Wedding hairstyle with curls for long hair. Wedding hairstyles with curls

The image of the bride consists of the interaction of several elements - dress, accessories, makeup and, of course, hair. That is why, many stylists believe that the wedding hairstyle is a fundamental component, the importance of which cannot be underestimated. The most chic wedding dress will look doubly attractive if you give Special attention hairstyle for the occasion. The selected image should be combined with the overall theme of the wedding, as well as in harmony with the dress and individual characteristics appearance of the bride. Each girl is unique, which is why it is worth taking care of the right hairstyle in the right salon with the right master in advance. It's not easy!

Photo: Lauren Kinsey Fine Art Wedding Photography

Traditionally, the wedding hairstyle is associated with long hair. Accordingly, most of the styling and hairstyles are designed specifically for such brides. However, the fashion for naturalness does not go away, which affects preferences and tastes. So, for example, powerful volumetric designs that were in trend a few years ago, replete with varnish, sparkles and other “glamorous” decorative elements remained in the past, and they are being replaced by alternative more natural options , which are distinguished by their practicality and convenience, while emphasizing natural beauty and shade of hair.

The most popular are braids various shapes and length, with or without embellishments, and classic wedding hairstyles. Loose hair with a straight or side parting are also allowed, however, in this case, it is advisable to conduct an intensive course of restorative procedures shortly before the wedding day in order to bring them into ideal condition, add beauty and health. Hair styled in a side parting will look great with a braid, adding elegance and naivety to the image.

french braids look especially relevant when we are talking about the wedding. They can be both “normal” and “vice versa”. Exist various techniques weaving depending on the wishes of the bride and the structure of the hair. The use of light decorative elements will create a highlight of the image, while not weighing it down. Hair gathered at the back of the head will look great with long earrings style matching the dress.

Photo: Jose Villa Photography vía Style me pretty

Straight hair differ in that from them you can create almost any image. That is why, in the new season will remain relevant waves and curls. This hairstyle will add volume and romance - perfect option combined with lace wedding dress! At the same time, owners of straight hair are not recommended small curls due to the fact that, initially, this image is quite specific and is not suitable for everyone, and also does not differ in practicality. This hairstyle won't last long, and we're looking for the exact opposite, right?

In an era of practicality and convenience, the most bold fashionistas prefer "modern" hairstyles, where individual strands can go asymmetrically, with minimal use of varnish, and in some cases - with light effect negligence. Combined with the right dress and appearance brides, even such a radical option will look "excellent".

If you are an adherent of minimalism and prefer short hair , there are many options created just for you! The main trends of the new season 2015 - bob and kare, various bundles in combination with curls and pixie haircut. To create additional volume, you can use fresh flowers or purchase additional overhead strands.

Greek style represented primarily by tiaras, which may be part of the hairstyle, or may be a separate integral part. They can be made of flowers, multi-colored ribbons or metals.

Photo: Carmen Santorelli Studio

Fashion on vintage returns. Surprisingly, the fact is that vintage is almost always in fashion! This style is distinguished by the fact that it looks modern and stylish, and suits girls with absolutely different types appearance. Vintage (from French. " good quality») – perfect combination simplicity and elegance. hairstyle in this style will look great on straight hair of medium length.

Photo: The Wedding Artist's Collective

Retro style. Classic hairstyles visually lengthen the neck and expose the shoulders - one of the symbols female beauty. Hairstyles from the 60s will be especially popular in the new season 2015. The fundamental element in creating this look is bouffant, and use headband will add extra charm.

Creating the image of a bride is a special ritual or even a sacrament that should be given special attention. The image should be bright and memorable, but at the same time, tender and romantic. In this matter, you need to trust professionals, masters of their craft, who, like magicians, must turn any bride into a princess, hairstyle and which would be kept throughout the celebration!

Date: 09.09.13 / 18:06

wedding hairstyles Wavy hair

A head of wavy, sun-shimmering hair looks great, but in order for naturally curly hair to become well-groomed natural look, it is necessary to carefully monitor their condition and styling. Wavy hair requires styling products, combs with an antistatic effect, and it is best to dry them with a towel, gently blotting, or with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle.

The image of a bride with curls can be both innocent and gentle, and boyishly hooligan.

Accessories for wedding hairstyles for wavy hair

For ethnic style headbands and headbands are suitable, which will smooth the unruly mop of wavy hair. Headbands, threads of beads, tiaras and ribbons that act as a bandage will look good. For braids and weaves, I will approach decorations from flowers, both single and wreaths. The essential companions of most hairstyles are hairpins, invisibles, small clips and hair ties.

Braids and weaves

Braids due to the natural volume of hair will look voluminous and lush. Strands deliberately released from the hairstyle will look very concise. For blonde hair the number of braids and curls can be increased, and for dark ones it is better to choose one large braid with a ribbon or beads.

Braids twisted into a low bun

  1. we apply mousse on wavy hair and divide it into partings, highlighting the central wide part and two side parts, and one side part should be larger than the other;
  2. we remove the side parts under the clamps so that they do not interfere and work with the center;
  3. near the forehead we separate a strand of hair, divide it into three parts and weave a French braid;
  4. from the side where more hair, divide the strand in half and twist each into a tourniquet, fix it with clamps;
  5. on the opposite side weave a fishtail braid;
  6. we collect all the braids into a “bun”, twisting the braids together, pinning them with hairpins and decorating with ribbon, flowers or a comb. A veil goes well with this hairstyle.
200 wedding hairstyles!

Gorgeous bridesmaid dress bridal bouquet, flawless makeup and manicure - all these are the invariable attributes of the bride. But there is one more important point in the appearance of the bride - this is her hairstyle.

Wedding hairstyles for long hair

Owners of long hair, of course, will have to think carefully about which hairstyle to choose, as there are many excellent options for them. wedding styling. We offer you photos of the 100 most successful wedding hairstyles on long hair.

There are several basic rules which you need to consider when choosing a wedding styling for long hair. Let's discuss them.

Choosing a hairdresser who will create a wedding hairstyle for long hair

wedding hair is not everyday styling, which can be hastily do it in the first salon you come across.

Your mood at the wedding depends on the quality of hair styling and do not forget that it is with this hairstyle that you will capture the happy moment of the wedding in a photo and video that you will review more than once throughout your life.

Therefore, the choice of a master must be approached with all seriousness, it is desirable that the master be your friend, who knows your addictions in hair and understands what you need from a half-word.

Before choosing a hairstyle, it does not hurt to “try on” it for yourself, that is, to make a test. Suddenly, a hairstyle that looks good in the photo does not suit you at all, then it will be time to choose a replacement for it.

Wedding hairstyles for long hair

Is your wedding coming soon? Become real princess these hairstyles will help you. Choose the option that suits your dress, type and length of hair.

Seductive curls

Wrap your hair in curlers, let dry. Lay the strands in waves as you wish, fix with a spray. Decorate your hair with flowers or hair rhinestones.

fabulous splendor

Roll your hair into large curlers, dry. Make a parting, comb the strands at the back of the head, smooth and lay in two tails. Decorate your hair with festive accessories. Don't forget the varnish!

Spectacular pleating

Very feminine topical; straight roots and crimped strands: Style the hair to the level of the eyebrows, using a flat iron with a corrugated nozzle. This hairstyle is especially ideal for a stepped haircut.

Gentle and sensual

Is your hair thin and lacking volume? No problem! Apply mousse to dried hair, wind strand by strand on a curling iron. Attach the roller to the top of your head, carefully style your hair and secure with hairpins.

As easy as pie

Very easy to create hairstyle The hair is curled on a curling iron, lightly whipped and pinned up on the sides. Create for real festive image accessories will help: diadem, mesh with pearls, decorative hairpins.

short talk

Does it look like long, elegantly styled hair? Not at all! Wedding hairstyle for owners of a page haircut. Lay the main part of the hair in waves, beat the crown intensively. Straight bangs with a hairdryer and a brush. Fix with varnish.

Classics of the genre

Do ponytail, secure with an elastic band. Divide it into several strands and curl with a curling iron. Make an intense pile, tuck the ends inward and secure with hairpins. Leave the bangs smooth.

Perfect smoothness

On wet hair apply a thermal protection agent, treat with a straightener. Gather into a tight knot at the back of the head. Complete the look with a feather hairpin.


Treat your hair with a straightener, separate a wide strand of bangs. At the back of the head, gather the strands into a knot, secure with hairpins. Lay the bangs with curling irons.

Tail in a new way

Apply mousse to dried hair, process the strands with an iron with a corrugated nozzle and collect in a ponytail. Secure the end of the tail with a clip to make a ring. A shiny decorative hair clip completes the look.

Wedding hairstyles for long curly hair

Curly long hair is a hard case even for experienced craftsman, but what are the results!

This hair is beautiful on its own., and with skillful styling, they look simply stunning. There are many hairstyles for curly hair, here are some of them:

  • even, one to one, curls fall on the shoulders. A flower, a hairpin with a veil or a diadem serve as decoration;
  • a flower from curls at the crown, you can release a few strands and decorate with hairpins with beads or flowers.

Do not burden your hair with bulky jewelry. By its structure, curly long hair is already an adornment of the head, and large accessories will be redundant.

The most important thing in wedding hairstyle- This healthy look hair, if the hair looks painful and weakened, you need to take care of it well in advance of the wedding so that your hair looks flawless at the solemn event.

Wedding hairstyles for long curly hair - photo

Wedding hairstyles for straight long hair

There will be no problems with such hair, except for choosing a hairstyle, since there are a great many of them for this type of hair.

  • Classic variant. Smooth curls, adorned with an elegant diadem;

  • Any updo, decorated with hairpins, hairpins, diadem;

All hairstyles are made by our stylists

Straight long hair is ideal for creating many options for wedding styling, but even if in Everyday life You prefer short haircut, False or extended hair can come to your aid.

If the curls are long, healthy and beautifully shining in sunlight or electric light, there is nothing better than a hairstyle with loose hair, decorated with various decorative elements. This style does not always look good with a veil, so if you want to see this traditional wedding attribute in your hairstyle, be very careful when choosing an image.

The classic version of the solemn image with straight hair is hair raised to the crown with falling strands, completely or partially pinned up from above. This hairstyle leaves the neck open, which looks very romantic and touching, but at the same time sexy. This combination of sexuality and romance is sure to drive your fiancé crazy.

The advantage of straight hair is that with additional smoothing with an iron, you can achieve just the perfect shine and smoothness.

Recommended for young brides various options weaving. Modern haircuts With different pigtails and weaves look very beautiful and original. It is good to decorate such a hairstyle with fresh or artificial flowers.

Very common and looks great complex styling from raised up, intertwined hair, made on the basis of a "shell". It consists, as a rule, of many curls and strands, decorated with decorative elements, flowers, hairpins, pearls. Such an image requires interesting dress, complex cut, with flounces or lace.