

Of course, every woman wants to create a new item, or knit a product that no other lady has. You need to buy yarn of an interesting color, knitting needles, and choose a unique model from those that will be offered below.

So, how to knit a snood for a woman: new models with descriptions:

Zigzag elastic band looks very interesting. It is easy to knit such a collar; you will need 350 grams of soft yarn and knitting needles No. 3.

To knit such a scarf-collar, follow the following steps:

First, determine how many loops you can fit into 10 cm of knitted pattern. The total length of the snood will be approximately 150 cm. Now calculate how many loops you need to cast on. Cast on circular needles with the required number of stitches, a multiple of 3 plus 1 more stitch.
1st row - knit 1 loop inside out. Then cross to the left: using the right knitting needle while working, knit the second loop on the left knitting needle behind the back wall. Knit the first stitch and slip both stitches from the left needle. Knit like this until the end of the row.
2nd row - 1 front loop. Now cross to the right with purl stitches: with the right knitting needle, before working, purl the second loop on the left knitting needle, leaving both loops on the knitting needle. Purl the first stitch and slip both stitches from the left needle. Knit this pattern until the end of the row.
Now repeat the 1st and 2nd rows. You will get a zigzag elastic band.
Knit with this pattern to the desired snood width, close the loops.
Sew the edges - the original scarf-collar is ready!

Braided pattern allows you to create a beautiful and comfortable thing with your own hands that will perfectly complement any look. With such a snood you will always be on the wave of fashion!

Follow these steps:

Calculate how many stitches you need to cast on in 150 cm of knitting, knitting 10 cm of the pattern.
Cast on the required number of loops. Now knit 3 loops with stockinette stitch, 5 loops with purl stitch, and again 3 loops with stockinette stitch. Pattern repeat: 5 - purl stitch on the front side and knit stitch on the back side, and 3 - stockinette stitch on the front side, purl stitch on the back side. Repeat the pattern until the end of the row.

Here is a detailed knitting pattern for the Braided pattern:

Faceted gum- this pattern allows you to make the product voluminous, warm and beautiful. This snood can be worn both over a sweater and over a winter jacket. Even if you are a beginner and knit slowly, you will complete this snood quickly.

Knit the following rows:

If you want to wear a collar without wrapping yourself several times, then its circumference should be 80 cm. If you want to make a chic snood so that you can wrap it around your neck 2 or 3 times, then you will need to knit 120 cm or 150 cm of such a scarf. Calculate how many loops you get in the required length by knitting 10 cm of the pattern.
Cast on the required number of stitches, a multiple of 4.
Row 1 - purl 1, knit 3 - continue to end of row.
2nd row - 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch, 2 knit stitches - continue to the end of the row.
Now alternate rows 1 and 2.

The decoration in this collar can be a “braid” pattern. It is easy to knit - 3x3 or 4x4, crossing the knitting needles on the front side and knitting according to the pattern on the back. If you have never knitted this pattern, watch the video.

Women are very capricious, they always want something sophisticated and luxurious, especially when creating their image.

An openwork pattern is an original type of knitting that will perfectly decorate any item in your wardrobe, especially when it comes to sweaters, shawls or snoods. A scarf with openwork emphasizes beautiful facial features, rejuvenates and adds freshness to the image.

Collar with an interesting openwork pattern gray color. If you wish, you can complement this snood with a hat - an interesting and fashionable set.

The knitting pattern for this pattern is simple:

Knit stitches on the front side and purl stitches on the wrong side.
To make an “openwork”, knit 1 yarn over and slip 1 loop like a knit stitch every 3 loops.
At the beginning of the rapport, slip 1 loop as a knit stitch, then knit 2 knit stitches together and place the removed loop on the purl stitch. The pattern continues until the end of the row.

The hat is also knitted according to diagrams A1, A2 and A3. First knit 5 cm in garter stitch, and then knit 19-20 cm in a pattern.

Below are several more schemes for creating the most delicate openwork snoods:

Pink snood cape- a gentle addition to the image.

White clamp, which adds solemnity and sophistication.

When a woman is at a crossroads and needs to make a choice, she is always at a loss. Also when choosing a pattern for a knitted snood, because there are so many models and designs - what will suit this or that look, how to knit it so that it turns out beautiful and stylish?

So, we knit a snood with knitting needles: which pattern and pattern should we choose? Pay attention to these models:

Fashionable gray snood with a button on the cuff. Suitable for any autumn look. The knitting pattern is simple: 7 cm - 2x2 rib, 12 cm - stockinette stitch, and again 7 cm - 2x2 rib. The cuff is knitted in stockinette stitch, measuring 7x10 cm.

Snood knitted with a pattern of original blackberry cones. Attracts attention if you combine it with a coat or raincoat. The knitting pattern is simple: knit the 1st row with purl loops, start knitting the 2nd row with cones - 3 loops together with the wrong side and so on until the end of the row. Knit the 3rd row with purl stitches. 4th row - 1 front loop and then 3 loops together with the wrong side. Repeat this pattern until the end of knitting.

The hit of the season is bactus snood. Knitted on circular needles. First go the short rows in purl stitch, then in stockinette stitch.

Pattern diagram of how to knit a bactus collar correctly, but with a slightly different pattern:

If you need to quickly knit a beautiful snood, then choose the “pearl pattern”. The product will turn out stylish and feminine, it will decorate the face and image as a whole.

How to knit a snood with knitting needles using a pearl pattern? It's easy to do:

Cast on the required number of stitches
1st row - 1 edge loop, then start alternating - knit, purl and so on until the end of the row
2nd row - 1 edge loop, then alternate - purl, knit
The 3rd row is repeated like the 1st, and so on until the end of the knitting.

Pearl pattern diagram:

Every needlewoman, even a beginner, can knit the “Braid” pattern. Therefore, knitted items with such a pattern will no longer surprise anyone. I want to create something beautiful and special.

Hat and snood knitted with interesting braids - diagram with description:

A cap:
Calculate how many loops of the pattern there will be in 10 cm of knitting. For a hat you need 54 cm of knitted fabric, and for a snood - 150 cm. Cast on the required number of loops for the hat on circular knitting needles.
Knit 5 rows using purl stitch.
6th and 7th rows - facial loops.
8th row - cross 10 loops to the left: slip 5 loops onto an auxiliary needle before work, knit the other 5 loops, then knit 5 loops from the auxiliary needle in stockinette stitch. Next 5 stitches in stockinette stitch. After this, repeat the pattern until the end of the row.
Rows 9 and 10 - knit with knit stitches.
11th row - 5 knit stitches, then cross 10 loops to the right: slip 5 loops onto the auxiliary knitting needle while working, knit the next 5 loops in stockinette stitch, then knit 5 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle in stockinette stitch. After this, make 5 stitches in stockinette stitch and continue the pattern to the end of the row.
Knit the next rows according to the 15 cm pattern, and then start skipping loops and knitting 2 loops together according to the pattern.

Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles.
Knit according to the pattern, like a hat, starting with two front rows at once.
At the end of knitting, close the loops - the product is ready.

“Braids” and “Twists” are the most common pattern used to create knitted items. A snood associated with the use of such patterns can be connected in different ways: with one braid and strand, with several of these patterns, in combination with pearl and other patterns.

If you are a beginner craftswoman, then you need to knit simple patterns. Snood knitting with braids and plaits - diagram with description:

You can make such a pattern with a combination of different braids and flagella. You will get a beautiful snood - warm and dense.

Simpler braids combined with knit and purl stitch.

The dimensions of a full-length snood with such a pattern should be no more than 80 cm - 120 cm. It should be put on in one or two turns - no more, otherwise the scarf will turn out to be too thick and uncomfortable.

See how to properly knit a snood with the Braids and Cables pattern in the video below.

The “Shadow Braid” or “Royal Braid” pattern was invented several seasons ago. Since then, this pattern has been the most popular when creating knitted items: cardigans, scarves, hats and snoods. A clamp using this pattern turns out to be voluminous and warm.

The diagram shows knit and purl stitches. To make a weave, swap the stitches. To do this, prepare an additional knitting needle. Snood knitting braid with shadow - diagram with description:

Cast on the required number of loops.
From the 1st to the 5th row, knit like this: 5 loops with the wrong side, 8 loops with the front stitch, 10 loops with the wrong side and so on until the end of the rows.
Now start knitting the braids according to the pattern: 5 loops on the wrong side, leave 4 loops behind the work, knit 5 loops in stockinette stitch, then knit the removed loops from the auxiliary needle in stockinette stitch.
Repeat 5 rows again, as from the 1st to 5th row, and then knit again according to the pattern.
When you reach the end, close the loops and sew the snood.

There are many double-sided patterns, so you can choose any one you like. For example, a simple “Diamond” pattern is beautiful and unusual. Knit a snood with a double-sided pattern using knitting needles - diagram with description:

The dimensions of a snood of this knitting can be from 150 cm to 200 cm, so that it can be wrapped several times. The knitting is double-sided and not voluminous, so it will turn out interesting and stylish.
Cast on a number of stitches that are a multiple of 9.
1st row - knit 2, purl 5, knit 4, repeat further according to the pattern. Last 7 stitches: purl 5, knit 2.
2nd row - purl 1, knit 7, purl 2, repeat until the end of the row according to the pattern. The last 8 loops are knit 7, purl 1.
3rd row - purl loops.
4th row - repeat 2nd row.
5th row - repeat 1st row.
6th row - purl 3, knit 3, purl 6, repeat according to the pattern. The last 6 loops are knit 3, purl 3.
7th row - knit 4, purl 1, knit 8, repeat until the end of the row. The last 5 loops are 1 purl, 4 knit.
8th row - repeat 6th row.
Next, from the 1st to the 8th rows, repeat according to the pattern.

Many experienced craftswomen come up with patterns on their own when creating knitted items. Look at the models on how to knit a snood collar or a circular scarf with knitting needles:

Beautiful model with “harnesses” and knitted braid, which is inserted into the elastic with a 2x2 pattern.

Openwork snood made of light yarn with voluminous “royal braids”- beautiful and stylish.

A simple combination of knit and purl stitches, and how beautiful the snood looks!

"English gum" and finishing from "Braid"- an unusual snood with elements of simplicity and luxury at the same time.

Yarn with sectional dyeing creates a fantasy texture when knitted. When knitting with such yarn, the craftswoman does not know what she will succeed, but this is the whole secret. However, it always turns out beautiful and original, because these are threads that are dyed in a special way.

Snood knitted from sectional yarn - diagram with description:

Often, needlewomen knit scarves and snoods from such threads without a pattern: with the front or back stitch. After all, you will still get a beautiful texture and color scheme.
The sizes of such a snood can be very diverse: from 80 cm to 200 cm. If you want to wrap yourself in a warm collar in winter, then you should make a long scarf.
After knitting, sew the snood, wash it and you can safely wear it.

Patterns “Leaves”, “Large braids and plaits”- all this helps to create interesting snoods, collars and scarves. Against the background of such knitting, the face looks miniature and beautiful.

Large knit snood knitting needles - diagram with description:

Here are more snood models with a large knit “Braid” pattern.

A snood model made of thick yarn with one braid at the bottom.

The voluminous snood with the “Royal braids” pattern looks the most beautiful. The pattern and description of knitting this pattern is above. If you want to knit a collar with another three-dimensional pattern, then pay attention to the models below.

Snood volumetric knitting needles - diagram with description:

Knit a “bump” from 6 loops, turn the knitting over and thread the 2nd loop through the 6th loop until 1 loop remains. Knit “braids” as described above.

These “Braids” are knitted by hand, not by knitting needles - in a unique and eccentric way.

This is how you can make such “braids” - purl stitch with skipping stitches in the rows.

Two-color voluminous snood with autumn colors - incredibly stylish!

The tube scarf was in fashion back in the 90s last year. But until now he has not lost his popularity. Fashionistas of our time knit such snoods of different models and colors to decorate their autumn or winter look.

Snood pipe with knitting needles - diagram with description:

Tie yourself one pink scarf, and wear over a coat or jacket. It will warm you up in the cold and add delicate colors to your image.

A scarf with a hood is very comfortable to wear in autumn or winter. The hood does not fit tightly to the head, and therefore will not spoil the lady’s hairstyle, especially if she has a beautiful hairstyle. Therefore, every woman should have such a snood hood in her wardrobe.

Stylish hood scarves knitted - knitting patterns, sizes:

This turquoise snood the full length is 2 meters and 40 cm in diameter. If you wish, you can knit a bag - you will get a beautiful set.

Green snood hood- a beautiful shade for autumn. A pompom is sewn to the top of the head, but you can do without it - it will be beautiful and stylish.

Snood-hood made of interesting melange yarn. The full length of the scarf is 150 cm. The hood is knitted separately and sewn to the snood.

Knitted items made from mohair are warm, soft and delicate. They are a pleasure to wear. Therefore, mohair has been valued since ancient times by women all over the world.

Knitting a snood from such threads is easy. The white mohair snood is knitted using “horizontal hemstitching”. The remaining rows are knit and purl stitches. The “Merezhka” pattern is knitted like this:

Knit 2 rows with purl stitches and 2 rows with knit stitches.
Now knit 2 stitches together and yarn over. Repeat this until the end of the row.
The pattern is repeated until the end of knitting.

Interesting models of mohair snoods with knitting needles - knitting pattern:

Mohair stockinette- simple but stylish.

An openwork pattern made of thin mohair is gentle and noble. You can knit any openwork pattern from these threads.

Snood loop with ties also knitted with stockinette stitch - original and unique.

A snood knitted with the “English elastic” pattern looks impressive and bright. It seems that there is nothing unusual - a simple scarf, but at the same time it attracts the attention of others.

English rib can be knitted in the usual way or made into a wavy effect.. The snood is knitted with English elastic in a single piece of full length (150 cm - 200 cm), and then the edges are sewn together. Description of knitting simple and wavy “English elastic”:

If you don’t want to part with the original look in the summer, then knit a snood for the warm season. To do this, use cotton threads or special melange yarn. The pattern for knitting can be any, the main thing is that the threads are soft and thin.

Summer snood with knitting needles - diagram with description, sizes:

Summer snood made of colored melange yarn. Great for spring and summer. The fabric is knitted from the front or back stitch, as you like. The edges are sewn together using a needle and thread.

Multi-colored snood made of thin acrylic threads and a small percentage of wool. An interesting gradient texture is created by special threads. This snood will warm you up on a cool summer evening; you can throw it over your shoulders over a dress or T-shirt.

Knitting a snood is easy and simple. You can create several models yourself and then wear them with different things and outfits.

Snood, a foreign fashionable word that today means a tube scarf, has long since taken root in our Russian reality and is so loved by fashionistas and needlewomen. The word itself and the accessory it denotes, of course. A cozy and stylish knitted snood (knitting patterns, new items for 2019 are given in the article below) has not left the catwalks for several seasons in a row and is in demand in ordinary, everyday life. Let's consider which models are relevant today, what yarn is used and how to knit this stylish and practical accessory, how and with what to wear it. Here are several diagrams and descriptions of various models.

Thick yarn snood

In the cold season, knitted clothing and accessories made from bulky thick yarn look relevant and stylish. Snood is no exception. Such a thread in this product will give the scarf greater coziness and warmth. You can use thread to knit a snood from pure wool.

Today there are quite soft and not at all scratchy options for winter natural yarn. Such as:

  • merino;
  • alpaca;
  • mink fluff.

You can choose a thread with a combined composition. The simplest is wool with acrylic, but today there are options for very soft thread, which includes wool and silk, for example.

A thread with a meter of 100 or 200 meters in a 100 gram skein will be considered bulky. There are options for super thick yarn. Its length will be about 35-40 meters in a skein, weighing 100 grams. These are Alize Country New, Nako Lora and others. Knitting a snood from such yarn will literally be a matter of minutes. But the scarf will turn out to be quite voluminous and heavy, although very stylish and fashionable.

For such a trumpet-shaped scarf, you should use a regular garter stitch, or a pearl pattern: alternating knit and purl stitches.

To knit a snood with knitting needles from thick yarn, you should use simple patterns and knitting patterns, and to make it easier to decide on the model, you can see the photos of new products for 2019 below.

Made from fine yarn

Knitted items made from thin thread look gentle and airy. Using more than 200 meters of yarn in a 100 gram skein, you can safely use openwork patterns or braids for the product. For those who want to knit a stylish trumpet-shaped scarf with their own hands, we advise you to study the description and knitting patterns for the new 2019 snoods using thin yarn knitting needles, which are given below.

Description of a snood model made of thin yarn, knitted lengthwise. This is an airy, wide snood with a mesh pattern. In general, the word snood originally meant a special mesh to support long hair. It was worn by ladies of all classes starting from the 7th century. During the Second World War, this accessory gained particular popularity, and today this word is called a scarf.

To work on a snood made with a mesh pattern, you will need:

  • Half-wool yarn, 300 meters per meter, 100g.
  • Knitting needles (the number recommended by the yarn manufacturer on the label, for this yardage it can be No. 3-3.5)

Cast on an even number of stitches on the needles. Their total number depends on the desired width of the product. Next, you need to distribute the loops like this: 1 edge loop, 4 edge loops, which will always be knitted with knit stitches, then the loops of the main pattern and on the other edge, 4 edge loops (knit stitches) and an edge loop.

Main mesh pattern:

  1. 1st row (front): 2 loops together, yarn over. Repeat this until the end.
  2. Row 2 (purl) purl all stitches and yarn overs.

This is a very simple but effective pattern. If you knit a snood from melange or sectional yarn, you will get a unique, stylish and bright accessory. And the monochromatic version will be very good.

For a snood made of fine yarn, you can use any pattern you like: openwork or braids and their combination.

From colored yarn

Recently, many interesting variants of thread for hand knitting have been created, which are distinguished by a riot of colors and interesting color transitions. For accessories, this is a godsend. If you want to add a bright spot to your look, then you can safely buy melange yarn or section-dyed yarn. These types of threads differ from each other in the way they are dyed and in the way the thread looks in the product.

Melange yarn involves uneven inclusions of various shades in the main fiber of a yarn of a certain color. Section-dyed yarn involves a smooth transition from one shade to another; as a rule, it combines several perfectly combined shades. The product will look like stripes of different colors, as if connected to the use of several types of yarn. This is a very good option for scarves of any model.

Yarn from Alize marked batik is just a thread with sectional coloring. It can be either wool or cotton. Other manufacturers and well-known brands also offer sectionals and melange.

Wool, cotton or acrylic

Using the given diagrams and descriptions of new 2019 models for knitting snoods, you can make them from yarn of any composition. Wool, cotton, and acrylic are suitable for such an accessory. The choice of thread depends on the purpose of the scarf.

If the snood is intended to be worn exclusively for warmth in the winter or autumn seasons, then you should give preference to wool yarn, possibly with the addition of acrylic. If you need a voluminous, wide and airy snood, then you can choose acrylic for its execution. It will just add volume to the product and will not weigh it down.

A cotton snood will be an excellent addition to your look; it can be worn on warm autumn days and in spring, not only for warmth, but simply for beauty. For knitting from cotton thread, not very wide and rather long snoods are suitable.

Cozy mohair and angora

Using fluffy yarn for this accessory is not always justified, but if you add a thin mohair or angora yarn to the main thread for knitting a snood, you can achieve the effect of a cozy and warm winter scarf, where you can hide your nose from the frost and cover your head. Such a snood will be very warm and airy, because the fluffy threads are almost completely weightless.

Knit along or across

A tube scarf can be knitted lengthwise and crosswise. The main thing is to close it into a ring. Below are photos of the new 2019 snoods, descriptions and knitting patterns for the model that is knitted lengthwise and the one that is knitted crosswise.

In order to knit a snood with a braid pattern across, you will need:

  1. Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles. We calculate the loops taking into account the desired width of the snood. In this case, for the edges on each side you will need 7 loops (1 edge and 6 elastic loops) and for the central braid 13 loops.
  2. We distribute the loops on the pattern in this way: 7 loops for the edge, any number of loops for the front stitch, 13 loops for the braid, again the required number of loops for the front surface and 7 loops for the edge.
  3. We knit the edges alternating 2 rows of stockinette stitch and 2 rows of purl stitch.
  4. Description of the braid pattern: for a braid you will need to knit 2 loops with purls, then the entire braid with knits and again 2 loops with purls. The front loops of the braid are conventionally divided into 3 parts of 3 loops each. Every 4 rows you need to first cross the right part with the middle one, leaving it on an additional knitting needle while working. Then, again after 4 rows, cross the left side of the braid with the middle one, leaving it on an additional knitting needle before working. And so on until the end, until the entire length of the snood is knitted.
  5. Connect the edges of the snood with a seam.

Another model of snood, knitted crosswise, will look very interesting on the neck in a few turns. In order to make such a snood on knitting needles, you will need to cast on the number of loops required for the width of the scarf and knit half of its length with a 2*2 elastic band. Next, use any openwork pattern, such as diamonds or just a mesh. And make the second half of the snood with exactly this pattern. Sew the edges. For a greater contrast effect, you can use a different color of yarn for two-half snood or for the one where the elastic band is variegated, melange yarn, and for the pattern - a single color, one of those shades that is present in the companion yarn.

Snood lengthwise, that is, from the bottom up, can be knitted on circular knitting needles so that there is no seam, or on regular stocking needles, then you will have to join the edges. Thus, it is better to knit a snood that is not very wide, which does not need to be re-twisted around the head. You can choose any pattern for knitting. First you need to knit a few rows of elastic, then the main pattern and finish knitting with an elastic band. Moreover, a snood knitted in this way can not be connected into a ring, but can be supplemented with a button closure or a zipper.

Snood with eight

You can get a rather interesting and stylish accessory if you use one trick. In the process of knitting a snood, you need to twist the fabric and after that connect the snood into a ring. So any snood can be made unusual. This technique looks very good on those models that are made with a simple English elastic band and are not very long.

Combination of patterns and textures

A knitted snood is usually worn by wrapping it twice around the neck. If you knit the snood half with a simple pattern, without openwork, for example, pearl or 2x2 elastic, and the other half with openwork or using a different color, then putting it on your neck you will get an interesting combination of pattern and color.

Pearl Pattern:

  1. 1 row (front) 1 edge loop, * 1 front loop, 1 purl loop *, edge loop. Repeat from * to *.
  2. So we alternate the rows.

Elastic band 2*2:

  1. 1st row (front): edge loop, * 2 knit loops, 2 purl loops *, edge loop. Repeat from * to *.
  2. Row 2 (purl): knit the loops according to the pattern.

Photo gallery: knitting patterns with step-by-step photos

Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 3

Picture 1
Figure 2

Snood - a collar with buttons is knitted without closing into a ring, like a short but wide scarf, on one side you need to sew several buttons along the entire edge, and on the other - loops and can be fastened as you like: evenly, through one, retreating 2 or 3 buttons from one edge. So you can change the look just by fastening the scarf differently.

A snood with a zipper looks very stylish and modern. It can be sewn on top of an already knitted snood, just as a decorative element, or sewn into the edges and leave the function of a fastener. This way you can not zip up the zipper all the way and play with the look. In this case, it makes sense to choose a zipper in a contrasting shade in relation to the color of the scarf.

Snood from a designer fashion house

Many myrrh couturiers are offering snood this season as a must-have wardrobe item. For example, brands such as Chanel, D&G, Vercace and others.

  1. This season, Chanel offers its fans an amazing snood made of soft blue viscose. The designers of this house believe that this accessory should be lightweight and made of thin knitted fabric. They can complement a raincoat or coat.
  2. D&G included a scarf ring in pastel and beige shades in their collection. It is made in the shape of a figure eight and is quite voluminous and warm. It contains acrylic, wool and alpaca. This snood is narrow and long; it can be worn either in one turn and all the way down, or in several turns around the neck.
  3. The snood from Vercace is made of yarn containing acrylic, wool and alpaca. It is soft and gentle. Color pink. There is nothing pretentious or flashy about him, he is calm and noble. Suitable for any outerwear. Warm and cozy, this accessory will highlight your sense of style.

All designer models are very expensive and beyond the means of many, but armed with a pair of knitting needles and a skein of yarn, you can create something similar and even better. Knitting such an accessory will not take much time, and it will be worn and served faithfully for a long time.

What and how to wear it with?

Snood is a universal scarf model that can be used with any outerwear. The main thing is to maintain a balance in the color palette. Moreover, it can be worn over a sweater, jumper or turtleneck. With a vest or jacket. It all depends on the overall style and image. This model is also convenient because in the cold season, without wearing a hat, you can, if desired, throw a snood over your head. In general, snood is a thing that you should definitely have in your wardrobe.
Knitted items 2019 with snood knitting needles, videos and patterns presented in this article will definitely help you decide on the choice of yarn and model.

– make a sewing accessory from a rectangular fabric. This is the best option if you do not yet know how to work in circular rows. The fashionable snood is knitted from thick yarn on large-diameter knitting needles, which significantly reduces and simplifies the work on the product. Usually, scarf-collars for adults have universal sizes, but it is recommended to determine the height and width of the snood individually.

So, with a head circumference of 61 cm, on needles No. 9 you need to cast on 54 loops from thick yarn. It is recommended for beginners to knit a snood using garter stitch - only with knit stitches. This fabric is embossed and looks quite impressive, while holding its shape perfectly at the edges. Knit a rectangular piece 48-48.5 cm high with the main pattern, then close the loops of the last row.

Fold the knitted rectangle in half along the center transverse line, then carefully sew the top of the scarf-collar with a thread from a working ball and a darning needle. Connect the open sides of the rectangular piece at the bottom, making a seam 20 cm high. Carefully cut the thread and hide the remaining “tail” on the wrong side of the product using a crochet hook. Turn out the finished snood.

Snood for beginners on circular knitting needles

If you have mastered working in the round, you can knit snood No. 4 on a fishing line, and the product will turn out without seams and will not require additional manipulations with a needle. Start knitting a scarf-collar by casting on 160 stitches, then make a 2x2 elastic band (consistently alternating two knit stitches with two purl loops).

After the first straight row, close it into a ring and start knitting the snood in the round. When the knitted fabric reaches a height of 10 cm, switch to garter stitch. When knitting a snood on circular knitting needles, to complete the main relief pattern, you need to alternate knit rows with purl rows.

Make a garter stitch fabric 20 cm high, then knit 2x2 elastic again for a dozen rows and bind off the loops. Carefully cut the working yarn and veil the remainder of the thread on the wrong side of the product.

Simple snood patterns for beginners

To knit a snood scarf, it is recommended to choose double-sided patterns that give the fabric an impressive appearance, relief and sufficient elasticity. There are many variations that even the most inexperienced needlewomen can easily master. One of the simplest patterns for a snood is a 1x1 elastic band, which is made by sequentially alternating knit and purl stitches. In addition, you can make elastic fabrics 2x2, 3x3, 4x4.

The pearl pattern, or “rice,” is great for knitting a cowl scarf. The rapport of this simple relief consists of a pair of loops in height and the same number of thread arches in length. Carry out the pattern in the following sequence: start the first row with the front one, then alternate the purl and front loops; second row - with purl, then - alternating front and back; Knit the fourth row like the first.

Next, make a simple snood pattern according to the sample. In essence, the pearl pattern is a “tangled elastic band” with constant displacements of the front and back loops, which is why the pattern is also called a “tangle.”

The chess pattern (“Chess”) for snood is also easy to make and is perfect for beginning needlewomen. Knit an elastic band 3x3, 4x4 or with another number of loops until you get a row of squares, for example, eight loops in height and the same number in width. After this, shift the pattern: do knit stitches over knit stitches, purl stitches over knit stitches, until the lines of the squares line up in a checkerboard pattern.

English elastic is one of the simplest options for double-sided fluffy elastic fabrics. This pattern is often used to knit classic scarves; it can also be used to make a snood for beginners. In the first row of English rib, after the edge loop, you need to throw the yarn on a working needle (yo), remove one loop unknitted, placing the thread behind the knitting.

In the second row, make a yarn over, remove the next loop again, and knit the yarn bow with the yarn over of the previous row together. In the third row of English ribbing, do the following alternations: knit a double crochet loop; throw a loop; remove the loop unknitted. Continue the snood pattern according to the sample.

  • When crocheting in a circle, mark the beginning of the rows using a contrasting thread or pin.

  • It is recommended to knit a snood with large diameter knitting needles, No. 3.5-10.

  • For a cowl scarf, choose double-sided textured patterns.

  • The optimal material for a snood will be warm, but soft and comfortable to wear yarn with a combination of acrylic and natural wool of 80% and 20%, 60% and 40%, respectively.

  • Choose high-quality threads from well-known manufacturers, for example, Arctic (Nako), Adelia Olivia, Wool-Ease Thick&Quick or other reliable brands.

  • Wash the finished knitted snood by hand in warm water with a special detergent for wool and dry it on a horizontal surface, laying a white towel down.

Video on the topic


  • We knit scarves, snoods, stoles, shawls

Snood is a fashionable and practical accessory for cool weather. This item resembles a scarf, but is knitted in the round, which is why it is sometimes called a tube scarf. It’s not difficult to knit a snood; all you need to do is have basic skills in this type of needlework, and if you make it from thick yarn, you can get a fashionable and exclusive item in just one evening.

You will need

  • - 150 - 200 g of thick wool blend yarn;
  • - circular knitting needles No. 8.


Snood tied with an elastic band
Cast on 80 stitches on circular needles. Close the knitting round and knit with a 1x1 elastic band, alternating 1 knit and 1 purl loops to a height of 55 cm. At the end of knitting, bind off the loops loosely. Snood can be knitted with any other elastic band, for example, 2x2 or 3x3. This product will resemble a cowl collar.

Garter stitch snood
Other types of knitting are also suitable for knitting with thick yarn. A very impressive and voluminous product is obtained if you knit a snood with a simple garter stitch. To do this, cast on 80 stitches on circular knitting needles and knit all rows in the round with knit stitches. After 55 cm from the beginning of knitting, close the loops.

Openwork snood
To knit this pattern, you need soft yarn: angora or acrylic. For knitting, choose any suitable openwork pattern with a repeating pattern. A snood knitted with the “Leaves” pattern looks very beautiful.

Calculate the number of stitches for the first cast-on row. To do this, knit a test sample with a pattern according to the diagram. Measure it and divide the desired length of the tube scarf by this value, this way you will get the number of repeats of the openwork pattern. Then multiply the number of loops in one repeat by the total number of repeating motifs, this will give you the number of loops for the first cast-on row.

Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles, then knit 2-3 rows in garter stitch and begin knitting the openwork pattern according to the pattern. Please note that only the front rows are indicated, the purl rows should be knitted according to the pattern, and the yarn overs should be knitted with purl loops. At the end of knitting the fabric, knit 3 rows in garter stitch and bind off all the loops.


Stylists advise knitting snoods from yarn in discreet shades of black, green, gray, and so on. They will complement the image and give it a certain zest and extravagance. For summer looks, it is recommended to knit openwork snoods from thin yarn in bright colors; they will refresh the look, give it lightness and playfulness.

Helpful advice

Decorate the snood with fringe, embroidery, beads and original buttons; additional decorations will make it designer, unlike the rest. Snoods knitted from fancy yarn, complemented with small pompoms or rhinestones, look very original and impressive. Very beautiful and cozy products are made from soft bouclé yarn.

The scarf-collar appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, over the years its popularity either increased or sank to zero. In recent years, this multifunctional accessory is again at the peak of popularity; it just changed its name to a snood scarf.

If you want to have a stylish accessory in your wardrobe, feel free to take up your knitting needles, even if you are not a very big knitting expert, everyone can knit a snood scarf. The knitting pattern can be any; when choosing a pattern, you should take into account that voluminous knitting and double-sided relief patterns look impressive. The easiest way to knit a scarf is to knit a wide rectangular fabric with an English elastic band and sew it. But it’s much more interesting, without a seam, to make a scarf if you knit it in the round on ring knitting needles.

Whatever pattern you choose for knitting a scarf - strands, diamonds, openwork or simple knitting - this will in no way affect its convenience and versatility. For an everyday warm snood, take thick yarn (300 g), ring needles No. 5, cast on the required number of loops, depending on the desired size. For a snood with a circumference of 100 cm - 150 loops. Knit one row with knit stitches and close it into a ring. Next, knit in garter stitch:

1 row - facial loops;

2nd row – purl loops;

Knit the 3rd row as the first.

Knit 5-6 rows, decrease in the 6th row, remove 4 loops.

Go to the main pattern and knit a “pipe” 40 cm high. You can choose any pattern; all kinds of elastic bands, for example, Polish, are easily and simply knitted. For circular knitting, rapport is formed from 4 loops:

Row 1 – knit 3, purl 1;

Row 2 – knit 2, purl 1, knit 1;

Row 3 – repeat the pattern from the first row.

Knit repeats to the end of the row.

Having knitted the desired height, knit a row with facial loops, simultaneously removing 14 loops - knitting together every 9-10 loops. Complete the work with a scarf pattern (5 rows) and bind off the loops. Wash the finished product in warm water, gently wring it out and dry it by placing it on a towel.

Video on the topic

This original scarf is perfect for cool weather. It will not only keep you warm, but will also decorate your look and make it unique, as it looks very gentle and feminine. And sewing it is very, very simple.

It’s worth making such an original scarf-snood with lace trim in two cases - if you just want to sew something or you have a plain stole lying around that you’re very tired of.

I must say that the beauty of this scarf model is that it does not need to adhere to any specific measurements - you can sew it either narrow or very wide (if you like volume), and you can also wear it as a snood, including number and throwing it over your head. The only measurement that must be checked is that the head fits into the finished scarf.

So, you will need fabric (plain or with a light unobtrusive pattern, regular cotton fabric or thin wool, silk will do, you can also use thin knitwear), a piece of lace at least 30 cm in length, threads in the same color.

Helpful advice: select lace and fabric so that the densities of the fabrics are approximately equal. Delicate translucent chiffor and dense heavy lace will look ugly and vice versa.

Sewing process:

1. Sew a piece of lace fabric to the edge of the fabric on one side.

2. Sew the scarf lengthwise from the inside out and turn the product inside out.

3. Sew the lace to the second edge of the scarf using a blind stitch to create a circle.

4. Steam the finished product.

Helpful advice: When matching lace to fabric, try playing with contrast or choosing plain fabrics.

Video on the topic

Beginning needlewomen often lack a simple guide on how to make something they like. This article will help you understand the types and compositions of yarn, choose the most suitable option for “testing the pen” and make the simplest snood yourself.

You will need

  • Woolen or wool blend yarn 200m/100g, circular knitting needles 3 mm thick on a 40 cm fishing line, scissors, hook 2-3 mm.


The most important stage is the choice of materials. To ensure that the item is worn for a long time, does not fade or stretch, you will need high-quality yarn. Beginner knitters should prefer yarn of medium thickness (about 200 meters per 100 grams), tightly and evenly twisted. When choosing threads, pay attention to the fact that there are no pronounced thickenings or poorly twisted areas, the thread should not immediately break up into several thinner ones, the twist should be uniform and fairly dense. If all these conditions are met, you will not have problems in knitting, the loops will not fall apart during the process, and you will not get confused in their number.

Having decided on the appearance of the yarn, you should pay attention to its composition - wool yarn and wool threads with acrylic (no more than 50% acrylic) are well suited for winter accessories. Finally, having chosen the desired composition and thickness, you can choose the color you like.

You should also purchase a hook. At the end of knitting, there will be loose ends of yarn that will need to be carefully tucked in. The hook can be with or without a handle, but the main thing is that it fits comfortably in your hand. When choosing this tool, it is also better to give preference to metal. The thickness of the hook can vary from 2 to 3 mm. Pay attention to the head - the hook itself. It should not move too far from the base, and should not be too sharp or, conversely, too rounded. The ideal shape of the tool will not catch adjacent weaves in knitting and, at the same time, will fix the working thread well.

Now you can start knitting directly. We cast on approximately 140-150 stitches on the knitting needles (depending on your knitting density) - this will allow you to create a well-fitting snood in one turn. We close the chain and knit the front and back rows alternately. Thus, when knitting in the round, we get garter stitch. We continue these manipulations until we get the required height of the product - it will be enough to knit about 100 rows. We close all the loops, not forgetting to close the first with the last. Cut the thread, leaving about 5 cm. Pull the free edge of the thread into the last loop formed and tighten.

Now you need to tuck in the remaining “tails” - at the beginning and end of knitting. To do this, pick up the thread with a hook and pull it along the stitch, gradually hiding the entire free edge in the snood pattern. You need to mask the ends of the yarn on the left side of the product or along its very edge so that the accessory can be double-sided.

The finishing touch is washing the finished product. You need to wash woolen items by hand in cool water, at about 30 degrees. We dissolve a special detergent for washing woolen and delicate items in water, put the snood in it and carefully wash it, avoiding deformation. Woolen products should not be rubbed, stretched or twisted. After you've freshened up your new item, rinse it thoroughly and pat it well with a thick towel to remove excess moisture. To dry, place the item on a horizontal surface. Do not hang dry woolen items - on clotheslines, chair backs or hangers. Do not place them on radiators or other heating devices. It is better to let the product dry at room temperature, then you will get a high-quality beautiful thing that will last you a very long time.
Wear it with pleasure!


Try not to purchase too cheap materials and tools. To begin with, stick to the average price category - this will allow you not to be disappointed in your new hobby, but also will not hit your budget.

Helpful advice

Knit on a comfortable chair in good light. Do not give in to the temptation to immediately knit a complex thing - start with the basics, gradually improving your skills. You can choose threads with melange or sectional dyeing. This yarn will create the effect of greater complexity of the product and add color.

The most fashionable accessory of recent seasons - the snood - is gaining more and more popularity. And it is not surprising, a rare piece of clothing has such high versatility: it can be worn by everyone - women, men, children. Made from different materials, from coarse wool to delicate silk, it fits organically into any look, and the endless variety of snood models is simply amazing. This stylish detail has become a trend in many fashion houses; the most famous designers are creating new designs. Nevertheless, this simple wardrobe item is easy to implement. A snood knitted with knitting needles is a warm and beautiful detail, and a sufficient level of skill of the craftsman and his imagination will make this item of clothing an original model.

From the history of the accessory

Representing a regular one in the round or sewn at the end of knitting, the snood is called differently in different countries of the world: infinity scarf, circular scarf, etc. The names completely determine its appearance. This allows you to experiment with wearing such a scarf, creating different looks and using only one model.

The idea of ​​creating a modern snood is not new. In the mid-eighties of the last century, the so-called trumpet, which was worn both on the head and on the neck, was at the height of fashion. Actually, the model of the classic snood is completely borrowed from this accessory, the main criteria of which were ease of execution, convenience and versatility. The world's leading designers continue to exploit this trend, offering the accessory in various collections and giving advice on its use. The versatility of this piece of clothing allows you to wear it regardless of the season. Following the design tips, you can knit such a scarf yourself, using various knitting patterns for a snood.

Choosing material and color

A classic snood is a well-draped, wide circular scarf. It can be made of any material - wool, silk, various mixed fabrics. Knitted snoods are a separate niche in the huge family of circular scarves. The choice of yarn to complete any planned pattern today is huge. Snood can be knitted from wool, boucle, cashmere and its derivatives, and even from fur tape. The choice of yarn also determines the patterns for knitting snood. Schemes of knitting patterns differ significantly from graphic images of patterns for thin threads.

When choosing colors for warm knitwear, you should adhere to moderation in tones: knitted items in restrained natural shades always look more noble, not distracting attention from the main clothing ensemble, but softening or emphasizing the created image. Light, steel-gray, beige and brown-green tones will suit a classic outfit. Rich burgundy and black colors will add extravagance to the silhouette. knitted, are also matched to the color and texture of the yarn from which the model is planned to be made. In addition, it is necessary to select the desired size of knitting needles.

Knitted snood: simple patterns

An important quality of a knitted snood is the ability to drape well. Knitted from a very thick thread, it loses the ability to softly drape, but looks great thanks to the texture of the yarn. Patterns for knitting a snood with knitting needles from thick, loose yarn are the simplest and fastest to implement. For example, scarves knitted in garter stitch look perfect. They are warm, effective, calm. This is demonstrated by the presented photo.

Knitting with garter stitch, as already mentioned, is very simple. All rows of fabric are knitted with facial loops. To obtain a plastic edge, edge loops are made: the first loop of the row is always removed, and the last one is knitted purl-wise.

Elastic bands in knitting snoods

No less impressive are snoods made with various types of elastic or a combination of elastic with stockinette or garter stitch. In the presented photo, relief stripes made with English elastic are interspersed with inserts from stockinette stitch. This pattern is simple and effective: on one side the English stitch lies on the front edge, and on the other - on the back.

Snood is made with knitting needles. Scheme :

1st row: alternately knit 1 person. and 1 purl.

2nd: knit stitches are knitted according to the pattern, a yarn over is made before the purl stitch, together with which, without knitting, it is transferred to the right knitting needle.

3rd: all knit stitches are performed together with yarn overs using one knit stitch, and purl stitches are performed in the same way as in the 2nd row: yarn over and remove from the loop.

From the 3rd row the pattern is repeated.

You can knit a snood completely using English knitting, without alternating with all kinds of inserts of a different texture.

Double-sided knitting patterns for snood

Classic garter stitch, like almost all types of elastic, is a double-sided pattern. For such a wardrobe detail as a snood, this is very important. It twists and shows the same pattern on both sides, which looks very advantageous, despite the fact that the products use the simplest patterns for snood knitting. Schemes are not needed for them; the drawings can easily be made according to the description. This pattern looks great, identical on both sides: a large braid of 16 loops, knitted by alternating front and back stripes (like a 2x2 elastic band) on a garter weave field. The braid is knitted in 16 rows, intertwined in the 17th row: 8 loops are dropped onto an additional knitting needle in front of the fabric, 8 loops are knitted from the second part of the braid, and then loops from an additional knitting needle. The pattern of the braid must be maintained during weaving, which creates a double-sided effect of the fabric.

Large braids and aranas

Drawings with twists from large braids or plaits are one-sided, but no less impressive. They are often used in knitting scarves and snoods. Usually weaves are made on the back side, playing up the relief of the strands made with facial loops. When choosing large braids, you need to focus on the thickness of the thread used in your work.

There is a rule: the thicker the yarn, the more loops and rows can be involved in making a plait, and, conversely, a thin thread involves elegant small twists that ennoble and increase the cost of the finished product. The photo shows various models of scarves and snoods, made from thick, loose yarn, as well as from thread of medium density and thickness. Each sample is good in its own way in different situations. Aranas and braids are traditional patterns for knitting snood. The patterns of such patterns are quite complex; when performing the work, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established order of knitting loops.

A certain effect is achieved by alternating large strands with thin openwork stripes or made of various pearl patterns. There are many options here, but when choosing one, you should not pile up a large number of weaves - the work will be more difficult, the fabric will be rougher, and the softness of the lines should be attractive in the finished product.

Fantasy designs for making a scarf

Another large block consists of patterns for knitting snoods, the patterns of which combine embossed braids and openwork inserts. These patterns are not as difficult as they sometimes seem, but execution will require careful knitting of each row.

In the photo demonstrating similar combinations of patterns, medium-sized braids and openwork stripes are combined, alternating with each other. Another rule for knitting scarves is that you don’t need to tighten the fabric too much; the loops should “walk” on the knitting needles quite freely. It is the correct density that in many ways “gives face” to the product, emphasizing its individuality. Taking into account our recommendations, it is not difficult to make snood with knitting needles. The knitting patterns are the simplest, but very interesting in the finished fabric.

How and with what to wear a snood

The versatility of the accessory suggests a huge range of uses in a modern wardrobe. Snood is worn as a stole, hood and even a skirt. It is appropriate in both a classic and sports wardrobe. It is worn with any outerwear - fur coat, coat, jacket, raincoat. And the more carefully the snood is made, the more pleasant it will be to wear, evoking positive emotions of the owner and others.

Hello, dear needlewomen!

I suggest you knit a stunningly beautiful snood from braids. The snood is quite voluminous, dense, and holds its shape well.

In order to knit such a snood we will need ALIZESUPER LANA ZINCIR yarn

25% wool, 75% acrylic

Skein weight: 100 g

Skein length: 280 m

Color 62 Cream

You can use any other yarn you like.

Knitting needles No. 5, additional knitting needle for knitting braids.

We will knit the snood with braids of 30 loops, 4 braids in total, respectively, we cast on the knitting needles 120 loops + 2 edge loops = 122 loops.

When knitting the fabric, we remove the first edge without knitting, we knit the last edge with the front one.

1st and 3rd rows: knit all stitches.

2nd and 4th rows: purl all stitches.

5th row: In this row we overlap the braid to the left. We remove 10 loops on an additional knitting needle, leaving before work. Knit the next 10 stitches, then knit 10 stitches from the additional needle and knit another 10 stitches from the main needle. We got a braid of 30 loops. Next, we continue to knit 3 more braids in the same way as we knitted the first.

6th, 8th and 10th rows: purl all stitches

7th and 9th rows: all front rows

11 row: Overlap the braid to the right. We knit 10 loops with facial loops, remove 10 loops on an additional knitting needle, leave at work, knit the next 10 stitches and knit 10 stitches with extra stitches. knitting needles Knit this way 3 more times.

Next, we knit 5 rows again according to the pattern: in the purl rows there are purl loops, in the front rows there are facial loops. Then we overlap the braid to the left as in the 5th row, again 5 rows according to the pattern and overlap the braid to the right as in the 11th row.

We knit a snood 60 cm high, close the loops and connect with a knitted seam. That's it, our snood is ready. Very easy to knit, but looks amazingly impressive.

A few photos from the snood knitting process:

Photo of knitting a snood from the wrong side. He's gorgeous from every angle!)