Leaf Applications: Step-by-step instructions for making original and simple crafts using various techniques. Crafts from leaves on the theme of autumn for kindergarten

Autumn is a great time for needlework. Parents can collect natural materials together with their children, so that later they can easily make an application in a kindergarten or school. Autumn leaves, when properly harvested, are very convenient to work with. From them you can create simple and complex compositions that will turn into plots from your favorite fairy tales. In this article, you will learn how to make applications autumn leaves .

Applications from autumn leaves for children in kindergarten

If this is the first time you and your child have decided to make crafts from autumn leaves, start with simple compositions. To make it easier, put a picture with some kind of image in front of the child, which will be a template for the application.

Do not rush to do everything yourself. Let the child try to determine from which leaves it will turn out similar picture. This approach will help even toddlers to show Creative skills. If suddenly something doesn’t work out for your children, then help pick up suitable leaves so that the finished picture turns out beautiful and neat.

Materials for a simple application:

- colorful leaves;

- thick A4 sheet or cardboard;

- brushes;

- sample picture.

When walking with a child, collect leaves different color and shapes, as well as other natural materials. Everything that you find, carefully clean from dust, dirt and seeds, and then dry it. If you want to make a simple application, then you will need even and dry leaves. To do this, put them under the press or in a book. You can use the prepared material after a couple of days. After that, cut out suitable parts and lay them out according to the template on a piece of paper or cardboard.

Now you can glue the parts one by one. First make the background and glue the bottom layers, then proceed to decorate the appliqué. For example, if you want to make a bird, then first of all glue the leaves for the body and head, and on top you can already glue the wings and tail. seeds different colors help to diversify the application. If finished picture there are not enough eyes or a nose, draw these parts with a marker.

Animals from autumn leaves

It is not necessary to repeat the image from some picture. Together with the child, you can come up with some kind of plot and create original application. You can play associations by laying out the leaves on the table and collecting some animals or autumn landscapes from them.

To find out what else you can make animals from, read: Lumigurumi from rubber bands

Same as for simple applications from autumn leaves, you will need prepared natural materials, landscape sheet and glue. Ask your children what the leaves look like and then ask them to complete the picture on the sheet and fill it with blanks.

You can make applications of a variety of animals, while they will look beautiful in some kind of plot, for example, birds sitting on branches or hedgehogs in autumn forest. Doesn't have to be completely plot application only from leaves, you can finish the picture with felt-tip pens. Use also colored paper and cardboard, then your applications will be fun and original.

Beautiful applications from autumn leaves

In order for the application of autumn leaves to turn out beautiful and original, you will have to prepare the leaves not only different sizes, but also different different shapes. In this case, it is best to use wet leaves, not dry ones, as they will be more convenient to work with. In order for the leaves to be even, they still have to be put under the press for at least one day.

After that, come up with a picture that you will fill in. It can be an abstraction or a real picture. To make the application look original, you can cut the edges of the paper curly scissors. The craft will look like a real picture if you make a frame out of cardboard or paper. Now stick the leaves and wait complete drying paintings. Application of autumn leaves is ready.

Now you yourself have seen how beautiful and original can be autumn leaf appliqués made by hand. Use our ideas for leisure activities for the whole family.

Application "Autumn"- favorite hobby schoolchildren and preschool children, during which the children learn to work with various materials, starting from paper and ending with various grains and seeds collected in nature, and also master various techniques and techniques for working with them. As a result of this creative process children develop a correct understanding of natural changes, replenished lexicon. In the process of doing crafts, the guys learn to work not only on their own, but also in a group of several people, for example, three people can take part in the creation at once, each of whom will have his own task.

Lesson: application "Autumn"

The very first creative lesson "Autumn application" waiting for children in junior group kindergarten, where they only get acquainted with the simplest methods of working with paper.

First, children must be prepared for the creative process: while walking with children on the playground, it is necessary to draw their attention not to what changes in nature occur with the advent of the first autumn months. Kids can be asked a question about what the color of the leaves was in the summer and what it has become now. Draw their attention to the fact that every day the leaves fall to the ground and soon the trees will remain completely bare, until, with the advent of spring, small green leaves begin to appear on them again. The teacher must explain that such changes occur in nature every year, and each season has its own "unusualities", which are reflected in fairy tales and stories of writers, in children's songs, riddles and paintings.

When you and your children return to the group, before the actual creative occupation, you need to show them famous paintings, where it would be displayed autumn theme, turn on children's songs and be sure to solve a few simple riddles with the kids.

In the younger group, the creative lesson should take place in game form, because kids do not like to sit in one place for a long time, they want to constantly be in motion. And only after the developmental game, the teacher can invite the children to take their place at the table and start doing applications on the theme of autumn for kindergarten.

During the lesson, the kids will acquire the first skills in composing a composition, because they will have to independently (and if necessary, with the tips of the educator) lay out leaflets of various shapes on a paper basis, and then carefully glue them. Perhaps for the child this will be the first experience with glue, so first the teacher must show which side to coat the paper form with glue, how to apply it to the base and how long to wait for it to stick.

During the lesson, the child will get an idea of ​​​​what colors represent October - work will be carried out with yellow, red, orange.

Since the children of the younger group do the most, the teacher must prepare for them all the necessary material on their own, make paper blanks so that in the lesson the child only needs to arrange and glue them correctly.

Application: abstract "Autumn"

With a well-planned lesson plan "Application", abstract "Autumn" must be prepared in advance so that everyone is prepared for the lesson necessary materials and additional things for visual presentation, the child will get a complete picture of such natural phenomenon like "falling leaves", his vocabulary will be replenished with new words. As we have said, in the younger group, the child will develop a sense of composition, color and shape. During the creative process, the baby will become more assiduous, take the initiative, learn to work with materials and tools on their own.

To make the first beautiful paper application "Autumn", templates the teacher must prepare in advance. For each child, you need to prepare a piece of paper with a “tree trunk” cut out of brown paper pasted on top. You should also prepare paper sheets, five pieces will be enough for the first lesson, they must also be cut out of paper, but using different autumn colors - gold, red, yellow, and it is also desirable to complete all five blanks of different shapes. This set should be distributed to the children along with glue and a brush.

Now you can proceed directly to compiling the composition: the task of the children is to place the leaves on the base so that it feels like they are falling from a tree. First, the kids should arrange the leaves on the base, and the teacher should evaluate their work and delicately point out mistakes. After that, the next crucial moment comes - gluing, during which the teacher must ensure that the children correctly hold the brush in their hands and coat the workpieces with glue.

Finished works must be hung in a prominent place in the group so that parents can appreciate the efforts of their children in the kindergarten, so that children's application "Autumn" has become one of the main ways to spend time at home on the weekends.

Children's application "Autumn"

Application from colored paper on the theme of autumn- a creative task for children in the middle group to systematize their knowledge of various autumn signs, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal natural changes.

During the lesson, the kids will have to determine which leaves have fallen from which trees, thus their vocabulary will be replenished, but first they must be cognitive activity about what trees are popular in your area, what trees grow in the park or in the yard of the kindergarten, so that each example is visual.

During the walk, it is important to draw the attention of preschoolers to the fact that some trees remain green in autumn and winter. And in the group, you can take time to solve thematic children's riddles about leaf fall, autumn, evergreen trees.

the main task the lesson comes down not only to improving the creative skills of the child (in particular, gluing small elements), but also to develop it logical thinking, fine motor skills of fingers, to form tactile sensations. If for the first time it may be difficult for children to work with small elements, then over time their movements will improve, and at the same time interest and love for various types will form. creative activity.

Application of leaves "Autumn" can also become the basis for a postcard for the birthday of a grandmother or grandfather. Also, the results are usually children's creativity exhibited at the competition in kindergarten.

autumn tree from colored paper with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Master class with step by step photo. Volumetric application of colored paper "Autumn Tree" on the theme "Autumn" for children of middle and older preschool age

Author of the work: Karakozova Mlada Vebertovna, educator MADOU"Kindergarten No. 14 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic.
Purpose: the master class is intended for children 4-7 years old, their parents, teachers preschool education. The application can be used as a guide for GCD (fixing the signs of autumn: leaves change color, leaf fall begins), decorations for playing familiar fairy tales by children, for decorating a group in autumn, a gift for friends.
The application can be both collective and individual. A teacher helps children of middle preschool age, children of senior preschool age can cope with the application on their own.
Target: teach how to make a three-dimensional paper application.
- to form the skill of cutting long strips;
- fix the names of colors;
- to consolidate the skills of accurate cutting and gluing;
- develop interest in voluminous applications.

« autumn trees»
Orange, red
Glitter in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
Spin and soar
(author: Oksana Khilik)

For work we need materials:
- color double sided paper(one sheet each: red, light green, orange, 3 sheets yellow);
- colored cardboard (2 brown sheets and a green sheet);
- simple scissors;
- curly scissors;
- glue stick;
- a ruler, a simple pencil;
- 2 plates: diameter - 13 cm and 19 cm (they are not in the photo).

1. On cardboard Brown with a simple pencil we circle a plate with a diameter of 13 cm, on green cardboard we circle a plate with a diameter of 19 cm.

2. Cut out circles with curly scissors (for middle-aged children, this work is done by an adult, and older children can handle the cutting themselves).

3. Glue a brown circle in the middle on a green circle (this will be a small clearing base for our tree).

4. A brown sheet (length - 25 cm, width - 19 cm) bent in half. From above, on both sides, mark along the edges of 2 cm with a simple pencil and draw lines, connecting the marks and the edges of the lower part.

5. Cut the workpiece along the lines. You will get 2 parts (the base for the tree).

6. On the lower parts of the base, mark 1.5 cm with a pencil and draw a line. Bend the cardboard along the line as shown in the figure.

7. Glue the base for the tree on top along the edge. Glue the lower part onto the base-clearing, slightly opening the base for the tree. Here's what happens:

8. On 2 sheets of yellow paper, with a simple pencil, we circle a plate with a diameter of 13 cm. Cut it out with curly scissors. You get 2 circles.

9. On sheets of yellow, red, light green, orange color draw with a simple pencil strips 1.5 cm wide.

10. Cut the paper. There are stripes of four colors.

11. Glue each strip into a ring. We glue the rings, lightly smearing glue in the middle, on yellow circles (alternating colors). Rings can be glued both vertically and horizontally, and slightly tilted in any direction. Here's what happens:

12. Paste lower part yellow circle with rings on the base of the tree. It does not matter if the paper is bent under the weight of the rings.

13. Glue the second yellow circle with rings to the first. Now the paper does not bend.

14. We use the remnants of colored paper for the “fallen” leaves: we make leaves using the paper tearing method.

15. We glue the leaves on the base-clearing (maybe a little on the tree) in random order (you can glue the entire leaf, or you can only part of the leaf, bend the rest, creating a wind effect). Autumn tree is ready!

Application side view:

And here is the crown of the tree:

Fallen leaves:

But such an application we made with children middle group: the guys glued the finished strips into rings and managed to depict a real leaf fall:

An option for using a tree as a decoration for children to play out a familiar fairy tale:

Application options:
1) Use fewer flowers paper for rings and leaves (no orange here):

2) Make a birch tree by replacing the brown cardboard with white.
3) Replace yellow circles with: red, light green, orange.
4) Make a tree for other seasons: winter (ringlets white color), fly (green rings).

From natural material is a great way to instill creativity in children and autumn leaf appliqués are no exception. Such activities will help develop many useful qualities in kids, which in the future will have a beneficial effect on their worldview, and will also have a positive effect on fine motor skills, attention and care. Little masters really like to create their personal masterpieces, especially since in the autumn season you can find everything you need to work just walking in the yard or park. Using various natural materials, kids learn to recognize all the charms and colors of the world around them. Kids will be able to dream up on their own and build all the details to the smallest detail, this good way learn individuality, develop taste and style. Not to mention that it can serve great occasion to spend time with parents. In the bustle of our days, we do not always have enough time for our beloved children, and sometimes it’s not easy to figure out how to interest a child, distracting him from TV and computer games.

Leaf applique - autumn requires some preparation of the material used. Leaves are collected in parks and squares, various sizes and in different color shades. We will collect more copies, believe me, they will come in handy. We also do not ignore other little things. Twigs can be great interesting shape, lionfish trees, grass, flowers and even all kinds of berries, such as mountain ash.

First, we will dry our leaves with you. To do this, they need to be ironed with a warm iron, putting between newspaper sheets. Then top newspaper you need to lift it for a couple of minutes to cool. Do not forget that dry leaves become very fragile, and therefore if your child is still too small, we advise you to make crafts based on simple, not dried leaves, and after finishing work, dry already ready product.

As a basis for such works as for are used different kinds thick multi-colored paper sheets or cardboard. Also it can be finished postcard or paper with a velvet coating, which will look very elegant.

For uploading small parts it is best to use tweezers for the future application picture, so it is easier to grab them to avoid violations.

Let's think carefully about the whole composition in advance. Teach children to plan the sequence of all work in advance. To do this, you first need to simply lay out the entire application on a clean sheet of paper and take a good look to move the details in search of the best view.

To facilitate the work, circle all the components with a simple pencil, and only then you can start gluing. It is best to start with the legs of the handles and various other small parts, gradually moving on to larger ones - the torso.

Glue is applied by drip strictly along the edges of each leaf; otherwise, if you distribute it over the entire area, the workpieces may lose their shape and shrink.

At the end of the work, we place the finished composition under a press until it dries completely. Pick a nice frame. By the way, you can also make it yourself.

In our article you will find several master classes with detailed description and a photo on the topic, perhaps this will help you and your kids create their own unique masterpiece.

DIY leaf applique. Types and techniques

Let's look at the types of applications and choose the one you like.


Of course, you first need to think through all the work in stages. This technique does not require special cutting or any other change in the structure of the material used, it just needs to be glued to the base, using the application method. Various small missing details - animal paws, tree trunks, eyes, mouth, etc. are drawn with felt-tip pens.

Having gained experience in making simpler pictures, children can begin to invent multi-layered images, laying out leaflets in layers - on top of each other, in different colors. Thus, the picture is bright and cheerful.


For this type of craft, all the details are cut out according to a pre-planned plan. Separately, muzzles, torsos, fish floats, etc. are made.

Modular mosaic.

This interesting technique involves gluing parts that are close in size and structure. We can, for example, use maple lionfish or various small leaves and blades of grass, make a tail for a rooster or a firebird based on them.


Such an application is used to create whole large paintings, separately selected images are made in turn. With the help of this technique, a landscape and its reflection in the water, the same wings of insects, birds, etc. are depicted.


This is one of the types of symmetrical applications. It is unique in that it is created on the basis of two or more identical ornaments, repeating some images over and over again. This way you get whole forest thickets, "round dances" of butterflies, a lot of flowers or a mushroom clearing.

Now that we have become aware different techniques doing crafts, applications from leaves, we can try to create something with our own hands.

Here, for example, the collage "Field of Flowers".

For crafts, we will prepare the following material:

The basis of thick white paper;

Green passe-partout (14 x 20.5 cm)

PVA glue;

Various leaves of willow, chestnut, field herbs and flowers, reeds.


On a white base, with a simple pencil, draw a rectangle corresponding to the size of the passe-partout.

We start laying out the work from the background (look at the picture). First you need to lay out larger leaves, and only then "strew" them with small flowers and blades of grass, depicting an endless field.

At the very end, when you are completely sure that the composition is ready, you need to step by step, carefully move all the details and glue them in turn with glue, as it was planned in advance.

The final step will be gluing the passe-partout. What else you can make DIY crafts on the theme of autumn, you will find.

dry leaf application-crumbs

We will need:

Dry leaves of various colors and shades;

PVA glue;

cocktail tube;

Paints (watercolor);


Description of work.

On a normal paper sheet paint the trunk of our tree with branches with spreading paint. Then we take a cocktail straw and blow through it onto the paint applied to the leaf in different directions of the trunk. Thus, the dye will spread, creating the effect of irregularly shaped branches.

Now you need to prepare the leaf crumb, for this we cut or simply break the dry leaves into small particles, be sure to mix them to get a multi-colored mass.

Let's figure out exactly where the areas with leaves on our tree will be located and in that place we apply glue abundantly, after which we sprinkle them with crumbs in a thick layer.

We are waiting for the glue to dry completely and calmly get rid of the remnants, shaking off the excess back into the box (the remnants may be useful to us for the next work).

Leaf applique for kids

Aquarium with fish.

We will need:

A sheet of cardboard in blue or blue;

A couple of multi-colored leaves of different shapes;

Plasticine of different colors;

A sprig of dry grass to decorate the aquarium;

A couple of tiny shells;

Artificial plastic eyes (in the absence of plasticine we replace);

Let's get started:

1. You need to cut an oval out of colored cardboard, it will serve as the basis for our aquarium.

2. We begin to make an imitation of the bottom, we create it from yellow plasticine, smearing it on cardboard and trying to smooth it well with our fingers so that the laid out layer is thinner.

3. We form small balls from orange and brown plasticine, press them down with our fingers so that they become flat and sculpt on the surface of the sand - these will be sea ​​pebbles, we fix the prepared branch with one of these stones, so we get a algae bush. We arrange the shells in a chaotic manner, pressing them into the plasticine.

4. Now it's the turn of the fish. First, glue a maple leaf, it will perfectly serve as a tail for the hostess of our aquarium. By the way, you can find out what else you can make on our website. From a leaf oval shape you get a great body. Also, do not forget about the fins, leaves of very small sizes are suitable for them.

5. Using glue, fix the eye in the right place.

6. Let's make small round balls out of blue plasticine and glue them from the mouth of the fish towards the edge of the aquarium, as if our fish were releasing air with its mouth.

That's it, our aquarium is ready. Such beautiful things can become great decor in class.

Leaf applique: Grade 1

The purpose of this work, as well as all the previous ones, is to teach children to make various crafts from natural material. Particular attention is paid to instilling in schoolchildren proper planning and analysis of the work performed, the basics of modeling techniques are taught, and Special attention safety when using auxiliary tools.

To make all of the above more clear, we offer you a specific lesson.

Lesson - application from leaves

The topic of the lesson is: application of leaves.

The purpose of the lesson:

will learn careful attitude to nature;

Development of fantasy, creative imagination;

Knowledge of nature.

Material needed for work:

Reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn"

Multi-colored autumn leaves;

glue, scissors, colorful cardboard, auxiliary natural material;

Melody on the theme "Seasons".

Lesson management:

1. The teacher reads Ivan Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves";

What season is described in the proposed poem?

How could you guess about it?

2. Starting work on a new theme:

We tell the children that poets describe autumn in verse, composers sing in songs, artists paint pictures.

We conduct a conversation on the reproduction of the picture, draw up an oral description.

Remember where we saw this reproduction earlier?

What time of year does it show?

Describing the color of leaves and nature.

Asking questions.

3. The teacher gives a short talk about the painting and its creator:

The picture depicts a typical autumn day, the sun no longer shines as brightly as in summer. Typical Russian landscape: river, trees, field. Of the trees, birches predominate, the artist greatly admired this slender and graceful tree. In the picture, he wanted to show exactly this, the peace and beauty of this wonderful time.

Landscape - in painting is called the image of any area, in particular, nature.

4. Let's continue the description on the picture:

What trees are shown and how tall?

Foliage color?

What other colors are present?

What feelings does the drawing evoke?

What else is shown in the landscape?

What does the river look like, calm or stormy?

5. A conversation is being held about the beauty of autumn foliage. Why do they change color and why do they fall off, why does all this happen in nature?

6. Reading poems about autumn by the teacher and students. What famous writers do schoolchildren know who describe Golden time year - autumn?

7. The next step is guessing riddles on the theme of autumn.

8. Introducing children - leaf applique - presentation.

In the video, they will be happy to watch the progress of making crafts from natural materials. What other interesting products are made from autumn foliage. How to make blanks and how to process an already finished product. How to use the right tools for the job. Why do you need to work on applications.

9. Getting to practice.

A description of the craft itself follows, for example, an application - "Bouquet of autumn foliage."

We take a piece of cardboard, you can green.

We will select the most beautiful leaves, you can different trees. Various dried flowers, grass, acorn caps, everything that they could collect are also used.

We fix all the prepared elements on a cardboard sheet with glue, laying them out in a beautiful composition.

10. At the end of the lesson, an assessment of the work done by the students follows. The children tell their impressions about the work done. What did they like or dislike about the creation of the work.

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Ludmila Sapronova

"Breakaway applique Autumn"

Target: Creation paper cut appliqué development of artistic and creative abilities in children.


teach to do breakaway application;

Learn to pick up beautiful combinations colors;

Develop imagination, fantasy;

Develop fine motor skills;

Cultivate accuracy, perseverance at work;

Cultivate love for the environment.

For execution autumn application we need: colored paper, glue, pencils, album sheets.

Application will be made up of trees. First we need to draw a tree on a white sheet of paper. (one or more, at the request of the child)

Before you start application remember with the children what color autumn leaves. After listening to the answers of the children, we offer to take paper (orange,yellow and green)

Let's pick up the yellow pieces first. We apply glue to the place of the crown of the tree, glue the yellow leaves.

Add light green, red and orange leaves.

Let's take markers or pencils and color the tree trunk.

This is what we got autumn tree.

autumn the leaves also fall to the ground, so we will stick our leaves under the tree. Let's add some leaves circling in the air. OK it's all over Now Breakaway applique Autumn is ready!

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