DIY Christmas applications - ideas and templates for printing. Applications for the New Year: original gift ideas

Summary: Application winter. How to make applications on the theme of winter with your own hands. Examples of winter applications for making with a child at home. How to make winter applications in kindergarten. Photo applications "Winter" for children of middle and senior groups of kindergarten.

Winter is a very beautiful time of the year. You can convey all the charm of winter through creativity. In this section, we will tell and show you what applications on the theme of winter you can do with your own hands with your children. To create winter applications, we will use a variety of materials: colored paper and cardboard, cotton wool, cotton pads, all kinds of waste material. Most of the winter appliqués described in this article are voluminous appliqués.

1. Application winter. Application on the theme of winter

On this application, winter snow is made of white paper, which the child had previously torn into small pieces with his hands. By the way, tearing paper with your hands is very useful for the development of fine motor skills in children.

Here is another charming winter house. It should be noted that depicting houses on applications on the theme of winter is very common. On this application, winter snow is made of ordinary cotton wool. To create such a voluminous application, you will first need to find on the Internet any coloring of a winter house. Figuratively cut it out, stick it on colored cardboard. Color it, and at the end glue cotton wool on your applique winter to create the appearance of snowdrifts and snow on the roof of the house.

2. Application winter. Application from cotton pads

Applications on the theme of winter from cotton pads are very popular. Using this material, you can create three-dimensional snowmen, snowdrifts, snow on the roofs of houses and on tree branches.

3. Application winter middle group. Application winter senior group

We have already talked about the application on the theme of winter from hand-torn paper. Here is another interesting version of a similar craft.

We would like to pay special attention to winter applications using corrugated paper. In the photo below, children make applications on the theme of winter. They glue the mitten templates with multi-colored pieces of corrugated paper. It is better to cut corrugated paper for application with scissors, and not tear it with your hands. It should be glued with PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

See what bright and original winter applications the kids got as a result.

The Christmas trees in the photo below are also made of corrugated paper. You can make multi-colored Christmas trees, or you can make green ones from paper of different shades of green. Choose which ones you like best. How to make such an application winter? Cut crepe paper of different colors into small pieces. Paste it in random order on a white sheet of paper. When the glue dries, cut triangles out of it. These will be Christmas trees. Stick them on a sheet of thick blue paper. Paint snowdrifts and falling snow with white paint. By the way, snow for winter applications can be made from white paper using a hole punch.

4. Application winter preparatory group. Application winter junior group

With young children, it’s easy and quick to make such funny applications on the theme of winter called “melted snowmen”. Children can cut out the details for the application themselves or you can make them for them in advance. This winter application is good because it does not require any special accuracy in the process of its manufacture.Even the children of the younger group of kindergarten will cope with it.

Another simple application on the theme of winter. We draw a mitten on thick paper or cardboard. Cut out a beautiful snowflake from paper. We glue the snowflake on our winter application. Ready!

5. Application winter. Application on the theme of winter

Insert a sheet of colored paper inside the glass. Dip the balls in white paint. Now put them in a glass, close it with a lid and shake well. As a result, you will get colored paper with white streaks. Similarly, make colored paper with white streaks of other colors. From these blanks, cut out the details of the appliqué on a winter theme.

Finally, two more unusual winter applications. The first application called "Snowplow" will appeal, first of all, to boys. To make such a voluminous application, you will need: colored paper, cardboard toilet paper roll, cotton wool, a piece of bubble wrap.

This is a very simple application, but in the New Year it can serve as a cute gift and decorate your home. On the eve of big holidays, and even more so - the New Year, most organize thematic competitions of children's and family creativity, thereby allowing the children to express themselves, and parents

- take part in the life of a small children's team.

New Year's crafts for kindergarten should be quite expressive, but at the same time not difficult to manufacture, and even if an adult takes on the bulk of the work, the kid should also be actively involved in the creative process. One of the most affordable craft options is applique.

We show how to lubricate the parts with glue and stick to the main figure. The main thing here is careful work with glue, as careless handling of it can ruin the look of the craft. Therefore, it is better to take liquid glue in a tube with a limiter roller, and even easier - use an adhesive stick.

New Year paper applications

We offer two options for the New Year's application for the little ones: a Christmas slipper for a gift and a Christmas tree. We give the baby a figurine of a Christmas tree or a shoe and offer to decorate them.

After the baby decorates the Christmas tree or slipper, we fix them on the main background. That's all!

A very beautiful herringbone applique is obtained from a cardboard base, sequins and threads.

New Year's applications from paper and cotton wool

Very expressive applications on the New Year and winter theme are obtained from cotton wool.

You can decorate New Year's applications made of paper and cotton wool with colored stickers with your favorite characters.

Application "Snowman" from cotton wool

One of the most favorite applications for the New Year is a cotton snowman.

We cut out the contour of a snowman from cotton wool and begin to glue cotton balls on the glue.

We glue twig handles, a scarf, buttons, a top hat, eyes and a nose to the snowman. We glue the snowman on a suitable background. Application "snowman" - ready!

Application "snowman" from cotton wool

From the application "snowman" you can make a very cute New Year's ball - a Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas decoration "snowman"

When the entire surface of the snowman is glued with balls, glue the twig handles. The cylinder, nose and scarf are made of felt. We glue the buttons-balls and factory eyes. Snowman is ready!

New Year's application from cotton pads "Snowman"

For work, we need a cardboard base, cotton pads, colored sequins and balls.

We glue cotton pads, forming snowmen out of them. We glue them factory eyes. We make the nose from balls, and the buttons from sequins. Application "snowmen" - ready!

New Year's application "snowmen"

New Year's applications from disposable plates "Herringbone"

The Christmas tree applique looks beautiful and is quite simple to perform. Color and cut the paper plate.

Glue one piece above the other to form a Christmas tree.

New Year's applications from disposable plates "Santa Claus"

Interesting applications can be made from disposable plates.

Beautiful winter application "Snow Hill" (video):

New Year's pasta application

Perhaps the most unusual winter applications are made from pasta.

The application can be painted with paints or decorated with sparkles.

New Year's application from plasticine

Another popular way to make an applique for the New Year is to make it using the plasticine drawing technique. We will make Santa Claus. We smear blue plasticine on a cardboard circle - this will be the main background of the craft. Glue the body, head and beard.

We decorate the face and beard of Grandfather from plasticine.

We sculpt grandfather's hat and hands.

We sculpt legs, a festive bag and the edge of a fur coat with mittens. We decorate the craft in a circle with a frosty pattern. Application for the New Year from plasticine - ready!

If the details of rich colors are selected, and the work is done carefully, it will look very impressive and take its rightful place at the exhibition of children's creativity.

Crafts in the kindergarten on the theme of winter and the New Year are again becoming in demand and relevant. However, if you don’t have a tradition of making crafts in kindergarten for the New Year, you can do needlework at home. This is a great opportunity for an interesting undertaking.

DIY winter crafts for the kindergarten: funny snowmen

Crafts in the kindergarten on the theme of winter and New Year: Christmas trees and snow-covered trees

Christmas trees, of course, are green and elegant. Snow-covered trees are white and openwork. To make this beauty, cardboard, colored paper, thin paper napkins, video tutorials, as well as other ideas for garden crafts on the theme of winter and New Year from our selection will help you.

Details on how to make such Christmas trees with your own hands in kindergarten as a New Year's craft - in the photo. We cut out a triangle from cardboard - the basis of our future paper Christmas tree - and string it on a wooden stick or glue it with a glue gun. Then we cut green paper of different shades into strips with the children. The next step is to stick the strips in random order on a cardboard triangle, and cut off the excess.

And here are the openwork winter trees. Snow can be drawn with fingers. If you are looking for crafts on the theme "Winter" or "New Year" for younger groups of kindergarten, then ideas will come in handy.

And such cute DIY Christmas crafts in kindergarten can even be used as Christmas tree decorations.

If there are trees and Christmas trees, Santa's deer can walk under them, which you can make with your own hands from cardboard.

Very interesting cotton panels, paintings, or in other words, applications for the new year are obtained from our dear and beloved children. Sticking cotton wool and pieces of paper, and then sticking them on cardboard with your own hands is one of the favorite activities for kids. Therefore, we want to bring to your attention the most interesting children's work taken from open sources on the Internet.

Perhaps the ideas of applications on the New Year theme will push you to even more interesting ideas. And if not, then invite the children to make applications from cotton wool and cotton pads from the works proposed below for the new year.

New Year's applications for children 4-6 years old in kindergarten

It is in kindergarten that children begin to instill perseverance and develop a love of creativity. The kids in the group collectively with great interest make various crafts not only from cotton pads, but also from other improvised materials. Children show particular interest in crafts made from natural materials, but more on that later. And now look at the ideas for making applications for the new year from our dear children.

As you can see, applications for children can be made both from one cotton wool and cotton pads, and in mixed media. Below is another work using cotton wool, plasticine, pasta and various cereals. Making such a panel, the child not only develops imagination, but also fine motor skills of the hands. Of course, for the smallest, such a large-scale application will be difficult to make, but when improving their skills on simpler crafts, children can quickly create such a New Year's masterpiece :)

It will also be interesting and easy for kids to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads. Below is one of the simplest simple ideas:

And next to the Christmas tree on the application there can be such a bunny.

Crafts for the new year for students in grades 1, 2, 3

For school-age children, there are also ideas for crafts from cotton wool, but already more complicated. Many schoolchildren already have the skills to work with scissors, and some already in the first grade are able to cut blanks along the lines quite evenly. Just for this age, you can make a postcard on a New Year's theme, for example, "Bears on the server pole":

You can also make just such a postcard "Happy New Year!" with cotton appliqué elements:

You can give a Christmas tree to mom, and a bunny to dad, or vice versa :)

For older children, it will be interesting to make such a Christmas tree:

In the first craft, cotton pads are painted and glued onto a cardboard cone, in the second they are simply strung on a thread.

And in conclusion, a very interesting idea. Of course, it is difficult to call it an applique - this is a craft in which applications are partially present, but still the idea is very beautiful.

In order to make something like this, you need a box, colored paper, glue, paints, cotton wool and cotton buds.

Application on the theme Winter for kindergarten

Master Class. "New Year's panel"

Netuzhilova Olga Sergeevna, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU "Kindergarten of compensating type No. 105", Cherepovets, Vologda region.

Target: making a New Year's panel using a combination of non-traditional drawing and appliqué techniques.
- to develop creative abilities in children;
- develop fine motor skills in children;
- to cultivate accuracy during the performance of work.
Purpose of work: This master class is designed for preschool children, parents, as well as teachers of groups of preschool institutions.
This panel can be used as an element of group decoration for the New Year or as a handmade gift for parents.
To do the job, we need:
- blue cardboard;
- double-sided colored paper;
- cotton pads and cotton wool;
- black beads;
- rhinestones or curly stones for decoration;
- White paint;
- PVA glue and glue-moment;
- scissors, glue brush, toothbrush, hole punch.
- stencils of figures


1. Using a toothbrush (spraying technique), we create a background for future work - white snowflakes on the entire space of the front side of the cardboard.

2. While the background dries, we prepare materials for application using stencils:
- folding green paper in half, draw and cut out two identical Christmas trees;

- cut out three even circles of different sizes from cotton pads (our future snowman);
- cut out a bucket and twigs from black paper, a carrot nose from orange paper, use a hole punch to prepare confetti to decorate a Christmas tree from the remnants of multi-colored paper (you can use ready-made ones).

3. Now that all the necessary materials have been prepared, we begin to stick our blanks on cardboard:
- having smeared the lower part of the cardboard with PVA glue, lay out a voluminous snowdrift of cotton wool, sorting it with your fingers into fluffy fibers:

- then we take the Christmas trees bent in half and spread with PVA glue: the first Christmas tree has the left side, the second has the right side and glue them next to each other to get one voluminous Christmas tree. Do not glue the middle part of the tree.

- for a snowman, we glue circles of cotton pads with PVA glue in accordance with the dimensions, we attach handle branches with PVA glue to the middle circle. We decorate the snowman by gluing the nose and bucket with PVA glue, and the eyes and bead buttons with glue moment.

- we complete our work: we glue a lace ribbon along the edges of the cardboard, decorate the Christmas tree with confetti, and glue a few snowflake pebbles on a snowdrift.

4. Our New Year's panel is ready!

It happens in the world...
It happens in the world
That only once a year
They light up on the tree
A wonderful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Shines beautiful ice.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year! (I. Tokmakova)