What varnish is used for furniture. Paints for wooden furniture. What are varnishes

Lacquered furniture is unlikely to ever go out of style. Despite the fact that there are many different materials for making furniture on the market today, a lacquered living room or bedroom will always be very popular. furniture varnish, which covers not only various pieces of furniture, but also other wood products, allows you to protect the surface of the tree from various damages, in addition, many types of varnish can protect wood from water.

What are varnishes

Specialists distinguish several groups of varnishes that can be used to treat various surfaces.

The first group includes varnishes that are used for floor treatment. The second group includes the so-called ship varnishes, this type of varnish can be used to coat wooden products, which are in, the third, most popular type of varnish is furniture varnishes and varnishes that are used for finishing wooden surfaces that are both indoors and outdoors.

Before, how to choose furniture polish , it is necessary to pay attention to many parameters.

First of all, furniture varnishes are divided into one-component and multi-component varnishes, many of us used two-component varnishes when sanding parquet. When choosing a varnish for furniture, you should also pay attention to the varnish-forming base; currently, there is an abundance of varnishes on the market that are made on the basis of polyacrylic, polyurethane, epoxy and other bases.

An important criterion that must be considered when choosing a varnish is its environmental friendliness. Most water-based varnishes are virtually odorless and can be applied to furniture surfaces without the need for respiratory protection. Most of the varnishes, which with organic solvents have a sharp, unpleasant odor. In addition, furniture varnishes that do not contain organic solvents are.

Currently, both domestic and foreign paints and varnishes can be found on the market. For domestic paints and varnishes, there is a certain marking, which consists of four character groups.

The first group of numbers indicates the type of paintwork material, it can be varnish or enamel, in some cases the pigment that is part of the varnish is indicated.

The second group of symbols describes the type of film-forming substance used in the manufacture of varnish; safe varnishes include varnishes that are made on the basis of natural resins, for example, oil, rosin or water-dispersion.

The third group of symbols describes the purpose of the lacquer, such as weather-resistant, limited weather-resistant, water-repellent, heat-resistant or special.

In the fourth group of characters, drying oil is encoded, on the basis of which paint is made or the factory where the paintwork material was made.Also, for most varnishes, the marking indicates their type - glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-matte.

The furniture varnishing process has a rather complicated technology, if you want to restore it, it is best to contact companies that have extensive experience in this field, as a rule, this work is done in specialized workshops.

Before you start varnishing furniture, you must clearly describe the details that you plan to restore. Further, the parts must be removed from the furniture; if it is impossible to disassemble the furniture, it is necessary to carefully pack those parts of the furniture that are not subject to varnishing.

Before you start varnishing furniture with the selected furniture varnish, you need to clean off the old layer of varnish and paint, why carefully sand the piece of furniture and even out all the chips and cracks that have formed on the tree during operation. Before starting paint and varnish work, it is necessary to remove all dust from the surface of the furniture, which may remain after grinding wooden materials.

Next, it is necessary to cover the furniture with a stain or paint that can be selected according to RAL, after painting the furniture part, it is necessary to cover the furniture with two layers of varnish, as a rule, the varnish is applied to the surface of the furniture with a roller or by spraying, after applying the varnish the furniture is dried in a special chamber, which allows create the perfect coverage. As a rule, the drying time for furniture varnish is 24 hours.

Reminds you that, even after varnishing the furniture, it should be remembered that the care of polished furniture should be carried out with the help of special products that do not leave streaks and scratches on the surface of the varnish, and also add shine to the furniture.

Wooden furniture has a fairly high cost, as the material is natural and environmentally friendly. However, having a lot of advantages, the tree, under the influence of external factors, undergoes deformation, cracks, changes color and dries out. Therefore, you need to learn in time how to varnish the furniture in order to prevent these processes.

The main types of materials

Unlike paint, transparent varnish does not hide the natural pattern of wood, while protecting it from moisture, UV rays, mechanical stress and roughness. But not all materials have the same properties and are suitable for home use. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly navigate in their varieties in order to get the expected result.

Furniture varnishes, depending on the purpose, are divided into:

  • water repellent;
  • weatherproof;
  • heat-resistant;
  • heat-resistant;
  • shockproof.

By type, these materials are divided into:

  • semi-gloss;
  • glossy;
  • semi-matte;
  • matte;
  • colored.

Depending on the composition, there are:

  • acrylic;
  • oil;
  • alkyd;
  • polyurethane;
  • epoxy;
  • craquelure;
  • nitro-varnishes.

Varnishes are produced in the form of solutions and sprays, which make it easy to treat hard-to-reach places.

Main characteristics of materials

Depending on the basis of the material, the features of working with it also differ.

Water based

For indoors, it is best to choose matte or glossy water-based acrylic varnishes, which do not contain organic solvents. They:

  • have no smell;
  • do not support combustion;
  • do not cause allergies and are absolutely harmless to human health;
  • do not change the natural shade of wood;
  • have high strength indicators;
  • dry fairly quickly.

The only drawback of this coating is the sensitivity to moisture. Therefore, it is desirable to use it in rooms such as bedrooms, living rooms, offices and children's rooms. For applying acrylic varnishes, a special roller is used. Also, this material is available in spray cans.


But water-based polyurethane varnishes combine the listed properties of acrylic analogues with moisture resistance, which greatly facilitates the care of varnished furniture. This makes them the most popular protective materials and makes it possible to cover wooden products both inside and outside the premises. Polyurethane materials are ideal for a child's room, as toddlers can wet the furniture or paint it with paint.


To give furniture different shades, it is better to choose matte oil varnishes. In their production, vegetable oils and resins, as well as organic solvents, are used. These materials, after drying, form a dense transparent film on the surface of the wood, which has a wide range of colors.


Alkyd varnish is considered a durable, moisture-resistant colorless material. The coating is based on alkyd resins mixed with organic solvents. The disadvantages include the length of the drying period, which is 72 hours. However, manufacturers have managed to improve the formula and added special hardeners to the composition of the varnish, which reduced this figure to 24 hours. The coating can be applied with a roller or sprayer, which turns it into a spray, which also helps to dry faster.

antique finish

Antique furniture covered with modern materials does not look very natural. Therefore, it is better for her to choose a matte craquelure varnish, which is able to create an imitation of an aged surface. This effect is achieved due to its ability to dehydrate the paint applied from above. The staining technology includes two stages. First, craquelure varnish is applied, and after it dries only slightly, it is covered with paint.

When dried, small cracks form between them, giving the objects an antique look.

Nitro based

Nitro-varnishes could be called an ideal material for protecting furniture, with excellent adhesive qualities, high strength factor, moisture resistance and elasticity, if it were not for the presence of toxic solvents in their composition. And although these substances evaporate during drying and do not have a harmful effect on the human body, you should not use them to decorate furniture in a children's room. It is desirable to work with nitro-lacquers outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, using reliable personal protective equipment for the respiratory tract and eyes.

Saliva-certified varnishes should be purchased when treating furniture in a children's room, as babies often gnaw on the wooden parts of cribs and playpens.

For children's public institutions, experts recommend choosing a universal varnish that does not contain dyes and consists of natural materials such as ricin oil, rosin and various types of microwaxes.

Work rules

Deciding to restore the furniture yourself by coating its surface with varnish, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Work should only be carried out in rooms with good ventilation.
  2. Open flame sources must not be allowed.
  3. Processing should be carried out with gloves, a respirator and glasses (an exception may be water-based varnishes).
  4. Read the instructions carefully and follow all of its points.
  5. If there is an old coating, it must be carefully removed, leaving not even small "islands".
  6. If, after cleaning, cracks, bulges or depressions form on the furniture, they must be puttied and then sanded very high quality.
  7. Before applying varnish, it is worth covering the surface with one or two layers of primer.
  8. Lacquer should be applied in thin layers, giving each enough time to dry.

Aerosol varnishes

On the prepared wooden surface, varnish can be applied in the form of a spray. This will speed up the processing process, but you need to have certain skills. Therefore, you should first practice on a sheet of plywood or a wooden board, especially when it comes to craquelure varnish.

The rules for applying the spray include the following items:

  1. Shake the bottle well.
  2. Keeping it at a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface to be treated, start applying with wide movements in a horizontal direction.
  3. The presence of streaks indicates that the spray can is too close.
  4. After applying the spray, allow the coating to dry for 48 hours (another time may be indicated on the package).
  5. Treat the first layer with fine sandpaper and remove dust with a napkin.
  6. Apply a second coat of varnish and also allow it to dry completely.
  7. If necessary, the process can be repeated a third time.

You should not be negligent in the choice of varnishes for covering furniture, as this can not only lead to a reduction in its service life, but also make it completely unusable due to a deterioration in appearance.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of material for children's furniture, as higher hygiene requirements are imposed on it.

Lacquered interior items look elegant and expensive. They are resistant to chips, scratches, cracks, insect damage and rot. Furniture varnish is made on a different basis: water, acrylic, oil, resin with organic additives. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, application features. Coatings are offered with a matte or glossy finish, which affects the appearance of the finished product.

Furnishings made of wood, particle boards are actively used in home and office interiors. Under the influence of external negative factors, products can be deformed, cracked, covered with mold. To protect and prevent the loss of an attractive appearance, special varnishes for furniture are used. The products have a film-forming property, which manifests itself after the composition is applied to the surface of the furniture and it dries completely. The finished product is varnished at the final stage of processing.

Furniture varnishes can have different shades, matte or glossy finish, but their coating remains transparent or translucent. This allows not to hide, but, on the contrary, to emphasize the natural beauty of the wood structure.

Depending on the degree of gloss of the coating, the following types of product are distinguished:

  • Matte varnish for furniture is practical, it does not leave fingerprints and stains at all. Matted surfaces are appropriate in business, office premises, they are combined with chrome-plated fittings;
  • Glossy coatings have a maximum degree of light reflection. Glossy furnishings often become the main accents of the interior. They look noble and elegant;
  • Semi-gloss and semi-gloss varnishes are universal. They are suitable for decorating any furniture, have a moderate sheen and hand marks are not very visible on them;
  • Some products are suitable for garden furniture, they are resistant to moisture, contain substances that protect against the negative effects of UV rays.




There are several varieties of varnishes that differ in composition, appearance of the coating and degree of environmental friendliness. To evaluate which product is better in each case, you need to familiarize yourself with all types.


Funds are obtained by mixing linseed oil with turpentine and hardened resin. Today, to reduce the cost of the product, natural components are replaced by synthetic ones. The solvent component is white spirit.

The agent cures after the solvent has evaporated, forming a very durable coating. For garden furniture, high-fat oil varnishes are suitable, which have strength, water resistance, and elasticity. Interior furniture can be coated with products with a low oil content and a high percentage of resins. Such compositions dry quickly. The surface covered with a low-fat varnish can be sanded to a glossy finish.

The oil product is sold ready-made, does not require mixing. If it is necessary to add matting or tinting components, they are carefully dissolved in the varnish. The tool has a universal purpose, care for lacquered furniture is minimal.


The product is obtained from a mixture of organic components, resin and colloxylin. Nitrocellulose does not dissolve in water; a special component is used for this. This varnish is suitable for processing any wood furniture, including products for home and outdoor use.

After coating, it dries completely in 60 minutes at a temperature of about 20 C. The resulting film has high hardness and smoothness. The product can be described as odorless, quick drying. It is very popular in industrial and home applications.

Water based products

Water-based furniture varnish is popular due to its high environmental friendliness. The product does not contain toxins, has no smell. When applied to the surface of furniture, the varnish dries quickly, the film is strong and highly elastic. It is suitable for decorating furniture for any purpose, including children's. The water base of the product ensures its high fire safety.

Water resources are divided into several types:

  • One-component,
  • Two-component,
  • Acrylic.

Two-component products with the addition of polyurethane are stronger than those made from a single component.

A relative disadvantage that water-based varnish has is its low moisture resistance. Therefore, they do not cover garden furniture and bathroom furnishings.


The product is obtained by dissolving acrylic resin in water. The composition also includes several types of solvents, referred to as coagulating agents. They turn the resin into a strong film after the water evaporates. Acrylic furniture polish is milky white in the can, but dries to a clear, colorless finish.

Use the product only in conditions of high temperature and low humidity. Dampness, low temperature can lead to the fact that the varnish does not dry out, the film does not harden. The tool is quick-drying, so the painted product can be used in a day. The surface of wood with such a coating does not turn yellow over time, retains its natural texture. You can use such varnishes in children's, healthcare and social institutions.


The composition of the products includes polyesters and diisocyanates, they are divided into one- and two-component. Mixed products require the components to be connected before starting work. Polyurethane varnishes have increased coating strength and elasticity.

The treated surface of the furniture will not be subject to abrasion, it is resistant to mechanical damage. The transparent coating does not darken for many years, it is applicable to all kinds of furniture. Polyurethane varnish in terms of wear resistance surpasses even formulations with a high oil content.


Products are based on alkyd resins of synthetic origin. Lacquers are easy to apply on any surface, including natural wood. The coating is moisture resistant, withstands intense humidity and temperature extremes.

It is possible to cover with such varnish not only cabinets, beds, but also garden sets, built-in furniture of open or closed verandas. Alkyd compositions are superior in many respects to oil, acrylic.


A special kind of furniture varnish is craquelure varnish. The product is used to obtain the effect of aging. Achieving such an effect is possible due to the difference in the drying time of the product itself and the top coat that is applied to it. The varnish composition dehydrates the paint with which the product is processed, causing the formation of cracks on the surface.

Only a dry surface can be varnished. A layer of paint is applied to the slightly dried varnish layer. To achieve a fine-textured pattern, you need to dry the varnish layer longer. It is recommended to apply such a coating on products that are intended for placement in antique style, vintage. For the restoration of antiques, shellacs on a natural basis are used.

Selection rules for different materials

Lacquer products can not only give the furniture an attractive appearance, but also extend their service life. However, it is important to choose the right product for you. Before choosing a jar, it is recommended to evaluate the following aspects:

  • For home use, you should not purchase professional products. A beginner will not be able to achieve factory application;
  • Assess the degree of deterioration of the furniture structure. For painting products or their parts, which account for the maximum load, choose two-component polyurethane compositions. This is true for tables and chairs. When decorating cabinet doors, frames, platbands, you can use a nitrocellulose product or a water-based furniture varnish;
  • Depending on the purpose of the piece of furniture and the conditions in which it will be used, the most resistant compositions or water-based products are chosen. For furnishings in living rooms, oil, acrylic and alkyd products are most suitable. With repeated cleaning, they prevent the appearance of cracks. Outdoor furniture is covered with products with antibacterial additives, which exclude the appearance of rot and mold.

When choosing, it is important to consider after what period of time it will be necessary to use the piece of furniture. If you only have 4-6 hours, then use a water-based product. To speed up the drying process, processing with an industrial hair dryer helps.

If you plan to varnish products made of wood-based panels, models with curly cutouts, panels, then it is possible to use varnish in aerosols. It does not require mixing and painting brushes. A wide palette of shades allows you to choose both the darkest and the whitest product.

The tool applies equally evenly on smooth and carved surfaces, does not leave unpainted areas or streaks. Lacquered furniture acquires shine, looks elegant and is easily cleaned of dirt. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer and the cost of the product. The cheapest products will not create a durable durable coating. The maximum cost is for products that are suitable for outdoor use. Products for internal use, such as oil products, take a long time to dry, but form a film that is resistant to abrasion.

At the request of the consumer, choose a transparent or tinted varnish. Colorless products are suitable for products made of expensive solid wood with a beautiful natural texture: beech, oak, mahogany. It provides the necessary protection, but does not hide the natural beauty. For products from inexpensive species: pine, walnut, birch, you can use colored compositions. They will give the furniture a more stylish appearance, make the interior richer. The offered palette of colors includes a wide variety of wood shades, as well as white and black colors, other colors of the RAL palette. Depending on the degree of penetration into the wood, choose a product that is a shade darker or lighter than desired.

Having come to the store for furniture varnish, it is difficult to make a choice, so now there are many types of this product on sale. Take the expensive one or the cheaper one? Light or dark? Domestic or imported? There are always a lot of questions, and I want to get answers to everything. About what is the best varnish for furniture, our article tells.

Types of varnishes on sale

Experts identify several popular options:

  • Nitrocellulose. It is used for application to furniture, it is considered to be of high quality. It is based on resin, colloxylin, various organic components. The product is used for processing furniture, which can be used in any room, including a residential building or apartment. Its decorative qualities, long shelf life and smoothness during application are noted. It doesn't take long to dry. The composition is completely safe for humans.
  • Water based varnish. Most of the craftsmen use it when processing furniture. The main plus is environmental friendliness, since its composition is completely water-based. It is also noted for its fire resistance, the absence of a strong odor. Reviews say that this varnish dries quickly at a temperature of +20 degrees, durable and elastic. The presence of pluses does not exclude minuses. So, you can not use the composition in places with high humidity. Also, experts say that two-component varnishes have a solid base and are more often used than single-component ones.


Water-based varnish is divided into two categories. This:

  • Acrylic varnish for furniture. It is considered to be of high quality and reliable. Its great advantage is that wood furniture coated with such a product retains its natural shade. Over time, yellowness does not appear on it. Since the base is water, it is unacceptable to use this product in rooms with high humidity.
  • for furniture. The composition contains diisocyanate and polyesters. In order for the application to be of high quality and accurate, its components are connected before the start of finishing work. The level of strength is high, which allows it to be used in various rooms. After a long period of time, such a coating does not form cracks and is not erased.

Having data on the characteristics of each varnish, it is easy for a beginner to choose a coating suitable for repair. The stores have a varied assortment. When choosing, you will have to take into account other criteria.

Colorless or colored

Most often, the choice is made towards colorless. After all, it does not change the natural shades. Furniture made of rich wood species should retain its original appearance. Varnishes with a color scheme are used no less often, because there is enough wood furniture that does not have interesting color schemes. The main objectives of such material are:

  • Protective. It is important to prevent exposure to UV rays and mechanical damage.
  • Creation of the desired color scheme. You can change the color of the furniture, creating an imitation of expensive wood.

Colored varnishes surprise with their variety of applied shades. But when applying, you need to know that they all have the ability to absorb and change the shine. Because of this, the coating becomes less bright or saturated. When a tree has a dark color, it is difficult to lighten it with varnish. We must not forget that over time, natural shades will begin to appear.

Modern designers say that people began to choose materials that are closer in appearance to natural ones. Therefore, furniture manufacturers now prefer white or colorless varnishes. When applied to a parquet board, the product is able to make the room voluminous and add sophistication to the interior. If it's a classic, black will do. It gives an original look to the whole design.


Furniture varnish can be matte or glossy. To preserve the natural shades of furniture, the manufacturer chooses the first option. Wood must be carefully prepared before processing.

After such application, the furniture becomes unpretentious, since stains are not visible and care is simplified.


It has its own flair and features. If the room is small, then glossy furniture options are relevant. If there is damage on the wood, they will have to be carefully masked. For this purpose, glossy varnish is also suitable, and matte will only emphasize defects. Glossy and matte varnishes are the same in strength and will protect furniture for a long time. According to the masters, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the furniture.

Are there fragrance-free formulations?

What kind of varnish to cover the furniture so that there is no smell? If, when choosing, attention is focused on the composition, it should contain a minimum amount of dyes and other chemical additives. In the presence of a solvent, the varnish acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.

Nitrocellulose varnish - in demand among craftsmen. The product is durable and long lasting on initial application. It dries quickly at a temperature of at least +20 degrees. But for the human body, this product is dangerous. The solvent is to blame. However, such varnishes are often used. When choosing such a product, it is worth thinking about additional security measures.

It turns out that all of the listed varnishes due to one component will have an unpleasant odor. Are there odorless furniture varnishes on the market? The base must be water. Acrylic is the best. It is used for any finishing repair and is completely safe for humans. High strength and ease of application allow craftsmen to expand the range of its use. The composition does not change the natural colors of the coated surface. Smell (or rather, its absence) is a very important indicator that indicates quality.

Application method

Often the question arises of how to varnish furniture. Lots of methods. One of them is to apply the product to the furniture from an aerosol can. You can save money by buying an aerosol, since no additional tools are required (roller, brush, cleaner).

Consumption in the traditional method of application is greater than by spraying. The entire surface is painted evenly, and it takes less time. Another plus of the aerosol is that you can varnish furniture even in the most inaccessible places for a classic brush. Finding such a product is not difficult. Each hardware store has it in its assortment. Furniture varnish in the form of an aerosol is most often used in restoration work. For the primary coating, it is better to choose the usual composition.

Any furniture takes on a much more stylish look if it is varnished. What is the best furniture varnish, and what are the criteria for choosing it to cover the surface? The question is important, because you want the furniture in the house to be impeccable in every sense of the word.

Types of varnish compositions

Varnish for wood furniture can be different, and its choice largely depends on what properties you will focus on. The first thing that wooden furniture varnishes are used for is the need to protect the surface from dust, moisture and cracking. At the same time, the varnish not only protects, but also emphasizes the originality of the wood pattern. But it is for this reason that many people buy wooden furniture.

Today, the following types of furniture varnishes are distinguished:

  • Water (acrylic)
  • Alcoholic
  • Oily
  • Alkyd
  • UV varnishes

The most popular are oil, water and UV varnishes. Therefore, if you are looking for a suitable one, choose from these three options. All of them are safe for health and provide the wood with a really chic look. But it is precisely for this that they are looking for the best varnish for wood furniture.

Water varnishes

Water-based or acrylic varnish for furniture is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. It is one of those types of varnish compositions that have no smell at all. Therefore, this option is ideal for furniture in a house where there are children. If you have a child, then water compositions for the same furniture in the nursery are most preferable.

Other advantages of acrylic varnishes for furniture include:

  • No smell
  • Long service life
  • Fast drying
  • Resistance to high temperatures
  • No toxic fumes

However, the acrylic composition has its drawbacks. This:

  • Susceptibility to low temperatures ;
  • The cost of acrylic-based varnish is higher than that of other types, in addition, the cost of such varnish largely depends on the manufacturer.

UV varnishes

Among the best varnishes for furniture processing there are also UV compounds - ultraviolet hardening. For the treatment of furniture surfaces, such a varnish is most preferable, since it dries very quickly. The secret of this varnish for wooden furniture lies in the fact that it contains photocells, which, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, lead to instant hardening.

However, UV varnish should definitely not be used on furniture in a nursery or bedroom. It's simple - when you need an odorless furniture varnish, it is better to refuse UV varnishes, as they give a kind of fragrance. As for the additional advantages of such varnish compositions for painting furniture, these are:

  • Formation of a beautiful gloss on the surface
  • Drying speed
  • Increased wear resistance

Other disadvantages of UV varnish for wood furniture:

  • High price
  • The smell of furniture varnish
  • Costs for the acquisition and operation of drying equipment

Oil varnishes

It is worth considering another type of varnish, no less popular with buyers. This is an oil based formulation. This choice is due to the fact that this coating has excellent resistance to moisture. At the same time, the surface treated with such a varnish always looks stylish and can have various effects - from matte to mirror gloss.

Oil varnish for wood furniture treatment has the following advantages:

  • The best option for primary surface treatment
  • Resistant glossy layer
  • Possibility of giving different shades

The disadvantages of oil varnish for painting furniture are:

  • Presence of odor
  • Low level of fire safety

The choice in favor of oil varnish is made in cases where the drying time and the smell of furniture varnish are not of fundamental importance. After all, the oil coating always looks stylish and gives the furniture a unique flavor.

And yet - what is important to know?

When deciding how to varnish furniture, you need to proceed from its features of a particular varnish composition. So remember the three basic rules of choice. This:

  1. Environmental friendliness
  2. Presence/absence of odor
  3. fire safety

Also remember what room you are furnishing. If it is for children, then it is better to choose varnish for children's furniture among its water varieties. Although for the most part, the environmental friendliness of the varnish composition is important for everyone, regardless of age.

If you want to achieve a great look for your old furniture, then take an oil varnish. And "retro-furniture" can be treated with UV varnish, giving it a "second life".

Remember that no matter what you imagine your future furniture, you can buy the right one in our store. Here is a great range of furniture, the quality of the lacquer coating is always first-class. And you can see for yourself.