A promising plan for entertainment in the middle group. Entertainment in the middle group: ideas. Leisure in the middle group

In kindergartens, evenings of entertainment or leisure and holidays are regularly held. Their subject matter is varied. Children are looking forward to these events and, with the help of the teacher, carefully prepare for them, make paraphernalia, learn poems, memorize the melody. Leading to such events are selected the most smart and resourceful, able to freely stay in public.

entertainment purposes

Holidays and kindergarten are arranged in order to fill with vivid impressions, emotional experiences their weekdays. Luckily organized holidays are held with great success and are remembered for a lifetime. Reading poetry, participating in theatrical performances, rhythmic and dance compositions, vocal performance of folk or composer songs - all this is included in entertainment in middle group. Therefore, we can say that these are synthetic ones that combine various areas art, thereby providing a comprehensive positive influence on the minds and feelings of children. These activities contribute to the expansion of horizons, the development of speech, memory, imagination, as in the process of perceiving the material they learn a lot of new things.
During preparation for the holiday, children develop communication skills that allow them to find mutual language with peers, they learn discipline and a culture of behavior.

leisure idea

Each leisure is based on a certain idea that runs like a red thread through the entire event. Therefore, all songs, dances, games, theatrical scenes and musical and artistic design should fully reveal this idea. It will be learned by every child if it meets the following requirements:

  • Availability. It implies an adapted art material for a certain age of children, taking into account their individual features. Entertainment in the middle group and others is based on a program for the education and upbringing of children approved by the Ministry of Education. Their singing and choreographic skills and interests are taken into account. So that the children do not overwork, the event should begin and end clearly on time. Since the content of the material is different for each group, entertainment in the middle group lasts 20-30 minutes, in the older group - from 45 to 60.
  • Combination different types arts in collective and individual performance. Solving common problems, the arts complement each other and greater strength saturate children with emotional experiences. Also, a separate type of creativity has its own impact on each child. In view of the rapid fatigue of children, entertainment in the middle and senior groups must be arranged in alternation. For example, if the children stood still and sang a song, then the next number should be a dance.

Leisure by adults

Entertainment can only be carried out by adults, children act as spectators, while entertainment scenarios in the middle group and older ones are taken more complex in terms of performance, but accessible to children. Children are very fond of the performance, so you can prepare a fairy tale and show it behind the screen with the help of "bee-ba-bo" toys or even on the table - this will be a toy theater. Characters move before the eyes of children, can act as decorations construction material.
For the performance of pictures, characters of fairy tales printed on a color printer will be required, they are glued on flannel fabric or velvet paper. During the tale, the characters appear on the flannelgraph. Children will be delighted.

Entertainment prepared by children

If the possibilities of children junior groups are still small and they are mostly just spectators, then children of middle and older groups can already do a lot. Therefore, entertainment is organized in kindergartens, where children are active participants in performances. dramatization games, puppet shows the guys themselves can put it, starting with the middle group. Older children are happy to show a fairy tale behind a screen with the help of Even shy children willingly take part and perform in front of the younger and middle groups, because they are not visible behind the screen. But these independent activity entertainment is not limited.

You can tell Kataev's fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" so that the children do not get tired of sitting - "dilute" musical numbers, reading poetry and doing crafts. Also organize leisure activities together with parents, for example, ask them to prepare a story-presentation with photographs about their family of parents whose children were born in the fall, timed to coincide with the birthday.


Musical entertainment in the middle group can take the form of a concert. Under one unifying theme, children sing, dance, recite poetry, play musical instruments. For example, on the topic "Winter", children draw and then perform familiar numbers. Leisure includes new material, which is specially prepared for a particular theme, and variations of old numbers are repeated. Children love to repeat what they have learned, so they expressively and with pleasure will perform their favorite ditties or rhythmoplasty. It must be remembered that entertainment fills the joy of all children, so each child should contribute to the overall fun.

Children of the middle group should be taught to listen to serious classical music. Evening concerts are held several times a year and include works by classical composers. Children can not only listen while sitting, but also express their emotions through movements, for example, under a waltz, you can improvise movements. When performing the play "Baba Yaga" from P.I. Tchaikovsky, you can ask the children to portray her to the music, telling with plasticity what she is doing.

surprise moment

In order to leave leisure in children's memory for a long time, entertainment in the middle group and the older one should include the unexpected appearance of a character. At the culminating moment of the holiday, Kikimora or another negative hero may come to visit, who will bring confusion and confusion, the children will be happy to solve the given "troubles", and everyone will be happy, and the holiday will end with the victory of good and justice.

Recovery factors

Noisy and moving competitions are held everywhere in kindergartens in all groups, sports entertainment in the middle group takes place from interesting games and exciting rides. These events are characterized by the joy of communication, sincere laughter, surprise and delight, creativity - all these factors are conducive to the improvement of children.

Experts have proved that if a child from the cradle is immersed in an atmosphere of joy, warmth, then he grows up with a strong spirit and does not give in to various life situations. Therefore, various sports holidays and entertainment.

Child and movement

It's fun. Children develop intelligence, ingenuity, imagination and creativity. The main task of such events is the emotional perception of life and the education of the need for movement. When a child moves, he learns himself, learns to navigate in space and purposefully act in the world. Shared holidays with parents, such as "Dad, Mom, I - Friendly family", unite children and adults with joyful experiences and bring great emotional pleasure. Holidays and entertainment form right attitude to rest, finding in it fun, beauty and a source of joy.

Synopsis of a pedagogical event with children of the middle group "How we helped Ivanushka"

Compiled by: Rogozhina V.A. Zhevlakova O.S. - educators of the 1st category, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 76" of the city of Bratsk.

Target:To create conditions for consolidating and generalizing the knowledge of children with the rules of behavior in nature, a pond, on the street and at home.



- Expand children's understanding of correct behavior in nature, in the pond, on the street and at home.

- To form the skills of a conscious attitude to compliance with safety rules.

- Encourage children to respond fully.


- Develop speech activity children.

- Develop cognitive processes(attention, memory, thinking).

- Develop a sense of teamwork and responsibility for the work performed.

To develop children's interest in their own safety.


- Raise a feeling careful attitude nature and health.

- To develop the ability to listen to each other, to agree on joint activities.

- To educate children in the need to communicate with nature.

Educational area: Social communication development, speech development, cognitive development.

Types of children's activities: cognitive, playful, communicative, designing.

Equipment: Paper swan geese, outdoor safety cards, TV, Home Safety cartoon CD, wonderful bag, bridge building blocks and tools, riddle cards.

Preliminary work: Meeting with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, conversations about the rules of behavior in nature, at home, didactic games“You can - you can’t”, “How to avoid trouble”, consideration of illustrations about the rules of behavior for children in nature, streets, at home, outdoor games, plot - role-playing games"Cat's House", "Call 01,02,03", "Journey to the Forest", reading fiction Nosov N. "On the hill", Ushinsky M. "Know how to wait", etc.

Lesson progress

Music began to play and the children are distracted from the game, looking for the source of the sound. They approach the teacher.

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers) (Pay attention to flying swans) What fairy tale do you think they flew from? (children's answers). What happened in this story? (children's answers). Why did they come to us? (children's answers).

IN: Guys, the swan geese did not just fly to us. They also want to help us rescue Ivanushka and on their wings brought us a hint in the form of pictures (Apple tree - stove - river - house of Baba - Yaga and Leshy).

IN: So guys, we're going to the apple tree. We walked, walked, walked, So we came to the apple tree.

(The Storyteller meets us at the apple tree)

Storyteller: Hello guys, I've been waiting for you here for a long time and I know where you went and who you are looking for. But you need to pass the test and I have prepared a task for you. But before you start the task, you need to split into companies. Pick an apple from an apple tree

And find yourself a friend.

(Yellow, red and green apples hang on the apple tree. Children pick apples along color principle and divided into 3 companies of 4 people).

1company - "Yellow Apple"

2company - "Red Apple"

3company - "Green Apple"

I propose to choose a captain in each company.

WITH: And now, guys, a captain will come up from each company and take an envelope with a task. Captains, listen carefully to the task in order to tell the guys from your company. We offer children cards on safety rules through the game "Good - bad." 1company - cards on water safety rules;

2company - environmental safety cards;

3company - cards about safety rules in winter period.

WITH: You need to look at the pictures and explain what is good and what is bad. (Children complete the task by conferring. One child answers from each company).

IN: Storyteller, have we completed your task? If yes, then show us the way, the path further.

WITH: Well done guys, you did a great job. I give you this ball, follow it, and I will wait for you there.


The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch ...

First look left, then look right.

You turn left, smile at a friend next to you.

Stomp with your right foot: one, two, three,

Shake your head, one, two, three

Raise your hands up and clap: one, two, three.

IN: Where did we come? (children's answers). Let's take a look at the map. That's right, we came to the stove. Look, the Storyteller is already waiting for us here.

(The storyteller bakes pies and says, “I bake sweet and ruddy pies, hot and hot.” ​​Draws attention to the children).

WITH: Oh guys, here you are. And I was waiting for you and turned on my magic mirror, I look into it and I can’t understand anything. What is this mirror showing me? (A broken bridge appears on the TV screen.)

WITH: The path to the hut lies across the river, but Baba Yaga broke the bridge, and Leshy scattered all the boards through the forest. You will be able to assemble the bridge, you will be able to get to the hut.

IN: Guys, in order to assemble the bridge, we need to split into 2 companies. Here is a wonderful bag containing pictures of bars and tools. (Children take a picture and unite in the companies "Brusochki" and "Tools").

IN: The guys from the "Brusochki" company are looking for building material about the forest and hand it over to the "Tools" company. And the children from the "Tools" company begin to build a bridge. (Children begin to work).

IN: Here we built a bridge to overcome the barrier,

To be in time to go around the river,

Step through it.

(Children with a teacher and a Storyteller go across the bridge to the hut of Baba-Yaga and Leshy.)

Baba Yaga and Goblin are sitting at the hut (employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

IN: Hello Baba Yaga and Leshy! We came for Ivanushka. Please return it to us.

Baba Yaga: Yeah, just gnaw the bones and return it.

IN: If you don’t return Ivanushka to us, we’ll call the faithful service, they will fly in on a magic carpet and fill you with white foam and you will become wet and cold.

Goblin and Baba Yaga got scared and they say:

- No need to water us with wet foam, we will give you Ivanushka, but with one condition: guess our riddles according to the rules traffic.

Goblin: I will only give riddles to those with shorts.

B.Ya. And I will only guess for those who have rubber bands.

(Children are divided according to the principle of boys-girls and guess riddles, and after that Ivanushka was returned to us).

IN: Guys, we guessed all the riddles, Ivanushka was rescued and it was time to say goodbye to Baba Yaga and Leshy and go back. And to return to our group, I must say magic words:

And to us from a fairy tale to return:

You need to turn around yourself

Clap, stomp, smile.

IN: Guys, what good fellows you are! They did a great job, helped Ivanushka out. What was the hardest task to complete? What do you remember? What task did you enjoy doing?

WITH: I also want to thank you for being so kind, sympathetic and for not abandoning Ivanushka in trouble and to give such medals.

Children love to play and invent various stories, they seem to live in an invented world that only they understand. Based on this, we adults can draw the following conclusion: the way to the heart of every child, without any doubt, can be found through play, fantasy and imagination. In addition, we ourselves, the organizers children's leisure, a great opportunity is provided for some time to fall into the cloudless and wonderful world of childhood and break away from the gray everyday life.

It seems to us that not only children participating in such events, but also the organizers of children's events themselves will be interested in working on non-traditional programs which are offered by the author from the experience of his own activity.

This manual provides a broad retrospective of children's activities:

Show programs;

Entertainment programs;

Game programs;

Theatrical performances;

Creative living rooms;

Creative laboratories;

Fairy tale games;

dance shows;

travel games;

Various relay races;

Infotainment programs;

Development programs;

Wellness programs.

The proposed development of activities for preschoolers is permeated with the world of those hobbies and wonderful adventures, surprise, playful and unusual moments that every child must "live" so that the amazing country with the name "Childhood" remains in memory forever as a science, as a miracle.

Children love to move, this is their need! This, no doubt, will help children's health, entertainment, gaming and dance programs. After all, it is so important and, at the same time, attractive for a child to throw out his inexhaustible energy in fun, games, dances. The task of teachers in this aspect is to direct this energy into right direction so that not only the body, but also the soul, as they say, rejoice!

Always play, play everywhere, play from morning to evening, and at the same time grow and develop - this is what can be defined as the motto of our children's activities. It's quite natural! The nature of children is inseparable from the nature of play. Here, of course, gaming, developing, informational educational programs in which the child not only plays, but at the same time (and above all!) learns the world around him.

All scenarios are written in a simple and intelligible language, so that from the first moment of the organization of the event everything is extremely clear not only to children, but also to adults - the organizers of programs and holidays.

Tales ... Children live in this world, in fairy tales there is something that sometimes cannot be seen in real world. Here, not only people, but also animals, and fruits, and even objects, and natural phenomena can talk, move, that is, be animated. Therefore, fabulous moments are present in so many programs as an element of moral and spiritual wisdom, which a child comprehends in an unpretentious form.

Nowadays, many children have a lot different toys, books, but there is nothing better and dearer than what is created by one's own hands. The child feels almost like a magician - a creator, if he makes, fantasizes, focuses. IN this collection many creative programs but skills development artistic creativity and imagination.

From childhood, a child begins to feel his importance as a person in such programs! And that is great!

Dear educators, teachers and leaders of circles, try to implement and improve the proposed developments and, perhaps, a new amazing and colorful world of play, celebration, joy, smile will open before your wards!

Leisure and entertainment scenarios for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

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Leisure for children 4-5 years old "Forgotten toys"

Equipment: sliding plastic module, Plush Toys- a bunny, a bull and a frog, a Velcro tie, a bell on a ribbon, a handkerchief.

In the center of the hall there is a sliding module, in different places hall are toys. Children enter to light calm music.

Teacher. Guys, look around our room. Did you notice something surprising, unusual in him?

Children point to a bright mobile unit.

Yes, I also noticed something standing here, it looks very strange. What do you think it is?

Children. Bedside table, barrel, stirrer.

Teacher. There is a pen here. Maybe it can be rotated? Let me try to do this.

The teacher and children approach the module, the adult turns the handle of the module - drawers are pulled out.

Oh, here ... such boxes

Bright and retractable!

And what's inside here?

It's empty.

It even made me sad...

What would each of you put in these boxes?

Children. Sweets, fruits, various things, toys.

teacher. Toys? It is good to.

But where can we get them?

Might be worth looking into?

(Speaks mysteriously.)

Maybe the toys are here

Waiting to be found?

The teacher and the children look around the room, they find Zaika sitting in the corner on a chair. The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs and examine the found toy.

So cute and so ... sad Bunny! What do you guys think, what could happen to him, why is he sad?

Children. Bunny got sick, he missed the sun, the summer.

Teacher. Or maybe it's something completely different? Maybe he's sad because he's been forgotten? Well, the children came, played with him, had fun and ... ran away to the group. And little Bunny was left alone in this great hall, and his mood ceased to be joyful ... It became what?

Children. Sad, sad, dreary, dull, sour. Teacher. This Bunny was forgotten in a large bright hall, and I know a story about a Bunny who was once forgotten in the forest. Can you imagine how scared he was there? Not just scary, but even "creepy" - what does this mean?

The children answer.

The hare was frightened by a dragonfly flying over him ... How can you show it with your hands?

Children show.

She had big eyes and how can they be shown?

Children show.

A bee buzzed over his ear! How?

Children pronounce onomatopoeia.

And the bee also has a sting! Why does a bee sting?

The children answer.

How can you show it with your hands?

Children use gestures to show different options.

Horned beetles crawled in the grass. Show me how they crawled! Children repeat.

Bunny trembled in fright and each time did this: “Ah!”

The children answer.

Would you be afraid to tell this story with me? So we will find out what it is like to be alone in an unfamiliar place?

The children answer.

Then listen and do, please, along with me.

Finger game "Toy bunny in the forest"

(Children press their palms to their cheeks, shake their heads.)

Poor toy bunny.

(They put their palms to the head - “ears”.)

A dragonfly is circling over a bunny

(Quickly fingered with index and middle fingers - “wings”.)

And he looks, looks into his eyes.

(They attach the index and thumbs to the eyes.)

And the bee buzzed all ears -

(Cover their ears with their hands.)

She has a terrible sting.

(Sharply expose ring fingers hands, the rest are clenched into fists - "sting".)

And horned beetles crawl

(They quickly touch the body with all fingers - “bugs are crawling.”)

You won’t have time to gasp - they will bite you.

(Press palms to face.)

Oh, how creepy it is on the forest lawn

(Put hands to cheeks, shake head.)

Poor toy bunny.

(They put their hands to the head - “ears”.)

V. Berestov

Teacher. Poor Bunny! Of course, being alone in the forest is scary. And when friends are near you, then it’s also scary?

The children answer.

Right! Then you are no longer afraid of anything! Bunny, look how many friends you have now! Let's get to know us! Guys, do you know what people do when they get to know each other?

The children answer.

That's right, they call their names. And now we'll tell the bunny who's name is. Do you agree? But here's what worries me: there are a lot of you, the bunny will not be able to remember all your names at once, especially if you pronounce them the same way. Therefore, try to pronounce your name in such a way that the bunny remembers it with something, for example, with an unusual intonation of the voice, with some accompanying gesture.

So let's start dating!

Speech game-improvisation "Acquaintance"

The teacher with a bunny in his hands asks the question "What is your name?" and approaches each child in turn, the children call their names with different speech intonation: provocatively, importantly, simply, cordially, affectionately, mysteriously, etc. and accompany the pronunciation of their name with some simple movement: a wave of the hand, a bow of the head, a clap of hands, etc.

teacher. That's how much, bunny, you now have many new friends! Do not be afraid of anything and no one else, everyone here loves you, they will never offend you. Come on, guys, so that the bunny finally calms down and forgets about his fears and grievances, let's do something nice for him. Here's what, for example?

The children answer.

And I will give him something, for example, such a tie.

The teacher puts on a tie prepared in advance for the bunny.

Oh, how he suits him! Look, the bunny is smiling! Well done we are with you! We managed to calm the bunny, cheer up ... Stay with us, bunny, right here, on this ladder. (Seats the bunny on the ladder module.)

And we will once again carefully examine this room - maybe there are still toys here that need help.

The children look around the hall again and find a plush bull.

Guys, sit down on the chairs and let's look at the bull.

So I look at him, and I remember Agnia Barto's poem "Bull-calf": "A bull-calf is walking, swaying ..." And then how?

Children read a poem.

And the poet Valentin Berestov also has a poem with the same name "Bull", but such as if it was written about our bull. Remember him?

The children answer.

Here, it turns out that! Our bull has lagged behind his herd! What is a "herd"?

The children answer.

Cows in the herd walk all day, walk together. And our bull was left alone on the lawn - here he is: “Moo-oo-oo! Boring alone-oo-oo! ... "

Guys, here we helped the bunny, but can we help the bull? How?

The children answer.

And we will caress you, bull, and play with you! Let's tell him affectionately: "Bull-bull, little white barrel."

Children repeat words.

The tongue twister game

teacher. Bull-calf, little white barrel.

1. “Big bull - small bull”: the teacher says that the bull is small, pretty, you just want to stroke and caress him.

The teacher and children clearly and distinctly pronounce the words of the tongue twister in a high voice register, and at the same time stroke an imaginary little bull with their right hand; they pronounce the text in the middle voice register - they stroke the grown-up imaginary bull; in the low - a large bull.

2. "Walk with a bull": the teacher offers to take a walk with a bull. The teacher and the children walk around the room and pronounce the words of the tongue twister, but each time in a different way. For example, they say cheerfully - “we are walking along a sun-drenched summer meadow”, abruptly - “we came to the swamp, and there are bumps, we jump from bump to bump”; in a loud whisper - “we step carefully, we go through the forest, and coniferous needles lie under our feet, we must not prick the legs”; plaintively - "the legs were not pricked, but ... they were scratched on sharp twigs, we complain to each other, we show a scratch - who has it where." Children show each other imaginary scratches.

Game for the development of fantasy "Surprised ..."

Teacher. And the scratch does not hurt at all, but we came to a clearing, where under every bush there is something amazing. We look under each bush and ... we are surprised! And then I'll ask what they saw. Here I am, a little bull, I saw someone's mink under this bush! What did you see? What surprised you? And what was amazing under your bush?

Children. Fungus, hedgehog, butterfly.

teacher. Guys, here we are again in kindergarten. Our steer played enough and was merry. And let's give him something as a keepsake that will help him never get lost again. What could it be, do you think?

The children answer.

And it would be nice to give him a bell! I have one just like that on a bright ribbon, here it is! (Pulls out a bell hidden in advance.) Wear it, steer, with it you will never get lost again. (He hangs a ribbon with a bell around the neck of the bull, places the bull on the ladder, next to the hare.)

Oh, look, our bunny and bull have already made friends! That's okay. And we will check our hall again - what if there are still some of the toys left here.

Children walk around the hall and look for forgotten toys. The teacher discovers the frog, but does not yet tell the children where it is.

Oh guys, do you know who I found? Guess!

The animal sits

Mouth like a trap

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.


Yes, it's a frog.

Let it sound now funny song— I know all frogs love to dance! Do you guys love it?

The children answer.

Then we'll dance for her now... the frog dance! We will squat, spin, stick out our paws, and we will also catch mosquitoes and, of course, croak, well, just like real frogs!

The soundtrack of the song “Kva-kva” sounds (lyrics by M. Ryabinin, music by R. Mayorov). Children and the teacher perform an improvisation dance.

But what about our toys? Let's take a look at them from afar. Are they all the same sad, offended? Or not?

Children. Joyful, cheerful, contented, etc.

Teacher. Yes, they are exactly like that, because they were finally found, they asked what happened to each of them, we sympathized with them, said nice words, gave little nice little things, made friends with them, and they became friends with us and with each other ... And you know, guys, how many more different toys are sad and waiting for them to be found, when they will finally have them, friends ... (Picks up a box of “forgotten toys” prepared in advance, shows it to the children.)

Here in this box there are toys that so want to play with you, be friends. But the most interesting thing is that they already know the name of their best friend, Yes Yes! Do you want to know which of the toys wants to make friends with you?

This dog wants to be in the hands as soon as possible ... (calls the name of the boy), but the bunny liked it so much ... (calls the name of the girl), etc. (Gives out toys to children.)

Toys have already fallen in love with you, you will love them too - they want this so much, and never offend them and never forget! Goodbye, guys!

Children go to the group with toys.

The tiger came out for a walk

Equipment: toys (balls, books, dolls, cars, etc.), artificial tree branches, images of goods sold in stalls (grilled chicken, fruits, ice cream, hamburgers, newspapers, etc.), a tiger beret cap , phonogram of the song Gr. Gladkov to poems by E. Uspensky "The Tiger went out for a walk" *.

Children come in to calm music, freely located in the hall.

Teacher. Guys, today I suggest you learn how to greet each other with verses. We will wish good morning to all those whom we see or whom we might see when going to kindergarten in the morning. Do you agree? Then I start, and you help me.

Speech game "Good morning"

Invented by someone simply and wisely

(Children spread their arms to the sides in a soft, welcoming gesture.)

Greet when meeting:

"Good morning!"

“Good morning,” the flowers whisper to us,

(They connect their wrists and fingertips, slowly raise their hands up - “the flower grows.”)

- Good morning, brooks murmur, la-o-a ... la-o-a ...

(They lightly touch with their fingers in the air - “the stream runs over the pebbles”, pronounce a free set of sounds - “we play with the tongue.”)

- Good morning, a bird sings to us, vi-vit, vi-vit,

(They connect the wrists crosswise, shake them to the right, to the left - “the bird is flying”, they say in a high voice register.)

- Good morning, the cat will tell us, me-i-u!

(They walk around the hall in the plasticity of a cat, gently fingering with their “paws” hands, middle register.)

- Good morning, a bee is buzzing to us, z-z-z ... z-z-z ...

(They connect the index and middle fingers and quickly sort through them - “wings”, they say, gliding, up and down.)

- Good morning. How are you doing?

(Spread arms to the sides with a slight bow, medium voice register.)

- Good morning, - the frog said, qua-qua, qua-qua,

(They bend their elbows, fingers are spread apart - “frog legs”, they speak in a jerky voice, easily jumping on two legs.)

- Good morning, the mouse squeaked us, wee-wee-wee, wee-wee.

(Easily run around the hall with small steps in the plasticity of the mouse, hands in front of the chest, they speak in a high voice register.)

Even a crawling spotted python:

(They connect the wrists and fingertips, perform wave-like movements with the hands - “the python is crawling.”)

"Good morning," he said, shhhh...

(They separate and reconnect the fingertips - “the python is talking”, they say in a loud whisper in a low voice register.)

“Good morning,” the poplars rustle, la, la, la, la.

(They spread their legs slightly and sway their arms raised above their heads - “tree”, they say in a singsong voice in the middle voice register.)

- Good morning, native land,

(They spread their arms to the sides, look under their feet - “ground”, they say in the middle voice register.)

Good morning sunshine...

(They put their palms on top of each other, fingers to the sides - “sun”, high voice register.)

And bird-and-and-itsam,

(They connect the wrists crosswise - “bird”, glide down.)

— Good morning smiling faces, la-la-la-la-la.

(They put their chin on joined fists, they say with a smile.)

And everyone becomes kind

(Take away right hand to the side, open hand.)


(Take away left hand to the side, open hand.)

Let Good morning lasts...

(Press both palms to chest.)

until the evening!

(Spread both hands to the sides.)

G. Ladonshchikov

Teacher. Guys, it seems to me that after our warm, sincere words become more joyful bright faces around! It turns out that the word can!

And let's go now with you to visit kind smiling people. Do you agree?

The children answer.

I know, there is such an unusual house where all the steps sound. If you step on the first one, it will sing. (The note “re” sounds.) Ra-az. Step on the second one and it will respond. (The note "mi" sounds.) Two-a. (The note “fa” sounds.) Three-and. Do you hear? We are already waiting.

We will go up the stairs

Along with our song

counting song,

Come on, sing along!

Children sing the song "Apartment".

Well, here we are. What are you up to guys? Come in, please, sit down comfortably.

Children sit on chairs.

And now it's time to tell you who we are visiting. Listen to the riddle.



They gnaw on grains

They live in dark burrows.

Who are we guys visiting?

Children. At mice.

teacher. How many mice live here?

Children. Fourty.

Teacher. How much money do they have?

Children. Fourty.

Teacher. Come on, guys, let's play a story about forty mice.

The tongue twister game


Forty mice walked

They carried forty pennies,

Two worse mice

They carried two pennies.

1. "Clap-claps": children pronounce the text while simultaneously clapping on different parts body or rhythmically stamping their feet as shown by the teacher. You can alternate claps with "stomps".

2. "Turn off the radio": the teacher's hand is collected in a pinch, she is the volume control of the "radio" sound, the children pronounce the text silently. The hand begins to make small rotational movements - the radio is turned on, the text begins to be spoken aloud. The teacher's hand gradually opens - turns up the volume of the radio, the text is pronounced louder.

3. “We speak like...”: children pronounce the text and move in the plasticity of the mouse with different moods: mice are cheerful, sad, angry. The teacher gives them the task to come up with and explain the reason for this or that mood of the mouse.

Guys, what do you think, why do mice need so many pennies?

How can they manage them?

The children answer.

Do you know what I came up with? Come on, I'll tell you.

Children stand up and freely sit in the hall.

So, I tell the story of mice, and you show it, do everything that will be said in it. And each of you comes up with your own movements.

Theatrical game-improvisation "Mice in the Zoo"

Our mice walked and walked,

(Children walk freely in different directions.)

They came to the zoo. Ooo! (They are surprised.)

Bought for forty pennies (They take out "penny".)

Tickets for all mice. (Show tickets.)

They want to see a tiger (They walk and growl like a tiger.)

Tailed, (They show the "tail".)

Big (They show a "big" tiger.)

And mustachioed. (Show "moustache".)

Okay, follow me. (They follow the teacher.)

Here is his cell... Oh! (They are surprised.)

But there was no tiger, (Everywhere they look for a "tiger".)

Only ... the note remained: (Find the "note".)

“I am not here today.

Went for a walk. Hello".

(They run a finger over an imaginary "note".)

What happened to him in the city

We know this story

We are going to play it now!

And this story is called "The tiger went out for a walk." Do you remember who invented it?

The children answer.

Now let's prepare everything we need for the game.

Calm music sounds. Girls-"grandmothers" put on handkerchiefs, the rest of the children take toys. The teacher attaches the "signs" of the stalls to the backs of the chairs.

Guys, now we will be artists, but do you remember how an artist should speak?

Children. Loud, clear, clear, so that everyone can hear it.

Teacher. And what are their faces like?

Children. Very expressive and different for everyone.

Teacher. And also, real artists do not communicate with the air, but with whom?

Children. Together.

teacher. Right. And now let's tell this story, so that we like it ourselves! Begin.

Theatrical performance "Tiger came out for a walk"

Cheerful music sounds.

teacher. Children were playing in one cheerful kindergarten.

Children randomly position themselves on the carpet and play: roll a ball, leaf through books, play with dolls, cars, airplanes, etc.

But one day they got tired of all the old games.

Children stop playing, take away toys, sad ones return. The music gradually fades away.

Guys, why don't you and I come up with ... a new game!

Children(with interest). Of course, come up with! Which one?

Teacher. What? I do not know yet. But I know that it will start like this.

Teacher and children. One two three four five!

Children. The tiger came out for a walk!

teacher(surprised). Is the tiger out?

Children(bragging). The tiger came out.

teacher(skeptically). Take a walk?

Children(with doubt). Take a walk...

All(walk and think). The tiger came out... for a walk...

teacher(unsure). Was he invited?

Children(disappointed). No-no.

teacher(with hope). Did he have his cell replaced?

Children(with irritation). No!

teacher(pleased). A! Forgot to lock it up!

Children(joyfully). Forgot to lock it up! Once!

(Calmly). Two.

(Cautiously.) Three...

(Cautiously, glancing at each other.) Four...

(With horror, peering into the distance.) Five ...

As if seeing an approaching tiger, squealing in fear, the children run to their chairs, sit down, huddle together and tremble with fear.

The teacher looks after them, shrugs his shoulders, without understanding anything. Then he puts a beret on his head, becoming a “tiger”.

Tiger (marching cheerfully). He walks through the city

(Spreads his arms to the sides.) He does not stick to anyone,

(Looks at the children.) But for some reason the tiger...

The children, seeing that the "tiger" is looking at them, jump up from their seats, hide behind the chairs, take twigs from under them.

(With surprise.) The people are running away!

(Running up to some children.) Who climbed the tree ...

Children take branches, stand up and shake them, depicting trees.

(Running over to others.) Who hid behind the stall ...

Children sit down at the chairs, put branches under them, sit quietly.

(Running over to the third.) Who was on the roof ...

Children stand up, raise their hands above their heads, connecting their fingers - they make a “roof”.

(Running over to the fourth.) Who hid in the drain!

Children squat down and hide their faces in the opening of the chairs. "Tiger" runs up to two "old" girls, stands between them.

(Raises his hands up.) And on the Christmas tree (Reproachfully, folding his arms on his chest.) ... like toys (Brings the girls to the middle of the hall.) ... settled ... Girls. Two old ladies!

Glancing at the "tiger", squealing, the "old women" run away, hiding behind the chairs.

Tiger(looking around). Empty the whole city in an instant,

(With despair.) Empty!... the whole city!., instantly...

Children (standing up, in a loud whisper to each other). After all, jokes with a tiger are dangerous ...

The children hide behind their chairs again.

Tiger (sadly). The tiger sees, the city is empty,

(As if in last time.) The tiger sees... the city... is empty! (Hands mouthpiece at mouth.)

All children (standing up, “echo”). Empty... empty... empty...

Tiger(thoughtfully). Let me think I'll be back...

Children(surprised, rising). Will I be back?

Tiger(decisively). I'll be back! (To the audience.)

More fun at the zoo

It's always full of people!

Children(runs out to the middle of the room). More fun at the zoo

All(together). It's always... full of... people!

Children cheerfully dance to the soundtrack of the song Gr. Gladkov on poetry

E. Uspensky "Tiger went out for a walk." Gradually the music subsides.

Teacher. This is what we got a new game- A story about a tiger.

The game is not easy

Such a smart

Those who play it

Tigers are not offended.

And to us, friends, goodbye

It remains to be said...



Again the song of Gr. Gladkov "Tiger". The children leave.

Zarina Shovalieva
A promising plan for entertainment in the middle group

A promising plan for entertainment in the middle group

№ I week II week III week IV week


1 "Knowledge Day".

Development children have cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. Formation of friendly, benevolent relations between children. Continued acquaintance with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child (paying attention to what happened changes: the fence was painted, new tables appeared, the expansion of ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor).

Sports entertainment: "Evening of outdoor games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Play famous outdoor games, introduce new games. Increase the emotional tone of children, meet the need for children to move theater: "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Target character. Exhibition children's creativity "Colorful Autumn"

Expanding children's ideas about autumn. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature(it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., conduct seasonal observations. Expanding ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester. Expanding knowledge about vegetables and fruits (local, exotic). Expansion of ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Education of respect for nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas.

2 Entertainment"Visiting Aibolit"

Continue to acquaint children with parts of the body and human senses. Raising the need to comply with the diet, eating vegetables and fruits, etc. useful products. Expanding understanding of the importance of sleep for health, hygiene procedures, hardening.

Entertainment By fire safety "Cat house"

Target character. Develop creativity and active participation in tasks. An evening of poetry and riddles "Golden Autumn"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of autumn. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description natural phenomena analyze and compare with reality. Sports entertainment: "Autumn has come to visit us"

Target: Develop

3 Thematic talk "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character, develop emotional response to fabulous characters. Develop speech activity, the ability to correctly build a sentence, convey the true meaning of a fairy tale. Thematic entertainment"Who to be?"

Expansion of preschoolers' ideas about the work of adults, about different professions. Continued acquaintance with professions (driver, postman, salesman, doctor). Formation of interest in the professions of parents, emphasizing the importance of their work. Theme evening "About the work of Pushkin A. S" Recitation competition

Target: To introduce children to the work of A. S. Pushkin. Cultivate a love of poetry. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "Healthy"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about healthy way life; about the meaning exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

4 Evening of riddles about winter.

Target: Create a joyful mood. Recognize the signs of winter. Continue to form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Dramatization of Russian folk tale "Mitten"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character. Continued work on the formation of interest in books. Reading art and educational books. Formation of an understanding that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books. Examining illustrations. Development interest in theatrical play. Education of artistic qualities, disclosure creativity, involving children in various theatrical performances.

Holiday "In the circle of friends on New Year's Eve"

To form ideas about the New Year, as a fun and kind holiday, as the beginning calendar year. To form the ability to bring joy to loved ones, and to thank for new year surprises. Sports entertainment: "Sports Winter".

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to shape children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of physical exercises for the human body, interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

5 Entertainment: "Christmas"

Target: Develop interest in Russian folk art, to Russian folk holidays their traditions and rituals. Create a happy mood. Leisure "The Secret of Magic Words"

Target: To form in children the skills of cultural behavior, to teach to use polite words in speech ( "Thank you","Please", "Hello", "Sorry", "Goodbye". To form the ability to see shortcomings in their behavior and correct them, educate respectful attitude to the people around.

"An evening of riddles and poems about winter"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of winter. Cultivate a love of poetry. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "We are not afraid of frost"

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of winter fun, games. Continue to shape the idea of ​​health and a healthy lifestyle.

6 Theme night: "Good and Evil in Russian Folk Tales"

Target: To form ideas about good and evil, forms of manifestation. Determine the importance of kindness in people's lives. Cultivate kindness in children. dramatization fairy tales: "Zayushkina's hut"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character.

Competition program "My dad is the strongest"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. Formation of primary ideas about Russian Army, about men as protectors "small" and the Great Motherland, all weak people. Introducing children to "military" professions (soldier, tanker, pilot, sailor, border guard); With military equipment (tank, aircraft, military cruiser); with the flag of Russia, fostering respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Sports entertainment: "physical training"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

7 Concert "Beloved grandmothers and mothers"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. To cultivate a feeling of love and respect for a woman, a desire to help them, take care of them. Organization of all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Raising respect for teachers, other employees of the kindergarten. Thematic evening: "We are little wizards"

Target:Creating conditions for expanding children's ideas about the world around them. Continued acquaintance with the features of objects, improving the ability to determine their color, shape, weight, size. Develop skills to compare and group items on these grounds. Stories to children about the materials from which objects are made, about their properties and qualities. Explanation of the expediency of making an object from a certain material. Helping children to establish a connection between the purpose and structure, purpose and material of objects.

Entertainment"Leisure according to traffic rules"

Target: To form elementary knowledge about traffic rules, about safe behavior on the street and roads, about the need to comply with traffic rules, etc. Sports entertainment: "Russian folk games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Introduce children to games different peoples. Arouse interest in folk games. Education of tolerance and respect for representatives of different cultures and peoples.

8 Entertainment"Day of laughter"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Develop a sense of humor, ingenuity. Involve parents in joint activities and active participation V entertainment program . Entertainment"Space trip"

Target: Continue to introduce children to outer space (stars, planets, meteorites, etc., with famous people- pioneers who conquered space. Creating a festive atmosphere. "Oh blessed spring"- spring fair

Target: Expansion of children's ideas about spring. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, to conduct seasonal observations. Expansion of ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Education of respect for nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. Formation of ideas about the work carried out in the spring in the garden. Sports entertainment: "Happy Starts"

Target: Develop motor activity Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

9 Fun with paint: "Beauty - Spring"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Contribute development of children's creativity. dramatization fairy tales: "Two Greedy Little Bears". Target: Draw children's attention to the elements of acting (attention, communication, observation). To improve the technique of speech, the correct articulation of vowels, consonants. To promote the unification of children in joint activities. Learn means of facial expressions, gestures to convey the most character traits fairy tale character.

Entertainment"Holiday soap bubbles»

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Learn about the properties of soap bubbles. Entertainment"Friendly family"-

Target: To form a sensitive, affectionate attitude towards the closest people - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. To form an interest in the blowers in their family and teach them to share their impressions with them.