Why is the ring on the ring finger of the right hand. Signs about wedding rings. Ancient "language of rings" - Ancient Greece

Rings on the hands today will not surprise anyone. However, not everyone knows what meaning this jewelry carries on a certain finger. So, in more detail. What, for example, does the ring on the left hand mean on Is there any particular influence?

The ring on the left hand on the ring finger is a common phenomenon. Decoration or badge?

Today, the ring on the left hand on the ring finger is found all the time. This is one of the most "popular" places for such decoration. Although usually a person does not think about which finger to decorate with a ring. Nevertheless, most often it turns out to be the nameless one. By the way, this is not just a decoration. It is the ring on the left hand on the ring finger of a person that can enhance certain traits of his character.

Key Features

Consider carefully all aspects. The ring on the left hand on the ring finger is a sign that a person lacks happiness. Accordingly, he tries to call him. The ring finger of the left hand is directly associated with luck, success and creativity.

By the way, about creativity. It is these abilities that become much stronger thanks to such a ring. They get extra power. If a person wears several rings on the ring finger at once, this indicates that the above qualities are clearly not enough. That is, there is a strong desire to strengthen them.

As an example, you can pay attention to Vladimir Kuzmin. The ring, he said, gave him a clear creative potential. It helped him draw creative qualities from outside. Although outwardly he looked like a man who had them in abundance. You can also remember about Vladimir Vinokur. His creative potential is enormous, but it is quite unstable.

Family status?

But still it is worth mentioning the most important point. To wear a ring on the ring finger of the left hand means to talk about one's own. In Russia, as a rule, it is unfavorable. In this case, it testifies to marriage only among Catholics. This custom appeared for the first time among the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the so-called "artery of love" came from the ring finger, leading to the heart. The Egyptians made rings from various metals, ceramics and glass. It was only in the times of Ancient Rome that a tradition arose to give spouses bronze or iron jewelry as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. In the 3rd century, the gold rings familiar to us also appeared.

Not necessary…

However, do not focus on family relationships. The meaning of the ring on the ring finger of the left hand is not necessarily associated with marriage. This decoration is simply able to emphasize the passion for luxury, beauty and exquisite things. In addition, it is a pledge of heart connection, self-expression, wealth and celebrity.

If a person wears a ring on this finger regularly, then he longs for pleasure, good time, sensual pleasures. At the same time, he is a tireless romantic. If on a date with your chosen one you see a ring on this finger, do not doubt that he is positive, has good intentions and serious plans.

A small decoration testifies to the calmness of a person, his self-confidence. A large and bright accessory speaks of the stormy, and even a little hysterical behavior of its owner. An engagement ring speaks of a familiar state for its owner.

At home, many people do not wear rings. The sign of "freedom" (the position "divorced"), as a rule, is advertised only in public. Although it all depends on the state of mind of the man or woman who wears the ring.

But still…

But still, the heart is the most important “thread”. Therefore, in most countries of the world, a wedding ring is worn on this finger. On the right are positive emotions. Well, a ring on the ring finger of the left hand means parting with a loved one. Sad but true.

In principle, the ring on the ring finger in most countries is associated with marriage. In the USA, on the right hand is an engagement, on the left is a wedding. As a rule, people choose silver or gold rings. Although jewelry with large stones is also welcome. They are not always associated with marriage, but they look very beautiful. Especially if you decorated them with engraving.

"Finger of the Moon"

A wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is associated not only with creativity and beauty, but also with such a celestial body as the Moon. Accordingly, and with romantic relationships.

The metal of the moon is silver. Therefore, the ring, as a rule, is chosen for the ring finger in silver. Except for the engagement. Most often, these rings are made of gold. However, once again it is worth noting that it is put on the left hand after a divorce. If the ring is selected specifically for her, often people turn their attention to jewelry with stones: jade, amethyst, turquoise.

In most cases…

So, the left hand is the ring finger. The ring means in most cases that its owner has been married for some time, but the union is currently terminated. As already mentioned, it is generally accepted that this custom comes from the belief of the ancient Egyptians that the blood from here goes straight to the heart. Engagement rings are also worn on the left hand. Such an ornament suggests that its owner is just about to get married. In addition, the “promise ring” is also worn on the ring finger of the left hand. In general, in any case, one way or another, he is connected with matters of the heart. Some young people also wear the so-called purity (chastity) ring on this finger.

A wedding ring on the left hand is worn in Cuba, the USA, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Japan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Sweden, Croatia, Slovenia, Ireland, Great Britain, Italy, France. In Russia, Poland, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Chile, Kazakhstan, India, Georgia, Norway, Greece, Austria, Spain, Germany, it moves there after a divorce. On the left hand, two wedding rings are worn by widowers and widows (their own and their spouse).

However, this is just a tradition. Much depends on the personal preferences of the person. There is an anecdote on this subject:

Girl, why are you wearing the ring on the wrong hand?
Because she married the wrong person!

Therefore, the ring can also say absolutely nothing. Whether it means something to a person or not depends on many factors.

be careful

In a word, wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand is most often associated with the marital status of its owner. Moreover, the values ​​can be completely contradictory. In some countries, wedding rings are worn on the left hand. In some, they put them on there after a divorce or the death of a spouse. Someone prefers to wear engagement rings on the ring finger of the left hand. This indicates that a person subconsciously wants to change his marital status as soon as possible. Romantic and dreamy natures are easily recognized by these adornments.

However, many consider wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand not the best idea. First of all, this is a well-known sign of a widower or divorced person. Nevertheless, it is not at all necessary to regard the ring from the side of family relationships. Rings are worn on the yin-yang finger by creative and resourceful people. This suggests that the owner of the jewelry easily solves all his problems. The owners of the rings on the yang fingers prefer to teach others and show how they can creatively use their skills in various situations.

Thus, this accessory is not just a decoration. Many people associate certain life moments with the ring on the left hand. This is a symbol of creativity or marital status - everyone decides for himself. A lot also depends on the metal from which the ring is made. The presence of a precious stone or its absence also affects the symbolism. The choice is great. And everyone decides for himself whether or not to wear one of these decorations and how it will be.

There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbolism of rings and fingers, you can learn a lot about their owners. Of course, there is no specific set of rules, and jewelry can be worn as you like. But some nuances are still known to people. The fingers of the left hand, including the ring finger, reflect the psychological side of the human personality, speak of his beliefs and character.

Do not forget only a few important points when choosing rings. If you want to add elegance to your hand, turn your attention to models with elongated oval stones. If you are the owner of a small stature or too thin fingers, you should not buy very wide rings. Thin jewelry looks much better on a girl's hand than massive rings. If you choose a ring for everyday wear, consider that large gemstones will be superfluous during the daytime. In general, consider these nuances, and - the choice is yours!

A variety of modern jewelry can satisfy all the wishes of customers. It remains only to decide on the choice of model. Be careful also if you plan to present such a gift. With the choice of accessories, you need to be very careful, to know many little things: taste, preferences, size. Therefore, as a rule, you need to know well the one you want to bestow, so as not to make a mistake. However, for a loved one, such a present will definitely become something expensive and special!

Wedding rings in ancient Egypt

The Egyptians firmly connected the ring finger of the left hand with the heart. And it is no coincidence. It is known that in those days there was a custom to make bodies after death. As it turned out, a thin nerve ran from the ring finger of the left hand to the very heart. Wedding rings were worn on the finger, which is directly connected to the heart.

Wedding rings in Russia

In Russia, it has long been customary to wear it on the ring finger of the right hand. It is traditionally believed that a guardian angel stands behind a person’s right shoulder, and by putting a ring on their right hand, the spouses enlist the support of higher powers that help them in their future family life.

A parable explaining the tradition of wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger

This parable clearly shows why rings should be worn on the ring finger.

The thumbs denote parents, the index fingers denote brothers and sisters, the middle fingers are the person himself, the ring fingers are the spouse, and the little fingers are.

It is necessary to fold the palms so that the middle fingers are bent and touching each other with the outer sides. The remaining four pairs of fingers should touch the pads. Now you need to try to simultaneously tear off two fingers from each other.

It's easy to tear your thumbs apart. This happened because parents often leave the other world before their children. This gap symbolizes that sooner or later parents will leave their children forever. Sad but inevitable.

The index fingers are also easy to tear apart. Even the most loving brothers and sisters cannot be together all the time. Over time, they have their own families and children are born.

Little fingers, symbolizing children, are also easy to tear apart. Children grow up and begin to live their own lives. This is also inevitable.

Only now the ring fingers cannot be torn apart, no matter how hard you try. Only husband and wife will touch each other all their earthly life, because true love lasts forever.

Centuries pass, but wedding rings invariably remain an indispensable wedding attribute. They have powerful energy and can become a reliable talisman for their owners, protecting them from misfortune.

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Advice 2: Why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger

Wedding rings are the most common symbol of marriage and have been a symbol for thousands of years. I wonder why rings, and not other jewelry, are so strongly associated in people with strong and reliable bonds of marriage? And why are these rings worn on the ring fingers?

Why rings?

The simplest explanation is also the most complete. The ideal and perfect shape of the rings symbolizes infinity, immutability. If we talk about the sphere of emotions, a simple smooth ring takes on a global meaning, becomes a symbol of fidelity and love, solidarity and community in relationships.

It is believed that the first marriage rings appeared among the ancient Egyptians. They made these rings of gold to exchange them when entering into marriage. The Egyptians took special strips of metal, gave them the desired shape, then the bride and groom put them on each other's middle fingers of their left hands, these fingers were considered to be connected directly with the heart. That is why Eastern peoples wear rings after the wedding on their middle fingers.

European traditions

Europeans traditionally wear wedding rings on their ring fingers. It's all about the belief, according to which it is this finger that acquires miraculous power, thanks to the ring. The Greeks and Romans used the nameless one for rubbing healing potions into the skin. European legends say that with a wedding ring he could heal various ailments.

The ancient Greeks, who undoubtedly influenced the formation of modern Western civilization, wore rings on their ring fingers to show the world that their hearts were busy. They developed a whole system of signs. The ring on the index finger said that the person was looking for a lover, the ring on the little finger opposite spoke of unwillingness and unwillingness to marry, and the ring worn on the middle finger claimed that the owner was a real "playboy". The Greeks were the first to have a ring finger and a heart, that is, love. The fact is that in the process of anatomical studies, it was found out that a certain thin nerve goes from the ring finger to the heart, which connects them together.

Other matters

Christians adopted this tradition. In the ninth century, texts from the Bible began to be engraved on wedding rings, which directly connected the rings with the wedding ritual.

Esotericists believe that wedding rings work as limiters of energy currents. Since from an energetic point of view, the heart and the ring finger are directly connected, when the bride and groom give each other wedding rings, they thus seal the hearts, close them to other heart attachments.

Wedding rings are considered a symbol of eternal love, fidelity and matrimony. Few people know why an engagement ring is worn on the ring finger. There are several versions of the origin of this tradition.

From the history

Plutarch wrote that in Egypt it was customary to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand because it was closer to the heart. This finger was associated with the heart for a reason. The Egyptians knew human anatomy very well, since at that time there was a custom to open the body of a person after death. As it turned out, it was from the ring finger on the left hand that a thin nerve ran to the very heart. That is why wedding rings began to be worn on the finger that leads to the heart.

In Russia, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand. It is believed that a guardian angel stands behind the right shoulder, therefore, by putting a wedding ring on the finger of the right hand, the newlyweds enlist the support of higher powers.

There is a parable explaining the wearing of a wedding ring on the ring finger.

The parable of the ring finger

The thumb stands for parents. The index finger is brothers and sisters, the middle one is yourself, the little finger is your children, and the ring finger is your spouse.

Place your palms together. Bend the middle fingers and connect them, and the remaining fingers of both hands should touch only with pads.

  • Try to tear your thumbs apart. Happened? This suggests that sooner or later our parents will leave us.
  • Next, try to tear your index fingers apart. Happened? This happened because your brothers and sisters will have families for which they will leave their parental home.
  • Now tear off the pads of the little fingers. Happened? This happened because sooner or later the children will leave you - they will start their own families.
  • Now open your ring fingers. It is either impossible to separate these fingers, or it is very difficult without tearing off the rest of the fingers from each other. And all because the ring finger symbolizes a partner with whom you will always go through life, touching in everything.

Wedding rings are a symbol of love and marriage. It can become a talisman of your love and family. It all depends on what meaning you put into it. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.03.2015 09:26

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Wedding rings are not only a symbol of love and fidelity, but are also talismans for a young woman.

Many rules are associated with wearing rings. Remembering the symbolism, you can find out some information about the owner of the jewelry. For this reason, when buying a jewelry accessory, the question always arises, which finger should be worn on it, and what will it matter.

On which finger is a wedding ring worn?

In different countries, the newlyweds wear the fidelity symbol in their own way, which depends on local traditions. For the Orthodox, the right hand is of great importance, because they are baptized with it, so believers put the betrothal on it. In Catholic countries, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand because it is closer to the heart. Basically, ring fingers are chosen for such. However, Jews wear wedding rings on their index fingers, since this is the most prominent place, which corresponds to the designation of the position and purity of the bride.

In Russia

Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians and Belarusians profess Orthodoxy, therefore married men and women wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand. Rules:

  1. According to the canons of the church, the right limb, with which a person is baptized, eats, shakes hands, is associated with honesty, and the left limb is associated with deceit.
  2. According to legend, a person has an angel behind his right shoulder, and a devil behind his left. The first always protects a person, therefore, he will also protect his union.
  3. It is not recommended to remove wedding accessories in Orthodoxy, and losing it is a bad omen.


In Islam, it is strictly forbidden for men to wear gold jewelry. As for wedding rings, it is allowed to purchase, but silver. Although wearing them after the wedding is a Christian tradition, and Islam prohibits imitating non-believers, some spouses believe that there is nothing reprehensible in this. The only thing that Muslim men cannot do is to wear a wedding ring on the middle or index finger. This prohibition does not apply to women.


In many religions, it is believed that after the death of a partner, the marriage ends. However, some wives, after the death of their husband, continue to wear an engagement ring as a sign of fidelity. Basically, widows do not think about which finger the ring is on, and leave it on their right hand. Some women, after the death of their spouse, wear two symbols of fidelity at once - their own and their husband's on different hands. According to tradition, widows must wear a wedding accessory on their left hand, but no one has the right to indicate them. It is up to the woman to decide whether to leave the engagement ring or remove it altogether after the death of her husband.


Most divorced people do not wear wedding rings at all, so that they do not remind of past sad experiences. If the sacred symbol is encrusted with precious stones, for example, with diamonds or pearls, then often wearing rings on the fingers turns into a preference for simple jewelry. In this case, a female or male ring is put on the left hand if it happens in Orthodox countries. In Catholic America and some Western countries, divorced people wear their wedding bands on their right hand.

On which finger is an engagement ring worn?

Recently, engagement has become very popular among young people. The tradition of proposing and putting a ring on an unmarried girl's finger came to us from Western countries. Guys do not always know what size of jewelry his chosen one has, so the question of which finger to wear an engagement ring on often remains open. Most likely, the girl will put it on the finger that fits. According to tradition, the engagement ring is the predecessor of the engagement ring, so it should be worn on the same finger.

"Bless and save"

Such a ring is a symbol of protection and faith among Christians. It is believed that such decoration protects the wearer from illness and misfortune. The words "save and save" have a strong energy. This is a message to the Almighty, which not only strengthens faith, but also admonishes the owner not to commit sins. A silver or gold ring Save and Save is worn on any finger, but some recommendations exist. In Orthodoxy, they are baptized with three fingers when the middle, index, thumb are folded together, so they are considered the best for wearing powerful protection.

On which finger do men wear a signet?

A signet is the same ring, but encrusted with engraved monograms and precious stones. According to the rules, earlier the decoration was worn on the little finger of the left hand. Today there are no restrictions. Men no longer have the question of which finger to wear a ring on - they themselves choose whichever is more convenient. However, psychologists by this choice easily determine the temperament of the carrier. In their opinion, a signet on a man's finger means:

  • the little finger or finger of Mercury - creative personalities;
  • the ring finger of the Sun - lovers;
  • the middle finger of Saturn - narcissists;
  • the thumb of Mars - men with increased sexuality;
  • forefinger or finger of Jupiter - resolute and courageous.


In the 70s of the last century, wearing a pinky ring by a man was a sign of belonging to the gay community. If the decoration is on the left hand, then the guy is free or active, and if on the right, it means he is busy. Now jewelry is worn by men, not paying attention to these outdated traditions. Many people know the meanings of rings on their fingers and what they are called, so they put them on based on Chinese philosophy or to influence biologically active points in order to maintain the energy balance of the body.

Thumb ring

On the finger of Mars, active and emotional men like to wear accessories. Hot-tempered and aggressive, they subconsciously want to make their nature more harmonious. The ring on the thumb of a man helps to establish relationships with others and himself, to find an intuitive approach. Psychologists say that the decoration indicates a desire to assert oneself, to take the first position in the sexual field. The meaning of the rings on the fingers of women is exactly the same.

On the little finger

The finger of Mercury is considered the protector of politicians, speakers, doctors and diplomats, so the ring on the little finger of the right hand will bring good luck to those people who need such qualities as the ability to speak beautifully, dexterity of hands and flexibility of mind. The owner of a ring on the little finger, especially with amethyst or turquoise, can get along with any person. The ringed little finger of a woman indicates that the lady is flirtatious, narcissistic, ready to flirt. A man with such an adornment has sneakiness, is ready for betrayal and adventurous adventures.

On the index finger

Jewelry on the index fingers can often be found in portraits of emperors and rulers. This speaks of a proud character, independence and the ability to manage people. The ring on the index finger in the form of a crown speaks of a strong-willed, strong personality. Wearing jewelry with a ruby, aquamarine or jade on the right hand speaks of a reasonable person striving for positive thinking. On the left - about the owner's tendency to tantrums, narcissism, arrogance.

On the middle finger

People with a strong personality, confident in their superiority, strive to decorate the finger of Saturn with a ring. Large, inherited jewelry is often worn on this finger to attract the protection of deceased relatives. The ring on the middle finger of the left hand helps a person not only to establish contact with relatives, but also to believe in his destiny, to cope with any difficulties. Losers are advised to wear jewelry on this finger to attract the location of fate.

On the ring finger

In addition to wedding or wedding (church) jewelry, the ring on the ring finger of the Sun is worn by both married and unmarried people. For example, Catholics wear wedding rings on the left hand, and wear jewelry on the right hand. Not a family man tries to emphasize his love of art and luxury. As a rule, these are singers, artists, actors. The owner of such an accessory is a sensual, loving nature, which is always ready to have a good time. Esotericists recommend wearing jewelry on the finger of the Sun to people who want to increase their wealth.


Everyone knows that the most important symbol in marriage are wedding rings. The question immediately arises: why not some other precious object, such as a bracelet or earrings?

The explanation is quite simple and lies in the fact that the rings are presented in the form of a closed strip of metal, symbolizing stability, immutability, eternity and infinity. Thus, the ring is considered a symbol of fidelity and eternal love, which guarantees cohesion in relationships, the ability to support each other in difficult times, as well as such a quality as constancy. Today, this symbol no longer has the same power as before. Although all the newlyweds swear and believe that they will find immense happiness.

But still, the question certainly arises: why exactly is the ring finger the place where wedding rings are worn?

According to legend, the first rings appeared among the Egyptians, who made them of gold for exchange during marriage. To do this, they took a strip of gold, gave it a round shape, which symbolizes fidelity and love. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt put rings on the middle finger of the left hand, believing that it was he who was the connecting thread of the vein and the heart, thereby symbolizing love. Thus, Eastern peoples traditionally wear a wedding ring on the middle finger.

Residents of European countries are used to wearing a wedding ring on their right hand, namely on the ring finger. There is a belief that he has miraculous powers, thanks to the ring. Speaking of the Egyptians, the ancient Greeks and Romans, it was this finger that they used to rub in healing ointments. According to legend, the finger that wore the wedding ring could heal from illness.

There is also another legend according to which we owe to the ancient Hellenes that they wore a ring on the ring finger, talking about the employment of a person's heart. It was they who tied together the ring and love. If a person wore a ring on his index finger, then he was in active search. The presence of a ring on the little finger spoke of the unwillingness to marry. The presence of a ring on the middle finger testified to the unprecedented victories of its owner on the love front.

The act of Christians was wise enough, consisting in the legality of wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand, associating it with church ritual. Since the 9th century, the Pope has blessed the engraving of the church text on the ring. But this was characteristic only of Catholics, since the Orthodox were accustomed to wear them on their right hand, while the ring finger of the left hand was for divorced people.

So, in history there are many options for wearing a wedding ring, which is a symbol of the bonds of marriage. And it does not matter where this symbol of love and fidelity is worn. The main thing is that everything in life goes well for a married couple. In a word, to have advice and love in their lives.