Grandmother Metelitsa. German folk tale. Fairy tale Grandmother Blizzard. Brothers Grimm Granny Blizzard folk tale read

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Grandma Metelitsa
German folk tale

A widow had two daughters: her own daughter and her stepdaughter. The native daughter was lazy and fastidious, and the stepdaughter was good and diligent. But the stepmother did not like her stepdaughter and made her do all the hard work.
The poor thing sat outside by the well all day long and spun. She spun so much that all her fingers were punctured until they bled.
And one day it happened that the whole spindle was filled with blood. Then the girl bent down to the well to wash it. But by chance the spindle jumped out of her hands and fell into the water. She wept, ran to her stepmother and told her what had happened. But the stepmother did not console her, she began to scold her strongly and said:
- Since you dropped the spindle, then manage to get it.
The sad girl returned to the well. She did not know what to do now, how to fulfill her stepmother's order. All she had to do was jump into the well. And so she did. At first she felt sick, but when she woke up again, she saw that she was in a beautiful meadow. The sun was shining and thousands of different flowers were growing around. She went forward across the meadow, wherever her eyes looked, and came to the stove. There was a lot of bread in this oven, and the bread screamed:

The girl came up and pulled out the loaves one by one with a shovel. And then she went further and came to a tree, and it was full of apples. The tree said to her:

She began to shake the tree, and the apples rained down on the ground. She shook the apple tree until all the apples fell from it. And she put the apples together and went on. The girl came to the hut. In the window, she saw an old woman who had such big teeth that the girl was scared. She wanted to run away, but the old woman called out to her:
- Dear child, what are you afraid of! Stay with me. If you do all the work in my house well, you will be fine. Just take care to make my bed properly and fluff up the feather bed diligently so that the feathers fly up. It will then snow all over the world. I am Mrs Metelitsa.
Since the old woman treated her kindly, the girl decided that she was not as terrible as it seemed, and her heart felt lighter. She agreed to stay and be a worker for Mrs. Metelitsa. The girl tried to please the old woman in everything. Each time she fluffed her feather bed so hard that the feathers flew around like snowflakes. And so the girl lived well with her. She had never heard a bad word from the mistress, and there was plenty of boiled and fried food every day.
So the girl lived with the old woman, everything was fine. Yes, one day she became sad. At first she didn't know what was bothering her so much. And then she finally realized that she was sad away from her home. And let Mrs. Metelitsa have a well-fed and calm life, but the girl really wanted to go home. At last she said to the old woman:
- I yearned for my dear home. I feel so good here underground, but I can’t stay here longer. I want to go back upstairs to my own.
Lady Metelitsa answered her:
- I like that you are drawn home. If you have served me well and diligently, then I myself will escort you upstairs. She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate.
The gates opened. When the girl passed under them, she was showered with golden rain. And all the gold remained on her so that she was completely covered with gold.
“This is for your diligent work,” said Lady Metelitsa, and returned to her the spindle that had fallen into the well.
The gates closed, and the girl found herself upstairs, not far from her stepmother's house. As soon as she entered the yard, a rooster immediately crowed, which was sitting right on the well:
- Ku-ka-re-ku! Our golden girl is right there.
And she entered the house of her stepmother. Because she was all covered with gold, both her stepmother and half-sister received her very affectionately. The girl told what happened to her. Listened carefully to her. And after such a story, the stepmother wanted for her own daughter. Ugly and lazy, the same happiness and wealth. The stepmother made her daughter sit by the well to spin yarn. So that her spindle was also in the blood, she pricked her finger on a thorn bush. And then she threw the spindle into the well and jumped after him.
Like her sister, she came to a beautiful green meadow and set off along the same path. She went to the oven, and the bread screamed like last time:
- Oh, pull me out, pull me out quickly, otherwise I'll burn - I've been baked for a long time!
But the sloth replied:
- Why do I want to get dirty! - And went on.
She soon approached the apple tree, and the apple tree spoke:
“Ah, shake me off, shake me off, my apples are ripe for a long time!”
But she answered the apple tree:
- Look what you want, because an apple can fall on my head! - And went on.
Finally, when she approached the house of Mrs. Metelitsa, she had no fear - after all, she had already heard about her big teeth. She immediately agreed to become a worker. On the first day, she tried hard, was diligent in her work and obeyed Mrs. Metelitsa. When the mistress entrusted tasks to her, the sloth kept thinking about the gold that she would receive. But on the second day she became lazier, it was not customary for her to work. On the third and even more, and then did not want to get up early in the morning at all. She did not make the bed for Mrs. Metelitsa properly and did not fluff up her feather beds so that the feathers flew up. In the end, Mrs. Metelitsa got tired of this, and she refused the sloth to work. The girl was very happy about it. She thought that now a golden rain would fall on her. Lady Metelitsa led her to the same gates, but when the girl passed under them, it was not gold that poured on her, but a huge cauldron of resin overturned.
- This is your reward for your work, - said Mrs. Metelitsa and closed the gate behind her.
The sloth returned home covered in resin. As the cock sitting on the well saw her, he sang:
- Ku-ka-re-ku! Our girl is dirty right there.
And the resin remained on it for the rest of her life, and it was not washed off until her death.

1. Read the first paragraph of the tale. What were the daughters like? Underline with pencils of different colors.

A widow had two daughters: own daughter And stepdaughter . My own daughter was lazy and picky and I , A stepdaughter is good and diligent. But the stepmother did not like her stepdaughter and made her do all the hard work.
The poor thing sat all day outside by the well and spun . She spun so much that all her fingers were punctured to the point of blood .

A widow had two daughters: her own daughter and her stepdaughter. The native daughter was lazy and fastidious, and the stepdaughter was good and diligent. But the stepmother did not like her stepdaughter and made her do all the hard work. The poor thing sat outside by the well all day and spun. She spun so much that all her fingers were punctured until they bled.
One day, the girl noticed that her spindle was stained with blood. She wanted to wash him and leaned over the well. But the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the water. The girl wept bitterly, ran to her stepmother and told her about her misfortune.
- Well, if you managed to drop it - manage to get it, - answered the stepmother.
The girl did not know what to do, how to get the spindle. She went back to the well and out of grief and jumped into it. She was very dizzy, and she even closed her eyes in fear. And when she opened her eyes again, she saw that she was standing on a beautiful green meadow, and there were many, many flowers around and the bright sun was shining.
The girl went through this meadow and sees - there is a stove full of bread.
- Girl, girl, take us out of the stove, otherwise we will burn! the loaves screamed at her.
The girl went to the stove, took a shovel and took out all the loaves one by one.
She went further, she sees - there is an apple tree, all strewn with ripe apples.
“Girl, girl, shake us off the tree, we are already ripe!” the apples screamed at her. The girl went up to the apple tree and began to shake it so that the apples rained down on the ground. She shook until not a single apple remained on the branches. Then she collected all the apples in a pile and went on.
And so she came to a small house, and an old woman came out of this house to meet her. The old woman had such huge teeth that the girl was frightened. She wanted to run away, but the old woman called out to her:
"Don't be afraid, dear girl! You'd better stay with me and help me with the household chores. If you are diligent and hardworking, I will reward you generously. Only you must fluff my feather bed so that the fluff flies out of it. I'm a Metelitsa, and when fluff flies from my feather bed, it snows on people on earth.
The girl heard the old woman speak kindly to her, and stayed with her. She tried to please Metelitsa, and when she fluffed up the feather bed, the fluff flew around like snow flakes. The old woman fell in love with the diligent girl, was always affectionate with her, and the girl lived much better at Metelitsa than at home.
But here she lived for some time and began to yearn. At first, she herself did not know why she yearned. And then I realized that I missed my home.
She then went to Metelitsa and said:
- I feel very good with you, grandmother, but I missed my own so much! May I go home?
“It’s good that you missed home: it means you have a good heart,” said Metelitsa. “And because you helped me so diligently, I myself will take you upstairs.
She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate. The gates opened wide, and as the girl passed under them, golden rain poured down on her, and she was covered with gold.
“This is for your diligent work,” said Grandmother Metelitsa; then she gave the girl her spindle.
The gate closed, and the girl found herself on the ground near her house.
A rooster sat on the gate of the house. He saw the girl and shouted:

Our girl is all in gold!

The stepmother and daughter also saw that the girl was all in gold, and greeted her affectionately, began to question. The girl told them about everything that had happened to her.
So the stepmother wanted her own daughter, the sloth, to also get rich. She gave the sloth a spindle and sent it to the well. The sloth deliberately pricked her finger on the briar thorns, smeared the spindle with blood and threw it into the well. And then she jumped in. She, too, like her sister, got into a green meadow and went along the path.
She reached the stove, bread, and they shouted to her:
- Girl, girl, take us out of the stove, otherwise we will burn!
“I really need to get my hands dirty!” - the sloth answered them and went on.
When she passed by an apple tree, the apples shouted:
“Girl, girl, shake us off the tree, we are ripe for a long time!” - No, I won't! Otherwise, you will fall on my head and hurt me, - the sloth answered and went on.
A lazy girl came to Metelitsa and was not at all afraid of her long teeth. After all, her sister had already told her that the old woman was not at all evil. So the sloth began to live with her grandmother Metelitsa.
On the first day, she somehow hid her laziness and did what the old woman told her. She really wanted to win an award! But on the second day she began to be lazy, and on the third she did not even want to get out of bed in the morning. She did not care at all about the Blizzard's feather bed and fluffed it so badly that not a single feather flew out of it. Grandmother Metelitsa did not like the lazy girl very much.
"Come on, I'll take you home," she said a few days later to the sloth.
The sloth was delighted and thought: “Finally, a golden rain will pour on me!” Blizzard led her to a large gate, but when the sloth passed under them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a whole cauldron of black resin poured out.
“Here, get paid for your work!” said Blizzard, and the gate closed.
When the sloth came up to the house, he saw the rooster, how grimy she had become, flew up to the well and shouted:
— Ku-ka-re-ku! Look folks:
Here comes the mess to us!

The sloth washed, washed - she could not wash the resin in any way. And so it remained a mess.

A widow had two daughters: her own daughter and her stepdaughter. The native daughter was lazy and fastidious, and the stepdaughter was good and diligent. But the stepmother did not like her stepdaughter and made her do all the hard work. The poor thing sat outside by the well all day and spun. She spun so much that all her fingers were punctured until they bled.

One day, the girl noticed that her spindle was stained with blood. She wanted to wash him and leaned over the well. But the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the water. The girl wept bitterly, ran to her stepmother and told her about her misfortune.

“Well, if you managed to drop it, manage to get it,” answered the stepmother.

The girl did not know what to do, how to get the spindle. She went back to the well and out of grief and jumped into it. She was very dizzy, and she even closed her eyes in fear. And when she opened her eyes again, she saw that she was standing on a beautiful green meadow, and there were many, many flowers around and the bright sun was shining.

The girl went through this meadow and sees - there is a stove full of bread.

- Girl, girl, take us out of the stove, otherwise we will burn! the loaves screamed at her.

The girl went to the stove, took a shovel and took out all the loaves one by one.

- Girl, girl, shake us from the tree, we have already ripened! the apples screamed at her. The girl went up to the apple tree and began to shake it so that the apples rained down on the ground. She shook until not a single apple remained on the branches. Then she collected all the apples in a pile and went on.

And so she came to a small house, and an old woman came out of this house to meet her. The old woman had such huge teeth that the girl was frightened. She wanted to run away, but the old woman called out to her:

"Don't be afraid, dear girl! You'd better stay with me and help me with the household chores. If you are diligent and hardworking, I will reward you generously. Only you must fluff my feather bed so that the fluff flies out of it. I'm a Metelitsa, and when fluff flies from my feather bed, it snows on people on earth.

The girl heard the old woman speak kindly to her, and stayed with her. She tried to please Metelitsa, and when she fluffed up the feather bed, the fluff flew around like snow flakes. The old woman fell in love with the diligent girl, was always affectionate with her, and the girl lived much better at Metelitsa than at home.

But here she lived for some time and began to yearn. At first, she herself did not know why she yearned. And then I realized that I missed my home.

She then went to Metelitsa and said:

- I feel very good with you, grandmother, but I missed my own so much! May I go home?

“It’s good that you missed home: it means you have a good heart,” said Metelitsa. - And for the fact that you helped me so diligently, I myself will escort you upstairs.

She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate. The gates opened wide, and as the girl passed under them, golden rain poured down on her, and she was covered with gold.

“This is for your diligent work,” said Grandmother Metelitsa; then she gave the girl her spindle.

The gate closed, and the girl found herself on the ground near her house.

A rooster sat on the gate of the house. He saw the girl and shouted:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! Look folks:

Our girl is all in gold!

The stepmother and daughter also saw that the girl was all in gold, and greeted her affectionately, began to question. The girl told them about everything that had happened to her.

So the stepmother wanted her own daughter, the sloth, to also get rich. She gave the sloth a spindle and sent it to the well. The sloth deliberately pricked her finger on the briar thorns, smeared the spindle with blood and threw it into the well. And then she jumped in. She, too, like her sister, got into a green meadow and went along the path.

She reached the stove, bread, and they shouted to her:

- Girl, girl, take us out of the stove, otherwise we will burn!

- I really need to get my hands dirty! - the sloth answered them and went on.

When she passed by an apple tree, the apples shouted:

- Girl, girl, shake us off the tree, we are ripe for a long time! - No, I won't! Otherwise, you will fall on my head and hurt me, - the sloth answered and went on.

A lazy girl came to Metelitsa and was not at all afraid of her long teeth. After all, her sister had already told her that the old woman was not at all evil. So the sloth began to live with her grandmother Metelitsa.

On the first day, she somehow hid her laziness and did what the old woman told her. She really wanted to win an award! But on the second day she began to be lazy, and on the third she did not even want to get out of bed in the morning. She did not care at all about the Blizzard's feather bed and fluffed it so badly that not a single feather flew out of it. Grandmother Metelitsa did not like the lazy girl very much.

“Come on, I’ll take you home,” she said a few days later to the sloth.

The sloth was delighted and thought: “Finally, a golden rain will pour on me!” Blizzard led her to a large gate, but when the sloth passed under them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a whole cauldron of black resin poured out.

“Here, get your work done!” - said Snowstorm, and the gates closed.

When the sloth came up to the house, he saw the rooster, how grimy she had become, flew up to the well and shouted:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! Look folks:

Here comes the mess to us!

Washed, washed sloth - could not wash the resin. And so it remained a mess.

One widow had two daughters: her own daughter and her stepdaughter. The native daughter was lazy and fastidious, and the stepdaughter was good and diligent. But the stepmother did not like her stepdaughter and made her do all the hard work.

The poor thing sat outside by the well all day long and spun. She spun so much that all her fingers were punctured until they bled.

One day, the girl noticed that her spindle was stained with blood. She wanted to wash him and leaned over the well. But the spindle slipped out of her hands and fell into the water. The girl wept bitterly, ran to her stepmother and told her about her misfortune.

Well, if you managed to drop it - manage to get it, - answered the stepmother.

The girl did not know what to do, how to get the spindle. She went back to the well and out of grief and jumped into it. She was very dizzy, and she even closed her eyes in fear. And when she opened her eyes again, she saw that she was standing on a beautiful green meadow, and there were many, many flowers around and the bright sun was shining.

The girl went through this meadow and sees - there is a stove full of bread.

Girl, girl, take us out of the oven, or we'll burn! the loaves screamed at her.

The girl went to the stove, took a shovel and took out all the loaves one by one.

Girl, girl, shake us off the tree, we've been ripe for a long time! the apples screamed at her.

The girl went up to the apple tree and began to shake it so that the apples rained down on the ground. She shook until not a single apple remained on the branches. Then she collected all the apples in a pile and went on.

And so she came to a small house, and an old woman came out of this house to meet her. The old woman had such huge teeth that the girl was frightened. She wanted to run away, but the old woman called out to her:

Don't be afraid, dear girl! You'd better stay with me and help me with the household chores. If you are diligent and hardworking, I will reward you generously. Only you must fluff my feather bed so that the fluff flies out of it. I'm a Metelitsa, and when fluff flies from my feather bed, it snows on people on earth.

The girl heard how kindly the old woman spoke to her, and she stayed to live with her. She tried to please Metelitsa, and when she fluffed up the feather bed, the fluff flew around like snow flakes. The old woman fell in love with the diligent girl, was always affectionate with her, and the girl lived much better at Metelitsa than at home. But here she lived for some time and began to yearn. At first, she herself did not know why she yearned. And then I realized that I missed my home.

She then went to Metelitsa and said:

I feel very good at your place, grandmother, but I missed mine so much! May I go home?

It's good that you missed home:

it means you have a good heart, - said Metelitsa. - And for the fact that you helped me so diligently, I myself will escort you upstairs.

She took the girl by the hand and led her to the big gate.

The gates opened wide, and as the girl passed under them, golden rain poured down on her, and she was covered with gold.

This is for you for your diligent work, - said Grandmother Metelitsa; then she gave the girl her spindle.

The gate closed, and the girl found herself on the ground near her house.

A rooster sat on the gate of the house. He saw the girl and shouted:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Look folks:

Our girl is all in gold! The stepmother and daughter also saw that the girl was all in gold, and greeted her affectionately, began to question. The girl told them about everything that had happened to her.

So the stepmother wanted her own daughter, the sloth, to also get rich. She gave the sloth a spindle and sent it to the well. The sloth deliberately pricked her finger on the briar thorns, smeared the spindle with blood and threw it into the well. And then she jumped in. She, too, like her sister, got into a green meadow and went along the path. She reached the stove, bread, and they shouted to her:

Girl, girl, take us out of the oven, or we'll burn!

I really need to get my hands dirty! - the sloth answered them and went on.

When she passed by an apple tree, the apples shouted:

Girl, girl, shake us from the tree, we are ripe!

No, I won't shake it! Otherwise, you will fall on my head and hurt me, - the sloth answered and went on.

A lazy girl came to Metelitsa and was not at all afraid of her long teeth. After all, her sister had already told her that the old woman was not at all evil. So the sloth began to live with her grandmother Metelitsa. On the first day, she somehow hid her laziness and did what the old woman told her. She really wanted to win an award! But on the second day she began to be lazy, and on the third she did not even want to get out of bed in the morning. She did not care at all about the Metelitsa feather bed and fluffed it so badly that not a single feather flew out of it. Grandmother Metelitsa did not like the lazy girl very much.

Come on, I'll take you home, she said a few days later to the sloth.

The sloth was delighted and thought: “Finally, a golden rain will pour down on me!”

Blizzard led her to a large gate, but when the sloth passed under them, it was not gold that fell on her, but a whole cauldron of black resin poured out.

Here, get paid for your work! - said Snowstorm, and the gate closed.

When the sloth came up to the house, he saw the rooster, how grimy she had become, flew up to the well and shouted:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Look folks:

Here comes the mess to us! Washed, washed sloth - could not wash the resin. And so it remained a mess.

Lesson development (lesson notes)

Primary general education

Line UMK ed. L. A. Efrosinina. Literary reading (1-4)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Lesson objectives

    - To form the ability to read aloud and to oneself; - to enrich the vocabulary of children with words on the topic of reading; - to introduce the expressive means of the language.


    - Read sentences, excerpts from the studied works aloud and to yourself; - answer questions and supplement the answers of classmates; - to convey by intonation one's attitude to what is being read; - explain the actions of the characters and argue their attitude towards them; - explain the author's point of view.

Key Concepts

    Genre, theme, fairy tale
Stage nameMethodological comment
1 1. Revealing the reader experience: the game "Remember and name" - Guys, today we will start our lesson with the game "Remember and name." (Students guess and correctly name the work (author and title).) - Compare the works that you guessed. What common? What is the difference? (Author's tales, tales of foreign and Russian storytellers.)
2 2. Revealing the reader experience: working with the diagram - Look at the diagram. Remember the storytellers and fill in the diagram. (Students should not only name the author, but also his work.) - And today we will get acquainted with a new work.
3 3. Enriching the reader's experience: working with a new work - Listen. (The teacher reads a fairy tale. The text is given in the educational reader, grade 2, part 2, author-compiler L. A. Efrosinina.) - Does anyone know what the fairy tale is called? (Answers of students.) - This folk tale was processed and retold by German storytellers ... Do you remember what their names were? (The Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm and Jacob.) (When answering, you must use the textbook, p. 94.) - What is this fairy tale? - Design the cover. Check your work.
4 4. Enriching the reading experience: completing tasks in the textbook What Russian folk tales does this German fairy tale resemble? - Think about why different peoples have similar fairy tales? Let's remember the plot of a fairy tale. (If students have anthologies, then the fairy tale is read by students in episodes.) - Look at the illustrations. - Tell us about the characters.
5 5. Enriching the Reading Experience: Comparing Works - Remember the fairy tale by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky "The Leprosy of the Old Woman Winter." Compare it with the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. (Filling out the table. For work, students can use the back of the sheet to model the cover.)
6 6. Generalization of the studied: making a homemade book Now sign your work. (The teacher collects the work and fastens it into a homemade book.) - What fairy tale did we meet today in the lesson?
7 7. Recommendations for independent work at home (optional) The teacher asks the children to bring books with their favorite fairy tales to the next lesson in order to organize an exhibition.