How is paraffin therapy carried out at home. Which cosmetic paraffin to choose? Stages of paraffin therapy for the face

Gentle, neat hands are a sign of a well-groomed woman. The skin of the hands requires special attention, as it is constantly in the "risk zone": mechanical stress, housework, temperature changes. These factors affect the structure of the skin, its smoothness and elasticity. It's no secret that a woman's age can be determined by looking at her hands. Therefore, the use of creams, oils and other means is simply necessary in everyday life. And on special days, when there is time, a paraffin hand mask will perfectly moisturize and protect them.

A few years ago, cosmetologists discovered the properties of paraffin. Prior to that, it was only occasionally used in spas during relaxing massages or medical procedures. But now this oil distillation product, no matter how strange this fact may seem, will become a wonderful alternative to wax and other types of masks. This component is also part of scrubs and is used as the basis for peeling in dermatology.

Paraffin hand mask at home is completely unpretentious in preparation, it is enough to follow a few simple instructions.

First you need to stock up on a mask kit:

  • Paraffin (medical, sold in beauty salons or pharmacies). Now, in addition to ordinary paraffin, there is another type - with biologically active substances and vitamins. You can choose simply based on the price and personal wishes, since the effect is about the same.
  • Napkins (preferably gauze).
  • Polyethylene gloves or bags.
  • Winter mittens.
  • Moisturizing hand cream.
  • Any extract or aroma oil (optional, to give a pleasant smell).

After collecting the necessary things, we proceed to a step-by-step cosmetic procedure.

Reusing paraffin removed from hands is ineffective. And the leftovers in the bath will still be useful to you in a week. Usually one kilogram box is enough for 2-3 uses.

The cost of the procedure is affordable, it must be performed no more than once a week. Its simplicity and low cost is an excellent reason for doing it at home. Pharmacies also sell special ovens for melting paraffin. The effect of the procedure comes after the first application.

The benefits of such care

The benefits of hand paraffin therapy include such effects as:

  • Thermal warming that improves blood circulation, expands small capillaries, warms the hand down to the bone (useful for arthritis; people working with a computer, often using fine motor skills).
  • Cleansing of hands, renewal of the horny ball of the skin.
  • Moisturizing, restoring water balance (due to the large amount of hydrogen in paraffin).
  • Reduction of irritation, rashes, “calming” of painful skin.
  • Alignment of the structure, smoothing of irregularities, enrichment with collagen.
  • Combating dryness, giving shine and velvety (especially in winter).

Agree, the list is impressive - it is worth trying this type of mask.

In order to perform the required procedure according to the rules, you will need a simple scrub recipe that will clean your hands as much as possible from dead epidermis and dirt. For him you will need:

  • a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • and half a teaspoon of crushed sea salt.

Pour into hands, mix, pour water and make a few "washing" movements - what could be easier!

Nutritious creams are harder to prepare. Among the required ingredients:

  • beeswax;
  • olive and sea buckthorn oil;
  • calendula oil or other aromatic oil;
  • solutions of vitamins A and E - mix everything in an amount of 10-15 drops.

During storage, the wax solidifies and a homogeneous consistency for hands is obtained. You can use homemade cream for no more than two weeks.

In the salons, the paraffin therapy procedure takes about half an hour. The cosmetologist performs the procedure in stages, in addition, sometimes after each layer of wax, he applies gauze or a napkin to seal. It is absolutely painless, but there are some contraindications for girls with diabetes, hypertension, cuts or wounds of the hands - it is better for them to refrain from this procedure.

At home, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable, most likely you will want to sleep. Therefore, the procedure is ideal for the evening.

If you use deeper dishes, you can perform paraffin baths for the feet. This helps to relax, soften rough skin, soles. The duration of all actions can be increased by 1-2 minutes. The volume for one session will also increase - up to 2-3 kg.

In addition to caring for hands and feet, paraffin is used for the face. Cosmetologists have appreciated the possibilities of this material before peeling and even rejuvenating procedures. Paraffin masks are suitable for smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing the skin, improving blood circulation, which promotes wound healing. With acne, paraffin penetrates into the pores and reduces them, fights closed comedones. During the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin, and only then apply paraffin with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyes. Contraindications of such masks are hypertension, problems of the cardiovascular system, rosacea. Regular use is a winning tactic in the fight against the aging process on the face.

If you want to try paraffin therapy on your own example, but don’t dare, read the reviews on the paraffin hand mask.

Beautiful hands are conducive. Collecting kisses and being admired is now easier than ever!

The appearance of the hands is reflected not only by significant physical exertion, but also by the negative impact of temperature factors, severe irritation with aggressive detergents, and even the state of health.

Only competent care and regular cosmetic procedures allow you to keep your hands in order and keep them young.

Simple, but quite effective procedures include hand baths, which you can easily do yourself at home.

Baths for hands at home: to do or not to do?

Trying to give their hands a beautiful and well-groomed look, women resort to the most intricate procedures and the use of expensive cosmetics. But you can achieve excellent results from cosmetic procedures in a simpler way, using hand baths available for home use.

Such manipulations are a real salvation for the fair sex, faced with the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin. In addition, the baths are capable of:

Moisturize and nourish the skin;

Help get rid of wrinkles and sweating problems;

Soften and remove the keratinized layers of the skin;

Open the sebaceous glands;

Strengthen local lymph flow and blood flow;

Relieve fatigue;

Treat joint pain;

Remove accumulated toxins;

Strengthen and treat nails.

But sometimes hand baths carried out at home can be harmful. Such procedures are not desirable to do:

In the presence of cuts and wounds on the hands;

If the hands are affected by dermatological diseases;

With diabetes;

Women with dilated vessels and blood clotting problems;

With increased pressure, with the exception of trays for emergency care;

In the presence of viral skin lesions and purulent inflammation.

Careful approach to holding baths is also necessary for women with a large number or unusual moles on their hands. In such situations, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist first to exclude the possibility of rebirth of such marks. Baths with paraffin are not recommended for pregnant women.

Paraffin baths for hands at home: recipes

Fashionable paraffin baths do not have to be done in expensive salons. Similar procedures can be easily carried out at home.

For such baths, only pure purified paraffin. A cosmetic therapeutic component in the form of paraffin for baths can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Keep in mind that for one procedure you will need about 200 gr. frozen material.

It is forbidden to use ordinary or church candles, or other decorative paraffin souvenirs for cosmetic procedures. Such raw materials have not undergone special cleaning and can harm the skin.

To prepare paraffin for baths, it will have to be dissolved. Ideally, for this you need to use special bath heaters that can evenly heat the paraffin and maintain the desired temperature.

But you can also use a simple method of melting paraffin in a saucepan or in a water bath. Never heat paraffin wax in a microwave oven. Microwaves are capable of destroying the structure of paraffin molecules.

Choose the type of paraffin depending on the purpose of the procedure. So paraffin with the addition of peach oil is suitable for sensitive skin. And for regeneration and restoration, use paraffin with chocolate. However, a pure product without fragrances and additives shows pretty good results after hand baths.

Hand baths at home: recipes

For home baths, a variety of ingredients are used in the form of oils, salt, herbal decoctions, vegetable or fruit juices, soda.


Helps to fight against brittleness and delamination of nails. In heated oils of corn and almonds in a volume of 60 ml, you need to drop vitamin A and lemon juice, 5 drops each. Keep your hands in this mixture for about 15 minutes.


Salt helps strengthen nails and helps prepare hands before manicures. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of salt in warm water, to which you can add tangerine oil. It takes 15 minutes to complete the procedure.


Chamomile decoction promotes wound healing and helps rejuvenate the skin. Chamomile flowers are brewed with about 2 tablespoons in half a liter of boiling water. After cooling into the broth, you need to lower your hands and hold for about 7 minutes.


This bath helps to strengthen the nails. After heating about 120 ml of olive oil, add juice squeezed from fresh lemon (10 drops) to it. Fingers are kept in this mixture for up to 7 minutes.


Soda baths help to eliminate stubborn dirt, disinfect and soften the skin. To make a home bath, you need to mix a spoonful of soda with liquid soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water. After that, you need to add a spoonful of ammonia to the resulting composition. Such a bath is carried out for about 20 minutes.


Cabbage helps to soften the skin, eliminate inflammation and strengthen nails. You will need sauerkraut juice, to which you need to add kefir in the same amount. This procedure should take up to 10 minutes.


The product has a moisturizing effect. In a small volume of water, you need to stir a spoonful of starch, then add about a liter of warm water. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

Paraffin baths for hands at home: a sequence of actions

The procedure for conducting paraffin baths is not complicated, but requires compliance with a certain proven technology:

1. First of all, prepare paraffin for the procedure by heating it to a liquid consistency in a warming bath or just steaming it.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly and remove any varnish or protective coating from your nails.

3. Additionally scrub the skin on the hands. This will get rid of dead particles and enhance the effectiveness of the paraffin procedure.

4. Dry your hands with a soft cloth and gently apply moisturizer to act as a protective layer.

5. Give a warm massage to the hands. It is impossible to lower unheated hands into the hot composition. This can damage blood vessels.

6. Check the temperature of the melted paraffin. It should be pleasantly warm, but not burn the skin.

7. Dip the pens in the prepared melted paraffin and remove them immediately.

8. Wait about 10 seconds for the film to freeze and repeat the manipulation.

9. It is necessary to dip your hands in warm paraffin several times to form paraffin gloves on your hands.

10. Put protective cellophane gloves on the handles or use cling film.

11. Over polyethylene gloves, wear warmer fabric mittens or wrap the handles.

12. Withstand paraffin gloves on hands for up to 20 minutes.

13. At the end of the procedure, remove both pairs of gloves, and remove the paraffin with wet wipes.

14. At the end of the procedure, apply your favorite nourishing cream to cleansed hands.

It is not recommended to use used paraffin for repeated procedures.

To really benefit from hand baths, perform procedures when you do not plan to do household chores or go out into the cold in the near future. The ideal time is in the evening when you can safely devote time to yourself.

After baths of a therapeutic or contrasting nature, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream only on dry skin. If desired, the final stage of the procedure can be done with a massage using a special cream or oil.

To achieve maximum results, healing hand baths should be carried out at home at least three times a week. The treatment course of procedures lasts about a month.

As for paraffin baths, it is enough to do them once a week. With dry skin, it is allowed to repeat paraffin procedures after 4 days.

In order for paraffin baths to have an effective effect, use only high-quality products to apply a moisturizing protective layer under paraffin. In fact, the pens will receive exactly those components that will be applied directly under the paraffin as nutrients.

Take care of your hands, carry out regular cosmetic procedures and manipulations, use folk and natural ingredients, and the result in the form of beautiful well-groomed hands will not disappoint you.

All year round, the skin of the hands is exposed to the adverse effects of the environment. In cold weather, frost and wind contribute to the appearance of cracks in delicate skin. These phenomena make the hands rough. And in the summer, many spend time on the plot. Plus, the constant use of household chemicals at home ... In such a situation, the use of such a tool as cold paraffin for hands will be a real salvation. This will be discussed in this article.

What is paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is a magical and very effective procedure in the form of baths. It allows you to fill the skin with useful substances, rejuvenate and make it smooth. Along with the use of hot baths, which are considered classic, a method has recently become widespread, in which cold paraffin for hands or cream is used. What is the difference? If paraffin is additionally melted when using the hot method, then this preparatory procedure is not required when using cold raw materials. This saves time. There is no need for additional equipment.

About the benefits of cosmetic paraffin

The consistency of cold paraffin is creamy. It consists of various essential oils, vitamins, trace elements, plant extracts, sea salt and additives. The basis of the procedure is the creation of the sauna effect. Under the influence of its own heat, the pores expand, the lymph flow increases, the saturation and hydration of the skin with nutrients accelerates. Nails are also strengthened, joints are warmed, toxins are removed, small cracks are healed. In addition, cold paraffin for hands perfectly whitens and tightens the skin.

Contraindications for the procedure

Like any cosmetic procedure, paraffin therapy has contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended for those who have a pronounced allergy to this product. Do not use paraffin during pregnancy. Also, do not use the method if there are wounds, ulcers or fungal diseases of the nails on the hands. Caution should be taken with this procedure for people with high blood pressure.

Cold paraffin for hands: how to use at home

Not all lovely ladies have the opportunity to carry out this procedure in expensive beauty salons. Therefore, paraffin therapy can be carried out at home. Let's consider the procedure.

It is advisable to purchase the product in specialized stores or pharmacies. If there is a tendency to allergies, it is best to buy white raw materials without additives. The product is consumed very economically, so one jar is enough for a long time. With all the seeming ease of use, you will definitely need an assistant.

So, we purchased for hands, we have the instructions, we carefully read them. And now we begin the procedure itself in stages.

1. In the first step, we must wash our hands with soap and dry them dry. Apply a soft scrub. It is necessary to distribute it on the surface of the hands in a circular motion. This step is called exfoliation. In the process of applying the scrub, small impurities and dead skin particles are removed.

2. The second step is to apply a nourishing wax. It will allow the paraffin to penetrate deeper into the skin and give a more pronounced effect.

3. Now let's start applying the cream-paraffin. With a soft brush or spatula, evenly distribute the product over the entire surface, including the interdigital zone.

4. We wrap our hands in ordinary plastic bags. Put on thermal mittens over the top. Instead of mittens, you can use a warm terry towel.

5. After 20 minutes, remove the mittens. Almost all paraffin will come off with polyethylene. Remains are removed with a soft cloth.

6. Apply moisturizer.

7. We enjoy the procedure and enjoy the soft and smooth skin of the handles.

Results of cold paraffin therapy

If you believe the reviews, after completing the procedure, the result will pleasantly surprise you. The skin of the hands remains moisturized, velvety and smooth for a long time. The effect persists even after taking a bath or doing normal household chores. The skin of the hands feels quite comfortable, and there is a feeling of the presence of an invisible protective film on it. You can use cold paraffin for hands at any time when the need arises. The procedure is especially relevant in winter.

Cold paraffin for hands: reviews

Some girls say that, having done a procedure in a beauty salon a couple of times, they learned that it can be done at home. Later they purchased cold paraffin for their hands. How to use - read the attached instructions. As a result, girls regularly pamper their hands at home whenever they want.

Some reviews can be called ambiguous. Someone says that, having learned about the magic paraffin hand mask on the Internet, they went to the salon. The effect exceeded all expectations. The skin became like that of a baby. But upset by the fact that the result lasted only two days. And yet people say they are going to visit the salon again.

You can also hear the opinions of women who, after working on personal plots, could not look at their hands. Their skin was rough and cracked. It was embarrassing even to go to the manicure master. The salon promised to restore smoothness and softness to the hands. They suggested paraffin therapy. Indeed, according to reviews, the result was noticeable after the first procedure.

The statements of women living in the Caucasus also indicate that the procedure is effective. According to consumers, they often have to be in the sun, and this causes age spots and freckles to form on their hands. The girls say that they have tried many means. They used various whitening creams, lemon juice. But the result did not please them. Everything changed after the first session of paraffin therapy was held. The mask was made at home. Still, the effect was noticeable.

Like any remedy or procedure, paraffin therapy also has negative reviews. Some girls are unhappy with the result. They say that after the procedure they noted redness on the skin and discomfort. Although, to be objective, it can be assumed that they may have had an individual intolerance to paraffin or other aids.

In conclusion, I would like to say that most consumers agree that every girl should try cold paraffin for hands at least once.

For most women, the skin on their hands is much thinner and drier than on other parts of the body. In addition, she constantly suffers from exposure to cold, pollution and frequent washing. Therefore, very often it is the hands that give out the real age of a woman or even add a couple of years. Paraffin procedures will help to preserve the youth and elasticity of the skin in this area. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to use paraffin for hands at home. This is possible, you just need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the procedure and strictly adhere to them.

How does paraffin affect the skin of the hands

The skin of the hands is regularly exposed to aggressive environmental factors, frequent pollution and washing, so it quickly dries out, coarsens, begins to peel off and age prematurely. Paraffin masks will help stop this process.

Procedures with paraffin are carried out on almost all parts of the body, but it is on the skin of the hands that their effect is most pronounced.

Paraffin is a substance with low thermal conductivity, therefore, after being applied to the skin, it cools very slowly, warming the hands. This leads to several beneficial consequences:

  • Due to slow warming, the pores of the skin expand, and it more actively absorbs beneficial substances. If you apply a nourishing cream or mask under paraffin, the effect of them will increase several times.
  • In "paraffin gloves" the body actively sweats, but the liquid does not evaporate, but is absorbed back into the skin cells, moisturizing them.
  • Together with sweat, dirt and toxins are removed from the pores, but they do not penetrate back, and remain on the surface of the skin.
  • During slow cooling, the paraffin slightly stretches and squeezes the skin, massaging it and reducing wrinkles.
  • Such a mask has a positive effect on the condition of the nails, strengthening them and preventing delamination. After each procedure, they will become stronger and stronger.
  • Paraffin manipulation improves subcutaneous microcirculation, it improves skin nutrition, accelerates renewal and makes hands truly younger.

Such a wide spectrum of action makes paraffin therapy one of the most useful home cosmetic procedures for the skin of the hands. It is very simple to perform, but the result usually exceeds all expectations.

First you need to purchase paraffin wax at a pharmacy or in a specialized cosmetics store. For the first procedure, it is better to give preference to a simple purified material without any additives. It is strictly forbidden to use candles for this purpose. They are made from unrefined paraffin, and we need cosmetic, high quality. You also need to prepare a skin scrub, nourishing cream or mask, thermal gloves. You will also need a bowl of the right size.

In beauty salons, paraffin is usually heated in special electric baths, but at home you can get by with improvised means. Any metal utensil will do, the main thing is that it is convenient for you to place it on the steam bath.

After everything you need is prepared, you can proceed directly to heating the paraffin and applying it, which will take place in several stages:

  • The first step is to thoroughly clean your hands, wash them with soap and remove nail polish.
  • Then you need to melt the paraffin. At home, a steam bath is ideal for this. A pot of water is placed on the fire, and a metal bowl with paraffin is placed on top of it. Gradually, the water will warm up, and the paraffin will melt, acquiring a liquid consistency. If it turns out too hot, you should not worry, you just have to wait for it to cool.
  • While the paraffin is warming up, we clean the skin of the hands again, but with the help of a scrub. If there is no store-bought product at hand, it can be replaced with a homemade mixture of 1 tbsp. dry milk, 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal in a blender, 0.5 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. salt. In this composition, you need to add a little vegetable oil and water to get a kind of scrub and massage your skin with it. Then everything is washed off with warm water and wiped hands dry.
  • We remove the heated paraffin from the fire and put it on the table.
  • Apply a nourishing cream or mask to the skin of the hands. If this is your first procedure, it is better to use a familiar and proven hand cream. Later it will be possible to experiment, for example, to make homemade creams based on natural oils, honey and pharmacy vitamins.
  • During the application of the cream, the hands must be massaged intensively enough so that they are warm.
  • Before lowering the brushes into paraffin, you need to check its temperature with your finger. If the mass seems too hot, it is better to wait a bit so as not to get burned.
  • Hands in paraffin should be dipped 3-5 times. It depends on its consistency. If the paraffin is hot and more liquid, it spreads on the skin in a thinner layer, so more dives will be needed.
  • After “paraffin gloves” are formed on the hands, special thermo-mittens or simple plastic bags should be put on top and wrapped with a towel.
  • Keep this mask for at least 20 minutes. Paraffin cools very slowly, so it will remain pleasantly warm.
  • After about half an hour, you may notice that the mask is no longer warm. Then you can take off your gloves and clean your hands. A layer of paraffin is usually removed easily, especially if a greasy cream was applied under it.

After such a procedure, it is desirable to rest a bit. It is best not to leave the house for an hour and not allow the skin of the hands to come into contact with aggressive media, such as dishwashing detergent. It is very easy and convenient to make paraffin masks at home if someone helps you. It can be inconvenient to put on gloves or bags and wrap your hands.

To achieve the maximum effect, it will be enough just one procedure a week for 2 months.

The first results from paraffin therapy can be seen after the first procedure. The skin will become softer and more delicate, hydrated and healthy. Such masks are especially relevant in winter, when the hands suffer from frost and dry air.

If you decide to diversify your procedures by adding beneficial substances to the paraffin, first make sure that they do not cause an allergic reaction in you. A small amount of the active substance can be applied to the skin of the inner surface of the elbow and observe the reaction throughout the day. If there is no itching and redness, feel free to enrich the composition of your paraffin compress.

Often making paraffin hand baths, we forget about their effect on nails. Such procedures help strengthen the nail plates, make them more elastic and prevent delamination. They are so useful that sometimes you can do paraffin therapy sessions exclusively for nails.

The advantages of this procedure are that it requires very few materials and is easy to do at home even without outside help.

For a session of nail paraffin therapy, you will need a quarter of a 500-gram package of paraffin. It must be melted, as in the previous case. Before carrying out the procedure, remove the varnish from the nails and apply a nourishing cream, castor or almond oil is also suitable. Only the fingertips should be dipped in paraffin, pulled out for 5-6 seconds and lowered again. This action is repeated several times until a strong layer of paraffin is formed. Then the hands should be wrapped in a plastic bag and a terry towel or put on warm mittens over the bag.

After about 25-30 minutes, the paraffin must be removed. This is easy to do, you just need to pry it with your finger. After the procedure, the hands are again lubricated with cream.


Although the benefits of paraffin treatments for the skin of the hands cannot be overestimated, sometimes they can be harmful. Therefore, before proceeding with paraffin therapy, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications. These include:

  • various eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • wounds and cuts on the skin;
  • reduced blood clotting and dilated vessels;
  • hypertension;
  • viral skin diseases, such as warts;
  • the presence of pustular inflammation on the skin of the hands.

Girls with a large number of moles on their hands should be especially careful. It is better to consult a dermatologist in advance. He will be able to determine how high the risk of their rebirth is and whether paraffin procedures will harm you. Paraffin therapy is also not recommended during pregnancy.

Fewer contraindications has a special cream-paraffin for hands. It is easier to use and also gives good results on the skin of the hands.

In other situations, paraffin baths will only benefit. They will not only improve the condition of the skin, but will help to relax and cheer up, and will also give you the opportunity to relax for half an hour and put your thoughts in order.

Ecology, climate, nutrition, stress - all this affects the condition of our skin. The skin of the hands especially suffers, because it is through the hands that we contact the outside world. There are many products and procedures for improving the skin. Paraffin therapy for hands at home or in the salon acts not only as a cosmetic procedure. It has a healing effect, and also helps in the fight against depression.

Paraffin therapy

To be beautiful, to have well-groomed hand skin, and at the same time to get a soothing procedure and surround yourself with relaxation, try paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy for hands at home, as well as in the salon, will immerse you in a lake of bliss and peace, let you relax and relieve the stress accumulated during the day.

What is paraffin therapy?

Paraffin therapy is a rather simple, but effective cosmetic procedure that will help you tidy up your hands and more. Paraffin therapy is also used for the legs, face, and certain parts of the body.

It consists in treating the hands with a nourishing composition (serum, cream) and immersing the hands in liquid warm paraffin, followed by wrapping to keep warm.

Hot paraffin therapy

Hot paraffin therapy consists in the fact that cosmetic paraffin is melted and applied in this form. It is not hot, does not burn, but is warm enough to create a sauna effect and enhance the effect of a nourishing cream.

By the way, in hot paraffin therapy, before immersion in paraffin, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream, it is the essence of all skin nutrition. When using the cold method, the situation is somewhat different.

For hot paraffin therapy, more time is needed, since the paraffin melts for about two hours. Cosmetic paraffin is used, which can be bought at a pharmacy or special beauty shops.

The procedure of hot paraffin therapy, in addition to the cosmetic effect, also has a therapeutic function. You can read about it below.

Cold paraffin therapy

Cold paraffin therapy does not use paraffin in its classical sense, but paraffin cream, which can be purchased in specialty stores or ordered online.

Cold paraffin therapy was made possible by the creation of paraffin with a low melting point, so paraffin cream does not harden at room temperature.

It is saturated with all kinds of microelements, vitamins and nourishing oils, therefore it simultaneously performs the function of a nourishing cream and paraffin. The warming effect is achieved by accumulating body temperature; for this, warming mittens are used over cellophane gloves.

The big advantage of cold paraffin therapy is that it can be used by those people who are contraindicated in thermal procedures.

Benefits of paraffin therapy for hands

Paraffin therapy is mainly used for cosmetic purposes. It nourishes, moisturizes the skin, restores it and has a rejuvenating effect.

After several sessions, you will not recognize your hands, they will take on a healthy look even in cold winter conditions, just when the skin needs to be moisturized.

Do not forget about the relaxing effect. A warm, relaxing treatment will help you deal with stress and piling up problems, give you a temporary respite to collect your thoughts and put them in order.

Use the paraffin therapy session as free time for, for example, meditation. Throw all thoughts out of your head and enjoy the moment, feel every second that gives you pleasure, be aware of your feelings, linger in the moment as long as there is an opportunity for this.

Thus, you will enhance the relaxing effect of just 15-20 minutes of the procedure and rest not only with your body, but also mentally.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, paraffin therapy will help in alleviating joint diseases, warming and nourishing them, and will also help to release excess salts.

paraffin therapy revitalizes the skin of the hands

How often can paraffin therapy be done?

Depending on the indications and the condition of your skin, paraffin therapy can be done in courses of 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week or included in your weekly care.

Paraffin therapy should be done according to indications. This does not mean that apparently healthy skin does not need care.

For healthy hands, preventive procedures are recommended during the cold season, for example, in late autumn, when the stress associated with changing weather affects, among other things, the skin of the hands. And one more course can be carried out in the middle of winter to maintain the nutritional and water balance of the skin, preventing severe chapping and drying, as well as beriberi.

If you are a supporter of home treatments, then paraffin therapy can be done consistently once a week, such as a hair or face mask, i.e. set aside a "beauty day" and enjoy the effect.

If the appearance of your hands screams for help, then it's time to pay attention to them and undergo a course of paraffin therapy, but the procedures should not go one after another, take a break of 1-2 days between them.

When to use paraffin therapy?

If you, having learned about the properties of paraffin therapy, set about trying it for yourself, you need knowledge about indications and contraindications.


Dry, chapped, devoid of nutrition and hydration of the skin - these are the indications for paraffin therapy.

If you feel that your hands need rest and relaxation, treat them with paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy also has healing properties. The indications for this procedure are:

  • microcracks and light damage to the epithelium;
  • joint diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis;
  • restrictions of movement in the joints associated with the deposition of salts and problems with the ligamentous apparatus.


There are a number of contraindications when paraffin therapy is prohibited or should be used with caution.

Here is the list:

  • varicose veins;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, rashes or pustular formations;
  • individual intolerance to any components of creams or paraffin;
  • any acute processes occurring in the body (possible, but with caution);
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes.

Of course, if you have any of the above diseases, this does not put an end to paraffin therapy.

To avoid risks, consult your doctor and then feel free to go to the salon or buy your own paraffin therapy kit.

How much does paraffin therapy cost in the salon?

Since the procedure is simple and does not require a lot of time, its cost is quite reasonable and amounts to approximately 500 rubles per session.

Of course, salons with a "name" provide this procedure for 1000-1500, apparently for the quality of service and exceptional attitude towards the client.

Keep in mind that you may need more than one procedure and estimate in advance how much you are willing to spend on improving the pens.

paraffin therapy for hands is carried out at home and in the salon

What is needed for paraffin therapy?

For paraffin therapy, very few props are required. Most of it is in every home, so you will only need to buy paraffin itself.


For this procedure, you need a special, purified cosmetic paraffin, which is available in pharmacies and stores specializing in all kinds of beauty equipment.

It is not recommended to use any other wax, such as candle wax, because all the unknown, potentially harmful, substances contained in non-cosmetic wax will be absorbed into your hands and the effect will be the opposite of what is expected.

Before use, paraffin should be grated or crushed into small pieces, so the melting of paraffin will take less time.


A thermal bath for melting paraffin is a convenient thing, but not mandatory. Paraffin can be melted either in a special bath or in a steam bath, whichever is more convenient for you.

Of course, the bath can be used in the room or in the bath, it does not clutter up the stove, it is aesthetically pleasing to deal with, and in general, it is designed to make life easier for fans of paraffin therapy.

Also, such a bath is indispensable in a salon procedure, or in a procedure at home, but not independent, but with a master.

But if you resort to paraffin therapy from time to time, then it is quite possible to get by with a steam bath.

Cellophane gloves

Cellophane pads, whether gloves or bags, are a necessary thing. They are designed to retain moisture and create a greenhouse effect, and also create a protective barrier between paraffin wax and warm mittens. They mainly protect warm mittens from paraffin contamination.


Whatever type of paraffin therapy we are talking about, in any case, warm mittens will be needed. They accumulate heat inside, enhancing the effect of the nutrient composition and paraffin, and also prolong the warming effect, which is important for medicinal purposes.


The cream plays the most important role in nourishing your skin, that is, the effect of paraffin therapy and its duration directly depend on the product you choose. It can be either a regular nourishing cream or a cream with essential oils and vitamin complexes added to it. It is good to use vitamin serum, it is the most saturated with nutrients that the skin of the hands needs.

After removing the paraffin, the handles must be well moistened in order to consolidate the effect of the procedure. You can combine this with a massage / self-massage.


In order not to collect plastic bags, warm mittens, etc. around the apartment, you can purchase a special kit that already has everything and, most importantly, a thermal bath for melting paraffin.

In addition to it, the set usually includes:

  • paraffin about 1 kg;
  • cellophane pads / gloves;
  • warm mittens / socks;

You will have to use your own cream.

Paraffin therapy for hands in the salon

Paraffin therapy can be done both in the salon and independently at home.

Many people prefer a salon service, and it really has a number of advantages.

Advantages of paraffin therapy in the salon

Since paraffin therapy is a fairly simple, but not the cheapest procedure, you can count on good service and quality products.

First of all, it is good to combine paraffin therapy with aromatherapy and relaxing music, then you can completely relax and get away from everyday worries for at least 15 minutes.

If the salon provides you with such related services, although this is not included in the price list, then this is a good tick for the salon, it really appreciates its customers and tries to do everything for their comfort. After all, you want to return to such a salon again and again.

In addition, many busy ladies keep a diary and plan their day literally by the hour. There is a great temptation to postpone a planned home procedure until tomorrow, next week, and so on.

While the recording in the salon and, accordingly, the recording of this in the planner obliges you to allocate time on the day of the procedure. This disciplines and gives you the opportunity to spend time on yourself as part of planning your day.

In conclusion, after the procedure, you will most likely have a hand massage, which will be included in the price of the procedure.

The process of paraffin therapy in the salon

Arriving at the salon for paraffin therapy, tune in to relaxation and proceed to the procedure in the best mood.

  • The procedure itself will begin with the master carefully treating your hands with a scrub in order to eliminate the barrier from the layer of dead cells so that it does not prevent the release of moisture from the surface of the hands and the absorption of nutrients from the cream or serum into them.
  • The next step is to apply a cream or nourishing composition to the hands. This is one of the important points of paraffin therapy. The better the remedy, the more vitamins, oils and minerals it contains, the more pronounced the effect of the procedure.
  • Then the layer-by-layer application of liquid paraffin on the hands will begin. There should be a thick layer of this substance after several applications.
  • After putting on special protective gloves (usually disposable cellophane) and warm terry mittens, you will have to spend 15 minutes warm and at rest. During this time, the paraffin will draw out excess moisture from the skin, saturating it with the useful components of the composition that was applied to the hands before paraffin treatment.
  • The final stage - the removal of paraffin residues - does not mean that you can be free and rush on about your business. Cooling hands immediately after paraffin therapy is highly undesirable and will nullify the entire positive effect of the procedure.
  • Spend some time in the salon with a cup of tea or coffee, half an hour will be enough for you to recover your hands and prepare for further stressful encounters with the environment.

Instructions for paraffin hand therapy at home

If you decide to carry out paraffin therapy at home, then do not worry, it is simple and it is difficult to spoil it.

What do you need for paraffin therapy at home?

Here is a list of necessary things, without which paraffin therapy is impossible:

  • a thermal bath or containers for a thermal bath of about 2-3 liters;
  • paraffin - 2-3 kg;
  • nourishing and moisturizing cream;
  • scrub;
  • cellophane gloves or regular bags;
  • warm mittens, can be replaced with a terry towel.

Home paraffin treatment step by step

Paraffin therapy at home consists of simple steps and is available to everyone.

  • The procedure begins with cleansing the skin, at home it is enough to wash it with soap and water under running water. Then, using a scrub, remove dead skin cells and apply a nourishing cream in a thick layer.
  • It's the turn of paraffin: lower your hands alternately into pre-melted warm paraffin, repeat this step several times. After applying a sufficiently thick layer of paraffin, put the bags on your hands and wrap them in a towel.
  • After 15-20 minutes, remove everything from your hands, including paraffin and use a moisturizer.

This completes the procedure. If you prefer to use cream-paraffin, then the procedure time is reduced exactly by the time of paraffin melting. A moisturizing cream after the procedure can be replaced with the remains of paraffin cream.

Paraffin therapy is not only useful, but also pleasant. Such a spa treatment for hands will not only improve your skin, but also improve your mood, which is very important in the cold season. Save yourself from the blues and depression with the help of paraffin therapy.