Non-traditional drawing techniques. Unconventional drawing techniques in the middle group Sponge painting unconventional method middle group

Vesta Terebova
The project for the development of non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group "Colors of childhood"


The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Most effective means its solution is the visual activity of children in kindergarten.

Drawing is one of the most important funds knowledge of the world and the development of knowledge of aesthetic perception, as it is associated with the independent, practical and creative activity of the child. Classes in visual activity contribute to the development of creative abilities, imagination, observation, artistic thinking and memory of children.

Usage non-traditional image methods allows you to diversify the child's abilities in drawing, arouse interest in the study of the pictorial possibilities of materials, and, as a result, increase interest in pictorial activity in general. “You can depict with different materials, based on a variety of materials.

The application creates an atmosphere of ease, relaxedness, contributes to the development of initiative, independence of children, allows the child to move away from the subject image, express his feelings and emotions in the drawing, instills the child’s confidence in his abilities, creates an emotionally positive attitude to activity. Owning different ways of depicting an object, the child gets the opportunity to choose, which develops the creative abilities of a preschooler.

Organization of educational activities in artistic creativity using unconventional drawing technique promotes development:

Orientation and research activities, preschoolers. The child is given the opportunity to experiment (mixing soap foam paints, paste, applying gouache or watercolor on natural materials, etc.).

Fine motor skills of the fingers, which positively affects the development of the speech zone of the cerebral cortex.

mental processes (imagination, perception, attention, visual memory, thinking)

Tactile sensitivity (with immediate finger contact with paint children get to know her properties: density, hardness, viscosity);

Cognitive and communication skills. Everything unusual attracts the attention of children, makes them wonder. The children begin to ask questions to the teacher, to each other, the vocabulary is enriched and activated.

unconventional drawing based on creative imagination, it is interesting that the drawings of all children are different. It attracts with its simplicity and accessibility, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as art materials. And the main thing is that unconventional drawing plays an important role in the overall mental development of the child. After all, the main thing is not the final product - a drawing or crafts, but development personalities: the formation of self-confidence, in their abilities.

Passport project

Name: « Colors of childhood»

Compiler project: Terebova V. A.

View project: Informational, cognitive, creative.

Duration project: Long term

Members project: children middle group, educators, parents.

Products children's activities: drawings, exhibitions.

Final project event: Exhibition children's drawings using non-traditional drawing techniques« Colors of childhood»

Stages of work

1. Organizational (September-November)

Development project

Introducing parents to project

Selection of material for artistic activity

Making didactic games

Development of a thematic plan of events

Selection of illustrations, photographs

Selection of material for parents

2. Implementation (December-May)

Work with children

Acquaintance with (joint activity with children)

Examination of samples, illustrations, photographs

nature observation

Exhibition design

Working with parents

Conducting parent surveys topic: "Does your child like paint

Folder-slider: "Role drawing in a child's life»

Folder-slider: «»


3. Analytical

Familiarization of parents with the results of implementation project

Familiarization of preschool teachers (pedagogical council; presentation)


Lack of didactic material, artistic material for drawing.

Lack of knowledge, work experience in preschool children on the problem of fine arts in means of non-traditional drawing.

From the experience of working with children on the development of artistic and creative abilities in drawing became clear that standard sets of visual materials and ways of transmitting information are not enough for modern children, since the level of mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher. As a result, they give impetus to the development children's intelligence, activate the creative activity of children, teach to think outside the box.

Target: Maintaining interest in visual activities through use non-traditional materials and techniques for creating an image. Development of artistic and creative abilities of children middle preschool age through the use of unconventional drawing techniques.



Familiarize yourself with various methods and techniques unconventional drawing techniques using various visual materials.

Help children learn different technical skills in working with non-traditional techniques.

Encourage students to apply non-traditional drawing techniques(monotype, leaf printing, finger painting, embossing, poke, etc.)

Help parents get to know non-traditional drawing techniques; stimulate their joint creativity with children.


Instill interest in drawing with non-traditional techniques.

To create conditions for the development of creative activity, fantasy, memory, attention, creative imagination, thinking, speech, eye, cognitive interest.

To develop fine motor skills of hands and hand-eye coordination in preschool children.

Learn Beautiful, place the image in the entire sheet. Develop a sense of rhythm, aesthetic perception.


Cultivate perseverance, accuracy, ability to work in a team and individually

To instill interest and love for the fine arts as means of expressing feelings, relationships, joining the world beautiful.

Educational Wednesday:

Enrich developing Wednesday contributing to the maintenance (formation) interest in art.

Expected end results of implementation project:

the formation of children's knowledge about unconventional ways of drawing;

possession of preschoolers by protozoa technical methods of working with various visual materials;

students' ability to apply non-traditional drawing techniques;

increasing the competence of parents of pupils in the matter drawing using non-traditional techniques, active participation of parents in joint creative projects.


They started their work with well-known for children of this age technician: drawing fingers and palms, drawing with cotton swabs, hand drawing. Then gradually introduced new technology: technique"print", foam impression, poking, spraying, cork impression, potato seal impression, crumpled paper impression, wax crayons + watercolor, wet painting. In addition, scientists believe that at this age, children can be introduced to splashing, regular and tube blotting, stencil printing, subject monotopy.

As a result, a joint action plan was drawn up with children:

Finger painting

"Snowman and Christmas tree"

Hand drawing


Drawing with cotton swabs

"Memories of Summer"

Technique"print" leaf prints

"Winter Trees"

foam impression

"Flowers in a vase"

Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush


"Basket with vegetables and fruits"

cork impression

"Flock of fish"

Potato prints

"Magic Flower"

Screen printing


Wrinkled paper print

"Chicken and Kitten"

Blotography regular

"Autumn forest"

Blotography with a tube


Wax crayons + watercolor


Subject monotopy

"Boots in a Puddle"

Wet painting


Folders were made for parents - shifting: "Role drawing in a child's life» , « Drawing in non-traditional ways» and questioning "Does your child like paint» . There was also homework for topic: « Colors of childhood»

Final project event: Exhibition children's work


Project« Summer colors» aims to develop creative imagination in children middle preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Visual activity is perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to express in his drawings his impression of the world around him. At the same time, visual activity is invaluable for the comprehensive development of children, the disclosure and enrichment of their creative abilities. unconventional approach to the implementation of the image gives impetus to the development children's intelligence, pushes the creative activity of the child, teaches to think outside the box. An important condition for the development of a child is an original task, the very formulation of which becomes an incentive for creativity.

Children are very attracted unconventional materials The more diverse the art materials, the more interesting it is to work with them. Therefore, familiarizing preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques allows not only to increase children's interest in visual activity, but also contributes to the development of creative imagination.

The boys now own many non-traditional techniques: finger painting, hand drawing, imprints with cork, seals from vegetables and others. The kids love the variety. technician, children's work became more interesting and varied.

Summary of GCD on the topic:
"Bunny's Birthday"
(non-traditional drawing technique)

Summary of GCD for the middle group

Author: Sedykh Nina Pavlovna, teacher of the correctional group of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7" of the combined type, Perm Territory, the city of Aleksandrovsk.
Educators of preschool institutions and teachers of additional education can use this compendium to conduct classes with children of the middle group of kindergarten
improve the creative abilities of children through artistic and visual activity by composing a composition of three objects using an unconventional drawing technique
To give an initial idea of ​​​​still life as a genre of fine art.
To introduce the basics of composition when drawing up a still life.
Strengthen the ability to use non-traditional drawing techniques.
Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life.
To promote the development of creative imagination, artistic and aesthetic skills, fine motor skills, attention.
Awaken aesthetic feelings, cultivate interest in artistic creativity.
To nurture goodwill, a culture of communication between children and peers and adults.
Materials and equipment: gouache, a sheet of paper with a napkin painted on the background, ready-made shapes for a teapot and cups with spoons, stamps, Teremka decoration, heroes of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" on magnets, a bunny toy, items for composing a composition (dishes, a napkin, dummies of fruits, sweets), radio tape recorder, laptop for showing the presentation "Hare's Birthday".
Preliminary preparation: acquaintance with various types of art (still life, landscape, portrait), viewing still lifes of famous artists, watching the cartoons "Plasticine Story", "Still Life", staging the Russian folk tale "Teremok".
The content of the organizational activity of children
1. Organizational moment.
The music sounds "Introduction from the Russian folk tale" Teremok ". Against the backdrop of the scenery of the teremka, the teacher meets the children.
caregiver: Hello, dear guests. Welcome to fairy tale. We are waiting for you, we will not wait. Today, a bunny invited us to visit. He has a birthday. But we won't be alone at the party. Look at the house where our bunny lives. ( points to the teremok).Let's remember a fairy tale where various animals live in a house? (children's answers).

Right. This is a Russian folk tale "Teremok"
(music plays)
Educator: Stands in the field of a teremok, a teremok
He's not low, he's not high, he's not high
Who, who lives in a teremochka,
Who, who lives in the low?
What kind of animals live in the tower (children's answers).
2. The story of the fairy tale "Bunny's Birthday"
Educator: I see you remember the story. But today I will tell a new story about our fairy-tale heroes. Get comfortable and listen.
(showing the presentation "Bunny's Birthday")
“They lived, there were little animals in a little house. They lived, did not grieve. They lived very friendly and cheerfully. They helped each other in everything.
On one of the sunny days, the little animals decided to congratulate the bunny on his birthday. (Slide 1)

Everyone brought him a gift.
A mouse came running:
- Pee-pee-pee! I brought you an apple, pear and cherries. (Slide 2)

Children, how in one word can you call a mouse gift? (children's answers)
The second frog galloped up:
- Kwa, kwa, kwa! Bunny, I will give you cups, saucers and spoons. (Slide 3)

Children, what is the name of these objects in one word? Correct dishes.
The cunning fox gave the bunny a vase of flowers. (Slide 4)

And then a gray top came running.
- U, u, u! I brought you a teapot and a napkin as a gift. (Slide 5)

And the last one was the bear.
- Bunny, I brought you candy. Let's drink tea and have fun. (Slide 6)

One bunny became sad and thoughtful. (Slide 7)

- So many gifts! And how to arrange them on the table so that it is beautiful?
Educator: Guys, let's help the bunny arrange the gifts on the table so that all his guests like it.
(Opens a napkin, under it are fruits, dishes, sweets, a vase of flowers)
Now I will compose a composition of all these items. Will you help me? Where do we start? (answer) That's right, lay a napkin. We put a vase of flowers, a teapot, cups with spoons on it, put sweets in a saucer and spread out the fruit. We must remember the rule that large objects are in the background, and small ones in the foreground.
Look at my composition. Do you think the bunny will like it? (answers) And if we draw a picture with our subjects, then it will be called a still life.

If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table, (Slide 8)

Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake, (Slide 9)

Or all items at once, - (Slide 10)

Know that this is a still life.
(A. Kushner)

Educator: Do you want to help the bunny? Let's make still lifes and give them to the bunny for her birthday. Hear, a cheerful melody sounds, maybe we'll play. Get in a circle. Imagine that you and I are dishes that are on a tray.
(The teacher recites a poem, and the children perform the appropriate actions.)
3.Mobile game "Dishes".
Here is a large glass teapot. Inflate the tummy, one hand
Very important as a boss. on the belt, the other was bent - "nose"

Here are porcelain cups, Sit down, put one hand not on the belt.
Very fragile, poor thing.
Here are porcelain saucers, spinning, drawing with hands in the air
Just knock - they will break, circle.
Here are the silver spoons. They stretched, clasped their hands over their heads.
Head on a thin stem.
Here is a plastic tray, lay down, stretched out.
He brought us dishes.

4. Drawing.
The teacher draws the attention of the children that there are paper figures on each table. (Teapot and cups with spoons)
Educator: You have a drawing on your table. It depicts a table, on it is a napkin and a beautiful background. I also have this drawing. (posts a drawing on an easel).

We need to take the dishes and lay them out on a sheet so that we get a still life of three objects. (Show) In the background we have a teapot, and then lay out the cups with spoons. (Show) Try to compose your still life, following all the rules.
(Children lay out ready-made forms, the teacher helps them as far as possible).
Well done! They all made beautiful still lifes. But our dishes are not festive at all. What do you think we need to do to decorate our dishes? (answers)
Educator: That's right, we'll decorate it with flowers. We will do it with the help of stamps and bright gouache. Dipping the stamp in paint (display) and put prints on our dishes, as I do.
Children independently decorate the dishes with prints of various stamps, the teacher controls them, providing assistance.

Educator: The dishes turned out to be festive. Bunny would love it. It remains only to finish our still life. Glue the teapot with cups on the drawing that you have already come up with (Double-sided tape). The first will be the teapot, then the cups with spoons.

Drawing is one of the leading activities of children attending preschool educational institutions. It contributes to the knowledge of the surrounding world and is the most effective means of forming a creative personality. In order to stimulate interest in visual activity, it is advisable for the teacher to use non-traditional drawing methods in his work. Working with unusual materials and new techniques will give preschoolers of the middle group exceptionally positive emotions, reveal new possibilities for using familiar objects.

The value of non-traditional drawing techniques for children's development in the garden

Non-traditional drawing is interesting because the images in children always turn out different. As a rule, these are simple and accessible techniques, nevertheless, they play a very important role in the mental development of a preschooler. Their use suggests an atmosphere of ease, gives the baby the opportunity to take the initiative, express feelings and emotions in the drawing. The main thing in such an activity is not the final product, but the formation of a self-confident personality.

The use of non-traditional techniques develops the research abilities of kids 4-5 years old. After all, they provide an opportunity to experiment (for example, mix gouache with soap suds, paint on natural materials).

Non-traditional drawing improves the fine motor skills of the hands of preschoolers of the middle group, which in turn contributes to the formation of correct speech.

Such mental processes as thinking, attention, visual memory, imagination develop. Increased tactile sensitivity - the fingertips are in direct contact with the paint, feel its density, viscosity.

Working with unusual materials makes children surprised, improves their social and communication skills: children ask more questions to the teacher, to each other, vocabulary is enriched and activated.

A variety of methods and techniques (palms, poke, printing, nitkography, etc.). Materials used

In the middle group, it is already possible to successfully apply a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Let's consider the main directions.

Children love to print with different objects. These can be foam forms: the teacher applies an in-depth drawing on them with a sharp object. The child dips such a "signet" into the paint, and then applies it to a sheet of paper - a beautiful image is obtained. Similarly, you can print vegetables and fruits: potatoes, apples, carrots are especially suitable for this purpose. To do this, they are given the desired shape and the paint that matches the color is selected.

You can also print using foam rubber, a crumpled ball of paper, or a cotton pad. An interesting image is obtained from the prints of the leaves (in this way you can draw trees or a butterfly). The veined side is covered with paint and applied to the base with the painted side. Petioles at the leaf can be carefully painted with a brush. An interesting gradient effect is obtained if several colors are mixed on the surface of the sheet.

With the help of half a potato, you can draw a variety of objects

A more difficult lesson for preschoolers of the middle group is drawing with a poke with a hard brush. On a previously drawn contour, the child strikes with a brush with gouache paint. Moreover, the brush is not wetted by water. It turns out an imitation of a fluffy or prickly surface, which is ideal for depicting animals, such as a hedgehog, bear or hare. In the process of work, the brush must be held vertically - then the pokes will be even.

Using the poke method it is good to depict various animals

Poke drawing

Toddlers love to draw with their hands. The entire brush of the child is immersed in gouache or painted with a brush, and then he leaves an imprint on the base. You can draw at the same time with two pens, painted in different colors. In this way they often draw the sun, grass, tree, bird. After work, the palms are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off with water.

Hand drawing

The poster as a gift for mom is made using palm drawing

When drawing with fingers, the baby lowers not the entire palm into gouache, but only the tip of the finger. Dots or specks are applied to the paper. On each finger you can pick up paint of a different color. A similar image is obtained when using cotton swabs.

Drawing with cotton swabs

Finger painting

Fancy patterns on a sheet of paper can be created using semolina (salt and sand can also be used for this purpose). This technique is good for creating landscapes - semolina gives the composition a beautiful texture. The background is sprinkled with grits before the paint has dried. After a short period of time, the semolina is simply shaken off, and bright spots remain in its place. Another option - the object is drawn and painted over with glue-pencil (necessarily on a tsyet background), and then sprinkled with semolina.

decoy drawing

Nitkografiya is a technique of drawing with an ordinary thread. The kid folds a sheet of paper in half, immerses the thread in the paint. On one side of the base, an image is laid out from the thread, while one end of it remains free. The drawing is closed on top with the second half of the paper and pressed. After that, the thread is pulled out by the tip. It turns out an image that is finished with a brush to the desired image.


Children in the middle group love to draw with foam rubber. This is a convenient tool for creating a background for a picture, in addition, foam rubber has great opportunities to embody a child's fantasies. For example, this is the perfect way to depict snowdrifts in a winter landscape.

Drawing with foam rubber using a stencil

An unusual image is obtained by applying the technique of blotography. The kid scoops up gouache paint with a spoon, and then pours it onto the base. Spots of various shapes are obtained. The base is covered with another sheet - an image appears on it, which is completed to the desired image. You can also blow on the stain with a straw to make it bigger.

Drawing in the technique of blotography

An unusual drawing tool is a toothbrush. Thick, stiff bristles allow you to apply pattern details with different densities. Due to this, there is a volume effect, you can combine different shades. For example, in this way you can very realistically depict a Christmas tree.

Drawing a toothbrush gives volume to the branches

Drawing with a toothbrush

In a similar way, you can draw with a plastic fork by dipping its tip into the paint. So you can depict a prickly hedgehog or the sun.

drawing with a fork

Drawing perfectly conveys the spines of the animal

For drawing in the middle group, the teacher can offer the children candles or wax crayons. Using these materials, the kid creates an image on paper, and then paints over it with watercolors. Drawing with a candle or crayons remains white, since the oily base does not interact with watercolor.

Drawing with a candle, soap bubbles, cotton buds, wax crayons

Non-traditional drawing of individual objects and objects (examples of work with comments)

Some topics are especially conducive to non-traditional ways of drawing. For example, a tree can be depicted in an original way using a print with leaves, completing the missing parts (composition “Autumn Trees”). Another interesting way is to print with a cabbage leaf (“Winter Tree”). With the help of the palm, you can depict a snow-covered crown (“Snow-covered tree”). The leaves and fruits of the tree are often depicted with fingers or cotton swabs ("Apple tree").

Leaf prints and drawing Drawing with palms and fingers Cabbage leaf print Drawing with cotton buds

Such an object beloved by kids as balloons can be depicted with foam rubber or with the help of the rubber balls themselves (they inflate and dip the tip into the paint - a very realistic image is obtained).

balloon drawing

balloon drawing

Falling autumn leaves can similarly be depicted using real leaves. To do this, it is better to pick up small specimens (“Multi-colored leaves”). Another way is drawing with cotton buds, fingers, poke. Leaflets can also be printed with potatoes, after drawing the appropriate silhouette on the vegetable.

Leaf printing

Poke drawing

The structure of the rowan branch is conducive to drawing it with cotton swabs, fingers or poke (photo).

Poke drawing

Birds in the middle group are also often depicted in non-traditional ways. For example, with the help of the palms, you can draw a graceful flying or swimming swan.

Hand drawing

Hand drawing

With the help of non-traditional drawing methods, it is good to depict vegetables and fruits.

Drawing with a pipette

Printing with half an apple and drawing with cotton buds

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Druzhina E. "Winter"

(drawing in non-traditional ways - imprint with a cabbage leaf, image with cotton swabs)

Educational tasks: learn to draw a landscape using non-traditional techniques (cabbage leaf print, image with cotton swabs).
Development tasks: to expand ideas about the winter season.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in nature, a sense of beauty.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: reproductions of winter landscapes.
Handout: tinted sheets of white paper according to the number of children, brushes, white gouache, sheets of Beijing cabbage, non-spill cups, coasters for brushes.
Lesson progress:
Winter riddle. The teacher asks the children what words can be used to describe winter (snowy, frosty, shiny, fluffy, etc.), what can be played in winter.
To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky children are looking at reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and winter. At the same time, the teacher consolidates knowledge of what a landscape is.
Surprise moment - a package arrives in the group, but it does not open. To open it, one of the guys must read a poem about winter.
There is a knock on the door - a toy hare appears, which says that it was he who delivered the package and complains to the children that he cannot find his way home. The guys promise to help him. The hare opens his parcel - there is a cabbage leaf.
The teacher invites preschoolers to turn into landscape painters and draw a winter picture in a special way - with cabbage leaves.
Demonstration of imaging techniques. On the sheet you need to apply a thick layer of paint with a brush, then attach it to the base and carefully remove it with both hands. The resulting print is very similar to a snow-covered tree.
Independent work of preschoolers to the composition of O. Gazmanov "White Snow". The teacher guides the children as needed.
At the end of the first stage of work, a physical education session "Snowman" is held. The teacher notices that something is missing in the drawings. Children guess that there is no snow. The teacher suggests depicting it with the help of cotton buds - you need to dip them in a jar of white gouache and apply dots (poke method).
In the traditional way, with the help of a brush, snowdrifts are drawn under the trees.
Summing up the lesson - returning from the fairy forest.

Kolesnikova I.
(in the middle group by an unconventional poke method)

Lesson progress:
The lesson begins with a riddle about a bear. Then the teacher reads the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear". Content conversation: how Mishka did with Masha. Consider the structure of the bear, determine the shape of his head and torso.
The teacher demonstrates coloring the figure of a bear using the poke method (eyes and nose are glued).
Independent activity of children. Analysis of finished works.

Karpova I.N. "Fish"
(drawing with palm and fingers)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher organizes the game "Aquarium" (children perform actions according to the text):

  • Snails crawl, / They carry their houses, / Move their horns, / They look at the fish.
  • The fish are swimming, / rowing with their fins. /
  • Turn right, turn left, / And now vice versa.

Fish riddle. Looking at pictures of fish. A conversation about where they live, what they eat, what helps them swim.
Reading a poem by I. Tokmakova "Fish".
The teacher invites preschoolers to depict a fish in an unconventional way - with the help of a palm. To do this, you need to lower your palm into a plate with gouache, and then make an imprint on a piece of paper (the thumb is bent, the rest are spread out). Actions must be performed quickly, otherwise the paint may have time to dry. Near the fish, it is desirable to depict a background - pebbles (finger painting) and algae (with a brush).
After the independent activity of children, a physical activity "Fish" is held.
An exhibition of works is held: the guys explain where each fish swims, choose the most beautiful of them.

Zotkina O.K. "Scarlet Sails"
(drawing with sand and paints)

The kindergarten is located in the resort town of Evpatoria, so sand painting is very important in this case.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads to the children a poem by V. Orlov "I draw the sea."
A conversation is held about the native city, which tourists also call the city of the Sun, the city of Childhood. This is due to the fact that in Evpatoria there are a lot of sunny days a year, an unusually gentle sea, and there is also a huge number of children's health resorts and camps.
The teacher reminds the children that they were at sea today and asks what they remember most (warm sand and pleasant water, bright sun, beautiful shells, ships, boats).
The teacher invites preschoolers to draw a ship with scarlet sails, a bright sun and their favorite sea. And the sand brought from the beach will help to do this.
Physical education on the marine theme "Sea" is being held.

  • The sea is very wide
    (Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
    The sea is very deep.
    (They squat, touching the floor with their hands.)
    Fish live there, friends,
    (Perform the "Fish" movement.)
    But you can't drink water.
    (Spread your arms to the side, raising your shoulders.)
    Seagulls circling over the waves
    (wave hands)
    Let's follow them together.
    (circling in place)
    Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,
    And over the sea - we are with you!
    (Children flap their arms like wings.)

Examination of the sample and explanation of imaging techniques. Sand must be sifted from shells and other impurities. With a simple pencil, the contours of the ship, the sun and the sea are drawn, on which glue is then abundantly applied. Sand is collected in a pinch and sprinkled on the contours of the image. The excess is poured into a plate. Further, the sails are covered with scarlet paint so as not to touch the sand. The sun, sky and sea are also painted.
To relaxing music (sounds of the sea and the sound of the surf), the guys begin to work.

Advanced planning for non-traditional drawing (middle group)

In the middle group, non-traditional drawing can occasionally be included in visual art classes, and can be carried out as part of a project. Most often, such techniques are studied with children as part of circle work.

As an example, let's give a fragment of the long-term planning of the classes of the circle for the middle group "Rainbow" (teacher Chernysheva O.V., MBDOU d / s "Yolochka, Abakan).

Month Subject Tasks
SeptemberAutumn leaves
Watercolor paints + wax crayons
Contribute to the most expressive reflection of impressions of autumn. Improve skills in drawing with wax crayons and watercolor
Teddy bear
Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush
To consolidate the ability to use the techniques of "poking with a hard semi-dry brush"
To introduce children to the technique of monotype. Introduce children to symmetry (for example, an apple). Develop spatial thinking.
by design
Finger painting
To consolidate the ability to draw with fingers, the technique of sticking. Develop a sense of composition, color perception.
Familiarize yourself with the technique of blotography. Develop a sense of composition.
Improve skills and abilities in drawing with plasticine.
Familiarize yourself with the technique of spraying. Develop a sense of composition.
NovemberVacuum cleaner
Familiarize yourself with the grafting technique. Learn to outline simple shape patterns.
Drawing with cotton swabs
Strengthen the ability to draw with cotton swabs. Develop a sense of composition
by design
Strengthen the ability to choose your own technique and topic
Plasticine plastics
Strengthen the ability to draw with plasticine. Develop a sense of composition.

It should be noted that regularly (about once a month) in the circle, drawing is carried out according to the plan, in which children independently choose the technique and themes. This develops the creative imagination and independence of preschoolers.

All classes are built on a similar principle: they start with a game moment, include finger gymnastics, massage, independent activities of children, as a rule, take place under musical accompaniment. At the end of the lesson, a mini-exhibition of children's works is necessarily arranged.

Children always strive for new experiences, have an interest in creative activities. The task of the teacher is to awaken in each child faith in their individuality, the ability to create beauty. In this regard, non-traditional image techniques present great opportunities: drawing without a brush and pencil, the baby feels more relaxed, feels colors better and begins to fantasize.

Project type- creative.

Duration- short term. (February-April)

Project executors children, teachers, parents.

Objective of the project:

The development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Project objectives:

1. To introduce children of primary preschool age to non-traditional ways of drawing, to form an interest in visual activity; 2. Contribute to the mastery of preschoolers with the simplest techniques for working with various visual materials.3. Encourage students to independently apply non-traditional drawing techniques (monotype, leaf printing, finger painting, embossing, poking, etc.)4. Facilitate parents' acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques; stimulate their joint creativity with children.

Expected results of the project implementation:

1. Formation in children of primary preschool age of knowledge about non-traditional methods of drawing; 2. Possession by preschoolers of the simplest techniques for working with various visual materials; 3. The ability of students to independently apply non-traditional drawing techniques; 4. Improving the professional level and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the formation of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques; 5. Increasing the competence of the parents of pupils in the issue of drawing using non-traditional techniques, the active participation of parents in joint creative projects.


Preschool is a very important period in a child's life. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world around him.

The child lives in a vast real world, in which much is still inaccessible to him due to his age characteristics. We, adults, are intermediaries between the surrounding world - the world of nature, people, things, art and the tender, fragile, emotional and responsive to everything new, amazing, bright soul of a child. The education of the child's senses begins with beauty. The need for beauty and kindness appears in a baby from the first days of his life: he reaches for a beautiful toy, freezes when he hears the sounds of music; having matured a little, he examines the bright illustrations in the book, trying to depict on paper only he understands the beauty.

Modern children are actively mastering the virtual world. At the same time, they have a decrease in interest in the environment, in the children's minds the boundaries between good and evil, beautiful and ugly are erased.

Undoubtedly, the foundations of a developing personality are laid in childhood, and there is a danger that society in the future may receive an unspiritual generation, indifferent to painting, not understanding music, poetry. Therefore, today aesthetic development comes to the fore, there is a need to revise his ideas, search for new approaches that allow building the process of aesthetic development in accordance with the interests of the child, his needs, abilities.

Children from a very early age are actively trying to reflect their impressions, feelings about the world around them in fine art. There are many techniques with which you can create original works without having artistic skills. Drawing is of great importance in shaping the personality of the child. The connection between drawing and the child's thinking is especially important. At the same time, visual, motor, muscular-tangible analyzers are included in the work. In addition, drawing develops the intellectual abilities of children, memory, attention, fine motor skills of the hands, teaches the child to think, analyze, compare, compose and imagine. But most importantly, by creating an image, the child acquires various knowledge; his ideas about the environment are clarified and deepened; in the process of work, he begins to comprehend the qualities of objects, memorize their characteristic features and details, master visual skills and abilities, learn consciously, use them.

However, standard sets of visual materials and ways of transmitting information are not enough for modern children, since the level of mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher.

Drawing in an unconventional way is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. Kids are attracted by non-traditional techniques in that they can draw whatever they want and how they want, and these methods also allow children to quickly achieve the desired result, which is still difficult to do with conventional drawing techniques, especially for children 3-4 years old. Here, the development of creativity has no boundaries: inkblotography, drawing with fingers and palms, poking with a hard semi-dry brush, rolling paper, imprint with crumpled paper, wax crayons + watercolor, candle + watercolor, bitmap, spray, prints of leaves, stamps from foam and vegetables, nitkography , monotype, drawing on wet paper, collage, cork printing, cotton swab painting, sand painting, stencil printing, plasticineography, paint blowing.

Each of these techniques is a kind of game where children feel more relaxed, more confident, where they are given the opportunity to express their own fantasies and self-expression in general. Unconventional painting techniques demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. The advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. A variety of techniques contributes to the expressiveness of images in children's drawings. Mastering the technique of image gives kids joy, if you build activities taking into account the specifics of the age of children. The use of non-traditional techniques also makes it possible to apply a collective form of creativity. It brings children together, develops the skills of a culture of communication, creates a special emotional atmosphere.


The problem of the development of children's creativity is currently one of the most relevant both in theoretical and practical terms: after all, we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of an individual identity of a person.

The choice of non-traditional drawing techniques as one of the means of developing children's creativity is not accidental.

In the course of observing the visual activity of children in kindergarten, it can be concluded that a decrease in interest and motivation for creativity has several reasons:

1. Children's lack of necessary knowledge, skills and technical skills in drawing and the child's limitation in color, shape, line; 2. Template and monotony in the image and design of the drawing; 3. Lack of knowledge about the surrounding world; 4. Imposing certain cliches and stereotypes on the child (grass is only green, a house, only of this form).

Project implementation.

Stage I preparatory - February 2017.

1. Study and analysis of research, methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue; selection of software and methodological support for this problem; visual demonstration, handout material.2. Development of the content of the project: "Non-traditional ways of drawing for children of the second younger group."3. Planning for future activities aimed at the implementation of the project.4. Sociological survey of parents.

Stage II main - March, 1st week of April.

1. Formation of skills of artistic activity of children of primary preschool age, organization of joint activities of the teacher, children.

Non-traditional artistic techniques

Finger painting: the child dips his finger into the finger paint and puts dots, spots on the paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the paint is washed off. Palm drawing: the child dips his hand into finger paint or paints it with a brush and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the paint is washed off. Poke with a hard semi-dry brush: the child lowers the brush into the gouache and strikes it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface. Potato print: the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the bowl and the signet change. Paper rolling: the child crumples the paper in his hands until it becomes soft. Then he rolls a ball out of it. Its sizes can be different: from small (berry) to large (cloud, lump of a snowman). After that, the paper ball is lowered into the glue and glued to the base.





Finger painting

Funny fly agarics.

to acquaint with the non-traditional visual technique of drawing with fingers. Learn to draw rhythmically dots on the entire surface of the paper.

Amanitas of various shapes cut out of white paper; white gouache, napkins, fly agaric illustrations.


learn to paint over the pattern using the poke method, without going beyond the pattern

Album sheets, water, hard brushes, gouache.

hand drawing

colored palms

to introduce children to the technique of palm drawing, to arouse interest in non-traditional drawing

Album sheets, water, paints, brushes.

crumpled paper drawing

introduce the technique of drawing with crumpled paper, convey the image of a spring birch

Album sheets, water, crumpled paper, gouache, brushes, birch illustration.


introduce children to the method of drawing with potato stamps, create the image of a caterpillar, complementing the image with details

Album sheets, water, gouache, potato stamps (circle), brushes, caterpillar illustration

Wet painting


introduce the method of drawing on a wet sheet, show the children how to first moisten the sheet with water with a sponge, then apply the drawing.

Album sheets, water, sponges, paints, brushes, a sun toy.

Stage III final - 2-4 weeks of April.

1. Consultation for parents and making a folder - shifting on the topic "Unconventional methods of drawing".2. Exhibition of drawings "Kalyaka - Malyaka"3. Presentation of the project at the pedagogical council.


Our project "Unconventional Ways of Drawing for Toddlers" aims to develop creative imagination in preschool children through the use of unconventional drawing techniques.

Visual activity is perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to express in his drawings his impression of the world around him. At the same time, visual activity is of inestimable importance for the comprehensive development of children, the disclosure and enrichment of their creative abilities. An unconventional approach to the implementation of the image gives impetus to the development of children's intellect, encourages the creative activity of the child, teaches to think outside the box. An important condition for the development of a child is an original task, the very formulation of which becomes an incentive for creativity.

Children are very attracted to non-traditional materials, the more diverse the art materials, the more interesting it is to work with them. Therefore, familiarizing preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques allows not only to increase children's interest in visual activity, but also contributes to the development of creative imagination.

At present, the children master non-traditional techniques: drawing with fingers, drawing with palms, foam rubber prints, prints from vegetables.

Questionnaire for parents "Development of creative abilities in children"

1) Does your child draw at home?

2) How often does your child draw at home?

a) every day-2

b) 2-3 times a week-1

3) What does the child like to draw more?

a) paints-1

b) colored pencils-1

c) felt-tip pens-1

d) nothing-0

4) The child uses any of the drawing materials available to him when he wishes or with your permission.

a) he wishes - 1

b) I allow - 0

5) Does the child use non-traditional ways in drawing

(finger, palm, other objects)?

6) Is the child careful while drawing (does the sheet, furniture, face, hands get dirty)?

a) neat-1

b) dirty-0

7) If a child gets dirty while drawing, do you scold him for it?

8) Do you draw your child's attention to the beauty of nature at different times of the year?

9) Does the child often ask one of the family members to draw with him?

a) often - 2

b) sometimes - 1

c) never - 0

10) How do you most often respond to the requests of the child to draw with him:

a) invite the child to draw by himself, explaining that now

busy - 1

b) transfer joint drawing to another time (day, week, more convenient for you) - 0

c) put off the business you were doing and get involved in drawing - 2

11) Does your child draw by himself or do you help him?

b) help-0

12) How long can a child draw?

a) 5 minutes-0

b) 10-15 minutes-1

c) longer-2

13) The subject for drawing your child:

a) chooses himself-1

b) with your help-0.

14) Are there works of fine art in the decoration of your apartment, child's room (landscape, still life, etc., decorative and applied arts (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel painting, etc.):

Over 15 points. You are doing the right thing and you can hope for good results. 10 to 15 points. You sincerely strive to help the child, but give him more independence. Less than 10 points. You lack the knowledge of how to develop creativity in a child, or the desire to achieve this.

Advice for parents

"Unconventional Drawing Techniques".

We offer you several options for non-traditional drawing techniques that you can use at home with your child.

Drawing with soap bubbles.

Drawing way: Option number 1. In several containers with liquid soap (1 teaspoon of water to 1 tablespoon of soap), add different paints (5 tablespoons per serving), blow into the tube until soap bubbles form and dip a sheet of paper about them. You will get an airy - fabulous image.

Option number 2. The day before the proposed lesson, you need to mix 80 ml. tempera paint and 80 ml. dishwashing liquid in a tray with a capacity of 1 liter, stirring to add water to the edges of the tray. In this way, dilute 2-3 paints of different colors. Set aside the mixture for 12-14 hours. In order for the bubbles to turn out large and not burst for a long time, you need to add a few tablespoons of sugar. Use a straw to blow into the solution to make bubbles. Gently press the paper on the bubbles, which will burst and leave a trail. Repeat the procedure for each color.

Approximate topics for using the technique: “Postcard to Mom”, “Patchwork Rug”, “Smeshariki”, etc.

Drawing with large beads.

Drawing method: a sheet of cardboard is fixed at the bottom of the package and a silhouette image is attached to it. After that, large beads are divided and dipped in 4-5 containers with different diluted paint and laid out along the edges of the cardboard. The packaging is closed and shaken randomly. Next, the cardboard is carefully removed and released from the silhouette insert.

Approximate topics for using the technique: “Spider line”, “Blizzard”, “Salutes”, etc.

POKE method (drawing with a hard semi-dry brush)

Materials: Landscape sheet of paper, a simple pencil, gouache, hard and soft brushes, a jar of water, a rag.

We draw a contour image of an animal with a simple pencil (for older children, the contours of animals can be omitted).

We collect quite a bit of gouache of the desired color on a dry hard brush and, holding the brush vertically (the brush knocks with the “heel”), we make “pokes” on top, placing them inside and along the edges of the silhouette of the animal.

When the paint dries, draw the animal's eyes, nose, mouth, mustache and other characteristic details with the tip of a soft brush.

Variants of work: with a poke of a hard semi-dry brush, you can draw a kitten, a dog, a sheep, a goat, a hedgehog, a lion's mane, a snowman, snow, a Christmas tree, a pine tree, a forest, the sun, flowers (dandelions, sunflowers) and much more.


With the help of subject monotype, you can depict a symmetrical object (butterfly, beetle, flower) in an unusual way. Landscape monotype opens up the possibility to draw nature and get an impression in a mirror image (as in water). There is only one print. Hence the name - monotype (from the Greek monos - one, single and tupos - imprint). With the help of drawing with the “monotype” technique, perfectly symmetrical objects or magnificent landscapes are obtained.

Material: a sheet of landscape paper, gouache, wide and thin brushes, a jar of water, a palette, a cloth.


1. We fold a sheet of paper in half vertically so that a fold line appears and unfold it.2. On the right half of the sheet, draw the right half of the butterfly.3. Then we moisten the left half of the sheet with water using a wide brush, the sheet is again folded along the fold line, pressed to obtain a print.4. A whole butterfly appears on the unfolded sheet.

Work options. Subject monotype can depict a stingray, a beetle, a spider, an octopus, a flower in a pot, a ball, the sun and other symmetrical objects.


The diatypy technique (from the Greek dia - through, through) is considered a kind of monotype, but there are significant differences.

The technique is unusual in that a drawing is made on organic glass, and the image remains on a sheet of paper wet from water. Hence the second name "water seal". On the side that was pressed against glass or cardboard, you will get an impression - a convex mirror image with an interesting texture and a colored background.

Material: glossy cardboard (or organic glass), a thin sheet of paper, gouache, a wide brush, a simple pencil or just a pointed stick, a jar of water, a rag.


1. On a glossy cardboard or plexiglass, we apply a seascape with a thick brush - the sea and the sky. 2. After wetting a sheet of paper, put it on top of the image, lightly pressing the sheet against the cardboard.3. With a simple pencil on the back of the sheet, we divide the sea and the sky with a horizontal line, in the center we draw and paint over a small sailboat, rocks, at the top - the sun, clouds.4. Carefully remove a thin sheet from cardboard, you get a printed sea with convex rocks, a sailboat and a sky with sun and clouds.


Embossing is a very exciting activity. Uniformly shading a sheet of paper, we suddenly find that corrugated surfaces gradually appear on it.

Material: a sheet of thin paper, a coin or a raised image of a dinosaur, a simple pencil.


1. Put a sheet of paper on a coin.2. With a simple pencil, we shade the part of the paper protruding above the coin until the entire corrugated surface appears.


Scissors are not needed when making an appliqué in this way. Colored paper breaks along the intended contour, forming parts with uneven “hairy” edges. Details are lubricated with glue and glued to the base. This technique is suitable for conveying the fluffy, voluminous and soft texture of an object.

Material: base picture; colored paper; homemade paste (or PVA glue); foam swab (or hard brush for glue); oilcloth-lining.


Aqua - translated from English as water. So from the name it becomes clear that this technique is associated with a large amount of water. How can water affect an image? Interesting? Then get acquainted with the techniques of aqua ink technique.

Material: Thick sheet, gouache, black ink, wide brush, jar of water, wide bowl of water, cloth.


1. On a sheet of gouache of different colors, we draw large any object, for example, a mushroom.2. When the gouache dries, cover the entire sheet with black ink (the latter dries quickly if its layer is not too thick).3. Rinse the dried pattern under running water. In this case, the ink applied over the paints will be washed off almost completely, and the part of the sheet that is covered only with ink will remain black.

Drawing with a cotton swab

The resulting pictures, drawn with dots, look like ancient frescoes. By framing your child's drawing, you can decorate his room with a picture of your own production.

Material: half of the landscape sheet, a simple pencil, cotton swabs, gouache (or acrylic paints), a jar of water, a rag.


1. With a simple pencil, we outline the contours of a large object, such as a butterfly.2. Then we collect gouache of a certain color on the tip of a cotton swab and draw along the outline of the silhouette of a butterfly to make dots. To change the color, prepare a clean cotton swab.3. From the dots on the wings of a butterfly, we make various patterns: flowers, multi-colored stripes, geometric shapes, etc.

leaf prints

In autumn, you just want to pick up beautiful fallen leaves and bring them home. The leaves can be dried, but then they will become brittle. For this drawing technique, you need to use freshly picked leaves. The child can make leaf prints from different trees. And they all look like the real thing.

Material: landscape sheet, fallen leaves from different trees, gouache, wide brush, jar of water, oilcloth (place under the leaves to be painted).


1. We take a maple leaf, put it on the oilcloth with its smooth side and abundantly paint over the wrong side of the leaf with gouache of the same color.2. While the gouache has not dried up, we apply the leaflet with the painted side to a clean sheet of paper and press it tightly so that it is printed entirely. Make sure that the child does not move the pressed leaf.3. Then we remove the leaf, and the print, if necessary, is painted over in non-printed places.


Before you teach your child to outline silhouettes with a pencil, introduce him to another exciting way to convey the contours of an object - tamponing. It's much easier and more impressive! It turns out like a focus. You raise the template and see a fluffy, light, airy, transparent outline on paper, and then it remains to bring it to the intended image.

Material: an album sheet, a silhouette of a bear cub cut out of cardboard, a bowl with a stamp pad soaked in gouache, a foam rubber swab (or a gauze swab), gouache, a brush, a jar of water, a rag.


1. We apply the silhouette to a sheet of paper and hold it with our left hand.2. In the right hand is a foam rubber swab. We collect gouache on it and with the “poke” method, with light touches of the swab, we circle the silhouette along the contour.3. We carefully remove the template and get a clear and precise silhouette of a bear cub on paper.4. With a thin brush we decorate the bear's muzzle, finish drawing small details.

Wet Pictures

Material: sheet of watercolor paper; watercolor paints; wide and thin soft brushes; a jar of water; rag.


1. With a wide brush, apply a lot of water to a sheet of paper.2. The child picks up watercolor paint on a thin brush and touches it to a sheet of paper in several places. The point starts to spread.3. Free places are filled with spreading dots of other colors.4. Together with your child, think about what his picture resembles. Give a name to the child's work.

paper balls

Material: a base picture with an outline of the subject; colored paper; homemade paste (or PVA glue); foam swab (or hard brush for glue); oilcloth - lining.

Work progress and work options:

1 reception. Glue is applied to a large lump with a brush or a foam rubber swab, or the lump itself is lowered into a saucer with glue and glued to the base. A large lump can act as a finished object (a cloud, a snowdrift, a snowball, an apple, a pompom on a hat, etc.) or as a detail of an object, for example, the body of a bear cub, chicken, hare, spider, snowman, etc. From large lumps of paper, you can even make voluminous crafts.

2 reception. There are two ways to stick small lumps. With young children, glue is applied to the cardboard base and covered with paper balls. With older children, when more accurate work is required, each lump is smeared with glue with a brush or finger. An application of small balls is played out like rowan berries, flowers in a meadow, decorations for a nesting doll or a clown, nuts on a tree, sweets in a vase, stars in the sky, falling snow or rain, beads for beads, tortoise shell, mushroom hat, camel hair, lamb, poodle, hare, squirrel, hedgehog spines, etc.

3 reception. You can not roll pieces of napkins or paper into balls, but simply slightly crumple, giving them a certain shape - for example, a leaf from a tree, a petal from a flower, a butterfly wing, etc.

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Material: background-base with the applied contour of the subject; colored paper; homemade paste (or PVA glue); hard brush for glue; oilcloth-lining.

Work options

1 reception. You can stick pieces of paper on the plot base in the form of falling leaves or snowflakes, raindrops, seeds, peas or grains for birds, food for fish, stars in the sky, fish in the river, flowers in the field, etc.

2 reception. You can stick spots on a giraffe, dots on the back of a ladybug, decorations on a sweater, toys for the Christmas tree, apples on an apple tree, etc. inside the contour.

3 reception. It can be proposed to lay out “curly hairs” on the body of a lamb, scales on a fish, wool on a dog, a bear and other animals, feathers on birds, thorns on a hedgehog, a crown of leaves on a tree, clouds, ice floes, etc. inside the entire outline with a paper mosaic.

4 reception. With pieces of paper, you can completely lay out the contour image of any object - an apple, a flower, a house, a butterfly, a snake, etc. But such painstaking tasks can be offered to children only 4-7 years old.

Unusual drawing: prints

If you need to convey the texture of an object, then prints with various materials with a textured surface come to our aid: a foam swab, crumpled paper, polyethylene, polystyrene, an eraser, a clothesline attached to the end of a thick bar, etc. The child learns to experiment with new materials. And it gives him great pleasure. After all, with the help of prints, you can achieve a stunning resemblance to reality - to convey fluffiness, softness, sponginess, curlyness, causticity, etc.

Material: landscape sheet, a simple pencil, a bowl with a stamp pad soaked in gouache (or a saucer with paint), a foam swab, gouache, a brush, a jar of water, a rag.


With a simple pencil, we outline the outline of an object, for example, a sheep. Then we press the tip of the foam swab to the ink pad and make prints on the silhouette of a lamb. If you need to use a new color, you need to take another bowl with an ink pad and a clean drawing tool. When the paint dries, we finish the horns, eyes, tail with a thin brush.

In addition, everyone knows the techniques of drawing with fingers and palms.

One of the main activities of children attending a preschool educational institution (kindergarten) in all age groups is drawing. And in order to arouse interest in this type of activity and contribute to the development of the child's creative potential, it is recommended to use non-traditional drawing methods.

Thanks to the imagination of educators, more and more new types of non-traditional drawing techniques appear that can be used for children in a preschool educational institution.

Non-traditional drawing in the younger group

Since children of younger preschool age are just beginning to get acquainted with non-traditional drawing, it is better to start introducing them to the simplest techniques in the classroom: hand-drawing and stamping.

For such activities you will need: white paper, brushes, paints (gouache or finger), a rag or napkin for wiping hands. The essence of such drawing is that using a hand and its parts instead of a brush, leaving prints with them, get interesting drawings: a fence, a sun, a hedgehog, or you can just print with your finger.

Working with a stamp

Children are very fond of stamping something, so they are happy to print the outline of the desired figure. If desired, then these figures can be drawn inside the necessary details.

Non-traditional drawing in the middle group

During this period, children continue to draw with their hands, get acquainted with drawing and printing various objects (leaves, cotton swabs, threads, etc.), and the technique of poking with a hard brush.


You can use: foam rubber, crumpled paper, styrofoam, leaves, cotton swabs and more.

You will need: an object that leaves the desired imprint, a bowl, gouache, an ink pad made of thin foam rubber, white paper.

Drawing technique: drawing in children is obtained as a result of the fact that the child presses the object to the pad soaked with paint and then imprints it on white paper. To change the color, wipe the stamp and change the paint bowl.


You will need: thread, brush, bowl, gouache paints, white paper.

The drawing technique is very simple: the child folds a sheet of paper in half, then puts the chosen color on a thread, lays it on one side of the paper, and covers the other on top, then irons it well and quickly pulls out the thread. When the sheet opens, there is some kind of image that can be drawn to the intended image.

Hard brush poke technique

You will need: a hard brush, gouache paint, a white sheet with a contour drawn in pencil.

Drawing technique: children make, from left to right, along the contour line of the drawing, poking with a brush with paint, leaving no white space between them. Inside the resulting contour, children paint over with the same poke, made in random order. If necessary, the drawing can be finished with a thin brush.

Non-traditional drawing in the senior group

In the older group, children already get acquainted with more complex techniques: sand painting, soap bubbles, inkblotography, stencil printing, monotype, plasticineography, mixing watercolors with wax crayons or a candle, splashing.

Drawing in watercolor on a candle or on wax crayons

You will need: wax crayons or a candle, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Drawing technique: children first draw with wax crayons or a candle on a white sheet, and then paint over it all with watercolors. A drawing drawn with crayons or a candle will remain white.


You will need: white paper, brushes, paints (gouache or watercolor).

Drawing technique: children fold a white sheet in half, draw a half of a given object on one side, and then the sheet is folded again and ironed well so that the paint that has not yet dried is imprinted on the second half of the sheet.


You will need: liquid paint (watercolor or gouache), brush, white paper.

Drawing technique: the child, having collected paint on a brush, drips from a certain height into the middle of the sheet, then tilts the paper in different directions or blows on the resulting drop. Fantasy will then tell you who the resulting blot looked like.

The relevance of using non-traditional drawing in kindergarten lies in the fact that such drawing causes only positive emotions in children, as children are not afraid to make mistakes, they become more confident in their abilities and they have a desire to draw.