Drawing. “Who lives in the autumn forest? Synopsis of OOD in the younger group with a presentation. Journey to the autumn forest

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 78 combined type"


complex lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)

"Who lives in autumn forest

Prepared by: educator of higher

qualification category


g.o. Saransk 2015

Target: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children in a new non-standard environment.


Educational:generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn. Strengthen children's ability to identify characteristics main periods of the season. Clarify and expand - children's knowledge of forest animals. To consolidate the ability to convey the characteristic features of animals, using different ways sculpting (from a whole piece and parts).

Developing: develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare independently, draw conclusions, develop evidence-based speech, expand children's knowledge of the animal world, generalize and activate lexicon on this topic.

Educational: cultivate curiosity about the natural world, ecological culture, to form the skills of cooperation.

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction»; "Socialization", " Artistic creativity", "Physical Culture".

Material and equipment

The game "Who lives where", punched cards, red chips, of blue color, layout« Autumn in the forest”, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, 2 napkins for each child (dry, wet).

Methods and techniques

Creating a game environment, conversations, visual display, artistic word, guessing riddles, games, game exercises, Practical activities.

preliminary work

Reading stories, poemsanimals of the forest, guessing riddles about animals, observing autumn phenomena, changes innature, making a layout "Autumn in the forest".

Lesson progress

I organizational moment.

Educator - Children listen carefully to the poem.

Guess the season:


Colorful forest, beautiful,

Mowed fields get wet,

Clouds are walking in the sky

Birds fly south

Mushroom pickers are in a hurry from the forest,

Yellow leaves are flying

Hedgehog collects leaves

They warm their mink.

Educator - What season is the poem talking about?

(children's answers)

II main part.

Educator - And now what season do we have?

(children's answers)

Let's remember and name the autumn signs.

(Children answer)

What changes have taken place andlife of forest animals?

(children's answers)

Well done, you know how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - And now let's play the game "Who lives where."

I I will make riddles, you guess, find animals and settle where they live.

(The teacher makes riddles, the children guess and put the animal in the picture)

Educator - Well done, children, you know well who lives where.

Look, what an interesting clearing.

Go to the clearing.

(Children sit down and work with punched cards)

Educator - Designate with a red token an animal that is called the “Order of the Forest”.

With a green chip, designate the animal - "Sweet",

Educator - Well done. Completed this task. Now stand in a round dance and play the game "We are animals."

Physical education: "We are animals"

(The teacher calls the animal, the children imitate the movement of this animal)

  1. you bears (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a bear).
  2. Now you are wolves (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a wolf).
  3. You are hares (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a hare).
  4. you turned into a fox(children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a fox).
  5. You, guys (children walk in a circle with a normal step).

Educator - Well done, guys, you have depicted animals well. I suggest you go to our workshop.

(Children sit at tables)

Educator - Let's sculpt the animals of the forest and settle in our

fairy forest which we made last night.

Think about what forest animal you would like


Educator - Nastya, what animal will you be sculpt? (Answer)

And you, Sasha? (Answer), etc.

Educator - But before sculpting, let's get our hands ready for

work. Let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

"Counting fingers"

One two three four five

One two three four five.

Ten fingers, a pair of hands

Here is your wealth friend.

Educator - Here are our hands ready to go. start work.

You can sculpt in any way.

(Soothing music playing)

(Children work, the teacher walks and looks, if anyone needs

help, advice(show on your piece of plasticine)

III Final part.

Educator - Who are readyanimals, settle them in the "fairy forest".

(Children put their work on the layout "Autumn in the Forest").Educator - Children, come all to the layout.

Look, our fabulous forest has come to life.

How beautiful our autumn forest turned out to be. Educator - But what time of the year will come soon after the fall?

(Answers of children).

Educator - Children, it is very difficult for animals in winter. Why?

(Answers of children).

How can we humans help them?

(Answers of children).

I think, that you will not leave animals in trouble, you willhelp them and never offend them.

IV The final moment.

Educator - What did you like most about the lesson?

(children's answers)

Educator - I, too, our occupationliked. Because you were all active, attentive, all assignments were completed correctly. Made wonderful animals.Well done! Thank you. Our lesson is over.

Tidy up your workspaces and play.


  1. O.A. Voronkevich Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood press", 2004.
  2. L.S. Vygodsky Imagination and creativity in children's age. - M., 1987.
  3. S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I.G. Toporkova We develop hands - to learn and write, and draw beautifully. - Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2007.
  4. O.F. Gorbatenko System environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2008.
  5. T.G. Kazakova Development of creativity in children. M., 1986.
  6. N.S. Karpinskaya Artistic word in the upbringing of children. - M., 2010.
  7. IN AND. Kovalko ABC of physical education for preschoolers. – M.: VAKO, 2005.
  8. A.I. Maksakova, G.A. Tumanova Learn by playing. - M., 1983.
  9. The development of speech in pictures. Animals. - M., 2011.
  10. The development of speech in pictures. Live nature. - M., 2011.
  11. E.O. Smirnova Features of communication with preschoolers. – M.: Academy, 2000.
  12. E.I. Udaltsova Didactic games in the upbringing and education of preschoolers. - M., 2007.
  13. O.S. Ushakova Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and speech development. - M., shopping center "Sphere", 2012.
  14. N.B. Holezova Lepka in kindergarten. - M., 1986.
  15. G.S. Shvaiko IZO in kindergarten ( senior group). - M., 2003.
  16. L.M. Shipitsyna, O.V. Zashchirinskaya, A.P. Voronova, T.A. Nilova ABC of communication. Childhood - Press, St. Petersburg

Master class "Prickly Tale" on plasticineography with children preschool age

Author: Vlasova Irina Timofeevna, teacher of the highest qualification category.
GBOU gymnasium No. 1409 in Moscow, preschool structural unit "Success".

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers and parents.

Purpose: decoration of a kindergarten group, crafts for the exhibition "Golden Autumn".

Modeling from colored plasticine is an interesting activity for preschoolers. And plasticineography has even more attractiveness. After all, a child can draw with plasticine! The background and characters can be not just drawn, but molded from plasticine, which means they can be not flat, but voluminous, convex. It is also allowed to use additional details - beads, beads, natural and waste material.
Lesson objectives:
- educational: to form the ability to create an expressive image, to expand children's ideas about a forest animal - a hedgehog, about the features of its appearance, to learn how to create a composition from individual parts using the existing skills and abilities of working with plasticine - rolling, flattening, dividing the whole into parts using a stack, to consolidate skills gouache painting, get gray by mixing black and white,
- developing: develop fine motor skills hands when creating a composition from plasticine, visual and auditory attention, creative imagination;
- educational: to cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine and gouache.

Materials for the lesson:
Thick cardboard, white corrugated paper, glue stick, black and gouache white flowers, water, a palette, brushes, a hedgehog toy, illustrations with hedgehogs, a book with S.Ya. paper.

Preliminary work: reading the stories of E. Charushin “The Hedgehog” and M. Prishvin “The Hedgehog”, the fairy tales of V. Rosin “Why does the hedgehog need needles?”, Examining the painting “Hedgehogs” from the series “Wild Animals”.

1) Invite the children to guess the riddle:

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest;
Too many needles
and not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Read an excerpt from a fairy tale in verse by S.Ya. Marshak “A Quiet Tale”.

You will read this story
Quiet, quiet, quiet...
Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog
And his hedgehog.
The gray hedgehog was very quiet
And the hedgehog too.
And they had a child
Very quiet hedgehog.
The whole family go for a walk
At night along the paths
Hedgehog-father, hedgehog-mother
And a baby hedgehog.
Along the deaf autumn paths
They walk quietly: top-top-top ...

Offer to consider the structure of a hedgehog using an illustration or a toy as an example. Describe in words characteristics appearance: the body is rounded, slightly elongated, with a pointed muzzle, a prickly back.

Offer to make a "Prickly Tale" - to depict a hedgehog that walks through the autumn forest. And in order for the hedgehog to be able to protect itself from enemies, it must have enough needles. We will need to help the hedgehog - make a prickly coat of toothpicks.

2) Tighten thick cardboard corrugated paper white, glue the edges of the paper from the wrong side. Glue the template of the hedgehog's body in the center.

3) Roll out sausages from brown plasticine with direct movements, stick them tightly to each other to the body of the hedgehog.

4) Prepare materials for drawing hedgehog needles: gouache, brush, water, toothpicks.

5) Mix black and white gouache in the palette to get gray color. Color the toothpicks, turning to obtain an even color.

6) After the gouache dries, stick the colored toothpicks with the help of an adult into the plasticine under acute angle. Make eyes and a hedgehog nose.

7) Take leaf templates of various sizes and shapes. Take small pieces of yellow, red and green, roll into balls, flatten them to a pancake, stick to the leaf template, flatten with your fingers and sharpen. With a stack or plasticine, highlight the veins of the leaves.

8) These are the bright autumn leaves!

9) Glue the leaves on the surface of the cardboard around the hedgehog.

Sly hedgehog - eccentric
Sewed a prickly jacket:
Hundred pins on the chest
One hundred needles behind.
A hedgehog walks in the garden on the grass,
Sticks to pins
Pear, plum - every fruit,
What will find under the tree
And with a rich gift
back to the hedgehogs! (P. Voronko)

October 10, 2013 held a drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic "Who lives in the autumn forest". In the lesson, the children drew a bunny.

Program content: to develop an idea in children - to continue the content of the previous lesson, to teach children to portray a bunny, to consolidate the ability to hold a brush, to use a napkin. Use appropriate colors for animal images.



Summary of the drawing lesson “Who lives in the autumn forest!”

Program content: to develop an idea in children - to continue the content of the previous lesson, to teach children to portray a bunny, to consolidate the ability to hold a brush, to use a napkin. Use appropriate colors for animal images.

Vocabulary: verbs: typing, drawing, jumping, sitting, snuggled up, scared.

Adjectives: joyful, bright, fluffy, gray, red, yellow, orange, dull, cowardly;

Nouns: hare, trees, leaves, fur coat, paws, hare head;

Equipment: drawings from the previous lesson, paints, brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, albums, for coloring.

Methodological techniques: questions that activate the speech of children, conjugated and reflective speech, playing tricks.


Guys, in the last lesson you drew a joyful autumn. And today let's put animals in our forests. Who can be found in the autumn forest? (bunny, hedgehog). Yes, all these animals can be found in the autumn forest, but we will settle a bunny with you. Look, different bunnies came to visit us. Let's take a look at them. What does a bunny have? (trunk, paws, head, tail, ears, eyes...)

  • Which part of the body is larger? (trunk)
  • The head is slightly to the side above the body.
  • What ponytail? (the tail of the hare is small, located on the other side of the body).
  • Where are the bunny's legs? (below the body)
  • What color is the coat? (gray, brown)
  • Look, guys, how you can draw a bunny (laying out on a flannelgraph in parts). If we draw the paws of a bunny like this, then what will he do? (the bunny sits, snuggled up, jumps, runs)
  • From what geometric shapes shall we draw a bunny? (from ovals) And what color? (grey)
  • Look, I'll show you how to draw a bunny. Wet the brush in water, draw brown paint on the entire pile, we remove the excess paint on the edge of the jar, I take the brush by the iron shirt. I start drawing from the body.
  • What is the shape of the body? (oval). I apply the brush to the paper with all the pile, the brush runs in a straight line, rounds off, runs along the short side, rounds off, runs along the long side, rounds off and ran to where it was. Now paint over the torso with straight lines, without leaving the edges (demonstration).

Then I draw the head, a slightly smaller oval, paint over it, draw long ears the bunny has a little fluffy tail. Now I will draw paws - the bunny is hiding in me. It remains to draw eyes, nose, antennae, but you need to wait until the paint dries. Here is my bunny.

Here I drew big bunny, and in the forest we have to draw a small one. A bunny can be drawn under a Christmas tree, a tree, or just running along the path. Look (showing the work of the teacher).

Let's remember where we start before work?

Let's choose which bunny we will draw, first we will draw the torso, oval shape, then the head, ears, tail, paws, eyes, nose, antennae.

Now let's get our fingers ready to go.

Finger gymnastics. Bunny has long ears

They stick out from the bushes.

He jumps and jumps

He amuses his bunnies.

2 part. Children's work. Individual conversations with children: What are you doing?

I pick up the paint, press it with all the pile to the place and draw the torso. What is your bunny? (small, fluffy, he runs along the path)

Where are the ears of a bunny? (he flattens his ears)

3 part. Analysis: children's works are exhibited (a bunny arrives).

Thanks guys. Now I will have a lot of fun in the forest, look at the different bunnies: cowardly, running, jumping.

My bunny is sitting under the Christmas tree, waiting for his mother to come for him. He is fluffy, gray, he has a head, tail, torso, paws.

Well done!

Analysis drawing "Who lives in the autumn forest."

Program content: to learn to develop the idea of ​​the previous lesson, to learn to portray a bunny, to consolidate the ability to hold a brush, use a napkin, use the appropriate colors (learn to mix white and black paint)


Verb: typing, drawing, mixing, jumping, sitting, snuggled up, scared.

Adjectives: joyful, bright, fluffy, gray, red, yellow, orange, dull, cowardly.

Nouns: hare, tree, leaves, fur coat, paws, head, tail.

Adverbs: up, down, left, right.

Methodological techniques: explanation, reminder, full and partial display, analysis of children's work, questions for children, activating vocabulary, introduction of a description model, a surprise moment, game techniques.

Equipment: brush, napkin, paints, children's work from the previous lesson.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations.

Analysis: An active and passive vocabulary children. The tasks set were implemented: coherent speech was developed, the preparation of a monologue-description was developed, and along with speech tasks, tasks were solved in visual activity, the idea of ​​the previous lesson was continued to develop. They taught to depict a hare from ovals of different sizes, consolidated the ability to hold a brush correctly, and taught to mix paints.

Everything prepared for the lesson necessary equipment. They used the help of the children on duty. Before the lesson, preliminary work was carried out: looking at the illustrations (the bunny is sitting, running), answering the teacher's questions about the picture. Used in class different methods and methods of work: full and partial display, explanation, reminder, analysis of children's work, questions for children, use of a model, game techniques, a surprise moment in organizing a lesson.

Throughout the lesson, the children's vocabulary developed: verbal - I type, draw, jump, run, sit, get scared, mix; adjective dictionary: joyful, bright, fluffy, gray, red, yellow, orange, cowardly; noun dictionary: hare, trees, leaves, fur coat, paws, head, tail; adverb dictionary: above, below, left, right; dictionary of numbers.

The children's vocabulary became more active in part I of the lesson when answering the teacher's questions, in part II - in individual dialogues with children (for example: what kind of bunny do you have? I have a cowardly bunny, he hid under the Christmas tree from the wolf), and also in part III when analyzing works. Children agree adjectives with nouns (cowardly bunny); numerals with nouns (one bunny under the tree).

When analyzing children's work, children make up short stories about their drawing. Children talk about their bunnies using the model, their color, size, the position of the hare and the accuracy of the work.

For example: It was autumn. Bunny gray. The ears and body are oval, the head is round. At he has a head nose, eyes, mouth, paws, small tail. On the head are long ears, a tail at the top of the body. The bunny is soft and fluffy. He runs to a big tree, looks to the side. The tree is brown, tall with short and long branches. The trunk is thick, and the branches are thin, there are few of them, five, only at the top of the trunk. There are two yellow leaves left, the rest have fallen to the ground.

Thus, the child singled out the objects of description, color, shape, parts, size, relative position, but uses the same type of expressions between sentences, there is no final phrase. Throughout the lesson, the children's vocabulary develops, both active and passive, as well as coherent monologue speech.

Larisa Khotsina
Occupation about speech development"Who lives in the autumn forest"

Program content: Continue to teach children to make a descriptive story about animals using diagrams. Improve the ability to coordinate words in a sentence. To consolidate the ability to form the names of baby animals in the nominative case of the singular and plural. Develop the ability to select a definition for animated nouns to activate the use of adjectives in speech. Strengthen with children the ability to depict animals using different technique drawing. develop imagination, cultivate love for animals.

Individual work: Activate on occupation of Vika E. Kostya T.

Previous work: Looking at illustrations, pictures about animals, reading Russian folk tales "The Fox and the Jug", "Tails" and others. Drawing « Autumn forest» , modeling on the topic "Who lives in autumn forest» .

Plan classes:

1 part. Didactic game "Tell me which one"? Didactic game "Who's Who"?

2 part. Drawing up a descriptive story according to the schemes.

3 part. Drawing

Material for classes:

Riddles about animals. Pictures with animals. Schemes for compiling a descriptive story. Drawings "Forest autumn» stencils, templates, wax crayons, gouache, simple pencil.

move classes: caregiver: Children today we will go to autumn forest, close your eyes (music plays)

caregiver: Forest, like a painted tower

Lilac, gold, crimson

Cheerful motley wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving,

Shine in blue azure.

Open your eyes here we are in autumn forest on a bright glade.

Tell me what animals can be found in forest in autumn?

Children: Wolf, fox, hare, bear, hedgehog, deer, squirrel.

caregiver: Well done, these animals live in forest. Here they are all sitting in the meadow. Oh, what's that worth? Lukoshko let's see what

there inside! Here is an envelope for us (opens envelope) and riddles about animals. Let's guess them now.

This red bastard

All in deceive the forest deftly

Even the brave bun

She got it on the tooth.

Children: Fox.


He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

He wakes up from sleep.

Children: bear.


He understands in the hunt

He is in the forest knows all the paths

He is big and bold

And everyone's name is grey.

Children: wolf.


Who on the branch of the cones gnawed

And threw the leftovers down?

Who deftly jumps on the Christmas tree

And flies up to the oaks

Who hides nuts in a hollow

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Children: Squirrel.

caregiver: this is a squirrel, well done guessed all the riddles. We'll play a game now "Tell me which one?" you will pass the leaflet to each other and

Say what the animal I named can be. What fox?

Children - Red, fluffy, dexterous, cunning, fast.

Educator - What hare?

Children - Small, gray, long-eared, cross-eyed, fluffy, fast.

Educator - What wolf?

Children are gray, angry, fast, brave, toothy, hungry.

Educator - what kind of squirrel?

Children - red, dexterous, fast, thrifty.

Educator - what kind of bear?

Children are big, strong, clumsy, brown, shaggy.

Educator - well done! Let's play another game, it's called

"Who has who?" You will name baby animals and pass

and pass the paper to each other.

Educator - Who is at the fox?

Children: cubs, fox.

caregiver: Who is the she-wolf?

Children: cubs, cub

caregiver: Who is the hare?

Children: bunny, bunnies?

caregiver: Who is the squirrel?

Children: squirrel, squirrel.

caregiver: Who is at the bear?

Children: cubs, bear cub.

Educator - Well done, we played well. Sit on chairs.

We will now compose descriptive stories about animals.

To make it easier for you to tell, diagrams will help you.

(Exposes scheme No. 1)

Educator - Look at the question mark on this diagram. Should be named as

It's called an animal.

(Exposes scheme No. 2)

Educator - Then we say what kind - is it a wild or domestic animal.

(Exposes scheme number 3)

Educator - Then we say what color the animal is.

(Exposes scheme No. 4)

caregiver: - This diagram will help you tell what parts of the body you have


(Exposes scheme No. 5)

caregiver: - Each animal has its own home, you need to say how it is


(Exposes scheme No. 6)

Educator - This scheme indicates what the animal eats.

(Exposes scheme No. 7)

caregiver: This diagram will help you say what the name of the cub of this


Let's recap what these diagrams mean. What should be said with this diagram?

Children: the name of the animal.

caregiver: According to this scheme, what will you say?

Children: Which animal is wild or domestic.

caregiver A: Then you will say what?

Children: What color is the animal.

caregiver Q: What needs to be said about this scheme?

Children: What body parts does the animal have.

caregiver: What does this diagram mean?

Children: What is the name of the animal's house.

caregiver: What will you tell with this diagram?

Children: What does the animal eat.

caregiver: Well, what does the last scheme mean?

Children: What is the name of the cub of an animal.

caregiver: That's right, everyone remembered what each scheme means.

Think about who will talk about which animal. Who wants

talk about the animal. Choose a picture of an animal.

Children: I will talk about the fox. This fox is a wild animal. red fox

colors, the tip of her tail is white. Paws in black. She has a head, a body, four legs, a tail on her head, ears, eyes, a nose, a mouth. The fox lives in a hole loves: there are mice, birds, hares, fox cubs are born.

(Children tell 3-4 descriptive stories). The teacher gives an assessment after each story)

caregiver: Children, whose story did you like more and why?

Children: I liked Nikita's story, because he said that the fox is a wild animal, he said what color it is. Correctly named parts of the body, as the fox's house is called. What does she eat and what are the fox cubs called. Nikita's story was interesting.

Educator. Let the children warm up a little, show the habits of the fox.


The fox has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail

Fur coat red fox

Inexpressible beauty

The fox walks importantly.

I am a bird hunter

I'm a master at catching chickens

When I see it, I'll sneak up

And I'm slowly hiding

After I jump and grab

I'll take the kids to the mink.

(Repeat 2 times.)

caregiver: Children let's draw wild animals in autumn forest.

(Children go to places for visual activities)

caregiver: Children we are with you on lesson drawing autumn forest. And now you will finish drawing on these drawings using stencils and animal patterns.

Here is a stencil, you need to put it on the drawing and use a poke to paint over the stencil with gouache. And if you want to draw with a template, then you need to circle it from the beginning with a simple pencil and then carefully paint over with crayons. Choose which animal you will draw and with what.

(Independent work to music)

caregiver: Let's give our drawings to animals.

(Children go to the clearing. Educator asks: who drew whom and with what, notes best drawings, children give drawings to animals)

caregiver: So we traveled with you, what do you like the most

liked in autumn forest?

Children: Guess riddles, draw, play, make up a story according to the schemes.

caregiver: I really liked the children how you all guessed riddles, played games, composed descriptive stories well, and drew. A

now you need to go back to kindergarten close your eyes.

(Music sounds, children circle around with their eyes closed)

caregiver: Children, open your eyes, here we are in kindergarten, this is our

the journey is over.