How to use paraffin at home. Can I buy at a pharmacy? Features characteristic of each type

The name of the German baron Karl von Reichenbach, most likely, will tell little to the modern reader, as well as the name of the French doctor Bart de Sandorf. But these people are directly related to the issue we are considering: the first discovered paraffin, and the second medicinal properties in a heated form - paraffin therapy.

Useful properties and contraindications

A number of procedures that are carried out in medical and cosmetic purposes using paraffin, gained popularity at the end of the last century, but to this day have not lost their relevance. They are called paraffin therapy - a rather pleasant method in the cosmetology industry, the main component of which has gained fame in the field of recovery.

Beneficial features

Being a product of oil refining, paraffin is actively used in medical cosmetology and practical medicine due to the mechanical and thermal factors. Being a mixture of acyclic saturated hydrocarbons, the substance has a lot of therapeutic effects:

  • due to the possibility of providing thermal exposure, it dissolves deep infiltrates and scarring;
  • contributes to the acceleration of blood flow;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect on tissues and organs;
  • expands the capillaries, which has a positive effect on the removal of slag contaminants and increased local metabolism.

Paraffin is widely used in cosmetic masks/applications for healing the hair and skin of the whole body. In addition, paraffin has a lot of medical indications, which makes it suitable for the treatment of a variety of pathologies.


Among the recommendations for the use of paraffin therapy, you will not find anything. Here are anti-aging procedures and the elimination of cosmetic defects, along with which the use of paraffin for treatment serious pathologies and health disorders. The technique is advised to try those patients who suffer from:

  • from excessive dryness of the skin;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • from psoriasis in an old form;
  • neuralgia;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pathologies of the bronchi / lungs;
  • tendency to puffiness;
  • skin irritation in the cold;
  • the presence of cracks / scars;
  • any of the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cellulite;
  • cone-shaped hardening of tissues after injections;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • arthrosis / arthritis;
  • many mimic wrinkles;
  • discomfort in the joints;
  • sagging skin.

This type of treatment is quite popular in patients with fractures.

To whom are procedures prohibited?

Since paraffin is classified as an allergenic product, before its first use, all patients without exception are offered to test for individual intolerance to the mixture.

Also, with all the positive characteristics and results of the use of paraffin, the treatment technique and contraindications are not without contraindications, which are common to some categories of patients with relevant ailments.

A complete ban on the use in the treatment of sessions using paraffin is made in the following cases:

  • when carbohydrate tolerance is impaired;
  • with allergies;
  • in the acute course of the inflammation process;
  • with the formation of wound surfaces on the skin;
  • with ultraviolet burns;
  • with pathologies of the heart;
  • with damage to the skin with pustular rashes;
  • with problems with blood pressure;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • in the presence of neoplasms;
  • with hypertension;
  • in the presence of rosacea;
  • with hypertrichosis.

In some cases, doctors do not consider it dangerous to use cold paraffin therapy if there are some contraindications. An exception is an allergic reaction / exacerbation of a dermatological disease.

Possible negative consequences

In addition to possible allergies, if you neglected the sensitivity test before the session, you can hardly expect complications after such medical procedures. By negligence, you can get burned, which also does not entail a danger in use when the precautions are observed. To avoid other unpleasant surprises after treatment, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist before starting paraffin therapy.

Types and methods of paraffin therapy

Medical procedures of the cosmetology direction contribute to the solution of specific problems and, accordingly, are divided into several varieties.


Therapy using paraffin in the hand area is quite popular and effective. It is applied:

  • to moisturize and improve the condition of the skin of hands and nails;
  • elimination of peeling on the skin;
  • healing of small wound surfaces.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Hold the hand in a container with paraffin desired temperature no more than ten seconds;
  • One by one, five dive approaches are used;
  • A bag is put on for protection and covered with a thermal mitten;
  • The wait lasts up to twenty minutes;
  • At the end of the session, the mitten is removed and after a light hand massage, all that remains is to remove the protective bag.


Paraffin treatments are used for:

  • moisturizing rough skin of the foot;
  • providing a calming effect;
  • removal of a syndrome of puffiness/fatigue.

The session almost completely duplicates the procedure for the hand.


The use of paraffin for the face is designed to provide:

  • softening and nourishing the skin;
  • reduction of mimic wrinkles;
  • rejuvenation;
  • getting rid of the "black dot";
  • visible elimination of acne scarring.

A layer of paraffin is applied to the face, followed by a gauze mask. Then an additional five layers of paraffin should be applied to the gauze with a brush.


Paraffin on the body is used to:

  • general strengthening / relaxing effect on the body;
  • elimination of early cellulite and other dermatological defects.

Up to six layers of paraffin are applied to the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with the indicated problem for half an hour. The applied layers are fixed with a film and a dense fabric, which also enhances the thermal effect.

To conduct a therapeutic session using paraffin, you need to stock up on everything you need that may be needed during its implementation. Experts advise to prepare a number of tools in advance:

  • bath special paraffin;
  • perfumed cosmetic paraffin;
  • brush for applying care products and paraffin directly;
  • thermal mittens;
  • disinfectant in the form of a means for treating the hands of a master of a gel-like consistency with a dispenser;
  • scrubs, masks, creams;
  • dry and wet wipes.


Special device in the form of a paraffin container with a heater and an electronic control panel. It is equipped with a brush for applying a caring substance / paraffin and a plastic grid for protection. The model is equipped with the function of maintaining the set temperature.


In cosmetology, it is envisaged to perform procedures with high-quality purified paraffin. It is made for cosmetic purposes with enrichment with honey, essential oils, vitamins and extracts. medicinal plants to nourish, soften and moisturize the skin. Often cosmetic paraffin aromatize. Ordinary paraffin, which is used in everyday life in the form of candles, cannot be used for cosmetic sessions in any case.


To carry out a cosmetic procedure, in addition to the bath for warming up the paraffin and the cosmetic remedy some resources need to be prepared.

For hands and feet

You will need:

  • toilet soap seal;
  • small towel;
  • appropriate scrub;
  • nourishing/moisturizing creams;
  • cellophane;
  • terry socks / mittens;
  • protective cream.

For face

You should prepare:

  • alcohol-free lotion / tonic;
  • light scrub;
  • gauze face mask;
  • brush for applying paraffin;
  • film type food;
  • moisturizing cream.

Today, among the huge variety cosmetic procedures rejuvenation and care of the skin of the face and the whole body with the use of special cosmetic paraffin, as well as body wraps against cellulite, has been especially popular for decades.

The impact of paraffin on the skin and body has many beneficial effects:

  • relaxes;
  • nourishes;
  • activates the sweat glands and cleanses of toxins;
  • rejuvenates;
  • tones;
  • moisturizes;
  • makes more elastic;
  • improves local metabolic processes;
  • strengthens nail plate and heals the nail;
  • provides a massage effect.

Armed with a set necessary funds and having studied the instructions for the paraffin procedure, you can perfectly cope with the implementation of cosmetic sessions at home. The effect will be no less, but the financial and time costs will noticeably decrease.

Paraffin baths for hands / feet at home

Hand procedures can be carried out once a month, supplementing them with updates to your manicure. Having prepared everything necessary fixtures you need to prepare the hands. For this purpose, a scrub is used so that the skin is cleansed of the dead layer of the epidermis. Then protect the brushes with polyethylene and lower them into preheated paraffin. Hold for ten minutes. Such paraffin bath provides hands with elasticity and eliminates the appearance of fine wrinkles and cracks. Peeling and redness on the hands will disappear. Blood circulation will become better, as the paraffin will warm up your hands perfectly. The condition of the skin on the hands will become noticeably better, which will not only be visible to the eye, but also noticeable if touched. Such help to the hands in winter is good, and the effect of it will last at least a week.

Paraffin masks for feet and hands have a special effect. To perform them, you should warm up the paraffin but not to a hot state so as not to get burned. The mask is preceded by applying a cream with nourishing properties to the immersion area of ​​the arms and legs. Then immerse the legs / arms in paraffin and hold for a few seconds and then remove. Then repeat these dives up to six times and, putting on them cellophane gloves, also warm them with terry socks / mittens. Keep the mask for at least twenty-five minutes. It remains to remove paraffin from the limbs and throw away the film attributes. Wipe the rest of the application with a damp towel. Lubricate the skin with hand/foot cream again. When performing a foot mask, a pedicure should be done before the procedure.

Of course, a noticeable effect is manifested from such cosmetic procedures. aesthetic plan. However, for the body itself, the relaxing presence of the active zones of the limbs in warm paraffin brings a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect.

Face mask with paraffin home

The use of paraffin for medical and regenerative cosmetic procedures for facial skin gives excellent results. The skin of the face is tightened, moisturized and looks noticeably younger. Also, the provision of a warming effect on the skin of the face has a positive effect on the use of caring cosmetic products, they act noticeably more effectively, since heated skin opens pores better and increases blood circulation. It is especially recommended to carry out such procedures for those who have withered skin prone to dryness. Peeling will disappear, and the face will become fresh and toned.

To apply the mask on the face, you need to warm up the paraffin to comfortable temperature. Prepare your face. Wipe the skin with a tonic (without alcohol!) and generously grease with a nourishing cream. Then, with a cosmetic brush, apply a layer of mask on the face with gentle movements. After that, it was the turn of the gauze mask, which is designed to correct and fix the paraffin on the face. When the gauze mask is fixed, several more layers of paraffin should be applied alternately to its surface with the same brush. Having finished applying paraffin, you need to sit in a quiet corner for about twenty minutes. It's time to take off the mask. To do this, it is gently pulled from the neck up. All that remains is to apply another nourishing cream on your face and admire your reflection in the mirror. But still, in order for the effect to become more pronounced, a paraffin face mask needs to be practiced ten sessions in a row with their implementation in one day. It is not worth it, having barely finished the procedure, immediately go outside, otherwise those temperature changes that will await the skin of the face will not add gloss to it.

It has been established that it is the paraffin facial mask that can help restore the former oval of the face with age-related changes. True, its application needs to be done a little differently. It is necessary to take a bandage folded in several layers and soak it in paraffin, attach it to the chin. First, do not forget to lubricate the skin with cream. nutritional value. The mask is applied for twenty minutes.

It is important to follow some rules:

  • each subsequent procedure is carried out using fresh paraffin;
  • dispose of the remnants of the funds from the last session;
  • without a special bath for heating paraffin, melt paraffin in a water bath;
  • do not take risks when starting a paraffin therapy procedure in the presence of contraindications, especially of a dermatological nature.

Applications from paraffin at home

It is advisable to apply the application when necessary:

  • warm the body deeply;
  • improve tissue respiration;
  • increase perspiration;
  • remove metabolic products from the body.

Similar procedures are carried out in medicinal purposes, for example, when a child bad cold and relief of the inflammatory process is required. The application is applied anywhere on the body as needed.

For the procedure to be required amount melt the paraffin in a water bath and then cool. It is unacceptable to heat paraffin on fire in order to avoid its suffocating fumes or even fire.

The skin where it is planned to apply paraffin must be wiped dry, after washing. Then, with a wide brush, apply paraffin to the area intended for treatment with a layer of up to about two centimeters. Over cover tissue paper and put oilcloth. This will be followed by wax paper and a warm towel to securely wrap the entire resulting "pie". The patient is placed in bed and covered with a warm blanket. You can spend up to two hours in bed with the application. Therefore, the imposition of the application is allowed at night. When performing a complex of applications, they practice their imposition for half an hour or forty minutes. The first procedure should not last longer than twenty minutes.

Cellulite home wraps

In the fight against cellulite and in the field of weight loss, paraffin has no equal. During the wrapping procedure, subcutaneous fats are actively consumed and, as a result, a confident weight loss occurs. The “orange peel” also melts before our eyes, and the renewed and hydrated skin, which was fed with vitamins, becomes more toned and smooth.

Wraps with paraffin or otherwise Parafango is a procedure for which you will need algae to be subsequently mixed with paraffin. This mixture is homemade. Ready-made Parafango mixtures are also available for sale, consisting of certain proportions of sea mud, salts / vitamin complexes / minerals, algae and plankton.

In addition to cellulite, paraffin wraps do a good job with varicose veins, strengthening the vessels in the legs and having a healing effect on the body.

To do a series of cellulite wraps at home, you can purchase a ready-made Parafango mixture at any of the pharmacies. Prepare the mixture according to the instructions for application and thickly apply the mixture to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body cleaned with a scrub and wrap it with a film. You can relax comfortably under the covers. Paraffin will gently warm and relax the whole body. To achieve a tangible and most importantly visible effect, the procedure will have to be repeated at least fifteen times. At the end of the procedure, it is not bad to carry out massage manipulations using the application of anti-cellulite cream to soften the hands.

The Parafango mixture is freely sold through the pharmacy chain. However, if you still fail to purchase it, do not be upset. It will not be difficult to assemble the drug yourself. To do this, you need to mix cosmetic paraffin melted in a water bath and sea mud with medicinal properties.

Practicing home cosmetic and healing procedures with the use of paraffin, you can not only significantly improve your health and acquire a fresh and toned appearance, but also significantly save family budget, after all salon procedures, in fact, are not much different from homemade ones, but are many times more expensive.

Paraffin, which is considered very effective for joints, has a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. Paraffin is a petroleum derivative, a waxy mixture of hydrocarbons. The substance heats up and melts quickly, slowly giving off heat. Melting point - 55 degrees. Due to this property, after application to skin paraffin increases temperature regime several degrees in the treated area. It is impossible to get a burn from the thermal effects of paraffin, and the results after thermal procedures are tangible.

Paraffin has healing properties:

  1. In a short period of time, it helps to soften the upper skin layer, increasing the therapeutic effect.
  2. The use of paraffin allows you to increase the volume of the intercellular space, which causes expansion of the pores, and activates the penetration of heat into the skin structures. When applying paraffin to inflamed areas, the specific property of the substance helps to eliminate excess moisture, due to increased sweat separation.
  3. The expansion of the pores helps to remove toxic substances, toxins and other harmful elements from the body.
  4. Warming the skin with paraffin increases blood circulation, helps to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process.
  5. Paraffin-based masks moisturize the skin, restoring its elasticity and youth.

Paraffin is considered universal remedy for application. Paraffin therapy can be applied on any part of the body: arms, legs, face, abdomen and thighs. Due to these properties, paraffin is used both in cosmetology and in medical practice, helping to eliminate wrinkles, corns and calluses, and treat joints. It is also successfully used in the fight against cellulite.

Action on the joints

The use of paraffin for the treatment of joints is due to its good thermal conductivity and viscosity. When applied to the skin, the substance retains heat for up to 1 hour, cooling down gradually and slowly. Paraffin is applied in layers, taking into account that the next layer is hotter than the previous one. In this case, the joint and soft tissues are warmed up.

Paraffin acts and mechanically. When cooling, the substance compresses the surface layers. Thus, in the process of cooling, they narrow small vessels, slowing down the blood flow, which causes maximum heating of the affected tissues of the joints. Due to such warming, the work of the joints improves, damaged tissues are restored, and wound regeneration is activated.

Dual influence allows the use of paraffin for various diseases of the joints, treating at home. Before using paraffin for treatment, you should consult your doctor, as there are restrictions and special instructions for the use of this substance.

Proper use of paraffin therapy for the treatment of joints

Paraffin should be heated only in a water bath or in a special bath. To melt the paraffin in a water bath, put a pot of water on a slow fire and place a small container with paraffin in it. At a temperature of 60 degrees, the substance begins to melt.

Paraffin is applied to the joint in three ways. The skin should first be brought to the required condition, it should be dry, without injuries and cuts. If there are hairs on the skin, they must be shaved off. The temperature of the applied paraffin layer must be such that it does not cause burns.

When using paraffin, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. The limbs should be immersed in a bath of dissolved paraffin gradually, after removal, the substance should be allowed to dry for a few seconds;
  2. For aroma, essential oil can be added to the paraffin solution;
  3. Before dipping the limb into the prepared solution, it is advised to add a few drops of mineral and essential oils. The combination of these elements increases the effectiveness of the procedure, because through open pores useful particles of oils begin to flow into the body without hindrance, activating the process of therapeutic therapy.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to carry out paraffin treatment for hypertension, varicose veins veins or diabetes.

Indications for use

Paraffin therapy is used for various articular pathologies, accompanied by:

  1. Degenerative transformations of a dystrophic nature, when the development of arthrosis and gonarthrosis, as well as other forms of the disease, are observed;
  2. Inflammatory processes, excluding purulent neoplasms (arthritis and arthritis);
  3. Various joint injuries and sprains;
  4. Articular tunnel syndrome or trigger finger syndrome.


When using paraffin therapy for the treatment of arthrosis, it is possible to aggravate the course of arthritis and the appearance of complications, due to the body's tendency to hemorrhages in the joint cavity and diseases. internal organs. That is why, before starting treatment with paraffin, you need to undergo a series of diagnostic studies.

Paraffin for the treatment of joint diseases is not recommended for:

Recipes with paraffin

With dysplasia hip joints Paraffin therapy is used as an addition to massaging and physiotherapy. Melted in a water bath, 500 g of paraffin and 250 g of ozocerite are mixed, and added to the mixture Vaseline oil and mix. The resulting mass is poured into rectangular shape with a layer of 1 mm. After 15 minutes, when the mixture has already cooled slightly and hardened, it is removed from the mold and applied to problem area, wrapping with cellophane film on top and fixing with warm cloth.

Arthritis of the ankle joint is successfully treated with the use of paraffin "boots". Paraffin heated to 60 degrees is poured into a specially sewn boot made of thick fabric, which, like a boot, is put on a sore leg. Previously, the foot is lubricated with melted, but not too hot paraffin. From above "boots" are tied with a woolen cloth. The procedure helps with severe pain syndrome.

Can I buy at a pharmacy?

For paraffin therapy at home, the substance can be purchased in online stores. Cosmetic paraffin is packaged in 500 ml. This volume is enough for 5 procedures. For baths, paraffin weighing 1500 ml is needed.

For therapeutic purposes, paraffin must be in pure form, without additives. Such paraffin can be purchased both by making an online order and in ordinary pharmacies.


The cost per package ranges from 100 to 600 rubles. The cost depends both on the weight of the package and on the additives (essential and mineral oils).

On average, one 250 g package costs about 250 rubles.

Paraffin treatment is effective and effective way with diseases of the joints. Before use, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing restrictions. The method is more effective when combined with other methods and in the scheme of a complex course of treatment.

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, a waxy substance with a low melting point. It is obtained from oil and is widely used in industry, cosmetology and other industries. When melted, paraffin turns into a transparent liquid. Candles are made from it, used as a lubricant in the manufacture of wooden furniture. Vaseline is made from paraffin, which is part of anti-corrosion coatings. It is also used in cosmetology for paraffin therapy procedures, they even lubricate skis and bicycle chains. The scope of this substance is very wide and, most likely, there are paraffin products in every home.

Types of paraffin

Depending on the melting point, paraffins are divided into liquid, solid and microcrystalline. According to the degree of purification, they are divided into purified and unrefined. The former contain a large percentage of oil in their composition (up to 30% by weight), while the unrefined ones contain only 6%. The color of the paraffin indicates the degree of its purification. White is refined, while yellow or brown is unrefined.

There are many ways to use paraffin at home: treatment and heating with it, cosmetic procedures, making candles and various other creative items. To carry out cosmetic procedures at home, you need to know how to melt paraffin at home.

Several ways to melt paraffin

It should be understood that paraffin left over from burnt candles is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. For this, a special cosmetic paraffin is used. It can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores. Do you know how to melt paraffin? The easiest way is a water bath. To do this, you will need two metal containers of different diameters, water for heating and a thermometer. Stages:

  1. Pour about a third of the water into a container of a larger diameter and boil it on the stove.
  2. Chop the paraffin into small pieces. It is most convenient to do this on a newspaper or large format paper. When cutting, the paraffin will crumble. To do everything neatly and not to lose a valuable substance, the litter will come in handy.
  3. Place the finely chopped paraffin in a smaller container and shake off the crumbs from the newspaper there.
  4. After boiling water, measure its temperature with a thermometer, it should show no more than 55 - 80 ° C. With more high temperatures the paraffin will begin to evaporate.
  5. Reduce the gas and place a smaller container on top of the boiling water so that its bottom touches the water.
  6. While stirring the paraffin with a metal spoon, wait until it is completely melted.
  7. When melting, the volume of the substance in the container will decrease. If it is not enough, you can add a few more pieces to the already melted paraffin.

Make sure the container is completely dry before melting the paraffin. The ingress of water into liquid paraffin is strictly not allowed. When in contact with water, the hot mass will shoot and splash, and if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn.

Can paraffin wax be melted in the microwave or oven?

Now let's find out other nuances of this process. So, many in search of an answer to the question of whether they are thinking about the possibility of doing it in the microwave or in the oven. Indeed, it is possible to do so.

In the first case, you should set the defrosting mode and melt the paraffin for 2-3 minutes, after grinding it. Be sure to cover the paraffin jar with a lid and use microwave-safe dishes.

Paraffin wax can be melted in the oven at a temperature of 70-80 °C. Be extremely careful when removing a container of molten material. Allow the mixture to cool slightly to avoid burns if the hot liquid comes into contact with the skin.

Paraffin therapy is a great way to take care of the skin of hands and face in winter

The use of hot paraffin is widely used in cosmetology. These procedures make the skin velvety and smooth and are in a good way restore her elasticity. You already know how to melt paraffin in a water bath, and in beauty salons for this, special melting baths are used. For carrying out one procedure, it is necessary to melt a pound of paraffin. This process looks like this:

  • Before you melt the paraffin and start creating a mask for your hands, wash them well and lubricate with a moisturizer. Operating principle paraffin mask in that it warms the skin of the hands, opens the pores and improves blood circulation, allowing the upper layers of the epidermis to absorb useful components creams are better than usual.
  • Dip your hands in the liquid paraffin that has cooled to a tolerable temperature, spreading your fingers completely so that the liquid covers the skin of the hands entirely. Repeat the procedure several times, allowing the paraffin to harden a little after each dipping your hands into the container. Thus, a layer of paraffin will appear on the brushes, completely enveloping them.
  • After that, hands with warm paraffin should be wrapped cling film, polyethylene or wear polyethylene gloves. Wrap your hands over the gloves terry towel and keep it that way for about 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, you can remove the paraffin from your hands and apply a nourishing cream.

As mentioned above, for this procedure it is necessary to use a special cosmetic paraffin. It is categorically contraindicated to make these baths from unrefined yellow paraffin. It contains substances that are harmful to the skin. Using the same cosmetic substance, you can be sure that you do not harm your hands. In addition, it is often produced with the addition of various essential oils and nutritional ingredients.

The effect of paraffin therapy

The described hand baths and face masks provide a complex therapeutic effect on the skin and joints. Paraffin therapy is recommended in the presence of peeling and microcracks on the skin, pigmentation, frostbite, arthritis and arthrosis. This procedure also has a targeted restorative effect on the nail plate, if the nails exfoliate or often break, paraffin therapy is perfect for restoring their structure.


  • with open wounds on the skin of the hands and face;
  • purulent inflammations;
  • fungal diseases and eczema;
  • diabetes
  • vascular diseases;
  • asthma.

The beneficial qualities of paraffin do not end there. It is often used for home heating for bronchitis and common cold. Here it is also important to use a special cosmetic substance, which can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores.

Paraffin therapy is a medical and cosmetic procedure aimed at deep softening and nourishing of the skin. It is used mainly for the care of dry and chapped skin of the hands in the cold season. The advantage of the procedure is the simplicity and accessibility of the procedure, thanks to which everyone can master the rules of paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy: indications and contraindications

Baths and applications with paraffin are indicated for the treatment of:

  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • Raynaud's disease.

The method is used to relieve symptoms in diseases of the bones and joints. The effectiveness of paraffin therapy in this case is due to the soft gradual heating of the tissues.

Paraffin melts at a temperature of about 520 C. Applying this substance to the body improves blood circulation in the affected area by irritating the upper layer of the skin. In diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis), the procedure helps to remove pain syndrome and improve mobility. With neuralgia, gentle warming with paraffin relieves pain caused by nerve damage.

As prescribed by a dermatologist, the method can be used for psoriasis, to soften plaques on the skin. The possibility of paraffin treatment for eczema on the hands should also be consulted with a specialist.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins at the site of exposure;
  • the presence of a rash, deep wounds and ulcers on the skin.

In the absence of contraindications, the procedure can be performed even for children older than three years, however, paraffin is not applied on clean skin, but on gauze or bandage, to avoid burns.

The use of paraffin in cosmetology

The procedure is offered in almost every beauty salon. In cosmetology, paraffin therapy is used to eliminate problems associated with dryness and flaking of the skin.

The use of paraffin allows:

  • reduce traces of post-acne;
  • smooth mimic wrinkles;
  • brighten the skin and reduce age spots;
  • improve skin tone.

The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body due to the greenhouse effect, which is created when molten paraffin is applied to the skin. Paraffin gradually increases the temperature of the skin at the site of application, as a result, the pores open. Since a layer of air remains between the epidermis and the wax-like mass, local sweating increases. With sweat, toxins are released, the skin is cleansed. At the same time, lymph flow improves, blood microcirculation is stimulated, that is, metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis are improved. The result of the procedure is smooth nourished and hydrated skin.

There is a proven "grandmother's" method of treating young patients, which parents successfully use today. Paraffin boots at home are used along with mittens and baths. The most important property of paraffin, allowing it to be used in medical purposes, - latent heat, low thermal conductivity. This means that by heating it up to 60°C, you can apply the product on the skin without fear of burning yourself.

The compression action mentioned above is another important feature paraffin. Due to the decrease in volume during solidification, the product will inevitably tighten the skin and blood vessels. At the same time, blood circulation slows down, heat transfer decreases, which means that paraffin itself completely warms up the skin and organs. Together, low thermal conductivity and compressive properties significantly help in the treatment of:

  • improve lymph circulation in deep, stagnant tissues;
  • improve metabolism;
  • relax spasms.

Thanks to these characteristics, paraffin treatment is so popular in modern medicine, and some doctors call this method miraculous.

What diseases are treated with paraffin therapy?

Paraffin treatment is a time-tested method of applying a thermocompress. It is allowed to be used even in newborns, the main thing is to know how to do compresses correctly. Most often, the doctor prescribes the procedure in conjunction with drug treatment, massage and electrophoresis.
Paraffin is one of the most effective means in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • neuralgia in children;
  • hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs;
  • ARI and SARS;
  • at inflammatory processes if there is no suppuration;
  • consequences of injuries (bruises, sprains).

Newborns are prescribed warming up for spastic muscle cuts. The mixture is applied only to the affected area, but if the parents do not know how to do this, then it is better to carry out the procedure under the supervision of a doctor.

The essence of the method

When solidified, paraffin releases a lot of heat (for an hour or more), decreases in volume, tightens the skin, thereby warming the tissues deep enough and has a positive effect on the organs located near the treatment site. When heated with paraffin, tense muscles begin to gradually relax, which accelerates the process of resorption of inflamed foci.

children older than a year paraffin therapy is prescribed for diseases associated with breathing:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough.

The mixture is applied in the same way as mustard plasters. If the child is ill Bladder, then the imposition is done on the lower abdomen. It is also recommended to use paraffin boots, which are easily made at home. This method is very popular for the treatment of many ailments, especially childhood neuralgia.

Boots for children at home

The first and main procedure that the doctor prescribes when warming up is paraffin boots. The diagnosis for treatment with this method in newborns is hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs (a neurologist prescribes therapy). Older children can simply do hot foot baths. In case of an injury to one leg, one paraffin boot is applied.

To prepare paraffin boots, you need to follow a series of steps.

  • Buy an auxiliary component ozocerite and paraffin itself in a pharmacy.
  • Make a mixture at the rate of 1:1 (sometimes - 2:1).
  • Melt in a water bath until the components are homogeneous.
  • Prepare a surface where the liquid will pour out in a layer 1-2 cm thick. A baking sheet covered with dense polyethylene is best suited for this.
  • You need to make two blanks for one leg.
  • Watch the temperature finished composition- it should be above body temperature, but not burn it.
  • Put the frozen, but still soft mass in polyethylene on the legs and wrap, starting from the calves and below.
  • Wrap the entire limb from the knee with cling film.
  • To create maximum warmth for the child during warming up - put on high socks, or better - knee-highs, wrap him with a warm blanket.

It is important not to rush into the process and do everything carefully. The first few procedures last no more than 20 minutes, then the time can be increased to 30, adding 5 minutes every day.

Treatment of newborns and contraindications

Muscle hypertonicity in a newborn is an indication for the use of paraffin boots, and the following ailments can cause it:

  • hypoxia ( oxygen starvation fetus);
  • severe toxicosis in the mother during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • late or early birth.

A contraindication to the use of paraffin or ozocerite can be:

  • increased body temperature;
  • suppuration in inflammatory processes;
  • rash, itching at the place where it is necessary to warm up;
  • violations of thermal perception of the skin;
  • exacerbations in ARVI and acute respiratory infections.

Most often, paraffin boots for babies are made for a short time - from 15 to 20 minutes, or even less. A child who is on outpatient treatment needs to be warmed up at home, because after the procedure long time it is forbidden to go outside, and parents, like no one else, will be able to follow this.

Many mothers notice that when a child undergoes a procedure in a hospital, the level of colds. This is due to the fact that in the hospital there is no opportunity to spend three hours in warmth after warming up, so that the baby's body cools down to normal temperature. When there is a temperature drop, children can easily develop a cold. Before warming up a child on your own, consult a doctor to find out if there are any contraindications.

So, when doing the procedure at home, do not take the child outside, do not bathe for three to four hours after warming up. Be sure to control the temperature of hot paraffin, it should not exceed 42 ° C. To avoid burns, check the temperature with your wrist. It is important that there is no water inside the paraffin, otherwise you can easily get burned. It is allowed to warm up with paraffin at least daily. The child may want to drink - this is normal.