Paraffin face masks result. How to prepare a paraffin face mask at home? What kind of paraffin is needed

Paraffin face mask is one of the most popular beauty treatments among Hollywood stars. Today, many claim that this mask is able to tighten the oval of the face, lift the skin and get rid of wrinkles, but is it really so?

Just a couple of years ago, in Hollywood, something like hysteria began, paraffin masks immediately after the appearance were dubbed "the best non-surgical method of skin lifting." The whole secret is in the cosmetologist's technique, which first introduced this type of mask. Before applying the composition of the mask, an intensive rejuvenating facial massage with essential oils is done, after which warm paraffin is applied to the face.

As Blogun reports, this is not the end of the matter, the mask is kept for 30 minutes, during which it is kept warm with the help of infrared rays. The effects after such an hour and a half procedure are simply amazing.

The benefits of a paraffin mask for the skin

Before listing why paraffin face masks are so useful, it is worth noting that we are talking about cosmetic paraffin, which is cleaned of harmful substances, and not about the usual one, from which candles are made and used in industry. So, when you hear the word paraffin, first make sure that it is cosmetic before using this product in facial skin care.

The benefits of paraffin for the face are more in its properties than in the composition. So, thanks to the hardening process, paraffin, as it were, makes those substances that are applied under it better absorbed and bring more benefits, just like alginate face masks. In addition, when it hardens, the pores narrow, the muscles of the face are toned, due to which wrinkles disappear.

What is useful paraffin for the face:

  • Clears pores. During application, the paraffin is warm and the pores open, and after a few minutes it begins to harden and the pores shrink mechanically, so excess impurities are pushed out and the skin is cleansed.
  • It improves blood circulation, and hence the nutrition of skin cells, and the complexion becomes smoother, a natural glow appears.
  • Warm paraffin masks relax the muscles of the face and at the same time increase their tone, thus this mask fights against wrinkles, and, judging by the reviews, it works better than other means.
  • Increases efficiency and nutrient penetration. Many cosmetologists use paraffin wax on top of moisturizers so that they penetrate better and deeper.
  • Relax. Paraffin masks are used more in countries with a cold climate, as they pleasantly warm, improve well-being and mood.
  • The result after paraffin masks is a visible lifting of the facial skin, increased skin elasticity, cleansing.

Paraffin face masks. Indications for use

Paraffin face masks are primarily good for tightening the oval of the face, for aging skin, for those who are looking for ways to get rid of wrinkles without injections, for dull and lifeless skin.

Also, paraffin masks are useful for dry skin, provided that a moisturizer or oil is applied under the mask.

Many with the help of these masks are struggling with a second chin, and judging by the reviews, there are effects, although not after the first application. Make the so-called paraffin dressings and impose on problem areas.


  • The presence of spider veins
  • Dermatological diseases such as herpes, in the active phase, for example.
  • Abundance of facial hair, warts or moles.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Oncological diseases.

Precautionary measures:

  • The use of these masks is best entrusted to an experienced cosmetologist, because there is a risk of not calculating the temperature and getting burned.
  • Ideally, if you are making a mask at home, it is better if you have an assistant so that you can relax while applying the mask with paraffin.
  • In addition to the risk of getting burned, you can still unwillingly leave the paraffin away from the fire for too long and after applying it to the face it will immediately harden, but for the best effect, you need the mask to keep warm for as long as possible.

How warm paraffin masks are made in the salon

In a good salon, such a procedure should take about 1-1.5 hours and include:

  1. cleansing
  2. Rejuvenating face massage with oils.
  3. Application of the composition of the paraffin mask.
  4. Removal of paraffin and residues of cosmetics.
  5. Applying moisturizer.
  6. After the paraffin mask, it is desirable not to be outside for a long time for an hour.

A paraffin mask is primarily a salon procedure, so doing it at home is not particularly recommended, however, knowing the nature and independence of our women, it is better to explain how this is done, because many of us are quite capable of venturing and making such a mask on our own.

Making a face mask with paraffin at home

Before carrying out this procedure at home, you should prepare well and purchase the necessary ingredients.

First of all, you need to buy cosmetic paraffin, vitamins A and E in oil, or just aevit. Aevit released in capsules, which need to be pierced and squeezed out the contents. You will also need a spatula for application, like the one sold with epilation wax, a piece of gauze or bandage, optionally serum, vegetable oils for skin rejuvenation - grape, olive, avocado or rosehip oil.

  1. We put 100 grams of paraffin in a plastic bag and melt in a water bath.
  2. Add a few drops of vitamin A and E, mix.
  3. Remove from heat, check temperature, if too hot, let cool slightly. Check again before applying.
  4. If desired, apply serum to the skin of the face, and on top, with a spatula, very quickly apply warm paraffin to the face.
  5. Next, the pieces of the bandage are immersed in paraffin and also applied to the face.
  6. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes. At this time, we do not talk and do not use the muscles of the face.
  7. Remove the cooled mask carefully so as not to damage the skin. You can simply remove it with your hands, or with warm water.

It turns out that the procedure is quite complicated and time-consuming, whether to do it at home or in the salon, each of us decides, according to time, desire and possibilities.

Homemade face masks with paraffin. Recipes

In addition to vitamins, many different ingredients are added to paraffin masks to enhance their effect:

  • Masks for oily skin

In paraffin, add 4-5 drops of essential oils of grapefruit, lemon, orange. Cleanse the skin before applying the mask, and then moisturize with a light serum.

  • Dry face masks

To nourish dry skin, cosmetic masks with paraffin are enriched with olive oil, avocado oil, wild rose, peach oil.

  • Acne masks

It works well against acne when added to paraffin, tea tree essential oil and aloe juice. 100 grams of paraffin are melted and 2-3 drops of this oil are added. Such a mask will cleanse the skin and remove all pathogenic bacteria. With aloe juice, everything is the same - 1 tablespoon of juice is added per 100 grams of paraffin.

  • Paraffin mask with beeswax

For 100 grams of paraffin, add 10-15 grams of beeswax. This mask is suitable for all skin types and has an antiseptic and rejuvenating effect.

  • Paraffin hand mask

Prepare a composition for a paraffin mask, add vitamins A and E to 100 grams of paraffin, a little olive oil and dip your hands in warm paraffin, paraffin gloves are formed on your hands, over which you need to put on polyethylene, wrap in something warm and hold for 15 minutes. After such a mask, the skin of the hands will be fabulously velvety and tender.

The thermal properties of paraffin began to be used in medicine over 100 years ago. Over time, doctors came to the conclusion that this technique is not only good for health, but can also be used in cosmetology. Paraffin therapy for the face provides rejuvenation and tightening of the skin. However, to achieve this effect, you need to know which types of paraffin to choose and how to carry out the procedure correctly.

Cosmetic effects of paraffin

To improve the condition of the skin, cosmetic paraffin is useful. Application at home is practically no different from procedures in the salon.

This product has a unique effect on the skin. It helps to avoid premature aging and helps to maintain the smoothness and firmness of the face and neck. Cosmetic paraffin can be used not only for mature and aging skin. It also works well at a young age, helping to get rid of various skin rashes, blackheads and blackheads. If you regularly carry out such a procedure, you can note the onset of changes:

Paraffin therapy can be cold. This cosmetic procedure has an equally beneficial effect on the skin:

The effect of such procedures can be seen after the first application. If you do paraffin applications regularly, following all the rules, the result will not keep you waiting - the skin will become fresh, young and elastic.

Indications for paraffin therapy

Cosmetic paraffin treatments can be beneficial at any age. Indications for paraffin therapy can be:

It is necessary to choose the paraffin and the mode of the procedure very carefully. Incorrectly selected temperature or active additives in paraffin can lead to the development of complications.

How to apply paraffin at home

The essence of the procedure in the salon and at home is exactly the same. The only difference between the home procedure will be the need to prepare all the ingredients and equipment yourself. If you go to the salon, you can just enjoy the procedure, and the entire “technical” side of the issue will be taken over by professionals.

You can buy paraffin for home therapy in the pharmacy chain or in specialized online stores. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of different types of product in order to choose the most suitable one for yourself. It will be very useful to consult with those who have already used paraffin therapy, you can see the reviews on the forums.

It is advisable to find out which type of paraffin is best to use, as well as which facial wax at home will be more effective. This question can also be clarified with a specialist - a dermatocosmetologist.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the session, you should wash your face with warm water and thoroughly cleanse your face with a scrub or gel.

Paraffin is placed in an enamel bowl and melted in a water bath. You can purchase a special bath for such procedures at a store or pharmacy.

When the product is melted, check the temperature by putting your fingertip down. When applied to the skin, the liquid should not burn.

The main part - applying the mask

To apply paraffin, you will need a special silicone brush or spatula. It is dipped into the melted product and a small amount is applied to the forehead area. In this case, the mixture should be warm and not cause discomfort.

Next, with a brush, gently apply the composition to the entire face, avoiding the areas around the eyes. It is desirable to protect these zones from accidental paraffin ingress by covering the eyes with cotton pads. True, such a procedure will require outside help.

After applying the first layer of paraffin, the face is covered with a gauze napkin. It has slits for the eyes, mouth and nose. Can you cut this napkin? Do it yourself or buy it ready-made in the store.

From above, 3 more layers of a warm composition are successively applied. The ends of the napkin are left clean - it will be more convenient to remove the mask at the end of the session.

With such a mask on your face, you need to lie quietly for about 20 minutes. At the same time, it is desirable to relax as much as possible. You can set yourself an alarm in case you suddenly fall asleep.

End of the session

After the specified time, the ends of the napkin are grabbed by hand and gently pulled from the bottom up. They begin to remove the mask from the chin, moving to the nose and cheeks, then to the forehead area.

Removing the mask you need to wash your face with warm water or infusion of medicinal herbs. At the end, apply your usual nourishing or moisturizing day cream.

The procedure has a lot of advantages and gives a lot of pleasant subjective sensations. Most women, having tried it once, begin to carry it out regularly. To diversify cosmetic effects, you can add honey, aromatic oils, lanolin, cosmetic facial wax to paraffin.

Contraindications for the procedure

Paraffin therapy for the face is a very effective and popular procedure. However, it should be remembered that there are some conditions when it is contraindicated:

Attempts to apply cosmetic paraffin to the face in such cases can lead to a sharp worsening of the condition and the appearance of serious complications.

Paraffin therapy for some problems

In addition to the usual paraffin mask, you can add this product to other cosmetic formulations. Consider how with the help of paraffin therapy you can eliminate certain problems with the skin of the face:

Paraffin face mask at home is very simple and useful. Its regular use will make the skin young, fresh and healthy, eliminate the first wrinkles and improve facial contours. You can learn more about the technique of the procedure by watching the video tutorial.

Paraffin produced from oil waste is used in various industries. It can be mixed, refined, filled with various contents, depending on the purpose. For more than a century, the unique properties of paraffin have made it possible to use it in medicine and cosmetology. In order to heal the human body, carefully cleaned material is selected. It is the base, which is mixed with fillers that have healing, rejuvenating, tonic properties. In different situations, honey, fruit acids, plant essences are added. Cosmetology has known about the benefits of paraffin masks for the face, its youth and beauty for more than a century.

This procedure involves applying a mask of liquid paraffin to the skin of the face. Its temperature is about 50 degrees, but the possibility of a burn in this case is excluded - the material gives off heat very slowly. Slightly heating the skin, paraffin gives an excellent result, nourishing and rejuvenating tired, parched epidermis. Numerous reviews testify to this. The effect of paraffin therapy is noticeable immediately after its implementation. The face becomes younger, and the skin is well-groomed.

Useful properties of the mask

  • Warm paraffin is gently applied with a brush. During the procedure, the skin heats up by only a couple of degrees. But this is enough for intense sweating to begin, the pores to expand. Moisture begins to be released from them along with dirt and toxins. Cooling down, the mask does not absorb liquid from itself, and the skin is intensively moisturized. At the same time, harmful substances are not absorbed - their molecules are too large for narrowed pores.
  • An increase in temperature dilates blood vessels, activates processes in the skin, blood flow and lymph flow. Accordingly, the surface of the epidermis on the face is updated, it is rejuvenated due to the production of collagen by cells.
  • When paraffin cools, it begins to shrink, shrink in size. It happens, contributing to the fact that the skin straightens out and becomes more youthful.
  • According to expert cosmetologists, the tone and elasticity of the epidermis due to paraffin therapy become much higher.
  • The moisture released to the surface of the skin under the influence of a cooling paraffin mask is absorbed, first of all, by the driest areas. There is intense hydration of the face.
  • Paraffin helps tighten contours and improve skin tone.

Special mention should be made of how paraffin affects the problematic epidermis. These masks are indicated for owners of acne, enlarged pores, black dots and micro-inflammations. Active ingredients, heat and vacuum effect remove all unwanted formations, comedones soften, dirt comes out of them on its own. When the skin is heated, the pores become wider, but when cooled, they shrink, which gives an excellent result if acne bothers you.

Who needs paraffin therapy?

First of all, the owners of dry, flaky, tired skin, against which age-related changes appear early. If the face needs to be nourished with moisture, protected from wind and frost, dryness of heated rooms in winter, paraffin will help perfectly. You can quickly reanimate the skin for a significant event by going to the salon, or make a paraffin mask at home, on your own.

The intense impact of the cosmetic procedure makes you pay more attention to its features. People with certain diseases and conditions should avoid wearing a paraffin mask on their face.

Experts identify the following contraindications:

  • hypertension - vasodilation can provoke a pressure jump;
  • varicose veins - with a thermal effect in this disease, you need to be extremely careful; the same applies to the capillary network on the face;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • too enlarged pores;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • open wounds or abrasions on the face;
  • pustular inflammation on the skin;
  • the presence of warts or moles;
  • hypertrichosis, that is, facial hair;
  • bearing a child.

In fact, the difference is small. It lies only in the fact that at home you will have to apply a certain amount of effort. In the salon, you don’t have to worry about anything, you can just relax and benefit and enjoy the qualified actions of a beautician.

How to make a paraffin mask yourself?

1. Cleanse your face thoroughly with micellar water, special gel, scrub or lotion.

2. Apply the cream with gentle massage movements. Its choice depends on the problem that you need to solve. The cream can be with a lifting effect, moisturizing, smoothing, fighting acne.

3. Next, you should melt the cosmetic paraffin purchased at the pharmacy. This is done in a water bath. Paraffin must be placed in an enameled bowl, and it, in turn, in another, more voluminous one, put the structure on medium heat.

4. The result should be a homogeneous mass. If you can use a thermometer, check that the temperature of the mixture does not exceed 50 degrees. Otherwise, dip your finger in paraffin: it should not burn the skin.

5. The next step in paraffin therapy is to apply the mixture on the face. you will need a special cosmetic spatula-brush. Try to make the first smear on the forehead: paraffin should not burn. After that, finish the application with gentle movements, avoiding touching the skin around the eyes: it is too delicate. To make a paraffin mask at home, it is best to enlist the help of someone from your family. This person will help you put cotton pads over your eyes to protect them.

6. When the first layer is applied, it must be covered with a gauze mask with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. After that, paraffin is applied two or three more times to consolidate the result. It is necessary to carry out the procedure for the face in a supine position.

7. Paraffin is applied to the face for 20 minutes. It is important not to fall asleep from the heat at this time, so set an alarm for the moment when it is time to take off the mask.

8. To fix the result, it is necessary to remove the paraffin correctly. To do this, pull the gauze from the bottom up - from the chin to the forehead. You can remove paraffin residues from your face at home using a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

9. Wash your face with herbal decoction or water without soap, blot your face, apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

User Reviews

“I knew about paraffin therapy for a long time, but somehow I didn’t have to face it closely. At work, they presented a certificate to a beauty salon on the occasion of the anniversary. I came, they recommended a mask with paraffin, they said that it would be suitable for my dry skin. Done, I just loved it! My face looks 10 years younger! However, I can’t constantly visit the salon: I don’t have the financial ability. I read the instructions and reviews on the Internet, bought paraffin, now I spend it myself at home once a week. Very satisfied."

Natalia, St. Petersburg.

“I am a mother of many children, I have very little time to take care of my skin. Once a week I oblige my husband to take care of children, and I myself apply paraffin on my face and hands. It really saves me. I learned how to make such a mask by reading reviews on the Internet. I melt the mixture in a water bath, spread my face in four layers, after the first, be sure to shift with gauze. Everything is removed easily, then it remains only to wash. Beneficial because paraffin can be used many times.”

Maria, Moscow region.

“About once every two weeks I go to a beauty salon, where paraffin is applied to my face. Helps with wrinkles and dryness. I am thinking to use this mask at home weekly. Very good reviews about paraffin therapy in women's forums.

Svetlana, Minsk.

“Paraffin therapy helped me in adolescence, when there were a lot of acne on my face. I think now I'll try to do it just to moisturize the skin. A friend regularly applies such masks, she likes it.

Nina, Novosibirsk.

“I have mastered paraffin therapy for the face already 8 years ago. Now my friends come to me, I also make such a skin mask for them, they are satisfied. Convenient, economical, however, you have to tinker, but it's worth it.

In 1902, the French physician Bart de Sandorf proposed using the thermal properties of paraffin for cosmetic and medical purposes. Practice has shown that this technique is effective and very useful both for the health of the body and for the beauty of the body. A whole trend in cosmetology and medicine has appeared - paraffin therapy, which uses heated paraffin of certain grades as a coolant (in particular, P-1 and P-2). They represent a highly purified white, dehydrated substance without impurities, which melts at a temperature of 52–55 °C. It can be used to make excellent paraffin face masks, the main function of which is rejuvenation and lifting.

The effect of paraffin on the skin

Cosmetic paraffin for the face is a unique rejuvenating agent that solves the problems of premature skin aging and helps to maintain youth. On the other hand, it can be used to care not only for already fading, senile skin, but also for young skin, if you need to get rid of acne and various rashes. Indications for the use of masks with paraffin may be cosmetic defects and imperfections that disappear with regular use of such procedures:

  • tumors, seals under the influence of high temperature and vacuum dissolve;
  • narrowed, hard-to-pass pores expand;
  • acne becomes smaller and gradually disappears altogether;
  • sebaceous plugs and black dots soften, after which they easily come out of clogged and polluted pores on their own;
  • the tone of the facial muscles increases significantly;
  • an unhealthy complexion (earthy, yellowish, gray, etc.) changes to a natural, pale pink, with a healthy blush on the cheeks, and all because paraffin face masks accelerate blood circulation;
  • lost skin elasticity is restored;
  • dry skin with flaky patches gets the moisture it needs;
  • the contour of the face, which has already lost its outlines, becomes clear, brightly outlined, toned and beautiful.

Already after the first procedure, it will be noticeable how effective paraffin therapy for the face is: rejuvenation, lifting, tone, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory effect. With the right approach to this matter, compliance with indications and contraindications, regular use, the result will be more and more noticeable.

Paraffin therapy for the face: contraindications

Today, facial paraffin therapy is a popular procedure among women of all ages. It can be carried out independently at home, or you can contact any beauty salon. However, in both cases, one must keep in mind the contraindications in which paraffin masks can turn into poor health, side effects and complications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertrichosis (facial hair);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pustular, infectious diseases of the skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • rash;
  • serious blood diseases;
  • enlarged pores;
  • a large number of warts or moles;
  • open wounds on the face.

In the absence of contraindications, it is completely safe to seek help from facial paraffin therapy as a rejuvenating procedure. Since its preparation and application to the skin is a rather specific process that differs from the use of other face masks, you must first carefully study the instructions for their use.

Rules for the use of paraffin for the face

Stage 1. Preparatory

1. Wash with warm water using a cleansing gel or scrub.

2. Depending on the nature of the problem being solved, apply an appropriate cream to the skin - anti-aging, nourishing, moisturizing, etc.

3. Dip the paraffin into an enameled container, which is placed in another, but already larger dish with boiling water over medium heat.

4. Melt the paraffin.

5. Dip your finger into it to measure the temperature. It should not be scalding when applied.

Stage 2. Application

1. Dip a special cosmetic brush (spatula) into melted paraffin and lightly apply the first small smear on the forehead to make sure once again that the mixture is warm and does not damage the skin with high temperature.

2. After making sure that the mask is safe to apply, you can use a paraffin brush to treat your face, avoiding only the eye area. To prevent molten paraffin from getting on the skin around the eyes, it is advisable to first put cotton pads on closed eyelids. However, this will require an assistant even for a home procedure.

3. Apply a gauze cloth with slits for the eyes, nose, and mouth on the first layer of the mask. You can buy it in stores, or you can make it yourself.

4. Apply 3-4 more layers of molten paraffin. At the same time, you need to leave the ends of the napkin free at the edges, so that later it will be easier to remove the mask.

5. You need to relax and lie down in such a pleasant languor for about 20 minutes. However, do not forget to set an alarm clock or ask someone from your family to wake you up if you accidentally fall asleep.

Stage 3. Final

1. Grasp the ends of the napkin and gently pull them from the bottom up - from the chin and lower jaw to the cheeks and nose, then to the eyes and, finally, to the forehead.

2. Wash with water or herbal infusion at room temperature.

3. Apply a regular face cream.

Multi-layered, with a thermal effect, rejuvenating and pleasant in all respects, facial paraffin therapy is liked by everyone who resorts to it constantly. Moreover, the procedure can be varied. Additional ingredients can be added to masks with paraffin - beeswax, cosmetic and vegetable oils, honey, lanolin, etc.

Recipes for paraffin masks

Recipes for paraffin masks for the face should be chosen according to the type of skin and the problem that you want to solve as soon as possible.

  • Moisturizing

At 1 o'clock. melted paraffin pour 1 tsp. almond cosmetic oil, half a teaspoon. lanolin and 1 tsp. cacao butter.

  • Nutritious

Add 1 tsp to the first layer of the paraffin face mask. liquid honey.

  • Anti-inflammatory

At 1 o'clock. melted paraffin add 1 tbsp. lies. aloe juice.

  • soothing

At 1 o'clock. melted paraffin, add 5-7 drops of essential oils of rose, orange, lemon.

Paraffin therapy for the face is a time-tested, effective and very useful procedure for every woman. Returning to it again and again with the hope of stopping time and prolonging the youthfulness of the skin, you can forget about age-related problems and just enjoy the results.

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Paraffin therapy is a cosmetic procedure that can be performed at home and in a beauty salon for women over the age of 35. Paraffin in cosmetology is used to give the skin elasticity and firmness, as well as against wrinkles. Before performing the procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications. With proper use of paraffin, side effects are not observed. Before starting the procedure, it must be properly melted.


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Paraffin therapy for the face: what is it

Paraffin therapy is a procedure in cosmetology, thanks to which the body is healed and the skin is rejuvenated. Paraffin helps to restore the water balance of the skin, elasticity, firmness, as well as the elimination of fine wrinkles. For cosmetic procedures, a white look is used.

It contains no harmful impurities, so it is considered hypoallergenic. Cosmetic paraffin has good thermodynamic properties: when heated to +55 degrees, there is no chance of getting burned. During facial paraffin therapy, two processes occur:

  • heating of the skin, because with the slow heat transfer of paraffin, the capillaries of the face expand and blood flow increases, and against this background, the pores expand, which are cleansed of impurities and the product of the sebaceous glands;
  • lifting effect, i.e. a film that is formed due to a decrease in the volume of a substance during its cooling period and affects the underlying tissues, as a result of which the skin acquires elasticity.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications for the use of paraffin therapy. If a person has a negative reaction in response to exposure to frosty or dry air and peeling of the skin, then this technique helps to cope with such problems. The indications include the following situations:

  • the presence of a second chin;
  • wrinkles;
  • skin laxity;
  • red spots;
  • oily skin.

Contraindications to the procedure include:

  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • blood diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • skin injury;
  • excessive facial hair;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • enlarged pores;
  • moles;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pimples on the face.

Application at home

Paraffin therapy of the face can be carried out both in the clinic and at home. Before starting the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin of the face with a gel, scrub or lotion and treat the affected area with an antiseptic. Then you should apply a face cream depending on the purpose: moisturizing, with a lifting effect, etc.

After that, you need to melt the paraffin in a water bath. It is purchased at a pharmacy or special cosmetic stores and can be either pure (Sustabin) or with essential oils of rose, lemon, orange, honey, aloe juice, etc. You need to prepare it according to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. 1. Paraffin should be placed in an enameled dish, and it should be placed in a more voluminous one.
  2. 2. Put the containers on medium heat.
  3. 3. Wait until you get a homogeneous mass.

You can add one or another oil to pure paraffin, depending on the purpose and type of skin:

  • for oily skin, aloe juice is allowed;
  • to give elasticity, it is recommended to add vitamin E;
  • with dry skin, almond, olive and sunflower oils are indicated;
  • Flaxseed oil is suitable for combination skin types.


To perform one procedure, 150-200 g of paraffin is enough. To check its temperature, you can use a thermometer: it should not exceed +50 degrees. Sometimes, for ease of use at home, you should ask for help from relatives and friends.

The temperature can be checked by dipping your finger in paraffin. As a result, liquid wax should not burn the skin. Scheme of the procedure: 1 time in 3-4 days.

After that, you need to apply the mixture on your face. For this, a cosmetic spatula-brush is used. In order not to get burned, you must first apply a little paraffin on your forehead. To protect your eyes from its effects, you need to close them with cotton pads.

After applying the first layer, it should be covered with a gauze bandage with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. Then you need to apply two or three more layers to fix the result. The procedure must be performed in the supine position.

You need to know that paraffin masks are applied for 20 minutes. To properly remove paraffin, gauze must be pulled from the bottom up, i.e. from the chin to the forehead. After that, remove the remnants of the substance with cotton pads.

Finally, you need to wash yourself with water or herbal decoction and apply cream to the skin. Cosmetologists advise using paraffin for the face in autumn and winter, because it is during this period that a sharp change in temperature occurs. Paraffin masks absolutely do not cause any harm to the skin of the face, if they are done taking into account indications and contraindications.